Prismatic HighChapter 5 free porn video

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“Wait, wait, wait,” Geo said, sticking his finger over Darryl’s shoulder to point at the laptop screen. “I thought you said that your Mom boned a dragon named Brash first. Isn’t he your dad?”

Darryl’s nares flushed. “Well, uh, she said that she boned him first. But she started fucking dragons at age, uh, eighteen. I’m eighteen. And she’s nearly forty. So, uh...”

“Dude,” Geo said. “Your Mom’s, like, a huge slut for dragon dick.”

“Dude!” Darryl turned to face him.

The faint click and snap of a pistol magazine slamming home turned every dragon and one well-fucked Princess’ attention to the secret agent in the room. At that moment, Darryl really felt, like a punch in the gut, just how weird his life had gotten. Sasha flipped her hair back over her head, frowning slightly as she looked at the new attention focused her way.

“What?” she asked.

“Is that loaded with dye again?” Darryl asked.

Sasha undid the catch and dropped the magazine into her palm, showing each of them the hard, metallic tips of the bullets in the magazine. She slapped it home again. “Nah. These actually are the dragon killer bullets.”

“Dude,” Geo whispered.

“Yeah, I know,” Darryl said. “We can’t just shoot my dad!”

“Why not?” Geo, Sasha, Xia, and even the bound and gagged General Sharpe asked at the same time.

Darryl growled, standing up. He clenched his fist as he glared around the room. Lightning felt as if it wanted to burble out of his mouth, smoke roiling from his nostrils as he felt every bit of anger and frustration at his father and his mom and now his other father crackling through him. But it wasn’t just frustration at them. It was a frustration at what they represented. A world where people in power manipulated those who weren’t for their own ends. A world where a religious zealot could kick him in the stomach and tell him that he had to ‘man up’ to fight monsters. A world where people lied and cheated to get something close to happiness, instead of just being themselves. He trembled slightly, his eyes closed as he tried to hold back on a window shattering roar.

“Darryl’s right,” Aliya said, her voice soft. “We don’t even know why Tebondarious wants to get Darryl killed.” She sighed, shaking her head and brushing one hand through her hair. Darryl noticed that, at some point, she had gotten her cross back from Xia, allowing her to focus on the situation rather than the ample amounts of draconic cock that was swinging around the room. Not that she seemed to be entirely at ease, her eyes focused entirely on the ceiling.

“Fine, we shoot him in the kneecaps,” Sasha said, angrily. “Jesus, Darryl, you’re the one trained from birth to fight these things. I’d have thought you, of all people-”

“Have you ever thought that that’s maybe why I act the way I do!?” Darryl shouted, flinging out his arm. “That maybe I decided, at a very young age, that I didn’t want to be a murder-happy dragon killing hobo! Maybe I didn’t want to react to every situation by grabbing a sword and hacking at people? Maybe I just ... I just...” He sighed, shaking his head. “I just want to be normal. I want a normal girlfriend and a normal life and ... maybe I’d keep the fucking ... huge ... dick...” He trailed off, blushing.

Sasha walked over, then leaned against his shoulder. Her eyes half closed as she nuzzled against him. “Hey,” she whispered. “You also want to keep the flight and shapeshifting. And the lightning breath is pretty sweet.”

“Don’t forget the magic,” Xia said. “I’ve been working on my biomancy, I should be able to cure cancer by the time I hit the midterms!”

“Wait, what!?” Darryl jerked his head up.

Xia blinked, reaching up to rub her paw along her muzzle. “What?”

“Guys?” Aliya said. “More stuff is coming through the laptop!”

They all hurried forward and Sasha tapped the unmute button. Tazo’s voice came through, faintly muffled: “-on’t understand. If you have the reds and greens along, why do we need the rest of the Council?”

“Tazo, Tazo, Tazo,” a soft, melodious voice purred. “This is why you need to let me handle these things. I understand european dragons in a way you do not. And while you Chinese might gripe and moan and complain, there’s still three metallics or chromatics to one of your bearded kind.” There was a faint sigh. “Now, I need you to go to my offspring and apologize. Explain to him that you were merely testing him to make sure that he is properly skilled. This is true. Technically.” Tebondarious chuckled. “Have him visit my mansion in San Francisco. There, I believe that we can turn his uncanny ability for survival to our advantage. You say that he has a deep well of anger? Resentment?”

“Definitely,” Tazo said. “And if the rumors I hear are true, he’s into serious sadomasochism. Do you know that he’s roleplaying with his harem? Several students have mentioned that his...” he gagged slightly. “His human pet actually bosses him around.”

“Really?” Tebondarious sounded uncertain. “Hmm. I’ll need to test him. We don’t need a pussy.”

Both dragons chuckled.

“Come on,” Tazo said. “There’s a few girls desperate for an easy-A. Which means we get an easy ... T.”

“Don’t even ... try ... to be clever, Tazo,” Tebondarious said, sounding tired. “But I’m always a fan of teenage dragon pussy. Color?”

“A red and a gold,” Tazo said, chuckling as they walked away from the mic. The faint sound of the door closing made Darryl’s jaw click as his teeth worked against one another. He shook his head a bit, looking at the others.

“So, what’s the play?” Sasha asked, looking at him seriously. Darryl smirked.

“Tell me if it’s stupid, please,” he murmured. Sasha grinned, then mimed making a whipcrack with her hand. Darryl grinned back and bumped her hip. “Okay, here’s my idea. Tazo is one of the people whose part of this conspiracy. Mr. Lung and the other chinese dragons, and the metallics, they’re not in on it. So, that means that Geo, Xia, Aliya, you all need to get to work. Aliya and Xia, work on figuring out how to make more of those crucifixes.” He nodded to the necklace hanging around Aliya’s neck. “I think Sasha would love having one, and that’d definitely help if she has to go into action.”

Xia nodded. “Actually, studying it, I think that it’d work just as effectively if worn by you, or any other dragon. T-That is, it’d suppress your pheromones, even more effectively than deliberately suppressing them.”

Darryl nodded slightly. “Geo, though, you need to convince Mr. Lung this stuff is real and get him to warn the chinese and metallics.”

Geo grinned. “Dude, we got him on tape. Right?” He looked at Sasha.

“MP3, actually, but yes,” Sasha said, grinning and lifting her fist. The two of them bumped knuckles.

“Cool!” Darryl sighed. “And Sasha...” He looked at her.

Sasha blinked.

Darryl paused. “I’m going to need you to call up my Dad.”

“Which one?” Sasha asked. Then blinked. “Oh, right. That one.”

Tazo and Darryl flew through the air together, soaring high above the vastness of San Francisco. The city seemed to shimmer like a million gemstones, glittering in the darkness of the night. The cloud cover that normally spread over the coast was sparse this time of year, giving Darryl a perfect view of the slowly winding streets. He flapped up, slightly higher than Tazo as Tazo pointed at a large skyscraper. “There’s your Dad’s place.” He rolled onto his back, backwinging to keep pace with Darryl.

“No hard feelings, right?” he asked.

“Dude, none at all,” Darryl said, grinning slightly as he flew over Tazo, then slowed. He started to hover, careful to not bend his chest too much. “But I want to ask you some questions...”

“Sure,” Tazo said, nodding.

“How the fuck do you know I’m his son, considering what a, uh, turboslut my mom was?” Darryl asked, trying to effect the casual condescension and sneering superiority that most dragons seemed to hold when referring to humans. Even favored humans.

Tazo laughed. “Well, there’s your coloration. But there’s also something else.”

“Oh?” Darryl asked.

“Well,” Tazo said, rolling his shoulders in time with his wing-beats, as if he was trying to loosen himself out. “Basically, your Dad gave me a spell. It was made to detect a dragon with the right mixture of human-ness and dragon-ness, the exact mixture that he was going for when he was fucking every pretty human chick he could cuck behind some hunter’s back.” He smirked.

“Wait, my Dad could, like, choose how much of a dragon I was?” Darryl asked.

“That’s what he said,” Tazo said. “You’re supposed to be, like, seventy-thirty, ya know?”

Darryl shook his head. “Magic, I guess.”

“Shapeshifting,” Tazo said, reaching down and cupping his balls.

Darryl really didn’t want to imagine the mechanics involved. And so, he wordlessly dove forward, shooting towards the skyscraper. Tazo moved to catch up with him, his wings sculpting the air as he soared forward in a winding, curving arc. The two of them slowed and landed on the rooftop. Darryl found that it was illuminated by brightly glowing yellow lamps, casting a warm, buttery glow along the carpet and gold gilt that led the way to the out-thrusting entrance to the building proper. A pair of subdued looking human women stood before the door, dressed in literally nothing save for golden collars. If the chill bothered them, they didn’t show it as they opened the doors and bowed to the two of them.

Tazo casually slapped one on the ass as he walked with Darryl down the stairs. The stairs led straight into a large ballroom, with tile floor and gold gilt along the walls. There was a massive portrait, easily twenty feet wide, of a handsome looking and dignified blue dragon with a longer snout than Darryl and a chipped horn. He was standing poised on a mountain, his eyes fixed into the middle distance, as if he was surveying the vast world that he had yet to conquer. Kneeling around his feet were several worshipful looking women, painted in loving detail, one cupping his balls, another looking utterly shocked to have her nose within two inches of a dragon cock.

It was sooo...




The booming voice made Darryl turn. The dragon from the painting - Tebondarious strode forward, wearing only a red sash around his shoulders. He put his hands on Darryl’s shoulders, beaming at him as he looked him up, then down. “Son, son, son...” he shook his head. “It is good to see you, after so long, after so much waiting.”

“Thanks,” Darryl said, trying to keep the hackles that were being raised from showing on his face or posture. He coughed, then looked back at the portrait. “Uh, nice painting?”

“Do you like it?” Tebby – as Darryl immediately began to think of him as – asked. “It took me several days to paint it, I had to get the memory exactly right. Do you want anything to drink?”

“Uh, sure,” Darryl said, nodding. He walked with Tebby to a serving girl. She was just as nude as the ones on the roof, and had a slightly intimidated look on her face as she held up a silvery tray with goblets on it. Tebby took one. Darryl took the other, but the goblet was more slippery than he expected. It started to tip from his hands and he quickly made a lunge for it, felt a twinge of pain from his chest, and the goblet hit the ground. The liquid didn’t spill from it, though. A glowing field of force kept the liquid within.

“Cold out?” Tebby asked, arching an eyebrow ridge.

“Fingers still, uh, warming up,” Darryl lied, rubbing his hands against his chest. He looked down at the goblin and, rather than bending over, reached his tail out and tossed it into the air. He caught it, then sipped from it.

“Well,” Tebby said. “I’m sure you’re filled with questions.”

“Why did you leave me with that abusive asshole?” Darryl asked.

Tebby smirked slightly. “Do you promise to hear me out, Darryl? To refrain from judgment until you’ve heard the whole of my statements?”

Darryl narrowed his eyes, letting the suspicion he felt show on his face. His lips pursed and he slowly, subtly, nodded, then sipped from the goblet. The wine tasted amazing, but he was unable to enjoy it. His attention was entirely focused on his father and keeping his current form. Tebby sighed, rolling his now quite empty goblet between his palms. It twinkled in the light of the glittering chandelier that hung over the main hall. He licked his muzzle, then nodded, as if he had come to a decision.

“How do you feel about the latest in human politics?” he asked.

“Uh, specific human politics or...” Darryl asked.

“I’m speaking of generalities,” Tebby said, waving his hand. “Plastic fills the oceans. Acid rains from the sky. Temperatures grow warmer and warmer, these are the subtle things. But it’s clear that human civilization – which so many dragons have grown fond of – is nearing a terrible danger. A danger that we, as thinking beings, should guide it out of. You with me so far?”

Darryl nodded subtly.

“The issue, though,” Tebby said, walking with him past the serving girl. “Humans adore their freedom. We let them glut themselves on it, and we patted ourselves on the back for metallic good sense.” He shook his head. “We chromatics always knew better. Freedom is something best kept to those who know how to use it well.” He grinned. “And so, several among the chromatic community, myself included, think that maybe it is time we return to the old ways...”

His walking brought them past several pillars and to a large map of the world. It showed, in dark red, what Darryl recognized as the vastness of the old Roman Empire, spanning the entire known world at the time. There was some subtle purple coloring filling China and Japan and the rest of the Asian region, to indicate the draconic control there. Tebby gestured to this with his hand.

“You want to take over the world?” Darryl asked.

“Of course!” Tebby said, with such conviction that Darryl snorted and jerked his head forward – which caused an intense stab of pain from his heart. He put his hand on his chest, choking back a gasp and another laugh. “I don’t jest!” Tebby sounded slightly annoyed.

“No, no, it’s just, you sounded exactly like fucking Raul Julia,” Darryl wheezed. “So, right. Dragons rule, humans, uh, drool.”

“An ... apt ... metaphor,” Tebby said, sounding like he was growing less and less certain of Darryl the more he spoke. “But yes. The only problem is to convince the rest of the Draconic Council to take control, to size power from the humans who have brought the world to the brink of ruin, we would need to have a casus belli!”

“Gesundheit,” Darryl said, cheerily.

“That means cause for war,” Tebby said, and Darryl could see his estimation of him drop another notch.


“And let me guess,” Darryl said. “My abuse at the hands of my fake father was ... what ... supposed to rile everyone up?” he asked, before taking another sip from his still half full goblet. Tebby shook his head.

“No, he was supposed to kill you,” Tebby said, casually.

Darryl was rather happy that dragons were supernaturally tough, it let him blow wine out of his nose without it feeling more than just kinda weird. He coughed and spluttered and mimed being totally shocked. “What!?”

“Dragons, in your state, assume their true form when under extreme emotion and when exposed to raw magic. As your false father was emotionally abusive and he was going to train you on dragon hunter artifacts at some point, you’d be transformed. I didn’t expect you to survive to go to Prismatic High. There hasn’t been a dead dragon in thousands of years ... one slain, so ... innocently. In the prime of their youth. By a dragon hunter...” He sighed. “It just wouldn’t be born.”

“But I was never given the dragon hunting sword,” Darryl said, slowly. “Dad never trusted me. I was too much of a pussy.”

“Hmm...” Tebby sighed. “I know it may seem cruel to you. But think of how many humans would have been saved if we could rule.”

Darryl nodded slowly, then stuck his tongue out of the corner his mouth. “Y-You’re not ... going to try and kill me right now are you?”

Tebby snorted. “Of course not. That wouldn’t really fit my plan. Rather, I want to ask you to join me.” He put his hand on Darryl’s shoulder. “Your real father. Where a dead son would serve, a live son, raised by both worlds, speaking before the Dragon Council, you could be the exact reason to push the whole of our kind to slough off our lassitude and our decadence and make this world great again.”

Darryl looked down. His eyes closed. He turned away from his father, sighing quietly. “I have to think...” he said, softly, looking around the main hall. He saw one of the windows and walked towards it. As he walked out, he shook his head. “You, uh, know that’s kind of a big thing to ask of someone you just admitted you tried to have killed, right?”

“True,” Tebby said, his voice sounding deeply regretful.

Darryl stuck his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, thinking. Looking.

Blink blink.

A red light glinted from the roof of a independent bookstore that sat within line of sight of the skyscraper. Darryl sipped the last of the wine from his cup.

“You can take all the time you need to think about it,” Tebby said. “I can, of course, send you back to Prismatic High with the finest members of my harem.”

Darryl nodded, spreading his wings, as if he was about to leave. But then he stopped. “Oh, wait, one thing...” he said, lifting up his finger as he walked forward. “Exactly how fucking stupid do you think I am, you blithering egomaniac?” he asked, his voice blunt.

The look on Tebby’s face was absolutely priceless.

“You do know that human beings have these things called nuclear bombs and that they kind of like using them when they have no other choice, right?” Darryl asked, shaking his head. “I am almost embarrassed. Here, I was hoping your plan might actually be interesting. Instead, you’re some two bit cartoon villain.”

“Now, listen here!” Tebby growled.

“And you didn’t’ even fucking search me!” Darryl said, laughing, throwing his head back, letting himself laugh great, big belly laughs.

Tebby snarled. “You’re not wearing clothes, you ingrate-”

Darryl made a choking, gagging noise, grabbed at his throat, his muzzle. His throat bulged outwards, growing wider and wider. Then his hand closed around something within his mouth and he yanked it smoothly free. A rasp of metal on leather filled the air as he leaned his head forward and vomited the now much more flexible scabbard out of his body. Gleaming in his hand, untouched by his internal juices and glowing with magical flames, was his father’s – his real father, for good and ill – prize dragon hunting sword.

Tebby gaped at him.

“By the way,” Darryl said. “We’ve been recording everything. They’re called laser microphones. Fun toys, the kind of things you get with a human girlfriend.” He smirked. “Do you surrender, or ... do I get to work out my anger issues on your blue ass?”

“Kill him,” Tebby snarled.

Tazo sprang at Darryl from the side and for the second time in Darryl’s life, he let everything his father had taught him flow through him like second nature. He spun to meet Tazo’s flying tackle with his foot, catching the chinese dragon in the chest. Tazo rebounded and flew backwards, a serving girl running screaming from the room. But before Darryl could feel a thrill of satisfaction at that, his father sprang at him, claws gleaming with magic fire. Darryl parried one blow, but another smashed into the side of his head. He felt a flare of pain and went flying backwards, smashing into the glass behind him. It exploded and Darryl found himself tumbling through the air. He tried to work himself around, but his head kept ringing.

He smashed into the hood of a taxi. A shocked looking Shik man gaped at him, his turban knocked askew. Darryl waved, his head ringing.

Then his father and Tazo landed to either side of him, their wings furling behind their back. The woman in the back of the cab ran, screaming, scrambling out of the cab, while other humans with more eagerness and less common sense lifted their phones to start taking pictures. Darryl reached for his sword, but saw it had landed in the sidewalk about ten feet off, blade first. It had sunk to its hilt.

Tazo grabbed him by one ankle, jerking him up and swinging him hard against a lamp-post, which bent with a squeaking, howling sound. The streetlight smashed into the sidewalk with a spray of glittering glass as onlookers went scrambling for cover. Tazo grabbed Darryl by the horn, lifting Darryl’s head and his hand in the same motion, his fist curled shut. He brought it down, but Darryl caught his fist and then surged to his feet. He smashed his head into Tazo’s snout.

“Look out!”

It was the taxi-cab driver. Darryl flung himself down as Tebby’s lightning breath smashed through the air where he had stood. It hit a storefront window and blew a smoldering hole through the glass, leaving a cherry red ring and a haze of cracks around the impact sight. A store mannequin had been reduced to ash, and fires were starting to flicker inside of the building. Darryl shook his head and stepped to the side, evading Tazo’s claw slash.

Same as Prismatic High
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Tinker was delighted as she looked over her small audience. While some of Ellen’s girls loved the various sale drives and events over all else, Tinker preferred the workshops. Trisha had come by her nickname of “Tinker” honestly, she was the store’s de facto expert on sex toys of all types and the little seminars she ran as an extra for their VIP customers were her preferred duty at Ellen’s Delights. Today was even better than usual, as this particular, rather small, class was among her...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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First time for everything

Let me start off by saying that I have fantasized about alot of things (and tried a number of them); group sex, sex with trans guys, anal, bondage, and the list goes on. I love sex, and I like to get a little adventurous. One thing I never thought I would try would be taking money for sex. It’s not that it offends me, or that I think women demean themselves by doing it. I guess I just never really pictured myself doing it until, well… I found myself on my knees in a very expensive hotel room....

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 32

Fionna felt amazingly good. She wasn't exactly sure if it was because she'd been ill so long that any improvement was extremely noticeable, or if she really was feeling better than she ever had before she fell ill. She drew her bow across the strings, the sound of the fiddle a comfort to her. Not that she needed much comfort at the moment. She always felt better after a healing session, and Ken had brought Sally along this time. He'd found that he could heal her faster if he didn't work...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Chanel Grey Monster Cock Locked And Loaded For Chanel Grey8217s Ass

Anal-Hungry Tart Chanel Grey Begs for A Bangin’ from Chris Diamond’s Massive Cock! Wearing a chain mail top and tiny white thong Chanel spins around outside then bends over to reveal her sparkling jewel butt plug. She shows off her perfect pink pussy before making her way to the chaise lounge where she pulls out the plug and licks it clean. Chanel GAPES for you, so you can see how tight her asshole is, then puts the plug back in and waits for her cocksman to arrive. Chris makes his way over to...

2 years ago
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Uncle Fucks Mom For Breakfast

We will call my mother soma.. Soma is a dusky woman of 52 years..But she has maintained her looks like a 30 year old. Her figure is heavy at all the right places. Her breasts are 36 c cups and at this age, they are still magnificent. She has a bit of a waist..But that just leads to a very soft and large ass and chunky thighs. Yes, this is the body of a bengali milf in its prime. But her best feature is her face. Yes, its a beautiful face..But I don’t mean it like that. I mean .. You would enjoy...

3 years ago
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Diaries of Ceres and Taliya Part One

I thought today would be like any other day.   I thought wrong.   Master told me not to listen to Mistress.   Unfortunately for me he never told her: I didn’t want to get in trouble with either of them.   My sister was upstairs cleaning her room while Master had me clean the rest of the house.   You see, Mistress Julia owns my sister Taliya.   I, Ceres, belong to Master John. It’s hard pleasing them both, trying not to disappoint them.   Master left for work, Mistress Julia wasn’t too far...

3 years ago
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GoddessChapter 5 Hebe and Her Mother

I DEFLOWERED HEBE ON THE last day of that same summer after our freshman year at college. The day had started innocently enough when Hebe called to say we'd been invited to Rick's uncle's cabin up north for the day. "Rachel and Rick are already up there. Persephone will come with us. You interested?" "You bet. Picnic?" "Yeah. Fried chicken, potato salad, and Persephone is making her famous coleslaw." She had me at fried chicken, and she knew it. "Besides, I have an...

2 years ago
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I knew the female's voice. I was absolutely certain. But somehow I could not believe what my ears told me; all she had said was 'Here is four hundred'. That was enough to tell me who spoke the words. What was my wife doing here? She was supposed to be at a hen party tonight and this was not a hen party. This was the Grand Hotel where most of the conventions took place.The man's voice I was not familiar with, it was new to me. I had never heard it before.  He spoke to her in a low, pleasant...

Wife Lovers
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I Dared My Wife to Blow Another Guy

I Dared My WifeJust by a simple dare, my 41 year old Felicity became a hot wife before my very eyes. Felicity was the type of woman who would never NEVER participate in a sexual dares game. She kept our sex life private among her friends and even acted a little too conservative in front of me sometimes, but our sex life was good. Nothing spectacular, but average for a couple married for 20 years. Still, I wanted more.The dare? I dared her to suck off another guy. It could be any guy she wanted,...

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My High School Teacher MG 18

I get horny just by thinking of her name, right now. Anyway, she is the type of big, chubby blonde woman, wearing make-up (not too much), with that british accent that I consider so damn sexy, with curves and a big big big butt, with flirty attitude and pretty face, pretty legs, everything. I am an ass guy, so I know my shit. She was just so amazing. Every time I was around her I wanted to just make her bend over and let me enjoy a piece of that ass of hers. IT NEVER HAPPEND. One time tho, I...

3 years ago
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SRU Lovers Knot First Draft

Some time ago, Raven and I collaborated on an SRU story called Lovers (K)Not, which is unfortunately incomplete at this time. Raven created the story idea, basic plot and the main characters, and then asked me to write a rough draft based on the information that he gave me. After I completed the rough draft, I sent it to him, where he polished it up and added quite a bit more detail as well as his own touches. Raven posted each chapter to Fictionmania after he'd finished his...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Polly Pons Ass Fucking Appointment

Asian sensation Polly Pons calls plumber Mike Champman to her house for a job that requires the use of his own big pipe rather than the standard equipment he might use on such a call. The horny glamour porn goddess mounts the black man in cowgirl while he’s hard at work under her sink, surprising him with her bare shaved pussy and mouth that take turns wrapping themselves around his big black cock. The American serviceman crawls from out of the cubby and throws the babe on the bed for...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Aunt In Bangalore

Hi everyone this is amol from Bangalore. 23years old 6ft and this is a wonderfull site. This is my first story so please forgive me for mistakes. and I am going to tell a real sex incident that happened in my life with my aunty. Her name is rachitha. 5.6ft with a perfect body. If any aunties and girls wanted to have fun with me in Bangalore can mail me I was having only the basic knowledge about sex and that entire thing’s.I use to masturbate daily imagining many aunties I came across. I was...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 144

After supper at Outback we explored the house at 941 Fishery Drive that we were going to spend the next couple of nights at. Marcy had verified that all the utilities were on including the high speed internet. The realtor had sent someone to completely clean the house, including changing all the linens on the beds. We had stopped at a grocery store and picked up all the necessities, bottled water, instant coffee in case there was no coffee maker, and fruit drinks. I picked up a case of wine...

3 years ago
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My first threesome

My lover and I just finished sucking each off and were laying next to each just talking and he ask if I had any fantasy's and I said I like dressing in lingerie. He went to his closet and came out with a black bra and panty set along with a full black slip. He asked if I would put these on and I was up so fast I tripped and fell to the floor. I didn't think I made any noise and started to get dressed. He went into his bath while I was dressing and then his bedroom door open and in step his...

2 years ago
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The Post Office Parking Lot Part Three

Kelly slid down my chest and torso, stopping just short of my pelvis. George's hand still gripped my pulsing pole as I felt it pierce his entrance. With Kelly off of my face, I watched her move her hands to spread George's buttocks. He eased down my shaft pensively as a quiet growl escaped his mouth. The restrictiveness of his anal ring was impressive for a gay guy. Even if he hadn't been with anyone else lately, he surely would have pleasured himself anally. Either way, it was an enjoyable,...

4 years ago
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My new slave0

Her name was rose she was 18 like me her hair was dark black her eyes were blue as water and above all she was completely obsessed with vampires. My name is, has been and eternally will be Kaze Tenma or the demon of the wind, I'm 18 by this world's judge of age I'm six foot even and have a very athletic body type and most importantly I am a true vampire. Chapter 1 The first day I saw her she was working at the local grocery store, I had walked in to purchase a few things i...

3 years ago
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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 4 Cameron Corner to Epsilon Station

I topped off my diesel before leaving the hotel. I didn’t want to be stranded short of Cameron Corner. [Before I go further, I ought to remark that there are five places where there are surveyed right-angle state border intersections. Cameron Corner, surveyed by John Cameron (NSW) and George Watson (Queensland) in 1879, where the east-west border hits South Australia; Haddon Corner, where South Australia ends in the Channel Country; Poeppel Corner, where South Australia, Queensland and the...

1 year ago
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Saving Amy

SAVING AMY As Eric came awake, he realised several things almost simultaneously - and none of them good. He was naked. He was chained upright, against a cold stone wall in what seemed to be some kind of cell. There was something stuck in his bottom. And he had not the faintest idea of how he'd got here, or where he'd been before this. A groan of terror and incomprehension forced its way out of his throat. The answering moan from away to his right told him something else. He was not...

4 years ago
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AftermathChapter 13

It was thirty minutes before dark when Bracken reentered Barnes' office. The discovery of the death of Kelly and the apparent escape by Jean and Anna had taken place twelve hours before and Bracken had spent the day with a full platoon of soldiers trying to track his traitorous wives down so they could be hanged. "No sign at all huh?" Barnes asked as he looked at his wet and muddy and now wifeless subordinate. He had been following the results of the search on a radio set on his...

4 years ago
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Meet The Maddisons 3

The day came to return to the Maddisons, this time with my mum and dad. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was nervous. What if mum and dad found out about what I'd done with the Maddison family and threw a fit. What if Laura propositioned dad and he said no? What if mum totally flipped out? Would that mean the end of my fun with the Maddisons?All these thoughts swirled around my mind as dad drove to the Maddisons house that evening. It was a casual visit, not a dinner, so we were all dressed...

2 years ago
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Satisavitri Meri Mummy 8211 Part 3

Hi readers, mai Ajay aap sab logo ke liye apni kahani ka next part lekar aaya hun.1st or 2nd part me mujhe abtak koi acha response nhi mila hai.Plz meri story padhne ke bad aap jarur mail krna mujje. Ab mai story pe aata hun . Jisne kisi ne part 1,,2 nhi read ki ho to plz read kr lena tabhi ye part aap aasani se samajh skte ho. Karim uncle or meri mummy dono ek dusre ki bahon me jhum rhe the. Kabhi mummy uncle ke upar to kabhi uncle mummy ke upar. Uncle mummy ke pure sarir me apna hath ghuma...

3 years ago
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Swimsuit and cum

One weekend I had organised a cum session. The anticipation was building up all week in the run up to this particular wekend. Every day it got closer to this weekend the wetter I seemed to get, my knickers would be soaking with my juices, even a bodysuit or two got wet when wore them during the week, one of the day though I had to go commando while wearing a skirt. This didn't help matters as I was getting wet and it was dripping down my legs every now and then which would get me even wetter at...

4 years ago
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Stacias Rape

About 10 you decide it is Stacia time. The apartment is clean and you are very tired. You turn on the computer and go to your favorite private time site. It’s bookmarked and easy for you to get to. Today’s top daily category is BDSM not something you’ve been into in the pass, but today you want to look. You click the header “sweet blonde tied up”. The images load and you look at the hottest blonde you’ve seen in forever. She is hog tied lying on her stomach. A man and woman take turns spanking...

3 years ago
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Is your world real

Your eyes shook open to invite the light in. You clear them of the dusk from somber. They lay upon the bedroom, you was sleeping in. You look around the median size room not knowing why you was here. You did your best to figure out why you are here. However your memory seem like it been tase like a rabid dog. You thought long and hard to come up with former recollections. But nothing came to mind. You rise from the soft bed. The modest shirt and jean clothing wrap around your average built. You...

2 years ago
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Happy Marriage 1 bimale first time

Couple realizes husband is more than bi-curiousOver the years of our marriage, my wife and I have been very open sexually with each other. After 15 years of wedded bliss, my sexy wife and I have come to a mutually satisfying understanding. I am sexually submissive and bi-curious, while my wife is sexually dominant and loves to humiliate me like I so desire.In the last few years, we've really enjoyed more and more experimentation. Lately, my wife loves to watch me eat my own cum. For the last...

1 year ago
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Daughters DelightsChapter 19 Finals

Then the sky fell in for both of the girls. Suddenly it was Finals Week – the dreaded examinations which would label each student for life. All their hard work seemed to have left a complete vacuum in their memories. Then the examinations were over, and the May Ball loomed large. Much jollification was in evidence, mostly forced merriment as the strain of waiting for the examination results took its toll. Sharifa spent several days hopping in and out of various beds and drinking a lot....

3 years ago
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The Replacement Maid Ch04

I sent both girls home on time that afternoon as jasmine had certainly worked over and above the call of duty two days ago and I wanted some peace and quiet for a change. I then spent the evening trying not to think about the happenings of the day. I tried to read a book but my thoughts kept interrupting me. Eventually I went to bed and thankfully fell asleep due no doubt to the excitement of the past two days.The next morning I woke just before the scheduled time for my morning cup of tea so I...

2 years ago
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Holiday surprise part3

Holiday surprise part3On return to our suburban life style, we spent the first week, catching up on everything. I had a commission to complete as well as my Monday to Friday work as a bus driver and that of course had to come first. Before I started I had the frames made, as I did not want to send the completed work to the framers, the men there knew both me and my lady wife and there`s no point in inviting a reputation is there, and giving my local carpenter a cheap thrill is not what it`s...

1 year ago
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Robins Loving Family Book 2Chapter 3 After Party Aftermath

Seeing as how the other girls seemed to have passed out, or just collapsed, Samantha made the decision that her and Kyle should head up to her room to finish off that day. That way they could go right to sleep after. Agreeing, the boy uncuffed her hands and helped her off his lap. He didn’t bother to put away his still hard member as Samantha took his hand and lead him toward the stairs. Wonder woman didn’t start to put her clothes back on until she was back in the hall. Samantha came up...

1 year ago
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Imprisoned for Sex

100% fiction! In the cells below the court, Tony stood shuffling his bare feet, nervously waiting to go up to the dock, in the Regional Sex Court above. His young 18 year old naked body would be available for all to see. His scanty clothes which in the main was usually a loin cloth, or a pair of football shorts, had been taken from him when he had been arrested by the sex police. But now his naked cock was being fondled and tormented, by Amy the sexy scantily clad probationary policewomen, who...

Erotic Fiction
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Forbidden Ch 04

Dear Reader, I am truly overwhelmed by the support and encouragement i have received over this story. Thank you all so so much, I’m really bouncing off the walls when you all tell me how much you enjoy it!! * Harriot wasn’t sure what it was about the sight of him standing there glistening with sweat. The strength of the emotions that stirred inside of her was like getting hit by lightning, and struck down by the gods for her traitorous mind. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and...

4 years ago
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It Means Dragon To Be Ch 03

** Just a reminder that this story is already in the can and each of the chapters has already been posted. I hope that it’s enjoyed. 0_o —————— Long after the point at which they’d both turned to prunes, they walked past the cascade again and back to the room with the fire pit. Silke found that after the hot bathwater, the trip through the coolness didn’t even affect her. The table now had two place settings and there were stoneware pots waiting for them. ‘Our shadowy well-wishers?’ she...

4 years ago
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Lifes DiscoveriesChapter 5 Close to Home

Dinner was a quick affair, my step-mom had to return to work and my sister wasn't there. Adam gave me weird looks all throughout dinner, it made me kinda nervous. Hannah was having dinner with her boyfriend somewhere. After dinner, I went upstairs and changed into an oversized t-shirt. My boobs stretched it out so much I could easily make out the pink of my nipples through it, and it barely covered my ass. I was just going to read for a few minutes before turning in anyway, so I lay down on...

2 years ago
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It Started with Disney

DISCLAIMER: The events are very loosely based on a true story. Details have been exaggerated, age has been changed, names have been changed, and it's pretty unrecognizable from the actual story (mostly because reality tends to be more boring than imagination). The true thing about is that I did actually wet myself on an elevator at Disney World as I was caught up watching the fireworks and one thing led to another, but pretty much everything else is BS. I wasn't a college student either. The...

2 years ago
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Neither one thought five minutes wasn't enough time to sneak out for a joint; "Fuck it!" Sister Bernice said and Sister Sara nodded her agreement. The Youngstown Repertory Company was staging 'The Sound Of Music' and the two women had drawn the parts of nuns in the chorus. Ellen, Sister Bernice, and Susan, Sister Sara, didn't mind the supporting roles, they'd just finished playing leads in the last production. Susan's part in the playbill was Sister Sophia, but, privately, Susan...

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Sobia Ki Chudai 8211 Part II

Hello desi fans, plz read this 1st,specially ladies. Im Arshaan again from sukkur(pakistan).thanks for liking my stories “sajida bhabee ki zabardast chudai” & “naazish the best fuck”,new readers plz read this 1st.i recieved no: of mails and a lot of encouragement to write another stories,also made many sexual contacts too. Which i am enjoying a lot.this story is about Naazish’s elder sister. This is not only a story,but it is an invitation to those mummies, aunties, bhabhis, bajis,...

3 years ago
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Flying Together

We are on the plane together -- it's a red-eye flight and the plane is silent, and all the passengers are asleep. Amazingly, we are alone in our row. You and I are cuddled under two blankets.  At first, we converse and exchange simple small kisses. You nip my lower lip, and I catch my breath. You ask me my thoughts on your last presentation. Whenever I make an astute comment, you kiss me a little deeper, your tongue piercing my mouth and rubbing against me. As you slide your tongue out, I lick...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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My long lost lustfinally found

Tina was thirty-two and just as hot as when we first met as teenagers working at a shopping mall. Who would have thought that fifteen years later, we would meet again and soon be wrapped around each other enjoying sexual pleasures beyond our wildest dreams? As my semi-erect cock slipped from her pussy, my jizz dripped from her swollen labia onto the sheets. After three marathon sessions that night, the bed was soaked from her pleasure juices and my cum. “So was it worth the wait?” she asked? I...

2 years ago
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25 May 2008Chapter 3

“Back from a commercial break in the action and at the fifteen-minute point, we still have no score,” Mark noted. “Mark, Belleville clearly has had the edge in play outshooting the Chiefs seventeen to nine. While Jason Bennett has made routine saves for the Falcons, the score could easily be 5-0 for Belleville if not for the outstanding goaltending by Dustin Tokarski. You can bet the scouts are taking note of his ability to keep the Chiefs in the game despite the lopsided shots on goal for...

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