Het Leven van een Geil Sletje
- 3 years ago
- 35
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Als ik mijn seksleven bekijk, dan wordt ik met regelmaat seksueel bevredigd door mijn seksvriendinnen. Ik ben goed geschapen, de lengte en omvang zijn bij volledige erectie meer dan gemiddeld. Ik hou ervan goede seks aan mijn meisjes te geven.
Ik ben na jaren hardcore seks tot de conclusie gekomen dat zelfs de grootste frigide vrouw door een grote stijve pik om te vormen is tot een geile teef. Ik heb inmiddels een roedel teefjes om me heen verzameld en als een echte man pas ik vrij goed op hen.
Mijn meisjes weten allemaal dat ik niet monogaam ben en dus vooral goed ben om seks mee te hebben. Ik kan waarschijnlijk niet met
Ze liep zonder uit te kijken zo de weg over en voor ze er erg in had lag ze op de grond voor mijn wagen. Ik had haar aangereden, ik sprong uit mijn wagen en vroeg haar of ze wat had en hoe het met haar ging. Ze vertelde dat ze last had vaan pijn in haar been. Daar ik zelf fysio the****ut ben keek ik even naar haar been, omdat ik het niet helemaal vertrouwde stelde ik haar voor om haar mee te nemen in mijn auto naar de huisartsenpraktijk waar ik zelf ook werkzaam ben en een arts naar haar been...
Als gewoonlijk was ik weer als 1 van de eerste op mijn stage bedrijf gearriveerd. Ik ging naar boven om hier aan het werk te gaan. Na een minut of 20 kwam joske aan. Joske is een knappe vrouw van in de 20 met bruin haar en een mooie brede lag op haar gezicht. Ze droeg een lange jas met daar onder naar mijn idee een huidskleurige panty. Nieuwschieris als ik was voligde mijn ogen haar mooi lichaam tot aan haar kantoor. Onder weg moest ze iets uit de printer pakken maar het papier hiervan was op....
Omdat je er nooit meer bent als ik toevallig in de buurt ben en jij er was als ik net weg was schrijf ik je nu maar een avontuurtje die we jammer genoeg niet samen hebben kunnen vieren....... Kusssssssssssssssssssssss Ik mis je enorm grote zus en zeker afgelopen donderdag. De opkomende zon schijnt altijd op mijn slaapkamerraam die ik donker houd met een verduisteringsgordijn en donderdagochtend voelde ik al aan de temperatuur in bed dat het een mooie ochtend was. Nog half slaperig onder mijn...
MatureZoals ik in mijn vorige verhaal al had geschreven gaf mijn meester mij voldoende vrije tijd om ook ergens anders aan de slag te gaan. Naar aanleiding van het vorige verhaal werd ik via Xhamster benadert of ik niet ook 1 avond een butler dienst kon draaien. Nu doe ik dat gratis mits het maar gezellig ;-) wordt. Dus waren het al snel met elkaar eens.Op het afgesproken tijdstip belde ik aan. Een man deed open en nodigde mij uit om binnen te komen. Ik kreeg een plek in de keuken aangewezen en hij...
***Een hels ritje....*** De 18-jarige Tony staat te liften bij de afrit van een truckstop langs een drukke verkeersweg, ergens in Frankrijk. Telkens als een truck de baan weer opgaat steekt hij zijn duim op. Reeds bij de vijfde truck krijgt hij 'n lift naar het zuiden. Tot hier is hij met de trein gereist. Om geld te sparen is hij uitgestapt om de rest van het traject te liften. Hij mag voor de eerste keer alleen op vakantie en zijn ouders stonden er op dat hij op een veilige manier...
We gaan even wandelen in de avond, met de gedachte tussen de buien door maar dat kon toch net niet. Ik had er totaal niet op gerekend, meestal doet mijn vrouw leuke (niet te sexy maar wel easy acces) aan als we erop uitgaan met een mogelijkheid tot wie weet wat.... Gisteren dus niet, joggingbroek, dikke trui je kent het wel, huiselijk. Onderweg op nog geen 10 min van huis kregen we de bui der buien over ons heen. Nog snel poging tot schuilen gedaan onder een kapschuur bij een boer. Half nat van...
Ik ben een leraar op een kleine dames universiteit voor Sport en Beweging. En als ik 1 ding heb geleerd van mijn vak is dat dames tussen de 18 en 22 jaar die het vak Sport en Beweging studeren de meest geile dames zijn op deze aarde. Ik heb 2 klassen op de vrije school en ik mag zelf elk uur kiezen welke klas ik les wil geven ik zal de 2 klassen even voorstellen het zijn kleine klasjes van 4 a 5 leerlingen die ik nu allemaal snel even zal voorstellen. Klas 1:(normale klas geen bijzonderheden,...
Reeds een tijdje droom ik een massage te ontvangen van Jan en Jos. Uiteindelijk is het zover.Ik mocht me gaan douchen. Ik vroeg zelf of ik handdoek om moest. Ik kon kiezen tussen handdoek of badjas.In de kamer ging ik zitten op tafel. In de ruimte zelf was sfeerverlichting die wisselde van kleur, rustige muziek, warm en een massagebed. Bed met een opening voor het hoofd.Ik mocht gaan liggen op buik. De handdoek werd meteen verwijderd. Zij waren naakt, met handdoek om.De massage begon. Meteen...
“Tafel 9 krijgt jullie cadeau.” Meer woorden had de ceremoniemeester niet eens nodig. Hij is een lieve man. Warm. Echt zorgend ook. Je zou hem niet eens hier verwachten, zo zachtaardig. Een beetje zenuwachtig prutst hij terwijl aan de op en af knop van zijn fototoestel. En “Of het oké is als ik twee extra lampen boven mijn tafel zet? Heb ik beter licht.” Hij had zijn tafel al een beetje ingericht als een fotoshoot plaats. Met wat extra zwarte doeken heeft hij zijn plaats wat afgezonderd van de...
“Tafel 1, diner is served!” roept de ceremoniemeester. Hij pakt je bij de hand. Je ruikt naar zaad. Zaad en seks. Je eerste stappen voelen een beetje raar. Nu pas zie je het publiek. Je hijgt na van je lust en toch kruipt schaamte weer je lijf binnen. Je deed het net vier keer, schaamteloos voor al deze ogen. Een vreemd gevoel maakt nu van je meester. Iets van bewust worden. Je blik gaat naar de grond. Alsof je weer toekomt in deze zaal met iedereen rond je. Je hoort m’n fluister woorden “Wow...
Het koningskoppel wordt geserveerd, puur!Nieuwsgierigheid. De eerste keer. Voor iedereen. Jaren lang fluisterde ieder wel eens een fantasie in de andere z’n oor of mailde ze er elkaar over of schreeuwde ze het uit tijdens hoogtepunten maar nu was het er, echt! 27 mannen en vrouwen: een stel vrienden die samen wel eens avonturen willen beleven maar ook verschillende koppels die elkaar een snoepje gunnen of bevriende koppels die samen hun grenzen komen verlengen, zelfs een paar enkelingen. Een...
à la carte!Het publiek is een mix. Heel veel hebben ze niet eens gemeenschappelijk. Wel dit moment. Aangetrokken door het thema. Ze voelen allemaal opwinding bij het idee live te kijken naar vrouwen en mannen die helemaal opgaan in de begeerte van hun wellustige fantasieën. Het is kijken naar het schouwspel van het koningskoppel wat zich schaamteloos geeft aan de lusten van hun gasten. Als bijna een theatervoorstelling. Een voorstelling waarbij het publiek als gast zelf mee opgaat in het moment...
Introduction: Batwoman goes in search of Selina Kyle aka Catwoman, only to find her fill-in, Holly Robinson. It was all going so well. A simple looting of a rich persons home of a few baubles, and what not. Yep, everything was going so well until she found herself blacking out from something hitting her. She groaned as she came to, her vision blurry as she looked around. Where am I? she groaned, then tried to move only to find herself hanging from the ceiling and shackled thoroughly. ouuuhhh…...
She groaned as she came to, her vision blurry as she looked around. "Where am I?" she groaned, then tried to move only to find herself hanging from the ceiling and shackled thoroughly. "ouuuhhh..." she groaned in pain. "As to the where, you're in an adult toy factory. As for the why, because I saw you and decided you might be the one person that can give me what I want." Stepping from behind the hanging woman, Batwoman let the fingers of her left hand trace Holly's right thigh...
Heath had been nervous about picking up his kid sister from school all day. It was getting harder for him to think of her as that since last night, when she had snuck into his room after everyone else was asleep, and given him the best blowjob he'd ever had. He'd considered trying to talk it out with her, but he was afraid that he'd again give into temptation. He knew that sex with his baby sister was wrong, but that wasn't stopping him from getting a hard-on every time he thought about...
This story uses characters owned by Warner Bros./DC Comics. They are used here strictly in a not for profit fan story meant for readers enjoyment. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given credit. CATWOMAN AND BATMAN - THE WAGER by Eric and Steve Zink Part 1 Catwoman walked in to her meeting with Batman. It was hardly surprising that she moved with such a feline grace. Selina enjoyed Batman's admiration, and she smiled...
Doreen Hannah, the eldest of the two ladies who ran our local village shop where I worked part-time, wasted no time in planning and preparing for my next spanking. She had been unsure about how I would react to her note that she had placed in my trouser pocket after that first spanking from the sisters but had been delighted that next morning when I had told her that I had read her note and agreed to be spanked at least once every month by both Maureen and herself.It was in those years before...
SpankingIk had afgesproken om rond 20:00 uur bij hen te zijn, dus rond die tijd belde ik bij hen aan. De deur werd geopend en Jos nodigde mij uit om verder te komen naar de huiskamer waar Jan zat te wachten. Ik nam plaats op de bank en er werd mij een kopje koffie aangeboden, waarbij het gesprek van start ging, gewoon over wat we allemaal in het dagelijkse leven beleefde op werk in in vrije tijd.Na een tijdje streelde Jos wat over mijn rug waarna hij mij een intense kus op mijn mond gaf. Zijn tong...
I still, even to this day, have no idea why I took those two ten-pound notes from the cash drawer in the room above the grocery store at which I worked part-time. I had no need to take them and was not even that way inclined. I was a good boy. Studious, polite, courteous, considerate and helpful and I had worked in Hannah’s convenience store for over three years. I had started out delivering newspapers for Doreen and Maureen Hannah, the two sisters who owned and ran the store in our village. As...
SpankingIt was the day after my eighteenth birthday in late June that year when Doreen Hannah cheerily announced to me that I would be receiving my birthday spanking during the stock take that would take place that Thursday afternoon when the store was closed for its weekly half day. I had smiled at this comment, seen as I had accepted a monthly spanking from the two sisters months back. Although their punishments hurt and left me feeling their efforts for days afterwards, I did enjoy having my bottom...
Spanking“Lovely work, Nicola.” Doreen Hannah smiled before turning her attention to her sister, who was still sitting on the high-backed dining room chair.“Perhaps have him in Nicola’s lap whilst we strap and cane his bottom, Sis?” The older Hannah sister asked, smiling at Nicola, and then at Maureen, who got up from the chair.“Lovely. And maybe Peter can start thinking about what he would like for his birthday “treat” whilst we smack his naughty little botty?” She laughed as she adjusted her blouse...
SpankingThis is a story about a guy I met while I was dogging in Clophill on the old A6 the main road from Barton to Bedford. The area is a well known dogging spot and is in a long off road lay-by next to some woods. During the daytime it is a rest area from the busy main road and trucks and cars can pull in for a while. There’s even a catering van and picnic area but after dark it is a great dogging spot. Cars are parked up in a long line and sometimes big trucks and vans are there as well, with...
What the hell did I just do? I feel like such a dirty slut; like I will never be clean again. But I'm getting ahead of myself.I had this crazy dream last week that I couldn't stop thinking about. I had met an older stranger and he gave me the best sex of my life. I couldn't forget it and it made me horny for days. That's why, out of curiosity, I looked at the personal ads on Craigslist to see if there was anyone out there looking for something like me. I responded to a few ads, mostly just ugly...
HardcoreIntroduction: Batwoman returning back to Hollys loft from patrol beliving trhe woman is asleep is in for a rude awakening. It had been a long night and an even longer patrol, and Kate was drained. Slipping into the window quietly to find her Holly fast asleep, Batwoman moved quietly for the chair and started to get undressed. Removing the belt with practiced ease, she then took off the cape before she removed the gloves and boots…, only then placing her hands on the dresser and lowering her...
A true and enhanced telling of my first time being had by another man in the presence of my current husband. Raymond and I have been married for thirteen years and have a nice home and family life together. This episode took place about three years ago shortly after our ten year wedding anniversary. Ray has always had some interesting ideas about sharing me with another man. He is very keen on role play and scenarios and I do not mind indulging them sometimes. We have a small collection of toys...
Hi friends naa peru arveen raju, age 24, naa lifelo jarigina stori okati meetoo share chesukovalani story rastunna chadevi mee openion mail cheyandee maa father transfor kaavadamto meemu vunna flot khali chesamu perents chennai vellepoinaru neenu maatram studies kosam ekkade vundepoinanu single room flot okati rentku teesukoni vunnanu.sudenga flat change kaavadam valla ekkada andaru kotta emi artamkaaledu.college lo antta kotta ammaielu appude close avutunnaru anta tondaragaa dengichu koru...
Voyeurs Part 2 Things were quiet for the few months to follow. All of the boys remembered the horrible awkward period following their humiliation - as they removed the clothes and makeup, hardly looking at each other, their minds flooded with the thought that those pictures might get out. But come the next Monday morning, nothing had happened yet and it fortunately looked like they were in the clear. The girls, who they supposed had the power to ruin them, chose not to, which was a...
Journal of Samuel (Samantha) Waterman January 1; I'm thirteen and thought I would start this journal. I ain't much at writing but I'll give it a try. I think it will be cool. I know boys don't keep a diary so I'm calling it a journal besides it sounds more grown up than a sissy diary. And this way when I tell my grandchildren my tales of youth, like grandpa does, I can say, "see its right here in my journal." Not much happened today, no school. So I thought I'd start this journal,...
Holly crept up behind Kate with instinctive ease, then like some guard dog she bit on Kate's cunt then chewed playfully on her flesh through her latex while her hands shot forward, and grabbed Kate's tits. She let out a deep, long moan that resonated through the latex into Kate's cunt as latex covered flesh muffled it. She couldn't resist Kate's succulent position one moment, and she wanted some of that sweet pussy so badly! "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...., uuuhhhhh....,...
Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...
Hello young sexy Women (housewives) and Girls, my Email ID is . Yeh story ek young sexy looking maid-servant ki chodai ki hai. Uska naam Meena tha. Uski shaadi kayi saal pehle hui thi lekin uska husband shaadi ke turant baad hi usko chhod kaar job karne ke liye Punjab chala gaya aur wahan doosari woman ke sath shadi kaar liya. Humare old uncle and aunt ke baut old hone ke kaaran Meena unke saath full time said servant thi. Who unke ghar ka saara kaam including cooking karti thi. Meena bahut...
In the 2000’s for the longest time in the city of San Karlomina in California there was a story that was bandied around that was just like that. It was about a plain white van full of masked black men who would abduct unsuspecting white women and while driving around the city, they would gangbang them in the back of the van. The longevity of the gangbangs would vary from woman to woman depending on her own depiction, but every story ended the same way with the hapless woman being returned to...
This story is fictional and there is no such town found in California, or in the United States as far as I know. It's set in the 2000's and it is not true. It's predicated on fantasy, and like all of my stories, it involves interracial sex between a white woman and a group of black men. If you cannot handle such stories, then don't read it. No one is forcing you to. For all others who like my writing... I hope you enjoy. It's something I'm trying so please don't beat me up too much. :)*****In...
My wife and I have foursomes on and off for quite a while. One night that comes to mind was recently when we meet up with a couple off the Internet. It went well, and on are way home the next day, we were high after the sex we had just had. You see she enjoys showing off and getting into some exciting situations and I enjoy watching her show off and meeting new guys. This particular morning Rose was wearing a black mini skirt white blouse, a Lacey black bra, a pair of Lacey black panties, and a...
The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! I wrote a story a few years...
THE DEATH VAN By JASON He was young. He was cute. He was hitchhiking. The perfect combination,AKA thought as he pulled over and waited for the shirtless, mop-haired teenagerto make his way to the side of the van. AKA's Death Van. It had been a giftfrom his parents. Not that they knew about the highly secret use AKA put itto, of course. "I'd really love some wheels," he had responded when his dadasked him what he wanted as a graduation present. He deserved something special,right?...
My wife and I have foursomes on and off for quite a while. One night that comes to mind was recently when we meet up with a couple off the Internet. It went well, and on are way home the next day, we were high after the sex we had just had. You see she enjoys showing off and getting into some exciting situations and I enjoy watching her show off and meeting new guys. This particular morning Rose was wearing a black mini skirt white blouse, a Lacey black bra, a pair of Lacey black panties, and...
A Van Full of Hooligans Is Rob around? My young next door neighbour asked. No, hes working away for a few days. Why? I told him. Im waiting for some mates and weve got a spare ticket for the match at Burnley, I thought that he might want to come. Why not ask me? I smiled. Are you serious? he said, with a look of amazement on his face. Why not? I laughed. I used to go home and away, before I was married. Really? He still didnt believe me, Its a transit van, full of lads. Mmmmm, all the better!...
"Is Rob around?" My young next door neighbour asked. "No, he's working away for a few days. Why?" I told him. "I'm waiting for some mates and we've got a spare ticket for the match at Burnley, I thought that he might want to come." "Why not ask me?" I smiled. "Are you serious?" he said, with a look of amazement on his face. "Why not?" I laughed. "I used to go home and away, before I was married." "Really?" He still didn't believe me, "It's a transit van, full of lads." "Mmmmm, all the better!"...
Group Sex“What did you do today, sweetie,” inquired the concerned father.“I went to school and went to the book fair,” answered the man’s eleven-year-old daughter.“Did anything interesting happen at school?”“Oh, I got a gold star for my math homework.”“That’s fantastic, Alexa! You’re so smart!”“Thank you!”“Anything else?”“I caught three outs in the P.E. kickball game.”“You’re a rock star, sweetie.”“Thank you!”“Alright, I’ll let you get back to your homework. Give mom the phone.”“Bye, Dad!”“Hey,” the...
Let me start by giving you a brief background of my wife and I. My name isRichard and I am a computer professional responsible for the operation of alarge IT department and my wife Lisa is in retail sales. I am 34 years old, 6'tall, and weigh 185lbs with brown hair and eyes. My wife is 28 and absolutelygorgeous, she stands 5'4"and weighs 125lbs with blonde hair and green eyes, shehas a nice set of 38C breasts that are wonderful to behold and likes to keepher pussy clean shaven which I assumed...
Hello friends Puja again . jinhone ne meri pehle wali stories nahi padhi please pehle wo stories padhe (Friends Story Ke Is Part Me Aadhi Story Rinku Ki Jubani Or Kuch Story Meri Yani Puja Ki Jubani Hogi ) Agale din subha mujhe didi ne uthaya or fir hum naha dhokar jaldi se school ke liye ready ho gaye . Or fir bahar jakar school van ki wait karne lage . kuch der me school van aa gai . van ka gate khol kar kale ne pehle didi ko dekh kar muskurya to didi ne bhi uski tarf smile kar di or fir...
Kim Hudson and I met in junior high school and became instant friends. Kim and I shared our dreams and goals each other. One night, when Kim slept over at my house, we began exploring. We taught each other how to kiss the first time. As the weeks and months passed, we became more adventurous. I'll never forget the first time Kim played with my breasts. We had been in my room comparing our chests. I'd bought a few new bras because my other ones were too small. I teased Kim as I showed her the...
Introduction: Grabbed knocked out and rapped in a van. I was heading head of my office building towards the parking garage so i could head home after a long busy day. Today was a longer day then normal it was just before midnight, and i hated leaving the office after dark. I was happy it was the weekend and i was off the next 2 days. I was also happy to be heading home to get out of these heels and this outfit. I wasnt big on wearing skirts but one in a great while i would get out of a pant...
Ana in the back of the van I came very tired from office, but my sweet Ana was waiting for me at home with a very nice dinner.Later on, while I was sipping a perfect glass of scotch, she came by me and told me she was real horny and she needed a good hard dick inside her. Ana also told me she knew I was very tired to fuck her that night; so, she wanted my permission to find out a man who could calm her down…My sweet Ana added she wanted me nearby to watch…She wanted me watching at her spreading...
What can I say about Truman? The first time I saw it, it was much like the first time I saw Jupiter Station: a jumble of ships, equipment, half-built habitats and stations. The biggest difference was that half the construction was down on the planet, trying to put together a place for humans to live. Truman was marginally habitable, meaning that it could be lived on with technical assistance. That doesn't mean that it was a terrestrial planet. It was the moon of a gas giant somewhat close...
I've also got this story on a different site under a different name. I havn't nicked it!!Its my first story. Hope you like it.Van TripWe're heading along the motorway from the northeast of England where we live towards the county of Lincolnshire which is further down the east of the country.My travelling companion is Gemma. Gemma is the eighteen year old daughter of Laura. Laura and me have an open relationship based on two conditions. The first being that when we shag someone else it’s only to...
THE VANWarning: this is a graphic story about rape and murder. Please don’t read if you aren’t into these fantasies.More importantly, don’t mistake fiction for reality. If you are contemplating something like this in real life, you need to take into account that you will be caught and sent to jail, where you will be brutally killed in a manner befitting your victims. Seriously, I don’t ever want to hear about this story inspiring a true killing, it would ruin my life, yours, and your...
Hello friends… How are u all doing. I hope all of u are doing well with all u r happy moments and all the hard moments… This is my 4th post and my last one was (). I have received lots of emails for this.. And one was a specific one. Here I am gonna narrate the incidents following those emails. Again if any wants to contact me then you can email me on my email Id So coming to the incident I received a few emails of which two were specific and both were from bangalore. So I continued to email...
My travelling companion is Gemma. Gemma is the eighteen year old daughter of Laura. Laura and me have an open relationship based on two conditions. The first being that when we shag someone else it’s only to be for sex, the other being we always tell each other. No secrets. Gemma is entertaining herself alternating between playing with her phone, reading a magazine and rolling and smoking spliffs. I’ve got the windows open. I like to get stoned myself but not when I’m driving. Well...
The Van 2Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don't read it if this isn't your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine.If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy...Mark had been watching the girl for a couple of...
Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don't read it if this isn't your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine. If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy... Mark had been watching...
Introduction: This is not a finished work. It still needs to be fleshed out, and is not very descriptive. I just wanted to see what people thought so far. I was walking through the Walmart parking lot, my mothers prescription in hand. It was so busy when I got here, I had to park way in the back, practically in the office depot parking lot. I remembered being frustrated on the walked into the store that I had to cross the gigantic black top in 110 degree weather. I was wearing a button up dress...
T-girl Van Sex Pulling up to the curb near the bookstore one recent night, I happened to notice a nice looking custom van drive by very slowly. Looking intently at the driver as it passed by, I noticed that the driver was a very sexy looking woman, and she gazed at me intently as she passed by. The van pulled up to the curb in front of my car and parked. Shortly afterwards, the brake lights on the van flashed several times, and I took this as a signal. I opened my door and then made my way...
It was 3:00pm and Amanda was just leaving from work to head home. Her son Tristan was leaving school to head home. He was a sophomore in high school and his mom was a 42 year old blonde bombshell that stood 6ft1 with 42DDD tits and a angel face. Both of them had no idea what was in store for them but it will change their lives forever. As Amanda approached her car she paid no attention to the van parked next to it. When she got her keys out to open the door the side door of the van door flew...
69 Chevy Van - Love WagonBy Wonder_DadStory #4I have always been a hard worker, starting work when I was only 14 at a lumberyard as a helper. Carrying 2x4's, a plywood and 100 lb sack of concrete for customers was my main job. It did not pay well, but I developed a very muscular physique, and I saved every penny I made with a specific goal in mind. My uncle had a custom 1969 Chevy short van, with round porthole windows on the side, a sunroof, and a fantastic paint job. His business was...
I decided to drive to this park that is frequented by bi/gay men looking to hook up to see if I could get a little action the other night. It was 7pm, cold, damp and dark. I pulled into the lower parking lot in a secluded out of the way area hoping to see another parked car. What was there was a black mini-van. The lights were off and I didn't see anyone in the front seat so I figured the dude got out of his car and walked down the path looking for some fun. It was too cold & dark for...
T-girl Van SexPulling up to the curb near the bookstore one recent night, I happened to notice a nice looking custom van drive by very slowly. Looking intently at the driver as it passed by, I noticed that the driver was a very sexy looking woman, and she gazed at me intently as she passed by. The van pulled up to the curb in front of my car and parked. Shortly afterwards, the brake lights on the van flashed several times, and I took this as a signal. I opened my door and then made my way up to...