FullMetal Panic Kaname Tessa s First Time
- 4 years ago
- 71
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“Dottie, I love you like an older sister, but now the time has come for us to have a very frank and candid discussion. You’re not home anymore. This is where Amelia and I were born and things here are different in hundreds or thousands of different. Let’s start with the big ‘S’ word, sex. Here is a part of nature ... a very big part, and there is nothing secretive, hidden or suppressed about it. It’s a part of the air that we breathe and the water that we drink. It’s in our very blood and often seemingly the very outer part of our skin. It’s a celebration of life, of being a small part of nature every single minute of every day. Not something done occasionally as a romantic favor, irregularly, or done in the dark behind closed doors with the windows shut so that the neighbors can’t see or hear you actually enjoying yourselves. In fact, the people here don’t just have just sex – they fuck, and fuck like rabid minks and weasels ... often, and sometimes even with friends or strangers that are not their life-mates or the co-raisers of their children. Adultery isn’t even really a word in the vocabulary here, not even among what passes for the nobility here. People here do marry, and often for the same reasons of love and procreation that occur on your world, but without most of the legal-religious cultural and societal binding. At its strictest level, think of a marriage relationship here usually as an ‘open marriage’ but with preferential living arrangements. Often, it usually can be interpreted just as something much looser, more like a long-term friends with benefits sort of arrangements.”
“But the children!” Dottie wondered, quite in amazed shock at all of this.
“Do not want for either love or parental attentions, in the vast majority of households. There is usually no want of material things here in the Magic Kingdom either, at least the important issues like food and shelter, and it does indeed take a village or a community to raise a child properly, with affection, moral guidance and an education. The bonds of joint parenthood are strong, but there is nothing to absolutely tie the father and mother together, if they do not wish. Disagreements and separations are usually settled without rancor, if necessary by the town or village wise women or local reeve or lord and the couple move onwards with their lives, with little or no economic disadvantage.”
“No adultery? What about jealousy?”
“Jealousy is considered a sin, to be avoided or otherwise managed, and culturally it seems to be rare. Young boys and girls entering sexual maturity have fewer rules and restrictions here and mostlyjust learn to adapt, just as every teenager back in the mundane world struggled on their own how to learn to communicate with their peers and develop the life-skills to attract and satisfy a love-mate. Perhaps this is part of her magic in this land, Mother’s will ... she’s the eldest and greatest of all of the Fae, the mother of all of the faerie, the Fae.”
“So there is a religion here? With fairies? Wishes and magic wands, pumpkins into coaches and turning people into frogs?”
“Yes ... and no. There are few churches and our worship of her, Mother, is informal, in our hearts only, and she demands nothing of us. Her commandments to us are few and simple, primarily to love each other. There are no priests in great halls or crazed prophets in the open streets searching for guilt and sin. There are hardly any Puritans here in the Magic Kingdom, and virtually no sexual taboos, save for taking a sexual partner by force or of a too young of an age to consent. Crimes like those will be punished, often by the local Fairy Godmother herself, and viciously. Here, there’s no such thing as sexual harassment either. On a hot summer’s day, like this one seems likely to warm up to become, most of country women you’d meet wouldn’t be wearing any kind of heavy top, or likely much of a skirt either. Frankly, no one would much notice if her ass was hanging out bare too, if that’s how she wants to tend her field or farm. In summer, a townswoman or a lady of the castle would wear as little and as thin of a garment as possible as well, and no one would remark or care in the least if her dark aureoles and nipples were quite clearly visible underneath. Or if she wasn’t wearing underwear ... most women do not, myself included.
“So there is no nudity taboo here and men and women just skip all of the games and bullshit and walk up to each other and say, ‘want to fuck?’, and no one gets offended ... even if their spouse is standing right next to them?”
“That would be crudely done, and considered rude. It’s a bit more low-key than that, more playful ... and done with respect. There’s a bit of a social game of bawdy wordplay with a bit of spirited ritual involved, at least back when I was at court, and nearly always conducted with a bit of humor, but it’s easy to learn the basics. The finer details, especially with the nobility at court, can take a lifetime to master. There are semi-secret codes visible for everyone to see, from the highest nobles to the lowest maids. The way your hair hangs, where it is clipped, fastened or tied, and by what. The color of your rings on each of your fingers, the positioning and style of your sash or handkerchief ... all are signals for the knowledgeable to discern. I used to be quite good at it! I could tell at a glance whether a lady was looking for a casual lover or a ‘relationship’, and with either another man or woman. Did she truly love her husband and only wanting to tease or a bit of an ego-boost, or was she looking for just a good hard fuck with no strings? It’s a game ... but there’s no deception involved. If a man, or a lady, likes you ... they’re going to say so, indirectly, but with intent, once you knows the game. Now, if they’d already friendly with you, the rules let more loosey-goosey, and someone just might probably pinch or caress your ass or a tit in the process of inquiring if you’d like to have a romp. If you’re not in the mood, say so and that will be the end of it, otherwise, go and have fun!”
“And Jack ... and the girls?”
“Will or should be off having fun too, especially the girls. Girl’s their age and much younger are supposed to extensively sample all of the manhood available, and probably quite a few other girls as well, before settling down. That’s very different from back in the mundane world, where they tend to go steady, fall in love and get pregnant by the first guy that winks at them. Oh ... that too, pregnancy, just like back home is easily avoided. Girls get a magic birth-control bracelet from their mothers about the time their breasts start swelling and ‘accidents’ are strictly for the terminally stupid. Usually they get protection at about thirteen and definitely by fifteen. When there’s hair down there, grass on the field, then the boys and girls are going to start to play. It’s cheap and easy to get and very simple but 100% effective magic that any local wise-woman or hedge-witch can manage. And saves their mothers a lot of premature grey hairs. In a nutshell, Jasmine and Trinity are extraordinary pretty young ladies and they’re going to be very, very popular. You’ll need to discuss this fact with them and resolve yourself that they’re both lovely children of Mother Nature ... or else get ready in advance for a severe nervous breakdown. We did pack plenty of booze, but the local stuff here is pretty good too. Start adapting or get ready for some severe culture shock ... and the sooner the better. Let’s start adapting right now, the girls too!”
I pulled off my loose tank top to reveal my tanned bra-less breasts and kicked off my hiking boots. I started to feel happier and more at home already!
“As I said, we’re socially much looser and with different cultural customs, traditions and rules. We try to be happy and make those around us happier still. For starters, let’s begin with this lovely crystal clean and pure lake that has never felt a drop of acid rain or industrial or sewage runoff. Natural ... the way natural used to be long, long ago in your world, but probably even better, since it will undoubtedly have a resident fairy or water-sprite residing here, tending to its every need. I bet you’d like to take a swim in it and so would I, but we would never dishonor her or the Fae by wearing our dirty smelly clothes into it. We’ll need to strip first – yes, that means naked, right to the bare skin, no panties. And no one, even Billy or Jane farmer or goat herder, if they saw us, would care. No one will care. At worst, someone would just wave and smile, and maybe remark quietly, ‘nice ass or tits’. So ... for your first step into this new world, of our Magic Kingdom, let’s all undress and prepare to meet the guardian of this lovely lake!”
It didn’t take much effort to drop my skirt and strip down to my bare skin, after which I wiggled my ass a bit and encouraged Dottie and her two daughters to hurry up and join me. With another wiggle of my cute butt, I set forth into the delightfully warm waters until I was about waist deep. Not even the swimming pool back at the estate felt this nice and wonderful! Ritually cupping my hands together, I gathered a handful of the pure water and slowly released it as a tiny stream through my palm, cooing sweetly, “Mistress of the Lake, I do greet thee. Come ... oh, do come and meet me!” I didn’t need to repeat the ritual, and almost from the very start I began to see waves in the still waters of the lake first far away but soon rapidly the gentle ripples approached us. The Fae, this Lady of the Lake had come.
As one of the moderately empowered faerie, bound in duty to tend to this lake, she could assume several forms. She swam towards us in her usual state, as an underwater mermaid, complete with a long undulating fish tail, but upon arriving she now arose from the waters before us as a normal naked young woman would appear. Like all of the Fae I’d ever seen before, she was gorgeous, a flawless young beauty who appeared to be in just her early twenties. She had very long black hair that feel to and nearly covered a perfect heart-shaped ass, and it had an aqua blue sheen to it in the summer sun. Every part of her appeared to be without flaw, including her pair of normal human legs and soft small but pert breasts. We formally kissed each other on both cheeks first as we held hands in formal greeting. Then I smiled at her and we hugged again, as I introduced her to my friends who were new to this land.
The Fae girl, Nikki, was delighted to meet friendly strangers and she splashed over to them on her two human feet and greeted them with a gleeful squeal as the three visitors had entered the waters up to about their knees. Her ass was small but pert and she had only a little tuft of aqua-blue hair above her rather normal appearing female genitalia. After a flurry of hugs and kisses bestowed upon the newcomers she dashed back over to my side and held me in another brief embrace that quickly turned erotic as she kissed me on the mouth with full tongue and grasped my left breast and then my right breast together in her hands, gently fondling them.
“I’ve been ever so lonely, here by myself in this lake. I get so little company! Can you stay awhile ... and can we play, even for just an hour or two?” She kissed me deep again and then giggled, dashing back to kiss first Dot and the two teenaged girls once again. This time much more amorously, with long tender caresses each of their breasts as well.
I think it bears mentioning that every one of the Fae I’ve ever met constantly has sex on the brain. Every waking moment, twenty-four/seven. They’re just wired that way. No fairy I’d ever met was anything resembling a mental genius either. Most in fact, the minor Fae, were barely brighter or more self-aware than a pampered rich lady’s lap dog. The younger, less important and immature fairies are perhaps the worst in both regards. They tend to the minor almost trivial tasks of nature, eternally young and invariably jaw-dropping beautiful, but exactly like a gorgeous house with absolutely no furniture in it. I guess if you spend a few hundred or a thousand subjective years living in a rock, tree, meadow or a small pond, then you’d be both scatterbrained and cock and poon starved too! It’s not their fault really, Linda had told me once – it’s something they get from Mother, the need to see life grow and flourish around them. Sex really is the most powerful procreative power in nature and here it often has magical benefits!
The lake-nymph soon had a finger, perhaps two, working their magic inside of Dottie’s rather furry cunt lips and her other hand alternated between caressing the two pairs of young teenaged breasts lingeringly for a moment or two before it then began also alternately stroking their young entirely smooth shaven vaginal regions as well. The girls apparently both kept themselves porn-star smooth and sleek with regularity, another confirmation to me that probably neither of them were virginal. We began to coalesce into a group huddle and rather quickly thereafter things started to get rather foggy and confused.
Warmth became desire became passion and became need! After a minute or so where it seems that everything was happening rather slowly, the growing fog in my head diminished, just a little bit for one mere moment. Enough to see that the faerie and the two girls had separated themselves off into a tender rather loving triangle of pressed flesh, their breasts, hips and mouths all entwined; their fingers each lost and frantically probing and caressing in an ever increasing flood of erotic passion. They were of an age for each other, the trio of young women, and it was soon apparent that the lonely water-girl much preferred their dalliance right now, rather than with us older ‘mature’ women. Heck, I was barely thirty now ... but you can’t argue with flighty faeries!
It also bears mentioning that the kiss of a fairy, even of the weaker variety like this one, is immensely erotically powerful. Even their touch bears a mild love-spell. Their kiss is even more powerful and they can easily charm anyone to their will, but the end result is invariably benign. The poor young abandoned thing just wanted comfort and a little love, not to mention she had quite a bit of pent-up sexual frustration that needed releasing. The effect on a man would have been even stronger. The rare opportunity to mate and perhaps bear a Far offspring, creating one of the very minor fairies, would be as overpowering an impulse to her as it would be for her surprised male partner. She would love him, perhaps nearly half to death until exhaustion, but once sated, she’d eventually leave him with a smile at the end, hours, day or weeks later, physically and emotionally drained but otherwise quite unharmed.
Smiling too was Linda, who had now entered the lake and had joined Dorothy and myself standing naked together with us waist deep in the waters as we watched the fairy start making more intimate love with both Jasmine and Trinity. The three younger females had collapsed into the most shallow part of the water next to the shore and were all frantically devouring each other, lips kissing lips and sucking nipples, hands caressing soft firm young breasts and spreading open vaginal lips, so that fingers ... and soon tongues, could swiftly follow.
“Ummm,” I muttered, holding Dottie closely to me so that I could kiss and nibble her ear while my left index finger found a happy passage inside of her soaking wet slit right to her engorged clit, which I began to rub, “have the twins ever... twinned, like this before, that you know of? I thought they liked boys?”
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SINFULL Lena Denson, 45yo, white female, 5’06, 135lbs, 34Bx27x37, brown eyes, and short, spiky hair was bored was ready to go home after being at work less than an hour. She worked the graveyard shift, and since it was a Tuesday night, she was sure that the hours were going to move as quickly as the hot dog rollers that were sweating juices from weenies at that very moment not two feet from her. She was working with Tawny Hobbs, 28yo black female, 5’02, 160lbs, 38Dx38x48, with brown eyes, and...
My wife and I had been married for three great years. We were high school sweathearts in the middle of small town in germany. She is the only woman I have been with and I was the only man who she had had. I was a normal looking guy, dark hair, average height and weight. My wife was a cute little girl with italian ancestors . She had shoulder length black hair and a nice little body. She was petite with a nice little rack. She looked alot like Christina Aguilera except she dressed much more...
“Open your mouth,” she sternly directs me. I feel her straddling my back as I lay prone on my stomach. I look at the alarm clock. 6:33 a.m. I’m completely nude, somehow unaware that she has managed to tie my now spread legs and arms to the four posts of our king sized bed. I sleep naked so that part is not a surprise, but how she's managed to strap me down without my waking, I shall never know. Either way, I am completely unable to move other than getting to my hands and needs in an ‘all fours’...
ExhibitionismWell I've never considered myself straight as Ive always appreciated a nice big cock though I've never realy done anything other than being sucked off many time through gloryholes in mens toilets when I was as horny as hell.So I’m driving back south on the A34 from Oxford. And see someone thumbing. Its Christmas so I pull over. I say I’m going as far as the A303 and says OK and hops in. He’s a young lad and after a while tells me he’s been with his girlfriend but he’s annoyed as she wont let...
SINFULLLena Denson, 45yo, white female, 5'06, 135lbs, 34Bx27x37; brown eyes, and short, spiky hair was bored was ready to go home after being at work less than an hour. She worked the graveyard shift, and since it was a Tuesday night, she was sure that the hours were going to move as quickly as the hot dog rollers that were sweating juices from weenies at that very moment not two feet from her. She was working with Tawny Hobbs, 28yo black female, 5'02, 160lbs, 38Dx38x48, with brown eyes, and...
I touch your hand and I can feel you shiver with anticipation, I move my hand slowly up your arm and I can feel the goose bumps start to raise on your arms I move in and kiss your neck and your heads tilts back as you allow me to kiss you slowly and softly. I place my hands around your waist and pull you close holding you tightly as you lean in and kiss my neck .I can feel my whole body shake as your touch makes me so weak inside I move my hands down to your bum and squeeze it gently then move...
As for the start of the affair - UK 2008 a Solicitors Office in the North East.... A new underwriter ( Simon ) arrived in the summer of 2008 and we got on really well laughing and joking etc – he was married and I had Bill so there was never anything going on just a lot of flirting and him trying to embarrass me as I was quite and demure at work and appeared shocked at rude jokes and comments ..... I loved flirting with him , got quite turned on about it if the truth be known .....showing an...
Hi all reader, how ru ??? i hope u guys r enjoyin the stories here …My self ajju(name changed) m from mangalore..my height is 171cms n i hav 8″ cock which mostt of aunties lik … I am going to tell you about my first sex encounter with a Aunty. A day when I was coming back from my university late in the evening in the main area of the city belonging to the very elite class of the city.in a narrow street I saw a lady was struggling to start her car. I looked at her and passed away she was in red...
Hello Readers, I am sharing my experience for the first time on ISS. This experience isn’t imaginary or fake, it is 100% true. So some of you might not like it too, and some of you who are big fan of the 100% real stories will surely like it. Let me introduce you my self first, I m 24 years old fun loving girl with a perfect figure of 32-26-36. I love to do work out, I have a bf (I don’t want to give his name as I want to share my real exp so I wont even use a fake name for him). He is tall,...
Karen still couldn’t quite believe it. Yet the feeling in her pussy left her in no doubt. Three times she had been to bed with him. And three times, after they had made the most fantastic love she could ever have imagined, she had felt this same and unmistakeable feeling. There was no question about it......Steve had more passion, more tenderness, and more plain staying power than anyone else she had been with. Not that she had as much experience as some of her friends, but...
AnalIt really only took a couple hours to get back, so they got there early in the morning much to the delight of the townsfolk. All relieved to find out she’s still a virgin. Anika gets back to her house and goes about her regular day. Night comes around and Anika was getting ready for bed, what Kantar had told her earlier continued to play thru her mind; she was planning on pleasuring herself tonight, to the thought of him. They said no sex, but nothing about masturbation. So she gets herself in...
LesbianTia Chaturvedi,23.fem from Mumbai. Tall 5’8, fair, smart and sexy with 34-26-34 of figure also married now,before marriage ma name was Kavya Upadhya as ma father is Upadhya. Hope you people have read ma previous story “Unfaithfull Tia”.You can mail me comment on ma stories and personal comments or if anything want to know about me or want to share with me.I will surely reply your mails.Ma email id is I was sleeping behind ma husband Rahul but was thinking about Sameer who is in ma home now as...
Tia Chaturvedi 23 years of age,5’5 of hight,good looking,smart,fair and sexy also today I am wife of Dr.Rahul Chaturvedi. Me and Rahul got married before a month.It was the arrange one by our parents,I had never seen Rahul before we got married nor Rahul have seen me.But even then we both were liking each other and were living happily after our marriage.Our sex life is also normal,as Rahul is a good doctor so he dont have much time to spend at home but even then we use to have sex once in a day...
Feb 10, 1999 I'd been very unhappy. You seemed to not have time for me lately and thefew precious hours spent together were not enough, nor did we play when wesaw each other. I began to think you were either seeing someone else or thatyou just no longer wanted me as your slave. We spoke on the phone and I letmy feelings be known. I made one mistake in that conversation, I refused tocall you Master. When you asked why I explained to you the reason was thatI did not feel the control you used to...
To say I had an average, normal childhood would be a lie. I never really knew my father, he left when I was pretty young. My mother, well, she wasn't much of a mom. By the time I was 10 I had ended up living with my Aunt and uncle. At the time I wasn't exactly clear on why I had to go live with them. Calling me a bratty little shit at the time I moved in with them was to be kind. I was a terror on two feet. I had met my aunt, uncle and their daughter, my cousin, a few times at family...
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