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I had seen her before at the bar. She was very pretty and a good dancer. But that wasn't surprising. I came to the dance club so often, I was bound to see anyone who showed up more than once or twice. After my divorce, I had moped around a while. But finally, I got back on my feet and started going out again. At first it was just for a drink or two, then I actually started dancing. I had always loved to do it and wasn't bad either. It was a little intimidating to ask a strange woman if she wanted to dance. I mean the rejection rate was high. The good thing it only took one or two to say yes. It wasn't like I was using dancing to hit on women, although occasionally it led to a hookup. Most nights though, I would dance a few hours, have a couple of drinks and then go home. Because of my divorce, I wasn't quite ready for a relationship anyway. This night, I saw her nursing her drink at the bar. They had just started to play some good music, so I said why not her? "Hi, would you like to dance? Sounds like they're going with some good tunes." "Okay, sure. Let's go." We danced about four fast songs. She was good on her feet, very nimble, and seemed really in sync with the beat of the music. As they began to play a slow song, I looked at her. Normally, I didn't do slow tunes, especially with a new woman. I mean they were more for couples to get close to each other, you know? So, I indicated I was going back to the bar for a drink, but she took my hand and pulled me close. She molded her body against mine as we moved slowly in time to the song. She moved her head so she could whisper in my ear. "I really like the way you dance. You move so well in tune to the songs. Most guys don't have that kind of rhythm. You know I've seen you here a lot and I always wondered why you didn't ask me to dance." She let that hang in the air. I knew what she meant, I mean I was white and she was black. So I wanted to clear that up. "Well to be honest, you're such a good dancer, I didn't think you'd say yes. I never had the nerve to ask before tonight." "Well, I'm glad you did. I'm Eve by the way." "Nice to meet you, I'm Donnie." We danced another slow song and by the time it ended, I was a little embarrassed. I was rock hard from the close presence of her body. So I had to negotiate the walk to the bar a little carefully. I ordered us drinks and we talked. I could sense she was a special person. It wasn't just her good looks either. I really hadn't talked this much with any woman I met at the club without going somewhere for sex later, but I wasn't sure that was in the cards. I would love it, but still. Looking at her she seemed out of my league. Eve was about my height, slim body with a small bust but a wide round ass. Her skin was a rich coffee color, her hair was a short Afro style, and her eyes were big and beautiful with long lashes. She was dressed in a nice tight pair of jeans with heels. She wore just the right amount of makeup and her perfume was intoxicating. Overall she was killer. So despite how well everything seemed to be going, I had no illusions about how my evening would end. We danced a couple more sets, ending each one with one or two slow songs. We also drank a few more drinks, more than I usually did. Finally, it was getting late. I was debating what to do next, mentally settling on asking for a phone number. But she beat me to it. "Donnie, this is wonderful. I don't want it to end just yet. I hate to be forward, but how about we go back to your place for a nightcap, or something?' The way she said it made it clear she wasn't after another drink. Smiling, I said sure. I didn't live far from the club, and she told me she'd follow me there. The drive seemed to take forever and I constantly glanced in the rearview mirror to see if her car was still there. At my place, I walked her to my apartment. Inside, I was congratulating myself, not only on getting lucky with such a beautiful woman, but because I had the foresight to clean up my place. I even had fresh sheets on the bed. Once inside, Eve took over. Quickly unbuttoning my shirt, and then starting on my pants, Eve left no doubt what she had in mind. I followed suit as I steered her toward my bedroom. We were both quickly undressed and I got my first good look at her. She was even prettier naked than dressed. I was surprised by her breasts, although small they were very perky with full nipples. Even though Eve was in her thirties, she looked more like a teenager. Her butt was wide and round, and she had trimmed, but not shaved her pussy. She looked delicious. I continued to kiss her, and lightly cup her breasts. She saw the condom on my nightstand and opened it, stroking my cock as she put it on me. Then, after she lay back on the bed, I took one of her boobs into my mouth, kissing and sucking it until her nipple was hard. I then kissed her again. I was going off the formula I always used with women. Although my ex- wife had complained toward the end of our marriage that I made love the same way every time, I knew for a new lady this wasn't a problem. We kissed for a while and then I began the process. I lightly kissed each breast, running my tongue over her nipples and sucking them into my mouth. Then I planted kisses down the center of her stomach, making my way down her body to her pussy. I knew most women liked cunnilingus, so I'd spend some time to make them wet. I ran my lips over hers, kissing and sucking the outer labia first and then the innermost ones. Since Eve had trimmed hair, this was a bit more work than if she were smooth, but I forged on. After a few minutes of this, I sought out her clit. I took it between to lips and flicked it with my tongue and then softly sucked on it. I knew for women this was their most sensitive spot, so again, I spent a few minutes here. I could already feel Eve wiggling, so I knew she was ready for my cock. I stopped kissing her pussy, and moved to position myself fully between her legs. Spread open, I mounted her, driving my cock into Eve's wet pussy. I quickly began to fuck her, moving in and out. I knew I wasn't the biggest guy, so when I plunged all the way inside her, I rotated my pelvis against her. This should further stimulate her clit and help her stay aroused. As I pounded her, my desires took over and I went faster and faster. I was approaching climax now, and focused on finishing. I could feel and hear her response, but I was on auto-pilot. Soon I felt my body lock up as my orgasm swept over me. I shot come into Eve, several times, my cock as far in as I could push it. Finally I collapsed on her. She was still wiggling, and as I began to soften, Eve reached down to fondle my cock. But she couldn't bring it back to life. I could get erect several times in a row occasionally, but not when I'd been drinking. So finally we just settled into each other's arms. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I felt Eve move. She was getting dressed. Looking over at me, she smiled. "Donnie, I'd love to stay, but I got work tomorrow. Thanks for a wonderful time." She kissed me and then made her way out of the house. I was so spent, I just fell back on the bed and was asleep in minutes. The next morning, when I was having coffee, I realized I didn't have her phone number, or even her last name. I really had a good time, and hoped maybe I'd see her again at the club. But as the week dragged on, I started having doubts. Maybe she didn't enjoy it as much as me? If she had a good time, she would have given me her number. Was this just a one-night stand? I mean maybe she thought my performance, only getting hard once, was typical. By the time Wednesday rolled around, I was convinced she wasn't interested. Then when I picked up my mail as I got home from work, there was a small padded envelope in my box. Normally, I only got junk mail and bills, so this caught my eye. I opened it and took out a single sheet of paper, fancy stationary. The writing was almost like calligraphy, very sweeping, perfectly written cursive. I hurriedly read it "Donnie, I had a nice time with you the other night. I sense a lot of potential in you and would enjoy being with you again. If you want to see me, please come to the club on Friday wearing my little present. Kisses, Eve." I was ecstatic. I reached in the envelope and took out her gift. I was immediately dumbfounded. It was a pair of woman's panties. Lace triangles in front and back, connected by two side strings on each side, all in a rich mocha. They felt silky smooth, but looked so small. I just couldn't understand the purpose of them. If Eve wanted to see me, why ask me to wear such an item? I showed no desire for her lingerie when I undressed her, or in any conversations prior to that. I just shook my head in confusion. I went ahead and had dinner, and did a few chores around my apartment, the whole time trying to figure out the meaning of her request. The next couple of days, my thoughts went to it almost constantly. I was dying to see her again, but I was very reluctant to wear her gift. I had tried them on and the panties fit, surprisingly, well. I mean they were snug, but not too tight. I looked funny in them of course, as they were meant for a girl. I was so confused. When Friday night came, I was still torn. But I couldn't pass up this chance. Maybe it was some kind of funny test to see if I was really interested in her? So I put them on, under a nice shirt and pants, and went to the club about 9 o'clock. I knew it was early, but I didn't want to miss her. I sat at the bar, nursing a drink, when about an hour later she came in. Eve looked even hotter than I had remembered. She wore skintight leather pants, a sheer lace top, and sky high heels, all in black. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. When she saw me, she smiled broadly and came to me, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Donnie, I'm so glad you came. I wasn't sure you were brave enough. Buy me a drink, so we can chat." I got her a drink and we talked, but avoided any mention of her present. The words just seem to flow, I loved talking with her. Finally after she finished her drink, she moved in close to my ear to whisper. "So, are you wearing my present?" "Yes, I don't know why you wanted me to, but I did. What's the meaning of it?" "I wanted to make sure you'd follow my requests. Unzip your pants, so I can check to be sure you're wearing them." I moved to face the bar, and discreetly unzipped my jeans. Without hesitating, Eve put her hand down my pants, and lightly felt my cock wrapped in the silky panties. Laughing, she took her hand out. "Oh Donnie, that's not how you wear panties! Especially such tiny ones. But don't worry I'll show you how to do it later at my place. But first I need you to do something else for me. Then we can go, okay?" I zipped my pants closed, while she reached into her purse. Eve pulled out a small item of clothing that looked to be the same lace and mocha color as my panty. She held up, between the two of us, using my body to shield it. I saw right away it was a bra. A small one, with just a couple of lace triangle cups and a thin band and straps. But a bra! I looked at her like she was crazy, but she just smiled and handed it to me. "Now if you want to go home with me tonight, go into the bathroom and put this on. Don't worry it's not big enough to show through your shirt. No one else will see it. But it will show me that you're ready for me. The other night, in bed, you started really strong, but you rushed. I want to take you home, so we can go slowly and I can get you focused. If you want to get me in bed again, go put this on." I hurriedly crumpled up the bra, trying to make it as small in my hand as I could. I could feel my face flush, and I glanced around to see if anyone else had seen it. I couldn't believe Eve was asking me to do this. But I kept hearing her say go back to my apartment for sex. I really wanted it, so swallowing my pride, I got up and went to the men's room. Luckily, the only guy there left as I soon as I entered. I went into a stall and hurriedly put it on. I had a pull on shirt so, that was easy to take off. I hooked the bra in front, spun it around and then put my arms through the straps to pull it up. I had seen my ex-wife do this enough times to know about it. Again, I was surprised at how well it fit. Putting my shirt back on, I was nervous. Was it really hidden? I stepped out of the stall and quickly looked in the mirror. I couldn't see any indentations, creases or signs that I had a bra on under my shirt. By now, I just wanted to go back, get Eve, and leave. So I went back to her at the bar. As I walked toward her, she smiled even wider. She put her hand on my back as I sat down next to her. I could feel her rub across my back, her fingers tracing first the band and then one strap before she removed her hand. I could tell she was pleased. I was about to say let's go, when she asked me to get us another drink. I could see she wanted to test me some more. So I did. We sat there talking, me nervous as hell and she calm and relaxed. Finally after we finished, she looked. "Are you ready to go back to my place Donnie?" "Yes, of course. Let's go." "Hold on, first I want you to know that I expect you to do exactly as I ask, okay? If I want you to do something I expect you to follow through. If I am going to invest more time in you, I expect you to be receptive." "Sure, sure. I'll do as you ask." Eve stood up and taking my hand led me out of the bar. Outside, she told me to follow her car and she'd take me to her apartment. We headed down the road, with me closely behind her. Her place wasn't as close as mine was, so it took some time. But soon, we pulled up to a nice complex. Her place was on the third floor, so we took the elevator up and then went in. As soon as we entered, she turned to me. "Go ahead and get undressed. You can fold your clothes, neatly, and put them on the table by the door. I just want you in your new training clothes whenever you're in my place, okay? If you are going to learn how to really please a woman, you need to follow my lead." I felt awkward, but did as she asked. It seemed so strange to be standing there, in girl's underwear, while she was still fully dressed. I didn't even get excited. I mean, she watched me the whole time, as if I were in an interview. When I finished, I stood there, expectantly. I thought it better if I just waited for her to tell me what to do. "Wonderful, you look so cute in your new outfit. But let me show you the proper way to wear your panties. Pull them down for me, not far, just to mid-thigh." I blushed, but did as she asked. I never imagined having a woman comment on my wearing panties. Once I had them down, she continued. "What I want you to do, is take your balls and push them back into your body. There are natural cavities they can go up into and then you pull your peter back between your legs, tight against your body. While you hold it there, pull up your panty so it will stay where it belongs. Now go on, try it yourself." I did as she described. I was surprised at how easily my balls went inside me, although it was a little difficult to maneuver my panty into place with only one hand. Once I had everything done, though, I looked at Eve, not sure what to expect. She smiled, indicating she was pleased. She ran her hand over the front of my panties, down far enough so her fingers could feel the shaft of my cock between my legs. "Very good. From now on I want you to tuck yourself that way whenever you wear panties for me. It not only gives you a smooth flat look down there, but helps de-emphasize your cock. I've found that men, naturally, focus on their sex organ and their pleasure when they have sex with a woman. Like you did the other night. You started off so well. Once you began to kiss my pussy, you were giving me the kind of pleasure I like, and deserve. But you stopped just as I was starting to respond and moved to put your peter in me. I mean it was okay, buy you immediately focused on yourself, not seeming to care whether I orgasmed or not. That's not unusual for men. So what I want to do tonight, is show you exactly what I want you to do to give me my orgasms. So if you peter is put away, out of sight and uninvolved then you'll be more likely to remain focused on my pussy. That's one reason you'll wear cute girl things for me while I train you. From now on, you're my little girl." I blushed a bit more upon hearing her describe our sex the other night, as I knew she was right that all I focused on was myself. I mean, I made token efforts to keep her stimulated, but mostly it was my cock that I was concerned about. Having explained her plan, Eve took my hand and led me back to her bedroom. She quickly removed her clothes, handing them to me to put in her hamper. Once she was nude she lay back on her bed, her legs slightly spread. I reacted to the sight of her beautiful pussy, spread open, and my cock began to stiffen a little. But given its new position, there wasn't a lot of room to expand. In any case, my thoughts and efforts were soon directed elsewhere. I knelt between her legs, as Eve explained how this would work. "Donnie, I want you to start like you did the other night. Slowly kissing me and working your way to my pussy. Begin at my feet, alternate between each leg, as you go upward. Soft, light kisses will do. Your goal is to begin to excite me. That was one of your saving graces the other night. Your kisses were quite good. It's an advantage to have such big soft lips like yours, most men don't have such a pretty mouth with full lips. Now I'm going to tell you how to use them to please me. Just listen to my instructions and you'll learn what to do." I began to kiss her feet, then legs, and made my way upward until I was kissing around her pussy. Eve was very detailed in her instructions, telling me exactly where to kiss, when to use my tongue, whether to be soft, or hard, and how much time to put into every area. She had me start at the outer edges of her labia, kissing them first, then lightly licking them and finally taking them into my mouth to suck on them. I had never spent this much time on a woman's pussy and I haven't even been inside her vulva. Eve had me thoroughly focused on her labia for at least ten minutes, before she allowed me to repeat the same techniques on her inner labia, at this point, I could smell and taste how she was starting to get excited. But Eve had me go slowly, not rushing at any stage. But she did lead me finally to where I was kissing, licking, and sucking both her clitoris, vagina, and the whole vulva area. I could tell my efforts were appreciated and finally after a half hour she began to really moan, squirm, and react as she approached climax. She was fully lubricated, the touch of my tongue and lips eliciting a steady stream of moisture from her. Eve had a very distinctive taste, spicy and tangy, but with a hint of sweetness. As she fully entered her orgasm, she pressed her pussy tight against my face, my tongue and lips focused on her inner labia and vaginal opening, while she rubbed her clit on me. Hitting her peak, she pressed her thighs against my head, holding me in place while her body was rocked by spasms. When she finally relaxed, she told me to go back to the outer edges of her pussy and lightly begin the process again. My jaw muscles were a little tired and I felt like I had been eating her forever, but I did as she said. I could sense, she wanted another orgasm, so I repeated what she had asked me to do before. Eve was pleased by how well I had learned my lessons, but this time as she began to build her excitement she told me to just focus on her clit. I was to suck on it and lightly flick it with my tongue, changing speeds, pressure, and rhythm in response to her directions. I knew she was starting at a more excited state, but still it took her a while to reach her second orgasm. This one seemed so much more focused and localized, I guess because all my attention was on her clit. When she came, her body shook but she kept her clit pushed tightly against my mouth. Eve began to relax, and I started to move my face away from her thoroughly soaked pussy. Eve stopped my movement with her right hand, holding me near her. "Donnie, don't stop until I tell you. When you begin to please a woman properly, you keep going until she has told you she's had enough. Men get the idea that sex is just one big orgasm, but women can have and really need multiple climaxes. They continue to build, each one more powerful than the last. So I want you to continue to kiss me down here until I say no more. Begin this time, with cat licks. Use your tongue, flat and broad as you can make it, to lap up my juices. Focus on my labia, outside, inside, and over the top. I need you to continue to provide me with sensations, as I can feel my ultimate orgasm building. Just do as I say." By now, I was really starting to feel fatigued. My jaw, lips and even my tongue were tired, sore, and a little raw from the constant movement. But I did as Eve wanted. Her instructions were even more detailed, as I worked her toward her third climax. Each step seemed to be quicker, as she was obviously very excited. Finally as she began her final push, Eve reached out to hold my head, her hands grabbing it between them. With me firmly in place, she began to rub and hump my face. I kept trying to kiss and lick, but she was more interested in generating friction by herself. She moved faster and faster, pushing her pussy hard against me. In the process, she had coated my face with her juices, leaving it slimly and shiny. Eve finally peaked, screaming as she held her pussy tight to me, actually squirting as her body was racked with a tremendous orgasm. Her thighs were tight against my head as her hands still held on. It was like she was being overwhelmed so much that she needed to hold on for dear life. This time, when she finished, her legs, arms and whole body fell away from me, leaving me kneeling there still. Eve whispered that I need to clean her up. To softly lick her to get as much of her secretions as possible. I began to do so, trying to be as gentle as possible. After a few minutes, I heard a contented sigh. She reached down and lifted my chin up, away from her pussy. She was smiling, obviously very satisfied. "That will do Donnie. I knew from the first time we kissed, that those lovely, soft lips would be perfect for cunnilingus. Your face looks so perfect, all shiny from pleasing me. That's a look you'll come to cherish. You did very well. With more training, instruction, and practice you'll be able to please any woman at any time. Is you cock throbbing? Once you've been fully trained it will not only throb, but might even come on its own, even tucked tightly in your panties. But for now, you should be very pleased with your effort. I bet you've never given a woman three orgasms in one night, have you? You can get up now, bring me my robe from the back of the door, please." I got up and brought Eve her dressing gown. By now she was standing up and began to leave the bedroom, with me following. I was happy I had done so well for her, but a little put off that I had gotten no orgasm of my own. As we entered the living room, she went to the table that held my clothes. Picking up the pile, my shoes on top, she handed it to me. Then opened the door. "Donnie, I need to get to bed now. But don't worry I'll contact you very soon for more training. I see you have lots of potential and I've got to keep working with you. Night honey." With a light slap on my butt, she guided me out into the hall and shut her door. I was petrified, looking quickly around. No one else was in the hallway, so I quickly put on my pants and then a shirt. I didn't bother with my socks, and was just putting my shoes on when the elevator door opened. Two young women came out, and I immediately blushed. I knew my face was still covered in pussy juice, and I imagined Eve's scent was all over me. I couldn't look at them, as I made my way to the elevator. After we passed, I heard them whisper and then giggle. I quickly went downstairs and drove home. My head was spinning, as I reviewed what had happened. It was clear Eve was going to control our interactions, as I still did not have her phone number or last name. At home, I was so horny I had to jerk off right away. I got undressed, although for some reason, I left the bra and panties on. I pulled my cock from between my legs and began to stroke it. I exploded after no more than a dozen strokes, cum spurting out and covering my stomach. My tensions released, I got up to take a shower. I made quite a sight, my face covered in dry vaginal secretions and my body covered with my own semen. I just shook my head as this was something I had never imagined. But I was also worn out. I took a quick shower and fell asleep. The next few days were pretty nerve racking, as I waited to hear from Eve. I both wanted her to contact me, but also had some trepidation because of how odd our relationship had gotten. I did go ahead and clean the bra and panty she gave me, doing them by hand as I had seen my ex-wife do hers. The days drug by at work and I was about to give up on Eve, until I found another package in my mail. The envelope looked similar to the one she had sent before. I opened it, half-afraid of what was inside. This time I emptied it all before reading her note. As I was afraid of, inside there were more female items, a pair of dark brown stay-up stockings and a tube of lip gloss. I quickly read the letter Eve had included. "Dear Donnie, I suspect you're getting eager for another lesson in how to please women. Well don't worry if you do as I request, you can meet me again Friday night at the club. First, I love that shiny look on your face when you were done pleasing me. So I've given you a nice shiny lip gloss. I want you to wear it for me and don't worry, it's clear but oh so shiny. Also, I found you so cute in your new bra and panties, I just had to add on to your attire. These are nice silky stockings that should match your lingerie. If you haven't already, be sure to wash you panty and bra set. Then you can wear those and your new stockings when you come to see me on Friday. But first you need to do a little prep. Wearing stockings require certain conditions to make them shine. Sheer stockings are very sexy, highlighting your legs and making them look really cute. But stockings must be worn over smooth legs, legs with no hair, so they look flawless. So if you want to see me again, you need to be smooth. You can wax or shave, but you must be smooth. Since it would look silly to just have smooth legs and hairy elsewhere, go ahead and do it all. I will let you keep a little puff of hair above your cock. I'll let you choose whether you want a little triangle, a landing strip or a cute design, but keep it small. Elsewhere you'll be smooth, including your balls and peter. Luckily for you, you're not the extremely hairy type. Smooth legs do help stockings look nice, but to finish the look, you'll need a sexy pair of heels. I know you've enjoyed seeing me in high heels, the way they curve your legs and elongate them can't be beat. So pick out a pair, something that will match the nice brown look of your lingerie and new hosiery. I suspect you'll have some difficulty walking in heels, so you might be tempted to keep them short, like two or three inches. But I will appreciate the strength of your commitment if you choose a taller heel. Anything above three inches will be send me the best signal. One last tip, you have small feet for a man, so you won't have problems finding shoes in your size. Unless you want to go to a store to try them on first, I think if you go one size bigger than your male size, you'll be fine buying them online. I can't wait to see you on Friday. When you enter the club, I want to see your sexy, shiny lips glowing with your new gloss. Wear your panties, bra, and stockings, and when we go to my house, you can slip on your new heels to show off for me. If you continue to show your commitment to learning to please women, then you'll also get a nice treat. Kisses, Eve." I put the letter down and picked up the lip gloss. I unscrewed the top, pulling out the applicator wand. Just from how it reflected the light, I could tell it would make my lips look wet and moist. Even if it had no color, it would be a very feminine look. Then I looked at the package of stockings. It showed a woman in heels, her long smooth legs looking super sexy. I thought about how exciting my past few dates with Eve had been. But then I shook my head no. She was asking too much. Wearing a couple pieces of lingerie for her was one thing, but buying women's shoes? No. Even worse, shaving my body? No. Walking anywhere with my lips coated in a shiny gloss? No. I couldn't see myself going that far for any woman. Even if she was the sexiest, most exciting female I had ever been with. Just the thought of her perfect body got me excited. But I couldn't do this could I? I put Eve's letter and package down and went to get a drink. I needed time to think. Rather than eat dinner, I had a couple of drinks and ate some pretzels, thinking about my choices. It was true, I hadn't had sex with a woman in some time and I had never been as excited as I was with Eve. I thought about what she was really asking for. After closely looking at it, she was really asking for more commitment from me. Wearing the lip gloss would only be a momentary thing. Something to visibly show her a willingness to do as she asked. If I shaved myself, it would be clear I cared about her and wasn't interested in other women. Also, realistically, it was fall and I wasn't going to wear shorts or go swimming for months. So who besides Eve would see my hairless body? I'd have time to let my hair grow if we broke up. As far as the women's shoes, if I went ahead and ordered them tonight on Prime, I'd have them in time. I had another drink and decided I should at least look and see what was out there. So I logged on, and starting looking at shoe styles. I knew I found the gladiator style sandal sexy, and I soon found a site that had them, in a dark brown leather and on sale. I checked out the heel height - 4 ? inches, should really impress Eve. But could I wear those? The site had a deal, buy one get one free. To be safe, I found a simple black pump with only a four inch heel. Nursing my fourth drink, I decided what the hell? So, I ordered them. As soon as I made the purchase, I thought now it's too late to change my mind. I picked up the gloss, opened the tube, and slowly coated my lips with it. I instantly thought of my ex- wife, as she loved lipstick, especially shiny ones. I glanced at the mirror by the door. My lips were shiny, but clear. At least they wouldn't look like I had lipstick on them. I looked at my forearm. How different would it really be without my light blonde fuzz on it? It took a while, much longer than I thought it would, but by the end of the evening I had done it. I was silky smooth everywhere. I did choose a simple landing strip look, and I had to admit it made me look very feminine. By the time I was done, I had time only to finally eat a sandwich before going to bed. I wanted to try on my new stockings, but decided to just wait until my heels got here. That way I could see the whole image. I was shocked at how nice my smooth legs felt when I slipped into bed. The way they glided over the sheets sent a chill up my spine. The next day, I got up and realized what I had done, I blushed. I knew if I hadn't had a few drinks I would never have had the courage to do it. But now I was glad, I couldn't wait to show Eve. The heels showed up on Friday, so they were waiting on me when I got home. I was truly excited, as I got ready. I decided to take a shower, lightly shaving my face first, then my legs and underarms. I put on the fragrant lotion I had picked up yesterday, after reading a story that emphasized how you must moisture your shaved skin if you want to keep it silky soft. A month ago, I would have never considered reading women's magazines for beauty tips, but now it seemed logical, I mean I wanted to impress Eve. Once I was done, I slipped into my panties and bra. They had been on top of my dresser for days, tempting me every time I walked by. But now it was their time. It felt good, if embarrassing to be safely tucked away, my peter snug between my legs. I slowly worked the stockings up my legs, something I had watched my ex-wife do many times, so I knew how to roll them up, pulling them tightly as I worked the silky nylon up my leg. God did that feel sexy! I knew Eve would like them. Standing in front of my bathroom mirror, I slowly applied my gloss. The light literally bounced off of my coated lips. I laughed inside. Eve was right, they looked like I had just finished licking up her juices from her pussy. I consoled myself that any guy noticing my lips would think twice, once he saw me with Eve. Her sexy body would be justification for anything. I slipped on my pumps first. They fit nicely, which was a relief. I stood up anxiously. I wobbled just standing there. I slowly took a step, holding on to the bed as I did. Another one. Then I made it all the way around to the other side of the bed. I was getting a feel for this. I ventured away from the bed walking toward the full-length mirror on the back of my bedroom door. My word, I looked pretty feminine, at least from the neck down. My body wasn't very curvy, but the bra, panty, and stockings made it look like a girl's. I watched myself as I walked back and forth. I was getting a feel for how to step, how to keep my balance. I had to constantly pay attention when I walked, but I had an idea with more practice, it would soon be second nature. So, I sat down on the bed again, and switched to the higher gladiator sandals. They were a bit tighter and I immediately felt more pull on my tendons from the heels, but I felt Eve would love the look. I took it slow but soon, was walking acceptably. I had another three hours to practice before meeting Eve. I decided to just put on a white dress shirt and walk around the house, get something to eat and practice walking. I imagined how Eve would like how I looked in the shirt, my stockings peeking out. I went about my plan, but after an hour, my feet were hurting. Since I could walk reasonably well, I decided to take them off to rest. I mean, I shouldn't be moving a lot at Eve's place anyway. Soon, it was time to get ready. I decided the shirt was okay, if I wore a blazer over it to help hide my bra. I also picked a looser pair of dress pants rather than jeans, as I didn't want to damage my stockings. I skipped socks, figuring in the dark club the dark hose and a pair of loafers would do. I was excited and anxious as I drove to the Club. This time, Eve showed up early, and we got a drink. She loved my lips, moving her nail around the outside of them, as if she wanted to touch them. I could see she was curious, so I showed her my ankles and she seemed pleased. Pretty soon we headed out. As we pulled into her parking lot, I was getting excited. All the preparation I had done during the week was for this moment. I followed her up the stairs, carrying the box with my sandals in my hands, and into her apartment. I instinctively looked at the table, where I imagined she would want my clothes. I was right, she even had a big shopping bag there. I turned to look at her. "Go ahead Donnie, you know the rules. You can put your clothes in the bag, except for your blazer. I'll get you a hanger for that. You can also put on your training shoes, and touch up your lips. You need to reapply your gloss frequently." While she went for the hanger, I stripped down to my lingerie and hose. Quickly slipping on my heels, I had everything in the bag by the time she returned. I was using the applicator, to put on more gloss and I glanced at her to see her reaction, as she handed me the hanger. Eve was smiling, but was also holding her phone, as it had started to ring. Answering it, she looked at me. "Hold on a minute, okay? Donnie, I have to take this call first. You don't mind doing me a favor do you? I noticed how clean your place was, so you can help me. I left some dishes in the sink. You can help me by washing them up. Everything you need is under the sink, including a pair of rubber gloves to keep your hands soft and aprons to protect your pretty little underthings. I won't be long." While she talked to me, Eve had run her hands over my smooth belly, down over my panties to feel my legs covered in nylon. Her touch sent chills over me. I was surprised at how easily she asked me to help her, but I felt good that she saw how clean I kept my own place. It would be easy to do a few dishes for her. I went to the kitchen, while she sat down in the living room and began to talk to her mystery caller. There were more dishes than I expected, but the supplies were under her sink like she said. There were a couple of aprons, a plain one with a note saying to wear this for washing and a pretty style that was for serving. I looped the apron over my head, and with my gloves on, I filled the sink with hot, soapy water. While the dishes soaked, I checked out her cabinets to see where she kept the rest of her dinnerware. It didn't take long to wash and dry them, putting them away. When I finished, I went ahead and wiped off her counters and the breakfast table in her kitchen. I wanted her to know I cared enough for her, to do a good job. With my chores done, I switched aprons to a cute white eyelet style that covered me enough so my stocking tops were under it. I stuck my head around the corner to tell her I was done, but she was still chatting. Seeing me, she waved me over, breaking her conversation a second. "Donnie, bring me a glass of wine sweetie, there's an open bottle in the fridge. I'll just be a bit longer here, so if you don't mind, you could help me by going through my place and picking up a bit. That's my girl." Eve immediately returned to her phone conversation, not really waiting for me to agree. I could sense she just expected it. So I found the wine, poured her a glass, and took it to her. A curt nod of her head showed her appreciation. Then I began to check out her apartment. Eve was right, there were things out of place everywhere. She had empty soda cans, food wrappers, used dishes, dirty clothes, coats to be hung up, and everything was dusty. I was lucky that I still had soapy water in the sink and I quickly put on my work apron. I let the dishes soak, put her dirty clothes in her hamper, and dug out a feather duster from under the sink. In short order, I had the place looking much better, which I knew Eve would love. Seeing my work was done, I was ready to play. I took off the gloves and apron, checked to be sure my nylons were pulled up, coated my lips with gloss again, and went to see Eve. As I came in the room, she stood up, still talking on the phone. She unbuttoned her jeans with one hand, while she kicked off her pumps. A simple gesture indicated I was to remove her pants. I knelt in front of her and worked them down and off her legs. Another gesture led me to remove her panty as well. Naked below the waist, Eve sat back down on the chair, and positioned her legs over the arms of the chair, spreading her pussy open for me. Another simple gesture and I moved closer, starting to please her using the techniques she showed me last week. I couldn't believe she had me doing this, all the while chatting with her friend. Finally after she began to get very excited, as I had remembered my training well, she ended her conversation, so she could really focus on her rapidly approaching orgasm. As it swept over her, she wrapped her legs around me, pulling me as close as possible. When she began to come down from the sexual peak, she looked at me. "Donnie, I'm so impressed with you right now. Not only are you totally smooth and sexy, wearing my gifts to you, but the type and height of the heels you choose show me how much you value me. Then you go the next step and help me in my home, showing me the care and devotion you're developing. I've never had such a quick learner. You've my best girl so far. Your technique was very good, you obviously remembered what I showed you last week. But now, it's time I teach you a few more lessons. You know sometimes a woman likes to take control, to really guide her own sexual needs. Tonight I'm going to teach you how to surrender to a woman that way. You pour me another glass of wine and bring it to me in my bedroom. Also, don't forget to pick up my things. I expect you to remember these lessons as well, if you want to continue to impress. Oh but put on your pretty little apron before you come back. You'll wear it in my place and it will be a part of your new training attire until further notice." I did as she asked, although it felt a bit humiliating to wear the apron. I reasoned Eve wanted to emphasize my training status a little more emphatically than just having to wear women's wear. I had to admit, it did give me a more polished look, as it complimented my stockings almost like a dress. I put her clothes in the hamper and entered her bedroom, carrying the wine and her heels. I saw her smile when I entered, seeing me in the apron must have pleased her. I put her heels in the closet and moved to her. As she took the wine glass from me, she reached over to caress my nipple through the fabric of the apron and my bra. It responded favorably to her touch. "Donnie I need you to lay down on the bed, on your back, hands above your head near the headboard. Tonight I am going to mount your face. I also want to emphasize your loss of control, so I'm going to tie you in place." Eve's description, especially about tying me up, made my heart race. I hadn't ever done anything like this. Once I had assumed the position she wanted, Eve took a pair of pantyhose softly tied my hands together on the head board. She repeated that to restrain my legs as well. It was pretty clear these were symbolic bonds, as they were not tight enough to really keep me from getting out. With me held in place, Eve ran her hands over me, feeling my hairless, smooth skin. Caressing my legs through their nylons, pinching my nipples under their bra, and reaching between my legs to stroke my peter in its panty. Smiling she told me loved how committed I had become. Being willing to go outside of my comfort zone was the strongest sign someone really cared for you and she was very pleased. Now it was time for her to take full possession of me. This time, the sex would be rough. She was going to grind away on me, using me to achieve the friction and pressure needed to give her this kind of orgasms. If given the opportunity to lick or kiss her sex, I was to do it. I was to listen for any instructions, but tonight it was going to be all her. The next two hours she lived up to her proclamation. Eve found so many ways to rub her pussy on my face, to use my nose, lips, even my chin, to give her what she wanted. I counted three big climaxes, and many small, shuddering type releases, where she achieved some type of emotional peak. Several times, she planted her pussy tightly on my nose and mouth, so that even breathing was difficult. When I could get a breath it was full of her moistness, her scent, her sexual essence. Her motions coated my entire face with her juice, so much that it was slick. When she was recovering from an orgasm, she would positon herself, so I could have full access to her pussy, allowing my tongue to tease her back toward another climax. But the ultimate action to take her over the top, was always from her. While she used me, Eve did constantly praise me, telling me that I was such a good lover, far better than before she began to train me. Finally, after her third big orgasm, Eve reached up and untied my hands. She then turned, a hundred and eighty degrees, so her legs were on either side of my head and her ass cheeks pressed against my face. Looking over her shoulder, she told me it was time for me to learn how to help a woman cool down from a climax. She said any loving man, should eagerly show the woman who he was pleasing that he wanted her more than anything. That he would do everything for her. "Donnie, take your hands to separate my cheeks, so you can use your tongue and lips to softly kiss my ass. I want you to make love to it, but lightly and tenderly. You should be as close to me as you can. I want to feel your kisses of devotion and worship, as my emotions settle down. Now show me how much you appreciate me." This request was totally unexpected. I had never kissed a woman there, never tasted a woman's ass. Eve had made it clear what she expected. So, I took each cheek in hand and pulled them apart. I could see her asshole, covered with her juices, sitting just above her swollen pussy. I reasoned it had to be about the same. I also decided immediately, that I would approach her ass like I did her pussy. So I began by licking and kissing her cheeks, and the cleft between them, as I worked my way to her hole. Eve softly moaned, confirming my strategy. After a few minutes, I worked my way to her opening. Slowly, with a bit of hesitation, I put my lips on her puckered hole and gave it a soft kiss, then another. Taking the plunge I went ahead and French kissed her ass, pushing my tongue in. At first her muscles kept me from making much of a dent, but as Eve realized what I was doing, she reacted by pushing outward. That allowed my tongue to go in, as far as I could reach it. The taste was strong, different, but partly because of all the pussy juice that covered it, not bad. With my eyes closed, I pretended I was merely licking her pussy and not her asshole. I continued to kiss her, running my tongue in and around her. As I removed her pussy juice, her taste became stronger, but now I was too focused to stop. It did hit me what I was doing. Before I met Eve, I would never have considered doing this, for any woman. Now I was trying my best to kiss her asshole, like it meant everything. I felt my face blush as I realized just how submissive I had become for her. Finally, after about 20 minutes, Eve looked over her shoulder at me again. "That will do. That will do Donnie. Time for your reward. You've been so good at learning lessons, I need to let you have something in return." Eve's promise of sexual favors peaked my interest. Since we began my 'training' any sexual release had been through my masturbation after I got home. I was hoping for her to mount my peter instead of my face now, but would gladly take any attention from her. She untied my legs and told me to get up on my knees, head on her bed. I was concerned about this positioning, but did I as I was told. Eve spent a few minutes rubbing my body, running her nails over my skin, as if to highlight how soft and smooth I was now. Then she stepped behind me. Eve reached between my legs to stroke my peter. "Donnie, I just love feeling you like this. It just seems so right and natural now. When you are tucked back, safe and sound, your peter just seems better somehow, don't you think? You know, I think the next thing we should do, is have you tuck yourself all the time, not just when you're with me. I bet the more you keep your little peter between your legs the more you will come to like it. Also, I'm going to have to find a way to make you come with it like this. Then you'll be so much more in tune with your feminine personality. It will be a real improvement. But for now, I'll have to let you out." Slowly and deliberately, Eve pulled my panties off my ass, down to my thighs, allowing my peter to drop down, although my balls were still inside of me. She reached between my legs from behind to stroke it a couple of times. Her touch felt like magic, and I began to get erect immediately. I looked backwards under my body, as she fondled me. The sight of her pumping my peter, and the feelings from it, made everything she had asked of me worth it. But she stopped, leaving me throbbing. I could see her walk along the bed and she opened a drawer from her nightstand. What she took out, made me shudder. It was a thick, long dildo, with a big cock head and realistic balls at the base. I watched, stunned, while she squirted some lube on it, stroking up and down as she had done my peter. Smiling, she saw me looking. "Isn't it beautiful? I love big cocks, there's just something about them. So I keep this around, since most guys don't really have anything like this. I thought you'd like to feel what it's like to take this in you. Now I know you're likely a virgin when it comes to your boy pussy, so I'll take it easy and use lots of lube. I'll also stroke your pretty peter so you will truly associate the feelings of this cock with pleasure." Eve moved back behind me. I felt the cold lube gel on my asshole, as she squirted a big glob on it. My legs started to tremble and my peter was getting soft. The idea of that monster cock entering me was scary and not at all erotic. I was trying to prepare myself for it, when I felt another cold shock on my peter, but it was followed by the warm touch of Eve's hand. She put some lube on it and resumed stroking me. Once again, it got hard as the slick lube allowed her hand to easily slide up and down my shaft. Her masturbation distracted me, until I felt a hard presence at my asshole. Eve had positioned the dildo at my opening. She slowly began to push and I, just as slowly, began to open up. As Eve forced her dildo into me, she continued to masturbate my peter. The distraction was working, as it made its way inside. I felt the pressure on my asshole, as the muscles were tensed up, but the lube helped the big head of the dildo finally slip past the ring of muscles. With the head inside, the smaller shaft kept me open, but not painfully so. Eve was able to continue to fill me with the huge dildo, matching her pushes into me with her stroking of my peter. I had to admit, after several weeks without her touch, this was becoming erotic despite my hesitation about the anal play. What really flipped the switch was when she began to pull back on the dildo and then set up a regular in and out. Eve matched her play with my peter with her play with my ass, so that I was now getting overwhelmed by sensual feelings. Eve took this opportunity to quiz me about how I had prepared for her. Where I had gotten my shoes, how I had selected the narrow landing strip, whether I had shaved it all, or waxed some areas, she asked about almost everything. My answers were generally short, as I was almost breathless from her attentions on my peter and ass. But I did elaborate occasionally. Eve seemed very pleased when I admitted I actually bought two pairs of heels. She told me that was a good sign, as for most women, shoes were a big part of their identity. The fact I wanted to have more than the minimum was an excellent sign. Finally, she seemed satisfied with my responses and began to focus full force on her manipulations of me, increasing her pace when fucking my ass and fondling my peter. When her dildo began to rub against my prostrate, then it was only a matter of minutes before that and her manipulation of my peter, caused me to climax. I had my head buried in a pillow as my body twitched. I shot stream after stream of come, the apron draped below me catching it. When she saw me coming, Eve giggled. "Feels pretty good, doesn't it? I knew you'd love it. Every girl loves a big cock, once you get used to them. You've certainly earned this reward for how well you've accepted your training, Donnie. I am so happy that you've embraced the idea of learning to really please a woman. Many men can't or aren't willing to put their partner's pleasure above their own. But once you make that commitment, you'll find that your pleasure will be even better in the end. Now, you need to go get cleaned up. Rinse out your come from your apron before it stains. You can take it home for a real washing. I want you to wash off my cock. We need it ready for the next time. Finally write down your email address, I need to send you a couple of links." Eve had left the massive dildo buried in my ass, so it was awkward making my way to the bathroom. I had to hold it in reaching around with my hand. Pulling it out, was almost as bad but holding it in my hands to clean it, as if it were a man's cock, was the worst. But I did as she asked, also wiping the lube off my body. When I returned, she had wrapped up in a robe and I could tell it was time for me to leave. I put the clean dildo back in her nightstand and followed her out of the room, carrying the wet apron. She told me to get a plastic bag for my apron from the kitchen and again, I did as I was told. When I returned to the living room, Eve was holding my blazer open, and helped me slip it on. She then gave me my gloss, watching as I slowly coated my lips. As before, she handed me my bag of clothes and with a quick peck on my cheek, ushered me out into the hallway. I felt totally exposed now, even with the blazer. It covered my bra and panty, but the stockings and heels put me on display. I was torn about what to do. Should I try to change in the hall, or just hurry to my car? I fumbled with the bags a second, but then I just wanted to go. I went down the elevator and with a quick glance around, scurried to my car. Once safely inside, I drove to my apartment complex. After parking I slipped on my pants and changed shoes before going upstairs. By the time I was inside my apartment again, I was beginning to feel some relief. My ass sill throbbed, but I was hard again. So I undressed and lay back on the bed to quickly jerk off. My second orgasm of the night wasn't as good as the one Eve had given me, but it did relax me. A relaxing shower and I fell asleep wondering where this relationship would lead next. I woke late the next day, stumbling my way to get some coffee and then breakfast. As I thought back to last night, I realized I had crossed boundaries I had never thought of before. Allowing her to tie me to the bed, emphasized how submissive to her I was becoming. The range of anal play, from my kissing hers to her fucking mine, was something I had never imagined doing. But it was over. I suspected the next training sessions would focus on something else, perhaps improving how I used my peter to please her pussy. I knew whatever it would be, it would be exciting. I noticed I had been on a sexual edge ever since I met Eve. I saw no reason for that to stop now. I remembered she had asked for my email address and I opened my laptop to check. Sure enough, there were a couple of messages from Eve. My first real way of corresponding with her. The first email was loaded with praise about how sincere I had become. Eve acknowledged she was asking me to do things that were unusual, for a man, but she felt that my acceptance of her requests was the most sincere form of admiration there was. She loved how I had been able to give her multiple orgasms, it was among her best sex ever. She also liked how I had remembered my training techniques without any prompting from her. That kind of retention was going to be very important, because to be the best sexual partner for a woman, I would need to be able to please her without being told what to do at every step. She wanted it to be instinctual for me and was sure I could do it. Eve praised my enthusiasm for her 'calming', telling me that no man had ever plunged so deeply into her, nor shown such an eager willingness to prove their devotion. She ended the email by telling me not to be hesitant to embrace the next steps. Those steps were described in the second email. First she gave me a couple of links, to online sites where I could purchase more feminine things. Eve told me that my willingness to wear women's items, to voluntarily subdue my masculinity was such an important step in proper training. Only by embracing my inner girl, would I be able to put a woman's needs first and foremost. I would then reap benefits beyond my wildest dreams as a reward. I had signaled my willingness to take these steps by buying more than one pair of shoes. So, to help me reach this peak, I was to acquire more items. She wanted me in a new outfit every time we were together. She also wanted to wear women's things all the time. If I wore a pretty pair of panties, a sexy bra and silky hose under my clothes all the time, then I would be comfortable with them. Eve stressed that I should look at other lingerie options, too. A cute garter belt, a body-shaping briefer, even an old-fashioned boned girdle or corset, would signal a broader embrace of femininity. She wanted me to accept wearing women's things as a natural state for me during my training. Beyond clothing, she wanted me to accentuate my personal femininity. For example, it wasn't enough to be tucked when we were together. I should embrace putting my peter in a proper place, all the time. That way I would be smooth and flat in front, like a girl. I would elevate my sexual desires to places other than just my peter. I was already accepting my mouth and even my face as suitable sex organs to please women. The more I put aside my male organ, the easier it would be to please others and myself too, with alternatives. To this end, she wanted me to consider enhancing my female appearance. A nice wig, breast forms, even cosmetics would not only make me look more like a woman, it would help me think more like a woman, which in turn would help me please women better. It was an all reinforcing cycle. So, she had included a discrete site for crossdressers that would be able to give me the right kind of accessories. Her email spelled out specific cosmetics, by brand and color that suited my skin tone. I could also order these online. Eve made it clear. I should be bold. Just like the heel height I had chosen to wear, I should look for a sexy wig, bright cosmetics, and most importantly, breast forms that would give me a real bust. I cursed myself inwardly for being so eager to please her with the shoes, with the lip gloss, with everything. Why did I find her so magnetic? I mean after the first date, we've not even fucked. Sure she's gotten lots of orgasms, but I've only had the one. And for that one, I had to let her rape my ass. It still buzzed from that big dildo. Although, if I was being honest, I would admit it was among my most memorable orgasms. Now, to continue, she wanted me to basically become a woman, at least appearance wise. I quickly looked over the rest of her email and then looked at each site in her links. The images of beautiful women in sexy, lacy lingerie stirred my desires. But I had to remember, it wouldn't be Eve in these wispy bits, it would be me. The crossdresser site was even worse, because I knew the beautiful feminine images were really men, like me. Or at least formerly like me. Now if I did what Eve wanted, I would look like them. The choice of breast forms was mesmerizing. So many options, sizes, and styles. I had never considered nipples and areolae separately from breasts. But I could select what kind I wanted, color, shape, and size, to make the perfect breast form. I had to think about all this. So I closed my laptop. I needed some fresh air. Maybe I'd go for a run. I started to get ready and realized, it was too warm to run in sweats and if I wore shorts, then my smooth, hairless legs wouldn't be hidden. But I needed to think and burn off some stress, so what the heck. No one ever noticed me anyway. I changed and headed out the door for a nice leisurely run. I passed a few people, but I didn't see any reaction to my smooth legs. The more I ran and thought about it, I realized most people don't really care or even notice details like that. Unless they're close to you. And for me, the only one close enough now, was Eve. So by the time I got back home, exhausted because it had been weeks since I ran this far, I knew what I was going to do. I had thought out a plan. I definitely wanted to continue this relationship, odd as it was, with Eve. I also wanted to impress her as much as I could. So, all out was the only way to go. I knew my first decision would be what size of breast form to get. I saw they ranged from a cute little mound, an A-cup type, to super large. I found myself drawn to those that would produce a D-cup size look. My ex-wife had large breasts and I had always liked how they looked in lingerie. I knew Eve would like me going big, but it had a high risk factor. She had mentioned me wearing lingerie all the time. What if she included breast forms in that request? I could hide A- or even B-cups, but something like a D-cup would be seriously visible to everyone. But there was one style, with full areola and a nipple that projected an inch above the form, that I thought looked perfect. It came in my skin tone and could even be glued onto my chest, if Eve wanted that. So I put that in my cart. But before buying it, I wanted to see what kind of bras, colors, styles, etc., could accommodate a D-cup breast. To my relief, the sites to which Eve gave me links, had a wide range of bra choices for D-size breasts. The more I looked the more I was convinced that was me, or more accurately, the new me. Selecting my new attire I decided to mix up my look, but meet what Eve had asked for. Some were straightforward choices. I wanted each bra to have matching panty, both color and style. I wanted them to be very feminine, with lace, ribbons, bows, sheer panels, and as much feminine frill as available. Pretty colors too, not just white, black or beige, although I would have at least one of those as well. Surprisingly, I found once I started putting together my lingerie trousseau, it was hard not to buy a lot. I was becoming enamored with the idea of being a sexy girl for Eve. But I forced some restraint, deciding seven bras, one for each day, would do. I might have more than one panty for each bra, but that was my baseline. I had in mind what I would wear day to day, under my clothes, to please her. Bra, panty, and pantyhose would meet that minimum. So I selected a half-dozen pantyhose, in both tans and blacks. I figured when I was with her, stockings would be my choice, as I felt they were much sexier. Even though she had gotten me a stay-up style, I didn't like the feel of the tight bands on my thighs, so I figured old-fashioned style stockings would be better. That meant buying something with garters, either a sexy garter belt, maybe a longer-style bra, like a merry widow, or some other sort of shapewear. Once I began to look, I saw a wide range of options. Once again, I had to resist the urge to overspend. I eventually limited my picks to items with garters, that each matched a bra and panty combo. I chose two garter belts, a wide waist-cincher, a longline bra, a control panty brief, and a long-leg girdle. I imagined wearing the girdles under my regular clothes, the long-leg would be great over pantyhose, if I used it without its removable garter tabs. Once I had decided to do this, I wanted to really show Eve how much I embraced it. These kind of extras I hoped would pay big dividends in the bedroom. I could see her letting me fuck her again, of course after I properly warmed her with a few oral orgasms. I knew at her place she would expect me in heels as well, so I went to the site where I bought my first heels. I soon had another half-dozen pairs in varying colors and styles, the only constant being heels of at least 4 inches in height, in my shopping cart. From her reaction to my first pair, I knew she'd love that look. Maybe Eve was on to something about me, because I loved looking for shoes to buy. It was harder to limit my selection of these than lingerie. Once I had the items in the shopping carts, I looked at the total cost. It was high, but I had expe

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Swingers Date Club aka SDC Swingers aka! Not every website that you visit in order to feed your endlessly lustful appetites has to be an orgiastic smorgasbord of whores and porn and all-out fuck fests with anal gaping and deepthroating and double penetration galore. Consider for a moment that you might take some time out of your day to become a little more enlightened about sexuality. Have you ever stopped to consider that possibility? That you might educate yourself on the nature of...

Hookup Sites
1 year ago
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TS Dates! One of the great things about being the internationally famous Porn Dude is that bitches always want my cock. I find it when I’m out and about, and I also find it online, and I always want it with no strings attached. Speaking of strings attached, the broads on this dating site come with that extra bonus bit dangling between the legs. Yes, ladies and gentlemen and shemales of all fuck-legal ages, is exactly what it sounds like.The header on TS Dates calls it a Premium...

Hookup Sites
3 years ago
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My Journey to being a man's date! Oh, gosh, how do I begin! I am 23, handsome (cute for a guy, I guess), engaged to a sexy woman, who is both feminine and strong. My girlfriend Karen works the night shift as a nurse in a large metro hospital. She works from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM 5 days a week. During the day she sleeps to noon and then religiously works out in the afternoon at the local gym. She was so serious about her health and body, that she recently took on a women instructor...

2 years ago
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Before stepping to the podium, Annette looked into the eyes of her wife and remembered so much. Their first meeting was certainly unusual. Getting hit on usually doesn’t involve a car, a hit-and-run accident, and waking up with a beautiful girl holding your head in her lap as the ambulance arrives. The weirdest part was not having to tell her about your nature because she could see it plain as day, breasts and a cock didn’t tell the whole story, but it was nice not having to hide anything or...

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Two grandmothers help a young man realize his dreams. This is a following story to my earlier story, 'By the Book', and uses some of the same characters, but is set in the present time. UPDATE ? by: Geneva "Bye Honey, see you at suppertime," I said, as I offered my lips for Roy to kiss me. He put his hands round my waist and squeezed me, stroking my back. "I feel guilty leaving you here, Ellen. It's such a nice day. Do you want to go out for a drive instead?" I shook...

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Sir has told me that we will be going out to dinner tonight, and to take particular care as I dress for the occasion. We've been seeing each other casually for a few weeks now; he has told me that tonight was to be a special occasion, and that he had a surprise for me. After I bathe I carefully shave my labia smooth, leaving just a small patch at the very top. As I begin to choose my outfit for the evening, I'm filled with conflicting emotions. There is no question that I'm attracted to...

3 years ago
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Copyright © 2000 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author. Pam waits for my arrival anxiously while she prepares my favorite dinner. She can't believe this is the day we are finally going to meet. We've been waiting for this day to come for months but it felt more like a lifetime. The ringing of the...

2 years ago
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my gangbang

OK. I have always dreamed of being gangbanged but never dared try. Last Weds I invited two male friends over for drinks and fun. My husband is away! They asked me to dress up which I did, black leather jacket, panties, and stockings. Then we went upstairs where I stripped ( see pic) and bent over a chair. During the session, the doorbell rang and the friend I was blowing said he'd take care of it. I was being fucked and vaguely heard laughter and voices from below. Just as I came, the door...

1 year ago
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The Debt

Sara was just sixteen when her father took her to a big house on the hill. When they went in he told her "I need you to help daddy. I am in trouble and only you can save me." Sara told him "Yes, daddy I will do anything for you. I love you so much." They were taken to the library and a very powerful man sat there. "I have brought my daughter and she is willing to help me out of my trouble." The man stood and looked at the daughter. "Undress her. I want to see what I am getting. Strip her naked...

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Ultimate Makeover

ULTIMATE MAKE OVER BY PAUL G JUTRAS Sitting in a large CEO office, Chris Dixie sat with his back to the office door and the phone up to his ear. He stared out the large picture window at the city that stretched out as far as one could see. With a nervous voice, he swallowed hard and turned to hang up. "I hope this works." Chris muttered to himself. "If not, my company will be ruined." "Barbara, can you come in here?" Chris spoke into the intercom. "Please bring me some...

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My wife and our new neighbor part six

It was 6.15am when I got a text from my wife, asking me to go over and kiss her before I went to work. I was met at the door to Chris’s house by Jason and he called me inside.As we walked up the stairs to the bedroom, he told me of his night with my wife.“Man, I fucked your wife hard last night,” Jason smiled, “I was still fucking her at two o’clock this morning.”“I bet she is tired,” I replied.“She probably is,” Jason smiled, “I found out that she likes her clit bitten as well.”"Oh, I didn’t...

1 year ago
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Life is strange. Just when you’ve got a handle on things, when you can finally see the path ahead – everything you’ve taken for granted seems to vanish in the pure light of day. Paradigms shift, leaving you breathless and unsure of yourself. Your children grow up and leave to begin a life of their own. An uncle you hardly remember leaves you his prized Bill Evans collection – on vinyl. Your wife bails on you for no apparent reason, then you find out she was fucking your best friend. Your friend...

3 years ago
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Patriarch 2

FOREWORD This story, Patriarch 2, is the technical third adventure set in the Patriarch world. Its’ predecessors, ‘Patriarch’ and ‘Patriarchal Deception’ featured the women of the Hunter Patriarchy (or whatever you named your MC) ‘Patriarch 2’ is different in that it establishes its’ own characters and doesn’t rely on the Hunter Patriarchy. There was a failed Patriarch project called ‘Patriarch: The New Law’, I think, but I didn’t like the direction I’d ended up taking it. Which brings me to...

2 years ago
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Atarahs MoonChapter 3

Onboard the Cecilia Payne, collision alarms broke through their lovemaking, Atarah still hanging onto the handrail as Jabin pulled away. They had never gotten into the shower, nor even eaten breakfast. “Pilot, report,” Jabin barked. “There has been a collision affecting Drive Pod.” “Relay,” Atarah asked as displays flooded her mind via her BCI. Jabin tapped the feed, and together they examined the data, though Pilot had already traced the faults and highlighted. With a touch, Jabin...

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Made to Do All DoneChapter 2 Troubles and More Troubles in the Red Desert

A commotion and strident voices outside, enticed everyone but Lieutenant Halke to investigate. A first sergeant and two corporals, plainclothes military police, were holding irate “citizens,” in the town center square. Plainclothes may be a misnomer as they were dressed like extras in a cowboy movie, complete with revolvers in quickdraw holster rigs. One corporal carried a lever action carbine and the other, a double barreled shotgun. Period pieces. All three wore MP arm bands. “What’s the...

1 year ago
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My family tradition

I come from a town in India… We have a barber a hair salon, a small restaurant, a nick knack and used furniture store as well as a saloon where all the locals hang out. Most everyone in our family is related. I will explain later in the story. I am laying here in bed contemplating my life and wondering what my future is going to be. In some ways from a sexual point of view, it has been good and in other ways, you may say terrible. My name is Betty Jo, I am 18 and most men think I am pretty or...

4 years ago
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Payback Can Be A Bitch short story

There was this hot little bitch named Missy that I used to go to high school with that thought she was such hot shit. She wouldn't give any guy that didn't drive a BMW the time of day, even though she lived in a trailer park herself. We all used to fantasize about her and there were a lot of us that used to jack off to just the thought of her magnificent tits.Well, the years go by and we all get on with our lives and pursue our own careers. I just happen to have gotten very lucky and made my...

2 years ago
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Me And My Sexy Bhabhis

Hi folks, I am Rajiv, 24 yrs aged and I live in Tamil Nadu. I would like to share my great sexperience with my brothers’ wife. I have two elder brothers and both are married. My elder Bhabhi is Punya, she is 26 yrs old and have two girl kids. Punya bhabhi is fair, cute and bubbly with coconut boobs and round ass. My younger bhabhi is Seema, same age as mine. She is slim, fair but has a good body shape. She has a baby boy. Both my brothers are outside the country. So in my home my bhabhis with...

1 year ago
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WTF can we expect on Damp Lips? There are so many fucking porn sites on the internet; it can be almost impossible to choose just one. Well, the good news is that you don’t have to! A lot of the reviews you’ll find on my site condone looking through the maze of porn sites out there and picking a few go-to websites for the most efficient fap sessions possible. I guess I assume that you all probably have lives outside of porn. But maybe you don’t. Perhaps I’m giving you too much credit. It’s not...

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My naughty sister

100% fiction! So this all happened on a Tuesday night, my sister who is in her 18 had been left alone. I went to go visit my mom, when I got to her house she had just left with her friends. My sister had been left alone. As i knocked at her door I was able to smell the smoke of weed and some alcohol. So i didn’t know she was into that, as I talked to her I saw some pills on her bed, I asked what those were and she said they were x-pills. She was completely fucked up. As i continued talking to...

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First and Ten Part 6

First and Ten; Part 6 Webster defines paranoia as an irrational distrust of others. Since the events of the past few weeks had provided me with more than my fair share of well grounded reasons to be distrustful of others, I could claim with a high degree of confidence that I wasn't paranoid. Still, that didn't keep me from acting like someone who was. Even Emma wasn't free of suspicion as she behaved the following day as if there were nothing more exciting going on in my life than...

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Cost of a Cosplayer

Authors Notes: Some inspiration has been taken from the convention branches of Sexual Privilege and The Rulebook, but I am definitely taking things in my own direction. There are a few places where you can have weird continuity jumps if you don't have Game Mode on, so I'd recommend turning it on. I've tried to make it work as well as reasonably possible if you don't, but that only goes so far. Feedback, suggestions, and chapter submissions are all welcome. Comments help motivate me and chapters...

1 year ago
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The Bachelor

I’m a single bloke living the dream of bachelorhood I have my own place a 2 bed apartment in town I have a good job and lots of friends, who like to go out every weekend for a night on the town then headed back to my place to finish the party. I have to say that I have enjoyed been single as I have gotten laid often by many women, I’m not boasting but I’m a good looking bloke who looks after himself I play for the local football team. I’m six foot tall with tanned skin I have black hair and I’m...

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Soul SearchChapter 12 Discovery

A light mist of rain enticed Karen to use the wiper blades as she drove back to Elisabeth's house in one of the more expensive Neighborhoods of McNeil. Their mutual silence during the short trip from the restaurant was occasionally interrupted by the shifting of gears and revving of the engine as Karen stopped and started at traffic lights. She pulled up to the house and quickly got out to open the car door for Elisabeth. The rain had stopped only minutes before and the first smell of...

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Naughty Wife Fucks Husbands Friend

When I showed up at his house, he was surprised I was there. He didn’t think I would really come. He looked hot standing there only in a towel. He had just gotten out of the shower. I walked in the kitchen and I couldn’t contain myself. I took the towel off and his nice cock was already hard for me. I wrapped my hands around his cock and dropped to my knees. I wanted his cock in my mouth. I flicked my tongue on the tip of his cock. Then I slid that nice hard cock all the way in my mouth. He...

Wife Lovers
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The Princess and the HoundChapter 2

“Katharina Bucher!” her father yells, dropping his keys into the bowl on the little stand by the door. “Just how many times do you plan to disobey me?” Even though she was just in the throes of one incredible orgasm, her father showing up and yelling quickly shuts off the valves. “I don’t know, Daddy,” she puffs, climbing off her boyfriend. “Maybe because I want to do what I want to do with who I want to do it with.” “And who is it this time?” Silas asks, his eyes boring into her. But he’s...

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MyFirstSexTeacher Mercedes Carrera 23565

Professor Mercedes Carrera is horny; that’s what it boils down to. And the fact that it’s late, and her teaching assistant Rion is still in her classroom with her when nobody else is around, gives her a bright idea: get laid. She already knows that Rion’s the type who hasn’t been with many girls – if any – and there’s just something about him that appeals to her. Next thing you know she’s closing and locking the classroom door, and unbuttoning and unzipping...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 69 Going Home

That was basically the end of the craziness. From Chicago we flew home for a long weekend. Monday, we flew back to New York, and I went on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, which proved interesting. Stewart was on the liberal side of the spectrum, but he always showed a lot of respect to the soldiers even as he crucified the politicians who got us into Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of the interview was the standard questions, but at the end he asked me something nobody else had asked. Stewart:...

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Meeting the Boss

I love reading these stories and always wanted to have an experience worthy of submitting. Before I get started let me introduce myself. My name is Kellie. I’m 24 yrs old, 5’5”, 119 lbs, with a 34c-24-34 build, and a firm round butt (not too big), topped of with medium length, dirty blond hair. I have been married for 3 yrs to my husband of 31 yrs. David is 6’00” tall and fit, a hard worker and a good husband, who also has a cute butt. We had just moved to the panhandle of...

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Vivid Memory

In the early fall of 1953 an incident lasting from the dark of Midnight to the predawn hours remains my most vivid, graphic, and lasting memory. It needs no embellishment, rather, needs be be believed as stated, for tis a true memory, tho seems to this day, the fantasy of my fevered mind. On the ranch in Wyoming, where I grew up, we separated to ewes in first “season” to keep them from being bred too early, as they are just not mature enought to carry to full term ,and the mortailty rate is...

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Our wedding anniversary with BEST MAN Brett

Our anniversary with the BEST MAN BrettI was excited when Agness and I both were invited to Brett's for our anniversary. I wasn't sure if I was to be invited tonight. I know that Brett likes being alone with my wife Agness. Maybe my watching the Best Man take my wife and her making me clean and suck him on my wedding anniversary was why I got the invite. For whatever reason, I was grateful. There is nothing better than a night with Brett doing whatever he wishes with my wife and I.We had...

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Paid to do a job

Stella and Harry Brown had tried for a baby and after a while she decided to have a fertility test, all the results were fine. She took a few days to work up the courage to tell H as he was a proud man. Quite deflated he agreed to see the doctors and went through the embarrasing test at a clinic. Sperm count so low there was no way he would ever father a child. He took a job abroad with his oil company job, Stella and H got on quite well in the ex pat community. But loads of their friends had...

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The Bad Gatsby

Did you ever read the book "The Great Gatsby"?  Or see the film?  There are parallels with my story.  Like Jay Gatsby I'm a self-made man, working my way from poverty to amass a considerable fortune.And like Gatsby, my motivation came from a woman.  But while his driving force was the love of debutante Daisy Buchanan, mine is fuelled by hate, the venomous hate I have for one woman.  Consider me The Bad Gatsby.You see, I went to one of those preppy up-state dorm colleges where the girls all wear...

4 years ago
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Bianca Paragon Part One

Foreword: Dear Readers, I wrote this story nearly 20 years ago. Now, thanks to my new French friend Avaro Le Banni, who searched his archive and forwarded a copy to me, I am pleased to post Bianca Paragon here. The story has four parts and this is only the first. The rest will be posted shortly. - Best wishes, Toxis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIANCA PARAGON A Tale Of Love...

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My Night With Stunning Blonde Charleigh

had a amazing night with this girl i always wanted to talk to on karaoke nights i run .Luckly met her this night she was wasted enjoy real story FIRST LET me begin in saying hello im new ive a amazing story to tell about my best night ever .I Was doing a kareoke function in glasgow when a stunning girl drunk as can be caught my eye .ive done few functions here and seen her before as the night got on i asked could i take couple of pictures of her as she was very drunk these...

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Spanking Service for a Housewife 3

"Last time you gave me the last bit while I was bent over the coffee table and my husband really seemed to like that. Would you mind doing them all that way this time?" she asked. With visions of the daughter in that position still fresh in my mind and remembering how good the mother looked last time, I didn't hesitate to agree. She stood between me and the table and spread her creamy legs a little more than shoulder width apart then, keeping her legs straight, she bent at the waist and...

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LoveHerBoobs Arabelle Raphael Tits Tats and Palm Trees

Doing ranch jobs requires not only physical strength but also proper attire. As such, Isiah Maxwell is taken aback when the new applicant for his ranch, Arabelle Raphael, comes to apply while wearing a fishnet top with long sleeves and tight skinny jeans. Despite having second thoughts, Isiah needs an extra pair of hands for his ranch, so he decides to talk with Arabelle. During the interview, Arabelle volunteers to show Isiah her skill sets. She takes off the handsome hunk’s cowboy hat...

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Cousin Sister Ko Ladki Se Aurat Banaya

Hi all Indian sex stories readers and this is Sujit [SUZI] from Poona. I am regular ISS reader but sharing my own experience first time so please koi mistake ho to maaf kar dena. I am a 24 years old guy and this incidence happened to me when I was 22 years old. Me apna graduation complete kar raha tha aur ofcourse jawani ke maze lena chahta tha. Muze wo mauka diya meri cousin sister “Kamya” ne. Ye un dino i baat hai jab mai apni vacation spent karne apne uncle ke ghar Mumbai gaya tha. Mere...

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Pennies Underwear re edited

At a fairly young age, I discovered the magic of humping my mattress. It’s doubtful that I was truly aware of what I was doing, but I distinctly recall thinking that I’d pissed my sheets the first few magical times I brought myself to orgasm. My little ‘discovery’ turned into a daily event, and it never occurred to me that as a rule, my mother did the laundry every week, and no doubt that my stained sheets clearly announced my evolution into full-blown puberty. Thankfully, she never brought it...

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Wagons HoChapter 15

May 11, 1845 We made another fifteen miles today. We should be getting close to the South Platte crossing. Ab and I have talked about what I need to be looking for to find it. We didn't hear anything from or about Ellen and Gill today. If we don't hear anything tomorrow, I'll talk to them again. May 12, 1845 I woke up between two beautiful naked women again today. One of them was NOT Tess. In fact, Tess wasn't even in the wagon. Both Millie and Lettie were snuggled up to me and I had...

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New Years BabyChapter 5

I didn't exactly sign a contract in blood with Georgia that afternoon, but when we parted, there was a tacit understanding that she would begin a campaign of seduction (openly advertised at home) while I continued to attempt to connect with Charlotte (aka "Mother"). If I could get Charlotte Hamilton actively interested in me as a boon companion, if I could get her involved enough with me to afford me an actual shot at earning her affections, then Georgia would quickly subside. She even...

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07 Home 2Chapter 75

Present – Ben – through Leadville on Highway 24 I change direction once again, turn from the north to the west and head toward highway twenty-four which will take me through Leadville. I'm glad I left the feeling of being watched behind me, however it doesn't last long because once I hit highway twenty-four and enter Leadville everyone is pointing and looking at me because I'm still wearing the chemical hazard suit. I know what I look like: I look like Dusting Hoffman when he was in the...

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Their StoryChapter 2

She sat up, she remembered that after falling asleep she woken up enough to feel him move. She thought he was getting more comfortable, but now she realized he had been getting up. She looked around to make sure and his clothes were gone. She sat up, pulling her legs up so that her knees were almost level with her face. She reached her arms around her knees and sat there stunned. Jimmy hadn't wanted to sleep with her. It could of course be that he thought the bed too small, even though they...

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Melindas Ass

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Spizoo Jessie Lee Hot Tattooed Brunette Gets Double BBC

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Destiny Love goes over to her best friend’s house Laney Grey to help her with her math homework, but when she arrives, she encounters a potential distraction, Laney’s stepdad Brad Newman. As Brad is practicing yoga, Destiny can’t help but notice how big he is. Later on, while Laney is busy having a phone call with her ex, Brad goes to her room to find Destiny practically ready to please him. When Laney walks in on them, she’s surprised at first, but when she sees what her stepdad is packing,...

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The Storm III Tina goes lesbian

     Tina Marshall lay back in her bubble bath, the warm, soapy water tantalizing her.  As she let her hands roam over her body, she dreamily reflected on the past few weeks.  It seemed so long ago when she accidentally saw her dad jacking off while holding and sucking the crotch of a pair of her panties.  That was the moment she knew she wanted to have sex with him.  She loved her dad, Brad, and they had become very close since her mother had passed away four years ago when she was twelve. ...

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Pee Over My Dick 1st Time

Unusual title? I've developed a liking for a certain fetish. Here's my first experience while in my early 30's, but certainly not my last.I was having a drink in a waterfront bar in a Navy town. I'd been looking for a target of opportunity, with no luck, and was about to leave when this cute, slim, almost skinny, brunette walks up to my barstool to initiate conversation. Her game was simple - to raise a few bucks the quick, easy way. I was game.I don't know how long she had been at the bar...

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Cherry Limeade

"When I count to 3 you'll wake up and remember nothing of what happened here today. Do you understand?""Yes," came the dreamy reply."1. 2. 3."The older lady sitting in front of me opened her eyes and looked around, as if to reorient herself."Was I really hypnotized?" she asked."Yes, you were.""Was anything accomplished?" she asked."I'll know more when we meet for our next appointment, which will be," I checked my appointment book sitting in front of me, "in 2 weeks.""Am I to do anything special...

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Fucked Bua And Chachi

So pahle aapne bare Das Deva, ma graduation complete kiti hai height 6’’ te lund ta Punjabi da hunda he wadda te motta hai 6’’ wadda te 4’’ circumference hai hun ma jayada time na lende story te aanda hai je story pasand aave te mainu mail jaroor karna at Graduation to baad ma aapni bua kol rahn aaya jo ki chandigarh rahnde ne mainu dekh ke oh bhaut kush hoye fir ma fresh ho ke bhar aaya ta dekhya ke mere chacha te chachi vi aaye hoye c ma bhaut kush hoya fir aisi ne lunch kita te evening ch...

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Sorrento Pt 02

Thursday started overcast and remarkably cool. I was happy to wrap up in Jeans and my cardigan. I confess that I had slept remarkably well and despite the change in the weather, I started the day feeling refreshed and remarkably alive. Somehow I knew this was going to be a very good day. I was so glad that Tom had fallen asleep when I arrived back to the room, I had been convinced that he would know what I had been doing just by looking at me, or worse still, smell sex. I had been convinced...

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The Canoe Trip

Chris paddled at a slow stead pace. The canoe slipped through the water with only the slightest whisper of it's passing. He and Jessie slid through the backwaters silently watching the world around them. The animals took little notice of them as they floated by, only a passing glance or two and then they went about their business. Jessie relaxed in the sunlight, her bronze body soaking up the sun, her white bikini tops almost blinding as it shown in the sunlight. The contrast...

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Thickumz Jenna Foxx Thick Laundromat Lust

Leave it to a bodacious black babe like Jenna Foxx to turn laundry day into a fun time. Today, she is doing a couple loads when she gets the bug to do some twerking. She has a little fun, shaking her ass in the laundromat and getting her pussy nice and wet in the process. Then, she makes her way back to the hotel to strip down to her birthday suit with our stud. She gets down and sucks on his huge cock, enjoying every inch as it slides in and out of her hungry mouth. Then, she pops her silky...

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A Different Halloween

Hi Cous, Sorry I don't get around to writing more often, but you know me. Retirement has been great, but I seem to be more active then ever. BTW (sorry, I'm so used to computer lingo I tend to use it in everyday) Anyway, did you ever get around to looking at any of the stories I written? I know there's porn there, too. But I like them cause I can put almost anything in and it goes out. I even have a couple people who told me they liked one or another of my crap. Take a look, it won't make...

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