My GF's Halloween Costume free porn video

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MY GF'S HALLOWEEN COSTUME by Throne I made two stupid mistakes. There I was, happily enrolled in college and with a stunning girlfriend. Magda was a svelte beauty with long black hair. She was easygoing about almost everything, except her insistence that magic was real. We dated for a month before she confided that belief to me. I immediately began to chide her about it and, to be honest, as the weeks passed my taunts went from mild to outright disrespectful. Halloween was getting close and she had been invited to a big costume party being given by one of the fraternities. I'm sure the brothers would have preferred her to show up alone, but she told me I would be going with her. I'm short and slightly built, along with being kind of shy in social situations. I hadn't had much luck with girls in the past and decided that I would be happy to show off my squeeze to all those jocks. My second blunder was to push Magda to wear a super sexy costume to the party. I told her I wanted to make other guys envious of me. She was reluctant and I should have honored her wish to attend in a modest outfit. But I kept urging her to find something racy, like a sexy nurse or a hot female cop. We were between classes, strolling the campus, when I brought it up yet again. Magda said, "Maybe I should get one of those revealing devil girl costumes, Larry. You know. With a plastic pitchfork and a rubber tail." "Really?" I had a mental image of her in a red corset with matching bra and panties, stockings and heels, her breasts spilling out of half cups, all topped by a plastic hairband with little horns. "Why not? Then you could have all the guys ogling me and get another opportunity to make fun of my personal beliefs." "Oh, come on baby. It's just that having those jerks drool over you would be really cool. And you know that hocus-pocus stuff is totally bogus." "I've tried to explain to you how magic is actually the harnessing of energies that are all around us, generated by the earth, the departed, and even by sexuality." "I remember. Especially the part about sex energy. So if you dressed that way, you could get a charge off how horny it would make every linebacker at the party." My girlfriend gave an exasperated sigh. "How about this? I'll wear something sexier than you can imagine. And I'll take care of getting you into a costume at the same time." "Well... I mean... if it's too sexy, some guys might get the wrong idea. And I was going to come up with something for myself." "Now Larry," she said, putting a fingertip on the end of my nose. "You have to trust me. It's not as if I'm going to use that crazy magic I'm always talking about -- and you're always scoffing at -- to put a spell on you or something. Right?" "Okay. I get it." She was trying to gently stop me from my teasing, and not for the first time. Still, I couldn't resist finishing with, "But it will be Halloween, so you might try some witchy tricks." Magda gave me a wry smile and said, "I just might, Larry. If only to make a believer out of you." We didn't talk about it after that. I was more interested in the scandalous costume she was planning to wear. I told myself she wouldn't let some other guys hit on her. As jealous as I was, and possessive of her, I didn't know how I would react to that. But then after the party, when we got back to my off-campus apartment, I would have the pleasure of privately watching her in whatever she wore. And seeing her strip out of it. Maybe even helping her undress. Or convincing her to wear it to bed, if that was practical, for a bit of roleplaying. Plus, there was still the matter of finding out what she selected for me to put on. It promised to be an interesting evening. Halloween arrived and Magda said I should come to her dorm room so we could get dressed for the party. I was all lit up with excitement. The jealousy issue had been pushed to the back of my mind. All my thoughts were of seeing her in the awesome outfit she had chosen. I got there and snooped around while she got into the shower. There was a big flat box, tied with string, on her bed. Someone had even put a wax seal on the knot. I supposed that was something the costume shop, or wherever she got it from, did to add an extra touch of the holiday mood. After she reappeared, in a short belted robe, with a towel wound around her wet hair, I was more than ready for the big reveal. But it was still early and Magda was in no hurry. She decided we should have a cup of tea before we did anything else. I wasn't a big fan of her exotic imported tea leaves, and the sometimes smelly brews they produced, but that was no time to get into a disagreement. Happily, when she gave me a china cup on a delicate saucer, the aroma wafting up from my hot beverage was fruity and appealing. I blew on it and took a sip. Tasted good, too. I settled back into the armchair where I was sitting. "Drink up," she advised with a sly smile. "Sure," I said cheerily, taking a bigger swallow. "Let me dry my hair and then I'll slip into my... surprise." "Perfect. Can't wait to see it." I ran my hands through the air, as if they were sliding down her sides. "And to feel it." "Oh, you'll definitely get to feel it." Magda vanished back into the bathroom. Soon I heard her hair dryer blowing. When she emerged again her hair was brushed out, thick and glossy, draped over her shapely breasts. And she was naked. "Whoa," I said breathlessly. "Mmm hmm. You stay right there and finish your tea, lover. I'll make my grand entrance in about five minutes." "The sooner the better." I saluted her with my teacup. After my drink was gone I began to feel drowsy. All I wanted to do was sit there and not move. Then Magda strutted into the room. She was an amazing sight. All she wore was a black body stocking so tight it could have been painted on. There were gloves that fitted her hands like a second skin. Atop her head was a hairband with cat ears. Perched on the bridge of her nose were glasses with cat-eye frames and yellow-tinted lenses. She was looking feline and irresistible. I tried to get up but somehow wasn't able to. "You like?" she asked impishly. "I... really... do," was all I could say, the words coming slowly. "Want me to sit on your lap?" "P... lease." "Well all right." Magda curled herself up on my thighs and hugged me around the neck. She purred into my ears and licked my neck. That elevated my sexual temperature and quickened my breathing. "We..." I wanted to suggest jumping into bed but speech eluded me. My girlfriend squirmed around on my erection and said, "You're putting out a lot of erotic energy, lover. Remember how I told you that could power magic. It can even be amplified and turned back on whoever is generating it. In other words, I can use your libido's output to control you. Change you. Mess with your mind. But you don't believe in magic. So it won't bother you if I try something like... this." She unbuttoned my shirt halfway so she could finger my nipples, which got me even more aroused. Then she rubbed the crotch of my jeans until I felt ready to explode from pent up need. Just as I hit a peak she began to mutter words in some unfamiliar language that sounded Slavic. As she continued to speak I felt stranger and stranger. Suddenly it was as if I was becoming insubstantial and flowing, my substance entering and mingling with that racy costume she had on. The strange process continued. Everything went dark. I felt warm all over and became extra aware of the scent of Magda's skin. I could even smell her feminine musk. The sound of her chuckling reached me as if from a distance. "There you go, big guy. If you thought magic was real, and that I could perform it, I'd tell you that your essence was now merged with what I'm wearing. In effect, you have become my cat costume. And then I'd press down on the material that's against my pussy mound, like this." When she did that it was like having my lower face mashed against her pubes. Their odor and moistness assailed my senses, so strong that it left me dizzy. Then she rubbed her breasts and my own nipples came alive with overpowering reactions. I was dimly aware of her getting off my lap. Then I understood that she was pulling the seat of her outfit up between her buttocks, which translated to me as having my face buried in her ass. It was smothering and I was filled with scents of earthiness and fresh perspiration. "Poor baby," she said with a slightly mocking tone. "Maybe I should give you a rest. I could just... sit down." I was helplessly rushing downward as she plumped her bottom onto what I guessed was the couch across from me. I was flattened against her ass, pulled tight across her hips, and dragged up between her legs, all at the same time. It was immobilizing. I mean, there was already no way for me to move on my own, but this somehow made me feel imprisoned against her body. Magda wiggled her bottom, adding to my stimulation and torment. She wanted to know, "So do you believe in magic now, Larry?" I tried to speak but the part of me that was acting as my mouth was muffled, smothered, under her posterior. I could only struggle to make sounds. She jogged her rear up and down a few times before finally standing again. "Now you see what I had planned for your costume, sweetie. Your costume is to be MY costume. Isn't that clever?" With an effort, I managed to say, "Please... I believe you. Now just... let me..." I felt her slide gracefully off the piece of furniture and drop into a deep squat. It was like having my nose and mouth jammed into her crotch, so firmly that they went into the cleft of her pussy and stayed there. Magda said decisively, "I can hear you when you speak, and it's already starting to annoy me. So don't say anything unless it's really important. You should be able to start seeing more of what's happening around you soon. Are you beginning to recognize things now?" She was right. There were only vague outlines in front of me, but they were sharpening. As I watched, the shapes resolved themselves further, until they finally became objects. I was looking at Magda's apartment. "I can see. Everything's getting clear." "How about your hands? Because I have these gloves on, you should begin feeling whatever I touch." After a few seconds concentration I realized she was right. Magda ran her hands up and down her sides -- as I had pantomimed doing earlier-- and to me it was like my hands making that contact. "Yes. It's like I'm... caressing you." "Good. Any questions before we head over to the frat house for that party?" "Will I change back? To myself? Later on?" "You mean at the end of the night? Like Cinderella after the ball? Sort of. We'll leave your body here and when we return I'll probably let you reenter it, though I might decide to sleep in this snug outfit, just to give you an extra eight hours to think about how real magic can be." I heard myself moan. "I don't want to have to hear that all night long, either. So keep it quiet, Mr. Catsuit. That is, unless you want me to put you into some other things I could wear. Maybe spend a week as my panties. As one pair that I don't change for seven days. That could be interesting." "N... no. Please. I'll be quiet." "You're a fast learner. So let's get ourselves to the party and see what develops. I have some ideas for that." I decided not to speak. The prospect of becoming a piece of her lingerie and staying that way for seven long, perspiration moistened, secretion scented, and potentially flatulence fragranced days was too much. As Magda slipped on a pair of tall boots it was like I was being crammed into them face first. When she walked out of the apartment I again had my lower face snuggled against her privates. I was beginning to think of myself as no more than what she was wearing. From being in constant contact with her person, and especially her most intimate areas, my new self image got increasingly normalized. Her swinging hips made me feel more a part of her bottom. The close fit of those boots made me strangely attracted to her feet. It was all so confusing. The frat house was nearby and soon she was climbing its half dozen front steps, again putting a focus on the interaction between my face and her femininity. By then I was accustomed to looking forward from about the level of her shapely boobs. As we entered the noisy front room I immediately noticed guys staring at me. Could they see my transformed self? No, I realized. They were gawking at Magda's impressive bust. I wanted to tell them, 'Her eyes are up there, fellows'. Someone handed her a drink, a plastic cup full of red liquid. It was as if it was filling my hand. I caught a whiff of it as she brought it to her lips. From the smell I guessed it was fruit punch, liberally spiked. My instinct was to warn her not to over-imbibe. If she got tipsy she might do something foolish, which could affect me. What if she tore what she was wearing? Would I register that as pain? But then I concluded that her magic should prevent anything like that. So I definitely had become a believer. It was hard not to, now that I occupied her costume. The room was slightly warm and I was suddenly aware of her underarms beginning to perspire. It wasn't like the hint I'd registered right after her shower. There was an unpleasant tang that assailed my nostrils. Ugh. I tried to retreat from it but that only redirected me back in her butt crack. There seemed to be some system to how this all worked, though it wasn't something I could control. Making myself relax returned me to my vantage point of being at bust level, looking ahead of me. Of us. Whatever. There was some big Neanderthal of a football jock in front of Magda now. He had on a team sweatshirt and was clutching a mug of beer in one big, hairy- knuckled hand. He put his other one lightly on her upper arm and gave a mild squeeze. It was like I was the one being pawed by the guy. I tried to pull away but that was hopeless. Magda shifted her stance, he understood the message she was sending, his grip relaxed, and he moved away. As she continued across the room I noticed a guy directly in her path. He was tall, with dark hair like hers, though his was only collar length. His broad face was half covered by a thick but well-trimmed beard. He had on a dark tunic and leggings, with some sort of Medieval-looking leather shoes. As we got closer my attention was drawn to a medallion hanging around his neck. I guessed he was supposed to be dressed as a wizard. "Hello, Drago," she said with easy familiarity. "Hello yourself. What happened to that non-magic-user you insisted on dating?" "Larry? He refused to keep an open mind about magic. And he was relentless about having me wear a costume that showed off my figure." "Well, it does draw the eye to your charms. So did you break off your ill- advised relationship with him?" "Not exactly. You might say I've intensified it." "Oh?" His broad brow creased. "I don't want to tell you what to do, especially because I know you'll ignore my advice, but..." All at once his face relaxed. He held up one hand with his thumb across the palm, first and fourth fingers upright, the other two bent down. "Wait. I sense... Oh. You did THAT to him? Made him inhabit that outfit you're wearing?" "Precisely." "Well, I can't approve of him getting to be so close to you. On the other hand, the contact is generating waves of sexual energy. Would you mind if I... partook of some of that?" I somehow knew that she was smiling. "Be my guest." He took her in his arms and planted his lips firmly over hers. Their kiss was long and passionate. I could feel every erogenous zone in her body start to respond. Up until a short while ago I had expected it would be me getting intimate with her. Jealousy hit me like a physical blow. At the same time, her excitation filled me and set my system into high gear. Drago's strong hands gripped her buttocks and I experienced unwelcome stimulation from that too. She ground herself against him. I registered what was happening to Magda, which was her sexual temperature growing torrid. Simultaneously, I was aware of some of that energy passing into Drago, vitalizing him. His solid erection pressed against her crotch. My crotch. UGH. It was like a he was grinding against ME. Before their kiss ended I understood that he was a magic user too. She was a witch. He was a wizard, or else a warlock, whichever term was appropriate. But it wasn't semantics that concerned me at that moment. Envy and humiliation were overwhelming me but I was like a prisoner who is locked in a tight cage and hung from a gibbet, impotent to do anything about his dire situation. Drago put his arm through Magda's and walked her to the bar, which was tended by two of the fraternity brothers. He asked for two red wines and, when the stemmed plastic glasses were set in front of him, gave one to Magda. They stepped slightly away from the serving area and alternated sips with kisses . I raged silently at what, to me, was her infidelity. Drago must have been able to pick up on my emotions. He said to her, "He's not very happy about this. Does he understand the consequences if you keep him that way and we... do more than just hug and kiss?" "I didn't tell him about the long-term effects. That will just have to be an unpleasant surprise. Of course, it would only happen IF we were to, for instance, go to your apartment later." "And get comfortable." "Before doing whatever else we pleased." They both laughed. Alarms were going off in my head. What was that about aftereffects? Drago kept touching Magda, brushing his fingers over her shoulder, resting his hand against her hip, reaching around to massage the small of her back. I felt his every touch on my own body, or my discorporated self, or whatever I now was. Drago's efforts were making her tingle all over, which was also echoed on me. I shuddered and tried not to think about those male hands. It got worse when he put himself behind her and pressed his impressive erection against her backside. I told myself that it wasn't me he was touching, or my arousal that I was being possessed by, but it was getting more difficult to do that. "So," he whispered into her ear as he nuzzled her neck. "How about if we get out of this place?" "In a little while," she assured him. "But my friend Betsy is supposed to be here and I promised I'd meet her." Drago sighed. "Yes, my Princess," he said sarcastically. "Whatever Her Royal Highness wishes." He sighed. "Is she another of your mundane friends?" "Correct. She's not a magic user. But I think you'll like her anyway. Wait and see." "I rather see you in my bed." She turned to face him and playfully slapped his arm. "Don't be in such a rush. Besides, waiting will make you want me more." She rubbed her breasts against his chest. "And appreciate me more when we get where we're going." He laughed good-naturedly. I, on the other hand, was in a weird limbo, outside normal time and space, my consciousness dominated by the multiple erotic messages assaulting me. They finished their drinks and he returned the empties to the bar. They moved to a dimly lit part of the room. Again their bodies came together, the pair of them moving at the same time. Magda's gloved hand stole between them and went downward. To my dismay she touched Drago's swollen cock through his pants. Her fingers manipulated it, making him groan with pleasure. NO! It was like me fondling his tool. I desperately wanted to say something but remembered her prohibition against speaking. He got one of his hands in the tight space between their chests and cupped a breast. Now I was registering the cock massage and nipple stimulation simultaneously. The message I got was that handling a large hard prick made me feel good. That it was desirable. I tried to force those impressions away but couldn't, as if they were being imprinted deep in my thoughts. "Whoops," Magda said softly. She was looking over Drago's shoulder and said, "I just saw Betsy. Sorry, lover. We can get back to this later. Right now I want you to meet my very special friend." He made a small sound of disappointment. "If we must." "You won't be disappointed." Magda waved. The coed who returned the gesture was a short redhead, busty in the extreme, with a creamy complexion and sparkling emerald eyes. She walked toward us and as she got close I saw a spray of light freckles across her pink cheeks. Magda made the expected introductions. Then, to my surprise, she leaned in to kiss the new arrival. On the lips. With more than sisterly affection. As they parted, I saw that Drago was startled. Then his reaction turned lustful. He obviously liked seeing the girl he planned to bed getting sexy with another female, and such a desirable one at that. Drago told Betsy, "You need a drink, young lady. Would red wine be alright?" "Something stronger would be better," she told him boldly. "One of those colorful tropical concoctions." "I'll be right back." As he headed toward the bar, Magda put a hand on Betsy's softly rounded hip. It snaked around behind the girl, flattened against her lower back, and pulled her near. The redhead's oversized boobs met the other's smaller ones. It gave me an erotic jolt that made my head spin. They had another deep lingering kiss that lit up my entire system. I was being more and more aroused with no way to get release. Drago chatted with the bartender, giving them plenty of time to flirt with each other, talk about past encounters, and agree to get together at some unspecified time. It was so nasty, what Magda was doing to me. Still, I had pushed her into it. Drago at last returned, gave Betsy her drink, and stood back while the girls gabbed about their hair and clothes. Betsy finished with an added compliment about Magda's outfit, which gave her one more excuse to run her fingers over the dark material, starting at the hollow of her neck , gliding between her boobs, and finishing at her navel. I shivered all over After we left Betsy, Drago again offered to take Magda to his place. This time, to my dismay, she was ready. Soon we were in his sleek expensive car, leaving the campus and arriving at luxury condos. Not only was he handsome and confident, but obviously wealthy. As they entered his spacious apartment I couldn't miss the impressive furnishings. There were framed, hand-illustrated, parchment pages on the walls and curious artifacts filling a display case. It all created an eerie atmosphere. She took a moment to examine the pages before focusing on the figurines, jewelry, hinged boxes, small mirrors, and other treasures. "You've added some powerful gathering items to your collection," she observed. "Yes. And if we do what I want to, which will create lots of erotic energy from you non-magical friend, they will absorb all of that. Naturally, you will be welcome to partake of it any time you please." "If I come here to visit you," she noted. He reached out and rubbed her shoulders from behind with both hands. "Would becoming my regular guest be so unpleasant?" I wanted to shout at him to stop touching her/me. His fingers moved lower. "No," she admitted, then turned. He put his arms around her. "But let's concentrate on the present. I'm sure we'll both enjoy having a -- threesome." Drago chuckled. "With us as psychic vampires and your unwilling date for us to feed on." "Psychic vampires? I guess you could call us that. But sexual predators might be more accurate." "So be it. Sexual-psychic vampire-predators." There was one more probing kiss. I had been so sensitized to her nervous system by then that I could feel what she felt, even in areas not in contact with what she wore, like her lips and tongue. It was disarming. They went to the bedroom. She undressed Drago. Naturally, she had to continue wearing 'me' to make their intentions work. As Magda lay back on the bed, she ran one finger over her womanhood and the material there parted. It was as if I was being made to open my mouth and part my bottom cheeks at the same time. I was totally vulnerable. Drago knelt between her parted thighs. He was extremely well equipped for what he was about to do. His cock stood up proudly, ending in a bulbous head. As he pressed it against her pussy I felt it touch my lips -- and the tightness of my bottom. "No hurry," she told him. "We've got all night." "By the time we're done, I'm gong to have my artifacts more charged up than they've ever been." "And poor -- what was his name? -- Oh, right. Larry. I guess having him in his current state makes it hard to remember who he used to be." "What about Larry?" "I'm really pissed at him. So I'm going to deepen the spell and make everything that's happened, and especially what's about to occur, sink in really deep." "You mean it will all stay with him for...?" "For always," she said and chortled. "Now let's get started and make sure to leave the strongest possible impression on my EX-boyfriend." I was looking up at Drago's leering face. Feeling the end of his cock at my mouth and ass. Experiencing Magda's state of heightened sexual anticipation. I made one more effort to drag myself away from her control but, as she murmured another string of unfamiliar words, I was drawn in even further. Then, without warning, the man on top of her began to feed his enviable member into her hot wetness. She moaned. He grunted. I screamed silently. In desperation I tried to disobey Magda and speak to her. I don't know if it was the upgraded spell or just that I had been under her control for too long, but my ethereal voice failed me. Speechless, I endured Drago filling me front and back. It choked me. It made me feel like I was being stretched beyond my limits. But the insidious thing was that I was also carried along on the intense pleasure he was giving Magda. My mind spun off into a state of confusion. This was the worst and best I could have anticipated, at the same time. Drago was double-impaling me and, despite my suffering and disgust, at some other level I was enjoying it. Hating it. Wanting more. Feeling violated. Hoping he wouldn't stop. The sheer intensity of it all saturated my mind. I wanted more and more and more. With heart-freezing dread I understood that I was becoming addicted to what was happening. I was carried to dizzying heights, thoroughly satisfied, and then slowly allowed to descend. As mortified as I was, already the need for more was asserting itself. Drago got off Magda. She cuddled up against him. I tried once more to detach myself from sharing her sensations but realized it was hopeless. An hour later they went at it again, but this time in the doggy position. Then, about 60 minutes after that, did it standing up, with her bent over and resting her hands on the foot of the mattress. By the time they were done all that I knew I would never escape from the way my mind had been programmed. What I didn't know was how it might make me behave. I was also concerned that anything else they did might deepen my cravings even more. They fed off the energy my ordeal had created and then went to sleep, with Magda still wearing me. I drifted into a light slumber while still feeling the heat of their bodies and smelling the scents of sex. In the morning I tried to tell myself that this situation couldn't get any worse. I was wrong. There was a stash of female lingerie and such from the numerous females who had visited Drago. It had accumulated into a large and varied collection, perhaps kept as souvenirs. He must have favored a certain body type because it was all the same size, perfect for Magda to wear. I found that out when she began to go through it and try on various items. But she didn't remove her costume from the night before, so I had to feel the touch of every bit of silky and satiny material. She pulled on a pair of bikini-cut panties. Then came a baby doll nightie. With just those two pieces on, she went to the kitchen where Drago was having coffee. He laughed at the combination of the bedroom wear and her costume. "Well," she said impishly, "I wanted Larry to be able to feel this sexy lingerie. Or maybe I should call him Laurie." She ran her hands over her breasts and down to her tummy, going further and rubbing a finger over her nether lips. As my entire body tingled, she explained, "My magic is still working, so whatever I experience, Lauren will too. And after last night, she's still extremely receptive to everything that touches her mind." "In other words," Drago suggested, "she'll not only end up hooked on all that sex stuff, but on being dressed seductively too." "Correct. The two will be a perfect combination. She'll want lots of action from having her mind imprinted by everything you did to me, you sex monster. And she'll have an uncontrollable urge to dress up enticingly. So when she can't stop herself from going after men, at least she have the necessary look to get them into bed. Or into a shadowy alley. Maybe just the front seat of their car. She is going to be SUCH a sex addict." "A succubus but without that type's powers. How very comical. A perfect penalty for -- " He creased his brow. "I forget. What is it you're punishing this boring mundane for?" She put a hand alongside her head and stroked her dark hair. "Oh, just for being a jerk generally. And -- now I remember -- not believing in my magic. Also trying to push me into wearing a sexy costume whether I wanted to or not." "Hmm. I doubt he retains any doubts about your powers. Also, he will have a new outlook on the wearing of tantalizing clothing." Magda laughed. "He'll have to learn to shop in the women's departments." "Or the girls', as small as he is." "Maybe you could spare some things from what's accumulated here." "For such a good cause, I would gladly do that. There's a shopping bag in the back of the closet. A pink shiny one which a guest of mine used as her overnight bag. Fill it up for Lauren." "Terrific. I'll find lots of goodies for him." "Try the spare dresser over there. I segregate the fashions left by less curvaceous young ladies there." She had no difficulty topping off the large bag. Watching from my bust- level point-of-view, I was unnerved to see her select the sexiest panties, sleepwear, stockings, and much more. There was even a red corset. And a pair of black shoes with two inch heels, that she felt confident I could learn to walk in with a minimum of practice. Magda said, "After all, he was walking in my boots just last night. I'm sure the reflexes for doing that have stayed with him." Eventually she was ready to leave. It was a relief that they hadn't slithered onto the sheets again. Just as I was considering that small consolation, Magda unexpectedly got amorous again. One unhurried embrace had a delighted Drago hard again. She sank to her knees in front of him. "I was just thinking," the beautiful magic user said. "Anything I do now will become a driving force in Lauren's new personality. So..." She opened his pants and freed his straining member. "Why not give her something extra to remember us by?" She proceeded to give him a slow, sloppy-wet blowjob, licking his balls and kissing his thighs and belly. It went on and on. Every second of it registered in my mind exactly as if I were the one doing it -- and loving how his cock pressed down on my tongue, how it invaded my throat, the way his balls rested against my chin, and the pride I felt at my wanton performance. Drago blasted out a generous load, which Magda held in her mouth, savoring the rich salty flavor, guaranteeing that I would do the same. And be compelled to do it again. When at last she was about to depart for real, Drago made a point of getting his hands all over her one last time as they said goodbye. I responded to his touch in ways that told me just how deep my new urges were. With a final pat on the rump he sent Magda out the door, carrying the shopping bag. Back in her dorm room, my physical self was still sitting in the armchair, eyes closed, appearing totally relaxed. She went to it and pressed her lips to mine. I felt my essence separate from her body stocking and flow back into my body. Slowly I returned to a normal state of awareness. I flexed my fingers and licked my lips. She stood in front of me and held out the bag. I tried to resist but couldn't. Taking it, I hurried into the bedroom. Though I wanted to be alone she followed me. Magda watched as I fought against my new compulsion, even while I stripped naked in front of her. She chuckled, watching me rummage through the feminine finery. "Let me help," she offered. "I wish you could feel the magical emanations you're putting out. If I absorb much more of them I'll feel drunk. In fact, I should really use up some of the excess so I don't overload my system. Just let me think of what I want to do with it. In fact, let me come up with something I can do for you." She selected a few pieces for me to try on. The thought of being in what she picked, a short filmy nightie, transparent panties, and patterned stockings, was maddening. I didn't want to reject my masculinity that way. But it was also appealing. What I had been through left me wanting to feel those materials against my skin. And I had the need to relive the sexual highs I'd experienced. A powerful and growing need. So I accepted what she offered me, stepped into the panties and pulled them slowly up my legs, savoring the tantalizing sensations as they tingled my nerve endings. Then I slipped the nighty over my head and shimmied it down across my torso, the thin material teasing my nipples distractingly. By the time I sat on the edge of the bed and got the stockings over my legs, I had an insistent erection and was panting from runaway urges. "You look delicious," Magda told me. "Swish around the room so I can get a better look." I did it, shamed at the display l made of myself, but somehow titillated by how she openly admired me. I caught myself stroking my tummy through the thin nightie. "Lovely," she reiterated. "And I've come up with a way to use all the excess energy I've taken in from you. First, let's get rid of your body hair, which certainly doesn't go along with your new fashion sense." Magda moved her hands through the air in front of me. I was frozen in place. It was as if I was being tickled all over by unseen feathers. After several minutes of that, I was able to move my head just enough to see that I was now smooth all over, without a hair anyplace. Then she smiled impishly and cupped my genitals in one hand. My EX-GF muttered words in that unfamiliar language again as she slowly closed her hand. I could feel pressure on my penis and testicles. I felt her hand close tighter. Yet she still wasn't squeezing me hard. How could that be? I got my answer when she stepped away and pointed to where she had just been touching me. When I looked down I was horrified to see, through the clear panties, that my cock, formerly over six inches hard, and admirably thick, was now less than half that length and very slim. Checking under it with my hand, I discovered that my balls had been similarly diminished. I now had the genitals of a prepubescent boy. "Don't worry, dear," Magda said merrily. "The kind of dates you'll be craving from now on won't require you to do anything with your peter. And being so ridiculously small down there will actually make you more appealing to the sort of men you'll want to attract. Plus, I added in two more features to help you. Want to know what they are?" Though I dreaded the answer, I said in a small wispy voice, "Yes, please." Why did I sound like a shy girl? She chuckled. "First there's that voice. Very seductive to any guy who wants to play with you and use you. Then there's the way your new micro- penis works. It can still get hard, as you can see and feel. It's even more sensitive than it ever was before. But -- OOPS! -- it's almost impossible to make it ejaculate. That way your attention will be fully on fulfilling our new obsessions, and making your partners happy. Of course, you will be able to orgasm under the right circumstances, from some really extreme scenes, but I'll leave it up to you to figure out what it takes to make you pop your cork." "You can't leave me like this." "Of course I can. It wasn't part of my original plan. That was just to turn you into my Halloween costume for the evening so you'd learn some lessons. But after feeding off all your erotic energy, there's no way I'd let you go back to being your old self. No way. I want you available to supply me from now on. And I'm sure Drago feels the same. But for now I need to let you go, so you can start your new lifestyle." She had me put the clothes I'd arrived in back on, right over all the feminine items that were continuing to affect me. My erection was so small that it was easy to tuck it down and back, so I felt even less manly. Magda advised me that I could use that trick whenever I wanted it out of the way, but that I should also seek out men who would assume I wasn't a real female, to avoid certain types of unpleasantness. "You can go on-line to kinky dating sites," she suggested. "Or just hang out in drag club's bars. I'm sure you'll find your way around. It's not like you have any choice, not with how driven you're going to be to find satisfaction. Remember what it was like when I had my lips and tongue all over Drago's wonderful man-meat? That's what you won't be able to get enough of. Along with some other types of action." As she ushered me out the door I held the very full shopping bag in one hand and reached my other out to her beseechingly. "Please, Magda. There's no way you can..." My words were cut off by the closing of the door. I stumbled down the hall and out of the building. Outside I immediately started to notice men and think of them exclusively in sexual terms. Even women were appealing. But I intuited that male contact would do a better job of assuaging my new wants. I got inside my dorm room. stripped off everything, and hastily changed into snug satin panties, a belly shirt, and shiny stockings. Just the act of putting on more female underthings felt amazingly right. There were some cosmetics at the bottom of the bag. I dug out a tube of lip gloss, thinking that would be noticeable but not too obvious. My half- formed plan was to wear male outer clothing, get myself downtown, and find some kind of release. What I was planning repulsed me, yet I had to do it. Just as I was deciding which of my own clothes I could wear to conceal the feminine finery, I heard someone approaching outside my room. I cautiously opened the door just a crack. Coming along the hall was Jake, a tall lanky guy. I'd heard him joke about how he was interested in sex with 'anything that moves'. In desperation, I opened the door a bit further and decided to take a huge risk. "Psst. Jake," I called in my new girly voice. "It's me. Larry. Could you, um, help me with something?" He peered curiously at the part of my face that was exposed, probably trying to figure out why I sounded so different. Then he said, "Sure. What do you need?" I opened the door further and stepped out of the way. He entered and looked down at me, his eyes running all over my hairless body, so well shown off by what I had on. My male parts were neatly tucked out of the way. He swore softly and then smiled. "So what exactly do you need help with, Larry?" he said, leering at me. He closed the door and turned the lock. "I prefer to be called Laurie." "Looks like you should be called Easy. But whatever. My girlfriend was in a piss-poor mood last night and wouldn't give me a blowjob. I guess fate stepped in to see my through. Those shiny lips of yours would be a perfect fit around my cock. I mean, if that's the kind of help you need. Or did you just want me to give you a hand hanging a picture?" "No," I said meekly. "I was feeling kind of lonely and..." "Lonely. Horny. Call it whatever. But I can tell by the way you're checking me out that you need something I've got... Laurie." Jake came closer, backing me up against the wall. His masculine body pressing against me revived all the sensory memories of the night before. I had to have him. I wriggled myself downward and got on my knees, at eye level with his crotch. This shouldn't be happening. Where was my willpower? I whimpered as he put his large hands on the sides of my head. With quivering fingers I got his belt undone, pants unhooked, and zipper down. Mounting eagerness made me lower his jeans and shorts at the same time. His long cock, already half tumescent, popped up and bumped against my lips. I made one last effort to stop myself before surrendering to the inevitable. My lips opened and I got the bulbous head between them and resting on my tongue. It felt so right. I fingered it like I was playing a flute, easily bringing it the rest of the way to fullness. Then I was sucking for all I was worth. He told me, "Whoa there, greedy girl. Take your time. I like a long, slow knob-job, with lots of hand action on the shaft. And don't forget to play with my balls. Carefully." He used his hands to move my head and indicate the rhythm he preferred. "Like that, sissy." Being called sissy before that would have been a cutting insult. But now it was a compliment. I had seduced my first guy, not that it had been very tricky. He was happy to have his cock in my mouth and I was determined to keep it there. The idea of taking as long as I could was suddenly very appealing. What would have been anathema to Larry was irresistible to Laurie. I purred as I sucked harder and bobbed my head gently forward and back, taking in another two inches. My gag reflex told me that was as far as I could go, but another part of my mind was already thinking of ways to get past that limitation. This was my new life. Unending craving for cocks to suck. My nipples demanded attention. To my shock I felt an insistent pulsing between my buttocks. No, no, no. Did I want that, too? Absolutely. But for the moment I was fully occupied with Jake's wonderful endowment. His glorious appendage. The thing that gave meaning to my life. I'm not proud to tell you that I made it last over a half hour. That added to my shame. Yet Laurie wanted to brag about it. She was enraptured when Jake announced, "I'm getting ready to shoot my load, bitch. You damn well better swallow. Rub my balls. Yeah. Like that. Feel how heavy they are. That mean's you're going to get a big mouthful of cream. A super serving. Here it... almost there... back off so you can just do the head... another few seconds and..." That was it. He spurted his thick salty ejaculate all over my waiting tongue. The rusty taste was so strong. There was so much that I had to gulp down some immediately to prevent an overflow. Then I used it to add to his pleasure as I swirled my coated, extra slippery tongue around his corona while his system pumped out more. Soon he had peaked and I was greedily milking the last of his cream out with tightly fastened lips, suctioning at the same time. When he'd had all he wanted, Jake stepped back, put away his desirable tool, and zipped up. He looked down at me. I could feel cum on my lips and didn't try to get rid of it. He smirked at my submissiveness. He told me, "You got me thinking about something my girlfriend never does for me. Are you a full service sissy?" "What?" Magda had given me such a lightweight voice. "Do you take cocks in your back door?" That was one thing I would never sink to. Yet before I could say so, memories of how amazingly good it had felt last night when Drago had sex with Magda came back to me. And the spot he was referring to was where I had enjoyed what I felt the most. Haltingly I told him, "Well, I've never done that yet." Then I was seized by uncompromising need. "But I'm ready to try. Very ready. Any time you want." "Sounds good. A slut like you should be perfect for that. Squirming all around while I plug your butt. Make sure you're here tomorrow night, late. If my girlfriend's still not in the mood, I know you'll be. Otherwise, I'll catch up to you later, Easy." He turned and left without another word. That was insulting but it added to my excitement. Having a man treat me like his disposable sex toy was registering as a positive thing. My life was going to be a series of one- sided encounters. I wanted to achieve my own release but, as Magda had warned, it was nearly impossible. My shrunken penis throbbed in the confining panties. And what was I thinking as my world crashed around me? First was to wonder how successfully I could resist the voices telling me what to do. And second was to decide where to best find more men once that resistance failed, as it certainly would. ********* (I recently mentioned that I have a page on Deviant Art, where I use the name Subthrone. Since then I've figured out how to post short pieces of fiction there. They will mostly feature themes that don't fit here (although the first one is a guy caught in panties ??). Hope you'll check it out and maybe leave a comment. Thanks.)

Same as My GF's Halloween Costume Videos

3 years ago
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What a Fucking Halloween Costume

College life wasn’t as fun as Katie had imagined it, even though she had survived her freshman year and now was a “sophisticated” sophomore. Sure, it was nice to be independent, and going to school in Sunny Florida was a nice departure from her home in Maine – especially since it was now well into Fall. Her sorority life was good – she got along with almost everyone except for chapter president Julia (“How could they elect that fucking bitch president?” she thought after elections at the start...

Straight Sex
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Two Friends Share A Halloween Costume

Copyright © 2003 by Floridaguy2001. All rights reserved. Halloween just past a few days ago and it reminded me of a very interesting Halloween a few years ago. I was recently divorced and pretty down about the whole thing and my friend Tom wanted to cheer me up and suggested we go to a Halloween party, I asked about his wife and he said she was going out of town to visit her mom so he had nothing better to do anyway. I agreed, but as the evening approached I started to have second thoughts I...

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Halloween costume

A friend sent this to me in my email I just had to share itHalloween just past a few days ago and it reminded me of a very interesting Halloween a few years ago. I was recently divorced and pretty down about the whole thing and my friend Tom wanted to cheer me up and suggested we go to a Halloween party, I asked about his wife and he said she was going out of town to visit her mom so he had nothing better to do anyway. I agreed, but as the evening approached I started to have second thoughts I...

3 years ago
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Two Friends Share A Halloween Costume

Copyright © 2003 by Floridaguy2001. All rights reserved.Halloween just past a few days ago and it reminded me of a very interesting Halloween a few years ago. I was recently divorced and pretty down about the whole thing and my friend Tom wanted to cheer me up and suggested we go to a Halloween party, I asked about his wife and he said she was going out of town to visit her mom so he had nothing better to do anyway. I agreed, but as the evening approached I started to have second thoughts I...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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OLanterns Halloween Costumes

Here's a short little Halloween story. It's a little late because I didn't actually get inspired to start writing it until Halloween night while I was waiting on trick or treaters. O'Lantern's Halloween Costumes By Morpheus O'Lantern's Halloween Costumes, the sign on the shop read in bright orange letters. It was a small shop occupying a corner of the local strip mall, not standing out in any way beside the sign nor looking...

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Fifty Years of Halloween Costumes

An elderly couple loves Halloween, almost as much as they love one another. Sadly and tragically, Bonnie and Andy never had children. She couldn’t because of a horse riding accident that happened to her when she was young, a lifetime ago. Ironically not fair that those couples who should have children don’t and those couples, who abuse their children have an entire brood. Who knows, maybe had they had an entire brood of children, they would have abused them, too. I don’t know. A gift and not...

2 years ago
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posthalloween costume

hello... this is the work of fiction... do not read if you are not old enough... and you know who you are... post-halloween costume by don davidson hi... it's november 5th now... 5 days after halloween... and i'm still in my costume... i can't believe i got my self into this mess... i'm still in the basement... she hasn't let me out yet... my hair is a little longer, she's touched up the makeup, my lips a still a bright red, mascara, blush on my cheeks.. she shaved...

2 years ago
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Halloween costume

Growing up my mother had to raise me on her own and money was short most of the time. So when Halloween came around I had a choice. make my own, or go without. Considering no one gives candy to a k** without a costume I made one. Years had gone by and I was to old to trick- or- treat so I quit. Doing laundry in day while living in apartments someone left a pair of panties in the washer that I didn't notice till I was putting things away. They weren't fancy, just a plain light blue with white...

3 years ago
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Halloween Costume

The halloween after having my bathing pulled off by the water while knee boarding in front of family. This is what happened. My family wanted to have more fun with me and since I didn't have a costume picked out yet and I had to wear it out i public. After the boating trip last time they had fun with me I knew I would be excited this time. Halloween night came around and they told me my costume is in my room upstairs. I went up to my room and hanging on my door was a girl's naughty school...

3 years ago
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Halloween Costumes

This may be posted on any free site. Halloween Costumes By Allison Voorhees ([email protected], [email protected]) "Hello?" I answered the phone. "Hey, John!" Michelle was on the other end. "I think I may be able to come up with some very creative costumes for us. You want in?" "Sure," I replied, trusting her judgment. For the last five years, since 8th grade, we've been teaming up for our Halloween costumes. Michelle (I call her Shelly) has designed the...

3 years ago
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Halloween Body Painted Costumes

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2 years ago
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The Halloween Costume

Adam and Kev slouched around Carly's flat, coming down from another Saturday rave. Carly shouting out Halloween costume ideas at them which they torpedoed continually,"Well, I don't see you two giving out any ideas," she yelled."Who gives a shit, I'll go as a vampire same as last year. It's only birds who worry about that shit like that,"  Kev elbowed Adam as he laughed. He jumped up, "I'm off home, see you two laters."Carly replaced him on the sofa "We've got to come up with...

Gay Male
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A Little Halloween Miss Chiff

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The Devils Bull A Halloween Story

1The Devil's Bull - A Halloween Storyby The TechnicianHalloween, BDSM, Fantasy Horror, Slavery, Serial Predator, Punishment, Whipping, Spanking, Anal, Mythical Beasts = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =   Be careful when you dance on the Devil's doorstep. You never know when he might come out and ask you to come inside.            (One of my Grandmother's sayings.) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =WARNING!  All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY.  Stories...

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Ghost story for halloween

I_'_m _ n_o_t _ a _ v_i_r_u_s_. _ I_'_m _ a _ g_h_o_s_t_. L_o_o_k _ a_t _ t_h_e _ k_e_y_b_o_a_r_d_. _ _ T_h_e _ k_e_y_s _ a_r_e _ m_o_v_i_n_g_. C_o_u_l_d _ a _ c_o_m_p_u_t_e_r _ v_i_r_u_s _ m_o_v_e _ t_h_e _ k_e_y_s _ o_n _ y_o_u_r _ k_e_y_b_o_a_r_d_?_" Good, you believe me. That makes things a lot easier. And, no, you don't have to type, I can hear your thoughts. That would be a dog. As I said, I am a ghost. I know that, for the past several weeks, you have been trying to...

3 years ago
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The Defiled One A Halloween Story

1The Defiled One - A Halloween Storyby The TechnicianHalloween, Fantasy, Nymphomania  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Just a typical Halloween night in the psych ward, except that a dead man shows up as a beautiful nymphomaniac. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =WARNING!  All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY.  Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content.  All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living...

2 years ago
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Halloween Party

Halloween Party By Carol Collins "Not another Halloween TG story!" You exclaim. Face it, Halloween is the one time of the year that dresses come out of the closet (pardon the pun), along with the other feminine finery, to be worn legitimately (at least in some jurisdictions). This is a more or less true (meaning highly embellished) story of what happened one year when a friend's mother dressed him up as her daughter for Halloween. If you like these types of...

4 years ago
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An Eventful Halloween

"An Eventful Halloween" I looked at the calendar and noticed it would soon be Halloween once again. I took a deep breath and decided that this year I would have a little fun and go to the party as my alter ego. It was that part of my personality I always kept to myself but over the years when Halloween time neared I always got to thinking about what it would really be like to venture out into the world dressed from head to toe and from the skin out as a woman! This year I started...

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The Halloween Wand

My name is Sam Clarkson. And as far as I can remember, this is an accurate description of what happened on Halloween, the year I was 13. My parents had gone out to a party, leaving me and my 10 year old sister, Tina, home alone. We were allowed to be home without a sitter, as long as I promised to be responsible, and to take Tina trick or treating. "OK, this is our chance!" I said. "What do you mean?" said Tina. "Well, since we moved into this house, some of the stuff is still...

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The Defiled One A Halloween Story

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

2 years ago
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Halloween Trick or Treat Surprise

Chapter 1 –Susan Charity Event To my surprise Susie my wife of 15 years comes home from one of her many business trips. She is all excited about a Halloween costume party fund raiser, for non profit that supports women studies. The invitation states, the best couple for this evening will receive a free weekend in Bermuda. She wants’ us to go as couple switching genders.  Let me explain, when we got married years ago, she was an extremely sexy size 12, 5’ 5” with fantastic curves, huge D cups...

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Halloween Trick or Treat Surprise

Chapter 1 –Susan Charity Event To my surprise Susie my wife of 15 years comes home from one of her many business trips. She is all excited about a Halloween costume party fund raiser, for non profit that supports women studies. The invitation states, the best couple for this evening will receive a free weekend in Bermuda. She wants’ us to go as couple switching genders.  Let me explain, when we got married years ago, she was an extremely sexy size 12, 5’ 5” with fantastic curves, huge D cups...

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Halloween and the Salon Stylist

Halloween 2014 "Halloween and the Salon Stylist" "Oh just sit down Tommy and hush. You said we could dress you up as a woman and you agreed to work this way all day today. It's Halloween silly," Shelly said holding the cape and waiting for him to sit in the styling chair. The other girls in the shop stood and watched as they giggled in anticipation of Tommy's transformation. It was early in the morning and all the stylist and the nail tech were all here to...

4 years ago
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Voyeurs and Vanities Part 2 Halloween

Voyeurs Part 2 Things were quiet for the few months to follow. All of the boys remembered the horrible awkward period following their humiliation - as they removed the clothes and makeup, hardly looking at each other, their minds flooded with the thought that those pictures might get out. But come the next Monday morning, nothing had happened yet and it fortunately looked like they were in the clear. The girls, who they supposed had the power to ruin them, chose not to, which was a...

4 years ago
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RSVP A Halloween Story

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

3 years ago
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Mrs Succubus A Halloween Story

This is a very mild story with very little explicit sex... but it is very magical. It has Leprechauns, Succubi, and a interesting trip through my very weird imagination. I thought this was going to be my Celtic Halloween story since the pixies gave me this one. Because of the pixie’s actions, I can’t really say that I created this one. I lived it through in my mind and am telling you what went on. It isn’t as Irish as I normally write for my Celtic Halloween story, and evidently the pixies...

2 years ago
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Halloween Sisters

Halloween Sisters By Carol Collins It all started innocently enough. I, Jim Stone, was very busy on a project for work and barely remembered giving my beautiful but mischievous wife permission to select my Halloween costume when she selected hers. It was a decision absence mindedly made that would affect the rest of my life. I finished my ten-hour a day seven days a week project two days before Halloween. I planned on...

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A Halloween Story

A Halloween Story By Cassandra Morgan In the tiny pockets of time, eternal truths can be unveiled. You'll be in the middle of an ordinary conversation, and suddenly, someone will ask a question about a fundamental truth. Pay attention, and the world will teach you a lesson. At least, that's the way it happened with my wife Ginger and I. We were sitting around, wasting the minutes until dinner. We worked hard. Ginger was a psyche major at UC. I'm a junior high math teacher. So...

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gfs father

Hey guys this has just happened last weekend. Me and my girlfriends father (jim) were going to the pub to watch the football on the weekend as her and her mother were going shopping. When we arrived at my father/mother in laws house the old man already had a few cans of beer drunk so I had to catch up. I say old byt he ia old to me as am 27 and he is 57. I drank 3 cans in about 5min and could feel the affects starting to kick in. The girls left to go for lunch and shopping as me and Jim...

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Jack O Lantern A Halloween Story

All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between...

2 years ago
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The Realm of Pleasure A Halloween Story

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

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28 A Halloween Story

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

2 years ago
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Jack O Lantern A Halloween Story

I’ve handled some long term cases before, but this one was the granddaddy of them all. Frank Reynolds handed most of his open cases down to me when he retired, but he kept this one back. He had been working on it for over fifty years, and hoped he could solve it before he died. He didn’t, so he left it to me.It seems that some sort of serial kidnapper has been striking every ten years on Halloween in a small town in upstate New York. He is considered a kidnapper rather than a killer because no...

4 years ago
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The Realm of Pleasure A Halloween Story

It was supposed to be a frickin’ joke! It was just a bunch of Halloween mumbo-jumbo to get the girls to take their clothes off. I didn’t really mean it. I wasn’t trying to summon anyone... or anything. I was just trying to get laid.The six of us boys came up with this plan over the summer. Actually, it was my idea, but everyone went along with it. As Halloween approached we would all talk about the “door to The Realm of Pleasure,” and how we should have a magic ritual on Halloween to open the...

2 years ago
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Relatives from Out of Town A Halloween Story

I think the wee folk are playing with me, but this is the story the Pixies gave me for this year’s Halloween specials. It rolls some Celtic traditions in with some other traditions from the old times to present a tale of a witch who isn’t really a witch... except that she is. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =It all started when cousin Bridget made her prophecy. Bridget has always been a very weird little girl. Perhaps I should say she has always been a very weird... and very little......

2 years ago
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Relatives from Out of Town A Halloween Story

I think the wee folk are playing with me, but this is the story the Pixies gave me for this year’s Halloween specials. It rolls some Celtic traditions in with some other traditions from the old times to present a tale of a witch who isn’t really a witch... except that she is. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =It all started when cousin Bridget made her prophecy. Bridget has always been a very weird little girl. Perhaps I should say she has always been a very weird... and very little......

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Halloween Story Things that go Bump Bump Bump In the night

Later on Belisa stood out on the side walk, waiting for her friends to pick her up. She didn't really take Halloween very seriously so she just decided to wear her favourite dungarees with a red T-Shirt and white shoes. She just wanted to be comfortable, have a laugh and dance anyhow. Crystal and Amy arrived in an open top car. "Hey, Belly!" Called Crystal, a slender young blond who was in the front side seat. "Don't call me that, you know I hate that!" Replied Belisa half laughing,...

2 years ago
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The Little Halloween Sluts 2

Summary – Amber, Darla and Tina are down to their last hour of Halloween Trick-Or-Treats! What will they do to get even more candy? Previous Chapter - Amber and her friends decide to go all out to get candy on Halloween! Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies,...

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Something Within Me A Halloween Story

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

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My Halloween party at the Mortuary

I'm a 41 year old mortician / funeral director that operates our family's Mortuary and cemetery. I'm married in a polygamist marriage ( not Mormon ). I have three children two teenagers and a two year old, now I have 2 Sister Wives, Toni that's a year younger than me and she is also my biological sister with 4 children to our husband. Then there's Kathy that is a good bit younger than us, she's 23 years old with 1 child to our husband. Well, it was Saturday October 31st 2015 Halloween,...

3 years ago
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Relatives from Out of Town A Halloween Story

All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal...

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Mrs Succubus A Halloween Story

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! This warning is totally not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to...

3 years ago
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The Devils Bull A Halloween Story

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

2 years ago
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Something Within Me A Halloween Story

Philip Westmont woke groggily to the sound of his roommates running up the steps to their second-floor flat. As usual, when he awoke on All Saint’s Day, his body was covered in sweat and who knows what else. He pulled the sheet tightly up to his armpits and waited for them to burst into his room.The three of them were still more than slightly drunk. William – known to everyone as Billie – was dressed in what had been a Spiderman costume. The gloves and head covering were gone and there were...

Group Sex
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Babysitting the Twins Again Part 3 Jennys Halloween Sleepover

This is part 3 of the Story of Debbie, Jenny, and the twins. This story introduces Jenny's friends. Please read "Babysitting the Twins Again" and "Babysitting the Twins Again - Part 2 - Sweet Sixteen" for the precursory stories. Cast of Characters: Billy and Bobby -- 15 year old identical twins. Smart, handsome, tall, athletic, horny. Willing to break a few rules… well actually, all the rules. Debbie - 22 year old "star" of part 1, Tall norse goddess... Had a little trouble...

1 year ago
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Halloween Miracle

Halloween Miracle By Debbie L Traffic was heavier than normal as Billy Tanner drove to his little sister's school. He knew he would be late and hoped that the afterschool-care coordinator would be patient with him. She had in the past. He pulled the old station wagon into the parking lot fifteen minutes late and was out of the driver's side door almost before coming to a full stop. Fortunately, Cindy Tanner was still there, being watched by Michelle, the coordinator of...

3 years ago
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A Halloween Wand

The Halloween Wand Halloween, a holiday where children can pretend to be anything they want: vampires, ghost, fairies, witches, anything. And these children can go door to door and get candy from neighbors. Of course, many people know that Halloween is an ancient holiday, celebrated by the Celts as part of their harvest festival, but some believe that Halloween is one of those times of the year when the spiritual world meets with the living world and when magic is most potent. A lot...

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The Halloween Party

The Halloween Party By Vivian Bird Robin and Erica Green had been married for three years. Erica is a practicing Gynecologist and Robin is a technical writer and primarily works from home. Both of them had been satisfied with their marriage and careers, but Erica was starting to feel dullness creeping into things, especially their sexual relations and she wanted to do something to liven it up a bit. "Robin," said Erica, "You know that Halloween is...

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Matthews Choice A Halloween Story

Matt is invited to what is guaranteed to be the best Halloween party of his life. His friend has promised that this will be his last night as a virgin. But there’s a catch. In this case the Devil is truly in the details. *Matthew Walker stood in the doorway and slowly looked around the room at the costumed party goers. Much to his surprise, this was looking like it could turn out to be an excellent Halloween party.Except for the fact that she was nearly six feet tall, the girl in the fairy...

4 years ago
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Happy Fucking Halloweenbysirhugs©"Happy Halloween," bubbled Cordelia Morgan."Fuck Halloween," replied her sister Johanna."Happy Fucking Halloween, then. Just what is wrong with your attitude?""Harley has this stupid Halloween party. He really insists that I go but I have study group early tomorrow. I guess I have to go, but I just won't stay long.""But s*s, Harley is your new boyfriend. I mean, the paint isn't even dry on the relationship. You know he gets all excited every year about his...

2 years ago
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Queen of Harvest Moon Part 1 Rickys Halloween Surprise

Queen of Harvest Moon Part I: RICKY'S HALLOWEEN SURPRISE By Angel This story is about change. Yes, we all go through changes don't we? But how about changes that are brought about by others for a purpose you would not have anything to do with? SURPRISE! Unknown to you the changes have begun and there is no turning back. Halloween is one of the best times of the year for children, besides Christmas and birthdays, that is! Months before Halloween is to arrive the plan...

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Kelly Girl 22 Andies Halloween

Kelly Girl 22: Andie's Halloween By Wanda Cunningham The cabbie, Elise Fremont, looked in her mirror at Andie Mann in the back seat. Such a pretty girl, she thought, why did she mess up her looks with all those tattoos and piercings? Aloud she said, "I ain't never had anybody ask me to follow a cop car before." "Yeah? Well, it won't be hard will it, all that noise and light? I wonder where they're going?" "We'll find out. What's this all about, anyway?" "Um," Andie debated what...

4 years ago
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The Halloween Party

(episode 18) This follows College SexscapadesI believe it was a Monday morning while sitting in class next to Brittany that she asked what I was doing for Halloween the next night. I told her that I was planning to go over to my fraternity house for the Halloween party there. Brittany then asked, “What costume have you come up with for Halloween?” I responded, “I haven't come up with anything yet, but I will be at the party.”Brittany then informed me, “Jennifer, Renee and I are going to a huge...

College Sex
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Natalies Halloween

      Well first off, I want to apologize for this story coming after Halloween instead of before but I?ve never been really any good at writing fiction, even in doing my own self bondage and bondage fantasies. Thus, I usually have to actually perform what I write about. Live it to write about it as it was.  My name is Natalie, and I?m 27 Caucasian, with long straight naturally strawberry red hair to the middle of my back. I?m 34B-26-34, five foot ? five inches tall and about 108 pounds; just...

1 year ago
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Halloween Creep Night

Halloween Creep Night Trick Or Treat Revenge: Part One You have picked these codes: M/f, scatology, spanking, bondage, college, humiliation, nc, Serious A ghoulish tale of a cranky old fart who gets his revenge on a sorority pledge sister. Taylor felt her skinned ass intently it hurt her to walk, her raw red, paddled ass scraped against the bottom cheeks of her Halloween Costume and with a whimper of sheer misery it dawned on her the wetness in her panties was the bright red blood the Vampire...

1 year ago
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Halloween Howlers

Halloween is a time where some take to scaring people, others TP, toilet paper the trees in several of their teacher’s yards. And, still there were those, eighteen years-old, adult in age, only more mischief making minions who egged the windows and front doors of yellow yolk and white gooey, messes. But, even more cavalier and rather striking was the farce some of the female ‘click, ‘leaders made a farce of the legal liquor age and brought along the ones who would sniff their butts to be...

3 years ago
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forced to cross dress on Halloween

Halloween is a great reason to show your submissive side and cross dress for your mistress. Other than writing these articles and stories, I also enjoy dominating my partner.This Halloween was no exception and I wanted to share this exciting day with you. Below you will find a story that is heavily based on the events that took place in my house this year.***I could tell he was anxious. Informing him about the Halloween party raised a lot of questions on his end which I skillfully either...

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Matthews Choice A Halloween Story

All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal...

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