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Well Adjusted By Geneva A helper at a secret facility that makes troubled young men into girls to save them from a life of crime, falls in love with one of them. START The first time I saw Peter Michaels was in a police cell in Derby. My boss, Henry Lanchester, had brought me along in the first interview with what we hoped was the latest candidate for our programme. Peter was sitting forlornly on a plain metal chair in the interview room. It was stark, dull and plain enough, but it would have been much better than the smelly and stained, depressing cell he would have been in previously. When we were shown in he licked his lips and his suspicious and apprehensive eyes reminded me of a cornered wild animal. He would be wondering what the Law had in store for him. He had been made to wait half an hour. That time, making him sit all by himself, was intended make him think more about his predicament and how his future life could be totally dependent on the whims of an impersonal Law. He might be more willing to grasp at any chance and accept our offer. Once he had introduced us, Henry did not waste any time. He was efficient and, until you got to know him, he could seem a bit officious. He really was a decent sort: he could not have done the job otherwise. Maybe he was being careful in case the offenders could think they could pull the wool over his eyes if he looked too compassionate at the start. A lot of criminals have that ability, to detect weaknesses in other people, but Henry is nobody's fool. Henry began his offer. I wonder if he knew it by heart now, he'd done it over fifteen years since the programme began. My role? I added a bit of a physical presence in case some offender decided Henry was a pushover, literally. I am a big lad. I used to play rugby in my younger days. If anyone decided to be a smart Alec I 'd lift my head and fix him with a glare and that usually finished it. Apart from that I helped Henry in the preliminary selection. Henry looked over his spectacles at the lad. "Mr. Michaels, you are being held in custody because you have just been found guilty of a series of small crimes. Currently you are waiting for sentencing." He shuffled through a small pile of papers just for effect. "Looking at this depressing record I think you could spend quite a bit of time in prison, several years, I imagine. You have done some time as a youth in Borstal but I will tell you prison is much more severe. Do you really want your life to go in that direction?" Peter sniffed disdainfully and looked at the ceiling, trying to pretend he didn't care. "I have an offer for you. If you accept this offer, the offences that you are charged with will be dropped. In fact, your criminal record will be entirely erased." The lad's eyes lit up briefly but they soon went wary again. His previous life must have taught him that there is always a catch. "Should I have a solicitor?" "That is your right to have one, but the offer is for your ears only. I don't want anyone else to hear it. Once I tell you about it, you will will understand why. Do you want me to carry on?" A shrug. "I suppose that means you agree, does it, Peter?" "Yeah." "The offer is, in return for all the charges being dropped," he gestured to the file in front of him, "you will agree to undergo a certain, um, medical treatment followed by a type of therapy. It will require you being kept isolated in a facility for six months. During that time you will be given education and training to suit your abilities and your dedication to the programme. These will better prepare you for your life post- treatment. There will be other things too. You will be advised and groomed in dress and manners and speech. You see, we have looked at your case and you'll remember the tests we gave you a week ago? We feel you have the potential to make a contribution to society, instead of being a criminal and a drain on society." That offer got his attention. His eyes widened then narrowed. "That sounds good. But I hope it's not like a school." Suspicion tempering his hope. "I've had enough of school and teachers." "That depends what you mean by school. You will be instructed and guided in things that will help you prepare for a totally new start in life. They will be totally and absolutely relevant to a future life. We will take a very special interest in you. I can tell you that graduates of our programme have overwhelmingly given it praise. "However, Peter, there is one other condition, one that will have drastic effects on your life. Life changing in the extreme." Henry then spoke more slowly, and deliberately to get the message across. "You see, as a main part of the programme, you will become a woman." The young man had been slouching, possibly trying a show of boredom or bravado, but at Henry's words he jerked upright. "Don't be fucking stupid!" he spat out. "And make me into a woman? What do you think I am, a fucking poof? Fuck off!" This was one of the strongest reactions I'd seen in the three years I had been with the programme, but Henry did not appear fazed at all. "No, Peter, I don't." He spoke firmly and evenly. "I know you're a fairly normal young man, I mean apart from your criminal tendencies. But let me tell you more. This programme, or you might call it a treatment, has been in existence for ten years now and well over two hundred young men have gone through it and become women. They were just like you, yes, with a history of petty crime. But I think virtually all have been pleased with the programme's effects on them when they were finished. All have taken up happy and satisfying lives as women, with only about five percent getting into any further trouble with the law. That was the reason for establishing the programme. Women get into crime far less than men. And that is what we have found for our graduates. "You are rightly appalled by what you think the programme offers, but you would changed entirely into a young woman with no surgery involved. You would become completely female, as if you had been born one. You will have a female body, externally and internally. You could have sexual relations as a woman, you could bear children you could nurse children. "You look horrified and I am not surprised but I assure you, almost certainly you will eventually love the result. However, there is one snag we have not been able to eliminate. Your mind will take some weeks to adjust to everything. That will be the most awkward time for you." "Are you mad? How do you do this? I don't want anyone cutting off my prick and balls and I don't want anyone sticking on tits and all." "I told you we don't use surgery. The best description would be magic. It's a spell, a recitation, from an ancient book. As for its benefits, I'd like you to think of girls you know. For instance that girl you knew at school, Mary Thompson, was it? You liked her. She was totally happy as a girl, wasn't she? You'd become an assured woman like her. I believe you were also friendly with Bridget Riley. She was an enthusiastic young woman too, very happy in her sexuality." He glared at us. "How do you know about Mary and Bridget? Leave them out of this!" "We thoroughly investigated all of your life prior to coming to see you. You see, certain criteria had to be met." "So what! I'm not interested." Henry closed the file in front of him and looked at me. "It seems our offer is rejected, Mr. Soames. Let's leave this young man to his useless, dead-end life." He looked back at Peter. "All right, Mr. Michaels, you have chosen. But I urge you to think about several years in a small cell, or menial work in prison, with depressing and monotonous food, surrounded mostly by louts who think nothing of using physical force and brutality.They'd use it on you too. There'd be no escape. Your life would be totally regimented. You're be separated from normal life. When you would be released you'd have difficulty getting a good job with your criminal record. Your future doesn't look very good, does it?" At that the lad broke down. He must have been in anguish over five minutes. I wanted to touch him but Henry held my arm and gave a slight shake of his head At last he stopped crying. "You say I'd be happy?" "I can't guarantee that but we give you a completely fresh start and train you for it. Very few have regretted the choice." "But magic doesn't exist!" "Hard to believe, but this works." "Six months you say? Can I think about it?" "This offer is good for only one week. After that, it is withdrawn. We have an opening in the facility. If you don't want it, we will then offer it to another young man." "I'd still need a day or so." Henry and I stood up. "Then you can let us know. Just tell them that you agree and I will be informed." We left Peter in the depressing room in the depressing facility. "Do you think he'll go for it?" I asked. "About three quarters of a chance he will. He's a stubborn one." Henry looked at his watch. "Look Fred, it's least an hour till we get back to the facility. We'll be a bit late. You fancy a pub meal before we get going?" We had got settled in the pub and fish and chips for Henry and a steak pie for me with glasses of ale each hit the mark. "You've been with a us a number of years now! Fred, three is it? How are you finding our place, I mean to work in?" "Pretty good. It makes me feel good seeing what it does and the success." I grinned. "When I was recruited I was pretty skeptical but I'm convinced now. I take it you've been with it since it started?" "Yes, right from the beginning. I've nursed it along, developed some parts, added some and removed some. We were originally situated in Somerset but we had a spot of trouble there and the higher-ups were going into a real panic panic. There were even thoughts of shutting it down but a very devious scheme by the boyfriend of one of our first graduates fixed that. But it was decided, just in case, we should totally relocate and that's why we're now in Yorkshire. Since then all's gone well." "It's a really hush-hush set up. And I now know why. I was sworn to secrecy and I signed the Official Secrets Act too. How did you get started?" Henry gave a little shake of his head. "They came asking. I had some connections in an intelligence agency, anti spying and stuff. They'd come across the book with the spells and someone had the idea to use it to change criminals. They outlined what they wanted to do and I liked the challenge. I have a background in social work and administration too. "I've been with the programme fifteen years now. Actually I've thinking of retiring next year." "What will you do then?" "I can hardly write my memoirs, at least honest and frank ones, can I?" He laughed. "It's all secret and we definitely have to keep it that way. No, I think I'll retire back to Somerset and I could grow roses. The facility used to be there and I like the countryside. There's an old friend there too, a lady. We've a lot in common and I see her fairly often and maybe we can make a match. We'll see. What about you?" "I'd like to settle down. I like what we're doing but it's hardly a place to meet women." I laughed. "Yes, we have a lot of women and they're very good-looking ones, but they're kind of off-limits." " Henry nodded. " Yes, it could be dangerous to form a relationship with any of them." "Yeah, I know I'm only a helper here for my muscle, in case of trouble but I'm staff. They're patients. Forming any relationship with one of them is a bad idea. And then, once they finish anyway, they go off to new lives in the cities or down south to London. We're here out on the moors, and that's a bit isolated. I do get out to the cities, Leeds or Manchester some weekends." "You're a steady, reliable man, Fred, there'll be a girl for you someplace." The conversation had become more personal and we had an awkward silence then took refuge in discussing the local football and rugby prospects. It was two days later when Henry called me to his office. "It looks like that young man Peter Michaels we spoke to has more or less decided to take up our offer." "Good for him! What now?" "Normally we'd have him transported here right away but I'd like to be sure about him and check him out again. But look, Fred, I'm pretty busy with some paperwork. Would you be agreeable to doing it by yourself? You've been in on most of the last preliminary interviews so you know the routine and what to look for. He might feel he had more in common with you as well. You're from this area. My accent's wrong." The upshot was that the next day I found myself sitting in front of Peter again. I had gone over everything again and he had agreed, but he was still cautious. "You're definitely sure these, the men who were changed, had no problems?" "No, he didn't say that. Mr. Lanchester has been honest with you and the three years I've been with the programme I can vouch for it. No, it's not easy. The spell can hurt when it starts to take effect and the when you wake up, but now they've got pain killers and sedatives and these help a lot. You'll be unconscious about a day and a half. "There's the adjustment too. After all, like the others who've gone through it you'll find yourself in a new strange body that you have to get used to. You'll get a different shape, you'll be weaker physically and you'll have to wear different clothes. At first you'll feel you are acting, masquerading. But usually by two or three months you'll be acting like any other girl, I mean those who were born female. It's then that the spell shows its positive effects. "I should say too that you'll be very pretty. And for girls, being pretty is a heck of an advantage, certainly how they interact with men." I saw a wary look in his eyes at that. No wonder! "I see you're apprehensive. Being good-looking can attract all sorts of men. Don't worry, Peter. You'll be given lots to of instruction in how to handle things like that. Oh yes, you'll be more emotional too, like girls are." He gave a big sigh. "All right. I'll go along with that." "Good for you, Peter. I'll tell Mr. Lanchester and we'll get things moving." "Do I need to do anything? I handed him a form. "Only sign this sheet. After that all the paperwork is taken care of. In a few days you'll be transported to the facility." Several days later I watched as the unmarked police car drove through the gates and stopped. The driver got out, opened the back door, gestured to Peter to get out and unlocked his handcuffs. He was taking a good look at the facility, the buildings and the grounds, and the high fence. He rubbed his wrists. "The fence, to keep us in?" "More Iike to keep snoopers out." Henry had come out to see the arrival. "Welcome to the place, Peter!Now come along with me!" I stood beside Henry as he confirmed with Peter that he had agreed to the procedure, then I escorted him to his room. He would be there by himself for two days prior to the treatment that would make him into a girl. We had to be sure. We had had a few last minute withdrawals but Peter was a good candidate. He was totally separated from his parents or any family who might ask awkward questions. Actually, I took him his meal that first night. The usual man, Bob, had taken a bit ill and I offered to do it. When I unlocked his door Peter looked at me warily. "You doing all right?" I asked. He looked small and bewildered. "I... I think so, but I'm... Yes, I'm frightened." "That's to be expected, lad. It's a big step, and your life will change. I can't help you either. I've never done it, nor do I want to. But, just remember, you're not the first to go through it and the spell has made many pretty, successful and satisfied women. Good luck to you, Peter!" Peter would have another day to himself and In fact I served him his evening meal again the next day. He was even more withdrawn and when I tried to get him to speaking I only got one word answers. I saw Peter as he was just one more time. That last morning I supervised him as he showered, and gave him a smock to wear then escorted him along to the room where he would get the spell administered. The nurse there, Grace, was an old hand but her cheery reassuring manner had little effect on him. I watched as she gave Peter a sedative, then with a little nod, I left quietly. I certainly did not want to hear the spell, and anyway, my job with Peter was done. The next few days I would be going through police reports with Henry helping him select yet another candidate for the treatment. Once we had settled on a short list we would visit them, test them and sound them out as we had done with Peter. "There's a lot of possible candidates. We could expand the programme." I was talking about it with Henry the day after Peter had taken the spell. "Yes, that's been discussed with the powers that be. I suppose they could set up an establishment in another locale. You see, I think this place is a comfortable, easily managed size and I wouldn't want it to get bigger and unwieldy. But it has to be secret too. We have all signed the Official Secrets Act. We get the girls to do it too. But the risk would grow. One thing, they've been a lot more careful about setting up the background to their new identity and wiping out the real past. Any girl who tried to spill the beans now would have great problems convincing anyone." He grimaced. "I wouldn't put it past any of the intelligence organization to make any of the girls disappear if it were necessary either!" That was rather sobering. Peter would now have gone through the main part of the spell, and the woman's body would be completely formed. She would be deeply unconscious but she would wake up in a day or so and after she had recovered and Grace had checked her out physically she would be taken to Mabel to get fitted with her first women's clothes. Two days later Henry and I were finishing off our short list. " I spoke to our latest patient this morning," Henry said. "She's like all the others, more than a bit unsure of herself. She's feeling pretty awkward wearing women's clothes too. It's her first time, but Mabel had her togged out nicely and I don't think it will take her long to get used to them." "Has she chosen another name yet." "She's going to get away from anything with a P. She's chosen Evelyn. She's changing her last name too, to Lauder." "Any reason for that?" Henry laughed. "Mabel had some Esme Lauder cosmetics on her desk." I knew that the new girl would spend another couple of days by herself, like we had done with the others. That would take the first sharp edges off her trauma. But she would be slightly bewildered and confused too that was a good time to introduce her to bras and knickers, stockings and skirts, kind of throwing her in at the deep end. She'd be in women's' clothes before she had a chance to think about it. Only after that would she join the other girls who were already in the programme, and she would share a dormitory with them. In general the other girls had been very good at encouraging the newcomers. It was good for all of them. I actually first saw Evelyn at dinner two days later. I was sitting with George Vaughan the janitor and our handyman Tom Burgess when Henry escorted her in and they sat beside Grace and Mabel. The other girls in the programme were sitting together at one large table as they usually did. Henry had remarked on how the girls helped and supported each other. "It's nice to see them all interacting like that. They encourage each other but sometimes I wish they would sit with some of our staff." The girls had been chatting excitedly and giggling away as they often did but their conversation dropped to a hush when they spotted the newcomer. At least, after a few seconds they remembered their manners and turned away. George, Tom and I gave her the once over too but I like to think more covertly. We were all men and appreciated pretty girls. There were so many here, but a fresh face was always a novelty. Evelyn was blushing and I saw her eyes flicker to me. If she had not been the only fresh face in the room I would never have realized she had been Peter. She had the same general colouring, a kind of dark auburn hair, although it was much too short for a woman. I wondered if Mabel had any wigs the girl could wear until her hair had grown out a bit. She had the same blue- green eyes and fair skin as Peter, but otherwise she was completely different. She had lost about inches in height, and a bit of weight too. She was narrower about the shoulders, and even more at her waist, but her body flared nicely into wider hips and bum. She was wearing a semi-fitted grey dress with black shoes that showed off her legs and slim ankles. She was altogether a very pretty girl. Some of the girls had taken to wearing short skirts and dresses, almost mini, but Evelyn had opted for a skirt hem just above her knee. I supposed as she lost her shyness she would go for more showy dress. "Another pretty one," Tom observed. "They all are," George added. Henry had her sit down with him across from Grace and Mabel. That allowed me to watch her out of the corner of my eye and study her. Her figure was slim and elegant but there was a tension about her shoulders and a stiffness in her movements. Still, that was fairly usual. The stiffness would wear off in a week as she got used to her new body and its accessories. It wasn't until dinner the next day that I saw her again. Once more she was seated with Henry and the two women. Even that one day had worked wonders on her. She was standing straighter. This time she was wearing a pale green short sleeved dress, a tighter one and shorter skirted than the day before and it showed off her figure very nicely. She caught my eye, possibly with me looking at her and she gave me a smile. I was pleasantly shocked when she came over to me after dinner, moving easily on her heeled sandals. "Hello Fred. How do I look?" And she gave a little pirouette. The bodice of her dress was nicely pushed out in front by her breasts and her nice shaped arse curved it attractively at her back. I resisted the temptation to stroke it. "You look very nice, Evelyn." I emphasized her name. "That dress suits you." "Yes, I spent quite a bit of time with Mabel this morning choosing more clothes so I'm well stocked up. More than I've ever had before." I saw her mouth begin to quiver, then she pulled herself together. "I think she's given me at least three of everything. Tomorrow I'll get to meet all the other girls and I can move into their dormitory." "Good for you. I'm sure things will go well." And I got another smile. But our budding conversation was interrupted by Henry who took her arm. "The spell's done it's usual wonders, hasn't it?" he said, but it was obvious he wanted her away. I gave her a smile. "Nice to meet you, Evelyn. I'll be seeing you." After that it actually got more difficult to get a chance to speak to her, or any others of the girls. They were all kept busy with classes in the daytime and I was busy either with the screening, or off with Henry on interviews. The next person in the programme was a young man in Halifax. His was the usual story, neglectful parents, a rough upbringing and yet with no proper discipline and no affection. He had started with truancy, then to hanging around a gang and he was beginning to work his way into serious stuff. I wanted to get him into the programme, but Henry shook his head. "He has a terrible family background, but they keep tabs on each other. His disappearance would be noticed. We don't want awkward questions." We eventually settled on a young man from Salford. He lived with his mother, but she was terminally ill with lung cancer and in fact died at the time of our interviews. There were no other relatives. We allowed him a week to get over his mother's death then he was ready for our treatment. A week or so later we had a change to our administration, a significant one . A car arrived with a woman driver wearing a dark trench coat, and with a man in a dark suit. They headed immediately to Henry's office and a short while later I saw them on a tour of the facility with Henry and my suspicions were confirmed when most of the staff were called to our main room. Henry took the floor. "You all know that I have been thinking about retirement. In fact I am overdue but I delayed until a replacement was found. I'm happy to say that we have found one. But first, I'd like to Introduce Joan Samson. She was one of the original devisors of our programme and still takes a keen interest in its success." I had occasionally seen the woman visiting Henry. She spoke about the programme, Henry's many contributions then the excellent job we were all doing, the success rate, future projections but also that Henry had decided to retire. "This is Mr.. Lanchester's successor, Clark Ridgeway. " She went on to talk about his qualifications then finished with, " I am sure you will give him your full support." She and Henry began clapping and the rest of us dutifully followed suit. After, Henry buttonholed me. He actually looked apologetic. "Fred, I actually recommended you for my job but they did not go for it. You have the most experience and I've relied immensely on you, but they wanted someone with more academic qualifications." His voice lowered a bit. "Yes, and who went to the right school too. But Fred, I know you'll give Mr. Ridgeway your complete support." I had hoped that I might get the position, but to be realistic, I did not have much administrative experience and I certainly had no academic qualifications. I was gratified that Henry had thought so highly of me. Clark accompanied Henry and me on the next interviews, but mainly just sitting and observing. Henry's final day, two weeks later, was a time of emotion, with more than a few tears shed. We had a lot of laughs too and even a few of our graduates came along and all gave glowing tributes to the programme. Henry gave the impression of being officious at first, but underneath was a warmth and a genuine compassion for people. Henry was specially gratified come when a couple who looked as if they were in their thirties arrived. He embraced the woman and shook the man's hand warmly and even blushed when the woman gave him a big hug and kiss. He introduced me to them. "Fred, this is Ruth Martin and her husband George. They've come all the way from Somerset. Ruth was one of our first graduates. She even worked with us a bit until George stole her away from us." I duly shook hands with them. Ruth must have been in her thirties but she was still a very attractive woman with a fresh-faced, fair complexion. Her glossy dark red hair could have served for a shampoo ad. So I got down to working with Clark. He knew what the programme did, and it's aims, but he really had a lot to learn. To give him credit, he did not come in with many preconceived ideas. Instead, he let us run things as they had, but with sounding out people for their opinions and suggestions. We began to see minor changes and I thought he was doing a fairly good job but I was less sure about how he screened our candidates. We became frequently at odds about who we recommended and who we rejected. Still, that was his responsibility and I always deferred to him. At first it did not matter. I had had little contact with Evelyn in the two months since her treatment. Quite a few girls had gone through the programme since I had been on staff but somehow I took more of an interest in her. She would eat with the other girls and as they were all usually at a different table I never got much chance to speak to her. But I noticed gradual changes in her appearance. Her hair had been short, but as she let it grow it changed from awkwardly severe to a gamin style, then a short bob and to a page boy so it looked as if she would let it grow longer. She looked equally appealing, no matter the style. I finally got my chance to chat with her on one of the times when the more experienced girls got to go out on hikes in the countryside and then on expeditions in the neighbouring towns. These were intended to get them reacquainted with the outside world. The responsibility of arranging these was often given to Grace or Mabel with one or other of the staff helping and I was pleased when Mabel asked me to come along on a hike. I had been busy for three days on the files of some possible candidates Andy was glad for a break so a walk with a group of pretty girls in beautiful countryside sounded a good idea. The hike was going to start just along the ridge from the facility then follow an old track about five miles into a village where we would be picked up for return. It was a fine day, just the right temperature but with a gentle wind. Eight of the girls in the programme were there, the other four were still getting used to things but they looked on the senior girls enviously as we set off. For a couple of the girls, it would be the first time they had been outside the grounds of the facility since they arrived . Part of the track was going to be a bit muddy so Mabel had outfitted them with appropriate hiking gear, rubber boots, and all the girls had been given trousers too. That too was probably the first time they had worn trousers since they had arrived. They were all wearing sweaters and had been given anoraks too against any possible wind or rain but it turned out a nice day and a lot of the girls kept their anoraks open. We had a little climb at first up to the ridge but after that the going was quite easy and I saw a lot of smiling faces. I found myself first talking with Mabel, but then as our group spread out, I got the chance to talk with different girls. We were delayed a bit crossing a brook followed by a style over a stone wall and we had stopped for a drink and an energy bar when I found myself next to Evelyn. I had just helped her over the wall and she had stumbled slightly. "Thanks Fred." She looked round. "Oh, it's so nice to get out. I'd felt a bit cooped up. They keep us busy with classes it was quite a change from my life before." "Yes, it must be for you, Evelyn. Are you enjoying the walk?" She gave a small grimace. "Yes, very much although maybe a lot of us will be sore tomorrow. We've used muscles that we haven't used for a while." "Are you getting along fine? In the programme. I mean" "I am. I think I'm pretty used to the new me now." She shook her head. "I wouldn't have believed it. I thought it would be only a little better than I had with the mess-up I'd made of my life but it's just so much better. I don't miss my male body at all. "She inspected her trousers and delicately removed some plant burrs with slim and elegant fingers, each tipped with pink polished oval shaped nails. "Strange wearing trousers now. They're to protect my legs I suppose, but a skirt feels so much freer now." She laughed. "Breezier at times, but better." "So how do you feel that Henry has now gone, Fred?" "You were one of his last recruits . But it's too early to say. I miss his way of doing things, but Clark is bringing fresh ideas." "You helped a lot too, Fred. That last day when you visited me in the interview room I was still having my doubts but it was what you said persuaded me. You were so sincere and honest. You and Henry too had, what do you call it? Compassion? There hadn't been much of that in my life beforehand. Thanks very much." She squeezed my hand. "I'm glad I'm a woman." "I'm glad you're a woman too!" I blurted out. I was really taken with this girl. In the three years since I joined the programme I had met many pretty girls, but there was just something about Evelyn and when she had squeezed my hand it was just like a little shock ran through me. Suddenly we were leaning close, her lips opening slightly and her eyelids lowered . But there was a shout from a Mabel for us. "All right you lot! Time to get moving again. " "All right, Sarge," someone cried out and we all laughed Evelyn laid her fingers gently on my lips. "Fred," was all she said. I squeezed my eyes shut in frustration. I knew what happening. I was falling for this girl. I knew I should fight it but... A week later we were having another outing and we had stopped at a tea shop in a village for tea and scones. It sold crafts too, laid out on a series of shelves. Again I found myself with Evelyn. We were out of sight of the others behind some shelves when she stretched up to me and gave me a sudden kiss on my cheek. "There, I wanted to do that a week ago, " and she laughed, but before I could respond she ran off to join the others. But as were were leaving she turned around at me and mouthed me a kiss. A week later on another expedition, this time to Leeds, we were in one of the big stores when she took my hand and led me round a corner. We kissed. Her hand was at my crotch, feeling my growing erection. I put my hand to her back, feeling the taut ridges of her bra. I ran my fingers along the strap. "It fastens at the back or, should I say it unfastens, but it's not the time for it." She kissed me again. "Sometime, and I warn you, I'm a wild one." I was falling in love with the girl and I kept hoping hoped I might get to spend more time with her, in spite of the dangers, but it was not to be. The problem was my relationship with Clark. I'm not even sure what caused it to fall apart. Maybe I had got too used to Henry's ways of doing things. Maybe Clark had developed a resentment of my expertise and experience, but it became more obvious we could not work together. So, on my days off when I went to Leeds or other cities and I started to scout out another job. In a month I found one as deputy head of security at a big factory. The wages were a bit more than I got at the facility, but then again I'd have to find accommodation and pay for my own food so I reckoned I'd come out about the same. I'd have to be working with more people too but being in the city I thought I could develop more of a social life so I handed in my resignation. The old hands were sorry to see me go and some of the senior girls thanked me too. Evelyn thanked me too, but a bit cold and formally, just shaking my hand. Hurt was in her eyes so I reckoned that any relationship with her was off and I could add her to my list of failed relationships. Clark, of course, wished me best luck for success but he would be glad I was gone. I wondered who he'd get to replace me. It took a little getting used to my new job, not just the general layout and new procedures, but the size of the place and workers of all ages. The bonus was being able to go out for a pint with some of the men I'd become pals wth and just being able to get to the shops whenever I wanted. I met some girls too and dated a few of them sporadically, but the spark wasn't there. I joined a local amateur rugby club and had a good time too and soon I got fitter than I had been my years at the facility. I had been working at the factory about a six months when I got a surprise. I was having lunch with Jim Ransome, the security head and my direct boss when he mentioned a new girl they'd hired in the office. "She's a good looker too. I was speaking to her, letting myself be known, you know, and telling her the ropes and what we expected from her, keeping her mouth shut about what we do and locking doors and so on. But she mentioned she'd caught sight of you and she says she knows you. "You might drop in on her then and see if you remember her wherever you worked. She says she's fresh out of a secretarial course so it must have been from before that. You can suss her out and tell me what you think of her." He grinned. "If you're in the market, she's a good looking girl." I wasn't too interested in a new relationship, especially an office one but I dropped into the office and almost immediately I came face to face with Maggie Sewell. She was one of the last girls I had seen processed at the facility. I remember she had been a young lad from Newcastle area who'd got in a spot of bother and been recruited for our programme. He had become a really good looking girl and she dressed nicely too. That would be a tribute to Mabel's skills. Her eyes lit up. "Hello, Fred. I thought I'd caught sight of you. How are you doing? A lot of us were sorry to see you go but it's great to see you again. " "Thanks, Maggie. And how about you?" "I'm doing very well and very happy with it but look, Fred. I'm sure we have a lot to talk about and this isn't the place or the time." "Yes, you're right. Look Maggie, there's a neat pub just at the end of the road out there. Do you want to meet there for a drink and we can talk about the old days. Is tomorrow night all right, about eight?" " Yes, that's good for me but 'old days'? You make them sound like ancient history." "Well, not that old, and I don't want to set any tongues wagging about a possible office romance. We'll probably want to talk about the facility and it would be better to do it in a place where no one can overhear us." We turned up at the pub about the same time and we settled into a nook together. "That was a nice surprise meeting you, Maggie. How long have you been finished?" "Well, I did the usual six months. Oh, it's now got an official name, the Moorfield, then they set me up with another three months at a secretarial course and I got this job." "Moorfield? Sounds like the kind of daft bland name some functionary would come up with." "Actually it was Clark Ridgeway's idea." "That's him. No imagination. Did things work well for you?" "I can't tell you how much. I'm happy. I've got a good job and," she added shyly, "I've got a young man now." "I'm glad for you. Does he know your story." Her eyes widened. "No, not at all. I can't tell him about that. And remember, we're supposed to be sworn to secrecy." I looked at her pretty face and nodded. "You look well. And how about the people there ?" "I last heard, oh, four months back that Grace is moving away. She's decided to retire. Mabel's still there, but I think you're really asking about Clark?" "How is he?" A kind of subdued laugh. "Still there, but I hear a rumour that he's going to be replaced. Two of the girls that finished when he was in charge were hardy out before they got into trouble. That's away more than happened under Henry. The thought, well, at least among the girls, is he's not been selective enough. Your old boss, Henry, must have had a knack of seeing people's real nature and their potential. I heard it said he was just a nicer fellow too." "What did they say about me?" "Keen to know, are you? They missed you. Clark hired another man to replace you and he's all right. Not as good as you were though." She sat back and looked at me. "Pleased, are you? But look, Fred, I'd like to talk to you about a certain girl. You're a right swine, you know!" Her words jolted me. "What have I done?" "Don't you remember? There was a girl there who had a thing going for you and then you suddenly upped and left. You didn't even talk about it with her. You hurt her badly!" I knew who she was meaning and my face must have gone red. "I liked her," I said defensively, "but it was difficult to get to talk to the girls, I mean, to make a relationship. I got that message from Henry." "Surely you could have found a way!" "But she didn't say much when I left." "Yes, but she was still finding her way, wondering how to behave as a woman. They gave us advice about relationships, but maybe we should have had more on disappointed love." "Okay, maybe. What's Evelyn doing now?" "She's working in this area as a legal secretary. Yes, she really worked hard and she's done well, did Evelyn. So have a lot of us. There are others too though. We have our share of girls who went to shop assistants and factory workers. However, never mind what they're working at, most of the girls who settle in this area keep in touch. It was a traumatic time we all went through together and that's made for quite a feeling of comradeship. We try to support each other, just in case of rough spots. So I've been speaking to Evelyn. Do you want to see her?" "Yes, I do, very much." "Then I'll see what I can do. But you bloody well better be nice to her!" It was two days later when I got a call to go to the office to see Maggie. "I've spoken to a certain girl," she said. "She's willing to meet you. This is her telephone number. Treat her nice, Fred!" I called the number that night. "Is that Evelyn? This is Fred Soames." I was apprehensive about contacting Evelyn. I had been sorry leaving the facility and more so with Evelyn, but I had not thought of the effect on her. I wondered if she was willing to see me now only for old times, or whether we could reignite the spark. Her voice was quiet, reserved. "Hello, Fred. It's nice to hear from you. I hear you have a new job." "Yes, I've been working there quite a few months now. Look Evelyn, I must say I'm sorry. I didn't tell you what I was doing. I didn't think you cared." "Not very good at reading women, are you!" "Yes, you're right. I can't apologize enough. But do you think I could see you?" "That would be nice." "Look, maybe could we go out for dinner, or go to a pub somewhere? Tomorrow night?" "Yes, a pub would be good." And we arranged to meet at a lounge bar. I was there first and After ten minutes I wondered if I had been stood up, but then she came in and my heart jumped. She was even more lovely than I remembered. I was nervous and so was she and our conversation was awkward at first, but I made sure to apologize again. She accepted it, but there was a hesitation too. We did not talk about our relationship, more like around it, as if we were unwilling to commit ourselves. I felt dissatisfied but not disappointed. We still needed to clear the air. "Can I see you again?" I asked. "Yes, all right. I'd like to talk about things more. Say Friday at seven? But I tell you Fred, you have car. I don't. Could you pick me up? Here's my address." I arrived at her place at seven. It was a block of flats and I let myself in, took the lift and found her door. There was a note pinned on the door. 'Fred, I'm not quite ready. Come in and wait. The door's open.' I let myself in but the place was dark except for two red lighted candles on a table. I felt arms come from behind me and pull me. "Hello, Fred. I want you to take off your shoes, but don't turn around." Her voice was low and husky. She released me and I kicked off my shoes and I felt her arms, bare smooth arms, ease my jacket off my shoulders, then her hands were at my belt, unbuckling it, and the zipper of my trousers was run down and they slipped to the floor. It was my shirt next, undoing the little buttons and her fingers were on my chest, then slightly pinching my left nipple. then smooth warm hands were at the elastic of my underwear and easing them down. Her hands were at my socks and I lifted my feet to let her ease them off and I was completely naked. Her hands ran up and down my body. "You've been taking care of yourself," she murmured. The eroticism had made me swell, and her hands enveloped me. One hand stroked and pulled at my penis. The other was closed round my scrotum, gently pulling my balls as she stroked me, pulling the loose skin harder and harder from the tip until I was gasping and squirming. Suddenly she left off. "Now you can turn around!" I did so and my mouth dropped open. In front of me in the candlelight was Evelyn, beautiful Evelyn, beautiful as ever. She was undressed too, but not as completely as me. Her breasts were held in a bra, a push-up style, dark coloured and trimmed with black lace. Her nipples made nice little bumps in the satin material. Her knickers were matching, also black lace over dark satin, and tight enough that the groove of her nether lips showed. She wore long black nylon stockings, drawn tightly up her thighs by the four straps of her dark lace suspender belt. On her feet were shiny black shoes that must have had three inch heels but she was still shorter than me by about three inches. She bent her head up to me, her white teeth glinting in the candlelight between her dark red, half opened lips. "You like what you see? I did some special shopping for you, I did. Now you can properly kiss me, you bastard," she breathed and pressed her lips fiercely against mine. They were warm and inviting. As her tongue found its way to mine I slid a bra strap off her shoulder, and pulled the thin material of the cup down from her breast to expose her nipple. It was hard and proud and I licked and sucked it while she tensed against me, her sudden indrawn breath hissing between her teeth. My hands went to her back, unhooking her bra and she let it slide down her arms to the floor. Her back and shoulders were warm and smooth. The aroma of a perfume, spicy and musky, came from her neck and breasts. She brushed herself against me, and her hard nipples scraped my chest. My hand went to the lacy band of her knickers, slightly stretching them from her smooth warm skin, easing them slowly past her hips and rear and the fine material dropped to the floor. I put my hand down to a front suspender to unfasten it but she held my hand. "I want to leave them on and anyway, you can get to the parts you need. Now you can fuck me," she breathed, "but on my bed." I put one arm under her thighs, another at the small of her back and lifted her up easily, her right arm round my neck. A door was slightly open, a red light showing a bed with a floral cover. The curves, rises and hollows of her body showed as shifting glows and shadows in the candlelight. I laid her down and kissed her again. I put hands to her breasts, pressing gently, moving them and lifting them. My fingers were at her stiff nipples, teasing, pinching and gently rolling them while she gasped. When I put my finger to her moist groove she jerked slightly but opened to me and I slid it back and forward on her. She began grunting, then squirming, her back arched and she sucked in breaths and cried out. I watched her until she came back to earth. She traced her finger round my own nipples and played with the hair on my chest. Her arms went around my neck again, pulling me to her lips. "I told you to fuck me. Don't you listen? But that was all right. Now you can do it properly!" So I gently pushed her legs apart, and my penis was at her lips. I toyed with her briefly then, with a little push, I was in her. She gave a small cry. I pressed gently until I was in her as far as I could go, then slowly withdrew, and thrust in her again. She was gasping and I held both her hands above her so she could not move then I thrust into her harder and harder. I felt her hands clench under mine, her nails digging into my hands and she was breathing heavily, then raggedly, gasping, and grunting until she cried and her head went back as I released into her. I felt her contractions and muscles holding me. At last she opened her eyes and lifted her head to press her lips to mine. I released her hands but she clasped them behind my neck. "Big strong fella, aren't you! I'm going to have to walk bandy-legged for a week." Her voice was slightly teasing, then it softened. "Fred, hold me!" I turned her around so she was tucked into me. "Mmmm, I should go back and tell the girls at Moorfield what they can expect." My nose was in her hair, perfumed, but with that wonderful womanly smell too. One of my hands was cupping her breasts, another was pressing at the soft crinkly hair at her groin and her lovely plump arse was against my belly. "So I take it you've adapted well?" I whispered in her ear. An elbow in my ribs was her answer. END Note. The facility and procedure referred in this story also figure in my earlier stories, "Subterfuge", "A Dirty Night Out", "Minding My Business" and "Finding Myself".

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The Reluctant SultanChapter 7 Getting Adjusted

It was the second week of December when I had an unwelcome visitor. Our receptionist let me know there was a man wanting to see me in the lobby. I walked out of my office toward the front and when I saw who was waiting I had a pretty good idea what this might be about. "Are you Gabriel Allan Hancock?" the man asked. "I am," I answered. Neither of us offered to shake hands. This was not a conventional business meeting. He passed me a large manila envelope. "Sir, you have been...

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Farewell Southern Belle

FAREWELL SOUTHERN BELLE His name was Travis. He was from California. Although he was good looking, he was short, chubby, and walked with a cane. He had low self-esteem and didn’t think himself anything special. He had semi-long brown hair, hazel eyes, and a goatee. He fancied himself as somewhat of a photographer. He grew up alone and never had many friends. However, the few he had loved him. Travis wanted more than anything to find true love. He lost himself in fantasies of finding ‘the one’...

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Farewell To Cindy

Farewell To Cindy ‘Thank you for flying with us today,’ the flight attendant said as I exited the plane. I acknowledged her statement with a forced smile. There was no joy in such a smile, as it was hollow and empty at best. This flight to Alabama I knew was to be my last. Ever since cancer had claimed her life, I had made this annual pilgrimage. Each summer I would come to spend time at her graveside. On her birthday, I would spend the day at the cemetery just hanging out and spending time...

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Farewell to Arms

Sandy Chapman planned to travel to Africa. He could talk about nothing else for months previous of his leaving home. He told all his friends as to where he would go and when there of meeting his scientist father, a Doctor Francis L. Chapman III. Sandy then a last year college student in the study of Biological science would soon earn his degree. Excited and looking forward to three weeks of fun and friendship as he visited his father, Sandy joining the man while on his Serengeti expedition. Dr....

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Farewell Southern Belle

FAREWELL SOUTHERN BELLEHis name was Travis. He was from California. Although he was good looking, he was short, chubby, and walked with a cane. He had low self-esteem and didn't think himself anything special. He had semi-long brown hair, hazel eyes, and a goatee. He fancied himself as somewhat of a photographer. He grew up alone and never had many friends. However, the few he had loved him. Travis wanted more than anything to find true love. He lost himself in fantasies of finding...

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Farewell Party for Marlene

It was the night before Marlene was to return home to the U.S. She had had a full summer and made many friends. She was looking forward to going home but at the same time she wished she could stay a little longer. She had grown attached to her host family and to the town in general. Carlos, the oldest son in the host family and also her age, had been her only friend at first and a good friend throughout. His best friend Antonio, had also been an important relation. Tonight, the two of them...

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Swelling Belly

Haha..do you think the Daddy should be proud? Do you think the Mummy should be proud too? Well what about the hubby when it is not his baby in my belly? Mmmm...a good question? Well what if hubby thinks junior is his. then he will be proud too...hahaha!Now that is the situation. My Mandingo stud and I know what he did to me, but we keep our little secret from hubby, well for now!I had been seeing my hard core African boy for 2 weeks and he had blown several liters of his hot cum into my pure...

2 years ago
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Farewell My Heart

((Authors Note: I still can not bring myself to re-write the end of this fairy tale as it should be written. This is in it’s raw form, mostly. Some changes have been made because spell checker said so. For those that have read Guests Cum First, it explains why Mikal made the choice he did I think. Though she’ll never read it here, a heart-felt thank you to the voice, heart and soul behind Matty. For everyone else, if you believe in true love and soul mates, have tissues handy. You’ve been...

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Farewell Its My Life

The name is Samuel. The Hero of this tawdry little tale and literally hundreds of others. A tall, good-looking, big and handsome young black man of Haitian origin whose politically incorrect sex stories have taken collegiate America by storm. Today, this ends. I am forsaking all the mean and sexy things that I used to do. I’ve recently graduated from college. My father and mother congratulated me, as did my extended family members. A new chapter of my life begins. Time to say goodbye to the...

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Farewell to the Dancing Man

In a recent story, ‘A Message to Cane Toads’, the cane toad mentioned that he had written several novels, this is the start of one of them. It was written some 25 years ago and I thought that I had lost it when the floppy disc that I’d stored it on decided that it wouldn’t let me access the file. A couple of days ago I was going through some old papers I had in packing case from my last house move when I discovered a hard copy of the manuscript and decided to re-type in and back it up onto an...

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Farewell to the Dancing Man Ch 3032

CHAPTER THIRTY Brownlow rang the Swain house at 9:15am, a time when he could be reasonably sure that Cynthia would be home alone. ‘I want to talk to you, alone.’ ‘I don’t think that would be a very good idea.’ ‘I don’t think that you are in a position to dictate terms. If you have anyone with you when I get there I go straight to the station and present my evidence. I have enough to have you, at the very least, brought in for questioning about the death of Paul Thomas, but I also feel that...

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Farewell to the Dancing Man Ch 2529

CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE Cynthia’s Story Dinner turned out to be a pleasant but uneventful occasion, the talk centred on what each of us had done during the day. Rebecca’s of course was heavily censored, but Peter’s account of his day had both children interested and for the first time in I don’t know how long I felt that we were close as a family. After dinner we sat around continuing the conversation without the benefit of the TV blaring in the background. Peter and I went to bed not long after...

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Farewell to the Dancing Man Ch 2124

CHAPTER TWENTY ONE Cynthia’s Story. I won’t hear from her again. I remember the day that she left, she seemed happy enough to be going away for a holiday on her own. As the final boarding call came over the loudspeaker she gave me a light peck on the cheek. ‘Look after you father won’t you? Don’t let him go to the pub every night getting drunk. Make sure he buys the right food for you, and don’t ask him for presents all the time.’ She turned to Father, ‘Good-bye Darling, look after Cynthia...

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Farewell to the Dancing Man Ch 0510

CHAPTER FIVE Cynthia’s Story. I guess it had to happen. Peter had been busy with his business, building it up from the small family business that he’d inherited from his father. I can understand that, but what I can’t understand is his lack of interest in family matters. Take this morning for instance, he was prepared to stay home from work to answer police questions but when he discovered that he wasn’t needed he left for work without kissing me good-bye. It wasn’t that he has been in the...

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Farewell to the Dancing Man Ch 1120

CHAPTER ELEVEN ‘Mum, what is there to eat?’ Timothy and his bottomless stomach had arrived home from school and interrupted Cynthia’s thoughts. ‘Get yourself a glass of milk and a biscuit.’ She resented the intrusion into her thoughts. She went to the refrigerator and got out salad ingredients and some lamb chops and started to prepare the evening meal. ‘Not chops and salad again?’ Timothy looked scornfully at the food. ‘What’s wrong with that? It’s good healthy food.’ ‘Why can’t we have...

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Farewell to Arms

Anxiety. Nervousness. Late. I sighed as I glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the monitor knowing that it wouldn’t change anything. He was late. One day before he would be moving out of the country to graduate school he had promised to log on so they could say their good-byes. As his life at home with his parents was about to end so was the more stable part of their relationship. Even though he lived 6 hours away by plane, at least I knew that he would be available most of the...

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Farewell Lunch

Chapter 1 Red Light – Green Light Diana’s office was anything but uptight. It was the Eighties and everyone was still enjoying the sexual revolution, so things were pretty loose around the office. Women in the office environment were shedding the dusty image of the 1950’s receptionist and were working in jobs once reserved for men only. The woman’s movement of the 1970’s had adopted the bra as its symbol of being tied to old standards and they burned them in protest, now women were...

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Farewell Lunch Chapter 5

Round 3 She awoke to Mark sucking on her right boob, which certainly felt good, and soon they were once again frantically fucking in the doggy position, then the missionary and finally Mark put her on her side with her butt towards the side of the bed and finished in her that way! He stepped back and all but fell into a chair. “Damn, you are hot woman!” “Me, what about you mister, three times in an...

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Farewell Fuck

My name is Grant and I am 40 years old. I have been divorced for over 10 years. I keep myself fit - going to the gym each day, and occasionally picking up a fuck partner from the young ladies and married women who have admired my abs whilst I’ve worked out. Amber is my current fuck buddy. She and I have been regular fuck buddies for the last six months. We would normally get together at her place when her daughter Bree had organised a sleep-over at a friends place. Feeling particularly daring...

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Fast Adjustments

FAST ADJUSTMENTS A hard and painful kick awoke twelve year old Ted Cummings. It seemed as if the kick was coming from inside his stomach. Then he had to pee! It was difficult to sit up. As he moved hair fluttered around his face and there were movements on his chest. Then there was another kick. Alarmed he looked down his torso. It looked as if he was wearing a large T shirt, not the pajamas that he had gone to bed with. Under the nightgown were bulges on his chest. As he moved his...

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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 27 The Final Adjustments

(When all sisters were focused on me) The evening milking became my favorite with four nymphs and according sex. It wasn’t that I loved to do any one of them more than Lilly. It was just because I was busy pretty much nonstop, time flew by and I was treated to soothing and loving care by all of them. I was even fucking beautiful much appreciative Branch in the round robin of milking taking my turn with her as well, fucking times four down the line. My penis was very happy. I knew so much...

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Fast Adjustments

FAST ADJUSTMENTS By Larryma An intense pressure in his bladder awoke Ted. He had to go to the bathroom immediately. To his surprise his pajamas had disappeared. His whole body felt foreign. He was laying on his side and it was harder than usual to turn over and sit up and as he did something on his chest moved. It was difficult to sit up and again there was movement on his chest. His hands investigated to find his chest stuck out both on the sides and in front. He looked down...

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Making Adjustments

This story was originally written as a serial story on my yahoo group over a period of several months. Making Adjustments By Morpheus Part 1 It was in the middle of the afternoon as the school bus slowly drove through the quiet streets, dropping kids off after their long day at school. 12 year old Richie Harper sat in his seat, silently watching the scenery pass him by. Several times he stared at kids who got off the bus, trying to figure out which house they actually lived...

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Bicycle Seat Adjustment

I watched as the “Triple K” walked up the driveway pushing their bicycles into my garage. Kimberly, Karen, and Karolyn are the best of friends. When they were young they started to call themselves the “KKK” but I quickly put a stop to that so the “Triple K” was born. Kimberly is my daughter and the other two live only a few houses away, one in each direction. Since we live in the middle they tend to hang out more here. I don’t mind. That way I can keep an eye on them and of course I can...

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Dragon and Tiger Chapter Two Adjustments

Dragon and Tiger By Darian Deamos Chapter Two: Adjustments Jason Drake had just been through a rather traumatic experience. He had been out with some of the guys from work, celebrating his engagement to Christine Felix. Then things got annoying. He was kidnapped by an insane sorceress named Morganna, a bitch with a grudge against all men, and an obsession with controlling Chris. She had taken him, and had started to work her will on him, turning him into a petite bimbo without...

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Adjustments Author's Note: When I heard what Will Smith said about Jaden wearing skirts or doing other things it got me thinking. This story started to form. Jimmy turned toward the bathroom door and slowly opened it. He peered out into the hallway and listened. He knew he was alone in the house, his mom had gone off shopping trying to score some of the Black Friday deals and Dad had to work. She finally agreed to let him stay home by himself for the first time since there was...

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Attitude Adjustments

ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENTS by Rachel Ann Cooper © 1997 This is a love story of sorts. There is no graphical or porno sex, lewd or lascivious conduct. Rated PG13. Chapter one: the problem Will you please hurry up? We're due at the party in 15 minutes and you've barely got your make-up on," Joe said, somewhat irritated. He'd been a little short tempered all his 25 years and she still married him, so why develop a bunch of patience now? After all, HE was ALWAYS ready on...

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