Geluk bij een Ongeluk
- 3 years ago
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by Minds_Eye© Het was een lang, saaie dag geweest het kantoor. Ik had me de hele dag bezig gehouden met allerlei klusjes die niet echt dringend waren, en waar ik me dus wat halfslachtig vanaf had gemaakt. Een beetje duf daardoor kwam ik thuis, en daar kreeg ik een behoorlijke verassing voor mijn kiezen. De gordijnen waren dicht. Ik stapte binnen en mijn blik viel op de mooi gedekte tafel. Kaarslicht, wijn glazen, tweedelig bestek…Ik kreunde zachtjes in mezelf. Niet van genot, maar meestal als...
by Minds_Eye©Het was een lang, saaie dag geweest het kantoor. Ik had me de hele dag bezig gehouden met allerlei klusjes die niet echt dringend waren, en waar ik me dus wat halfslachtig vanaf had gemaakt. Een beetje duf daardoor kwam ik thuis, en daar kreeg ik een behoorlijke verassing voor mijn kiezen.De gordijnen waren dicht. Ik stapte binnen en mijn blik viel op de mooi gedekte tafel. Kaarslicht, wijn glazen, tweedelig bestek...Ik kreunde zachtjes in mezelf. Niet van genot, maar meestal als...
Ik ben Pamela. 23 jaar jong, geil en bloed mooi (tenminste dat is wat ze van me zeggen). Ik vindt het heerlijk me sexy en uitdagend te kleden. Of beter nog, dat te dragen wat mijn date me opdraagt. Daarna mag je mij verrassen zonder me eerst te vertellen wat me daarna te wachten staat. Om te starten: Ik stap net uit de douche mijn slaapkamer in en lees nogmaals het briefje dat ik vanmorgen vond. Daar staan duidelijke instructies in over hoe ik me moet kleden vandaag en wat ik daarna moet doen....
Omdat je er nooit meer bent als ik toevallig in de buurt ben en jij er was als ik net weg was schrijf ik je nu maar een avontuurtje die we jammer genoeg niet samen hebben kunnen vieren....... Kusssssssssssssssssssssss Ik mis je enorm grote zus en zeker afgelopen donderdag. De opkomende zon schijnt altijd op mijn slaapkamerraam die ik donker houd met een verduisteringsgordijn en donderdagochtend voelde ik al aan de temperatuur in bed dat het een mooie ochtend was. Nog half slaperig onder mijn...
Mature***Een hels ritje....*** De 18-jarige Tony staat te liften bij de afrit van een truckstop langs een drukke verkeersweg, ergens in Frankrijk. Telkens als een truck de baan weer opgaat steekt hij zijn duim op. Reeds bij de vijfde truck krijgt hij 'n lift naar het zuiden. Tot hier is hij met de trein gereist. Om geld te sparen is hij uitgestapt om de rest van het traject te liften. Hij mag voor de eerste keer alleen op vakantie en zijn ouders stonden er op dat hij op een veilige manier...
We gaan even wandelen in de avond, met de gedachte tussen de buien door maar dat kon toch net niet. Ik had er totaal niet op gerekend, meestal doet mijn vrouw leuke (niet te sexy maar wel easy acces) aan als we erop uitgaan met een mogelijkheid tot wie weet wat.... Gisteren dus niet, joggingbroek, dikke trui je kent het wel, huiselijk. Onderweg op nog geen 10 min van huis kregen we de bui der buien over ons heen. Nog snel poging tot schuilen gedaan onder een kapschuur bij een boer. Half nat van...
Ik ben een leraar op een kleine dames universiteit voor Sport en Beweging. En als ik 1 ding heb geleerd van mijn vak is dat dames tussen de 18 en 22 jaar die het vak Sport en Beweging studeren de meest geile dames zijn op deze aarde. Ik heb 2 klassen op de vrije school en ik mag zelf elk uur kiezen welke klas ik les wil geven ik zal de 2 klassen even voorstellen het zijn kleine klasjes van 4 a 5 leerlingen die ik nu allemaal snel even zal voorstellen. Klas 1:(normale klas geen bijzonderheden,...
Reeds een tijdje droom ik een massage te ontvangen van Jan en Jos. Uiteindelijk is het zover.Ik mocht me gaan douchen. Ik vroeg zelf of ik handdoek om moest. Ik kon kiezen tussen handdoek of badjas.In de kamer ging ik zitten op tafel. In de ruimte zelf was sfeerverlichting die wisselde van kleur, rustige muziek, warm en een massagebed. Bed met een opening voor het hoofd.Ik mocht gaan liggen op buik. De handdoek werd meteen verwijderd. Zij waren naakt, met handdoek om.De massage begon. Meteen...
Hij doet open en heeft een t shirt en een joggingbroek aan. Hij is al opgewonden zie ik. Zijn gezicht ruw van de stoppels. Bij binnenkomst kus ik hem meteen. Ik leun achterover tegen de muur naast de voordeur en hij drukt zich tegen me aan. Langzaam, zachtjes verkennen onze tongen elkaar, alsof ze weer moeten wennen aan het samenspelen. Mijn rechterhand daalt af naar zijn broek en ik kneed zijn lid. Hij wordt direct hard in mijn hand en hij fluister in mijn oor: "ik ga je suf neuken!" Geil als...
Als ik mijn seksleven bekijk, dan wordt ik met regelmaat seksueel bevredigd door mijn seksvriendinnen. Ik ben goed geschapen, de lengte en omvang zijn bij volledige erectie meer dan gemiddeld. Ik hou ervan goede seks aan mijn meisjes te geven. Ik ben na jaren hardcore seks tot de conclusie gekomen dat zelfs de grootste frigide vrouw door een grote stijve pik om te vormen is tot een geile teef. Ik heb inmiddels een roedel teefjes om me heen verzameld en als een echte man pas ik vrij goed op hen....
Im Hausflur begegnete mir mal meine Nachbarin, sie ist schon etwas reifer, deshalb aber keineswegs unattraktiv, sie strahlt einfach dieses Frauliche aus, kein Mädchen mehr. Wie ich anhand ihrer Einkaustüten sah, war sie auf dem Weg zum Supermarkt, da mein Auto derzeit etwas fahruntüchtig ist, fragte ich frecher Weise, mit einem sympathischen Lächeln, ob sie mich mitnehmen würde. Sie freute sich, da das Einkaufen an sich, ja eher langweiliger Natur ist, halt ein notgedrungenes Unterfangen. Ich...
Doreen Hannah, the eldest of the two ladies who ran our local village shop where I worked part-time, wasted no time in planning and preparing for my next spanking. She had been unsure about how I would react to her note that she had placed in my trouser pocket after that first spanking from the sisters but had been delighted that next morning when I had told her that I had read her note and agreed to be spanked at least once every month by both Maureen and herself.It was in those years before...
Spanking“How do you mean, Major?” John responded, “Kathleen, in this discussion, please call me John, as this is happening through friendship and not as a Security Service matter. To answer your question, I first have to tell you – in case you were unaware of it – that The Personalia are experts with nano-machines, commonly referred to as nanos. Have you heard of that?” “No, John. I hadn’t come across that fact. What have nanos to do with me?” “As The Personalia explained it to me, they have the...
I still, even to this day, have no idea why I took those two ten-pound notes from the cash drawer in the room above the grocery store at which I worked part-time. I had no need to take them and was not even that way inclined. I was a good boy. Studious, polite, courteous, considerate and helpful and I had worked in Hannah’s convenience store for over three years. I had started out delivering newspapers for Doreen and Maureen Hannah, the two sisters who owned and ran the store in our village. As...
SpankingIt was the day after my eighteenth birthday in late June that year when Doreen Hannah cheerily announced to me that I would be receiving my birthday spanking during the stock take that would take place that Thursday afternoon when the store was closed for its weekly half day. I had smiled at this comment, seen as I had accepted a monthly spanking from the two sisters months back. Although their punishments hurt and left me feeling their efforts for days afterwards, I did enjoy having my bottom...
Spanking“Lovely work, Nicola.” Doreen Hannah smiled before turning her attention to her sister, who was still sitting on the high-backed dining room chair.“Perhaps have him in Nicola’s lap whilst we strap and cane his bottom, Sis?” The older Hannah sister asked, smiling at Nicola, and then at Maureen, who got up from the chair.“Lovely. And maybe Peter can start thinking about what he would like for his birthday “treat” whilst we smack his naughty little botty?” She laughed as she adjusted her blouse...
SpankingErlebnis Mit Einer geilen HausfrauErlebnis Mit Einer geilen Hausfrau Als ich morgens wach wurde, ahnte ich noch nicht, dass ich ein Sexabenteuer der ganz besonderen Klasse erleben sollte. Beruflich bin ich für ein Meinungsforschungsinstitut tätig. Abends zuvor hatte ich einen Termin mit einer Dame im Randgebiet einer mittleren Stadt ausgemacht. Nachdem ich geduscht, mich rasiert und gefrühstückt hatte machte ich mich gegen 9 Uhr auf den Weg dorthin. Ich brauchte mich nicht so sehr zu beeilen,...
Later that day, when all their routine tasks were dealt with, John reminded Kathleen about her parents. “Kathleen, my dear, it is high time you phoned your parents and got them to consider emigrating.” “Oh, yes. Will you stay by me, John, while I make the call? I may have to get you to speak to them.” “I can do that, sure.” She put the call through, and her mother answered. “Hello?” “Momma? It’s me, Kathleen.” “Kathleen? Where are you, girl? I thought you had emigrated. Are you...
Bob swept his arm round to encompass them all. “Gentlemen, the Chairman rides in my car, and we have coaches for the rest of you. We are going to my official residence nearby, where we shall have a drink and something to eat, and a chance to rest for a while. My ladies are anxious to say hello, and we have a butler in training. I hope you will forgive him if he makes an error; he is new to the job. We try to find a job for every new settler, but unfortunately our Jeeves – as we call him – has...
He turned to the congregation. “Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr John Freeman and the two Mrs Freeman. You may applaud.” After a burst of handclapping, he gestured to John to proceed. John offered an arm to each of his brides, and they paraded down the centre aisle to the front door of the chapel. Once they had exited, the pastor told the hearers, “A buffet and drinks are available outside, provided it is still dry. If it gets wet, we move to the canteen. The happy trio wish to meet you...
“Right, that is a date then, but first things first. I need to see your feet to get a few photos from various angles. I have to send them to The Personalia, so they can do their planning for the work.” “I need to take off my tights, sergeant...” “Of course. I should have thought. Please make use of my toilet room, through that door.” Jessie went off to remove her tights, and returned wearing only her shoes, slightly self-consciously. Bob got her to sit and take off her shoes. She did so,...
Na veel erover gepraat te hebben was het eindelijk zo ver dat ik de neef van R. ging ontmoeten. Ik heb veel over hem gehoord en was erg nieuwschierig naar hem, en hij ook naar mij. Dus ik ging samen met R. naar zijn huis. Hij kwam mij ophalen, en we reden samen naar het huis van zijn neef. Ik had me al helemaal voorgesteld hoe hij eruit zou zijn omdat ik al veel over hem gehoord heb. Dus ik was erg benieuwden ook een tikkeltje zenuwachtig. Na een tijdje kwamen we aan bij zijn huis en er werd...
Es war ein langweiliger Sonntagvormittag! Ich verbrachte ihn entspannt vor meinem Laptop und schaute mir ein paar heiße Girls an - wie immer!Auf einer meiner Lieblingspornoseiten sah ich dann auf der rechten Seite einen Werbebanner für Männersexspielzeug! Ich war etwas überrascht, da ich nur von Spielzeug für Frauen wusste... Um mein Wissen etwas zu bereichen war "Sexspielzeug für Männer" der nächste Suchbegriff den ich eingab und ich wurde auch sofort fündig.. ich fand ein Ding namens...
Der nächste Morgen,wir werden wach und neben mir liegt diese süße TeenieFotze, nackt, glücklich und breitbeinig. Ich schiebe zwei Finger in ihre kleine enge Fotze, küsse ihren Teeniemund und sage zärtlich, Guten Morgen, meine kleine Ficksklavin.Sie öffnet die Augen, strahlt mich an und sagt, Guten Morgen, mein Meister. Ihre Finger sind so geil, stöhnt sie und bittet mich mehr zu machen, tiefer zu stoßen und härter.Aber ich lasse sie zappeln, ziehe die Finger aus der nassen Teeniefotze und...
Meine Hochhackige Nachbarin MariaNa dann, meine Geschichte. Es ist schon eine Zeit lang her aber mir kommt es manchmal vor als wäre es gestern gewesen. Ich war 19 und wohnten abgelegen am Rande der Stadt. Unter uns eine Frau, Spanierin 30 Jahre eine Tochter und schon fast geschieden. Ihr Mann war sehr oft auf Montage und fickte da anscheinend alles was sich bot. Es kam oft zum Streit, meine Nachbarin Maria ihr Name war oft sehr traurig und einsam. So ein dummer Mann, er hatte eine wirklich...
Rob and I started talking online back in 2000 he liked my wife's pictures. Rob suggested we get together and meet. His wife and my wife, and us guys. so we set up a time. and met at a local hotel. the couple Rob and C were into the lifestyle a lot longer than My wife and I. They were both very attractive. I could see my wife was horny for them both. we had a couple of drinks and it didn't take long for the girls to get undressed. C was gorgeous. nice trimmed kitty Rob cut cock thick and much...
Reiner war früher ein ziemlicher Hengst gewesen und liebte es seinen Schwanz in alle erreichbaren Löcher reinzustecken. Jetzt war er doch etwas älter geworden und leider solo. Natürlich hatte er immer noch Lust zu ficken, aber wenig Gelegenheiten auf Sex mit einer Frau. Also schaute er sich Pornos an oder fotografierte heimlich Frauen und Mädchen, um sich dann auf ihre ausgedruckten Bilder einen runterzuholen. In letzter Zeit war seine Neigung auf Pornos zu wichsen etwas zurückgegangen und das...
BDSMIII -- Shireen Takes the Next Big StepShireen's sexual growth had already been significant with the pool party and then the experience with the art class. Nevertheless, our lives had returned pretty much to the normal, with sex once or twice a week but nothing out of the ordinary. An anniversary was nearing but Shireen had ducked any talk of taking things to a higher level as far as sexual liberation was concerned. Some time before the anniversary, we were getting intimate and talking about...
Hi ISS friends, this is banisa from Chilakaluripet. Na age 38 years, working in a private office in Chilakaluripet naku English baga radu andukani Telugulo cheptunna. Naku chinnappatinunchi ante younger years nunche modda jadinchukovatam baga alavatu ayindi. Theatre lo kurchuni cinema heroines ni chustu modda jadinchukune vadini. Na modda 5 inches untundi. Chilakaluri peta lo lanjalu chala ekkuva mandi untaru. Okasari oka malahyalam sex cinema chustunna. Adi black and white movie. Andulo...
I -- Shireen's Pool Party"Dearest, are you sure I have to wear a swimsuit at the party?""Of course, dear," I replied, "I am sure you do not want to look really out of place.""But this is Saudi and not the kind of dress that the locals permit," Shireen was adamant."I know that, but we are in an expatriate compound and may as well be somewhere in Western Europe as far as local laws apply," I answered, hoping that my point would be made.Shireen and I married young; I was moving to Saudi, right...
At about the same time two hundred fifty miles north Shahabad Jahangir Khan across the long corridor in another estate ('Shamiyaana') almost replica of his brother's 'Asraa'. The purpose was again to use and maintain the Greenland to give employment to local villagers and both succeeded big times. Any neutral observer would have seen a very tall heavily built man about six foot four inches moving like an athlete. He was dressed in a white masculine version of kurta and salwar with open...
Hi friend kia haal hy aj may jani dobara ap ko apni 3rd night ki story sunata hon jo k bohet hi mazy ki thi kion k robina or nasreen dono hi 1 sath aj mery sy chudwa rahi theen tu dosto hoa youn k robina nay apny husband ko bola tha k aj raat wo apni sister k gher soye gi kion k us ka husband karachi giya hoa hy is liye nasreen ny usy bolaya hy k aj mery gher raho or wo sham ko 7 bajy hi us k gher chali gai or mayny unhy jesa k kaha hoa tha k aj mil k khana khaen gy is liye wo b khana banay k...
(Vorwort: der Name der Milf ist custom! Also wählt einen Namen aus, bevor ihr lest, sonst bekommt ihr die Abenteuer der Maria Mustermann zu lesen!) Schon seit ich in der Abteilung bin, stehe ich auf sie: Maria Mustermann, die geile Milf, die direkt vor meiner Nase sitzt, tagtäglich mit ihrem Knackarsch an mir vorbeistolziert. Sie sieht für ihr Alter (40) extrem geil aus. Sehr sportlich, wie schon erwähnt, ein Knackarsch den sie nicht zu verstecken braucht und mit hohen Schuhen so geil wirkt,...
MILFSex Queen chachi series -4: One more memorable Holi with Meenaxhi, my chachi who my turned wife now, This year, our first holi after our incestuous marriage, we ensured to make it a really memorable Holi. As you know few years back, on one holi, I caught my meenaxhi chachi’s cheating activities and she became my sex pray. No doubt that holi where I first fucked her and she had a ball around her neighbors was terrific, and hard to forget. Even today I remember, how I used her body and sent her...
Hello dosto kia haal hy aj may dobara ap ko apni kahani suna raha hon jis may may ap ko aj bataon ga k anti robina mujy ab kesay use kerti hy last time dosto mayny anti robina ko or us ki chuti beti javeria ko 1 sath chuda tha lekin is baar tu maza hi aa giya mayny is baar anti ki sister nasreen ko dobara chuda tha.wo b anti robina k kehny pay.tu dosto yeh tu may bata hi chuka hon ap ko pehly b k nasreen ka mamma 40 size ka hy or bund b bohet muti hy lekin us ka jisam itna bhari nahi hy or isi...
This story is part III of my previous story, Sex Queen at Holi. I request all readers to read that first those two to get the complete meaning and fun of this story. In my last story, named Sex Queen turned incestuous wife…..I had described how my chachi who divorced my uncle and came with me to Bangalore to stay with me and finally married me and promised to serve me. But that was past my friends, she is no more a submissive mischief slut wife from a small city, she is now wife of a young man...
Lisa und LaurenceHallo Leute, hier der dritte Teil, wieder mit anderen Charakteren. Kommentare von euch würden mich immer freuen, vieleicht kommt dann auch schneller wieder mehr ;) Viel SpaßLisa war mehr als aufgeregt. Das Herz schlug ihr bis zum Hals. Sie war mit ihrem Freund Laurence verabredet, bei ihm zuhause, und es sollte ihr besonderer Tag werden. Als Laurence sie vor einigen Wochen endlich gefragt hatte, ob sie, das 1.65 cm große, rothaarige Mädchen mit den Sommersprossen, den...
Hello dosto kia haal hy umeed h yap sab theek hon gy or piyari phudi wali lerkio ap sab ki phudian b kafi garam hon gi in ko tanda kerny k liye lazmi 1 bara or muta lun chahiye ager ap sab chaho tu hum rabta ker sakty hain or piyari anties ka tu may hon hi dewana kion k bari age ki anties ki phudi leny ka maza hi or hykher may ab apni story ki taraf ata hon k nasreen ki mayny 4th night phudi kesy lit hi nasreen robina kis sister hy yeh tu ap sab achi tarah janty hain tu dosto hoa youn k may...
Hello dosto kia haal hy tu intazar khatam hoa mera raat k 8 bajy k baad jab may nasreen k gher anti robina ko chud k aya tu ab 11:30 ka wait kerny laga tha kion k raat bhar nasreen ko chudna tha is liye may us wakat sy pehly khub kha pi k ready ho raha tha dood ka glass or apply khaya us k baad 1 fresh orange joice ka glass b lia kher raat k 11:30 bajy nasreen ki miss call ai jis ka matlab green signal tha may furan gher sy nikla gher walon ko pata tha k is k dost ki shadi hy is liye wahan hi...
I returned to my humble abode with a letter in my bag offering me a job, subject to successful completion of butler training. I will not bore you with a description of my training. Suffice it to say that I found the tough tasks easy, and some simple tasks extremely difficult to take on board. The teaching staff hammered me with insistent enthusiasm, declaiming that a butler was the best of jobs, and one that merited the highest standards in the name of that profession. They also boosted my...
I woke the next morning to Sheena’s sweet kisses. Once my eyes were open the golden jungle goddess smiled at me and kissed her way down my body. My arms and legs were stiff and numb from having been immobilized all night but I could not have cared less. I certainly didn’t feel any discomfort as Sheena slid her sweet lips all over my shaft with the same amazing intensity of the night before. To my utter delight Sheena mounted me again. I watched her lovely tits bounce evocatively as she slid her...
He looked surprised. “You had better speak to the boss’s personal secretary about that. I don’t use a computer, but she does have one in her office. I think she uses it a lot, so she probably will want you to have one of your own, depending on the cost.” “Oh, a new computer for my needs is only a few hundred pounds nowadays, Mr. Jones. Databases are not memory-intensive, unless one is storing many photographs. I don’t see cost as a problem in this household. Do I take it from your comments...
I heard a low electrical hum, and noticed that I was being observed by CCTV cameras, swivelling to watch me. A voice came out of nowhere, but I presumed loudspeakers somewhere were the source. “Mr Freeman?” I responded, “Yes.” Give little away: that is my motto. Force them to divulge data. “Please enter by the door on your left. That takes you into a corridor, where you should go to the third door on your left, and enter that room. You will be met there.” Hmmm ... not much data here...
Our project was meant to preserve the African jungle, The irony of tearing down a stand of old growth forest to set up the satellite data links we would need and the structures to house our operation was lost on none of us. We justified it by the fact that once our buildings and antennas were up we would be able to monitor wildlife over a broad area, spot poachers in record time, and preserve the habitats of large numbers of species both threatened and endangered. We had support from several...
I bowed to her, and announced, “John Hawkins Freeman, at your service, ma’am.” “Hello, John. Nice to meet you at last!” “Likewise. I am presuming you really are Miss Felicity Frobisher?” “Unfortunately, yes. My bosses said they couldn’t devise a better name, so my real one was used. I don’t like Felicity, though I prefer to be called...” “Flick,” I finished for her. You couldn’t even use that in the Dawes household, or it might have given you away, with it being French slang, without the...
“Sir, you wanted to see me?” “Yes, Jeeves. My visitors were very helpful. They seemed surprised that I already had possible solutions to consider, but I didn’t tell them my butler suggested them. They looked them over, and decided there was a workable solution in amongst the ideas. They told me that the best way to get all the cash back was to declare it all as held in trust, with most of the money actually belonging to my wife, and the remainder to my daughter as parental fund for her...
Hi friends this is Vinay back with one of my sexual adventures…I once again would like to thank all the readers of my previous story “ Anju my true Love” for their comments. So here goes my next one….Tirupur…a buzzing town in south India, perhaps the busiest one but hardly anyone knows that in India. Tirupur is called the Manchester of India famous for textiles and garments and life style of people over here is similar to Japanese…all tuned up mechanically and all are busy in their own world of...
Hello readers, You might have read my story, “”. Nasreen and I have been meeting regularly. Once, when we went to a beach resort for a few days, we were fucking each other twice or even thrice a day. I had gone down to the business center for a few hours and when I was back, I entered the room to find her watching TV. We sat in silence for about twenty minutes and suddenly Nasreen pulled off her blouse, turned off the TV, and rolled over to me. This mature woman still had one fine set of tits...
Dawes looked surprised and a little awed at this statement. He said, “Then I will take your word for it, Mr Jeeves. Your company came highly recommended to my personal assistant, who claims she has links in high places.” Mr Jeeves replied, “I am gratified to hear that, sir.” Verbal sparring concluded, Dawes declared, “Very well, Mr. Jeeves. We shall take on your Jeeves and see how he performs. I hope to see an improvement in the way this household is run, and if what you say is true, that...
„So eine Scheiße….Du Arschloch! Warum auf einmal? Was hat sie was ich nicht habe….“ Seit 2 Tagen stelle ich mir diese Frage. Ich bin Katharina, von allen nur Katy genannt, 25 Jahre alt, ca. 1.70m groß und schlank. Und ausserdem seit 2 Tagen wieder Single weil mich mein sogenannter Freund wegen einer Anderen hat sitzen lassen. Ich weiß natürlich sehr wohl dass es nicht perfekt lief. Wir hatten natürlich unsere Meinungsverschiedenheiten, aber nichts weltbewegendes. Eigentlich – in meinen Augen –...
Die Geschichte ist wahr und wurde von mir wirklich so erlebt! Schaue immer Mal auf Dating Seiten für Sex. Dort gibt es auch Foren und Chats. Als ich vor einigen Jahren in solch einem Chat war, schrieb auf einmal einer, dass in meiner Nähe auf einem Pendlerparkplatz dahinter eine geile Frau nackt liegt und es sich selbst macht. Allem Anschein nach wartete Sie nur darauf beobachtet und wohl auch gefickt zu werden. Im ersten Moment dachte ich jaja, alles klar irgendein Spinner, der andere...
Hi Friends! I am Suraj, a Married Man from Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India, Age-35 Height 5′ 10″ Physically Well Built up with Strong Personality. My Friends and Dear & Near always call me Surya. Yeh ek real story hey jab hum college students huva karte thhe. Hum 10-15 Tuffani Ladko ka ek group huva karta thha. Humare Friends Circle me ek Ladka huva karta thha jiska naam thha Sundar. Jaisa uska naam thha vaise hi vo bahut hi Sundar hey. Ekdum chocolaty. Ladkiya use dekh kar hi lattoo ho jaati...
Return to Darleen By Blueheatt __Things always change in life, but not my thoughts about Darleen. The wife and I went splitsville, and she moved out. My immediate thought was Darleen. I drove to where I remembered where the dirt road was. There was the house. On the porch were two people. As I got closer&hellip,it was an old man and a girl sitting together in a porch swing. The girl held her hand over her eyes to shade the sun. The old man reached for a rifle. The girl stood up and started...
Pyaare doston mera naam bhuvan hai aur main ek chhote se sheher ka rehne wala hoon. Yeh baat thodi purani hai. School mein mera ek dost hua karta tha abhi. Meri sex ki jitni bhi jankari hai usi ne di hai. Pata nahi use kahan se pata chala yeh sab? Mere khayal se main tab class 4 mein tha jab usne mujhe mastram ki kitaben di thi padhne ke liye. Us samay bhai-behen ki chudai, devar-bhabhi ki chudai ajeeb lagta tha aur lagta tha ki sab ghalat hai.mera dost jo tha who ekdum expert tha insab baton...
Mera naam ahad hai mai gulbarga sheher karnataka ka rehne wala hun.Meri luv marriage hui thi heena k sath .Hamara luv 8 saal tak chala phir laakh papad belne k baad hamari shadi hui 2015 mea.Mai meri biwi ko boht chahta hun isliye uski har khwaish poori karna chahta tha..Jab ham sex karte toh woh zyada khush nahi hoti mujhe kaalu kehti thi..Mujhe accha nai lagta tha. But woh boht gori aur kamsin thi ismea uska kya kasoor.Ek din maine sex karte samay usse pucha ki tumko insano ka kaunsa color...
Sabko mera bahut bahut thanks mere story ko padne ke liye, aur also thanks for mail replies. Mujhe kaafi khushi hai ki mera gmail aplogo ke mail se bhara hua hai aur aap sab kitne besabri se meri kahani padne ka intzaar kar rahe hai. Last episode mein aap logo ne dekha ki Shobha aur Akash sham ko hone wale Shobha aur Rakesh ke live sex show ka plan karte hai. Par usi waqt Teena ke ghar Teena ne Swati ko uska surprise diya jiske bare mein aaj ka lesbian episode hai.. Hope you enjoy this part too...
Hello friends, Varun this side. This is a continuation of the previous part. My friend, Zaffar and his sister Zeenat had sex for the first time in their life when no one was at home. I will be narrating this in the words of Zaffar. Zeenat woke after 2 hours. Mom was in the kitchen preparing dinner. Dad and I were on the balcony. We behaved like every other day. After some time, we had dinner, and mom praised me for helping Zeenat. She also told dad that I taught her some tips and tricks to do...
IncestHello friends, this is a new story about my friend Zaffar and his relationship with his sister. Zaffar was my friend and lived near our house. His family consisted of 5 people. He, his father, mother, elder sister Rubina, and younger sister Zeenat. Let me tell you about his sisters. Zeenat was 3 years younger than Zaffar. She had a light wheatish complexion, standing at 5’0″, medium built with stats of 32-28-34. The elder sister Rubina was 2 years elder than him and was in...