- 2 years ago
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This story is about a young man’s homecoming to confront a painfully failed relationship. The events, places and people are nothing more than a product of my imagination. There is no SEAL Team 12. To make my character a part of a real SEAL Team would serve to dishonor these brave men for their sacrifices and their accomplishments. I hope you like my story and accept it for what it is – just a story with a happy ending.
I first met Charlene Thomas the summer between third and fourth grade. Her parents moved next door into Mrs. Williamson’s house after she moved to Oregon to live with her daughter. We were not only neighbors, we were best friends. Walking to school every day we talked about all the things that are important to kids that age. We shared everything from peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to the measles.
The elementary school and junior high school years flew by in the blink of an eye. Charlene, actually everyone called her Charlie, was my first date. We went to a dance celebrating the end of junior high school together. My dad drove us and her dad picked us up. It was the night I got my first boyfriend-girlfriend kiss from her.
When Charlie entered high school she really blossomed. She changed from the cute little brown haired girl into a beautiful brown haired woman. Oh, by the way, my name is Evan, Evan Douglas and I changed too. Going from a short, pudgy little guy to a tall and lanky one.
Charlie played volleyball and was on the school’s swimming team. I was on the cross-country and track teams. I never missed a volleyball game or swim meet and she came to all of my cross-country and track meets. We did everything together, movies, dances, picnics, everything.
Charlie and I were inseparable right up to last semester of our senior year. It wasn’t a matter of ‘what’ as it was ‘who’ broke us up. Brent Toney moved into town and moved me out of Charlie’s life. He had everything that I didn’t, good looks, money, a fancy car and was one of the captains of the football team.
There were two things I had that he didn’t. Honor and morals. He was not only a liar, he was also a cheat. Word out was he used girls and then discarded them after growing tired of their ‘charms’. When he set his sights on Charlie there wasn’t much I could do to stop him. I tried to warn her but she wouldn’t listen.
Ever since we entered high school Charlie and I promised to attend the Senior Prom together. A week before the big event I asked Charlie what she was wearing so I could get a tux and corsage to complement her dress.
She looked at me, with a glimmer of sadness in her eyes, and said. ‘Evan, I’m going to the prom with Brent. Why don’t you ask Mary Beth Simmons? I know she doesn’t have a date.’
I didn’t ask Mary Beth. I didn’t go to the Prom. I didn’t march with my graduating class either. Since we crossed the stage in alphabetical order I couldn’t stand the thought of watching Charlie with Brent Toney, a step behind her, receive their diplomas.
I went to see the principal the morning of the Prom. Since I had completed all the requirements for my diploma I was able to pick it up early. When he asked me why I wasn’t going to participate in the ceremony I just said it was for personal reasons. Then I went to the Navy Recruiter’s Office and enlisted.
Mom and Dad were a little unhappy with my decision to say the least. Dad always wanted me to go to college and then take over the family’s business. When they asked me how Charlie felt about all of this I told them what she had done to me. Then they understood. They still weren’t happy with my decision, but it was my decision.
The morning of my high school graduation I left for Great Lakes Naval Training Center for Basic Training (Boot Camp). I didn’t speak to Charlie for six years.
Boot camp was an experience I’ll not soon forget. I learned that were three ways of doing things. The wrong way, the right way and the Navy way. Keep your ears open, your mouth shut, do as you are told and you’ll get along just fine.
Mom and Dad drove up to see me graduate. I was named the ‘Honor Academic Recruit’ for the entire division. They were proud and really happy to be there, having missed my high school graduation ceremony.
After a short leave, spent with Mom and Dad wandering around Chicago, I was flown to my ‘A’ School at the Center for Security Forces in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The time spent there was not as intense as Basic Training. We were given time away from our studies to do what ever we wanted. While there I decided to take some additional college level courses in criminal investigation and continued with them after I left, eventually earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice a few years later.
While at ‘A’ School Mom wrote me that Charlie was pregnant. I wrote back and told Mom please not to speak or write to me again about Charlie. I loved Charlie but, clearly, she didn’t share my feelings. I did receive another letter some time later from Mom telling me Charlie had lost her baby. I wrote back reminding her not to write or speak to me about Charlie.
After finishing ‘A’ School I was assigned to the Naval Base in Bahrain in the Persian Gulf. I spent a full year there before applying for BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/Seal Training) and was selected.
BUD/S training is conducted at the Naval Amphibious Base in Coronado, California. It was the most physically and mentally challenging twenty-four weeks of my life. I made it through and was assigned to SEAL Team 12 which at the time was stationed in Little Creek, Virginia, so I traveled back across the country once more. While stationed there I met and dated a lot of pretty girls, but no one could compare to Charlie.
When my initial four year enlistment was finished I re-upped for an additional two years. During this time I participated in several covert operations. I was wounded only once. Thank God, it was minor but bad enough to earn a Purple Heart.
In addition, I was awarded a Bronze and Silver Star for valor. I don’t really like to talk about the two operations that earned me the stars. They are still classified so I won’t speak about them except to say that a whole bunch of bad guys died and my teammates and I went through Hell.
Toward the end of my sixth year in the Navy I was considering reenlisting for an additional two year tour when I received a phone call from my mother. Dad had suffered a heart attack and would be laid up for several months. She asked me to come home to help out with the family business until he could recuperate.
I agreed. So I packed all my uniforms, boxed up my commendations and medals and left the Navy with an Honorable Discharge.
I made many good friends in the Team and I would miss them. We were truly a ‘Band Of Brothers’.
It took me two days of hard driving to get back home. Driving into town, late the second night, I observed that things had not changed all that much. Some of the store fronts downtown had received a facelift and new street lighting had been installed and that’s about it. My old neighborhood was exactly as I had left it six years ago.
Pulling into the driveway of my old home I grabbed a small bag with my belongings, having already shipped most of my gear home. I climbed the familiar steps to Mom and Dad’s front door. Glancing at the Thomas’s home next door I observed all the lights were off except for the one on the porch. The same one that was always on when I brought Charlie home from one of our dates so long ago.
I heaved a huge sigh and when I went up to my front door, it was flung open and my mother grabbed me, hugging and kissing me, as she pulled me inside. She quickly filled me in on dad’s condition. The heart attack had been a bad one, caused by too much stress, no serious exercise and poor eating habits. She was determined to change all those bad habits. My dad meant everything to her and she wanted hi
m around for a long time to come.
Before I went to bed I asked mom if there was room in the garage for my car. It was special to me. I found it on an on-line auction site a couple of years ago. A 1966 Mustang Fastback.
When I bought it the car had a 289 cubic inch engine with 271 horses. I had it bored and stroked out to 302 c.i. which increased the horse power to well over 300. By reworking the heads and valve seats I had it converted to run on unleaded high octane fuel. After removing the louvers and replacing them with Shelby style glass panels, I had it repainted Cobra blue with two wide white stripes running nose to tail. It was a sweet ride and my pride and joy.
When I asked if there was room in the garage for my car mom grabbed her car keys and said she would move her’s out onto the driveway and I could move mine into her spot in the garage. As we locked up the garage I noticed the porch light next door was turned off. Mom saw me looking and said that she had, inadvertently, told Mrs. Thomas I was coming home tonight.
‘Evan, I think, maybe, she put it on to welcome you home.’ She said.
The next morning I slept in until 9am, three hours later than my normal wake up time. Stumbling into the kitchen I found Mom and Dad still seated at the breakfast table. Pouring a cup of coffee I sat down with them. We spent the next ninety minutes getting caught up with what had been going on in our lives over the past six years. Truth be told I was glad to be back home.
As I tried to assist dad into his home office he said to me. ‘Evan, don’t get all worried about me. The heart attack wasn’t as bad as your mother would like you to believe. The doctor told me that with rest, proper exercise and a change in my diet I should make a full recovery.’
‘Wow, that’s a big relief, dad. I worry about you almost as much as mom does. We both want you around for a long, long time to come.’
‘Well, now don’t get all sentimental on me now.’ He said. ‘Come in here and let’s talk about what is going on with the business.’
Dad was in the insurance business, both claims investigation and underwriting. He had an office manager, Agnes, who had worked for him for over twenty years and three agents who wrote the policies. The biggest part of his business was investigation and claims settlement and that is what he did. You wouldn’t believe how many people try to rip off the insurance companies. (On second thought, you probably do.)
‘Let me show you the case I was working on before my attack. You’ll be doing this one now Evan.’ He told me as he passed me a thick file folder.
Brent Toney and his wife, Barbara, had filed a claim against their homeowner’s insurance for over a half million dollars. They claimed a break-in and several valuable pieces of art work and expensive jewelry had been stolen.
Dad was skeptical about the claim. ‘This is not the first questionable claim he has filed.’ Dad told me. ‘About five months after you left he filed a claim for an automobile accident. There have been at least three more claims since then including this current one.’
‘I didn’t investigate any of these prior claims and they were settled by the insurance companies. In my opinion they settled too quickly. This last claim is against the policy that my firm wrote and I want you to go over it with a fine tooth comb.’
‘Dad, what about Charlie? Do you think she may have been in on the filing of any of these fraudulent claims?’
Chapter Two
Dad tells Evan what he knows
‘To answer your question Evan no, I don’t. Let me fill you in what I do know about her life since you left. I know you told your mom not to talk about her to you. However, there are some things of which you should be aware of that are not in that file folder.’
‘You have to be professional about all of what I am about to tell you. Forget your emotions, or at least, put them on the back burner for now. Now have a seat and let me tell you what I know.’
Dad began by saying. ‘Bob and Betty Thomas have been our neighbors and close friends for more than fifteen years. The day after the Senior Prom Betty came over to talk with your mom. You had already left to stay with your grandparents, to spend time with them, before leaving for the Navy so you didn’t know about it.’
‘She came over to apologize for Charlie’s behavior. Mom told her that she didn’t need to apologize. What was done, was done, and no matter what had happened between you kids they would remain friends. That evening Bob told me pretty much the same thing when he got home from work. That he was sorry at what had happened between you and his daughter but was glad to hear that our two families would remain friends.’
I sat and listened as dad continued. ‘Three months later it became evident that Charlie was pregnant.’
‘One afternoon I was sitting on the front porch when Bob and Betty came running out their front door. Bob yelled to me that Charlie had been in an accident and was taken to the hospital. They jumped into their car and sped away.’
‘Bob later confided in me that Charlie had confronted Brent Toney and he denied being responsible. She had kept after him and finally he agreed to talk about it with her. He drove over, picked Charlie up to go somewhere where they could talk in private.’
‘I went inside the house and told your mother what happened then we both drove to the hospital. Entering the emergency room we saw Betty sitting down crying and Bob pacing up and down the waiting room. Mom went to console Betty and I went over to Bob. He saw me and collapsed into an empty chair and I sat next to him.’
‘He told me that Charlie had been brought in by ambulance. She was cut and bruised and had severe vaginal hemorrhaging. She was in surgery and that’s all they knew. Mom brought Betty over and the four of us sat and prayed together.’
‘Evan, it was the longest two hours of my life. Finally, a doctor came out and escorted Bob and Betty into a private office. Ten minutes later they came out hugging each other. Bob told us that they managed to save Charlie, but she lost her baby.’
After dad finished telling me all this I sat there without speaking for several minutes. Finally, I asked him. ‘What about Charlie? What happen to her?’
‘Well, son. After she got back home from the hospital she came over and spoke with your mom and me. She sat in the same chair you are sitting in now and cried her eyes out. She begged us to forgive her for what she had done to you. She wanted to know how to get in touch with you. Your mother told her of your request. I think she understood.’
‘I do know she enrolled in college and got a degree in Early Childhood Education. She teaches in the same elementary school you both attended. Bob tells me she is a fourth grade teacher. He, also, told me that other than school events, she doesn’t go out, doesn’t date and only goes to dinner with him and Betty on occasion.’
‘Well, Evan that’s everything I know about her,’ he concluded. ‘You’ll have to ask your mother for anything else.’
Chapter Three
Beginning my investigation
Getting up from where I was sitting I said. ‘Thanks for the update, Dad. It gives me something to think about.’ Holding the file folder he had given me, I said to him, ‘I’ll read over the contents of this and try to make some sense of these claims. I’ll get back with you if I run across anything I’m not sure about.’
‘I’ll start working on Toney’s latest claim sometime next week. First, I need to find an apartment for myself. I know mom said I could stay here but that might make things uncomfortable if I happen to run into Charlie.’
‘OK, son.’ Dad replied. ‘You know we would love to have you stay with us.’
‘I know Dad, I know. I think it’s best if I find somewhere else to live.’
Just after lunch I went looking for an apartment. It didn’t take me long to find just what I was looking for, two bedrooms, t
wo baths over an enclosed garage for my car. I signed the lease and after paying the first and last month’s rent plus a security deposit, I was all set.
Next stop was to the local furniture store. I planned on using the second bedroom as an office so I needed a desk, chair and some storage cabinets. Selecting a bed and dresser was easy as was furniture for the living room. The rental unit included all the kitchen appliances, including a microwave.
After arranging for delivery, they told me I would have everything later that afternoon. (Small town business are much more accommodating than the big chain stores, don’t you think?)
Then it was on to Wal-Mart for bed linens, towels and stuff. I got some assorted kitchen utensils, pots and pans as well as stainless cutlery, tableware, glasses, coffee cups and every thing else I needed to set up housekeeping. Cramming it all into the trunk and backseat of my car I went back to my new home.
The furniture arrived, as promised, and I began setting everything in its place. Everything was finished to my satisfaction by early evening. I went out for a quick bite to eat before stopping at the grocery store to stock up on some food and drink.
I went to bed shortly after I got home and slept like a log. The next morning I went shopping for some business clothes. Sport jacket, slacks, shirts and couple of ties to get started. I also treated myself to two pair of new dress shoes. In just two days my bank account had taken a major hit, but it was worth it.
Returning home I made myself a quick lunch and after cleaning up I started reading the file Dad had given me the day before. It made for interesting reading to say the least. Toney had filed four claims. All against different insurance companies. The first was for the accident that totaled his car. That one was with ‘Tri-State Insurance’.
The second was for a personal injury he suffered slipping and falling in a grocery store. That one was filed against the store’s insurance company, ‘Perfect Insurance’.
The third one was flied by both he and his wife, Barbara, against her OB/GYN doctor’s insurance company, ‘Doctor’s Insurance’. They claimed the physician failed to properly diagnosis and treat a vaginal infection that resulted in permanent sterility for her.
The fourth claim was against the company providing homeowner’s insurance. This was a policy with ‘Homeowners Insurance Incorporated’, the company my dad’s firm represented.
The first three claims had been settled out of court. ‘Tri-State’ settled it as a simple automobile accident. ‘Perfect Insurance’ considered it to be a nuisance suit and settled to simply get rid of it. ‘Doctor’s Insurance’ settled to avoid a lengthy court battle that would have cost them three times the amount the Toney’s were seeking. It was cheaper to for them to settle.
I decided to interview the owner of the grocery store first. Jack’s Market was located in a town about five miles from where I now lived. I drove over early the next morning, parked and went inside. Walking in, I found a small office in the front of the store.
Knocking on the door I asked to speak with the owner. An older man looked up from his desk and said. ‘That would be me. I’m Tom Matthews. How may I help you?’
I showed him my credentials and explained the reason for my visit.
‘Back then Jack Martin owned the store,’ he said. ‘When Jack retired I bought it from him about a year after the so-called accident. Jack told me all about it. He was furious with the insurance company for settling the claim. He told me that the fall couldn’t have happened the way Toney described in his complaint.’
‘Come with me and I’ll show you what I mean.’ Walking to the rear of the market we stopped by a large refrigerated cooler.
‘This is where the accident happened,’ he told me. ‘Mr. Toney claimed that he slipped in a puddle of water that had seeped out from under this cooler into the middle of the aisle.’
‘That couldn’t have happened. Watch this.’ Taking a quart bottle of water he poured the contents on the floor at the bottom of the cooler. The water flowed back under the cooler not to the center of the aisle.
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Mature100% fiction! My job kept me away from home a lot, so I guess my old lady got tired of being stuck with the kids. I was on an assignment and called home to tell her I had been promoted and wouldn’t be traveling anymore, and found out she took off with some guy, leaving the twins, Kaye and Faye, home alone. They were seventeen so it wasn’t like she had abandoned little kids or anything like that, but the least she could have done was told me. I felt kind of sorry for the girls, they weren’t very...
IncestIntroductionI lived through the four years of my secondary school life in an all-boys environment and tho we dont get the chance to ogle at chio bus walking past we had lotsa fun tgt like you know the all guys stuff like stripping some guy in class when a female teacher is teaching and when the principal is giving his speech. Those were the days but thats not exactly what my story is gonna talk about so lets just leave it aside for now.Basically, I never had any problems in terms of studies...
Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I’m your average 17 year old girl (with not-so-average tendencies). For some reason, I’m horny all the time, but I’ve always been too shy to explore with other people. I mean, I’ve masturbated and seen a lot of kinky stuff online (I’m really turned on by some of that kinky stuff too), but I’ve never, for lack of a better term … fucked. I look really innocent, and everybody thinks I’m goody-two-shoes, but I probably know more about sex than any other...
David and Danielle were mostly quiet the next morning at breakfast. The suddenness of the boy's death had stunned them, and both were thoughtful until Danielle broke the silence and begin to discuss the training of Ellen. They spent several hours discussing the approach they would take and the possible outcomes. They agreed to begin the training the next morning after David made a run into another town to do some "special" shopping. David was gone for about four hours and the feeding of...
Hello, Indian sex story readers, I am 30 years old man living in Singapore. I had a Filipino maid working in my house.Her stats are 34 26 34. She has a very cute face and sexy voice. I always suspect some money is missing in my home. So I put secret cameras in the house. I kept my wallet in the bedroom and went to the bathroom. Once my maid came to my room, I pretend as if I am taking bath but watching the secret camera from my phone. Once the maid stole the money and put in her bra, I came out...
Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...
1 Jenna walked into the cool darkness of the house leaving the bright sunlight behind her as she shut the door. She started in surprise to see her Master waiting for her on the couch. He stood slowly and took her by the hand, leading her to the bedroom. Behind them, he closed the door. When she heard the soft click of the lock her heart started to race. Her Master turned to face her. Slowly he removed her clothing one piece at a time. She whimpered softly as her school uniform...
I’m usually up all night long and I do tend to fill up on Dunkin Donuts coffee. You have to understand that I LOVE this coffee, there is none better. You can take your starsmucks swill and try to choke it down. The gourmet coffees and all the crazy flavored crap isnt for me. I love just plain old coffee in its orig form. The warm fuzzy feeling I get when the first mouthfull of DD goes down is likened to what a crackhead must feel when he takes his first hit off the crackpipe. The only...
Saturday 7:15 A. M. Police District 1 Locker Room, Chicago, IL As the locker room door opened, Rick looked up and saw Stan come rolling through, "Morning Pard, how'd your night go?" Rick asked. "Oh man, is this ever going to take some getting used to. Being called 'Lord' every time I turn around is just too much," replied Stan. "Tell me about it. Hey, you ready for this? Last night I turned the 'ring' back into a 'sword' and I'm thinking, 'Wonder how to maintain this...
Now that I have one slut, it was time to see Darla. This one would be very easy to take over. Her husband is out of town a lot. His company sends him all over the country and he might be gone for weeks at a time. This gives Darla a lot of playing time. And her playing time will include me from now on. Darla is short. She is 4' 10 inches tall and weights 145 lbs. She has shoulder lenght brown hair. Her mouth is very small, as well as her tits. She has a fat ass and short legs. She is quiet...
Hello dosto mai iss ka bhot fan bada fan hu or har story padhta hu. mera naam hai aman height hai 5’7 or ye story tab ki hai jab mai mumbai me job krta tha. or waha maine apne flat ke samne wali bhabhi ko bhot choda unka name meena (name change). ab bhabhi ke bare me bta du unki height 5′ or rang sawla tha kyoki bhabhi marathi thi or boobs to pucho hi mat koi bhi dekhta to uska lund salami dene lgta or gand sbse alag dikhti thi uski dekhte hi mann krta tha ki turnt lund ghusa du. uske figure ka...
It was time for her to begin to expand her knowledge of this new world. Aphrodite had used her vessel to connect to a vast electric knowledge store. It had required her to wait until her vessel was asleep to take command of her body and make the necessary connections. The tome that contained all she wanted to know was a metal and silicate box called a computer. Somehow it rode the rivers of knowledge through electric current. She had dedicated a new node in her matrix to translate the signals...
(Fair warning: This is easily the darkest story I wrote to date, even counting one’s that none have you have seen before – THERE IS NO SEX, just a conversation between a father and a Father.) The Confessor kneels inside the Participant side of a Confessional. Monsignor O’Brian opens the slide, so they can converse. Confessor: Bless me father for I have sinned ... it has been ... too long since my last confession. Monsignor: Go ahead my son. Confessor: Father, I killed a man! Monsignor:...
"But that was ten thousand dollars." "That's not a lot of money. Look what a car costs or a home." "But it is a lot of money for a boy." "I am going into business too. I do not know what but I am going to be rich. I want you to help me. As time goes on I will add to the figure in your account. You will earn the money and perhaps grow yourself." "You are a strange young man but I'll help." "Good, then I have another job for you." "What is that?" "The guys are probably...
Thx for reading my story! Please feel free to add chapters and also feel free to comment on chapters you like. I love the feedback and idea you give me. (I try to send a thank you to all commenters) " What are you looking at? Perv..." Jack's milf neighbor asked him with a sneer as he walked past her. He was heading to college like every morning of the week and like every one of them, The MILF next door was Sunbathing on her front lawn. Jack couldn’t help but give a glance every time at her...
Mind ControlJanice had been at the hotel less than 30 minutes when she heard the key card being inserted in the door. The lock clicked and the door opened a few inches. It then opened a bit more, then even more until finally she could tell that someone had entered and closed the door behind them. It had to be her invited guest. Anyone from the hotel staff would have knocked and announced themselves. A few seconds later a very nervous Vince came through the entrance hallway into the suite. Janice sat in...
I have been naughty at my job lately. I’m a nurse and work at the hospital. For years, I was a straight shooter, but lately I have been bending the rules a bit. I have been having sex with my patients. They don’t seem to mind, and it breaks up my day a little. Usually, my naughty fun starts when I give them sponge baths. Lately, I have been having a strange compulsion. I enjoy having sex with fat people. It really turns me on and gets me horny. Lucky for me, a lot of people come through the...
My eyes were closed and Annie's silky hair caressed my face. With my arms around her and her back to me, we were lying on my bed recovering from our fun with the remote-controlled egg. My fingertips trailed lightly up and down her side, and I enjoyed listening to her quiet cooing. The minutes ticked by. We had a big night ahead, but neither of us wanted to break the spell. Finally I opened my eyes and lifted my head, looking for the time. It was near enough to 5.30 P.M. I smiled to myself...
Indian girls are innocentStory codes : : M/f, M/f+, f-self, MF/f, enema, exhibition, fisting, incest, spanking, teen, toys, D/s, B/D, bondage, chastity belt, real, slow, romantic, reluctant, humiliation, nc, SeriousSynopsis : An overseas Indian man marries a beautiful Indian girl who was born and brought up in an Indian village. He has to teach her the basics of sex and its pleasure. He then gradually imposes restrictions on her and corresponding punishments to preserve her obedience and...
I was s*******n and very popular. I mean I had girls begging me for it. I don't know why I was scared but I was. Maybe I was afraid I would knock somebody up or that they would find me funny at fucking and make of me. Or maybe I felt the bar was set so high that I could not meet it on my time. Any way I did want to fuck and it was on my mind. I did have a girlfriend, Molly, that we were working our way towards fucking, slowly. Molly and I both worked at this fancy seafood restaurant. This...
Just wanted to tell you all about the day I had recently while working for my Sister In Law Becky. I was over at her place doing some yard work. Cleaning up weeds, stacking firewood, just basic stuff her husband doesn't do. Getting lots of things done on a hot summer day around her place for her was always something I was happy to do. A couple of the times I worked at her house, she would come out and sunbath. About mid afternoon time, I noticed her outside on the deck, laying with her...
Some of this story's inspiration comes from AlsoAshley's Alex to Alina story (which is excellent, and you should read it, and I hope she gets around to finishing it soon). I'm shamelessly ripping off the idea for the initial setup, and heading off on my own path. Hopefully AlsoAshley will take the theft in the spirit of admiration for and inspiration from her story that it was done in. ----------------------------------- "Oh god," I moaned softly. The department store...
Vengeance is the only thing on Sofi Ryan’s mind when she catches her boyfriend cheating on her. Wanting to make him pay Sofi gets on The FA Dating App and finds the perfect guy to get back at her boyfriend, Alex Legend. When Alex arrives Sofi doesn’t waste any time pulling out Alex’s big cock and sucking it while she has him film it. Just as Sofi planned her boyfriend comes home just as Alex unleashes a massive load of cum all over her face. Vengeance, a dish best served with...
xmoviesforyouJanet was a married mum of two and 38 years old who owned her own florist shop. She looked great for her age with a figure that turned many an eye, she had been with quite a few men before she met and married her husband. It was undeniable that she was one of the happiest married women people knew, they all were amazed at her love and devotion for her husband. Janet loved him completely and their sex lives were brilliant no problems there, she still loved and lusted after him. However she was...
Curvaceous, MILFy blonde Kenzie Taylor craves huge cock inside her big ass! The glamorous bombshell shows director Mike Adriano her plush booty, spreading its massive cheeks to wink her talented butthole. Kenzie gags and drools on the director’s raging dick, making slurpy sounds in a wet, nasty, deep-throat blow job; she licks his balls and bunghole and squeezes his thick shaft between her gigantic, spit-slathered knockers. Mike plunges his cock into Kenzie’s oiled buns and reams...
xmoviesforyouAs I wrote before, tension between me and my older chat darling escalated into wild orgies. At that time we both thought this will sate our perverse hunger, at least for a little while. We were wrong. The next day after her departure I was nervous from early morning, missing her scent and warm body. It became more and more intense during the day, I could not concentrate not even on simple things and matters. My body urged me to relieve the accumulated sexual pressure as it used to during past...
I heard my parents fucking that night. It’s not something I’ve ever heard before. The individual sounds were familiar to me: my father’s grunts, my mother’s begging. “Please...” she moaned, so loudly that it echoed down the hallway and into my room. “Please...” Presumably at some point they’d made love while I was living with them - how else could Elly exist? - but it wasn’t something I’d ever experienced. After half an hour, my father gave out one loud grunt and my mother gasped one loud...
Your alarm blares, and your grumble as you realize it's time to get ready for school. You motivate yourself by remembering that there's just one more year...then you can go to collage and move out of the house. As you get around to the bathroom, you have to do a double take to recognize that yes, that is in fact you in the mirror! You've never been bad looking, but suddenly the reflection in the mirror is that of a well-toned model that vaguely resembles what you looked like yesterday! You...
Mind ControlThe hill was an escape, a portal to an easier world. In fact it wasn’t much of a hill at all, more like a rise in the ground and a path that went up among the rocks under the trees. Kaiser, the Rottweiler, watched them from behind the fence and barked at Chano because it was too stupid to see that he was a trusted friend and that no one had put Chano in the back of the yard inside a fence. The smart dog lived in the house where it was warm because she was old and gentle and took a piece of...
1964 was a far different world than the one we all live in today. Ronnie couldn’t know that of course, he was fresh out of high school and like most young men at the time, there was not a single clue in his mind of what he would do with his life. His world had been school, and work, it was the only world he knew. As far as anything like a social life, there just was not any time and even going to something sports practice was impossible. Growing up on the farm didn’t help one bit, the family...
Mommy's Sissy Slut part 3 by dirteesissy Please read parts 1 and 2 before enjoying this instalment. Chapter 10. The last hour and half had been the most unpleasant and painful of my life. The cr?che nurses had a fully functioning dungeon in the back and had taken great pains to have me sample each of the instruments of discipline. My bottom was not just red, but bruised and covered in welts. At the end of proceedings, I was cleaned up and made up, before being led back t...