Control Ch. 04 free porn video

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Gene awoke slowly, rising languidly though the sea of dreams. The sun was in his eyes and there was a woman in his arms. Annalie.

Instinctively he curled around her, his face nuzzling in her hair, and breathed deeply of the sleeping scent of Woman (her). His cock was hard and nestled between her the softness of her thighs, seeking the warmth and delightful sweetness he remembered.

Michele sighed and stirred gently. Gene moved with her, cupping her breast and pressing against her. Eyes still closed, he nudged further in and found the base of her neck, and he naturally closed his lips over it in a gentle good morning nip. She startled, and Gene instantly became fully alert. Michele. Oh, right. Damn. Feels good.

The smell of sweet cedar and the sea drifted across Michele’s senses. Traces of her dreams flitted in her mind and she sighed in pleasure, savouring the moment. She felt the warmth of soft sheets caressing her skin, and Wha-? a strong arm around her, caressing her breast.

She squirmed, and realized it was Gene. His cock was ready, heavy and alive between her legs. I must be dreaming. Still muzzy with sleep, she lay for another moment and then startled as Gene’s teeth grazed her shoulder. She froze – not knowing what to do. Did we?

‘Good morning darlin’.’ Gene said softly, removing his hand from her breast and resting it on her hip. ‘Did you sleep well?’ He couldn’t resist a gentle thrust against her.

Michele jumped as if he’d shoved a hot poker at her, throwing off the covers and leaping out of the bed. Gene rolled on to his back, grinning as Michele stared at his cock as if she’d never seen one before. She couldn’t help it.

‘Don’t take it personal, darlin’. I have the same problem every morning.’ Gene shrugged, giving her his #1 winning smile. Michele’s brain was still filled with images of her dream and unconsciously her hand reached down to her pussy, probing between her lips to check –

Gene’s eyes followed her hand, and he chuckled. ‘Nothing happened, darlin’. We slept.’

Michele blazed in embarrassment as she realized what she was doing and jerked her hands away. Gene decided he’d teased her enough, however gently. ‘How about some coffee and a shower, and then I’ll take you back to your car?’

Michele was furious. He was playing with her. She wasn’t sure if she was angrier with him for being aroused in the first place, for telling her she had nothing to do with it, or for laughing at her. Cocky bastard. Even worse, she was angry with herself. After that that had happened, she was reacting to him. Strongly.

Last night he’d been very, kind, very nice, but he was probably no better than any of the rest of them. Let’s find out. Michele forced a smile on her face. ‘Personal or not, how about I take care of that for you. It’s the least I can do – ‘

Christ, don’t tempt me, girl. Michele stood there, lips pursed in a cute little pout, his shirt barely covering her. Her nipples were erect, her dark pink areoles visible through the thin material. Gene scrubbed his fingers through his hair vigorously as if to clear the image from his mind. ‘Right now I’d like some coffee.’ And a blowjob, yup, that would be sweet, allright. He shook his head hard. ‘Why don’t you get a shower while I make some?’

What is wrong with him? Michele screamed internally. What’s wrong with me? Her shoulders slumped and she turned, walking slowly towards the bathroom.

Poor baby, you’re not used to being turned down, are you? Gene pulled on his pants and went to the kitchen. Not many would. He busied himself with the coffee, and soon heard splashing from the washroom. She’d left the door open again. An invitation, or habit? He wondered.

She was humming – he listened carefully – sounded like that old Who song, ‘Behind Blue Eyes’. Presently the coffee began to perk. Cream and sugar, and lots of it, I’ll bet. He checked the fridge. Milk will have to do.

Michele was frustrated. Damn him already – twice! She’s never run up against someone like Gene. He confused her. She wanted him. She hated him. She knew he wanted her, but he rejected her. What sane man wouldn’t want this? She plumped her breasts in the mirror.

The problem was, he wasn’t like the men she’d preyed on before. Michele sensed he was much smarter than they, and he wouldn’t let her play with him like they did. He’s blow her off in a minute. What am I doing here? He doesn’t want me.

Tears leaked from the corner of her eyes and she turned on the taps hard, hoping to stifle a sob. She started humming to comfort herself. Oh, he’d fuck her all right – didn’t they all? But he’d turned her down, even with his cock standing at attention. Fuck. I wish I knew what he wanted.

She tested the water, adjusting it until it almost steaming. I wish I knew what I wanted.

Michele washed her face, brushed her teeth, and shrugged off the t-shirt. She stepped into the tub, closing the glass door behind her. The shower caddy was fully equipped, she noted. Fresh bar of soap, fresh wash cloth, navy blue again, shampoo, conditioner.

She laughed in spite of herself – a fresh razor! Must have been a Boy Scout. She smiled to think of Gene as a boy, a skinny little redhead with a mischievous smile. But what a man he had grown into. She started humming again. . Someday I’ll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me.

Gene heard the shower start, Michele’s tune had changed. Oh, that’s pretty. She sounded happier now. He then realized there were no towels. Not good. Better grab her a couple. He strode to the linen closet and searched through them for his biggest, fluffiest ones, selecting a pair of thick ivory bath sheets. He checked a moment at the doorway to the bathroom. If she didn’t want me in there she would have locked the door, never mind leaving the damn thing wide open.

Walking into the bathroom he stopped dead at the sight of Michele stretched hands over her head on the showerhead, back arched under the spray. He noted the steam rising from her. Damn. She likes it hot. Very nice.

Gene quietly placed the towels on the vanity and went back into to the kitchen for his coffee. He was beginning to regret turning her down earlier. She had made it sound like trading sex for a place to crash, and that bothered him. It just wasn’t good enough. Gene smiled ruefully. Sometimes having a conscience was hard, especially if the part of him that didn’t was also hard.

He adjusted his cock, having grown uncomfortable in his jeans, and went back to the bathroom with his coffee, leaning in the doorway. If she were not here, he would have taken care of this problem in the shower, by himself.

Michele had turned under the shower, obviously enjoying the pounding spray. She was oblivious to his presence, head down and eyes shut. Gene was glad he’d just cleaned – even with the heat and steam, the glass was still clear. Streams of water flowed down her in thick rivulets, outlining and defining every curve, every ridge of smooth skin.

Sipping his coffee, he took the opportunity to get a long, slow look at her. Conscience or no, he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to enjoy the show.

Michele squirted some shampoo into the palm of her hand and rubbed her hands together. She raised them to her head and scrubbed. Gene’s free hand clenched slightly, wanting to clutch her breasts. Raised by her movements, they were plump and full as large, juicy oranges, tipped with nipples dyed the crimson of perfectly ripe strawberries from the heat of the water. Gene chuckled quietly at his thoughts. Do you want to fuck her or eat her? His cock jerked and he had to adjust himself again. Well – both. His tore his eyes away and dragged them down her torso.

Gene drank in her movements, watching her abdomen flex, smooth muscle overlaid with a touch of softness. He could just make out the suggestion of a dimple in the small of her back before his gaze slid appreciatively over her
ass. It was high and firm, perfectly in proportion to her hourglass hips. Gene could clearly see the muscles moving under the plush curvature, leading down to long, strong legs. He closed his eyes for a moment and imagined feeling them wrapped around his waist.

Michele finished rinsing her hair, picked up the soap and brought it to her nose. Mmmmm, how lovely! It wasn’t Irish spring like on the vanity, but white and delicately curved. A ladies soap, lathering generously in her hands with soft, creamy suds. Michele took it and lathered up the washcloth. She soaped herself down, not feeling her usual ferocity when showering. Her strokes were slow, leisurely, the suds downy on her skin.

This is nice, being here. Everything one could need, everything in its place. Comfortable.And Gene. He was so – perfect – gorgeous. She formed a picture of him in her mind. Broad furry chest, perfect for running fingers through. Large gentle hands. Tall, strong, and oh! Sparkling green eyes, full of laughter. A square jaw setting a warm smile, framed by a soft dark beard. I’d like to run my fingers through that, too.

Michele wondered what it would be like, what he was like, what it meant to be his. I bet he could make me come. But then her thoughts turned to the ones who had made her who she was, the ones that had ruined her when she was so young. If only she’d taken better care of me, watched out for me. Dammit, Mom!

Michele remembered the parade of men that ran through her mothers life as if they went through a revolving door. The tinkling, brittle laughter when her mother entertained them. The snores when she passed out. The moist breath and the furtive movements when they –

That’s over now. But was it? Wasn’t she doing exactly the same thing? No. Not anymore. I can’t do this anymore. But was it too late? Could Gene want her? Love me? The way he’d treated her was enough for her to hope. She started humming again, and thought of how it would feel if he kissed her. You’re so fucking special.I wish I was special.

Gene listened to her hum, rapt in the intimacy of Michele’s movements. The tone had changed from the longing of Dorothy’s daydream to something darker, sadder. Michele seemed to be caressing herself as she smoothed the sudsy cloth over her breasts and down over her stomach. Absentmindedly he registered the soft alto of her voice, crooning throatily in a minor key. I’ve never had a singer before.

He took another sip of his coffee, realizing belatedly that he’d finished it off. He put the cup down on the vanity quietly, not wanting to break the spell.

Michele rinsed the cloth, re-lathered it and turned away from Gene. She lifted her foot up and rested it on the edge of the tub, bending over. Her bottom pressed against the glass and Gene’s breath caught in his throat. Yes. That’s it darlin’. She slowly and carefully washed one leg, then the other, and her red cheeks shifted enticingly against the glass. Show me.

Michele straightened up and she seemed to dance, washing her thighs, passing the cloth from one hand to another. She stepped to the side and Gene could see the navy blue caress her pussy. She dropped the cloth, bringing her hands in front of her and then Oh, Christ! two suds-soaked hands came back around her hips and delicately but thoroughly probed the crack of her ass. This time Gene allowed himself to pull on his cock a moment, pressing it down. He closed his eyes, groaning inaudibly. Michele continued her song.

A squeal of skin against porcelain brought him back – Michele had turned to the shower again. She ran her hands over her face, smoothing them over her hair, lifting her breasts, twisting under the spray to rinse – she was almost finished. She stood still a moment, then placed the arm furthest away from Gene against the wall.

Michele lifted her chin to the spray her head and Gene imagined he could see the faintest suggestion of a smile dimpling her cheek. She spread her legs slightly, placing them carefully back just a little. Michele slid her free hand between her legs. Her triceps rippled for a moment. Her voice got throatier, deeper, and then her back arched into the spray and she froze, every muscle tight, highlighted in watershine. Gene held his breath. Michele shuddered, her song dissolved into quiet exclamation.

They both stood still for a moment, catching their breath. Gene grabbed a towel and unfolded it. Michele opened the shower door, the rush of steam billowed out with her and she stepped out right into Gene’s arms. She let out a squeak of alarm.

‘Gene! You startled me!’

Gene was glad for the steam that made both their cheeks flush. ‘It’s all part of the service, Miss. Wash and wax and the best coffee in town for a quarter. ‘ He brought the towel up over her head and squeezed the water out of her hair. Michele was laughing, fighting him, so he pulled the towel just apart to let her head through, pulling her face right next to his. ‘You got a quarter, Miss?’

He saw! Did he? Oh god, I should have shut the door! Michele was glad for the heat of the shower and her little fright – hopefully it hid what she had just done. I’m not going to say anything if he doesn’t – and I can be just as sweet as him! Playfully she made a show of peeking inside the towel. ‘Not on me, I’m sorry. Give me some credit?’ She cocked her head and batted her eyelashes outrageously.

‘On account then.’ Gene resumed his efforts, toweling Michele off briskly.

‘On account of what?’ asked Michele.

Gene reached around Michele and under the cheeks of her ass to dry them, putting his lips to her ear. ‘On account of your sweet cheeks, darling.’ His beard brushed Michele’s jaw and his breath made the small hairs on the back of Michele’s neck stand on end. She was mortified to feel the heat as her blush rushed over her – she thought she was beyond that. He swatted her ass playfully, but couldn’t help cupping one cheek for a moment, giving it a little squeeze. ‘All done now. Go get dressed and we’ll have that coffee.’ Michele grabbed the towel, squeezed past him and scurried to the bedroom.

Wasn’t expecting that – not so hard after all. Gene smiled to himself. He went back to the kitchen and poured himself another cup, fixing one for Michele as well. Michele reappeared, looking bashful. She tried smoothing her skirt and straightening her blouse, to no avail. Gene was touched at her attempts and smiled warmly at her. Looks like I’ve lost that pair. She was wearing his socks, and it pleased him irrationally. ‘Three and three, that about right?’

Michele took the cup gratefully, cupping it in both hands and inhaling deeply before she took a sip. ‘That’s perfect. Thank you.’ Michele gestured to her feet. ‘I hope you don’t mind about the socks.’ She ducked her head and raised her shoulder, embarrassed. It’s just that – ‘

‘Not at all, darlin’ – they’re yours.’ Gene was struck at the difference in Michele. Stripped of her bar-room bravado, she was a little shy, sweet even. The hard glitter had had gone from her eyes and he could see a softer shine. Not as hard as she thinks she is. There was a lot more to her than originally met the eye. Gene could see her thinking hard about something as she sipped her coffee.

‘I can pay you for them – ‘ Michele furrowed her brow. She wanted – to impress him, to make him like her. Don’t be stupid – he doesn’t want you, never will. She shook her head , trying to focus on her feelings, instead of her thoughts. It was unfamiliar, wanting to please, almost frightening. No one had ever affected her like Gene, and she didn’t know how to react. What can I do? Then her expression cleared and she finished her coffee. ‘May I borrow a pencil and paper?’

OK, I’ll bite. ‘Sure thing darlin’. Why don’t you come into my office?’ Gene left the kitchen, waving at Michele to follow. As they went down the hall, Michele felt a shiver run through her. Gene opened the door and held it for her, making her brush past him to get in. ‘Have a seat – you’ll find
everything you’ll need.’

It was exactly like she had dreamed – the large oak desk, black leather chair and No! It couldn’t be! Michele’s knees shook. There was a photo album there, a brown one, sitting on the top left-hand corner of the desk. Images from last night’s dream came flooding back and she sank into the chair gratefully. OK, concentrate, you can do this.

She scrabbled in the desk drawer for a pencil and grabbed a piece of paper. Gene leaned on the back of the chair, looking over her shoulder, and she felt her cheeks burn. This is not helping. Michele started to draw, slowly at first, but then picking up speed as she put her mind to the task.

Gene was surprised. Within moments the form of a pool player appeared, a few more and it became clear that Michele was drawing a picture of him, perhaps how she had first seen him last night. She drew surely and efficiently, quickly outlining his form and posture. The pool table appeared as if by magic. She’s very good.

Gene watched her face as she drew and was amused to see her blushing again. She filled in the details of his face and Gene was impressed by how accurate she was. Other small details followed, a little shading here, a scribble there. Her ears were pink, and she was breathing heavily.

‘Are you all right, darlin’? Too hot for you maybe?’

Michele waved at him for silence, but felt herself grow even hotter. She imagined she could feel his breath on her neck. I must be purple by now. She shaded in the background and sketched in a rough frame. She twisted in the chair, looking up at him with cheeks blazing.

‘There – that ought to be worth a quarter and a pair of socks in a few years time.’ She handed Gene the drawing.

‘That’s worth a hell of a lot more than two bits, darlin’ – you’ve very good. But you forgot to sign it.’ Gene handed the picture back to her. Michele took it and signed the bottom right-hand corner. He asked again. ‘You look kind of hot – can I get you a glass of water or something?’

‘No, no. I’m fine. I just – ‘ She looked down, wanting to tell him, but afraid. She screwed up her courage and threw her chin out, but looked in his eyes, warm, and inviting, a small smile playing about his lips. She softened her posture. ‘I – I dreamed about you last night.’ Michele was sure her head was about to explode.

A faraway look came into Gene’s eyes for a moment, and then cleared, and he smiled down at Michele. He reached down to curl his fingers under her jaw, and Michele shivered and relaxed against the chair, closing her eyes.

‘I know all about it darlin’. I dreamed too.’

A heavy silence fell upon them, both lost in thought. Gene dropped his hand and reached over Michele, picking up the sketch and looking at it again. Again, he was struck by the detail and he was flattered by her effort. ‘Thank you very much, Michele. I will treasure this.’ He came around to the front of the desk and opened the photo album, carefully placing it inside the front cover. ‘I have some things I need to get done. Let’s get you home, now.’

He said my name. She hadn’t realized how much she’d wanted to hear him say it, thinking he’d forgotten. Hearing him say it mellowed her embarrassment to a warm glow all over. ‘I’ll just get my things – oh.’ She looked down at her feet, not knowing what to say.

‘I’ll drive you home.’ said Gene. ‘You can pick up something to put on your feet and then I’ll take you to your car.’

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Phil loves sex. He has a long thick nine inch cock that loves to fuck. He mounted many girls in college and loved fucking them hard and deep. Then he met innocent virgin Molly. He really wanted her and did every thing to win her over. She had huge tits and a sweet round ass. She fell hard for the sweet and sexy Phil. On their first date he got her naked and ate her pussy for over an hour and tongue fucked her till she screamed. It was no time till he popped her cherry in the back of his car....

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You wake up in your bed at around 7:30 in the morning. Its a nice warm Saturday and you get up to do your morning routine of brushing your hair, teeth and getting dressed. It seems that you are home alone untill next Monday because your parents and older sister had gone on a vacation. They had asked you if you wanted to come with but ultimately decided to stay home for some alone time. You decided to dress a little more comfortably than when anyone else is home and opted for just a loose white...

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Prologue You had used spells to get several strands of hair from Alexis' bedroom, and now sat in the room you had decorated as a place to practice stronger and more potent spells such as the immortality one you casted two centuries ago. It kept you looking like a 23 year old. You had done it after the town murdered your lesbian lover for taking the fall for you. You promised to find her again and make sure nobody kills her again. You are positive that the raven haired girl was her. But what...

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Sam kept her in the play room naked. She was there for sex and fun. He was a freak and loved wild kinky sex. He had married her mom when she was just a c***d and sexually abused the mom till she ran away with another man. She left her daughter and now he abused her. Men paid to fuck her and use her body any way they wanted. They could also take videos and pictures with her. She had huge tits like her mom and a great bubble ass. He had pierced her nipples and pussy. The play room had was filled...

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Jack ruled his family and what he said was not questioned. He decided what they ate and what they wore and everything that went on in the house. He made the rule that no clothes were worn by the wife and his three daughters. He also fucked his wife any where and any time. The girls were used to dad bending mom over an fucking her right there in front of them. He also finger fucked the mom constantly. The girls were beginning to grow nice big tits like their mom. Dad had always been the one to...

1 year ago
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O god! Her hand was creeping up towards my groin and I couldn't do a thing about it! I mean our parents were there for gods sake, what did she think she was doing!? I stifled a groan as her fingers started tracing the outline of my cock. We are sitting (my girlfriend and I) at a table for six in one of the classiest restaurants in town. You see, it's my parents wedding anniversary and so both our parents and us are out having a meal to celebrate. Our mothers are at either end of the...

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The Return of HoneybearChapter 4

Wednesday Wednesday evening, she appeared at my door dressed, surprisingly, in sweats. By unspoken agreement, however, we had abandoned pretense and instead of asking her what she wanted to do for dinner, I handed her the room service menu. After dinner was delivered, she spoke. “I’m still married, honeybear. I want you. You know I want you. But I’m married and I meant those vows.” After another moment, she rose from the bed and closed the blackout curtains, excluding any outside light...

1 year ago
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hungry for big cock

One fine afternoon when i was palying with my marbles, he called me in his house knowing that nobody was home. i collected all my marbles and ran for his house. i saw him sitting in the floor and shuffling cards. he was wearing his dhoti ( a white piece of clothe wore around the waist in the east). I noticed his semi nude body but ignored as I was more interested in what he had to offer me, candy or marbles. He asked me to sit close to him. He placed a ten rupees notes on the floor and told...

4 years ago
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Red Desires

We finally make it home after a night of dinner and dancing and as you lay on the bed exhausted, I sit on the edge next to you, the pointed toe of those red heels gliding slowly up your inner thigh. My knee reaches your chest as the top of my foot brushes lightly against your hard bulge. I lean in, kissing down your neck and chest, my fingers skillfully undoing your belt and pants until my lips find the very tip of you. Slowly they envelope the head of your throbbing cock and my tongue swirls...

3 years ago
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A Controlled Life Chapter 26

Chapter Twenty Six As soon as Princess Dee hung up the phone Tom spoke up. "I-is all of this really necessary Princess Dee?" "Of course it is my little sissy. It is vital that we cement your position. Your reluctance has been amusing at best, but I am very disappointed in your last little rebellion attempt. Until now, everything we have done has obviously just not instilled in you the permanence of your new position in life. I think having proof of what you are permanently etched...

1 year ago
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Bikini Ready Mother

I would like to say hello, I am Mrs Johnson, age 42, married with two sons age 13 and 15.We have a fairly good life here in the UK, A detached house with a nice big garden.We go on holiday once a year, sometimes two, mostly in Europe, our favourite, well my favourite being the south of France.I love nothing more than relaxing in the sun and that is what this story is all about.2 years ago we went to France, but my body was not prepared for the hot weather, soon after arriving all I wanted to do...

2 years ago
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Black Sons Adventures pt7 pt2

My huge cockhead poked out from the tops of her cleavage and her tongue stuck out to catch it and give it a few licks.Unaware to Penny and me, her mother, Cassie, Cynthia, Christy, Beth, and of course, my mom, were watching outside the cabin through the window. They could hear Penny and me moaning and groaning non-stop."Damn! Look at the way he's fucking your daughter's big titties. I wished he had fucked mines with that much power," said Beth, squeezing her double G cups through her shirt."How...

2 years ago
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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 9

2077 a.d. – Spring Sunshine, Peppermint and Rainbows Béla awoke to the sun shining through her balcony window and right into her face. It was blinding bright. Laughing with pure delight, she was out on her balcony and into the air with her wings extended even before she was fully awake to suddenly realize it was still freezing outside. Nevertheless, she flew several summersaults in the brightly-lit sky before she returned to her balcony and the warmth of the manor. ‘Now they can get that...

2 years ago
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Made My Chachi To Have Sex

Hi everyone, this is Sandeep. I am 26 years old. This is my first story on this site. In this, I will describe you my sexual experience with my Chachi. I fucked her when I was 21. I start my story from the beginning. It was a month of June. I visited my chacha’s house. Chacha was seeking my advice on good colleges for his son. In their house, there were only 3 people, chacha, Chachi and a cousin. My Chachi, at that time, was 48 years old. She was basically from the village and was illiterate....

1 year ago
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Repairman8217s Tale

Well I’m just an average guy, actually, not completely average. I haven’t had a lot of success with relationships. There might be a lot of reasons for this fact but it seems to me that the most significant reason is because of my cock. It’s not deformed or ugly, as a matter of fact it’s just the opposite. No, the problem is that I have a dick that’s just a little bit over 7 inches. That may not seem like a big deal because in porn magazines or in stories or in...

3 years ago
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Curiosity fullfilled plowed by black Trans

You up? Read the text message from Trinity. Yep I responded, your dick up too? She replied, always I sent back to her. Trinity was an attractive transgender black female whom I had exchanged numbers with through a mutual female friend. We messaged back and forth for a few days, I had mentioned I was curious and wanted to try being with a trans. Trinity said she gets that a bunch and that she may be a bit much for a first timer. I didn't care however, she was attractive and I wanted it. She...

2 years ago
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A true story from Bangalore

Hi there, my name is Kiran Kumar, 29, fair, handsome doctor, native of Mangalore and now pursuing MS (ortho) in Bangalore. I am a regular reader and a great fan of ISS and herewith, I am narrating true story, which I wanted to share with my fellow readers. I got married 3 years ago then; I was practicing in a nursing home. We have a boy child of 2 years. My wife is average looking, very short tempered and an unstable personality. Since my wife is one and only child I stay with my in-laws in...

3 years ago
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True story

She was no good for him, he used to think. Destroyed his motivation for life, kind of scary, Now none of that seemed to matter any more. She was the only woman he knew who could get into it as much as him. Hey.Hey.I’m coming over. When?Now. I’m in the car. I’ll be there in five.Wait.I’m coming. Be naked, Butt plug in your ass. Clips on your nipples. Tight enough that it hurts a little. Oh. Oh. I was studying. I was…Be on your bed. I want to hear a vibrator on your clit when I walk in the...

3 years ago
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family FriendThe Sequel

"OMW"........She replied when I text her and asked her what she was doing....I knew she was gonna come back over for round 2 I had that day stuck in me head from the first time we fucked and I jacked off every time I thought about it.Her nice fit body and juicy wet pussy bouncing up and down on my dick....I couldn't wait til she got here. To prepare myself I took a light shower freshened up and put on some shorts and a white v neck.I didn't wear any underwear because I wanted her to have easy...

2 years ago
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Painful Piano Lesson Part 2

As you can read in part one I was made to undress totally before being given the cane by my piano teacher Miss Edwards and then she spanked my cock because I got an erection. I couldn’t help it, she’s slim, young and very attractive even though her glasses make her look a little strict. Two weeks later I was a little early for my piano lesson and a very pretty dark haired lass, not much older than me, with puffy red eyes, was leaving in some distress. I realised I wasn’t the only one getting...

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In Love With A 45 Year Old Milf

Hello everyone, so I am Mayank writing another story! Thanks, everyone for your comments and personal emails and chats on hangout! Well, you all know about me. I am a 26 years old married guy from Gurgaon. It has been 2 years of my marriage. Though I have been physically involved with many women, I never developed a single feeling for anyone. This story is about that one time when lust led to falling in love. I have been active on many social sites, and on one such site. I started chatting with...

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After School Special

The sweat was in his eyes making it hard for him to see but he didn't want to take his eyes off of the female across the net from him. "Come on Kathy, I taught you how to hold the tennis racket for your backhand." Bill was well aware that of all the people in his tennis class, Kathy showed the most promise, but like any good instructor he made sure that he gave equal time to all of the students in his afternoon tennis clinic and he did try to make it fun for everyone instead of a chore. Bill...

2 years ago
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Free From Hell Enter In Heaven

Hi friends am a regular reader of this site since last two years. Am 21 male from Vizag processing my BTech in Hydrabad. This incident happened to me 2 years ago with my elder cousin sister. she is very complex, white in colour. She have an attractive body with long hair on her back.She has stiff boobs and butt by which i was attracted towards her. As per my knowledge her measurements are seeing her structure on first glance one thinks to fuck her until his energy level goes to...

4 years ago
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Stewardess in Barcelona

Every year I go on holiday to Spain, normally I go to small touristic places at the beach but this year I decided to do something else. I would take a plane, go to Barcelona en get an hotel at the airport, I would rent a car and would stay a couple of days in and around Barcelona and maybe go to see a soccer match, in Camp Nou. When I left on the third day to visit the center of Barcelona I noticed 3 stewardesses walking in the hotel, not bad, not bad at all I thought. As the 3 walked by I got...

3 years ago
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Making Coffee

I wake in a tangle of sheets and realise I’m in his arms. It’s warm, he’s warm, radiating love and light and I feel swaddled and safe. It’s hot outside too. I can feel the heat building and as I lay here in the grey light just a few moments awake, I know the heat is going to build to a white hot zenith and we will escape into the cool together again later. I enjoy the moment, careful not to wake him and breathe. I still can’t believe it, after all this time, the dream I wanted most of all has...

Straight Sex
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The World Of Eros A Goblins Tale

“All day long. Flea do this. Flea do that. Flea do this shit, flea take care of that shit. All day long Flea clean up shit. You know what I mean?” I said looking up at the horse. “No off course you don't. Your a horse. You have it easy. Carry junk from place to place for human then come home stay in nice barn all day with other horses. Flea alone. No other goblins here just Flea.” I shook my head. I was a stable hand for the largest shipping company in the capital. More horses then I could...

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me and connor at the movies

me and Connor loved to fuck around in public clearly from our first time.. but this time we were bold and wanted to be noticed... we walked into the theater and as soon as the lights went down we snuck up to he front just in front of the screen... and we layed down and started to 69 while the movie was starting... nobody could see us and Connor was especially excited and i had something special for him.. i grabbed his cock and said "shove it in me sweety i want to feel your cum deep in me"......

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Chances AreChapter 20

Sometimes, when I think about, it seems to me that entire world has turned topsy-turvy since Lady Fate gave me her blessing. That or I’d travelled so far beyond the looking glass that I couldn’t tell up from down anymore. I was dead certain to become either as eccentric as Scotia, as perverted as Denise, or as dysfunctionally fucked up as Blackwing. Likely all three at once. I just wasn’t certain, now that I’d had a moment to consider things, that I wanted my naked penis anywhere near a...

2 years ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 48 At Smileys

I headed back toward Richmond and made Smiley's tavern my first stop. I had spent restful two days there earlier and enjoyed myself memorably although I never learned much of any use. Smiley himself was long dead but his young widow ran the place with the help of her two nubile daughters and one mature and considerate prostitute by the name of Jenny. I had managed to bed all four of them during my previous visit and looked forward to trying my luck again. They also had a couple of slaves,...

3 years ago
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You embarrased mebut thank you

This has truly happened to me twice, once with a black girl in Atlanta and once with a white girl in Fayetteville, NC. First was Fayetteville in a hotel bar on Bragg Blvd. Had a few drinks and am on the floor with a cute blond for a slow dance. My partner starts to mould her body against me so that I can feel her pubic bone pressing against my dick. I get rock hard quickly as we dance and she is grinding herself against me. I remember that the floor sort of cleared off of other dancers. I...

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The Bucket ListChapter 8

Friday morning started out with our normal workout. I tried not to think about what the weekend had in store for me. At 4:00 sharp, Bart brought the limo to the front and Joe and I left for the airport. By 5:30 we were pulling through the gate at the private plane area of the Oxnard City airport. We were greeted by Dave the pilot, who took our overnight bags and led us to the plane. "It's a Lear Jet LJ45; isn't it a beauty. I bought it in a bankruptcy sale a couple of years ago. Had the...

4 years ago
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Sweet Girls Lesson

She had no choice to stay cuffed to the pole. She had not made him happy and this was what she deserved. It was a hard lesson, but one that she needed. She could either sit there and wait it out or not get anything at all. In nothing but nylons and the plug she did not want to wear she could feel the cool air on her skin adding to her goose bumps already growing because of what might come.When the door finally opened she looked up and smiled has he walked in. This might be the moment of relief...

2 years ago
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Early Adventures Of Tracy And JeannieChapter 8

I knew that Jeannie would head straight for my room and the shower after her tryst with my uncle. I hurried to beat her there, and quickly jumped into the shower myself. Over the noise of the rushing water, I heard her enter my room and call for me. She must have heard the water running and came into the bathroom. I leaned against the back wall and faced the glass door as Jeannie slid it open a crack. Her smiling face peered in through the steam. "So, did you get a good view?" she asked...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Aria Banks Handcuffing Stepsis

I’m not going to lie, I’ve always kind of had a thing for my stepsister Aria Banks. So, when I pick her up from a wild shindig, I’m a little jealous of all the fun she’s having without me. To make sure I don’t tell anyone about how hard she parties, she sucks my dick right in my truck! Later, I catch Aria snapping some sexy shots of her pussy and sending them to none other than my best fucking friend. The petite blonde works something out with me by taking my huge dick in her wet pussy. A...


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