Forbidden love part 8 end
- 2 years ago
- 31
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July 19, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
[Written July 20, 2017]
Much of practice was devoted to refreshing team memory about dealing with Charlize Sanderson and FC Grass Valley in tomorrow’s game. Rhee, Heather, and I walked back to my house after practice. I barely had the front door closed when Rhee and Heather began stripping. I grinned but turned to my right and headed up the stairs to the shower and began removing my clothes. Heather and Rhee were not far behind me, though Heather had to deposit her gym bag in our room.
I had the water streams to the perfect temperature and was stepping in when the other two arrived.
“You’re showering with us, Heather?”
“Absolutely! That’s nowhere near the odd thing I thought when I was here the first time. I’ve actually been looking forward to this for a couple of days!”
Rhee came in the shower door and closed it, then encircled me with her arms and planted her lips on mine; I mirrored her. We were, perhaps, 15 seconds into the kiss, a scorching kiss, when I felt a hand on my ass. Since Rhee’s arms were under mine with her hands on my shoulders holding me tight to her, I knew that the hand on my ass was Heather’s. That hand roamed around a bit – my ass was in the water stream – then started pushing between my thighs. I kept the kiss with Rhee going but moved my left foot a bit farther to the left in order to open a space between my thighs. Oddly, Rhee did the same, but, fortunately, with her right foot. Of course, Heather was on the other side of us, so I guess that it’s not surprising that we moved in the same absolute direction.
Rhee moaned in my mouth at the same time that Heather’s hand reached my pussy. I assumed, and was right, that Heather was doing both of us. Rhee and I finished our kiss, so I took the opportunity to look to my left at Heather.
When she saw me looking at her, she said, “You two are so hot! And so obviously into each other!”
I pulled my right arm from behind Rhee’s back and slid it along Heather’s torso and back far enough that I could put it around Heather and then stepped back a bit with my right foot, opening a space for Heather. Rhee responded by mirroring me, and we pulled Heather into a three-way hug. I leaned over a bit and kissed Heather (she’s about four inches shorter), inserting my tongue between her lips. Heather managed to maintain a super-charged kiss with me and keep on with the gentle fondling of my pussy lips and, I confirmed later, Rhee’s.
Rhee and I took turns kissing Heather until Rhee said excitedly, “Beth, I think that you and I need to bathe Heather.”
Rhee grabbed the shampoo, poured some in her hand, then held that hand out to me. I grabbed some and then we lathered Heather’s head. It didn’t take long, as her hair is fairly short.
“Ohhhh. God, that is so-o-o goo-ood.”
Rhee and I took sides; I washed Heather’s right side, paying particular attention, as did Rhee, to her tit, ass cheek, and pussy. We each washed her twice, once each heading from head to toe, and toe to head. Heather and I then washed Rhee, and Rhee and Heather washed me. When we stepped out of the shower, I was tingling, yet relaxed.
“So, what do we want to do,” Heather asked. “Well, other than lunch, what do we want to do? I’m starving.”
“We could go for an ice cream after lunch,” tendered Rhee.
Heather responded, “I’m up for that. Whaddaya think, Beth?”
While I responded with “Sounds like a plan to me.” I was thinking that this new, more-confident Heather was really nice. “Now, what do we want for lunch?”
As we could not think of anything interesting, we had sandwiches, then went upstairs to get dressed for the jaunt to the ice-cream parlor.
“Beth, I think that you should wear those shorts. You know, those short shorts,” Rhee said.
My face heated just in time for Heather to swing her focus to me. Her eyebrows rose in surprise, then she turned to Rhee.
“What’s that all about? Beth is red.”
“Oh, she’s got this pair of shorts whose ‘legs’ [yes, air quotes were used] are, maybe, three inches long. Maybe. And you can just imagine how those legs of hers look in them. She...”
I interrupted. “That’s not important.”
“Oh, yes, it is. Anyway, Heather. Apparently, she wasn’t thinking straight one time in June when Gracey and Liya came to pick her up and go to the mall. She got into the car wearing these ... shorts and Liya took the mickey out of her. Uh, that is, teased her. Sorry, Brit father.
“Anyway, she says that she’d never worn them ‘in public’ [more air quotes] previously and hadn’t intended to wear them that day. I’ve since seen her in them. ‘Sizzling’ is an understatement.”
Despite Heather’s grin in response, I said, “Okay, smart Rhee. If you... and Heather wear something like that, then I’ll do it. Otherwise, nope.”
“Awww. But you look so delectable in those.”
“You just want something there to get all those eyes off your boobs.”
Rhee just smiled and shrugged her shoulders at me. We dressed and headed out. The next-door neighbor to our house’s right waved at us.
“Hi, Beth. Hi, Rhee. Who’s your friend?”
“Hi Mr. Jacobsen. This is Heather Wilkerson. Heather, I’d like to introduce Mr. Jacobsen. Heather is our soccer team’s newest sensation.”
“Oh. I like the blush, Heather. You’re not a sensation? I’d bet you are and that you’re shy about attention. Well, despite that it may cause you to blush again, I think that your freckles are also a sensation. In my day, they’d have been ‘groovy.’ Nowadays, what would it be, Beth?”
“‘Lit’ might work best.”
“Thank you. Heather, I apologize for embarrassing you, but I, like a lot of males, find freckles wonderful. Oddly, I don’t know that I’ve found a single girl or woman who has them that thinks the same. My Harry, that is, my wife, Harriet, thought that they were atrocious when I met her. She still has a few freckles and I still love them. So, don’t think poorly of them. If I am any judge, freckles attract only the best, most-discerning of males.”
Mr. Jacobsen then cracked what my dad would call a “shit-eating grin.”
“Thank you, Mr. Jacobsen. Rhee’s mom said something similar. Not about discernment, but about guys liking them. However, it’s obvious that discernment is not involved here, because you’re obviously a bad boy, trying to make an innocent young girl blush.”
“Oh, ho, so that’s how it is, is it?” He turned to me and continued. “She’s got wit, I see. Beth, where do you find all these smart girls? I’d trade all of my granddaughters for even one of them. I don’t know what happened to Harry’s wit and sense of humor, but neither got passed down the line.
“Anyway, Heather, it was nice to meet you, and I’m sure that there’s a very nice guy with loads of discernment waiting in your future. Don’t settle too soon. We males of discernment are few and far between.”
He then again presented that huge grin at Heather, along with sparkling blue eyes ... which were met by another set of sparkling blue eyes and a wide grin.
“Thanks. If you were in my future, I’d certainly wait for you. You’re the high point of a day that has already been quite good, mainly because I’ve been sharing it with my two best friends. However, you might get knocked off your perch soon, as we have ice cream in our immediate future.”
“My, my. You are a quick one. Have a pleasant day, all of you, and enjoy your ice cream.”
We turned away to continue toward that ice cream, Mr. Jacobsen called me back after a few steps.
“Beth, could I ask you to pass a message to your dad?”
I walked back to him. “Sure.”
In a quieter voice, he asked, “Is Heather the one that your dad mentioned the other day, the one that might have a brilliant mind?”
I nodded.
“I thought as much. She definitely has a very agile mind. Please tell your dad that if he needs any help on Heather’s behalf, to get in touch. My experience with prodigies at the university might be of assistance. Also, please tell Charlie that Harry and I will be going sometime in the next two weeks to visit Amanda’s gang, that’s my son’s daughter. I’m not yet sure when we leave and definitely don’t know how long we’ll be gone, as we’ll probably tack a few other targets of opportunity onto the trip.”
“I will, Mr. Jacobsen. On Heather’s behalf, thanks.”
I got the expected question, from Rhee, when I returned to my friends.
“What was that about?”
“He wanted me to ask Dad to get in touch with him. They’re going away in a few weeks and we usually check up on their house when they’re gone.”
After our ice-cream run, we wandered around the shopping area for a while, window shopping mostly, until we got to Second Chance Wear, a used-clothing store. The three of us wandered around, collectively and individually for a while. I found a really short velour crop-top shirt in emerald green that I thought would fit Heather, though it would be snug. It was only a couple dollars, so I grabbed it. I found another for Rhee – a modified university shirt that wasn’t quite so short. I rejoined the others as they were discussing a hot pink bikini.
“But, Rhee, you’d rock it.”
“Where would I wear it? I can just see wearing it to the city pool; I’d get groped in the water. Besides, various parts would be half hanging out of it.”
I said, “I agree. You would rock it, Rhee. You probably would be hanging out of it, although not much. You’d certainly have less hanging out than on some suits I’ve seen there. It seems, anymore, that having half your ass showing is normal and that thing wouldn’t show more than, I don’t know, a quarter of your ass. You would get a lot of attention, though, with the visible underboob, if I’m gauging that thing correctly.”
“Oh, you’re a lot of help, Beth.”
Heather’s face was highlighted by a huge grin and those sparkling blue eyes. “You should at least try it on,” she said.
I grinned at Rhee, who rolled her eyes. I paid for the two shirts and we headed back to the house. Heather started stripping even before the front door was closed.
“We’ve got time, right,” she asked, as her shirt cleared her head.
“Yeah, probably a couple hours,” I answered as I headed upstairs, and began disrobing when I got to the bedroom.
Heather and Rhee joined me about a minute later, carrying their clothes.
“Ah, you two seem to need some clothing. These are for you, my lovers.” I handed Rhee the uni shirt and kissed her lips. I did the same with the green shirt and Heather’s lips. “I’d really like to see how they fit.”
Rhee had hers on in a flash, the hem falling midway between her belly button and her 36C breasts, the material not quite touching her belly below her tits. I reached under the shirt and caressed her left boob. “Ooh, I like the easy access.”
“Yeah, I don’t think that I’ll be wearing this braless in ... Oh, my god. Heather, that’s sexy!”
I turned to look at Heather, who had donned her shirt. As I expected, it came to an end only a couple inches below her breasts. The tightness of the shirt, though, molded it to her tits, accentuating and clearly defining her small mounds.
“Sexy? Me?”
“Oh, my god, yes,” I answered. “I thought that you would make it look good, but I didn’t expect it to be this ... incredible, this sexy.”
“Hell,” Rhee said, “we need to get you a pair of tight white shorts, short white shorts to show off those legs, and you’ll have the boys ... and men ... and me...” she glanced at me, “and Beth ... salivating!”
Rhee then reached out a hand and felt Heather’s breasts through the material. “God, I want you. Now.”
With that, Rhee tackled her onto the bed, Heather on her back, Rhee on her left side, left leg draped over Heather’s. She rubbed her left hand back and forth over Heather’s velour-covered breasts as she bent her head and kissed Heather’s face.
I thought to join in but decided to see what Rhee wanted to do. I was right to wait, as Rhee rolled up and straddled Heather’s hips. She then quickly removed her own shirt, bent over, planted her mouth on Heather’s, and began rubbing her tits on Heather’s chest. After about a minute like that, which already had Heather moaning, Rhee clinched Heather and rolled them both over, then glanced up at me with something of a pleading look that I took as an invitation.
I watched a little longer with an eye toward figuring out where and how I could be useful. Heather, while her mouth was locked in a fierce tongue battle with Rhee, was rubbing her shirt-covered chest on Rhee’s naked chest. Rhee’s hands were caressing and squeezing Heather’s ass cheeks with vigor, which caused her pelvis to rock enough that I could see Heather’s pussy at the top of the arc. Though Heather’s legs were spread a bit, Rhee’s legs were outside Heather’s, so I’m sure that the rocking also provided for some beneficial action there. I now had a plan.
I knelt on the bed straddling Heather’s right leg and Rhee’s left leg. I put my hands on Heather’s back and leaned into them a bit so that I was rubbing her briskly, figuring that it might increase the tension on their tits. When Heather began moaning again, I leaned back and took my hands off her and directed one to each of their pussies. I fumbled around a bit, trying to find the important real estate. That wasn’t comfortable for me, so I turned a quarter turn to my left and brought my left knee out from between their legs and planted both knees against Rhee’s left thigh.
I moved my left hand back to Rhee’s pussy and slid two fingers into her, under-handed. I moved my right hand down Heather’s ass, palm down, and caressed her anus and perineum for a bit, then extended two fingers to her pussy and slid them into her rocking vagina.
Heather arched her back, raised her head, and gave out a long, breathy “ahhhh-ohhhh.” However, she quickly lowered her head to re-engage their mouths, while I slowly pistoned a set of two fingers into each of two pussies. I managed to put my left thumb at the top of Rhee’s slit to provide some direct action to her clitoris. Although the architecture did not permit me to do the same for Heather with my right thumb, my left thumb’s placement on Rhee’s clit meant that Heather’s clit would rub against it most times when her pelvis’s arching motion brought it nearby. At least, that’s what it felt like ... and sounded like, as Heather would moan or whimper nearly every time her pelvis impacted my thumb.
I was really amped. Rhee and Heather, though, were even more so, for after only another minute or so, they both started climbing the Stairway. As they reached their crescendo, Rhee slightly before Heather, I turned all of my attention to sussing when my actions would be too much for them and first slowed, then stopped my fingers’ movements as my two lovers came down from on high.
I heard the garage door going shortly after I’d extracted my fingers from the two pussies. The others were still mostly out of it, so I stood up and closed the bedroom door. I noted that it was only 2:30. Neither Dad nor Mom were regularly home this early, but Dad is far-and-away more likely to be home this early than is Mom. I donned shorts and a T and snuck out to see for myself.
As I walked in the kitchen, I said, “Hi, Dad. You’re home early.”
He turned from the sink and responded, “Yeah, I’m feeling poorly, so came home since Viraj, one of my grad students, had to cancel our meeting this afternoon.”
I walked to him and wrapped him in my arms. “Hopefully, you’re not too ill to come to our game tomorrow. We could use the moral support.”
“Hah! With the new offense, and that new right wing, I think that you won’t have much problem with Grass Valley. And I’ll probably be fine. By the way, is Heather here? I met with Ms. Robb about Heather and I have at least something to tell her.”
“Yeah, she’s...”
I stopped, as I could hear them coming down the stairs, their voices preceding them.
“Hey, Dad! To what do we the owe the pleasure of your company,” queried Rhee as she approached. I saw that neither of them was wearing the shirts I got them. Understandable.
“Well, I was feeling poorly at school, so came home. Now, with the presence of you three lovely ladies, I feel much better.”
“Well, if you didn’t have work and a wife, you could run off with us,” Rhee said as she muscled into Dad’s arms with me.
“Should I call and make a bus reservation?”
“Oh, no. While a bus would be right in my station, I think that we’ll need a pumpkin and some mice, because I’m pretty sure that running away with Prince Charming requires a coach and four,” quipped Heather as she wormed her way into the group hug.
“I’ll beat Rhee to it: Girl! You never cease to amaze me with your knowledge and wit. While many girls your age know about Cinderella and Prince Charming, I doubt that there are all that many that know the term ‘coach and four’ and even fewer that could correctly use it in a sentence.”
Somewhat bashfully, Heather replied, “Thanks, Dad.”
I volunteered, “I don’t know the term, but, given the Cinderella context, I surmise that it means a coach, or carriage, and four horses. Yes?”
After Dad answered in the affirmative, Rhee said, “Beth, I’m glad you asked, ‘cause I didn’t want to seem like a null. Heather, where do you learn all this stuff that you know?”
Heather ducked her head into Dad’s chest. She took a couple of deep breaths, lifted her head, and responded. “Before you two plucked me out of the hoi polloi, I went to the library whenever I could get away from the house. I’ve literally spent 1000s of hours at various libraries. It was my escape and I read ... well, anything that struck my fancy.”
“Hold that thought, Heather,” interjected Dad. “I didn’t want to introduce this until we could get the two moms here, but you just provided a perfect entré. Let’s sit at the table.”
Dad then unwrapped his arms from us and went to his chair. Rhee and I each grabbed our respective seats on the right side, while Heather sat in Mom’s seat to Dad’s left.
“Wait, let me see if or when Carol and Sandy can get here. In fact, that seems a good idea. We could have an impromptu gathering of the clans for dinner tonight.” He pulled out his phone and began tapping out a text.
“Does anyone else want a drink,” I asked.
Heather jumped up from her chair and said, “Whatever. I’ll help.”
“How does lemonade sound?” When she nodded, I said, “If you want to get the lemonade out of the fridge, I’ll get glasses.”
As I was bringing the glasses to the table, I saw Dad looking at me with an odd expression.
“Have I seen those shorts before, Beth?”
Rhee just about lost it laughing. I looked down, saw what I was wearing, and my face flushed.
“Oh,” said Heather, “are those the infamous shorts? I can certainly see why Beth doesn’t wear them in public and why Liya gave her a hard time.”
As I looked back up, Dad’s head was swiveling between Rhee, still laughing, and Heather.
“Obviously, there’s a story. Given how ... umm ... wonderful you make those shorts look, I can divine a vague outline of the story. I suspect, though, that I won’t get the full impact of the story from Beth. Since you seem the one in the know, Rhee, I ask you. What’s the tale?”
As I started to interject, Rhee said, “Nuh-uh, Beth. Dad’s right. You wouldn’t possibly tell it appropriately.”
I sat and hung my head as Rhee went into far too much detail, including not only the original story, but also a synopsis of Liya telling Rhee the story and ended with the story of Rhee and me going to Safeway.
“ ... and as I turned to look at him as we left the aisle, he was looking at her butt and legs in those... ‘shorts.’ And I didn’t blame him. With her legs ... those shorts are almost a felony waiting to happen.”
I thought that she was going to say more, but then she got that “what a great idea” look and turned to Heather.
“Come with me,” she said, and proceeded to lead Heather back upstairs at a run.
I had a pretty good idea of what her “bright idea” was and closed my eyes and shook my head.
“What is it, Beth?”
“Oh, something that I said earlier today is going to come back to haunt me. At least, that’s what I think Rhee’s ‘bright-idea’ look was about. And the worst of it is, is that I brought it on myself. I even bought the shirts.”
Dad gave me a confused look and seemed like he was going to ask what the hell I was talking about, but I simply put up the stop sign, as I could hear Rhee pounding back down the stairs. I didn’t have to turn around to confirm my fear, as Dad’s facial expression did that for me. His jaw didn’t quite drop, but his eyes and nostrils flared. Even the incoming-text sound of his phone didn’t distract his attention on, yes, Rhee and Heather wearing the shirts I’d bought them. Rhee had even removed the bra that she’d been wearing down here earlier. The three of us must have looked like we were in the under-age wing of the prostitute’s cell in the jail.
“Ohhhhh ... my,” was all he said as the two of them returned to their chairs.
“Umm, excuse me, ladies. I don’t mean to be a boor, so please forgive my staring. In my defense, those shirts look ... uhh ... incredible on you.” His head then swiveled to me. “So, you bought those shirts ... for them, I suppose? And where did you get that, and I’ll channel Liya here, clothing item that is too brief for the term ‘shorts?’”
With my head hung low and my face, no doubt, blazing red, I answered, “The same place, Second Chance Wear. I bought the shorts a couple years ago, before my growth spurt. They didn’t look quite as ... uh ... obscene as they do now.”
“No! They are not obscene! Just because you make them look sexy as hell does not mean that they’re obscene. Nothing untoward shows, so buck up, quit being embarrassed, and revel in those wonderful legs of yours, girl! Look. Even Heather is sitting here rocking that crop top without going all scarlet. Well, she was sitting here without going scarlet. Beth, you’re going to have to accept that you are a pretty and very sexy young woman. I’m sure that Dad agrees, though he might phrase things more ... delicately.”
I looked up and to my right at Rhee; then looked at Heather across the table, who was a bit pink-faced; and then at Dad.
“Cupcake ... Beth, she’s right. You are one of three very attractive young women sitting in my kitchen. They’re all quite different from each other, but they’re also all very ... uhh ... okay, I’ll say it ... sexy. I know that your mother has told you the same on any number of occasions and she meant it. You were always a cute little girl, but in the past couple of years, you’ve grown into a beautiful and elegant young woman. Don’t hide from it. But, also, don’t let it be who you are. Who you are, the you that lives inside that very attractive covering, is even more beautiful, and that is the more-important facet of Beth Williams. Don’t be embarrassed by compliments. Don’t ever get to the point at which you think that you are perforce due those compliments, but don’t be embarrassed by them.”
I couldn’t help it. My eyes started leaking. “Daddy,” I whimpered, then stood and forced my way onto his lap, buried my head under his chin, and let the tears roll onto Dad’s shirt, his arms around me.
Probably only seconds after I tucked into Dad’s lap, I felt other hands on my head and back, and then I was enveloped in four more arms.
Okay. So, I’ve been told that I’m pretty and sexy by my mom, all four of my best friends, and, now, my dad. I thought furiously while I tried to quit crying. “Why am I crying,” I asked myself. Is it so bad to be attractive? Dad’s caution came back to me and I parsed it. From my analysis, I inferred that he was telling me that, no matter how physically attractive I am – or anyone is, it is more important to be personally attractive; that is, mentally attractive, attractive for who I am, not for my appearance.
That brought my mind to Bradley. The Bradley with the oh-so-pretty exterior and the oh-so-ugly interior. Yeah, I can fully understand Dad’s point using Bradley as an example. Is Bradley at least part of the reason that I have renounced attractiveness for myself? That, despite my knowing Dad, a male with an oh-so-pretty exterior but with an ungodly-beautiful interior, I felt that physical attractiveness was a bad thing? I see the point. While physical attractiveness can open doors, it is internal beauty that keeps them open.
My external senses slowly made me aware that I was no longer crying and that I was being cooed over. Did I just retreat into little-girl-crying-in-Daddy’s-lap safety because I was being made to know that I am pretty? How backward is that?! Now I’m embarrassed again, but I guess I should be moving on.
“I’m sorry Dad, Rhee, Heather. I was crying like a little girl, looking for safety from the names thrown at me by peers. How ridiculous can I get?”
That very nice, new-and-improved Heather that I liked so much dug in the last knife.
“No! You’re not ridiculous. All of us feel overwhelmed by the changes that we go through at this age. I vividly recall way back when three weeks ago the first day that I spent with you. I recall crying many times and you always comforted me. In fact, I recall falling asleep that night as you held me because, once again, I was crying. Dad is right. For that day alone, I would have loved you regardless of whether you were physically beautiful or ugly. Your inner beauty showed through and made my life better. It is not a burden at all to comfort you.”
“What she said, Beth. I’m in the exact same boat, though my crying jags are a couple years in the past.”
I sat up straight, though still in Dad’s lap. “Thanks, Heather, Rhee. Thanks, Dad. I think I’ve got it, now. However, Dad, your lap has always been my resort of safety. Thanks for such a wonderful lap. I hope that I don’t need it anymore, but I hope that it’s always there just in case.”
“Cupcake, it is always here for you, and it is also here for my other daughters. You haven’t used it in quite a while. While it is very good to be strong, no one can be strong at all times and in all situations. It is more important to know your limitations, and where and how they might impact your life or plans. Not to cause you further embarrassment, but I am a very proud father that really likes the wonderfully beautiful person that is Beth Williams.”
It was a close-run thing. I almost began crying, again. I had to breathe deeply a few times, but I staved it off.
“Thanks, Dad. You are the best.” I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, then clambered off his lap.
As we three girls drifted back to our chairs, Dad asked, “So, what’s the rest of the story?”
I don’t know about Rhee, but I looked at Dad with incomprehension. What is Dad talking about? Heather, however, jumped right in.
“After we got home ... that is, here, from practice and had lunch, we decided that we’d go get an ice cream. Rhee suggested that Beth wear those shorts. She said that she would do that only if Rhee and I each wore something that was as ... sexy. Since we didn’t have such things with us, we went wearing ... uh ... regular clothes. Beth found and bought the shirts, then gave them to us when we got back home, uh, here.”
Dad guffawed. When he wound down, he explained.
“Isn’t it amazing how the mind works? I’ll bet that Beth did not fully realize why she was getting those shirts for you. I’ll bet that she simply knew that you two would make the individual shirts look good. It may be that she was uncomfortable being sexy, but she wanted to be sexy. Of course, she couldn’t be the only sexy one among you three, so she just happened to find the precise shirts that would exude sexiness on your two, very-different bodies.
“For Heather and her pale complexion, she chose the single best color that she could have found. And, instead of highlighting her long, shapely legs, something that Beth was highlighting, herself, in those ‘shorts,’ she found a tight, very short crop top that would highlight, please excuse my directness, Heather’s ... uh ... the ... uh ... perfect shape of her small breasts. The extreme crop would add to the highlighting effect, so as to nearly isolate those breasts and force all eyes to look at them.”
Heather colored quite magnificently at that.
“For Rhee, whose bust is toward the other end of the scale from Heather’s, Beth found a shirt that would ostensibly hide her breasts’ shape, as the shirt does not have enough length to get back to her torso. However, by the very act of hiding the shape in a nebulous covering, she again found a shirt that would highlight it, nonetheless.
“So, long legs in incredibly short shorts book-ended by perfectly shaped little breasts on virtual display and relatively large breasts ostensibly hidden, but because there is air between shirt and belly, and, being bra-less as she is now, everyone would know that they are almost available for ogling. You three should never, ever wear those clothes into any situation that is even remotely dicey. I’m your father, real and imaginary, and I think that you three are incredibly sexy and those clothes simply hit men over the head with that fact.
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LesbianDISCLAIMER: This is included in the novel/novella category because of length. It is a mother/son incest story. There are also instances of abuse (two of them, which are not the focus of the story). As far as heat level, this story is quite tame, and if you are look for page after page of screaming sex, you might want to look elsewhere. If you want a STORY, please read on. My editor is Mike2230. ***** Christie MacAwley Tyler stood naked in her husband’s photography studio in the basement of...
It was the next, week after the shower ****, that the team was on the field practicing. After each sprint one or two of the guys would slap my butt and give it a squeeze. At first I would slap their hands away, this caught the attention of the coaches and they gave me a dressing down. I had to let the guys slap my butt because this was seen as a congratulatory gesture. I wanted to tell the coaches what had happen but was silenced by the coaches. I had to be a team player or they would...
It's true. At 20 years old you'd think a young man like me would gain some control over his own life. But no. Daddy tells me what to do, when and worst of all, how. All last week he pushed my out of the house at night and told me not to come home without a subby twinky with me. I gotta work the next day, early! He even made me tie them to the stairway balustrades, naked but with their shoes and socks still on, and jerked off on me while I licked their assholes and balls. It's not that I dont...
San Francisco, city of my birth, must be just about the best damn place in the whole world for a single guy. Not just because there are more women than men, but because it's a faery city as well as a city of fairies. From any vista point, you might feel you were overlooking a silvered, shimmering Oz. "Mornin' Sally. How you doin' this beautiful day?" "Good morning to you, Gavin. I'm doin' okay." The tall blond hid a large yawn behind long, red tipped fingers. "Are we keeping you...
My wife and I began to explore the swingers lifestyle and were having a lot of fun. I was surprised that most clubs and house parties were encouraging of women to explore bisexuality but were borderline homophobic towards bisexual men. I mentioned this to a club owner and he said that they have a monthly bi party and suggested we attend. We were excited to try this so began to look forward to it.When the evening arrived, we pulled up and saw a very tall cross dresser entering the club. We knew...
It started with a simple ?Hey dad, I made a new friend today!? from my 21 year old son, Josh. This was no surprise from a guy who can?t even gas up his car without some chick slipping him her number. What was a bit of a surprise was when he asked if I would let her use the spare bedroom for a few months. He explained that she was here for college but had been asked to leave the home where she was staying with some friends of her family, something about one too many women in the house. Well,...
Pleas be kind I am not a writer and just had to tell this to someone.First off my husband Shane and I had been married for about five years. We had great Sex life and just enjoyed being with each other. In the past two years Shane had started talking about new things while in the bedroom and buying me toys mainly Dildos. He would act like the dildo was someone else and ask me if I liked being fucked by someone else. This went on for some time before he asked me if I would really do it. I...
Loren sat at his desk reviewing reports on his laptop screen. “Got any big plans this weekend?” He turned and saw Erin leaning against the doorway to his cubicle. “Todd’s coming over tomorrow to help with a project. We’re going to assemble a swing set for Nicole.” “Are Abby and Nicole fully moved in?” “Pretty much. We cherry-picked the best furniture from both our places and put the rest into storage. Since we both work in this building we can car-pool. It saves wear and tear on her...
The next morning everyone got up early. My Dad got ready to go fishing. I was prepared for him to ask me to go, but he surprised me. Lin wanted to go down to the beach/swim area and he didn't want her to go alone. He asked me to go with her to keep her company, but also watch out for her. He packed a lunch and said he would see us tonight. It was barely light outside when he left. Lin and I had the whole day to ourselves. We took our time and packed up to make a day of it at the beach. Lin...
IncestHave you ever fantasized about Wonder Woman? For most people, the answer is 'yes.' With all sorts of fantasies across a whole gamut of dreams, kinks, fetishes -- hey, you do you, right? Here's a more pointed question. Have you ever fantasized about capturing Wonder Woman? Binding Wonder Woman? Dominating and conquering Wonder Woman? I have to believe almost as many people would say 'yes' to that. I mean, think about it. Setting aside the swimsuit uniform... she runs around wearing manacles and...
Transitions IV by Desiree Pleasence Dear Sisters: Thank you so much for your positive feedback and encouragement. I'm new to writing fiction and still working on style and technicalities. For example: after I wrote this installment, I went back and tried to convert it to a consistent present tense, not the mixed tenses of previous installments. Despite three rounds of proof- reading, I suspect that some blunders may remain. If so, I hope they aren't too distracting or annoying. ...
Whitney Wright Is Craving Anal From Mr. 10” Chris Diamond! Looking like a vintage showgirl Whitney’s wearing velvety black lingerie with matching gloves and high heels as she dances in the sun. She makes her way around the pool as Whitney teases you with her titties until Chris comes in and lets her suck on his massive cock. Whitney rubs that dick all over her face and gags on it as she tries to take that whole thing down her tiny throat. Chris grabs the back of her head so her can fuck her...
xmoviesforyouHi friends, I love this site. I am sharing my sexual experience with you all, as I know lot of likeminded people would relate this experience with me. Lil about me. I am 37 yrs old, name is Sanjay. I work as an IT consultant in central London. I am average looking south Indian, originally belonging to Hyderabad. Living in Hounslow, London for past 5 yrs. I am married and my wife works in central London too. I don’t have any kids. This all started couple of years ago. I met a lovely telugu...
There are a few things you should know about teeny tiny Daphne Dare. One: she really likes tall guys who make her feel even smaller than she already is. Two: she loves getting facefucked. And three: she’s most comfortable in a hot pink onesie. Today, she surprises our stud by hiding in a big black duffle bag. He never suspects a thing before she pops out and shows off her thicc ass and pretty eyes. He gives her everything she wants, fucking her face and picking her up and slamming her pussy in...
xmoviesforyouMichael looked up from Jade's well pleasured pussy with his face covered in her delicious, sweet juices. 'Thankyou so much' Jade mumbled, too tired to say anything else. 'Your very welcome' Michael replied. Jade reached up and planted one last sleepy kiss on Michaels yummy lips, tasting herself on his mouth, she couldnt believe just how horny this made her. She reached down and stroked Michaels enormous, pulsing member through his trousers. She so badly wanted it in her mouth or her pussy...
"Okay, you've gotta tell me more," I begged Maria. "No," she said. "I'm still working out the details in my head. But you'll like it." I had just come from a sex party with Maria, where I had had the most mind-blowing orgasm of my life. But not with her, I might add. Instead, it was administered by hand from a vixen named Helen, and it resulted in me shooting my sperm onto the bosom of a goddess named Denise. It's a long story. But you can bet that the experience left me dying for...
Niece Beth ConfessesBy billy69boy(Sequel to “Creative Nieces Get Punished”)“Goodbye, dear, we’re going over to the pool now,” my wife yelled down the basement steps to me. “Okay, darling, have a good time, see you later,” I replied. “Beth doesn’t want to go with us. She’s still in bed, is that okay with you?” she asked. “Yes, that will be fine, I’m not going anywhere,” I offered. My two favorite young nieces and their mother were staying with us for a summer weekend visit. I looked out...
Dottie got the same running start that Linda and Janey too, charged Barb the same way the two Sigs did, and hit Barb right where Linda hit Rox. Barb went down flat on her back, like she'd been hit by a truck. Dottie grabbed Barb's bra by the cups, and ripped it off. She was waving it in the air at 20 seconds. I was really worried, as our third girl was now half-naked. Only one of the Sig's garments had even been touched. We had lost seven garments in 2 minutes and a few seconds. Barb had...
When I'd first started this story, I'd intended it to be much shorter, probably about half the length it ended up as. But when I began writing, my muse insisted that I go at a slower pace. Mother's Milk By Morpheus I leaned back in my comfortable recliner, oblivious to nearly everything except for the book in my hands. I was completely engrossed in the tale of Allan Quatermain and his trek across the untamed wilds of Africa. Somehow the fact that I was reading an old hard...
Part 1: The Flyer He knew when she walked into the shop that she was going to be the one. He couldn't say how he knew; something, perhaps in the way she peeked around the place, curiosity and confusion apparent on her face. Or maybe something about the way she dressed, her shirt fitting firmly against adequately sized breasts; her skirt falling just short enough to offer a teasing glance should she lean down, which she did, much to his approval. Eventually she stopped avoiding the issue...
Advice for the Single MotherThis article is primarily for single mothers with a teenage son. It can be difficult raising a son by yourself; hopefully this will give you a simple (if somewhat unique) solution. i****t! Yes, that's right, taking your son as your lover.Don't be surprised at this suggestion. Have you ever had sex with your son? Have you ever known a mother who admitted having sex with her son?Hardly anyone admits to this (mother or sons), but it's a lot more common than you'd think....
I spent a lot of time in Mr. Schwartz's firing range practicing a quick draw with my shoulder holster. He let me use his range because I bought a lot of ammunition from him. I have been at it for three weeks, and Mr. Schwartz said that I was the fastest he had ever seen at drawing a gun. That made me feel good, but I knew that there was surely somebody around who was faster than me. I worked on making up for that flaw with my accuracy. I got to the point that I could draw and hit my target...
What a terrible way to start a vacation. After the night club I felt so ill that Greg took me back to our room and helped me undress and put me to bed. He offered to stay with me. "No! It's not fair that you be tied up like that. You go back and enjoy yourself. I'll be fine." So he kissed me gently then tucked me in and left. I was asleep in less time than it takes to tell it. I awoke once about 2am and realized Greg wasn't back yet, but I was too worn down to even think and very...
The scientists of Earth Friendly Futures were working as fast as they could to complete tests on the soil and water samples they’d gathered from around the U.S. during 2004 and 2005. Then they started on samples that were being sent to them from other environmentalists around the world through the IOPF. Most of the next few years would be spent doing nothing but testing and analyzing and comparing the results of the analyses with test results from as far back as they could find records. The...
Wife is so incredibly sexy you might think she was from another planet. Petite, flat tummy-she works out, huge 32DD natural tits -large nipples. The type of woman that Doctors try to marry. She hosts great dinner parties. I got her on the rebound via FB and our long ago, college dating.Her only addiction- daily gym workouts and long cycle rides with a team of men. Her simply amazingly toned, petite body, long brunette hair, and large breasts along with the most charming personality you have...
Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter IX The Second Week Wednesday - Nails Thursday - A Trip Well, I've met the other bridesmaids and it went well. I think that they were all shocked when they first met me and full of questions. But I was quickly accepted as one of the girls. And one of them even said, "You should have been born a...
As one of the top glamour photographers in LA, Vicki will sometimes feel a real connection with some of her subjects. Her most recent is Mia, and after meeting her she knows she has the right looks and attitude, but there is something more. Since she is out of town, she is staying with Vicky and her husband for the duration of the photoshoot. With someone so beautiful, it is inevitable that something will happen. After the shoot has finished, the girls find themselves getting to know each other...
xmoviesforyouI did not do it in teasing stages like I had the day before. I just pushed in very slowly and smoothly, being careful not to plunge or rush and hurt her. Penny held her breath as I began to enter her. Then she began to take shallow breaths and I was worried that she would hyperventilate. As I slowly and finally reached bottom, she let out a long loud sigh and said through fresh tears of joy, "Oh, God, Ron, why did I wait so long! This feels so ... ohhhh ... it's ... wonderful!" I did not...
This was about the fifth or sixth time I had been to the arcade. I went in and got some change for the movie booths. The place always made me horny because of the smell of sex. It was so heady I was hard before I got into a booth, I stepped into a booth and dropped a few quarters into the slot, started to watch a movie but the action in the main part of the theater was hotter there. There were two guys naked in the corner one bent over the other had his cock in this guys ass and was going about...
Bad Business An Erotic Adventure starring Kiki and Ty Blaze Special Guest Star Mr.ActionKiki and Ty Blaze had a great life. They were doing their thing, making good money with the underground porn empire they had built up. They had a successful production company putting out hot ass films, no shortage of folks wanting to be...
When I woke the next morning, Holly was already up. When she heard me she yelled, "Fifteen minutes and the pancakes and sausage will be ready." It was a lazy Sunday. We walked about three miles around the city for exercise and then after a late lunch I took her to the swimming pool. When she took off her light swim robe I saw her new swimming suit. Her broad shoulders and bare chest highlighted her breasts, which were barely concealed by her black top. Her stomach was flat. Her suit bottom...
Introduction The sound of sirens reached James Lansing’s ears as he was walking home. Since this was a low-crime area, it struck him as odd, but it still meant nothing to him until he reached his home and saw the police cars and ambulances. He raced to the door to see who was sick, when a burly detective blocked him. “Sorry son, we can’t let you in. This is a murder investigation,” he told the strapping youth. At eighteen years old, he was large. He stood four inches over six feet and weighed...
That night, Tom was called into work after dinner for an emergency all-nighter, which I protested against even though I actually would enjoy the night to myself. Of course Tom refused to budge and did leave for the office, but reassured me that we would have a night out soon. I let him go without too much fuss, and went to run a hot bath soon after. The k**s would be fine on their own, watching TV or going to their rooms to be alone, while I relaxed and sorted out my thoughts.I had the strange...
It would be easy to get lost in Natalia Queens pussy and that is exactly what Jake Adams does as he eats that beautiful wet pussy out. Natalia loves how he works his tongue up and down her lips and all over her sensitive clit! She is in heaven and is really excited once she gets his large hard cock in her grasp to indulge in! She sucks those balls and licks all the way up his shaft until the head of his cock is going deep into her throat. She can only imagine what it feels like fucking her deep...
xmoviesforyou"So where are we going on our vacation this year Master?" pet asked me as we sat at breakfast one morning. We had talked about what we wanted to do this year for our vacation time, but nothing really firm had been set. In year's past we had done different things - been to Hawaii, went to Mexico, seen the sights of Los Angeles. "I've been thinking about that and I have already taken care of it," I told her flatly. I knew exactly what the next words out of her mouth would be. "Oh really? What is...
BDSMThe pod gently settled into its new home, a ditch on the northwest side of the dome. As soon as the pod confirmed it had successfully mated with the cradle that would support it in place and had connected the utilities to the base facilities, an action that took a mere matter of minutes, the engineering vehicle began to bury it and the other four pods beside it deep beneath the frozen soil of Thule. Within hours it would be connected to the primary tunnel at its front and the secondary tunnel...
Judy arrived at work the following morning and was greeted by Mrs. Estevez. "Good morning Judy" she said as Judy walked in the door. Judy said "Hello Mrs. Estevez, how are you today? How is Kevin doing these days? Jean let the remark go without responding and asked her if she was interested in coming to a party that she was giving tomorrow night. She said "There won't be many people there your age, but for Kevin. I'm sure you'll enjoy it though. It should be great fun." Judy...
Granted, if one looked at it objectively, Nicole quitting Student Council wasn't exactly horrific. If it wasn't Nicole, I might have even labelled it 'teen drama.' Nevertheless I still mirrored her sad expression. "Is it that bad?" I asked her. She nodded as she drove, then sighed. "I didn't wanna tell you because I figure it would put a rain cloud over our hanging out time." She paused, then spoke with an uncharacteristically small voice. "Want me to just drop you off at...
On returning to Australia, Bill drove all parties home. Suzanne being the last home. In her letterbox were four letters from that pesky Real Estate Agent. he had other four other people interested in her properties. Suzanne decided to stop him pestering her tomorrow. She would call at his office. Calling around at 10am he was there, by himself. Shaking hands Harry mentioned ‘He does not have a buyer. He wants them for himself to develop. He has stolen homes from many people. A nasty person....
visit here to see everthing you want http://www.papahaxx.comHi friends, myself Zunair Ahmed 29 years old I have done MBA in Human resources presently working in M.N.C in KARACHI . I lived in a very posh area of karachi, I am sharing my real life experience with you it is around 4 or five months old experience. (I will not be disclosing her name in this story because i dont lie and the entire story is real)A very beautiful sexy bold charming housewife, she was 32 years old . she was very fair...
100% fiction! My first experience with a guy was when i was eighteen. My best friend at the time was also curious about sex, and we had those constant uncontrollable erections that teen guys have. One day after school we were in my room listening to music and lamenting about not having girlfriends to relieve the raging fire between our legs. Well, that afternoon i experienced a guy's cock throbbing in my hand. Long and hard, with a nicely shaped mushroom head. Precum oozing out as i stroked it...
Incest"Okay, kiddo—try not to kill us. Your mom will be pissed at me if you do." Erica had asked Will to drive her to the mall, but her true intention had been to talk him into letting her take the wheel of the BMW. On the way to the mall, he had steadfastly refused, but an hour of shopping had worn him down sufficiently to give in, which had probably been her plan all along. On the way out of the mall, he had tossed her the keys, and now he strapped himself into the passenger seat of his own...
The fan had not backed off though, and Machoke would not have wanted him to do so, anyway. Pointing to his hard dick, Machoke grunted, and then gestured at the male, indicating the ground in front of himself. The fan gulped, but quickly nodded, dropping to his knees before the Pokémon, who wasted little time. As the male’s mouth was open, Machoke simply thrust inside it, while using his hands to hold the head in place. The male moaned, feeling himself lose all control of his body. Yet, he...
After our shower, Reslie (my tall, slender, new Filipina lover) and I got to the bed with both of us filled with eager anticipation of a new lover and new sensual and sexual experiences. I asked her when her period was, and she said don’t worry, I didn’t need a condom. I asked if she would like to be massaged. She hesitated but then said yes, especially since she is on her feet so much during work. I put on some good music from the tv and told her to lie face down and take some relaxing...
Judy had gone to her mother's the previous evening - Friday evening - her mother was poorly and needed her. Of course she had to go, but it left me feeling alone. End of the week, work over, I was looking forward to a good relaxing time with Judy and perhaps some friends, but Judy had to be away. The trouble with these weekends is that by Saturday evening I'm in the pits of despair. Okay, depressed - let's not be over dramatic, but a Friday evening of telly, Friday night alone, Saturday morning...
A Girly Laugh A story by Rugburn Elements include: TG Transformation Note: Special thanks to the folks who submitted jokes for this story on Deviantart. Sorry I couldn't use them all. I went with the ones I liked best and felt fit the situation enclosed. (|?|) (|?|) (|?|) (|?|) (|?|) (|?|) (|)|) Billy nodded to his buds when he finally arrived in Jack's basement. Stan, Forest and Kyle were rockin' out to Rock Band on the Xbox, Tanner and Donny were chillen next to a new member of the group....
HumorSay thanks to Pepere for this one!! In a terrible car accident, 3 nuns die at the same time. They all appear in front of the gates of Heaven to meet Saint Peter. When they arrive, Peter informs them that those who lived a life of the cloth must answer some basic questions about theology before they are permitted to enter Heaven. Each of the nuns has studied their bible well, so they don’t feel worried by this. The first nun steps forward and tells the saint that she’s ready. “Who was the...
The personal ads had become my very best friend in my quest to supplement my flagging marital sex life. After my first couple of experiences I got a little bolder and started looking for something with a little different flavor. Perhaps there was someone just as taken with women’s clothes and lingerie. After editing my ad slightly I found a young man who sounded like he might be fun. We decided to meet and talk at one of the city’s parks early one morning. I drove there and was waiting in my...
Gay MaleThe Dogging Diaries Diary Entry: July, 2009 "Guys, guys, guys! Settle down. Now listen. This girl will open her legs for the whole room, so you're all getting laid tonight. As long as you're treating her well and keeping her as the center of attention, she's all yours to do with as you please. Just make sure you don't treat her too well." The room laughed. "You can fuck her, cum on her, cum in her, slap her, spank her, she's fucking hot and she will go all night if you...
Five years later, Fara Dangerfield found herself standing in the wings of a television studio at BBC Broadcasting House. “Good evening and welcome to ‘Retrospective’, a chance to look back at defining moments in recent history with me, Victoria Fleming.” The presenter, reading from her autocue, smiled into the unblinking eye of the television camera. “Tonight we will be talking with Fara Dangerfield, one of the trainees in the very first JUMIST sessions, about how that event laid the...
Hello, girls and guys of indian sex stories dot net. I am Sid here with my first sex story. I am 24, from BBSR Your feedback is welcome on This story is about how I fucked my neighbor aunty in order to fuck her daughter. Hello, friends I’m sid. I live in bbsr, not exactly bbsr in the outskirts of it. I’m 24 unmarried, very horny. I started reading ISS since 4yrs back that’s when it all started but I was not very confident in writing. Since I started with ISS I was very attracted towards my...
IncestAs Donald resets the GPS for their continued route, he checks ahead and nods his head slightly at what he sees. They pass under the Welcome To Maryland banner, and Emma gives a small shout of joy that she is now in another state. And the “north” – Yankeeland. She has never been this far away from her home before. Her elation about this makes her babble on and on to Donald about how wonderful this is, how she never got to go anywhere when young, all the new sights and things she is seeing and...
Love StoriesWell, this wont be the first time my predictions were off. In the previous story, I told you about my little affair, that ended abruptly, when the girl decided it is time for us to move on, and expected me to abandon my whole life for her, so I did something terrible, to get her off, and succeeded. But, well, it didnt all end well for me.The girl wanted to give me a taste of my own medicine, so she contacted my wife, and told her all about us, but I was the only one left out of this exchange of...
Susan's whole family was furious with her for cheating on me. I was in a strange, almost surreal situation where my folks had sided with Susan. I think it most likely, with me being an only child, that they were worried about keeping in contact with their grandchildren. But Sue's whole family saw things in a completely different way and took my side. Whilst they stayed in contact with Susan, they definitely gave her a pretty hard time of things. Susan had kept the main house in the...
After a short distance Tyra staggered and fell to her knees. She knelt here momentarily trying to balance the heavy burden across her shoulders, but couldn't. She fell forward onto her face. Two soldiers had to put her back on her feet and the on-lookers laughed. The procession moved on. When she fell a second time, the centurion became worried that she was so weakened by the severe flogging that she could not carry the patibulum from the Praetorium to the site of the crucifixion and still have...