Photographs Ch. 01 free porn video

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DISCLAIMER: This is included in the novel/novella category because of length. It is a mother/son incest story. There are also instances of abuse (two of them, which are not the focus of the story). As far as heat level, this story is quite tame, and if you are look for page after page of screaming sex, you might want to look elsewhere. If you want a STORY, please read on.

My editor is Mike2230.


Christie MacAwley Tyler stood naked in her husband’s photography studio in the basement of their home. Goose bumps prickled her arms. Winter in Los Angeles, and the heat not on, but watching him set up a tripod at the edge of the open space in the room made her shiver. He had not taken photographs for a long time, having taken so many in the early years of their marriage that he had plenty to ogle or jerk off to, or whatever he did with them. Christie never knew, the photographs never appeared in the house. She wondered for the thousandth time where he was hiding them and how she might coerce or trick him into telling her where they were.

If I take a lover, would Steve kill me? she asked herself.

The camera only came out now when he had something special planned, some new act of humiliation or depravity that she had never before endured. With her eighteen-year-old son Danny away for winter break, Steve had days to abuse her with plenty of time for the worst of it to fade before his return. She rolled her shoulder and resisted the urge to touch the welt on the back of her upper arm. It lay over the top of another bruise from the night before. She wondered if the placement had been deliberate. Probably. Steve was an expert with the strap, his favorite. Never over the kidneys, never any place that would show, always a fixed number of blows, and usually repeated in the same spot enough times to cause a bruise if the first blow wasn’t hard enough already. He was careful, too, about always allowing a few weeks’ time for her body to heal entirely before starting the show all over.

Having secured the camera in its mount, Steve shifted the tripod around, peering at the viewer until he had the exact frame he wanted. A moment and a push of a few buttons, and the camera began taking shots automatically, every fifteen seconds. Sending directly to his laptop through a cable, the camera had almost limitless memory. Hours and hours of entertainment for her sociopath husband. She sometimes wondered why he never converted to video, but photographs seemed to be his fetish.

Steve moved to a secured cabinet and removed handcuffs. Christie tried to breath calmly, the acrid scent of developing chemicals in her nose. She associated the smell with pain.

‘What are we doing next?’ she asked warily, rather than thrust out her wrists in the way he liked her to do. He used the cuffs when he was doing something to the front of her body, where she had never managed to learn not to defend herself, or something particularly painful.

‘New toy,’ he said, his usual mild expression twisted into a little smirk. Steve was nothing if not bland. Average height, sandy blond hair, hazel eyes. He could be very charming if he put his mind to it, or equally forgettable when he wanted to fade. He was easy to overlook, which made him doubly dangerous.

‘What toy?’

‘Never mind that.’ He waved his hand toward her. ‘Come here. Now.’

‘Steve,’ she said, stalling, ‘why don’t you find someone who does this for a living? Wouldn’t it be more satisfying to you if you found someone who enjoyed this sort of thing?’

He paused his advance toward her. ‘That’s exactly the reason,’ he said. ‘They want it.’

Her stomach turned, and she started to back away. She had been naive and weak when she married Steve, and so very young, but through their sixteen years of marriage, Christie had learned to be strong. To others, her submission might seem a failing, but this was one of her many subtle ways of fighting back. He wanted her to scream and fight. Steve wanted to break her, so she denied him the opportunity.

But sometimes, sometimes, the compulsion to protect herself, the drive for revenge, burst out of the tiny pocket where she held it for safekeeping. If she didn’t let it out now and then, she thought a piece of her might die and with it the hope of ever getting out of this devil’s bargain she’d made.

If I take a lover, would Steve kill me? The question was becoming an obsession. It was more than wanting the sadistic sex to end, she wanted tenderness. Love. Things Steve had never given her, was incapable of giving her.

‘No,’ she said, backing away further. ‘Not tonight. You did enough last night.’

Steve’s face lit up with a cunning, feral light. ‘You don’t get to say no to me, Christie.’ The handcuffs jerked as he gripped them tighter in anticipation. His cock was already half hard.

He sprang. Christie ducked low to her right, towards the door. Steve tackled her around the waist, bringing them both to the floor. That quickly he had a full erection. She could feel it through his silk boxers, pressing against her thigh. He reached up for one arm, dragging it down while at the same time she tried to twist to the side to get a knee into his groin. She thrust with everything she had but the angle was wrong, and she only managed to reach his inner thigh. She hoped it left a big bruise. Steve dragged her arm behind her back, fumbled with the cuffs for a moment, and then one bracelet circled her wrist.

All the while bucking and struggling to get out from beneath him, Christie turned her head and bit down hard on the hand that was holding her other arm. In response he gave a vicious yank to the arm he had pinned behind her back. Tears spring to her eyes, but she cursed silently, never showing anything.

Steve dragged her free arm inexorably downward. Christie was the same height as Steve, five-feet-ten, healthy and strong, but the sad truth is that an average man is still stronger than an average woman. Steve was no average man, he either lifted weights or ran every day of the week. Despite all her efforts, he soon had her dragged, the skin of her torso and thighs scraping across the rough carpet, to slip the cuffs through a large u-shaped bolt on the floor, trapping her there on her hands and knees. She stared down at her hands caught to either side of the bolt and then closed her eyes.

‘I hate you, Steve,’ she said.

‘It doesn’t matter, does it?’

‘Some day I’ll find a way out.’

He leaned down until she could feel his hot breath on her ear, smell the beer he had when he first came home. ‘Look at me.’ She turned her head away at first, but then opened her eyes to look at him. ‘You know what happens, Christie. You leave and I destroy your whole family. What will your precious Danny think when he finds out about Andy? Hmm?’

He moved back toward the cabinet. She heard the whisper of silk on skin as he removed his boxers, then the soft rattle of an object being picked up. When he returned to her sight, he was carrying a long thin rod.

‘A cane?! You’re going to cane me?’

Steve merely slapped the cane lightly against his palm. His erection twitched, dark and veined, with pre-cum dripping onto the carpet, leaving a trail of damp spots. Even though he was highly aroused, he had monumental control, enough to draw this out for a long time before he gave in and fucked her.

‘Do you even know how to use that thing? It will break the skin, Steve.’

‘I know what I’m doing. You know I would never harm my little pumpkin.’ He held the cane up. The tip twitched. He raised the cane and swung it at her buttocks. It was excruciating, like fire striking down to the bone. Christie couldn’t avoid crying out. Clearly, he knew what he was doing. He had probably practiced somewhere.

Bent over her to survey the results, he said, ‘You know the rules. Leave, speak out, and I’ll destroy everyone you love, including you
r darling son. Agreement or no agreement.’

He waited, letting the pain subside. He liked to do that at first. Steve was no dom. There was no preparation or safe words. There would be no aftercare. Christie would be left lying on the studio’s rough carpet, having to tend to her own wounds.

He was simply a man who liked to hurt women.

Steve swung the cane faster this time. Christie could hear it hiss as it came down. More fire. Gradually, the pauses became shorter, Steve saying with each stroke, ‘You’re mine, Christie. Mine.’ After a while she could no longer hold back her screams.

If I take a lover, Steve won’t kill me. He’ll kill him.


Kyle’s father helped Danny lug his gear – skis, duffel, sports bag – up to the door, but he only said a hurried, ‘Sorry it turned out this way,’ before jogging back to where his car stood idling in the driveway.

‘Don’t be,’ Danny called after him. ‘Wasn’t your fault.’ He turned to unlock the door with his key and quietly let himself into the house. Feeling dejected, he moved around the darkened entry with hardly a sound, setting his bags gently on the tiled floor. It wasn’t anyone’s fault that Kyle’s little sister broke her leg on the bunny slope in their first hour of skiing, but still he was disappointed.

Leaving his bags in the entry, Danny went to the kitchen to stand silently in front of the open refrigerator, it’s light flooding into the dark room. Six hours in the waiting room of the hospital in San Bernardino with little to eat but nasty cafeteria macaroni and cheese, and nacho chips from vending machines. At eighteen, and already 6’5′, Danny needed solid food and lots of it. But first…cookie jar. He shut the fridge and turned to the ceramic pig on the counter, smiled a little as he peered inside to find his mom had kept it full even if he wouldn’t be back for a week. He could almost hear her automatic ‘no cookies before dinner’ and his reply ‘I’d like to see you try and stop me.’ When he was little, she would stop him, but as he grew her admonishment came more as a reflex, without heat, and his reply was delivered with a smug grin seconds before a cookie popped into his mouth.

And she always kept the jar full of his favorites. One of many many reasons he loved his mom.

He grew thoughtful as he withdrew the makings of a submarine sandwich from the fridge. Kyle’s family had an openness and warmth that always made him feel both welcomed and uncomfortable at the same time. Watching them at the hospital that afternoon, he had finally figured out why. It was the parents. They relied on one another, leaned on each other for advice, comfort, and support. Small pats on the shoulder, a quick kiss on the cheek. Danny had that kind of warm relationship with his mother, but not with his father, and he had never seen his parents behave that way toward each other. Now, on the verge of adulthood, he was old enough to see that this was not normal, and to wonder what kind of effect it had on his mom to live this way. Never mind what effect it had on Danny to be raised by a man who had never accepted him as his son.

The house remained dark as he sat on a stool at the counter, eating his sandwich and cookies. He thought he heard loud voices from the basement but decided he was mistaken. His parents must have gone to sleep early, he thought, so rather than announce himself he went quietly towards his room, grabbing his duffel but leaving his gear behind as he passed the entry. To his surprise, as he passed the basement stairs he found a rectangle of light streaming onto the carpet outside his dad’s studio, with sounds issuing from within. Curious, he dropped his duffel and crept downstairs.

‘I hate you, Steve,’ his mother said.

‘It doesn’t matter, does it?’ his father replied.

‘Someday I will find a way out.’

Danny froze in the shadows outside the doorway, shamelessly listening to a conversation he knew they would never want him to hear. After a second he peeked around the doorway to see his mother kneeling naked on the floor, her hands cuffed to a bolt his father had told him was used to chain equipment down to keep it steady. Welts covered her back, upper arms, and thighs.

‘What will your precious Danny think when he finds out about Andy?’ his father said, his erection peeking through the opening in his boxers as he leaned over his mother. Danny screwed up his face and tried to look away, but he couldn’t. What he saw was too new, too startling. It was clear his parents had a history that he had never known or even guessed about. Danny knew he should leave, but he couldn’t make himself. Until that moment he had never realized that he hated his father.

Steve walked to a tall white cabinet against a far wall that had always remained locked before. It stood with the doors wide, revealing more cuffs and leather straps. Steve pulled down his boxers, leaving them on the floor, and now Danny really wanted to look away, but before he did his attention was caught by the object his father removed from the cabinet. A cane. If he had any doubts about his mother’s willingness, they were dispelled when she shrieked. Danny moved forward a few inches, just to the edge of the shadow that hid him. Whatever was going on, he needed to stop it. He watched in horror as his father delivered the first blow, and Danny shifted to the doorway. If either parent turned their head a fraction, they would see him, but neither did. Instead, his father said something that gave Danny pause: ‘You know the rules. Leave, speak out, and I’ll destroy everyone you love, including your darling son. Agreement or no agreement.’

His father caned his mother, paused to rub the livid red mark it left behind, and then raised his arm to hit her again. Torn, Danny stood frozen in the door frame. More was going on than he knew. He wanted to stop it, but suspected that involving himself in this would make things worse. When his mother screamed, he cursed himself for being a coward, but backed away from the door and went up the stairs. In the entry he paused to gather up his belongings and then silently left the house to sit on the front steps. He couldn’t hear a sound from that spot, but he still could hear the screaming in his head.


After about two hours, Danny quietly ventured inside but found the basement stairs dark. Next door to the studio, his father’s door was open, and he glimpsed his father passed out on his back, naked and snoring softly. Not something he cared to contemplate for long. His parents slept in separate rooms, something he never understood until today. Upstairs, his mother’s door also stood open, the room empty. He quickly ducked into his room to drop his bags and went to the kitchen. After stopping at the refrigerator to get a soda, he searched for his mother.

He found her in the ground floor den, lying on a sofa with a game controller and playing Mario Kart. She was raised up on her elbows, an awkward position to play video games, but he surmised that she probably couldn’t sit down. A fist of anger curled in his gut at the thought, but that was overwhelmed by the sight of the sexy little satin robe she wore. It was short and white, with a deep v-neck, and there was obviously nothing underneath. A section of her right breast curved into the open neckline, and her long legs were thoroughly exposed. For a moment he stood in the doorway, staring openly. Ever since puberty, he had been hyper-aware of how very beautiful his mother was. She was what people used to call ‘Black Irish,’ with very fair skin that barely tanned, rosy cheeks, long curly black hair, and deep blue eyes. She was tall, and gorgeous, and sexy, and he doubted any girl he ever found would measure up to her. It was monstrously unfair. Added to that, she had been only sixteen when he was born, and was now just thirty-four. People stared, women and men.

He swallowed. Mom never dressed like this when he was around. ‘Mom?’ he said.

‘Danny!’ She s
tarted to move, glanced down to where her breasts were escaping her robe, and grabbed an afghan from the back of the sofa, quickly covering herself with it. Not quickly enough for him to miss the welts on the back of her thighs. ‘What are you doing home?’ Her eyes widened. ‘How long have you been here?’

‘Just got home,’ he said as he moved into the room. He set his soda on the coffee table and settled onto the floor by her side. ‘Sandy broke her leg this morning.’ He talked about his long day, the trip to the emergency room that lasted for hours, the drive home with Sandy in the back of the car, moaning the entire way.

‘I’m sorry, sweetie,’ his mom said at last. ‘We’ll find other things to do to make it up to you. I don’t have any court dates this week. I can take a few days off.’

‘Want to watch me beat you at Mario Kart right now?’ he asked, grinning with a humor he didn’t actually feel.

‘Tonight’s my night, kid. Do your worst.’

They played several games. Danny was so distracted that his mom did manage to beat him two out of three games. All the while, he grew more and more uneasy, until he barely saw the little karts winding around the track.

‘You’ve missed three bananas in a row,’ his mother said, still absorbed in the game. ‘Tired? Maybe you should crash for the night.’

Danny put down his controller, even though the game had not ended. ‘Mom, I lied.’

She looked over at him now, the controller stilled, and gave him a piercing look. ‘About what?’

‘I’ve been home for hours,’ he admitted.

His mother’s lips parted and her cheeks paled. ‘Oh,’ she said. She looked down at the controller in her hands as if seeing it for the first time, and then placed it with a shaking hand on the floor beside her. The game beeped the end of the round, followed by canned applause.

‘What did you see?’ she asked when she looked up again.

‘More than I wanted to. I wanted to go in and stop it, but the things he said. The things he said he’d do…’ His voice started to break, and he stopped to take a deep breath. He would not cry. ‘He was hurting you so much and I couldn’t do anything and-‘

And then she stretched forward to wrap her arms around his torso, her soft hair falling in his face. She told him it was all right, and though he knew it was a lie, it comforted him anyway. When she pulled away, she placed her fingertips over her lashes for a moment.

‘I never wanted you to know about that,’ she said.

‘Why, Mom? He said you had to do that or he would destroy the whole family.’

‘I can’t talk about it, honey. I just can’t.’

He bit his lower lip and waited for a moment. ‘Is it about my real father? He said something about Andy. Is Andy my real father?’ he asked softly, a subject his mother refused to discuss, and talking about anything with his stepfather was an excursion into half-truths and out-and-out lies. But from the day he learned about chromosomes in science, he had known that one of his parents could not naturally be his. His mom was pure Irish, his father fair and sandy-haired, but it was blatantly obvious half of Danny’s genes had come from someone of color. His hair was kinky, his skin the color of light coffee, and his eyes were a deep brown. From his height, he guessed his father was black.

‘You know I don’t like talking about that, Danny,’ she said with a sigh.

He pursed his lips in both frustration and a little bit of long-held anger about the subject. ‘I’m eighteen now. Don’t you think I can handle it, whatever it is?’


Blue eyes looked into his, and they almost seemed to beg him to let it go, but he was tired and angry and he’d had a terrible shock that night. ‘Dad told me that you partied and drank and slept around so much that they didn’t even know who to ask for a DNA test.’

‘What?!’ she burst out and propelled herself to her feet. She stomped to the door, the afghan forgotten as it slipped to the floor. She shut the door very firmly but still quietly, and hissed. ‘What exactly did he tell you and when?’

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If You Go Down To The Woods Today.(You could be in for a big surprise) Simone was a very beautiful, sexy figured, totally convincing, submissive, twenty one year old red headed male to female transvestite living in Prague in the Czech Republic. She stood 178cm, or five foot nine inches tall in her bare feet. She wasn’t vain, she didn’t consider herself to be sexy or beautiful at all but anyone who met her became captivated by her sheer feminism. Very few passed her in the street, men and...

2 years ago
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Delhi wife goes slutty3

Hi readers, the sexual episode of Anamika contunues and hope you all are enjoying. She had tried to put all incidents in the relative manner to help you know her condition well, so please enjoy reading….The next several weeks were busy ones for Anamika as she spent her days in the classroom and her evenings and weekends getting ready to move. Anyone observing her during that period would think she was organized, well ordered and efficient, but she wasn’t ‘well ordered’ at all. Her life was...

1 year ago
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Older man teaches me to masturbate 3

I kept going round to Alan's house most weekends all that Summer. Sometimes we would sit together and Alan would watch me as I took my clothes off and wanked over pictures of sexy women in his magazines. He really enjoyed seeing me ejaculate and several times said that I should do it into my hand so that I could swallow my own cum to see how it tasted. The first time I did it, it felt a bit odd although as I'd already swallowed Alan's spunk it wasn't so strange to do. I didn't mind the taste...

3 years ago
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My Lost LovesChapter 2

"Uuuhh," another wave of white heat seared through my body ripping me from my dream like state, and back to reality. I tried to lift my head. I had to get my bearings, but all I could see was the darkening gray sky above. I struggled to gather my strength. I had to reach the house. I had to get help. I fought to stay conscious but I was having trouble breathing and I was getting light headed. "Yes, darling, I do love you, I love you very, very much," again I heard a voice drifting into...

4 years ago
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Probed In The Name of Research

Tara pulled up to the gate and punched in the code that Gabe had given her. She’d never been to Mabel’s Lake. It was a gated community known for its wealthier homes, a golf course, and a swimming pool among other amenities. It reminded her of a retirement community, which was humorous since Gabe was in his early thirties, just a couple years younger than her. Sure he was on the young side, but the man was a genius, not to mention a complete workaholic. He never talked about friends, well,...

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"You're kidding, right," Becky said incredulously to her best friend Dana!?! "I'm telling you the truth," Dana said with a giggle, "just take a look at this," as she shoved the tape into the VCR and hit the play button!!! Both girls stared at the screen while waiting for the first images to come to appear, which turned out to be part of a bedroom!!! "See," Dana whispered, "there's dad, he's gettin' into bed!!!" They watched a little longer and Becky offered, "He's just reading a book, Dana,...

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Junior Sex Club 3

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My wife left early to take our eleven year old daughter, Mindy, to a soccer game. They took Polly, our seven year old and Suzy, the four year old with I was able to sleep in a little...until about 9:30. I got up, ate a little breakfast and took a shower. I was just finishing drying off when I heard the doorbell ring. I tossed the towel onto the bed...

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What if She WantedChapter 2 Intermezzo

I woke up Tuesday and, after making coffee for Candy and me, left for work. I called up Robert and set up a date for lunch. I also called Candy up to see how she was doing. "Sore, very sore, but OK. I love you" No it didn't seem like she wanted to back out, never even mentioned it. I met with Robert at noon. We did live in the same city, but worked and lived on opposite sides of it, so we only met each other rarely, and never during work hours. We all had been to each other's homes...

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Sea Adventures

Part IAnniversaryWhen we first arrived in the small village on the island in the Mediterranean, I almost started crying. It looked like a place from the third world, with stone built houses, and so peaceful as if no one actually lived there. My mother knew my wild side very well and I could swear she picked this place on purpose, just to prevent me from staying out till dawn every night.Soon I discovered that the place had just one hotel, one tavern, two small pubs and an open air cinema. There...

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Candy the Cock Toy

I guess the goth club was a BAD idea. I had never been to one, and lets face it goth girls are fucking hot. And to top it all off I an not goth. I fit in their like the sun in the middle of the night. But I went anyway,looking fora hot goth chick to hook up with. And I found one. Her name was Raven, and she was divine beauty. Long legs, waspish skinny waist. No tatoos, I hate tatoos. Dark black hair, she stood in thigh high black high heeledboots, a super tight corset which pushed her...

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A Leader BornChapter 5

It had taken less than a day for James to wish he wasn't King. Much of that, for now, was the growing posse around him, the expanding "staff" designated to help. Seemingly at every rest of the column, Captain Putaski sent over yet another functionary he'd dug up from somewhere, some secretary or advisor from the palace to help King James deal with his duties. As there were no duties yet, all they did was add pressure to the teen. They were more adults he had to pretend he had authority...

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Chapter 1 I enrolled at Eton College at the age of 16, I started late due to the fact that I'm Spanish and had only recently moved to England. Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Maria, I'm 5ft 9" I have very long dark hair, my breasts are 38D, I'm a size 10 waist and my skin is the colour of dark caramel, my eyes are chocolate brown with long thick lashes. A typical young Spanish girl really. I arrived at Eton with my brother José (Jo for short) who was to help me...

2 years ago
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My First Time

My first time was when I was 15 with one of my brothers friends named Guy. It was after a drunken party at our house when I woke up with my head resting on his arm and his other hand stroking my hips enroute to my increasingly erect penis. He was close and whispering in my ear how much he liked me while kissing my neck intensly. It felt wonderful!, even though I tried to convince my self it didn't. This wasn't the first time he had made advances as the drunken parties had become a weekly...

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Fucked the ex sister in law this morning

I wake early this morning, I was thinking need to empty my balls in some one. Then I remember the ex sister in law would be in today, so I goes to her's when I got there she was just walking up the street towards her house, I gets out of the car to stand & wait for her, she walks up & says what you doing here well I says to her I fancy a cup of tea, We know what you want I looked at her & laugth you can read me like a book. Well you can have a cup of tea & nothing else, we going...

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DaisyChapter 20

Sharon showed up just after mid-terms. Everybody was in serious need of a distraction. They got it. Daisy introduced Sharon to Amy and Brian. She looked them both up and down and nodded her approval. Amy was an absolute darling! Brian was handsome and firm. Amy looked back, her mouth starting to water at what she saw; Sharon was lovely. Her body shapely and firm. Her eyes, emerald green. Her breasts firm and high, straining to be released. She wore her light brown hair cropped fairly short,...

4 years ago
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Computer Science Teacher Renuka 8211 One Hell Of A Seductress

Hi, I am a 22-year-old guy from Coimbatore with my own sexual fantasies, but it has never worked out for me until last week. This is my first time writing here, so please bear with my writing. We, a group of friends, were on a tour to recreate old memories. Visiting old schools and taking pictures of the seats where we sat and all sort of lush memories was our routine. We took photos with our old school teachers too. It was all fun. Back in our school days, there was one hot teacher with right...

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broken down car

I was having a drink with 2 mates down the pub,one of my mates is called peter and the other we call the doctor cos he puts people in hospital,he is one big mean guy,he is about 6-5 and he is real fat and strong everybody is scared of him and he hates white people.there we was having this drink when the door opens and in walks this white couple,maybe in there late twenties,and they are soaking wet.we hear the white boy say to the barman that they had broken down and could they stay till the...

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How I Met My Wife and Her MomChapter 2

I woke up to the smell of strong coffee and the sound of female voices. I cracked an eye and immediately shut against the brutal sunlight streaming into the room. I heard Cheri and her mom in the hall, their chatter broken up by giggles and snorts of laughter. I sat up and looked around for my clothes. After a minute, I realized they were not in the room. I spotted the sarong Cheri had given me last night. Chin and I had nothing to hide from each other, and I’d seen a good amount of Flower...

4 years ago
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Next Gig

Copyright© 2002-2003 There's an oversexed lady named Whyte Who insists on a dozen a night. A fellow named Cheddar Had the brashness to wed her- His chance of survival is slight. The chaos of human flesh was ignored. A few waves of the hand that caused more screams and calls seemed to satisfy the mob's urge for him, if only for a second. Shrill female voices yelled out begging to be with him, promising him anything. A few faces were able to press into the half-open limo door, but...

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Submissives diary Ep 3 Mistress Kate pt 2

part 2"Where is your fighting spirit, missy? Show some determination." Mike softly touched my breasts while Kate furiously worked me with her tongue. I had to grin my teeth not to yell at him"Easy for you to say, you're not- ungh!" He pinched and twisted both my nipples"Talking back? Really? I thought by now you would know better." Of course I knew, but the pain took my mind off of Kates devilish work. The second orgasm that was building up disappeared into thin air while I solely focused on my...

2 years ago
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The Day After the World Ends Bravo

“The world ends every day for those who die,” James read the statement at the beginning of the philosophy test. “Defend or refute this statement,” the instructions on the test continued. “Not the easiest question ever, yet I believe I have an answer,” he thought. ‘This statement is entirely untrue for everyone,’ James wrote, ‘My reasoning on this follows my belief that we all have eternal life, that life being either in heaven or hell. ‘Those who accept the fact of Jesus as Messiah and live...

1 year ago
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HDoom appealed strongly to me as soon as I heard about it, but then again, I’ve always been a huge pervert with a few nerdish proclivities. If you tell me I might be able to shoot off a few loads while shooting my way through hordes of big-breasted imps and cocksucking demon whores, well, I might show up at your house with a gamepad, a chainsaw, and a big bottle of lube. Fortunately for you, me, and those mobs of satanic sluts, HDoom’s a free download so you can play along without leaving the...

Free Sex Games
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Tell Laura Chapter 14

TommyHaving scared off our audience, I lay out the picnic sheet in the shade of some eucalyptus trees and we dried out in the afternoon heat. We may have been of Mediterranean descent through our mum, but we also had Irish genes from our father. Some people were astounded that, although we were dark-skinned, we also burnt easily if we were not careful.It hadn’t occurred to me quite how intimate this simple act of putting sunscreen on each other was, until that afternoon. We had helped each...

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Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone

100% Fan Fiction! It was another normal night in number 10, Privet Drive. Dudley was bullying Harry as usual and so did Mr. and Mrs Dursley. Harry wished nothing more than get out of this house and live anywhere else. At half past ten that night, the Dursley's had already been sleeping. Harry waited in the kitchen next to the clock waiting for it to struck midnight, for it had been his birthday next day. Completely tired by the bullying he had to endure all day, Harry fell asleep. He was awaken...

Erotic Fiction
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The Fan ClubChapter 10

“Erica’s up next,” I told the ladies, “but I will need a little snack. And then another snack before I get to Casey. But I will absolutely make it worth the wait, babes.” “Oh, I know that, bro! You’re only a single, flesh and blood guy, though definitely one born to screw ... and screw around. You just gotta pace yourself, honey, and that will give your balls enough time to make more sperm, anyway. And definitely, absolutely take care of those munchies,” June assured me as the trio of my...

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BrattySis Clara Trinity Going Through My Stepsis To Get My Car

Clara Trinity is just lounging on the couch in the living room when her stepbrother, Johnny Love, joins her. He tells Clara that his mom says he has to coach her for the upcoming spelling bee or she’ll take away his car. Clara agrees, but she fucks with Johnny by intentionally spelling words wrong. She claims that she only knows how to spell dirty words and then demonstrates. Leaning back and spreading her thighs, Clara tells Johnny that if he fucks her she’ll tell his mom he...

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Tamil Maganai Kaamam Seithen

Vanakam nanbargale, ithu oru kudumba kama kathai enbathai munbe therivithu kolugiren. Intha kathaiyai padithu vital ungaluku kama thegam athigamaaga kidaikum. En peyar Vimala, en kanavan iranthu vittu 6 varudangal aagugirathu, ippozhuthu en vayathu 38 aagugirathu. Enaku 19 vaythu aagum pozhuthe thirumanam aagi vitathu, en kanavan ippozhuthu ilathathaal en magan udan thanimaiyil vaazhnthu varugiren. En kanavanin thambiyai vaithu kondu irukiren, aanal ippozhuthu ellam avan veetirku varuvathu...

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Extending the FamilyChapter 9 Rachel

I felt so good! I was laying on the floor beside Danni's bed, with not one but two shots of family spooge warming my pussy and hopefully invading my womb. Note to self: the floor's hard – shove Danni's and my beds together, so I'll be easier to reach next time Paul wants to dump his load in me. Daddy won't mind, I'm sure. In fact, as long as I let him pump me full of his seed whenever he feels the need, I think he'll be a push-over for anything I want. What I want is a baby, of...

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First Encounter An East Meets West Story

Zinaat’s favourite pastime was shopping in high-end lingerie shops. Had been for years. Yet she had never really had anyone to wear it for. She just liked the look and the sense of being mischievous. Obviously, she didn’t tell the shop attendant back home she was single and frustrated. Instead, in the past Zinaat liked to tell the cashiers she was married to a rich businessman from out of town and that she was just planning a surprise for his return. Once she even claimed a family was planned...

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Sibling MagusChapter 34

The Alarm went off. I opened my eyes and looked around. It was dark. There was less moonlight than when Katrina and I went to bed. I reached for her, but she wasn’t there. I slipped out of bed, worried about where she was and what was happening. I remembered the low light spell and used it. The room lit up. No one was there. Panic surged in my chest. I rolled across the bed, ever aware of the door leading to the living room, and looked down at the floor. She wasn’t there either. Something...

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RawAttack Leah Winters Slutty Young Leah Winters Loves Fuck

Young Leah Winters has a great and sparkly personality, as well as huge energy to sex!! This tattooed babe knows how to enjoy life and she only thinks about being fucked. So while we are talking about, this slutty doesn’t stop to touching her hairy pussy, so I please her as a gentleman does, I bring to the action a vibrator to keeping satisfy her until I introduce my hard cock in her warm and wet cunt, this kinky doll is just lust and she receives what she deserves a hot cum all over her...

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The EscortChapter 5 The Computer Nerd

At seven Sunday evening John returned home from his trip. A big hug and a fairly passionate kiss led me to believe that things might just be looking up. That hope was dashed all to hell when we sat down to dinner. Right after "Would you pass the potato's please" he hit me with: "So have you gotten over the foolishness about getting a job?" "No John, as a matter of fact I haven't. I started working for Acme Temporary Placement Services on Wednesday." "I told you that I did not want...

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The Landlady Dropping By

I headed home after completing my assignments at the university. It was evening by the time I reached my apartment; would have been home sooner if not for traffic. I entered the place; all pitched black and could barely see my hand in front of my face. I locked the door and turned on the lights where I noticed some clothes on the carpeted floor that didn't belong to me. I also realized I wasn't alone. "Welcome home", she said, seductively.Mrs. Tate or Sandy as she prefers laid on the couch...

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Private Kris The Foxx Intimate Teen Fuck

Brunette, tattoos and sexy, these only one thing that comes to mind when we hear those three words and it’s of course none other than Private beauty Kris the Foxx who returns today in Private Specials, Adorable Teens 4 for an intimate fuck with her man Willy Regal. Don’t miss any of the action on where this stunner wastes no time getting hot and horny with her man, offering up her pussy for taste before getting on her knees for a hot blowjob and then enjoying an intense fuck...

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Brenda Meets her Master Part II

Part II Hand in hand, they walked through the airport, him leading of course. Her Master. Her Sir. She saw the slot machines, which always surprised her, and wondered which way her luck was going. What would good luck mean? What wicked things did he have planned? Ripples of nervousness and excitement pulsed through her body, and she could feel her thighs shaking as she walked. She already loved his touch–the feel of his hand, and the strength there. What would his hands feel like on her ass?...

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