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The harsh downpour outside, slapped against the circular windows. It’s rhythm hard, and incongruous. Inside, the air was suffused with sounds of small talk, clattering of cutlery and cash registers. I tapped the edge of my coffee cup with my fingers; I had been sitting here for some time. He was late. I sighed and looked out of the steamy window. The sky was pitched black, and the streets were deserted like a ghost town.

"Excuse me miss," A feeble voice spoke out beside me. "You've been sitting here for a long time, unless you're going to order something I'm going to have to ask you to leave..."

I turned my head and looked at the petite waitress, before nodding and letting out a huge sigh. I had been waiting here for almost two hours. I honestly thought that he would come, I should have known that he'd abandon me again. I rubbed the back of my neck and flung my bag over my shoulder. I could feel tears beginning to swell up in my eyes, I had to get out of here.

I quickly got up out of my seat and dashed out of the cafe. The rain was still pouring down and showing no signs of mercy, I was drenched from head to toe. Slowly, I began to make my way home, dragging my heavy feet as my head hung. I had never felt heartbreak and disappointment like this before.

As I carried on walking down the pavement, I could hear a car slowly creeping up behind me. I didn't acknowledge it and continued my journey home. I couldn't hold in my emotions any longer, floods of tears streamed down my face.

The person driving the car behind me began hooting their horn. I picked up my pace a little, I didn't know who it was or what they wanted. The car sped up a bit more so that is was directly to the side of me. I clenched my fists tightly, I wanted to be left alone. They continued to hoot their horn so I stopped dead in my tracks.

"What?!" I yelled furiously.

The car stopped, and the front passenger window rolled down. A middle aged man leaned over the empty passenger seat and spoke.

"Emily, what are you doing out here in the rain? It's freezing." He said.

I walked up the window and stuck my head in. My eyes widened a little and I took a step back.

"Get in, quickly!" He expressed.

I hesitated for a bit before slowly making my way into the car.

"Why are you all alone in the rain?" He asked. I didn't reply, and looked out of the window. "Look at me, please..."

"Maybe it's because I was sat in a cafe for almost two hours waiting for you and got fed up and decided to go home."

"I know, it's just-"

"I should have known you'd do this." I gritted my teeth.


"I should have stuck to my gut instinct and said no to meeting you."

"Look, I'm sorry. I was held up at work that's why I was late. I did try to call you."

I took out my phone and stared at it, the battery had died. I looked up at him, he was already staring at me.

"So do you still blame me?" He asked.

I paused for a bit. "No, I'm sorry..."

"Don't be, I'm sorry. I know how much this meant to you and I'll make up for it."


Everything was just like it was when I left it. It still felt and smelt like my old home.

"I hope you like stir-fry." He smiled.

"My favorite" I giggled lightly.

He still remembered my favorite meal...

We sat in silence as we ate our food. I couldn't help but gaze upon him. He hadn't changed much, his face had aged a little and he now had more gray strands of hair than the brown I remembered. It somewhat suited him, and aging had really defined his face. He was quite attractive. But besides that he was still the same man.

“I wish I could have taken you out somewhere more nice.” He sighed.

“It's okay, stir-fry on a rainy night indoors sure beats red lobster in a fancy restaurant” I smiled.

“That's the Emily I remember, always appreciative of the tiniest things in life.”

As my smile faded away a little, I placed my bowl down on table.

“Why did you leave?” I said softly.

He also put his bowl on the table, and rubbed his forehead.

"Emily..." He took hold of my hand and looked me in the eye.

I pulled away from his touch.

"I asked you a question, why did you leave?"

"It's complicated." He stressed.

"Well I'm not going anywhere until I get answers."

He buried his head in his hands and said nothing. I stood up and paced around the kitchen.

"I didn't want to leave."

"So why did you?!" I shouted.

"Your mother made me!" He yelled back.

He stood up and went into the living room. I quickly followed behind him. He was walking around the living room, trying to hide the tears in his eyes. I ran up to him and grabbed him by the arm.

"What do you mean she made you?" I said.

"We were going through a tough time and she told me to leave and never come back."

"I couldn't care less if you two had your problems, but if you really loved me you would have still came to see me."

"I wanted to but she wouldn't let me! Listen, Emily I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart-"

"Sorry doesn't cut it! Sorry won't make up for the birthday's and the Christmas's that you missed, all the times I was left heartbroken by a guy..." I burst into tears.

He took me by my arms and embraced me. I could feel his tears dripping onto the back of my neck. My mind was telling me to resent him, but my heart was saying forgive him. It felt good to be in his arms again. I had longed for his touch for so long... He cupped my face in his hands and looked at me. His brown eyes burned into me, I could see how sorry he was.

"Please forgive me. I know I should have tried harder to be there for you, but I'm here now. I can't change the past but I can shape the future, with you in it this time," He ran his fingers through my hair. "Give me another chance?"

"Okay." I smiled and nodded.

He wiped away my tears with his thumbs.

"I love you so much, Emily."

"I love you too... Dad."

My dad and I were sprawled out on the floor playing a game of monopoly. The atmosphere was delightful.

"Are you comfortable?" My dad asked.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"You know when you were walking along the pavement earlier, I hardly recognized you at first." He said.

"Oh really?" I sat up and looked at him.

"Yeah, you've changed so much. You're all grown up now, and more beautiful than ever."

I blushed a little and pushed back my hair. He looked me up and down in a strange manner and smiled. 

"You're not too bad yourself, for an old man." I smirked.

"Haha, I bet you're not too old for one thing though."

"Oh? What's that?" I asked.

From out of the blue he launched himself at me and began tickling my stomach. I went into major giggle mode and began squirming about on the floor.

"S-S-Stop it!" I said between laughs.

I grabbed onto his wrists and pushed him off of me. My grip on him was far too tight and caused us to roll over. I laid there on top of him and burst into laughter again, my dad joined in before kissing me on the forehead. I smiled and then yawned.


"Yeah, just a little."

"Alright then. You can have my room for the night and I'll sleep on the sofa."

"Thanks dad," I got up and headed towards his bedroom. "Do you have something that I can sleep in?" I asked.

"I should have an old t-shirt somewhere in my wardrobe."

"Alright, good night dad." I smiled.

"Good night, Emily."


I was stretched on out my dad's king sized bed. I couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness. It made me wonder how he must have felt every night that he spent alone in this bed. I felt some sort of empathy towards him. I got out of bed and stretched. I had to see how he was doing.

I quietly made my way into the living room. My dad was stretched out on the sofa. He must have fallen asleep whilst watching the TV. I smiled to myself and turned it off. I slowly walked over to him and sat down besides him. I could hear his heavy breathing, he quietly snored from time to time. I eventually laid myself down next to him and wrapped his arm around my waist. It had been a long time since we had slept together like this.


The harsh rays of sunlight hitting on my face woke me up. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes before looking around.

"Dad?" I called.

There was no answer.

My heart beat faster and faster every time that he didn't respond to my calls. I swallowed hard and rubbed my knuckles. Had he left me again? I got up and ran into his bedroom. He wasn't in there. I ran into the bathroom, still nowhere to be found. I grabbed hold of my hair and let out a huge sigh. The kitchen, I thought.

I dashed into the kitchen to find my dad cheerfully cooking breakfast whilst dancing ridiculously to George Michael. I smiled and shook my head. He turned around from the cooker and jumped.

"Don't creep up on me like that, Emily." He panted.

"I'm sorry, Dad. You had me worried a minute ago."


"When I woke up and you weren't by my side I panicked a little... I thought you'd... left me."

"Come here..." He stretched out his arms and walked towards me. "I meant what I said yesterday Emily, I'm not going to leave you again."

I smiled before sitting down at the kitchen table.

"So what are you cooking?"

"A full English. Sausages, eggs, mushrooms, baked beans, grilled tomatoes, toast and bacon, extra crispy with the fat trimmed off."

I raised my eyebrow and clapped joyfully.

"Impressive, you remembered how I like it."

My dad smiled at me and brought our breakfast to the table. He picked up his mug of coffee and I picked up my glass of orange juice.

"To a new start." He raised his mug.

"To a new start." I smiled.


Warm water trickled down my chest. I lathered up soap in my hands, and rubbed it over my naked body. I was stood in the shower, reflecting on everything that had happened. Last week I despised the man I called my father, and today I loved him.

I took the shower head down and washed the soap off of my breasts and down my stomach. I thought about his large, strong hands rubbing up and down my shoulders, my arms... my back... my waist. 

I leaned back against cold tiles, which sent chills down my spine. I closed my eyes and ran my fingers down the gap between my perky breasts to my stomach. I slowly rubbed my fingers up and down my wet slit, before gently slipping them in...


I immediately snapped out of my little bubble and stood up.

"Yes dad?" I called out.

"You've been in the shower for ages, I need to use it as well!" He shouted.

"Alright, I'll be out soon."

I waited to hear the sound of his footsteps fade away, before I leaned against the tiles and grinned to myself.


Once I had sorted myself out, I entered the living room to find my dad sat on the sofa looking quite stressed out.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He scratched his head. "Your mother just called," I bit down on my lip and slowly sat down next to him. "She freaked out when she went to your apartment last night and didn't find you there. She had tried calling you on your phone but she couldn't get through."

I still hadn't gotten round to recharging my phone...

"She knows I'm here though right?"

"Yeah, and she doesn't like it one bit. She said she wants you to go home now." He stood up and headed for the bathroom.

"Well tough luck, she can't tell me when to go back to my own place. I'm nineteen for Christ sake." I exclaimed.

"I know, Emily but just do as she says." He disappeared into the bathroom. I quickly followed behind and slammed the door shut.

"You're doing it again."


"Playing by her rules. What happened to sticking by me from now on?"

"I just don't want to cause any problems." He said whilst turning the shower nozzle on.

"Well you're causing a problem now between us!"

He quickly took off his top and flung it on the floor beside his foot. He turned around and stared at me. I stared back at him, only to find my eyes wandering over his upper body. His chest was well built, with light brown hairs that spread out across his pecks and down to his stomach. A tingling sensation ran through my body.

"What do you want from me?" He stepped towards me.

I slowly stepped back to the wall and leaned against it. I gazed into his eyes, which seemed to be filled with slight anger.

"I just want you to make me happy." I mumbled.

We were now face to face, just inches away from each other. I could feel his warm breath on my face. He placed one of his hands on the wall behind me and leaned in closer.

"I love you, Emily and trust me when I say that I want you to be happy. But sometimes I don't know how to, I'm still getting used to this," I didn't respond to him. I looked at my feet and took hold of my right arm. Him being so close to me didn't intimidate me in the slightest, it made me feel good in places that I know it shouldn't.

"Darling, look at me," He lifted up my chin and kissed me lightly on my forehead. He then kissed me on my cheek, and then on my neck. I pulled away a little. I didn't want him kissing me there, it seemed wrong, but yet it felt so right. I shook my head and tried to move away, but he stopped me and gently pushed me against the wall again.

"I want to make you happy." My dad said.

He placed his hand on my waist and kissed me on the cheek. I felt his soft lips on the edge of mine. That same warm, tingly feeling suffused over my body. It had been a while since a guy showed this much affection towards me. I liked it.

He began to rub his hand up and down my waist, occasionally making his way round to my lower back. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back.

"Make me happy then." I whispered.

We both looked into each others eyes. He knew what I meant, and I knew what I wanted. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. He picked me up by my waist and carried me into his bedroom.


I arched my back as my father's lips explored my naked body. He pushed my legs apart and ran his fingers up and down my slit. I quivered at his touch.

"You're so beautiful, Emily." He said.

He slowly pushed his two fingers inside my wet pussy, and laid on top of me. As he continued to slip his fingers in and out of me, he pressed his lips against mine again and kissed me deeply. I ran my hands up and down his chest, gradually making my way down towards his cock. It was rock hard and pressing against my thigh. I could feel his pre cum slowly trickling down. I grabbed onto his cock and rubbed my thumb around the tip.

We laid there fondling with each other for some time. His fingers twisted and turned inside of my warm cunt, they worked magic. I gently brushed his hand away and rolled us over so that he was laying on his back. I got up and straddled him, before taking his cock into my hand. It was harder than before. I could see his small, blue veins pulsating around his shaft. I ran my hand up and down his cock, and then slipped it into my mouth. I wrapped my warm tongue around it as I pushed it deeper down my throat.

I knew that what we were doing was deemed as wrong, but it made me feel so naughty, so good...

I love my father, and being this intimate with him made me happy, and I knew it made him happy too.

I grabbed hold of his balls and gently squeezed them. He let out a tiny groan and closed his eyes. As I continued to suck his cock, he would thrust his hips a little every now and then. He wasTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Ava convinced Sheila to leave her alone with Udit for a little while. The two of them had some issues that still needed to be resolved that were best addressed in private. Martha entered the kitchen a couple of hours later. She looked at Ava and Udit sternly for a moment before she said, "You two need to settle up your differences or take them someplace else. I need to get dinner ready." Ava smiled at her and said, "I think we've resolved everything between us that can be...

4 years ago
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Do everything you can to stop from doing it ok? Promise me. If that doesn't work then there other steps that can be taken. But tonight, do it for me Cindy. Stay true to God and yourself." Cindy pulled back from my hug and wiped her tears with her hand. "OK. I will do it Pastor Frank, I won't let myself disappoint you and I will prove my love to God. Thank you for listening to me." "You're welcome Cindy, now go do your homework and then watch a sermon channel until you are sleepy, or if...

4 years ago
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EchoChapter 4

At school, the entire student body seemed to be obsessed with the upcoming winter formal. The girls all had their heads together and seemed to go everywhere in groups, while the guys circled around the outside, hoping to cut one from the pack long enough to ask them to the dance. I watched with some amusement as the people I had come to know over the last couple of weeks turned into strangers. The dance was this coming Friday and next week was spring break. I was more excited about spending...

4 years ago
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The Jade DragonChapter 2

Elizabeth woke once, in a confused half asleep half awake state, she mumbled something and went back to sleep, a deep soothing noise like a big cat purring over her slipped into her dreams, she Mmmmmmmmm'ed as the sound seemed to wash over her, it was a sound both soothing and comforting and yet very arousing, she wanted to get closer to it, snuggle up to it, melt into the purr. She shivered as the cool night air touched her sleep warmed skin, her back arched and she squirmed closer into the...

1 year ago
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Tiny Coercive Part I

I am using `Coercive' in the title as a noun which apparently makes no sense, but it works for me. Part I Olivia wiped a tear, as the wagon rolled by the last few ramshackle homes of her village. Her mind was churning with the sensations and memories of her life, especially the merciless teasing she had suffered over the years, about her stature. She began to wonder how she would be treated in the big city. The driver was an occasional visitor to her village, buying cottage-industry products...

Erotic Fiction
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Hard PromiseChapter 10

The next few weeks were hell on me, but in my state of mind I didn't much care if I was in pain or not. Actually, my attitude probably helped me play football better, because now I had a nice, legal outlet for the mayhem I wanted to inflict. I hit harder in practice and during games, and jumped back up and asked for more if I was knocked down. Micki began dressing a little more conservatively, and stopped hitting on other guys, seemingly having learned her lesson. On the other hand, she...

4 years ago
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An Unexpected Lover Ch 2

The graduation party went off without a hitch, but was pretty boring. The only excitement I had was waiting for later when Kevin was coming over to hang out at the house with my friends. Only one person at the party, my friend Gail, knew about what had happened after Cedar Point and she was sworn to secrecy. “So . . .” Gail said. “So . . . what?” I asked. “So, are you and Kevin together or what?” Gail asked while we sat and smoked on the front porch, hiding our cigarettes from our parents in...

Straight Sex
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Her Stockings

She had long, long legs, encased in sheer black nylons, and she sat opposite him with her knees pressed to one side. Her inner thighs brushed lightly together with each movement she made. Her pencil skirt had ridden up and he could see the darkness of her stocking tops where he wanted to run his fingers. He imagined his hands over the rough lace stocking tops, working upward, a delicious friction, and then finding her smooth skin and the heat of her arousal. She caught him looking and he...

1 year ago
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Fun night out

My name is Samantha, Sam for short, I am living in Bradford West Yorkshire, I'm 28 yrs old 5' 6" tall with medium length brown hair, and have a long term boyfriend called Chris. I stayed in Bradford living with Chris after graduating from university. An old university friend of mine Sheila had returned to Bradford after living and working down south in London. I had not seen Sheila for several years, in fact I did not know she had returned until I bumped into her whilst I was down town doing...

2 years ago
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NikkiChapter 8

So Nikki was a high school student. We drove home, stopping at the grocery store for a few essentials and needs. On the trip through the hurricane footprint we noticed a beehive, actually SEVERAL beehives of activity as people put lives and homes and businesses back together. Many of the houses had the generic-looking white FEMA temporary trailers sited in various locations nearby, along with signs of rebuilding. "We're lucky we don't have to go through that, baby," Nikki said. "So many...

1 year ago
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The Bathub Part 2

part one: checked the newspaper the next morning, but he found nothing. While he was on the computer, he searched the city database of police reports for last night and today. None of them reported a **** or burglary in the neighborhood. He wasn’t surprised from the way she acted. She came just as he did and she took every drop of his cum in her mouth. He was sure that she swallowed it all.He went out every night to the...

3 years ago
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serving my mistress

This is a continuation of my last story picking up after I moved in with my mistress Denise, as her slave. I have already gave myself completely to her, and now I will help her get whatever she wants I woke up early, got out of my room (witch was really more of a closet) and begin with my shores around my mistress house. Picking up things, making her breakfast, and becoming the living room. I love doing my mistress chores. Suddenly I hear noises coming from my mistress room; I finish off her...

3 years ago
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Neighbor Mom And Me pt6

I walked mom out to the car and helped her get in by opening the car door for her, then we French kissed with hands roaming around on each other, which I slid one hand up under her shirt to her tits and gave them a squeeze while sliding my other hand down, into her short shorts, to give her sexy round ass a squeeze at the same time I squeezed her tits, while mom rubbed my dick, by sliding a hand down into my shorts that I had put on, and her other hand, slid in and squeezed my butt.When mom and...

2 years ago
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An unforeseen incident caught my wife and me off guard that changed Casey’s life, and our marriage. My wife Casey is the most perfect girl I've ever met; she has a caring, sympathetic heart, and is sweet to people around her. However, it’s not easy to have a beautiful wife who attracts other men’s attention when we go out for a dinner, shopping, or on the beach. Sometimes men like to flirt with her, and I notice they are all confident, big, and muscular. When I see that, I have an insecure,...

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Beating the Heat in DC

It’s early July in DC and already unseasonably hot and sticky in the nation’s capital. The heat wave is unbearable with temperature in triple digits and everyone is seeking relief, even at night. My name is Han-Na, a Korean-American working in DC for a multinational company based in Seoul. I’m in my mid-twenties, 5’8′ tall, and about 110 lbs. in my stocking feet. My bilingual skills in Korean and English are highly sought and I was lucky to find a job coming out of college in the middle of a...

1 year ago
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Johns Lesson

Mina and I have been dating for almost five years when we met John. Before I tell you more about John ,however, let me introduce myself. My name is Darius. My girlfriend Mina and I are both in our mid-thirties. Early on in our relationship we started swinging and having threesomes. We never have another girl no matter how nicely I ask. Mina doesn't like the idea. It was through a friend of Mina's that we found John. John was a twenty something security specialist. And like most twenty...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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GolemChapter 9

The Shaman Several miles outside the village the shaman stumbled, the demon had come to his village and taken over. He had no idea what evil purpose the demon wanted his village for but he was sure it involved the strange tribe. He had certainly underestimated their strength. Had he known the strange ones had demon allies he would have been more cautious with his plans. His wrist ached from his wound, he had gathered some herbs to dull the pain, but the ache was growing. He had followed the...

2 years ago
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The art of fucking

Hello Friends. This is Legend again. Male 27 Mumbai India. I have been thinking for a long time to tell you my best experience which have made me mad for woman’s cunt and sex with them let me tell you what happened but before that my name is SUDHI I’m from Mumbai the incident which I’m going to narrate is happened to me when I was 19. I had a friend named Kishore I used to visit him home many a times. I was very friendly with his mother he was the only son for her. His dad was an officer in a...

1 year ago
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My Aunt Priya And Her Team 8211 Part II

Please read the first the part I:After seven years gap, I got a chance to screw my aunt Priya again. There were some differences then. We both and our organs were grown up and mature. I have above average size of tool. I liked the smell of her pussy and the taste of her juices very much above all, the pleasure was immense but there was a risk of pregnancy now which we took enough care of but to my disappointment my aunt got married the same year. I heard 3 of the girls in our group had already...

2 years ago
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My farewell

History: My farewell.Today, I have thought about something that I have wanted to do for a long time. Something that started as an idea, and that today, I still like it and I want to make it happen. What would you think if someone tells you that you want to go far from where you live, to live a new life? Well ... Exactly that has been going through my mind for months, many, but many months. I didn't know how to tell my parents, what they were going to tell me, that they were going to ban me, I...

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Hot ebony girl with a flat tire

She already has the donut spare on the back, She ask me to put a tire on. I had four tires for my personal car, nothing else. She ask how much, and agreed it was ok. I mounted the tire and put on the car. When I swiped her card it was declined. She had no cash, no one to call and she owed me $98.00. I started to take the tire off, she said no, I have to get home. She ask if i would trade, I ask what, She offered me sex. I told her that would be a lot of sex, $98 is a lot. She offered me...

3 years ago
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Across Eternity Book 1Chapter 2 Civilization

They departed the following day at dawn, wanting an early start. All four horses were now pulling the wagon, and without the slaves in tow, Noah and Tin were able to travel much faster than before. Despite their speed boost, they had to be careful, as there were dangers all around them. This was a familiar situation for Noah. He had fought in numerous wars and seen countless post-apocalyptic worlds, living through one anarchic hellscape after another. He was used to growing eyes in the back...

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My Mom is hot

Hi everybody..this is abhinav…it was a vry grt n cool experience for me……one day wen my father went out on his work early in the mornin[around 5.30]..and after a three hrs gap i too left for my college….that day did not want to go to the coll as there was a film wich was goin to be released[one of the big hero’s]….and i changed my mind and came bak to home……as the door was open i came inside and my mother did not notice that…..i went into my room and turned on the computer and started playin...

2 years ago
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Michelle and Jeri Part 3

Michelle and Jeri, Part 3 I finally knuckled down and got some work done. I was exhausted after my abject sexual surrender to Jeri earlier. Incredibly I still felt ready for another round but I wasn't sure if my body was. As it turned out, Jeri came home and it was almost as if I had imagined our earlier tryst. He was friendly as ever and chatted to me about all sorts of trivial things but told me that he had plans for the evening. When he saw my brief crestfallen look, he stepped...

1 year ago
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The Plane Crash

It was my first time flying alone. I was going to Hawaii to meet up with my grandparents, who retired there. My mother thought it would be a lesson to learn, and since I was already 17 I thought I could handle it. Now that I was actually living it, it was rather frightening. I continued scanning the crowd. All of a sudden an emotion that felt like I was about to throw up my heart hit me as I recognized one of the girls in the terminal with me. It was Cassandra, (or Cassy for short) a girl...

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Confessions Of A Catholic Schoolgirl Chapter 4 Reliving The Past

Marc arrived home around four o’clock, his shirt soaked with sweat from his ten-mile run. He found me relaxing on our back patio, sipping a glass of chardonnay, enjoying the California sunset. He wasted no time before he started prying me with questions. “So, did you get a hold of your brother?” “Yes, Gary and I talked for a while. It was good to catch up with him,” I replied, offering no real details. “He said to tell you hello.” “And?” “And what?” I replied. I knew perfectly well what Marc...

2 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 7

I have been asked a little bit more about some of my experiences of the past and a couple of you have asked for more of my naughtier exploits in my teens. Mike, my husband also likes me to share these with you as well as it gets him hard thinking what a slut I was at times, and also how I have had some lovely replies and comments from you guys, and girls!, on here. I have already shared some of my experiences relating to: 1. My mums vibrator and how I found one of their (mum and dads)...

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The Replacement Maid Ch03

.I woke the next morning feeling just a little jaded but was pleasantly surprised by the sound of activity from the kitchen. Looking at the clock told me there were ten minutes before my morning tea was due so I snuggled back under the covers. Beside me Sophia grunted and moulded herself into me. It wasn’t long before I detected movement by the bed and looked up to see jasmine holding my customary tray. Thoughtfully this time she had included extra cups. I gently sat up trying not to disturb...

3 years ago
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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 49

After seating themselves, a waitress appears. “Sir, we generally don’t allow dogs in our restaurant,” she says, shooting a glare at Sandy. “Unless she is some kind of service animal, she can’t be in here.” Alan grins. Technically Sandy is a service animal, she services me. He wishes he could tell this woman that the dog is more than just a service animal, but that would get them both tossed out and they would have to find somewhere else to eat. “I’m under doctor’s orders to take a trip. I...

1 year ago
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How My Conservative Mom Became A Slut Part 1

Hi friends, It’s Aakash again. So here I’m going to post my family incest story. Hope you’ll enjoy. To start with, I had two sisters, on is younger sister other is elder. My age is 20 and my elder sister’s is 21 where as my Younger sister’s one is 19, My mom is just 39 years old and she’s perfect she look like Vidya balan, and has perfect boobs and a perfect ass. She looks sexy even in a formal saree. My elder sister name is Sneha and she is so beautiful looks like Adah Sharma and she’s a...


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