A Gray Area Ch. 08 free porn video

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His coffee was getting cold. Jon stared down at it as if it had wounded him. Through the brownish liquid he could see his reflection, his eyes distant and narrow. The coffee would do him some good seeing as he hadn’t slept for a good two nights. Caden was on his mind. Everywhere he looked he would see her. Everything he did reminded him of her. Even the coffee gave some stark reminiscence of her. He was dieing to talk to her again. He liked that attitude she gave. That harsh bite that was in every word she said. As long as he didn’t remind himself that she was being hellcat because she hated him he would be all right.

There had been progress last night. A break through in the experiment. She had spoken to him. Without yelling. She had laughed with him even though it had only been for a second. God, her smile was gorgeous. Her teeth were small. If he didn’t know her he would think she had made it all the way to nineteen without losing her baby teeth. They were perfect. Tiny, white and straight, which went perfectly with her lips. And she wasn’t just a pretty face. She was a goddess with a mind. The girl was clever.

She was perfect. The words threatened to spill over his lips and into his coffee but he kept them inside. His cousin was looking at him as if he were waiting on something. Shane had said something to him and was obviously expecting an answer but Jon was not at the table. He wasn’t even in his body. He was floating on some cloud far away.

‘God, if this is her talking to me again. I cant imagine what will happen if we get any closer.’ The thought excited him. He had an opening now to fix everything that had gone wrong. He could take back every little thing he had done to her when they were younger. He couldn’t honestly say that he wanted things to go back to the way they were. He didn’t.

He had been an ass back then. He had neglected something beautiful and let it get away from him. Not just Caden but his family. They had all broken apart. Alcohol seemed to have nurturing affect on him in those times. That and sneaking into Caden’s room at three in the morning. Those had been the days when he woke up in the morning and wanted to kick himself.

‘I really do care about you, Jon. I’m serious. I’m here for you,’ she would always say. In a drunken stupor those words meant nothing to him but now when he looked back they sent a shiver down his spine. He wanted to hear those words from her now in stead of her normal conversation starter ‘Don’t talk to me.’

‘She probably says my words to Jason at night,’ the idea made his heart sink. She was with Jason. Even if her and Jon became close friends again that would be the relationship would halt. She was with Jason and that deemed her untouchable.

In front of him Shane removed himself from the table, most likely sick of speaking to a brick wall. Jon snapped out of it and caught his cousin as he walked to the sink washing out his coffee cup.

‘New York, huh?’ Jon began. He had no idea where he pulled the information from but somehow he knew that Shane was preparing to take a trip to New York next month. Shane didn’t turn to look at him. ‘So you were listening?’ he asked. ‘I’m surprised. I was getting sort of worried. I thought you had fallen into a vegetative state.’ His cousin set the washed cup down on the counter and returned to his spot at the table.

‘Yup,’ admitted finally. ‘Department is sending me to New York. They said they had some sort of job for me and if I do good—’

‘You get your tummy rubbed and a treat?’ Jon offered. Shane smiled. ‘Close but no. I get a job up at NYPD. Big news, huh?’

Jon shrugged. He couldn’t deny that he was proud. For the longest things hadn’t been looking to good for any one in the family but Shane had been the only person to break through the mold. He had gotten a job with the local police department, was sky rocketed up to Detective in no time and now he had been asked for, by name, to join NYPD. That was big.

‘What can I say? I’m proud of you. Now all you got to do is just get married have 5 sets of twins and you’ll be in the record books,’ he made sure not add any sarcasm in his voice. The compliment was genuine. Shane winced. ‘Five sets? That’s pushing it. They don’t make condoms for nothing.’

‘Condoms are for balloon animals. But you’re right. You can barely handle one Deity. Just imagine the nightmare it would be if there ten of them running around,’ Jon let the words linger in his mouth. His cousin looked at him hard. ‘Oh, c’mon Shane. Like no one could see you drilling holes in her face all night last night. I’m surprise she didn’t kick you. She noticed it too.’ The blond man shrugged. ‘If you like her so much, then go get her. You see how the Winter-Kristoff family is. They are stubborn. You have to make the first move.’ Jon couldn’t believe he was insisting on his cousin making a move on Deity Winter. That was suicide. The girl was a firecracker. She was far worse than Caden. She was Caden on her period. Times a million. All day. All Month. All Year.

Good luck, Shane, he was dieing to add in.

‘This advice is coming from the guy that is going after a girl with a barb wire fence around her. Tell me, how do you do it?’

Jon shrugged. ‘Once you get passed the barb wire the electricity and dogs don’t hurt much.’ They shared a laugh before Shane sobered up and asked, ‘Is it really obvious. About Deity?’ Jon nodded and shrugged, as if it were no big deal. ‘She’s a pretty girl, Shane. But you know she’s got issues. Look at how many times you’ve arrested her. Drug charges? Seriously, Shane.’ He gave Shane a pleading look before continuing. ‘Her dad just died last year. She was dating an asshole that was beating the shit out of her right under our noses and then to top it all off she doesn’t trust you. She has done almost every drug imaginable and then some. God knows how many times she has run away and where she goes.’ Shane put his head in his hands and messed up his already messy brown hair. ‘Despite all the negatives of the situation… She needs a guy like you. Someone that can balance her. And love her.’

‘That’s about that lamest thing that has ever come out of your mouth, Jon.’ Shane admitted. ‘But it helps.’

‘I know it does,’ Jon soaked in the gratitude proudly. He leaned back in his chair, yawning. It was dark outside. He had slept the whole day through. Storm clouds were gathering beyond the window. ‘And what about Caden?’ Shane questioned. ‘From what I hear you’re not exactly getting to lucky with her.’

Shane’s cousin raised an eyebrow. ‘Oh, you heard that? From who?’

‘Don’t worry about it. I’ve got my sources. Tell me what’s up with you two?’

Jon sighed, preparing himself to tell the tale of his past mistakes. ‘I want her back,’ He stated softly. ‘I had heard she was coming back and I thought I would be okay. I was good and over her then I see her at Collin’s and I kinda lose it. I had trained myself to not feel anything for her and seeing her just kicked everything out the window. And then I hear she is dating some hot shit model and what can I do but wait around for something bad to happen between them before I swoop in to save the day. He doesn’t care about her, Shane,’ Jon had convinced himself of that. He had seen it in the man’s eyes when they were all leaving Candice’s house. She had raised herself to her toes to give him a quick kiss and he turned her away. In front of everyone he had denied her a simple form of affection and the hurt had played visibly in Caden’s gray eyes for everyone to see.

Jon would have kissed her. He would have kissed with tongue and a little more.

‘I don’t know what it is that she sees in him but she can do better. So much fucking better. Deity even told me that he is an asshole to her and she takes it. He brought another fucking girl to Beatrice’s party. Remember that thing she had a few days ago? Yeah, Jason walked in with some blonde girl on his arm. Supposedly, Jason
was embarrassed because he was supposed to have Caden with him and when she wasn’t people began to talk but I saw him. He didn’t even care. Caden came in crying and Jason look like he just got a free fuck from Carman Elektra.’ Jon knew that right about now he was showing his heart in his eyes but he needed Shane to understand. ‘I remember you used to talk about her a lot. Back before she moved.’

Jon nodded. ‘Yeah,’ he smiled at the memories. ‘I used to sneak into her room at around three every night. I would pretend to be wasted just so I could get the truth out of her. She figured I wouldn’t remember anything so she could tell me everything.’

‘And that worked?’

‘Most of the time…that would be the only time she would let me kiss her, too. When I was ‘drunk.’ She didn’t want me to remember that either.’ Jon dove deep into all those memories. He could still feel her lips on his, His tongue begging for entrance into her mouth and how she would pull away with a shy laugh. He pushed back in his chair and groaned out loud. ‘I pretty much fucked it up with her after she told me how she really felt and I blew her off. Embarrassed her in front of all my friends. She left on a plane to New York the next day.’ Shane looked at his cousin, shocked. ‘The hell did you do to make her leave that bad?’

Jon sighed. He didn’t want to talk about. Didn’t want to repeat the words to him and he gave his cousin a look that let him know that. ‘All right,’ Shane agreed. ‘You don’t have to tell me now but you do have to tell me some day.’ Jon nodded. He would. One day.

‘So what now? Your apologetically in love with her?’

Jon shook his head. ‘When I found out she had left for New York I called her cell. It was off so I left a message,’

Shane waited. Jon didn’t elaborate. ‘What did the message say?’ He asked after a while. ‘It said to come back. Sorry I hurt you. I’ll be better. We wont have to hide our relationship. Stuff along those lines. She never called back.’

A silence settled between the two men. It was obvious that Jon was hurt. He had poured his heart into that message and she didn’t call him back. But it was Karma. And Karma was a bitch. He couldn’t honestly say that he deserved anything that she threw at him.

Shane had been staring at the table when the house phone rang. His head jerked up as if alarmed at the unfamiliar sound. The ring permeated the air again. Shane leaned in his chair to grab the phone off the receiver that was attached to the wall.


Silence. He glanced at Jon. ‘Yeah, He’s here.’ Another silence. ‘Sir, I’m not sure if that’s such a great idea. H—. Yes, sir.’ Shane extended the phone to Jon. ‘It’s you dad.’

Shade hadn’t needed to say a word. Jon knew who it was. His cousin’s voice had changed from a clipped casual tone to a sharp military answer. His father expected respect and anyone that knew him knew how to talk to him. Jon took the phone but didn’t say anything

‘Jon? I know ya fucking there. Say somethin’, dipshit. Ya got a mouth, use it.’

‘Yes, dad,’ Jon answered, already exasperated.

‘Where the fuck you been, boy? I been callin’ ya since last night. You out partyin’ again?’

Across the table Shane excused himself from the kitchen. ‘No, dad. I just went over to see an old friend. Is there a reason why you’re calling?’ Jon asked. He was trying to be as polite as possible but his dad was jumping on his last nerve and it was wearing thin. ‘Ya, I talked to ya mom last night. She says you ain’t called her in weeks. The hell is wrong with ya? Don’t ya know ya grand pappy is sick? Ya got no respect, boy?’

This was too much. ‘How dare you call my house and bitch me out about respect. Is there a better reason why you called me or was Cindy to busy tonight so you had to find a different way to get off?’ With the last word that Jon ground out the nerve his father had been playing with snapped. ‘Don’t you think I know granddad is sick? I talked to him more than you do. Don’t call and patronize me when you’re the one that needs to be burned at the stake.’

From the doorway Shane had made his way back into Jons line of vision and he could clearly see the word ‘wow’ mouthed from his lips.

There was silence on the other line. Had he hung up? He hoped he hung up. ‘Ya got no respect, boy. Ya hear me? Ya no child of mine,’ Jon’s fathers began soft and slowly raised on octave with each word. ‘How dare I?’ He echoed. ‘How dare I? How dare you, Jon. I worked hard for our family. I gave you and ya mom and even ya goddamn cousin and his mom everything they needed. How do ya’ll pay me back? All-a-ya treat me like shit. Like I did something to hurt all-a-ya.’

Jon was in shock. Had he seriously just said that? All the bad things he had done to them and he denied every single bit of it. ‘I’m innocent,’ he was telling him in secret Dad code.

‘I can’t believe you just said that. You abandoned us. You left us all for dead. I had nothing. Mom had nothing just because you couldn’t keep your cock in your pants. We had to suffer, Dad. Mom suffered.’ His voice cracked with tears.

He wasn’t a crying type. Had never been until the night when he was forced to stand by his mothers bed. He was forced to hold her hand while she screamed in agony, writhing, thrashing on the bed. In labor. The baby died on the way out of her womb. They couldn’t revive it. Stress the doctor had said. The child had had an irregular heartbeat in the beginning. Soon he had so many other irregularities. All from stress. Too much emotion. It was odd that Jon didn’t blame her. If he knew that his spouse was going out behind his back and sleeping with younger women he would be stressed too.

‘Don’t blame me because ya mom doesn’t know how to carry a child.’ Those words burned. Jon almost felt the singe on his ear upon entering them. ‘Don’t call this house ever again, dad. I don’t want to hear you say something like that to me.’

‘Jon, I swear to God. Don’t you hang up this phone—’

‘Good night, dad. Go check your blood pressure.’

‘Jon, you little bastard. I sw—’ Jon pressed the talk button on the phone. He turned his head to look at his cousin who had his hands buried in a patch of brown hair. ‘I should have hung up the phone as soon I heard his voice, Jon.’ Shane apologized. He was right though. He should have. But he didn’t. ‘Its alright, man. He just needs to get off his high horse and see what its like on the ground. Down here on earth people get blamed for stuff. He isn’t used to that yet.’ He was proud of himself when a smile broke on his cousin’s face.

The phone rang again.

Shane reached for it but Jon grabbed it first. ‘Dad, stop calling. I don’t wanna sp—’

‘Jon?’ A panic voice squealed on the other end of the line. Jon’s eyebrows scrunched and Shane sat up straight from the wall he had gone to lean on. ‘Who is it?’ Shane demanded.

‘Jon?’ The voice asked again.

Was that… ‘Deity?’ Shane snatched the phone from Jon’s hands. ‘Deity?’ He practically yelled into the phone. On the other end the young girl began to sob hysterically. Shane pressed a button on the phone so Jon could hear her sobs. ‘Deity, what’s wrong?’ The girl continued to cry. ‘Deity, baby, take a deep breath.’ Shane counseled. Jon was shocked he had said the word ‘baby’ to her. He would hear about that later. The sobbing girl took a deep breath. ‘I tried to call Jon’s place but no one answered. I didn’t want to call because I knew you wouldn’t really want to help—’

‘Help with what, Deity? What’s going on?’

‘Caden’s not answering her phone. She needs to be there wh—’

‘Be where, Deity? Tell me what the hell is going on.’ Shane was in as much a panic as Deity was.

‘My mom. She was in the kitchen and she just passed out,’ she broke into uncontrollable sobs again. ‘I couldn’t wake her up. I tried everything but she wouldn’t. She was barely breathing so I called the ambulance. They took her but I
couldn’t go because the device on my ankle would go red. I can’t leave the house, Shane. I need to be with her.’ The room was silent save for Deity’s sobs. You didn’t have to look into Shane’s eyes to know what he felt.


He shouldn’t have arrested her. He should have let her off like he did everyone else.

‘Deity? Deity, stop crying, alright? And listen to me. You listening? Stay there. I’m gonna be there to pick you up in about five minutes. In those five minutes try calling your sister. Jon is on his way to get her now.’ He waved a hand at Jon. ‘Go find Caden’ he mouthed. Jon nodded and was out the door. ‘I’ll take care of the judge and everything else just don’t go anywhere till I get you alright?’

‘Yes.’ She whispered. His heart broke at the sound of her voice. He heard a click and knew that she had hung up. He set down the phone softly then picked up his keys and his jacket while heading out the door


Caden sat on her couch and looked at the text message for the third time. ‘Will be home late,’ it said. ‘Don’t wait up. Don’t make dinner. Late photo shoot. No biggie.’

‘Maybe not for you,’ she said to herself. This was sad. Talking to herself was becoming some sort of habit she had developed. She actually carried on decent intellectual conversations with her mind. They entertained her. What kind of photo shoot goes passed ten? Caden ignored the sinking feeling in her gut.


At least not one for an unsuccessful amateur model. She hadn’t even seen his portfolio. Her gut knotted up again. She wasn’t supposed to think like that yet she couldn’t help it.

‘But you know I love you.’ His words drifted in her head. That was great for him but what about her. She didn’t know how she felt. She had been dieing to hear those words. Just to know that it was true. But there had been something in his eyes. An emotion that hadn’t sat well with her since. She guessed she loved him. She was pretty sure she did but pretty sure never got anybody a successful marriage. Let alone relationship.

Her phone was ringing again. It had been ringing for the last hour. She glanced at it, making the decision to ignore it again.

Unconsciously she settled deeper into her couch. She had done nothing all day. In the morning her and Jason had stayed in bed an extra 30 minutes only to have her sister interrupt them with nonsense. Jason went to work. Caden ventured to the park to take some pictures and returned home shortly after. She had taken only one picture. She wasn’t feeling it anymore. Her agent, Molly, had called earlier claiming that Caden was due for an art show in two days. Jason had taken the message. Caden hadn’t heard a thing about it. For the remainder of the day, the gray-eyed girl scrambled together some pieces and faxed them to Molly.

‘Poor, poor, planning on your part Cady girl.’ Molly had lectured. ‘These pieces will suffice but next time ask that boyfriend of yours to write things down.’

Oh, she would. This was her career he was playing with. C.K.’s head jerked up at the sound of a fist pounding on the door. ‘Coming,’ she called out, launching herself off the couch. The excessive pounding continued while she unlocked the locks. ‘Christ, man. I’m right here hold on,’ She threw the door open ready to verbally knockout her doors assailant but shut her mouth instantly.

It was Jon in all his blonde disheveled beauty

What a surprise. He was like a baby at her doorstep—the last thing she expected to see upon opening the door.

His eyes were wide as if his pupils needed to catch their breath like his lungs were. ‘Did you run here?’ she asked, quietly concerned. C.K. moved aside about to let him in before she caught herself. This was Jon, not Jason, not Collin, not even the electrician. Jon. She had to keep a clear head despite how fast her heart was beating.

‘What the hell are you doing here? She closed the door and whispered conspiratorially. ‘If Jason catches you here then you’re fucked. G—’

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Gray Jedi Ch 2

“Serra, they’re on our tail!” “I see them! Hang on!” Serra Keto and Malik Ran rocketed through the Coruscant system, the Republic navy chasing after them all the while. The Z-95 Starfighters were fast, but their antique Defender-class light corvette held up splendidly, able to evade most incoming attacks. Not to mention that it was also quite well armed. “Get the hyperspace coordinates programed, I’ll keep ‘em at bay,” Malik said. “On it!” Malik pulled up the targeting...

4 years ago
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Grays Week in Russia

Sometimes, no matter how satisfactory your life currently is, you just need to get away and experience something new. That, at least, was what Samson Grey told himself as he browsed cheap flights out of New York to various exotic locales. It wasn't that he was particularly stressed at work, or that his home life was bad. No, his job was good and his home life was rather nice. With a great deal of satisfaction, Samson looked over at the window sill where his girlfriend Mary was snuggled up with...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Sissy all dressed up at a rest area

Sissy all dressed up at a rest areaSo, i had a bit of a scary encounter recently. But it was totally worth it =]. I was driving from my home town to the town where i go to school. It is a windy little road that goes right through a big slice of nowhere, with very minimal cell service. And it was night time. I had been all dressed up and hoping to find someone at a local wildlife area that is an OK place to find guy sometimes, but no dice. I am pretty shy, and don't go to places like that much,...

2 years ago
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Cum and Piss at the Rest Area

I pulled into the rest area just a little after sunset. There was only one other vehicle, a big truck. I parked several yards behind it. I got out, took a leak, and lit a cigarette. The big truck gave no indication as I smoked, so when I finished, I got back in my pickup and waited.After a while, a pickup pulled up behind me. He got out and walked to the passenger side; it looked like he was taking a piss. After pissing, he remained standing there.I got out and walked around to the...

3 years ago
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The Rest Area

Before I gave my first blowjob, I’d had a couple of experiences with guys, where I played with one guy’s cock for a while before he stroked me off . There was another instance where I sucked a guy for a little while before he got me off. In both cases, the guys seemed more satisfied than I was and I never got the chance to pursue taking another guy’s load. However, one night while riding around with a drinking bud, he mentioned that we should go to the rest area and ‘roll some gays.’ I was...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Sissy all dressed up at a rest area

So, i had a bit of a scary encounter recently. But it was totally worth it =].I was driving from my home town to the town where i go to school. It is a windy little road that goes right through a big slice of nowhere, with very minimal cell service. And it was night time. I had been all dressed up and hoping to find someone at a local wildlife area that is an OK place to find guy sometimes, but no dice. I am pretty shy, and don't go to places like that much, i am almost relieved not to have...

3 years ago
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Fling With Big Boss In SFBayArea

Publishing my experience first time. I will share the real sex story I had with my big boss. Life feels dull when you move from a very active party and sexual life as part of reallocation. I moved to bay area recently and if any girls looking to party in SFO or nearby area or wanna enjoy NSA fun ping me back at Without the little background, this real incident can’t be enjoyed fully. About me, 29-year-old well built boy and always looking for new avenues of fun and pleasure. Was having fun...

1 year ago
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The Rest Area

Before I gave my first blowjob, I’d had a few experiences with guys, where I played with one guy’s cock for a while before he stroked me off and another instance where I sucked a guy for just a little bit before he got me off. In both cases the guys seemed more satisfied than I was and I never got the chance to pursue taking another guy’s load. However, one night while riding around with a drinking bud, he mentioned that we should go to the rest area and ‘roll some queers.’ I was naive and had...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Rest Area

I woke up feeling very horny this particular morning and decided to go to the rest area in search of some hot babes to catch me jacking off and shooting my cum. What a rush to be caught jacking off! As I drove into the rest area parking lot, I noticed that I was the only vehicle there so I decided to get a hustler mag out of my hiding place in my car and walk over to a picnic table to look at it while waiting for some babes to show up. It was very hot this morning at 85 and the humidity was...

4 years ago
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Trucker Sex in a Rest Area

I was westbound on I-10 just east of Van Horn, and I had needed to piss since the I-10/I-20 split. I decided I was not going to make it to the truck stop in Van Horn, and set my sites for the rest area just east of there.When I got to the rest area, I barreled into the parking area. My jakes screamed as I released the throttle. There were no four wheelers in the lot and only a few other big trucks, most likely down for the night. I set my brake and bailed out of the cab. This was not a smart...

1 year ago
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Making Out In A Forest Area

Hai friends, I am Sam. As most people here say, I have been enjoying ISS for quite a few years. Now I also decided to open up and tell you one of my experiences which happened a year back with my ex-girlfriend… If anyone feels to contact me for any kind of relations you are welcome. Catch me @ Actually, this incident took place after our breakup. Am pursuing a professional course so for me exams comes half yearly. Last year I was preparing for my exam staying in a hostel (not in my home town)....

3 years ago
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At the rest area

This story is for a very special user. I think he will know that I mean himAt the rest areaIt was warm and the air conditioning in the car was broken. After 5 hours driving it was time to take a little break. So he headed for the next rest area. Because of the weather he only wore short shorts and T-shirt. He did without underwear, because he liked the feeling of the trousers rubbing against his best piece. After he went to the toilet, where it was not very clean, he decided to sit on a bench...

2 years ago
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Rest Area

A while back I was being driven back to my car after an apartment party got busted for noise. My friend had met me halfway at a rest area off of I94 where I had parked my car. When he dropped me off, I was far too intoxicated to attempt the drive home. I figured I would sleep in the car and go home in the morning. I was not too drunk to realize that I couldn't leave the car running all night for heat, so I decided to go inside the men's room to warm up. There was a small group of about a half...

2 years ago
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Threesome BIsex in a rest area

I don’t know about you but what really turns me on is watching and participating in hot bisex action. The following situation occurred nearly three years ago now but I still get a raging stiff hard-on every time I think about it. I was working in the Bracknell area at the time and I stopped off in this car park after work to go for a run. Its quite a well known trolling area and I made sure I was wearing a sexy pair of running shorts in case any interesting opportunities arose...

3 years ago
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Highway Rest area

I was driving home from college (this was in the early 70s) and stopped in a highway rest area – the kind with full bathrooms in a heated building. There were three stalls, each had a glory hole in it. I took the one furthest from the door. As I was reading the wall messages, a man came into the stall next door who I assumed was a trucker. He lowered his pants, but didn’t sit. He had the biggest cock I think I ever saw, and he just started jacking it to the point that it started to get hard. I...

2 years ago
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New to the area

Susan and Garry had been lovers for fifteen years. Finally, they had been able to settle down together. After several years of living in the city, they eventually decided to move to the country to get away from city life. They settled in a small rural community where Susan could enjoy her love of horses and horse-riding and Garry could avail of his desire to coach his favourite sport. Garry had joined the local football club and soon had heard that one of the coaches was a notorious womaniser,...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Moving to a new area

My name is Charles and my wife is Stella, we have just moved to a new area.The neighbours all popped over to meet the new black couple who were moving into their nice quiet cul-de-sac.Everyone seemed nice, and I noticed all the men ogling my wife's sexy fit body, and the white slut wives couldn't stop checking my large cock hanging down the leg of my sports shorts.I agreed to pop over on Friday night to Dave's house and attend their weekly poker game. I did explain I wasn't really a card...

2 years ago
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First Trucker Sex in a Rest Area

I was on my way home from a bull sale, driving my dad’s brand new Dodge 1-ton dually, pulling a 20 foot goose-neck full of Santa Gertrudis herd bulls. Just east of Henryetta, on I-40, I started looking for a place to take a leak and have a smoke (smoking was not allowed in dad’s new truck). By the time I found a rest area, I had to piss pretty badly!I whipped into the rest area and pulled up behind a big truck, the only other vehicle in the lot. I jumped out and headed around to the passenger...

2 years ago
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Highway Rest area

I was driving home from college (this was in the early 70s) and stopped in a highway rest area – the kind with full bathrooms in a heated building. There were three stalls, each had a glory hole in it. I took the one furthest from the door. As I was reading the wall messages, a man came into the stall next door who I assumed was a trucker. He lowered his pants, but didn't sit. He had the biggest cock I think I ever saw, and he just started jacking it to the point that it started to get hard. ...

1 year ago
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Satellite Internet For Rural Areas

The dial up connections have gone and the satellite connection have taken its presence with the high speed service options even in the remote areas. It is irritating to work with the low internet speed that also increases the monthly bills. The direct connections are reliable so if you are planning to select a service for your home or office then there are some factors to consider like check whether the tower is located in the near by area to establish the faster connection, the DSL facility is...

3 years ago
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Rest Area

I decided I had better pull off at the next rest area to grab some coffee and use the bathroom to get me through the second half of my drive home. As I got out of my car and began walking, I suddenly realized how badly I needed to piss and I made a beeline for the bathroom. Being fairly late at night, the bathroom was completely empty and I had my choice of urinals. I walked up to one, unzipped my pants, pulled my cock out, and began to let loose. The piss felt so good that I just closed...

3 years ago
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Rest area

Not my story but can relate;)I love 'em! Maybe it's the risk of a public place; maybe it's just the fact that they can provide "a quickie" with no posturing and chit-chat to move to the sex. Whatever it is about them, they are the one thing that can make a long, boring highway drive more interesting and exciting. Of course, some are much better than others. Many of the newer modernized places on the interstates are no fun at all -- stainless steel dividers between the stalls that don't have any...

3 years ago
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Hitchhiking from a Rest Area

Yea. Probably the one of the most dangerous and stupid ideas ever. There was a perfectly good explanation. Seriously. It was spring break. I told my Mom I was going to My friend Lisa's mountain for the week. In actuality, I went to Florida with my friend Kara. And at the end of the week, She was driving me back halfway to meet up with a another friend who would take me home. Said friend dropped me off, but other said friend was a no show. She said he aunt died, but I didn't...

2 years ago
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We fucked out near the beach area

My mom married her father when i was 19 and out of the house already. I knew her when i was in school and she was on the cheerleading squad. When our parents got married we kidded around some about getting together and going out. It never paned out for her father was a real bastard and made sure we always had someone around if i took her someplace. He knew my reputation of fucking anything that moved or not. One weekend we decided to get around her father and get out, she told her father she...

2 years ago
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Hot Witches In Your Area

While aimlessly searching around the internet, a peculiar pop up appears on the screen. Usually you’d just exit out of it, but for some reason you find yourself intrigued by it. “HOT WITCHES IN YOUR AREA LOOKING TO PLAY” It says in bold text laid over a picture of an attractive woman dressed in a black see through camisole and what appears to be a black pointed witches hat. Clearly this must be some kind of joke, but it’s no where near Halloween, so it still seems strange. Against your better...

3 years ago
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A Gray Area

She was standing on the far side of the room. He had been having a conversation with some old friends when she walked in and stood near the wall next to the painting he had been drawn to look at all night. Now he wasn’t looking at the painting. He was looking at her. Her. Caden. He had asked Collin if anyone interesting was going to be at his ‘little’ get together and Collin had come back with a list of names that would definitely be attending but he had failed to mention that Caden was...

3 years ago
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People of the TigerPart 7

When the adults returned to Tira's clearing they found Pina working on her screen by herself, sitting on the big root outside the den. Tika, Raz and Jena were huddled together at the firepit, doing something on Tika's screen. They all looked up as the adults returned wearing expressions that cut short the children's happy greetings. "What happened? What is wrong? Where is Jela-Mother?" Jena cried, running to the adults and gripping Tira's hands. "Menak traded for the territory of...

2 years ago
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Skipper Licked Me Daddy 3

I measured off a 10-foot log with my 10-foot pole, then began sawing. The chain saw made light work of the 30-inch log. I delimbed my way up the tree, surveyed the next length of log and decided I could get a straight 14 footer out of it, without losing much width. I changed to the longer pole and cut the last log of the day. As the sound of the chainsaw died, I looked around the small clearing. It was churned up mud and struggling grass. The mud was from my tractor, which I used for...

3 years ago
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Son Got A Surprise On His Momrsquos Birthday

“Ufffffff………ahhhhh…….ummmmmm…..dheere karo…ufffff…….ummmmm” muffling sounds were coming from my mom’s room which woke me up.I got up hurriedly and checked my phone, it was 2:20 am and it was my mom’s birthday today. I and my best friend Arjun were planning to surprise her and we were planning it for the past week.It was raining and thundering very heavily outside. There was no power and it was dark. I tried to wake Arjun, “Arjun…..Arjun..abey saale uth. Mom ka birthday he aaj surprise dena...

2 years ago
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What He Doesnt Know Wont Hurt Him

This was a story that I wrote a while ago on another website and it was received well so I've decided to share it with you as my first story on Lush. Maybe it will give you a little insight as to what I like to write and my writing style. I hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading! “I thought I’d find you in here.” He spoke lowly in the quietness of the room, tapping his fingers against the doorframe and waiting for the petite blonde woman to turn from her vanity table. She peered at him in the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 64 New Day New Beginning

Knocking, knocking, knocking. How could someone be knocking on my door so early in the morning? Again? I slipped out of bed, leaving Charlotte, Nadia and Tabitha to sleep. Not wanting anyone to feel uncomfortable, I had worn a pair of those short-shorts Renée had bought me on Saturday to bed. Okay, it was for my comfort. I hadn't been in the mood and didn't want something happening just because I was already naked. I pulled the door open a crack. "Yes?" Helen, the complex manager,...

1 year ago
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My First Lesbian Encounter

I am Ashima Thakur from the state of Punjab, In the following sex story, I will describe my first real life lesbian sexual experience. So it all started when I was 18. I had a friend named Shruti, she is still in my touch. She is very beautiful, her boobs are quite big, she is a little fat and very sexy. She was not my best friend at that time but we were good friends. In mid of our XII, we started to sit together. We used to talk about boys, sex and all. We also talked about masturbation, I...

3 years ago
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This is just a blog- not a story like I usually write. But today was fucking hot and I just had to share it. So here goes:Got home this morning with my dick AND my knee sore after spending the night at my new Latina Momma’s place fucking into the wee hours of the morning. The big mistake I made was trying to take Alicia from a scissor-fuck on her bed at about 2 AM and hoist her in the air, standing up. She had her fucking arms around my neck with my cock in her pussy, but my damn knee buckled....

1 year ago
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Redhead Babygirl pays her rent

Tammy was shocked at the news! She was just told by her boss that her job was being eliminated. What on earth was she going to do now? Even with a regular paycheck she barely got by.The next day she went to the unemployment office and she was told she would get some weekly benefits but then they told her how much. That would never pay her rent or put food on the table.As the next few days went by she dreaded telling her landlord that she would not be able to pay him. He seemed like a nice...

3 years ago
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My Scotsman after the Battle of Culloden

Yes, i was sitting down with my live in bf, John who is Scottish watching the TV series Outlander. It was the final one of the season & so i had a wee dram of whiskey from John as he had one too snuggling up together as i watched my TV show. Half way through the show, John said he had to get to bed soon as he had to get up about 5am to go off to his next job. He moved towards the bathroom & he turned the shower on & went to the linen cupboard & got himself a bath towel. I looked...

3 years ago
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SAG Begegnung der Tittenart

Begegnung der Tittenart:Als wir mal wieder nachmittags am Fluss entlanglaufen und eventuell Kaffeetrinken gehen wollten, hat sich meine Frau erst mal im Bad feingemacht und sich ihren kurzen weißen Stufenrock angezogen und obenrum entschied sie sich für ein weißes Knöpf-Bustier mit hauchdünnen Trägern ohne BH und sie ließ die obersten Knöpfe geöffnet und um die Hüfte trug sie einen engen schwarzen Gürtel, der ihre Hüften noch mehr zur Geltung brachte. Damit kam sie ein paar Mal zu mir ins...

3 years ago
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Rum Coke Love Sex

The moon was bright, brighter than it had been for as long as I could remember it. My breath came fast and hoarse. I tried to concentrate on the gravel road illuminated by the moon and my headlights, but found the task too difficult. I glanced down into my lap and saw Brandy's glossy hair shift with her head's pulling and pushing motions. Inside her mouth, my dick was rigid and swollen, just bursting to flood her throat with cum. But not yet. She was an expert at giving me head...

2 years ago
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Into It Book 2Chapter 17

Supper was a success. We enjoyed Ron and Gretchen and everyone enjoyed watching the three teens as they got to know each other better and found that they liked what they were finding. It was late when Gretchen and Ron packed the three teens into their car and left for home. We would meet them for church. Sarah and Ronnie were excited about us coming to church. We would load up the RV, go to church, and leave from there. Sunday morning was good with a great sermon and, to our surprise, a solo...

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