The Vacation Trip Part 2 free porn video

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Note : This story is completely fictional!

Hello Incest lovers thank you for read my story continuition? read and cum dear readers Martha knew that the conversation she had heard meant thatVincent was not fucking his cousin or his sister, but it also meantthat the girls were ready and that it would probably happen soon! She suddenly realized that she desperately needed to piss. She made her way around to the front of the bathhouse. Suddenly, on an impulse, she went over the entrance to themen's side. She listened silently. She didn't hear anything. She looked around. There was no one in sight. She looked aroundthe entrance into the inside of the bathhouse. There was no oneinside. She had always wanted to pee in the men's room! Shedecided to take a chance! As Jancy and Anna made their way through the woods, Jancysuddenly realized that she needed to pee. She told Anna to goon without her and she turned back toward the bathhouse. Inside the men's room, Martha was perched on the pot with hershorts and panties down around her ankles. She spread her legsand released her bladder, causing the water in the pot to singwith the stream of piss she cut loose in it. Then she finished,she wiped her pussy and reached for her clothes bunched at herankles. Suddenly, she became aware that someone was watchingher! Stella's father was standing just inside the door, lookingat her. He didn't say a word, he just walked slowly toward her. Her eyes were drawn to the huge bulge between his legs. She satstill until he stood in front of her. He extended his hand toher and she took it. He pulled her to a standing position andimmediately kissed her. There she stood, with her shorts and panties still downaround her ankles, being kissed by a man she had never really metbefore. Martha couldn?t believe it. 

This was more like one of herwild fantasies than reality. She felt his hands close on herbreasts, cupping them and feeling them through her blouse. Shewasn't wearing a bra, and she knew that he could feel her nippleshardening through the material of the blouse. Finally, his lips left hers and he unbuttoned her blouse. He pulled it wide open, exposing her beautiful breasts to hisview. She knew that he had seen them before, through theknothole in the wall. She moaned as his hands closed on herboobs, palming and rolling them on her chest. She felt his handslide down over her belly, straight down between her legs. Hisfinger slipped down into her crack, finding her clit. She moanedas he rubbed her clit, then slid his finger farther down and upinto her cunt hole. Her pussy was creaming around the invadingfinger. Jancy had entered the other side of the bathhouse. She wasabout to pull her shorts down to pee when she heard a moanthrough the wall. Her need was immediately forgotten! She movedquickly to a knothole and looked through. She couldn't believeher eyes. There was her aunt, standing kind of spraddle leggedwith Stella's father's finger up her pussy! As Jancy watched, shesaw Martha reach down and unfasten the man's pants, pushing themdown. Like father, like , Martha thought to herself as shefound that he didn't have on any underwear. She wrapped herfingers around the huge dick standing straight up in front of hisbelly. Slowly, she slid her hand up and down along the length ofit, naturally timing her strokes with the strokes of his fingerin her pussy. 

He stepped back, reaching down and freeing his feet from hispants. Then he gently turned her around so that she had her backto him. She stepped out of her shorts and panties and leanedover, bracing her hands on the toilet tank. He moved in closebehind her, taking hold of her hips. Martha spread her legs andreached back between them and took hold of the mighty weaponpointing at her. She guided it straight to it's target andgasped in pleasure as he sank the full length up in her pussywith one thrust. Jancy was watching excitedly, as she saw the man starting toscrew her aunt. From her position, she could actually see hisdick going in and out of her, because the knothole through whichshe was looking was low and they were facing directly away fromher and really quite close to her. Martha couldn't believe she was doing this. Here she was,leaning over a commode with a stranger's dick sliding in and outof her pussy! And it felt soooo gooooood! He was really ballingher now. His hard thrusts were shaking her all over. From herposition, Jancy could see her aunt's tits shaking as the man rammedher. Martha could feel the climax coming. Then suddenly, she wasthere! And so was he! She could feel him spurting in her as hegrunted in her ear. Jancy watched the man pull out of his aunt then help her tostraighten up. Then he moved up to the toilet and stood rightthere and started to piss. She heard her aunt giggle and saw herreach down and take hold of his prick and aim it. When hefinished peeing, she saw her aunt shake it and then give it alittle pat. When the couple in the other room had dressed and left, Jancyquickly relieved her bladder and headed back to camp. When shegot there, she found Martha stretched out on a lounge chairlooking like she was totally relaxed. Louise was asleep in thehammock and Vincent and Anna were sitting on the couch (folded upduring the daytime) in the vehicle watching TV. When she came in,she found that Anna had told Vincent that they had watched him andStella. "Say, what took you so long to get back from the bathhouse?" Anna asked her. Jancy hesitated, and then told them about seeing Stella's dad screwMartha. 

Vincent and Anna couldn't believe their ears. "Wow, I knew Mom was hot to trot, but I thought it was onlyfor Dad," Vincent said. "Well, why shouldn't she want it?" Anna said. "After all,you want to get in every girl's pants that you meet." "Oh, I think it's fantastic," Vincent said. "Yeah, so I see," Anna replied, looking at his bulgingcrotch. "And so soon after Stella, too." Vincent laughed andreached down and rubbed his hardon through his pants. The Preteens quickly quieted down when they heard someone at thedoor. Louise came in and flopped down beside them to watch TV sothey didn't get to talk about it anymore. A little while later, Martha came into the vehicle. "Louise, we told that lady on the other side of the park thatwe would bring Anna down to look at her doll collection thisafternoon," she reminded her husband. "Oh, yeah," Louise groaned. Martha explained to Anna that they had met a lady with somerag dolls for sale. Anna collected them and was eager to go tosee them. "Do you want to go, Jancy?" she asked. "Uh, I don't think so, if you don't mind," Jancy replied. "We'll be back in about an hour," Martha told Vincent and Jancy. "When Anna gets to looking at rag dolls, we have a hard timegetting her to leave." The three of them left and Jancy was alone in the bus withVincent. They sat there for a few minutes watching TV. Then,suddenly, Vincent slid over next to Jancy and put his arm around hershoulder. Jancy looked at him and smiled. Vincent leaned over andkissed her right on the lips. Jancy liked the feeling of Vincent's lips on hers. They weresoft and warm and it did something to her. Vincent continued tokiss her, opening his mouth and slipping his tongue between herlips. She extended the tip of her tongue and flicked his tonguewith hers.

 The two Preteens continued to kiss, openmouthed and hard. Asthey kissed, both of them began to gasp for breath. Finally,their lips parted and they looked at each other. "Wow," Jancy exclained. "Did you like that?" Vincent asked. "Ummmhmmm," Jancy replied, leaning forward for him to kiss heragain. Their lips began to work against each other, theirtongues twisting and licking at each other. Jancy wrapped botharms around Vincent's neck as he kissed her. She felt his handsliding up her side and then around between them. He had hishand on her tit through her blouse! She purred in his mouth ashe began to palm and feel her little tittie. After a few moments of this, Jancy felt his fingers fumblingwith the buttons of her blouse. She giggled and brought herhands away from around his neck to help him unbutton her blouse. He pulled it wide open and reached up and pulled both bra strapsdown! She gasped as his hands closed on both bare titties. Hekissed her lips again, then began to kiss his way down her neckand down onto her front. Slowly, he kissed his way down to herbudding breasts. When he reached her right breast with his lips,he kissed his way around the small tit and then moved up to theswollen nipple. Jancy gasped loudly when his lips closed on hernipple and he began to suck on it. She cradled his head in herarms as he nursed at her budding breast. Moving back and forth from one breast to the other, Vincent wasworking Jancy up into a real stew. He slid his hand down over herhip to her leg. He slipped his hand between her knees, and beganto move his hand back up the inside of her thigh.

 Jancy felt the warm hand sliding up her leg and she knew hewas headed for her pussy. When he reached her crotch, she gaspedwhen he slid his hand over and palmed her pussy through hershorts. He rubbed his hand up and down on her pussy through hershorts for a few moments, then he began to try to get his fingerinside the tight leg of her shorts. "Vincent, wouldn't it be easier if you just took them off?" shewhispered in his ear. Vincent didn't waste any time complying with her suggestion. He quickly unzipped them and pulled them down over her legs andoff as she raised up to help him. He then slid his hand back upbetween her legs and felt her pussy through her bikini panties. He could feel the heat through the thin material, and themoisture seeping through them. He hooked a finger under the legand pulled the crotch to the side. He palmed her bare pussy,then slipped a finger into the top of her crack. She groaned ashis finger found her clit. Vincent looked down at the beautiful sight. His finger wasslowly sliding deeper and deeper into the juicy little slit. Thethin blonde curls hid none of her slit from his view. Slowly, heinched his finger deeper into her slit until he was twirling hisfingertip in the entrance to her pussy. He was amazed at thejuice! Boy was she hot! Jancy suddenly raised up and grasped the top of her panties. Lifting her ass, she quickly peeled them down and off. Vincentimmediately slid his finger back up into her pussy when shespread her legs for him to get to her. Slowly, he pumped hisfinger in and out of her. Jancy couldn't believe how good it felt. But she wanted tosample some of the other things she had observed today. "Vincent, why don't you kiss my pussy like you kissed Stella's?"she whispered to him. Vincent didn't hesitate. He slid to the floor and knelt infront of her. She pulled her legs up and spread them wide,propping her heels on the edge of the sofa as she leaned back. Vincent kissed his way up the inside of her thighs. 

When he reachedher pussy, he flicked his tongue out and licked the end of herhard little clittie. She gasped and jerked every time he lickedit. He ran his tongue up and down her slit, tasting her gushingjuices. He licked his way down to her brimming hole and thrusthis tongue as far up the entrance as he could get it. He openedhis mouth wide, covering her whole pussy with her mouth, suckingand licking everything he could get to. He slid his finger up toher hole and slowly pushed it all the way in as he licked herclit. He began to pump his finger in and out of her, licking herlittle bud of a clit. He fastened his lips around the tinymorsel and began to suck it, licking the end of it as his lipspulled on it. Jancy suddenly grabbed his head in both hands, pulling himhard against her pussy, as she let out a little shreik. She wascoming!! Finally, she released his head and he raised up and grinnedat her. "Stand up," she told him, raising up to a sitting position. Vincent did as he was told, standing up in front of her. Herfingers tugged his zipper down and opened his pants. Quickly shepulled them down below his knees, then she stripped his shortsdown. His dick was standing up proud and hard, pointing right upat his belly button. She slid one hand up between his legs,feeling his balls. The other hand clasped his dick and began toslowly slide up and down along the shaft. She pumped it severaltimes, looking at the juice seeping out of the slit in the end. Then she leaned forward and stuck out her tongue. Tentatively,she touched the tip of her tongue to the end of his prick. Sheliked the taste! It was strong and kind of sour-sweet. Shelicked the end, swiping her tongue all around the head. Vincentgroaned with pure pleasure! Jancy pursed her lips and kissed it right on the end. 

Then,slowly moving forward, she let her lips slowly enclose the end ofhis dick, sliding down until she had the whole knob in her mouth. She pressed forward, taking some of the shaft in her mouth. Slowly, she took more and more until the end of his prick wasagainst the back of her throat. She could see that she had alittle more than half of it in her mouth. That was not quite asmuch as Stella had managed to swallow, but it would have to dountil she got more used to it. It was about to gag her, as itwas. Jancy then slowly let it slide out of her mouth until only theend was in. Then she reversed directions and repeated themovement. She could tell from Vincent's groaning that he was reallyenjoying it. He began to contribute to the movement, sliding hisdick in and out of her mouth. She was using her tongue on theunderside of it as it slid in and out. She was also exerting asmuch suction as she could. Jancy was afraid that Vincent would lose control and jam it downher throat, so she wrapped her fist around it at just the rightplace to control the maximum depth that she wanted. Suddenly,Vincent groaned and gasped and Jancy felt the dick in her mouth beginto throb. She knew he was about to shoot his load, so shewithdrew her mouth until she had only the knob in her mouth andbegan to suck hard. Bam! Vincent cut loose in her mouth. Thefirst wad almost shot down her throat without her swallowing, itspurted out with such power. Swallowing rapidly, Jancy tried tokeep up with the gushes of hot juice spurting from the end of hisdick. Finally, the spurts slowed to a dribble and then quit. She sucked the last of the juice out of the piss slit and let hisdick slide out of her mouth. Jancy looked up at Vincent and drinned. He was still gasping forbreath, but he smiled at her. "Oh, Jancy, that was wonderful," he told her. She grinned at him, wiping the corner of her mouth with theback of her hand. "It tastes different from anything I've evertasted before, but I liked it," she told him. 

Vincent sank weakly down on the sofa beside her. He kissed heron the lips, then leaned down and gently kissed each breast. Suddenly, Jancy jumped up. She heard voices coming up theroad! "They're coming!" she told Vincent. Quickly, they grabbedtheir clothes and put them on. They were sitting on the sofawatching TV when the door opened and Anna entered, followed byLouise and Martha. Anna looked at them and immediately knew that something hadhappened. She couldn't wait to find out what they had done. Martha also knew that something had happened. She could feel it. "Hey, let's go for a walk," Anna suggested. The other two agreed and out the door they went. Marthaquickly told Louise her suspicions and the two adults decided to tryto follow them. The three Preteens set out through the woods. As soon as theywere out of earshot of the van, Anna asked what they had been upto. Jancy and Vincent grinned at her. "What do you mean?" Vincent teased his sister. "I know you two did something while I was gone," shereplied. "Now tell me what you did. Did he fuck you?" she askedher cousin. "No, but he licked my pussy and I sucked his dick," Jancy toldher, wanting her to know about it. "And it was fantastic," sheadded. "Wow," Anna exclaimed, as they came up to the little clearspot behind the bathhouse. Louise and Martha almost lost the Preteens trying to follow themthrough the woods, but Martha was pretty sure she knew where theywere going. Sure enough, they soon peeked out at the back of thebathhouse and found the three of them there. Anna was leaningback against the side of the bathhouse with her blouse wideopen. Vincent was sucking her tits while Jancy watched. After a fewmoments, Vincent knelt down and stripped Anna's shorts and pantiesdown and off. 

Wasting no time, he used his fingers to open hissister's pussy and went to work on it with his tongue. "Wow, look at that," Louise gasped. "And look at Anna. She'sgrowing into some kind of woman." Martha smiled. She wasn't surprised to hear him saysomething like that. She had suspected for sometime that Louise wasfantasizing about his daughter. Up against the wall, Vincent wasreally working Anna over. His head was bobbing and working fromside to side as he worked on her pussy with his mouth and tongueand lips. Suddenly, she let out a little squeal and grabbed hishead, shoving it hard up against her pussy as she climaxed. "She's gonna as mother him," Louise chuckled. Suddenly, heraised up a little and tugged Martha's shorts and panties down. She was on her knees, so this was easy to accomplish. She lookedback at him and smiled as he dropped his pants to his knees andknelt behind her. She reached down and stripped her shorts andpanties completely off so she could get her legs apart. As soonas she spread her legs, she felt the end of his huge dick nudgeit's way up into her gash and felt the end slip back and forth inher slit. Louise pulled it back up against her pussy hole and thenpressed forward, lodging the end in her cunt. He took hold ofher hips with both hands and slowly pushed forward, sinking thefull length of his cock in her juicy pussy. Louise suddenly realized that she was really juicy. 

Muchjuicier than he would have expected. She felt like she had cumin her cunt! He pulled his dick out of her and looked down atit. It was coated with a heavy deposit and he recognized it ascome! Another man's come! Martha looked back at him, wonderingwhat he was doing. He pressed forward and slid it into heragain, up to the balls. Martha suddenly realized that Louise was fucking her in the comeleft by Stella's father. She didn't know whether he realized itor not, but if he did, it wasn't slowing him down. He wasscrewing her with long steady strokes. Up against the bathhouse wall, the girls now had Vincent'spants and shorts down and both of them were kneeling in front ofhim. Anna was sucking his dick while Jancy played with his balls. Louise and Martha could see their daughter's mouth clearly as sheslurped back and forth on the boy's dick. "Look at the size of Vincent's dick," Martha whispered back toLouise. "It's easy to see that he's your son!" Louise just chuckledas he continued to screw Martha dog fashion. Vincent was getting close to the point of no return again. These two girls were driving him wild. He couldn't believe it. Here he was with his cute cousin playing with his balls while hisown gorgeous sister sucked voraciously at his prick. He waswatching her lips as she slid her mouth up and down on him,taking fully half the length of his cock into her mouth on everystroke. He felt his balls tighten. UnOh, here it comes, hethought. Sure enough, Anna felt the big dick in her mouth jerk andshe knew she was about to get a mouthful. She pulled her headback until only the end was in and sucked hard. She was rewardedwith a big spurt of come quickly followed by another and another. 

She swallowed his spurts as fast as she could. "He's coming in her mouth," Martha whispered back to Louise. When Vincent finished coming in Anna's mouth, he sank to hisknees, his dick slipping from Anna's mouth as he slid down. Heleaned back against the wall, gasping for breath. Suddenly, herealized that someone was pushed against him. It was Jancy. Shewas pushing her pussy against his face, wanting to get suckedagain. Vincent just grinned and obliged her, opening his mouth andsliding his tongue up her slit as she spread her legs andstraddled his head. Anna sat beside them, watching her brothersuck her cousin's cunt. Louise pulled his dong out of Martha's pussy and slid the end ofit up and down in her ass crack, smearing the thick juice coatingit around in her crack and on her asshole. Then, taking his dickin his fist, he put the end against her asshole and pushedforward. Her rectum opened slightly, letting the end of his dicknestle just inside her brown ringed hole. Martha grunted as she felt her husband's prick head enter herrectum. Then she felt him push forward, sinking about half of itup her butt hole. She looked back at him to tell him to take iteasy, but it was too late. He withdrew a little, and then shovedforward suddenly, sinking the whole thing in her widely stretchedass hole. She groaned as she felt her ass being stretched wideopen. She was used to Louise fucking her in the ass, but he usuallyentered her gently, not like this. He began to screw it in andout of her tight ass. She relaxed and began to enjoy it as theinitial pain subsided and her rectal opening became accustomed tothe presence of the big prick again. 

She could see Jancy,obviously having a climax, with Vincent's face buried in her snatch. She wondered what they would do next. After Jancy finished coming, she slid down to the groundbeside the other two Preteens. She looked at Vincent and saw that hewas hard again. Anna saw it too. Both girls went after hisdick, with Anna winning the initial favors, taking as much of itinto her mouth as she could. She sucked for a bit, then removedher mouth and let Jancy get to it. Louise and Martha couldn't believe their eyes. The two girlswere doubling up on Vincent, taking turns sucking his cock. Louisecontinued to fuck Martha's ass as they watched. Martha could feelher body tightening up as she neared a climax from the buttfucking she was getting. She knew that Louise was close, too. Suddenly, it happened. She was climaxing, and she felt the bigdick up her butt jerk and jump as it shot a load of cum deep intoher bowels. Finally, it was over. She realized that she had hadher eyes closed. When she looked back toward the bath house, shesaw Jancy's mouth slipping off of Vincent's dick, with come runningout from between her lips. She had sucked him off. Louise and Martha remained still, coupled together, while thethree Preteens got dressed and left. As soon as them were gone, Louise pulled his softening dick outof his wife's ass and said, "Martha, I want to know who fucked youtoday." She groaned. She looked back at him and was surprised tosee the look on his face. It was not pain or disappointment, butexcitement. His dick was hardening again as he waited for heranswer. 

Martha told him that she sneaked into the men's room and hadbeen surprised by Stella's father. She admitted that he hadscrewed her. Louise's hand dropped to his now hard dick and hebegan to slide it up and down marking on it. He asked her totell him about it, and she did, giving him all the details as shewatched him Vincent off while she told him. As she related thestory, she began to play with her pussy, fingering herself intime with Louise's fist strokes on his dick. Suddenly, Louise raisedup and pushed Martha down on her back. "I'm gonna fuck you in his cum!" he grunted at her, droppingdown on top of her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as heflexed his hips, suddenly driving his dick up to the balls in herpussy. She pulled her legs up and wrapped them around his waistas he fucked her pussy, banging in and out so hard that her bigtits were sliding up and down on her chest. Suddenly, she letout a scream as she began to climax and she felt Louise's dickspurting up her cunt, his come mixing with that of the otherman's come which was already in her. When the Preteens got back to the campsite, they found it empty. They went in and turned the TV on again, but they didn't havelong to wait before Louise and Martha arrived. They didn't offer thePreteens any explanation as to where they had been, and of course thePreteens didn't ask for one because they didn't want to be askedwhere they had been. That evening, at supper Martha told them that she had talkedto Jancy's mother, Ruth, on the phone earlier in the day. Shewould be arriving the next day, probably sometime after lunch. After supper, they all went to the swimming pool. The cool waterfelt nice as the Preteens splashed and played together. They werejoined by Stella soon after they got in the water. 

Stella'smother, Betty, and father, Ray, sat at the pool side and talkedto Louise and Martha. Martha was very excited, sitting there besideLouise talking to Ray, with Louise knowing that she still had Ray'scome in her pussy mixed with his own. She glanced down at Louise'scrotch and saw that it was bulging. She also saw that Betty hadnoticed Louise's hardening dick. Betty was sitting directlyopposite from Louise, and she was leaning back with her chubby legsapart, giving him a good view right up between her legs at theskimpy crotch of her bikini bottom. It was so tight that hercrack was clearly outlined by the cloth. Martha wasn't sure howmuch of Louise's hardon was due to Betty's display, but she was surethat Ray's presence after fucking her was having an effect onhim, too. Suddenly, Betty stood up and announced that she had to gopee. The women's john in the dressing room was out of order, soshe was going to have to go to the bathhouse. Ray had gone overto the office to check on something with the campground manager. Betty said she might as well get Stella to walk back to the bathhouse with her, because it was dark. Martha said it would be ashame to take Stella away when she was having a good time, andsuggested that Louise walk her to the bath house. Louise looked atMartha and saw her wink at him. Louise and Betty made their way back up the dark road to thebath house. 

When they got there, Louise noticed that the lights inthe women's side were not on. He told Betty that he would turnthem on for her. The two of them entered the bath house and Louisestruck a match, lighting the room up so that he could find thelight switch, which he turned on. "Now I've gotta go do this on the other side," he said. "It's just as well that I came with you, cause I've gotta gotoo." "Well, just use this side," Betty told him. "There are twotoilets in here. She entered one stall and Louise walked into thestall next to her. He unfastened his bathing suit and pushed thefront down, pulling his dick out. He heard a low whistle andlooked at the partition between his stall and Betty's stall. Hehadn't noticed when he came in, but the partition had a big holeright in the middle of it. He was standing there with his dickout in plain view of Betty. He could also see her. She hadpulled her bikini bottom down and was sitting on the toilet withher legs spread. He could see right down between her legs andwas amazed to see that she had a shaved pussy! "Don't let me stop you," she told him. "I like to watch aguy piss." Louise heard the sound of her piss hitting the water asshe cut loose. Louise released his bladder and aimed the heavystream of pee at the toilet bowl, looking at Betty as he did. When he finished peeing, he shook his dick, which was beginningto get stiff. Betty giggled. "I like to watch a guy do that," she told him. 

As Louise stoodand watched, Betty spread her legs and wiped her pussy. Louise suddenly moved out of the stall and into the adjacentstall, standing right there in front of Betty, with his hard dicksticking straight up out of the top of his bathing suit, whichwas still pushed down almost to his balls. Betty smiled at him,reaching for his dick. Louise moved up in front of her so that shecould get hold of it. She slid her hand up and down the lengthof it, then leaned back on the commode and spread her legs. "I've got a hot juicy hole down here that should just aboutfit that big thing," she told him, reaching down and pulling herpussy lips wide open. Louise quickly knelt in front of her, pushinghis bathing suit down to his knees as he did. Betty slidforward, propping her plump ass on the forward rim of the toiletseat. Louise quickly moved up close between her legs. Taking hisdick in his hand, he rubbed the big head up and down in her hotjuicy slot then he slid the end straight down to her cunt hole. She grunted as he slid it smooothly home in her, sliding in allthe way to the balls. He reached around her and unfastened herbikini top, pulling it off and dropping it on the floor. Betty giggled, "I think this is the first time a guy everput his dick up my pussy before he got his hands on my tits." Louise chuckled and began to slide his dick in and out of her,fucking her with the full length of it. Back at the pool, Ray returned and asked where Betty hadgone. When Martha told him that she had gone to take a pee andthat Louise had walked her to the bath house, Ray laughed. "I hope you don't mind your husband getting screwed byanother woman," Ray told her, "because there is no way she isgoing to go to that bath house alone with him without getting inhis pants." "Well, they won't be the first ones to do it in there, willthey," Martha told him. Ray chuckled, "You've got that right," he told her. A little while later, Louise and Betty came back down the roadand joined the others two at the table where they sat. As Louisesat down, he winked broadly at his wife. Ray didn't miss thewink, and he didn't miss the sleepy eyed look his wife always gotwhen she had just been screwed. "Well, I gather you like bald pussy," he grinned at Louise. 

Louise looked at him and smiled. "We christened the women'sside, since you and Martha had already done it in the men's side,"he told Ray. It was well after dark when they decided to leave the pool. Anna asked Martha about going to see the rag dolls again. Vincentand Jancy didn't want to go with them, so they headed up the roadto the campsite. They stopped twice in the shadow of trees tokiss. The first time, Vincent felt Jancy's tits, and the second time,he pulled the top of her bikini down and sucked her nipples. Shepushed his head away and told him to wait until they got to thetrailer. He dared her to go the rest of the way with her topdown off of her tits, and she laughed and took off running, herlittle titties flopping in the moonlight. Vincent ran after her,surprised at how fast she could run. He caught her at the doorto the van. Vincent wrapped his arms around her waist before she could getin to door. He pulled her back against him, with both armswrapped around her. He kissed her on the neck. She relaxed backagainst him, feeling his hardon pressing against her ass throughboth their bathing suits. Vincent slid his hands up and palmed herlittle titties, squeezing them and pinching her nipples. "Vincent, why don't we go inside?" Jancy finally whispered. Vincentreleased her and followed her into the big vehicle. As soon asthey were inside, Jancy lay down on the sofa and Vincent stretched outbeside her. 

She wrapped her arms around his neck as his lipsfound hers and they began kissing passionately. Jancy felt Vincent's hands on her tits, squeezing and pressingthem. It felt sooo gooood! Then he slid down and began to suckher tits, going from one to the other to lick her nipples, thensuck them. As he continued to suck on her tits, Vincent slid his hand downover Jancy's flat belly to the top of her bikini bottom. Nothesitating, he slid his hand inside the waist band and straightdown between her legs. She jerked as his finger found her clit,already hard and standing up proudly. He rubbed his finger backand forth over it, causing little groans of pleasure to come fromher lips. Then he slid his finger down into her wet, juicy slitand right up her pussy hole. She groaned as his finger slid inand out of her wet cunt hole. Jancy was really getting into this. Vincent's finer up her pussywas driving her wild and his mouth sucking her tits wasn'texactly turning her off, either. She felt him raise up and pullhis finger out of her pussy. She raised her hips to help him ashe tugged her bikini bottom down over her hips and off. Hegrasped his bathing suit and quickly stripped it down and off,then he was lying beside her again, kissing her lips and slidinghis finger back up her pussy. She just wrapped her arms tightlyaround his neck and kissed back, licking his tongue as it flickedin and out of her mouth. She felt Vincent rolling on top of her. He was still kissingher but his finger wasn't in her pussy now. Then she felt hishard dick against her belly, then sliding down, the end of itnestling in her thin pussy hair. She felt it going down betweenher legs. She realized that she was about to get fucked! With a groan of passion, Jancy pulled her legs up, bendingthem at the knee and spread them wide. She felt Vincent's dickbetween her legs. It was sliding around all over the place. Then she felt him raise up a little and reach down between them. She felt the back of his hand against her mons as he guided hisdick to her wet slit. She could feel his shaft sliding up anddown in her slit. Then the end of it found her hole! He pushedgently and the end was actually in the mouth of her pussy! Hepressed forward and it began to go in. 

Then she felt a stab ofpain down there. He pulled back a little and pressed forwardagain, causing her to groan into his mouth. He pulled back again, then pushed forward hard. She groanedas her hymen stretched before the invading prick, then gave way. He slid in up to the balls! He was in her, all the way! Vincent couldn't believe it. He had actually taken hiscousin's virginity. His dick was buried up to the balls in her! And boy! Was she tight! And hot! He couldn't believe how hother pussy was around his dick. It was like he had it buried inan over! He held very still for a few moments, letting theexcitement of being in her pussy for the first time calm down. He didn't want to shoot too soon. He wanted it to be good forher. After several moments, he felt like he was under control,so he slowly withdrew his dick and slid it back in again. Whenhe did, she moaned passionately into his mouth. Jancy couldn't believe it. He was screwing her! She couldfeel his big dick sliding in and out of her pussy! It would pullway out, almost coming out of her hole, then slide back in again,all the way in. It was the most wonderful thing she had everfelt. It was even better than getting her pussy sucked. Jancy was so excited she was panting. Vincent was raised up onhis elbows now, his hips working as he pistoned his dick in andout of her frothy, tight little pussy. Jancy's hands slid downVincent's back to his hips, urging him on. Vincent was in a sensual whirlwind. He was trying desperatelynot to let it get away from him. His dick felt like it wascaught in a vise, but a hot oily vise. He couldn't believe howgood it felt. 

Stella's pussy was like a cave compared to Jancy's. He knew he couldn't hold out much longer. He felt Jancy's hands onhis hips, urging him on. Then he felt her hands move around andgrab his ass. Her fingers fastened tightly on his ass cheeks. Then, suddenly, she was jerking wildly on his ass, urging him topound into her. A shreik came from her lips. She was coming! Vincent raised up even higher and suddenly began to drive his dickinto her really hard. She screamed and jerked her legs upward,opening her tight pussy wide to his slamming dick. With a gruntof release, Vincent jammed his dick up to the balls in her anderupted, shooting spurt after spurt of hot cum deep into hervirgin pussy. Through her delirium, Jancy could feel Vincent's dick jerking inher pussy. She felt the hot jets of come shooting deep into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled on his ass,holding him tightly against her as the wave of passion swept overher. She felt him collapse on top of her, his breath coming ingasps. Finally, Vincent raised his head and looked at her. She smiledat him. "Oh, Vincent," she crooned. He grinned at her and kissed hertenderly on the lips. Vincent raised up and pulled his dick out of her pussy. He satup and looked down at it. It was standing open, his cum runningout of her hole and down her crack to her ass. He gently reacheddown and ran his finger up and down in her slit. "Am I bleeding any?" Jancy asked him. "I don't see any," he told her. "I'd better go and wash it," she said. They both got up and Vincent followed her into the tiny littlebathroom. 

She turned on the water and wet a washcloth. Vincenttook it from her and she spread her legs. He knelt in front ofher and gently washed her pussy. When he finished, he planted akiss right on her cunt hole, causing her to gasp. "Now, let me wash you," she said, pulling him to a standingposition. She knelt in front of him and gently washed his dick. She giggled when it began to get hard again. She leaned forwardand suddenly took it into her mouth. She sucked as much of itinto her mouth as she could get. It hardened in her mouth, thenshe let her lips slide slowly off of it and looked at it. "We'd better get dressed," she told him, standing up. Henodded agreement and they went back to the sofa and put theirbathing suits back on. Vincent turned on the TV and sat down besideher, putting his arm around her shoulders. She slid her handdown to his crotch and gently squeezed his still half hard dickthrough his suit. As they sat watching TV, Jancy began to play with Vincent's dickthrough his bathing suit. He moved so that she could get to iteasily, stretching his legs out in front of him. His prick wasstanding straight up in his bathing suit, reaching almost to thewaist band. Jancy was rubbing her hand up and down along thelength of the shaft, squeezing and playing with it. Suddenly,she pulled the waist band of his trunks out and down over thefront of his dick, letting it stick out of the top of the trunks. 

She slid down beside him and suddenly took as much of it asshe could into her mouth. He groaned as her hot mouth engulfedhis prick. She began to slide her mouth up and down on it,sucking as she fucked his dick with her mouth. He sat andwatched hier lips sliding up and down the shaft. It occurred tohim that the others could come through the door at any minute,but he didn't have the will power to stop her suctioning lips. Jancy was also very aware that they could be discovered at anymoment. The louiseger made it all the more exciting to her. Shewas determined to bring him off before they got caught. Jancy was sucking hard, her head bobbing up and down as sheworked Vincent's dick over. Suddenly, he gave a groan and came inher mouth, spurting his juice down her swallowing throat. Finally, she raised up and gave the end of his dick a kiss andlet the waist band of his trunks back up. His dick was stillclearly outlined in the front of his trunks and she was wipingher mouth with the back of her hand when the door opened andMartha came in, followed by Anna and Louise. Martha didn't miss the guilty look on their faces or theclear outline of Vincent's dick in his trunks. She knew they hadbeen up to something, but she wasn't sure how much they were upto. Anna also was aware, but she didn't know how far they hadgone either. Louise also noticed his son's dick outlined in histrunks and was sure that something had been going on. He assumedthat Vincent had probably screwed his cousin or had been about toscrew her, but he wasn't sure. Martha went into the kitchen and fixed a snack for them, thentold them that it was time to hit the sack.

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Getting Ready for Vacation Part 3 The Trip Begins

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Once In A Lifetime Vacation

Stan-Husband Debra-Wife Cassie-Daughter, Seventeen yrs. Todd-White stranger David-Black stranger This story is told from the view of the wife, Debra. Once In A Lifetime Vacation My husband, Stan and I were on the Florida coast for a long rest and well deserved vacation. We both have been working hard and in a welcome turn of fate, we both had slack time at work and could get vacation at the same time so we could take off together for the first time in years. We took a month’s...

3 years ago
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Fucked Hot Sis In Vacation 8211 Part 1

Hello all ISS readers! This is my first attempt to pen down my real life experience with you all. Let me describe you myself: I am JAY from Ahmedabad, Gujarat and the heroine of this story is my cousin sis, Bittu. She is my Fia’s(my fathers sister) daughter. I am 27 year old now with good body build to make any girl fell in love with me. And I have completed my graduation with good degree. Lets come on the main point, THE VACATION FUN. Yea guys you are right this incident took place in...

2 years ago
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Vacation Bound

VACATION BOUND by bound bob Why are the days just prior to vacation so stressful? It seems every timewe are going on vacation my wife and I fight. Work always seems to get mostunbearable right before vacation too. Our most recent vacation was no exception.Both the Mrs. and myself were working 12 hour days just so we could go on athree day vacation. The evening before we were to depart for a three-day vacation on the rockycoast of Maine my wife and I got into an argument over money....

1 year ago
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Accepting My Cuckold Role On A Houseboat Vacation

It was a culture shock moving to Boise, Idaho to attend Boise State University, after being born and raised in a small town in Nebraska, but that’s where I wanted to go to pursue my education for a career in the high-tech industry. I was in the top of my class in high school and studied hard to handle my double majors in electrical engineering and computer engineering.My name is Matt, and I became good friends with Ken and Dave, two boys from small towns in Idaho, since we began college at the...

2 years ago
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What I Did on my Vacation

Chapter 1 Day One I AM ON VACATION I AM ON VACATION I AM ON VACATION!!! This one thought cycles through my head as I pack my overnight bag with only the essentials for the next ten days. Toiletries, brush, makeup, minimal clothing - didn't need much on the beach. No man to impress. No kids to tell me how dorky I look. Only four hours to go. Drive an hour to the airport from my podunk little town in this frigid northern climate then board a plane for sunny Florida. I even got a direct...

3 years ago
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Winter Vacation

There are eight of us. There is my wife Lauren and three of her sorority sisters and me (I’m Al) and three of my fraternity brothers. We all graduated within a year of each other and we all got married within a couple of years after college. We have been fast friends ever since. Every winter we all go on vacation together. We have been to exotic islands, rented houses large enough for all of us on some of the best beaches we can find but this year we had decided to do a winter vacation in a...

2 years ago
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Summer Vacation of a Lifetime

My name is Adam Rockwood and I am twenty-one years old, a country boy at heart. My dad was a hard-working logger and I inherited his rugged looks. I wear my dirty blond hair down to my shoulders, which has just a bit of a curl to it. I’m six-foot, two-inches tall, with a muscular build but I have a ruddy complexion that is a turn off to most girls. I did inherit my mom's icy blue eyes, which I think is my only redeeming feature.My dad was hoping that I would follow in his footsteps and become a...

First Time
3 years ago
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On Vacation With Dad

“Sometimes I wish I’d moved farther away after the divorce instead of taking the house next door,” Greg told his fourteen-year-old daughter, Marlee, setting his cup down on the table between them. They were sitting together in the open-air café at the resort they’d checked into the night before, having some fruit and coffee for breakfast before walking out to the beach just beyond the patio. “How come?” she asked. She did that thing where she cast her eyes off to the side to show how...

2 years ago
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Swinger Vacation Day OnePart One

**Day One - Part One** I don't know about you other dads out there, but I’m a sucker when it comes to my daughter (Sofia). She has me wrapped around her little finger.I'm a successful man and have my own business with numerous staff. I hire, fire, and make important decisions on a daily basis, yet, I'm such a soft touch when it comes to my baby girl. She knows exactly how to play me to get what she wants, especially when it comes to spending my money!Take the other day for instance. She...

1 year ago
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Susan is tricked into taking a 8220swinger8221 vacation

“James and Susan Hullett. That’s H.u.l.l.e.t.t” I said to the pretty red head behind the ticket counter. “Here you are sir. Here is your boarding pass and seat assignment,” she said as she passed me my tickets and smiled. She looked to be about 22 or 23 and I couldn’t help noticing she had either very perky breast or a great push up bra. They were standing hard and proud. She noticed I was looking and her hand instinctively went to her cleavage and...

3 years ago
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Nude Vacation in France

I just completed four years of college, attending Yale University on an academic scholarship. To my surprise, my parents awarded my efforts with a trip to the French Riviera for an entire week, covering all expenses. Luckily, they weren't coming along with me as part of the gift. I consider myself to be just an average guy, though admittedly I do get some attention from the ladies from time to time. I'm 6 feet 2 inches tall and weigh around 190 pounds. I'm not a jock by any stretch of the...

2 years ago
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It Happened on Vacation

Chapter 1. While in the car on the way to the mountains for our family vacation my thoughts drifted to what I would be missing for the next week, namely my girlfriend or in other words doing without sex for the next 9 days. When your in your teens you know how it is having to cope with the urges so you masturbate a lot and when you do finally have sex all you think about is the next time. Here is the problem: My parents rented a couple of small camping cabins, they stay in one and I will be...

1 year ago
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A nude vacation in France

I just completed four years of college, attending Yale University on an academic scholarship. To my surprise, my parents awarded my efforts with a trip to the French Riviera for an entire week, covering all expenses. Luckily, they weren't coming along with me as part of the gift. I consider myself to be just an average guy, though admittedly I do get some attention from the ladies from time to time. I'm 6 feet 2 inches tall and weigh around 190 pounds. I'm not a jock by any stretch of the...

3 years ago
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My Wife8217s Friend Radhika And Our Vacation

Did I ever tell you that I and my wife have a unique relationship. ? In fact that was what brought us together. We met as working adults and became friends and soon there was no subject we did not discuss or argue about. She was an air hostess and keen to pursue her career, see the world. She also said that her job meant being away from home, having temptations like a normal human being but said that she had never met a man who would accept that. She said that while a man never thought twice...

1 year ago
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Dream Vacation

This story draws on a conversation 'driving home from the Cartwrights' I sketched several years ago, forgot, partly used in "Coupled," then forgot again. I'm embarrassed to see I used some of it here too. With a different POV and leading elsewhere, but still, if a few lines of dialogue early in this story seem a little familiar, that's why. That's not why, as some observe, my other stories also somewhat resemble each other. The reason for that is, I like them that way. ...

2 years ago
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Anything Can Happen On Vacation Chapter 1

Anthony sighed again and took the brochure from his daughter. "This resort looks expensive. How did you pay for this", he asked as he looked at the papers that showed a beachside resort with a beautiful hotel. "I've been saving money for awhile and I combined that with my graduation money. Now please, come on vacation with me. It will do you good and that will make me happy." Anthony looked at his daughter, who was giving him her best puppy dog eyes. "Damn it", he thought. "She knows...

1 year ago
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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