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Transitions IV by Desiree Pleasence Dear Sisters: Thank you so much for your positive feedback and encouragement. I'm new to writing fiction and still working on style and technicalities. For example: after I wrote this installment, I went back and tried to convert it to a consistent present tense, not the mixed tenses of previous installments. Despite three rounds of proof- reading, I suspect that some blunders may remain. If so, I hope they aren't too distracting or annoying. I'd love to hear from you. You can write me at Don't leave out the juicy details! Chapter 7 - Do You Believe in Magic? Magical? I'd never been called magical before. I feel chills tickling my spine and mind again. I don't have much time to ponder the compliment. Renee strolls over, arm-in-arm with Gillian. "C'mon girls. I know you've got a busy day ahead, but we have a few more gifts for Barbie," Renee says. They have the decorum to hand us our panties to slip back into. We grasp their outstretched hands and let them help us stand. I'm so relaxed I can certainly use the assistance. Sherri and I follow them, our arms around each other. Both in affection and for physical support. Before we leave the courtyard, Renee slips back into MC mode. "Okay, ladies, the party's over but feel free to hang out as long as you like and do whatever it is you wenches do together!" Visions of a lust-filled lesbian orgy fill my mind. Do we have to leave? I don't want to leave. Sensing my pace slowing, Gillian speaks. "Don't worry. You and Sherri are on the guest list for the next birthday celebration. Assuming you're interested, that is. Don't forget, since it'll be the first time for both of you, you'll be at the top of the list and each get two minutes." Sherri and I look at each other and grin. Yes, we are definitely interested. We enter Renee's spacious office. Very nice. Towards the back, there is a large desk facing us. Before it is an arrangement of matching furniture. A couch. Two armchairs. A coffee table. Butler tables. A small standalone bar with three barstools in front of it. All very immaculate. The desk is actually more of a glass table. I imagine coming into the office and being able to see Renee's legs, maybe more, on display. The only things on the desk are a wireless keyboard and mouse, a monitor, an ashtray, a lighter and a long pack of cigarettes. Oh! The walls aren't really walls, not in the traditional sense of the word. They're all mirrors! Even the ceiling is a giant mirror. The only things interrupting the reflections are quarter inch wide vertical strips of LED lights, which are emitting a soft fuchsia glow. I wonder what the room would be like with the white lights turned off. The effect is mesmerizing. We've stepped into an Infinity Room. Certainly inspired by the artist Yayoi Kusama. Sherri and I had attended an exhibit of her works down in Miami last year. I hear the door close with a click. Turning around, I see Gillian. And Sherri. And Renee. And myself. With all the mirrors, it is pretty much impossible NOT to see everyone in the room. All sides of them, even their backs, depending on which way I turn my head and which reflection I see. Even the back of the door was a mirror. As a matter of fact, if it wasn't for the doorknob protruding from the wall behind Gillian, I know that I would have difficulty figuring out how to get out of the room. The effect is intoxicating. Any way I turn my head, I am teased with the image of four beautiful women, clad only in bras, panties and high heels. This room is a dream for voyeurs and exhibitionists alike. Renee interrupts my thoughts. "I know, I know, it's a bit much, but I couldn't resist. I have a similar room at home as well. Though it's a combination play room and boudoir, certainly not an office. It can be rather distracting, of course. I have motorized shades that can cover most of the walls when I desire." "Now, girls, face the door while Gillian and I get a little something for you." With all the mirrors, it was impossible not to see them go to one side of the room and slide a mirrored panel to reveal a closet. They return, each holding the most adorable little dresses. Sherri and I hold our arms out behind us to allow them to slip them up our arms. Sherri straps herself into her dress, obviously already knowing what to do. Gillian wraps her arms around my waist to my front, her body pressing against mine. "These are wrap dresses, Barbie. Very easy to get in and out of without messing up your hair or makeup. Very convenient for a wanton woman like you. Here, let me show you. Take this cord and tie it to this cord as you would shoe laces. Now, take this strap of fabric, stick in through this slit. Slip this strap through this loop. Pull in to close the dress. Bring the two straps behind you and, again, tie them like a shoe lace. There's plenty of length so you'll have a cute bow sticking out just above your ass. Et voila, all done! What do you think? I love it! When the situation calls for it I can, with two pulls, be shimmying out of it. Yes, very convenient, indeed. The feeling of the soft silky fabric on my smooth bare skin is a delight. The hemline falls only halfway to my knees. The front panels form a nice plunging "V," barely concealing my bra. The straps, now snug, make the dress emphasize my waistline, buttocks and bosom. There are no arms of any sort. My hairless armpits are clearly on display. The base color is a soft yellow. The entire dress is covered with a pattern of tiny blue and pink flowers. Tearing my focus away from myself, I see Sherri wearing an almost identical dress. Well, the cut and pattern are identical. Her color scheme is a light blue base, the tiny flower blossoms are pink and yellow. "Well?" Realizing that Gillian is speaking to me, I turn around. I put my hands on her hips, and give her a light kiss on her lips. "Thank you, Gillian, I absolutely adore it." "No Barbie, thank you." She throws her arms around me, buries her face against my neck and starts sobbing. Between sobs, she starts gasping. "Thank you, Barbie. Thank you so much. You have no idea what you've done, do you? Thank you. Thank you. I'm forever in your debt. I can never thank you enough." As her sobbing slowly subsides I think to myself, "What the hell is she going on about?" I look at the reflection of Sherri's face in the mirrors and make a "Huh?" expression. She simply turns her palms up and shrugs. I wrap my arms around Gillian and hold her tightly. I gently push Gillian back a bit, look her in the eyes and ask, "Gillian, what's going on?" My arms still around her, she raises her hands and wipes some of her tears away. She looks up at me, a hint of an ironic grin spreading across her trembling lips. "Fuck, you must think I'm some sort of lunatic. Look, you don't have the time to hear the whole story now. Here's the short version: Kandy has been resisting her transition, fighting it every step of the way. But, for just a few seconds today, when she was looking at you, hearing your kind words, I saw it. She was there. Not fighting it. Accepting it. Enjoying it. I saw my baby for the first time in years." Gillian starts crying again and grasps me tightly, burying her face against my neck again. The sobs resume, her body convulsing against mine. "I want my baby back. I want my baby back. I saw the way she looked at you. I want my baby to look at me like that again. Please. PLEASE. Please, Barbie, help me!" Her sobs cease, but she holds on to me, whimpering "Please" over and over into my neck. I held her, saying, "Of course I'll help you, Gillian, but you'll need to tell me how." She leans back and looks at me. "Did you mean it? You did mean what you said to Kandy, right?" Given the gravity of the scene, I think back. What did I say? Oh, right. I had caressed her and told her that she was beautiful, that I looked forward to getting to know her and that I hoped we would be close friends. "Of course I meant it, Elaine." "Then you'll help? You'll spend some time with her? You know, kind of take her under your wings. After you've recovered and all?" Huh? Recovered and all? I'm unsure what she means but know this isn't a time to ask for explanations. "Of course, Elaine, of course I will." She grasps the back of my neck, her fingers in my long hair. She pulls me in for a peck on the lips. "Thank you." Another peck. "Thank you." Another peck. "Thank you." I expect another peck, but she holds my face to hers, our lips meeting and commences giving me a real kiss. Not a kiss of gratitude. A kiss full of lust. I feel her lips part. Mine eagerly follow suit. I close my eyes and yield to her lust. The kiss seems to last an eternity, our tongues caressing each other, our bodies pressing against each other. "Okay you two, break it up girls, Barbie has to get going." With my eyes closed, I had forgotten Sherri and Renee were there. It had been that all-consuming of a kiss. Fuck, Sherri's going to be pissed, seeing me kissing another woman like that. Again, I'm mistaken. All I see In her eyes and face are tenderness, a closed lip smile across her face. Fuck, she has done it again. The chills are running through every nerve in my body. I'm trembling uncontrollably. Seeing me orgasm again, Sherri's smile changes to a wide shit eating grin with plenty of teeth. She gives me a wink, to boot. Renee starts pushing Sherri and I towards the door. "I mean it, you too. Scoot. Here, Barbie, more gifts for you. You can thank us next time we see you" she says as she shoves four large shopping bags into my hands. We grab our purses, yield to her gentle shoves and let her push us through the door, which Gillian is holding open. As we walk away, I overhear Gillian confide to Renee in little more than a whisper. "Heather's right, she really is magical." Chapter 8 - The Magician's Assistant As we stroll through the salon towards the front door, I hear muffled moans and groans emanating from the courtyard. I pause. "Hey, I think we're going the wrong way!" Sherri laughs and jokingly punches me on the shoulder. "No we're not, my wench. You're coming with me, Miss Magical. You have another appointment." "Where?" "I'm not telling. It's a surprise. You'll see soon enough." We step outide. Sherri pulls out the car fob. We look at each other and smile. I nod. The horn starts honking and the lights flashing as she exaggeratedly presses the "Panic" button, followed by the "Trunk" button. I place the four bags in the trunk. In the 'A Cut Above' bag, I spy hair brushes, a curling iron and loads and loads of cosmetics. I can't wait to go through my new treasures. Sherri gives me no choice. She lowers the trunk lid, forcing me to reluctantly withdraw my arm. I did manage to grab one item: a compact of pressed power. I have a feeling that I need it. I spin to my side and pull her in for a kiss. The kiss becomes more and more passionate, till it gets to the point where we risk ruining our new dresses with our talons, the way we're digging them into each other's backs. They make me feel like a lioness on the prowl for fresh meat. Which I am, metaphorically speaking. Right now, that metaphorical fresh meat is in my arms. The harder I dig my dainty and not-so-dainty claws into Sherri's back, the harder she digs hers into me. It almost feels like I'm clawing myself. Oh no. This tingling is starting to become familiar. I know what is happening. No. Not here. Not now. Oh well, why not? The trembling starts. My elbows pressing into my ribs as hard as they can. My thighs clenching like they're trying to crack a walnut. I grab Sherri by the hips and rub my clit against hers. Yes, my clit. That seems right. It doesn't grow erect, given our decadent activities this morning and afternoon. But it is still sending pleasure coursing through my body. And it is obvious that it has found its mark, the way Sherri is grinding against me. Finally, we stop. It's no surprise that, again, people are watching since this wanton display of lesbian lust. This had felt like we were actually having sex in public. I realize that we had been. I realize that I like it. So forbidden. But why? If everyone felt like I do, there'd be people openly fucking in the street all the time. Poor people, not feeling like I do. I guess the pressures of life and oppressive puritan values in our culture have them beaten down. Not me. Not anymore. Fuck 'em if they can't keep up, I'm letting loose. Life is too short. I notice Sherri starting to move her right foot. Somehow, instinctively I guess, I know just what she is doing. I follow suit as if it were choreographed. We turn apart from each other, back to back, and curtsey. We rotate to face forward and we curtsey again. We turn to each other and curtsey to each other, our right arms extended and raised, our hands drooping listlessly at the wrist, like actresses closing a play. We look at each other and break out in giggles and laughs. Some of our audience joins in. Others make silent applauding motions. One fellow is actually applauding out loud and yells "Brava!" Others stand there slack-jawed. As for the handful shooting disapproving looks: well, I just feel sorry for them that they are so obviously repressed and frigid. No way to run a life, in my opinion. I certainly won't let them make me feel guilty for living life to its fullest. Sherri disables the panic alarm and unlocks the doors. We retreat to our mutual seats. The car starts. I press the buttons to lower our windows. Ah, nice. There's nothing like a warm sunny winter day in South Florida. No oppressive humidity. Sunlight. Warm air. A cool gentle breeze spreading inland from the Atlantic. As we pull away from the curb, I flip down the visor and peer in the miniature mirror. Oh yes, my lipstick is a huge mess. Quelle surprise, mais non? A few blocks down, Sherri merges into the left hand turn lane behind a line of cars stopped at the red signal. The lights for the "straight" lanes beside me turn red. A line of cars quickly forms beside me. I pry open the compact with my claws, withdraw the firm powder puff and brush it against the packed powder. I gently dab it around the outside of my lips in an only partially successful attempt to cover up the smeared lipstick. Except for one spot. I don't cover up my lovely badge of Heather's dried cum. Putting the compact away, I break out the lip pencil and expertly line my lips. Put that away. Return with the lipstick. Fresh coat applied. Tube replaced by the lip gloss. Squeeze a small drop on to the tip of the flat, angled applicator. Skip the niceties of a lib brush. Spread that drop across my bottom lip. Pulling it way, I see that the tip of the applicator has a healthy amount of color from my lipstick. Cap back on. Gloss back in purse. Face to mirror. Roll my lips in a pucker to distribute the gloss. Hmm, oh, my, my, my, what do I spy from corner of my eye? Oh, my, my, I spy a handsome clean cut guy. A guy in an obviously expensive business suit and an obviously expensive automobile watching me. The look of desire in those eyes is burning through me. I turn my face to him. I pucker my lips. I pucker them again. I pucker them a third time, ending with an air kiss and an exhale as if I were blowing smoke. Hey, good idea. I bring one of my all-white 120s to my lips. I suck and draw the flame to the tip, two of my painted nails on full display as I hold the cigarette between two fingers. Guys like watching women suck on things. The make a mental leap, envision them sucking on something else. I take in a mouthful of smoke. I inhale deeply as I pull the cigarette out and admire the coat of fresh lipstick and gloss on the filter. I bet the handsome fellow is imagining the stain of my lips somewhere else. I gently exhale a narrow plume of smoke and watch it dapple in the sunlight. Alas. We have a leading signal. I raise my right hand and wriggle my fingers in goodbye, once again admiring my impractically long, painted nails. My admirer is obviously disappointed, based on the expression on his face. I hope he has a raging erection. I wish I could have gotten out of the car, opened his door, kneeled down and sucked it right there. Turning my head to face forward, Sherri exclaims, "Oh my god, Barbie, you're such a tease!" "No I wasn't teasing him. I wanted him," I retort. "Oh, really?" "Yes, really." "That's good." "Why's that?" "Why, because he jumped into the left turn lane and is right behind us." At that, Sherri pulls the car into a long series of open curbside parking spots. "Be quick about it. Get his number, don't suck his cock. We don't have time." I jump out of the car. I walk up to his. He looks shocked that I'm taking the initiative. I lean over, my hands resting over the sill of the open window so that all 10 of my sexy nails are on full display. Pushing my elbows out, I lower my face to his. I see his eyes drift to Heather's lovely contribution at the corner of my lips before returning my gaze. I speak first: "Hey, I'm sorry, we're running late for an appointment. Can I get your number and call you sometime?" "But of course," he responds. He reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out his wallet. I see that it is bulging with cash and credit cards. He extracts his card. It reads "Kenneth Martin." I lean in further. "Hi Ken. I'm Barbie." And I give him a kiss on the lips. Not a wet sloppy one. I had just fixed my lipstick, after all. Looking down, I see that, yes, he's definitely erect. I slip his card into my bra, stand up and start walking away. "Hey! At least tell me your real name." "I did. That's my name. Barbie. Barbie D'Ol....iveira. I'll call you soon, Ken. Bye!" I get back into the car. Check my lipstick. Good, it's okay. As I flip the visor back up, a wicked thought crosses my mind. A realistic trompe l'oeil tattoo of a drop of cum at the corner of my mouth to commemorate Heather's donation to my once virgin lips. I imagine a handsome fellow looking at it in disapproval. I imagine telling him "Well, if you don't like it, I guess you'll have to cover it up with your REAL cum." I think of all the other men who would look at it with approval and volunteer to do the same unbidden. Hmm. I'm not really into tattoos, but that would surely be a humdinger of a conversation starter and icebreaker. Giggle. Humdinger. Hummer. Yes. As I daydream, I lose track of just where we've travelled. I don't know exactly where we are. Sherri turns into a parking lot and pulls into an open space right in front of a building's doors. A brass plaque next to the door reads "Femme Fatales Cosmetic Surgery, Felicity Jones, MD, Release the Inner You." Oh, goody, this is going to be fun! Sherri is so sweet to me. I jump out of the car and run to the front of it. What's taking her so long? Hurry up. Hurry up. By the time she reaches my side, I'm practically bouncing on the tips of my toes in impatience. "My, my, isn't Barbie an excitable girl?" "Yes, I am, Sherri. Let's go. Take me inside. Please?" I exclaim in my bestest little girl voice. We enter the doors. Finally. "Hello, Sherri. This must be Barbie. Dr. Jones is waiting for you. Please go into Exam Room #1 and she'll be right with you. Sherri sits in the lone proper chair. I sit down on one of the two short little stools with round cushioned tops. I push with my legs and rotate with the spinning seat, my hair swinging out with the centrifugal force. After a brief wait, a stunning beauty in a starched white lab coat enters the room and sits on the other stool, right in front of me, taking me in. Though I can't tell exactly how, I suspect the doctor's beauty has been enhanced. She's just too beautiful for it to be all natural. Her cheeks are so full. Her lips are so plump. Her breasts, which are peeking out from behind her lab coat, look so firm. Her beauty, be it natural or enhanced, is a walking billboard for her practice. Who wouldn't want to be as beautiful as she? "Hi Barbie. I'm Doctor Jones, but you can call me 'Felicity,' we're all girlfriends here. Sherri and I have been planning a little birthday surprise for you. Do you know why you're here?" I shake my head no. "Well, let me tell you, then. Sherri has arranged for you to get breast implants. She's made all the arrangements. I have medical clearance from your general practitioner. Since she has medical power-of- attorney, she's completed all the paperwork. She has even paid already." "Would you like to have nice breasts? Nice enough to accommodate a cock sliding through them until it sprays over your face, like Sherri says you fantasize about?" I nod my head yes. "Then she'd like me to give you some injections with something called 'filler' to plump out your lips and cheeks. Does that sound nice?" Again, I nod my head yes. "Finally, we'll use a laser to remove all of your facial hair. You'll have to come back once in a while as new cycles of hair emerge, but soon your face will be totally smooth and you won't have to shave anymore. Doesn't that sound nice?" I nod again. For the first time, I speak. "That all sounds wonderful, doctor, thank you." To Sherri: "Is she on something, Sherri?" "Well, yes, I gave us a little bit of MDMA so we could get in touch with our true feelings. I'm confident that, in her heart, that this is what she really wants. She has certainly chatted about it all with all sorts of people online, even me, though she didn't know it was me at the time." "Oh, I see. And you don't have to tell me about the chats. Like you suggested, I tuned into some of her cam sessions. I also chatted with her about her desires. I'm convinced. No worries." "Okay, Barbie, let me tell you about the choices we made for your breast implants. There are other options, but we're confident we've made the correct choices. We're going to go with ultra high profile round silicone implants. This is the most popular choice among women who want to look like sex starved bimbos like you want to. Since you smoke, we will not be using general anesthesia. Instead, we'll use a combination of nerve blocks, local anesthesia and mild sedatives. I'll make incisions in your inframammary folds, where the bottom of your breasts will meet your chest. We'll slip the implants in through the incision. We'll place them very close together so the cleavage is nice and tight around those cocks. You won't even have to press them together with your hands, leaving them free for other things. We'll stich the incision and cover that with some special tape that will prevent infection and minimize scarring and irritation. Any scar from the incision will be totally concealed by your breasts, unless you're lying flat on your back. But, after the incisions have fully healed, they'll be practically undetectable even then. And I speak from experience when I say that cocks love fucking them. We're confident that these choices will best meet your desires. Here, let me show you." Felicity started unbuttoning her lab coat. She pulls her arms out of the sleeves, letting the top part of her coat fall back behind her. Perfection. Just the look I want. Her full breasts protrude straight out from her chest even though she is not wearing a bra. The round shape and the way they stand at attention make it kind of obvious that they are implants. To me they say "I'm the kind of woman who wants large fake tits, I love being a woman." Felicity takes my hands and places them on her breasts. "Here, Barbie. Feel them. Squeeze them. Lift them." I did. "What do you think, Barbie?" "They're perfect, Felicity. Just like I want." "Now, Barbie, let's talk about size. We have to be careful about not going too big the first time. However, Sherri tells me that you have been using a breast pump. Show me what you've got." I reach behind me and tug at the a loose end of the bow behind me. I pull the overlapping front of my dress open and pull at the cord of the bow hidden within. I pull my breast forms out of my bra and set them on the counter. I reach behind me, unclasp my bra and slip it off. Felicity starts examining my breasts. Massaging them, it feels like. "Yes, I see. Your skin has been stretched nicely. I'm sure we can squeeze some nice 'C' cups in there." She sees the look of disappointment on my face. "Maybe even 'D' cups." My face brightens. "Tell you what, Barbie. Let's stick with 'C' cups for now. You'll be conscious throughout the whole procedure. Let's open you up and see what we can do. If I think we can go larger, I'll give you the option, okay?" "Okay, Dr. Jones." "Great. Be back here at noon tomorrow and we'll give you the tits you dream of, tits that cocks will cream for." At that, she stands and slips into her lab coat. Then she is gone. "Thank you, Sherri, you're being so wonderful to me." "You're welcome, Barbie. It's my pleasure. They'll be my pleasure, as well. Now let's get home, I'm famished." Chapter 9 - Let's Get Cooking We open the front door and step inside. I hear voices. Feminine voices, chattering in the kitchen. I recognize the voices. Elaine, Shelby and Britany. I set my bags down and stroll into the kitchen. "Hey, girls, what's up?" "Wow!" "Barbie, you look great!" "What's that on the corner of your lips? Is that what I think it is? "You know it, Elaine." I'm surprised Heather's cum hasn't flaked off yet and am glad that it hasn't. "Well, you little hussy." "That's me, Elaine." "Hey, Elaine, let's play a little joke on Tom," I say. We look out the window at the boys standing over the grill, their backs to us. Tom is obviously in charge of the grill this evening. I know that Tom, being the alpha in the group, is the critical key to my little plan. If I can bend him to my will, I know that Bruce and David will follow his lead. Guys being guys, they'll try all their might to keep up with the top dog. I tell the girls my idea for a practical joke. We quietly slide the door open and step outside. Bruce and David turn. Their jaws drop and, fortunately, get the message to be quiet, seeing us all pressing our index fingers to our lips. I step up behind Tom, wrap by arms around him under his apron and hook my thumbs on the waistband of his shorts. I lay the side of my face on his shoulder, my lips near his neck. Bruce and David look on in shock. Per our agreement, Elaine, who is right behind me, speaks. "Hey, Tom..." Her tone of voice clearly expresses that there's a question coming. "Yes, Elaine, what is it?" "Will you fuck me long and hard tonight?" "Sure, Elaine, I'd love to." I start nuzzling his neck, kissing it. I unhook my right thumb and start massaging his groin. I feel his cock grow, becoming erect. Everyone stands there grinning, looking on. Elaine speaks again. "Great. I can't wait." Elaine continues. "Hey, Tom, close your eyes, turn around and give me a kiss." Tom laid the spatula down and turns around, his eyes closed. I cup the back of his neck with my hand and pull him to me. I pull his lips to mine. I part my lips. He yields and opens his. I stick my tongue in his mouth and really lay it on. We are lustfully kissing! He has his hands on my back, pulling me against him. I grind my hips into his, rubbing against his erect cock. I break off the kiss but continue grinding against him. "Wow! That's so hot." Hearing Elaine's voice from somewhere other than in his arms, Tom opens his eyes. His mind did the math. Elaine? Present. Shelby? Present. Britany? Present. Sherri? Present. He moves his hands to my shoulders and pushes me back far enough to determine who he had been grinding his cock against. I look into his eyes and bat my eyelashes. "Hi Tom," I murmer. Tom throws his head back and laughs. "You're so crazy, Barbie. Good crazy. I do have one question, though." "Yes?" "Do I get to fuck you long and hard tonight?" Knowing the effect a woman's flattery has on a man, I giggle and pat his cheek. "You're always so funny, Tom." I give him a peck on the lips. One down. Two to go. I turn to Bruce, holding my arms opened wide. "Well, Bruce? Aren't you going to give me a hug?" Tom steps in and wraps his arms around me. He starts to direct his face over my shoulder. I reach up and redirect him right to my face and give him the same treatment I had given Tom. Before long, he was grinding his groin and his hard penis against me. Two down. One to go. I pull out of his grasp and turn to David. He knows what is expected of him. But it is obvious he is hesitant. He always has been kind of uptight. I can practically hear the gears turning in his head. He really doesn't want to kiss his old buddy, no matter how hot I look. On the other hand, he knows that if he doesn't have the nerve to follow Tom and Bruce's lead, they'll taunt him relentlessly all night. Maybe for days. He moves in for my signature play. It takes a little while longer but his cock eventually grows hard. So transparently, he decides to meet Tom and Bruce's ante and raise the stakes. "Hey, Barbie. I'm so horny. I've been so busy and tired lately, I haven't cum for a week. Why don't you take care of it for me?" Three for three. I've hit the trifecta. "Why, David, I'd love to but what would Britany think?" Britany speaks for herself. "That's something I'd like to see!" "Very funny, Britany," I said. "But I think Tom had better get those chicken breasts off the grill before they burn. "Oh hell," Tom bellows. "I forgot all about them". The ice is broken, everybody is well past the initial shock of me, Barbie. They know what kind of woman I am. A wanton woman. One that will grind her groin against three men, even if it's just as a joke. The food, conversation, beer and wine flow freely. We even smoke a joint. I use the evening to condition and train the boys. Whenever I need this condiment or that, I aske one of the boys to hand it to me, even if's obviously within my reach. Whenever I need a light for a cigarette, I sit there holding it to my lips and wait for Tom to offer me a light. I laugh at all of their jokes. I compliment them generously at every opportunity. At every chance, I come into physical contact with them. Laying my hand over theirs. Patting them on the back or cheek. Even some light spanks on their asses. You get the idea. During moments alone with the girls, I outline my plan for the evening. They're skeptical that I can pull it off, but give me their blessings. Saying things like "I don't think you can pull it off, but go for it," "It'll never happen but it would be so hot if it did" and "Why, Barbie, you're such a slut. You're going to fit into our little group nicely." I had been so clueless about women's true nature. They're as raunchy as men, raunchier, the bawdy wenches. It is so titillating to discover. Everyone is nice and mellow. It is time to put my plan into action. I get up, saying, "Excuse me, nature calls." My animal nature, that is. A lioness on the prowl for fresh meat. I strut into the house, by ass swaying. Once I'm out of sight, I race up the stairs. I need to be quick before the mellow mood breaks. I step out of my panties and sit down to pee. While I 'm sitting down, I lean over to the cabinet under the sink and pull out a large Fleets enema. Using an oh-so-handy long fingernail, I remove the cellophane wrapper and then the orange rubber cap. I stand. I pull my dress up above my waist. I shove the nozzle up my ass and squeeze the enema into my rectum. While I'm standing, I refill the bottle with tap water. I sit down and expel the saline solution. I stand again. I shove the nozzle back up my ass, squeeze it and refill my pussy. I sit down and expel the water. I wipe my ass, first with toilet paper. Then with a moist wipe to make sure my ass is fresh and totally clean. Standing up, I open the medicine cabinet. I pull out one of the capsules of lubricant suppositories that we keep on hand for when Sherri wants anal sex. Surely she has noticed the Fleets and the lubricant gel packs disappearing more quickly than they should, I imagine. I shove the giant horse pill filled with lube into my pussy. I know that my body heat will quickly melt the waxy capsule and release plenty of lube into my pussy. This is much more erotic, efficient and neater than dealing with a tube of KY Jelly. I lower my dress, wash my hands and repaint my lips. One thing I don't do is put my panties back on. It feels so decadent, my bits hanging there under my dress. I strut back onto the deck and announce, "Okay, everybody. It's show time!" Sherri already has her cellphone out to record the show. I pause to light one of my 120s. Taking a deep inhalation, I hold the cigarette up by my shoulder, the smoldering ember pointing outwards and up a bit. I tilt my head back and exhale a plume of smoke through the porch light spilling through the darkness. Flickering flames from the tIki torches surrounding the deck cast a flickering reddish glow on the tableau around me. I take Tom's hand and pull it. "You. Come with me." I put the cigarette between my lips and use my free hand to drag one of the empty armless chairs with us. It's not really my style to dangle. I much prefer a more elegant style of smoking. But, hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. I stop and place the chair behind Tom, so it is facing our friends at the table. I remove the cigarette from between my lips. I see that Sherri is still recording the unfolding events. I step in front of Tom, my back to the crowd. I'm nervous, but in a good way. Nervousness, mixed with anticipation and excitement. I take another deep drag, inhale, wait a second and exhale. I drop into a deep knee bend. In my descent, I grab Tom's shorts and underwear and pull them down with me. I'm crouching on my heels in front of Tom's groin. Before he knows what is happening, I have my lips wrapped around his cock. I suck on the crown. I lick the shaft from the base to the tip. I tickle the slit with my tongue, lapping up all the precum that is emerging. Whenever I take a drag of my cigarette and turn my head aside to exhale, I see Sherri smiling, still recording. Finally, I slide my mouth all the way down the shaft and feel the tip slide into my throat. It is ready. I stand back up and push Tom into a sitting position. I move forward so that I'm straddling Tom in a standing position. I put the cigarette between my lips to free my hands. Now free, they pull the strap and cord to open my dress. Tom looks down at my limp penis. I don't care about it being limp. It has seen a lot of action today. It's going to see more with Sherri tonight. I think that me not being erect conveys that it is me, my mind, doing this. I'm not thinking with my cock, like guys do when they're horny. I hope Tom gets the message. It's certainly not because I'm not horny, that's for sure. But horny like a woman, not like a man. I shimmy until the dress is sliding down by arms behind my back. I catch it before it falls off and toss is aside. Taking the dress off took about two seconds. Yes, I do love these wrap dresses. Gillian was right. They're so convenient. I'll be needing more. Many more. I draw from the cigarette before I remove it from my lips. Turning my head to the side to exhale, I see Sherri moving in for a close-up. She crouches down right behind me, her phone now pointing at my ass. I start to lower myself, steadying myself with one hand on Tom's shoulder. I reach the other behind me to position Tom's cock to point at my pussy. I continue lowering myself. I feel the head of his cock meet scant resistance before it passes through my sphincter. I feel my pussy lips squeeze around the narrower shaft. I keep going. In one smooth motion, I have Tom's entire cock in my pussy. Finally, I have a real cock up my ass! And Sherri has it all on video. Catcalls from the table reach my ears. "Holy shit. She took the whole thing in one stroke." "Damn, that's hot!" "Hey, Tom, is she nice and tight?" "Ride it girlfriend." I know that the way we're positioned that they have a clear view of me willingly impaling myself upon Tom's erection. Sherri is standing again. She backs away far enough to allow the camera to take it all in. I take another drag from my cigarette. I drape both arms over Tom's shoulders loosely. I lean my head back, feeling my long blonde hair brushing my exposed back. I exhale another plume towards the moon and start rocking on Tom's lap, pulling my ass back and thrusting it forward. Tom is into it! He is rocking his hips in an opposing rhythm to maximize the length of the thrusts of his cock! I take one last drag on my cigarette and exhale the smoke as I flick the cigarette into the yard. I turn my head back over my shoulder and point my index finger, with its long pink nail, down beside me. "Bruce! David! Here! Now!" I command. Between my conditioning of them this evening and the arousal of seeing Tom's cock sliding between my cheeks and sliding up my ass, they obey. "Drop 'em, boys!" Again, they obey. They quickly push down their shorts and underwear to their ankles. Yes, they are aroused. Their cocks are erect, droplets of precum at their slits. Sherri moves in for a close-up of my face and the two hard cocks. I grasp both of them with my hands and pull them closer. Leaning in, I stick my tongue out and use the tip to lap up their juices and draw it into my mouth. I stroke their cocks, my hands wrapped around them, my feminine nails on full display. I take Bruce's cock in my mouth and start bobbing on it while stroking David's cock. I switch. Now I'm sucking David and stroking Bruce. I switch. I switch again. I admire my pink lipstick on their cocks. I start pumping my ass on Tom more rapidly. Over and over and over. Hmm, a nice warm throbbing cock is so much nicer than my toys. I clench my asshole even tighter around Tom's shaft. Tom reaches his hands around my back and grasps my hips. Each time I pull away, he pulls me back in with all his might while simultaneously thrusting his hips forward and up, lifting his ass from the chair, pushing me towards the sky. Tom groans. He pulls me in and holds me there as he thrusts into me. "Ready or not, Barbie, here I cum!" I squeeze my ass as tight as I can. I feel the head of Tom's cock throbbing. I feel jets of cum shooting inside me. My moans of joy and Tom's grunting trigger Bruce and David. Feeling their cocks throbbing in my mouth and hand, I know what's happening. I should, as many times as I've stroked my own cock to climax. I pull my head back off of Bruce's cock. I unwrap my hand from David's. I reach behind them and dig my nails into their ass cheeks. Sherri moves in for another close-up, her face still smiling. I look directly into the camera, open my mouth wide and pull the boys closer. Both of their glistening knobs of joy slip into my mouth. I start bobbing. Their friendship will never be the same, knowing that their glorious crowns have rubbed against each other in my mouth. I am rewarded for my efforts. I feel both cocks spraying into my mouth, jets of cum hitting the back of my throat. I don't swallow. My mouth is incapable of holding it all. Cum is dripping out the corners of my mouth, down my chin. Their cocks are rubbing together inside my mouth, swimming in a pool of their comingled seed. I pull my head back off the lovely cocks and turn to Sherri and the camera. I open my mouth wide for her and the camera to see. I use my tongue to scoop cum out of my mouth and rub it over my lips. I take small swallows of cum, feeling the unique texture sliding down my throat. Savoring the flavor. I swallow again. A lot of the cum disappears down my throat. But not all of it. I know there is still plenty pooled under my tongue. I feel Tom shift underneath me. Tom! I had been so caught up in my libidinous display, I have forgotten about Tom, even though his cock is still buried in me. As it softens, I feel his cum trickling out of my pussy onto my cheeks, taint and balls, his arms still around me, his hands now on my lower back. I turn to him and smile a slutty cum-covered lips smile. "Hey, Tom, thanks for popping my cherry!" "You're definitely welcome, Barbie." Before he can realize what is happening or can even think of resisting, I grab the back of his head with both hands, dig my nails in and pull our faces together for a kiss. Before he knows it, Bruce and David's cum is on his lips. He doesn't resist when I open my mouth. He follows my lead. Soon, our tongues are wrestling in each other's mouths. I'm amazed when I feel his tongue probing underneath my tongue, between my cheeks and lower gums, seeking out the remaining pools of cum therein, pulling his cum-covered tongue back into his mouth for him to swallow. No, their friendships will never be the same. Bruce and David know that their cocks have rubbed together. Tom knows it, too. They know that their cum has been transferred to Tom's lips and mouth. They've seen him lick it up and swallow it. He knows that they know. They know he knows that they know and he couldn't seem to care less. Of course, my friendships with them will never be the same, either. How could they be? I'll be living as a woman. Soon, I'll have breasts. They know I'm a cum loving slut hungry for cock. They know that I'll let them take me anytime they like. Or, at least, I'll let them think that. It will actually be me who is doing the taking. I'll be in control, not them. They'll be in my power. No, nothing will ever be the same. And I'm glad, no ecstatic. It overwhelms me. The knowledge. The feeling of the cum dribbling out of my ass. The taste of cum lingering in my mouth. The sight of two cum covered cocks beside my face. What!? I can't let that go to waste. I turn and use my mouth and tongue to clean them off, to get every last drop of cum that I can. I can't contain the feelings, both my emotions and the physical sensations. They wash over and through my body. The tingling. The uncontrollable shaking. I dig my nails into Tom's shoulder blades and rake them outward. Oh, that's going to leave marks. I throw my head back. I scream in ecstasy into the dark night. Hear Barbie roar, world!

Same as Transitions IV Videos

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Best Buddy

My name is Mike. I'm 28 years old and I've been working in a small radio station as the morning announcer for five years. It's a great job and I wouldn't change it for the world except for one thing. Our receptionist Lori is the most incredible woman I'd ever met. We're not talking a Loni Anderson/WKRP type woman. She's a beautiful, 26 year old, well-put-together brunette with a smile that melts me every time I see it. If I had to guess, I'd say she'd be 36-25-35. Just an incredible...

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Ana and my boss agreement

Ana and my boss’ agreement The following Monday after that party at my boss’ house, where Ana had been wildly gangbanged by more than twenty guys, she and I went to meet my boss at his office, as he had asked.Mr. Lassitter was in a good mood that morning. He shook his hand with my wife, although he had fucked her wildly at the Friday’s party and offered us some drinks. He went directly to the point.“Ana, would you like to be in the “swinging list” of our company?”My wife understood the meaning...

1 year ago
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Justine Cocktails

The Maid walked to the door of the flat to open the front door. The Maid remembered to curtsey as she slowly opened the door.  Her eyes were still downcast on the floor when she suddenly heard, “Oh my God, is that you Justin?”Suddenly the Maid looked up to see Mother and Nanny standing at the door.  “Oh my God, Sophie has done a wonderful job,” said Mother looking up and down at her sissified son in his French maid uniform. “That is not what I expected.”“Don’t you look precious in your white...

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JulesJordan Mila Monet 18 Year Old Big Booty And Thick Mila Monet Makes Her Debut

18-Year-Old Internet Star Mila Monet gets her porn initiation from Jules! Mila’s a spunky bubble butt beauty that’s made a huge name for herself online fucking her boyfriend and some of her girlfriends, but she’s ready to be BIG time and so off her cock-handling skills. She’s wearing a fuzzy white sweater and a black miniskirt and high heels as Jules examines her monstrous curves. Mila lifts up her sweater to show off her perky pierced nipples before making her way over to the umbrella pole so...

3 years ago
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Adventures with my best friend

I used to stay overnight at my best friends house since we were k**s. Allen would always call me and ask what I was doing and if I wanted to come over and spend the night. This went on for years and when we got older we lost some contact with each other as we both got married. Allen called me one night and we made small talk and he invited me over cause his wife was out of town. I went over after telling my wife that Allen wanted me to come over and we may go out for the night. We had drinks...

3 years ago
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Love The Feel of Nylons 2

LOVE THE FEEL OF NYLONS 2 BY PAUL G JUTRAS "You have a good time last night, Kelly?" George asked his 12 year old grandson. He knew how important being him fem self meant to the kid and he wasn't about to discourage it. He was especially happy since he was making friends with ten year old Janet next door, her brother Mike and sister Sandra. "It was wonderful." Kevin said as he stood before his grand father in a red dress with blue and green polka dots, sun tan pantyhose and...

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A Daughters Homecumming Part 2

After masturbating and cumming for the second time, I must have fallen asleep on my bed, because I suddenly heard the sound of my Mum's voice and felt her hand gently shaking me."Helen, wake up, come on sleepy head, you can't spend all the afternoon in your bedroom."As I opened my eyes I suddenly realised that I must have fallen asleep immediately after my last orgasm, as my knickers were round one ankle, and my breasts were semi naked, where I had been playing with my nipples as I had been...

3 years ago
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Louisiana Lessons Part Three

I returned from my “close shave” with Aunt Delia to the bedroom allocated to Gary and me. Having removed my towel I lay down on my bed by the window. Due to the heat and humidity the curtains on the window were not drawn and the full moon lit up our room. My mind ran over the day’s events. Having been invited to stay in Aunt Delia’s Louisiana Plantation House, casual dinner in the main dining room with Aunt Delia wearing a totally see through gown with no underwear to dinner. I must say it...

3 years ago
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Nisha8217s Tryst With Destiny

48 saal ki hotel manager aunty ne choodvaya Hi friend, how are you??? May be all are fine, mera naam rohit he aur me ek privet company me job karta hu, me aapko meri ek ajibo garib hakikat batana chahta hu, muje ek 48 saal ki hotel malkin ne blackmail kiya aur jordar hardcore aur pussy sex karvaya, meri age 26 he aur yeh kissa 2 sal pehle ka hai jab my pehli baar chandigarh aya tha kafi raat ho chuki thi sayad 10 baje the, is liye mene thyan nahi diya ke who kounsi hotel thi, Maine counter par...

2 years ago
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The Great Gurleen

By: Onlyhot2k Hello friends. How are you all? Hope all of you are fine and in pink of health. Well as all of you might have remembered that I am Raj, 27 single male basically from Jammu currently lives in Delhi (Noida) and also works in Noida. Thanks for a good response for my previous story ‘Feverish-Bhabhi’. And here I am again going to tell you another wonderful experience of my life.My email address is and will wait for your comments. Well, after I got my job here in Delhi and...

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You Should Always Be Nice To Your Neighbours Chapter three

I left Debbi soundly asleep in her bed. Our night of lust had taken its toll on us both. I dressed quickly and walked across the yard and into my own house next door. As I climbed to the top of the stairs, I looked into our bedroom and saw DeeDee still bound, gagged, and tied to our bed. The only difference from last evening was that she was lying in a huge wet spot, with a gushing, white cream pie protruding from her reddened pussy. She was trying to say something, but the ring gag was doing...

Wife Lovers
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Girlfriend8217s Mother

Mrs. Riley listened to the rain as she sat in her living room reading another of the trashy romance novels she had been addicted to since she was a girl. The house was empty, unusual for a Saturday night, and she was looking forward to a night of peace and quiet. The sudden ring of the doorbell caused her to glance up at the clock. Ten to eight, she wasn’t expecting anyone. With a small sigh she put the book aside and left poor Rachel alone for the first time with her secret love...

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nothing is free

I was seriously dumb enought to think ive had landed the perfect deal with this 2 guy renting surf boardsmy friends had to pay for it and i promise beers and rhum at the bar all day in exchange for the surf boardi was bad , we tried for 4 hours and i was wastedi got back on shore and paid my debt ordering beer and rhum even foodit was getting late my friend went back to the hotel , i was drunk having fun with my new friendslast call still ordering beer and staying on the beach i was drunk , i...

2 years ago
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Dominance A First Person Account

I turned down Mockingbird Lane as I neared the end of my morning run. I bobbed my head to the sounds of Black Market Militia pumping through the earbuds connected to my iPod Touch – a gift from my bitch. My small three bedroom split level house sat half a mile away so I started a sprint. I am by no means a health nut, but I like to keep my five-foot-nine-inch, 190 pound body in decent shape. When I walked inside, my nose was taken over by the smell of sausage.“When you finish your shower, I’ll...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 29

Chapter Twenty-nine Ten minutes later my Blackberry rang. I glanced at the screen and saw it was Mandy calling. I didn't answer. She tried to call two more times. I ignored her each time. That was it. I drove south until I reached Richmond, Virginia. I found a hotel near I-95 and went inside to check in. I went to the room I rented, dropped my suitcase on the floor, removed my clothes and stepped into the shower to attempt to wash the night away. After a while under the hot...

1 year ago
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Jill the MirrorChapter 5 Invitation to the Dance

Dove called Tony. “We’ve met, and even danced together, but I’d like to know you better, as a person. Besides that, it might be fun to go to bed together, either the two of us or with Howard.” I blushed a little. “I also told my daughter that I’d try to give her reviews of you and Jerry.” After we agreed, I decided on how I wanted to look. While I don’t look ripped, I’ve never lost the underlying tone of my gymnast and dancer days. So, something form-fitting seemed a fine idea, but something...

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My Stepsister 02 ndash Next Doorrsquos Au Pair

My Step-sister 02 – Next Door’s Au PairUnusually for me, if you want to follow the story you will need to read My Step-sister – How it all started! If you don’t care and just want a raunchy story please continue.It’s our sixteenth birthday. The age of sexual consent in the UK.I soon return to consciousness still spooning. Lightly caress my sister’s bum as I remember just losing our virginity. Inevitably I reach for her closest boob. Nichole takes my hand and wraps my arm tightly around her...

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Innocent Seduction

Sean Hall was the epitome of male beauty. He had the eyes of a Greek God, and the body to match. Girls practically fell over with their legs open when he walked by, and he seemed oblivious to it all. This led to many doubts as to his sexuality being on the hetero side of the spectrum. How could a young man in is early twenties be so oblivious to his own sexual power over women? It was one of the great mysteries of life that needed to be solved. I entered college as a sophomore and was blessed...

4 years ago
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On the Rim of a Fantasy

The moment was upon them… The hotel suite had been arranged, the details discussed at length, and now they were finally in each other’s company. Glasses of a delicate Chardonnay, now partly consumed, sat on the table between them, reflecting the soft light of the late summer afternoon. They had chatted, of course, voices tight and a little fragile, but mutual knowledge of what was about to happen had made the air thick and heavy with nervous anticipation. It was time… He drained all but the...


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