Blackmail Payment, Me, His Wife! Part 2 free porn video

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Don't ask me about part two, because as I said, I didn't write this.

Previously: Suddenly across the pool they are shouting at each other. Jed shouted at Richard (my husband) “Bullshit man, complete bullshit, I know how you got that contract! That caller just told me”. Richard was severely distressed and tried to reason with him. I only caught odd words, ‘hands tied’, ‘political’. Although I was naked I got up and walked round the pool to try and smooth it out.

Richard shouted again, “What do you want Jed! I can’t do anything now”! Jed thought deeply and for quite a while then putting his arm around me, “I want Colette to stay, you can leave! I will only keep her here for an extra two days, and then I won’t blow the whistle”.

“Go to hell”.

I took Richard to one side to restrain and reason with him.

An hour later he left in a taxi for the airport, the first time I had ever seen him so angry. I had visions of him in an eastern prison and thought, ‘if this is what it takes for us, only two days, so be it’. But little did I know that Jed’s golfing friends would arrive later.

The moment Richard had left, Jed, his so called friend, took me into the villa. I was totally naked having dispensed with the bikini earlier while sunbathing. I thought he was really mean after my distressing farewell to Richard. He could not even wait until the dust of the taxi had settled. He collected my packed case and the clothes that I was going to wear going home, also my shoes and bikini. He had another quick look around the room before going out taking everything with him. Was I going to be completely naked for two days?

He returned to take me to another room at the back of the villa which he unlocked. The sight was totally amazing as we stepped into a beautiful Bedouin tent fitted inside the room, expensively decorated, the only light being two ornate oil lamps, plus all manner of things hanging from the two centre poles. Highly decorated prayer mats, a camel stick, Moroccan leather water carriers, all reflected in the floor to ceiling wall mirror. The floor was completely covered with Arabian traditional rugs, and in the centre, between poles, a low mattress covered with black silk sheets.

“Don’t bother looking for your clothes, they are looked up, here is what you will be wearing for your two days”, pointing to boxes on the rug.

He saw my reluctance and immediately gave me a stinging slap across my bottom, and it hurt, my bottom had not recovered from Richard’s spanking. “I have golfing friends arriving within the hour. I want you to look good and sexy, also you must be ultra nice to them”.

That was a complete shock!

Questions were racing through my mind, ‘was I going to be a sex toy for him and his friends’? He spoke again. “All you need for this evening is the dress and shoes, and later, a nice welcoming smile. When you are ready I will be at the pool bar”. Before he left he pulled open part of the tent wall to reveal a sumptuous western bathroom.

I was starting to have the feeling that it would be much more than a smile with his friends, but I had to take a different attitude than I had so far, otherwise staying behind would be useless to my husband. I will have to keep him happy to protect Richard. I unpacked the boxes lifting out an exquisite long silk dress, a pair of decorated high heeled shoes, a see through silk blouse and a mini skirt. No underwear! But there were plenty of perfume and cosmetics. I tried on the blouse and looked in the mirror, my large areolas showed through quite plainly, my erect nipples shocked me, was I already playing his game?

I had one last look the mirror at the dress, my hair was in a French twist, how appropriate, and the high heeled shoes really did something for my legs. The dress was cut very low, so low that I would have great difficulty containing myself if I bent. There was a long slit at the front which nearly exposed me completely and on turning round I could hardly believe my eyes, the slit at the back just barely covered my cheeks, it was like a Chinese prostitute’s cheongsam, but with the slits in the wrong place.

I stepped out onto the patio, shamelessly thinking I had not looked and felt so sexy for a long time. My stomach began to flutter, it couldn’t be excitement, surely not, what would Richard have thought? He looked across the pool watching every step, so I deliberately lengthened my stride making the opening show more leg, or even possibly more, breasts swinging in rhythm.

“Excellent, you should wear high heels all the time”.

His approval was flattering and made me feel better and this time he gently tapped my bottom, “Good Girl” helping me onto a high bar stool, my crotch was totally on view to him and he saw me attempting to cover up and scowled, so I crossed my legs letting the dress fall either side, and very much to his approval.

He leaned towards me and with upward fingers lifted out one of my breasts. He squeezed my nipple between finger and thumb making it erect, he had remembered! I moaned continually with pleasure as his unremitting gentle teeth made them completely rigid, I squeezed my crossed legs together to accentuate the pleasure below. His hand was pushing my knees apart, his admiring blue eyes demanding, and I wanted him to touch me, but just then the taxi arrived.

“Stay there, don’t move”.

All kind of emotions swept through my body, my heart was racing, fear, apprehension. I did not know how many to expect, my arousal from his attention and my desire could outweigh all that. I was very wet and wondered how much it would show on the stool if I stood up?

Cases and clubs came out of the car as he greeted them, both were American. One was blond and fairly tall, about 40’ish but other was probably about 30, maybe 5 years older than me and black. He had powerful shoulders and big biceps, carrying his clubs up the steps as though they were a toy set. The blond lugged everything up the steps and stopped dead, he whistled! Was it the subdued lighting around the bar, or the coloured underwater pool lights reflecting on gentle ripples, or, I looked down, and realised the night air had prolonged my stiffened nipples, they were too long and I had no way of hiding them!

“Hey Jed, you didn’t tell us about this”, looking straight at me. Jed motioned them to the bar and I slipped behind to get drinks, lucky for me they did not see the surreptitious wipe of the stool with my hand. Jed started the introductions. Stuart was the blond whistler and the other was Louis, a black American who never took his eyes off me. I immediately warmed to him and it was Jed’s voice that broke the connection with, “Yammas”, lifting his glass to theirs. “I hope you had a good journey”.

“This is ‘Girl’, at least that’s her name while she is here, she missed her flight early today and I have arranged another in two days time. I am sure we are all going to get on well with this unexpected pleasure”. Jed smiled. He was charming, benevolent and the perfect host. Even so, he still sent a shudder through my body.

They started discussing their plans for tomorrow, they had a very early tee off time but all agreed that they should be back by mid afternoon for the pool. Meanwhile I kept providing the drinks and while bending over the bar with Jed’s drink my breast slipped out. Jed immediately said, “That’s nice Girl, leave it like that” with rapturous approval from the other two, everybody was getting a little fresh.

The night air had kept my nipples erect, and embarrassingly big. Jed came behind me in the bar and the other two watched him slip the dress straps off my shoulder, presenting my breasts to them. He pulled my dress down all the way for me to step out of. In deathly silence they watched his fingers and thumbs squeeze and manipulate my nipples, rolling and squeezing them to their full length. My uncontrollable moans and gasps were loud, I let my head flop back onto his shoulder to use his body for support, his hardness pushing between my cheeks.

Stuart whistled again and leaned over the bar to cruelly nip one making me cry out with pleasure as Jed’s hand disappeared below to find the flood running down my legs, and then callously slipping fingers between my lips. My deep throated moans were loud and I had to put a hand on the bar to steady myself, shocked and excited, leaning against his body.

Jed broke the silence, “Girl, it is time for your bed”, which brought protests from Stuart. Jed, taking my hand and my dress in the other, we walked together across the patio, he shouted over his shoulder. “Help yourselves to drinks”. I could feel two sets of eyes burning my bottom with desire, the high heels made me walk with a swing, I felt good! My husband did not call me ‘My little Giraffe’ for nothing.

As soon as we were in the room he pulled me onto the silk covered mattress, immediately reaching up for, ‘oh no’, restraints. Why had I not noticed them amongst all the dangling artefacts? He secured my wrists first and bent down into a box, my god, a three piece vibrator attached to what I can only describe as a Brazilian thong. He fitted it all with great care but not before liberally lubricating my anus, then securing my ankles. Then he surprised me, he switched it on with a huge smile and was leaving. “Just going to pop over and have another drink with my friends, you have a good time”.

Before leaving he made the lights brighter, they must have been electric, and not as I first thought. As much as I resisted all the vibrations I had to finally give in and before long I was writhing and screaming, swinging wildly in the restraints. Sheer pleasure was coming from the smallest part of this contraption which was rubbing my clit, suddenly the almighty orgasm arrived, as I unashamedly thought of what he might do next. Slowly, very slowly I came down to earth, with a wonderful feeling of warmth and pleasure.

Moments later he was back, grinning all over his face, that was a bit strange, and the reason only became apparent later. He stepped out of his shorts and pulled his tee shirt off, his unbelievable huge erection towered over me, I always thought Richard was very big but this was a monster. I could tell there would be no preliminaries as I could see pre cum as he bent and whispered in my ear, “I’m going to take the tight one”! I was totally shocked as he started raising the restraints for my ankles, leaving only my shoulders as support.

He was so huge we definitely needed the gel he was applying to himself and my anus. I knew it was going to hurt as he wanted satisfaction. The first violent thrust came, but he had only managed to partially penetrate, another violent thrust, then he was sinking deeper and deeper to its total entirety. He was still for a moment, his throbbing erection emphasising its presence and accompanied by his sigh of sexual satisfaction.

Holding my legs, he swung me back and forth on the restraints wanting to penetrate even further. He had obviously done this before because he stood still, moving me backwards and forwards. I looked sideways to watch in the mirror as this huge glistening erection repeatedly plunged in and out of me, I was fascinated and could not stop looking as his pace quickened to shouts of “You’re a slut!”

More expletives and humiliation for me before he erupted, spurt after spurt, ramming it to the top. He lowered the restraint partially and swivelled my bottom round to the mirror, my enquiring look brought, “We can watch it run out” which we did, out of a much widened hole, in vast quantities. Finally he released me saying I had better get some sleep. “We all need early morning coffee before we leave, wear this”, he threw his tee shirt to me. Now I had four pieces of clothing.

Next morning I put on Jed’s t- shirt which went half way to my knees, I felt dressed for a change. I made coffee, Jed who was the first to show, he was his charming self again as I poured his cup, next was Stuart who sat opposite him. I was pouring his coffee when his hand went up the back of my legs, I nearly dropped the coffee pot. Before I knew it he had wriggled his thumb between my lips, he looked at me and said “We are going for a swim”, wriggling his thumb again, trying to intimate it would be fun. I did not even like him, and Jed knew it.

“You have not got long”. Stuart took note, and nodded to Jed.

Stuart forcibly took my hand as we walked out and Jed followed to sit on a bar stool to watch, not for any sexual stimulation but for his revenge and my degradation. Stuart stripped and jumped in with a shout, “Come on Girl”. I looked at Jed’s steely eyes and knew there were no options. I pulled the t-shirt over my head and they both watched me stepping down into the early morning chill of the pool, I was goose lumped with very erect nipples. Stuart grabbed me and pushed my back up against the side, lifted my legs and without further ado, went straight in. I did not want this to last long and luckily he had already starting to groan. I faked an orgasm which had him coming in seconds. He just said “That was good” and left the pool, I looked at Jed and I could see his pleasure in prostituting me.

I got back just in time to give Louis his coffee, he was very pleasant and asked how I was. I jokingly asked him if they had talked about me after Jed left me last night “No, he did not come back for another drink”. I thought that was very strange, where did he go?

They all went off in a taxi and Jed had left me with one or two jobs to do for the meal, I can’t say I was looking forward to it but it was my last night. He had ordered food to be delivered and wanted to eat in style on the patio. I sorted it, candles, wine, fancy napkins, I got most things ready and I was expected to serve it in the dress and shoes.

Back in my room I Idly looked around the tent at all the interesting pieces but was drawn to the incongruous floor to ceiling mirror. It was a little suspicious, oh no! Was it two ways? I turned the lights off and tried to peer through, but could not see anything. I walked down the corridor to the next room, where there was a small office and I was immediately attracted to the desk and computer.

Looking round idly again I saw an inner door, it was locked, and more interestingly, fitted with a card access key. I riffled through the desk drawers with no luck, but finally, success, inside the first book on the shelf. I slipped the card in, it opened. It was a smallish room fitted with a projection system and 4 large arm chairs, plus a small bar, a filing cabinet which was locked, and nothing else.

On an impulse I looked behind the dropped screen, the whole tent room was before me. I was genuinely shocked, now it added up. This was probably he entertains potential Arabian clients. Louis was right, he had not gone back to join them, he came here to watch his contraption sending me frantic. Closing the door was difficult, it jammed a little. I returned the card key feeling some satisfaction, and perhaps ahead of the game.

It was dusk now as we finished our meal on the patio, every time I served Stuart’s his hand was up my dress, fingers searching until sliding between my wet lips, he knew how to touch me. He kept me there standing, while Jed looked on with pleasure, watching me trying to resist an oncoming orgasm which I couldn’t stop, a hand on the table, a cry of pleasure.

It was not until Louis called for more beer that I was saved from him, I did not like him at all and hated myself for coming. All three retired to the bar while I cleared up. The wine had gone to my head, Stuart was drunk, but the other two were in a good friendly mood. Jed told me to change into the see through blouse and mini skirt and join them at the bar. When I arrived Jed was behind, serving, I was to sit between the other two.

My skirt was so short I could not cover anything and Stuart swiveled me round on my stool, forcing my legs open to fondle me again. I looked across the bar to Jed face for his intervention, he laughed, enjoying my humiliation. Suddenly Louis’s hand gripped Stuarts wrist dragging him up to his feet, “Man, you’re drunk, you need your bed”!

Astonishingly Jed said, “I will take him”, and came from behind to escort him, a complete surprise!

I thanked Louis, for his intervention.

He said, “Would you like to take those ridiculous clothes off, and swim”? I smiled, and told him Jed had confis**ted my clothes and these where what Jed was making me wear. He nodded, and we both stripped off and leapt in with an almighty splash. After a while he climbed out and pulled me out onto a bar stool, it was still just warm enough to be without clothes. Louis said, “You look positively respectable now. Well nearly . . .”, brushing a water droplet off my erect nipple. I crumbled, why was it always like sending an electric shock through my body?

“What’s your name”?


He smiled and held open the palms of his hands to lay mine in his, mine looked tiny. He lent forward and kissed me deeply. On Jed’s return we continued to drink and chat until Jed said to me, “You had better turn in, you have an early morning taxi. Take her in Louis, I will tidy up here”.

He jumped to his feet and laughingly takes my hand, “Show me the way”. Jed watched every step as we walked away naked, just like the others had done the previous night. Getting rid of the Stuart, and possibly Jed too, was good.

I opened my room door, “Wow” Louis exclaimed, the tent really impressed him. He spent a little time looking around and as he did so I marveled at his naked body. “I better be going and let you get some sleep” he said halfheartedly, moving closer. I parted my lips, breasts and nipples undulating as my breath quickened, he started to grow. It was as if a starting pistol had gone off, he lost his shyness and swept me onto the mattress, his tongue frantically searching for my mouth, crushing me with his weight.

He was growing hard now as I pulled him to me to feel his warmth on my belly, then I straddled his chest and everything was fun, we were both laughing. I looked up and pretended to notice the restraints, “They could be interesting”, he laughed as we stood up and he was very surprised that I was putting them on his wrists, raising his arms high with the cord, crucifix style.

I secured the cord marveling in his upper body, his tight waist and wonderful thigh muscles but most of all the girth of his erection, he was thick. He probably had the power to rip the restraints down, but he was curious to see of what I might do. I smiled and said, “I want to play games, you are not allowed to speak”, I placed a scarf over his eyes and had to be on tiptoe to knot it, my hardened nipples raking across his chest. He was deadly serious now and highly aroused, as I was.

Sitting in front of him in a low wicker chair his rock hard erection was only a few inches from my face. I wrapped my long hair around it then pulled it off in a spiral making sure he felt my breath, and repeated it. I played and soothed him through his deep moans. His erection was beautiful, not like Jed’s big and angry, but as smooth as silk and his girth was incredible, it was impossible even to try and encircle it with my fingers.

I slipped my fingers underneath his helmet and found that special place, making him groan and physically sag in the wrist restraints. Teasing him unmercifully, I leaned forward, and he was even groaning before my mouth touched him, he had felt my breath again. I forced my lips around it, mouth stretched to the limit. My arms encircled his thighs to trail a figure over his anus, his pleasure was loud and appreciative.

Then I heard it quite plainly, the badly shutting door in the next room, I had forgotten all about it. He was there, it was obvious now why he had kept his distance and let Louis be nice to me. He had been hoping to watch, and he had got lucky. I certainly was not going to tell Louis about the mirror, but the devil was driving me now. I was going to make him so jealous, and get my own back.

I pulled Louis around a little so he would have a good side view and repeated what I had been doing, but exaggerating my tongue slurping up and down his erection, he was absolutely rigid now, cum drops glistening, his breathing laboured. I stood up on tiptoe and whispered, “I’m only going to tease you a little more, but I want you to see” taking his blind fold off. I turned my back on him and went right up to the mirror, real close, to apply red lipstick to my areolas highlighting my long stiff nipples. I also pouted my lips to apply lipstick carelessly, on purpose.

My evil bit was turning into enormous excitement for me, and I wondered what Richard would have thought. I had an uncontrollable flood between my legs, thinking of Jed watching and stroking his huge erection as he witnessed the scene. I returned to Louis and stood close, he looked at my decorated breasts, while my hands slid up and down his rampant erection. I delighted in listening to his moans as his half closed eyes devoured my breasts and nipples. I knew in the state he was in that there was a danger of him being too aggressive. I remembered the gel and applied a mass of it to more deep groans, he was big, glistening and beautiful. I knew he was going to be quick.

I let him loose and I ran, but he caught me immediately from behind, a large hand on the back of my neck, the other in the small of my back and unwittingly crushes me against the mirror. Still holding my neck his other hand, he was steering his rampant erection forcibly in from behind. The passion he had generated was frightening, awesome. He moved my flattened body violently up and down the mirror, my hands pressed high, nipples bending and hurting, lipstick smudging. I was gasping for what seemed my last breath. More pressure from his hand on my neck, squashing my mouth open on the mirror, saliva dribbling out while tormented nipples sc****d on the mirror again.

His hand squeezing my neck was making me light headed, and I could hardly breathe which I thought was intensifying my on coming orgasm. I had never been so long on the edge before. We were starting together, every thrust lifted me off the floor, and the feeling was immense, body jerking in rhythm with his. I managed to push my month away from the mirror to scream “Yes! Yes, Louis, don’t stop, please don’t stop” as he thundered into me, my orgasm washing completely over me like a giant wave while our bodies were in unison, him heaving and jerking, every spurt, every last drop, until he finished with the loudest of groans.

Before I had time to recover he was gone from behind me and I slide down the mirror to the floor exhausted, mentally and physically drained. I lifted my head as though looking through the mirror, I had enjoyed being watched and this had been the most exciting event of my life which on reflection was rather disquieting.

Next morning they saw me off, except Stuart, he was still in bed. Louis kissed me and Jed wanted to quantify that he did not want to hurt Richard, but teach him a lesson. Jed did not know I knew about the mirror perhaps that could be insurance. But unknown to me, he had it all in his camcorder, and would blackmail me. Part 3 to follow.

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Blackmailed Preachers WifeChapter 3

The next Sunday after Chase blackmailed Miranda, he was watching the preacher’s wife sing in the church choir. She refused to look directly at him; but, occasionally, she would glance at him out of the corner of her eye. As soon as Miranda saw him looking at her, she’d look away while looking a little nervous; but not enough that anyone else but Chase would notice. He was the only one that knew she had something to be nervous about. Just a few days earlier, her hot lips and pussy were wrapped...

3 years ago
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Blackmail Part2

"Yeah," I replied. "I'm not done with you yet, but you know that, don't you?" "Yeah" "First, drink this." He handed me a cup and I drank some more Jack Daniel's. "That good?" "Mm-hm." "Good, now drink this." He handed me another cup and I swallowed a load of cum. "That came out of your pussy. You seemed to be enjoying swallowing all that cum, so I thought I would make sure you got everything you could. Go ahead and finish it up." There was about a...

1 year ago
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Blackmail sibling style

Jake Armitage reclined in his computer chair, talking to his best friend on webcam. "Man! you're so lucky..... you got that girfriend that'lll do whatever you want!" he was saying His friend scoffed, "Well... look at you... you got that hottie of a sis and mother! if I was you, I'd tap that resource." "And how would I do that?!" he demanded, his mother and sister.... they were his family... but still. His buddy glanced from side to side, as if he wanted to make sure no one heard him, "Yeah......

2 years ago
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Blackmail Sanjana For Satisfaction

Hi indian sex storiesdot net readers Raat ko roshan ke ghar pe koi nahi tha isse accha mauka use chodne ka mujhe nahi Milne Wala the. Maine fat se use phone lagaya aur ghar Bulaliya. Phir kya use ji bhar ke choda par ye Nahi malum the ki vo apne webcam se sab dekh raha hai. Us din raat bhar sanjana ko chodne ke bad, jab subah sanjana ko drop karke main apne ghar gaya toh roshan ne phone karke bataya ki uska computer aur web camera on tha aur hamari sari chudayi usme record ho gayi hai. Toh mian...

2 years ago
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Blackmail And Miscalculation

Well readers this is a sex story of miscalculations and how it led to sex with me second cousin. Let me start be setting the scene for you. Setup This was in the summer of 2015 and I am 21 and I was back home in between semesters of my engineering course . I used to spend my days either hanging out with friends or reading books or watching movies. This is when my aunt Anita and her daughter Nikita , who was 18 back then, come to stay with us for a few days on the pretext of attending my...

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One early afternoon I was folding clothes in the laundry room and overheard my son and his friend Jerome talking. I know I shouldn’t have been listening but their topic of discussion intrigued me. They had just gotten out of the pool and were sitting at the patio table drinking ice-tea when I heard Jerome tell my son, Brian, that his Dad {Brian’s Dad} was a lucky guy. I stopped folding and leaned closer to the window. “Oh yeah, and why is that?”“Your moms’ hot man.”“Yeah, I guess he is pretty...

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Blackmail Come True Chapter 3

CHAPTER 3 I felt the phone vibrate in my hand again. He had access to my bank account, he'd changed the lock on my door, he'd arranged for me to give my boss a blow job, and I was willing to bet that it was him who made sure the cops arrived right as we finished. I thought back to all of the times I had asked someone to roleplay with me online, how much I loved being told what to do, how much it turned me on, and how much I thought I would give anything for all of it to happen in real...

2 years ago
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Blackmail With My Maami

Hi friends me ranchi ka rehne walal hun so mere story shurur hoti hey per aapko yeh kahani pasand aaye to mujhe plz hinddii me mail jarur kerna perr, ya fir per mail mere jarur kernaaaaaaa aur mera mobile no 99319711000 hai.yeh story me kuch naam badal diye he mene aapko yeh bata du ki wo mere frnd kaa naam Vicky rekha he n mere 1 cousin bhai k frnd ka naam mene rajiv rekha he soo aap samj skte he aisa kyu kiyaa yaar baat vicky ko pata na chale kyuki wo b yeh iss padta he samjeeee ok frnd...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed into becoming a TV Slut Part1

Blackmailed into becoming a TV Slut This is an adult story featuring gay sex. If this offends please do not read. Any similarities to living persons is entirely coincidental. Enjoy, Dianne PART 1 It was love at first sight when I saw Kelly. She was just the type of woman that I had always wanted. She had sultry dark eyes that you could just sink into as you listened to that sexy voice of her's. She had long dark hair and long shapely legs that she always showed off with...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed into becoming a TV Slut Part2

Blackmailed into becoming a TV Slut Part 2 This is an adult story featuring gay sex. If this offends please do not read. Any similarities to living persons is entirely coincidental. Enjoy, Dianne PART 2 Julian released me and I nearly slumped to my nylon clad knees. Somehow I stayed upright. Kelly was sitting on the bed with her hand still in her trousers and smiling contentedly. I think I detected the hint of womanly smell coming from her, although it was hard to tell...

3 years ago
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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed Wife

Blackmailed Wife----------The morning air was already oppressively humid as I stepped out into the barnyard and headed to the office from the house. The sun was already above the horizon casting shadows that moved as I walked. By the time I got to the office door, rivulets of sweat were soaking the thin material of my blouse. I pulled open the closet door to block my dad's office window view and removed my blouse and bra realizing that it was going to be a scorcher today. Grabbing a towel from...

4 years ago
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My Payment

I drive fast down the dusty road, since there is no one around. Some people may be nervous to drive in such a deserted area but I enjoy the quiet. Only problem with that is, if you run into any difficulty, there's no one around to help you. When my engine starts to make a chugging noise I glance at the gas valve and see it's nearly empty. Shit. I pull over to the side of the road as my car starts to slow. Turning the engine off, I fumble for my phone to call for help. No signal. Great. I climb...

Group Sex
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The Down payment

The Down payment! By Sissie Maid Cuckold "What the Hell!!! ... Timothy! Get your ass in here!!!" Tim was in the bedroom making the bed when he heard his wife Constance scream out and call him. He quickly scurried into the kitchen and saw the scowl on her face. She had been much more assertive as of late and her expectations from him had dramatically increased. He didn't know why and he was not about to ask her. She could rip him up and down with just a stare. He knew she was mad...

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Blackmailing younger sister

Blackmailing younger sisterBy Yours master**************************************************************WARNING:This story is fiction, and should be treated as such. The following story is forthe entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicitsex. If you are not an adult, or reading sex stories upset you, DO NOT readany further. If it is illegal in your location, DO NOT read it.This is a copyrighted work. Copyright 2010 by Yours master. Reposting orany other use of it is...

3 years ago
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Hotwife Chapter 3A The Continuation Of My Hotwifes Weekend

HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...

Wife Lovers
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Holidays with Peggy my wifes sisterpart2

So nothing else happened that night between me and Peggy, and I needed the rest so my sore cock could heel. The next day was Thanksgiving, spent with the whole family, again pretty tame day, no sex. On Nov 25th, the day after Thanksgiving, I had to be in work early, but also got to leave early. I got home and as I walked inside I heard the shower running. I went upstairs and figured it was my wife, it was. I stripped down and hopped in with her. We started messing around and eventually ended up...

1 year ago
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Monica my ex and fun with her pt 3 Payment of bills

My cock was already standing at attention from the sight and smell of her pussy. I unzipped my trousers and quickly pulled them down along with my panties, then I rose from my semi-reclining position and began to massage from the outside and insert my fingers into her pussy. My fingers went into her without any problem, the mucus was thick and there was a lot of it, so I quickly pulled my fingers out and lubed my cock with them. It was already stiff and ready to be basically inserted deep into...

2 years ago
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payment for services part2

Be sure to read the first part it will make this story much better….. Joanna was sitting at the kitchen table in a summer dress and barefoot.I sat down in a chair across from her and sat the plate on the table.Well this is the moment of truth I said are you sure you want to see me do my thing? Joanna replied..Um well tell me what your going to do Im kinda interested but kinda queasy about it as well.I explained to her again about my fetish and I get a sexual thrill by womens toilet habits and...

2 years ago
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payment for services part2

Be sure to read the first part it will make this story much better..... Joanna was sitting at the kitchen table in a summer dress and barefoot.I sat down in a chair across from her and sat the plate on the table.Well this is the moment of truth I said are you sure you want to see me do my thing? Joanna replied..Um well tell me what your going to do Im kinda interested but kinda queasy about it as well.I explained to her again...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed Preachers WifeChapter 15

Back to the present at the hotel, Chase slowly drank his scotch as he looked over the sexy body of Carrie. “I need to ask you a question before this goes any further,” Carrie said. “Go ahead. I’m all ears,” Chase replied. “How are your feelings toward Miranda? Do you care what we do to her and who fucks the blonde bitch?” Carrie asked. “The answer is unequivocally no. Miranda was always a perfect young lady, true to her husband until I convinced her otherwise. I immensely enjoyed...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed WifeChapter 9

I just knew that he was going to go over to their house, I knew it, and I could not stop him. I decided that the best thing for me to do would be to just keep doing what we did every day, I finished the kitchen and got the kids bathed and it was about that time that Clark came back in the house. He seemed a lot better than he was when he left. I had to ask; I said, "Where did you go honey?" Clark said, "you know where I went, I had to go over there. I met your friend and her husband,...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed over my wife

This is fiction..................My wife and I had been swingers for many years but we still both enjoyed random pickups. It was easy as we both had jobs which required travel and allowed the maximum opportunity for some healthy extra curricular nights. The tale I am about to relate is of an attempt to blackmail me with incriminating videos of my wife. The story begins with a Jiffy bag containing a video tape being delivered to me just before Christmas. The note attached said I should watch the...

3 years ago
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It's the nature of kids that they often learn by getting their fingers burnt or their butts warmed or their psyches embarrassed. If you're relatively new to parenting, you may not yet have learned that when you ask your child why he or she did something amazingly stupid and they say "I don't know", they may be telling you the truth. Until they're somewhere in their mid-teens, the brain connections are still being developed; in particular, the connection between that area called the limbic...

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Blackmailing Shalini Story 1

I am delighted to be herBlackmailing Shalini 1 – 3CHAPTER ONEShalini answered the phone, “this is the head librarian, how may I help you?” Frank said, “just listenand say nothing unless you want the information I have made public. Do you want that?” Shalini letout a small gasp, and asked, “who are you, and what do you want?” “I told you to just listen,” Franksnapped, “just listen!” “Okay,” was her response. “You will go to the bar in the Steak House, the onenear your home, tonight at 6:00 for...

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Wifes third and fourth debt repayments

It seems ages since I submitted my last story, but we have been very busy of late. Kelly and I have our own business, and it takes us into Europe fairly regularly. We are just back from a spell in Berlin and Milan. In the present economic climate we are happy to be kept busy. It wasn’t all work though. Kelly added two more gang-bangs to her extensive collection. A German four-cock session, and an Italian/Arab six-cock party on the beach! I will tell you all about them in the future, but now...

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My wife becoming a hotwife 1

My wife becoming a hotwifeMarie's journey from housewife to hotwifeThis is a true story about my shy demure wife's journey into exhibitionism and into being shared.I am Eugene and my wife is Marie. This a true story about her journey from a woman who would never even think about cheating, to the role of my hotwife and on to slutwife. She was 5'4"and tipped the scale at about 135 but she carried it well. Her best assets were her 38D tits with very prominent dark nipples which she always tried to...

2 years ago
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Alternative Payment

I am going to try something a little different for this story. I find it awkward for myself as a writer to smoothly include character descriptions in the actual story, so here’s a short bio of the characters in this story. Let me know if you like this idea as a reader or not. Ashley – Main character, age 28 and is 5’4′. At 150lbs, Ashley has curves in all the right places with a modest 34C bust that matches her rounded ass nicely. She is also married and has a three year old son. Steve –...

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Late Rent Payment

I’m in my early sixties and still in decent shape. The family and I had been talking about moving from our current home to one we own on the far side of our property. Though it was only about a hundred fifty yards across a field, the move would solve several problems for us. That home has larger rooms and much easier access for our wheel chair using family members. It is also much closer and has easier access to our two and a half car garage with attached barn. The garage has become more shop...

4 years ago
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Final Payment

I had been having some trouble with my computer at home and a friend from work offered to come home with me to see if he could straighten it out or at least tell me what was really wrong with it. Tony is a good guy like that, always willing to help out if he can. He is also a very big black man and, though I didn't know it, I was about to find out just how big he really is.Let me start at the beginning. I have a stepdaughter who used to be a real pain in the ass. Always giving my wife and I...

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Alternative Payment

I am going to try something a little different for this story. I find it awkward for myself as a writer to smoothly include character descriptions in the actual story, so here’s a short bio of the characters in this story. Let me know if you like this idea as a reader or not. Ashley - Main character, age 28 and is 5'4". At 150lbs, Ashley has curves in all the right places with a modest 34C bust that matches her rounded ass nicely. She is also married and has a three year old son. Steve -...

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Hot Wife And Husband8217s Interest Payment 8211 Part 3

Hello ISS readers, this is Selena here. This is the continuation of the second part. I really want to thank the ISS community for the overwhelming response to my stories. So let us continue from where I left. I stripped my jeans in front of them near the dining table and stood there, only wearing my red panty. I now had a sinking feeling in my stomach. These 4 lecherous men are going to use me as per their will for the next 48 hours in my house. I regained my senses when I felt Vikram trying to...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed WifeChapter 4

I went into the bedroom and stripped and got into bed. I pulled the rubber cock out from under my pillow and I began rubbing my clit and worked myself up to fingering my hole. I began sucking on the cock that I was about to fuck myself with. The covers were off to the side and the only light on was the light coming from the bathroom lighting up the bed where I was. I worked myself into a frenzy and by the time I was ready for my black rubber lover, I was really ready to climax. I brought the...

2 years ago
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Wifes third and fourth debt repayments

It seems ages since I submitted my last story, but we have been very busy of late. Kelly and I have our own business, and it takes us into Europe fairly regularly. We are just back from a spell in Berlin and Milan. In the present economic climate we are happy to be kept busy. It wasn't all work though. Kelly added two more gang-bangs to her extensive collection. A German four-cock session, and an Italian/Arab six-cock party on the beach! I will tell you all about them in the future, but now...

Group Sex
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Blackmailed by Faterinlaw

Blackmailed By Father In Law Ch. 1by hot-hot (C) thanks you all liked my first story " spying the sister"hope you will like this one also.Toby was moaning in her bed as her first door neighbor pushed his cockin and out of his beautiful cunt. She was urging him to do so. She wasin so much heat and in a wanton state for his cock. His huge cock wasgoing deep in her cunt. Their affair started two weeks ago. Toby was25 years old and was married for 2 years. She was living with herfamily in a good...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed Preachers WifeChapter 7

Kyleigh lay on her bed, still in the clothes she had worn the day before. She forced herself to get up and take a long hot bath. The teen laid in the tub of hot soapy water thinking about what she had been forced to do with Alex and Grant. Surely, Elaina would have warned her if she had known about the video. After her bath, she dressed and called Elaina’s cell phone. When she answered, Kyleigh told her friend they needed to talk, but not at her house. She’d meet her at the park down the...

3 years ago
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Hot Wife And Husband8217s Interest Payment 8211 Part 2

Hello ISS readers, this is Selena here. This is the continuation of the first part. And I really want to thank the ISS community for the overwhelming response to my first story. So let us continue from where I left. So our dining table was set at our house as the play area. All of them, including Daniel, sat there for starting the game. As decided, I was to arrange drinks and snacks for all of them. The hard part was that all 4 of them could touch and feel me while I was serving drinks and...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed Preachers WifeChapter 4

Chase continued blackmailing the young preacher’s wife into having sex with him. Then one Saturday, Miranda didn’t show up for the children’s charity meeting. He knew Rev. Paul was out of town that weekend and his wife should be home, so he called. The phone rang several times before Miranda finally answered and he asked her why she wasn’t at the charity meeting. She tried to give him some lame excuse about she wasn’t feeling well. He knew she was lying and told Miranda to meet him at the...

3 years ago
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You wanked so much your cock got sore and you had to stop for a few days, why, because of the photographs. The postie mis delivered a large set of 72 6" by 8" glossy photographs of a woman and her lover/whatever. All you know about him is that he has hairly legs, a slight stomach and a slightly larger than average cock. Oh, and his name, Chris, because it was on the package. She on the other hand is lovely, about 30, pale skin, dress size 12 or so, average height and moderately large but firm...

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Blackmail Gone Awry

"Oh my goodness," Jessica says, to nobody in particular. She has just opened an anonymous e-mail sent to her at work and is shocked at what she finds. Her boss- Ms. Chantal- is posing in bondage, naked as the day she was born! She's bound up with rope, chains, a little leather and even gagged in the pictures. Acting quickly, Jessica calls her friend Kagney into her Office. She shows her the pictures as well, eliciting just as much shock from her! "Who sent you these," she asks. "It doesn't...


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