RuneswardChapter 40: Payment Due free porn video

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“Yren, I need you.”

Yren’s eyes snapped open to unfamiliar, warm blue walls. He shuddered for a moment, consciousness coming over him unexpectedly. He drew a deep quavering breath, the pins and needles of inactivity filling him.

He was confused. He didn’t know where he was. He wasn’t even completely sure who he was. For a moment that seemed to stretch into infinity, he stood there trembling in complete and abject fear.

“Yren, I need you.” He heard it again, but it was just an echo reverberating through his mind.

The words echoed through him, pulling life into his dormant muscles. More than hearing the words, he could feel them rising inside of him like a gale driving a hungering storm. The words filled him, expanding inside of him until he felt he could burst.

Anger. Worry. Reluctance. Resignation. They ran into him and through him. They were not his emotions. They came from outside him. They came from beyond him. He could feel Bena in the emotions. He could feel her, and she felt close. She was in danger and upset but she had no fear.

She had called. He would answer. It was a truth he felt in his very bones.

Was he back? Had he ever left? The ‘Time of Remembrance’, the time with his family – his dead family – had that been real?

He felt so confused. Nothing made sense. His memories were jumbled. HE was jumbled.

He was ... standing. Should he be standing? It was strange – whenever he’d woken before, he’d always been lying down. What did it mean? Reality or delusion? Had he gone crazy?

He was standing – and there was a weight about him. A heaviness, pulling him. Slowing him. His vision was obstructed. Tunneled forward.

He was wearing armor. He was standing and wearing armor. His armor. It was ... wrong. It felt ... different. It felt like a part of him, but a part of him that had changed. Everything felt different.

The incongruity troubled him, but he had no time to ponder it. There was an insistence upon him.
A calling. A need. Instead of trying to get to the bottom of the strangeness, almost before he could even think, he strode through the doorway and into the hallway beyond. A calm settled over him – but no peace. His eyes turned hard, his face bleak and his nerves raw. His own anger bubbled up inside of him, slowly rising to a blind fury that someone would endanger his family. It felt like a foreign thing, though. It felt distant.

As distant as Bena. Was it him feeling this? Or was it her? At the moment, he wasn’t certain where he ended and his sister began.

His mind flashed back to a stronger anger not long ago. An anger fueled by hatred and rage. An anger fueled by an all-consuming need. A towering rage at the sight of his second father, dead.

The reminder jolted him. He paused, feeling his heart break anew. Ardt was dead. His father was dead. In that moment, he felt it all over again.

“Yren, I need you.”

The words were an echo and a reminder. They filled him, called to him and pulled him. His hesitation was momentary, the words drawing him back. They galvanized within him, pushing out all the doubts and renewing his rage.

The anger he felt now was a pale imitation of what had gone before but he recognized the boundaries of the anger were artificial and self-imposed. He was limiting his rage because it terrified him. What he had become before terrified him.

In the midst of the anger, confusion tore at him. He could not trust what he was feeling. He could not trust what he remembered. There were – gaps. Pieces missing. Time hopping and skipping, like what he’d just experienced during the ‘Time of Remembrance’. He felt ... fractured.

But had it been a dream? If it was, was this part of it? He felt – confused. He felt frustrated that he could make no sense of things. He felt like he was quickly getting out of control.

His memories weren’t complete. He remembered seeing Ardt’s deadening eyes, the surprise etched upon his father’s face. He remembered feeling the metal as it was being pulled out of the dead body. He remembered the rage, a towering wrath filling and consuming him. He remembered the hatred – hatred of these people, hatred of anyone who would harm his family – magnifying that anger until it glowed to a brilliance he could literally see.

Then ... he remembered Bena. Only, not-Bena. Deia-as-Bena. He remembered the choice he could not make. The choice which was made for him. The choice Bena had made.

Was that – memory? Or was it a dream? Where was Teran?

The thought of his sister filled him. With her memory, moments of time, of his past, flashed through his mind. They confused him. They pulled at him. He recalled bathing with her. He dredged up forgotten feelings of disgust as she drew the razor down her armpits and legs. He remembered little hairs bobbing in water.

Scenes shifted and he saw them playing. Tag. Racing. Climbing trees. He remembered whispering secrets with her which seemed so important back then but were lost to the ravages of time and the inadequacies of memory.

He saw them as lovers. He could feel his love for her – one that she returned. He remembered so many stolen moments with her. Moments when they’d just sat, quietly, in each other’s arms, whispering hopes and fears. Where was Teran?

Bena had made a choice. He’d given his life for it. Then ... nothing. A gap. A strangeness. He remembered suddenly rising from the darkness in a clearing – a burnt out clearing. He could still hear the crackling of fire. He could still smell the ash and soot.

He stumbled as his memories came back. A figure was there. The princess and – something else. Someone else.

The mage. She was there. She was ... frightened. Terrified. Of him.

A fireball! The Princess! He dove, unthinking – but only in memory. His life for hers. It was a reasonable trade, made more reasonable by the fact he wanted to die. He needed to die. His own life hurt far too much. The memory of Ardt – of another father – dying was too much to bear.

No death. “Be my champion! Please, Yren. Be my champion! Deliver my justice.”

Purpose had filled him. He remembered the feeling, the warming sensation of a sudden need.

A need which filled him again. Re-filled him. Different ... and yet the same. It called to him, then as now. He couldn’t die. Not yet. He wasn’t allowed. He was needed.

He strode on, filled with doubt. The doubt, though, was secondary to the need. It was secondary to the anger. Purpose filled him and he felt – more than he had been. He was ... changed. Something else. Exactly what he had become, he could not know. He just knew that he was ... becoming.

He tabled his doubts as he stepped through the door. The hallways he’d strode through looked vaguely familiar. The large room beyond with its tables and benches. Recognition tingled at the back of his mind as he strode out into the daylight. He was at the domen. He wasn’t certain why he was here – but he knew where he was.

Sunlight blinded him and he blinked, his hands rising above his eyes. Sir Givens would have his head. He had forgotten one of the earliest rules – when in danger and moving from darkness to light, give your eyes time to adjust before leaping out. In a battle, moments of blindness could be costly.

“Yren?” It was Bremer’s voice, near him. He turned his head – but he could only make out a shadowed shape. Images of a clear, blue sky flashed before his eyes and the summer’s bright sun blinded him.

He closed his eyes tightly, willing them to adjust. He could smell the musky scent of the forest and the sweet smell of honeysuckle. There was a slight breeze, and it carried the smell of grass and hay. The smells evoked memories, but he tabled them at what he heard.

He heard – metal. Metal on metal. It was a familiar sound. He heard the sounds of swords striking. Not all training had been done with wooden swords. The metal, though, sounded different. The strikes were ... more desperate. Less measured. There was a real battle going on – one he could not yet see.

He opened his eyes and blinked, his eyes watering. He reached to wipe them, but he was wearing gauntlets and he only managed to strike his hand lightly against his helm. Instead, he shook his head, forcing his watering eyes to stay open, forcing a few small tears to run down his cheeks.

“Bremer?” he rasped, his voice feeling foreign. It was as if he were talking with rocks lodged in his throat. “Bena? Where is Bena? She ... she called me.”

“I’m here,” the voice called from his left.

His eyes adjusted, focusing on Bremer. She had a bow, half drawn, her features set in stunned disbelief.

He turned. Bena was smiling softly at him. She didn’t hold a sword ... so where had the sound of metal striking come from?

Then, he knew. Foreign but familiar language filled him. Foreign words, or pictures, or feelings, or a combination of all of those and more. The metal spoke to him – but it wasn’t a language so much as a passing of information. The metal communicated but not in any way he could explain.

Yren just knew.

Four swords. A few decorative chains. A few knives. Some gold rings. Metal in a saddle – a buckle, a bit. He could feel them, or hear them, or know them.

Sir Givens was holding his own against two men, but he was being pushed back. The strikes against him seemed ... desperate. His were measured. His sword moved into position to block, and no more. He was giving ground but not attacking. The men against him had had some training but he was holding back. Yren didn’t know why.

Confused, his eyes glanced beyond the combatants. Behind them, on horseback, was ... a fat man, dressed in a green tabard with golden piping. A sigil was sewn into the tabard’s chest – the sigil of Tyln. A fat priest sitting on a brown and white dappled horse that somehow managed to look decidedly upset at the corpulent burden it had to bear.

“An old friend came to visit you,” Bena explained earnestly, her voice sounding sad and sarcastic. She was seemingly unconcerned that Sir Givens was fighting with two armed men. Was this, then, a dream? If Bena were really near Sir Givens fighting, shouldn’t she be concerned about it?

Yren focused on the men swinging at Sir Givens and frowned. The men were some kind of guards, from the look of them. There was an insignia stamped into their leather armor. It looked familiar but Yren’s mind wasn’t completely working at that moment.

“How do you feel?” He heard the words in Bena’s voice, but his ears didn’t seem to be working correctly. There was another voice present and it seemed to be overlayed over his sister’s voice.

The absurdity of the whole scene struck him. It was as bizarre as his ... dreams? Out of body experience? Fantasies? It was as strange as his ‘time’ with his birth mother, birth father and birth sister had been. Was he still ... dreaming, or whatever he had been doing?

“Came to visit me?” he repeated as a question, trying to buy some time to resolve all the perceived inconsistencies. He ignored Bena’s own question. He couldn’t answer it even if he had wanted to.

As he finished his return question, he gave up. He discarded his mangled memories. He pushed away any though of meetings with Deia masquerading as Bena. He ignored memories of taking a fireball unscathed. Attending the Time of Remembrance with his family – even with Ardt. And with people he’d ... had he really killed all those people?

He shook his head in irritation. All of it didn’t matter. Even if he was touched in the head, he needed to act like he wasn’t. If he didn’t, people he loved could be hurt.

“Well, honestly, he came to visit me,” Bena admitted. “He came to take me back to the Abbey. He wouldn’t accept my promotion as Deia’s high priestess and wanted me to return to Tyln. As if I’d ever do that.”

She shook her head. “However, since you know him, I thought you might like to talk to him.”

“You’re – you’re...” Yren’s voice trailed off, his mind assaulted with images. Deia-as-Bena. It had really happened? “You’re Deia’s high priestess?”

“Oh.” Bena’s eyebrows raised, a flicker of pain surging across her features and just as quickly gone. “I guess you didn’t know. After the – the choice – Deia asked me to be her high priestess. I agreed.”

Yren blinked rapidly, trying to make some semblance of sense out of Bena’s words. He still wasn’t certain this was real. What Bena said seemed to be wrong, somehow – Bena had been studying to be Tyln’s priestess. Images of Deia-as-Bena flooded through his mind, and he knew he couldn’t tell reality from fantasy just then. Shaking his head again ever so slightly, he moved on.

“I know him?” Yren shook his head, the other part of her words sinking into his addled mind. There was too much information coming too quickly. “How do I know him?”

“From the orphanage,” Bena supplied.

Yren looked at the man on the horse and all of the pieces suddenly clicked. Long suppressed memories surged through him. The man on the roan was older, his brown hair had turned gray and receded. His face was fuller, and the man had added a chin or two. Yren did know him, however. He remembered him – and his body turned cold.

Dark rooms. Touching hands. Demands. He remembered being there with others. Little girls. Little boys. Naked. His clothes ripped from his body. Clothes ripped from other bodies.

Crying – there was a lot of crying. Not from him. In the darkness of his despair, he had vowed he’d never cry. He’d never give the man the satisfaction of his tears.

Things forced inside of him – his mouth, his butt. Violations.

The sound of Hatred and Rage sliding from their scabbards made a sibilant hiss. He remembered now. He remembered everything.

He strode to the two men fighting Sir Givens, Hatred and Rage brought up to the ready.

“You men,” it was his voice and yet it wasn’t. It was words he’d ordered his mouth to say, but the voice came out wrong. It was a rich, dark voice. It was a deep, foreboding voice. “Put down your swords. Now. If you put down your swords, you’ll come to no harm. If you don’t, I’ll hurt you - badly.”

The fighting paused, all three men breaking off and taking a hesitant step backward.

“Sir Givens,” Yren said evenly, not waiting for the guardsmen’s replies. “Please get back. I’ll handle this.”

Tergin Givens hesitated, his brows knotting. He was a retired knight. He was a leader of men. He was not used to retreating. He was not used to leaving the field of battle while the men he was fighting were still alive.

“This is my fight,” Yren explained, his eyes never leaving the fat priest on the roan horse. “Thank you for keeping Bena safe – but this is something I must do.”

Tergin looked at the younger man, pursing his lips. He sighed and nodded, stepping away.

The two guards looked at their new foe warily. Fighting a swordsman and archer was one thing. Fighting a fully armored knight with two deadly black swords was another. They hesitated, their faces doubtful.

“I’m not sure what he promised you,” Yren continued angrily, his voice low and tight and his eyes boring into the fat man on the horse. “I’m sure it seemed like a good deal. It wasn’t. The man is vile. You should go.”

“We-we-we have to protect the Holy Clergy of Tyln,” the guard on the right stuttered, readying his sword towards the much taller, broader man in blue armor. “Our fight is not with you. We look only to serve our god. The Brother of Tyln says he’ll have the girl. If you turn her over, there’s no more need for violence.”

Yren’s cold eyes flickered towards the man.

The guard on the right gulped when those blue orbs fell upon him. He trembled for a moment, his faith in his god wavering as he saw the impending violence in Yren’s cold, blue eyes.

“You’re wrong,” Yren replied quietly, his voice still dark and husky. “There’s a great need for violence. What we’re negotiating is how much of it I expend on you. The fat man is dead already – I just don’t want to go through you two to get to him.”

Hatred and Rage rose, their points coming to the ready. “I will, though. If you make me, I will. I promise to try hard not to kill you – but I’m going to kill the thing on the horse.”

Yren could tell the two men were afraid. He could almost smell their fear. They still held their swords firmly, though, and the points of those swords remained in the ready position.

He needed to offer the men one last chance. His conscience wouldn’t allow him to do otherwise. He needed to give them one last chance to get out of this whole. “The man is a rapist. A molester of children. He takes them into dark rooms – sometimes two or three at a time – and forces them to do unspeakable acts to him and each other.”

“Yren, you shouldn’t fault the priest for that,” Bena spoke up disingenuously. Yren resisted the urge to turn. “Tyln has forgiven him of those minor transgressions. Brother Dal told me so himself.”

“Really?” Yren called back flatly. His eyes moved from the two guards back to the man on the horse. “Then I won’t feel any guilt sending him to Tyln’s waiting arms.”

Holy Brother Dal’s face had gone white at Yren’s accusations. With the helm in place, the man didn’t recognize the tall, imposing knight. Who the knight was really didn’t matter, though. He had only entertained silly little orphans. There was no way the knight could possibly know of his dalliances. At least, not firsthand. After all, the thought of an orphan becoming a knight was ridiculous.

Same as Runesward
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Making his payments a fixated wet dream

I’m home alone waiting for my boyfriend. He should be off work any time now. I hear a car in the driveway, right on time. I run to the door so I can greet my darling boyfriend, back from a long day at work.The door opens. There’s a complete stranger standing there. I see a van in the driveway. The side door is open. Two more strangers are standing next to it.“Who are you?” I say. “Ma’am, you better go inside. I need to explain something to you,” he says.He walks into the house. He tells me to...

3 years ago
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Payment In LooeChapter 4 Sunday July 7th 1963

Twelve-year-old Doris Wilson listened to the first of the 45's drop onto the turntable of the brand new HMV radiogram her father had bought last week. It was The Beatles: 'From Me to You'. She could just about hear the sounds of her mother who was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Doris reached across to the coffee table and picked up the latest edition of 'New Musical Express'. Having already read everything about The Beatles and happy in the knowledge that her father and 'Uncle...

4 years ago
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Wifes third and fourth debt repayments

It seems ages since I submitted my last story, but we have been very busy of late. Kelly and I have our own business, and it takes us into Europe fairly regularly. We are just back from a spell in Berlin and Milan. In the present economic climate we are happy to be kept busy. It wasn’t all work though. Kelly added two more gang-bangs to her extensive collection. A German four-cock session, and an Italian/Arab six-cock party on the beach! I will tell you all about them in the future, but now...

2 years ago
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Wifes third and fourth debt repayments

It seems ages since I submitted my last story, but we have been very busy of late. Kelly and I have our own business, and it takes us into Europe fairly regularly. We are just back from a spell in Berlin and Milan. In the present economic climate we are happy to be kept busy. It wasn't all work though. Kelly added two more gang-bangs to her extensive collection. A German four-cock session, and an Italian/Arab six-cock party on the beach! I will tell you all about them in the future, but now...

Group Sex
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Paying Dues

Paying Duesbypenisleeve©INTRODUCTIONAnyone could go to The Caves but there were a couple of areas where only the members could enter. I had always wanted to be a member after hearing some stories about the goings on. The Caves is a club in the city I live in. Over five floors of an old warehouse on the edge of the city centre a gay bathhouse, disco, bar club had developed. As long as I’d been aware of The Caves I’d known it as a place where the wildest things happened. I went as one of the...

1 year ago
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Payment For Life

He had to be silent. They were all around. Slip forward, one inch at a time, be part of the ground. A shout, they were on him. Fighting to get up, too many, holding, and pressing. He discharged the rifle, rewarded with a groan. It only brought more. Reaching for the blade, he slashed out, feeling flesh part, a scream in the darkness. So close. Just 200 feet away, the walls of the fortress, almost. Yes, almost. He strained to reach it, safety, and freedom. Twisting frantically, he managed...

2 years ago
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Payment For Services Rendered Chapter 2 The Marionette

The soft sounds of classical music stirred Christian from a deep sleep. He lay there, wherever there was, and tried to open his eyes. It was like they were glued shut but he relaxed and thought of the most beautiful dream he had last night.  He couldn’t remember much of it, his head was hazy and he tried to open his eyes again.He decided to leave them shut and listen to the music while his memory tried to recall the events of the previous evening. He remembered meeting his work colleagues at...

3 years ago
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Payment For Services Rendered

 I lay on my bed in the darkness, it is close to midnight. I feel your kisses, your touch, and your body, making love to me, my whole body from tip to toe, preparing me, making arrangements for my initiation.Images flash through my mind, memories, beautiful memories - the touch of the Mistress. It feels so good, and, as always, I feel my mind wandering, imagining, and wishing you were here.I have come to visit you.The sun has set and your maid welcomes me at the entrance to the mansion. Dressed...

4 years ago
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payment in kind chap 1

It was for an allotment apartment I could only think to myself that it wasn’t private or of high standard but hey it was worth a shot so I got in the car and headed to the address when I knocked on the door a gruff middle aged man opened the door I stated “I’m here to inquire about the apartment” he just glared and looked me up and sown I thought to myself for a quick moment is he checking me out or just trying to gauge if I’m serious. After a quick stall he grabbed some keys and said “you’re...

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The Payment

by by Dunchad© Introduction: This story is a piece of fiction that I wrote for a friend from the site. So mandmd, I hope you like this as much as I liked writing. She sat on the back porch, enjoying the cool day and the breeze wafting through the trees. Her husband was out of town again and she was feeling terrible lonely. She wished he did not have to leave so often, but it was the only way to pay the bills, and even it was a bit of a stretch. She had offered many times to get a part...

3 years ago
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Right after I finished my sophomore year in high school, my best friend Chris and I were asked to baby sit at the house of a woman that my mother knew. I had never met her before, but when I arrived at the house I realized that she was pretty damn hot, especially for a mom. She was about 5’7”, had shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes, and had a pretty curvy body with a nice big set of tits. The mother promised to pay my friend and I $6 an hour. When she left, the three kids started...

2 years ago
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Taking panties as payment for sucking cock A delicious arrangement

As you all know, I love stuffing my cock into panties and I love sucking dick. My lingerie collection is pretty big now, but I cannot seem to stop expanding it. One way that I have managed to keep my collection growing and ensuring that I have plenty of cute outfits to wear on my dicksucking expeditions is that I developed a very convenient relationship with a very generous sugar-daddy. That arrangement is fairly straightforward. He takes me to Victoria’s Secret and I pick out lingerie sets...

3 years ago
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payment for services part2

Be sure to read the first part it will make this story much better….. Joanna was sitting at the kitchen table in a summer dress and barefoot.I sat down in a chair across from her and sat the plate on the table.Well this is the moment of truth I said are you sure you want to see me do my thing? Joanna replied..Um well tell me what your going to do Im kinda interested but kinda queasy about it as well.I explained to her again about my fetish and I get a sexual thrill by womens toilet habits and...

2 years ago
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The Debt Payment

If we continue the analogy of a feast for this psychodrama, you have had the appetizer and I hope that you enjoyed it. This is the main entree with a few side dishes. Like any good feast, this is the largest part of the meal and some would say the most satisfying, but I have a sweet tooth and I prefer the dessert. To get the full benefit of a dessert though, it must come after the main courses, so prepare for a large one. You will have time to digest it before the dessert and aperitifs. During...

3 years ago
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Handyman face fucks client for payment

years back I got a call for doing a repairs on a bathroom sink. I normally don't do these but she sounded sexy on the phone practically begging my to come over and fix it. I got the apartment address from her and she said to call when I was at the door. I arrive and called the number, then said "I'll be right down" very happily to let me in. She comes down in her silk bathrobe and looks fantastic, a little chubby but big tits, pretty face, good smile, hungry blue eyes, early 30s, brunette. I...

2 years ago
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Gangbang Payment

Ok this is a true story of a gangbang. I hide there names.I had an friend and Armstrong who was arrested for driving with a gun in his car in Miami, but did not have any money to get bonded out, so I help. he says he pay me back. so one day he came to my house with this young thick girl. man she was bad, she had nice phat ass and small waist. so I ask whats this he answered and said I'm pay you back. I was like what but my friend didn't come by his self, another homie of my tag along and his...

2 years ago
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Neighborly Payment

I’m your neighbor and you knock on my door and ask me if I can help you put up some shelving in your apartment. I get my tools and within an hour the job is done. You ask me how much you owe me and I tell you not to be silly. We’re neighbors.A few hours later I hear a knock on my door. I open it and you are there in what looks like a long t-shirt with a scoop collar. You are barefoot and holding a bottle of wine. You tell me that you wanted to stop by and compensate me for hanging the...

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Lisas Back Payment

Friday finally arrived, and by 11:00am I had a full house. Lisa had shown up on time with Kayla in tow, and the two youngest k**s. Beth was only a few minutes behind them with her oldest. Including my daughter we had 4 k**s in the pool, and 3 incredible MILFs wearing only the skimpiest of bikini's and catching the morning rays. We hung out by the pool for a while, all of us aware of where the afternoon was headed. Once the k**s were fed Beth gave us the green-light to head inside while she...

3 years ago
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Hot Wife And Husband8217s Interest Payment 8211 Part 3

Hello ISS readers, this is Selena here. This is the continuation of the second part. I really want to thank the ISS community for the overwhelming response to my stories. So let us continue from where I left. I stripped my jeans in front of them near the dining table and stood there, only wearing my red panty. I now had a sinking feeling in my stomach. These 4 lecherous men are going to use me as per their will for the next 48 hours in my house. I regained my senses when I felt Vikram trying to...

3 years ago
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Hot Wife And Husband8217s Interest Payment 8211 Part 2

Hello ISS readers, this is Selena here. This is the continuation of the first part. And I really want to thank the ISS community for the overwhelming response to my first story. So let us continue from where I left. So our dining table was set at our house as the play area. All of them, including Daniel, sat there for starting the game. As decided, I was to arrange drinks and snacks for all of them. The hard part was that all 4 of them could touch and feel me while I was serving drinks and...

4 years ago
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Remodle payment

I was recently asked to remodle a bathroom so I went in early that morning made small talk with the customers the husband left for work so I told his wife I was going to get started so I went to work in there master bath I heard.the front door closed...then the bedroom door didnt think nothing about so I kept workin then I heard a voice turned around there she was tottally naked..i began to apoligize she said stop talkin and fuck me till I cant walk right treat me like a gutter whore she said...

2 years ago
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The Debt Payment

If we continue the analogy of a feast for this psychodrama, you have had the appetizer and I hope that you enjoyed it. This is the main entree with a few side dishes. Like any good feast, this is the largest part of the meal and some would say the most satisfying, but I have a sweet tooth and I prefer the dessert. To get the full benefit of a dessert though, it must come after the main courses, so prepare for a large one. You will have time to digest it before the dessert and aperitifs.During...

3 years ago
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Blackmail Payment Me His wife Part 2

Don't ask me about part two, because as I said, I didn't write this.Previously: Suddenly across the pool they are shouting at each other. Jed shouted at Richard (my husband) “Bullshit man, complete bullshit, I know how you got that contract! That caller just told me”. Richard was severely distressed and tried to reason with him. I only caught odd words, ‘hands tied’, ‘political’. Although I was naked I got up and walked round the pool to try and smooth it out. Richard shouted again, “What do...

3 years ago
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Blackmail payment me his wife

Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereMy name is Colette, I am a 25 year old Eurasian, and my father is Chinese, my mother French. I lived in Hong Kong until I met and married Richard, now I live in London. I cannot complain about his long trips abroad, otherwise I would never have met him. Richard is in the tough world of government contracts in the Middle East. We had not seen each...

2 years ago
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Payment Of Loan By Sex

Hi my name is Neha. This is personal story of what happened with me and I would not advise anybody to take money on credit from people. I had taken about 2 lacs money on interest from Ramnikbhai. My husband was working in Africa and I thought I could make some extra money at my end to help the family expenses, as I did not come from a very good financial family. But things didn’t work out and I had lost quite a bit of the money. Every first of the month Ramnikbhai would come for collections,...

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payment sexfantasy

In the dark dirt parking lot i stand my hands on the car hood shivering slightly from the cold and fear. Looking across the hood as i stand there at my boyfriend, an other man standing next to him and his gun pointed at my boyfriend. A voice behind me as i stand there bent over holding the hood."You just keep your eyes forward baby and try to enjoy this as much as i am going to." I feel him reaching around undoing my jeans and his hot breath on my neck. Trembling as i keep my eyes locked on my...

2 years ago
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payment for services part2

Be sure to read the first part it will make this story much better..... Joanna was sitting at the kitchen table in a summer dress and barefoot.I sat down in a chair across from her and sat the plate on the table.Well this is the moment of truth I said are you sure you want to see me do my thing? Joanna replied..Um well tell me what your going to do Im kinda interested but kinda queasy about it as well.I explained to her again...

3 years ago
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Hot Wife And Husbands Interest Payment Part 5

Hello ISS readers, this is Selena here. This is the continuation from the fourth part of the story. I really want to thank the ISS community for the overwhelming response to my stories. Since things have started opening up, I got a little busy, so I couldn’t update this series further. So I will continue from where I had left off. By now, I was fucked by Mahesh and Shekhar, groped by the Swiggy guy, Moin, and top of it, Vikram had made recordings of it. Daniel and I are now on the complete...

4 years ago
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Hot Wife And Husbands Interest Payment Part 6

Hello ISS readers, this is Selena here. This is the continuation of the fifth part. And I really want to thank the ISS community for the overwhelming response to my first story. So let’s continue from where I left. I was waiting for Ismail on the bed. He came in. He was stark naked. We were both in our birthday suits. He gestured me to stand up, and I did. He sat on the bed and observed my nudity from top to bottom. Then he lay on the bed and asked me to give him a blowjob. So I obediently...

2 years ago
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Hot Wife And Husbands Interest Payment Part 7

Hello ISS readers, this is Selena here. This is the continuation of the sixth part. And I really want to thank the ISS community for the overwhelming response to my first story. So let’s continue from where I left. So I reached my room with Ram and Rocky. Let me first describe the room. The room was a suite with 2 rooms attached to it. Both bedrooms had separate entrances. So all 4 had gone to the other room and had set up hidden cameras in the room (I came to know about it later), which I had...

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