Prismatic HighChapter 3 free porn video

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The door to Darryl’s room opened as he walked in bearing several dozen textbooks and the heavy press of school work on top of school work. He had an essay on the history of the early Roman Empire (as it pertained to dragons), a paper on the underpinning of motonic magical manipulations using a manifold equation (which every other dragon treated as if they had been using manifold equations since they had been born), and of course, five chapters of reading spread across books on combat, strategy, gold management, mining, and heraldic symbology.

That last one had been his fault. He had thought it was a music elective. How was he supposed to know that a class on Tinctures wasn’t about those big drums?

And none of this had done anything to yank the other worries out of Darryl’s head. For example, he still wasn’t entirely sure what PE actually was if it wasn’t physical education. And said PE teacher, Tazo, hated his guts. That wasn’t fixed.

But then every worry and bit of stress on Darryl’s shoulders fell away with a nearly audible crash as he stood in the doorway and looked down at his girlfriend. Sasha looked up at him, tugging the plastic zip cuffs tight - the plastic zip cuffs that had been slapped around Xia’s wrists and ankles then lashed together with thick bands of leather and metal, making the silver dragonness look as if she had been trussed up by a Japanese rope bondage fetishist.

The tableaux held for a few long moments as Sasha looked up at Darryl and Darryl looked down at her.

“What?” Sasha asked, as if she didn’t know why Darryl was giving her that look.

“The fuck is going on here!?” Darryl squeaked, grabbing and swinging the door shut.

“Well,” Sasha said, standing up and brushing her hands along her hips. She was naked, also, which was becoming less of an odd thing for Darryl, considering how most of the dragons going to Prismatic High treated pants as things for other people to worry about. “I was recharging my mental energy, so I’d be ready to resist the sex appeal of the, uh, other dragons.”

Darryl noticed that someone had tucked what appeared to be a rather large replica of his own dick in the corner of the room. It was still slick and moist. Sasha glared at him before he even opened his mouth to ask. He nodded, gesturing to indicate she should go on.

Sasha sighed, grabbing her shirt and tugging it on over her head. Her voice was muffled for the time it took the shirt to slip past her nose and chin and snap down to cover her. “Basically? Xia came in without knocking, despite me locking the door.” She shook her head. “And she started putting two and two together. So I knocked her out.”

“How?” Darryl asked.

“This!” Sasha held up a nasty looking collar. The edges had small vials that looked like they had been filled with liquid. Needles thrust in from the middle of the collar, and Darryl could see tiny, slightly charred electrodes. “Now, watch the prisoner, I need to reload it with horse tranquilizers.”

Darryl scowled as Sasha turned away from him, grabbing up her backpack. Opening it up revealed a bunch of curious looking paraphernalia, including a pistol, a few hand grenades, a second collar, a clunky looking handheld computer, a laptop, and a wrist watch that Darryl was almost positive did far more than telling time. He shook his head. “Wait, wait, wait! Hold up!” he said, lifting his hands.

“Yes?” Sasha asked.

“We have a knocked out dragoness,” Darryl said.

“Yes,” Sasha said.

“In this room,” Darryl said, pointing down at Xia.

“Seems to be.” Sasha nodded.

“Who will immediately blab to people the instant she wakes up that you’re a freaking superspy!” Darryl hissed.

“Firstly, thank you,” Sasha said, smiling slightly. “Secondly, she’s not going to tell anyone.”

Darryl looked at her pistol.

“No!” Sasha said.

“Oh, fhew,” Darryl breathed out. “I was worried for a second.”

“No, no, I wouldn’t waste one of my DKBs on a knocked out dragon,” Sasha said, shaking her head. “That’s what the eyeplugger is for.” She reached into the detritus and pulled out something between a drill and a wine corker with a punching grip. She held up and grinned at Darryl.

“Not filling me with fucking confidence, Sasha!” Darryl said, grabbing the eyeplugger from her hand, jerking it away from her.

Sasha scowled. “Fine, we just need to, uh, sneak her into the forest, and have a skyhook pull her into a black box observation lab at Gitmo where-” She stopped at Darryl’s look.

“You’re just suggesting that because she slept with me, aren’t you?” He asked.

“No!” Sasha said, scowling.

“For a superspy, you’re sometimes a bad liar,” Darryl said, crossing his arms over his chest. “No Gitmo! Xia’s ... nice. For a ditsy dragon adulteress.”

“We’re not married,” Sasha muttered. But that was more for show, something to say as she glared down at Xia. She sighed. “Fine” She brushed her hands along her thighs, as if wiping away the dust of hard labor. “Fine, fine, what do we do then?”

“Uh...” Darryl rubbed the back of his neck, drawing an utter blank.

Xia groaned quietly. She started to squirm on the ground, her wings fluttering slightly against the restraints that Sasha had slapped on her. As her eyes shifted under her lids, Darryl looked at Sasha, who shrugged and said: “We could pretend it’s part of the roleplay.”

“No,” Darryl said, shaking his head. “Lets tell her the truth.”

“Ah, yes, what a wonderful idea,” Sasha hissed.

Xia opened her eyes with a groan. “Ugggh...” she whispered, her voice sounding scratchy - as if she had spent her whole nap gargling rocks. She blinked her eyes so slowly that Darryl was worried she had started to fall back into unconsciousness again. Then she tested the restraints on her body, mumbled something unintelligible, and turned into a formless, jelly-like substance. She flowed through and around the restraints, then reformed into her humanoid dragon form and stood up, wobbling from side to side.

“Note to self...” Sasha whispered, looking chagrined.

“My head,” Xia said, rubbing her scaled hands along her forehead, tugging on one horn gently. “Bleugh. I feel like I slept in a woodchipper again.”

“Again?” Darryl asked.

“Darryl!” Xia blinked away the faint haze that seemed to have filled her eyes. She grabbed his forearms and stepped forward. “Darryl, I have to warn you! Your fucktoy, she’s not who she says she is! She hit me with a weird gizmo that knocked me out and also, she, she, she...” She trailed off. “S-She’s standing right behind me, isn’t she?”

“Yeah,” Darryl said.

Xia spun around to face Sasha, her rump pressing against Darryl’s hips. Xia’s tail froze as Sasha was holding up her pistol. It was a sleek looking weapon, with a silencer attached to the front. Sasha slapped a magazine of glowing bullets into it and aimed it right at Xia, her face set and serious. “Ataxia, this is a Widley pistol, with a .457 hunting magnum barrel. I just loaded it with six dragon-killer armor piercing depleted uranium slash radium core bullets. If I shoot you, you will die.” She grinned, slightly. “And since you fucked my boyfriend behind my back, I’m kind of more in the shoot you dead camp than the convince you to not nark on me camp. However, my boyfriend is a rather nice guy. So, he’s going to try and explain to you why you should do exactly what we say, even when I’m not aiming this gun right at your stupid head. Got it?”

Xia nodded quickly, then whispered. “I ... am so turned on right now.”

Darryl, whose cock had nestled between Xia’s ass-cheeks, was also hard as a rock.

Sasha scowled. “Fucking dragons.”

“I can’t help it, I never knew that a non-enslaved human was so sexy!” Xia exclaimed.

“Okay, firstly,” Sasha said, stepping forward. “This country fought a goddamn civil war over slavery-” Darryl opened his mouth, but Sasha went right over him, shoving the barrel of her pistol right against Xia’s nose. “And secondly, fuck you and fuck your dragonocentric worldview right in its ... its...” She trailed off, looking down. “You’re fucking soaked, Xia.”

“I can’t help it!” Xia stammered, her nares blushed. “Holy shit, I’m actually being dominated by a human.” She quivered slightly. “T-This is ... ah ... well, I mean, like, it’s like ... what’s that thing, where the lesser human dominates the greater human, in contravention of all natural law?”

Sasha made a face somewhere between confusion and amusement. She slid her pistol back and away from Xia’s snout. “Uh, I don’t know. That describes a lot of kink.”

“It’s like that, then!” Xia nodded. “What a novel experience!”

“See, that’s exactly what I fucking mean!” Sasha shouted, flinging up one hand - though her other kept aiming her pistol at Xia with a steady grip that Darryl rather envied. “It’s not a novel experience, humans have been exploring that sort of thing for literally thousands of fucking years, you dragons just ignore anything that you don’t personally do! Privileged sons of-”

“I meant novel for myself,” Xia said, blushing. “Can you maybe call me more names, though?”

Darryl coughed. “I think we’re getting sidetracked.”

Xia nodded. “Right...” She paused. “What the hell is going on?”

“Okay, Xia, before I tell you anything,” Darryl said, his hands resting on her shoulders as Sasha glowered at them. Slowly, Sasha started to tilt her head, her eyes dipping down to the cleft of Xia’s pussy. She pursed her lips and Darryl gulped as Xia ground her hips back slightly, squishing her ass against his cock. Darryl shoved her away slightly, holding her at arm’s length. His cock slipped from between her ass and settled between her thighs, the tip teasing the folds of her pussy. Sasha saw and scowled fiercely. Darryl focused and grabbed his own cock with his tail and tugged it up against his belly, so agitated that he squeezed himself harder than he expected and almost came from the motion alone.

When he had finished puffing and breathing steadily to get himself under control, Sasha had started explaining.

“I’m his girlfriend,” she said. “I’m also a secret agent, trained to resist draconic charms-”

Xia’s eyes bulged out of her head. “Ohmygosh, the elves are rising again!” She quivered with what looked like excitement at the very idea. Darryl had only read some of the histories of the last wars between elves and dragons. But he knew that, by this point, most elves were supposedly quite happy with their position in the draconic hierarchy. But for some reason, Darryl was beginning to suspect that the draconic hierarchy was not nearly as secure as most dragons seemed to think.

Sasha’s eyebrow twitched. Only through what seemed to be a titanic effort of will did she manage to not start shouting at Xia. But Darryl could almost picture the things she was screaming in her head: Even when recognizing that people other than dragons can do things, dragons still manage to ignore humanity’s accomplishments.

“Not rising, per say,” Sasha said. “Let us say that we have a reason to want to keep an eye on Darryl.”

Xia gulped slightly. “Do you swear, by all of your gold and gems that you are telling the truth, that elves aren’t about to rise up again?” She asked, managing to sound both utterly serious and faintly dissapointed that life hadn’t given her an exciting war to take part in. Sasha nodded solemnly. Xia breathed in, then breathed out. She lifted her snout and managed to assume a position of utter dignity and said: “I, Ataxia of Linorn, swear by my gold, gems, credit, stocks, accounts, holdings, servants, mansions, livestock, land, capital and all sundry belongings and possessions up to and including crowns, artifacts, tiaras, stockings, suits, hats, gloves-”

Sasha made a twirling gesture with the barrel of her pistol that communicated, without saying a word: Get on with it, already!

Xia coughed, then spluttered out: “A-And everything else that I shall keep your secret.”

“Good,” Sasha said, frowning.

“So, uh, with that bit of unpleasantness out of the way,” Darryl said, gulping. “Should we get some homework done?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Xia said, cheerily.

Sasha started to take the magazine out of her pistol. As she unchambered the round that the semi-automatic had loaded in what seemed to Darryl a fully automatic way, he stepped over to her, whispering softly. “Would you have really shot her?”

“Yeah,” Sasha whispered back. “But, uh, I don’t mean to tarnish my reputation...” She held up the magazine. Darryl leaned close and saw that the bullets glowed not because of radium or any kind of nasty additive. No. They glowed because their tips were gel packets, filled with luminescent dye. He looked at Sasha.

She winked at him.

“Okay,” Xia said, reading over the essay that Darryl had scribbled out as he rubbed his wrist and wondered why, if this universe was just and kind, even dragons got carpel tunnel aches when they wrote for two hours straight. “When you say here that the elven assassins were partially responsible for killing the dragon Caesar, you really need to add a quote to support your claims from the book, and cite it properly. All your other citations aren’t formatted right. Didn’t you bring a MLA book?”

“Wait, dragons use the Modern Language Association for their citation formats?” Sasha asked from the bed where she was cleaning her pistol.

“You have this weird assumption that dragons run everything,” Xia said, her voice prim. “That hasn’t been true since the fall of the Roman Empire. We delegate some things to people we can trust. And keeping the language stable became quite useful after the 16th century, when it was clear humanity’s development of technology was starting to really pick up.” She nodded. “Hence why we introduced printing presses.”

“Ah, how generous of you,” Sasha muttered.

Darryl, meanwhile, was starting to scribble out some notes from the history book. He had finished writing out the sentence Rome, bereft of direct draconic leadership for nearly five years, fell into near complete ruin when he paused, then flipped to the back of the book to check the author’s photograph. Rather than a scholarly picture of a wise looking human, as most authorial photographs were in human publications, the picture of the author here was a burly looking green dragon bending a very cute looking librarian elf girl over a desk and fucking her silly.

Pictured with fellow researcher and willing harem member, Trisha Moonbeam.

Darryl sighed. “I am beginning to question the academic credentials of this author.”

“Leytifcantorius Elffucker is quite a good historian, though!” Xia said, sounding offended. A low bell buzzed throughout the school, signaling it was time for dinner. Since Darryl’s belly had been rumbling for the past hour, he gladly slapped the book shut, stood and rubbed his hands together.

“Want anything to eat, Sasha?” he asked.

“No, no, I have rations,” she said, nodding. “Plus, no need to test my mental fortitude against a fuckton of dragons. Here.” She underhanded him a small plastic bead. He took it, blinking as Xia stood up and stretched her arms, legs and tail in a very sensual, seductive sort of way. By this point, though, Darryl had gotten so utterly used to casual nudity and the flashing of certain body-parts that he was able to safely ignore it.

“What is this?” he asked.

Sasha grinned. “It’s an ear piece. I’ll be able to communicate with you, providing backup and...” She reached over, then dragged over the collection of books that he had been pawing through. “Support. You get confused or lost, I’ll look it up and feed you the information.”

“Oh that’s so clever!” Xia clapped her hands together, in the same way someone would clap for a particularly dumb dog who had managed to roll onto its back. Sasha and Darryl shot her a look.

Xia blushed.

Darryl walked into the dining room with Xia and was almost immediately punched in the shoulder by a sleek, athletic looking red scaled dragon. “Duuuuuude!” she said, her voice excited as she leaned her snout close enough to almost bump it against Darryl’s ear. “You almost kicked Tazo’s butt during PE! That’s fucking badass!”

“I-” Darryl started.

“Hey, Darryl!” A voice called from the table. He saw a gold dragon - a male with a small mustache that reminded him a bit of Principal Lung’s - leaning against the table, gesturing with his arm. “You can sit over here!”

“Well-” Darryl tried to say.

“No, Darryl, sit over here dude!” Geotaxis called. Having resumed his male form, Geotaxis had clearly decided to weight his offer by surrounding himself with the sexist of the house servants. The maids were all looking quite happy to lean against the broad shouldered black dragon, their skirts ruffled by his hands and his tail, which were eager to grip, squeeze, pinch, slap and caress their asses. Darryl blinked slowly and walked towards the table, not sure what he should do. Before now, he had been the weirdo. But take one ill advised swing at a teacher everyone seemed to hate and suddenly, you were popular again.


It really was high school.

He sat down in the midpoint between the gold dragon and Geotaxis, and the whole table shifted to get people sitting next to him. Xia, who had been watching with interest, suddenly realized that if she didn’t act quickly, her seat would be stolen ... and it was, by the red dragon who had been pressing against Darryl earlier. His left side was taken by a green dragon who immediately reached down and started to fondle his balls.

Same as Prismatic High
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Victor had flown away in another boring business trip, which would take at least a full entire week. After two days I felt my cunt aching for cock; so I called my Black Master, hoping he could help me to get some relief.Jerome was glad to hear my voice in the phone; he had not fucked me in two months. He asked me if I was in the mood for standing a black gangbang with some of his friends.I told him that I always was ready for monster black cocks…Jerome laughed on the phone, saying one of his...

2 years ago
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My Drunken Wife

My wife and I liked to party. I’m not proud of it, but it’s just a fact. We drank often and smoked weed almost daily. Occasionally, we would also have cocaine-infused evenings that were a lot of fun. Rita and I had a highly active and fun sex life, too. We enjoyed each other’s bodies immensely and on nights when we would get fucked up, the sex could get a little wild with fantasy, role playing, etc. It got to where we would both start getting horny as we got loaded because of the...

1 year ago
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Every Woman Has a Price3 Hard Sell

“Jesus, Elizabeth, you look like haven’t slept in a week.” Darlene was normally relieved when a second waitress showed up to take on the suppertime load. Elizabeth didn’t look like she was going to be able to handle it. “I slept fine.” Elizabeth muttered. “Hi Carlos. Hi Davy.” “Lizzie!” The cook cheered. Davy just nodded. Shedding her winter coat, she cut through to the break room. Darlene plastered on her smile and took out a tray of burgers to their waiting customers. It was during the...

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Honey moon with grandfather in law

After our hot session we took our clothes and adjusted in well condition. Then Nana left the house with glancing me in lusty look and hunger in eyes. I just adjusted my saree and bandumama entered the house looking at me. He must have exchanged few words with Nana but I was unaware of that. He simply came near me and then kissed my lips for few minutes. After some time he left me. But we didnt talk anything. It was just like we were knowing everything but not ready to show that we know ! In the...

2 years ago
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Meeting Amanda Tommy Makes His Decision Chapter 10

Sarah sat there, not sure if she should say something, or just wait till Tommy was finished with everything he had to say. She was feeling really horrible for trying to get pregnant intentionally by Tommy and for making Amanda think that she was still taking birth control pills. If Tommy left it was going to be all her fault. This was something she didn’t want to have to live with. She didn’t want to hurt her daughter. Tommy stood there, watching both girls sitting there on the couch. ...

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Adventures of HOT Anita PART 1

To find an apartment for rent for two young girls was difficult. I had lost count of number of houses that I and my friend Clarra had visited over the past days. Clarra was my closest friend since college. She was into sports and gymed regularly. She had a lean athletic body with perfect breasts and a cute round ass. Everyone would stare at her cute ass when she walked. When she was in the college gymnastics team the number of spectators increased just to get a closer look at her boobs...

3 years ago
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Magical Girl Policy Chapter 3

Robert reached into his back pocket and pulled out a map of campus. He rubbed his eyes and studied the map. Despite not sleeping well, he couldn't help but smile. The early morning crowd of students, bustling about to classes made him feel energetic. No more high school drama and worrying about who is dating who and what people did in their spare time. He could just be one of twenty thousand students and no one would give him a second look. He was truly free. Consulting the map, he...

3 years ago
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Hard Time Book 3Chapter 6

Before Mickey and Calveen had their group ready; Robby reported back that the group coming down the old roadway was a party of Sin Loos led by Calver. Calveen rode out to meet them. and bring them all into the Oaks. A runner sent me this information from Mickey with his request that I join him in two hours to welcome Calver. Roger and I had accomplished something. We had found some old battery powered radios that should have sufficient range to operate from the bridge to the town square. The...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Jaye Summers 03142017

“Are you nervous?” Mandingo asks, sizing up the latest notch in his belt — Jaye Summers. Of course Jaye is nervous. She’s never experienced 13 inches of black meat, and she’s not sure her tight little cunt is going to be able to take it all. Oh sure, she’s a black cock slut and all…but Mandingo is in another category altogether. Watch our submissive little slut crawl over to Dingo’s enormous cock, then try to stuff the first 1/4 of it in her...

2 years ago
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School Memories 1B

Part 2 …………..I took some tracing papers and folded them and placed them on the border of the dress, while doing this my hand actually touched her Boobs. This really made her erotic, but since she had to participate in the fashion show, nothing happened afterwards. After the painting she left the room and went towards the stage. The fashion show went off really well. We were the last team on stage. After the fashion show the team proceeded to the toilets to change their costumes and also to wash...

1 year ago
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First Day at High SchoolChapter 3

"I can see you're enjoying yourself, Vickie." Mandy was enjoying this even more now that she saw Victor's hormonal enthusiasm for humiliation. " So let me see how you treasure those panties in your hands, boy. Wrap them around you hand while you stroke that hard cock of yours while I blister your bare butt. Grab hold of the desk edge and bend with your butt in the air so I can get a good shot." It took only 30 swats to redden both his butt cheeks and for Victor to cum into the panties....

2 years ago
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Когда мне исполнилось 18, отчим взял меня на рыбалку с 4-мя своими друзьями, его одноклассниками , мужикам лет по 40. К этому времени у нас с ним уже сложились вполне дружеские партнерские секс-отношения, т.к. я давно подглядывала за его сексом с матерью и он научил меня многому и говорил, что скоро мне пора на выход в мир Большого секса. Я догадывалась, что на рыбалке будет что то еще помимо рыбалки, но не решилась спросить, да и так было интереснее.Друзья отчима оказались крепкими мужиками ,...

1 year ago
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Roxy hits the Jackpot Part 3

100% fiction! It was the second week end after Tony had moved in with Roxy, Chloe and Janet. After the initial shock of his seduction by the girls. Chloe was sure she was already pregnant, but it had not deterred her from needing Tony’s attention on a regular basis . Roxy had moved in with him, and in effect had became a surrogate wife. She had missed a period. At high school Roxy was well behaved, but Tony found himself being the object of attention from, the 23 year old art teacher Patsy...

3 years ago
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An Itch to ScratchChapter 1

Slipping quietly down the hall, Trent takes his time heading toward his sister’s room. The sound of talking downstairs tells him that both his parents are quite occupied. The shower running says that his sister is too. With no one to catch, except for the dog, he has a window of opportunity. As Trent passes by the bathroom, he notices that the stream from the shower isn’t just coming out from the bottom of the door, but the side. Thea left the door cracked open. Instantly he wonders if it...

2 years ago
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Rebeccas Insel

Der Tag begann wie alle anderen. Rebecca schlug die Augen auf und sah durch das Glaslose Fenster ihrer Holzhütte das der neue Tag wohl nicht besonders schön werden würde. Die Sonne wurde immer wieder von Wolken verdeckt und so kam es das nur selten wärmende Strahlen die Erde trafen. Rebecca sah dies als Zeichen das in den nächsten Tagen wahrscheinlich ein Unwetter über die Insel ziehen würde. Ihre Hütte war zwar stabil gebaut, aber bei einem Hurrikane würde sie wohl besser Schutz in einer der...

2 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 92 Comforting a Victim The New Julie

Mark I held Izzy in my lap for the short trip back to the villa from Pirate’s Point. She alternated between crying and taking huge gulps of air to the point of hyperventilating. She was struggling to get control of her shattered emotions. Her lips and body kept trembling uncontrollably. I heard Cindy call the house on her cell phone alerting whomever she talked to that we were on our way and that all had turned out well, but that Izzy was a mental mess and needed lots of comforting and...

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Fathers Friends fuck me

I had just recently moved to States. My family was planning on moving there, i was asked to move 2 months prior to their arrival. I was asked to stay with my fathers friends there. I had no issue living with them, they just touched me alot and caressed my body which made me feel weird alot. They lived in an apartment together, they were all ex military. They were all ethnic black men, tall hunky and strong. They looked pretty intimidating but were very sweet to me. Their names are, Joe, Joshua...

3 years ago
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The Last Ride

Unlike most of my work, there is graphic sex in this storyline. Thanks to blackrandi, Sbrooks, Bebop03 and stev2244 for the beta reads and editing. This would be unreadable without them. There are others who prefer not to be named; you know who you are and you know you are appreciated. The Last Ride of Iceman and Gypsy Jane Jenny was already sitting on the edge of the bed staring down at me when I woke up. As soon as I saw her expression, I knew what she was thinking about. I blinked the...

1 year ago
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Starts with truth or dare pt 41

They wait at the door, Tina and the two boys in t-shirts and boxes. Lisa in only a t-shirt. He pulls up. Lisa is nervous but answers the door. Tony smiles and.looks Lisa up and down. "You guys having a party" ask Tony. No just four of us at a sleepover. "Shoot, I'm off work and bored was hoping it was a party" Tina steps from around the corner. "It's kind of like a party, come on in" Tony smiles and walks in. Tina introduces herself and the three others."I'm Tony, I'm a senior...

3 years ago
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Doing Oreo In Ivory Coast

This is the story of what happened in Cote D’Ivoire….As you kknow my husband travels an awful lot and I often accompany him… this time it was a trip to Cote D’ivoire in western Africa… we landed in Abidjan after going through Dubai and had a steamy sex session with my Husband in Sheraton Dubai.. it was very very hot in Abidjan… and I fortunately packed only light clothes… my husband was supposed to meet some government officials in Yamoussoukro, where all government office are located… I...

4 years ago
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ExGirlfriends Gay Cousin

Demarco pulled the chicken tenders out of the oven. He placed a couple on two paper plates. Then, he added a scoop of boxed macaroni and cheese to each. He placed a spoonful of green beans on them for posterity. The 31 year-old heard a car door slam. In walked the mother of his c***d with whom he cohabitated.“Hey, baby,” the dark-brown brotha greeted her.Kandice replied, “Hey!”“How was your day?”“Ridiculous,” she scowled throwing her hands in the air. “Those people can’t do anything right. I...

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Editing Reality Book One Naughty Fantasies CreatedChapter 13 Nudism Unlocked

Becky Davis I slouched into the house after a long day at my high school. Tonya had ignored me all day. I thought she enjoyed what I did to her yesterday. Did this ever happen to Mom when she seduced a woman she was friends with? Did she have women who freaked out and then wanted to pretend that nothing had happened? That she hadn’t made them cum with her licking mouth? I had enjoyed the seducing her. It was exciting. Tonya was my best friend, and she was so pretty. A petite girl with...

2 years ago
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Horny academy

Welcome to HOR academy, a very special school, al the students are eighteen or older and the teachers teach classes on subjects like sexual obedience and assfucking, and a lot of students and staff are extremly horny. You can only guess what is going to happen. Now let us see who's story we're going to follow If you ever have an Idea but don't feel like writing, why not comment it? And for writers, look at the comments every now and then, people can come up with very sexy scenarios

3 years ago
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It Started in the Steam Room Part II

Although it had taken me two weeks to come around to the idea of emailing Matt, I was inexplicably impatient to hear back from him. I checked my inbox obsessively for several hours, so often my wife asked me what I was waiting for. I mumbled some evasive answer (“Lying to her already,” I thought with shame), and forced myself not to look at my phone for nearly two hours.  When it finally seemed safe to have another look, Matt’s response was waiting: “Hi, Chris. Thanks very much for writing....

2 years ago
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Quid Pro Quo Part 1 I Do Her

The beach we drive to is on the north side of the island. Having visited it several times before, it is one of my favorite places on earth. It’s semi-secluded so it’s never very crowded, and on previous visits, I’ve seen some occasional, discreet nudity. I’ve told Erin about how beautiful this beach is and she can hardly wait to see it and spend an afternoon tanning under the warm Hawaiian sun. My Erin is the love of my life. As lovely and sexy as any woman I’ve known. Her petite little body...

1 year ago
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Sex out on the patio

This is from a few years back but it's all true ......It was a beautiful Midwestern summers day and I decided to relax out on the patio in back of our house .  We have a U shaped ranch house with , pretty much , all glass sliding doors across the back and a private patio running the width of the house . Surrounded almost completely with six foot shrubs with only a walk thru opening at each end .I grabbed a beer and some swimming trunks and yelled to my wife that I was going out . The previous...

1 year ago
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The Train Journey

Hi. My name is Adhi. I have been following Indian Sex Stories from some time and always wanted to share my experiences too and finally, this is my first attempt out here. Hope all of you would like this sex story. It would be great if you could share your feedback or even if you want to catch up on a talk. My email id is So, a brief about me. I am Adhi, a 26-year-old from Bangalore. I am a little less than 6 feet tall and fairly well-built body (not a typical gym body) with the shoulder of 42...

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Thicker Than BloodChapter 37

By 9:00 a.m. the whole gang had arrived and had settled in for a long Sunday’s something or other. The hullabaloo on VJ Day 1945 in New York City was something to witness. The somewhat muted riot of togetherness in the Carter home—the Douglas venue thereof—was a close second. The pancakes and bacon were consumed with a passion. The hopeful toasts that followed the food, made with coffee mugs and water glasses, were for my benefit. “To the brother who saved my life,” announced Ronald. “To...

3 years ago
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The Baby Carriage TalesChapter 2

When Tyrone said, "Let's do her next" as Helen walked down the street he caught me by surprise. I figured that what we had done with Sandy was a one time thing. "Wait here" Tyrone said, "I'll be right back" He came back a moment later and handed me a bottle with an eyedropper in it. "You need to dose their coffee as soon as you get them in the backyard and then call me on my cell and I'll take it from there." I spent all that day waiting for a cop car to pull up in front of my...

3 years ago
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Twin Vacation 3

I woke up the next morning cuddled up with my naked twin sister. She is beautiful in every way you can imagine. But I still felt uneasy with everything that had happened, but at the same time, it felt right. I was fighting my programmed brain and my feeling heart. My head told me what society had taught me from the time I could understand: sexual relationships between family members was wrong and gross. But my heart remembered how great it felt to kiss my sister, how we loved spending time with...

1 year ago
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Danielle and my best friend

It started as a girlfriend Danielle and I have been experimenting in the bed room as far as toys and now a little BDSM with the restraints. Numerous times I have brought up me wanting to watch her fuck another guy or my friend Danny. We talked and even texted stuff I wanted to see and she wanted to do. It recently came down to her saying she doesn't wanna do it and only wants me. So I haven't brought it up until we were out at this bar. Me Danielle her friend and my buddy Danny. I noticed her...

Cheating Wifes
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Dawn Joggers

I spun her to me and kissed her deeply while not so subtly pushing two fingers profoundly into her amazingly, still damp love box. "Your sweet elixir is so compelling, I want it on my face until we meet again and refresh it." Six more early morning walkers passed unnoticed as I wiped my pussy drenched fingers across my nose and... 90 minutes earlier My wife and I went out for our weekly sunrise jog. We were three days into a long midsummer heat wave, so predawn darkness was the only time...

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My mother my lover p20

I awoke the morning after feeling like I had slept for days. At first the night before with my mother felt like a dream, that was until I vastly became aware of my nakedness. I grinded my teeth as I do when I am trying to hide how nervous I am, so I guess I was trying to hide it from myself? After though my initial awe of what happened passed, I realized I heard the shower on, quickly I rolled onto my back, feeling with my hand the edges of the bed. My mother had already slipped out of...

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