Being More SocialChapter 11 free porn video

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Granted, if one looked at it objectively, Nicole quitting Student Council wasn't exactly horrific. If it wasn't Nicole, I might have even labelled it 'teen drama.' Nevertheless I still mirrored her sad expression.

"Is it that bad?" I asked her.

She nodded as she drove, then sighed. "I didn't wanna tell you because I figure it would put a rain cloud over our hanging out time." She paused, then spoke with an uncharacteristically small voice. "Want me to just drop you off at home?"

"No!" I all but shouted.

Nicole recovered somewhat. "Good, because I haven't been able to hang out with Single Adam in a long while, and I miss him."

"It's all about sex with you, isn't it?" I asked her slyly, somewhat relieved myself that we got over the topic of her quitting and onto something a bit more happy.

"Hey, I never mentioned sex." She replied with her own sly voice. I made the mistake of letting silence creep into the conversation, and she picked up right where she left off. "But yeah, I'm definitely quitting. It's like ... I don't want to leave but I'd rather be a bit sad because I left then go through awkward hell every week until the year is over, y'know?"

Whenever Nicole spoke with a flustered voice, it was all too clear that she was upset, or at least more upset than she wanted to overtly show. I didn't ever dare call her out on that or even make note, because then she might go to lengths to hide it, and I was barely at the point where I could start reading her.

I didn't respond, mainly because I didn't know what the heck to say, and Nicole took note of that. "Sorry." She flatly said. "So what do you wanna do?"

"You could try talking to Phil or something." I weakly suggested, ignoring her attempt to change the conversation. Nicole was always the one suggesting ways to make my life better. I felt like I owed it to her to do the same.

"I don't want to." She simply answered.

"But if you did, and you reached some kind of compromise or something..." I trailed off.

"There's nothing to compromise about." She turned to face me, despite still driving. "Being in the same room as Phil is the problem. There's nothing I can do to solve that, let alone you." She turned back to the road, to my relief. "No offense." She tossed over her shoulder.

"None taken." I muttered. I knew my place. I may have come a long way, but I was nowhere near Nicole's level. It sure did seem silly, though, that she was able to solve the most monumental problems of others, and yet seemed to be unable to solve her own.

"I want you to stay on the council." I added after another silence.

"I kinda figured that." she shot back. "I wanna stay too. It just ... It just would lead to icky stuff."

"But what if in a month you can tolerate being in the same room as him again?" I blurted out. "Would it have been worth it to quit?"

"And what if this is hard enough as it is and I don't need my friend badgering me about a decision that was difficult enough to make by myself?" Nicole asked me, lowering an eyebrow but keeping her eyes on the road.

I broke out in a grin. If I hadn't known any better, I would say it caught her off guard. "So I've graduated to the ranking of 'friend, ' have I, your highness?" I asked her sarcastically.

A mix between angry and holding back a giggle splashed across Nicole's face. "Oh my god." She muttered, giving me a gentle shove. "You are such a dinkus."

Dinkus. Yet another word I'm sure many highschoolers used that I didn't know. Either way, it was good to change the subject and see her give off a smile of some kind. "You're a dinkus." I replied lamely. I thought I would have had a better comeback but nothing came to me in time.

"Oh snap. Good one." She replied sarcastically. "Yeah, but only because 'fuck buddy' is an outdated term."

"Really?" I asked her, almost serious. "I would have thought a term like 'fuck buddy' would be relatively modern."

"Is 'swag' outdated?" Nicole asked me, smiling triumphantly already at my answer.

"Point taken." I admitted begrudgingly, in time for us to arrive at her home. Taking off my seatbelt, I hopped out of the car and noticed that the car matched Nicole's attire and hair - all black.

"Hey, Nicole." I semi-shouted.

"Yo." She whisked around just before opening her front door.

"What's with the black?" I asked. "I mean, you, the car..."

"Oh my God, Adam." Nicole responded. "You can't just ask a car why it's black."

She noted my blank stare and waved me off. "Never mind. I dunno, I just like it. It's a nice base, like a template. If I wear black all the time, it's like a constant. Nobody knows me for how I dress because they always just see the same thing. Suddenly it's who I am, not what I wear, that becomes so important. I was gonna do it with white, but it gets dirty so easily."

"Oh, so you're a special snowflake." I said with a wink.

"You know me too well, squirt." She replied with a wink of her own, before reaching for the doorknob.

"I'm surprised you're not better friends with Paul." I remarked, to no one in particular.

Without seeing her face, I could see that she visibly hesitated. Pulling her hand from the doorknob but not moving to face me, she asked, "Paul who?"

I scratched my head. "Paul ... Stevens."

She chuckled intently. "Oh boy." She murmured. "We're gonna have a conversation, aren't we?" Without waiting for me to process what she said, let alone respond to it, she opened the door and waltzed in.

"Hi mommy, hi daddy!" She sang gleefully, taking her coat off and throwing it on to the coat rack, kind of like in the movies. "I have Adam with me so please leave any disappointment in the jar to your left."

I shot her a look as I took my boots off. She looked at me for about a second before breaking into a full grin. Once we had all of our winter gear off we marched into the kitchen where her parents were waiting. As usual, Mr. Baker was sitting at the kitchen table, now reading A Tale of Two Cities. Mrs. Baker was sitting at the table too, doing some kind of paperwork.

"Welcome home." She said half-pleasantly, then looked at me with no amusement in her eyes. "Oh, hello, Arnold."

"Adam." I corrected her.

"Don't." Nicole said to me in a whisper. I looked over to her and saw she was holding her face in her hand.

Mrs. Baker attached her gaze back to Nicole. "So, you're back with him?" She asked her. "Isn't Phil going to be upset by this?"

"The council meeting? Oh, it went fine, mum." Nicole answered annoyedly. Her mother appeared to have a talent for getting under her skin.

"Ah, so he broke up with you, huh?" Mrs. Baker asked, giving Nicole the stone-faced stare of a lifetime. "How unfortunate. It's almost as if I told you it would happen."

"I broke up with him." Nicole said weakly, her hand still covering her face.

"What did you expect, sweetheart?" Her mother added in a coaxing voice. Whether she was being sarcastic or not, I couldn't tell. "They were raised in the same family. Do you know how Einstein defined insanity?"

"Okay, mom, can we not start this shit when we have a guest over, please?" Nicole asked in an exasperated tone. "If you need to tell me anything, just put it in the jar."

I looked at her, confused. She motioned to the kitchen counter. There was a jar labelled 'disappointments' with a few pieces of writing in it. I almost chuckled to myself. That was so funny, in a very sad way.

Mrs. Baker stood up and walked by us, observing us. She stopped at me, and looked me right in the face. "It's fine," She finally said. "Go have your fun. Supper's at six. Warn me if Adam is staying over."

Nicole sighed. "Maman, donnez-moi une chance." She spoke in perfect French. " Ce garçon est différent. Je n'aime pas comment vous me parlez quand je suis avec mes amis."

"Je le ferais peut-être si tu arrêtais de coucher avec tes amis et de déshonorer ta famille." Her mother fired back. "Tu aimes dire 'il est différent' à chaque fois tu as un nouveau mec qui ne cherche toujours qu'une relation sexuelle." It was awkward enough being in the middle of their debate, let alone not knowing what they were saying. Plus, to be blunt, it was French.

"Vous ne voulez pas comprendre! Ce n'est pas juste!" Nicole protested. "Oui, je suis une putain. Alors, quoi? Pourquoi est-ce que je suis inférieure simplement parce que j'aime les rapports? Vous devriez être heureuse que je suis honnête avec vous!"

Nicole's tone was getting angry, and she was starting to breathe heavier as well. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but feel like this was a more common occurrence in this house than I would have liked to admit, even though the French part confused me. Finally, Mr. Baker cleared his throat. "Nicole, if you're going to have the boy over, go to your room." He declared with his low, gravelly voice. "We've got things to take care of down here, and your tone is not appreciated."

Nicole's gaze went from her mom, to her dad, to her mom again. "C'est des conneries," she muttered in disgust as she loudly trudged up the stairs. After sneaking one last look at her parents, I followed her upstairs to her room, where I found her lying face-down on her bed.

"You okay?" I asked her gently, sitting next to her.

"Parents fucking suck sometimes." She muttered into the sheets. "I'm sorry you had to hear that."

"Don't be too sorry, Jean Valjean." I quipped. "I had no clue what the hell you were saying. What was with the French?"

She lifted her head up lazily. "It's a system my family thought up. When we want to talk but keep it private with other people in the room, we say it in French. It used to be Spanish, but as Spence, Mitch and I got older more and more people our age would pick up on what we said." A small smile began to show on her face. "We used to do it for fun things. Making fun of strangers whenever we were out as a family, gossiping ... We even pretended to be a family from France on vacation once. It kinda backfired since the first people we talked to turned out to be from Quebec." Her head flopped back down on to the mattress. "Canadians suck sometimes too."

My hand caressed her back gently. "I think it's really cool that you know French." I said supportively.

"You're just saying that because mom tore me a fourty-seventh asshole today." She mumbled into her sheets.

"Does she do it often?" I asked her.

Nicole lifted herself up, eventually moving to a sitting position on the edge of the bed. My hand never left her back. "Not in French," she commented, resting her head on my shoulder. "Whenever she feels like it though, she just goes for it."

"What did you say?" I asked her.

"No offense, squirt, but if I wanted to say it in front of you, I would have spoken English." She said, moving her head so she could stare me directly in the eye.

I didn't respond. We sat there for a good few moments until Nicole got up and paced for a little bit. Afterwards, she stretched, and casually stripped away her two layers of shirts, leaving herself topless.

"Should I be taking the hint?" I asked jokingly.

"Take off your shirt too if my boobs bother you." Nicole shot back with a wink. She then sat back down on the bed. Instinctively, my hand went to caress her breast.

"I mean, why else would you take your shirt off with me here?" I asked her teasingly.

She looked at me with an eyebrow arched. "Actually, if you want me to be honest, I do this all the time." She informed me. "I realize you may not quite get this, but boobs are kind of a big load. Especially when they're as big as mine. And especially especially when you're a fucking idiot that doesn't wear a bra."

"Then why don't you?" I asked, my hand still caressing her.

She shrugged. "I dunno. They're too restricting, too tight. I guess my skin is kinda sensitive." She answered. "But real talk, usually the first thing I do when I get home is lose the shirt. It's not even a horny thing, it's just, like ... Freedom. Plus, I mean..." She shooed my hand away and grabbed her breasts in her hands. "Boobs. Fuckin' boobs. These things are awesome. They're heavy and annoying. but when I'm bored, I just sorta grab them or something."

I chuckled, and also had to admit to myself that I liked where this conversation was going. "Don't you ever turn yourself on?" I asked, hoping to get her in the mood.

"Actually, not really." She replied, stone-faced. Well, that was a misfire, I thought to myself. "Guys love to think that every girl's boobs are like these two pleasure buttons, and the bigger the girl's boobs are, the more horny she feels from them getting touched. Yeah, that's actually not really true at all. Truth be told, even when a guy is doing everything right, sometimes I don't even feel anything from someone touching my nips or hell, even sucking on 'em. Plus, studies have shown that it's actually the smaller boobs that feel more pleasure. I think I have one or two of those saved in my browser's bookmarks if you wanna-"

"I'm ... good, thanks." I interrupted. It was clear I lost on that front.

She shrugged. "Whatever. Your loss." She said, falling backwards and laying down on the bed, her boobs in her hands.

"So those times where I suck your nipples are just for nothing?" I asked, admittedly curious at this point.

"Not all of them, don't worry." She responded flatly. "Plus, the more sexually charged I am, the more I enjoy it, and let's be honest." She lifted her head and gave me a naughty grin. "I'm one horny little bitch."

Now's your chance, the voice in my head told me. Make a move.

Before I could she continued. "Maybe I should start wearing a bra." She said, setting her head back down again. "The only problem is, in my size, they charge like fifty fucking dollars. For boob cups on a strap. That's just stupid. Plus, I like the free feel. Some girls don't like that I don't wear a bra, like that in itself is slutty and it somehow insults all girls that I could let men objectify me or something."

That sounds like something Jenna would say, I thought to myself.

"But to me, the more sexually open I am, then yeah, guys will view me as a sex doll, but the more they seem to just have a good time with me and appreciate me for who I am. It's kinda nice to just embrace your flaws and know that others will accept you for it, even knowing that it's mostly because they hope you'll blow them underneath the bleachers or something."

"That sounds like something straight out of a porn movie." I commented.

Nicole grinned. "Yeah, kinda." She replied. "I bet that's where I got the idea for it too." Suddenly, her eyes widened and she shot up. "Oh, right! Paul! We were totally gonna talk about him."

"Paul's the dude you blew under the bleachers?!" I asked her in disbelief. For some odd reason, I didn't like picturing Paul ever doing anything sexual.

"Ew, God no." Nicole replied. Apparently, neither did she. "I never did anything with him. I just sorta remembered. You mentioned him earlier."

"Yeah, you both wear black a lot." I answered lamely. "Plus you both really like to 'real talk.' Although the think you do it more because you feel like it, and he does it more to feel superior and give advice."

Nicole sat up again. "Right?!" She asked excitedly. "Honestly, I don't like Paul at all. He kinda scares me."

"Scares you?" I repeated her. "Why?"

She shrugged. "I dunno. I don't like his indirect way of answering things. It's like he can't ever be open about himself, and always has to have the conversation be one-sided. If someone ever asks me about something, I give them a straight answer."

"Grade eleven." I quipped.

"Shut up." She replied, a grin forming. "You know what I mean. Plus, I get the feeling that under that innocent exterior is a serious manipulator. I bet he's more of a slut than I am."

"That's kind of unfair." I murmured loud enough for her to hear. "That's just your opinion of how he is on the outside presuming things about his personality."

Nicole looked at me with a lazy yet mischievous smile on her face. "Welcome to high school, squirt." she announced. "Everyone's gonna do that. At least I have the balls to admit it ... You probably did it too."

"I did not." I replied fiercely with an offended tone.

"No?" She asked, sitting up with a challenging grin on her face. "What about when you were head-over-heels for May? Are you telling me that there wasn't a single time another guy talked to her, and you wanted to rip his balls off?"

Zac. She got me. I said nothing and looked down, which only fed her grin and turned it into one of triumph.

"Thought so." She sighed contentedly. "Anyway, what were we talking about?"

"Gossip about others?" I offered.

"No, before that." She said, pondering.

" ... Paul?"

"Right, that." She snapped to attention. "I just wanted to conclude by saying that I think he likes talking to others about their problems just so he can avoid his own, which is kind of a shitty way of doing things."

"I think you two are more alike than you think." I replied cheekily.

"I ought to wash your mouth out with soap." Nicole giggled, lunging at me and trying to tickle me. Luckily for me, I wasn't ticklish.

"Aw." She pouted. "You're no fun." There was a significant pause, then she added, "No, I'm not."

"You both like drama." I suggested.

"Yeah, in an artsy-fartsy school. Imagine that." She retorted. "Everyone who comes to Hazelwood High is either artsy, delusional or lost. I mean, remember how we talked about the sports teams at our last council meeting?"

I thought about it. "Did we?" I asked. "I don't think we did."

"Exactly." She winked. "Arts are more fun anyway. In sports, you compete against others to get points. In arts, you compete against yourself to express what best matches your feelings."

"Too deep for me." I said jokingly.

"Well, excuse me." Nicole replied in an annoyed voice. "I forgot I wasn't talking to Bertolt Brecht." The stretched on the bed then sat up. "Ooh, there's an idea. I should try out for the school play next year." With that, she flopped back down on the bed again.

I laid down on the bed, her laziness becoming contagious, so that our heads were side-to-side from opposite directions. I turned my head to meet hers and gently kissed her cheek. "Why didn't you this year? Didn't you say you wanted to?" I asked casually.

"Too much on my plate, I guess." She lazily replied, stretching. "Now that Student Council is out the window, I guess I can finally do it."

"Nicole..." I started.

"Sssssh." She replied lazily, reaching over with her opposite hand and covering my mouth. Playfully, I kissed her outstretched hand and brought it over me, shifting us into a spooning position.

After a while, she spoke up. "You want sex right now, don't you?"

I turned around to face her. "Is this a trick question?"

She chuckled softly. "No, but I could tell something was up in the way you were responding to me when I was talking about these." She cupped a boob in each hand.

"I'm a teenage boy. Sue me." I retorted.

"You sound like me." She grinned.

"Do you want sex right now?" I asked her, attempting to hide my hopefulness.

There was a clear pause. I eventually turned to Nicole, who appeared to be thinking it over. "Not really." She finally concluded, then softly chuckled. "I know it's weird. The school slut doesn't want some right when you do. Sorry for blueballin' ya."

"You're not the school slut." I replied forcibly.

"Why aren't I?" She casually asked, turning to face me.

"Well..." I began, almost nervous from her question. "I mean ... you mean more than that to me."

"I'm aware I'm more than just a slut, squirt. Obama's also more than a president. He's a person." She replied.

"Obama?" I asked.

She shrugged. "First person I could think of."

"Yeah, but a slut's a bad thing. I-"

"Why?" She interrupted.

"Why is being a slut a bad thing?" I asked.


"Well ... It kind of devalues you. Like you're just someone who just sells out their body and has no self-respect. And you're more than that."

"And if someone has sex with a lot of guys like that, then they have no self-respect?" She asked.


"Wrong." She told me. "Sex is a natural thing. If I like it and want it, that shouldn't have anything to do with my value to myself, or to others. The most insecure, self-hating girl in the world and the most secure, narcissistic girl in the world could both love sex just as much as each other. What would you use then to judge how much respect they have for themselves?"

"Umm..." I sensed a trap. "I dunno."

"Then don't judge them in the first place." Nicole coolly told me. "It's not like anyone's love of sex is affecting you, unless you get in on it." She grabbed my crotch to prove my point. "Slut is just a state of being. It just means that I like sex. And it's not harming anyone, or an outlet for insecurity. No one teases me because I love video games too much. No one teases me because I love acting. But when people get this idea that the more sex you have, the less self-respect you have, that's bad."

"But I didn't say you had no self-respect." I protested. "I just said that a slut is-"

"Alright. What's the difference between me and a slut?" She asked, squeezing my crotch to the point of slight pain. "I mean, hey. You're having casual sex with two girls right now. Are you doing it because you have no self-respect?"

Hook, line, and sinker. "No, I'm not." I admitted.

"Why are you doing it, Adam?" She asked in a sing-song voice, letting go of me.

"Because I like sex." I admitted defeat.

Nicole smiled triumphantly. "And that's me too. And that's almost every 'slut' you'll encounter in your life. And until you learn about their feelings, you're in no position to judge them." She concluded. My silence followed. "So I guess if you think about it, 'slut' couldn't really be a bad term. I mean, we're just doing this for fun, but we are pretty slutty." She turned to face me.

Some part of me wanted to deny it, but that was only because of my preconceptions of the word. Admitting that Nicole was correct, I nodded.

"And don't worry." She added, a grin forming. "My best friend is a slut. And I like him a lot. Hell, I think he's my best friend."

"Oh yeah?" I asked with a friendly smile, turning to her. "Who's that?"

Smiling, Nicole leaned in forward and gave me a deep kiss on the lips. She pulled back and smiled slightly, and I followed suit. My arms reached forward, pulling her into a tight embrace, one which she was glad to accept.

When high school had first been chucked into the mixing bowl that was my life, I felt like a deer in headlights. A new school, new people, a new way of doing things, feeling things and thinking things. Especially with Nicole by my side, I felt like I was able to take second semester's new changes a lot better. Even by the first day, I was a little disappointed not to see my old teachers anymore, although I knew Salvador's door was always open. Hell, I knew I'd be knocking on that door within days of the new semester blooming.

My first class of the new semester was geography, which could be roughly translated to 'color in maps of the States by state' class. Occasionally we switched it up with rock types or volcanoes or world cultures or theories of global warming coupled with why everyone in the class is a horrible person for being a part of consumerist society, but usually it was just maps and pencil crayons. I had to give my teacher, Mr. MacDonald, the benefit of the doubt. He seemed to be no happier with the curriculum than I was, and I figured he had no say on what he was teaching. He was still a fairly easygoing guy, which reflected in how he appeared. Slightly overweight and always in Hawaiian shirts for whatever reason, he was content with spending half of the class actually teaching and the other half letting us do whatever the heck he wanted. I bet if he had his way with the curriculum, he would have been much stricter.

I was relieved on the first day to find at least one familiar face in the class. I'm sure here were several people in the class that had classes with me last semester, but I really wasn't outgoing enough to make friends with any of them, so they all kind of blended together. However, Lady Luck granted me a boon sitting next to me, and her name was Megan Schneider.

As attendance was being taken, she looked over to me and smiled shyly. "Hey." she said simply yet cheerfully, waving her hand hesitantly.

"Hey." I responded.

"Did you have a good break?" She asked cheerfully.

Break, my ass. It lasted all of four days with the meeting. "Yeah, it was alright." I answered with a smile. "Yours?"

She simply shrugged shyly. "It was okay." She answered.

"You two." I heard a voice from the front. "Are either of you Megan Schneider?" Mr. MacDonald asked us. "If one of you are, I'm going to guess that it isn't you." He pointed at me, earning a few giggles from my classmates.

"Me, sir." Megan squeaked.

"Is that so?" He asked. "Well, next time answer me the first time I ask, so I don't have to break up your important discussion."

"Yes, sir." Megan squeaked again.

"'Sir.' I like that." Mr. MacDonald grinned, before continuing with the attendance.

I was fairly nervous about second period. I had never taken Spanish before and didn't know what to expect. My nervousness only increased with the fact that when all of us had gotten to the classroom and sat down, the teacher had yet to show up.

After all of us had a chance to make small talk with our neighbors (except for me, of course) our teacher burst through the door, carrying a small stack of papers.

"Siento!" She said distressedly in either a Mexican or Spanish accent. She plopped the papers down on her desk and straightened herself out. "I guess that's your first lesson of the day - siento. It means 'I'm sorry, ' but only in non-formal circumstances. If you're saying sorry for something specific, it would be 'lo siento.' Has everyone got that? Great. My name is Mrs. Luciano and I'll be your Spanish teacher for the next semester. I hope everyone's looking forward to learning Spanish, unless you already know some Spanish, in which case I guess it'll be re-learning!" She burst out laughing then immediately transitioned into continuing. "You'll be getting a coursebook for this semester which will act as your personal tracking logs - there's a fee for that I'm afraid. Don't worry, I'm sure your parents will cover it!" Another laugh emerged before she continued. "So for now I'm going to go ahead and dive into the rules of the classroom, and then we'll get into the first lesson. Does anybody have any questions?"

None of us said anything.

After a few texts to Nicole and a bit of stumbling around, I found my way to the history hall. I should have guessed it was around the same area where I took geography, but I was still a bit of a freshman. Eventually, I got to my class and opened the door to find that the teacher had already begun his lesson. I felt my cheeks redden.

"Oh, sorry." I mumbled.

The teacher, a smallish old man of pure white skin and graying hair, paused, as if scanning my face. "Oh," He said, almost to himself. "Don't worry about it. Find a seat. I was just beginning anyways."

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In 1965 while driving for the Yellow Cab Company, I dropped a fare off at a warehouse in East Hollywood. ‘I’ll go up and get the money and be right back.’ My passenger informed me. I heard that one before. So I told him ‘I’ll come with you and save you the walk back.’ When we got inside the warehouse we noticed there was a party in full swing with many colorful people wearing colorful costumes and a rock band playing. I hung out by the punch bowl, keeping a close eye on my fare while he...

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Miss Lyscious Fuckmore Miss Lyscious Ch 2

I heard the sound of an old engine starting and veering off in the distance until outside of earshot. Dad left for work, which meant it was time to play with my new toy. I threw on some jeans, a tanktop and socks before making my way down the two sets of stairs, the first set leading up to my place and the second leading down to the basement around the side. I knocked on the door and waited a few minutes before knocking again. She opened the door with a wide yawn, crusty white all over...

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The mighty O POLYAMORE4U22

Ever since I can remember I have had a strong feeling of attraction to girls, not like most boys who seem to go through stages of disliking girls. So, fast forward to being 18 and discovering sex with girls was an amazing thing. I must admit to feeling as though I wasn’t just putting my dick into a willing player, but putting my whole being into the act. My first virginal intercourse occurred with a girl at work, a single mum who wasn’t really attractive, but came on quite willingly. She was...

4 years ago
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Ardmore Pt 02

This is part 2 of a 4 part story. There is virtually no sex in this story. Your comments, good or bad, are always welcome. Chapter 5: The Fan I was nine years old the summer my father moved us from Philadelphia to the nearby suburb of Ardmore. After many years as a secondary school teacher in Philadelphia, Papa had landed his first administrative position in the Lower Merion School district. For all of my short life my father had worked two jobs. After his teaching day was over he worked...

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Teen Love and More0

Boyfriend, James, and I both grew up in strict surroundings, me more than him. Me. Phyllis, a pert, perky, sweet, pretty female had to be carefully watched as I was perceived by parents as bait in the eyes of other men and so I was raised and protected. James, not so much, being a guy but his home life was also on the strict side. Very little hugging and kissing in his home or mine. We started dating and caught up on our deprived past with lots of hugging and kissing and cuddling. The...

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The Spanking Stories 2 Memento Morey

By Zen Mackie Too many ironies, thought Susan, drunkenly. Too damn many ironies for one day. She reached for the bottle on her desk, but her hand went where the bottle wasn’t and only succeeded in knocking it into the wastebasket. Hell with it. She folded her arms on the desk and let her head fall heavily onto them as she began to weep again. Too damn many ironies for one life… First of all, the name: Susan B. Anthony. Major Susan B. Anthony, United States Army:...

4 years ago
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Best Friends Become More1

David and Nicole have been practically joined at the hip since the first grade. They’re best friends. David protects Nicole, she hates it. He’s like an over-possessive boyfriend. He’s showed up on at least half of her dates, trying to scare off the guy. The other half, he hadn’t known about. With David’s possessiveness put aside, Nicole loves him. As a friend, of course. Nicole has tried to keep David away from girls like he keeps her away from boys, but its useless. He’s pretty much the...

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we meet francis for rmore fun

Last night I was used by my lover and a load of guys, tonight was going to be just as good I hoped, with more guys using my body than ever before, Lunch time the next day Francis rang, he was the very well hung guy who had fucked me last night, to say he was staying over an extra day, just so he could meet me again, so did I want to meet him tonight, room number and time was set, and I told him I would be inviting extra guys too, he was ok with that, and said that last night was great...

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Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole

She has been my slave and she loves it. I torture and train her to my liking. The night is right, Amber gets her tight little bald slit licked by dog tongue, her dog’s tongue, she goes wild for it, feeling it tonguing her so deep with her ass high in the air wiggling non-stop, her sweat glistens, it’s such a sight for me to witness, to be a part of. Her chest flat on the floor, only a black dog collar with dog tags on it around her neck to show all, but mostly myself she’s mine...

3 years ago
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Fillmore Girls

Here’s a pic of the two: It started as a typical Friday night for the Gilmore Girls: they had ordered pizza, rented one of their favourite movies, and Rory’s boyfriend Dean was over to join them in their fun. Dean had been to enough of these Friday-Movie-nights to know that their favourite movies were ones that were easy to make fun of. Tonight was no exception, with the showing of “Plan 9 from Outer Space”, generally accepted as one of the...

2 years ago
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Ardmore Pt 03

This is part 3 of a 4 part story. There is virtually no sex in this story. Your comments, good or bad, are always welcome. Chapter 9: Awakenings I awoke the next day to sounds of laughter coming from downstairs. Ordinarily, I would have gone back to sleep but I recognized the voices of several of my sisters so I rushed to get ready to join them, it was either that or wait to be accosted by my young nieces and nephews. In the kitchen were my mother, and my sisters Gina, Gloria and Julia along...

4 years ago
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Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole

Introduction: Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole Amber is 18 now as of this writing. She has been my slave and she loves it. I torture and train her to my liking. The night is right, Amber gets her tight little bald slit licked by dog tongue, her dogs tongue, she goes wild for it, feeling it tonguing her so deep with her ass high in the air wiggling non-stop, her sweat glistens, its such a sight for me to witness, to be a part of. Her chest flat on the floor,...

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we meet francis for rmore fun

Introduction: the second nights gangbang Hi , This is Sue, biguys wife again, with biguys help this is what happned the second night we met Francis. Last night I was used by my lover and a load of guys, tonight was going to be just as good I hoped, with more guys using my body than ever before, Lunch time the next day Francis rang, he was the very well hung guy who had fucked me last night, to say he was staying over an extra day, just so he could meet me again, so did I want to meet him...

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Chloe Moretzs 18th Birthday Party

You can't believe how lucky you are. You are walking up to the door of Chloe Moretz's house, and the sounds of a party are thundering from behind it. Today is Chloe's 18th birthday, and you managed to get an invitation. About a year ago you were an extra in a movie Chloe was starring in, and you must have made an impression on her, or else she just invited everyone she even remotely knew. Either way you can't wait to get to the party. There's sure to be many interesting famous people there to...

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The Spanking Stories 2 Memento Morey

Too many ironies, thought Susan, drunkenly. Too damn many ironies for one day.She reached for the bottle on her desk, but her hand went where the bottle wasn’t and only succeeded in knocking it into the wastebasket.Hell with it.She folded her arms on the desk and let her head fall heavily onto them as she began to weep again. Too damn many ironies for one life…First of all, the name: Susan B. Anthony. Major Susan B. Anthony, United States Army: combat-trained daughter of Quaker parents who were...

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The GetMore Girls Part One

The first chapter of a piece of erotic fiction I am working on. Constructive comments are welcome!The GetMore Girls ©2010 Sunlover all rights reservedThe grass was a cool, fresh smelling cushion at night by the pool. My sister Julia and I lay side by side in the deep shadow of the oleanders watching Gilles fuck Mom on the upstairs master bedroom balcony.She was bent over the balcony railing with her legs spread wide and braced, her hair hanging down, and her boobs mashed on the wide marble top...

4 years ago
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three amores alternate adventure

my thoughts are on CD adventure as i love alternative climatic reality - and i have network of naughty men that love to indulge - and i have varying intimacies with several guys off and on - can be frustrating with trying to arrange dates as most are married and have travel time to my lair of lust so i hostess with my mostess when they are able to sneak away to indulgei do like to indulge with in my circle and so it happens that we share mutual acquaintances as X-Hammies - which brings up the...

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Chloe Moretz Hitchhiker 20

By MuhabbaThis story is based on the idea Chloe Moretz isn’t a celebrity.His name was Dave Foster and he was a traveling vacuum cleaner salesman. (Oops. “Retail Associate Salesperson” the last seminar he had to attend told him) Basically he travelled around in his hatchback giving live demos of his company’s “Rainbow Lite” vacuum cleaners. He would provide quick demos at trade shows, retail outlets and in peoples’ homes by appointment. He had a pretty good base salary and a more than decent...

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Paramore Fantasy

I'm not the kind of guy who would have sex with just any girl. Even in the most debauched setting, it would require someone with whom I have at least a casual acquaintance. For the physical relationship to progress, so too would the connection between the two of us. In other words, I wouldn't bang a girl just because she is hot or popular.However, there is always an exception. To put it in her words, "the only exception" is Hayley Williams, lead singer for the rock group Paramore. The petite,...

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Chloe Grace Moretz Massage

I'd been running my own masseuse business for a while now, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine someone like her would walk in asking for a massage. Usually I'd turn away walk-ins as my sessions were usually for pre-booked appointments only.But when Chloe Grace Moretz of all people showed up just as I was about to close for the day, I found it impossible to resist attending to her needs. "Hi! I'm so sorry to drop in so late in the day, I just wondered if there's any chance I could...

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Chloe Moretz Hitchhiker

By MuhabbaThis story is based on the idea Chloe Moretz isn’t a celebrity.His name was Dave Foster and he was a traveling vacuum cleaner salesman. (Oops. “Retail Associate Salesperson” the last seminar he had to attend told him) Basically he travelled around in his hatchback giving live demos of his company’s “Rainbow Lite” vacuum cleaners. He would provide quick demos at trade shows, retail outlets and in peoples’ homes by appointment. He had a pretty good base salary and a more than decent...

2 years ago
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Chloe Moretz A Day In The Park

By MuhabbaThis story is based on the idea Chloe Moretz isn’t a celebrity.“Hey mister, ya got any candy?”Tony looked up from his sandwich and saw a young girl standing about 4 ft. from his bench. “Swell,” he thought. “No sweetie. I’m afraid not,” he said trying for a warm smile. He’d chosen this secluded section of the park he found yesterday specifically to get away from people and enjoy his lunch in peace. Specifically people this young girl’s age. It wasn’t that he didn’t like c***dren,...

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ThreesomeMoresome Visit our website www

Lots of you are always asking what is a typical playnight at our local club like. I have found that there is no such thing as a "typical" night.To give you an example this past Saturday night was what is called "BANG" night at the club. The basic concept is that people who are interested in swinging and chat about it on line get a chance at a reduced price to come to a real swing club meet each other and see what the scene is all about. As usual the place was packed. My hubby and I never miss a...

4 years ago
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High School Softmore

High School Softmore By Jeffanie As I peered into the window of Karen's bedroom my eyes were glued to her as she undressed in front of me. What an ass and tits she had, she was truely the prized senior in school. As her skirt dropped to the floor her sheer pantyhose covered legs and perfect ass came into view. God what a sight! When her blouse was off I got the whole picture and then I snapped a couple pictures with my camera high in the tree aside of her...

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sister in Law and somemore

Okay so after my last story i told you about my brothers wife. Well this time we had all day. I was off work today and so was she. My brother left early for work and my sister in law was about to take a shower. She told me to go in there room and make myself comfortable.When i got in there i laid on the bed waiting for her to get out of the shower. When she came in she was wearing a big t shirt that went down to her ankles. I was getting hard by looking at her soft legs and wanting to know what...

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High School Softmore II

High School Softmore II I'm not much for writing sequels to my stories but for some reason this story has been a favorite for many of you. Even months after writing this story I keep getting so many request for this story to continue. So I have decided to give you one more chapter. I hope you enjoy it as much as the first one. You can reach me at, [email protected] My head was spinning out of control with my nylon covered legs rubbing with my best friends silky legs. To...

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Natalie demore

Nicolette is studying and working on an essay due for her nursing diploma but Jade is such a distraction that Nicolette reminds her about their rental agreement that in place of rent, Nicolette can tie up Jade where ever and when ever she wants. So she takes her into the bedroom and begins tying her up. Jade tries to trick her into sex but Nicolette won't have it. Jade is tied up with a strict crotchrope, and gagged. Jade still interrupts her again, so Nicolette has no choice but to give her an...

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Snow morels

Snow Morels Note to readers, don't read if you don't like poor grammar, this is rough. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright... Are you kidding? - - - - - I was fourteen and puberty was actually kicking in. I was changing even more than I'd changed already. I was getting to be more and more like my dad. Under some other circumstances it might be not so bad. Dad ran away three years ago leaving us, mom, me and...

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The Return of Nevermore

This is the twenty-second story in my Legacy Universe and was written as a serial over a several month period. Normally, this is where I'd point out that the story could be read on its own, but in this case, it helps to have read some of the previous Legacy stories. A complete list of the Legacy stories will be provided at the end of the story as well as the order in which they were written. The Return of Nevermore By Morpheus Part 1 It was early afternoon but Julie Matthews...

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The Spanking Stories 2 Memento Morey

The Spanking Stories - #2: Memento MoreyBy Zen MackieToo many ironies, thought Susan, drunkenly.  Too damn many ironies for one day.She reached for the bottle on her desk, but her hand went where the bottle wasn’t and only succeeded in knocking it into the wastebasket.  Hell with it.  She folded her arms on the desk and let her head fall heavily onto them as she began to weep again.  Too damn many ironies for one life?First of all, the name: Susan B. Anthony.  Major Susan B. Anthony, United...

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Quando una sera Achref venne a casa mia per fare lamore

Quando quella sera Achref venne a casa mia per fare l'amore, e io a un certo punto gli dissi che era mia intenzione cominciare a vivere come una donna, la donna che ero sempre stata, la sua reazione alla mia notizia fu una faccia a met? tra lo sbigottito e il sorpreso, quasi come a voler dire: "Ah. Beh, per? in fondo me lo immaginavo." Nei cinque anni precedenti, Achref aveva sempre sospettato che il suo pelosissimo orso gay passivo che lui inculava a piacimento potesse essere in realt? una donna...

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Quando una sera Achref venne a casa mia per fare lamore 2

Era passata una settimana dal nostro ultimo incontro, in cui gli avevo rivelato di voler cominciare la transizione, quando venerd? pomeriggio arriv? il solito messaggio Whatsapp che mi informava del suo arrivo: "Ordina pizza. A casa tua per le 20.00". Achref si annunciava cos?, ordinando la pizza e, come contorno, il fatto che dopo avremmo fatto sesso e dormito insieme. Nella nostra relazione esclusivamente carnale, lui veniva a casa mia ogni venerd? sera dopo il lavoro e il copione si ripeteva ug...

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Quando una sera Achref venne a casa mia per fare lamore 3

Le prime iniezioni della terapia ormonale sostitutiva mi furono fatte da una mia amica alla quale avevo comunicato la mia decisione di intraprendere la transizione. La scelta del giorno, venerd?, era altamente simbolica. Per cinque anni, infatti, vedermi con Achref prima del fine settimana era stata la mia unica opportunit? di esprimere la mia femminilit? con un uomo che mi amava e sapeva come farmi sentire una donna. Ma dopo tantissimi anni in un corpo che non rifletteva la mia vera essenza, f...

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Quando una sera Achref venne a casa mia per fare lamore 4

Fu la notte pi? bella della nostra relazione. Dopo la pizza, passammo un po' di tempo seduti sul divano. Lui mi teneva la mano dolcemente, guardandomi con occhi che non avevo mai visto prima e tenendomi la mano come si fa con la donna amata, baciandomela pi? volte. Persino la sua voce quella sera aveva un tono diverso, molto soave, ad esprimere tutto il suo neonato amore per la sua donna. Achref non mi aveva amato particolarmente come uomo gay, considerandomi pi? un oggetto sessuale che...

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Dodgemore boys school

Ashley hated school, he hated the students there and he hated the teachers Ashley hated school, he hated the students there and he hated the teachers. Through out his life he had felt victimised by people, singled as an out cast and bullied by people for no apparent reason. Was it his complexity, was it his attempt at wit with people, he just didn?t know. Smart he was tough no! Strangely in this world people often had more respect for the bullies, with there relentless fighting, verbal...

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Best Mistress Natali Demore dominates her slave

“Kiss me, Tiffany! I want to kiss your fucking lips!”“But Natali; I’m not sure I should!”“I said KISS ME, bitch! I’m hot for those fucking lips of yours! Kiss me, damnit! Kiss me right now!”“Well… ok. I guess I’ll kiss you!”“That’s MUCH better! I like a bitch who obeys me!”“Ok – ok; I’m kissing you!”“Now take all those clothes off, honey! I want to see you naked!”“NAKED???!!!”“I said NAKED! Now TAKE ‘EM OFF… nice and slow! I want to savor this!”“Like this?”“Yeah; like that! I just LOVE those...

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It wasn't going away. It had come before, and it had always gone away before, but this time seemed different somehow. This time it was heavier, lingering longer, filling up more of the empty spaces around her life. It was seeping through all of the uncaulked cracks in her psyche and was running down the walls of her brain. The cloud had taken on an almost physical form around her. It sat on her eyelids and made them heavy. It rested upon her shoulders and forced her to slump. Although she...

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Vinnie At Large Marie Dinsmore

Many men and women in Vinnie's World are from your world - the world of white picket fences. Some come into my world seeking protection or assistance. Some stumble into my world by accident. Some fall into it from curiosity, like Alice falling down the rabbit hole. Some don't know they're in it until the truths of my world crush their realities, like the jaws of a great white shark crush the realities of a swimmer. So it was with Marie Dinsmore. I watched from the van as Marie Dinsmore...

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The Sophomores Challenge

Allie O’Dean had sailed through her freshman year with gusto. She had thrown herself into college life with all her youthful energy. Coming from a small farming community in Kansas, the college campus and big city life had been a real eye opener for her. Allie was a pretty, red haired girl with a freckled, apple blossom freshness. She made friends quickly and she was a quick learner too, endearing her to her tutors. When she started at college she was a gauche teenager with little life...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 1

A noise startled me. I jerked awake, blinking the sleep from my eyes. The TV was on. Bryan was nestled in the crook of one arm, Gabrielle in the other. Their eyes were glazed over; both sleepily watched the race. Her twin sister Gwendollyn was quietly playing with a family of Potato Heads on the coffee table. "Enjoying your little nap?" Katie kissed me, then picked up our son. He lazily snuggled up to his Momma. Now that she had me all to herself, Gabi cuddled a little closer. I just...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 2

"Have you seen Mimi and Geoff's latest video?" Leah asked as I lathered up her hair. "No," I replied. "When was it posted?" "Tuesday." She tilted her head back as my hands massaged her scalp. "They sent us an email ... wanting to know if we would come down and see them next month." The warm water cascaded over our bodies. There were jets coming from all directions, one of the luxuries we had built into this house. In each of the master suites, we had a stand-up shower large...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 3

That night, after putting the kids to bed, the four of us sat around the coffee table in the living room. Each of us had a copy of Mimi and Geoff's email. "So what do we do?" I asked. "I say we do it." Since our trip to Georgia, Katie was the most gung-ho about this new adventure. "To what end?" Melinda asked skeptically. She has been the most reserved. I think she didn't want anything to mess us the chemistry we had formed over the years. Extra-marital activity will do that, you...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 4

The girls banished me from the house. Usually, I'm in charge of running the day-to-day things and keeping everything straight. It's all part of being the one of us who stays home. However, with company coming, the girls all went on a cleaning tear, because apparently I didn't do it right. Mimi and Geoff had originally invited us to come visit them, but the girls wanted to do it on their own terms and in a place that was familiar to them. So we invited our friends up to visit us for a...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 6

I think Mimi and Geoff expected us to jump them right away. While we are just as anxious to be getting started, the first thing we did was give them a tour of our "adult" playroom. Their eyes were wide at the scope and variety of activities we could engage in. We pointed out the various contraptions we had and gave them a quick—but clinical—safety briefing for some of the devices, such as the hydraulic bondage rack and the pedestal-mounted Sybian. Of paramount interest was the rack of TV...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 7

Very quickly, I retreated from the bed. I pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of pajama shorts, then covered myself in a terrycloth robe. When I got upstairs, Gabi had settled down. She had a life-sized Elmo doll clutched in her little arms. Gwen was in the next bed over, snoring softly. As silently as I could, I stroked Gabi's hair, wishing I could will away the bad dreams that still haunted her. After a few moments, I went back downstairs, all libidinous thoughts pushed aside. Stopping in the...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 8

I woke up first. The sun's first rays were hardly over the horizon. Melinda was curled up behind me. Usually she beats the rest of us out of bed, but when she's pregnant, she tends to sleep a little longer; I can't explain it, it just happens. Leah lay with her head on my shoulder. Her breath was warm against my skin. Katie was curled up in a ball, one hand resting on Leah's naked hip, her cheek pressed against our wife's shoulder. With practised efficiency, I extracted myself from the...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 10

"So what's for dinner?" I yawned lazily. "Probably pizza," Katie replied absently. I was still in bed. Melinda and Yesmine had gotten up a little while before to take a shower, and Red wanted some cuddle time. "I'll tell you what," I started. "Melinda, Mimi and I will take the kids out for dinner and you, Leah and Geoff can have some 'alone time'." My wife perked right up at my suggestion. I could tell she wanted another go at her new male slave and I knew Leah was always up...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 11

Picture in your mind the perfect way to wake up. For each of us, it's different. Some people would like to watch the sun rise in the solitude and cold mountain air of the Grand Tetons. Others want to hear waves crashing on the shore. One of my favourites is to come out of that sleepy haze with a warm, wet sensation of someone's lips or pussy wrapped around my morning wood. Yet even that took second place to the Monday morning I woke up in bed with my five best friends. We were a tangle...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 12

"You look very handsome," Melinda straightened my collar. I fidgeted uncomfortably. Who the hell thought hanging something around your neck was indicative of dressing up? If I find out, I'm going to throttle the bastard. With a goddam necktie. The girls were still dressed casually. The kids were down in the basement playing. While the four of us were napping and making love, Mimi had disappeared. Well not actually disappeared, but she had taken off in Leah's new hybrid Lexus sedan. It...

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Foursomes and MoresomesEpilogue

"Sweetheart? Wake up ... you want to see this." It took me a second to blink away the haze as someone tugged on my shoulder. The bedroom was still dark. Leah was curled up on one side, Mimi on the other. I slipped out from between my lovers and followed Melinda to the monitors on the other side of the room. She backed up the video feed to show me something that had happened a few moments before. She pulled a robe around her shoulders to ward away the morning's chill. Through the...

1 year ago
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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 6 Biltmore Attack

Sean noticed Pappy's repeated glances at Laoshin and figured out that he was looking for a response from the woman. He also noticed that Laoshin was aware of Pappy's interest, and was fighting to keep from smiling. She didn't show anything in her expression, but Sean could feel her emotions. "Pappy, do they use dogs or cats for filling in those chilies?" Sean asked innocently. Pappy started sputtering incoherently. Laoshin graced Pappy with a huge smile. "We must complement the...

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