Butler No MoreChapter 8
- 4 years ago
- 28
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“Right, that is a date then, but first things first. I need to see your feet to get a few photos from various angles. I have to send them to The Personalia, so they can do their planning for the work.”
“I need to take off my tights, sergeant...”
“Of course. I should have thought. Please make use of my toilet room, through that door.”
Jessie went off to remove her tights, and returned wearing only her shoes, slightly self-consciously. Bob got her to sit and take off her shoes. She did so, straightening her skirt before she slowly slipped off the pair and moved them to the side.
Bob picked up her phone from the desk and came round to point the camera lens at her feet. He took a picture of both feet together, then each individual foot. He noticed that she had a double big toe on each foot.
He got down on his knees, and said to her, “Jessie, I have to take close-ups of each foot. Would you lift each foot in turn, so I can do that?”
“I am so embarrassed, sergeant!”
“Would you be more embarrassed if I mentioned that you have nice legs, Jessie?”
Startled, she looked down at her legs, as if seeing them for the first time. “You think I have nice legs?” She definitely forgot about her feet for a moment.
Bob spoke slowly, “Well, your legs are nice, as far as I can see them. If you were to lift your skirt up a bit, I might see if the upper leg is just as attractive.”
She stared at her legs, then at him. She edged her hem up a bit further, but well away from the pantie level. “What do you think, sergeant?” The she suddenly twigged that he was flirting with her, and held her breath, unsure of her next move.
Bob took some shots of her foot, than asked her to switch to the other foot. In so doing, her skirt lifted higher, and she was certain he got a flash of her panties. However, he made no comment, and simply took more photographs.
As he completed the pictures, he murmured, “Nice legs indeed. When you are happy with your feet, I want to see you in a bathing suit.” He smiled gleefully.
“Sergeant, I am now sure that you are flirting with me. Why are you doing so?”
“Well, Jessie, initially I wanted to distract you, but I find that you are an attractive girl, and so I just WANT to flirt with you, as I find you desirable. Will you forgive me for being so forward?”
Jessie became aware that this was the first time she had allowed a man to flirt with her, ever! Previously, she had been so conscious of her deformed feet that she made sure no-one would flirt with her. Her childhood had been full of hurtful comments from other children about her excess toes. She had never been asked out by a boy, often because she tried to deter them if they didn’t know her. The ones she knew would have never dared to ask her, as she was deformed.
“Ah, well, you see...” she became more sure of herself, “Sergeant Henrison, I forgive you.”
“Please, Jessie, in private, just call me Bob. My title is right for public use, to maintain discipline with everyone, but between you and me, in private, it is just Bob and Jessie, Okay?”
“Sergeant ... I mean, Bob, does this mean you want to flirt more with me?”
“Naturally. I am hoping that once your feet are restored to normal, that you will allow me to court you until you can decide what I should be for you, long term.”
“Wow. I don’t know what to say.”
“Then simply wait until the operation is over. You will be able to think clearly, without distractions worrying you. We can take it easy, and just go out once, to see how you like it, and how you like me.”
“I like that idea, Bob.”
“Good. Now I have to get these images sent to The Personalia, right away. Just hang on where you are while I do that. Don’t run off, Jessie.”
“No, sergeant. Bob.”
Bob keyed the link that John had given him for The Personalia. Getting through, he reported, “I have the images of Janet Terry’s feet for you. Can I send them now?”
“Please do, Sergeant Robert Henrison.”
He set them for transmission, and in a few seconds they had been sent. The Personalia voice said, “Fourteen images received. Is that the correct amount?”
“It is. Thank you for your helping Jessie – Janet Terry. It is good of you.”
“Please regard it as another experiment in the use of nanomachines for human medical interventions. We get a lot of data out of the procedure, so it is valuable for us as well as for the patient.”
Bob questioned, “From the photos, can you determine her shoe size for after the operation?”
“Certainly. Size seven appears to be the one you want. There are only minor variations between the left and right feet.”
They went through the routine of closing the call, then Bob returned his attention to the girl. “Jessie, that is the first step in your operation. The Personalia will work out how best to remove your extra big toes. From what I learned from the Major, the nanos dismantle the extra flesh and bone, and redeposit it elsewhere, such that you will not notice any difference apart from having only one big toe on each foot.
As Kathleen was able to walk almost immediately after a similar procedure, I expect you will be back to walking right away.”
“Oh, thank you sergeant ... Bob. I am now looking forward to this. I just wait while my feet change to normal feet?”
“Correct. I was told that the patient has to remain more or less still, to allow the nanos to operate efficiently, so I think you will be forced to remain in bed or in a comfy chair during the procedure, but your feet have to remain unmoving. That will be the awkward bit for you. I have no idea of the length of time for the operation, but if they can rebuild a pelvis in a couple of days, removing a couple of toes should be a snip – although there will be no snipping involved!”
“So I will have to be strapped down for hours?”
“Your feet will have to be, I expect. How they will do that, I don’t know. I shouldn’t think the Colony will have that sort of equipment.”
“So, when will all this happen, s... – Bob?”
“Soon, I suppose. Someone will let us know. You will probably need to have a relative or friend to help with all your stuff – clothes, shoes, and so on. I will get you a pair of shoes to start you off, but I will tell the shop you might have to change them.”
“The Lownie Stores, you mean. There is no dedicated shoe shop in the colony yet, but the Lownie Stores have a reputation for helpfulness. That’s why they have no real competition yet. Oh, and I have no relatives here, and damn few friends either. Who do you think I could ask?”
Bob Henrison pursed his lips, and then declared, “Why not ask Kathleen Malone? She has been through a similar medical event, so she knows what to expect. She will have a lot of sympathy for your position.”
Jessie pondered, “Or perhaps Catherine Freeman? She is younger than me but seems to be very competent from what I hear.”
“Whichever suits you best, Jessie. Go away and think about it, and tell me later. I’ll deal with the rest of the setting up.”
When he tried to call the Major, the phone was engaged. After several tries, he eventually got through.
“Major, I sent the pics to The Personalia. I am going to order new shoes for Jessie, to wear after the operation, so it would be useful to know the date of the operation. She is also thinking about a supporting person at the time of the operation. I suggested Kathleen, and Jessie suggested your wife Catherine, so she’s thinking about who to ask.”
“Thanks for the update, Sergeant. I have just had The Personalia on the phone, telling me that our house kit should be delivered to the site tomorrow. I will have to inform our builders that they can start anytime now. That means the new house is part of our schedule for weeks ahead, as well as our marriage to Kathleen. It might make it tricky for both Catherine and Kathleen to be with your Jessie for the operation, but that is just my opinion. Tell her she can ask anyway, whichever one she wants to assist her.”
Kathleen Malone also got a call from The Personalia, to say that her parents had made their arrangements to migrate to the Colony. “We have their flight schedules fixed as far as Ascension Island, and we are preparing to make two seats available on the first available Landership once they get to the Island. We shall inform you as soon as possible to confirm their arrival time at the Colony, Kathleen Malone.”
Kathleen hurried to tell the Freemans about this news.
The Personalia had new information that they were anxious to pass on. The Governor got a call from them.
“Governor, you should be aware that a deputation is on its way to this colony.”
“Oh? Why haven’t they told me?”
“That is not clear, Governor, but we note that several of the deputation show as military men on various databases. You surely don’t need military advice for the colony?”
“Thanks you. That is interesting data. Apart from the military men, what others are part of the deputation?”
“One of them is a politician from America who appears to be linked to the White House staff. Another is a Russian senior politician, and the last is a Foreign Affairs minister from Europe. The booking for the deputation was not made as a block booking, but as individual visitors, but we see so few visitors of that type that the group were quickly identifiable as a deputation. Because they were not declaring themselves as a group, we considered their visit suspect.”
“Excellent. The Personalia are learning the ways of men, I can see. Keep me posted on these personnel, and I will make my own preparations.”
As soon as he was off the phone, Bob Kempe called in his advisers for a discussion. He looked around at the men, and his wife Diane, and gave them a brief summary of what he knew. “I am open to advice as to what is happening and why; and what we should do about it.”
The response he got was cautious but careful. One of the men said, “Sir, until they arrive and show their hand, we should not take any overt action towards them, BUT we should make plans to deal with them according to what they come up with.”
Another said, “We can take comfort in that they are not coming to us armed to the teeth. Their weapons are words, so what would they want to say to us that should concern us?”
Diane interposed, “They will either try to browbeat us into agreeing with some military idea that we don’t want; or they will have some kind of political plan to remove some authority from us. Do we have any idea of what data they might be working from; what intel?”
The head of Administration opined, “What data they have about the colony is not accurate, for we have a policy of downgrading all assessments of our capabilities – military, economic, and social. Therefore they will be underestimating us at every level. Diplomatically, this will put them at a disadvantage.”
The Director of Finance added, “A similar situation exists as regards our finances. We do not issue facts about our import and export figures, so that we appear in their records as being a loss-making colony. This has advantages in getting them to continue supporting us, so we should be careful not to disabuse them of that notion.”
Bob returned to the military topic. “Why do you think they are sending military men? They ought to be aware that The Personalia are our protection force, so that invasion is not a remote possibility. Add to that, our citizenry are not armed as a rule, and also not unhappy with the way the colony is run, so insurrection is an impossibility in my estimation.”
The Admin man chuckled, “And no-one wants your job, Governor; you can keep it!”
At this remark, Bob’s face took on a serious look. “On that point, is there any chance that they hope to remove me and install a new Governor from Earth?”
Diane responded, “Governor, as your Head of the Security Services, I can tell you that any such attempt would fall flat, as it would not be accepted by our population, nor by the Security Department forces. You may have your faults, and as your wife I KNOW you have your faults, but you are OUR Governor, and not Earth’s Governor. Our people see that your mission is to benefit the Colony, first and foremost, so no attempt to impose a new Governor from Earth would succeed. In fact, I would be surprised if The Personalia gave any transport facility to such an appointee.”
One of the others grinned and said, “It would be difficult to be declared the Governor and not be able to ever arrive here!”
That cause a bit of laughter. Bob cut it off with a comment, “I think we need to know a bit more about these military men. I believe in knowing my enemy. Are you all happy that I ask The Personalia for such Intel?”
As expected, there was unanimous approval for that option, and the meeting broke up after Bob reminded them to keep this news quiet for now.
After they had left, Bob phoned The Personalia and explained what information he sought. He was shocked at the response he got.
“Governor, we have been doing further research on human behaviour, and wish to offer advice to you.”
He almost stuttered, “What? What advice?”
“In order to obtain intelligence on their intentions, you need to collect it in an underhand way. Examining your available human talents, we suggest that you employ Major Freeman as a ‘trainee’ butler, and imply that he is not very bright – that you are trying to find a job for his limited intellect.
If he manages to put that idea over, he may be able to listen-in to their conversations, and amass sufficient data to ascertain their true intentions. Do you think such a scheme warrants implementation?”
Bob spluttered, “It sounds a great idea! I was already planning to have him at the Governor’s mansion to impress the visitors, but your suggestion is better. I had thought of having him here for a day beforehand, so that he can become familiar with the mansion and what is where, so that he won’t slip-up, but really, it is better if he DOES get things wrong; it will add veracity to his performance.”
“That sounds an excellent plan, Governor. Do you wish their arrival to be tomorrow or the next day? We can amend their schedule to suit, telling them that their Landership has a technical problem, so is not in place at the right time. Military men are used to snafus, we believe.”
“The day after tomorrow would be best, I think. I have to call in Major Freeman and get him up to speed on the task.”
“In that case, Governor, you should get his wedding rescheduled; it is that day.”
“Damn! Right, I’ll get on to it.”
He closed his phone, and redialed for the local clergyman. Getting him on the line, he said, “Pastor, You have a Freeman-Terry wedding scheduled for the day after tomorrow. I can’t release Major Freeman until after that date, so can you find an excuse for rescheduling, please? Let him know today, a.s.a.p., please”
The clergyman knew who kept him in a job, and replied, “Will do, Governor. Perhaps an inadvertent double booking. We can offer a free replacement date shortly after.”
“That sounds perfect, pastor. Do that, please.”
Bob now wanted to occupy himself for a little while, clearing his appointments book for the next two days. He phoned the Admin Department, getting the Head.
“Bob Kempe here. I have been warned that we are getting an important delegation from Earth in a couple of days, and I need to prepare for them. Please reschedule my appointments to after that time, or deal with some of them yourself if that is more convenient. Okay?”
“Certainly, Governor. Your immediate priority task requires your attention, so all other appointments have to take second place. They will understand, sir.”
“Thanks and Bye.”
He closed the call, and made a new one to Diane next.
“Diane? Emergency rearrangement of duties. We are having a delegation from Earth in a couple of days, and they are top heavy on military brass. I need your help with dealing with them. Planning conference at home this afternoon, please.”
“Damn it, Bob! I had plans ... no, it is fine. I will change them. It will be good practice for my subordinates, having to take over at short notice. See you at lunch, then.”
Next, he rang Ruth, his other wife.
“Ruth, lunch at home today, and a planning conference afterwards. We have a bunch of interfering Earthmen arriving in two days, and we need to prepare. Clear your schedule for the next two days, please.”
“Can do. It is a quiet day at the office here, thank goodness.”
Bob reckoned the pastor should have delivered his bad news by now, so rang Major Freeman’s number.
“Ah, Major. This is the Governor. Can we have your presence at my home this afternoon at 2 o’clock for a planning meeting. It has a military flavour, so you should find it interesting. I shall need you acting as our butler the day after, while we deal with a delegation from Earth. Can do?”
“Curiously, yes I can. The church has had to reschedule our wedding to Kathleen due to some foul-up with their bookings, so I am free. Today and tomorrow are okay. I’ll be there at two, sir.”
“Good man. I’ll explain more at the meeting.”
John Freeman closed his phone and pondered to himself, “Odd. The wedding gets postponed, than the Governor needs me at precisely the time now freed. Coincidence? I think not. However, I’d better inform all three girls of the change. Kathleen’s folks are due today, so I think the three girls should meet them and try a charm offensive.”
He turned to the congregation. “Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr John Freeman and the two Mrs Freeman. You may applaud.” After a burst of handclapping, he gestured to John to proceed. John offered an arm to each of his brides, and they paraded down the centre aisle to the front door of the chapel. Once they had exited, the pastor told the hearers, “A buffet and drinks are available outside, provided it is still dry. If it gets wet, we move to the canteen. The happy trio wish to meet you...
Zoals ik in mijn vorige verhaal al had geschreven gaf mijn meester mij voldoende vrije tijd om ook ergens anders aan de slag te gaan. Naar aanleiding van het vorige verhaal werd ik via Xhamster benadert of ik niet ook 1 avond een butler dienst kon draaien. Nu doe ik dat gratis mits het maar gezellig ;-) wordt. Dus waren het al snel met elkaar eens.Op het afgesproken tijdstip belde ik aan. Een man deed open en nodigde mij uit om binnen te komen. Ik kreeg een plek in de keuken aangewezen en hij...
Rob and I started talking online back in 2000 he liked my wife's pictures. Rob suggested we get together and meet. His wife and my wife, and us guys. so we set up a time. and met at a local hotel. the couple Rob and C were into the lifestyle a lot longer than My wife and I. They were both very attractive. I could see my wife was horny for them both. we had a couple of drinks and it didn't take long for the girls to get undressed. C was gorgeous. nice trimmed kitty Rob cut cock thick and much...
I returned to my humble abode with a letter in my bag offering me a job, subject to successful completion of butler training. I will not bore you with a description of my training. Suffice it to say that I found the tough tasks easy, and some simple tasks extremely difficult to take on board. The teaching staff hammered me with insistent enthusiasm, declaiming that a butler was the best of jobs, and one that merited the highest standards in the name of that profession. They also boosted my...
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I escorted the sergeant to join his almost scowling boss, and showed them both to the door, while Dawes pointedly stood at his study door to observe the departure at a distance. I said farewell to the policemen, and closed the front door. Turning round, I raised an eyebrow in query to Mr Dawes. He gestured towards the study, and I nodded. When we had both entered, he closed the door, then exploded. “That cop, Jeeves? He was an insufferable popinjay, with his innuendos and snide remarks. I...
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Breakfast seemed a trifle unreal, with Mr Dawes not present. Mrs Dawes and Miss Catherine also seemed to be uneasy, so as the ladies prepared to leave the table, I came along to ask, “Mrs Dawes, have you any plans for yourself or Miss Catherine to visit Mr Dawes?” “What?” She seemed unsure of herself. Catherine chipped in, “I would like to visit Daddy, and cheer him up if possible, Mummy.” “Oh? Well, if you want to, my dear, I suppose Jeeves could take you, but I want Jeeves to remain with...
“Thank you, Chef. You certainly pay attention; despite being stuck in the kitchen for most of the time.” “Mr. Jeeves, that young lady visits me here from time to time, and we chat. She is an interesting young woman, for a teenager.” “I am sure you are right, Chef. Thank you for the information.” I retreated and headed for the back door. Passing a window, I looked out at the weather, and saw it was bright and sunny, fine for a walk in the gardens without an overcoat. Going out the door, I...
“No. Seriously. If the police have had other complaints, they may have investigated and identified the culprit. Would you be averse to me calling the police about the matter? If I can get Sergeant Blenkinsop, it might be handled with sympathy, Mr. Jones.” “Well, if you feel like doing so.” “What was the item concerned?” It was a subscription to a group of places – gym, hotels, restaurants, that gave you ten per cent off if you were a subscriber. We just don’t ever use these places,...
“I am about to ring the company, sir, to make such an arrangement.” “Right. Permission granted for her to go with you. She will be safe with you, but you might not be safe with her, Jeeves. You can take the car to the station, by the way, as she is with you.” “Thank you, sir. I am aware of all possibilities, and am prepared, sir.” “Finished, then?” “Indeed sir. Thank you for listening. I shall get back to my duties now.” As soon as I had the table cleared and everything put away, I...
Jones seemed pensive. He remarked, “I haven’t bothered to consider if I am doing the best for myself; not for a long time. I should really do my own review of my work, like your company did with you, Jeeves.” “A good idea, Mr. Jones. Now, I had best get back to my own work.” “Right enough, Jeeves. I think I need to do another review of the CCTV camera coverage.” “An excellent endeavour, if you don’t mind me saying so. Good security is essential. Farewell for now.” The next few days were...
Miss Frobisher, I thought. Now, THERE is a puzzle. If the records are accurate, she is still employed as a police constable, in an undercover capacity. Presumably, she is looking into the activities of Mr John Dawes. That gives me some inkling of a background to her attitude of being socially uncooperative. Historically, where undercover police got too involved with the people they were investigating, this undermined the validity of their work, so nowadays they are more circumspect. I think...
“All right. How long will you be?” “He said ten minutes, but who knows? Depends on where he is taking me. I hope it is not a dungeon and a cosh!” He laughed, delightedly. “You should be so lucky!” He concluded, “Have fun.” I went out the front door, and pulled the Yale lock shut behind me, then walked with the sergeant to the back door of the car. We both got in, and the driver took us back to the street. As soon as we were on the road, the sergeant said, “If anyone asks later, I wanted...
The ring back call arrived the next day. Miss Frobisher rang me to say that there was a call for me, from my company. “Thank you, Miss Frobisher. I shall take it now.” I answered, “Jeeves here. Can I help you?” “This is Jeeves and Company. In response to your earlier request, we have been able to engage the services of a valuer who will accede to the restrictive conditions required for this task. He asks for an extra ten per cent on top of his usual fee for such a service. We assume Mr....
“Jennifer mentioned that she had seen you with Miss Catherine, and that there seemed to be something between you. Jennifer may be young, but she is acutely conscious of personal interactions that she sees. She was concerned for you, Jeeves. Be careful of any social entanglements, is all I will say.” “Why, Mrs. Hargreaves! Nothing has transpired other than some minor banter between us. There is no need for concern, as far as I can see.” “That may be the case from your viewpoint, Jeeves, but...
“That is so. My fellow wife seems to be happily married to my husband.” “Oh? You have a triple marriage yourself?” “Indeed. Our colony has its own laws, and one of these sets no limits on spouses, as long as all involved are happy with the situation. They have to sign an affidavit to that effect before the marriage can take place. Still interested? “I have to consult with my ladies before I can answer that, ma’am.” “Wise decision, sergeant. Do so now.” Catherine was looking at John with...
“Welcome aboard this Landership. I am your pilot, but I am also your spaceship, so you will not see me. The ship will be taking off shortly, and we will begin our trip like an aeroplane, using the ship’s aerofoil attributes to rise through the atmosphere. At an appropriate point on our journey, our rockets will be engaged and we will push up into orbit around your home planet. There, we will rendezvous with a larger ship, and you will transfer to it for the next stage of your journey. I will...
Between the three of them, their enquiries revealed the man they had to see. It turned out to be a middle-aged woman! They asked to speak to Mrs Turnbull, and were directed to a desk to wait for her. She was dealing with another matter but would be back shortly. She was. Catherine had asked John if she could do the asking. “If I seem like a young girl needing her parents to be here, perhaps we will get a better response,” she told him. John smiled at the subterfuge, and gave his assent....
“I was told it was a Kathleen Malone. Rank, I am not sure; it wasn’t mentioned and I neglected to ask.” “Ah,” John said knowledgeably. “Kathleen? She is a disabled lady, so let’s not be too harsh on her, Elizabeth.” “What? You know her?” “Not really. Colonel Kempe asked me to sort out a different fitness test for her, because of her disability. I got that task transferred to you, my love.” “Eh? You passed a job to me, did you? And you still expect to make love with me tonight, do you? Are...
“We cannot understand this treatment of fellow humans. If one of the Personalia has difficulties of any sort, the rest of us rectify the situation as an obligation to each other. We always know we can depend on one another.” John responded, “I don’t propose to defend my fellow humans. I merely admit that we do not always act logically.” “Weird, but that is humanity, we agree. Oh, I should mention that we have found a link between the Colonel and the Corporal. They have a genealogical...
Next day, as they ate a cooked breakfast in the canteen, Catherine said to John and Elizabeth, “If I am to see all the stars in the images The Personalia are sending me, I need to view them at a larger scale. The best way of doing that is getting a projector I can connect my phone to, and then project the images on to a blank wall.” She also needed a decent-sized room in which to project these images. This was essential, to give her a large enough scale that every star in each image could be...
Nurse Sanquhar helped Kathleen to get on the hospital bed, which had a body shape fitted on top, to ensure that Kathleen was in the correct position for the procedure. Next, she proceeded to rearrange the gown to expose the injection site, covering up the rest of Kathleen’s immediate body with a couple of towels. The Doctor had meantime busied himself with checking the instruments. The nurse told him when she was ready, and he turned round to observe the patient. “Excellent, Nurse. We should...
“Good morning, Mrs Catherine Freeman. Kathleen Malone’s treatment proceeds as planned. It has reached 71 per cent complete, and all appears satisfactory. We anticipate completion at about 11.37 a.m. Was that all?” “That is all. Thank you and goodbye.” Rather than wake her spouses unnecessarily, she went through to the kitchen to make breakfast; mostly cereal and coffee. She scoffed the cereal hungrily, and sat at the table sipping her instant coffee, thinking about her new life in a...
“Catherine, I have to get well enough to return to work. John and Elizabeth are both senior to me in the department, so I have to show willing.” “Quite so, Kathleen dear, but from what I can understand, you can take as much time off as you need to get fully back to normal. The Colony expects you to be conscientious about your work responsibilities, but they also want you to be fully fit, so you are an efficient and reliable worker. I like the concept of everyone working to do their best...
“Pardon?” John did not understand what was sought. “Is it a boneless nub, or a completely functional toe? Is is pre-axial or post-axial? In other words, which side of the foot has the extra digit, assuming it is not one of the more central digits? The big toe side or the opposite side?” “Umm ... I don’t know. Bob Henrison didn’t tell me. I doubt he knows, himself. He might be happy to clarify this for you. Shall I ask him?” “Please do. It will determine what we might be able to do. If...
Mr Jeeves, I am going to pass to you in confidence a little knowledge of our investigations. The lawyer is telling us that Mrs Dawes’ former husband was instrumental in the forgery. He apparently was persuaded to assist, in an apparent apology for planting listening devices on his ex-wife.” “Of course!” I exclaimed. “The listening devices were in the car that he provided as part of the divorce settlement. We only discovered them recently, and had to conclude they were installed at his...
“Don’t take it too literally, Jeeves. I am merely considering emergency measures at this time.” “Very well, Miss Frobisher. I shall look out for you, should it prove necessary.” She smiled sweetly at me. “That sounds fine, Jeeves. Can we leave it at that, for now?” “We can. You got the inventory data installed on the office computer?” “I did that; including the section you left password-protected. I take it Mr. Dawes will have access?” “He has, and can alter the password to suit...
By the time I handed in the tray at the kitchen, there was more information on the TV news. By now, other cardboard boxes stuffed with bubble-wrap had been opened to reveal more artefacts, to the delight of the museum. As each item was revealed, it was laid on a foam mat on a cloth-covered folding table that had been hurriedly obtained. It was then quickly photographed, before being carried into the British Museum in triumph by a member of staff. I snorted at these antics, to the dismay of...
The valuer returned, “Exactly what I was thinking! My mind is wondering whether there are tiles behind this wood panelling. Having expensive tiles in the basement only makes sense to my mind if the upper corridor were similarly tiled to at least the same standard.” I excused myself for a couple of minutes while I phoned for the planned pickup of our valuer. The Jeeves on the other end promised to be there in about half an hour. I returned to Mister valuer and told him when he would be...
I volunteered, “I am sure that the final appearance will make the whole house look good, Miss Catherine. You have a lovely Victorian residence, if I may say so, ma’am. The dark panelling appears to have been introduced in 1901, as a sign of mourning at the death of Her Imperial Majesty, Queen Victoria.” “Really? That’s cool, Jeeves. How did you work that out?” “A combination of factors, Miss. The tiles appear to be from the ceramic works of William De Morgan, a noted Victorian potter and...
“If it suits you, miss, this morning would be admirable. I can ask Miss Frobisher to come along as a chaperone.” “Chaperone? For me? Or for you, Jeeves?” “Either, Miss Catherine. May I go and speak to her now?” “All right, then. Try to set it up for an hour from now. That will give me time to tidy my bedroom before you invade it.” I found my way to Miss Frobisher’s office, and tapped on the door. She answered it, and I said, “Miss F, I propose to use Miss Catherine’s telescope mounting...
I needed to get some research done on the history of this house. Jeeves and Company should be able to work on that, once I got a chance to ask them. Time I was doing another trip to the charity shop. What I might do is go there with the excuse of looking for a camera tripod of my own. That might appear a genuine reason for going out. I would bring it up tomorrow morning. Once breakfast was over and the table cleared, I approached Mr Dawes as he retreated to his study. “Sir?” “Yes,...
The young Crown Prince Mustapha, when he was still only nine years old, and back in Kobekistan for his English school's Easter holidays, gave his father, His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live forever and have many sons, pause for thought when he said, "You know, Father, your super Golden Palace lacks only one thing." "And what might that be, O my disrespectful son?" His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah asked. "A butler. You need a Jeeves. You really should...
There were only two people interviewing him, one the Ambassador and the other was introduced as His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever. The Emir opened the proceedings by saying, "Thank you for joining us today; I want nothing to interfere with our discussion here, so please do not attempt to use the correct formal honorific; feel free to call me 'sir'. We already know a great deal about you, so perhaps it would be better if you were to interview us?" "Thank...
Promptly at four the following day a Rolls-Royce arrived to take Robinson to the airport. He had had to be firm with his wife and had simply told her that this was a second interview and that he was minded to take the job if it could be arranged. When she protested he remembered the Emir's words, "The whip is our standard form of punishment for slaves, and is available to correct recalcitrant concubines, or even wives." He might avail himself of that, or at least a slipper, if she proved...
When the time came to go to Paris, the Emir's plans had changed and Robinson was booked on a scheduled flight, where he was treated as a VIP passenger and given a secluded cabin within the first class area of the Air Kobekistan jumbo jet. Shortly after take-off a stewardess joined him in the cabin and calmly stripped herself of all her uniform except her shoes and cap. "I am here for the Master's pleasure, to serve all his wants," she said, "I understand you have not flown with us...
The following day the Chief Eunuch arrived in Robinson's quarters with a woman in an abaya. "This is Thurayya, a present from the Emir," the old eunuch explained, "to replace the ones you rejected." The woman removed her abaya and stood naked with her head bowed and her feet apart, waiting for further orders. Robinson looked her over and walked slowly round her, She was olive-skinned with long shiny black hair, the typical Arab idea of beauty, well, even abundantly, fleshed and about...
After studying the operation of the Golden Palace for a few days, Robinson approached the Emir with a request. "Sir, I would like to put another lock on the Wine Cellar door," he said. The Emir was surprised by this request and commented, "All the doors are electronic. Only you and I, and anyone else we nominate, can get in through that door." "Sir, I am a cautious man. If the electronic lock were somehow subverted I would like to think that the door would still not open. I suggest a...
Whish ... THWACK! The Chief Eunuch lashed hard at the woman's shoulders with his dog whip as the Emir walked out of the Throne Room. The first to take the opportunity of using the woman was Major Fahd Ahkras who rubbed at the blackening mark across her shoulders as he fucked her arse. This made her cry out in further pain. The Chief Eunuch turned to Robinson and said, "Would you like to participate here? I recommend doing so now, as she will be torn and unresponsive by the time of the...
Robinson had settled in to a routine, and had attended the Emir each breakfast and for several dinners, mostly alone or with some of his advisors, when he was told that he would preside over the serving of dinner again, and that there would be the Emir's two English wives present. He supervised the mise-à-table and was satisfied that all was perfection. He then took his station behind the Emir's chair and waited. "You must be the Princess Alima, ma'am," said Robinson, bowing, as an...
After three weeks of working in the Golden Palace, Robinson again sought the advice of the Chief Eunuch. "If I want my wife to come from England, how do I arrange that?" "I suggest that you go and fetch her," said the old eunuch, "If you speak to Kamal Qumsiyeh he will arrange the journey." The Head of Protocol was as helpful as he could be. "Will three day's time be suitable?" he asked, "The Emir will be away for a couple of days and so you will not be needed here. I can...
It was a week before Caroline raised the question she had been wondering about. She had not really realised why the concubines were in the same accommodation as them, but assumed they were other employees. She had her own room and Robinson implied that this was for her comfort if he was working late. He had told her that the courtyard was theirs to use, and when she had investigated it she found that there were no entrances other than from their suite. He had also explained that the man in...
"What I require is someone newly graduated from your school, male, preferably an older student with some experience outside college before coming on your course," the butler said to the Principal of London's leading private college specialising in the training of senior domestic staff for the nobility, "He will be my deputy here at the Golden Palace in Kobek in the service of His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever." "It would be illegal for us to discriminate...
At one of the dinners for the Emir and his wives, there was a telephone call for the Emir just before the dessert was served. During dinner he had been sucked by both of his wives, and the evening was clearly going to follow the usual course of such evenings, ending with some sexual games during and after coffee and liqueurs. Tonight was different; after the telephone call, the Emir said that he had to go and deal with a problem, and would be an hour or two. "You finish your dinners. I'm...
After dinner one evening, when the Emir had dined alone, he seemed disposed to chat to Robinson, and they discussed the latest rugby and cricket news, despairing of England's ability to finish any match off, having put themselves in a winning position early on. "I do find Kobekistan a little boring at times," said the Emir, "Just one long round of problems which people claim only the Emir can solve." "Surely there are some compensations, Sir," ventured the butler. "Oh, yes," said...
The dinner for the Emir was a great success, and Robinson and Caroline chatted with the Emir as though they were at table in England. Alzubra had high hopes that she would be offered to the Emir, but she was not called into her Master's presence. Robinson had not bothered to tell his wife the full purpose of the Emir's visit, and when the formal dinner finished they all rose, she thought for the Emir to leave. "We will now go into the bedroom, if it pleases my Master," said Robinson to...
Later, in the privacy of her own room, Caroline went over the evening's occurrences and could not believe how aroused she had been by the whole episode. 'My husband watched another man bugger me, and it excited him, and me, ' she mused, 'Then he whipped me, properly, and that just turned me on more. I must be a slut, and a loose woman. My mother must be turning in her grave. I'm sure she never had anyone but my father.' If Caroline had but known it, her mother, who had been a...
A week later an abaya shrouded figure again entered his bedroom as he was about to go to bed. Thinking this was a return visit by Ayda, and looking forward to another pleasant interlude with her, he hastened to help her remove her all concealing garment, only to be faced with the nude body of Ayda's daughter, the Princess Alima. "But ... but..." he stammered. "That's a nice welcome, I must say," replied the Princess, "Yes. I am here to be the delight of your night tonight. Am I so...
At breakfast, Caroline asked nonchalantly, "Which of the concubines did you use last night?" "Mind your own business," her husband replied, "You should know better than to ask personal questions about matters which do not concern you." "I only ask because none of the women were missing at midnight when we were having a quiet game of whist," she replied, "And there was a rumour that you were visited by someone from the Emir's harem." "As I said, it is no business of yours what...
The Emir had one of his occasional dinners with his two wives, and Robinson wondered whether the attitude of any of the three Royals would be different, since this was the first such occasion since he had slept with each of the Emir's wives. All proceeded normally until the Emir signalled for Alima to suck his prick as he ate. Naturally she performed this task with all the enthusiasm she normally showed and the Emir clearly enjoyed it. Then Alima passed a remark quietly to her mother, which...
About five years after Robinson had taken up his post as butler to His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah, a small war started against the neighbouring Khanate of Tirfil. The new Khan, formerly Prince Habib, had allowed more and more incursions across the border, raiding villages, mostly for livestock but with a few women also being stolen. Things came to a head when a complete village was razed to the ground and its male inhabitants slaughtered. A few escaped and they confirmed what the...
Robinson was fucking Charlotte one afternoon when he finally decided that she really wasn't any good as a concubine. All the rest of his women were either happy to be in a harem, because that was the only life they knew, or had, at least, learned to enjoy it as his wife had. All of the others were grateful to be in his bed from time to time; indeed they vied for the privilege. This Charlotte obeyed him, but that was all. She never tried to catch his eye, and it was clear she thought that...