Hallelujah Ch. 08 free porn video

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Morning intrudes once more, this time via the sunlight streaming through my curtains. That seems to be enough. Laying around is just weak-willed defiance, now, I’m awake.

I groan my way to the bathroom. I piss in the toilet like a big boy, now, because I have a roomie. It’s early. Has to be. But then, I often wake with the sun after a night of hard drinking. Maybe it’s my body’s way of returning the harassment I heaped upon it the night before. Or maybe part of me is just happy to still be alive, and eager to take advantage of that while it still can. Whatever part that may be, it’s not the one that matters, though. The world is moving a little bit even though I’m standing still, and that’s not cool.

The wine has stained my lips. It makes them look wounded or bruised. I examine them for a moment while I try to file through blotchy memories. Embarrassment is always probable when you get that wasted, but I don’t think I did anything too stupid…

Oh. Except.

I kissed Jasmine Knox. Jesus Christ, I fucking kissed her.

I drop to my knees before the toilet and throw up. It has nothing to do with the revelation, or with my feelings about it…it’s just a well-timed reminder of my rolling hangover. It’s a good one, too, not stopping until I’m well into dry heave status. Afterward, I blow my nose and move to the kitchen. Water and crackers is a good, safe starting point. I find that, once the first barf is out of the way, I tend to recuperate quickly. Maybe, if I’m real lucky, I’ll even be capable of driving into work today.

Work. Shit.

It’s 5:15, so I have hours left before I have to go in. Those are hours I could use to come up with a plan for today’s session. I decide to put last night out of mind and focus on the task at hand. After all, it’s not that big a deal, right? We kissed, we laughed it off, and she…

…told me that it had been a mistake to leave me. Yikes.

Granted, we were both trashed and stupid, but she seemed to genuinely regret the memory of it. And I think that was a revelation to her as much as to me…not last night, but recently. Born of her need to reevaluate her choices, and probably worked out with a counselor’s help, her new understanding of how she managed to become an adulteress was teaching us both a few things. What I heard last night was a grown woman lamenting a young girl’s choices. And it sounded so simple. She left me, and it was a mistake. The worst moment of my life: a mistake.

Some people would panic in this situation. Not me. I don’t think I need to read too much into that kiss. It was an impulsive action, taken by a woman who is feeling confused and scared and lonely. It didn’t really have any passion or lust behind it, and it didn’t have any sort of follow-up. The fact that we were both able to laugh it off immediately afterward makes it seem unimportant. And, to be honest, I just don’t want her. Even if she didn’t sleep with AJ that summer…it was still cheating. And then she burned him, too. So in my mind her track record is not particularly endearing or appealing.

But, you know, the memory of that kiss has my hormones raging.

Water and crackers go down okay, and I even risk a bit of instant macaroni and cheese before showering and heading to the car. A few hours of ruminating on Teddy’s new songs hasn’t taught me anything, so I grab my IPod on the way out. Listening to other people’s music for a while might make it easier to take a fresh start. I hope so.

Jasmine is still passed out when I quietly slip out the door. I seem to remember that she doesn’t work today. I hope she recovers as easily as she used to.

I get in about fifteen minutes before launch, which is way early when you are dealing with musicians who are apt to be as much as a half hour late. Brian is already there and warming up the tubes, hunched over the console checking the signal chain. He nods at me as I come in.

‘Ready for another big day?’ he asks, that silly half-smile played out on his face.

I groan and fall into the chair at the control desk. ‘God, I hope so. Another one like yesterday and I’m gonna start to get scared.’

He glances over at me. ‘You didn’t think it went very well?’ He’s being very diplomatic, here, and I appreciate that. We both know that yesterday fucking sucked.

‘We got nothing done. I have seven more days here, and then two days in a tracking room, and that’s it. Another disaster like yesterday and I might as well go home.’

He makes a point of turning back and acting busy at the console. ‘Do you have any kind of a game plan? In case it does go bad?’

I lean back and look up at the ceiling. ‘No,’ I admit. ‘I haven’t even really thought about it. I was hoping that if I put it out of mind for the night and then came back fresh today, I could bypass the blockage.’

He doesn’t respond. Okay, whatever. After a while, he turns back to me and asks, ‘Are we going to use the same setup today? I didn’t prep the iso booths, but I still have time.’

‘No, that’s fine. We’ll still go full band in the main tracking room. Whatever else we do we are not splitting them up.’

‘Alright,’ he sounds disappointed. Maybe he was hoping that I’d come in today and be a real producer, with real producer ideas, instead of this maverick jackass who doesn’t get a single song recorded. But I’m still me, and I’m still hoping to make the record I want to make, even if that puts me in greater danger for failure. ‘What did you think of the songs?’

I mull over my answer, trying to remember just what I felt about the stuff they played yesterday, but before I can formulate a response the door opens and the band comes filing into the room. They look as rough as I do. Great. A hungover band playing incomplete songs for a hungover producer…great use of the finest recording room I’ve ever seen. But then, maybe it’s good that we all blew off some steam last night.

‘Hey, Jake,’ Teddy smiles that tired-eyed smile. ‘How was your night?’

‘Well, I kissed Jasmine Knox. Then I rolled on the floor with her, slept a while, and puked.’

His smile grows. ‘That’s a good order to do those in, I imagine.’

‘Well, there is that. How was yours?’

Mickey English grunts. ‘We survived it.’

Teddy nods. ‘And we’ll survive it again the next time.’ He glances at Brooke Meadows, who is laying on the couch at the back of the room with his arm draped over his eyes. ‘Probably.’

Brooke moans. ‘Survival,’ he rasps, ‘is the worst of all human qualities.’

Teddy gives him a reproachful look. ‘You don’t mean that.’

‘Just wait,’ he says. ‘It’ll come back to haunt you, too.’

‘Not so long as I stay away from that cheap-ass whiskey you pour down your throat. You remember us all buying shots just so you could line them up and do ’em all?’

‘That never happened.’

‘Oh,’ Mickey rolls his eyes, ‘that most certainly did. That happened.’

‘Fuck you guys.’

Paul Spears gives a big barreling laugh. ‘You would have tried, if you’d had another drink. You’re lucky we managed to get you away from that hippo before she took you away for feeding time.’

‘Fuck you. She was pretty.’

‘Pretty fucking fat.’ They all have a laugh at his expense.

I cough. ‘Well, we probably better get started. Are you guys sure you’re up to playing, in the condition you’re in?’ I glance at Brian, who gives me a skeptical look.

‘Friend,’ Teddy winks at me, ‘hungover is the third best state for us to be in, if you want us to play.’

‘What are the first two?’

‘Drunk and sober.’

‘Jesus Christ,’ I roll my eyes. ‘Just get into the fucking studio and let’s make some music.’

After some discussion, we decide to try working on a song called ‘Hazy Witness.’ It’s the closest in sound to ‘As Long As I’m Here,’ of all the new tracks. I’m hoping that maybe we can use that previous success as a springboard. The
band attempts the same kind of slow build on this one, and although it has a lot of similarities to ‘As Long’ it’s got a very nuanced difference. It’s almost…druggy…in its muted twisting and turning. It starts out with a relatively harmless ‘I want to fly, lucid and watching,’ which leads in to a list of wants that all appear to be about escape or frustration. As the song builds, though, Fields’s gospel throatiness comes through and gives a building, ominous tension.

‘I want to stab at the heart of this, screaming,’ he growls forty seconds in, really tearing into the last word. ‘Look out, now! The inmate’s retrieving freedoms he should have never had.’

Brooke swells up the cymbals, and Mickey’s piano playing becomes almost pounding. ‘I believe I am,’ Teddy cries euphorically, ‘a hazy witness to new worlds. And all possibilities prepare to unfurl.’ The cymbal swirl becomes almost overwhelming, and then suddenly vanishes. Teddy leans back as the band withdraws back into another tension-filled verse. His slide playing conveys almost manic distraction, which suits the song well.

The next verse behaves much the same as the first, and then a third verse/chorus comes and goes. It’s a neat track, relatively gentle but thick with dissatisfaction.

‘Let’s try and put a take down,’ I tell the band via talkback once they’re done. ‘Only this time, do you think you can speed it up just a tiny bit?’

‘Kinda like the tempo where it is,’ Fields responds. ‘But we can try it.’

‘Okay. And Brooke, do you think you can give me a little more dynamite in the chorus? Not a backbeat, so much, but just…put the drums in there. Do some fills.’

‘What about the cymbals? I can’t fill and ride them at the same time.’

‘Uh…I don’t know. I liked the way those created an almost white-noise element and filled up the chorus section, but I guess it’s too much to ask for both. Try the one, and we’ll go back to doing it your way if we don’t like the results.’ I flip the talkback off and turn to Brian. ‘Can you give me a really punchy sound to those drums? Compress ’em down with a slow attack and get all the mud out of ’em?’

‘Sure thing,’ he seems relieved to actually be getting asked to do something. ‘I’ll make ’em punchy as a boxer, if that’s what you want.’

‘Try it. Let’s see what happens.’ I feel good. I’m really just working a variation of what helped me make ‘As Long As I’m Here’ successful, but at least I’m doing something.

The second take sounds a little better than the first, but the tempo change was a mistake. Not only has it evaporated all the tension from the song, but it’s made it nearly impossible for Brooke to keep up with his fills. He’s not a rock drummer, and he can’t pretend to be. On the third and fourth takes, we slow it back down and the band jams on the ending so we can have a fade out. That helps a lot, but it’s still not quite sounding right. Finally, we decide to go back to using the cymbal effect on the first chorus. We’ll pulverize the last one with the Keith Moon fills, and use the middle chorus as a teaser for that. It comes out mostly cymbal with a little teaser fill towards the end, as if the song were struggling not to burst wide open. It’s a great effect.

And that’s that. It takes a while to get it just right, but by take seven we have a keeper. It’s not on a level with ‘As Long As I’m Here,’ but it’s a good sounding track. Too good to be a b-side, or left on the floor, but it probably won’t be your favorite song on the record either. After all the negotiating ended, I only got the right to full-point status on one song…this one won’t be it.

After a break and some glad-handing, we overdub a shaker onto the second verse, mixed low, to accentuate the growing tension. Then we attempt a retake on Fields’s vocals, but he can’t match the life performance when he’s standing by himself with headphones on, so we scratch it. Finally, after take fifteen minutes in the basement game room before going to work on a song called ‘Open it Up.’ It’s hilarious…it sounds like Howlin’ Wolf covering The Beatles, except that the lyrics are some of the more amusing ‘you broke my heart so fuck you’ lines I’ve heard in a while.

‘You say I never bring you,’ Fields yelps, sarcastic amusement dripping off his tongue, ‘Anything that I made you. You say it like there’s something wrong. So now I’ve brought this for you, Wrapped up and bowed it for you, Just like you hoped for all along.’

The song bursts into playful, pretty, McCartney melodies as he gravel-voices the chorus. ‘Open it up, now, baby, ’cause I’m tired of you. I’m tired of you. I’m tired of you.’

He repeats the chorus, every ‘tired’ and ‘you’ drawn out for emphasis. It’s a fun song…I thought so when they played it yesterday, too…but the earnest bluesy style of the band and Teddy’s own slide playing are poor fits for a high energy song that sounds like it could be a cover off of Hard Day’s Night. I need to find some way to bring out the playfulness and the meanness, but it’s so far outside the band’s sound that I just can’t get there. We try a few ideas…tempo and key changes, different approaches to the playing…but get nowhere. By the time we’re shaking hands at the end of the session I still have no ideas on how to fix it and the band is growing moody. So for two day’s worth of work, I’ve managed to get just one finished track. I try to convince myself that I’m happy to have at least that much, but I’m getting pretty nervous. I’d be stupid not to. Six days left, with only two songs that can be applied to the album. Bare minimum, I need to finish two songs a day from here on out in order to get the job done…and I don’t know if I can do that.

Heading down the hallway, I’m halfway to the front door when Bennie Rich comes shuffling out of his office. Seeing him gives me an idea. This is a man who’s been in this business for decades. Even if he wasn’t always involved directly, he was a music fan who was constantly aware of all of the ins and outs of the different sessions taking place. For a brief moment, as he turns and starts walking in my direction, I even see a little bit of August Cooper in him. Maybe he has some advice to offer.

His head is down and he’s picking at his lip with his thumb and forefinger…it’s something he does when he’s deep in thought…so he doesn’t notice me until I’m almost right in front of him.

‘Hey, uh, Bennie,’ I say, ‘I was wondering if you had a moment.’

He looks up at me without raising his head. ‘How did the Teddy Fields session go today?’ he asks. The real message: talk business or don’t talk to me at all.

‘That’s kind of what I wanted to discuss with you.’

He grunts. ‘Another rough one?’

‘Yeah. Yeah, I guess it was.’

He shakes his head. ‘You don’t need my help with that problem, Jake, and I wouldn’t give it to you anyway. Don’t you remember what I said?’

I look away. ‘Yeah, I’ve been thinking about it a lot. That’s what made me hope that…maybe you could help. Maybe you would have an idea that I wouldn’t have.’

He shakes his head. ‘No, Jake. You misunderstand the question. I’m a terrible person to ask for help when it comes to recording. I flushed out of the recording game, remember? And I did so many years before you were even born. You don’t need my help. You don’t. I couldn’t do what you do. So find someone who can.’ With that, he waves his hand dismissively and goes back to waddling down the hall. ‘Until tomorrow, Jake.’ I wave to his back and sigh.

Find someone who can? Like what? Another producer? I try to think about who is recording in the building besides myself right now. There’s a country duo I’m only lightly familiar with in Studio B, but I don’t really know the producer and they generally get in after we do and leave before us. There’s a crooner who wants to be Michael Buble down the hall, but those jazz albums aren’t recorded the same way ours are. They don’t always have a producer…there’s so much to be
cut and so many instruments involved that the work is often spread throughout several studios and managed by a ‘Production Coordinator.’ From what I’ve seen, it’s more like managing a film project than music. Other than that, the only other project I know about right now is a Christian singer-songwriter with a country bent in Studio D being produced by Walter Russell.

Surely Bennie didn’t mean for me to go ask Walter. Did he? I can still see the blotches on his face the last time we were in the same room together. Ask Walter Russell to help me record? Shit, I might as well go ask Eric Greenwood to lend me a few bucks so I can buy condoms. I certainly can’t imagine that my getting Studio A and a producer’s credit is going to have tempered his feelings for me. Besides, wasn’t Walter’s work exactly what prevented Teddy’s records from being great before? Wasn’t he a part of the damn problem?

Well, at least he MADE a damn record.

When I get out to my car, I start it up and just sit there for a while. I’m facing the studio’s front door, and I just stare at it thoughtlessly. A few people come wandering out while I sit there, mostly engineers. Some bearded guy with an acoustic guitar comes hopping down the front steps, and I’m wondering if it’s Ray LaMontagne. It could be…I’ve heard he was in town. I was in Allaire Studios in New York briefly while we was recording there four years back, and ended up going out to the bar with him, Ethan Johns, and a few other guys. Both nice guys, and they seemed to have a very clear idea of what they were working on. Ethan had all kinds of stories about working with Ryan Adams. I sigh. Guys like that always made it look so easy.

I wonder, what would Bennie say about that?

What would August? I take out my cell phone and dial.

‘Hello?’ a warm, elderly female voice answers.

‘August Cooper, please.’

The voice immediately grows even warmer. ‘Well, now, you must be Jake.’ She sounds like the way I imagine Santa Clause’s wife sounding.

‘I am.’ I try not to make it sound like a question.

‘Well, honey, I can tell you that you’re grandfather will be so glad to hear from you. He is just as proud as can be of you. He’s been telling anyone and everyone all about his grandson. You know I’ve had to chase him away from the desk three times, just so I can get some work done?’

I blush, alone in my car. ‘I didn’t know that.’

‘Oh, yeah. He’s always been proud of you, but lately we can’t seem to get him to talk about much else.’

‘How has he been?’

She breathes into the phone, sounding less jovial. ‘He’s been sick. That’s not uncommon, ’round here you know, but…he’d probably like a visit. If you can get one in. He’s been missing you.’

Weary sadness pulls me down in my chair. ‘Is it that bad?’

There’s a pause. ‘Why don’t I let him know you’re on the line, hon. Okay?’


It clicks over to music. They’re playing Frank. Well, okay. Who could complain about that? I get through a song and a half before it clicks back on.

‘Jake?’ August’s voice comes out a little raspy.

‘Hi, Grandpa. How are you holding up?’

He coughs. ‘Oh, I get by. How about you? Still taking on all comers?’

‘In more ways than you know. It’s been a while since I called, hasn’t it?’

‘Four weeks, I think. That’s alright, though…I know you get busy. Truth is, if you started calling me more often than that I’d start to worry. It’s a young man’s job to be setting out on his own, staking a claim. And it’s part of getting old to be extremely proud and grateful when your children are too busy to call.’ He chuckles. ‘Grandchildren. Sorry.’

I smile to myself. He does that a lot…accidentally refers to me as his son. It’s not a senility thing, just a measure of how close we are. And probably, of how hard it was for him to outlive his child. ‘Yeah, well, things haven’t really been so great lately. I was wondering…I guess I’d like to talk to you about some things. I’m kind of worried that I’m making some mistakes, personally and professionally, and you know your opinions are important to me.’

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Frank sat in a chair a few feet away from Grace just watching and waiting to see if she needed any assistance. So far she was enjoying the challenge she had given herself, and Frank was not needed. She started in a sitting position on the bed, eyes closed and completely naked. She did not mind that Frank was watching. And actually, since it was Frank, the exhibitionist in her liked his watching. She purred softly as she rubbed her clit with fingers from her right hand and occasionally played...

1 year ago
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The GauntletChapter 12

Court of Count Pierre d’Alencon Argentan, France March 1385 Jean de Carrouges knelt in front of the dais within the formal hall at the court of Argentan. His liege Pierre, the Count of both Perche and Argentan, looked him over disapprovingly. To his right sat Jacques le Gris. “So, you wish to be released from your oath to me so that you can go on this fool’s quest to Scotland seeking riches at the bequest of my cousin, the King?’ “Yes, that is correct, my Lord Count. I cannot join them...

4 years ago
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In Her GenesChapter 4 Site Visit

Judy Olsen exited the yellow cab and looked at the huge mansion with trepidation. Her own house, the one that she and Donald had built, would easily fit inside the four-door garage to the left. She was way over her head here. With determination, she straightened and walked toward the iron gate. There was a bell button with the name "Hartwell" beside it, and another one labeled "MR". She pushed the second button and looked straight into the security cam. Seconds later, a voice sounded...

4 years ago
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Rebel SpyChapter 24 Hard at Work

Obviously the girls did not know I could hear them. They were on the other side of the basement stairs, making an inventory of the winter larder. One musical voice said, "Whatever you do, don't let him in your bed in the morning. The night is bad enough." "I don't understand," said the other girl, "I see five of those." "Um," said the first. "Look on the next shelf. His thing, which is outrageously big anyhow, is enormous early in the day, just enormous, like a rutting...

1 year ago
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ModellingAt what cost

I saw the ad in the window of just what i was looking for. It read GLAMOUR SHOTS MODELLING $100 per session. So i rang the number and a nice sounding guy anwsered, we talked about what sort of photos would be taken and when i would get my money. At the end of the conversation we agreed i would meet him at the studio 1pm Friday. At this stage i should tell you about myself im Candice i'm 18 and 5'8" with nice long legs that lead into what i would say is a cute arse. My breasts are on the large...

2 years ago
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Desert DreamChapter 3

John Ritter made it up to the top of a tall hill before the hottest part of the day, in spite of not having eaten for over three days. The sun was above, so he was able to look about in all directions, and he scanned intently with eyes trained to discern small vessels on a wave topped horizon. He was alert for motion, for human silhouettes, for color or glints. rather than focusing on any one spot, he gazed vaguely, scanning back and forth, gradually drawing his attention from the farthest he...

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Mom Swap

MomSwap! Hot off the presses, I’m bringing you yet another fantastic Team Skeet website, this time centered on mom swapping. That’s right. Team Skeet managed to upstage themselves yet again with this relatively new website that aims to bring you an endless supply of top-notch quality videos that feature mature MILFs and young bucks who are pretending to be their sons. It’s the season to be jolly and all that. Moms and sons are in fashion right now. I don’t know why, and I don’t want to ask. I...

Premium Incest Porn Sites
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Seducing My Young Gurgaon Sister Riya

Hi all, my name is Siddharth and I am from New Delhi living with my family which consists of me, my sister and mom. My mom is a housewife and my sister is working with me in the same company in Gurgaon. Her name is Riya and she is 23 currently. I would like to share some of my experiences here. So I and my sister Riya work for the same company and she is reporting to me along with 14 other team members. We commute to the office by car mostly. I never thought I would be writing this about my...

1 year ago
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Sharing with guy 5 after James true

After 10 years of James banging my then wife we decided to end it as he got divorced and was obviously playing the field. He constantly wanted pussy and who knows who else he was fucking with, visiting swing clubs etc. So we ended the relationship and after no wife sharing for quite sometime I was really wanting to feed my fetish of see Monica used and fucked again, she was OK with just me but I was really wanting some hot times watching my hot wife in action.I again answered an advert in a...

1 year ago
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Amandas Continuing EducationChapter 4

Nathan decided that he would rather go out to eat and he suggested that I take Terrill to my room and take a shower with him. While I was doing that he was going to find me something to wear and we would go get a hamburger somewhere. I led Terrill down the hall to my bedroom with Nathan following close behind. I went into the bathroom and turned the water on in the shower. I sat on the toilet and let a large amount of fresh cum drain out of me. Then I peed and wiped myself. By then the...

1 year ago
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Lady in Red Ch 16

School was scheduled to reopen Wednesday morning, one week after the attack. Steve had managed to cut off his bandages by himself that morning and limped to the shower to prepare for the day. He was doing his best to soap up his upper body when he felt hands stroking his back! He swung around in surprise to find a naked Gwen standing behind him. Trying to remain cool, he slowly ran his gaze over Gwen’s body. His eyes lingered on the Y created where her long legs came together. Then he moved on...

4 years ago
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The Long Hot Summer Part 2

We snuggle close while you catch your breath. Your hand cradles my cock loosely, the fingers of the other hand stroking gently up the underside. Your pussy is drenched with your wetness and my mouth, and the look on your face is hard to describe… one part satisfaction, one part dreamy and one part wicked grin."That was amazing," you say finally. "I don't know who taught you, but I want to shake her hand - and maybe eat her pussy, too." I give you a strained smile. My cock feels like it could...

First Time
2 years ago
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Changes Ch 01

CHAPTER 1 Our entire family had been abducted as we shopped in a little market in Mexico. We had been drugged and kidnapped. We found ourselves all together in a small room, with our hands tied behind our backs and our ankles tied together. We were each gagged, but other than that, nothing else seemed to have been done to us. My husband, Keith was obviously worried. There was little I could do, but I tried to scoot over so I could at least touch our oldest daughter April. She was 21. Next to...

1 year ago
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The Dirty Old Resident

Meranda thinks as she enters the huge building. 35 floors, the biggest building Meranda has ever worked in. She walks down a long hallway to the clock in machine and swipes her badge. It beeps and she decides to go to the restroom to see how she looks in her new uniform, the 21 year old redhead makes a crooked grin as she looks at the dorky light blue button down and baggy dark blue work pants. No one would ever guess that the young redhead had a nive curvy body underneath. She shakes her...

3 years ago
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How I Met My Daddy

The heat is scorching hot, almost unbearable. I can feel tiny beads of sweat rolling down my back, sliding down my spine. My naked body is dripping with perspiration. It tickles in some areas, making me writhe a little. My wrists are bound above me. So, I can’t even wipe the sweat from my brow. It’s growing closer to dripping right into my eyes. How did I get myself in this situation? Am I really ready for this kind of thing? It doesn’t matter now, it’s too late to back out. I had my chance....

3 years ago
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Wood in the woods

We were playing cards on my bedroom floor one afternoon. We'd just learned how to play Poker. We were alone in the house and someone suggested we actually play Strip Poker. It sounded like a laugh. So we were doing that and all got down to our underwear and then I lost again and had to be the first one to get completely naked. It was very embarrassing and I tucked my cock between my thighs so none of the others could see it. I sat back down on the floor and felt very strange being...

4 years ago
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My aunt8217s panties and bra

I am virtual man ( name changed ) and age 24 living in Hyderabad. I work in software firm. As you now this time period has hit with a dangerous virus ‘The CORONA’which had changed my fate. Since I being a software employee we had wfh option which.was compulsory for 23 of march as you know. Luckily I was out of Hyderabad and reached my native. Here the true story begins of my life. After many days I have been to my native where my grandparents along with my uncle and my aunt lives. Her comes the...

4 years ago
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InitiationChapter 7

Clint's ceremony was a nice one. The minister said a few words; the team was in dress blues and saluted as his mother set the flowers on his casket. Ell-tee stepped up and gave her a folded flag and told her that on behalf of a grateful nation and the years of service her son had given, it was an honor to give her this symbol of his service. He stepped back came to attention and snapped off a crisp salute. She returned to her seat, located between Karen and Tiffany. I was in a nice suit and...

3 years ago
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Fucked Neighbor Aunty In Bathroom

Hi I am Chetan, 21 years old and average built with good height and size. Let me tell you about my neighbor who is about 40 years old with amazing height and an ass to die for, so we stay in an apartment in Delhi and she lives on first floor and we live on second floor of the same building. We’ve been living there for 8 years and are very close to each other. From the very beginning she used to call me to her home for any little technical problem she faced be it with laptop or mobile or...

2 years ago
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ShipwreckedChapter 8 H MS Elizabeth Ships Crew

Zack quickly stepped back into the passageway and leaned against the wall, his heart pounding in his chest. Seeing Merick so unexpectedly tied to the chair had been more of a shock to Zack than he would have imagined. The man he had just seen had bruises over his body; his hair was long, filthy and tangled and his face was covered with a scraggly beard. When Zack first saw Merick he hardly recognized him. It was obvious the man had been treated badly; but try as hard as he could, Beecher felt...

3 years ago
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The Perils of Abstinence

"Begorra, I am here to do your bidding," the genie said. He was not big or blue, but a small man in a red coat and short red pants who appeared when Patrick O'Donovan started polishing a brass lamp that his wife Maeve had brought home from the thrift shop this very afternoon. Maeve was always buying junk like this; she fancied herself an artistic person, and she was always decorating their house in some new style or pattern. It drove Patrick crazy, because he never knew if his living room...

3 years ago
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Favors Small and GreatChapter 7

“So, would you object to me taking both of my breaks before lunch, dear Margret?” I asked my boss, who winked at me through her bifocals as she looked up from her paperwork. “Double booked yourself, didn’t you? That’s okay. You’re a popular guy. Who is the lucky slut?” Margret teased me now, even as she walked over to give me a steamy French kiss that left no question of her desires. Before I knew it, Margret was bent over her desk and I was inside her, just minutes after clocking in for...

3 years ago
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Lost Weekend

I had been waiting eagerly for this. With the holiday on Monday, my girlfriend and I had both managed to get extra time off from our jobs, allowing us to spend a rare four-day weekend together. I had been fantasising about something in particular for a long time, something devious...I adore Chloé. She’s clever, hilarious, beautiful, and highly sexual. Behind her innocent face, I had been amazed to discover a very kinky girl indeed. Her sex drive outpaces mine most of the time, and it’s hard to...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Silvia Saige Ivy Lebelle Mia Masseuse

Silvia Saige is annoyed as she waits in the lobby of a massage parlor. When a second client, Ivy Lebelle, enters, Silvia informs her that the masseuse seems to be running late. They’re both confused and a bit annoyed, though Ivy doesn’t seem to be too bothered and Silvia is too polite to complain. However, Ivy’s a regular there and knows the place well, so she suggests that they at least wait outside. When it’s nice out, it’s not uncommon to get massaged in the...

2 years ago
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Holiday in Bangkok jan 19

Holiday in Bangkok January ‘19Already a few days i am alone here and getting horny. The last days I went out to gay bars in Silom and Suriwong but nothing then money boys. I don’t like them, they are not gay 100% just in the game for the money. A German guy I met last night told me look on Camfrog sometimes you can find someone. I went back to my hotel and logged in. Many young guys I saw, they don’t know what really they looking for, except $. But suddenly a Thai guy started to chat with me,...

3 years ago
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Naughty Girl In Metro

This is a story of me in metro…How I got so horny in public and got fucked rough and hard. I am priyashi Dutta from Kolkata.I am 23 years old fair in complexion slim but have curves girl with brown eyes and long black hair big tits round ass 5″4 in height and smooth legs. In this story, I was 18 years old.I was returning back from one of my friend’s place at evening by metro and the metro was packed with people.I was standing squished between few uncles.It was summer so I was wearing a crop top...

4 years ago
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VeronicaChapter 11

Veronica had just taken shelter from a sudden downpour, but had been told by one of her elderly benefactor's watching minions to get back into the rain and not be a baby and a wimp. (Not quite in such a blunt manner, perhaps, but the implication had been obvious.) "I'll be the one with arthritis at this rate, never mind that old bastard" she muttered as the rain beat into her face, making her half close her eyes and lower her head, to protect them from the stinging drops. Dimly she...

3 years ago
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Sharing my girlfriend and her mom pt5

"Are you okay?" Amy asked. We lay in my bed together, a tangle of limbs and sheets. She had covertly spent the night, coming over via the oak tree between our houses. I was thankful my parents were detached and aloof. They didn't even bother coming to my side of the house anymore. While a locked door bought us some time if needed, I was glad I didn't need to rely on it."I'm fine," I said."Are you sure? After all, last night was pretty intense. Not just physically.""No, I'm okay, I promise. I...

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Righting Wrongs

Special thanks to Digger for suggesting some of this series Prologue Kenneth Eaton was the youngest child of six, growing up on large farm in central California. His older brothers were all, "Masculine manly men" as they loved to say. Kenneth, however, wasn't. He was smaller, skinnier, and weaker. They favored their father, Kenneth favored his mother. Genetics weren't on his side. She was shorter, skinnier, and had barely any musculature. She was frequently called a, "Waif",...

3 years ago
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Fucking cousin while parents in the house

Hey friends, Ankit here, after the overwhelming response I got from my last story, I decided I will share a more recent story that happened last year, to recap, I am a 19 years old guy with a very good body and not such a tall body. Last year after my semesters in December got over one of my cousins, my favourite cousin, her name is Ruchi(name changed), she came over to stay with us and she often does come over to stay with us and have a good time away from college. She is a very beautiful fair...

4 years ago
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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 22

Mr. Bill Murchison offered to have his driver take us to the bank, then he looked at me and smiled when I asked if I could just drive his limousine there and back, since we had a couple more stops to make. “I hope you brought plenty of condoms. This is the first chance I’ve had to be alone with you, since we were dressing for the senior party.” “I brought six. If that’s not enough, tell me now, and I’ll stop at a service station and get more.” The man at the bank asked if there was a way...

1 year ago
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Truth Or Dare

It was the end of June, and Sean was already finishing up his first month of summer vacation. His cousin from California, Chris, was just getting out of school and was going to see Sean in Florida. They hardly ever communicated via phone, email, or whatever, but once one cousin visited the other, it was like they were the best of friends all along. The cousins were almost exactly the same age--they were born only 3 weeks apart and were both now 17.Physically, they both looked about the same....

2 years ago
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Corporate Incentives

Corporate Incentives By Gingerfred Man NOTE: Some of this was drawn almost verbatim from a story I posted under another nom de smut for a different genre. So, since one can't plagiarize oneself, please don't accuse me of plagiarism. Most of it is new. Chapter One -- Movin' on up Nathan Harden trembled with excitement. The 34-year-old mid-level executive of Amalgamated Global Widgets had just gotten "The Call." The Call was when an executive of the 20,000-employee,...

1 year ago
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Cindy was sitting in the derelict building bunking school when the new boy at school entered, he looked at Cindy said ” your the No holds Barred champ aren’t you” Cindy nodded then said ” nobody has ever beat me at NHB wrestling and nobody ever will” the boy said ” I will take you on and beat you” Cindy laughed asked the boy his name and age and was told by the boy his name was Robert and he was 13 years old, Cindy asked Robert if he knew what was involved, Robert nodded said ” anything goes...

2 years ago
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My bro and his hoe

One day I'm at the corner store hanging out living my best life. My big bro and another home boy pull up to the store with these 2 chicks I've never seen before. One name was Kesh and the others name is Shay. Shay is a tall 5'10 slim cute brown skin chick with a cute face and perky tits and Kesh is about 5'5 with a small frame but thick thighs no booty but a beautiful smile. I'm like bro who this. He says they 2 smart girls from the neighborhood high school. He says Kesh is the...

3 years ago
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Pados Ki Bhabhi K Saath Maje Kiye

Yeh mera pehla and sachi kahani he, me yeh site ka kai story padhne ke baad, mujhe bhi story likhne ka maan kiya. So mene aap logon ko mera ek sachi kahani batene jaraha hun, agar koi mistake hua he so please mujhe maaf kar dena.Pehle me aaplogon ko mere bare me bata dena chahahun. Mera naam rahul he, aur me ranchi ka rehnewala hun, hamari pados me ek bhabi rehti he. Uski name Shreya he aur wo 28 ki he, dikhne me kafi gori, chikni aur patli he. Usiki wajese wo kafi sexy lagti he. kher chhodo ab...

3 years ago
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Not My Night

The closest dumpster to my dorm is about 2 minutes walking distance, and is near one of the student parking lots. As I threw away my garbage I could hear a girl who was obviously drunk yelling into her phone. “You stupid FUCK… You left me in the wrong parking lot. My dorm is across campus and S.E.P.S has stopped running.” I’m not sure what the acronym S.E.P.S stands for but it is a shuttle system on campus that will pick you up from anywhere on campus and drive you anywhere else on campus. She...

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