Cresswell Industries Part 4
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Cresswell Industries ? by: Keshara The beginning Chapter One - Summer 1995 The wedding went according to plan. Sarah and Graham Lees were happy, although both of them were na?ve to the world that both their strict upbringings had given them, they were both looking forward to their long awaited wedding night. Sarah's father Bernard, despite being a hypocrite who regularly cheated on his wife, had imposed many restrictions on his one and only daughter and although Graham was a...
Cresswell Industries, Part 3 - by Keshara Chapter Eleven Housekeepers Grace had informed Melissa of her own intentions concerning the other residents. They were now all under her control and Melissa could only agree with her prize transgendered daughter, as she now thought of her. In fact she could not wait to see the outcome of her work. Elizabeth's training had gone perfectly. For during the last three months Ivan had been showering the budding young shemale with gifts...
Chapter Twenty One: Conditioned For the next two weeks Dennis was assigned to the kitchens to learn how to cook and prepare meals for the Masters and Mistresses of the compound. Head of the kitchen was a portly woman in her sixties called Mona and from what he could make out from listening to the gossip and conversations of the other three women, who worked alongside her, she was very much a lesbian. In fact it turned out that she had at one stage bedded all three of the women....
((This is my original work, originally published under the name Uriel and reposted from The Unending BE Addventure.)) Miranda crept into the factory warily. There shouldn’t be anyone inside; she’d specifically arranged for the cameras to be shut off and the security guards to be given the night off. But she’d come too far for anything unexpected to derail her plans now! When Miranda had finally assumed control of her father’s company, she had been ecstatic. Being a brilliant businesswoman, she...
XIX: By The Grace And The Goddess The moment Xavier had been informed by one of his contacts...Sgt. Connor Niehaus, another soldier who was a part of the Nightshifters unit...of the confirmed location of a woman fitting Maggie's exact description, he was quick to drop everything and acquire a large black case. This was all he took with him as he gunned the engine and raced out to the coordinates Connor gave him. He hoped to be able to intercept...and deal with...Maggie before...
The Total Woman Industries Gulfstream G4 was fueled and prepped, parked at the executive airport, strobe and rotating lights flashing in the dusk. In the approaching limousine, Sheldon reviewed again the confidential document on rare earths ore assays from the Andean high plateau corner of Argentina. His wife Krista was speaking by SATphone with the mining company representative at that site. ‘If the metal ores are as rich and pure as you say, we will be interested in collaboration. Our...
The shiny new concept automobiles were on display. String bikinied models draped the vehicles, their surgically rounded boobs and butts receiving more consideration than the sleekly rounded hoods and fenders supporting them. One such model draped machine was the TWI Electric Car. It was a concept vehicle with the manufacturing still being organized. It boasted affordable energy efficiency thanks to its space age metal alloys. Total Woman Industries had locked up an economical source of rare...
The captain’s voice came over the cabin annunciators of the TWI Gulfstream G4. ‘Sir, the tower just informed us that the air hostess’s car has passed security and she will arrive shortly. However, we’re late and have missed our takeoff slot. We are at ground stop for at least an hour. We will try to make up the time inflight but no guarantees.’ GODDAMMIT! Sheldon was angry. Krista had arranged Svetlana, his host national guide and interpreter, to accompany him on this trip to Sweden. He...
The jet landed with a mild thump. Jeffery looked out at the dust devils and heat mirages on the land next to the runway. The United Arab Emirates was a hot dusty place and the financial capital of the Arab Peninsula, flush with oil revenues and skimmed war money. Aiesha, his host country national guide and interpreter, was seated across the aisle, wearing much more conservative dress than the little to nothing she had worn during most of the flight. Her inflight duties included stress relief...
The Governess: A Cresswell Industries Story By Keshara After her husband's transformation had been completed Lady Melissa Cresswell had decided that his wife should be given what she deserves. She had spent many years in her domineering husband's shadow and now with her own transformation complete, Lorna Trewick was going to play an important role in Her Ladyship's plan for a world where women were to become the more dominant species of the human race. Chapter One:...
I: The Game Begins It seemed like a radical, and somewhat jarring, change in direction for young Timothy Portnoy. A brand new house in a brand new place. He never imagined he would ever leave his old life, nor the friends he had known since his elementary school years, to settle in elsewhere. But there was no way around it. The job market was bad where he had lived. No one was hiring as he was going through High School, and he was never able to establish a living out on his own...
Sheldon sat at the conference table in the high rise office in Mumbai sipping spiced chai tea. He was listening as a Nehru-jacketed functionary in the Indian computer firm assured him again and again of the precision and stability of their computer aided manufacturing software. He had heard it all before but let the man ramble on. When the speaker reached a pause, Sheldon raised his head and asked his question. ‘You can tell me all day long that you’re the best but show me some examples or...
Outside, the TWI Gulfstream G4 slid its long plump body through the smooth encompassing air. Inside, Jeffery slid his long plump cock through Greta’s smooth encompassing cunt. The airplane went straight and true towards its ultimate destination, Munich Airport. Jeffery went back and forth towards his ultimate destination, another orgasm. Greta was his host country national guide and interpreter. Her services were engaged by Jeffery’s wife, Nadia, for this journey to Bavaria. In addition to...
III: Baiting the Hook The skies were dark blue when Rita's Porsche pulled up in front of Timmy's house. He was terribly worried that his mom was going to be out in front of the door waiting for him with an angry look on her face, but there was no one there. The lights inside the house, however, were still on. Rita was nice enough to undo the hairstyle she had given him, restoring his fuller hair to its original appearance, and she allowed him to wash off the makeup she had...
V: Deeper and Deeper Back down on the floor, on his knees and with his hands comfortably bound behind him, Timmy found himself lost in the throes of not only passion, but warmth. A warmth that could be felt all over his body as the hard, fleshy cock slid into and out of his mouth, between a pair of puffy lips. He could both feel and taste the spurts of a warm, thick liquid emerging from the cockhead, coming out in pulses. Timmy moaned as he continued to suck upon the erect cock...
VII: Tammy Timmy had chosen to remain dressed in the catsuit once he had gotten back home. He was a little concerned over the absence of his mother, but he surmised that this was another of her late evenings and didn't think much more of it. He just drifted upstairs, still basking in the glow of his Mall experiences, and went into his bedroom. As Rita had music playing in the car during the ride home, it was at the debutante's suggestion that he place the vibrator he had been given...
IX: Hangovers Maggie remained quiet as she drove Tammy away from Cincher's. She could hear Tammy still sobbing over what had transpired. In her sorrow, Tammy did not notice that the car was not only distancing itself from Cincher's, but from the city Bullchester...and the surrounding a whole. They drove well into the night, and once Maggie ran her car across a large bridge, with Bullchester far behind them, she decided to pull into a hotel. After parking her vehicle,...
XI: Bubbles - QueenCel '< : Is what I'm hearing from Rita true, Judith? About this Dennis Blake boy? - TheDivineMissN '< : What did she tell you? - QueenCel '< : Seems like ever since word went around about Tammy, everyone has been wanting to find young men and turn them into their personal sluts. The only reason I haven't said anything is because that in both Tammy's and Lenore's case, there were ...
XIII: Back To Work Tamara couldn't help but linger on the dream she had last night during the ride to Larry's new office on her first day of going back to work before the unavoidable 'sick leave' period. Her dreams were related to memories of being a younger version of the boy she used to be. Happy times he had spent with his mother. The former boy was consequentially silent, but at the same time, looking forward to getting back to work. She worried, too, that she and Maggie might...
XV: Hot and Bothered *CRACK!* "Nngh!" The woman's name was Marion Briggs. In BDSM circles, she was considered a switch, which meant she could effectively fill the roles of a dominant and a submissive. Yet another associate of Mary Margaret Katzhoff, they had just finished a pre-planned session in which Marion...who always played the submissive to Maggie...was the recipient of a willing degree of pleasurable pain. *CRACK!* "Nngh...ohh, fuck!" With every crack of...
XVII: Entrapment Sweetie remembers her girly-posture. Day and night. Lowly sweetie, eyes aflutter. Waldo's eyes slowly opened, and adjusted to the lights from the nearby windows, none of which prohibited the winter sun from shining down upon the weary young man's face as his eyes fluttered rapidly. It was then that he realized, in the very next moment, that the skies were too bright for this to be the early morning, which was when he was supposed to rise to get his bus. Ooh!...
XVIII: Pleasure and Pain The morning's light lingered upon his face from the window at the left side of Waldo's bed, rousing him from his sleep. Stretching the limbs of his slim, hairless upper body, Waldo lifted his torso off the soft, floral pink-covered mattress. A flowery perfume scent always filled his nostrils every time he inhaled within the room. Seating himself at his white vanity table after pulling off his rose- colored satin babydoll and gently draping it upon the bed, he...
I was much impressed with the defensive posture of Cornwallis at Yorktown. I thought this must be due to extensive experience in European style warfare in direct confrontation and meeting engagements on open fields of battle. That sort of warfare was really a place where reality was replaced by toy soldiers on a flat playing board in a child’s game with no blood being spilled in copious quantities. It would be totally unlike a deadly duel in the sun with actual firearms and sharp swords that...
My husband Richard is on a business trip that involves being away from home an entire week. I love him dearly, but I will be damned if I stay here at home and twiddle my fingers or clit all by myself. I want so hot-fucking action. I know just where to get it too, my friend Ron, and lives two miles from here. He knows just how to help me get through the boring days or as it might be the long lonely nights. Oh god, that man knows how to fuck and push my buttons. Like last night, when he...
People need body parts to go far in their life. Both for doing something and to lives. Although, they can still live without their limbs, sight, earring and voice. But they can't live without vital body parts, namely the head and/or torso. Everyone knows that. In this story however, everyone can live without a specific body part including the vital one. But when the body part is separated from its host, it become its own being. In other case, they can move like it had a complete body, sometimes...
FetishMany men have strived to achieve the title of Thrustmaster. You are one of those men. You arrive on stage and see a beautiful woman laying naked on a table in front of you. You have worked your whole life to get here. Do you have the stamina? Do you have what it takes? Press "Start Game," on the right and find out.
Freddie Reeves steered the red 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan into the parking lot. He pressed the button to open the right sliding door. “Bye, guys,” he said to the Williamson siblings as they bounded out of the vehicle. The caretaker watched them closely as the teacher on duty ushered them towards the school entrance.He headed out to the grocery store to do some quick shopping. Tonight’s menu was BBQ chicken breasts, charred corn salad, and steamed broccoli. The five-ten, slightly chubby, unmanly...
I was driving home alone in a massive snowstorm on the New York Thruway. It was 3:00 am, the roads were impassable. I had the same idea as everybody else: pull into the rest area until the roads are better. The building was typical with a fast-food anchor and a couple of deli and coffee-type stands in a food court style.The driver of the car next to mine got out as I did. She was bundled up in a white parka. Long blonde hair, big blue eyes, pink pouty lips, skin that said she was about 19 and...
??????????? She?d been kneeling naked, eyes closed, for what seemed like an eternity.? Most likely it was only 15 minutes but the time of silence, without his words, his touch or the sight of him to anchor her made it feel much longer, much worse.? Despite knowing there would be an end to it she couldn?t get used to these moments of enforced silence, enforced exile.? Her arousal would dissipate quickly without him even though she knew it pleased him greatly to keep her this way.? He?d...
Reddit SeeThru, aka r/SeeThru! The online world is filled with all kinds of porn, be it fucked up or not… you have it all. Reddit is known to be one of those sites that just has a little bit of everything, and while I enjoy watching porn videos, I sometimes love to dabble in the naughty shit as well. For example, the subreddits that are designed to tease you and let you appreciate the beautiful physique that women have.One of my favorite subreddits that perfectly fits that category is called...
Reddit NSFW List-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Paradise Trail -=-=-=-=-=-=-= By Maria 2 (a.k.a. Maria) To my valued readers - - There is quite a bit more to my diary. Here is what you may read thus far. Let me know if you want to read even more. (Part One starts here.) (Part Two starts at Chapter 6.) (Part Three starts at Chapter 9.) (Part Four starts at Chapter 13.) Introduction - May 6, 1953. This is a true story - as true as I can tell it, as true as I can put to words. There will be...
-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Paradise Trail -=-=-=-=-=-=-= By Maria 2 (a.k.a. Maria) (Part One starts here.) (Part Two starts at Chapter 6.) (Part Three starts at Chapter 9.) Introduction - May 6, 1953. This is a true story - as true as I can tell it, as true as I can put to words. There will be skeptics who doubt the veracity, but that is a measure beyond my control. Forgive me if I am not the best of all authors. Truth be told, I am no author at all. If I jump from first...
-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Paradise Trail -=-=-=-=-=-=-= By Maria 2 (a.k.a. Maria) (Part One starts here.) (Part Two starts at Chapter 6.) Introduction - May 6, 1953. This is a true story - as true as I can tell it, as true as I can put to words. There will be skeptics who doubt the veracity, but that is a measure beyond my control. Forgive me if I am not the best of all authors. Truth be told, I am no author at all. If I jump from first person to second person to third, then...
The expurgated parts of Gulliver's Travelsby oggbashan © Copyright Oggbashan January 2004; Chapter 6 April 2009; Minor edit to produce as a continuous story April 2017.The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. *************************************************Author's PrefaceThe...
My name is Marci, and my husband Dan and I moved to New Orleans from Dallas after we purchased a national auto parts store franchise. We met while working at a company in Dallas and were both twenty-nine years old at the time of this story. Dan was a marketing director and I was a property accountant in the franchise department. We purchased that business as a way for me to get back to my hometown of New Orleans to be closer to my parents. We looked for other employment there for quite a while,...
CuckoldOut in the infinite multiverse, there is a world very much like our own. However, there is one big, and odd, difference. Society has a market where one can sell ownership of their body parts to others, on either a temporary or permanent basis. Here's how it works: A person can put a part, or multiple parts, of their body up for sale on a market. Whoever buys the body part gains ownership of it, as if it was a part of their body rather than the seller's. Though the part is not removed from the...
FetishAll PartsPart 1 - Part 4By Dina Petro (PART1)My name is Suzanne Known as Sue among my friends, I was in my late teens when this happened, a very good looking girl with sexy body of late teens, I was working part time job as a secretary for a private real estate office, My boss, John was married with two teen aged k**s, Deema and Damien who were only one Year apart, Deema is one year older than Damien.My boss was on a trip to his sister’s house along with his wife, he was supposed to spend only...
First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Mable. I have lived on our street for a long time and I like to keep a close eye on things. My husband, Walter, wrongly accuses me of being too nosy. I am curious, not nosy, and there is a difference. I do admit, sometimes I get a little tingly in my lady parts when I watch my neighbors. And underneath my proper floral dress with coordinating cardigan, I like to rub my swollen little hot button. I remember when I first spied Elizabeth out my window....
Voyeur(You really need to have read the previous parts. A double helping of pervitude this time... Enjoy!)5. Jane's Third TestimonyTime for me to take over again. Joe's little comment was, of course, a reference to my peeing on the potty (see earlier parts). He had obviously enjoyed it, though in many ways it still seemed a pretty disgusting thing that I did. I think I had wanted to forget that particular episode, but Joe clearly hadn't. I wondered what Anna would think when he told her, which I...
Big Changes, Part II: Friendly Reward Author's Notes: Thanks for all the positive feedback on the first story, everyone (for those interested, it's Big Changes: Swelling with Pride. I'd definitely suggest reading it before reading these parts). In return for your kind words, I've moved as quickly as I could on the next chapters, and, as a special belated holiday gift, I've packaged parts two and three together! Don't say I never gave you anything nice! I wrote these out over the last...
So there i was at work on a boring monday morning ! my boss popped in and asked if I fancy a run out to birmingham to pick up some parts for a car that we were re building! ok but only if I can take my car (more comfortable xx) I get there and the parts are not there yet said guy! shit so I called my boss ! the parts will be here in three hours ! bollocks was his reply well you best wait there ! wow ok so I went to my car and googles porn cinemas to see how far away angles and sinners was ! but...
Anyway, last Friday while I was at work, my brother had been over helping my husband lay some new pavers in the backyard. Not that I knew that at the time; they’d arranged it last minute. When I got home, I put a couple of bottles of wine in the fridge and noticed there was a pile of beer already in there. There was a big box of Thai takeaway on the counter too. More than we’d normally eat. But I didn’t put two and two together. When I went down to the bedroom to get out of my work–clothes, I...
First off, I’m not using any names for obvious reasons, and also please excuse any typos – I’m usually pretty pedantic about grammar, but I’m typing with one… First off, I’m not using any names for obvious reasons, and also please excuse any typos – I’m usually pretty pedantic about grammar, but I’m typing with one hand. A minute ago, I was sitting at my desk to write this, but I ended up clicking on the file of pics we took on the night, so...
TabooPiece Parts By Dawna Tompson April 2018 Bobby is a wimp who lives a dull, mundane life. His only relief comes from his very private sexual fantasies. Lately, he's become quite successful at creating fantasies that seem incredibly real and lifelike. A small mistake forces Bobby to confront just how genuine they really are. Rating R, Adult Content [email protected] - - Bobby Mathews is a wimp. To be sure, he might not describe himself quite that way. He might use...
The Greener Mile By Goldie Hunter Parts 4 - 6 as previously posted on Top Shelf Editor note: I am sorry to say that the parts included in this are all that has been completed for this story and more than likely will not be concluded. The reason is, if you don't know about it, Goldie Hunter passed away last November on Thanksgiving evening. She had been my friend for several years before she ever made up her mind to write. I encouraged her as much as I could but didn't force the...
"Hard to Be a Woman" by Horseless Norsemen Parts 1-3 Chapter 0: Foreword I've been a reader of Nifty for several years now and Fictionmania for a bit over a year. Being a person on the trans spectrum, gender transformation is my favorite category. It's always bothered me that not only are there more stories about M2F transformations, the transformations themselves are treated as if they are better than FTM ones. The basic MTF story has a...
My wife used to bring my lunch out to me every day I noticed she was paying particular attention to our parts man. One time I heard her ask the parts guy when he was going to take her out to lunch. He had no idea that my wife was a nymphomaniac anyway after her asking him a few more times one evening she told me he was going to bingo I never thought anything of it because she did go occasionally. She started going to bingo three nights a week I found out what was going on when I opened the...
Progressive Dinner Part 1 F/M By [email protected] had graduated from college and was now working a job in an advertising company. My parents had recently retired and had moved to another city. I could now afford a house and so I moved out to the suburbs. I wanted to meet people so I started to attend certain social functions at a near-by church.The church decided to have a progressive dinner, and I signed up for it. Each part of the meal was served at another person's house. This is...
SpankingIntroduction: This is a story about a girl who is born a hermaphrodite, and of her growing up different. This story has a little bit of sex, but its mostly plot and characters and all that stuff. Now you know. This was written as a serial on the xnxx forums site, and now the whole thing is here in one big piece for you. I hope you enjoy. Please comment and vote. Alexis Parts 1-5 (Season 1) ———- Part 1 Do you want to know the sex of the child? Dr. Salinzki asked as he placed the ultrasounds...
From: Paul Wayman To: Paul1954 Subject: try gain Date: 21 November 2000 22:53 Girl-e (Parts 3&4) by Paul1954 The next two parts of the serial currently running on 'The Outside' http// Part 1. Man On A Mission! Part 2. A Wolf In Ewe's Clothing Part 3. From Haven To Hell Part 4. A Voice From The Past Part 5. A Sheep in Sheep's Clothing Part 6. Currently in...
Part 7: Lexi Comes Out To Play James was leaning on the side of his sports car with folded arms as Ally and I exited the school near the gym. He lowered his sunglasses and smiled as we approached him. "Oh hey you two! I got a few messages today - looks like Lexi here has had quite the day, huh?" I blushed, hating what he had turned me into but also turned on by the humiliation. "Well, hop on in you two! We're already late!" I gave him a confused look as Ally grabbed my arm excitedly,...
Girl-e (Parts 1&2) by Paul1954 Part 1. Man On A Mission! Part 2. A Wolf In Ewe's Clothing Part 3. From Haven To Hell Part 4. A Voice From The Past Part 5. A Sheep in Sheep's Clothing Part 6. Currently in progress Part 1. Man On A Mission! Prologue The dark and heavily built man could barely manage to hide his distaste at the sight of the effeminate looking boy that he had just passed the package to, although as far as he was concerned he certainly...
I hope you enjoy this story. I certainly enjoyed writing it. Now, this has some romance in it. If you are one of the people who just wants sex, skip the prologue. If you want incest, this story is not for you. If you want death of bondage or domination, this is not for you. I don't write stuff like that, so please don't leave a comment asking for any of that. I am planning on more parts to this story, and I have it lined out, but feel free to suggest something. Last thing: Yes, this is...
Amazon: Part_2-History Lesson and Reality Checks HISTORY LESSON and REALITY CHECKS By Itinerant Edited by Amelia_R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Interlude - Monday evening, 11/27/2000 Nicole soon retired to her bedroom, now cluttered with bags both full and half-empty, and cleaned up...
A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 17 Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the narrator. ...
"Blame and punishment are intensely individual matters. Where they are used to correct and to better the character, where they are the tools of the friends and teacher and not the weapons of the enemy, great care must be used. Character building is an aim, not a technique, and the end has justified the means. Society has just about come to the conclusion that merely punishing the criminal does not reform him, and merely to punish the child has but part of the effect desired. In...
Young male fuck mature married counterparts in the shower in her pussy and ass: office romance began with a series of continuous orgasmsThe long, seemingly endless, travel trip consisted entirely of some training and business lunches. She was sent there in the company of four male colleagues. Three of them are married, single, and one to a very good-looking, but she would never have allowed myself to have office romance, because she is married, and a daughter. Yes, she and her husband did not...
All for Charity (Parts 1 and 2) Charlie is volunteered to help with a charity fundraiser at a friend's salon. Old feelings come back and as does an old crush. Susie from "The Dress" series makes her return in this story. SLIGHTLY REVISED Chapter 1 I got home early on Friday, as I usually do. I have time to change from my work clothes into jeans and a denim Ralph Lauren shirt as I wait for her to arrive from work. I open a bottle of wine -- a Argentinian Cabernet, one of...