Cat And Mouse - A Cresswell Industries Story Pts 1 And 2 free porn video

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I: The Game Begins It seemed like a radical, and somewhat jarring, change in direction for young Timothy Portnoy. A brand new house in a brand new place. He never imagined he would ever leave his old life, nor the friends he had known since his elementary school years, to settle in elsewhere. But there was no way around it. The job market was bad where he had lived. No one was hiring as he was going through High School, and he was never able to establish a living out on his own before his mother made the decision to move away. He never learned how to drive, and he was only able to get a low-paying weekend job bussing tables at a local restaurant before his mother Ruth had informed him that they were moving to a new place. He didn't even finish High School. He was in his Sophomore year when he was forced to drop out. The business opportunity his mother had won was a lucrative one. Ruth was to be among the executives on the board of a large business firm in a community called Bullchester. From what the middle-aged businesswoman had heard about the town, it seemed pleasant enough, and she figured there would be a much more open job market for her son to take advantage of. This was on Ruth's mind during the long trip by car to their suburban home on the Bullchester outskirts. They were rolling across a busy highway when Ruth broke the silence. "Now you need to keep an open mind when we settle in, dear. I will give you a couple of days grace, but then I want you to start looking for work. If you can't find the job you want, then at least find something you can get a little income from while you look for a better job, because I'm not about to have you bumming around the house while I'm working. Are we understood?" "Yes, Mom," Timmy answered, a touch of uncertainty in his tone. "You may not have worked at that restaurant for very long, but at least it's work experience," Ruth reasoned as she turned onto an Exit, keeping her eyes on the road. "You should mention that during whatever job interviews you go to." Indeed, Timmy worked at that restaurant for a matter of months. Four, to be exact. "Yes, Mom." "Before we load into the new house, we're making a shopping trip," Ruth noted. "I heard there's a new supermarket in the Bullchester area. Once we arrive at the house and have the groceries put away, I need to find out a little more about my new job. Just settle in and relax for awhile, but remember...after those two grace days, you're gonna get right to work on the job hunt. Understood?" "Yes, Mom." Timmy had a somewhat distant expression on his face as the car finally cruised its way through the quiet and very nice-looking suburbs where their new home was located. It was early autumn, and already, the trees that decorated the sidewalks by the many nice-looking houses was in the process of shedding their leaves, and they added a bit of color to the otherwise gray concrete pavements that made up the area's smooth pedestrian paths. His thoughts were not only of the friends he had left behind him, but also of his two older sisters, Sandra and Shelley, both of whom had gone away to attend two different colleges in two separate states. He had asked his mother if she would contact either of them about the move, but Ruth did not think too highly of her two daughters, seeing as how they didn't particularly like their mother very much, either. Timmy remembered them warning him about staying with Ruth, but his mother's decision was firm. She insisted on taking the youngest member of their family with her. Sandra and Shelley were also more attached to Ruth's ex-husband, even though Brock had far more masculine interests compared to his wife. Her two girls had become a bit tomboy-ish as a result by the time they were in their adolescence, and Ruth obviously didn't want the same thing to happen to Timmy. A road sign identified the supermarket, apparently the result of taking the next exit, as "Gourmandizer's". The road sign looked relatively new, and on top of the sign was a smaller sign reading the words "Grand Opening". The location's name had been rendered in a stylishly flowing manner of fine cursive script. About a mile down a straight road, Ruth turned the car into a large parking lot, upon which several cars had taken advantage of the closer parking spaces. Ruth was able to quickly...and somewhat ruthlessly, judging by the other car's honking horn...beat a station wagon to one outstanding spot nearest the entrance, and their spot was flanked by an economy-size car on one side, and a very expensive-looking silver Jaguar on the other. As was Ruth's custom whenever they shopped, it fell to Timmy to get the shopping cart. He was able to grab one from the row of parked carts and he hurried it over to where his mother was waiting. Before they reached the door, a couple of nuns were busy addressing a couple of patrons in some manner of religion referencing a "divine feminine". Ruth couldn't help but roll her eyes as she and her son rolled past the sliding door leading into Gourmandizer's. As they had done grocery shopping trips many times before in their old neighborhood during weekends, Timmy would push and Ruth would grab items and place them in the cart. Occasionally, she would instruct Timmy to grab items she missed from certain sections they had passed, and Ruth had a full shopping list with her every time. It was always fairly long, too. This time, however, it was a particularly long shopping list. Longer than usual. "I sure hope their prices are reasonable," Ruth observed as Timmy kept pushing the cart. "This was the last paycheck of my last job, and I don't want to have to spend every last cent of it just to feed us for the week." "They didn't have coupons?" Timmy wondered aloud. Ruth shook her head. "Guess it's because this is a new place," she surmised aloud as she grabbed milk cartons and placed them into the cart, followed by two dozens of eggs. She paused a moment to cross off two sections on her list, pulling the pen from the pocket of her gray blouse, and then hooking it back once she was done. "Prices look good so far, though. They'll probably go up after a year or so." Many of the people shared the distinction of being either effeminate or female, and those who looked upon Ruth and his son gave nods and smiles, some of which seemed a little suggestive. Ruth always cast a scowl of warning on those they deemed suggestive, and they always shrank away, minding their own business once again. The cart was a quarter full by the time they were in the fourth shopping lane, and that's when Ruth's cell phone chimed its rendition of a Peggy Lee tune. Stopping the cart, and pulling the phone, her expression shriveled in disgust when she saw who was calling. "Shit!" She hissed, and then turned to Timmy, handing him the shopping list. "See if you can find some of these for me. I need to take this." Her voice trailed off as she headed away. Before a now nervous-looking Timmy could say a word of protest, he was on his own in the aisle. He remained hesitant to move for a long moment before he took a deep, confident breath, lifted the list to study it for a moment, and then resumed pushing the cart, scanning both sides of the aisles for the next item on the list. Sugary sweet music played through the ceiling speakers the moment they had entered the supermarket, and a feminine voice pitched grand-opening sale specials between the melodies, which initially sounded weird to the young man, but Timmy eventually found the wordless music to be quite nice. Soothing, even. Timmy had to rise up to the tips of his toes to grab one particularly hard-to-reach item. As he reached up, however, he lost his balance and began to fall back... ...but an effeminate pair of arms and hands intercepted his fall, and a sweet, alluring, and spicy scent came from the woman behind him as he was helped back to his feet by his apparent savior. "Wooh. Sorry about that." He turned to face the woman. "Thanks for..." The visage he saw obviously stunned him. She was a tall, well-toned woman wearing a gray tank top and black slacks. She flashed a sweet smile from between a set of ruby red lips. Her eyes were partially hidden by a head of wildly-teased, shoulder-length hair, which was raven black with white highlights. Rising to her full height, she easily towered over the smaller boy as he looked up to her with a somewhat timid gaze. "What were you trying to get?" She then asked, in a husky and quite attractive-sounding voice. Still intimidated not only by her height but also by her captivating beauty, it took a moment for Timmy to come to his senses and point over to the high area where he was reaching. His eyes were still on the woman as he pointed. "Umm...up...up..." He glanced back, confirming that it was a pack of sugar he was trying to grab. "...up there." This earned him another sweet grin as she stepped over and quite easily grabbed a pack of the desired sugar. She then placed it in Timmy's cart. "There you go." Timmy smiled meekly, giving her a nod of appreciation. "Thank you, Miss." He kept looking at her as he pushed the cart away, and saw that her own gaze was lingering on him as he turned the cart to the right to proceed to the next aisle. He also noticed that she did not have a cart of her own. He rationalized, as he proceeded, that she was perhaps looking for just a single item or two. Or her cart was in another aisle. Her face was still on his mind as he continued to seek out the remaining items on the long list. When he reached the sixth lane, the cart was about 50% full. Again, he received nods of acknowledgement and smiles from those he had passed, and that same music could be heard as he proceeded. He was in the process of looking for rice when a nice-looking, conservatively-dressed redhead began moving towards him with a gentle smile of her own. "Hi!" The woman began. "How are you this afternoon?" Always polite, he nodded in acknowledgement as he smiled meekly. "Uh...doing OK, thanks. know. Shopping." "Literally putting food on the table for mom?" The woman asked. "That's the way it should be, you know, if you ask me. For someone so young, it's nice of you to be taking the initiative on her behalf." "Actually, she stepped away to take an important call," Timmy remarked, grabbing the large bag of rice and placing it in the cart. "It's probably her boss at her new job." "Oh! How nice." The woman stepped closer, holding her pleasant smile. "Are you new to Bullchester?" Timmy nodded. "Yeah. We're going to our new home in the suburbs next." "Certainly a nice enough day to load in, eh?" The redhead now had an arm around his shoulder, and Timmy began to look a little nervous. " tomorrow is Sunday, perhaps you and your mom can stop by the local church in town. We do hold services there every Sunday morning, as with most." "I...think we'll be a little more busy loading in," Timmy responded. The woman seemed nice enough. Not as eye-catching or as alluring as the other woman with the raven black hair, but certainly attractive enough to hold Timmy's attention. "Well, perhaps the following Sunday then." She then held a hand up to the boy. "Gemma Schultz, by the way. And, you are...?" "Uh, Timmy," the boy nodded once again in acknowledgement, bringing up his own hand, "Timmy Portnoy." "Very nice to meet you, Timmy Portnoy." Gemma gave the hand a light shake before letting it go. "I hope you don't mind my asking, old are you?" "Sixteen," Timmy answered. Gemma nodded. "Well, I would think you'd want to pick up on your education, don't you think? We do have a school in town and..." "...and he's not interested, thank you." The raven black-haired woman pulled back on Gemma's shoulder with a firm grip. She wasn't rough about it, but it was enough to send the message to the surprised redhead as Timmy gasped in surprise. Gemma lightly frowned at this action as her eyes turned to the larger woman. "I do beg your pardon. I was only trying to help this lost soul on..." "I seriously doubt that this young man wants to have anything to do with that 'divine feminine' shit you and your silly nuns outside have been pushing," the larger woman interjected. "You may go now." Gemma blinked in her surprise at the audaciousness of the larger woman. She tried a different tactic now. "Are you related to this boy?" "As a matter of fact, I'm his Aunt Maggie," the woman replied, keeping her voice calm, but direct. "I'm here to help the boy and his mom shop here. To you, however, I'm the big, badass bitch your higher power warned you about..." She then stepped in very close, and very threateningly, to Gemma, who shrinked back a bit. "...and I'll be very painfully proving it to you if you don't step away from him right now." It was now Gemma's turn to look flustered as the raven black-haired woman continued to stare threateningly down at her. "Uhh...I...I'm sorry, then. I'll...I'll leave you to y-your shopping." The redhead backtracked slowly, nearly stumbling into a cart behind her as she backed away. Both Timmy and her "Aunt" watched her turn to a previous aisle and out of sight before they once again turned to face each other. The larger woman smiled. "Hope you don't mind. I know I'm not your aunt, but the name I used is real." She held out her hand. "I'm Maggie." Timmy just stared. Once again, the tall and beautiful girl that seemed to come out of his wildest dreams flashed another alluring smile upon him, and it was a shaky, sweaty hand that slowly shook hers. "T-Timmy. Tippy Porntoy...I-I mean, Portnoy." Maggie giggled over Timmy's botched introduction. "Nice to meet you. I couldn't help but notice that you're making a bit of slow progress here. Is this your first time in this supermarket?" Timmy nodded, blushing. "We're just moving into a suburb just outside of Bullchester." "Really? I just moved in myself. Couple of weeks ago, in fact," Maggie responded. "I've been here before, though. This is their third week as a brand new supermarket, and I think I can help you find what you need if you can trust me with your list? At least, until your mom comes back?" Timmy was still speechless over the fact that this very attractive girl was talking to him at all, as he had been terribly shy and introverted through his previous school and social experiences. He managed a nod, however, as Maggie gently pulled the shopping list out of his hand. "Follow me, then. Always stay close," Maggie instructed as they began walking through the rest of the aisle. Far behind them, at the other end of the aisle, a frowning Gemma watched them make their way to the other end of the aisle, and then tapped through to a phone number she felt compelled to call after her tense encounter with what she deemed to be a possible problem in the otherwise prosperous and developing serenity that was the Bullchester community. Unto the feminine voice that answered, she fed her the boy's name, and asked for a background check. She then resumed her own shopping trip, having reclaimed the cart she had temporarily stepped away from in the previous aisle. As Maggie and Timmy went through the remainder of the many aisles of the supermarket, it was Maggie who had Timmy plucking items personally. Those items he could not reach, Maggie acquired for him. The entire time, the smaller boy could not take his eyes off of the wild-haired woman who was helping him shop, and she always flashed a smile towards him whenever he caught him staring. Logically, he looked away every time she tried to return his gaze, and she giggled amusingly. As they neared the final aisle, Timmy began to look worried. Maggie caught this and frowned in confusion. "What's wrong?" "Mom's been away longer than I thought she would be," Timmy replied. "Well...if she's forgotten you, I'll just have to drive you over," Maggie cooed, rubbing at his hair cutely. "I don't even know where the new house is, though," Timmy noted, still looking worried. Both of them then saw an older woman which looked quite familiar to Timmy hurry over to them. Timmy's eyes lit up upon realizing who it was. "Oh, there she is." Maggie handed back the shopping list. By now, all items had been addressed and acquired, and the shopping cart was completely full. Ruth's eyes widened upon seeing the cart's contents. "Have you been checking the prices before you grabbed all this?" Timmy now looked and sounded very nervous as he meekly shrugged. He hated being scolded by his mother. "B-but...I..." Ruth's eyes then turned to Maggie. "And who is this??" The larger woman just smiled calmly. "I was just helping your son out, Mrs. Portnoy. I'm Maggie." She offered a hand, which the wary Ruth hesitantly shook with her own. "I was also keeping him away from the more...predatory elements of this town." Ruth arched an eyebrow. "Predatory?" It was then that she remembered seeing the nuns outside. "You mean...those nuns outside?" Maggie had to giggle at this. "Well, not those nuns exactly, but someone who worked with them.'re not religious, are you?" Ruth shook her head. "I don't have time for any of that, nor would I want my son getting mixed up in it." "I'm not interested in it anyway," Timmy added. Maggie nodded, keeping her attention on Timmy as she spoke. "I know. They just get so ravenous for followers. Give 'em an inch, and they'll practically smother you with pamphlets and scriptures and shit." Ruth sighed worriedly as her eyes returned to the full cart. "I hope I have enough money to cover all this." Maggie waved dismissively. "Bargain prices all over the place. You should be able to cover it. I can't imagine all this would be more than about...hundred seventy-five or so." Ruth smiled at this. "If you're right, I can cover that quite easily." Timmy smiled as well. "Thanks for your help, Maggie." "No problem, handsome." She gave him an alluring wink, which earned her another meek and bashful smile from the smaller boy. She then cordially acknowledged Ruth with a pleasant smile. "Nice to meet you both. I have to go looking for what I came here to buy at the moment, but...perhaps we'll see each other again soon." Ruth flashed a grin at this. "Have a nice day, Maggie." She waited until she was well out of earshot before her expression soured. "Slut." Timmy caught this, and just shrugged. "She seemed nice enough to me." "Heh...I'll bet," Ruth warily replied. "Come on. Let's get all this crap paid for and load it in." * * * Females. All throughout the weekend, those were the only job openings he was able to find when he read through the Help Wanted ads in the local Bullchester newspaper. And the irony was that there was a lot of openings. They all looked like they paid well, too. He was in the midst of his "grace period", as well, wanting to get a head-start for lack of any knowledgeable places to go or things to do. The quiet also gave him the opportunity to digest some of the relatively unusual things he had seen during his visit to Gourmandizer's. While there were indeed a few males among the supermarket's staff and its shoppers, a handful of them shared the distinction of being oddly effeminate. He even saw that quite a few of the younger ones, adolescent and otherwise, looked like they were crossdressing. In the times they were living in, it was not much of a concern, although Timmy himself had certainly experimented...through the dominant influence of his two older sisters...with wearing female garments and dresses. They even had him in makeup as well. You would pass! They kept saying as they giggled, seeing little timmy clack around awkwardly in heels. He had felt a rush, every time, in putting them on. Something within him had stirred. Back then, however, society was not as tolerant as it was now for people dressing along the lines of the opposite gender. As times were nowadays? It didn't seem so outrageous. But he saw a lot of it in that first visit to Gourmandizer's. Looking at all those openings, however, made him wonder if he might need to actually crossdress just to get a job! He knew his mother wouldn't stand for it, though, knowing the kind of woman she was. As much as his sisters always threatened to expose what he was doing with his mother's clothes if he didn't do such-and-such for them, they never actually gave him up. Partially because they knew how terrified Timmy would be if Ruth had learned of his crossdressing "experiments". As his mother was taking yet another lengthy phone call...this one also relating to her new job...and that he was indeed in the middle of his "grace period", he figured he'd take a walk into town. As a bus stop was conveniently located right on his block, he was able to get on using a touch of the allowance given to him by his mother, and have the bus drop him right in the midst of the Bullchester district. Again, he saw a majority of either female, or effeminate, individuals on the bus. One of the young males was being chatted with by an attractive girl calling herself "Petal", and Timmy overheard her saying that she was one of those 'divine feminine' girls of the local religion. Petal glanced at Timmy, and gave a cordial nod and even a wink, as she and the interested young man passed him and disembarked at their stop. At the same time, another woman stepped on. This one looked particularly voluptuous, with prominent cheekbones and a head of straight, shoulder-length blond hair. She wore a fetchingly tight white blouse that hugged her curves. She seemed to scan the occupants of the bus as she stepped in. When she caught sight of Timmy, her gaze lingered for a moment, and her plump lips curled into a pleasant smile, as she stepped over to settle into the empty seat next to the young boy. Whatever perfume the woman was wearing was quite pleasant to smell, and he smiled nervously to see this wildly and almost sinfully attractive woman still looking upon him when he glanced upon her. She finally broke the silence, speaking softly as she slightly leaned towards him. "Hello, young man." Timmy nodded, quaking a little in his nervousness. "H-hi." He felt her soft hand, with its pink-painted fingernails, settle gently on his shoulder. "Are you all right? Maybe...a little shy?" The young man lowered his head, blushing. "I'm...I-I'm...fine." "You don't have to be shy around me, dear," the woman cooed. "Come, now. Look at me." Timmy swallowed hard, trying to mind his own business. He began to wonder if this little trip was going to be a mistake of some kind. The woman's tone was a little more firm now. "Look at me." Slowly, his head turned towards the attractive woman, who despite her tone was still smiling quite sweetly. Her gaze was almost hypnotic as she spoke. "Relax. I won't bite you, dear. I am Rita Noble. Call me Miss Rita." "H...hhhello, R-Rita," Timmy responded, still very flustered. "Miss Rita." She used her more firm tone once again. "Oh, s-sorry, Miss...Miss Rita..." "There. Good boy," Rita cooed as she plucked at a dislodged eyelash on Timmy's cheek. "Are you new in town? I haven't seen you anywhere in Bullchester before." Timmy frowned in his suspicion. "You're not one of those 'divine feminine' women, are you? I was talking with a woman named Gemma before. I'm not interested in that." Rita giggled at this. "No, no. Don't worry...I'm not associated with that at all. How long have you been in town?" "We just arrived," Timmy answered. "Just got settled in. Only place we've been in was that new supermarket. Gourmandizer's?" "Ah, yes. Well...I'm sure you've noticed that a lot of the people who are around this Gourmandizer's, on this very bus, even in the town proper. Did you notice anything...similar about them?" Timmy didn't say anything at first, but he found the tone she used when she was being ignored a bit intimidating, and he just blurted out the obvious. "They're all...uh...g-girlish?" Rita nodded, holding her sweet smile. "Many of them were bad once. Womanizers. Disgusting men. Men who do horrible things to girls and women. Physically, or otherwise." She now played with a lock of Timmy's hair as she spoke. "You're not like that, are you, sweetie?" "Huh? No. No, I'm not," Timmy responded. "I don't even like sports. I mean...getting paid billions of dollars just to push people around over a rubber ball or a baseball just seems ridiculous to me, uh...Miss Rita." Both of Rita's hands now played with Timmy's hair, as if she were styling it. "I couldn't agree with you more, sweetheart. Some kinds of sports are good for exercise, but...I don't think you need that kind of thing, do you?" Timmy sighed, not paying much attention to how Rita was fixing his hair. "What I need is a job." "A job, eh? Hold on a minute, dear." Rita then leaned over to the opposite set of chairs, where a blond, effeminate-looking young man was sitting. Upon Rita's request, the young man handed her something out of his purse, and when Rita turned back to Timmy, she used the item she had procured...a she continued to speak. "For a young man like you, that might be...a touch difficult unless you have work experience. This is a very particular community, as you might imagine." "'re saying I have to, like, crossdress in order to get a job?" Timmy asked, a wary expression on his face. "Well...I won't say it's impossible, but...who knows? Maybe you'll get lucky." Rita looked at him with a contemplative expression after combing at his hair a bit. "'d need a little more length." Timmy frowned. "Length?" Rita fixed his hair back to the way it originally looked as she spoke. "Your hair, dear." She now shifted closer to him, practically resting her shapely body against his. She lightly ran fingers over his head as if he were a pet. "Have you thought about growing it out a little?" Timmy was able to glance out the window to confirm that the bus was about to settle by a stop that was along the border of the city. "I...I think my stop is coming up, Miss Rita...I'm sorry. It was..." "What a coincidence," Rita purred. "It's my stop, too." When the bus settled in and opened its doors, Rita rose from her seat, walked a pace or two forward, and then glanced to Timmy, who remained flustered as he rose up. "Follow along behind me, sweetie. I'll take you on a little tour." Although Timmy was understandably hesitant, he moved out from the seat and began walking behind the fetchingly curvy and shapely woman. "Uh...s-sure." Once they were off the bus, and the bus rolled away, Rita whirled around to face Timmy, angling her body down a bit with her hands behind her back, causing the young man to gasp in his surprise. "Where's Mommy, by the way? Do you have to be back by a certain time?" Timmy had to recoil a little at Rita's closeness. "I, uh..." He then shrugged. "...I night time?" "I'll get you right back home before the sun sets, my little pet." The crafty woman deepened her cleavage as she continued to gaze hungrily down upon the young man. She knew he would be all too easy to convert. "I promise." Timmy, however, frowned in confusion. "S-sorry...did you me a...a pet?" Rita giggled once again as she rose back to her full height. "Well, you never did tell me your name, sweetie." "Timmy," he quietly replied. "Hmm?" Her thin eyebrows raised up. "Tammy?" The young man spoke a little louder now. "Timmy. Timmy Portnoy." Rita nodded, holding her sweet smile. "Follow close behind me, Timmy Portnoy." The young man nodded. "Okay." Rita already figured on a route, and she already knew where the last stop would be. She had thought about pulling the aerosol can out to make things a little easier, but she didn't want to do that with this particular catch. He just seemed far too precious to her to make things that easy. She wasn't even concerned about whatever kind of woman his mother was, either. They were in Bullchester now, and it was just a matter of working her into the sisterhood's ever-expanding collective when her turn came. From what she had learned about her once Timmy's files had been acquired following Gemma's call, she had the kind of ambitious personality that would fit right in with the sisterhood. The blond, seductive temptress wondered just how sexy a woman Ruth could become, and how much of a precious and sweet little personal pet Timmy would turn out to be, as she began clacking her heels along the pedestrian paths. She heard the young man follow along behind her as she strutted fetchingly along the road. "Move up alongside me, sweetie. Let's make all the cute girls jealous of you." Once again, Timmy's voice sounded nervous as he responded. "Okay." As he moved up next to Rita, the woman...who was about a head taller than him...kept her eyes forward as she spoke. "You know...'okay' sounds terribly lazy and informal, don't you think? Say 'yes, Miss Rita', or 'no, Miss Rita' from now on. Wouldn't that sound better, Timmy?" "Uh...y-yes, Miss Rita." "There you go. Perfect," Rita cooed. "Good boy." Once they were on the town's strip of businesses and storefronts, Rita pointed each of them out to him, letting him know the nature of each business and every store. She purposely left out the ones which had affiliation with Cresswell Industries, saying that she would tell him about them on another occasion. 'When he got to know the town better', in her words. She would only make one important exception, and they hadn't gotten that far yet at all. But there were, as Timmy might have expected, more of the abundance of females and effeminate men compared to the visibly normal men and boys that made their ways through town, doing their respective businesses. She noticed that one of the boys his age was standing beside one of the nuns she remembered from outside Gourmandizer's, and it seemed like this particular boy was quite taken with the nun as she led him along the sidewalk. As Timmy had a pretty good capacity for remembering things, he let his young mind soak in Rita's generous tour progress, getting a pretty good idea of where to go if he ever needed to get around town. He already knew that Gourmandizer's was fairly close to the house in which he and Ruth lived, but it was more or less to the left of town, whereas the Bullchester town area they were in now was approachable after a right turn out of the suburbs, or so he had discovered through the bus ride. As they were approaching an empty wooden bench, no doubt installed there in case someone needed to rest for a moment, Rita gestured towards it. "We've been walking for a while now. Let's rest for a couple of minutes." "Oka...uh, I mean, yes, Miss Rita." Timmy blushed as he corrected himself. After Timmy set himself down upon the straight, thick wooden beams of the bench, Rita settled her soft, plump posterior upon the space next to him, sitting close enough to practically rub against him. The constant scent of her perfume was making him a little light-headed by now as she turned her head back to him, focusing her full attention upon her latest catch. "You know, it's funny. You say your name is Timothy. Do you know what that name means?" Timmy shrugged. "It's...just a name to me." "Oh, but all names have meanings, dear," Rita cooed. "Yours means that you're 'honored by God'. That's why I found it surprising when you said you weren't interested in the divine feminine." "Yeah, well...I'm still not interested in that stuff," Timmy remarked, shaking his head in his denial. "And you don't have to be," Rita softly responded. "There's more to this town than some silly old religion after all, Tammy. I mean, look at me. Do I look like I belong in some boring convent? Life is so much more fun...and it can be so much more liberating...than to sing hymns, or quote scriptures, or even wear conservative, frumpy clothing." She began playing with a lock of his soft brown hair again. "We'll leave all that to all those gray-haired, floppy-breasted old windbags." Timmy shrugged, smiling meekly. "If you say so." "So, getting back to what we were talking about on the bus..." Rita continued. "...have you thought about growing your hair out a little? Not too much. Just a little bit more, though?" "Uhh...well, I..." "There's no shame in having long hair, is there? Or at least, hair a little longer than yours is right now?" Rita reasoned. "There are quite a few men out there who wear their hair long, after all." "I-I just haven't thought about it, Miss Rita," Timmy countered, whining a bit in his response. "Honestly...all I want is to be able to find a good job that pays...something. I don't care what it is." Rita maintained her smile, finding it entirely amusing to hear his whine. "Well, I...can't promise anything, but...perhaps I can talk to a few people. See if, maybe, they can make an exception to their, uh, gender strictures." "How come it's so important that they hire women, though?" Timmy asked. "Well, I'm sure you might have heard about the whole 'equal pay' arguments from most female workers these days? And even 'fair treatment'?" Rita explained. "That initiative is still being fought for to this very day, Timmy...and since Bullchester has become something of a magnet for those who demand such rights, the businesses in town have reflected the need for this. We want to become an example of a thriving community where women receive the same kind of equality in the workplace as the men already have. It was only a matter of time before someone of the fair sex put their foot down solidly in the ground and declared no more." Her voice went firm as she spoke those two words. "Well, so far, Bullchester has been thriving quite splendidly with women mostly in control. We even have a female mayor, at the moment." Timmy went quiet for a moment as he thought on this. "Well...I...I wouldn't want to hurt anyone, or...or be mean to women or anything. I mean, I like women. I really do." Rita now leaned into Timmy, softly stroking his hair once again. "I know you do, dear. That's why I like you. That's why I want to help you. Give you direction. Find a place for you to work here in Bullchester." "Grow my hair out," Timmy sarcastically added. Rita giggled at this. She kept her tone soft and nurturing as she spoke. "Well, that's up to you, of course. But if you ever needed someone to give you a little help and a little advice about anything, I offer myself, because me. Otherwise, we wouldn't be talking to one another right now, would we?" Timmy blushed now, smiling meekly. "Well...I-I'd be happy for any help you could give me." Rita slowly nodded. "Like I said, no promises. And it's only because you trust me that I'm going to try to do this for you, Tammy, because you've been so sweet and so honest with me." "So, are you someone important in this town?" Timmy then asked. "Are you, like, the mayor's assistant or something?" Rita laughed loudly at this notion. "Oh, I wish!" She kept laughing for another moment before composing herself. "No, sweetie. I guess you could think of me as...kind of like a social worker. But I know many people who are very influential in Bullchester. Believe me...your trust in me was well-placed, dear." Timmy smiled now. "Better in you than with Gemma." Rita laughed once again. "Oh, Gemma is all right, once you get to know her. She's just hungry for new converts to the divine feminine is all. She runs a school, in fact. Did you finish high school before you moved here?" Timmy shook his head. "Had to drop out in my Sophomore year because of the move." Rita nodded. "I suppose we should invest in a more normal school for you, eh?" She gave an amused wink. "The mayor probably wouldn't allow it, though. Formal teaching methods are atrocious these days. Books, test grades, long, boring classes...pfft. That's so ancient. You'd be lucky to actually remember anything you've learned." "Yeah, really." Timmy nodded in agreement. "And they wonder why kids fall asleep during class." Rita leaned fetchingly into the young man once again. "I think you could learn a lot here in Bullchester. Give it a month or so, and you won't even need to go back to school." She practically purred this last part into his ear. "Trust me." The perfume scent was continuing to make him feel light-headed, and his mouth hung open slightly now. Timmy just nodded slowly, staring up at Rita's fetchingly half-lidded eyes. Certain that the mild intoxicant in her perfume had more or less unhinged her subject enough, she slowly wrapped her arms around him and held him close to her large breasts, stroking his hair gently as she spoke. "Yes. You trust me, Tammy. Just relax now. No worries, my dear boy." His breathing was shaky as he rested against the plush softness of Rita's large breasts. Never once, in his entire life, had he gotten this close to a woman like her. "Y-yes..." Rita moved her lips close to Timmy's ear, raising an eyebrow. "Yes...what?" Timmy's eyes closed gently. "Yes, Miss Rita." The well-endowed blond woman kept her lips close to Timmy's as she very quietly whispered into it. "Good girl." Once again, Rita found herself tempted to simply pull out the aerosol can which would begin the boy's progress towards femininity. All it would take is but one pump of the nozzle, spraying its tainted content right in his face. Once again, however, she denied herself the urge. This was a fate that was best left to the stubborn. The so-called macho ones. The criminals. The abusers. Timmy was none of these. A young man like him was so much more like a slowly-developing flower coming into full bloom. Although if he reacted badly to being brought into the Salon, she would have no choice but to spray that dosage, and let the salon do the rest. So far, however, he was practically in her lap, and Rita did not want to blow this. It was now time to throttle back a bit as she gently placed her hands on his shoulders and pulled him away, looking right into the lazy-looking young man's eyes. "Shall we finish the tour now?" Timmy nodded slowly, his own eyes now half-lidded. "Yes, Miss Rita." "Good girl." She rose up to her feet and held out her hand. "Let's go, then." Timmy needed to shake his head a little, as he still seemed to be in a bit of a daze. He was able to come out of it enough to be able to walk straight shortly after they had gotten to their feet. No doubt the friction of the walking was helping the young man regain his clarity, and he had a slight smile on his face now as he walked. He couldn't help but feel a kind of sweetness inside him, as well. He seemed a bit less hesitant now as Rita wrapped an arm around Timmy's shoulders, pointing out the stores and the businesses to him as they moved. When they reached the front of a nightspot called "Cinchers", however, their eyes fell upon a wall poster promoting their next event, which was to be a Halloween party. Costumes were to be expected, and a mention of Cinchers would even provide a discount on any costumes that were purchased from a specific store in the Bullchester area. "Hmmm," Rita observed as she and Timmy's eyes remained on the advertisement. "What better way to get acquainted with the movers and the shakers of the town than to go to a party like this, eh? And it's next weekend, to boot!" She turned her head to Timmy. "What do you say, sweetie? Do you want to go with me?" Timmy turned his head to Rita and slowly nodded. "Yes, Miss Rita." "Good, because I have the perfect costume for you." Rita then pulled Timmy away from the front of Cinchers and resumed their slow stride. "We'll go to where we need to get that costume now. Give you something to look forward to. Don't worry about cost, though. This one's on me." And that was when she began taking a route which would ultimately lead them to Timmy's final destination as a young man. The deceptively sweet beauty complex called the Butterfly Salon. That required them to step through a large shopping complex called Rubie's Mall. The sweet music that played all over this mall sounded particularly heavenly to Timmy's ears now. He was becoming a little more delirious. It got to the point where Timmy found himself becoming weak in the knees once they were on the approach to the salon. His steps began to grow sluggish now, and it got to the point where Rita had to literally pick the boy up into her arms as they came close to the salon's entrance, where workers coming out of the place were already smiling to Rita as she brought her new prize closer to the front door. A hand, however, slapped onto Rita's shoulder, and a strong grip now held her fast. "And where do you think you're going, bubble-boob?" Rita's serene expression quickly soured. "None of your business. Get your hand off of me, please." "Drop the kid nice and slow," the husky female voice warned. "Now." The pain that shot through Rita was like fire as the woman squeezed tighter on the blond woman's shoulder, making her squint her eyes shut and grit her teeth as her head angled back. "Y-you're making...a really big mistake, bitch!" "That's nice," the female voice countered, without so much as a hint of actual concern. "My warning's better. You lower the boy down to the ground, and I won't have to snap you in half like a twig. Your waist's already ridiculously thin enough." Rita's legs began to slowly bend as she brought the now-dazed Timmy to the ground, letting him slowly roll off of her arms. She had to play along until she was able to grab the aerosol can between her breasts, and under the skin-tight white dress. Surprisingly, however, the hand that had gripped her shoulder so painfully now buried itself in the space between her large, fleshy valleys, and grabbed the very aerosol she had planned to use! "Got anything else on you that I should know about, blondie?" The husky-voiced woman then asked. "Maybe you've got some kind of girl-bomb up your twat or something?" Rita now turned to see who had just thwarted her attempt to make Timmy hers. What she saw was a woman about a head or two taller than her, with a well-toned body, a partially-unbuttoned white blouse, and a pair of loose-fitting black jeans. Her hair was wildly-teased, and was raven black with white highlights. "M-Maggie..." Timmy weakly murmured as he rolled onto his back. The next word out of his mouth was spoken sweetly, and with a charming smile. "...hiiii..." Maggie gave the young man a wink, smiling slightly, as she glanced down to him. She then stepped right over to Rita, her eyes partially hidden by her hair, but which were nevertheless fixing a stern gaze upon the deceptive blond woman. She then opened the small glass aerosol container and splashed its entire content to the side. She then slammed the container down beneath her, where the container easily shattered apart. "Nice perfume," Maggie mused. "Slow-acting, I bet. Too bad Timmy won't be going with you. He's coming with me now." Rita smirked at this proclamation. "I'll get him back. I'm very well- connected around here. I could have you in the Fertility Clinic by the end of the week." "Oh, believe me," Maggie mused as she picked up Timmy and began moving away from Rita and the salon. "I look forward to drinking Stroud's Kool-Aid." Rita couldn't help but frown in confusion as she watched this tough, large woman open the door to a silver Jaguar and place her lost quarry into the back seat. No one dared approach the woman in any way as she moved to the driver side, slipped in, and gunned the engine. She then drove right towards Rita. Eyes as wide as saucers, she gasped in horror... ...and the vehicle did a screeching swerve in the opposite direction right in front of the blond woman, after which the engine fired up once again, blowing exhaust fumes right into the face of the white-clad temptress. Waving off the fumes and coughing heavily, she rubbed at her still-sore shoulder as her coughing fit abated. Rita then looked around angrily at the stunned bystanders. "Who the fuck was that bitch??" She growled, pointing in the direction the Jaguar disappeared to. She then looked to a nervous Bullchester citizen, and then to others in the area. "DO ANY OF YOU KNOW HER??" * * * Bullchester Mayoress Julia Stroud's face was as humorless as possible as she listened to the voice on the other end speak of what happened in front of the salon. She was practically stone-faced, and she didn't say a single word. At that moment, her very effeminate, red-headed secretary, Jemima, stepped into her office to relay a message. Before the former boy could say a single word, however, the expression on Julia's face kept the chosen secretary of the Mayoress silent, uncertain if Stroud was about to explode with rage. As Jemima waited, Stroud slowly brought her cell phone down, and away from her ear after a moment of uneasy silence. Her face remained stone- like and entirely unhappy. Julia's face then dissolved into a much more angry one as she hissed a single word without even returning Jemima's curious gaze. "Shit." II: Out Of The Frying Pan... Timmy stirred from the haze of his partial unconsciousness to a fairly strong headache, and his right hand went right to his forehead, squinting from the pain of his apparent hangover, as he began to sit up from what felt like a very comfy couch beneath him. Looking around him, he saw that he was in a really nice-looking Living Room, and one that seemed very much like a penthouse, as he saw nothing but sky through a large window a few paces from where the couch was. Judging by the looks of the clear skies, Timmy figured it was late afternoon. When he found a nearby digital clock, he confirmed this. Although the daylight was on the wane, he couldn't help but wonder where he was as he rose to his feet. When he stood straight up, he still felt a bit light-headed, but not as strongly as when he was with Rita. "Ah, good. You're awake." The familiar, husky voice was behind him, and closing in. When he turned around, he confirmed that it was indeed the wild-haired vision of ever-mysterious beauty from the supermarket who had deprived Rita of her prize. "Yes, Miss Ri...I-I mean...wh-what was your...?" The woman stopped right in front of him, shaking her head as she smiled down to him. "Wow, Rita must have really gotten to your head. It's Maggie, dear. How are you feeling?" Timmy lowered his head, still feeling the throbbing. "My head hurts." "Mm-hmm. Scent-based intoxicant," Maggie explained, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "Kind of like having a lasso loop land around you, tighten up, and then drag you to whomever's holding the other end, and all in slow motion. Fortunately, a couple of hours sleep kills its potency for as long as you're not near the source." The young man looked up to Maggie wearily. "How do you know that?" "Oh, I have some unique knowledge of Bullchester, honey," Maggie replied. "The moment you got off that bus with Rita, I knew one of the town's top vultures was circling in for the kill. Fortunately, I shadowed you both. Wasn't sure what Rita was gonna do with you. I was hoping she wouldn't use that spray of hers on you. Then you would have been really screwed. It became pretty obvious after you both stopped in front of Cincher's and saw the party advertisement what kind of plan she had in mind for you." "I would have wanted to go." The young man looked a bit crestfallen. "I like Halloween." "Well, you haven't missed it, dear. It's next week, after all," Maggie assured. "I can only imagine what you would have looked like if Rita managed to get you into that salon, though. Trust me, Timmy...that's one place you do not want to wind up in. Technically, people die when they go in there." "What?" Timmy looked a bit horrified at this. "So...that place is like a...a death camp or something?" "Not in the literal sense, Timmy," Maggie answered. "What I mean is that everything you are, especially if you're a man, completely changes. You could walk in Timmy Portnoy, and come out as someone with a name like...Tamara Porntoy." Timmy blinked in his surprise. "Is that why there are so many females and girly-guys in Bullchester? Because of the salon?" "Among other places, yes...but the Butterfly Salon has been particularly active as of late," Maggie explained. "They seem to be creating some kind of collective. Like a hivemind, with one person at the top of the heap." "And person...wants me now?" Timmy surmised aloud. "I don't think so, but when someone who is new in town, like yourself, steps into Bullchester? It's only a matter of time before the vultures begin circling overhead, curious about the new meat, so to speak." "But...if you took me away from Rita..." Timmy began to piece together a grave possibility. "...she told me she knows people. She was gonna find me a job. What if...what if they go after mom??" His worried expression now became a frown. "What if I can't find work here because of what you did??" "Timmy, that was Rita messing with your head." Maggie rubbed gently at the worried young man's head of hair. "I've been around town longer than you have, and I obviously know a little more about it than you do...and I can assure you that not every business in town has an all- female staff. There are still working males in Bullchester. Not many, but there definitely are." Timmy sighed, feeling a little less stressed at this confirmation. "I just wanna be one of 'em. That's all." "I know, dear." Maggie smiled again as a hand caressed at Timmy's cheek gently. "I should get you back home before your mom gets worried about you, shouldn't I?" "Well...she always tells me to get back home before it gets dark." The young man glanced out the window as he spoke this. "Which is only a couple of hours away, so I guess we have a little bit of time, don't we?" Maggie raised one of her eyebrows. "Are you hungry? I would imagine after your little adventure today, you could use some food." Timmy shrugged, trying to think of something. Only one manner of meal sprang to mind. "Got any steak?" "Steak, eh?" Maggie crossed her arms in front of her generously-curved D-cup chest. "I hope you don't mean the bigger cuts. The ones I have are small, but the cuts are thick. About seven to ten minutes in the cooking grill, depending on how rare or well-done you like it." She then gestured for Timmy to follow her as she moved towards another room in the house, which on their approach the boy found to be a large kitchen. "You can make me a salad as well." "Huh? Me?" Timmy now frowned in confusion. "But...I don't know how to..." Maggie giggled as she interjected. "Figured you wouldn't. I'll show you then. But you're doing all the work, sweetie. Should help get the rest of Rita's perfume intoxicant out of your head. Friction. Activity. Know what I mean?" That made sense as Timmy went right to the large, steel refrigerator. Pulling it open, he looked around for wherever the meat was. He found a single, softened piece of filet mignon wrapped in plastic and pulled it out, first confirming with Maggie that this was indeed his meal, to which the larger woman nodded. From what Timmy knew of salads, he grabbed whatever vegetables he could find. Fortunately, he had Maggie's help in grabbing the ones she wanted. The last thing he pulled from the fridge was a bottle of salad dressing. As the young man looked around for a bowl in the cabinets that Maggie had indicated, Maggie herself had stepped away. Finding the one Maggie had described to him, he pulled it out and set it on a countertop. He then just quietly stared down at everything, wondering what went in first. He had seen his mother eat a salad many times, but there was only a couple of times where he saw her in the process of actually making it. When Maggie came in behind Timmy, she had some kind of large white cloth in her hands. Without another word, she settled a large loop connected to the cloth around his neck as the rest of the long cloth draped down in front of him. Taking two strips of cloth, Maggie tied the cloth...which was revealed to be a frilly-edged apron...around his back. When he realized what it was, his eyes widened, and he looked up to Maggie in his surprise. Maggie just shrugged, looking amused. "I'm sorry, hon. I live alone. I don't have anything more masculine." Timmy nodded in his understanding. "It's OK. At least you're not Rita." "Nope!" Maggie shook her head in emphasis. "Now, here's what you're gonna do..." * * * "Before you say anything, I have only one word in regards to that young man." The voice from the speakerphone could be clearly heard remarking, "Dibs." "Finders keepers, eh, Rita?" Another effeminate voice mused through the speaker, which was at the center of a conference table. The only live occupant in the otherwise empty office of the Mayoress...Julia Stroud herself...spoke unto the speaker next. "I didn't bring you all on to talk about the boy. You're all getting instructions. That's all." "Do we know anything at all about the other one?" The second voice asked. "Just her full name, Petal," Julia replied. "Picture matched up with one Mary Margaret Katzhoff. Recently moved to Bullchester from out of state. She legally dropped her first name before she came here for reasons..." She sighed in frustration before continuing. "...unknown." "That's it? Just a name and her picture??" Rita sounded surprised as she spoke. "You really need to bring more talented hackers into the fold, Mayoress." "This could be bad. Very, very bad." Petal now sounded worried. "What if she's a government agent or something? If she's FBI or CIA..." "Leave Maggie to me for the moment," Julia interjected, her voice firm. "Your instructions are to refrain from any attempts at indoctrination. Do not make any more attempts to bring Timmy to the Butterfly Salon. Do not spray him. Do not inoculate him. Do not sneak him over to the Fertility Clinic. I don't mind any pleasant social discourse, but don't get sneaky or possessive with him. At least, not until I've managed to get Maggie into my office for a little chat. Once I've broken Maggie in, he's all yours, Rita." "The boy is looking for a job, Mayoress," Rita noted. "Perhaps...a teaboy to replace..." "No, Rita," Julia firmly interjected once again. "In fact, I'm going to suggest a few openings starting Monday, so he can find himself some work. Something routine. Something to keep him...reasonably happy until we've got Maggie." "What about his mother?" Petal asked. Julia smiled slightly at this. "Well...we already have her, technically. I don't want her going to the Salon, though. In fact, the same rules for Timmy apply to Ruth. Just leave her to her executive board meetings and her fat paychecks unless it becomes necessary to use her." "Might I eventually put Ruth in as a potential for a new initiative that has been suggested to me?" Petal curiously remarked, sounding a bit eager. "It certainly sounds good on paper. I'm calling it 'Project Heifer'. It looks like a feeder program for the clinic, perhaps to account for anyone who is infertile." The Mayoress rubbed at her head a bit, even though the idea did initially sound interesting enough. "Petal, let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay? One thing at a time. For now, I want to prioritize Maggie. And Rita..." A moment of silence followed, and then Rita's voice cut in. "Yes, Mayoress?" " more special perfumes if you're going to keep flirting with him, yes?" Julia advised. "I'd ask you to stay away from him entirely for now, but..." "My shoulder is still sore from Maggie's little squeeze, Mayoress," Rita's voice interjected. "I won't be getting too close to him unless you tell us that you've dealt with that damned amazon. How do you plan to bring her in?" A new, and older female voice...the third participant of the conference cut in. "What a silly question to ask the Mayoress of Bullchester, Miss Noble." * * * Maggie stabbed a fork upon one of the moist pieces of lettuce in Timmy's first salad, and placed it in her mouth to sample it. Timmy, in the meantime, pulled the filet mignon from the cooking grill and placed it on a fine china plate he had procured from another cabinet. "Mmmm. Very nice." Maggie nodded as she spoke. "Yes...this will do fine, Timmy. Pour us both a glass of iced tea now, dear. Glasses are over in that cabinet there. Large champagne glass for me, and you can pull whatever other glasses you want." She gestured to where the glasses were kept. Timmy nodded as he grabbed silverware from a different cabinet...this much he learned from making the salad...and then went to the indicated cabinet. There was only one large champagne glass, and he picked out a large glass for himself. Going back to the refrigerator, he pulled a pitcher of the iced tea inside and poured generous amounts in both glasses as Maggie walked into the next room, flipping a switch to ignite the electric lights on a large chandelier hovering over the dining room's large table. When Timmy came in carrying the salad in his hands, he noticed that Maggie was standing beside her chair. He surmised that she had wanted to indicate where she would be sitting by doing so, and he placed the salad bowl down on the white placemat. As he walked away, she heard Maggie loudly clear her throat, although it was in the interest of getting the boy's attention. The larger woman fixed a stern look upon Timmy as she placed her hand upon the top edge of the seat, which had been pushed into the table. A little confused, Timmy hesitantly stepped back over and carefully pulled the seat out. Once she had settled in, the young man once again stepped away. But Maggie audibly cleared her throat once again. Stepping back over once again, with a curious expression, Maggie now rolled her eyes in irritation. "I can't reach it, dear." Hesitantly acknowledging the hint, he carefully slid the chair in. The larger woman now smiled. "There we go. Go ahead and get your meal now." Timmy nodded slowly, still looking a little confused. This was the woman who got him away from an effeminately undesirable fate, and here he was, practically behaving like a servant. Still, he figured that Maggie had certainly risked a lot to pull his fat out of the fire, so he didn't mind too much as he grabbed the plate with the steak serving on it, and then collected silverware for himself before going back into the dining room and placing the plate where Maggie had indicated, which was right next to hers. She gave him another fetching, and perhaps satisfied wink as he went back into the kitchen to get the full drink glasses. Placing the full champagne glass at Maggie's spot, he put his own drink beside the plate of steak before settling into his seat. Maggie nodded, apparently impressed. "Very good, dear. A little shaky, but...all in all, well done." Timmy smiled meekly as he cut into his filet mignon. "Uh...thank you, Maggie." Both ate a serving or two of their respective meals before Maggie spoke up again. "How is your steak, sweetie?" Timmy was still chewing on a piece of meat as he spoke. "Mmm...yeah. Good. How'sh your shalad? Ish it OK?" Maggie's eyebrow raised up. "Do you always talk with your mouth full? Isn't that a little rude?" Timmy blushed as he swallowed the meat down. He lowered his head shamefully. "S-sorry about that." "Wash it down, now," Maggie advised, indicating his untouched drink. The iced tea tasted quite good as he drank it down. When he put the glass back down, he saw Maggie reach a forkful of her salad pieces over towards Timmy's mouth. "Now open up." Although the scent was nice, he had never eaten any salads. "Oh, no thank you." But Maggie's fork lingered in front of Timmy's mouth. "Just one bite won't hurt. After did make this, didn't you?" Timmy hoped he would not gag on this particular offering, which was drenched in salad dressing. Opening his mouth and closing his eyes, he shut his mouth once he felt the forkful of food touch his tongue. Once Timmy had a good grasp of the food, Maggie slipped the fork back out of his mouth slowly. Crunching on it a bit, he found the salad surprisingly tasty. Perhaps it was the scent of the vinegar which had compelled him to stay away from salads. But there was clearly vinegar on this particular offering of the salad, and it went well with the taste of the other vegetables that had been mixed into his own little creation. "See? Not so bad, is it?" the now smiling Maggie remarked, winking again. Timmy smiled back, shrugging. "I guess not. But..." "I know, I know. You've got the rest of your cow to eat," Maggie mused as she stabbed the fork into the salad for another mouthful. "Well, as good as you say your own salad is, I completely concur. Well done. This is a very tasty salad. You should go online and learn a little more about making salads." Timmy nodded as he chewed on his next sliced-off chunk of meat. Maggie swallowed her own forkful of salad, and drank down a bit of her iced tea, before making her next observation. "You know...I'm surprised you still want to go to that party at Cincher's after what happened to you today." Timmy also made sure his mouth was clear before replying. "Well...other than you and Rita, I don't know anyone in town, and I don't really like going to parties alone. I also need a costume, which I don't think I'll be able to convince my mom to buy for me. She'd want me to get one with my own money." "And we certainly don't want to see you going anywhere with Rita anymore, do we?" Maggie mused. "Yeah, you're in a pretty tough spot. Besides...if you do get a job somewhere in town, there's always the possibility that they'll want you to work weekends, which would rule out the chance of you going to that party to begin with." Timmy now looked quite sullen as he deeply stabbed another chunk of meat with his fork. Maggie reached over with an empty hand to gently place it over Timmy's own free hand. "Don't put it out of your mind yet, Timmy. I can't promise anything other than to think on this. For now, finish up your food and let's get you back home. Sun's starting to go down outside." Timmy nodded slowly as he began eating the last chunk of his steak. His last, more ominous observation was never spoken, but was left to his own mind as he chewed. That's what Rita told me. * * * The skies were just beginning to darken as Maggie stopped the car within a block of the address Timmy had indicated. "Time to go, kid," Maggie noted. "I figure that your mom wouldn't get worried if she saw that a total stranger was driving you home after your first day in town." "Could have been worse," Timmy responded. "I might not have come home at all. I probably would not still be me right now if it weren't for you. Thank you. Thank you so much for everything." "Oh, don't make it sound like we'll never see each other again," Maggie remarked, smiling. "We're both Bullchester citizens now, after all, unless your mother wants to drag you back out of here before Rita can make a 'Porntoy' out of you." She gave him a knowing wink after saying this. Maggie then fished into a pocket of her white blouse and pulled out a folded piece of paper. " That's my number. Make sure your mom doesn't see it. Judging by her reaction to me at Gourmandizer's, I don't think she likes me very much." "Maybe I can talk to her about that," Timmy noted, taking the folded paper before stepping out of the car. He then stepped over to the driver side as Maggie's eyes followed him. "And I really hope I see you again. I're so beautiful. It's like y-you came out of a dream or something. Honestly." "Awww, that's very flattering, sweetheart." Maggie flashed a cute and fetching grin, showing off rows of perfect white teeth. "You're a pretty cute kid, too...although if you don't mind a little advice?" Timmy shrugged. "Sure!" "Grow your hair out a little more." And with another fetching wink, the car slipped back out onto the street, and then zoomed away, leaving Timmy by himself once more. Timmy, however, did not move. He was too deep in thought. Because that obviously wasn't the first time someone suggested that Timmy grow out his hair. As he slowly walked in the direction of his new home, he began to worry if there was some unspoken connection between Maggie and Rita. Were they rivals? Former friends? He had no answers. It was disconcerting enough that they had both made the same observation about him, though. His pace quickened, though, when he reminded himself that he was still him, and not whatever Rita wanted him to become, and he had Maggie to thank for that. Even if she did have a somewhat dominant demeanor. With a sigh of relief, he went past the low, outer gate surrounding the nice, two-level suburban house and walked up the short road leading to the stairs to the porch that preceded the front door... ...and his blood suddenly ran cold when a shapely and familiar blond woman, wearing a tight white one-piece dress, had opened the door. She faced away from Timmy initially, as she was still presumably talking to Ruth on her way out, but when she said her last goodbye, she finally turned her head to face Timmy. The cheekbones and the eyes were unmistakable as she began going down the short flight of stairs. While the smiling Rita Noble's eyes remained on Timmy as she passed, she did not stop moving. "Hi, sweetie," was all she said to him as she passed. Timmy swallowed hard. He now dreaded even walking back into the house. If she had done something to his mother... The worried young man turned her head back to Rita as she was leaving, only to see that she was still walking, and keeping to herself. He could not help but shake nervously as he opened the door. A moment after he stepped in past the front door, Ruth called out from another room. "Timmy? Is that you?" Fortunately, Ruth did not sound any different. "Yes, mom." He then surmised the reason for his being made to wear an apron at what was revealed to be Maggie's lavish penthouse apartment as they had went back out to her Jaguar: it was to cover any evidence that he had been anywhere other than outside. When Ruth emerged to look upon her son once again, Timmy was relieved to see that Ruth looked the same as she always did. Old, but nevertheless nice-looking. "Did you see Rita as you came in? She was just here." Timmy had to play dumb. "Rita? Is that who that woman was?" Ruth nodded. "Rita Noble. I know she looks like a real tramp, but she's apparently a big deal in the job market, so obviously, I talked with her about you." She then procured a folded piece of paper of her own, which was in her left hand. "There's a whole page of employers she wrote down here, honey. All of them looking for someone like you. You should start going through them on Monday." Timmy nodded slowly, still wary of this 'visit'. "Is that why she came here? To talk about me?" "No, but I brought your situation up with the people I'm going to be working with on the executive board," Ruth responded. "One of them said she knew someone that would be better suited to talk about it, and that she would talk to this person about possibly paying me a visit. Rita took me by surprise, too. I was in the middle of a jog on the treadmill when she called." "And...did she go anywhere other than...wherever you spoke?" Timmy then asked, remaining wary. Ruth shrugged. "The bathroom. Hey...she had to go." This was enough for Timmy, in his paranoia, to concern himself about whether or not Rita might have tainted anything in there. Their shampoo, for one thing. Perhaps a bar of soap, or even his mom's own perfume. He couldn't help but feel a little miserable now. He wanted the day to end calmly. Without incident. Just coming back and saying he couldn't find anything in the way of a job offering would have been enough for him. He had wanted to see the look of pleasant surprise on her face when he told her that he actually took the early initiative to go look for job openings in the town itself. Even a tone of disappointment would have been preferable to how uneasy things were ever since Rita settled next to him on the bus. What was gonna happen next, he wondered? "Are you all right, Timothy?" Ruth was frowning in her confusion, seeing the very troubled look on her son's face. "Huh? Oh...oh yeah. Uh...fine." Timmy did not want to worry his mother, although he was also a little afraid at what Rita might have done to his mother as well during whatever 'chat' they might have had in his absence. Although as he found himself pondering Rita, he wondered if the page full of handwritten contacts relating to job offers that he now held in his hand were her way of making amends for whatever rash indiscretions she might have attempted. She had, after all, offered to take such an initiative for him. If he ever did see her again, he figured it wouldn't be so bad for him to at least thank her properly. He hoped he would not forget if such an opportunity arose. That would be so...lazy, and informal of him. "Are you hungry, dear?" Ruth then asked. "After all that time spent out there looking for jobs, I figure you could use a meal. Sound good?" Timmy's eyes returned to Ruth, and he smiled. "Yeah." Even though he had eaten Maggie's filet mignon, he didn't want to let slip that he had eaten already. He had to maintain the illusion for Maggie's sake. "That...that sounds fine." Their first meal for their first evening in their new home turned out to be beef stew, which Ruth was always good at making. Timmy felt quite full once he had finished his bowl. Going into his bedroom, in which he had only folded and stowed away the clothes from his luggage, and didn't do much else within the fairly large space, he thought about giving Maggie a call. In the next moment, he judged that to be a bad idea for the fact that his mom might catch him on the phone with her. Timmy did not have the luxury of a personal cell phone, either. As Ruth was so protective of her boy during his upbringing, she had judged that if he had wanted a cell phone, he would need to buy one with his own money. It was part of her intention to get the boy job-hunting even while he was attending High School. Luxuries for a price, as Ruth often reminded herself. In his advance to his teen years, Timmy had customarily chosen to bathe the night before, and a few hours before he went to bed. Checking the clock in his bedroom, he saw that his usual bathing time was a couple of hours away. Was there some way he could put it off, he thought? The dread of whatever Rita might have done while she was 'in the bathroom' gave Timmy justification to hesitate in jumping right into it. But there was another bit of logic he found himself considering. The house had two bathrooms. One down in the house's basement, and the other on the second floor, where the bedrooms were. On a hunch, he went downstairs to the house's kitchen, where Ruth was busy at the sink cleaning the empty bowls she and her son were using for their respective meals. Timmy got the feeling that he would come off sounding silly, but he had to ask. "" he slowly began. "Mmm?" Ruth turned his head towards Timmy curiously, stopping her work. ", I was wondering." He couldn't help but sound a little nervous as he spoke. "Which bathroom did Rita use when she was here?" Now, Ruth was frowning in her confusion as she turned to face her son. "Why? What's the big deal? If she had to go, she had to go." "Please, mommy...could you just tell me?" Timmy pleaded. "Try to remember?" She now shrugged, still wide-eyed in her confusion. "I dunno...I think she went downstairs. I wasn't watching her, you know." "Downstairs?" Timmy practically felt a weight lift off his shoulders. "Are you sure?" Ruth sighed. "I said I think..." She took a moment to remember, feigning deep thought, seeing as how she thought this was a really silly question. She decided to humor him. "...uh, I remember it, it was downstairs. Yeah. Definitely downstairs. I remember hearing her come back up, in fact." Timmy nodded, easily buying the ruse, but also not wanting to irritate his mother to the point where he accidentally let slip any hint of his day's wild encounter with Rita. "Okay. Sorry. I...I was just curious. I'm gonna go take a shower now." Ruth nodded. "Settle in and relax tomorrow, dear. Wouldn't make sense to do anything job-related tomorrow, after all. It's Sunday." "We're not gonna get in on that divine feminine thing, are we?" Timmy wanted to make sure of this. "Pffft. No way," Ruth confirmed, easily dismissing the notion. "Your grandma was into that stuff. You remember how she turned out. Just an old, paranoid hag spouting scriptures and psalms. Don't worry, Timmy dear. We're far beyond all that." This also made Timmy feel better, and he smiled. "Good." He gestured to the kitchen exit. "I'll go do that shower now." Ruth nodded. "Fine, fine." She then grabbed a wet washcloth and started wiping the area around the sink as Timmy moved out of the kitchen, heading for the staircase back up to the second floor. He felt a little less nervous now as he prepared a fresh set of underwear...all of his available selections a plain white T-shirt/Boxer shorts change into when he toweled off. If Rita went downstairs, it meant the shower stall upstairs was safe to use. Getting the shower started after stripping down, he made sure the water temperature was just right before stepping in, and letting the water cascade over him, also drenching his hair in so doing. As much as the lathering of his bare body with the fresh, and sweet- scented bar of soap was hardly an issue, it was when he moved on to the plastic yellow bottle containing the shampoo/conditioner combo...a brand he had never used, but which he remembered picking out at Gourmandizer's for lack of the brand he usually purchased during shopping trips of the past...that he felt just a touch apprehensive. After a moment, he reminded himself yet again that his own mother confirmed that Rita had gone to the downstairs bathroom. It also began to dawn on him how silly his paranoia was regarding Rita to begin with. This was, after all, the woman who had potentially made his job hunting a little easier, thanks to her contacts. Lathering up with a handful of the thick yellow liquid Timmy squeezed out of the bottle, he noticed how unusually cool it felt. As if he were running a peppermint candy around his mouth. The feeling intensified a bit in the next moment. A very soothing feeling at the top of his head followed as he continued to run the soapy lather around in his hair. His lips curled into a smile. He had to stop scrubbing for a moment as he just stood still, keeping his eyes closed so that none of the soap would get in his eyes, and just savored the cool feeling of the shampoo in his hair. Catching himself in his lengthy pause, he angled his head down into the stream of shower water, finally rinsing the shampoo/conditioner combo out as thoroughly as possible. Upon getting out of the shower and toweling off, he found that even after he had dried out his hair with the towel, the coolness he felt on his head while he had the thick lather all over it lingered. As his bedroom had a clothes drawer with a large mirror attached, he looked at himself. Still the same old, slim-bodied young man he always was, only with a head of wet hair. With a relaxed sigh, he stepped away from the mirror, grabbing the folded piece of paper Ruth had given him before he did. Opening it up, he looked over the contacts written upon it. Hopefully, there was something there that he could hold onto for awhile. Something he could grow to get used to. Routine work, at best. The contact info was written in a beautifully-flowing cursive script, and in pink-colored ink, to boot. Nothing about the page was scented, so that more or less played to his favor. It was the very first contact that caught his attention right away... Mr. Lawrence Hanel Attorney at Law Seeking a Secretary or Clerk (POTENTIALLY GOOD PAY) Needed Weekdays, 7am to 3pm No experience necessary, will train *MUST DRESS NICELY* The phone number followed, and below that was the business address, which with a little help from the internet on his mother's computer, he found to be a practice just outside of the Bullchester town proper. It seemed perfect, save for one possible pitfall. He didn't have anything remotely resembling a nice suit. He had suits in the past, but he had grown out of them by now and they had been donated to charities back in his old neighborhood. He knew there was a place where one could get suits in town, but the suits looked a bit expensive. The notes on the other job opportunities indicated "Decent Pay", and these were for jobs that he didn't seem very interested in. At least, not compared to the first one. Office work sounded appealing to him and, potentially, it could be a routine job. It was just a matter of seeing what kind of person this Lawrence Hanel was. He could either be a nice guy or a fascist pig. Or worse. His only shot at the clerk job was to appeal to his mother to have a suit bought. He was certain, however, that the answer would be a solid 'no' for all the high price tags those suits usually carried. There was also the matter of whether or not the store would be open on a Sunday. Timmy pondered all these thoughts as he settled into his bed, taking deep breaths, and still feeling that coolness on his head from the shampoo. As he stared up at the ceiling, he thought of Maggie, and how beautiful she was. To him, it seemed that meeting her was a fairly significant stroke of luck, even though she was probably too old for him. It was when his mind drifted to the face of Rita Noble that his eyes began to gradually flutter shut. * * * It was late in the night when Timmy's eyes opened once again. The coolness he felt on his head was gone. He let out a long and comfortable sigh as his upper body rose up. It seemed like nothing more than a brief nap. He wondered if he should settle back in, but he didn't feel tired at all now. He felt just heavenly as he slid his soft, hairless body off the bed, stepping slowly over to the mirror with a sway in his wide hips to look upon himself. He smiled in satisfaction as he ran his hands along the distinct hourglass shape he had. Licking around his plump, sexy lips, he gave a lewd kiss to the erotic image staring back at him so lustfully. His hands, tipped with french-cut, pink-painted nails pulled open the top drawer of his dresser, and he pulled out a one-piece purple latex tube dress. This was his favorite, as it had holes running in a pattern down the sides. Stepping into it, he slid it up his soft, hairless legs until the latex ran tightly against his fat upper thighs, and he loved the feel of the latex stretching against his jiggling bubble butt. Timmy picked up a comb from the top of the dresser and ran it back over his damp hair. The look was quite fetching despite how short it was. He felt silly that he didn't take Rita's advice and have it grow out a little, but perhaps time...and of course, staying away from hairdressers for a while...would easily remedy this. Pouting over the thought, he next picked up a tube of cherry red lipstick and applied the color to his puffy lips, making sure it was a thick coat so he could easily leave lip-marks on anyone he kissed. He applied mascara next, coloring his upper eyelids a shade of purple similar to that of his tube dress. Eyeliner followed, making sure the edges of his eyelids were thickly and stylishly drawn in. A brown pencil was the next item to provide the final touch that was the thin and fetchingly-arched lines serving as his eyebrows, the natural ones of which he had shaved off a long time ago. He started to rise from his seat, but he then let out a girlish gasp as he had obviously forgotten one last detail: he needed blush on his cheeks. Picking that up, he remedied this situation easily, applying a pink color to each of his cheeks. And after slipping his feet, with its pink-painted nails, into a pair of pink, high-heeled shoes, he was ready. Ignoring the loud complaints of his mother as he swayed his wide hips quite sexily down the stairs, his large boobs delicately bouncing and his butt jiggling as he walked, he went for the front door, unopposed, and opened it. Rita Noble smiled down at him as he stepped past the front gate, standing there with her one-piece white dress hugging her own visibly sexy hourglass figure, of which his was a veritable mimic. She had a unique way of having Timmy show his affection: she raised up a middle finger, holding it down and above the head of her now sinfully sexy prize. Timmy, arching his head back, began to slowly lick around the finger, and sucked on it deeply and hungrily until Rita pulled it out. Wrapping a soft arm around the smooth, bare shoulders of her beloved pet, they clacked their heels over to a waiting limousine parked at the curb, and they both stepped in. Ruth, now at the front door, screamed fruitlessly for Timmy to get back into the house, clearly fearing for him as tears streamed down her face. Timmy, however, could not make out a word of what she was saying. It all seemed like a nonsensical babble to his pierced ears, each lobe of which had a large, glittering gemstone installed. Engraved upon each stone were the letters "RN". As they both settled into the back area, Rita picked up a box, which was held shut by a velvet ribbon. Keeping her lustful eyes on Timmy, she enticingly bit one end of the ribbon and pulled the box down, loosening and unraveling the bow. She then opened it up and pulled out a long, wide, studded leather strap with a belt buckle on one end. Upon the front of the cherry red leather collar was a solid steel name plate upon which the word "SLUT" was displayed in large letters. A D-ring jingled a bit beneath the plate. Timmy became terribly excited at the sight of this collar, and she instinctively kneeled before Rita, presenting his bare neck to her in anticipation, and closing his eyes. Timmy next felt the coldness of the leather around his neck, after which Rita tightened the strap, smiling with a great deal of satisfaction as the steel plate became prominent beneath her prize's chin. Rita then slipped out of one of her shoes, and brought the bare foot up to Timmy's face. "Lick it, slut," she slowly, enticingly cooed. Giving the length of the foot a long, slow lick to start things off, she looked up lustfully to the woman he had sworn himself to for the rest of his life. "Yesssss, Miss Ritaaaa...." he erotically hissed. As his tongue slowly ran up from Rita's heel, Timmy felt an incredible rush of pleasure between his legs, and he began to moan out from the orgasmic sensation. He continued to pant lustfully as his tongue went back to the heel, and slowly made its way up again, the orgasmic explosion once again seizing his quaking body. "Oohhhhh...yyyeeesssssss, Mmmmissss Ritaaaaaa..." * * * "Yesss, Miss Ritaaaa..." "Yessss, Miss...Miss Ri...?" Timmy quickly rose out of bed, panting exhaustedly. His eyes were now wide open. Checking the clock, it was 6:00 a.m. He also felt a distinct, sticky wetness at his crotch. Looking down, Timmy saw that he had apparently masturbated in his sleep. The crotch area of his boxer shorts was drenched in his own semen. Rubbing at his head, he rose up to walk over to the mirror on his dresser. A long yawn showed that he was still tired, but he wanted to make sure it really was the craziest of wet dreams. Sure enough, Timmy Portnoy stared back at him, fully intact, for the most part. But there was something just a touch different about the image staring back at him. Specifically, his hair. Now while Timmy had a head of short, dark brown hair which, given time to grow, could easily become a mullet, the hair on his head now looked a little fuller. There was no real increase in length, but it was a bit messy on his head. The hair was also moist with sweat from the wild dream. He sat on the side of his bed for a long moment, thinking about how vivid that dream was. What did it mean, he wondered? Did it mean he had a certain sense of envy for what that big-breasted temptress apparently represented? And where was Maggie, he then wondered? He figured if he found Maggie so much more attractive, it would be her he would be dreaming about. Why in the world was Rita Noble the object of his desire in that crazy dream of his? His right-side peripheral vision then caught sight of something cherry red against the white fabric of both the mattress covering and the pillow. Turning his head towards the pillow, the red area looked like part of a wide ribbon. When he lifted the pillow up, he saw what looked like a cherry red, and a very effeminate choker. Attached to it was a small gold heart locket, and beneath the choker was another small, folded scrap of paper. Opening it up, the words were written in pink ink, just like that which was on the page full of job contacts, and the four words that formed the ominous sentiment were in the same flowing cursive script. Come see me, slut. Knowing exactly who this was, Timmy felt...apprehensive. A part of him felt a little scared. This was the woman who had tried to erase the life he was still living thanks to Maggie's intervention. But there was another side of him that could not help but feel a little...excited. Confusion set in as he placed the choker upon the dresser and then went back to the bed, sliding back onto it to lay there for a few more minutes, lost in his own perplexed thoughts. His mother was obviously not into the kind of looks women like Rita obviously liked to flaunt. She had even branded Maggie in the same way. Despite the fact that Ruth was not a religious person at all, she still had contempt for those who proudly displayed the cleavage of their large breasts, or flaunted an hourglass figure and/or a bubble butt. Timmy, on the other hand, had never actually encountered too many of these kinds of women outside of those girls at school who were visibly oversexed in their appearances. He was never really approached by any, either, save those who had teased him with fake displays of affection that led to open ridicule. He almost got into a fight once, as well, with a bully who deliberately used his slutty girlfriend as bait. If it weren't for the faculty man that stepped in to prevent trouble, the bully would have beat Timmy down all too eagerly for the apparent crime of 'talking to his girl'. His eyes kept returning to the note in his troubling curiosity. His first urge, upon acknowledging the words, was to throw it out and forget about it. But he didn't. Rubbing at his full head of hair idly, he figured he had gotten all the sleep he could as he got back up and went to the drawer to find a set of clothes to put on. As he slipped on his casual, clean set of clothes, his mind kept going back to the note, and he stepped over to the choker that had obviously been left for him. Picking it up, he examined the small gold sculpture that served as the choker's locket. Turning it around, he saw two small words etched into it. Wear me. Obviously a blatant attempt, Timmy mused to himself, and not one he was willing to go along with. Pulling open the top drawer, the choker went into the dresser as he dismissively shook his head. He buried it beneath the underwear he had in there, as well. Fully dressed, he stepped back over to the bed and picked up the scrap of paper with Rita's little message. Once again, he stared upon the words thoughtfully. Come see me, slut. He couldn't deny the twinge of excitement as he read the words to himself once again. The folded note didn't go in the dresser drawer, however. Instead, it went on a small table near his bed, where his digital alarm clock sat. He folded it up as well, leaving it by the lamp that the table shared with the clock. He couldn't help but dwell on the message once again, even when he was not looking at it. And from the woman who had almost 'killed' who he was. What was it about her that made him linger on her like this? Was it because she was calling him a slut? He had to see her again, somehow. After all, he had to thank her for the job offers... * * * Maggie had a knowing smirk on her face as she made her way over to the office of the Mayoress. She wasn't surprised at all to find that Julia had discovered...and used...her cell phone number to contact her and get her in for a Sunday morning chat. She paid no heed whatsoever to anyone looking at her with any interest as she walked. She knew the kind of place Bullchester was and she found the whole elaborate, Cresswell-related web of deceit entirely amusing. Maggie had to appreciate the chutzpah of the woman who had sown the seeds that had germinated so deeply. She liked it enough to move in, but there was no way she was going to find herself in a position to be swallowed up by it, as so many others had. Maggie approached the desk of her secretary, a nice-looking young lady...if she really was one...named Jemima Poulson. The petite, bespectacled redhead was unsurprisingly on the phone, and taking a lengthy message. Giving Maggie a glance, she raised an index finger indicating the need to wait. Maggie smirked, loudly tapping out some manner of beat with her own black-painted fingernails as she waited. Watching Jemima, she could tell that the secretary was having a bit of trouble concentrating as she glanced upon the taller woman's cleavage. Maggie had deliberately angled herself forward, with her hands still on the desk, to be able to give the now flustered-looking Jemima a good view. Finally off the phone, Jemima brought her full attention to Maggie. "May I help you?" "I was called in. Name's Maggie," the wild-haired woman replied. "I wasn't given a specific time." Jemima noticed that Maggie was wearing a hairstyle she herself once had. It was the hairstyle she was given upon her first visit to the hairdresser her curvaceous friend, Iris Fielding, had taken her to. The secretary pressed a button on her phone and picked the receiver back up. "I have someone at the desk named Maggie? She said you ca...oh, OK." Jemima hung the phone back up. "She's ready for you. You can go on in." Maggie nodded, eager for the confrontation. She moved towards the door to Julia's office, but stopped and turned to Jemima, whose own eyes were following her tall, attractive frame. "So how do you like being an office boy?" Maggie asked, following this statement with a sly wink. She then opened the door and stepped into the office, disappearing behind it, without waiting for any answer from the now-surprised secretary. She left Jemima frowning in wide-eyed confusion for a moment before the secretary went to prepare a pot of coffee, as per Julia's instructions. "Good morning, Miss Katzhoff." Julia flashed a cordial smile as Maggie turned to face her. "Yo," was Julia's answer, coupled with a single, disinterested-looking wave. "Welcome to Bullchester," Julia remarked as Maggie settled into a seat. "I heard you're new in town." "Oh?" Maggie responded once she settled into a comfy position in the seat. "Will this be an ongoing formality with newbies, your honor? Fiorello LaGuardia would be proud. Are we gonna have a 'fireside chat' next?" Although she could clearly hear the sarcasm in the black-haired woman's voice, Julia let out an amused giggle. "That won't be necessary." "Soooo...what am I here for?" Maggie challenged, not looking uncomfortable at all, and actually looking quite sultry as she spoke. "Outstanding phone bills? Or parking tickets? Or any other fake charges you learned from a bad cop movie?" Julia now smirked. "Wow. You're good." "Likewise," Maggie shot back, maintaining her own amused expression. "I never even told you my name, and I have never once uttered my last name since, oh, before I got on the plane. But...hey, you're the big, bad Mayoress, right?" "Think of me as...a sister, seeing as how I like you already," Julia responded. "So...what would you aspire to in my fair city, Mary-Mary?" "Maggie." Beneath the front locks of black hair, the eyes narrowed. "Even to you, little miss Cresswell cunt." Julia felt a little stung by the audacity of her words now. Her eyes widened, but she kept her tone calm. "Who do you think you are, Miss Katzhoff?" Maggie grinned, singing a line from a pertinent song by the Rolling Stones...Sympathy for the if she were Mick Jagger. "Ahh, what's puzz-lin' yooou is of myyyy game!" Julia just grinned at this. "Cute. Would you like some coffee, dear? My secretary makes a seriously good cup o' Joe." "I'm sure he does," Maggie replied, still smiling. This earned her a double take from the Mayoress as she went to her phone and pressed a button. She then picked up the receiver. "Bring in that fresh pot you made, Jemima. Yes, the coffee. Thank you." "Cute name," Maggie mused as Julia hung up the phone. "Is he your Aunt?" "Ho ho hoooo..." Julia shook her head in her amusement. "'re certainly making this my most entertaining meeting of the day." "And it isn't even over yet, is it?" Maggie added. Julia raised an eyebrow as the office door opened once again. "Evidently not." Jemima had a somewhat nervous expression as she brought in a tray with a steaming coffee pot and two mugs, setting it down on a table in the office. Maggie then jerked her head to Jemima. "Black." A troubling notion was clearly on the mind of the bespectacled secretary as she poured Maggie's coffee into a mug. She did likewise for the second mug, although she prepared it the way Julia preferred her coffee. Julia hoped the spiked coffee would make Maggie a little more compliant. She began thinking about where she could be put to potentially good use. The information she learned about her from her records indicated that there was no way the coffee would not work, and she would then be able to allow Rita to claim her own prize. Jemima handed the mug to Maggie, who nodded in response. "Thanks, man." The secretary again paused as she heard this. Not wanting to cause trouble in the office of her own boss, she handed the second mug to Julia. "Thank you, dear." "Can...can I...?" Jemima gestured to the office door. Thankfully, Julia nodded, and Jemima moved to the door, giving Maggie a bit of a scowl as she went. Once she was out of the room, Maggie rose up from her seat. She then raised the mug. "To Jemima. One hell of a nice guy." Judging by the displeased look on Julia's face, it was clear that she had enough of this. "How can you know so much about my secretary, Miss Katzhoff?" "I suppose 'wild guess' won't suffice?" Maggie giggled at this. "Alright, Maggie." Julia took a sip of her coffee. "If it's a game you want, I'm always up for a challenge. After all...I stuck around St. Petersburg when I saw it was a time for...a change." Another line from Sympathy for the Devil, and Maggie knew it as she raised her mug in a toast again. "Touche'." The mug finally went to Maggie's lips, and it was clear the coffee was being poured down her throat. Game over, bitch. Julia mused to herself. When Maggie lowered the mug, she looked surprised at the taste of the warm brew. "Ooh! Now that's a sssss-PI-cy meat-a-ball!" Julia grinned, trying not to sound too excited over her latest prize. "I'm glad you like it, pet. Go on, drink up some more." And once again, Maggie tilted the mug up, drinking down a larger gulp. "Whaaaah..." She panted from having drank so much in one tilt. "...yeah, I c-could use another cup or five." "That can be arranged, my sweet pup." An idea was already forming in her mind. A real irony of a humiliation. "Are you tired from all that walking? Go on and settle yourself. On the floor." Maggie looked surprised at first. "Umm...really? On the...?" Julia arched an eyebrow, still grinning. "Sit," she then commanded. Wide-eyed, she glanced below her, looking a bit nervous, but then... "Uh...okay!" And down Maggie went, sitting on the floor in front of the chair she was initially sitting in. Julia now settled herself upon the seat Maggie was sitting in. "Now here's how things will work between you and I, dog. You will never again sit in a seat while I am in the room. You're going to follow behind me, crawling around, at all times. You will bark when I say bark. You will fetch when I say fetch. Are we clear?" Maggie nodded eagerly. "Uh-huh!" "Good." Julia grinned victoriously now. "I knew you'd see it my way, bitch." "Can I ask a question, Miss Stroud?" Maggie then remarked. "Just this one time, you may," Julia responded. Maggie then rose straight up, much to Julia's shock. "If I'm gonna be your dog, does that mean I'm gonna get to gnaw on that fake boner between your legs?" With quick reflexes, and taking full advantage of Julia's shock, Maggie grabbed one of the wrists of the Mayoress and easily twisted it behind her back very painfully. Her other hand clamped over her mouth with a strong grip, leaving the astonished Mayoress grunting in pain from the pressure Maggie was applying on her arm. "Surpriiiiiiise." Maggie's husky voice was right next to her ear. She kept her voice low and quiet as she spoke. "You may have angels on your shoulders, but if you cross this black cat's path, I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll rip that sphincter of yours off with my bare hands. So if we must cross paths again, do your Cresswell cronies a favor. Have some courtesy, have some sympathy, and some taste, because no one...and I mean no ever, ever gonna make a dog outta this cat. Now nod your little head." All Maggie got in response to this was a growl, and nothing remotely resembling a nod. Agonizing pain followed in Julia's arm as Maggie twisted it some more. "I said, nod your little head." Julia squinted her eyes shut tightly from the pain. It quickly got to the point where she couldn't bear any more of it, and the Mayoress finally nodded. "I don't believe you, but...whatever." Maggie grinned, still holding Julia's arm. "But you can prove how much you mean it by staying the fuck away from me from now on. Don't waste your time on your DNA tricks and your voodoo sprays. None of that shit will work on me. Oh...and one last thing. Keep your Barbie doll away from the new kid on the block. Timbo is mine, and I'd hate to have to break your dolly to prove it. Or do I have to break your arm to remind you? Shake your little head, Joolie-boolie." Julia complied, shaking her head. Her grip was far too strong for her to break. "Good girl. Now I'm sure you have a few city ordnances to go over, and perhaps an aspirin for the pain. As I make my way out, you're going to keep your sweet little mouth shut, and keep having a nice, niiiiice day. And if I see a single angel in the cat's path while I linger in Bullchester...and I will linger...I'm gonna show them my devil. And trust me. You don't want that. Ready? I'm letting you go now. You scream, you do anything other than act natural, I break you real good. You agree, don't you? Nod your head." Julia nodded. The pain in her arm was unbearable now. In the next moment, however, Maggie finally released her. She immediately whipped around to face Maggie, who glared back at her through her raven black front locks. "Sit." Maggie then firmly remarked, pointing to the chair behind Julia's desk. Nursing her injured arm, she kept frowning angrily at Maggie as she moved to the seat and settled herself quietly down upon it. Maggie then smirked. "Good dog. See? Now we can be friends again." "Fuck you," Julia angrily hissed. "Love you too, babe." Sarcastically miming a sweet kiss, she finally turned for the door to the office, but stopped in front of it. She then turned her head back to Julia. "By the way..." Maggie mused. "...your coffee sucks." Opening the door, Maggie casually stepped through it and closed it behind her. Jemima's eyes were naturally on Maggie as she maneuvered around her desk. The taller woman's own eyes locked on Jemima as she leaned in, placing her hands on the desk. Jemima recoiled a bit, intimidated by the taller woman. "Friendly word of advice, kiddo," Maggie remarked. "Lose the pecker." Once Maggie was gone, Jemima rushed into the office of the Mayoress, but was swiftly ordered out with one angry finger as Julia was already on the phone, waiting for whomever she was calling to pick up. Maggie remained unopposed as she made her way out of the building, smirking with delicious satisfaction as she rushed to her Jaguar. * * * It was clearly a risk, but he had to take it. That first job offer was the only one that really interested him. Surprisingly, however, Ruth did not immediately refuse Timmy's general inquiry about funding the purchase of a suit. She was instead quiet for a long moment as she thought it over. Please say yes, please say yes. Timmy thought to himself. Just a little yes. Ruth then sighed out. "You do know how expensive those suits tend to be, don't you?" "Yes, I know, mom," Timmy replied. "But I'm really interested in this first job. I really wanna make a good first impression." "And if you don't get the job, you wouldn't be able to pay me back, would you?" Ruth reasoned. Timmy's head drooped. It wasn't looking good. Ruth, however, rose from her seat and picked up Bullchester's newspaper. She then turned to a particular page and laid it down on the table in front of Timmy. Within one of the large ads, a sale price was circled. Ruth's finger pointed to it as Timmy listened. "This place should be open in a couple of hours. I found this offer affordable. Plain white button-down shirt, a tie, dress pants, and a pair of shoes. I figure that's all you would need. What do you think?" "Well...sounds great, am I gonna buy it?" Timmy asked. Ruth smirked. "Well, if you had given me attitude and made this move a living hell for me, I'd say there was no way you could." She then went over to the doorknob where she hung her purse, pulled out her wallet, and then pulled out a few big bills. Ruth then walked back over to her son with a smile on her face, and held the money out to him. "But you, my dear, have been very, very helpful and understanding throughout all this, so consider this your well-deserved reward." Timmy's face lit up in his surprise. "Really?? Oh, thank you, mommy!" He wrapped his arms around Ruth's waist, and she reciprocated the hug, giggling as she did. The boy's happy expression then dissolved as he realized something. "And...if I don't get that job?" Ruth giggled again. "Don't worry about it, son. Like I said, this is a reward. Hey...maybe you can use it to try and get one of those other jobs if the first one doesn't work out." Timmy nodded, smiling in his relief. "Okay." He then kissed Ruth on the cheek. "Thanks again, mom." As he needed to refer to the address to make sure he was going in the right direction, he cut the ad out and took it with him, taking the bus once again into the city area(and this time, without Rita Noble joining him during the trip). He was able to find the store, which looked old and barren save for the suits on display by way of mannequins in the front window, and he walked in after pulling the door open. A nice old man helped him in his desire to take advantage of the deal that was posted, showing him the ad. The old man turned out to be a talented tailor and he got right to work on measuring the young man. The bespectacled man helped him pick out good colors, and by the time Timmy was ready to pay and leave with his new clothes, he was quite satisfied, and very hopeful for his chances of becoming the attorney's clerk. But there was one question he had meant to ask, and it wasn't until he was ready to leave that he decided to ask. "I...hope you don't mind my asking, you have much in the way of good business here? I mean, you've been so nice, and I figured you'd have a couple more people in here, or something." "Well, I do appreciate that, young man..." the heavy-set, gray-haired, balding old tailor replied, "...but part of the reason we're havin' that sale is because we're probably gonna be goin' out of business soon." "Really?" Timmy looked surprised. "Why?" "Oh, probably 'cause of all those Cresswell hussies," the tailor answered. "Have you noticed all those women in town? All those crossdressers? I've got nothin' against any of 'em, but there's an awful lot of 'em as of late, and as you might expect, the more of 'em there are, the more useless my business becomes, and I've been runnin' this business in Bullchester for about 15 years or so. Never modernized, either. But with that new Mayoress in town, I'm kinda startin' to get a little bit scared. I've seen women on the streets outside that look a little too much like some of the older ladies that used to be around Bullchester, only they look like they've damn near been through the fountain of youth or somethin'. That's why you'd be smart to watch your back while you're livin' here." Timmy nodded, thinking of his previous encounter with Rita again. "I understand. Well...thanks again." "Have a good day, son." He gave Timmy a cordial wave with an aged hand. "And, uh...remember what I said, okay?" Getting back on the bus to head back home, feeling more hopeful than ever with his new suit draped on his arm, the bus route once again made its way alongside a park, which had a few families either walking around or playing within it. On the way in, the park was mostly empty, and Timmy figured it was because of the "divine feminine" services. But as the bus moved alongside the park's edge, his eyes caught sight of one particular person. She was sitting on a bench, alone, and apparently she was reading a large magazine. She also had a very fashionable dress on, and her blond hair was wrapped tightly against her head, The prominent cheekbones alone more or less confirmed that this was, indeed, Rita Noble. Unfortunately, there were no bus stops along the park's side bus lane, so he had to wait until he got home before making any decision to head back out to the park. But as he went back inside the house to drop off the new suit with hurried steps, and with his mother too busy on the notice, he couldn't help but to think about what the tailor had told him, not to mention that his going back to Rita would prove hazardous to his very identity. There was a chance he would never come back home again. At least, as himself. Lost in conflicting thoughts once again, he slowly went over to the table next to his bed, and picked up the folded piece of paper, opening it back up. And there it was again, in the flowing pink script. Come to me, slut. With more than enough change for another bus trip to and from the Bullchester town area, Timmy had formed the rationale that if he went back out there, and Rita had left, he could just go back home and that would be the end of it. But he'd feel a little ashamed, as all he really wanted to do was to thank Rita for providing the list of job offers. But there was no way of knowing that unless he actually went back out there. And so, back on the bus he went. He had also reasoned that it was a nice-enough day, and that he had never actually been in Bullchester's park grounds. He could stay for a couple of minutes if Rita was not there, and then head back. If she was, he'd just walk up, give his thanks, and then just walk away with a clear conscience. When the bus finally coasted past the park area where he saw Rita, however, the woman was still there, and still reading her magazine. He now began to feel a little bit nervous as the bus slowed to a halt at the stop nearest to the park. Just get off, he thought to himself, Head over, say your thank-yous and get on over to the bus stop back home. So deceptively simple. Yet at the same time, so inescapably fearsome. The bus doors opened at the stop... ...and Timmy hurried out of it. The die was cast. Now, there was only the approach. His deep breath was a bit shaky as he began moving into the park. It's the right thing to do. He repeatedly told himself. It's the right thing to do. It's the right thing to do. He passed families and kids playing together. The skies were sunny and clear, and the breeze was comfortably cool. And yet, Timmy was still shaking. Rita was there, and she was still reading. Apparently engrossed in whatever article she was going through. As he got closer, he saw that the bare skin areas of her body were practically glistening in the light. As if she were perpetually smooth and moist. The platinum blond hair was tight against her head, and bundled into a sock bun at the top of her head. Flower-design sandals with wooden soles waited below for her bare, hairless feet, and she wore a white latex tube dress that was sinfully tight against her body, with three holes running down each side. Just like he was wearing in his dream, although his was purple, not white. She was still reading, and he wondered if she was perhaps angered by Maggie's appearance that she decided to ignore him completely. That, at least, would make his quick 'thank you' easier. He made one more step towards her... ...and she glanced up at him. The look appeared contemptuous. But then, the corners of her puffy lips slowly curled upward, and with her eyes still on Timmy, she closed the magazine, and then slipped it into a large, open bag she had between her legs below. "Uh...h-hi, Miss...Miss Rita," Timmy nervously began. "I, um...I...I just wanna thank you. Thank you. For...uh, for...the jobs. So...j-jobs. Thanks." "Hello, Timmy," Rita began, still smiling. "Nice to see you again." The nervous young man nodded. "Yes. Thanks. Thanks for...nice." "You're welcome, Timmy." "Uh..." He wanted to backtrack. Now. Start making his way to the bus. But...he couldn't. "...sorry?" "I said 'you're welcome', Timmy." Rita had an amused expression on her face now. "Is that all you came to say?" His head lowered upon hearing that question. He tried to answer, but he was again conflicted. Nothing came out of his mouth. Her next question was asked in the lowest pitch of Rita's voice. "Are you scared, Timmy?" "S-scared? No, I..." "I'm happy you came, Timmy." Rita flashed a warm smile. "I really am." Timmy blushed at this. Rita was able to see the hint of a smile on his lips. The curvaceous woman then brought up a hand, and crooked a finger, beckoning him forward. She then brought the hand down and lightly patted the space next to her. "Come sit with me." Time to go. He told himself. Time to go. "I...I-I have to..." "Nothing is going to happen to you, Timothy," Rita then assured, keeping her serene expression and gentle tone. "I won't try to knock you out, and I won't take you to that salon. I won't do anything you would not want me to do." She then raised her right hand up. "I promise. By the Goddess of the Sacred Feminine, I promise." Timmy was still hesitant. "Please," Rita then remarked. "All I want to do is talk. That's all. Please keep me company, Timothy." Just a few minutes. He then reasoned to himself. That's all. Nodding, Timmy moved towards the bench and settled himself next to Rita, who smiled and then placed an arm around his shoulders. "So," Rita began. "How's your day been so far, sweetie?" "I...I got a suit," Timmy replied, feeling a little more at ease. The perfume she wore didn't make him light-headed, but it did smell very nice. "I wanna call the first job offer on your list." "Oh, the attorney? Mr. Hanel?" Rita giggled. "I figured that would catch your eye. So your mom bought you your suit? You should make a really good first impression then, and those are perfect hours, too." Timmy nodded. "I took typing classes in High School, too, so I can type, at least." "That gives you a really important advantage, Timothy," Rita cooed. "If you ask me, that job is as good as yours." Timmy sighed. "With my luck, I'll probably blow it." "Oh, come on. Don't talk that way, dear," Rita gently chided. "Show a bit of confidence. Just be yourself at that job interview. Don't show off, or try to be something you're not. Just take it naturally." "Miss Rita..." Timmy turned his head to face Rita's, looking curious. "...what kind of work do you do?" "Me? I'm the owner of Loris International, dear. Our specialties are fashion, and beauty," Rita responded. "You know that supermodel called Pandora?" "Oh yeah," Timmy answered, nodding his head. "She's really nice- looking!" "A vision of beauty, and a very unique one at that," Rita explained. "And in these more...LGBTQ-tolerant times, we expect her to ride an even bigger wave than before. She'll be bigger than any fashion model to ever walk the runway. She's also a very important role model for transgendered people. You saw all those people who looked like they were crossdressing, right? Who do you think it was that inspired them all to come out and admit to having a feminine side?" Timmy then frowned in confusion. "I didn't know she was transgendered." "Mm-hmm!" Rita nodded. "Does that change your opinion of her?" The young man shook his head. "N-no. It doesn't." "She wears such pretty clothes, too." Rita then reached down and pulled out the magazine she was reading. She then flipped to a page that featured a very eye-catching white dress. This, too, was sinfully tight, one-piece, and exposed only the right arm. The swells of the model's breasts and her general curvature were prominent in her pose, and her hair was short and parted to one side in a very feminine manner. Rita tapped her finger on this particular design. "Doesn't that one look nice too, Timmy?" "Yeah." Timmy kept her eyes on the model's body. "Nice-looking model, too. Is she transgendered, too?" Rita shrugged, smiling. "Well, this is a Loris International publication, dear. What do you think?" Timmy thought on this, looking at her face and her body. "Yeah, she...she could be." Rita giggled at this. She then flipped to another page, and another, letting Timmy look at the sexy and enticing dresses worn by the models on each page. Timmy's gaze lingered on each page, marveling at how good both the dresses and the models looked. She then flipped back to the first model she showed Timmy, and then spoke softly into the young man's ear. "Have you ever worn women's clothes, Timothy?" Timmy swallowed hard. He had a feeling she would bring that up. "A...a long time ago. I mean, when I was really young." "I won't tell a soul, sweetie. Don't worry," Rita cooed. "N-not anything as good as this, though." He indicated the picture. Rita giggled again. "You really like that one, don't you? What if you had that dress in your hands right now, Timmy?" "Oh, I...I couldn't wear it, Miss Rita." Timmy blushed deeply. "I'd just look silly in it." "I don't think so." Rita actually sounded serious. She then ran a finger through Timmy's fuller hair. "I bet I can make your hair look like hers, too." "No, I...I'd still look silly." Timmy shook his head in emphasis of his conviction. "Besides...this looks so much better on people like..." His eyes went to Rita. " you. I mean, you've got big breasts, and...and a great figure, and..." "And smooth, moist, hairless skin." She ran a hand, slowly, along the surfaces of her exposed skin, showing these features off. She then took Timmy's shaky hand, and slowly ran it across her arm. "Go ahead, touch it. Squeeze it. Really feeeel it." She then brought Timmy's hand to the skin above her large breasts, moving it slowly across. "Doesn't that feel niiice?" Timmy nodded, wanting to be honest. He spoke softly. "Y-yes, Miss Rita." He nervously pulled his hand away, smiling meekly. "Do you have any siblings, dear?" Rita then asked. "Brothers, or..." "Two sisters." "Ahh," Rita purred. "Did they ever play 'dress-up' with you?" "Well..," Timmy blushed again. "...just...just once. That was the only time I, uh...wore. Them." Rita had to giggle again at Timmy's shyness. It just made him all the more endearing to the curvaceous blonde. She then turned her head to the young man, who was looking away in his perpetual shyness. "Look at me, dear," she softly asked. Without hesitation, Timmy turned his head so that his eyes met Rita's. She then took his hands in hers, her soft hands grasping them gently. "Do you still trust me, Timothy?" This inquiry made Timmy inescapably wary. "U-uhh..." "I did promise I wouldn't take you to the salon, didn't I?" Rita reminded. "I promised that I would not do anything you would not want me to do, and I intend to hold to that promise." "W-why are you asking?" The nervous young man asked. "Well, I...figured if you didn't have much to do today, that we could take a little trip. Someplace within Bullchester, and a couple of blocks from a bus stop, too. And no, I am not referring to Rubie's Mall." "Then where do you want to take me?" Timmy asked. "My place," Rita replied, confirming Timmy's suspicion. "There are some things I want to show you, and things I want to talk to you about. You'll be back home before it gets dark. I promise. If you'll let me, I'll drive you back home. But that's totally up to you. Fair enough?" Say no. His conscience seemed to tell him in his indecision. Say no, and just head home. Be nice about it, but you need to... "O-okay, Miss Rita," Timmy answered. "As long as I get home before dark." "You will. Don't worry." They both rose up from the bench, Rita keeping her arm around the young man as they began walking together towards a parking lot within the park. There were two sections, and in the first,.each and every spot was filled. The second section was a little more sparse, with only three vehicles, the most expensive one being a sleek-looking Porsche. A surprised Timmy found that this was the car Rita drove to the park in. "This is yours??" "Oh, yes, dear," Rita answered. "And if I can drive cars like this, you can imagine what my home looks like, eh?" Pulling the keys to the car, she pressed a button which unlocked the vehicle's doors. Timmy, remembering his encounter with Maggie, went to the driver side and looked for a way to open the door. Giggling, Rita gestured to the lever, and he was able to open the door for her. This quite unexpectedly earned Timmy a lingering kiss from Rita's own, cherry red-painted lips. She kissed him right on the lips, too. "Good boy," she sweetly remarked as she boarded the driver side of the Porsche. Timmy hurried over to the passenger side and made himself comfy in the passenger seat, buckling himself into the car's sweet-smelling, cool interior. Once the door was shut, the car came alive, and gentle music began playing on the car's radio as they left the parking lot, and then the park itself. As nice as the music sounded, Rita silenced the radio as she drove. A couple of minutes into the trip, she broke the silence with an inquiry. "Are you wearing it?" Timmy looked confused. "Huh?" "I know you got my message, dear..." She kept her eyes on the road as she spoke. "...but why aren't you wearing it?" "I...I jus...I'm sorry, but...I didn't wanna," Timmy stammered. "Shhhhh." Rita held up a hand in restraint. "Calm down, dear. I think you should know, though, that the locket on that choker is a very valuable trinket. Solid gold, in fact. You could get a lot of money for it." Timmy blinked. "Really?" "Mmm-hmmmm!" Rita pulled out a small slip of folded paper and handed it to the young man. "You could have a nice little nest egg with the money you get." "Why would you give me something that valuable?" Timmy asked, looking confused. "Isn't it obvious?" Rita cooed. "I like you, dear. Very much. Otherwise, I would not have sent you that message asking you to come to me." As Rita spoke, he opened the folded paper to reveal the address of another building. A pawn shop of some kind. The business looked legit. " called me a...a..." "Slut? What's so wrong with that, dear? I don't let that bother me at all." She then turned onto a heavily-forested road. "Neither should you." He then thought about their last encounter. It was that astonishing moment when Rita stepped out of his new home. He had to ask about it. "By the were visiting my mom yesterday? Can I ask why?" "Well, I can tell you that her first impression of me was...quite unpleasant," Rita admitted. "But the tensions began to simmer once we had our little chat over tea. I was telling your mother about a little social group we have in town. All of the debutantes in town are a part of it, and I was able to convince Ruth to attend a meeting or two." Timmy's eyebrows rose up in his surprise. "You were able to get through to my mom?? I'm still surprised she didn't chase you out the door just for how you look." "Well, it was tough, but...she did like the tea I brought with me." Rita couldn't help but smile at the memory of that meeting as the car got near a very posh and upscale residence and began to slow down. "I think your mother and I will get along just fine, Timothy. Don't worry." But Timmy was now staring in awe at the large and extensive residence Rita called home. He wondered how many rooms were in this place, and he saw a couple of other expensive cars in the driveway where Rita pulled in. As Timmy glanced at the second floor windows, he saw what looked to be an older woman within one of the rooms running a vacuum cleaner over the rugs. "Who's that with that woman with the vacuum?" Timmy asked as he unbuckled himself and stepped out of the car. "Neighbor?" "Oh, you must mean Rhoda. That is my housekeeper," Rita replied, with a touch of disdain, as she shut off the engine. She then saw Timmy hurry over to her car door and open it for her. Amused, Rita held out her hand, and Timmy helped her out of the car. "My, my, my, sweetie." Rita placed her soft hands against both sides of the young man's blushing cheeks as Timmy meekly smiled. "Such wonderful manners you have." Timmy felt a distinct rush in his loins as he felt her soft hands on his cheeks. "Thank you, Miss Rita." Rita placed an arm around the smaller young man's shoulders as they walked up to the front door. She then glanced, expectantly, to Timmy. " isn't locked?" Timmy blushed in his embarrassment. Rita shook her head. "Not when Rhoda is here. You'll need to take your shoes off, too. I had her vacuum the floor earlier. Socks, too. I want your feet bare when you come in." Timmy nodded and opened the door, stepping to the side so Rita could sexily sway past. The young man then sat upon the ground and began to undo the laces of his sneakers, pulling each of them off. He did the same with his socks, placing each of them in the foot space of the sneakers. Rita, who was already barefoot, then crooked a finger and beckoned for the young man to follow. He couldn't help but glance down at the woman's feet as she walked. Stepping inside, he gazed around at an immaculately-kept living room. It was huge, too, with a curved, 88-Inch TV dominating one wall, and a very comfy gray couch along an adjoining wall. Comfy seats were placed neatly in several areas, and the entire place had a pleasant floral scent. Rita gestured to the plush couch. "Have a seat, sweetheart. I'm going to go give instructions to Rhoda for a moment. I'm going to make sure you and I are not disturbed, seeing as how I want today to be about you and me." With a wink, she went up a flight of wide stairs while Timmy lowered himself into the couch. The couch was so soft and comfy, he figured he'd fall asleep in it if he lingered upon it long enough. Scanning around the room, he saw pictures hanging on the walls which displayed various, well-taken photographs of women. They were tastefully done, even though the models were naked. Glancing down at another set of photos, he rose up to take a closer look at some of them. The most prominent one was of the model called Pandora, who was in a photo next to Rita Noble. Behind them were a group of women he did not recognize, but who all looked attractive in some way. Although he could not make out whatever they were saying, he heard the sounds of conversation above him. No doubt Rita was providing Rhoda with instructions. He continued to idly scan around the large living room area. In another photo, he saw Rita posing with a slightly heavy-set gentleman who had clean-cut short brown hair with gray sideburns. The seductive blonde was in a fairly sexy pose, while the large-eyed man...who wore a full gray business suit, jacket, tie, and all...simply smiled to the camera, an arm around Rita. A politician, perhaps? Judging by the backdrop, it looked like some kind of celebratory gala. Upon a small gold plate was written these words... Larry and Me Always Scot-Free He had to drop to a knee and bend down to read the plate. He rose up afterwards, wondering what the words meant. Another picture, this one up on the wall by an adjoining dining room, had a black and white picture of a heavy-set older woman who looked a little more like a man in the face. He was dressed in a gray maid's uniform, and was using a vacuum to clean a carpeted staircase. Upon the gold place beneath the picture was the name that explained it all: RHODA. Beneath this, in smaller letters, Timmy could make out more words: Suck it up, bitch. Another wall decoration that caught his attention was above a fireplace back in the living room. This was no picture, though. This was framed documentation, basically certifying...with a genuine seal of official declaration...Rita Noble's status as the figurehead of Loris International. Timmy slightly smiled upon seeing this. At least she's legit. He thought to himself. A familiar feminine hand with pink-painted, french-cut long nails then reached in front of him. There was an iced, carbonated drink in the hand. "It's only lemon soda, dear," Rita assured. "Let's go relax on the couch." With a hand on his shoulder, they walked back over to the couch as Timmy took a sip of his drink, which tasted quite good. Rita then gestured down to the couch. "You first, dear." Once he was back down where he had been sitting, Rita now settled in, but she didn't just sit next to him. She laid across the couch, gently settling the weight of her smooth, crossed legs on Timmy's lap. The young man couldn't help but blush yet again, seeing the moist smoothness of Rita's gams up close. There wasn't a flaw to be found on the skin of the woman's legs at all. Rita then rested her head against a comforter which allowed her to sit upright, the wildly sexy blonde keeping her eyes on Timmy as she smiled. "So," Rita mused. "Mommy doesn't think too highly of people who look like I do, eh?" Timmy shrugged. "Maybe she's jealous. I dunno." "Well, she does look a bit...frumpy, dear," Rita responded. "But if there's one thing I've learned about living in Bullchester, it's that the place has a very...liberating effect on people. In time, I think your mom will loosen up a bit." "Yeah, well...I didn't think she'd give me the money for that suit before I asked her about it," Timmy remarked. "I thought she'd tell me that I needed to pay for it with my own money. I mean, every time I ask about wanting to buy something, she'd say the same thing." Rita smiled knowingly at this, remembering the chat she had with Ruth the previous day. Indeed, the curvaceous blonde was able to soften the hard-edged woman a little and plant a few small, but effective suggestions unto her more agreeable mind, particularly when Ruth began drinking more of the tea Rita brought with her. The drink her son held in his hand now, however, contained no such mental stimulants, seeing as how subtle voices beneath Timmy's pillow...coming from the small device embedded in the genuinely solid gold locket, of he slept the previous night had already prepared him for Rita's impending initiatives. Timmy's eyes went down to the moist pair of legs, crossed together, that was on his lap. His eyes followed along the full length of both legs as he drank down more of the lemon soda. Rita obviously noticed this. "Do you want to touch them, Timothy?" She then asked, in an gentle, inviting tone. "With your gentle hands?" "I-If you want me to..." "Go ahead, dear." Rita decided to throw in a sly caveat. "But in return, you must call me 'Madame Noble' from now on. Never call me anything else. Understood?" Timmy nodded slowly. "Yes, Madame Noble." His cold, quaking hands then settled upon Rita's right leg, and then rubbed slowly against it. "Mmmmm, very nice," Rita cooed, smiling passionately. "Oh, you're such a good boy...but I don't want my lovely legs to rest against a pair of jeans, sweetie." The young man blushed again. "Y-you want me take pants off?" "And your underpants as well. Now don't worry, Timothy," Rita sweetly assured, seeing the nervous expression on Timmy's face. "It's just you and me here. No one else is watching us." The blond woman's eyes now looked timid. "Pleeeeeeeaaaaase?" Rita's timid expression switched back to a grin as Timmy rose up, placed the drink on a nearby table and began undoing the button and the zipper of his pants. He then pulled down both his jeans and his underpants as Rita watched him. "Take off your shirt and your undershirt as well," Rita then requested. "Just...liberate yourself for a while. Don't be shy." Timmy was slow and hesitant to comply once his pants were off, but his hands next went to his chest, pulling at the ends of both the shirt and the undershirt to take them off as well. He dropped the garments near the jeans and the underpants, leaving a bundle which he pushed aside a little more. Rita grinned now. "That's more like it." She then rose up from the couch, looking down at the timid young man as he stood naked before the curvaceous blonde. Her eyes seemed to scan every inch of him as Rita noted that while he did not have much of it, the onset of puberty had given the young man's skin a light, but visible covering of hair. She hid her distaste, her eyes going further down to his exposed penis, which was totally erect in his excitement, standing straight up. "I can see you're enjoying yourself already." And then, Rita herself began removing her own dress, exposing her perpetually moist-looking body in all its bareness. In the young man's eyes, she was a vision of seemingly impossible beauty made flesh and blood, with large, firm breasts, a uniquely thin waist, and a jiggly bubble butt. There wasn't a blemish anywhere on her skin. It was truly a vision of divine beauty in the eyes of Timothy Portnoy. He couldn't take his eyes off of her now. Rita then stepped towards the awestruck young man and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "Walk with me, dear." His eyes remained locked on Rita's body as he trailed along behind the irresistibly bare, jiggling curves flaunted by the older woman. Timmy was initially concerned that he'd step on something sharp along the way, but he remembered that it was Rhoda's job to keep the house immaculate. The floors were clean, and clear of anything that might injure Timmy's bare feet. Rita then stepped in front of a sliding glass door, and then turned her head to Timmy, gesturing to the door. The naked young man, acknowledging with a nod, moved to the sliding door and pulled it open, allowing Rita to pass him. She then waited for him to come out of the open doorway. Beyond the beautiful terrace that was the home's backyard was an expanse of grasslands and trees over which the sun high above shone its afternoon radiance. As beautiful as Rita was to Timmy, this vision was one of more natural beauty. It was like a space of unspoiled, unaltered earth, kept preserved beyond where Rita's large house stood. Timmy's mouth hung open upon seeing this, and Rita stood beside him, placing an arm around his shoulder once again. "Wonderful, isn't it? Even when it rains, this is a great area to just stand outside in while the heavens deliver its raging torrents." "This...this really looks wonderful," Timmy observed, still staring with wide eyes as Rita amusingly observed his reaction. "You could just...roam freely around this wide space on a day as beautiful as today," Rita thoughtfully observed, leading Timmy a few steps into the grassy terrain. "It feels particularly nice when you're barefoot, and even better when you're naked. It makes you wonder how the first men and women on earth must have felt like when they walked around places like this. Back then, there was no such things as clothes. They were all naked. Every man, woman, and child." She then glanced to Timmy. "Doesn't it feel good to be out of all those restricting clothes for a time?" Timmy was quiet for a moment, perhaps lost in thought. He then nodded slowly, finding the wisdom in the sentiment as he felt the warm wind breeze against his bare body. "Yeah." But as Rita continued to look upon Timmy from behind, the fact that he had body hair just reminded him too much of the travails she had gone through with her husband, who was once a womanizer named Roger before she was able to turn him into Rhoda with the help of the Cresswell sisterhood. She had even...quite literally...taken his genitals as a trophy. "Hmmm..." Rita resolved to take another step in her gradual designs on Timmy. "...come back inside with me, Timothy." The naked young man turned to follow Rita back inside, going into the house's large kitchen. Every little detail about this particular room...the ovens, the stoves, the refrigerator, the freezer, the cabinets, the sink...they all looked considerably expensive and upscale. Rita stepped over to one particular cabinet that was outside of Timmy's view and grabbed something the young man could not see from one of the shelves. "Do you know what body wash is, dear?" She then asked. "Uh...yeah, I think so," Timmy answered. "That's like...liquid soap, or something?" Rita nodded. "When do you usually shower, Timothy?" The young man shrugged. "At night. Before I go to bed." "Ah, that explains it." Rita moved to the sink and pulled a plastic measuring cup from another cabinet. Filling the large measuring cup with water, she then procured a plastic container that looked like some kind of medication, opened it up, and pulled a single, nickel-sized white tablet as she spoke. "I could smell your body odor out there. If you'll let me, I'd like to fix that." Timmy frowned warily. "How?" Dropping the tablet into the cup of water, Rita placed a cover over the cup and began shaking it, the friction causing the tablet to dissolve within the water as if it were an effervescent tablet. "With some body wash, of course. Perfectly harmless. We'll just lather you up with this, wait a couple of minutes, and then rinse it all off. You'll look a lot cleaner, too, and you'll certainly smell nicer." When she stopped shaking the cup, the water had become a soapy white mass, and Timmy could already smell the tangy sweetness of this body wash. "This one is orange citrus." Rita then led the nervous young man to a lavish-looking bathroom with a luxurious-looking porcelain tub, which she gestured for him to step into. Timmy then noticed Rita scooping some of the soapy substance into her hand. He frowned in confusion. "Shouldn't I get wet or something?" Rita shook her head as she began applying the cool soap to his chest. "The skin needs to be dry, dear." The curvaceous woman continued to lather up more of his bare body, eventually covering everywhere other than his pubic hair, and the hair on his head. Timmy felt a slight tingling sensation as his fully- lathered body went untouched for the time Rita needed to keep the body wash on her nervous-looking guest. "This...does smell really nice," Timmy observed. "Doesn't it? I have other fragrances as well," Rita responded. "We'll get all that off of you in another minute, though." "Is this something your, uh...your business created?" Rita just shrugged, smiling sweetly. "Fashion and beauty are our specialties. Don't worry, though...we do manufacture unisex products." Timmy then let out a bit of a giggle, despite himself. Rita raised an eyebrow. "Are you OK, dear?" "Yeah...I...I dunno, I..." Timmy blurted out another slight giggle, bringing a soapy hand to his head. "...I guess, something struck me as funny, but I...I don't know what." Rita nodded, grabbing the shower head, which was of the variety that doubled as a hand-held water spray. She then handed it to Timmy. "You should rinse that wash off of you now." An errant shot of the water went in his face accidentally as he tried to figure out how to turn on the shower head. Ignoring Rita's amused giggle, he began spraying off the soap as his alluring and naked host went to pull a clean, white and fluffy towel. Once he was able to get all the soap off, he noticed that his skin was indeed quite clean. In fact, the skin looked a bit pale as well. It was also missing one other thing he had on him before Rita lathered him up. His body hair. Every inch of the areas that had been lathered up were totally cleansed. His skin was now just as smooth, and even as flawless, as Rita's. As he stared down at his body in his confusion, Rita came up behind him and draped the towel she took over the young man's back. "Pat yourself dry now, sweetie," Rita instructed. "Don't rub. Just pat." Doing just as he was told, Timmy made yet another discovery once he was certain that his body was completely dry: his skin now looked just as visibly moist as Rita's. Like the older woman's own skin, it appeared as if he was covered with a body oil. There was also a weird feeling of dampness to his skin as well, as his eyes widened in his disbelief. "There." Rita rubbed a hand along Timmy's smooth and moistened arm. "Doesn't that feel, and smell, much better? Now you don't have to shower tonight." "But Ri...Madame Noble! job interview! I-I could..." "Shhhhh." Rita placed a finger on Timmy's lips. "You'll be hiding this under your suit anyway, dear. Trust me. You'll be fine." Timmy was speechless. He wanted to protest, but no sound came out of his mouth as he was still quite shocked at what Rita's body wash had done to him. Rita, however, wrapped her arms around him from behind, and held him close. The feel of her moist skin against his own was practically hypnotic in its allure, and he found himself leaning back into her. She placed one of her hands against his cheek, rubbing it gently. He could also feel those large, soft breasts of hers pressing against his bare, moist back, as well, and his head arched back, slightly, against Rita's shoulder as he began panting softly through his slightly open mouth. "You like this?" Rita gently cooed into his ear. "Yes..." he whispered out, his eyes becoming half-lidded. "I can tell," Rita softly remarked, reaching down to lightly brush against the crown of his fully-erect penis with the tips of her fingernails. "You're so hard down there. You love this." She felt his body shiver and spasm from the feel of her nails lightly scratching the head of his cock. His panting sounded distinctly feminine. Rita turned the enthralled young man around to face her, and then crushed her large mounds against his chest, looking right into his eyes. "Do you like big, fat, soft breasts, like mine?" "Y-yess..." Timmy whispered. "Do you like a big, jiggly bubble butt, like mine?" Rita then asked, in the same highly seductive manner, her hands now rubbing at his posterior. Timmy nodded rapidly, closing his eyes. "Most men do, sweetie," Rita softly cooed, speaking into his ear now. "But they can never have them. They can never earn them..." She then lowered his head down until it was between her breasts. " you can." Timmy could not help but think about the dream he had as he moaned, feeling the fleshy mounds being rubbed against his face. Rita then pulled away, and placed her hands on both sides of his cheek, angling his moistened face up. He looked up to her with half-lidded eyes, still delirious over what Rita was subjecting him to. "Do you want this, little one?" Rita then asked. Timmy slowly nodded. Rita smiled. "Prove it." She then took a step away from him. "Get on your knees, and beg for it, if you really want it." Her smile grew even wider as the initially hesitant young man slowly lowered himself down to the bathroom floor in front of Rita. He kept his eyes on her as he went down, a yearning look in his eyes. "Please, Madame Noble...I...I really want this." Rita raised an eyebrow. "You will do whatever I tell you to do?" She then asked, keeping her tone gentle. "No matter how...unusual the request may be?" Timmy eagerly nodded. "Yes, Madame Noble." "Prove it." Rita stepped closer to Timmy now. "Kiss my foot, Timothy." The young man's head slowly lowered to look at the moist, clear feet of Rita Noble. The immediate reaction was one of plainly obvious hesitation... ...but his head lowered even further. Closer to Rita's right foot. He really did want more of what Rita was doing with him. In this moment, nothing else mattered. His lips pressed against Rita's moistened, soft-skinned foot, giving it a gentle kiss. When he looked back up at Rita, who now had a pleased smile on her face, she offered him her hand, and she pulled him up off the floor when he took it. Wrapping her arm around his shoulders, she led him to another room in the house. He savored the feel of her moist skin against his own as they went. They next walked into what had to be the largest bedroom Timmy had ever been in. There were two closet doors, a large, and very comfy-looking bed, another large TV screen against the wall, and a large makeup table with an attached mirror. Timmy loved the feel of the soft carpet beneath his feet as he walked in with Rita. There was a chair in front of the makeup table, and Rita gestured to it. "Have a seat." As he settled upon the chair, Rita moved towards one of the closets, opening it, and then searching through the many dresses that were hung up in there. "Why are you so interested in me, Madame Noble?" Timmy then asked, clearly curious. Rita spoke as she continued to search. "I was actually on my way to the mall when I saw you on the bus, dear. Just a little shopping trip, nothing important. You had such a darling face, and I thought to myself, 'hmm...I wonder what that young man is like? Is he like most men, worthless and disgusting, or is he more like...a delicate flower bud that has yet to bloom?" Timmy nodded. "Well, I...hope I've been okay so far." Rita giggled at this. "If you were worthless and disgusting, you would have forced yourself on me the moment I took my clothes off, dear. I don't think you would have taken off your clothes when I asked you to, either. So many men have such unbearable egos these days, and their manners are horrible. You should see how men behave when they see me these days. They either shout the most lewd and awful things, or they just try to lure you into their little sex traps with their fake charm." "I wouldn't do anything like that, Madame Noble." He shook his head in emphasis of his assurance. "Honest." "If you were anything like that, you would have done it by now," Rita responded, finally finding a hanger upon which a small, one-piece white dress was placed. Pulling it off the hanger as she spoke, she draped the soft dress over her shoulder and began stepping back over to Timmy. "You also remind me of someone I once knew, too. A long time ago." Once Rita was back in front of him, she gestured for him to rise. Once he was back on his bare feet, the curvaceous woman had Timmy step into the dress she had picked out. She knew it would fit him, as she had sized him up the moment she first saw him on his feet. Slipping one of his arms through a portion of the dress, Rita then stepped behind him and pulled up a zipper in back of him, and the dress hugged him like a glove. As he looked down at it, he noticed that the dress looked familiar. He then remembered the model in the magazine that Rita had shown him. She was wearing the exact same dress. "Sit back down now, dear," Rita instructed as she moved to the makeup table, searching for and then picking up several items from the neatly- arranged array of cosmetics. "After this, we'll have ourselves a late lunch. Right now, however, there is something I want you to see." She grabbed a small table that was folded up, and then opened it, placing it near the chair Timmy was sitting in. He couldn't help but remember when his own two sisters did this to him many years ago. Rita began doing the very same thing. Like his sisters had done, she was applying feminine makeup to his face. The end result of the makeover his sisters had applied was...cute. Just a bit of eyeliner, blush, and lipstick. The clothes they put on him were really old, though. They still smelled of mothballs when they put it on him. A faded dress, a feminine hat, and a pair of oversized shoes. Although they told him he looked good, he remembered overhearing them both talking to each other, and they mentioned how silly and stupid he had looked in the dress. "He'll never pass" was among the things they said to each other as they laughed. He never understood what that meant at the time. Rita, however, was doing a fairly thorough job on his face with the various articles of makeup she had taken from the table. A small extract of a thick liquid that was of a color lighter than his skin was applied to his entire face first, followed by blush, mascara, eyeliner, and then lipstick, which was crimson in its color. Unlike his sisters, Rita worked slowly and carefully on Timmy's face. He started to get very curious as to how he was going to look. He felt awkward enough wearing the dress, given the dimensions of his male body. The model he saw in the magazine wasn't quite as curvy as Rita, but she still had a very slim and feminine physique. Going back to the makeup table once she was finally finished with Timmy's face, she next acquired a plastic bottle with a spray nozzle attached, and a large comb. When she stepped back in front of him, she held up the bottle, smiling. "This is only water." She sprayed a lot of it into his hair, combing and styling the moist strands carefully. He felt a little more at ease when he was assured that it was only water, and not some manner of hair spray. He was already completely nervous as it was as Rita continued applying a shape to his wet hair. "Get up, sweetie," Rita instructed, and the young man rose to his bare feet. She then led him to the second closet door, which was closed. "Now, I remember you telling me that you once played dress-up. I couldn't help but wonder what you might have looked like. Was it an old dress you were wearing?" Timmy nodded. "It smelled kinda bad." "Oh, I can imagine." Rita then opened the large closet door, which had a tall, full body mirror on the other side. "I think you will agree, however, that this dress you have on looks a whole lot nicer on you." As the lights in the room illuminated the exposed mirror, Timmy got a look at what he looked like now, and his painted eyes widened in complete shock as he gasped. What he saw was a much, much more feminine-looking version of himself, with a hairstyle that was the same as the model in the magazine picture. The makeup Timmy was wearing looked so much more alluring compared to that model, however. The dress looked quite good on him, as well. It looked better seeing himself in the mirror than it did to his naked eye, despite the fact that he had no feminine curves whatsoever. "This would have looked nicer if you had that choker with you, you know," Rita softly noted in his ear as he continued to stare at himself in disbelief. He never imagined, in his wildest dreams(save for the one he had last night, of course), that he could ever look this good as a female. He began to realize now what his sisters had meant about him 'passing'. "I know what you're thinking," Rita cooed, a sly smile on her face. "You're wondering if you would look any better if you had a mine." She then turned the stunned young man around to face him, and she once again pressed her large breasts into his chests alluringly. "And I could give you that," Rita alluringly added. "Faster than you might think." ~ S P E A K A B O U T ~ © Loris International 2 Online - DaBIP '< : Bout dam time I get u on - MagDKat '< : BIPPY!! Howz my sweety-boo? - DaBIP '< : Damit bich! u OWE me! u sez u PAY ME! - MagDKat '< : Oh, pooh! The check didn't clear? Kidding. I'm late. Shit happens. - DaBIP '< : i gon put a RANSOM bug on yo puter bich! - MagDKat '< : I gon tell daddy you grew D-cups for me, sissy boy! - MagDKat '< : ...? - MagDKat '< : ...? - MagDKat '< : Still there, Bips? - DaBIP '< : i hate u so dam much, yo - MagDKat '< : Awww, I love you too, Bippy. Did I ever tell you you're my faaaaavorite hacker EVER? - DaBIP '< : Yeh u did but i needz DED PREZ yo - MagDKat '< : In the mail tonight. Promise. I even put in a BONUS, yo! - DaBIP '< : DAM! wat u want NOW? - MagDKat '< : Find whatever files you can matching these two names. Timothy Portnoy, and Ruth Portnoy. She's Timmy's mother. They should be easier to find compared to all that encrypted data on all those Bullchester files you cracked for me. This has to be a rush job, too. Get them as quickly as you can and send it to me once you have them. - DaBIP '< : k wat els - MagDKat '< : I want to know everything about the job Ruth has here in Bullchester. I want to know who she's working with, and the nature of the business itself. You spot an encrypted file, I want it cracked, and sent. - DaBIP '< : k wat els - MagDKat '< : That's it. For now. - DaBIP '< : wen u gon c me agen? - MagDKat '< : Awww, missing me already? Good girl. - DaBIP '< : I wana feel yo fat tittys on me agen - MagDKat '< : Hee hee! Not surprised. That was a really hot night, wasn't it? Remember when we did the whipped cream thing? I covered your hairless chest with it and placed those cherries right where your nippy-nips were! Took those cherries off you with my teeth. - DaBIP '< : U BIT MY NIPPL! IT HERTZ! - MagDKat '< : Does it still hurt? I know I didn't break skin. Is it sore? - DaBIP '< : Yeh - MagDKat '< : Did you know ouchies like that fade over time? It's called the healing process. - DaBIP '< : DAM bich u cold - MagDKat '< : Uh huh...and if anyone asks you about me, what will you say? - DaBIP '< : i say I don no u - MagDKat '< : And if they get pushy with you? - DaBIP '< : i fuk em up i put RANSOM bug on der puterz ransom bug iz MAD cool goda pay to get der puterz bak - MagDKat '< : Lovely. You are still taking those hormones, right? Like I told you to? I bet you're developing nicely. - DaBIP '< : Yeh but i cry a lot now - MagDKat '< : You're still my sweet lil' Bippy, bitch! I bet you'll have sweet lil' titties of your own when next we talk! You get to see them jiggling right in front of you! - DaBIP '< : i wan dem be az big az YORZ bich - MagDKat '< : Ya gots to be PATIENT, yo! These things take time! Why don't you make use of that time and do what I'm asking you to do for me? As in right now? - DaBIP '< : DAM don rush mi bich! gada luk up IPz an shit dat takz time - MagDKat '< : You have two days to get back to me with what I'm asking for. - DaBIP '< : i hav it 2morow fer u by 9 u no im dat fukin gud - MagDKat '< : Good girl. I'll be looking in my e-mails for your file then. And don't you dare stick a bug in it or I'll rip off more than just your nipples when I see you next. - DaBIP '< : Yeh dey b gud no bugz Goda go *PEECE* - MagDKat '< : Bye bye, Bippy! ----===*CHAT TERMINATED*===----

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Cat and Mouse The Terrorist Part 2

Note - I want to thank DanielleJ for information on The Philippines that was invaluable in the course of writing this story. Cat And Mouse: The Terrorist, Part 2 By Bluto First Unbearable Light... Then Complete Darkness... Smoke Choking... Arid Smell... Can't See... Can't Hear... I Taste Blood... I Feel Blood... I Smell Blood... Covered In Blood... Am I Blind... Am I Deaf... Oh God...Am I Dead??? How Did This Happen? HOW?... *** Mick Montana decided to give his...

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Cat and Mouse The Tryout

Cat and Mouse: The Tryout by Bluto "Good afternoon, this is Della Delargio reporting live for WNBC from the financial district. The Protectors, NYC's newest superhero team, has just foiled a bold daylight robbery attempt by The Destroyers, a gang of supervillains who have been increasingly active in recent months. "The Destroyers staged a lightning raid on the Federal Reserve Bank and were about to make a rooftop getaway when The Protectors came charging to the rescue. Here...

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Cat and Mouse The Baby

Cat and Mouse: The Baby By Bluto News item on Telemundo (translated from the Spanish). "Hola, this is Jaun Pegar Fantasia with news from South America: Scattered reports are coming in now of a disaster on the Pacific Coast of Peru. The small town of Puerto Diego has been destroyed with an uncertain loss of life. Helicopter video shows the utter destruction visited on the village from what one survivor called, and I'm not making this up, folks, 'a giant, the biggest man I have ever...

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Cat and Mouse The Terrorist Part 1

Note - To all fans of "Cat and Mouse" (you know who you are!) Sorry for the unusual delay posting this chapter, but I've got a number of excuses I won't bore you with here. The most compelling reason is half way through this thing I realized it was going to be much longer than the other episodes unless I cut something out. Being a stubborn sort, I instead divided the episode into two parts and added a lot of exposition to this part. So what follows is about 50k of pure talk. I...

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Cat and Mouse The Whale part 1

Cat and Mouse: The Whale, Part 1 By Bluto WEEK SEVEN - The secret headquarters of The Destroyers was humming with intense activity today. Five new recruits, all the result of the Master's gene-doping experiments, were being brought into the group. The initiates were composed of four men and one woman and they all wore similar outfits - skin tight, dark blue jumpsuits with pullover masks that hid everything but their mouths and noses. Their real...

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Cat and Mouse Revelations

Cat and Mouse: Revelations by Bluto WEEK 12 WNBC News - LIVE: "Good afternoon, this is Della Delargio reporting live from the funeral of Francis Basilio, on what just might be the darkest day in the history of New York's own team of superheroes, the Protectors.? Mrs. Basilio, wife of Louis Basilio, one of the original New York Mets, was killed three days ago due to the assault...

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Cresswell Industries Part 6

Chapter Twenty One: Conditioned For the next two weeks Dennis was assigned to the kitchens to learn how to cook and prepare meals for the Masters and Mistresses of the compound. Head of the kitchen was a portly woman in her sixties called Mona and from what he could make out from listening to the gossip and conversations of the other three women, who worked alongside her, she was very much a lesbian. In fact it turned out that she had at one stage bedded all three of the women....

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Cat and Mouse Back Home To Kentucky

Cat and Mouse: Back Home to Kentucky By Bluto Mick Montana had been driving for seven hours straight, with only a brief stop for gas in West Virginia. He was now just outside Columbus, Ohio on I-70, close to the I-270 loop to I-71 south and the final leg of his journey from New York City to Louisville, Ky. Cat had promised to share equally in the driving, but, of course, she'd spent most of the trip fast asleep, balled-up in a fetal position in the cramped back seat of Mick's blue...

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Cat and Mouse Assault On the Ole Perfesser

"Cat and Mouse: Assault on the Ole Perfesser" by Bluto "Micki, I want to thank you for coming with me to the drugstore. I would have died if I had to go by myself." "It's no problem, Lupe. You're 11 years old now, right? It's not like it's something you didn't expect. But I ask you again: why did we have to walk to a drugstore 22 blocks away from home just to buy you some tampons?" "I don't want to have to buy those ... THINGS someplace where everybody knows me. I'd have...

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Cat and Mouse Nine Interesting Vignettes And Two New Quests

Cat and Mouse: Nine Interesting Vignettes and Two New Quests By Bluto WEEK 13 "The Bronx Zoo, boy, it's been a long time since I visited here, I still remember when all da animals was in cages.? What did you say the purpose of dis expedition was again?" Tony Bass wasn't exactly a nature lover, but when Cat, Lupe and Micki told him they were going to visit "The World's Greatest Zoo" he eagerly joined the excursion.? With no more baby-sitting duties, he had abundant time on his...

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Cat and Mouse The Whale Part 3

CAT AND MOUSE: THE WHALE - PART 3 by Bluto WEEK 11 "Alcatraz Island is a national landmark out in the middle of the San Francisco Bay, the Island of Alcatraz is a world unto itself. Isolation, one of the constants of island life for any inhabitant -- soldier, guard, prisoner, Indian, bird or plant -- is a recurrent theme in the unfolding history of Alcatraz. "Alcatraz Island is one of Golden Gate National Recreation Area's most popular destinations, offering a close-up look at a...

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Cat and Mouse Theres An Idol In The Jungle And A Mage Is In The Mist

Cat and Mouse: There's An Idol In The Jungle And A Mage Is In The Mist by Bluto WEEK 14 "Cat." "Huh?" "Cat, wake up, we're about to land." "Ahhh, why are you waking me just for that, Nightman?" "Cat, how many weeks has it been since you turned the Mouse into a baby?" "What?? Oh, I don't know.? What's today, Tuesday?? Oh, I guess it's been 14 weeks as of? today.? And I didn't change Mouse into a baby, Malato-Zu did!" "Forget about that.? Look at her, sleeping over...

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Cat and Mouse 2 Pink Persuasions Chapters XIX and XX Epilogue

XIX: Last Call "Oo-oooh...y-yyes..." Riley murmured as he writhed under the covers of his bed. "...fff-ffill me up...fffuck me, y-you big...big...stud... mmmmhh..." The young man began to blink his eyes as the morning sun shone through the window. Its radiance and its warmth effectively rousing Riley from his sleep, and rudely interrupting his wildly erotic dream. But he turned his body away from the sun's rays, shifting to the other side of his bed as he tried to go back to...

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Cat and Mouse

CAT AND MOUSE By BLUTO Mick Montana had seen a lot of strange things since he became a working detective seven years ago, but this was the strangest of them all. Five members of the Gamboli Family, some of the most ruthless and bloodthirsty gangsters in operation today, were in his modest Manhattan office begging him for help. He had his doubts about working for such unsavory clients, but the money they were offering was very good indeed. "So, you see, Mr. Montana, our backs are...

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Cat and Mouse 2 Pink Persuasions

PROLOGUE: Abilene, Kansas - 9:18 p.m. Shelley Hanel had just gotten into her car, which was sitting idle in the Parking Lot of the theatre as she watched the stage play, and she had only begun to fish around in her pocket for her car keys when she suddenly remembered the time. She was eighteen minutes past the time when she usually called her husband. She kept in touch with him at least once, if not more than once, a week. Lawrence Hanel had made a surprise visit a couple of...

3 years ago
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Cat and Mouse The Last of the Gambolis

Cat and Mouse: The Last of the Gambolis By Bluto "Well, that was quite a day's work," Mick Montana said to himself, as he entered his lower Manhattan office. Mick had spent the day as the newest member of the New Jersey Nets' Power N' Motion Dance Team and had attended a practice and a promotion at a local radio station. The girls were a hit at the station as they posed provocatively for publicity photographs and Mick had to deal with the unwanted attentions of the afternoon...

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Cat and Mouse From The Gates Of Hell Part 1

Cat and Mouse: From the Gates of Hell, Part I by Bluto Lorilei and other "Heaven and Hell" characters created by Maggie Finson "Local authorities here are appalled, Bill. They say they've never seen anything like this before. Here's Captain James Clark of the Galveston Police Department: "I'm a Vietnam vet. I've been in law enforcement for 30 years. I have never, ever seen anything to match this. Nothing close. Even if they were drug dealers, I, I can't imagine one human being...

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Cat and Mouse Devastation

Cat and Mouse: Devastation by Bluto Christopher Columbus "discovered" Venezuela in 1498.? He was favorably impressed with what he saw and called it Tierra de Gracia (Land of Grace), which is now the country's nickname.? However, the Protectors and their friends, Luchadores Maximos, were not feeling much of that grace at the moment. "How do I get myself into these situations?" Cat asked herself.? "Here I am, in the middle of the damn jungle, a bunch of machete-wielding thugs in...

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Cat and Mouse Whos Feminizing Tony Bass

Note - The Syndicate was created by LanaB and used with her gracious permission. Cat and Mouse: Who's Feminizing Tony Bass? By Bluto WEEK FOUR Micki sat on a lawn chair under an umbrella in her apartment buildings backyard, a rare amenity indeed in the middle of New York City. She appreciated the shade on such a typical hot, humid summer day and was cooling off after a morning of activity. She had abandoned her shoes and socks much earlier and was...

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Cat and Mouse The Whale Part 2

Cat and Mouse: The Whale, part 2 by Bluto The sun was raising in the East and shining brightly through the windows at the Cedars - Sinai Medical Center. Rae Ming, the mighty Girl Goliath, was in intensive care, her breathing aided by a mechanical device, sort of like an iron lung. Given the extent of her injuries, the emergency room doctors acknowledged it was a miracle that she still lived. Only fast action on the part of Nightman and some EMS technicians on the scene saved...

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Cat and Mouse OK Where Were We Now

Cat and Mouse: OK, Where Were We Now? By Bluto Week 15 - 9AM, EST "So, hon, how about some coffee? I just made a big fresh pot a caf? late and Starbucks ain't got nothin' on me, girl!" The little ray of sunshine was Joanna, aka Johnny Schiete, a middle-aged, 200 pound man wearing a pink wig and matching Day-Glo dress. Joanna had been Nicky Graeo's number one assistant at the Glamor Boutique from day one and used her sharp tongue on the boss whenever opportunity p...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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How Andy became a mouse

This story is a collaboration between Infinite Monkey and Senor Incognito If you like it, please check out Senor Incognito's deviantart page: We both hope you enjoy our little story! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11:03 PM Outside, the snow was silently falling onto the dark streets... Inside the unlit office building, in the heart of the silent accounting floor, Andy was standing by the doorway,...

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Candice Down Under

I didn't realize how much my life was changing until it was almost too late. The transition was slow as I moved from the life of a carefree twenty-something to being a more responsible, middle aged husband and father.As the years crept by, the youthful exuberance my wife and I once shared slowly gave way to the repetitive boredom of everyday life. Maybe that’s what they call getting old. Then again, maybe it’s just the ongoing process of growing up.The thing was, I wasn’t enjoying getting...

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Cat and Mouse 2 Pink Persuasions Chapters XII and XIII

XIII: Growing Pains Their names were Lowell Bunton and Scotty Griggs. Both had been members of violent youth gangs when they were younger. Both had created reputations for themselves as the kinds of people that no one messed with, although they never committed any very serious crimes apart from assault and battery against anyone who dared to challenge what they perceived to be their natural dominance. They both joined the Marine Corps, and upon being discharged, they went into...

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Cat and Mouse

It was a bright yet chill October morning that Shelley Balboni dropped her daughter off at school. Her eight year old daughter, Barbara, balanced her new leaf collection delicately on her lap as the line of cars waddled sporadically forward as they discharged their precious cargoes. The radio susurrated a stream of traffic reports and ballads as Shelley tried to focus on her task as exhilaration sang in her ears. Just when she had given up on meeting her favorite Internet author, a message...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Eve Industries

((This is my original work, originally published under the name Uriel and reposted from The Unending BE Addventure.)) Miranda crept into the factory warily. There shouldn’t be anyone inside; she’d specifically arranged for the cameras to be shut off and the security guards to be given the night off. But she’d come too far for anything unexpected to derail her plans now! When Miranda had finally assumed control of her father’s company, she had been ecstatic. Being a brilliant businesswoman, she...

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Queenie and Mianda Pts 1 to 6

Miranda Holmes locked the door of her small grey Ford car, straightened her grey skirt and checked her grey jacket in the reflection in the glass of the car door before she turned and walked up the short cracked and broken concrete pathway to the fading peeling blue painted door of Number Three, Alderman Lucas Drive, a boring ordinary Council house in the post war Austerity style just off the Hinksey Road on the East Canning estate. Miranda knocked loudly, then she stood back away from...

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Cat and Mouse 2 Pink Persuasions Chapters IX and X

IX: Pre-Party Jitters Although the beautiful, dark-haired young single mother who was once again to confront the blond woman called Grace Lees...on this, the day before the meticulously-planned social event at Cincher's called the Pink Party...currently answered to the name Elizabeth Zambrano, it was not by this name that this person was conceived when...he...was born. Elizabeth was born Edward Wilson, the male son of Jack and Trudy Wilson, who had themselves been subjugated and...

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Excerpts From My Inexperience T

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.I’ve always been a bit of a loner. Even in my daydreams, which largely featured a handsome prince who saw me completely differently to how I really am, more time was spent waiting and dreaming of him in those solitary imaginings than I did actually with him in them. I believe that was prophetic, leading into (or perhaps from?) pathetic. When it comes to sex, with two startling exceptions, all of that...

First Time
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Pussy Mouse

Katy's life sucked. That was for sure. Her nerdy father was lost in work and TV and seemed to barely notice her existence. Her idiotic embarrassing mother was on her case all the time. The nagging began if she took a little time to relax before doing homework. She didn't like her music and wanted it so soft Katy couldn't hear it herself. And heaven forbid she left a shirt on the floor rather than in the hamper! Then her mother didn't like how she dressed. When they went shopping, Katy...

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Hard Candy

Pink bubblegum rolls on my tongue as I walk along the black asphalt that’s still steaming from the warm August rain. I can feel it wet along the edges of my toes as they push forward in my white stiletto sandals, the leather damp and just beginning to stretch. The moisture is everywhere and the humidity is high. It’s under my skin. The back of my neck is hot under the weight of my long blonde hair that’s quickly losing its glossy perfection and becoming tousled and wavy. It’s that just-fucked...

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Mouse had taken to dancing in her panties and socks. Her shoulder-length hair - fine, yet a nondescript, easily forgettable shade of brown - whipped around her head and got caught in her glasses. But she kept going, arms and legs flailing wildly yet not without a sense of design. It was as if she were moving to some bright vision of grace in her mind that her body couldn't keep up with. Lamb was watching her from his studio window, drawn at first by the music, but then he found himself...

Love Stories
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The Avatar Pts 120

THE AVATAR by J R D David Chambers trudged along behind professor Abbott, cursing his luck. As an anthropology grad student, he expected to have to play serving boy to whatever professor he got posted to, but why did he have to get posted to professor Abbott? Not that professor Abbott was a bad anthropologist, anything but. He was, although somewhat unorthodox, one of the best in the field. Unfortunately, in the field, he was as hard on his grad students as he was good at...

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Cat and Mouse 2 Pink Persuasions Chapters XI and XII

XI: Pink? What Pink? When Tamara and Liz finally stirred from their long sleep, it was only a couple of hours away from the early afternoon. Liz had her arms around the plus-sized woman, their mutual warmth helping them sleep much more comfortably. Tamara rolled around to face Liz, their mutual smiles giving way to a morning kiss. And then another. "Good morning, Tamara," Liz pleasantly remarked. "Good morning, Miss Zambrano," Tamara replied. "Actually, it's Mrs. Zambrano,"...

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King Rentokil PenetRATion and the Mouse King Mann

The RatArmy King sat on his throne, one hand under his chin, the other tapping nervously on the handrail. "I am bored", he said to no one in particular. He didn't had a decent fuck in hours. And with his sexual appetite, that was quite unusual. "You there!" he said to one of his goons, "C'me here and suck my dick". The servant obeyed him blindly and King Rentokil PenetRATion's dick responded immediately to the warm mouth. He looked down from his throne how the little Mouse sucked him off with...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Mouse had taken to dancing in her panties and socks. Her shoulder-length hair - fine, yet a nondescript, easily forgettable shade of brown - whipped around her head and got caught in her glasses. But she kept going, arms and legs flailing wildly yet not without a sense of design. It was as if she were moving to some bright vision of grace in her mind that her body couldn't keep up with. Lamb was watching her from his studio window, drawn at first by the music, but then he found himself...

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1st BBC Back Seat Hook Up Sex Pts13

1st BBC Back Seat Hook Up Sex ``````````````````````````````````````````````~ Pt.1 ~8/27/2020```````````````MAN Oh MAN! I can't believe I did it...I Invited a Man to my car late at night & Let Him have his way...Fuck the Pandemic! Im Horny! No Parties and "scene" to mention nowadays. So I reached out with grasping hands to my social networks.I've had countless fellas hitting me up, and have kept in contact with a few. There is a great site here in LA for Gurls and the Men who Luv them...

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Mrs Vandermeers Rules 4

A day went by, then two. Two became three, which in turn became four, then five. Days filled with longing while my nights were filled with dreams, dreams from which I’d wake up to find my pussy drenched and my nipples as hard as rocks. I’d lay there, face buried in my pillow, hands clenching the edges, desperate to finish the job that my dreams had started as I replayed the memory of me, laying naked on the floor, Mrs. Vandermeer looming over me as I let go a stream of golden liquid…Lick it up,...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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