What Are Friends For
- 3 years ago
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The following new characters appear in this chapter:
Eryn & Ellyn Parks
Maureen and Allen’s twin Daughters, at 15 years old they are 5’-4’’ tall, 115 pounds, 34C-21-33, with long red hair, green eyes, some freckles, and they are very pretty.
The next four weeks at the Hardtrick farm were full of challenges for me. It seemed like I gained more weight every day. Shortly none of my clothes fit me, and Jill took me to obtain maternity clothing. Initially they fit me like a tent, but before long, I had filled them out. It was like I had turned into a balloon. By the time I was to go to my next appointment with Dr. O’Brien, I could no longer walk but had to shuffle. My bra was now a 34DD, and I needed a very long tape measure to check the distance around my extended belly. I hadn’t seen my feet in a couple of weeks.
All of the female cats, both mine and the Hardtricks, were anxious to visit with me, and several stayed with me all of the time. They claimed to be able to hear my twins talking to them, but neither Jill nor I could hear them. Several had wondered why I was so big and was only having two kittens, as they normally had four or more. It required a lot of explanations before they understood that even twins were unusual for humans.
We had watched the news very carefully over those four weeks, both the broadcast news and several large news sites on the internet. During that time there had been very little in the way of news about anything to do with the Paranormals. There had been no mention of either Allen or me. In fact there had been nothing about the Boston FBI in the news at all. There had been news from France about the “Equal Rights for Humans” party. There was an election scheduled there this fall, and these people were already holding demonstrations and getting attention from the media; though they were a small party, they were very vocal.
The 5th of June finally arrived, and Jill transferred with me to Dr. O’Brien’s office. The first indication that something was amiss came when Jill and I arrived in the office. The receptionist seemed to be surprised by my appearance.
“Yes?” she asked, as we approached her desk.
“Maureen O’Farrell, I have a 10:30 appointment,” I told her. She looked a bit confused before pulling my record from those that had been set out for that day.
“You’re here for your fifth month appointment, is that correct?” she asked in a questioning voice, as she looked at me somewhat confused.
“Yes, that’s correct,” I told her.
“Have a seat, the doctor will be with you shortly. We need you to fill out some additional paperwork also,” she added handing me a clipboard with some forms on it. Jill and I sat in the comfortable chairs in the waiting room, and it only required a few minutes to fill out the additional paperwork, but Jill needed to return it to the receptionist, as I had trouble getting out of the chair. I’d had this problem for almost two weeks now.
It was only a few minutes later that a nurse came from the back and called my name.
“Maureen O’Farrell,” she called, and then appeared shocked when Jill needed to help me out of the chair, and I waddled toward her.
“You’re here for your fifth month appointment?” she asked, as if unsure after looking at me.
“Yes, that’s correct,” I assured her.
“You seem to have gained quite a bit of weight since your last appointment,” she said.
“Yes, I seem to get larger every day,” I told her as she led me down the hall to a scale where she weighted me and measured my height, before continuing down the hall to the exam room. I was unable to follow her as quickly as she moved, and she stopped to return to help Jill move me to the room.
Once in the room, she lowered the table there so I could sit on it easily before taking the usual readings of blood pressure, pulse, and temperature.
“Have you had any problems since the last appointment?” she inquired.
“Just all of this weight I have gained, and a constant need to use the toilet,” I told her.
“The toilet part isn’t unusual, since there are three of you using the system now,” she said with a bit of a chuckle, as she apparently heard the same thing all of the time.
“The doctor will be in shortly. Just relax until then,” she told me before leaving. Jill had taken the only chair in the corner of the room.
“Are you okay?” she asked looking at me.
“Yes, it’s just hard to get around. It’s easier to just transfer between rooms and the toilet than it has been to try to walk. Did you have all of this trouble with your twins?” I asked.
“Yes, I had much the same problems that you are having, but they were later in my pregnancy. In fact now that I think about it, it was much later when I had gained weight like you have and had trouble walking,” she told me in a concerned voice. “Of course all women are different in how their bodies respond to being pregnant,” she added after a few seconds, not wanting to upset me I thought.
The door opened shortly after that, and Dr. O’Brien hadn’t even entered the room when she stopped, her eyes going wide in surprise on seeing me.
“You’re eight months pregnant!! she said in shocked disbelief, as she entered the exam room.
“You were four months pregnant when you were here in May. How can you be eight months pregnant now?” she asked in a shocked voice.
“I’m what?” I asked, just as shocked as she was. “Surely, you’re joking,” I finished.
“I never joke about things like that. You are in the eighth month, but that’s not possible,” she said still confused.
“Are you sure of that?” Jill asked in a worried voice.
“Yes, I’m absolutely sure of that, and your twins have huge Talents already. Can’t you feel them? It was almost like walking into a wall when I came through the door, and that was in addition to what my Talent was telling me about your condition. It’s just not physically possible for you to be eight months along,” she finished in a very positive voice.
“It may not be physically possible, but it may be Magically possible,” I told her in a very quiet voice. I had suspected for several weeks now that mine was not a normal pregnancy. I would have liked to have gone to see my Mother, but did not want to put her and her new family in danger. I hadn’t called either, as I suspected that her phone could be tapped by now. I needed to return my attention to the doctor, however, as she was still talking.
“Good grief, at this rate she could be delivering those twins in a week to ten days,” she was saying to a startled Jill when I came back to the present.
“I’ll need to get a room for you starting next week. How in the world could you advance that fast?” she demanded in a flustered voice, returning her attention to me.
“It may have something to do with the Magic Council and their Magic, or perhaps with the Magic that Allen and I shared,” I told her.
“It must have been wild Magic indeed,” she said before returning to her professional self.
“Let’s get you over to the ultrasound room and get some more pictures of your Daughters to be sure they are all right, although with the Talents I can feel they have, they should be fine,” she told us, before she and Jill helped me up and over to the other room.
I lay on the adjustable bed in the ultrasound room with goo on my large belly for some ten minutes or more while the assistant ran the wand over me, as the doctor checked the pictures that the machine was producing. Later I got to see the images. There were definitely two of them and I was assured that they were both girls, and that they were over half way through the third trimester.
“You don’t have long before those two are going to be ready to make an appearance. I want you to take it easy and to call me before you head for the hospital. I presume you will transfer there from where you are living,” she said.
“Yes, I know where the hospital is and will transfer there tomorrow to be sure everything is still the same as when I was there the last time,” Jill assured her, while the assistant cleaned me up and I got to look at the images.
“After you deliver the twins, I’ll make an appointment to see you and them about two weeks after the delivery. You should be able to get around by then,” the doctor assured me.
“That sounds fine,” I agreed, but wondered how I was supposed to cast the transfer spell with twins in my arms. Jill’d had Max to help her with that. I wouldn’t have Allen to help me. I’d have to figure out a way. A couple of baby carriers wrapped in a ward suggested itself immediately.
The next week was not pleasant. My feet hurt and my legs bothered me. I spent as much time off of them as possible. I was tired much of the time, and everything that I ate seemed to add to my weight. I couldn’t imagine feeling like this for nine months.
Just after sunrise on Thursday, the 12th of June, my water broke, and I started having contractions. Fortunately, the Hardtricks were already up, as it was after 6:00. Once the first shock had subsided, I carefully transferred to the kitchen where Jill was preparing breakfast for her family.
“Jill, my water has broken,” I told her in a frightened voice. She had explained to me what to expect.
“What? Oh dear!” she said in surprise, stopping what she had been doing and turning to me. The panic on my face startled her even more. “MAX!” she hollered, calling her Husband for help.
“We need to get you back to your room and get you into some dry clothes before we go to the hospital,” she told me just as Max appeared near us in the kitchen.
“Maureen’s water has broken. I need to get her to the hospital. You’ll need to take care of breakfast. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, so you may need to take care of everything today,” she told him.
“I’ll help you get her back to her room. Do you want one of the girls to help you?” Max asked as the two of them helped me to my room.
“I might need Megan to help me,” Jill told him, as they eased me onto the bed in a sitting position.
“I’ll get her. You take care of Maureen,” Max told his Wife before vanishing to get their oldest Daughter. Last night, I had laid out the clothes to wear today, and what I would take with me was in a small suitcase. Megan soon appeared in the hall and entered the room.
“Help Maureen get out of those wet clothes and into the dry ones that she has laid out. I’m going to call the doctor and will be right back to help you,” Jill told her oldest Daughter before leaving to use the phone. Megan had me half dressed when Jill returned.
“Dr. O’Brien will meet us at the hospital in a bit,” she told me, as she helped Megan finish dressing me.
“Are we ready to leave?” she asked next.
“In a minute,” I told her as another contraction gripped me, but it soon passed.
“Help your Father with the cooking,” Jill was telling her Daughter when I could pay attention again after the contraction had passed.
“Let’s go,” I told her before another one could start.
“I’ll be back later,” Jill told her Daughter before taking my hand and casting the transfer spell. We both disappeared from my bedroom to appear a second later in the hallway of a hospital.
“I need some help with my Daughter. Her water has broken and she is having contractions,” Jill called and several nurses appeared with a gurney and helped me on to it.
“I’m going to get you admitted, Maureen, and I’ll see you in delivery,” Jill told me as the nurses wheeled me down the hall to the delivery area.
The next two hours were very painful with the contractions increasing in both frequency and strength. Dr. O’Brien appeared shortly after the nurses had prepared me for the delivery. After checking my chart, she had a few words for me.
“It will be a while yet before the girls are ready to make an appearance. Try to relax, it takes time to dilate sufficiently,” she told me. A few minutes later, Jill was allowed in to sit with me.
The contractions had increased in frequency over the next hour plus, when suddenly there was what felt like a very painful tearing in my belly, and much to my shock, a baby appeared on top of me, giving a loud squall soon after appearing. Jill was as shocked as I was, but quickly called for help.
“Nurse ... nurse, help!” she shouted and two nurses quickly appeared. They were as shocked as we had been on seeing the infant lying on my belly.
“HOW!” the one asked, as the other one grabbed a towel to clean the infant up and then wrap her in a small pink blanket. Dr. O’Brien appeared, as she was finishing.
“What?” she demanded in shock just before I felt the same tearing, but less pain, and my second Daughter appeared just as the first one had, to be followed seconds later by the placenta, creating a rather large mess on me and my second Daughter. The nurses hurriedly cleaned up both my Daughter, who was letting the world know just how unhappy she was, as well as the placenta and me.
“That is the most amazing thing that I’ve ever seen,” Dr. O’Brien said before taking up her duties as my doctor, and checking me out to ensure that I was all right after that spectacular delivery. The pain and cramps had subsided shortly after both infants had appeared, and I was feeling much better when the nurses brought my infant Daughters over to me for their first meal on the outside.
They were both howling and were ravenous, but I noticed that the first thing they did after starting to nurse was to work a hand free and grab the silver cord of the amulet that I had been wearing since Allen had thrown it to me when he was being attacked.
“They aren’t supposed to be able to do that, and we can’t allow them to have that, as it isn’t sterile,” one of the nurses said on seeing what they had done. Dr. O’Brien interrupted her.
“You won’t be able to get it away from them. You can’t feel their Talents, but I can, and they are drawing Magic from that object. What is it, Maureen?” she asked.
I had been touching their Talents also and was shocked by what I found. I had thought that Allen and I had powerful Talents, but ours were as nothing compared to the Talents of my two infant Daughters. I became aware again as the doctor asked her question.
“It’s an amulet that the Magic Council gave Allen when they removed the Black Magic spell on his Talent,” I told her.
“Put the two of them together in a large infant bed and leave the object with them. These are Magically powerful infants,” the doctor ordered, but the chief nurse wasn’t impressed with her order.
“The hospital rules do not allow infants to have anything in their beds with them,” she said in a stern voice and moved to take the amulet from them. She had no more than reached for the silver cord the amulet was attached to when there was a large flash of Magic, and she fell to the floor unconscious. A ward had also appeared around each of the infants.
“Someone help the chief nurse,” the doctor told those gathered there, as we had attracted quite a crowd. She then turned back to me.
“How can we move those two?” she asked, unwilling to try to touch them through the ward. The chief nurse had been removed on a gurney in the meantime.
“I’ll move them when you are ready,” Jill told her, solving that problem.
“All right, for now at least. We’ll see about what else we need to do later. Have you selected names for them?” she asked next. I had spent considerable time on their names and considered a number of name combinations before finally deciding on the ones that I considered correct, but I now had to wonder if they had been my choice after all.
“Yes, the first born is to be Eryn. That’s E R Y N and it is pronounced Er-en. The second born is to be named Ellyn, and that is spelled E L L Y N and is pronounced Ell-en,” I told them. A nurse had taken all of that down.
“And the last name?” she asked.
“Why Parks naturally, the same as my Husband’s,” I told them.
The two infants were asleep now, but they still held on to the silver cord to the amulet, I had thought they were going to consume every drop of milk that I was producing, but they seemed to know how much they could take.
“We’ll move you to a room now. The girls will be brought in when they are hungry again. Get some rest, you will need it,” Dr. O’Brien told me, as Jill picked up both infants through the wards they had cast after removing the cord of the amulet from around my neck, and she carried them to the nursery. I was moved to a room where I went to sleep after being left alone. I spent three days in the hospital before they would release my Daughters. They hadn’t grown much in that time.
The Hardtricks had all come to see me, and Jill was there for several hours each day to help me with my Daughters. They were cute little redheads and very thirsty. At least one of them always held the silver cord that the amulet was attached to in her hand. Even at three days old, their green eyes were open and they smiled at me. Max had also brought Uncle Thad and Aunt Grania to visit as well as Angus and Calisa. To my surprise, Steve had accompanied them also. Dr. O’Brien had also made an appointment to see the three of us for the 30th of June.
My Daughters always seemed to be hungry and grew at a prodigious rate once out of the hospital. By the 30th of June, I had also lost much of the weight that I had gained while pregnant. I was able to transfer to the doctor’s office by myself, well actually with my Daughters. Our appearance there startled the receptionist.
“Miss O’Farrell?” she asked not sure who I was, and why I was holding the hands of my two Daughters who had been walking for a week now.
“Yes, I’m here for my two week appointment,” I told her as the girls smiled up at her confusion.
“But those children are what ... two years old?” she asked in an unsure voice.
“Yes, but I had them just two weeks ago,” I told her.
“Have a seat, and I’ll let the doctor know that you are here,” the receptionist told us before handing me more paperwork to fill out. The girls just smiled at her. Eryn was the one with the amulet today. They traded it off each day, and they wouldn’t release it, even to me.
The nurse soon arrived from the back, but she didn’t appear to be shocked on seeing the girls. The receptionist having warned her.
“Come with me, Miss O’Farrell,” she said and led the way to the examination rooms in the back. I was a bit slow to follow her, as the girls didn’t take long steps yet and they disliked being carried.
“The doctor will see all of you shortly,” the nurse told me after taking the usual readings, but she wasn’t sure what to check the girls for, settling for just checking their temperatures. Dr. O’Brien arrived shortly after she left.
“More surprises!” the doctor said on entering and spent a short time gazing at the girls. “They appear to be two years old,” she said finally after shaking her head. I had felt the Magic that passed between the three of them.
“How are you feeling? You certainly look much slimmer than you were in the hospital,” she said next.
“I’ve lost a lot of the weight, but feel fine. The girls have slept through the night since a few days after we left the hospital. They started on solid food four days after leaving the hospital and have been walking, if slowly, for a week now,” I told her.
“Are you still living with Jill and her family?” she asked.
“No, we moved to a small rental house in Sneedville a week after leaving the hospital. I won ten thousand dollars in the lottery shortly after going home. I had never won any money from the lottery before, but the numbers just appeared in my mind when I awoke that morning,” I told her.
“Convenient,” was all she said, before making the usual checks for a woman who had recently delivered a baby before we left.
“You should get an appointment with a pediatrician for the girls, but I suspect it would be of little use if they are maturing at the rate that you have told me,” the doctor said before we left.
Eryn and Ellyn were impossible to keep in clothes, as they outgrew them in no time. I bought clothes way too large for them, and in a couple of weeks they had outgrown them. I had also felt them using Magic to make some of their clothes larger so they would last longer.
By the 10th of July, the girls were the size of children four years old. That morning they came into breakfast and had something to tell me.
“Mama, we’ve been to see Daddy,” Eryn stated.
“What?” I asked in shock.
“We know where he is, and we went there to see if he is all right. We’ve known where he is for several weeks now, but weren’t ready to go there yet,” Ellyn told me.
“Where is he? I’ll go there and rescue him,” I told them on recovering from what they had said.
“No mama, you can’t go there. They would only trap you. There is nothing they would like better. When we are older, we will take you there, and WE will deal with the people there and the others,” Eryn told me in a positive voice.
By the 7th of August, the twins were the size of children eight years old. They were reading books that I recognized as coming from Angus’ library. They seemed to devour the books at a fantastic rate. A few weeks later, they were reading college text books, and I had no idea where they had obtained them. They had also continued to consume huge quantities of food to support their fantastic growth rate. I had also won another ten thousand dollars in the lottery to support us.
Every couple of weeks we visited the Hardtricks or Uncle Thad. We had even visited Nick and Kaera a few times. They were all amazed by the twins rapid growth.
On Thursday, the 25th of September, the girls came into breakfast and had an announcement.
“Today we are fifteen years old, Mother,” Ellyn announced before they sat down to eat.
“We will shortly reach the end of our Magic growth cycle, and will only continue to grow and to change at the usual rate for humans. We have another week or so before we will be sixteen,” Eryn added.
“We are also now old enough and wise enough to rescue Father. We will be taking you along with us when we go to do that Mother,” they both told me. I just stared at them in shocked amazement. Did they think that I was totally incapable of doing anything, I wondered?
“You can do that at fifteen?” I asked, not knowing what else to say, and that was when I remembered what the Leader of the Magic Council had said in Dr. O’Brien’s office on my first visit.
“You will have Allen back within six months. Rest assured that your Daughters will be able to locate him, as they share his DNA as well as yours. They will be very powerful as well and will be able to deal with those opposed to us,” he had told me. I hadn’t believed him at the time.
“Certainly, we’ve been there many times and know all of the people there and where everything is. It won’t be a problem,” Ellyn assured me in a confident voice.
“Are we ready?” Eryn asked as we joined hands after cleaning up the dishes, and she cast a transfer spell, but it was one that I didn’t know. We vanished from the house in Sneedville and appeared in a jail cell where Allen was sitting on the bed. He didn’t move when we appeared, and it didn’t look like he saw us. What could be wrong, I wondered?
“Why hasn’t Allen reacted to our presence?” I asked, unsure of the problem.
“Because he can’t see us or sense that we are here, Mother. We have stopped time and are in a time bubble. No one can sense us or see us until we return to the reality of time. There is an entire reality without time. We have spent a lot of our lives there while growing up. It actually requires about a month for us to age a year. A week of that time is spent in the reality of time. The rest is spent in the timeless one. We’ve been a lot of places and done a lot of things while in the timeless reality.
“We’ve seen where all of the leaders of the ‘Equal Rights for Humans’ party live and work, where they get their backing from, and we know what they are planning to do. The same is true of those running the FBI, the CIA and other government agencies,” Ellyn told me. It was a long speech for her as Eryn was the talkative one.
“We’re going to rescue Father, and start to deal with the people who abducted him. We’ve already set a lot of things in place on our previous visits,”Eryn informed me.
“How are you going to do this?” I asked, unsure of what they were going to do.
“You see the band on Father’s head?” Ellyn asked.
“It will explode if he tries to do any Magic. It will also explode if he tries to remove it. We are going to remove it,” she explained to my horror.
“But you’ll kill him!” I shrieked in shock.
“No, Mother, remember that we have stopped time. It requires time for the mechanism to work. We can move it through stopped time to return it the person who put it on him,” she continued.
“You can manipulate things through stopped time?” I asked, unsure.
“Certainly, Mother. How do you think we borrowed all of those books from Angus’ library, and all of those college text books?” Eryn asked with a smile and something occurred to me.
“How can you live three weeks out of four in the timeless reality? Is there food there?” I asked.
“That reality is full of Magic. We live on the Magic. It’s also what makes us grow. Why do you think we always have Father’s amulet with us? It feeds us Magic also. It’s also the reason that the two of you always wound up spooned up against each other at night. It was so we could draw Magic from the amulet.
“Then you wore it the remainder of the time that you were pregnant, and we continued to draw Magic from it. When we were born, it was the second thing that we needed after your milk. We still carry it all of the time,” Eryn told me.
“But back to what we are going to do,” Ellyn said to return us to the present situation. “There is a Black Magic Witch named Tisiphone who put that band on Daddy, and she has been torturing him everyday by running a current through it. We managed to short out that part of the band, but left a thought in Father’s mind that he should still react as if it were working,”Ellyn told me.
“Tisiphone is Megaera’s twin Sister. It required the two of them to cast the Black Magic spell that hid Father’s Talent. Those on the Magic Council only eliminated the part of the spell that Megaera cast. Tisiphone’s part of the spell was buried much deeper, and those on the Magic Council didn’t detect it. It was the hidden part of the spell that allowed her to hide his Talent again, and to draw him here, and imprison him,” Eryn told me.
“So we are going to transfer the band to Tisiphone’s head. If she tries to do any Magic after we restart time, it will explode killing her,” Ellyn told me before they used something to remove the band from Allen’s head. It didn’t explode!. Instead it floated through the walls and the steel gates of the prison as the girls moved it and us through the prison to a comfortable looking office where a tall, dark haired woman was reclining on a sofa. The band went easily onto her head, even with all of her black hair. There was also a man in the office sitting behind a desk, but I had no idea who he was.
“That is Assistant Director Stone of the FBI,” Eryn told me on seeing where I was looking. “We have a present for him also,” she assured me before moving us back to Allen’s cell.
“There is also a bomb attached to Father. It will go off if he tries to remove it, or if he moves more than five feet from this cell, and the blanketing field surrounding it. We are going to move it to Director Stone and attach it to him,” Ellyn told me when we reached the cell again. Once more the girls pointed their fingers at something under Allen’s shirt, and a cylinder with straps attached to it appeared, but I had no idea how they were doing this.
“How do you do that? Do you use a spell?” I asked, as I hadn’t detected the use of much Magic by them.
“Oh no, Mother. We use our Magic beams. They are very handy and are how we manipulate things. They work well in no time and also in regular time,” Eryn told me with a chuckle. Again we passed through the walls and gates with no problem at all. On arriving back at the office, the girls attached the bomb to Director Stone where he sat at his desk, before we returned to the cell where Allen was being kept.
This time on arriving back in the cell, the girls did something again, and I could feel their Magic twist time. Allen immediately leaped to his feet with a shocked look on his face.
“Maureen, don’t do any Magic in here. It will explode this band... ?” he said before he stumbled to a stop while feeling for the band around his head and was shocked to find it gone.
“It’s gone!” he said in awe, but quickly had another question. “How did you get here? They want to trap you in here also.”
“I was brought here by our Daughters,” I told him, much to his shock.
“Daughters, as in more than one, but that’s impossible. I haven’t been here long enough for you to have even delivered our child,” he said in denial.
“Allen, these are our Daughters, Eryn and Ellyn. They are now fifteen years old and will shortly be sixteen years old. I bore them in nine weeks after getting pregnant. They went from infants to fifteen years old in fifteen weeks by our time,” I told a very shocked Allen.
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I turned around to push him onto his back, crawling back on top with my legs around his waist as I pinned his hands by holding them above his head. Interwining our fingers as our cheeks glowed. I leaned down, kissing him softly with lewd wet sounds being created. He's kissing back, butterflies appear in my stomach as I gently grinded against his already grown bulge / ~To be continued~ / I remembered the porn videos I've watched, deciding to fully submit and started grinding our bulges...
Molly (Crystal Taylor) is a devout woman who just wants to do good in her life. However, her teen daughter, Juliet (Eliza Eves), is leading a sinful life that has Molly praying for her poor soul. Molly is so desperate to get through to her rebellious daughter that she finally invites her priest, Father Davis (Tommy Pistol), over to try and talk to her. Of course, once Juliet is alone with Father Davis, her resentment towards her mother for always meddling in her life boils over. She’s...
xmoviesforyouBobby’s Punishment “Bobby, where is your report?” I asked. “I…I left it in my dorm, Miss Janine,” stammered the tow-headed youth. His fingers twitched nervously at the top button of his blue shirt. “But it’s not completely done. Could I please have another night? I know I’ll finish it and turn it in tomorrow, miss.” A hiss of inhalation showed how Bobby’s classmates reacted to this bit of mildly defiant nonsense. “I know you’ll turn it in tomorrow, Bobby, because you won’t want to repeat the...
Introduction: Please read parts 1 and 2 prior to this story Part 3 We got in the car to head home and immediately started making out and rubbing the others crotch. Rebeccas pussy was wetter than I have ever felt it. I easily slid three fingers deep in her hole and she moaned in delight, humping my fingers as we kissed. She unlocked her lips from mine and told me how great it felt to be such a slut and how much she liked watching me get off with the other couple. Before we could go too much...
"Have you ever considered having a study hall for seventh period?" I shrugged as Mrs. Connors glared at me. The PA system had just summoned me to the office again. I'd expected the summons yesterday or the day before. I gathered my books and stood. "TAMI SHARP, PLEASE REPORT TO THE OFFICE." Tami and Robbie looked surprised. "I give up," Mrs. Conners muttered. "Anybody else want to go? The office? The library? Hell, Dairy Queen?" I think a few students liked the Dairy Queen idea...
When I was young I was told I could be a cheerleader. I jumped at the prospects and became one of the “popular girls” at school. I was always practising my cheers and even helped pick the new girls for the team.Of course, being a teenager and a cheerleader, it meant that I partake in some activities that helped me assimilate into the squad. I also got to help the new girls on the team assimilate. Suffice to say, by the time I turned eighteen, I was a confirmed lesbian.I loved being a lesbian,...
FemdomAunt Julia's Nephew By Christeen Chapter 1 I'm a young boy and my parents died last year in an accident. So I lived in a county funded facility while officials tried to locate my only relative, a divorced aunt. She was finally found and was persuaded to visit me in the hope that she would adopt me. Aunt Julia is rich, in her early thirties and is a stunningly beautiful blonde. She seems self-assured, yet she's quiet and soft-spoken. Her lovely face has perfect features and...
It was early morning, the dark sky had just broken with the first light of dawn. Elizabeth had not been able to sleep after the chaotic events of the night before, so she’d slipped into her clothes and decided to walk along the beach and sort out her thoughts. She didn’t allow herself to think until she had reached the beach. She could feel her body relax as the salty air caressed her and tangled her hair. Now she allowed her mind to remember what Jack had said last night. *********** She...
Hi friends, please write your comments on how you like my previous stories. Toh ab story shru karta hu. Subah ke karib 9 baje. Main sab se pehle utha. Toh dekha maa abhi bhi bed pe hai aur abhi bhi nangi hai. Mere dusre dost bhi maa ke ass pass so rahe the. Maa ki chut abhi bhi laal thi. Mera lund bhi kafi dard kar raha tha. Raat baar maa chodi. Aur mere dosto ke lund bhi kafi laal the. Maa toh waise behos ki halaat mein thi. Aur uska chehra bohut maasum sa tha. Maa ke bade bade mote mamme kafi...
Hi, I am Madhan here. First, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback on my last story about . Genuine Couples looking for fun like Swap/Group/Orgy/Cuckold/Lesbian can approach me. I am a Bengalurean of 28 years of age, 6″ tall. Horny unsatisfied housewives and sexy young baby dolls can reach me on my hangout/mail and Telegram @msarsstr. Total anonymity and secrecy are guaranteed. Continuing the story. After deciding to meet, Rashmi texted me the next...
Dear Frinds Umeed hai ki app sabko meri behan ki chudai ki pehli story pasand aayi hogi jo ki ( Sis ki 4 ghanto ki zabardast Chudai) title se thi. Aaj mein apko apni behan ki age ki kahani batata hun. Meri behan ko ek bazaru ladki banaya gaya aur buri tarah se usko har position mein ghanto choda gaya. Meri behan ka gang rape huye kuch hi din huye the aur ab who college ke union room mein roz jitu se milne jaati thi jahan uski roz chudaai ho rahi thi. Jitu ki girl friend alka bhi uski...
Bella Rolland is starting the New Year smoking hot sporting her cute quilted hoodie, thigh high socks and tight booty shorts. She knows how to tease you with her bra and panties giving peeks at her green panties as her shorts come down and casually unzips her hoodie. That big bubble butt is begging to get some spanks or maybe just bury your face in those cheeks! Bella titty fucks her dildo and it gets lost in her cleavage wishing you could cum all over her chest. Bend Bella over and fuck her...
xmoviesforyouTony earns his Keep Debbie lay in her bed next morning. Ron had long gone to work, as she thought about Tony and what had happened between them. Just thinking about him, was enough to set her off, she realised that her hands had unconsciously started working hard under her night-dress. There was no choice, he had to go, Ron was thick, but he was not that thick, and she wanted if possible, to let her marriage run for a bit yet before she kicked him out. She had many other lovers, and she...
The bridge of the UNS Spirit was humming with activity. The light cruiser, part of a two ship scouting element for the UNS Invincible's battlegroup, was involved in Operation White Flag and had observed a blacked out ship of unknown origin pass through their sensor net almost twelve hours ago. Operation White Flag was a training mission and they were supposed to be looking for the members of the UNS Vigour's battlegroup as they moved into the sector designated for the simulated battle....
"Okay, ladies, let's cool down with a couple of stretches." I hopped onto my tiptoes and reached for the sky, unconsciously thrusting my small but high-riding breasts forward. My nipples puckered in the cool breeze from the air conditioning vent which I had strategically aimed my way before starting the aerobics class. "Now bounce downwards until you touch the floor. That's right. Bounce, two, three, four, bounce, two..." The spandex dug between my legs as I finished up the exercise...
18 Year old Sharon Montgomery was soon to leave School- with her final exams about to come up,then,one very hot saturday night she entered a competion-'win a free 8-week holiday to Swaziland!'-a company was offering an all expenses paid trip for a maximum of three people to the little African country-it sounded wonderful!she typed in a random question-not seriously expecting to win!ten to her utter amazement she found by e-mail she had won!the delighted Sharon shows both her parents!'are you...
Part 7 Lisele's Love Lisele let go of me and pulled herself back, I moaned at the loss of her lips and her warmth. I knew a loving look of desire and sadness came to my face because Lisele smiled and pulled me back into her arms. But didn't kiss me, instead she just whispered in my hair. "Milady we must get you dressed, for in your new boudoir you must present the most alluring picture of femininity, good manners and well bred 'la haute couture' as envisioned by Charles...
Leonardo Luchiano Height: 6’2” Weight: 243lbs Bench: 375lbs Squat: 520lbs Power Clean: 350lbs Vertical: 38.7in 40 yard dash: 4.55sec I pulled out my phone and took a picture to go show my mom later, figured she’d be proud. You’re probably thinking why I wouldn’t show my father before my mother and that’s because he died. When I was 10 years old, I’m now 17, we were riding some of our old 4-wheelers when he tried to do a trick and ended up over the bars and being crushed to death by...
Clint's ceremony was a nice one. The minister said a few words; the team was in dress blues and saluted as his mother set the flowers on his casket. Ell-tee stepped up and gave her a folded flag and told her that on behalf of a grateful nation and the years of service her son had given, it was an honor to give her this symbol of his service. He stepped back came to attention and snapped off a crisp salute. She returned to her seat, located between Karen and Tiffany. I was in a nice suit and...
After a talk with her father and sister, Penelope married Maximus. He was of a noble lineage so Julius did not object. Augustus insisted that they be united in the Emperor's palace since Julius was such a good friend for years, an ally in the Senate, and fought at his side during the wars to bring stability to the Empire. Penelope felt reluctant due to Livia's dislike of her but she found the woman to be gracious to her on her wedding day. She even gave the bride a jeweled broach that took...
It wasn't until after we were married that he ever mentioned Rose. In the whole five years we'd been together, he'd never even implied that anything was missing from our sex life. Then he started bringing up the subject occasionally, suggesting we should spice things up. We do all the normal stuff, but he was talking about things I didn't really have an interest in. Bondage, leather get-ups and whips, all that sort of thing. I don't think of myself as a prude--I have given him oral sex...
Gran climbed slowly up the steep field towards the road. Eighty-two years had taken their toll. The large bucket that she'd carried to the pigs was heavy even now that it was empty. Still, there would be pork and bacon for the family at Christmas time. She glanced up as a motorbike slowed and stopped in front of her cottage. By the time she reached the road and opened the gate the young man and woman had climbed off the gleaming machine and were waiting for her. "Hey up, you two." Gran...
Introduction: The beginning adventures of Barbie My Life Behind Pauls Back Chapter Zero – Prologue INTRODUCTION: 1. My Dad 2. My Mom 3. My Husband, Paul & I I want to introduce my adventures and will start with dad. I want to begin with dad because through dad I met Paul. 1. My dad always kept himself in good shape by working out in the gym. He was always busy with the church and always available for his congregation but always found time to work out in the gym. He had a free pass because...
The rain in recent days had invited the grass in my front yard to grow quicker than usual and I found it necessary to address it before it got out of control. I was in between projects anyway and it felt good sweating in the sun as I pushed the mower back and forth. Using a push mower is my way of proving to myself at least that I’ve not grown lazy. Just as I was finishing I glanced down the street toward Janeen’s house. There was a yellow Corvette parked in front of her house but I had not...
This is not a story, it happened a few months ago. I, Arun 25 years old had always been very fond of sex, women. I am narrating my sex experience with my aunty (athai). Her name is Madhu. I have always been a good boy at home and my relatives like me a lot as I am very polite and calm. But deep inside I am just a normal guy who love women. I used to stare at boobs and cleavages of girls and women but I always escape without getting caught. In my teen age I’ve learned to masturbate and the...
Incest...”Fuck you. You’re standing there empty handed without enough sense to even put a coat on. You’re a fucking, arrogant idiot. Your money must have gone to your head. I guess it’s time we showed all of you that we’re serious...” Whatever he intended to do was interrupted by a loud crunching, popping sound as both the kidnapper’s Glocks seemed to fall apart, the frame and barrel assembly dropping away from each weapon, leaving the two holding only the hand grips. “Oh, shit,” one managed, but...
Hello everyone again. Diary time again. This goes back to when we were just married and is from one of her last diaries, its one of the few stories that I was in! M came off the pill 15 years ago and since then, apart from a couple of deliberate occasions, I can’t cum inside her so we find alternative ways of bringing each other off. We both enjoy playing so the tenderness of being close together telling sexy stories ticks so many boxes. A number of yeas ago we had gone north to see my parents...
I in no way support rape this is just a piece of fiction intended to pleasure people. it is not in support of rape. Selah was the perfect young woman. Even for a sixteen year old she was petite. She had long dark brown hair that reached right to the small of her back and framed her face like a perfect picture frame. Her eyes were bright clear blue and her skin alebastor, lightly sprinkled with freckles. Her smile lit up the entire room and just one of her glances could inspire the sun to...
Joanna and her husband Ryan have a great relationship. In fact, it’s so good and so secure that sometimes her loving hubby gets complacent. It starts off small like Ryan not putting away the dishes and ends with him spending way to much time at work and not enough time worshiping his goddess wife. They’ve found that the secret ingredient to a lasting marriage is this: occasional jealousy and a slight sense of threat for Ryan and orgasms given freely to Joanna by other sexier, well-hung men....
xmoviesforyouThis past Monday, my BF and I were privileged to be the first couple for a girl from our online chat group. We met in a motel half way between our towns. She didn't waste any time-my boyfriend and I had her naked within 10 minutes of "hello". We put her on the bed between us, and my boyfriend and she started petting hot and heavy, while I licked and sucked her very hard and sensitive nipples. After we had her worked up, I was SO lucky to be the first girl to taste her sweet, shaved pussy. My,...
(MFMF, inc, intr, oral, anal, 1st, swingers, orgy)When Sofia found out that I often wrote sex stories, she wouldn't leave me alone. I'm almost 30 and Sofia is my cousin, barely 19 when this relationship began, petite and quite a doll. I guess most people would call her "cute" because of her looks. But she has always been a precocious k**, graduating at the top of her high school class, getting scholarship offers galore. ***1: SofiaA few weeks ago, I answered the door to find Sofia, wearing...
Hi sex cravers, this is Varun again. I appreciate your comments in my mail and thanks for the likes on my stories. For all who don’t know me, I’m Varun, 24yrs old with 5.9” weighing 70kgs which is neither skinny nor fat. I’m open for sex chats so ladies start pressing keys on your phone to my hangouts inbox. So I was dating this girl from the neighborhood. Her name was “Spurthi”. She used to live in the next lane near my home. We were neighbors from 5 years almost but we never talked. She is a...
I called for room service, man I was hungry. I asked if the restaurant was still open, they said until eleven on Fridays. I said I would be right down, would they save a table for me. I got, "But of course, Sir, a table has been set aside for you. Please let us know when you arrive and someone will be there to seat you." I took a quick shower, shaved, and dressed nicely. I even had a sport coat that had hung all day and the wrinkles had come out. I went downstairs and I walked into the...
Sophie was having such an amazing night. Before she moved away from home this was the kind of night that she dreamed of. This was the kind of freedom she had always wanted. Sure, it was scary. But all the best things send a little fear into your heart. It lets you know you’re alive. I guess she knew she wasn’t like a lot of girls her age. Most girls wouldn’t go on a night out alone like this, but Sophie didn’t mind. She had never felt the fear of loneliness that seemed to plague the thoughts of...
Quickie SexUniversity was a tough transition for me. Having to leave behind all my family, my friends and my boyfriend. They’d all promised to visit me as soon as they could, but I was still teary-eyed as I said my goodbyes to my parents and siblings and pulled out of the drive to start the 4-hour car journey. I’d refused help with moving my stuff in, it would only drag out the inevitable moment when I’d have to say goodbye. I should introduce myself. My name’s Jessie, I’m 18 with brown eyes, black hair...
One summer night durring the break from college Kierra decied to invite Erin to a sleep over. Kierra is a hot 5'8 with 36D tits and a perfect ass. Erin, her friend since gradeschool, is 5'11, a little bit smaller tits and a gorgeous ass. It all starts with the phone call. "Hey Erin what are you doing this week?" Kierra asked. "Nothin really why?" "I was just wonderin if you want to come over for a sleepover,just us.? "Umm sure I don't have anything planned." "Great I'll see you here." "OK I'll...
LesbianThis week, we came across and aspiring singer. We told her we worked for the city and we could show her around town. But she was reluctant to hop in the bus. However, once she told us that she was an aspiring singer, we began to offer her money to sing inside the bus. Eventually she agreed, but we quickly turned our attention from all that singing bullshit. We slowly started offering her money for other shit. Like sucking cock and what not. After some deliberation, she agreed. This chick sucked...
xmoviesforyouEastwatch-by-the-Sea Two days later... He was back from Castle Black ... Tormund Giantsbane, with whatever fresh provisions he could requisition for the defense of the coastal fort. He also had clear instructions from Dolorous Edd, the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Eastwatch must not be surrendered intact, must not be abandoned while a single brother could fight to hold it. It was far too vital to the defense of the realm, after all. If Eastwatch fell, then the Night King and the...
Hi friends this is Rahul Jain for your entertainment through my real life erotic encounter with my hot sister, this is a true incident of my life that took place few days back,well before starting my story i would like to give u guy a brief description about few things to avoid any confusions..born in a higher middle class family,we are living in Punjab with my father working in some company As a marketing manager due to which he remains out of the city most of the times while my mother is...
IncestAmirah Adara is so incredibly beautiful that director Nacho Vidal can’t help himself. Wearing a tight bikini, she flaunts her insatiable body as Nacho grunts from behind the camera. He lays her on his massage table, pours oil over her naked body and has his way with her. She uses two hands to stroke his fat, girthful shaft, and she rides him to an intense orgasm as he fingers her clit. He reams her sweet, tight asshole while pussy juice oozes down her leg. Amirah sucks dick ass-to-mouth...
xmoviesforyou* Disclaimer: This story does not include actual i****t or u******e participants. This is simply role-play between two consenting adults. *Background: I want to find an older woman, probably in her mid to late fifties, with a nice loose pussy and saggy tits. I want her to treat me like I’m her young virgin son. I’ll call her mommy and pretend to be completely innocent with no knowledge of sex. This is how I see it playing out:I’m playing video games and mommy calls me into her bedroom. When I...
We had playfully talked about having sex in the same room while others watched. Once we went out and met a guy she thought was cute and we all hit it off and he came home with us just for some drinks. We never were planing anything. When we got to the house my wife served up some drinks and said to get comfy and eyed me to follow her upstairs. I went up stairs and we were just going at each other. I asked her, what if we just let him watch us and she agreed but said she would not have sex with...
When I first got to the party I was a little stressed out, since there was some rushing around after dinner and a series of events made me very late. When I got there, however, I immediately was love-bombed by my girlfriends, and then pulled over by a couple of very attractive women who wanted to play with my long hair. Being petted by hot girls was definitely a calming way to relax, and it got even better when Kasc, a geeky friend of ours whose company I’ve always greatly enjoyed, sat down...
Peter walked into the store at 9:30. He had mixed feelings as he entered the door. Part of him was excited and part of him was scared to death. He knew that if this madam had not recorded him doing those things yesterday he would not have to be here. For Peter it was one thing to want to go there and maybe mess around in the arcade, but in this case he did not have a choice of being there. When he walked up to the counter he looked over and the Recording sign stood out big as day. Why...
It was a girl's night one summer day. Myself at 33 year old lesbian with 32 dd boobs my best friend Julie who is 34 with 32 dd boobs and we had decided to go out dancing that night. The weather was hot and humid. Even at 2 in the morning, we were still sticky and hot from all the dancing we did, and slightly drunk from the multiple rounds of shots. When We finally reached my house, I was the first to stumble out of the car. I instantly made a mad dash for the cool, refreshing swimming pool....
LesbianCarmella couldn't wait until the next season. She wanted to be on the field again and feel the excitement of the game. Carmella helped her father as a volunteer over the summer. To help out in the community he coached Pop Warner football for little kids. That year he asked her to be his assistant coach. It was no secret that many of the plays on his team were given to him by the high school that Carmella went to. As far as he was concerned it not only gave her something to do but allowed...
Hey guys … once again. This time its in Delhi. But before I start I want to tell you that we have lots of pictures getting laid in Mumbai. Also, I have a video in which he is masturbating. It’s extremely hot and the amount of mouth is tremendous. I love him shack his load and it really helps me cum too. So I met him in CP in the morning. I was wearing a black jeans and a white t shirt, with no undergarments. He was still the same :). We smooched for 5 min in the middle of Central Park, with his...
It took them quite a while but Peter and his mother finally found four other couples that were into their particular]r life style. For Peter it was always about new pussy and fucking with his mother's mind. They had tried swapping with regular couples but the men got a little uncomfortable with a young kid fucking their wives or girlfriends. Once a woman flat out said she would not do a young boy. That cost Peter two days of reassuring his mother that what they were dong was not wrong. He...
14:35 Friday, October 4th, 1991 MLK Student Union University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 Denise walked by the steps where Lynne sat scanning the crowd, deep in conversation with a girl Lynne didn't know. Relieved, Lynne ran to catch up to the two girls, though this time she remembered to be more polite. "Hi, Denise," Lynne said, when there was a lull in the conversation. Something in her voice must have given her away, though, since Denise snapped her head toward Lynne, and then...
Most of us were finished with our finals on Thursday, but Jennifer, Courtney, and Rose were all on campus Friday for their last. It worked out conveniently since Rose would not return until mid-afternoon. That gave the rest of us time to get the house decorated for Christmas and for Rose's birthday. I actually got to watch our Holiday Special when it aired. Tomorrow and Sunday, we'd all be returning to our parents until Christmas and then we'd be back the next day to enjoy our break and...