- 4 years ago
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"Here is the Death Certificate, sir, I think it is in order,"
I took it from him and checked the date and time, "And the body?"
"Dead as a Dodo, Unrecognisable, look." he showed me the photograph, some poor girl burned, alive perhaps, to a blackened mess.
"Car crash," he announced.
I had been waiting nearly a week for this, ever since London sent Miss Reilly to audit the accounts in the Harare Branch, which I managed, well it took almost a whole day for me to decide to actually kill her. She had demanded an office, and computer access and dived right in going right over my head checking, probing, spying without so much as a by your leave.
She could have been beautiful but for her evil nature, she was only just out of accountancy school, a dangerous freshly hatched predatory accountant, with a nasty evil inquiring mind. The nasty gleam in her eye as we first met took my attention from her her very shapely if rather small breasts, her trim waist, her perfect calves and ankles and the stylish high heels beyond her plain mid length skirt, and her severe mouth full of perfect pearly white teeth. All the ingredients for beauty spoiled by such a nasty disposition, her mid brown hair tumbled to her shoulders, would it darken to black or bleach to blond in the harsh sun I wondered.
From some angles she was almost a carbon copy of Lucinda, my former supposed fianc?, who had decided a fifty year old impotent baronet was a better prospect for a life partner than me, and it was Lucinda's betrayal that had sent me to this shit hole.
Miss Reilly not a great listener, she quickly found that twenty Million was missing from our vaults, unaccounted for with no paperwork, but she was deaf to my arguments that we had to pay that to Mugabe just to stay open, she just said she must report the matter to head office and hoped it would lead to my with dismissal and prosecution.
What was worse was that she did it in front of the blacks, humiliating me, it was so unfair after all the business I had sent head office, all the safety deposit boxes back at Finsbury Park which Mugabe and his cronies had stuffed full of other peoples wealth which they carried out in diplomatic bags.
But Miss Reilly tried to apply European standards to the jungle that was once proud Rhodesia, an urban jungle where the stupid were ruled by the even more stupid with their AK47s.
I needed a nice burned body: Black, white, yellow we all look much the same with our skin burned off and when some poor girl had met a sticky end, and I asked around for a suitable example my friends Jon Rapsenberg, a doctor at the Robert Mugabe Infirmary and Ido McToto, Inspector in charge of Harare north precinct, had found one for me.
Miss Reilly was becoming restless, I had her arrested before she could do any real damage, put under house arrest in her apartment, before she could send her findings, personally I would have simply have created a third central eye socket with my Kalashnikov and terminated her, if she had not enjoyed humiliating me in front of Desmond and Jannia, my assistants, quite so much.
A bullet was a low risk strategy, she could have turned down any number of side streets in Harare and been shot for her car, her money, her phone even her designer tee shirt by a War Veteran or some other urban Guerilla, Gorilla as I called them.
With the cadaver now available and the death certificate signed we could move forward.
Ido drove me to Miss Reilly's apartment, he parked the Range Rover and the guard at her door saluted as he let us past and we strode in.
She seemed shocked at our intrusion.
Ido spoke quietly, "You must come down town, I am afraid Miss Reilly,"
"What?" she queried.
He continued "Mr Hanson has formally identified you and he has sufficient evidence to make taking you into custody nescessary, I can allow a few minutes for you to pack as I think Mr Hanson wishes to use this property for a new tenant."
She complied, muttering "You will not get away with this." and with practised ease she packed her cases and told me to bring them down.
She had this superior air about her, like she was better than everyone else, not just the blacks, but Jon and myself, we were as white as her by ancestry, more suntanned, but ethnically the same.
We drove her to the Bank, business had finished for the evening and I unlocked the back service door and showed her into a long concrete corridor, the emergency lighting cast a soft glow and I led the way past the elevator shaft, to the stairs, no one used an elevator in Harare unless they wanted to spend the night there when the electricity supply failed yet again.
We climbed four flights of stairs and then I showed her in to room 406, an ordinary but soundproofed room with cabinets, an easy chair and a couch and a small wooden dining table.
"Mr Hanson tells me you tried to steal from him." Ido suggested as he motioned her to sit.
"No." she protested.
"A man's character is important here in Africa, did you know that?" Ido continued.
"So charge, me." she barked.
"I hoped to keep this informal," Ido sighed, "but as you insist." He took the handcuffs from his back pocket and clipped the shiny clamp round her left wrist then pulling her to her feet he pulled both arms behind her and secured the right wrist as well.
I showed her the document.
"It's a death certificate?" she seemed bemused. "It's my death certificate, I died this morning?" she read on in disbelief.
"Yes," I showed her the photos of the burned body, "You died horribly, I am so sorry,"
"No" she cried but Ido slapped her face and she quietened down.
"I shall take her watch and jewellery," Ido announced and slipping her good luck charm and ear rings from her and placing them in his pocket Ido wished me good day and left the room closing the door behind him.
Despite the cuffs she still struggled, but in the noise of the city her screams were just another cry of despair, and within a few minutes I had a leather dog collar and leash around her neck.
She had a kick like a mule and so fixing the hobble chains around her ankles was both difficult and essential but as she lost her balance, crashing to the floor I pinned her down face down and then I was able to stop her kicking long enough to buckle the leather straps round bot of her ankles and connect the short hobble chain.
She squealed like a pig but I decided that the gag could wait.
I moved over to the table, a standard polished wood extending dining table intended for a small dining room, it extended by sliding the two halves of the top apart which in turn allowed an extra section to slot in the middle, except on this one the extra section was split in the middle and had crescents cut from each half providing a neat neck sized hole, it was a work of art, the sawn edges polished to match the rest of the table top the work of a craftsman, well, me actually, everyone needs a hobby.
The table was screwed down to the floor and the top secured so it could not be lifted off, it was intended for the correction and the discipline of disloyal employees but I had expected blacks to require it not a white bitch.
"What are you doing?" she asked. as she struggled to her knees again, she looked incongruous, cuffed and bound but still fully clothed in a grey business suit, jacket and knee length skirt with a red shirt or blouse and her trademark black high heels.
"Your new home," I told her, "I will fetch the tools and a tin for your teeth then I can get started.
The pliers were in a drawer of the cabinet at the far end of the room and I returned with pliers, rags and an old red biscuit tin.
She struggled and swore but it was easy to drag her with the leash and I passed the leash between the table legs and up through the table top and dragged her head through.
The extra pieces fitted neatly around her neck and I screwed them in place.
"So very clever, I suppose you torture me for information, well I know nothing." she stated rather too condescendingly for my liking.
I shattered her little bubble of security.
"No for pleasure, like when you humiliated me in front of my subordinates, did it turn you on?"
"No but you're all bluster, all your type are, shits the lot of you."
I held her nose and when she opened her mouth to breathe I jammed a tapered wooden block in to keep it open.
She stared unbelievingly as I took the pliers from the table top and taking a firm grip I started to work her left upper front tooth backwards and forwards, she screamed beautifully as it came free and then I started on the right front, her lower Jaw wobbled furiously and I expected it to break but in the end all the teeth came out as she screamed and wailed, it took about an hour and twenty minutes of hard patient work but finally there were a full set of her teeth sitting in the biscuit tin.
Yellowed teeth with expensive veneers, false like her.
Blood streamed from her shattered mouth, and tears streamed from her eyes.
"Don't worry." I comforted her, "The pain of having your Clitoris burned off with a soldering iron will be much much worse but I may decide not to bother, I will probably shoot you at the weekend."
"Why?" she pleaded, through bloodied gums "You are English, why do you behave like an animal, I have only done my job."
"Disrespect: you humiliated me in front of the blacks, it will be weeks before they stop laughing at me, as if it is not hard enough to survive in this shit hole." I ranted.
I carefully cleaned the pliers, and placed them back on the table. wiped her mouth with the filthy rag, and checked that the CCTV had recorded the operation.
"See you tomorrow." I suggested and closed and locked her door.
My own apartment was next door, soundproofed, bomb proof, the managers apartment built into the bank building, it had to be after so many kidnappings.
I ordered a Chinese, but she turned out to be Korean, she arrived by Taxi, wearing a Kimono, for a few seconds, but she was very smooth and willing and after she reoved my tensions she shared my food, in fact she wolfed down her plate full and then had most of my portion as well, it seemed funny, making her eat Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding with Chop Sticks, but I have this sadistic streak and she was too hungry to object.
Even agency prostitutes struggle to survive in Mugabe's wonderland. I thought of the bitch next door, she was probably in agony, her legs and arms cramped, in agony from her shattered mouth, bursting for a piss. I found myself rock hard again and I took my little Chinese once more.
She licked me clean and asked if she could have some cake, she was still hungry, I guessed she had not been able to catch many rats, the staple food of many Harare whores in these difficult times, and I said yes as long as she ate it naked. She looked so sexy eating black forest gateau, the crumbs falling down between her naked breasts, to nestle in her wiry pubic hair, I almost wished she could be my full time slave, but no, I wanted an unwilling slave.
I paid her with a gold ring, from a safety deposit box of someone who did not need it any more, the label on the lid had said Mr Lolo Iuzmu, a gentleman gunned down along with his whole family by Mugabe's Gorillas, well waste not want not I always say.
She asked to stay the night, I agreed, and we watched video's late into the small hours.
"I think you soldier, very brave I think, like man on TV." She told me.
I realised there was a tear in my eye, perhaps Private Tucker from Soldier Soldier was not the image I sought, but she sensed my affinity for those lads, skiving slackers to a man but they would willingly die to save their mates if needed and that made them the British Tommy the finest soldiers in the world.
I remembered Private Doyle, a lad in my platoon, shooting a running Afgan, at about three hundred yards right between the legs taking the meat and two veg right off clean as a whistle, then Doyle had stepped on a landmine, poor bastard, he begged me to shoot him, I could not, its against the regulations but I helped hold a captured AK47 against his head as he pulled the trigger, "Thanks sir, do the same for you one day," he joked as his finger flinched and he sat off to meet his maker.
My Chinese left with the dawn, and I checked my captive, the stench was overpowering.
"Let me go, please." she pleaded.
"You shit yourself, you filthy cow." I accused her. "For heavens sake you are totally disgusting."
"Please don't leave me like this," she croaked.
I left her to her agony.
The Blacks were getting uppity, Desmond and Jannia, taking liberties, I had Jannia's friend Samoe in my office, "Look, it's not easy to say this but, well your performance has not been to standard, and someone has to go."
She burst into tears, "No sir, please my mother and my sisters rely on me, please sir, oh I beg you sir."
I asked her outright. "So who should go?"
She replied with conviction, "Mugabe sir, he must go."
I smiled at her, "You are a good girl, Samoe, I will let you stay, I shall tell head office something, god knows what, I have been lying to keep us going for months, but that is my problem, run along."
I knew the word would be round within minutes Mr Hanson struggling to keep the bank open, looking for someone to sack.
The office atmosphere changed immediately, the respect returned, no one knew about Miss Reilly, locked in her stinking prison.
I held out until about eleven thirty that second day, but curiosity got the better of me and I went to see her, the stench hit me like a sledge hammer, and I nearly vomited, but she looked so sweet, her broken body trapped in my prison, my erection strained and I stood before her and as she silently watched I undid my pants and asked, "Do you like it?"
She shook her head, "Please, don't rape me" she croaked.
"No, I would have to release you for that," I replied, I stroked my shaft and suddenly I felt the relief flowing, warm, wet, the creamy white cum shooting up my shaft and flying through the air to splatter her face.
She looked horrified, yet she still tried to lick a splodge of cum from her cheek.
"Are you thirsty?" I asked.
"Shall I piss in you mouth?"
She paused before she said no, it spoke volumes, she might last beyond Saturday after all.
I wiped myself on a handkerchief and left it on the table, so she could smell my scent as she suffered, and then I slipped from the room.
I came back a few hours later, she looked so wonderfully helpless, I just could not resist releasing my rigid tool and masturbating , I stood behind her and let fly all over the back of her head, then I rubbed it in like hair mousse, she sobbed throughout, but again declined a drink of piss.
I had to attend a function at Government house, I paid for an escort, she escorted me, it was a formal dinner except there was no food for anyone other than the Zanu PF top table. My escort was black,, tall slim, anorexic, or malnourished I don't fancy black girls, as a general rule but she was graceful and desperate and we did a deal, and I bent her over my office desk and she ate a a whole steak and kidney pie as I took her from behind.
"You're so bad, Mr Hanson, can I stay with you all time?" she asked hopefully.
I let her stay until morning.
Miss Reilly was asleep when I checked on her, I sat and watched as she slumbered, her head was too far from the edge of the table I decided and I fetched my saw, before I realised the legs were too far forward to allow me to cut the top back far enough.
Her gums had stopped bleeding, I really wanted to fuck her mouth but compromised by wanking and trying to get the cum in her mouth, most of it missed, but she woke and tried to lick some from her chin.
"Water" she demanded, "I'm dying"
"Piss?, you can drink my piss."
"No please water." she asked nicely.
"Piss is water,"
"No" she refused my offer.
The floor bore evidence of her continued fluid loss, the pool of piss on the Formica floor covering.
"See you Saturday," I suggested.
Her will broke.
"Can I have a drink of piss please."
"Yes of course." I said and walked round to stand before her.
The piss stream hit her chin then her nose before I got the aim right and pissed straight into the back of her throat, she struggled to swallow but she drank enough of the life giving liquid to allow her to survive a while longer.
"Say thank you"
"Thank you," she croaked "Will you kill me Saturday."
"Yes, if you like, good bye." I left her again.
I came back later, I brought her lap top computer and set it before her.
"Tell me the password and I will show you your emails." I suggested.
"Never" she answered, "it's private."
I typed NEVER, and got a wrong password, I tried Victoria and it fired up.
"Bastard," she cried.
There were messages of condolence, all her devastated friends emailing, I scrolled it for her so she could read, sharing an experience in the stench of her filth, her broken pain-wracked body living out her last days before the blissful release of death.
She sobbed and laughed occasionally, then I checked her outbox and she screamed at me, "No, it's private, No."
"It's like mind rape," I whispered.
I read intently. stupid emails to her mates, nothing interesting then Wham! my name.
"Whats this?" I asked, she knew instantly.
"Please no." she croaked.
"Mr Hanson, a bloody arrogant racist sandhurst bastard just like Justin," she had written.
"treats the blacks like shit, I hate him."
"Who is Justin?"
"Other name.?"
"Not lieutenant Peters?"
"Captain," she croaked.
I had spent too long with her, I switched the Laptop off and returned to my office locking the door behind me, her stench clung to me, so I back tracked and showered and changed before returning once again to the world of banking.
I tried to make sense of things, I knew Peters vaguely, and he was definitely a shit.
I let Miss Reilly rot in her filth for a while longer, and only as midnight approached did I once again open her prison's door.
"Its Saturday," I announced.
"Make it quick" she croaked.
I showed her the screwdriver, she tried to scream but her mouth was too dry, then she realised I was removing the screws holding the wood trapping her , I unscrewed the brackets holding the table to the floor and then removed the wood round her neck and lifted the table from her allowing her to fall over sideways.
I loosened her left ankle and tugged her leash to make her stand, she screamed, but managed to crawl and she slowly followed me towards the back of the room, I opened a cupboard door and dragged her through into the bathroom beyond.
Her eyes widened, just a narrow room, an old iron bath at one end, a shower nozzel and lavatories, one conventional low level and one two feet of the floor with a cistern for flushing, but no plumbing other than a two inch diameter clear plastic tube.
I undid her handcuffs and tugged her jacket off her, her shirt tore easily revealing to my surprised gaze a tightly laced corset, I cut the laces and her tummy bulged slightly. I threw the useless garment on the pile with her ruined shirt, and undid her bra, I ran my fingers around her nipples, they stiffened slightly, I resisted the temptation to kiss and suck on them, pleasure was off limits to her, she would know nothing but pain and humiliation while she remained with me, and I would decide whether or indeed when death would bring her final release. finally I took off her shoes and made her sit in the bath and hosed her down with cold water from the shower.
"Skirt off," I ordered. She obeyed slowly stiffly, revealing her soiled underwear, and she handed the skirt to me.
I hosed her privates and then ripped the sodden panties and pantyhose from her and threw them in a bucket along with her shirt. Her private parts were covered in a red rash from the ammonia in the pis and shit, it was obviously hideously painful and it did not seem any point whipping her when she was already so sore.
"Drink?" I asked.
She shook her head.
I handed her a glass bowl full of yellow liquid, she knew it was piss, yet she had to drink.
She drank then spat. "Its horrible."
"Worse than piss.?" I asked, she nodded. "It's flat Cider." I took the bowl and drank some myself, it was apple juice. she thought it was piss because I told her it was. "Yuck, good enough for you though." was my verdict.
She drank it down. then lay back and stretched out,
"Have a nice stretch," I instructed "then take a dump and a piss."
"Not with you looking, I can't," she whined.
"Oh yes you can," I dragged her to the lavatory and made her sit, nothing happened.
"Is this it, are you going to kill me?"
"No, I want to hear about Peters first, and I want to fuck your nice toothless mouth."
"And then,?" she asked.
"Just think short term, flex those muscles because you made a horrible smell in my room, now I gave you full control over your bowels and bladder and you shit and pissed everywhere, so from now on I decide when you shit so shit away."
She literally shit her self with fear, I blasted her backside with cold water from the shower and simply rammed a butt pug inside her anus, she screamed a long animal howl
I pulled her to the ground and reattached her wrist and ankle cuffs, he struggles were weaker now and it was a simple matter to attach a simple leather belt around her waist and run a strap from it around under her crotch.
I led her back to her prison and carefully screwed it together again, she had the good sense to keep quiet and let me reassemble it.
Finally just to show what a reasonable chap I was, I fetched a plastic bucket and set it under her to catch any stray fluids.
"You didn't fuck my mouth,"she croaked.
"No, I forgot." I lied. "So Peters, what did he do."
"Told everyone he was marrying me for father's money."
"Not because you fucked like a dream then." I gloated.
"Thought not."
I left her until Tuesday, she was in a bad way, almost comatose, I woke her with a slap
across her face, she was a mess, boils and zits spoiled her complexion, her lips now
cracked and parched the whites of her eyes were that horrible yellow colour, and she
stunk. On the plus side her tummy was lovely and taut, the hint of fatty flab gone.
I gave her an injection of a concoction Jon had made up for me, her eyes rolled and she swore.
"Heroin" I lied.
"No, please."
I released her from her prison again, and she collapsed onto her side and lay still, I fetched a horse whip and gently coaxed her into movement by taps on her legs and buttocks. she began to crawl slowly away from me and I guided her towards a bowl of water I had placed on the floor, she forgot her pain and charged across to it and tried to lift it, she expressed surprise when she realised it was stuck to the floor. "No" she croaked in despair.
"Good Doggy." I suggested.
She began to lap it up like a dog.
I checked her out, the rash round her ass and cunt from the ammonia where she had shit herself was almost gone, but her ribs were now visible, and her tits had shrunk even further.
I eased her lower lips apart as she continued to lap at the water bowl, she was dry, and squirmed away from me as I probed her, but not so far as to stop lapping at the bowl, I toyed with the idea of chopping her lower legs below the knee so she always had to remain on all fours, then realised I had just the lubricant I needed, my own cum.
I refilled her bowl and whipped out my tool and masturbated once more, I aimed my cum along her back, and then when I was spent I carefully scooped the slippery creamy liquid onto my fingers and began to work it within her, she moaned softly, and relaxed slightly allowing my fingers ever further inside.
She was weak from a lack of food and confused but her body responded naturally and her own precious moisture started to provide its own lubrication as she started to thrust back against my fingers, she made delicious little moaning sounds as I scooped more and more of the cum within her. She moaned and squirmed with pleasure that she desperately tried to disguise, then she shuddered, went suddenly limp and rolled on to her side.
I left her, free, just trapped in her soundproof room, I left the bathroom door open and returned to my own room to watch TV.
I decided to call in a favor, Michele Unzambuki ran a seedy brothel a few blocks away, he owed a huge amount to the bank, a sum of several hundred American Dollars which he had no hope of repaying.
I called him in and outlined my request, I suggested Miss Reilly took over his mothers job for a while. His mother, an ugly toothless hag, worked for him in a glory hole, a cubicle like a lavatory cubicle in the foyer of the whorehouse with a hole in the side through which men who could not afford a short time with a whore could shove their pricks through for the woman the far side to suck, or in the case of particular gymnastic ability, fuck. Usually it was the unwashed dregs of society, diseased beggars, rather that the time constrained businessmen who used such facilities in Japan or the west. These men paid just a few notes, which was often a whole days begging money for the weak and vulnerable, in fact they often spent money they needed for food for the family on being sucked off.
Mr proposition was for Miss Reilly to perform this duty for a while, first Michele would have Miss Reilly's hair braided in the African way, then he guaranteed she would be chained in the courtyard under the hot sun until she browned nicely and then if she started to look like she would pass for a native she could perhaps become a regular prostitute.
We fixed her wages at a half slice of bread or small piece of meat per satisfactory suck.
Michele left my office grinning widely.
Part two
Miss Reilly stared at the pile of chains on the floor before her, "Please, let me stay here."
she croaked.
I shook my head and found a suitable Iron loop to fit round her neck.
I clamped it with the Mole wrench then slipping the aluminum heat shield against her neck I connected the earth clamp and started welding, The Mig welder showered the room with blinding blue light, and blobs of molten metal flew from the rusty iron but within seconds she was secured, I quenched the hot joint with oil then trimmed the edges with a hand file.
Manacles for hands and ankles followed, rusty iron with rusty chains, then I fashioned a crotch bar and a metal waist band, all welded up solid, making access to her cunt or anus all but impossible for penetrative sex, but allowing cleaning and use of the toilet.
The girl spent hours on Miss Reilly's hair, plaiting it like a natives, leaving areas of bare scalp between the rows of plaits, slowly transforming her from western woman to native whore.
I demonstrated the ring gag she would wear, just about the largest we could get, on account of her being toothless and she nodded sadly.
I dressed her in a cloak, someone had died in it, the blood and bullet holes were still there but it was ideal for her.
She clanked as she walked, the short chain between her ankles made the stairs impossible so I carried her down, then she walked barefoot possibly for the first time in her life across the broken tarmac to captivity in a stinking hell hole of a native brothel..
I checked on her a few times, she browned up nicely, her filthy plaited hair now adorned with ribbons, the price of a suck scrawled across her forehead in black paint and the prices of her colleagues upstairs advertised in red across her tits and belly.
She was reluctant the first time, I listened as Michele beat and slapped her then the little wizened shriveled old guy suddenly beamed with pleasure as she began to suck.
I don't know if she realised that it was me as she sucked me off. I wandered over after work a few times, one time I smeared worcester sauce on my tool and she seemed to like it but no words were exchanged, only notes.
I agreed two weeks, she stayed five months. spending her days chained naked in the courtyard like a dog, and spending evenings sucking cocks. Michele said she was the best he ever had, she had intelligence and never tried to escape, in any case she could not speak native so she was unable to communicate with the other whores, most of whom had been snatched from tribal areas, and sold into prostitution.
Finally after twenty weeks Michele rang me and asked about a delicate matter.
To be continued.
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I was at the annual New jersey Teachers' Convention in Atlantic City. It was the final night of it and it was a boring night. After sitting in a bar for 3 hours, I decided to call it a night. I walked down to the Jitney bus stop and waited for the little bus. A large black woman approached the bus stop and said hello to me. I nodded back. She asked if I was waiting for the jitney and I told her that I was. She told me that she had parked her car a few blocks away and could I walk her...
It was nearly a month later when one morning Barbara and Tommy were sitting down to breakfast. "Tommy did you know Aunt Connie's birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks?" she said. Barbara still preferred to call her "Aunt Connie" around Tommy as a way of dealing with the fact that her son and her best friend were in a sexual relationship."Really? We need to do something! Can we have a party or something?" he asked."I think a party would be a great idea. We can invite a few friends...
NovelsShilpa tezi se ghar ki taraf chal padi. Aasman mein kale badal aa chukey thay. Kissi bhi wakt barish aa sakti thee. Abhi vo ghar se kuchh dur thee ki barish ne aa ghera aur vo bheegne lagi, usske kapde jism se chipak gaye. Vo tezi se ghar pahunchi. Soch rahi thee ki Neeta wahan hogi ya nahin. Ghar par sirf Vinod bhaiya thay. Vo bathroom nein naha rahe thay aur bathroom nein pani girne ki awaz aa rahi thee. Shilpa apne room mein gayi aur apne geele kapde uttarne lagi. Ussne salwar aur fir kamiz...
Cheryl, Nigella and Joe spent a leisurely morning with Caroline. Hanging out in the hotel. Getting room service breakfast. The young man who brought the breakfast definitely enjoyed the view of beautiful women in little more than terry cloth robes in the case of Caroline and Nigella, and t-shirt and panties of Cheryl. Joe just wore his shirt and boxers, but the man didn’t care. Except maybe being envious. It was probably a tie between Constance’s shimmering facial beauty and Cheryl’s firm,...
Mohamed was worried. Several months before, he had explained to his daughter Fatima, who had just reached the fateful age, what were the conditions for the family to stay in France. He had explained to her the mechanism of the physical relations between a man and a woman, and told her to be deflowered by a classmate, unless she preferred to tease one of her teachers to take her virginity. . The girl had replied, blushing: - But Dad, I'll be dishonored, and all our family with! - No...
My Son's BullyI fidgeted impatiently and checked the time again. Yesterday my son had come home bruised and bloody. After some coaxing he had admitted he was being bullied, almost daily, by one of his classmates, Klay. I was about to call the school, when he told me that he had already tried that and they wouldn't do anything without hard proof. Klay was a star athlete on the football, basketball, baseball, and hockey teams and the school was desperate to keep him playing. I had then called his...
Leila was locking up her shop late one night. Her shop, she savoured the thought in her mind, remembering all the sacrifice and hard work it had taken to start it up. Despite all that, her shop was her own. A small piece of her soul had been placed in the little boutique on the corner of the usually bustling street of Dalkey. She looks past the mannequins on display and squints out into the darkness, then shakes her head at herself. It’s 2am, Leila, she chided herself. Who do you think is going...
The John Labatt Center, London, Ontario 10:53pm, Friday, January 4, 1980 ... With our mics ‘not-hot’ according to Devin’s earlier message, Eda said, “As we were playing that song, I was thinking it sure would be nice if Cathy and Paul joined us on Danger Zone. They helped us write it, so...” “That’s an awesome idea E. Devin, can we do that?” Sammy said and immediately sought out permission from our concert producer. “Ha! Didn’t you young’uns just kinda brow-beat me into letting you do...
Hi, I am sam with one of my good gay experience in a forest. Me and one of my college decided to have a trip. We went to voganegal(near to Bangalore) in tamil nadu. Its the place famous for water falls .We planned two days and a night and planned to get into the forest to take some photographs of birds. Morning around 11:30 AM we reached booked a room and we got ready around 3:00pm to get inside the forest. We reached the forest area around 4:00. We took his camera and I took some food...
Gay MaleAs I sat sipping my drink, I could hear through the partly open bedroom door how things were proceeding. The creaking of the bed was increasing in pace and strength. Those oh-so-familiar female moans were coming quicker and quicker in sync with the bed noises. The hard fleshy shaft I held in my hand was already well filled but hardened more when I heard the long pulsing moan of that familiar female voice and the deep grunts of the man that was causing them. I waited for a full, eternal minute...
Jojo and Joseline are both failing their German class, and after getting an assignment to complete for extra credit, Joseline tells Jojo that she has it on good authority that the teacher is open to a certain kind of bribery for better marks. When they drop off the school work to him at his house, and manage to get their foot in the door, the girls let him know that they are willing to do whatever is necessary to pass his class. It doesn’t take long before the girls are showing him just how far...
xmoviesforyouFeminzer disease takes my body over By Terry Hansay Description: My wife helps me through the Feminzer disease as I become a full women slowly. I had to learn a whole new life with her help. I was getting very concerned as I noticed my body changing. I have budding breasts and bigger hips. My wife said my breasts bounce and it looks bad, what is wrong! My wife said I might have the dreaded "Feminize" disease. There is a one in 70,000 chance of getting this feminzer disease....
Hi this is a true storie of how i met and fuked a hot 22yo asian student from local uni, it started with a text message saying that a friend of mine had givin this guy my number as he was new to area and had few gay/bi mates and wonderered if i wanted to meet him. Any way this meet was arranged for the following saturday night ,i arranged to meet him at 6 pm in the town centre he arrived looking very nervious but he was tall bout 6ft 2 sexy and asian said he was from hong kong,we exchanged a...
The day begins at 4:30 a.m.. I am awakened by the alarm next to my bed on the floor in my tiny cell. It’s barely big enough for the old mattress I have to sleep on, but it has been my bedroom for the past 8 or 9 years (I’ve lost track). Every day is basically the same. I wake up and crawl from my room to the bathroom at the end of the hall in the basement. Cameras watch my every move, so trying to cheat by walking (ever) is a no-no. The punishment is far worse than the crime, so I am always...
August?? 2004 "Tell me a little about yourself, Doctor." "Why?" I asked the Voice. It came, I supposed, from a face ... but it was a face I couldn't see. The bandages wrapped over my eyes and around the crown of my head kept me blind and in the dark. Was it a male or female voice? I couldn't be sure, but from the speech patterns and word choices I thought it was most likely male. Where the ideas about speech patterns and word choices came from were as much a mystery to me as the...
The five-member team of auditors and lawyers from the Western Group descended on Levall like a small swarm of locusts. Simone Engdale was not among them. A new bookkeeper, accountant, and local business lawyer were hired while the old bank accounts were closed. The Black Horse stayed dark for three weeks and Shirl thrived as the new manager. She had a new haircut and a can-do attitude. Scott saw her every couple of days to stay involved and show his support. Shirl purged the bar payroll,...
Dear friends, this is Nalini (changed) with my new story of my college friend Lavanya, and thanks for your comments on my previous stories, and please don’t forget to comment on ISS too, and male readers stop asking about my personal details and don’t invite me on hangouts.Girls and Ladies can mail me at [email protected] am a newly married housewife aged 26 years with a 34B-26-36, enjoying and satisfied with my husband’s love making in bed, but still yearn for a...
SEXTEEN SASKIA SWEET SLY SLOW SEDUCTIVE STARTSASKIA SHOWS SHYLY SUBMISSIVE SEXUAL SLAVERY : Sweet Saskia Ven - Overveen - Secretly she studies SexuologyShe seeks self-sustaining staying-place - Still: She & Sibling-sisShe's seen see-swimming Strandbad Bloemendaal (Flowervale)She's secretly fully-nude bare-back riding her mare - Dunes dusk ====================================================SEXTEEN SASKIA SHOWS SLOW SEXY SHOOT IN THE WOODSHYLY SHE SWIFTLY SWITCHES SEARCHED SEXY SUBJECT SHE...
Hi all I am back once again with my story this time it’s with my reader who resides in Bangalore. Her name is Rithika who wanted to get intimate with me and an incest fanatic but she didn’t have any brother relation with her so she wanted me to 1st treat her as her sister and make her comfortable and then go ahead. Now let us go to he story. I received an e-mail from a girl who’s name said Rithika telling the story which I had written earlier was good and she wanted more like that. I initially...
Hi friends, I hope you guys enjoyed my story. For those who don’t know me I’m Kevin, from Chennai but currently settled abroad. To get a better picture of me please read . Guys and girls get ready for action. This is once again going to be about Priya. So the very next day I and Mark were ready to fuck Priya to the core, now onwards I’m gonna call her just Priya. She is no more a bhabhi just a Slut. But we had two problems one was Suresh and the second one was Diya. I promised Diya that I would...
That night she lay there watching him sleeping. Damn-it girl, what's wrong with you? You're acting like a teenager, who was throwing caution to the wind. This was not like her at all. She always took her time to find out about a man, before letting them come near her. "Oh-my-god, you went after Douglas as if you have not been fucked in ages. Oh-god what did he think of her now?" "I bet he is thinking wow-oh-boy is she easy! How, could such well thought out plans, go amuck? She let the...
"I hope this guy isn't some crazy old fat guy like most professors!" Jenna exclaimed as her and her best friend Haley left their apartment to the one and only class they had together."I know. That prof. we had last term for Statistics was awful!"Haley shook her head as a group of guys whistled at her while they walked down the hall. Jenna felt a pang of jealousy. Her best friend was pretty enough to be a model. Actually, she had been for a few years during their senior year of high school. She...
TabooA few days passed and I didn't hear from her. It seemed like she disappeared from our planet. 5 days after our last encounter, my parent left home for a month of vacation. Since I'm an only child I was home alone. Unfortunately, it blew my chances for a month of sex but my hands would keep me satisfied. My parents left in the morning so I had the whole day to myself. I was taking a break from school so I didn't have anything to do. I decided to prepare myself for some serious jerking....
Note: although I recommend you read the first chapter to put everything into context I think this chapter can be read as a stand-alone story. Just about every day after their first meeting Amy had been fucked by Kasib and his friends. She’d been taken again in the cafe, in the back of Kasib’s car, in the local park and also back in the alley where it all started. That time they triple teamed her while a group of around fifteen men watched. The mature woman couldn’t get enough of their...
The other night me and my wife were drunk and just got settled in bed, her brother and his girlfriend were still in the other room among other people in the house. lots of other company had just left for the night. Like always my wife started rubbing my dick and got me hard in no time. i pulled back the covers and pushed down my shorts so my dick plopped out. she slid her way down and started giving me one of those...
at the shower stall (club) nude and still wet from showering i went straight down to the theater.i went up front where the light of the movie is better, leaned over the first seat facing back and waited.a couple of guys came by the first few minutes and slapped my ass. i tried to suck one of their cocks but they were looking for something else i guess. i stayed there head down swaying my ass legs spread for whoever wanted to was a good 10 minutes before one brave cock came up to get...
We were pushed. Stretched beyond ourselves. Ellora Patil was exactly the right person for two 13 year old kids who already had Bachelors and Masters degrees in English Literature ... and we'd done it in less than a year. We turned 14 in May. It was Tuesday. We took the day off from engineering math. "Ellora?" we said like the twins we are. She looked up from her desk ... we had our heads in the door. "Happy Birthday!" she said. We both looked crestfallen ... we wanted to surprise her...
Story written by husband on behalf of wife. A lot of strange things happen in people’s lives. And also very often events of your younger days leave an impact on you, which is so difficult to ever shake off later in life. This is a true episode of my life which I thought of sharing on the anonymity of the web. I am a lady aged 38 years, happily married & well off. I have two Kids and my hubby is in the merchant navy. However these events that I am going to recount are from an earlier phase of my...
Cindy is a closet cross-dresser. She makes plans to dress full time when she is visiting London. She has made many friends on line and now she will meet them one by one. Cindy will go out in public to a sex club that caters to CD/TV where she meets another CD. Cindy's holiday in London meeting on line friends and going to a sex club I cannot believe my plans to make a fantasy into reality. Every six months my job allows a Rest and Recreation break. I would be returning to...
He lay tattered and torn, the life gone from his once vibrant body. Shelby screamed and pounded her fists into her father's chest. Seth felt numb to the pain she inflicted on him as he tried to make this nightmare go away. His son-in-law was dead. Another man was as well. The elderly man ran a red light and plowed into Rex's car just hours ago. Both men died on impact according to the police. Rex was just twenty-five. Seth struggled with the senselessness of it all. He knew his daughter...
I didn't know I was gay until I was seventeen. I grew up in a rough area of Brooklyn. Sex was all mixed up, there were no rules. A lot of guys in the neighborhood were getting their cocks sucked by queers. It was no big deal to anyone, except maybe a neighborhood priest ranting about going to hell for shooting cum in some bodies mouth.Yeah, they had sex education in school, but it was a joke. It was a bunch of bullshit really. Every five minutes they are telling you to put a...
Gay MaleHi dosto mera name sid malhotra hai. Meri age 18 hai. Meri height 177cm hai aur mere lund ka size 6’.5 inche lamba aur 2′.0 inche mota hai Aaj se 2 saal pehle ki baat hai jab main garmiyon ki mein apne gaon gaya hua tha tab waha par meri sabhi behan aaye hue the and meri bua ki ladki bhi aayi hui thi or haa uski shaadi pehle hi ho chuki thi. Tabhi main apni bua ki ladki ko dekha uska name kalpna hai aur unki age 19 hai uska figure 36d 26 36 hai…. Usko main dekhta hi rehgya uske kya mast gol gol...
100% fiction! I come from a well to do family in Delhi. Our family could be described as somewhat a modern family I have a younger sister who's 20. My dad's 45 and my mom is 40 and I myself an 22 years of age. My mom is the bomb shell of the family, she's 5'8 has large D cup breasts and a perfect ass. Shes has curves to kill for. she looks younger than her age. Both my sister and mom receive a lot of attention from men in public places or at parties that we host or go to. We are prominent...
Incest"You must be Neil," the teenage girl asked as she strode towards a group of three young men idling walking down the promenade. Neil's face erupted into a smile and he licked his lips, looking at Emily out of the corner of his eye. "Yeah, the man and the legend," he told her as he glanced down towards his trousers. "And you're Emily." Emily tugged her blouse down and gulped, looking at him as his smile broadened. "Yeah, you know me?" "I know your sister," he replied and held his...
Hi friends ,i am fully new to this site ,but i had often read the incest stories of this site and now i am going to relate to u a 100% real story of mine my story is a bit long ,because i want to give all the details ,so please have patience . Any teen hottest girls living in Calcutta can contact. Now the story starts:- i am Rick Roy residing in Kolkata ,age 28yrs ,working as the assistant chief manager at the R.V.N.L. (Railways Vikas Nigam limited) head office at Kolkata, i secured the 11th...
Incest"Mullady, meet me in my den in five minutes." Franklin Barker fought back his temper. He was fuming. His conversation with Dedalus after interviewing his daughter still rang in his ears. Dedalus had said: "From the symbolic reenactment of your daughter's innermost drives and fantasies and the information you gave me, Mullady Mistler's place in the whole affair is of supreme thematic relevance." "Are you telling me, Dedalus, that Mistler is the cause of my wife's death?" "He is...
A further three people, as far as Lauren could tell, came across to the altar and felt her body, paying special attention to her breasts and vagina. She kept her eyes tightly closed, which helped to mask the continuing abuse she received, but did nothing to reduce her shaking and the misery she felt within. Occasionally, she glanced sideways to Nikki and Rebecca, still huddled in the corner but now under the food tables almost out of sight. She ached all over, and even though her legs had...
Hi this is ram here.I wan’t share my experince with you.this when i was in mysore and studing in puc1st year.We were living in rented house in rent house.Upstaaris we were living and down stairs owner and his wife.The owner was a doctor he always go to village in weekends for check up. I never had any bad feeling towards till diwali .i was palying with my pen axidently it fell to grond floor of i went domn where i saw aunty changing clothes.FI|irst she removed her sari then her blouse...
John Drake, and his young son Jake, had been listening to the radio as they drove out of town on their latest adventure, a winter camping trip. They had been driving for a while when they hit light snow first just a couple of hundred miles from home. The weather station then issued their snow storm warnings. It sounded bad. John looked over at his son and his 14 year old said, "Sounds pretty bad dad, maybe we better go back home. Mom might need us in the storm." "Your right Jake, if it is...
It's during the best season that you peek always with a little more attention, especially if you have the sister very good, like in my case :-P. It was a nice day of summer, august end-august i remember, when i and my sister were at home with an our cousin (young like us :-P), my sister and our cousin are sitting on the bed and started to joking with the cellulars so i take a chair and i am satted front to them :-P for to joke with they :-P but also for peek a bit :-P because our cousin had a...
My step-mom, Cory Chase, walks into my bedroom to make sure that I (Luke Longly) am dressed up for my going away party! Cory is wearing a sparkly dress as she asks me why I am still in my pajamas. I confessed to my step-mom that my girlfriend just broke up with me, so I am pretty upset. I was supposed to try anal sex for the first time with my ex-girlfriend, but she ended up breaking up with me before we got around to it. Cory lifts up her dress and she shows me her butt hole. I am surprised to...
xmoviesforyouHe knew her name was Molly, he knew some of her past wasn’t very pretty. Her life so far, at such an early age, had been less than pleasant. Now she is 18, even though she looks alot younger. She had endured abuse from a very early age. It had continued as she lost her home and was on the street, no one cares about you on the street, that he knows for sure. She began to feel like maybe they were right, she was nothing, just something to be used. Worthless in her own mind.After talking to her...
First TimeIn today’s world with the COVID travel restrictions, most business travel was suspended. Technology tools such as Zoom and other similar sites had become the norm. After no travel for several months, I was somewhat excited for a West Coast trip to Los Angeles and with a little luck could close a multi-million-dollar contract.The new regulations now in place made it more difficult and time-consuming. Temperature checks, physical distance, and those damn masks changed the dynamic of a trip. I...
ThreesomesBrenda Olsen stood a little impatiently in line while waiting to register and get a key to her room. "Finally," she muttered under her breath, "my turn!" "How may I help you?" the ditsy looking blonde behind the counter asked brightly. Brenda was about to give the woman a zinger but thought better of it and replied, "Olsen, Brenda Olsen, I have a reservation for three nights." "Uhhhhhh let me see," the blonde said while punching in her name on the reservations computer terminal. "Hmmmmm, I...
LesbianCute brunette Nata Ocean raps on the window to get the attention of her boyfriend. As Andrej Lupin’s erotic movie “Harvest” begins, Tommy Gold is picking apples, but his sweetheart tempts him to come indoors with a sexy striptease. Dropping the fruit on the table, Tommy sprawls on the sofa and grabs Nata’s firm round ass as she kisses him. Nata undresses her lover hastily and starts to suck his cock, her lips sliding up and down his thick shaft as she bobs her head eagerly....
xmoviesforyouBy: Rahul Gupta Dear Friends Like you all I have also been reading lots of stories posted in this site which range from reality to fantasy.Friends I am a senior position in MNC incidents which happened in my life. The names have been changed to respect the privacy of the individuals. This incident happened more than 3 years ago.I was working with a leading MNC and based out of Delhi. I was in Pune on some official work and had logged into yahoo to check my mails.Since I had some free time...
As you may know from my previous stories, my neighbour/friend Dave moved to a new house back in January. Since then we haven't really kept in touch much, but I often thought back to our mutually beneficial times.Well, last week, I got a huge surprise. A knock on the front door, and who is standing there with a grin on his face? Dave. It turns out that he had come back to the area briefly, to attend the funeral of a friend, and had decided to pop in to say hello. I was actually very pleased to...
The weekend finally arrived and Mr. Lodge greeted his friend Stan and took him to the kennels where his scheme was to take place. He had taken the past couple of days to think out the disposition of the cameras that he wanted. Stan listened to his old friend's plan, throwing in a few ideas of his own. "So Hiram. How long have these nymphs been at it yuh think?" Stan asked. "I really don't know Stan," he answered honestly. "It might have been years or their first time. You can never...
"Puppet ruler want a cracker? Here's your cracker!" Iago's taunting voice sang mockingly, as he shoved the treat into the Sultan's mouth, already overflowing with crumbs and biscuits despite his muffled protests. "Shove 'em ALL right down yer throat! Here, have LOTS of crackers!" "Stop it!" Jasmine cried out desperately, her once regal blue clothes now blood red, her wrists shackled to signify her status as a slave. She turned to the man responsible for her captivity, who was chuckling...