The United Kingdom Of Zoo (A Fake BBC Documentary Series)s3e18 - Eden (23) Law Graduate From Bournemouth free porn video

Series 3, Episode 18: Eden Abraham
Fade in on a young woman walking along a beach in a business suit, carrying her sensible work shoes in one hand whilst sweeping long brunette hair from her face with the other. She’s trying to make the walk along the beach look casual, but she’s not dressed for it.
She’s strongly built, filling out her blouse and skirt, wide but not fat, with a big chest. She’s not a stunning woman, but her rounded features and welcomingly thick lips certainly aren’t unattractive either.
She speaks in voice-over whilst on screen she is looking out to sea. The voice is deep with no real regional accent to notice.
“My name is Eden Abraham, I’m a 23 year old law graduate from Bournemouth in the United Kingdom.”
As she speaks we see Bournemouth pier just behind her. It’s a nice day, but the wind still occasionally blows her long hair into her face, which she has to wipe away.
“My great-grandmother survived the concentration camps in Poland. She was an amazing women. An inspiration. She used to tell us stories about the camps, and how terrible they were, about how often she was close to death ... She ended up in a retirement home and went a bit senile. In the last years, when I went to see her she thought I was her daughter, and she would tell me strange stories ... She’d be quiet for a half-hour, then suddenly she tell me a very graphic story about giving an SS officer a blowjob just to get a hot meal ... It was tragic, but she told the story in a funny way. Like she knew it was a terrible story, but she couldn’t resist telling it – and making it as funny as a stand-up routine ... And then she’d be quiet for another half-hour.” She smiles.
“A couple of years ago, I’m sitting with her, and she turns to me, looks me right in the eye and asks, ‘Is pig semen kosher? ... They made me drink it in the camps ... I quite liked it. A little bitter.’ And I didn’t know what to say ... But somewhere deep down inside, I’m thinking about drinking pig-semen...” She looks a little embarrassed.
She drops into an impersonation of her great-grandmother, shaky hands and Eastern European accent, “‘Von time, the Nazi officer in charge of patrolling outside my vorkstation, he had zis big dog ... And he brings it in to me and orders me to have sex with the dog or he would strangle me ... So I get onto ze floor and let Ze dog have sex vit me. I don’t know how many girls he had sex vit but zis dog knew how to do it better zan your father ... Only one time. Never again. Zen the war ended.’ And then she was quiet for an hour. I just sat there thinking about what she had just told me...” Eden looks very reflective. “When I got home, I looked up dogsex and ended up watching a load of videos, anything with a German Shepherd ... I imagined that was the kind of dog the guard had ... I tried to think of her doing it, I’ve seen pictures of her right after the war ... But all I could think of was ME with the German Shepherd, and over the last few years it’s become an obsession. She died a few days before your show came on ... I was so sad, then your show came on after a couple of days and I felt happy for the first time ... So here I am...”
Back to watching her walk on the beach ... This time walking away from us. Still looking prim and proper in her ‘law suit’, but reaching down to slowly inch her skirt up as she continues talking in voice-over...
“I could say that I’m here to honour her memory ... But the truth is, I’m here because it makes me wetter than anything else.”
Her skirt reaches the point that she can flash her backside to us. It’s a big backside, but firm, wrapped in a little pair of red panties, and sitting atop thick but smooth thighs.
We cut to a friendly looking little guesthouse on the seafront. Then inside, to one of the bedrooms where we find Carol, the woman in red, sitting with Rebel, her large, black, long haired German Shepherd. Same dress as last time we saw her, but this time her hair and make-up are her own work. Plenty of red lipstick smeared thick around her mouth. Too much lipstick for some, perfect for others – but she’s going for a really slutty look today.
“My name is Carol, and this is my special friend Rebel.” She says, giving Rebel a rub on the chest. “And we’ve on a mission to pervert sluts up and down the country ... The UK of Zoo gave me the chance to fulfil my fantasies, now it’s my turn to return the favour to the UK of Zoo!”
The door to the room opens and Eden steps in, looking around to take in the room and seeing the waiting woman in red and her big hairy dog immediately. She covers her mouth with one hand as she gasps, half hiding a wide smile. “Oh my...” Then there are tears. “It’s just the right dog...”
Cut to Eden sitting on the bed beside Carol, Carol with her arm around the emotional young woman.
Eden speaks in voice over as we watch the two of them talking quietly. “I didn’t realise until the moment I saw Rebel just how much my grandmother’s story had affected me ... It had become a little wank fantasy for me, I had forgotten want it meant to her ... Then I saw him, and I realised that this was very real, and I was going to do – by choice – the things she was made to do to save her life ... And I felt like a fraud, and ungrateful, and disrespectful, and yet still horny, all at the same time ... Then I felt guilty about being horny ... And I just couldn’t help myself.”
As Carol hugs the crying melancholy Eden and consoles her, she looks up at the camera with a look that says, “I wish she’d stop whining, I want to see Rebel getting into her!” Rebel, meanwhile, is sleeping on the floor, waiting to be called.
Some time later, Eden has got over her initial emotions – dabbing at her eyes with a tissue. They are a little puffy and red, and her make-up is no longer perfect, but she still looks good enough, and we’re certainly still looking forward to seeing her in action.
Carol takes charge – she knows Eden’s backstory and is ready to role-play a little. “Strip off then, Jew ... Nobody came to see you with your clothes on!”
Eden looks up with a start. Shocked at first, then realizing Carol is playing along with her fantasy ... She nods and begins to undress - removing her jacket and draping it over the back of a chair. Then her blouse, leaving the top half of her body exposed. She’s thick set girl. A strong trunk – broad but not fat. Her boobs, almost covered by her long brunette hair, fill out a red quarter cup bra. Little pink nipples poking out above the cups. She’s no stick insect, but she clearly enjoys ordering desert!
She barely pauses before unbuttoning and then unzipping the side fastening on her skirt. Letting that fall away to reveal red g-string panties and elasticated black stockings the stretch to midthigh and highlight a shapely pair of legs and a decidedly un-solicitor-like pair of stiletto heels.
She reaches back and unhooks her bra, letting it fall away and exposing her breasts completely. They barely move when the bra comes off. The boobs themselves are firm and round – real, but young enough to hold their shape.
We take this view in. It’s unmistakably pleasant to look at. An older woman ‘inspecting’ the firm and nicely rounded out younger one.
Eden pauses, a little nervous whilst Carol inspects her – running her hands over the young lady’s belly, patting. “A bit soft!” She states. Then bringing her hands up to those firm young tits. Hefting them for weight, pinching the nipples... “Nice boobs ... At least there’s something good about you then!” Holding the pinch just long enough for Eden to begin wincing, then releasing them. Standing in front of her, in her personal space ... Stroking both hands down her thighs, then running then back up to her buttocks and grasping them ... Very close – almost face to face ... Eye to eye ... Eden seems to be waiting for a kiss, but doesn’t look like she wants one... “Not bad ... Lose the panties, yiddo” Says Carol as she steps away.
Eden reaches down and slips the red panties down her legs, the gusset dragging along her inner thighs, moist and sticky ... She leaves the stockings on.
As soon as she is fully undressed Rebel is on his feet, dancing circles around her with excitement. The young woman looks down at him, more than a little nervous, not sure what to do next.
Carol’s still in control... “On your knees, Jewish swine...” She says, playing the German officer but not even trying to do an accent. “And be happy I brought the dog rather than a pig!”
Eden bows her head and slowly gets to the floor, on her knees, then leaning forward onto her hands.
Carol continues. “Spread your knees, Jew ... And stick that disgusting Jewish arse out. It’s time to see if the dog will fuck you like the animal you are!” A smile flickers across her face, she’s enjoying this.
Rebel immediately goes for her pussy. His dark snout right in there – between the thighs, below the bum. His tongue going to work on her snatch, and her arching her back and gasping at the immediate wave of pleasure that rushes through her. She tries to suppress the smile, she knows she’s not supposed to be enjoying this.
He keeps licking, working the clit, slopping over the lips, slopping inside, between the lips. Fast and hot, and very very wet. She arches her back again, then inverts that arch – arse up, belly down. Her firm boobs heaving and she fights to control her breathing. Face glowing, mouth wide, gasping as the dog pushes her toward a climax ... Carol can read her moves. “Don’t you dare cum, jew. This isn’t for your pleasure, it’s for his!” Eden does he best to control herself, refusing to let herself go...
“As for you,” Carol spits at her dog, “You’re here to fuck her, not eat her...” She pulls Rebel back, then slaps Eden’s firm behind, encouraging the beast to mount her.

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