A Fantastic RingChapter 18 free porn video

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That gang in Marietta really got my goat. I asked Dad why I could not go ahead right now and clean their clocks. He thought about it for all of 30 seconds before saying for me to go ahead. He just warned me to be careful. He was certain that these guys would have no qualms about killing me or anyone else in the family. I hadn't thought of that last little bit, but I thought that my concubines could take care of anything that showed up. That may have been the enthusiasm of youth, but I really felt that way.

I took Sally with me this time. There was no special reason for that—it was just her turn. We flew directly to Marietta, and I pushed our speed as hard as I could. I even went supersonic whenever I thought that I could get away with it. I did stay close to the ground, though, so I did make a mess of some wilderness areas, and I wish now that I had been more careful. We got there about 9:00 AM and went into hiding. I wanted a chance to mentally scan the place before we blundered into something that we couldn't handle.

I looked around and started scanning the minds from the top down. The executives were about as evil as you could hope to find this side of a cesspit. They would sell anything, including each other, if the price were right, and that price did not have to be very high. On the other hand, they were scared of their own shadow, so they were extremely dangerous.

There was one big boss, four sub-bosses, and seven captains. All of these men lived in the mansion. None of them had conventional families; instead, they had what they called "mistresses," but they were hardly more than sex slaves. There were no children, of course, because the executives were both too selfish to take a chance on having to share what they had, and too insecure to want any possible tug on their emotions. They certainly did not love their mistresses.

About 15 people worked as clerks and secretaries, and 10 worked as specialists, such as computer repair technicians. The reason the number of clerks and secretaries varied was because they were killed the moment they showed any sign of anything less than complete loyalty to their immediate boss. Once you started working for this bunch, you were hooked for life, and that might not be a very long time!

My investigation to this level took four days, and all of the women who came with me were bored to death. None of them were anxious to make a second trip as long as I was not going to do any more than I had been doing. I was not surprised, and I was actually happy that the women wanted to stay home. I thought that I could work better by myself on this kind of job.

None of the workers inside the mansion ever left. That included everybody from the top boss to the lowest clerk. The bosses stayed where they were safe, but the workers were imprisoned, for practical purposes. The workers were well paid, but they really had little that they could spend their money on. Most of them thought that they could work in the mansion for a while and accumulate a nice stash of money and then leave. What they didn't know was that nobody left except in the proverbial pine box.

Any outside work, such as was done by that telephone answerer, were people hired from a local gang that did what it was told for the money and never asked questions. Very few of the people who were not bosses actually knew what they were doing. Oh, they knew that it was illegal, but that was about the limit of their knowledge. Anybody who learned any more than that was "fired."

Okay, that meant that all I really wanted to remove were the 12 bosses and managers. The rest of them were petty crooks at worst, and could not be a major threat to society if they were allowed to run loose. What I needed to do was to collect these 12 men into one place and eliminate them. The rest, including the mistresses, could be turned loose to fend for themselves.

I noticed that the only time all of the 12 were together, more or less separated from the other people in the building, was during lunch. They all ate lunch together and used the opportunity to discuss current projects and possible new ones. That was when I would grab them. I could seal them up with frozen-air walls while I did a detailed scan of each mind. I didn't know what I was looking for, but I would know it if and when I found it.

Well, this was as good a day as any to do that, so I got to work on my task. They were all collected in the dining room and eating by 12:30, and that was when I struck. I simply sealed the room in a hollow cube of frozen-air. I perforated the walls of the cube so that they would not suffocate before I was finished with them.

I started with the boss of bosses, since I figured that he would be the most fruitful. Man, was I wrong! He was nothing but a mass of walking greed. He already had a plan in mind for eliminating each of his subordinates as soon as he was dispensable. Of course, he was going to keep all of the proceeds of their activities for himself. Mistresses would be eliminated out of hand.

I did not get one bit of useful information from him, so I began looking at the four lesser bosses. They were nearly as bad as the main boss, but their attention was more focused on getting rid of him and becoming the main boss themselves. Other than that, they were concerned about keeping their underlings in line.

I was pretty damned disgusted by the time I got to the lowest level of bosses. Their main concern was in staying alive long enough to replace their current boss. Of course, they did concern themselves with doing the best job they could within their particular bailiwick. They were looking for new ways to make money for the gang, but that was always secondary to staying alive long enough to rise to the next level.

The only useful thing that I did get out of this exercise was that I found out where the software DVD from Dad had been stored. It had not been used more than that once to try to collect credit card numbers, and they were still trying to decode the data that they had downloaded. One or more heads were going to roll pretty damned soon if that problem was not quickly solved. I was almost tempted to hold off my retribution until after I saw what happened there, but I decided not to stall around that long.

I decided that none of these guys were worth saving, and I did have other things that I wanted to do, so I figured that I would just kill them by stopping their hearts and removing the frozen-air barrier. That only took a matter of minutes to accomplish, and I was ready to pick up the DVD. I had the combination to the safe, so I did not need any help from anyone else to do that job. I broke into the front door of the mansion by sheer force of my TK and went to the safe I was interested in.

I was still wearing my camouflage skin coloring, and I scared the Hell out of anyone who saw me. I opened the safe and pulled out the DVD. I used TK to crush it until it melted, and that was the end of its usefulness. There were several people standing around in shock staring at me, and I said to them, "You are free to leave now. All of the bosses are dead. I suggest that you grab what you can and get the Hell out of here before you get into all kinds of trouble. Nobody will try to stop you, yet, but I cannot say what will happen when the bodies begin to decompose. Tell everybody else to run, too. I wish you good luck. Goodbye."

With that, I went outside and flew home.

Now that I had put down two of our main enemies, I turned my attention to the KGC. I was not sure just how much of a danger they really were, but I was still upset over their efforts to kill me. I had determined in my scanning of the minds of the crooks in Marietta that they had not been associated with the efforts on my life, except that they had tried to take credit for them to put pressure on Dad. The real threat to me had been from the KGC, and I wanted to pull them down before they took it into their heads to go after somebody who could not defend himself from them.

I knew the identities of a few of them, and I expected to get the names of the rest of the crew from the ones that I knew. I talked to Dad about just how I should get the retribution I wanted, and he convinced me that simply killing the fools would not be an adequate punishment. Instead, he suggested that a public humiliation would be a lot harder for those blowhards to stand, so that was what I set out to do. This was going to take longer, but would probably be a lot of fun in the long run.

The head mucky-muck of the local crew was a banker who was as pompous as you could hope to find anywhere. I discussed the situation with my concubines, and we came up with what we thought would be the most embarrassing kind of revenge. Cyrus Crawford was 52 years old, and had spent that entire time learning how to be a bigot. Of course, his target was anyone with any Black heritage, so that was where I started.

One morning after he had arrived at work, I encased him in the same kind of frozen-air armor that my family wore. However, I made the color of this armor a dark chocolate brown. Cyrus Crawford now looked like the epitome of that hated "nigger race." Cyrus was shocked to the core when his skin seemed to turn this color. His first thought was to hide himself from the public until he could wash it off. He did not know at that time that there was no way for him to remove the color, and I certainly didn't tell him.

Crawford stayed in his office all day and would not allow anyone in to see him. He waited until everyone else had gone home before he sneaked out to his waiting car which was parked in the alley behind the bank. His chauffeur, a Black man, naturally, was not even allowed to see him as Cyrus entered the car. Unfortunately from Cyrus' point of view, there was no way to keep the chauffeur from seeing him when Cyrus exited the car.

Not only that, several of the servants in the house, most certainly the Black butler saw Cyrus as he came in the door. It did not take long for word to spread all through the staff that Cyrus' skin had changed color. This precipitated a great deal of amusement among the servants because everyone knew of their employer's bigotry.

Cyrus, Jr. happened to be home from college, the University of Alabama, at that time, and could not help laughing when he first caught sight of his father. That got him banished back to the university forthwith—he did not even have time to eat supper before being thrown out of the house!

Mrs. Crawford was able to contain herself and did not laugh out loud, but she was as amused by her husband's discomfort as anyone else. She, too, was as much of a bigot as Cyrus, and she banned him from her bed until he could get rid of that disgusting skin color. She, an upstanding White aristocrat, was not going to be fucked by a black cock, no matter what the source.

Cyrus headed for the shower and spent the whole time in there trying to wash off the dark skin color. He stayed until the hot water was gone and even suffered through a dash of cold water as he tried to wash his skin back to its original color. He was at his wit's end when he could not get the color off. He even resorted to telephoning his doctor, a life-long friend, to ask him to come to his home for consultation. Of course, the doctor did not make house calls, but he did acquiesce when Cyrus finally explained the problem. By the way, the doctor was on the KGC list I had.

The doctor showed up and worked over Cyrus' skin with everything that he kept in his little black bag. He had some powerful bleaching agents in that bag, but nothing would remove the color. I had the armor protect Cyrus' skin from the bleaching agents since I did not want to cut short his period of suffering.

Cyrus did not go to the dining room for dinner that night. Instead, he ate alone in his study because he did not want to show off his new skin color. Cyrus spent the night in a guest room because his wife would not let him sleep with her. She did not want to risk catching whatever was affecting him. I toyed with the prospect of changing her skin color, too, but I let that idea slide for the moment.

I was having a ball listening via mind scans to the suffering that Cyrus was going through. My family was also enjoying the event as I relayed to them what was going on. Cyrus' bigotry was well known throughout Dothan, so we could well understand the agony that he was going through.

Cyrus had hoped that the affliction would wear off over night, but he was downcast to discover that he was still the same color when he woke up as when he had retired the previous night. Oh, well, back to the shower to try to get that damned color off of his body. He spent an hour in the shower trying various things, including laundry bleach, to clear his skin, but nothing would work. In despair, he dressed minimally and ate some breakfast in private.

He refused to go in to work and assumed the lifestyle of a hermit in fear of being seen. Of course, by now, word of his predicament was spreading through town as the household staff spread the word. The Black population of Dothan was amused beyond words and the bigoted portion of the White population was horrified. The latter group hoped that this was not a contagious disease that was going to spread throughout the city. The rest of the population just laughed at Cyrus Crawford and his troubles. I wondered which of those two attitudes would have upset Cyrus the most if he knew of them.

This was so much fun that I started spreading the "sickness" throughout the bigoted population, starting with Mrs. Crawford. That poor woman almost went insane when she saw the change taking over her body. Of course, she blamed her husband for bringing the problem home, and she probably would have shot him if she had ready access to a gun.

I arranged to have the affected person's skin change color gradually as if it were caused by an advancing sickness. It amused me to see the gradually darkening skin in about 35% of the White population. On the other hand, I was gratified to see that 65% were not affected, but most of these were children. At least that bode well for the future.

This changing of the skin color became a burden before I had completed my work with the population in Dothan. I had hoped to spread this "sickness" over the whole state of Alabama, and eventually over the whole country, but it simply became too time consuming, and I had to settle for doing it only for Dothan and its environs.

That little game took about two weeks, and I had lost track of my original plan. Now that a lot of the population was turning color, Cyrus had broken out of his spell as a hermit and was returning to his former routine. However, his wife had still not opened her bed or her legs for him. She considered that the whole thing was his fault! Somehow, word of that had also gotten around town, and Cyrus was the laughingstock of the business community.

Much to my surprise, that was the last straw as far as Cyrus was concerned. First, his skin had darkened, and now his manhood was under attack. That was all he could take, and the next morning he was found hanging in his study. Because he had not known what he was doing, he had strangled to death, and the coroner estimated that it had taken him about 20 minutes to die. Well, so much for Cyrus Crawford, now it was time to hit the rest of the local KGC hierarchy.

I decided to make a big show out of this, so I intended to strike against all of them at the same time. There were 19 left in the upper echelons of the KGC around Dothan. I arbitrarily selected a Wednesday night to strike. Each one would have to be dealt with individually, so I got started as soon as it got dark. I had found an unused barn that I could store my victims in until I was ready for them to show up in public.

The first part of the night, I collected them and stowed them in the barn. Once I had all of them collected, I proceeded to work on them as fast as I could because it was getting close to dawn. Each man was bound hand and foot with nylon cable ties after he was stripped of any night clothes that he might have been wearing.

The next step was to fasten a length of rope around his penis and scrotum. I made sure to include his penis because I wanted to make sure that his balls were not crushed by the next step. I used TK to convey each man to a lamp post along Main Street in Dothan and tied the other end of the rope so that he hung by his genitalia from the lamp post.

I had my concubines in place to take photographs of the hanging men as they were put into place. There were no photographs made of me, so my anonymity was preserved. The screaming from the pain was sure to draw someone eventually, so I was certain that the men would not be hanging there very long. As it happened, the Fire Department cut them down, but the last man was not removed before a large crowd had gathered. This included TV cameras, so a lot was recorded by the news, though not every one.

I took care of that by having the photos that my concubines had taken printed out and scattered throughout the Dothan area. They were also sent to the news outfits all over the South. The photos were accompanied by an explanation of why the show had been put on. Included was a threat to repeat the episode against any KGC or KKK-like group that dared show its ugly head. A couple of days later, the strange skin color problem disappeared. That produced a collective sigh of relief.

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The Day My Wife Turned To A Slut

Having read the excellent story “subway Heat” from Billy69Boy I was put in mind of something that happened around five years ago and decided to tell the story. This true story concerns my wife and as a prelude to the story, I need to explain that my wife has never been one who is at all permissive or one who sl**p around and as far as I know has always been most faithful. Also I am the type of person who would not appreciate, or tolerate my wife behaving in an inappropriate manner. On this...

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Trying a Moroccan dick

Trying a Moroccan dickIt had been a busy day at the office.Helena was absent, because she had had to take care of her mother, who was staying at the hospital for a few days…However, my slutty friend called me in the afternoon, when I was driving home and asked me if I was in the mood to go out with her that night. Of course I was…It was Friday and Victor was at home, but I knew he wanted to stay there and it would be nice for him to be alone for a while. I called him to tell my plan and he...

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I couldn,t believe I was shafting a classy beauty like Maria Schroeder. I knew it wouldn’t, go on much longer as I was due at Maguire Air Base, New Jersey in late September to be flown to the base in Chateauroux in France, But was enjoyimg every moment of every fuck session and a few mornings later she was sitting almost in my lap as I manoeuvred my old 51 Chevy along the dusty country road as we approached one of my secret fishing spots where we were most unlikely to be disturbed and could be...

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The Chosen One

THE CHOSEN ONE By JASON They were all in some way chosen, of course. Chancemay have provided them. Hitchhiking by the side of the road. Hanging out atthe mall. Hustling on a well-known streetcorner. Getting off work at McDonalds.Carrying bags out into a reasonably empty supermarket parking lot. Stumblingalone and drunk out of one of the late-night nightspots popular with the youngcrowd. Or even--it had actually happened twice--knocking on the wrong door--AKA's--atjust the right...

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MonstersOfCock Emily Willis Takes on a Monster Cock

We almost didn’t get to shoot this scene. Emily had a little accident, her hand got stuck in a toilet. Her phone fell in and went she tried to retrieve, her hand ended up getting stuck. However, she was so horny that she decided to start the scene anyway. That’s right, she got fucked with one hand inside of the toilet, while the plumber tried to get her out. Eventually, they were able to get her unstuck and at this point they went inside to finish the scene in the comfort of a couch. Emily...

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She was untied and brought up naked to the master. He was a tall and controlling man. He had several slaves in his dungeon. They were all beautiful and obeyed and loved him. He could be cruel or loving depending on his needs and mood. If he knocked them up they gave birth alone chained in the dungeon and the c***d was taken away and sold. Today the young blonde stood before him. He ran his hands over her face and then her tits. He grabbed each nipple and twisted and pulled it. Then he grabbed...

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Kyles Porch Ch 04

These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning. This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not. Part four of eight: Two beauties apply this time * I got a long letter from a UoA student wishing to pursue the study...

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Japanese Girlfriend UncensoredChapter 3

The next day we all went down to the club lounge area with the red carpet and big round bed to meet the customer that has come for another big bollocks injection and I had no idea what to expect. The guy walked in like he was royalty with a troop of people following him. Four male bodyguards and 4 girls dressed like very elegant hookers with expensive clothes and jewellery. Kumi told me he was a big Yakusa boss and everyone was bowing and looking down at the floor. He wasn’t that big,...

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The Duckling

Life for Emma was totally predictable. Work, television, bed, work. Social life, nil. Friends, nil. Interests, nil, well unless you counted wildlife documentaries, she loved animals, and the cheap romance paperbacks she read. Otherwise, there was nothing in her drab existence to write home about. There was only one mirror in her small tidy apartment. She didn’t need constantly reminding of her appearance. She avoided looking in it as much as possible. She was 25, with a steady if boring job,...

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 11

EPISODE 11: "Mecha Meets its Match? Cheer Raider Captured!" "Alright, Matt, come at me," Jennifer invited. Matt smiled and ran towards her, his fist raised in preparation for a punch. The next thing he knew, he was flat on his back with the wind knocked out of him. "Very good, Jennifer, that was well done," said Ricketts. As promised, General Alvarez had assigned him to give them a crash course in some basic battle techniques. In the spirit of things, they were both wearing...

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first time experince

this is true story not any bs make up type i was 17 when i experince with black male. in past i did had few sex experince with school friends but never black cock i always wonder how would that feel after seeing their pics online and how big they are. I never thought i will have them soon, i was talking to this black guy online for month and he really got me so horny i couldn’t say no when he ask me to meet him at his place. when i got their my heart was pounding so hard i can feel it on my...

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pregnant and horny pt 1

David sat staring at his computer screen, trying to will the machine to complete the boot operation. The desktop showed up on the screen and he was just about to let out a whoop of triumph, when the screen turned that unmistakable bright blue and the machine shutdown."Pig fucking piece of shit!" he said, his hand sweeping out to destroy the carefully built stack of Mountain Dew cans. Outside his window the sky was black. How had that happened? He let out an exasperated sigh and looked at his...

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In the Theator

I had just turned 18 and it was my first time going to an adult theater. I had walked by the entrance 3 or 4 times afraid someone I knew might see me going in. But the theater was far from where I lived and it was unlikely that anyone I knew would be anywhere close to there. I finally walked in with my ID ready and my money out. The attendant just gave a quick glance at me and told me the price, took my money and waved me in. As I walked in on the left side the section was...

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Shardha Bhabhi To Rasbhari Bhabhi

Hi friends rakesh this side. I am regular reader of ISS and a huge fan of this. After reading a lot of stories I am also going to narrate my true story which was happened three month ago. This is a true story which is based on me and my bhabi. My Name is Rakesh and I am from Jalandhar. I am working in Chandigarh in a MNC. I am staying here with my friends on rented flat. I am average looking man but physic is very good. My one school friend Pardeep is staying with his wife at Mohali.He is also...

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Trio Lust

My girlfriend at the time Cheryl and I had been on a two week vacation and were traveling through a mid-western state,it was early afternoon and we needed to refill our gas so we pulled into a large travel plaza just off the interstate.As I headed in to pay for the gas I spotted a pretty petite girl dressed in a tight fitting mini-skirt that hugged her petite shapely ass in an eye catching fashion and a light pink cotton blouse that displayed small but luscious breasts with no bra, she seemed...

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Feel Of First Touch

Hi friends,mera aditya hai mai puna mai mba kr rha hu meri age 23 hai aur ye meri first story hai.. Mere family me mom dad and me bs hum tin log hi hai pap teacher hai.. Ye story mere 12th class ki hai.,humare side me sharma uncle rhte hai vo papa k boht ache friend hai unko 2 ladkiya hai badi ka nav sneha hai aur uski shadi ho gyi hai aur dusri ka nam avni hai last year uski bhi shadi ho gyi. Ye kahani mere 12th cls k wqt ki hai ap sb ko to pta hi hai ki ldke chote umr me kitne shaitan hote...

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Dean Superchub

I was driving home from the supermarket one Saturday morning and decided to take a detour and visit one of my old cruising spots. I wasn't particular certain as it was a weekend and this cruising spot never busy at the weekends but I thought I'd give it ago I had nothing to lose and I was feeling horny anyway. I parked in the car park that was situated at the back of the cottage, it was good spot to see the comings and goings, I sat and had a cigarette before I made a move, as I entered there...

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Afternoon Delight

Bianca nearly didn’t say come in. This man that stood in her doorway was not Lisa, her usual massage therapist, although seeing him carrying the massage table in his amazing arms left her sure that this was indeed who had been sent to massage her. She forced herself together quickly and asked, ‘Where’s Lisa?’  He replied in a calm manner, ‘She called in sick about a half an hour ago, I’m Rob, her cousin. I usually don’t do house calls to women’s houses because they sometimes don’t feel...

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Kate Gets Her Man

This is the first part of a love story. As you might guess from my other stories, I have rather a dark view of love. But please don’t judge the story only by part one. I want to thank Vickie Tern for all the editing assistance. It is a big job and I tinkered with it after she finished. There will always still be mistakes because this is free, and I am no professional. ***** The Montague bar on Capsulate Street was crowded on a Saturday night. When Sergeant Kathryn Keenan and Officer James...

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PropertySex Alexia Anders Gracious BnB Host

Chuck’s the owner of a luxurious bed and breakfast in Hollywood and meets his guest Alexia Anders at the door. Chuck shows Alexia around and she is impressed, but when he asks for the payment, the petite Asian doll realizes there’s been a misunderstanding over price. Alexia makes to leave, but Chuck tells her she won’t find somewhere to stay, and because he is gracious, agrees to let her stay for the rebated price. Alexia is so happy, and to thank Chuck, drops to her knees,...

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Swinger Vacation Day TwoPart One

Jack begins to stir as the early morning light starts to come through the window. He thinks to himself, ‘I really must get a blackout blind for that window.’As he snuggles up to his wife, Anna, in the same position as every morning, he wonders how they manage to do it. No matter what position they’re in when they go to sleep, they always wake up lying on their left sides with his left arm under her neck, and his right arm draped over her body (and invariably cupping one of her delicious, firm...

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How I become a model and more

I never even thought of being a model, ever even with my husband saying I could be a model, I thought he was just being nice. We have been married for 4 years now, and yes I was young when we married but, I loved him with my whole being and couldn't think of being with anyone else. We met when I was in Jr. high school and started dating soon after. I was in grade 9 and he was in 11 and such a dam good looker. We married in July after I finished grade 12. He was working for his dad's trucking...

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Give me your vcardJust A Quickie

------------------------------------------------ Trevor smiles as we quickly scamper into the girl's bathroom much after school, so nobody will see us. With barely a few words, we kiss passionately in the small confines of the stall before I reach down to un-button and zip his jeans. In situations like this, I tend to have a small joking manner to hide how excited I am, so I make a comment about how annoying zippers can be. He puts a little physical pressure on me, telling me...

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Visiting Tom III

Mr. Robinson helped me off the table, and grabbed my pajama pants, and we went to the bathroom. He took off his robe and ran water in the sink. After getting his chest and crotch wet, he put shaving cream on. I watched as he pulled the razor across his chest. He asked if I wanted to help,I said sure. He turned towards me and said to pull his sick a little bit. I reached up and stroked his dick softly and it started to stiffen. That's it,he said. How about squeezing my balls some. Ok,I said....

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Its Practically What Uncles Are ForChapter 5

Hannah's disagreements with 'Left Ward' in general and Dr. Hamilton-Smythe in particular came to a head on Friday of that same week. She was tending to one of her small charges - a tiny, tiny boy - whose not-so-young parents were both present. On Hannah's urging they kept an almost constant vigil. Hannah had come to like them very much and the feeling was mutual. In fact, they adored her. Unlike most of the rest of the staff, the doctor in particular, this sweet and pretty Australian...

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Unexpected VisitorChapter 3

Over the next week, Kerry and I continued acting like teenagers in love. We seemed to be teenagers who had sneaked off to a private love nest, even though one of us was well beyond his teen years. Late one afternoon, Kerry was getting ready to start dinner, and I was working on the computer in my office. The ringing phone startled us both. It was Jim Martin, Attorney at Law. I answered and he asked for Kerry. Kerry nervously took the phone and said, “Hello, Mr. Martin. What can I do for...

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Vicki was barely making it as an interior decorator, struggling with the hardships of trying to run her own business, and she knew that she was not going to make it, already. That thought really saddened her, because she had risked her savings and her efforts on success in this business. She desperately wanted to prove that she was not the failure of the family. Her self-esteem was at stake, and she had little of that to begin with, so this would really hurt. She had gone through several jobs...

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MyDirtyMaid Alexa Vega Porn Makes Housekeeper Fuck

Alexxa Vega was hired to clean Sean Lawless’ house. She was a cute girl from Argentina. Sean immediately started to flirt with her. And obviously he was filming her all the time. Her breasts were wiggling while scrubbing and Sean wanted to see more. He offered 100 dollars if she would clean in her bra. No harm there. She revealed some sexy lingerie. Looked like her panties were sexy as well but hey, we couldn’t really see them. So for another $50 she took off her pants. Now she looked really...

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A twisted tale 8211 1

Why is uncle (mama) sleeping my mother’s (amma’s) bedroom? An introduction. Notes: this is purely a work of fiction. No person(s) depicted in this writing are based on any true known person(s). About the tale: “a twisted tale”, is account of 20 year old amitabhe learning about the secrets of his family. The tale is told as chapters, the focus is not graphical sexual content, the only the thing guaranteed is the originality of these accounts. These are extracts from the diaries of amitabhe. “it...

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Warm Hug Changed Our Life

That meet was an accident but carry forward that relationship is by heart. I never thought that 35-year-old Indian-origin lady, mother of two kids will be part of my life forever.I am Prashant married and father of one kid, age 39, 6ft in height and normal built with 85 kg weight. She is Suman, Gujrathi origin but born and brought up in Africa. I was working in Bangalore, later posted to Africa for two-year assignment, and Suman is an administrator in a spa in that country.During easter holiday...

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Game WorldChapter 11

A hail of arrows slammed into my chest and bounced off my shield as I galloped forward. Fortunately none penetrated my armour or struck my horse so I just ignored them. Instead I pressed onward closing the distance between myself and the troop of Mongol warriors. My target was the lead rider. He had a horse hair plume streaming from his leather cap and he was carrying a curved sword. Based on my first impressions, he looked like the troop leader. Whether he was or he wasn't, he'd be the...

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