Hallelujah Ch. 08 free porn video

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Morning intrudes once more, this time via the sunlight streaming through my curtains. That seems to be enough. Laying around is just weak-willed defiance, now, I’m awake.

I groan my way to the bathroom. I piss in the toilet like a big boy, now, because I have a roomie. It’s early. Has to be. But then, I often wake with the sun after a night of hard drinking. Maybe it’s my body’s way of returning the harassment I heaped upon it the night before. Or maybe part of me is just happy to still be alive, and eager to take advantage of that while it still can. Whatever part that may be, it’s not the one that matters, though. The world is moving a little bit even though I’m standing still, and that’s not cool.

The wine has stained my lips. It makes them look wounded or bruised. I examine them for a moment while I try to file through blotchy memories. Embarrassment is always probable when you get that wasted, but I don’t think I did anything too stupid…

Oh. Except.

I kissed Jasmine Knox. Jesus Christ, I fucking kissed her.

I drop to my knees before the toilet and throw up. It has nothing to do with the revelation, or with my feelings about it…it’s just a well-timed reminder of my rolling hangover. It’s a good one, too, not stopping until I’m well into dry heave status. Afterward, I blow my nose and move to the kitchen. Water and crackers is a good, safe starting point. I find that, once the first barf is out of the way, I tend to recuperate quickly. Maybe, if I’m real lucky, I’ll even be capable of driving into work today.

Work. Shit.

It’s 5:15, so I have hours left before I have to go in. Those are hours I could use to come up with a plan for today’s session. I decide to put last night out of mind and focus on the task at hand. After all, it’s not that big a deal, right? We kissed, we laughed it off, and she…

…told me that it had been a mistake to leave me. Yikes.

Granted, we were both trashed and stupid, but she seemed to genuinely regret the memory of it. And I think that was a revelation to her as much as to me…not last night, but recently. Born of her need to reevaluate her choices, and probably worked out with a counselor’s help, her new understanding of how she managed to become an adulteress was teaching us both a few things. What I heard last night was a grown woman lamenting a young girl’s choices. And it sounded so simple. She left me, and it was a mistake. The worst moment of my life: a mistake.

Some people would panic in this situation. Not me. I don’t think I need to read too much into that kiss. It was an impulsive action, taken by a woman who is feeling confused and scared and lonely. It didn’t really have any passion or lust behind it, and it didn’t have any sort of follow-up. The fact that we were both able to laugh it off immediately afterward makes it seem unimportant. And, to be honest, I just don’t want her. Even if she didn’t sleep with AJ that summer…it was still cheating. And then she burned him, too. So in my mind her track record is not particularly endearing or appealing.

But, you know, the memory of that kiss has my hormones raging.

Water and crackers go down okay, and I even risk a bit of instant macaroni and cheese before showering and heading to the car. A few hours of ruminating on Teddy’s new songs hasn’t taught me anything, so I grab my IPod on the way out. Listening to other people’s music for a while might make it easier to take a fresh start. I hope so.

Jasmine is still passed out when I quietly slip out the door. I seem to remember that she doesn’t work today. I hope she recovers as easily as she used to.

I get in about fifteen minutes before launch, which is way early when you are dealing with musicians who are apt to be as much as a half hour late. Brian is already there and warming up the tubes, hunched over the console checking the signal chain. He nods at me as I come in.

‘Ready for another big day?’ he asks, that silly half-smile played out on his face.

I groan and fall into the chair at the control desk. ‘God, I hope so. Another one like yesterday and I’m gonna start to get scared.’

He glances over at me. ‘You didn’t think it went very well?’ He’s being very diplomatic, here, and I appreciate that. We both know that yesterday fucking sucked.

‘We got nothing done. I have seven more days here, and then two days in a tracking room, and that’s it. Another disaster like yesterday and I might as well go home.’

He makes a point of turning back and acting busy at the console. ‘Do you have any kind of a game plan? In case it does go bad?’

I lean back and look up at the ceiling. ‘No,’ I admit. ‘I haven’t even really thought about it. I was hoping that if I put it out of mind for the night and then came back fresh today, I could bypass the blockage.’

He doesn’t respond. Okay, whatever. After a while, he turns back to me and asks, ‘Are we going to use the same setup today? I didn’t prep the iso booths, but I still have time.’

‘No, that’s fine. We’ll still go full band in the main tracking room. Whatever else we do we are not splitting them up.’

‘Alright,’ he sounds disappointed. Maybe he was hoping that I’d come in today and be a real producer, with real producer ideas, instead of this maverick jackass who doesn’t get a single song recorded. But I’m still me, and I’m still hoping to make the record I want to make, even if that puts me in greater danger for failure. ‘What did you think of the songs?’

I mull over my answer, trying to remember just what I felt about the stuff they played yesterday, but before I can formulate a response the door opens and the band comes filing into the room. They look as rough as I do. Great. A hungover band playing incomplete songs for a hungover producer…great use of the finest recording room I’ve ever seen. But then, maybe it’s good that we all blew off some steam last night.

‘Hey, Jake,’ Teddy smiles that tired-eyed smile. ‘How was your night?’

‘Well, I kissed Jasmine Knox. Then I rolled on the floor with her, slept a while, and puked.’

His smile grows. ‘That’s a good order to do those in, I imagine.’

‘Well, there is that. How was yours?’

Mickey English grunts. ‘We survived it.’

Teddy nods. ‘And we’ll survive it again the next time.’ He glances at Brooke Meadows, who is laying on the couch at the back of the room with his arm draped over his eyes. ‘Probably.’

Brooke moans. ‘Survival,’ he rasps, ‘is the worst of all human qualities.’

Teddy gives him a reproachful look. ‘You don’t mean that.’

‘Just wait,’ he says. ‘It’ll come back to haunt you, too.’

‘Not so long as I stay away from that cheap-ass whiskey you pour down your throat. You remember us all buying shots just so you could line them up and do ’em all?’

‘That never happened.’

‘Oh,’ Mickey rolls his eyes, ‘that most certainly did. That happened.’

‘Fuck you guys.’

Paul Spears gives a big barreling laugh. ‘You would have tried, if you’d had another drink. You’re lucky we managed to get you away from that hippo before she took you away for feeding time.’

‘Fuck you. She was pretty.’

‘Pretty fucking fat.’ They all have a laugh at his expense.

I cough. ‘Well, we probably better get started. Are you guys sure you’re up to playing, in the condition you’re in?’ I glance at Brian, who gives me a skeptical look.

‘Friend,’ Teddy winks at me, ‘hungover is the third best state for us to be in, if you want us to play.’

‘What are the first two?’

‘Drunk and sober.’

‘Jesus Christ,’ I roll my eyes. ‘Just get into the fucking studio and let’s make some music.’

After some discussion, we decide to try working on a song called ‘Hazy Witness.’ It’s the closest in sound to ‘As Long As I’m Here,’ of all the new tracks. I’m hoping that maybe we can use that previous success as a springboard. The
band attempts the same kind of slow build on this one, and although it has a lot of similarities to ‘As Long’ it’s got a very nuanced difference. It’s almost…druggy…in its muted twisting and turning. It starts out with a relatively harmless ‘I want to fly, lucid and watching,’ which leads in to a list of wants that all appear to be about escape or frustration. As the song builds, though, Fields’s gospel throatiness comes through and gives a building, ominous tension.

‘I want to stab at the heart of this, screaming,’ he growls forty seconds in, really tearing into the last word. ‘Look out, now! The inmate’s retrieving freedoms he should have never had.’

Brooke swells up the cymbals, and Mickey’s piano playing becomes almost pounding. ‘I believe I am,’ Teddy cries euphorically, ‘a hazy witness to new worlds. And all possibilities prepare to unfurl.’ The cymbal swirl becomes almost overwhelming, and then suddenly vanishes. Teddy leans back as the band withdraws back into another tension-filled verse. His slide playing conveys almost manic distraction, which suits the song well.

The next verse behaves much the same as the first, and then a third verse/chorus comes and goes. It’s a neat track, relatively gentle but thick with dissatisfaction.

‘Let’s try and put a take down,’ I tell the band via talkback once they’re done. ‘Only this time, do you think you can speed it up just a tiny bit?’

‘Kinda like the tempo where it is,’ Fields responds. ‘But we can try it.’

‘Okay. And Brooke, do you think you can give me a little more dynamite in the chorus? Not a backbeat, so much, but just…put the drums in there. Do some fills.’

‘What about the cymbals? I can’t fill and ride them at the same time.’

‘Uh…I don’t know. I liked the way those created an almost white-noise element and filled up the chorus section, but I guess it’s too much to ask for both. Try the one, and we’ll go back to doing it your way if we don’t like the results.’ I flip the talkback off and turn to Brian. ‘Can you give me a really punchy sound to those drums? Compress ’em down with a slow attack and get all the mud out of ’em?’

‘Sure thing,’ he seems relieved to actually be getting asked to do something. ‘I’ll make ’em punchy as a boxer, if that’s what you want.’

‘Try it. Let’s see what happens.’ I feel good. I’m really just working a variation of what helped me make ‘As Long As I’m Here’ successful, but at least I’m doing something.

The second take sounds a little better than the first, but the tempo change was a mistake. Not only has it evaporated all the tension from the song, but it’s made it nearly impossible for Brooke to keep up with his fills. He’s not a rock drummer, and he can’t pretend to be. On the third and fourth takes, we slow it back down and the band jams on the ending so we can have a fade out. That helps a lot, but it’s still not quite sounding right. Finally, we decide to go back to using the cymbal effect on the first chorus. We’ll pulverize the last one with the Keith Moon fills, and use the middle chorus as a teaser for that. It comes out mostly cymbal with a little teaser fill towards the end, as if the song were struggling not to burst wide open. It’s a great effect.

And that’s that. It takes a while to get it just right, but by take seven we have a keeper. It’s not on a level with ‘As Long As I’m Here,’ but it’s a good sounding track. Too good to be a b-side, or left on the floor, but it probably won’t be your favorite song on the record either. After all the negotiating ended, I only got the right to full-point status on one song…this one won’t be it.

After a break and some glad-handing, we overdub a shaker onto the second verse, mixed low, to accentuate the growing tension. Then we attempt a retake on Fields’s vocals, but he can’t match the life performance when he’s standing by himself with headphones on, so we scratch it. Finally, after take fifteen minutes in the basement game room before going to work on a song called ‘Open it Up.’ It’s hilarious…it sounds like Howlin’ Wolf covering The Beatles, except that the lyrics are some of the more amusing ‘you broke my heart so fuck you’ lines I’ve heard in a while.

‘You say I never bring you,’ Fields yelps, sarcastic amusement dripping off his tongue, ‘Anything that I made you. You say it like there’s something wrong. So now I’ve brought this for you, Wrapped up and bowed it for you, Just like you hoped for all along.’

The song bursts into playful, pretty, McCartney melodies as he gravel-voices the chorus. ‘Open it up, now, baby, ’cause I’m tired of you. I’m tired of you. I’m tired of you.’

He repeats the chorus, every ‘tired’ and ‘you’ drawn out for emphasis. It’s a fun song…I thought so when they played it yesterday, too…but the earnest bluesy style of the band and Teddy’s own slide playing are poor fits for a high energy song that sounds like it could be a cover off of Hard Day’s Night. I need to find some way to bring out the playfulness and the meanness, but it’s so far outside the band’s sound that I just can’t get there. We try a few ideas…tempo and key changes, different approaches to the playing…but get nowhere. By the time we’re shaking hands at the end of the session I still have no ideas on how to fix it and the band is growing moody. So for two day’s worth of work, I’ve managed to get just one finished track. I try to convince myself that I’m happy to have at least that much, but I’m getting pretty nervous. I’d be stupid not to. Six days left, with only two songs that can be applied to the album. Bare minimum, I need to finish two songs a day from here on out in order to get the job done…and I don’t know if I can do that.

Heading down the hallway, I’m halfway to the front door when Bennie Rich comes shuffling out of his office. Seeing him gives me an idea. This is a man who’s been in this business for decades. Even if he wasn’t always involved directly, he was a music fan who was constantly aware of all of the ins and outs of the different sessions taking place. For a brief moment, as he turns and starts walking in my direction, I even see a little bit of August Cooper in him. Maybe he has some advice to offer.

His head is down and he’s picking at his lip with his thumb and forefinger…it’s something he does when he’s deep in thought…so he doesn’t notice me until I’m almost right in front of him.

‘Hey, uh, Bennie,’ I say, ‘I was wondering if you had a moment.’

He looks up at me without raising his head. ‘How did the Teddy Fields session go today?’ he asks. The real message: talk business or don’t talk to me at all.

‘That’s kind of what I wanted to discuss with you.’

He grunts. ‘Another rough one?’

‘Yeah. Yeah, I guess it was.’

He shakes his head. ‘You don’t need my help with that problem, Jake, and I wouldn’t give it to you anyway. Don’t you remember what I said?’

I look away. ‘Yeah, I’ve been thinking about it a lot. That’s what made me hope that…maybe you could help. Maybe you would have an idea that I wouldn’t have.’

He shakes his head. ‘No, Jake. You misunderstand the question. I’m a terrible person to ask for help when it comes to recording. I flushed out of the recording game, remember? And I did so many years before you were even born. You don’t need my help. You don’t. I couldn’t do what you do. So find someone who can.’ With that, he waves his hand dismissively and goes back to waddling down the hall. ‘Until tomorrow, Jake.’ I wave to his back and sigh.

Find someone who can? Like what? Another producer? I try to think about who is recording in the building besides myself right now. There’s a country duo I’m only lightly familiar with in Studio B, but I don’t really know the producer and they generally get in after we do and leave before us. There’s a crooner who wants to be Michael Buble down the hall, but those jazz albums aren’t recorded the same way ours are. They don’t always have a producer…there’s so much to be
cut and so many instruments involved that the work is often spread throughout several studios and managed by a ‘Production Coordinator.’ From what I’ve seen, it’s more like managing a film project than music. Other than that, the only other project I know about right now is a Christian singer-songwriter with a country bent in Studio D being produced by Walter Russell.

Surely Bennie didn’t mean for me to go ask Walter. Did he? I can still see the blotches on his face the last time we were in the same room together. Ask Walter Russell to help me record? Shit, I might as well go ask Eric Greenwood to lend me a few bucks so I can buy condoms. I certainly can’t imagine that my getting Studio A and a producer’s credit is going to have tempered his feelings for me. Besides, wasn’t Walter’s work exactly what prevented Teddy’s records from being great before? Wasn’t he a part of the damn problem?

Well, at least he MADE a damn record.

When I get out to my car, I start it up and just sit there for a while. I’m facing the studio’s front door, and I just stare at it thoughtlessly. A few people come wandering out while I sit there, mostly engineers. Some bearded guy with an acoustic guitar comes hopping down the front steps, and I’m wondering if it’s Ray LaMontagne. It could be…I’ve heard he was in town. I was in Allaire Studios in New York briefly while we was recording there four years back, and ended up going out to the bar with him, Ethan Johns, and a few other guys. Both nice guys, and they seemed to have a very clear idea of what they were working on. Ethan had all kinds of stories about working with Ryan Adams. I sigh. Guys like that always made it look so easy.

I wonder, what would Bennie say about that?

What would August? I take out my cell phone and dial.

‘Hello?’ a warm, elderly female voice answers.

‘August Cooper, please.’

The voice immediately grows even warmer. ‘Well, now, you must be Jake.’ She sounds like the way I imagine Santa Clause’s wife sounding.

‘I am.’ I try not to make it sound like a question.

‘Well, honey, I can tell you that you’re grandfather will be so glad to hear from you. He is just as proud as can be of you. He’s been telling anyone and everyone all about his grandson. You know I’ve had to chase him away from the desk three times, just so I can get some work done?’

I blush, alone in my car. ‘I didn’t know that.’

‘Oh, yeah. He’s always been proud of you, but lately we can’t seem to get him to talk about much else.’

‘How has he been?’

She breathes into the phone, sounding less jovial. ‘He’s been sick. That’s not uncommon, ’round here you know, but…he’d probably like a visit. If you can get one in. He’s been missing you.’

Weary sadness pulls me down in my chair. ‘Is it that bad?’

There’s a pause. ‘Why don’t I let him know you’re on the line, hon. Okay?’


It clicks over to music. They’re playing Frank. Well, okay. Who could complain about that? I get through a song and a half before it clicks back on.

‘Jake?’ August’s voice comes out a little raspy.

‘Hi, Grandpa. How are you holding up?’

He coughs. ‘Oh, I get by. How about you? Still taking on all comers?’

‘In more ways than you know. It’s been a while since I called, hasn’t it?’

‘Four weeks, I think. That’s alright, though…I know you get busy. Truth is, if you started calling me more often than that I’d start to worry. It’s a young man’s job to be setting out on his own, staking a claim. And it’s part of getting old to be extremely proud and grateful when your children are too busy to call.’ He chuckles. ‘Grandchildren. Sorry.’

I smile to myself. He does that a lot…accidentally refers to me as his son. It’s not a senility thing, just a measure of how close we are. And probably, of how hard it was for him to outlive his child. ‘Yeah, well, things haven’t really been so great lately. I was wondering…I guess I’d like to talk to you about some things. I’m kind of worried that I’m making some mistakes, personally and professionally, and you know your opinions are important to me.’

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My pelvic exam is broken up into three parts because each part is so different. The first part of it is my rectal exam & radiology studies of my lower colon. The second part is my bladder exam & x-rays of my bladder. The last part is my vaginal exam & ultrasound. I was told to give myself an enema before I came so I would be clean for the rectal exam. When I first got there, the nurse led me into a room with a special table called a proctology table. She told me to take off all my...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 40 A Wedge

March 30, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “A girl,” Jamie said when I answered the phone on Wednesday evening. “Patricia Jacquelyn Ferguson.” “Congratulations! How is Jackie?” “Tired, but otherwise OK. No issues with the labor. I’ll be taking the rest of the week off. Thad Baker will handle anything that comes up with the case.” “Thanks, Jamie. Tell Jackie we all love her. I suppose you should give me the details. If I announce this to the women in the house without them, I’ll be severely...

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Dream Girl

Hallo readers kaise hai aap sab ek baar fir se main aap sabka dil bhlaane aaya hoon aur is baar ki story some diffrent kyoonki aaj se phle mujhe ladki ya aurat ko chodne me jyaada jugaad nahi bhidaani padti thi kyoonki ghar me hi mummy aur sis ko choda tha fir apni ek bua bhi thi jisko maine jam kar choda aur kai baar gaand bhi maari joki aap sab ko maloom hai is baar ki kahaani me alag ye hai ki is baar ki kahaani me ek ladki jiska naam mallika hai wo bachpan se mere pados me rhti thi wo jab...

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David and BathshebaChapter 14

It was two weeks later that Clive called Tom in. He was in a jovial mood although Tom noted that, as usual, it did not extend to his eyes. "Sit yourself down, Tom. I've got good news. We've been short-listed for the oil job." "Great!" exclaimed Tom and meant it. "Well, you can take all the kudos for that. Your outline plans were first rate and, I gather, their chief engineer was rooting for you." "Did anyone else submit plans?" "Yes but I gather they were pretty sketchy. We...

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RuneswardChapter 40 Payment Due

“Yren, I need you.” Yren’s eyes snapped open to unfamiliar, warm blue walls. He shuddered for a moment, consciousness coming over him unexpectedly. He drew a deep quavering breath, the pins and needles of inactivity filling him. He was confused. He didn’t know where he was. He wasn’t even completely sure who he was. For a moment that seemed to stretch into infinity, he stood there trembling in complete and abject fear. “Yren, I need you.” He heard it again, but it was just an echo...

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Teacher a Short Novel Under ConstructionChapter 16

"Okay, boys and girls, you are going to love this. Today, oh it will be so much fun, today we are going to write thank-you notes. Isn't that wonderful? Aren't you glad you came to class? And, even better, we are going to write them in cursive. Cursive. "How many of you learned to write cursive back in elementary school?" About ten hands went up, a third of the class. "You guys are going to help me." He smiled at them. "Now this is no worse that getting a tetanus shot or your school...

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Story Eight Cum Slut White Holes for Black PolesChapter 4

Just before 7pm, we pulled into the alley behind Danny's bar. "Do as you are told and Danny will take care of you. I trust him so you should too. I'll pick you up a little after he closes." I nodded to Bernard and got out of the car. As I approached the back door to the bar it opened and Danny waved to Bernard before licking his lips and pulling me in through the door. We were apparently in a little kitchen. I could hear music in the next room. There was a young black guy working over a...

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The man woke up with a loud yawn. As he sat up, the bed moaned loudly, his extremely well-trained and divine body making the bed shake with every movement. He rubbed the dust out of his eyes with his strong, lumpy forefingers, and circled his imposing shoulders as he began to stretch, like he did every morning. After stretching his wide back and his extremely well-trained, broad and veined upper arms, he knocked the soft white blanket aside; removing the blanket brought to light an extremely...

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Major SlutChapter 3

I nodded, and Jones stepped against her ass. He guided himself into her still open, slimy asshole and sank inside her in a single stroke. I watched with some interest, taking in the look of humiliation on Amanda's face as well as the look of pure, dumb pleasure on his. It was too good a scene to miss; I got the VCR recorder out of my bag of toys and began filming. The boys were too wrapped up in Amanda to object. The scene was even better on the small screen of the viewfinder. Particularly...

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Cousin Naina Ke Sath Chat Par

Hi dosto! Me kafi salo se ISS pe stories padhte aa raha hu. Par sach kahu to mujhe bahot sari stories imagine karke likhi hui lagti he… Bahot dinose soch raha tha mere sath ghati hui kuch sachi kahaniya aapke sath share karu. Isme kuch bhi imagination nahi he isliye shayad apko itna maja nahi ayega par me koshish karunga ki apko ye mera experience pasand aye. Mera naam he Prashant. Me 23 saal ka hu. Me aaj jo aapko batane wala hu wo mere aur mere cousin (mausi ki ladki) ke bich hue sex ki ek...

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Andrews Girl Goes Black

Larry and Andrew had been friends for about 9 to 12 months. Larry was black, 6 ft tall with dark skin. Andrew was white a little taller than Larry. Andrew was dating Jen, she was Asian probably 5’ 3” with long dark hair and a tight little body. Priya was Indian about the same height as Jen with brown skin, shoulder length black hair, and a very nice little body also. Jen was very much in love with Andrew but very flirty with Larry. Larry thought she was being nice and didn’t think too much...

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A WASP Listens To His Wife At Dinner

A WASP LISTENS TO HIS WIFE AT DINNER By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT THE RESTAURANT Randolph Cartier the Third drove his black S-Class Mercedes up to...

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Incest Games Chapter 11

They came in after dinner, and they'd had their own in a cute restaurant, holding their heads close together and whispering exactly like what they were, lovers. Her dad hadn't minded the curious, knowing glances they received; he had been altogether too busy being the nice guy he was. But they had to go back home; she reminded him of that sad fact over a glass of light wine he sneaked her. So they left the candlelight and wine...

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FamilyStrokes Leda Lothario Twin Stepbrothers Cum On Ledas Face

When these identical dudes get a hold of some naughty nudes that look a whole lot like their stepsister, Leda Lothario, they need a little convincing to keep it from their nosy stepmom. The chick looks so hot in them that all her stepbrothers want is to sample her incredible curves. She agrees, but only if they keep her dirty little secret. The carbon copy studs whip out their meaty cocks and Leda chokes on them while their stepmom is distracted in the kitchen. The lucky guys spitroast their...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 2

Sara, Becka, and me. by Teddie S. Chapter II Becka returns. Sara and I had been talking to our mothers about where Becka had come from. And, her mother had asked her to tell the story... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sara started with, "Even before Peter and I were born, you two had been friends. From the time we were babies, you took turns...

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The Worlds First Futa Futas Big SurpriseChapter 2 Futarsquos First Fertile Hot Wife

April 17th, 2047 “So, you were initially shocked and shaken by learning that women you had sex with, despite them being on birth control, were becoming pregnant,” Adelia, the caramel-skinned talk show host, said. “You clearly accept and embrace the fact now, but how did you get to that point were you found it... ?” “Hot?” I asked, an amused smile playing on my lips, my clit-dick aching so hard beneath my skirt while my pussy felt so molten and juice. I needed to cum so badly. Talking about...

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Damaged Goods Sister

We had the telephone call around midnight and went to the Hospital. My older sister Mona had been raped on a date. It is quite common except when it is your sister. Mom and I went and we stayed there with Mona in the Emergency Room. The Police went in and out but Mona wanted us there. Weeks went by and Mona was not the same. She had always been such an outgoing girl and happy. Mona is a petit 18 year old girl of 5'3" and has a knockout body and long pretty black hair. I felt guilty because...

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Customized Jeans the assless chaps

I had just finished masturbating to a video of a hot guy in ass-less chaps dancing shaking his for tan buttocks watching his clean shaven cock bounce around freely. I wiped the cum off my body, desk area, and computer screen and decided to take a shower to wash myself. As I rubbed the bar of soap over my chest, I thought about the chaps. I knew full well that I couldn't afford a pair of leather chaps on my limited college budget. So I decided on make some alterations to an old pair of jeans. I...

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The Lady In The Bus And The Wedding Ring 8211 Part 3

So its been sometime from that awesome night in bed with the most amazing women I met in my entire life. Yet I couldn’t narrate the story to you horny followers. I lost the access to my yuviprasad89 account and this will be the new one (Hope ISS admins will be fine with that). For any of you want a recap of the story just see the links given on top. Its under the user yuviprasad89. You can contact me on As I slowly drifted off to sleep that night beneath the breasts of a grown woman, I knew I...

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Coach Cock Sucker and Cuckold

Most major corporations expect their employees to be involved in community activities, and it is essentially required for senior-level executives. I am an executive vice president for a major financial services firm in the greater Newark, New Jersey area. I have always enjoyed my time spent benefiting our surrounding communities. My name is Stuart, and my wife Jody and I were 46 years old at the time of this story, and residing in the affluent Forest Hill section of Newark. We both grew up in...

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Seduction At Belindas Place Ch 02

Belinda eventually returned and released James from the cell. James had told her about his encounter with Sophie but had left out the part about Sophie blackmailing him into kissing her feet and more. While Belinda had always tried to be discreet and hide their bondage games from her daughter, in some ways it was a relief that she could be more open, and it also provided an example to Sophie that men didn’t always have to be in control.James had tried his best to avoid being alone with Sophie,...

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Altered Fates A Special Mothers Day Gift

(Thanks as always to Steve Zink, he makes me look good. This story is dedicated to Morpheus, who writes such great tales of understanding between parents and children, and Femur for his great site. Also, a nod to Raven's great story 13.) Altered Fates: A Special Mother's Day Gift By Eric Part 1 Mother's Day, 1975 Gloria was smiling. It was Mother's Day, and her kids and grandkids were coming over to celebrate. She remembered a card she got from Jeff the year before. It said,...

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Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This Ch04

Chapter: April “Dirty Dancing” * If you have any talent for bullshitting, there are some torpedoes you can see coming and prepare for with a little well-intentioned manipulation. Evil questions like ‘Do these pants make my ass look fat?’ or ‘Do you think that girl’s hot?’ can be deflected with a casual compliment to the fine derriere of the former, or the snarky comment about dime-a-dozen looks to the latter, because unless she’s really looking for a fight, she’ll accept the validation. That’s...

Love Stories
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Seduced kitu my student

Hi iss readers this is manu from jaipur. I am 28 yrs old guy with good physique, and all skills and abilities to satisfy women’s sexual needs. I will give my contact further. Now my story starts when i was 22 yrs old passed out my engineering recently and i was trying for further studies so i was at home after the college. I was a good student specially, good at engineering drawing. Then my aunty told me will you teach a student in first semister of engineering and she is frightened by subject...

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Well Adjusted

Well Adjusted By Geneva A helper at a secret facility that makes troubled young men into girls to save them from a life of crime, falls in love with one of them. START The first time I saw Peter Michaels was in a police cell in Derby. My boss, Henry Lanchester, had brought me along in the first interview with what we hoped was the latest candidate for our programme. Peter was sitting forlornly on a plain metal chair in the interview room. It was stark, dull and plain enough,...

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Forbidden Fruit

Forbidden Fruit By: Doctor Wankenstein Well, you could argue low - hanging fruit, but you would have to saytotally totally FORBIDDEN fruit. Okay, not u******e, and and not a relative, but my god daughter and themiddle c***d of my best friend of over thirty years standing. I was in my mid 40's and she was 19. I can't say I'd never looked at her, even as a c***d she was precociousand attention hungry. We even joked about how much trouble she would be when she hit her teens. Her dad predicted...

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Mother in the Bath

Mother in the bathI would lay awake listening, waiting to hear my mother turn off the lights and come up stairs. Sometimes she would quietly open my bedroom door to see if I was asleep, I would keep totally still and try to control my breathing till I heard the door gently close again and the sound of her walking down the landing, the click of the bathroom light switch and then the sound of the water beginning to run into the bath.As the sound of running water filled the house I could still...

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The Sins of the FathersChapter 3

(2013) It didn't take long after I emailed Annie the second chapter of the events before I got a call from her, though this time I'd been expecting it. "So, great granddad Alan was a child molester, huh?" she asked. "By the law of the land, yes," I replied. "So you think what he did with Aunt Abi was OK?" she asked. "I think Abi put him in a difficult position..." I prevaricated. "Me too," Annie admitted. "And it's a seduction in a sense, although she seems incredibly...

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Ultimate Sex Experience Of My Life

Hello readers. My name is Soumesh Das from BBSR.. This is my first story in ISS which tells how i fucked my gf in her home and the ultimate love making experience.. Dis is a recent experience which just happened a month ago.. Now let me tell about myself, i am like Mishra doing M.B.A., height 5’9 and having an average health and normal cock size.. Now let’s go to the story.. It is a bit lengthy but hope u will enjoy the story.. It was august when i enrolled into M.B.A.  programme in one of the...

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Wartime Comfort House Diary Day 2

I walked into Miss Yamaha's room to listen to her progress with the pretty virgin. She bowed as usual but appeared uneasy. 'General Tanaka, she is very scared and really weak. But I've examined her hymen to be intact. She said she had never seen a men and is very afraid. I have to work on her slowly since you want her to be your local wife. I hope that is acceptable.' 'What? I am disappointed in you. I gave you 3 whole days and you want to slow down? You must find a better way!' ...

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Alien Invasion

After humans reached space we found many things we did not expect. Other races and worlds and many lost legends. Like the Shining Ones or the worlds of chaos and darkness. Orcs and ogres and other dark people who only lived to destroy. The Shining Ones had visited earth many millennian ago and were the Sidhe or elves. With them were their brothers or cousins the Dark Elves. Those we thought the same as them until much later when they had learned to travel in space like us. They used humans...

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Hi friends. I am bhavesh again. main un sabhi logo ko thanks kehana chahta huun jinhone mujhe mail kiya aur mujhe achcha response diya. This is my 2nd part of SEX WITH HOT SISTER Reena. I want to tell you about my physique. Meri height 5.8 hain. Aur lund 8 inch lamba hain aur chauda hain. Main regularly gym jaata huun. Aur maine kaafi college festival bhi kiye hain. Now come to story Us din jab reema ka phone aaya tab usne kaha ki mujhe movie dekhni hain. Maine kaha thik hain. uis samay humne...

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Watching My Mum And Her Young Fuck Buddy

Hi I am Kyle , I am 18 years old and live at Home With My Mum My Mum Is Called Suzanne , She is 48 , 5 ft 9 , slimmish body , short light red hair , green eyes , lightly tanned , 38 c , hairy/trimmed....A Few Months ago my mum met a guy called danny at the gym and brought him back home for something to eat and a chat , When i first Met Him i felt really weird , he is only 26 , he was quite slim and seemed a little shy infront of me , Since Then they have started a sort of relationship , he...

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His Best Friends DaughterPart II Consummation

His Best Friend’s Daughter-Part II: Consummation When we last left John he had arrived at his best friend’s private villa in Alcudia, Majorca. His good friend Patrick’s sixteen-year-old daughter Gabby had subjected John to days and days of teasing and flirtatious play leading up to this family get-away. Patrick and his stunning wife Katherine, together with the beguiling efforts of Gabby, had enticed John to join them for the holiday since they had an available guesthouse. John was lying on the...

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Bobbys Good DeedsChapter 5

There were three weeks left before school started again, when she did me that first time. I stopped in two days later, with my six cookies, and a fluttering heart. I tapped on the back door and stuck my head in the kitchen and she came in from the living room with a smile. She usually wore shorts and a tank top, or a halter top in the summertime, but this day she was wearing a sundress. "Hi," she said. "I shouldn't have speeded things up last time," she said, taking a cookie. "I hope...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 9 Dominating the Bimbo Boss

Introduction: Ms. Beigh, the bitch that fired Frank and Alice, plots to seize the bimbo serum! The Bimbo Formula Chapter 9: Dominating the Bimbo Boss by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice Donna Wilson hung up her cell phone. Okay, she went for it. Youll have your meeting at 9 AM tomorrow with Ms. Beigh. Donna swallowed, her hips shifting and making those big, juicy tits of her sway. Since receiving the bimbo serum, my sexuality had blossomed. Gone was the mousy chemist that only let Frank...

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Always and Forever Numbers of the Beast Pt 8

Maggie flew up the stairs ignoring the elevator in Nadine's town home with Alexis on her heels. The couple had been in the south of France on vacation when Murine, Nadine's assistant, had contacted them concerned about Nadine's well-being. Maggie knew it was because of Josephine. It had been over three months since Nadine's girlfriend left Paris. "I'm sure she is fine, love." Lord Alexis Bellamont had taken Maggie to the south of France to ask her hand in marriage. He knew that marrying...

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Meeting Hynden Walch

Two months had passed since I had fucked Grey deLisle and now I was going to another convention, where Tara Strong, another hot girl I had stuck my she-dick into, wanted to introduce me to somebody else, and we both knew that the sole purpose of the meeting was so that I would end up having sex with whoever Tara's friend was. And when I got there, i was pleasantly surprised to find that it was hynden Walch, another lovely voice actress.Tara left me with Hynden, so we went outside to her car. “i...

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visiting my uncle eddie part2

So,I decided to stay at my uncle's place for the night because we were both too horny..After what we had sex in the living room,we took a short break, Uncle ordered pizza and we have beers too.It was about 8:30 now and the pizza guy came. we watched baseball and ate pizza for about half an hour. After a while he said,"let's go to sleep",...He didn't look sleepy at all,I think I knew what was coming.We decided to sleep on the same bedHe told me," there are certain rules that you need to follow...

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