Fever 01 free porn video

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Three weeks ago, the first case for Colis-Hersch Fever was reported. A week ago, the entire eastern coast was in a state of panic and disarray. Two days ago, the world had ended.

Hannah laughed out loud when she thought about it. When she pictured a zombie apocalypse, she saw a metropolis overrun with animated corpses, stumbling and groaning for human flesh. Not in Canada. In Canada, the zombies froze to death before they even took their first bite. In small town Barrhead, there were a total of four-thousand corpses and about a dozen zombies.

So the End of Days was not as blood-drenched, gut spilling, bullet-popping as she thought it’d be. In fact, she didn’t even have a gun. All she had was the steel baseball bat that had belonged to her late brother. But she hadn’t killed one person with it yet. The Fever and the cold did enough of that on its own.

When her mom got sick, Dad kicked her out. A few days later, her parents were both dead. Her brother had luckily died years before this had all happened. But for some reason, Hannah missed him the most, especially after her father succumbed to the Fever. Vince used to laugh at death all the time, then come up with all the answers on how to feel better.

Communication was cut off a bit over twenty-four hours ago, along with power, people, and goods. No gas, no supplies. No meals.

‘Better time to learn to hunt than ever,’ she muttered to herself. All the stores had their doors wide open, signs saying to take what you need and leave the rest, but to think there’d be a scrap of food left would be to think miracles grew on trees. Any food to be found would have to be out in the bush.

The people who were still alive were shacked up all over the town, but to pinpoint them was impossible. Small as Barrhead was, four-thousand was a lot of people, and called for a lot of dwellings. All the people Hannah knew were dead, and she was apprehensive about meeting new friends and neighbours, especially now. Zombies she could find morbidly funny. Hungry strangers… she didn’t know what to expect.

So out she went. So far, grief hadn’t struck. It was easy to keep it tucked on the back shelf of her mind as she started to brainstorm just how to find wildlife and then how to kill it.

Shit. How’m I gonna cook it?

She added learning to make fire to her to do list.

When Dad kicked her out, she stayed at a hotel until she found a more permanent place to lodge. She walked across the parking lot—had only one corpse in it, post Fever. Past that was the Tire Warehouse, Bulk Barn, and A&W. Eighteen corpses, all previous zombies as well. Hannah was starting to think she wouldn’t find a body that wasn’t a zombie first. They wore undershirts, underwear, pyjamas, or sometimes nothing at all. One was wearing a pretty flashy winter coat. Hannah brushed the snow off, rolled the body over, and stripped it of its coat. He would have wanted her to have it, anyway.

Highway 18 was just beyond the fast food place. Beyond that was where Barrhead ended and Alberta country began. She would rummage around for a few hours at least, just before sunset, before going back to her room and finding a way to make it warmer. Hopefully she’d have some dinner with her too. She tried not to think about what might happen if she didn’t.

She walked right out to the animal crossing sign and started to march through the snowbank. ‘O—kay, cold, cold.’ She balanced on one foot to wrench off the other boot and shake the snow out. Walking more carefully, she reached the treeline and shimmied her way into the thicket.

All her life, bless her small town soul, she never played in the bush. It was like a girl living in New York never going to downtown. But she knew enough kids that did, growing up. Landmarks were set up by said children, and even if you’ve never seen them, you knew exactly where Tommy Hilkes and Candy Kaminski made out when someone mentioned the Billiards Tree, or where Vanessa Forsyth got chased down by a moose when the Bunker Fort was identified. Hannah wasn’t afraid of getting lost in the least. The first landmark she should find was the Stick Teepee. From there she would approach the Crater and then make the hike to the Clearing. Hopefully that would be far enough in that she would find some sort of wildlife.

She blanked all the way through the trees up until she saw a coyote. It froze—she froze—they stared at each other. Oh, shit, a coyote—are those dangerous? she thought. Then it bolted.

‘Oh, no, no, no!’ She took off after it, tripping and stumbling on roots and branches, cursing to herself frantically the further away it got. If she let it get away, who knew how long it would take for her to find her next meal. Already she knew it wasn’t likely she’d catch up to the damn thing and even less likely she’d be able to kill it with a bat. But she had to try, she was too hungry not to.

With some bizarre twist of fate the coyote yelped and jerked to a halt. All her muscles tightened as she pushed and shoved herself through the trees as fast as possible to get to it—Don’t let it get away, goddammit, Hannah!

It was caught in a bear trap. That should have caught her attention and set off all her alarms, but instead she immediately went to calculating just how to kill the animal. Whining and shivering, it was hers for the killing. Put it out of its misery and eat well that night. Well, as well as well could get anymore. But as she gripped and regripped her bat, trying to find the best angle to bludgeon the dog, she found it impossible to even lift the bat above her head. The very idea of hitting the coyote was revolting. Her arms wouldn’t comply.

‘Come on,’ she growled. Shifting to the side and stepping away, she tried again. She couldn’t get the bat past her shoulder.

A snort drew her attention away from the dog and onto a very, very large animal.

Standing on four legs, the moose had at least a good two feet on her—and that was only at the shoulder. Its antler span was at least as wide as she was tall, and each of its legs was just as thick as she was. It was the biggest fucking moose she knew she’d ever see—if she got the chance to live after this.

‘Fuck,’ she whispered. It was not two meters away from her. The moose snorted again.

Okay, what did she know about moose? Vanessa was chased by one once. She climbed up a tree and hollered for help for a good hour. That was all Hannah knew.

All right… what did she learn in the movies? If it’s big, don’t move and it can’t see you.

She remained frozen to place, stiller than a goddamned statue, and stared.

The moose took a step forward. The coyote yelped louder than ever. She nearly shit her pants.

Something sliced the air so thin she didn’t hear it until it thunked into the skull of the moose. The animal staggered like it was drunk and was just punched in the face. An arrow stuck out from just behind its eye, black shaft and fletchings, so thin she almost missed it. The moose turned blindly. Another arrow plunked right in the middle of its eyes.

The moose made a weird groaning noise, almost sounding like a big metal ship creaking and shifting. It started to teeter towards Hannah and the coyote….

‘Shit! Shit!’ She tripped over her own feet and threw herself backward—and in just enough time. The moose landed just where her toes had been, effectively crushing the coyote and shaking the ground like an earthquake. Hannah lay in the snow gasping, muttering incoherent blasphemies in between breaths.

‘You sick?’

Hannah whipped her head around. She didn’t see anybody. Man’s voice. ‘Hello?’

‘Said you sick?’

What does that even—oh! ‘No! No, not sick.’

She heard soft footfalls crunching in the snow, approaching from somewhere to the right. She searched and searched, but saw no one. He had to have come from that direction though, that was where the arrows had flown in f
rom. As she craned her neck for a better vantage, she heard a soft click next to her ear. He had circled around and come up from behind. She didn’t dare turn to face him.

‘Weapons?’ he asked.

‘Baseball bat.’


‘N… o.’


‘Food?’ she parroted, turning her head. ‘You got… any….’

The man standing behind her had a crossbow trained to her eye. The arrow point was not three inches from her face.

‘Where’re yer people?’ He spoke like a tradesman.

It took her a few seconds to register that she needed to reply. She gave a slight shake of her head.

‘You realize if I catch you lyin’, there’re dire consequences in it fer ya.’

This time she nodded.

He pulled away the crossbow and held out his other hand. It was crusted with dirt. Before she took it, she looked up into his face. He had sounded old—maybe in his fifties or sixties—but the face she saw was about as half as aged. Much more handsome, too, strong brow and jaw, squared chin, watery green eyes she could swim in. He looked at her expectantly. When she grabbed his hand, it tingled hers.

When she was on her feet, the stranger abandoned her and looked to the moose, humming and hawing over its body. Hannah turned her focus from the meat to the man. He was covered in exemplary Canadian hunting clothes: a furry brown ushanka, plaid winter jacket, thick snow pants, and big white rubber boots. His winter gloves were stuffed into the pockets of his coat. He was tall, and even though he was wearing multiple layers, she could tell he was lean from the gaunt look in his face.

The man pulled out a knife from his pants pocket and knelt down between the moose’s legs.

‘What’re you doing?’ she blurted. He payed her little attention as he sliced the moose open.

Hannah gagged and turned away. She even resorted to stuffing her fingers in her ears when the sounds of tearing flesh made her belly flip and flop. After a few minutes he said, ‘Could you lend me a hand here?’

She turned reluctantly, keeping her eyes downcast and her fingers still planted in her ear canals. He pointed. ‘Get me my bag.’

She sought out the sack and brought it to him. It smelled like mouldy basement and looked older than her. She laid by his feet and he immediately dug into it, pulling out a newspaper.

Hannah threw up a little in her mouth as he hauled out a giant piece of moose out from its gut and let it splat on the paper. He did this several times, making her hurl up a bit of stomach acid at one point. ‘You got somewhere to go back to?’ he asked as she spit up the last of her puke.

‘Not really.’

‘I’ll let you have some of this meat if you help me haul it back to the land.’

It wasn’t a hard decision. ‘Done.’

When she turned, he handed her a bloody, rolled up newspaper. She turned right back around and dry heaved.

‘Righ’. Well, you carry the bitch, I’ll take the steak. C’mere and help me with this moose.’

‘What?’ She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

‘We pull this moose off the dog and you carry it home.’

Hannah must have grimaced, for the man scoffed, rolled his eyes, and waved her over. ‘Git over here!’

She complied and approached him, albeit sheepishly. He knelt before the two front legs, and she knelt by the hind. When he grabbed onto the limbs, so did she. ‘On three,’ he said.

On cue, they threw their weight into hauling the thing backward. God, but did it weigh a ton! She had never tried to pull something so heavy!

‘Are you sure we can move this thing?’ she asked once they both stopped tugging.

‘Slow n’ easy, we can get the job done.’


He counted to three again and they heaved. Again. And again. After the sixth try, the moose started to budge. Hannah yelped in surprise and pulled harder.

‘Careful,’ the man wheezed, all but trembling from the exertion. Finally the moose shifted back a good foot, Hannah slipped and landed on her ass, and the stranger pulled himself to his feet using the moose for leverage. The coyote, now squished beyond recognition, was fully exposed. The stranger went to inspect it.

‘Norma might be able to fix ‘er up,’ he said, shoving the bloody mess with a toe. He then unclasped the bear trap and pulled the coyote out of it. ”Fraid of gettin’ dirty?’

‘Er… no.’

‘Good. ‘Cause yer gonna.’

He lifted up the coyote, stomped up to Hannah, and deposited the corpse into her arms. She wrinkled her nose and turned her head away, careful not to look at it. It felt unsettling to be carrying something dead and broken in her arms.

The man collected the other meat and shoved it unceremoniously into his pack. Then he stood, making sure he had all his equipment about him, and started off on his way. Hannah scrambled to collect her baseball bat before hurrying after him.

They walked in silence for a good five minutes, the entire time Hannah wondering if he was pissed at her or not. Granted, the world had just ended—everybody had the right to be moody. But she couldn’t shake the feeling that she had done something to make him angry. She had always been timid like that, eager to please and desperate to stay in everyone’s good graces. He was certainly in hers, he could have just well saved her life.

Oh, that’s right! ‘Um, thank you. You know. For the help.’

He grunted, barely looking over his shoulder at her.

Another two minutes passed. ‘I’m Hannah, by the way.’

He looked away into the trees, turning his head as far away as possible from her. ‘Bill.’

She decided not to try and start another conversation for the rest of the walk.

* * *

‘The Land’ was nearly a day’s walk away. Or at least in daylight terms, during the winter the days were short and fleeting, the sun would rise at nine and set at four. So she had a poor idea of what time it was when they came across the acreage, a good twenty or so kilometres from town. They made it in good time, too, any later and they would have been groping through the dark to get home.

From far down the road, Hannah could see a light guiding them forward. When they got close, she recognized it as a candle in a window.

‘Leave your bat at the door,’ Bill said in a tone that broached no argument. They walked across the gravel driveway and someone opened a curtain to peek out. When they climbed the long porch, two more heads poked out. Hannah grew tense, she leaned the bat up against the garage on the way to the front door, feeling the earlier she ditched it, the better.

Bill opened the door and stepped inside. ‘It’s me,’ he grumbled, setting down his bag and stepping out of his boots, ‘with visitor.’

‘Who’s the visitor?’ someone asked. A young man, pretending to be harsh and wary, by the sounds of it.


It stung. She must have looked it, too, for Bill glanced at her and ruefully added, ‘Name of Hannah.’

A young man—maybe in his late teens—walked around the corner. He had a double barrel anchored in the crook of his shoulder. ‘Jesus,’ Hannah yelped, jumping and nearly dropping the coyote. Bill cursed something dreadful and the boy lowered his aim immediately.

‘Idiot—twat—’ Bill snatched the shotgun away from the kid and towered over him.

‘Sorry, Bill. S’bein’ cautious, is all.’

‘You watched me walk up to the fuckin’ house with her,’ the man said so viciously that the boy cowered.

‘William Secord!’

Bill straightened and slowly turned towards the main room, of which Hannah could not see. An older woman had called his name.

‘You watch your mouth under this roof, you hear me?’

Bill pulled off his ushanka slowly (revealing a thinning crown of mousy brown hair) and let his backpack fall to the ground with a wet smack. He turned to walk up the set of stairs opposite. A door slammed in his wake.

Which left
Hannah standing in the doorway holding a dead coyote with a person even more a stranger to her than Bill was.

The boy who’d threatened to blow her head to bits now eyed her… remorsefully? Brazenly? She couldn’t get a read on what it was he was thinking. His gaze was so direct that she began to feel uncomfortable, she averted her eyes and shrank.

‘What are you waiting for, Father Christmas?’ the old woman from around the corner barked. ‘Close the door!’

Hannah grabbed for the door handle and slowly drew it closed. She then stepped out of her own boots (which were not as winter durable as Bill’s were) and entered the house.

Candles were alight everywhere, the walls, furniture, and people were bathed in a soft orange glow. And there were a lot of people. More than Hannah had expected, anyway. There were three standing near the couches—a woman, a girl and a boy—and two more couples in the kitchen, one young, the other old. An old woman stood nearest to her, save for the teenage boy—with wispy blonde hair and a very prominent jaw. An apron was tied around her neck, across her hips it read: ‘Kiss Me and I Kick Your Ass.’ Immediately Hannah pegged this woman as the Norma that Bill had mentioned briefly.

‘I suppose that coyote there is for me.’

‘Y—eah. Yes.’ Hannah stepped forward and went to deposit the dog in the woman’s arms.

‘What, you think I’m taking that bloody mess? Put it in the kitchen.’

Hannah slipped past Norma and headed straight for the island counter. ‘Not on the goddamn granite, in the sink!’

If Hannah felt small around Bill, she felt miniscule in the likes of Norma. She closed her eyes and shuffled over to the sink in between both couples and gently laid the meat inside. Everyone’s eyes were on her.

‘Good. Well, she who carried it should be served,’ Norma declared. ‘If it tickles your fancy you can go take yourself a shower. But be stingy on the hot water, we can only make so much at a time.’

Hannah blanched. ‘You have water?’

‘Well, not for long, by the look on your face,’ Norma said, waving a hand dismissively. ‘Leave your coat down here and I’ll get Ian here to tend to it. There are towels in the linen closet by the bathroom door—last door on the left.’

The teenager, Ian, held out his hands expectantly for her coat, which was covered in fur and blood and who knew what else. She shrugged it off her shoulders, bundled it up, and handed it to him, keeping her eyes averted—he had that same look on his face since she walked in the house.

Everyone else was still staring at her like some sort of spectacle. She darted her eyes around and lifted a hand in greeting. ‘Hannah. Hi.’

‘I’ll acquaint you over dinner, just go wash up for now,’ Norma ordered.

”Kay….’ Hannah turned on her heel and climbed up the stairs, feeling overly self-conscious about the amount of eyes trained on her back. She nimbly hopped up the stairs and slipped into the washroom, closing the door behind her swiftly.

The tears came easy, for she’d been holding them back since she started her walk with Bill. Two weeks ago she was planning a trip to Hawaii with her girlfriends once the whole Fever scare blew over. Two of them were dead and the other one fled for greener pastures. She was probably dead, too.

Life had knocked her down and was kicking hard. Strange people, strange place—parents dead, hopes and dreams snuffed. So many bodies.

She wanted to go back to the time her dad told her to leave and decide to stay.

To cover up the sound of her tears (and to not appear suspicious) she went to the tub-shower and turned on the water. She then looked for the switch to a fan and turned that on, too. A loud sob escaped her, she hid her face under her shirt, hoping no one had heard her and that no more sobs would come. Wiping away the tears, she took big breaths and tried to calm down. There would be another time.

She peeled off her shirt, jeans, socks and underwear like they were a second layer of skin. God knows she’d been wearing them long enough, they may as well have been. They reeked. She reeked. The shower would do her some immense good.

The bathroom mirror was straight across from her. Even with puffy red eyes, she was pretty. Her eyes were very round and a light blue. When she cried, they became aquamarine.

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Muleskinner BluesChapter 15

The clothes laid out for me on the bed were a strange combination of well-worn work pants and about the fanciest shirt I had ever seen. The shirt was made of black silk with three blood red roses sewn on to the front over the heart. In addition, the shirt had spurs, horseshoes and wagon wheels stitched all over it in shiny silver thread. Used or not, it was beyond a doubt the finest shirt I'd ever seen, let alone owned. To go with the shirt were a faded pair of half overalls made by Levi...

3 years ago
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Love Grows in Her Mothers Arms

Sunday morning the traditional day of rest was instead a day of restless awakenings in three different households involving the Calloway and Edwards families. In the most troubled one a lone Jack Calloway was waking up for only the second morning ever without his wife Donna by his side. He looked over at the spot in their marital bed where she would normally be and couldn’t help but feel a sense of loss. It wasn’t as if she had left him or that they were splitting up as far as he knew. It was...

2 years ago
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Mistress of Gor pt 3

Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter Three: I think I am in love with the former Miss Rachel Evans of Oakhampton. "Are you satisfied with your new lodgings, Felice?" Kurgus drew back some ornate velvet drapes to permit sunshine to flood the room through the bay windows. The windows led out onto a small balcony overlooking the gardens to the rear of the property. I was now dressed as a typical Gorean Free Woman of Corcyrus of...

2 years ago
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winter storm

It was a cold winter day,snow as flying,and the four too five inches of snow we were suppose to get turned into feet of snow. I had cleaned out our driveway twice now so mom could get in when she got out of work. Ann had just got home from school and was almost an hour later than normal. She said the roads were horrible and the snow plows were having trouble keeping up with all the snow. Mom usually gets home around 5p.m. and it was now 6 and I was begining to worry. I was watching the news...

3 years ago
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Broken PromisesChapter 42

“Okay, so it went good?” said Blake. “My brother didn’t spit on, you, us.” “Yes, it went good; and no, he did not spit on us. But the man needs a woman, badly.” “Tell me something I don’t know. I just cannot believe he sent Marian packing,” he said. “He says he didn’t send her packing, as you put it. He claims it was mutual because they just didn’t love each other. He was lonely even with her around. She was lonely. It just wasn’t working for them,” she said. He nodded. “So, what now,” he...

4 years ago
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Flotte Biene

Becky wusste nicht, was sie erwartete, als sie ihren Freunden erlaubte, sie in das verlassene Lagerhaus in der 49. Straße mitzuschleppen. Sie wusste nur, dass es "die Party des Jahrhunderts" werden würde. Aber dann waren alle Parties die Party des Jahrhunderts in diesem Jahr, da die Uhr nicht nur ein neues Jahr, sondern ein neues Jahrhundert und sogar ein neues Jahrtausend drehte. Die normalerweise schüchterne, zurückhaltende Achtzehnjährige entschied sich nicht für den "Ich bin ein eklatanter...

1 year ago
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Becoming a Female Earthling

I got this story idea after watching the movie Men in Black with my boyfriend, Vince. We got talking about sex among space aliens. This is my first attempt at writing a Sci-Fi story, and my first erotic story not based on my real life. My name is not really spellable in human letters. The closest I can render it for you is Zalmingra. But you have to imagine adding three squeaks, a tongue click, and two finger snaps during that pronunciation - all while making a sort of snorting noise. I was the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 28

Over the last few months Dave had gotten familiar with coming back to the apartment with Shae, but somehow this evening felt different. Whether it was the success of the party, the gorgeous way she was dressed -- or just the going out with her to a social occasion for what was clearly a date, he felt different; there were romantic stirrings that hadn't happened before. As they went up the elevator, she stood slightly behind him, hugging his arm closely so he was more aware than ever of her...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Sister Part 5

I'd gotten to be very close with my best friend Amanda's sister. She was younger, seventeen years old, cute, in high school, and very very outgoing. When I mean very outgoing, I mean very outgoing. Not afraid to flirt, not afraid to get sexual, not afraid to be outspoken, and not afraid to speak her mind. Miranda also didn't hesitate to act on things she had feelings for.One thing I'd discovered about Miranda was that she was willing to flirt with me, come onto me, and had no regard for what...

4 years ago
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VacationChapter 58

Day Fifty-eight - Tuesday I woke to soft kisses on my face and lips. I don't think any of us moved an inch all night long. With another sweet kiss, Sue said, "Good morning husband, I love you more this morning than I did yesterday. I'm going to love you more tomorrow than today. You make me so happy, so fulfilled. I love you." My lovely wife is hugging me and kissing while I feel the public hair of a naked girl behind me rubbing my butt. The hand that is across my loving wife holding...

2 years ago
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Prince Saribs Harem Girl

Prince Sabir's Harem Girl I once knew with absolute certainty who and what I was. Now, I realize that identity is a slippery concept. Who am I? What am I? What made me what I am today? These are such essential questions that no one ever asks them. Instead, we rush through life presuming we know the answers. For most of us, this startling lack of self awareness never causes a problem. The very act of KNOWING those answers causes us to mold ourselves in ways that fit our own self...

3 years ago
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my naughty school girl

I started the spliff taking two good drags then passed it to stacey. She took three big drags then lay down on the grass with me. Two minutes passed when she jumped on top of me and started to kiss me , her tongue slid into my mouth and i returned the favour . my tongue wrestled hers,her sweet lips her school girl scent got me instantly hard. I slid my hand under her skirt and started to rub her pussy through her panties waiting for an objection. . . i got none . Her panties were soaking with...

1 year ago
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Private Dick Chapter

She was a looker all right--fine coat, double-breasted button-down pink blouse with black trim and with a knee-length skirt that hugged her bottom-- and it was a bottom that deserved to be caressed. Long dark hair, fair skin, green eyes emphasized with perfect makeup and lipstick the color of an oriental ruby. She was tall and firm on five-inch heels and her jewelry looked like the real thing. Her purse might have cost as much as my car. No one in Ruby's could stop looking.Normally the girls at...

3 years ago
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Hannahs wish

My name is Carl and I was born 28 years ago right now. For three years I am happily married. I feel fine. Hannah, my wife, loves me truly. There is no wish she could deny me. So I try also to do everything she asks me for. Six months ago Hannah did ask me for the first time, if I would have sex with other women when she would ask me for. The imagination of me fucking another woman would excite her very much. Indignant i have turned her down. I love her and could not do that. It was the first...

3 years ago
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In The Bathroom With Daddy While Mom Makes Breakfast

“Daddy, can we have a quickie?” Heather asked as she casually walked into the bathroom.Caledon, her stepfather, poked his head out from the shower curtains, blinking the water off his eyes as the water poured down behind him.“Baby, a who what? Cookie?”“Quickie,” the nineteen-year-old repeated while checking herself in the mirror. She lifted one foot in a cute pose. She knew he would like her in her black leggings and black bandeau bra and her braided pigtails and her bare feet.“Please, sweetie,...

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My eyes crack open the next morning to the filtered light of a clear sky. The sheers softly move on the breeze. The muted sounds of my isolated property filter in through the open balcony French doors. I tentatively search the room without moving my head. I see nothing except the furnishings of my bedroom. I cautiously lift my head and turn my body to search further. I still see nothing. Of course, all seven could be here and I wouldn’t know it unless they materialize. I throw off the...

3 years ago
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A Special Good Morning Ch 02

As Kim lies there in Darnell’s arms her head resting on his shoulder, feeling his heart beating against her chest, his fingers running gingerly through her hair, his warm breath on her neck, Kim drifted in and out of sleep, they laid there for a couple hours, as he listened to her breathing, enjoying the feeling of just having her in his arms. She awakens to the feel of him kissing her softly, as his hands traced their way down her back her body shivers as she settles into him, whimpering in...

2 years ago
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MY LIFE part 2

So there I was making love first time ever, TO A GIRL, TO MY MOTHER. And the best part was neither me nor my mother felt guilty or embarrassed. Rather we found a new stronger than ever bond between us. After our first love, we sat on her bed talking for a long time. I shared with her the most intimate things in my life which even I didn’t share with myself. We sat there for a long time, sharing each other’s quite intimate and dirty secrets. I still remember how hard we laughed on one...

1 year ago
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Miss Harcourt debauched

"No!" Miss Harcourt cried, "For gods sake No!" as I levelled Mr Cambridge's antique duelling pistol to aim not at Mr Simon Harcourt's head but instead the imaginary spot eight inches above his head whereby the ball would drill a third hole in direct line with his eye sockets. "Why should I spare him?" I demanded, "He has wounded me with his tongue and now his piece." "He, he is young and foolish," she shouted, "And noble in defending my honour!" I held the piece...

3 years ago
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Making Love to Devin

We were 16. We had just finished 10th grade, and it was now summer break. It was amazing. Our parents were always at work, and Devin and I could drive around and do whatever we wanted. We spent every second we could together. Also, living in Venice beach had advantages. We went to the beach almost every day. Devin was the closest thing that I have ever gotten to true love. This day started out just the same as any other. I got dressed in my normal bikini, shorts, and tank, threw on my shades...

Straight Sex
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it happen one night

it was an early night because I got out of class early, so I decided to go to my local strip club(spearmint rhino/city of industry) that has movie booths and a few glory hole that guys have drilled. with a pocket full of one dollar bills I went inside following a nice looking asian man. he went one direction and I went the other way to see what action is at me favorite end. i watched a few videos naked and stroking my cock hoping some guy would come to play with me at the two way mirror and...

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Pornography has always been a way to live vicariously through studs who fuck hotter broads than you’ve ever been able to pull in real life. Virtual reality takes those vicarious thrills to the next level, putting you right in the shoes and nutsacks of the porn cocks slamming away at those broads. At MilfVR, viewers can experience VR sex with the hottest cougar pornstars in the business.MilfVR.com is only a few years old, but that’s still older than most premium websites in the still-young VR...

VR Porn Sites
2 years ago
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My Experience With Cse Branch Girl

Hai friends, this is prem again. Thank you for your response & comments to my 1st story (Na Frnd Lover Swetha Tho Na Sex).   For those who don’t know me. Let me introduce myself, this is Prem from Hyd, I am 23 yrs old guy. Please reply your comments to my id   Let’s come to the story, this happened 3years back, when I am doing my b.tech 3-2 sem. One day our college has announced annual day programs, which was co-ordinated by several groups, in that I am also a co-ordinator to that fest where...

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Bored Bombshell Chapter 2

Kiana grabbed hold of his cock and began slowly stroking him as he stood behind her. His hand countered by sliding down her flat tight stomach to the top of her bikini bottoms. When his fingertips reached her waistband, he moved further down to begin rubbing her pussy through her bottoms. Kiana moaned loudly as her pussy ignited."Ohhh, god! Oh, Rick, I need you to fuck me! I need this cock inside me! Fuck me, baby, fuck me right now!" she said, tugging on his cock. He pushed her backward onto...

1 year ago
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58 Years Ki Asha Aunty Nangi Hui

Hello friends this is Rocky from kota rajasthan aapko yaad hoga 2 mahine pehle maine aapse apni ek reall stoty share ki thi or aap logo ne uske bahut achha response diya aap sab jinko meri story pasand aayi hai or mujhe jo comment mile uske liye thanks isliye aaj mein apni doosri story share kar raha hoo jo 2 week pehle mere saath hui hai  friends jisko bhi meri story achhi lage mujhe pe apne comment jaroor kare. Friends jaisa aapko pata hai mera affair meri friend ki mummy se hai or mein unse...

2 years ago
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I love being a Slut for BBC Blacken

I can't remember why we decided to go to the Peppermint Club that night. When Lois and I travel we like to try something different. Anyway, Lois wanted to have a good time that evening and so did I.There were lots of clubs in Las Vegas. The Peppermint was one of the nicest, with comfortable booths sporting leather seats, a dance floor and live music. We got there just before 9pm and ordered drinks. Lois had dressed to go out. She looked great in a tight black skirt, pinkish top that showed off...

3 years ago
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The CircleChapter 35 Tammy the Nanny

Sandy said, “I think I might know someone who would be interested in a job as a nanny. She’s been one of my waitresses when we do big parties, and she’s reliable as anything, personable, and I’ve known her for two decades. She’d be perfect. She just finished launching her own kids that she started when she was in college, is suffering from empty nest syndrome, is a widow – he died in an auto accident, and has been wondering what to do with her life. She hasn’t been a player in any of our...

3 years ago
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Shamus JournalsChapter 64

I was smiling to myself as I grabbed my cell. I called Charley and was told he was out. I left word for him to call me when he had a chance. I then called the motor pool and Doris answered the phone. I explained to her some of what was going on and asked her to have a talk with Jimmy. She should tell him I wanted him to stay away from the cabin until I let him know it was safe to come back around. She said she understood and would pass the word onto him. "Harry, are you going to take over...

2 years ago
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Sex In Delhi 8211 Part III

Hi mera name Ankit hai and main Delhi se hoon. Main aaj apni first story likhne jaa raha hoon.agar koi galti ho tho maaf karma. Main 25 saal ka hoon and aachi khaasi personalty kaa hoon. Ye ghata mere saath 1 saal pahle hui thi. Jab main ek room rent per laker raha karta tha. Mera makan maalk ke 3 girls thi unmain se 2 bahar hostle main padhti thi and 1 sabse badi jisha naam nisha hai wo ghar per rahi thi. Uski shaadi hone wali thi. Uska figure bahut he mast tha. 34-28-38 uska figure tha. pahle...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi 8211 You Beauty

Hi Readers! This is my first story here. Please bear with me in case of mistakes. So this is a story about how I played around and indulged with a bhabhi of mine who was unhappy and dissatisfied with her life! A brief about me. I am from Kolkata, have an average build body, about 5 feet 9 in height and got a 6.5-inch Tool. Have a special fetish for mature woman. Not that it is less for the others. So feel free to reach out and indulge. Always open to new connections. Now getting to the story....

1 year ago
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Got XX! Do you want to see a fuck ton of sexy Indian content that will make your Bolly-loving cock do backflips while you stroke yourself? Well, you may find that kind of content on GotXX. You are going to find all kinds of goddamn videos and more that are ready to make you feel like a fucking man again. Want to see what kind of hot content awaits you on GotXX?Then head over and take a look at all of the content that you can find on this unique tube site. It works great on both mobile and...

Indian Porn Sites
4 years ago
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mom and son cfnm

Mrs. Carrington's eyes opened softly into the morning light. A warm breeze wafted through the slightly opened window, causing her sheer curtains to dance slowly as she watched.She loved the early morning, just at sunrise, on a summer day's beginning. Especially with the warm muscular body of the young man lying nude next to her. Her nephew Thomas had just turned 18 and she hoped that he would be accepted to the Larraine Institute in the fall, as did her sister Jane.Her mind wandered as she...

2 years ago
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Home Schooled

It was when I was in junior high that I realized that being home schooled, I definitely grew up different than other girls who went to public schools. I wanted to experience my 11th and 12th grade years with kids my age to you know go to Proms, and School football games. I know my grades were good enough to even apply to a good collage with out even going to a formal Graduation. The thing is, I would be going with out you know interacting with kids my age. I had a great friend who did go to...

3 years ago
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Future PerfectChapter 8

Over the subsequent few weeks, I attempted to find some outlet for my creativity. My first choice would have been to use my genetics training to investigate why the normal reproductive processes seem to have broken down in the population. Failing that, I was intensely curious as to why the crops did not provide seeds for replanting. From my work at Genotech, I knew genetically modified plants should have been just as capable of reproducing as any other. The only reason that some GM crops did...

3 years ago
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FlashedHome Baking

"Hi, Honeybuns. I'm home. Hmm, someone's been baking. Hey, look, cookies!" "Don't you dare, Sweetie. They're for the church fete." "Hummph. Hoo hate, horry." "Sweetie!" "Sorry; couldn't resist. You know I love your cookies. Where are you anyway?" "I'm upstairs, Sweetie." "What are you doing up here? You've still got a cake in the oven ... Oh." "I did the test. I'm ovulating. The leaflet says we have to make love lots and lots over the next thirty-six...

1 year ago
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byAlice X(My girlfriend wrote this shortly after our shared experience) Well, I started in my senior year, when I had just turned 18. I hadn’t had sex yet, in fact, I hadn’t even gone beyond some kissing and mild exploratory groping while on a car date. I’d had my breasts fondled inexpertly through my sweater, and had a hand or two slip urgently down my jeans and between my legs, but that’s as far as it went. Nothing without clothes on. One guy had tried to get me to rub his cock while it was...

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