Doreen And Maureen The Spanking Shopkeepers: Spanking Fantasies Sometimes Do Come True Part Two free porn video

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“Lovely work, Nicola.” Doreen Hannah smiled before turning her attention to her sister, who was still sitting on the high-backed dining room chair.

“Perhaps have him in Nicola’s lap whilst we strap and cane his bottom, Sis?” The older Hannah sister asked, smiling at Nicola, and then at Maureen, who got up from the chair.

“Lovely. And maybe Peter can start thinking about what he would like for his birthday “treat” whilst we smack his naughty little botty?” She laughed as she adjusted her blouse and skirt and walked across to where Doreen and Nicola were standing looking down on me as I lay face down on the sofa, sniffing and sobbing loudly.

In what seemed like no time at all, I was lying face down in Nicola Patton’s black, knee-length, school-style skirt, the young lady holding me down into her covered knees with both hands as I sniffed and cried into the cushion which I held over my face. Behind me, Maureen Hannah had taken the tan-coloured, two-tailed tawse over her right shoulder, waiting for a while until she had decided where she would land that first, full-force swipe with the heavy piece of leather. Maureen also wanted to give me some time to compose myself before slapping the tawse down against the fleshy centre of my right buttock.


I screamed into the cushion, but the noise was muffled by Nicola, who pushed down hard on my shoulders as she looked across at Maureen, who had returned the tawse to her right shoulder. She adjusted her long-sleeved white satin blouse with her left hand, took a deep breath and re-took her position at my left-hand side. Moments later she slapped the tawse down hard against my lower left bum cheek.


It took the younger Hannah sister a few minutes to wrap out her nine swipes with the heavy piece of leather but eventually, she smiled and handed the tawse to her shorter, older sister. Doreen Hannah did not waste any time and immediately took the tan-coloured strap with the two split tails, over her right shoulder and cracked her first painful smack down against my lower left buttock.


I screamed and cried into the sodden cushion which I held over my face, but despite my wriggling and squirming, I wasn’t going anywhere. Nicola pushed down on my shoulders and watched as Doreen slowly, and emotionlessly brought down her strap at regular intervals, trying to slap the piece of leather against my bottom as hard as she physically could, smiling as she noticed the dark red marks the tawse was leaving against my skin.

Once she had administered her final swipe across my backside with the nasty, tan-coloured tawse, Doreen Hannah walked over to the table, returning a few moments later with the two canes which she held in her right hand. The older Hannah sister smiled at Maureen and then at Nicola, who was still holding me down into her knees, trying to soothe me as she did so. My bottom was burning and was predominantly a shade of dark red from my punishment so far. However, the sisters were determined to make the finale to my birthday spanking memorable. Eventually, it was Doreen Hannah who spoke.

“Right, young man. We’re nearly there, so I hope that you’re thinking about your birthday treat and what you’d like from us this afternoon.” She spoke softly as she looked down at my bottom that was standing out in front of her as I lay with my hips on the cushions on the arm of the sofa.

“Eighteen strokes with the canes and then we shall take care of you, Dear.” Doreen continued, smiling at Nicola, who had taken her weight from my shoulders and was sitting up on the sofa with me draped over her lap.

“Six of the best from each of us and then we’ll soothe you, young man.” The forty-five-year-old woman added.

“Nicola. Would you like to cane Peter’s bottom with us?” She asked.

Nicola Patton sat in shock for a moment. She had agreed to take part in my punishment with the sisters but did not know about caning me. She had never caned anyone before – despite having been on the receiving end of it in Mrs. Wheeler’s office a few times during her time at school. As she sat there, she felt the warmth in her own bottom from the spanking that she had received from Maureen as well as the feeling of the juices flowing between her legs. Her silky, white knickers were damp, and she could feel how hot she was in her tight blouse. Nicola was so turned on and decided that she would like to be on the other end of the cane for a change and eventually she nodded at Doreen Hannah.

“I’d like that very much thank you, Auntie Doreen.” She replied softly, smiling at the older woman as she looked up at her, standing there with the canes in her hand.

“Very well. Peter. Get yourself up and bend over the arm of the sofa and reach right across the sofa – face in the cushion if you wish.” She instructed sternly.

A few minutes later, I was bent over the arm of the sofa and Nicola was behind me, gently tapping the crook-handled school-type cane against my already sore and swollen bottom. I was sobbing and sniffing loudly and tried to think of other things as I anticipated how much the cane was going to hurt. Nicola Patton flicked her dark hair behind her ears and stood with her left foot slightly in front of her right. She placed her left hand on her hip (as she had seen Mrs. Wheeler do when she had caned other girls in front of her at school) and took a deep breath. Once she was satisfied, she drew the cane back and took a deep breath before bringing it down through the air, its journey broken when the thin cane connected with the centre of my right bum cheek.


Shortly followed by,


I cried into the cushion as the pain burned into my already sore buttock. Behind me, Nicola said nothing nor showed any emotion as she raised the cane in the air once more, bringing it down against my left buttock a moment later.



Again, I cried and bit my lower lip as the pain registered in my brain. Nicola Patton smiled as she watched me wriggling and squirming around on the sofa in a vain attempt to stop my punishment, but she simply waited until I had calmed myself and was lying there, face down with my bottom resting on the cushions on the arm of the sofa in front of her before laying on her next painful swipe. After just over five minutes, I heard that final,


Shortly followed by a painful,


As the eighteen-year-old girl brought the cane down against my left bum cheek, pressing it against my burning skin for a moment before she lifted it and turned to face the Hannah sisters who had been watching her closely.

“Very good, young lady!” Doreen Hannah smiled at the girl as she took the cane from her.

“Thank you, Auntie Doreen.” Nicola licked her lips as she looked down at me, lying over the arm of the sofa, sobbing and sniffing into the cushion for all I was worth.

“I think perhaps you should re-take your position on the sofa and hold him over your knee, Nicola.” The older Hannah sister instructed.

A short while later, my face was once again buried in Nicola’s short black skirt and she pushed me down using all of her strength, looking across as Maureen took up her position behind me, cane in her large right hand.

The well-built forty-three-year-old woman took her time to prepare herself. First, she spent time adjusting the long sleeves of her white satin blouse and straightening her knee-length light grey skirt. Next, she brushed her dark blonde hair behind her ears and pushed her small, round glasses to the top of her nose. Finally, she laid the dragon cane, with its red woollen handle, against my lower right buttock, placing her large left hand on her hip, as she had seen Nicola do previously. The younger Hannah sister tapped the cane against my sore and swollen bottom several times until she was happy where her first stroke would land before drawing it back, pausing and then sending it hurtling towards my bottom.


And then a,


Maureen Hannah landed a painful stroke with the cane across the crease in between my right buttock and thigh, showing no emotion as she watched me wriggle and squirm as the pain burned into my skin. Nicola held me down into her knees, muffling my screams and cries as Maureen lifted the cane and waited for me to settle myself once more. Once she was satisfied, the well-built woman repeated the treatment, this time across the crease in between my left buttock and thigh.



The forty-three-year-old woman calmly laid out those six strokes, giving me time between each painful swipe with the cane to recover and also to admire her handiwork, smiling as she saw the new set of thin, red tramlines appearing across my lower buttocks from her caning to add to those that Nicola had already imprinted on my backside. After a few minutes, Maureen brought her cane down for that final time, licking her lips as it landed with a loud “Thwack!” across my red and bruised right bum cheek.

I was crying and sobbing into Nicola’s black skirt, but she held me in position, using her weight to push me down, meaning that I could not escape. Maureen had handed the cane to her older sister and went and sat down on the armchair across from the sofa. She, like Nicola, was sweating from her exertions that afternoon, as well as being so aroused from spanking both of our bottoms. She moved around on the armchair to try and get comfortable, but it wasn’t easy as her knickers were damp, and she could feel her juices flowing. As she looked over at Doreen, who was laying the cane across my bottom, she hoped that her sister would not take too long to administer those final six strokes so that they could get me into the bedroom for my birthday “treat.”

Doreen Hannah took her time to prepare herself before she laid the two-foot-long cane across the centre of my muscular bottom. She began tapping the cane against my right buttock and even when she did this, I could feel how much force she was using. Some people probably couldn’t cane this hard and here was Doreen, simply tapping me with the cane and it was bringing more tears to my eyes.

“Right, naughty. Auntie Doreen is going to give you six of the best and she’s going to give them quickly – no breaks – so just lie there and take them and they’ll be over quickly.” She raised the cane in the air and paused.

“Are we ready, you bad, bad, boy?” She hissed and waited.

I did not reply, and eventually, she lost patience with me and brought the cane swishing through the air and towards my bottom. Moments later, her first nasty, full-force swipe landed straight across the centre of my right bum cheek with a loud “Thwack!”

I screamed and cried into Nicola’s damp skirt, but the eighteen-year-old held me down, looking over at Doreen Hannah, who wasted no time in laying on her second, third, fourth and fifth strokes, as fast, and as hard as she physically could. The older Hannah sister smiled at Maureen who was sitting watching her and then at Nicola, before raising her cane in the air for one final time.

“Now, naughty boy. You know that Auntie Maureen and Auntie Doreen love you very much and that we only do this for your own good, don’t you?” She spoke softly.

“You also know that we want you to be a well-behaved young man and that you will be caned every time you misbehave or do something that we don’t want you to do.” She continued as she began to tap the cane against my lower left buttock.

“And, because you’ve been caned before, you also know that the final stroke is always the hardest so that it acts as a reminder to you of what will happen if you misbehave or upset Auntie Maureen and myself in the future.” She whispered, lifting the cane in the air as she spoke.

“Are you ready, you naughty, naughty, little boy?” She scolded.

Again, I simply continued crying and sniffing into Nicola’s by-now, damp black skirt. Nicola Patton pushed me down as far as she could and watched as Doreen Hannah brought down that final, painful swipe with the heavy dragon cane.


Followed a moment later by,


I was left lying over the arm of the sofa with my face held down into Nicola Patton’s skirt whilst the Hannah sisters picked up the implements from the table and left the living room. Whilst they were gone, Nicola tried to soothe me, smiling to herself at the thought of being so aroused. After a few minutes, Maureen, and then Doreen, returned to the living room. The younger sister was holding a tube of cream and a pack of plasters in her right hand and said nothing as she began to soothe me. I continued to sniff and sob into Nicola’s knees as Maureen Hannah began to rub handfuls of cooling cream into my sore bottom and thighs, taking her time to ensure that she massaged every inch of my red, hot and sore backside.

Once she was satisfied, she removed several plasters from the pack and placed them over the few small cuts that had appeared on my bottom from the strapping and caning. She smiled over at Nicola, before running her large right hand over my bottom, over my inner thighs and touching my semi-hard cock. The forty-three-year-old woman stroked it gently with her large hand, before working her way down across my balls and then back to my cock once more.

“Time for your birthday treat, Dear.” She whispered softly, running her finger over my bum crack and stopping at my anus as she spoke.

I continued lying face down in Nicola’s black-skirted covered knees for several minutes. The eighteen-year-old had taken her arms from my shoulders and was sitting back on the sofa, breathing heavily. She had unbuttoned the buttons on her blouse, her silky white bra visible under her short-sleeved blouse. Maureen Hannah continued rubbing my cock and balls with the fingers on her large right hand, licking her lips as she felt herself becoming more and more turned on. Eventually, the younger Hannah sister stopped and stood up, her large breasts standing out proudly under her satin blouse.

“Up you get, Peter.” She spoke softly and smiled as I slowly, and carefully, eased myself up from Nicola’s lap before standing up, rubbing my sore bottom as I did so.

“Now, young man. What would you like for a birthday treat?” The well-built lady with the dark blonde hair which she wore tied up behind her head asked quietly.

I wanted all three of them and couldn’t decide. I stood there confused, until Doreen walked over and took my left hand in her large right hand and looked into my eyes.

“Would you like a blow job from naughty Nicola over there?” She whispered into my left ear, brushing her white cotton blouse against my bare skin as she pulled me close.

“Then maybe a wank from Maureen and myself and then you can pleasure us afterwards, can’t you, Dear?” She smiled and kissed me on the neck.

My cock was fully erect and standing out proudly. It rubbed against Doreen’s knee-length navy skirt as she stood close to me.

As the older Hannah sister held and kissed me softly on my neck and then on my lips, on the sofa, Nicola Patton hurriedly removed her blouse and bra, placing them over the arm of the sofa. Next came the young lady’s flat black shoes, white ankle socks and the short, black skirt which she slipped out of, before finally, her silky white knickers, which she slipped over her feet before placing them on top of the other clothes on the arm of the leather sofa. She sat there, absolutely naked, large breasts with their small, dark brown nipples proudly standing out, happy to be finally released from her bra and the tight blouse that she had been wearing. The dark-haired, eighteen-year-old opened her legs, revealing her pussy with the bush of black pubic hair.

Once the sisters had realised that Nicola was ready, they smiled at one another, and Doreen led me over to where the eighteen-year-old was sitting on the sofa. I gasped as I looked her up and down. She was beautiful and I wanted her so badly. As I stood there in front of her, Nicola Patton reached out with both hands and looked up into my eyes, stroking my cock and balls gently as she stared at me from the sofa. I closed my eyes and began to breathe heavily thinking about what the young lady was doing to me and what she was going to do to me. Doreen had turned and walked across the living room, standing next to Maureen, both sisters watching what was going on.

After a few moments of Nicola stroking my cock and balls with her hands, the eighteen-year-old stopped and carefully got on her knees, kneeling inches away from me.

“Put your hands on my shoulders.” She purred and smiled as I opened my eyes and immediately did as she had instructed.

I closed my eyes once more as I held onto Nicola with both hands, the next sensation I felt was the dark-haired girl’s hand working my cock backwards and forwards, her other hand softly massaging my balls. As I stood there, Nicola Patton began teasing me by moving her head close to my cock, allowing her hair to rub against my bare skin. This made me moan and breathe heavily. All the time, she continued to slowly work my cock with her right hand. Moments later, I felt the lovely sensation of Nicola’s tongue working its way along the length of my eight inches. The young lady did this several times, holding my balls in her left hand as she did so. The Hannah sisters smiled at one another as they watched Nicola in action, feeling themselves becoming more and more turned on as they saw her playing with my rock-hard cock in her hands.

Nicola Patton smiled as she paused and looked up at me standing over her. I had my eyes closed tightly and my hands were pushing down on her shoulders as she knelt before me. She returned to the task in hand and, without warning, slowly took half of my eight inches inside her warm mouth. I gasped at the feeling, but the young lady concentrated on what she was doing, slowly moving my throbbing cock backwards and forwards in her mouth, brushing her tongue against the tip of my cock. Nicola Patton had sucked a few cocks in her time, and expertly worked away at mine, stroking my balls gently with her left hand as her tongue licked and explored every inch of me. She was quite experienced when it came to doing things like this, but she had never had one so big before and occasionally gagged as she took too much of me and it went too far down her throat.

After a few minutes, I began to breathe heavily and opened my eyes to watch as Nicola worked away at my erect cock. I held onto her shoulders and smiled as I heard her slurp and swallow loudly, gently pushing my cock a little further inside her mouth. The feeling of her deep red fingernails stroking my balls soon had me on the brink of climax and I tensed, shooting a spurt of hot, gloopy spunk into the eighteen-year-old’s mouth. Nicola Patton gagged slightly, but recovered and took it, and the second and third spurt that followed shortly afterwards. She swallowed, letting me get every last drop out before taking her hands from my cock and balls.

The young lady with the long, brown hair, held my cock in her mouth for a few moments before she pulled away. I took my hands from her shoulders, and she shuffled out of the way, licking her lips before she looked up at me and laughed. As I stood there, cock pointing at her, Nicola returned it to her mouth and licked every inch of it, ensuring that it was totally clean, before letting it go once more.

“Happy birthday Pete.” She said softly, a wicked little smile across her face.

I reached down and placed both of my hands on her breasts and began toying with the small, dark brown nipples. Nicola Patton carefully got to her feet and leaned in and kissed me full on the mouth, her tongue exploring inside my mouth. I responded and placed my hands around her lovely breasts, gently squeezing them with my hands as we kissed. Across the living room, the Hannah sisters were watching us. They were both aroused and now it was their turn.

“Peter. Nicola. Stop that this instant.” Maureen Hannah scolded, smiling at Doreen as she spoke.

“Young man, get yourself to Auntie Doreen’s bedroom and you, young lady, you can come with Auntie Maureen, and she’ll soothe that naughty bottom of yours.” She added, getting to her feet and staring at us as we stood holding one another.

Shortly afterwards, I found myself lying on my back next to Auntie Doreen on her large double bed. The blonde-haired woman had kissed me on the lips softly before getting up from her bed and removing her clothes, smiling at me as I watched her strip out of her blouse, then her skirt. The well-built lady then kicked off her navy shoes before unzipping her navy skirt and stepping out of it. Doreen smiled as she looked at me watching her, the older sister immediately noticing that my cock was hard once more as I lay naked on her bed. The blonde-haired lady wasted no time in unfastening her bra and placing it on the floor before seductively removing her pale yellow knickers, carefully stepping out of them before re-joining me on her bed.

The forty-five-year-old woman placed her left arm around me and pulled me close, kissing me softly on the lips before she began to push her tongue inside my mouth. I responded and smiled as I felt Doreen Hannah’s large hand touching my cock. As Miss Hannah stroked my cock and balls, I placed my hands around her large breasts with their large, light brown nipples that were erect, moving my fingers all over them as the blonde-haired woman shuffled around on the bed.

“Suck my breasts, you bad, bad, boy.” She purred, pulling herself away from me and smiling as I immediately lowered my head towards her breasts.

“Naughty boy.” She whispered as my tongue touched her left breast.

In Maureen’s bedroom, she had also stripped out of her clothes, placed her small round glasses on the bedside cabinet and was cuddled up with Nicola on her bed. The ladies said nothing as they touched and teased one another, the eighteen-year-old girl with the long brown hair taking control as she gently pushed Maureen Hannah onto her back, her head resting on the pillows behind her. Nicola Patton smiled as she leaned over and kissed the older woman softly on her lips, touching the dark-blonde-haired woman’s breasts as she did so. Maureen Hannah unintentionally opened her legs as she felt Nicola’s fingers on her breasts, the younger woman expertly teasing her nipples.

Nicola continued kissing Maureen softly on her lips as her hands wandered from the forty-three-year-old’s large breasts down to her pussy. The eighteen-year-old ran her fingers softly and seductively over the thick bush of black pubic hair that covered the top of Maureen’s pussy and spent minutes doing this as she listened to Maureen’s satisfied gasps and moans at the feeling of Nicola’s fingers. The younger Hannah sister began to thrash around on the bed as she became more and more aroused, but the dark-haired girl used her left hand to hold her down, slipping the fingers on her right hand inside Miss Hannah’s hot and moist pussy.

The young, dark-haired woman concentrated upon the task in hand and pushed her fingers deeper inside the dark-blonde-haired woman, holding her down with her free hand as she did so. Maureen Hannah’s breathing began to come in gasps, and she lay there, holding onto her pillows tightly as Nicola’s magical fingers got to work, softly stroking her, backwards and forwards inside her hot and wet pussy. The older woman made sweet, satisfied noises as Nicola Patton’s fingers found her clit, which she began to rub slowly, pushing down on Maureen’s stomach with her left hand to keep her still.

As the young woman’s fingers worked away, backwards and forwards, slowly then faster, the younger Hannah sister’s gasps became louder and louder until, after a few moments, she came to orgasm, announcing its arrival with a loud scream of pleasure, collapsing back into her pillows as she did so. Eighteen-year-old Nicola remained silent, allowing the older woman to recover for a few moments before treating her to a second, third and then finally, a fourth mind-blowing orgasm, by which time, Maureen was soaked in sweat, but she was so satisfied. It was so much better having Nicola fingering her than doing it herself with her vibrator she thought as she lay on her bed. Nicola Patton shuffled around on the double bed until she was lying next to the dark-blonde-haired woman.

Once she had recovered, Maureen Hannah moved around on her bed and placed her left arm around Nicola and pulled her into her large breasts and cuddled her tightly, kissing the girl gently on her forehead as she held her.

Back in Doreen’s bedroom, the well-built, blonde-haired lady had taken control and, after I had kissed, licked and sucked her large breasts with their light brown nipples to her satisfaction, she had moved down to the bottom of the bed and pushed my legs apart, wasting no time before slipping my cock inside her mouth. She smiled as she looked at me watching her from the top of the bed, licking my cock like a lollypop as she held it in her large right hand.

“Now, young man, Auntie is going to show you how a real woman gives a blow job.” She whispered, moving her head from my cock as she did so.

Doreen Hannah studied my throbbing cock, which she held in her hand for a few moments before she noisily spat a mouthful of saliva onto my cock before slowly starting to move it backwards and forwards with her right hand, tightening her grip as she did so. She quickly took my cock inside her mouth, swallowing as much of the eight inches as she could and noisily slurping and sucking for all she was worth. Her blonde hair brushed against my bare stomach as she worked away frantically, pulling and sucking on my cock for all she was worth, gagging loudly as she took too much of me inside her warm, moist mouth. I did my best to hold myself still on the bed as Doreen Hannah sucked me off, gasping as her tongue did its work.

The older Hannah sister ignored my gasps and moans as she brought me closer and closer to climax, pushing me down into the bed with her free left hand as she sucked and licked until she felt my hips tense.


I shouted, but it was too late as my spunk was already on its way and soon, that first long spurt was on its way to the back of the older woman’s throat. Like Nicola had done earlier, she gagged slightly and pulled back but took the lot and the second spurt that followed shortly after. Accidentally my cock slipped from her mouth and that final spurt dribbled onto her chin. She raised her head and looked at me, licking the drops with her tongue and wiping the rest from her face with her left hand before placing her fingers in her mouth. After she had recovered and swallowed, she went back down between my legs and took my cock in her right hand, licking every part clean before doing the same to my balls.

“Happy eighteenth birthday, nephew.” She whispered as she moved back onto the bed and lay next to me, kissing me softly on the cheek before she lay back on the pillows.

As I was being sucked dry by Doreen, her younger sister cuddled up to Nicola, kissing the eighteen-year-old on her lips softly, whilst toying with the girl’s large breasts. She said nothing as she continued kissing, licking and gently biting on the dark-haired girl’s small nipples. The young lady sank back into the bed and spread her legs open wide, breathing heavily and holding onto the pillows behind her head to keep herself as still as she could, although this proved difficult as Maureen Hannah’s tongue flicked against her nipple, before softly kissing, licking and sucking like her life depended upon it.

Both ladies were aroused and after a short while, Maureen sat up on the bed and leaned over Nicola, smiling as she placed her large left-hand flat on the young woman’s stomach. She smiled as she moved in and kissed Nicola on her bright red lips before pulling away once more. The next sensation that the eighteen-year-old felt was Miss Hannah’s hand softly stroking the bare skin of her stomach before slowly working her way down, across Nicola’s bush of dark pubic hair, continuing until he found the girl’s pussy lips, which she carefully pushed apart with the fingers on her left hand. Maureen could feel how wet the young lady was and smiled as she slipped two fingers of her large hand inside, watching Nicola Patton lying on her bed as she did so.

The dark-haired girl simply closed her eyes and lay there, breathing heavily as she felt the older woman’s finger exploring her. The forty-three-year-old woman pushed further and further inside with her fingers, concentrating on the task in hand and ignoring Nicola moving around on her bed. After a few moments, Miss Hannah began to slowly move her fingers backwards and forwards, smiling as she found the girl’s clit. The dark-blonde-haired woman carefully, and softly, rubbed her fingers across it, before increasing the pressure and moving her fingers backwards and forwards, smiling to herself as she heard the younger woman moaning with pleasure as Maureen’s fingers hit the spot.

After a short time, Nicola came, announcing that first, satisfying orgasm with a scream.

“Oh fuck, Maureen!”

Nicola Patton writhed and squirmed around on the bed as she came, Maureen keeping her fingers inside the girl whilst she calmed herself before repeating the treatment three more times, each orgasm being greeted by loud moans of pleasure and shouts and screams by my slightly older friend. Once the dark-haired girl had collapsed into the pillows on the bed after that fourth mind-blowing orgasm, Maureen Hannah slowly took her fingers from Nicola’s pussy and sat staring at the girl, who was breathing heavily, eyes closed, lying very contented on the bed next to her. She smiled as she shuffled around and then lay next to Nicola and placed her right arm around her, pulling her into her, smiling as Nicola Patton’s dark hair touched her skin as the young lady rested her head on Maureen’s breasts as they lay there.

“You’re Auntie Maureen’s little slut from now on, Nicola.” The well-built older woman whispered softly as she listened to the dark-haired girl breathing quietly.

As Maureen and Nicola snoozed, in Doreen Hannah’s bedroom I was being ridden by the older Hannah sister. Doreen Hannah had played with my cock, and it had not taken a great deal to make it go rock hard once again – the feeling of her fingernails stroking my cock and balls had soon made it swell until it stood tall, ready for action. The blonde-haired lady knew exactly what she wanted and carefully moved around on her bed until she straddled me.

“Time for you to give Auntie her gift, young man.” She purred as she shuffled around, smiling as she manoeuvred herself over my cock.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as Doreen used her right hand to move my cock to where she wanted before easing herself down on it, my full eight inches slipping effortlessly inside her hot and wet pussy.

“You’re going to fuck Auntie Doreen and make her cum, you naughty boy otherwise you’re going to get another spanking and I’ll spank you until you give me an orgasm.” She whispered, moving around as she spoke.

Moments later, Doreen Hannah took control and began moving up and down on my eight inches. She started solely, but soon built up the intensity, smiling as she felt me inside her and also at the sound my balls made as they slapped against her large backside. I tried to push inside her as far as I could, but Doreen did most of the work, riding me until I felt myself coming close to orgasm. I opened my eyes and placed both hands around her large tits that were slapping around as she moved up and down. The blonde-haired woman was hot and sweating as she continued to bounce around on my cock but continued to work away, moaning loudly as she felt herself becoming more and more aroused.

After a couple of minutes, I felt my spunk building and squeezed Miss Hannah’s large breasts tightly in both hands as it began its journey. In what seemed like no time at all, I had deposited three long, satisfying spurts of hot spunk inside the forty-five-year-old woman, who also came to a noisy orgasm, before bending forward and taking me in her arms. We stayed like that on Doreen’s bed for a few moments, until she carefully eased herself off my by-now flaccid cock and moved around until she was lying next to me on the right-hand side of her bed. We spent a few moments recovering before the blonde-haired woman leaned over, brushed her hair from her face and kissed me full on the mouth once more.

“Good boy. Auntie Doreen is very satisfied with your work today. No need to spank you further I think, and no need to go and get Miss Kominsky or Mrs. Wheeler involved in our next “stock take, is there?” She smiled before kissing my lips once more.

We must have stayed in bed for about fifteen minutes or so before Doreen got up and hastily dressed, not caring that her blouse and skirt were creased beyond recognition. We had kissed and cuddled before returning to the living room, where Nicola was getting dressed. She was red and hot from her exertions and smiled at me as she stood there fastening the buttons of her short-sleeved white blouse. I smiled at her as I walked over to where my clothes had been piled on the armchair and began to dress, looking at Nicola, who said nothing as she finished getting dressed.

Maureen Hannah had already dressed and was in the kitchen whilst we replaced our clothes. She eventually joined us in the living room carrying a tray with cups of coffee on it. We sat, somewhat awkwardly, in my case, and chatted about what happened that afternoon and that the sisters would like Nicola to take part in the stock take in future. My eighteen-year-old friend had nodded and had agreed that she would like to take part. Even being spanked by Maureen Hannah across her bare bottom had been quite a pleasant experience for her.

Nicola and I left the shop shortly after 3.30 that afternoon, walking together until we stopped at the crossroads at the top of the road. She held my left hand in her right hand and leaned over, kissing me softly on the lips for a few moments before letting me go. She crossed the road and headed home. When I arrived back at Auntie Lindsay’s house, she was sitting in the living room watching television. She tore her attention away from the screen to ask me why I was a little late that afternoon. I explained that we had cleaned the shop before starting our stock take, so it took a little longer than usual. She seemed to accept that and went back to her programme.

I smiled at her and left the living room climbing the stairs and closing the bedroom door behind me. I rubbed both hands over my hot and swollen bottom, smiling as I felt a piece of paper in my back pocket. I unfastened the button and pulled the piece of paper out, unfolding it and smiling as I read it.

“Happy Birthday Peter. I hope that you enjoyed your birthday treat this afternoon as much as we did! I hope that your botty isn’t too sore, but hopefully being soothed by Nicola and Auntie Doreen makes that all worthwhile. As you know, Auntie Doreen and myself want you (and Nicola!) to be well behaved, polite and courteous at all times and I feel that we may need some assistance with ensuring that you both act that way in future. I am going to try and persuade either Miss Kominsky, or perhaps more likely, Mrs. Wheeler, from your old school, to help us with that task. Lots of love, Auntie Maureen xx.”


Same as Doreen and Maureen The Spanking Shopkeepers: Spanking Fantasies Sometimes Do Come True Part Two Videos

4 years ago
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Maureen Swallows Granddad Ch 02

Maureen smiled around her grandfather’s cock as she bobbed her head up and down the length of him. She lovingly caressed his balls with her hand as she inhaled him deep into her throat. She purposely made obscene slurping noises as she sucked him harder and harder hoping to coax another load of cum out of him. She felt her grandfather stiffen, and in seconds he was erupting in her mouth. Maureen swallowed every last, tasty drop and gave her granddad one last suck for good luck! ‘Oh God...

3 years ago
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Maureen Swallows Granddad Ch 02

Maureen smiled around her grandfather's cock as she bobbed her head up and down the length of him. She lovingly caressed his balls with her hand as she inhaled him deep into her throat. She purposely made obscene slurping noises as she sucked him harder and harder hoping to coax another load of cum out of him. She felt her grandfather stiffen, and in seconds he was erupting in her mouth. Maureen swallowed every last, tasty drop and gave her granddad one last suck for good luck! "Oh God Maureen,...

2 years ago
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Maureen Swallows Granddad

Maureen examined herself in the mirror. ‘I could probably stand to lose a few pounds.’ She thought. The boys in college couldn’t get enough of her, though. Maureen had bright green eyes, short spiky red hair, and a very cute smile. She was not ugly by any means, but many of the girls in her school were prettier than Maureen. She had one thing going for her that the other girls didn’t though. Maureen was very busty. She had a mouth-watering 36DD chest! She had inherited her boobs from her mother...

4 years ago
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Maureen Swallows Granddad

Maureen examined herself in the mirror. "I could probably stand to lose a few pounds." She thought. The boys in college couldn't get enough of her, though. Maureen had bright green eyes, short spiky red hair, and a very cute smile. She was not ugly by any means, but many of the girls in her school were prettier than Maureen. She had one thing going for her that the other girls didn't though. Maureen was very busty. She had a mouth-watering 36DD chest! She had inherited her boobs from her mother...

3 years ago
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My mind was wandering, as it does when idling in the sun, enjoying a rare day off. My thoughts bounced from topic to topic, mental pictures flitting across my closed eyelids, like vintage film flickering against the screen that were my eyelids. As so often occurs, an unbidden thought caused me to focus more attention upon it.Doreen. I hadn't given her a single thought for many months, if not years. I first met her when I was a youngster, and I spent many a load of cum imagining what I would...

2 years ago
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By Gail Holmes Doreen had been with the occult best part of her life, now she had her own practice, using meeting places in various local towns or villages, she built up quite a community and was respected by her followers. At thirty-seven, she was getting tired of life, never had she ever been taken to bed by a member of the opposite sex, well taken anywhere for that matter. A virgin she was not, her own pleasures had taken...

3 years ago
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Doreen gets a Call from Jane who wants a rem

Doreen was sitting in her lounge when the phone rang, Hello Doreen needed to give you a little chat about the great time i had round yours last weekend it was Jane. Hello Darling Doreen said can i help you well my Sweetie I am sure you can my Pussy is still Hungry for more Action of your mouth & Dirty Tongue eating my Wet Horny Cunt i keep fucking myself with a Thicker & Longer red Mushroom Dildo i have Brought Online all the time since Lover Boy came round your house & Fucked us...

2 years ago
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Doreen Does It Down and Dirty

When Doreen Bushman was growing up, everyone thought her angelic face and her dainty manners meant she was destined for the finer things in life. She learned how to serve tea properly and even how to use her hankie to eliminate little mishaps without detection. It was not until she met Veronica the Tart that she began to slide down into the pit of depraved kinky pleasures that her new best friend "Ronnie" introduced her to. Her mum and her dad had not the slightest inkling that their darling...

1 year ago
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Doreen gets a raise

Note : This story is completely fictional! Doreen woke up and found Jim sleeping in her bed"You're a maggot" shouted the girl."Don't call me names" "You took advantage of me last night when I was drunk""You wanted it" replied Jim."I said you could feel my tits not fuck me""You liked it""I'm sober now""Well get drunk so I can do it again" laughed her step-brother.Doreen smiled, she couldn't stay mad at him for long so she spread her legs and said."Eat my cunt this time""Yes, anything you want"He...

2 years ago
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Maureen;To Nice To Be True Maureen had ignored the first couple of calls, thinking that it was just another telemarketer, but was very pleasantly surprised that the book of chances she was pressured into buying had won her and Bob five nights in a Sandals resort!Visions of lust danced in Bob's head when he got the call at his office, his cock already achingly hard from the chat he had just ended at Lushstories. Maybe he could even talk Maureen into baring those beautiful full tits of hers....

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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MAUREEN By Emma "Here she comes." I folded my legs; bum perched on the edge of the video monitor station, and sniggered as I saw Maureen come out of the staff changing room on the little black and white monitor. Max, the store security guard chuckled too. "Look at her," I said, "Imagine having an arse like that." Max laughed. "I don't know who designed the uniforms at this store but they didn't give a second though to fashion, did they?" "Nope. They certainly...

2 years ago
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Maureen Shared

Maureen shared"I've been cheating on you." My body froze as the simple sentence left her lips. I tried to speak but my mind remained completely blank as I struggled to find the words to respond to my girlfriend's confession. Anger. Sadness. Disappointment. A variety of emotions teemed forth, battling one another for supremacy within the maelstrom of my thoughts. Sue’s hand gently squeezed mine as if trying to reassure me of something as she gazed apologetically at my emotionless face with...

3 years ago
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Hotel fun with Maureen part 1

Alan was working from home yesterday so Mandy and I had met up in a hotel.Maureen had made an excuse that she was meeting friends and that she would be out for most of the day. Maureen had arranged for me to meet her by the BP petrol station which was near where she lived. I had met up with her at 11am, I was parked by the car wash area and she had got in my car and we shared a kiss just before setting off. We had booked the Croydon Park Hotel which was near East Croydon Station. Once there...

2 years ago
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MaureenChapter 8

Less than a second later, we appeared in the back of the equipment room. It was dark, but Maureen had remembered to bring a flashlight as well as the box with the equipment in it. We carefully placed each piece of the equipment back on the shelf with similar pieces of equipment and were finished in a matter of minutes. Maureen sent the now empty box back to where she had obtained it. “Are you ready to leave?” she asked. “Yes.” “I’m going to cancel the spells that the Magic Council used on...

3 years ago
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Surprise Birthday treat from Maureen

It was birthday yesterday and Maureen had called me early to wish me a happy birthday. Maureen had told me to meet her at the petrol station near her home at midday as she had a surprise for me. I didnt know what this surprise was but could not wait to see what it was. At 12pm I arrived at the petrol station and saw Maureen. Maureen came into my car and gave a nice wet birthday kiss. Maureen had told me that she made a hotel booking for us at the Hilton s king delux room. Taken back by this I...

1 year ago
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Maureen and Me

Ok, I know what you will say: I'm an idiot. Let me try to explain my position though. Maybe you will understand then. Most of the time I must agree with your judgement that I am a damned fool for complaining about the situation I find myself in. It started after I enrolled at college. I decided not to live in any dormitory and found a cheap single bedroom apartment about a mile from the campus. It had a small bathroom with a shower and a kitchenette with a two burner stove and a miniscule...

First Time
2 years ago
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The Raffle Antoine and Maureen in the Hood

From Private School Girl Megan and AntoinePrivate school Megan had returned from school to her nice suburban home.? She was surprised by Antoine who had made a day trip from the hood to look for a house to burglarize.? She has been raped, tortured and disfigured by the sadistic intruder.? Antoine has let down his guard allowing Megan to get a knife while he is not watching Antoine robs the house, finishes off poor Megan and torches the house, returning by train to the hood.Megan’s Mom Maureen...

4 years ago
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When Tommy Webb's mother informed him that she and his father would be attending an old friend's wedding an electrical tingle sensation ran down his spine. He tried to restrain his excitement and held his breath for a moment. "Will Maureen be coming over?" he asked in an intentionally dull voice. "If she is available, I guess. She might have to stay over. We will be out very late,' said his mother leaning against the door frame of his bedroom. "You don't mind, do you?" she asked a moment...

4 years ago
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Jury Service Finally Fnished OR Mature Maureen

WARNING _ THIS IS A LONG ONE (ha ha) At last.Finally the jury service had finished. Case closed, the guy never did anything wrong, as far as we could see.It hadn't been a bad couple of weeks, to be honest. We had a good bunch on our panel, all with a sense of humour. Seven women, and five men, including myself.We had been sent out after giving our verdict, and were pretty much just waiting to be told what to do next and, as there was a canteen, made use of our time by drinking coffee and...

4 years ago
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Doreen June Sprjng a Wonderful Surprise When

Weekend has flew round again so Quickly again so i was having a little lay in, When suddenly i heard Voices & gigglescoming near to my front door, then the door Knocker sounded I only had my Pants beside the bed to throw on so i thought I would go down & open the door just a touch thinking it would be Cold Callers asking stupid Questions then i released that i had woke up with a massive Hard woody on OH Shit i will just keep my Hands covering it up while i see them off. I Peeped open...

2 years ago
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Maureens Sweet Treat

maureen is a older woman i used to work with she is 62 years old short brown hair to her neck glasses,nice tits, some sag to them but still nice, nice ass and a trimmed pussy, this happened a few years ago, i meet maureen at work very nice from the day i started, sweet lady, grandma like, would help you out anything you need she was there, very sweet lady.she was set to retire and the office staff wanted to take her out for drinks and dinner, maureen was surprised when she showed up gifts,cards...

3 years ago
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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

2 years ago
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Maureens Older Pussy

Maureen is a older woman i used to work with she is 62 years old short brown hair to her neck glasses,nice tits, some sag to them but still nice, nice ass and a trimmed pussy, this happened a few years ago, i meet maureen at work very nice from the day i started, sweet lady, grandma like, would help you out anything you need she was there, very sweet lady.she was set to retire and the office staff wanted to take her out for drinks and dinner, maureen was surprised when she showed up...

3 years ago
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Follow UpChapter 5 Maureen

Bob Lacy was back from Korea and in law school for one month when he received a letter that had an APO return address. He opened it and was surprised to find that it was from Maureen, a girl he had known intimately in Korea. She was the Red Cross girl he had a great time with, just before he shipped back to the States. In opening the letter he caught the scent of her perfume on it. It brought back memories of a wild night they had in Seoul. She stated in the letter that her time in Korea was...

2 years ago
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My sister Maureen and I have been lovers off and on for twenty years now,continuing even after she got married and had two c***dren. I loved fucking her when she was pregnant, making that swollen belly jiggle with each thrust. During these periods was a winfall for me because her husband was so put off as the pregnancy progressed he could no longer maintain a sustained erection. Maureen's hermones were going berserk and she ridiculously horny. If I didn't see her for a few weeks I was greeted...

3 years ago
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MaureenChapter 7

Maureen came into my arms. God, she was as warm and soft as I remembered. We kissed then and she was more passionate than any of my previous girlfriends, Yes, I’d had a number of female friends over the years, and had slept with many of them, but none were like this sweet young woman. I didn’t have a girlfriend presently because of the job. Most women didn’t want to go out with FBI agents, who couldn’t talk about their work, and who might be called away at any time or disappear on a case for...

2 years ago
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Bad Decision Maureen

There is no sex in this story. Maureen just made a stupid decision. The story of my friend Maureen Maureen and her fiancé Ronald (Ron) were planning to be married during the labour day holiday. They had an appointment at the jeweller in two weeks to choose the rings. That Saturday they were at her brother’s for a patio party. Her story. As she told me. I wrote in the first person I find it easier to write that way. We were at my brother’s for a patio party. We were introduced to some...

1 year ago
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MaureenChapter 6

After we got out of bed, I went to take care of my morning preparations and shave before dressing for the day. Ms. O’Farrell, I guess that I should call her Maureen now, had volunteered to make breakfast for us while I was busy. She had donned a robe before getting out of bed. Arriving in the kitchen twenty minutes or so later following dressing, I found she had made ham and eggs plus there were hot biscuits and orange juice. The coffee maker was just finishing brewing a batch of coffee, as...

2 years ago
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MaureenChapter 16

The following new characters appear in this chapter: Eryn & Ellyn Parks Maureen and Allen’s twin Daughters, at 15 years old they are 5’-4’’ tall, 115 pounds, 34C-21-33, with long red hair, green eyes, some freckles, and they are very pretty. The next four weeks at the Hardtrick farm were full of challenges for me. It seemed like I gained more weight every day. Shortly none of my clothes fit me, and Jill took me to obtain maternity clothing. Initially they fit me like a tent, but...

1 year ago
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Aunty Maureen is coming to stay

100% fiction! I awoke to mother gently stroking my cock. "Good news darling" she whispered giving me a soft kiss. "Your Aunty Maureen is coming to stay for a week, & you know what that means". I sure did. Aunty Maureen is mums older sister, a gorgeous full figured lady of 60 with the dirtiest mind imaginable. As mum began to slowly suck my early morning erection, I cast my mind back to her last visit. Beautiful memories filled me with excitement, memories of the 2 latex clad sisters locked in a...

3 years ago
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Sitting at a table, drinking with her co-workers, Doreen pondered again the happenings of the last week and what had caused them. For over two years now Stan had been after her to add some spice to their sex life. She had refused outright, not that she didn't think that their sex life needed help, but at the time, she wouldn't even talk about what he wanted to do, let alone do it. First, he wanted to try swinging; next it was a threesome with another woman, and when she had laughed at that...

2 years ago
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Sneaking over to see Maureen

Me and Maureen had not been able to see each other due to the restrictions over Covid. We both had been eager to see each other for weeks and we decided to meet up yesterday when we knew that Alan was not going to be home.At 11am I arrived at her address and she quickly let me in. Maureen gave me a long deep kiss, my cock was jumping in my pants. i started to rub her tits and kiss on her neck she took off her shirt and bra, i sucked on her nipples, kissing and licking them. I laid down on my...

3 years ago
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Aunt Maureen Turns Her Nephew on a Little Too Much

It was fourth of July, everybody had the day off, the kids didn't have school and we were all at my sister Linda's house, that huge McMansion she took from her bastard ex-husband in the divorce. More spare bedrooms than most houses had rooms and an in-ground pool in the back yard. Linda's current boyfriend, Paul, was blending up margaritas for us on demand and the usual suspects, me and my youngest sister, Pam, were sucking them down like water and, of course, letting Paul get away with a...

2 years ago
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I’ve never experienced anything like this in my life. How could that be? I’m 35, decent enough looking and have had my share of women in my life, and never had a great blowjob? Not quite… you see, this goddess currently seated on my face and causing my sensory overload? The one I’m trying to make sure has an orgasm every bit as magical as the one I feel trending ever closer? My tongue is wrapping itself around her cock as it slides in and out of my mouth - I never thought I say that and mean...

4 years ago
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MaureenChapter 5

The following characters return from the previous Injustice stories: Uncle Thaddeus (Thad) Jill’s Uncle, Magic user, 5’-10’’ tall, 185 pounds, 78 years old, a full gray beard and gray hair, hazel eyes Aunt Grania (Grace) Uncle Thad’s Wife, Jill’s Mother’s older Sister, 5’-8’’ tall, 140 pounds, 34C-24-34, 75 years old gray hair, blue eyes Arriving back in Parks’ apartment, we three looked around carefully, but could detect no changes since we had left. Well, nothing but Agent Parks...

1 year ago
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MaureenChapter 9

The next few days went by without anything major happening at work. I continued to work on the false trail that I had started to investigate. I even spent time out of the office checking on things that came up as a result of the research. It was good to get away from the building and my cubicle for a while. I also hadn’t heard anything from the Equipment Department. The same could not be said about Maureen. She was still worried about me being discovered. She was so worried, in fact, that...

3 years ago
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MaureenChapter 12

Allen and I knew nothing of all of this until we saw the report that evening on television. We had arisen early on Tuesday morning, and taken care of our morning preparations before transferring to the Hardtrick farm to inquire about potential places to stay while things cooled off in Boston, and the government lost interest in us. The Hardtrick children were nearly finished with their chores, and Jill was making breakfast with Max’s help when we arrived. Naturally, everyone had to stop what...

4 years ago
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MaureenChapter 15

I awoke early on Friday morning, spooned up against Allen and feeling wonderful. We had made long slow, passionate love and then had sex last night before going to sleep. It seemed that we now awoke each morning spooned up against each other. Somehow we seemed to always find each other in our sleep, no matter how we started out on going to sleep. The three cats were asleep at the foot of the bed. The two females on my side and the male was on Allen’s side of the bed. Following a good...

2 years ago
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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Morning session with Maureen

This morning Maureen had called me to say that the house would be empty as her husband Alan and daughter Gemma would both be at work.This was our second time meeting up since last week as we couldn't find time to see eachother. I drove to her house and waited round the corner for her husband to leave. Once her husband had left Maureen called to come in.As soon as I go through the door she jumped up and came over to me, She quickly peels my shirt and pants off, then we shared a long deep kiss. ...

4 years ago
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MaureenChapter 3

The following new character appears in this chapter and later chapters: Stephen B. (Steve) Angus and Calisa’s son, 5’-6’’ tall, 135 pounds, almost 15 years old, brown hair, blue eyes, A very strong Talent that is still developing Tuesday the first of April, April fool’s day, had not been a particularly productive day. We had finally located Maureen O’Farrell’s birth certificate. It had taken much longer than it should have, those in Southie being more than a little careless with keeping...

1 year ago
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MaureenChapter 14

On the porch of the Duffield’s house, we rang the doorbell, and a woman answered the door after a short time. “Oh, you must be the couple Sam said was renting the north cabin. I’ll need to send one of the children to get him,” she told us in a rush of words. “He’s out in the tractor shed. There’s a problem with the big tractor. It will only take a couple of minutes. Come in and have a seat in the front parlor,” she finished explaining. I could feel Sam’s Talent with my Magic senses, and it...

2 years ago
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My Mom Maureen my Fatherinlaw Doug

Doug has always had a thing for my Mom. From the day he first met her he has wanted to fertilize her, to plant his seed deep in her & impregnate her. Since I married his son, Bradley so many years ago he has fucked her so many times, but never accomplished his goal of turning her into his personal bun oven till now. About eight weeks ago he had the opportunity to have her stay with him for two months. Needless to say he kept her naked most of the time. Her outfit was a little French Maid...

4 years ago
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

1 year ago
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A Spanking For Katherine

It was Saturday afternoon and like every Saturday around this time, Katherine Jennings was headed towards Master Black's house for their usual "session". She had been going there every Saturday for the past two years now, and she looked forward to each visit with her Master. She had spent the morning getting ready to meet him – she knew that Master had very exacting standards and liked her to be perfect for him. So she had showered and while in the shower she took the time to make sure she was...

4 years ago
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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

4 years ago
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Bad Decision Maureen Ch 02

After The Patio Party Maureen It has been three months since the patio party where I made a very bad decision that cost me my fiancée,I have re-run that day in my mind and analyzed everything as honestly as I can. I came to the conclusion that I was not the only one making a bad decision, Ron also had to share the blame. He did not have to run away like a little kid.He should have maybe gone and done what he felt he had to do regardless of my objections.I had told him to go,true, but just off...

4 years ago
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My Mom Maureens Treat

I'm sitting here smiling last night my husband, Brad his dad, Doug & my Mom had a nice dinner while my step dad was out of town. I pretty much knew how the evening was going to end when had arranged to have the k**s spend the weekend with his Mom. I think my Mom had thoughts that the evening would be filled with her being their fuck toy and she was right. when we picked her up she came to the door wearing a very sexy little black dress that showed her large breasts quite well, you could...

2 years ago
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MaureenChapter 10

“So what are we going to do tonight?” Allen asked as we drove out of Boston. “We are going to find a nice quiet hotel that will take cash and ask no questions. Then we are going to get a good night’s sleep before going back to check out those minor Talents who showed up today. I want to see just how strong they are, and who they work for. We need to know who we are up against, and what they are trying to do,” I told him. North of Boston proper, and well north of the old Irish gang territory...

1 year ago
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MaureenChapter 13

It was a good thing that Allen was at least familiar with the streets in Chelsea and the surrounding area. Having spent most of the time since I was seven years old in other places, I wasn’t. While I was familiar with Southie and the area where my Mother now lived, the rest of Boston and its surrounding communities were a big unknown to me. I had spent a lot of time while growing up on several farms. Allen easily found the correct street, and we cruised along it looking for the Witch’s...

3 years ago
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

1 year ago
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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

2 years ago
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My first embarrassing spanking Andy exposed

Growing up I’ve always had an interest in spankings. I’m sure it all started from being spanked as a k**. I’m a happily married 52 year old white male. To give you a better picture of me, I’m 6ft, 195 lbs, short red hair, smooth body, 5 1/2 inch cut cock, decent shape.My curiosity to receive a spanking as an adult grew more and more. I was wanting to be spanked by an older man. Not a severe spanking, but one that would leave my ass red. And to have a feeling of shame, embarrassment, guilt and...

1 year ago
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My first embarrassing spanking Andy exposed

Growing up I’ve always had an interest in spankings. I’m sure it all started from being spanked as a k**. I’m a happily married 52 year old white male. To give you a better picture of me, I’m 6ft, 195 lbs, short red hair, smooth body, 5 1/2 inch cut cock, decent shape.My curiosity to receive a spanking as an adult grew more and more. I was wanting to be spanked by an older man. Not a severe spanking, but one that would leave my ass red. And to have a feeling of shame, embarrassment, guilt and...

2 years ago
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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

2 years ago
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Fantasies Do ComeTrue

My name is Caleb and I am twenty-two years old. I work part-time as a stripper at The Dragon’s Lair by night and a full-time student by day. Every year The Dragon’s Lair puts on a charity silent auction for an animal rescue in our city. This year they are auctioning off their strippers instead for a dinner out and I am one of them. How I got talked into it I am not sure but I am standing here ready to go to the auction block. I have no problems taking my clothes off in front of maybe...

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