Starstruck Ch. 07-09 free porn video

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Hi everyone, a big thank you to everyone who has voted and spent the time writing comments. It is much appreciated and gives me the enthusiasm to continue writing. I hope you enjoy my newest installment. Would love to hear your thoughts on it. Happy reading. Once again, all characters are eighteen or over.

Chapter 7

Sam was sitting in her favourite spot, under the oak tree by the lake. It was a beautiful spot and Sam liked to go swimming here. She didn’t feel much like swimming today though. Instead, Sam was quietly staring into space. Her whole world was crumbling down around her. Everything she held private and dear was being taken away. Sam knew she was probably being a little melodramatic and she hated wallowing in self pity, but she couldn’t help herself.

Just who did he think he was, coming into her life and thinking that he could just take over anything he wanted. Well, this was one girl who wouldn’t be star struck by him. Sam was so consumed by her thoughts that she didn’t even hear the horse and rider approaching. ‘Samantha, are you alright?’

Sam jerked her head up quickly, shocked to see Chase standing there. ‘What do you want?’

‘I just wanted to make sure you were alright. Look, I don’t know what I’ve done to offend you and make you hate me, but could you please tell me so I can try to fix it. I’d really like us to both enjoy our holidays.’ As Chase talked to her he had tied Firefly to a branch and now stood next to Sam.

Sam was confused. He wasn’t how she had expected him to be. After all, weren’t all celebrities self centered jerks. Maybe she should give him the benefit of the doubt and see what he was like before she judged him. ‘I’m sorry. I don’t really know what to say. I guess having you and my parents here has pushed me over the edge a little bit. To be honest, I don’t really want anyone here with me.’

‘Why not? Don’t you like being around other people much?’

‘Not really. I hate the world I live in. Don’t you ever get tired of all the hypocrisy and bitchiness that goes around in your social circle. Do you ever feel like your surrounded by so mach fakeness that you’re going to scream?’ Sam was surprising herself, talking to Chase like this. She normally found it hard to talk to people she knew, let alone strangers, but there was something about Chase that made him easy to talk to.

‘All the time.’


‘You know Sam, I wasn’t born into this world like you were. Before I became a professional actor I had a normal life. I went to a public school, rode my bike, played with my friends. I was a normal kid. And just because I’m now Chase Major instead of Chase Mathews doesn’t mean that I’ve changed on the inside. I’m not the image you see in photos and on the big screen. So maybe you should stop being so hypocritical yourself and get to know the real me before you judge.’ Chase could see where Sam was coming from with not liking him, still, it pissed him off a bit that she wasn’t prepared to give him a chance before she knew him.

As much as Sam hated to admit it, she knew she had been wrong. As much as she despised the socialites and play boys, it wasn’t like her to judge an individual before she met them. ‘You’re right. I’ve made a mistake and I’m sorry. I guess I’ve been so stressed lately that I didn’t even realise what I was doing. Look, why don’t we wipe the slate clean and start over. Hi, I’m Sam Montague. It’s a pleasure to meet you.’

Chase was a bit put off by Sam’s easy retaliation but he wasn’t about to go into it. Instead he grinned at her. She wasn’t as bad as he thought and it looked like she was trying to make an effort. ‘Chase Major.’

‘I thought you said your name was Chase Mathews?’

Chase looked at her sheepishly. ‘Mathews is the name on my birth certificate, but when Keller Productions signed me, they thought Major sounded more dashing, so to the public, I am officially Major.’

‘Well, I want to meet Chase Mathews the every day guy, not Chase Major the movie star.’

‘Chase Mathews. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Look, I don’t want to break this truce between us, but I have to ask. What’s up between you and your parents. I heard you and your father arguing about me before.’

‘It’s nothing. We just don’t always see eye to eye, that’s all. Look, I really have to get going back to the house, I have some phone calls to make. I’ll see you later.’

Sam got up and started to walk away. She was going to give Chase a chance, but it wasn’t any of his business what went on between her and her parents. Chase realised he had hit a nerve and swore to himself. He knew he shouldn’t have bought up what was obviously a sore subject so soon after the truce. ‘Will you be at dinner tonight’ Chase yelled out as Sam walked away.

‘I might be. We’ll just have to see if you’re going to be lucky tonight won’t we.’

Chase was relieved. What ever tension that had risen up before was now gone. Chase went over to Firefly and mounted her to continue his ride. It would be interesting to see what would develop over dinner.

* * * *

Sam went to her room and pulled out her note book containing all of her planning for the gallery. Although she had organised the wine and champagne and a makeshift bar, she still had to call and confirm the catering company and hire waiting staff that were going to circulate with the food and drink. Although Sam wasn’t fussed about what food and drink was served, she knew that the best would be expected and luckily, money wasn’t a problem as the school had given Sam an open budget.

Sam picked up the phone and dialed Fredrick and Pierre, a company that hired out waiting staff to all the glitzy and glamorous functions in Los Angeles. Having settled that, Sam went on to call Hamish Peters, the owner of the catering company. Sam had a choice of three caterers to use, and decided on the one her parents used. Now Sam wasn’t doing this because she thought her parents would approve. It was simply that she had tasted and liked the food that had been served by them, so she knew that they were good.

‘Oh I’m so sorry, I’m afraid we’ve double booked your night, so we’ve had to cancel your booking.’

‘What.’ Sam was furious. ‘I made this booking over three months ago. How could you double book.’

‘I’m so sorry, but we’ve double booked you with the Treymires. We simply can’t cancel them. Surely you understand.’ Sam swore to herself. She hated the Treymires. The Treymires were basically her parents, only they were the king and queen of their own socialite group. The Treymires and Montagues had been at war for years. Luckily for Sam, the Montagues were considered to be more powerful.

‘Yes, of course I understand. But let me just remind you, I am Samantha Montague, daughter of Parker and Emily Montague, who I believe is one of you biggest clients. I would also like to remind you that the job is at St Mathews Academy. Many of the parents that have children at that school are going to be at this function. I don’t think it would be too good for business if they found out you had blown them off for the Treymires, do you?’ Sam hated being a Montague, but she had to admit that it did have its uses.

‘I apologise Miss Montague, I didn’t realise who you were. Of course we will be there. What would you like me to make.’

‘I don’t really care. You know what people like my parents like to eat so you can decide. Just make sure you’re there on time.’

‘Of course Miss Montague we will make sure we are there in plenty of time to set everything up, and thank you for choosing us…’ Sam hang up the phone. She didn’t have the time or patience to continue talking to an ass kisser like Hamish Peters. Now that the phone calls had been made, it meant that nearly everything that could be done from the estate had been done. Now Sam was going to finish that ride.

Chapter 8

Chase sat quietly at the dinner table, feeling extremely uncomfo
rtable. Sam had joined them for dinner that night, dressed as usual in a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. As soon as she had entered the dining room, her Mother had commented on, as she phrased it ‘Your shabbiness of dress.’ Sam was used to this so just ignored her and sat down opposite Chase. Chase flashed Sam a smile and was about to ask her a question, when Parker interrupted him about something to do with the stock market or some other dribble that Chase wasn’t interested in. This continued for most of the meal with Sam sitting quietly in her seat, until during desert, both Emily and Parker stuffed their mouths full of food at the same time, shutting them up enough for Chase to finally talk to Sam. ‘So Sam, were you doing anything tomorrow or would you like to come out with me somewhere. I don’t really know where to go, but maybe you could show me the town hotspots.’

‘She would love to show you around, wouldn’t you Samantha. I’m sure you have nothing else to do.’ Parker said, with a hint of warning in his voice. Sam was pissed off that her Father would just volunteer her like that, but at the same time, she wanted to spend time with Chase anyway. Sam had decided that it might be nice to pretend she had a friend for a while.

‘Sure Chase. Maybe we could go for a horse ride tomorrow and I’ll show you some of the nature sights.’

‘Samantha, Chase isn’t a bore like you dear.’ Emily piped up rudely. ‘Why don’t you take the limo and go into town for the day. I’m sure Chase would much prefer it to riding on a smelly old horse.’

‘No, that’s fine, really.’ Chase quickly answered, trying to smooth things over before Sam got her temper working. ‘I’d love to go riding with you Sam.’

‘That’s great. I’ll see you tomorrow morning then, around eight. If you’ll excuse me I have some things I need to do.’ Sam left and headed up to her sanctuary. She had been so busy the last two days, she hadn’t been up there yet. Sam walked up the long flight of stairs to the attic and opened the door. It was just as she left it. Her finished paintings were either on easels or stacked against the wall on one side, her canvasses were leaning against the other, waiting to be used. Her paints were in their many draws, tubes of acrylics, water paints and pastels. Her brushes were laying in a row on the table where Sam planned her paintings. Tonight though, Sam just wanted to paint. She didn’t know what she was going to paint, didn’t want to plan anything or think about what she was doing. Squirting out colours of yellow, red, blue, orange, gray and black, Sam got a large canvas and placed it on the easel. After five hours, she was finished. Sam stepped back to look at her finished work and was both happy as well as sad by what she saw. Because on the canvas, like many others she had painted when she was upset over her parents, was a painting that showed hopes and dreams caged up and smashed to pieces. A painting that yearned for love and acceptance, but was shadowed by hatred and disapproval. A painting that bared her soul.

Chapter 9

Chase got to the stables fifteen minutes early. He knew that Mac would be there and he wanted to talk to him about Sam. He needed to know the deal between Sam and her parents. Walking into the tack room, Chase found Mac cleaning a saddle. ‘Morning Mac.’

‘Hello Master Chase, how are ye this mornin.’

‘Fine thanks, going for a ride with Sam to see the sites.’

‘That will be a treat. No one knows the sites round ere better than Miss Sam does. Right tomboy she was when she was younger, always running off and exploring.’

‘Actually, I wanted to ask you about Sam. At dinner last night, I noticed that there was a lot of ah, tension, between Sam and her parents. I was wondering what the story was between them.’

‘I don’t recon that’s for me to be telling ye Master Chase. If Miss Sam wants ye to know, she’ll tell ye in er own good time. Wouldn’t hold me breath though. Has trouble trusting people, and no surprise at that, what with parents like ers. Now then Master Chase, would ye like me to saddle up a horse for ye.’

‘That’s fine Mac. I’ll do it when Sam gets here.’

‘Right then. I’ll be off for me cuppa tea.’ Mac left Chase with thoughts swimming through his head. As much as Chase wanted to find out what was going on, he knew that he would have to get Sam to trust him before he would find out. Chase didn’t know why he needed to know, only that he felt he should, what? Protect her from her parents? Chase was so deep in thought that he didn’t hear Sam come up behind him.

‘Morning Chase.’

‘Shit, you scared the crap out of me.’

‘Sorry,’ Chase could see by the grin on her face that she wasn’t. ‘You ready to go?’

‘Yeah. Am I having Firefly again?’

‘She’ll be fine. You can obviously handle her. You alright tacking her up?’

‘Yeah, it’s cool.’ Chase grabbed Fireflies tack. ‘I looked after the horse I used in Texas Ranger. It was a good way for me to get to know him a little better. Plus I felt since he was making me look good in front of the camera, it was only fair that I made him look good behind it’

‘Riding skills and he knows how to look after a horse, my dream man.’ Chase grinned at Sam’s remark. Seeing their truce wasn’t even 24 hours old, the two of them seemed to be talking to each other and bantering like they were old friends.

‘So, what delights are you planning on showing me today?’

‘Well. Today just happens to be the Renaissance Fair. The town puts it on during the holidays. It’s a bit corny, but there’s jousting and sword fighting and people dress up in funky costumes and stuff. So, did you want to go.?’ Sam loved going to the fair and made sure she was there every year. Although Sam had no actual friends in the town, she found she got on well with the people at the fair. They didn’t know who Sam was, so they treated her just like everyone else. Sam loved it.

‘I’ve never been to a Renaissance Fair. I’d love to go.’ Chase could see that the fair was somehow important to Sam. He was a bit apprehensive about going to so public a place, but if it was important to Sam, he would do it.

As it turned out, Chase had one of the best days he’d had for years. A few of the younger girls came up to him for autographs, but as Sam had said to Chase later, the town respected peoples privacy. There was so much to see and do. They watched the jousting and sword fighting, bobbed for apples and had a go at the archery stall. Chase won a teddy bear that he gave to Sam. For the first time in almost five years, Chase felt relaxed enough to be completely himself. He didn’t feel like he had to be on guard. The paparazzi didn’t know where he was and he knew that the Montagues wouldn’t tell anyone he was here. Chase felt free.

Sam was surprised also at how good a day they’d had. Although they had both been getting on alright, Sam had been apprehensive about spending the whole day with Chase. As it turned out, they acted like old friends, teasing and, dare I say it, slightly flirting with each other, joking and laughing. Sam felt that for the first time, she had a real friend.

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Homework assignment #1: Well, I did it. I did what he told me to. Admittedly, I didn’t want to do it at first. After all, I hardly know this man. Aside from a few friendly emails, some intimate photos exchanged and a couple hot chats, I can’t really say that I know this guy from jack. And along with not knowing my instructor, I don’t know how I feel about being told what to do. I’m new to sexual exploration, new to being with men that aren’t my husband. But for reasons I can’t explain, I...

2 years ago
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Peters Story

Liz wasn't much of a diarist. But Carol (Jim's wife) has begged me to jot down my thoughts and feelings about what happened since Elizabeth was selected and ended up at David Findley's slaughterhouse. Some of it is fairly accurate, and I have tried to keep the conversations fairly accurate for what passed between Liz and I after she was selected. It hasn't been easy. And considering how she died, I have to say that it has made angry about how things ended. And I owe David Findley and Carol...

2 years ago
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Sophia Blews Safehouse Adventures

I had been beaten and clawed by my mate. I had no where else to turn. I knew no one who would save me from the mate whom I had chosen to spend the rest of my life with. The mate that I had trusted above all others. How could I have been so naive? A friend had recommended that I go to Safehouse. So I set off on my long and lonely journey to find refuge in a strange place with strange people. When I arrived at Safehouse, I felt like a true outsider. Like no one else had been through what I had...

4 years ago
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Good neighbours

We decided to down size and my wife found a bungalow in the next village which was ideal. On the day of moving our new neighbours introduced themselves, one side was a widow named Iris, a skinny flat chested woman about 5ft-3” in her mid-70s and the other side was Lizzy a chunky woman who had quite a round belly with tits to match, she was married to Albert. My wife Sandra and l hadn’t seen Iris or Lizzy for 3 or 4 days then one morning l was seeing Sandra off to work, Iris was on her way to...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 16 Neighbors First Encounter

“HELLO!” Dave turned around, surprised at the slightly shouted greeting from an unexpected direction. He’d just come back from a five-mile run, worked up a healthy sweat, and didn’t think he was too presentable to be meeting someone new. He saw a young couple he didn’t know walking up the Access Road. The woman carried a large platter with aluminum foil over the top of it. “Hi,” Dave said. “Can I help you?” He purposely tried to sound friendly and smile at the couple. The man spoke with a...

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Time MachineChapter 6

I soon learned that time doesn't really matter. What I had promised in another time-zone I could easily hold even if it had gone a week or more in my own time-zone so my visits to Nina and the new girl wouldn't be any problem. My capital grew very nicely and I got "promoted" at the bank and was now handled by a senior analyst, I don't know if he was a junior-senior or a just a senior but something like that, a man who was supposed to be better in giving advice about the stock market,...

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Wife showing herself in pub

Once, years ago, my wife, a devout exhibitionist, and I used to go to pubs where we weren't known, something we did quite often. Sometimes she would wear clothing showing off a particular part of her body, e.g low cut neckline, split skirt, see-through blouse,  very short skirt with stockings, clothes so tight it was obvious her lack of underwear and the like.This type of evening started with her showing herself to me only, first her breasts, then normally her shaved pussy also. This would...

1 year ago
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Open All Hours Pt 2

I did not return Friday, I lay in bed furious with myself for my inactivity and him for his abusive treatment of me. My butt still throbbed and each time I peeked it glowed red. Should I tell my parents, they would certainly call the police. But then I would have to admit to succumbing to another man, to being overpowered by a real man's man. My word against his, me single, small, barely shaving, unable to keep any girlfriend against him, married, virile, hairy, a masculine hunk of a man. They...

Gay Male
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Flowering Neeta

When I was in college, a distant cousin sister of mine came to our home town for a study project. She was 22, and i was 23. Neeta was doing a summer project, and happened get placement for 2 months as an intern in a company located in my city. I did not know Neeta since childhood, but my parents told me she is a distant relative. Neeta was very fair, average looking, tall, but looked very delicate. She had curly soft hair going up to shoulder length. Her breasts were medium sized, though looked...

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old man in the grocery store part 6

I grab the lotion and proceed to rub it all over his cock to get it nice and hard. He's laying there on his back fully erect and he looked so hot. I climbed on top so now I was straddling him. He had his hands on my chest and was pinching my nipples which I love. I raised my hips and proceeded to lower myself on his gorgeous big cock. It took some time because he was pretty big but I managed to get it all the way in. It hurt at first but he said, " take your time " but I couldn't wait any...

1 year ago
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Ek Adhuri Prem Kahani 8211 Part II

Hello dosto, mein phir se ek adhuri prem kahani story leke aazir hu, mera name rahul hai, koi bhi aurat bhabhi jo unsatisfy hai, muje contact kar sakthe ho me aap ko satisfy karunga, thane mumbai or kolkatt etc., ke area ke aurat bhi mujse contact karke chudwa sakthi ho. me isliye story liktha hu takhi aap log mere se contact kare or me aap ko satisfy ka saku. jaise ki aap log mera pechla story padh ke aacha response diya uske liye me aap logo ko danyawaad kartha hu, mera pechal story hai 1)...

1 year ago
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Dosto ki madad se maa ki chudai 8211 Part 1

Hello dosto mera naam Rinku hai. Meri umar 21 saal hai. Aur main Uttar Pradesh ke ek gaon ka rehne wala hu. Meri ye kahani meri mummy aur mere beech bane rishte ki hai. Mere family mein hum 4 log hai. Papa, mummy, main aur mere bade bhai. Mere bade bhai Delhi mein job karte hai. Aur papa kheto ko sambhalte hai. Aur main sehar mein rehkar padhayi kar raha hu. Meri mummy ka naam Rambha (badla hua naam) hai. Aur unki umar 42 saal hai. Gaon ki bholi bhali aur puja path karne wali aurat hai. Magar...

3 years ago
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Losing My Virginity PT2

This is a true story:The day after my teacher emailed me is a day that will go down in history for me. My teacher wanted me to come in after school. I had her 2nd hour and was the first person to walk in since my first hour was right next store. I walked in and went to my spot when she came up behind me. I sat down and all of a sudden she was there. She leaned in front of me and came face to face with me. I could easily see her boobs and I was definitely caught looking. "You have to wait for...

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My Best Friends Wife

So I've known Tom for my whole life ... well, damned near close enough. We bullshitted each other for years about imagined stories of girls we'd fucked all through Junior High, and, appallingly enough, the bastard lost his cherry to Meagan Meeks a full year and a half before I managed to lose mine to Traci. Of course, fittingly enough, I was the one who maintained a steady string of sex through college, while he latched on to Jenna and undertook some sort of pledge of celibacy until...

2 years ago
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Angelas New Girlfriend Part II

Angela's New Girlfriend ? Part II We had only taken a couple of steps when Veronica stopped and turned to me. She held my attention with her mesmerizing blue eyes and then said, "What do I call you? I sure can't call you Larry any more!" "Laura," I replied without hesitation. "Laura will do just fine." "Alright then, Miss Laura, we're going to get started right now. The first thing you need to do is start perceiving the world like a woman. Close your eyes." She looked at me...

3 years ago
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Whos the boss

“OK,” Ann said as she bustled about packing her bags. “Now you know what to do and where everything is, don’t you?”“Yes dear.” I replied. My voice must have given my thoughts away. She came over and stood in front of me.“And don’t adopt that tone of voice with me Robert,” she said sternly, her smile belying the irritation she was trying to inject. “You know what a useless sod you are without me around to organise you.”I reached out to slide my hand up the inside of her shapely legs but she...

4 years ago
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The Relationship Business

January 6 "Sir, I'm flattered, but ... I really don't know if I'm right for this position." Val squirmed in his seat and resisted the urge to run a hand through his hair. "Oh, don't worry, Val." Mr. K gave him a reassuring smile. "I think you'll be great." "I'd hate to leave you in the lurch, though." "You won't." The older man shook his head. "The rush is over so we can all take it easy for a while. I admit, this means you don't get much of a vacation, since your busy...

2 years ago
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An Unsettled CalmChapter 19

The next morning Sarah and I were due to start our watch of Marks' hide-out. Unfortunately from what I remembered, the road did not go right past the house it had a long dirt driveway that was reached by a secluded country road. There was just no way to watch from a car without being fingered. Sarah and I hopped into my tin can to get the low down on the area around Marks' joint. We couldn't get too close, but Sarah thought it was aces that there was a bunch of trees. I did not see why...

1 year ago
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An Unexpected Lover

Late one night I got a message from a guy Brock. Unlike most of the guys, he was my age and appeared to be somewhat decent, so I started talking to him. I kind of, surprisingly, liked him. Just friends, obviously, though. I mean, I AM straight after all. Weeks go by and I find myself caught up in classes and the social aspect of clubs, especially after becoming president of a small social group on campus. Up until now, I haven’t liked coffee, as it makes me spaz out, and I really like...

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Frigid to Slut

This is entirely fictional. It is an adult story about sex, cheating, exhibitionsism and cuckolding, so if you don’t want or like reading about such stories, then I suggest you close this and move along to something else. Like all of my stories, it starts a little slowly, setting the mood but, or so they tell me, my stories are well worth the time it takes to read them. This is fictional, and as such, I can write it however I like. If it doesn’t make sense to you, then we simply don’t think...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Ex Collaegue

Hi all ISS readers. Let me introduce myself. My name is buddy and I was born and brought up in Delhi. Let me come to the story directly. I am working in Gurgoan. I love sex a lot. I have a very specific taste of sex. There was a girl by nick name Sonu (name changed) in my earlier company who impressed me a lot. She must be around 5’3”, average body, fair complexioned, and on top of all “homely looking” I decided that she is the one for my bait. From that point, I made every bit of possible...

1 year ago
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The InventionChapter 3

Sandy realized he was hungry. He walked to the kitchen, trying to decide what to eat. He could still taste Sammy's pussy. He took out a loaf of bread to make himself a sandwich, noticing too late that he was spreading peanut butter on one half and mustard on the other. He threw the mustard half away and nibbled on the peanut butter half. Maybe the device had made him stupid? Quickly he ran through the multiplication tables to twenty, then ran through a few chess openings for six or seven...

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Mummy Ki Mamafod Chudai

Hello all..Mai rahul,bahut dino bd new story likha hu..AGR aplog meri purani stories pdhna chahte hai to “Mummy ki taxifod chudai” aur “Mummy ki palangtod chudaiyaan” aur “Mummy ki jungletod chudai” aur “Shivani bhabhi ki thelathok chudai”search kijiye aur stories ka maza le..waise to mummy k bahut sari stories hai Jo dhire dhire aplog ko mai sunate rahunga Ap sbhi story pdhne k bd mjhe apna feedback jrure bhejiye,meri email Id pe – Jo b apko review dena ho whether achi ya buri ya any further...

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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 6

It was long after midnight when the front door slammed. Jake Hedron looked up to see his dark-haired, sexy wife come into the room. "Cat!" he exclaimed, surprised that she'd used the door. "You're walking?" Tabatha usually teleported wherever she needed to go. Tonight, she'd walked at least a couple of miles from Béla's quarters, if that was where she'd been. Without stopping, Tabatha walked up to her husband and kissed him hungrily. Jake moaned his approval of her obvious lust. He...

2 years ago
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Gym Slut pt 2

So there I was sitting in the locker room with Jim’s cum on my face. What the hell just happened? How did I go in the gym just to work out and then end up sucking a massive cock and swallowing a load of hot semen? Did anyone see? Did this make me gay? Bi? Why is my cock so incredibly hard right now? Could I have really enjoyed it that much? What the hell do I do now? I can’t go back to this gym can I? Several days passed as I tried to figure things out, but one thing was certain…I did...

3 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 137

Dear Brother, Wow, just wow. I mean I can't even quite understand what is happening to you. I mentioned this letter to one of the sergeant professors we have and he started asking all sorts of complex mathematical questions. He wanted to know the size of the sphere you have fallen into as well as the number of ships you have found, and the energy that the Aer Lingus AI estimates the system is capturing. I told him that not only did I not know this, but I wouldn't ask you all about it. I...

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Jaq On The Coach Trip

Our local soccer team had reached the semi-final, and Jaq and I decided to attend the match.Coach travel seemed to be the best way to get to the match. I arranged match tickets while Jaq arranged the coach travel. The match was taking place on Saturday afternoon; as the week commenced, we became excited about our trip to the game.Saturday arrived and we arrived at the designated pick up for the coach; a lot of supporters were also there. The majority of the supporters were males of varying...

2 years ago
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A New Surprise

When I left off this story there was a little flower who wanted to be my friend online. I accepted Brooke, of course. Why wouldn't I? I accept anyone who has an avatar. Besides, I was very curious about this one. She said she lived in Las Vegas and the pictures she posted showed her to be the little slut I had completely used up one night this past spring. This was going to be fun and interesting. I had never quite understood how she made a living, nor how she could afford a suite in Las Vegas....

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