Prismatic HighChapter 2 free porn video

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Darryl sat with his blue scaled chin resting on his blue scaled hand and tried to not think about all the horrible things that had happened in his life over the past twenty four hours. It wasn’t exactly a pleasant thing, to learn that your mother was actually fucking your family’s ancestral enemies. And had been since well before you had been conceived. Oh, and also, you were said ancestral enemy. Oh, and even more fun, you were now going to be enrolled in a high school designed to teach and train said ancestral enemies how to kidnap princesses. Lay on piles of gold.

Cast magic.

Darryl sighed quietly as his professor - a slender elven man with long pointed ears and a fine city slicker suit that clashed with the Tolkienesque stereotype of elves. Not that Darryl had known that said sterotype had anything to do with reality before this class. He had been taught there were dragons, dragon hunters, and that was it.

Turned out the universe was a lot weirder than that.

“So,” Professor Talltrees said, his marker squeaking unpleasantly on the chalkboard. “This is the essential structure of the polycosmos. You have multiple dimensions, each one separated by their internal laws of physics.” He tapped a few he had labeled - Earth, Furicana, Sunder, Purgatory - and turned to face the class. “But, like a dynamo creates electricity, differences in physical laws create something called a shinimantic gap. Turn to page three hundred in your text books to see the shinimantic diagram of our universe...” He walked past Darryl as Darryl flipped listlessly through his book.

“Isn’t this rad?” Ataxia whispered, leaning slowly over to breath in Darryl’s ear. Ataxia - or Xia for short - was a silver dragon. And also the girl that Darryl was trying really hard to not think about. Which was hard, since she chose to sat next to him in every single class they shared which, thanks to the relatively small population of dragonkind, was basically all of them. Thinking about Ataxia’s silver hide and deliciously scaled titties and her pliant, eager mouth, and the softness of her pussy, and the way she had gasped and panted as Darryl drove his cock into her ... also made Darryl think of the fact that he had fucked her while still having a girlfriend he loved a great deal back at home.

That was, Darryl knew, colloquially referred to as a dick move.

Professor Talltrees continued to drone on and on about quantum and motonic fields and the Cosmic Dragon and the Eaters and all that. Darryl couldn’t bring himself to pay attention. He was too busy squirming inwardly at the thought of his girlfriend arriving here, at Prismatic High. Where no one wore pants, the servants all were dressed in slutty french maid outfits that looked like they had rolled out of a fetishistic Japanese video game, and everyone seemed to be in on a dozen different cultural mores that Darryl didn’t know thing one about.

It was like Hogwarts.

If Hogwarts had ninety eight percent more dragons and six thousand percent more fucking.

The bell rang and the students filling the magic class started to stand up, their books tucked under their arms. Despite the utter lack of pants and shirts, most dragons had arrived with backpacks, to store text books, treasure, and anything else they wanted. More than a few had arm-bands that held their iPhones. And yes, invariably, every dragon here had a better phone than Darryl. He was starting to feel downright impoverished. Xia moved to walk with him, her tail whipping excitedly.

“I can’t believe how many universes there are!” she said, eagerly. “Though, that bit about the universe devouring brain exploding spiders was kind of a bit of a mood killer.”

“The what?” Darryl asked.

“Oh, hey Geotaxis!” Xia waved at the big buff black dragon who had been the other person that Darryl hadn’t managed to avoid as much as he wanted. Not that he didn’t like Geotaxis. The black dragon had a kind of charismatic assholishness to him that Darryl actually kinda liked. But the issue was that he was still an asshole and tended to encourage Darryl to embrace his draconic instincts. Which was the last thing Darryl needed.

“Sup bluey, silver cakes,” Geo said, high fiving Xia. “You guys have a good magic class?”

“It was fascinating!” Xia said, quivering, her wings fanning out behind her back, almost dislodging her backpack. “Did you know that there are two different kinds of magic systems - localized and universal? Also known as source magic, universal magic is when you start tapping into the shinimatic systems of your specific universe and-”

As she went off on that, Geo met Darryl’s eyes over the shorter silver’s head. “Wanna grab a bite to eat before PE?”

“-then there’s the example of the planeswalkers and lets not forget the-”

Darryl shrugged. “Uh, better to work out on a full stomach.”

The two men walked off as Xia spread her hands wide. “They have lightsabers! That’s the power of source magic and, uh, guys?” She looked around, blinked, then flapped her wings, taking advantage of the high, vaulted ceilings of Prismatic High’s interiors. She soared up, then landed beside Geo and Darryl as they walked to the banquet hall. During breakfast, the table had been heaped with steaks and taters and other victuals that had seemed entirely too rich for breakfast if you asked Darryl’s human half. His dragon half had adored it. Now, though, rather than a huge platter, servants were taking out food and taking away food at a continual rate. Dragons came in and left carrying away whatever they wanted.

Geo picked up a box that looked a hell of a lot like Kentucky fried chicken, save it was served in a beautiful pale white bowl made of porcelain and glass. He popped a whole drumstick into his mouth and chewed with relish, the bone crunching.

“Gods, guys,” Xia said, angrily. “I’m hungry too.”

“Yeah. For Darryl’s cock.” Geo laughed around the crunching sound of the bone. Not for the first time, Darryl wondered just how much of a dragon’s mouth and lips and tongue were used for speaking, considering how clearly Geo could enunciate while devouring a whole bucket of KFC

“I am totally ... not ... right now!” Xia said, sticking her nose into the air. “I just want it later. I want actual food now.” She grabbed a pitcher that looked like it was whole, uncut milk.

The five minute warning bell rang.

“He could shift to cum chicken soup,” Geo suggested, an idea that made Darryl wince in reflexive pain and Xia blow milk from between her stilted nostrils. As she coughed, spluttered, gasped, hacked, wheezed and blew more milk from her nose, Geo laughed, under handed the bowl to one of the maids - who caught it with effortless ease - and turned back to head to the kitchens. With that, Geo grabbed Darryl’s hand and dragged him off towards PE.

There were no locker rooms.

There was no changing into PE uniforms.

Neither of that was really that surprising to Darryl. After all, they were dragons. No one was wearing pants in lit class, why would they wear pants in physical education? But what was a bit weird was that rather than walking into the gymnasium behind the mansion that made up the main building, they headed for the roof. The teacher - a tough, grizzled looking dragon with a similar mustache as Principal Lung’s - looked them over. He shook his head slowly.

“You call yourselves dragons,” he said, sounding utterly scornful. “Back in my day, our enemies would have torn you lot of spoiled millennials limb from fucking limb!”

Darryl immediately wanted to kick him in the throat. He clenched his fists. Meanwhile, Geo was just picking bone from between his teeth with his claw. Several other male dragons looked like they wanted to say something, but didn’t. The teacher shook his head, his shaggy red mane flaring around his head. His hands went to his hips and he lashed his tail hard enough to cause a whip crack to fill the air. “My name is Tzao. I am a red frilled celestial, and don’t none of you western breeds forget it. In China, we handled the metallic and chromatic divide without any of this silly coddling you Europeans did-”

“I’m Aztec!” A female with emerald green coloration and a beautiful cascade of feather-like scales that spread along her shoulders and back like a cape.

Tzao snorted lugubriously.

“Man, who pissed in his coffee?” Darryl whispered to Geo.

“You got something to say, sparkplug?” Tzao asked, glaring at Darryl.

Darryl frowned. He wanted to chomp down on his words and keep them buried deep away. That was how he had survived his father. But then his mind flitted back. Geotaxis, when the two of them had brawled, had punched Darryl hard enough to shatter trees behind him. He didn’t need to feel afraid of older men. The fear that he had once felt slid away and he felt only the cold, burning anger his father had given him. Anger directed at him in specific, but in his type - the hard nosed, hard assed dickheads who thought that being tough was a replacement for being a human fucking being - in general. And now, here there was.

An asshole PE teacher to boot.

So, Darryl smirked as insolently as he could and said: “Well, I was just thinking that it’s pretty rich, calling us millenials. Aren’t you the one over a thousand years old?”

Tazo growled quietly. Smoke coiled from his nostrils. “You want to start something? This class is the most important one you’re ever going to go through. And I can fail your ass if you give me lip, chromatic.”

Darryl’s smirk widened. “Funny. I never thought I’d see a dragon threatening my grade. It just seems like a bit of a downgrade from Smaug burning down Rivertown.”

Tazo’s eye-ridge twitched.

Every single other dragon in the class let out a soft ‘oooh.’ Geo was looking at Darryl as if he wasn’t sure if Darryl was insane. Or insane like a fox. Darryl actually was not entirely sure where he was going with this. He was just sick of Tazo’s face, and he had only been here for a few minutes. Tzao lashed out at Darryl with the sudden speed of a freight train. Darryl felt time seem to slow. And then he grabbed Tzao’s wrist, remembering the training his father had pounded him through, twisted, flipped, and hurled Tzao off the side of the building.

As the other dragon went tumbling away, Geo whispered. “Dude,’ he said. “I am so turning into a girl for you tonight.”

“Is ... what!?” Darryl looked at Geo - who looked completely serious.

Then, everything went black.

“I regret everything in my life,” Darryl groaned around the jaw-splint.

“Well, you did piss off Tzao the Destroyer,” Xia said, her feet resting on the side of the bed in the hospital ward of Prismatic High. She shook her head as she turned the page of the book she was reading. “What were you thinking?”

Darryl sighed softly. He wasn’t entirely sure he had been thinking anything. And right now, he couldn’t stop thinking. He couldn’t stop thinking about the broken ribs, the ache of his left arm, the way his knee seemed to still be out of joint, despite the fact it was wrapped in a half a billion bandages. He couldn’t see out of one of his eyes. And to make it worse, the tip of his nose itched. He sighed quietly and muttered.

“And to think, I was actually looking forward to PE...”

“Every male does,” Xia said, nodding sagely.

“Well, not every male,” Darryl said, wheezing a laugh as he remembered Bigsby from his old high school. Not only had Bigsby had the worst name, he had also always been the main target of every dodgeball in the school.

“No, all dragons are inherently bisexual,” Xia said, nodding. “It’s a biological fact.”

“What?” Darryl asked, utterly confused.

“What?” Xia looked at him. “You didn’t know that?”

“What the fuck does that have to do with PE?” Darryl squeaked. His jaw ached from this much talking, but he couldn’t help himself.

“ ... what ... doesn’t it have to do with PE?” Xia asked, cocking her head.

“Fucking is not physical education!” Darryl said, his eyes closing - his temple starting to twang as if someone was snapping rubber bands against it.

“Physical education?” Xia sounded utterly baffled now. “PE isn’t physical educ-”

A creak sounded - a door opening - and Darryl opened his eyes to find himself looking at a curvy, gorgeous looking black girl. Her hair spiraled along her back in a series of tight dreadlocks and she wore ... literally nothing. Her breasts were large and darkly beautiful, tipped with hard, dusky nipples. Her skin glistened slightly with sweat as she walked forward, panting and grinning slightly. She crawled onto Darryl’s bed, moving carefully to not jar any of his many broken limbs. She purred, softly.

“Hey sugah...”

“Whothefuckareyou!?” Darryl squeaked.

The girl grinned, her eyes glinting. “You can call me whatever you want. Holy shit, when you kicked Tzao’s ass, I got hard enough to bend steel. Well. Soaked enough to drown an army, now.”

Darryl blinked. “Geo.”

“That’s me,” Geotaxis said - her breasts mashing against Darryl’s scaled chest as she leaned forward and kissed him, mouth brace or no mouth brace. Darryl felt his aching body complain. It said: no, you have multiple broken bones, what are you doing? But the fact that he was a teenager and Geotaxis, despite normally being a dude, was currently a curvaceous as fucking gorgeous as sin black girl was an even louder statement, and it was why his cock was tenting the hospital gown someone had thrown over him.

Ironically, the most he had worn since learning the truth about his heritage.

Geo pulled her mouth back, panting. “Why ain’t he been healed up?” she asked.

“Oh, Professor Tzao said that he had to learn discipline, so he put a regeneration blocker on him,” Xia said.

Goe licked her lips. “Wanna take it off?”

Xia paused. “Do I get a turn after you?”

“Girls, wait,” Darryl stammered. “Girlfriend. Injured. Geo’s a dude. Many objections-”

Xia grabbed onto something that Darryl hadn’t even realized was strapped to his neck and yanked. Something popped inside of Darryl’s chest and then he felt his bones all shift, then settle into place again. The pain faded and he sighed with such contentment he almost forgot that a girl was sprawled against his chest. Then Geo kissed his scaled chest, her tongue darting out as she nuzzled against him. his eyes widened and he started to try and move, to push her away. He had cheated on his girlfriend once. He wasn’t going to do it again. He may have been chromatic, he may have been a dragon, but he had-

“Why can’t I move?” he asked, straining against the braces and splints.

“They’re splints made to immobilize a dragon,” Xia said, as if that was obvious as Geo shoved the belly of his hospital gown up, letting Darryl’s immense, ridged dragon cock slap against the flat six pack abs of his belly. Darryl whimpered.

“Please, I, uh, really don’t want to ohfuckinggodyes!”

Geo had demonstrated the oral skills of a dragon who just did not give a fuck - in a single smooth motion, she had let her tongue grow long enough to wrap from the base of Darryl’s cock to the tip, coiling around him again and again and again and again, squeezing tightly, the tip of her tongue teasing the slit of his cockshead, tasting his pre. She leaned forward, her tongue guiding him down her seemingly human throat and soon, Geo’s lips were pressed to his hips and she was humming. Darry’s eyes went crossed and the splints and braces he was still strapped in strained, creaked, and held.

Geo drew her mouth back, panting. “You forget how big it is when you just have a big swinging dick and you’re not sucking, you know?”

Xia snorted. “Also, men have terrible memories. Here, let me.”

She grabbed Darryl’s cock, the edges of her claws bringing a delicious sense of danger to the situation. She started to pump his cock, her muzzle opening, her wings spreading as she started to suck on his cocktip. As she did so, Geo leaned forward and started to kiss his scaled balls. Darryl squirmed and closed his eyes, guilt and intense arousal warring within him. Arousal won. It always won. He hissed and groaned. “Ohfuckyes, suck my cock, suck it good...” he hissed.

The door to the hospital opened and Principal Lung stepped into the hospital. He was naked, though he had strapped a sash across his chest, which had a phone, a wallet, and some other bits of useful gewgaws stuck into the pockets. He walked forward, laughing as he saw the two girls eagerly bobbing, kissing, sucking, licking, nuzzling and stroking Darryl’s cock. “So, I see that you are fitting in quite well, eh Darryl?” he asked, punching Darryl’s shoulder gently.

“Uh, Principal Lung, it’s, nnh, not what it looks like,” Darryl gasped.

“It looks like you’re being a dragon,” he said, sounding amused. Then, sighing. “Unfortunately, not all aspects of being a dragon can be done without consequence. I see that you didn’t take well to Professor Tzao’s ribbing.”

“Nnnnahhh!” Darryl rolled his head back, roaring. He couldn’t help himself - pleasure surged through his body as Geo pushed Xia aside to clamp her mouth around the top of his cock and slurp on him eagerly. That meant Geo was the one who got fed blast after blast of thick, hot dragon cum. Her throat bobbed as she drank it down, her eyes closed tightly, her body trembling as she drank and drank and drank. Then she drew her mouth back, her cheeks bulging. SHe grabbed Xia, who tilted her muzzle to lock her lips against Geo’s lips. Cum dripped between their lips as they messily shared it, both moaning with ecstasy as they caressed one another’s breasts.

“ ... so, we can’t have students fighting teachers,” Principal Lung said, ignoring the lewdness below, though his cock was at half mast. He sighed. “But since you are new to being a dragon and rather impressed Professor Tzao.”

Darryl blinked, slightly, lifting up his head a bit. He still felt dazed, his cock only half soft.

“Oh, yes, quite impressed,” Lung said, smiling slightly. “It’s been centuries since someone laid a hand on him he didn’t want too. You should feel quite proud of yourself. Why, if you managed to hit him a second time, I’d be there with young Geo.”

Darryl laid his head back on the pillow, feeling utterly numb to the strangeness. He closed his eyes. “Okay, uh, thanks Principal...” he said, his voice soft. Lung laughed - and then turned, starting to go.

“Once you’ve recovered, get back to classes. And know, the next time, neither of us will be so lenient.”

And then he was gone.

Darryl leaned back as the two girls broke their kissing.

“So, uh, what us to ride you raw?” Geo asked.

Darryl growled – and decided to let his instincts guide him.

He chased both girls out with a gout of lightning.

Darryl came back to his dorm room, feeling tired and discouraged and guilty. When he opened the door, he found himself facing something that would normally be a balm and a delight to see.

Sasha Fong.

His girlfriend.

She was unbelievably gorgeous, with golden brown skin that looked as if it had been painted with just enough freckles to make her utterly delicious. Her breasts were large and perky, and her eyes were warm and inviting and rich brown. Her hair was raven black, straight as if it had been drawn by a ruler, and currently spilled around her shoulders, framing her face perfectly. She was dressed in a simple white T-shirt, jeans, and a crucifix. That crucifix made Darryl squirm almost as much as the fact that he was everything that she shouldn’t have wanted. She was a good christian girl. And here he was. A dragon. A scaled, decadent beast.

“Oh...” she said, her eyes wide. “I ... uh...”

“Hey...” Darryl said, slowly, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. Sasha gulped, then grabbed his wrist, then yanked him forward. But rather than throwing him onto the pile of coins and springing on him with the desperate abandon that Darryl had halfway expected, she stepped away from him, then squared the door. She looked like she was trying to figure out what to say. Darryl knew that she had to be waging an internal war with the intense, draconic attraction that Principal Lung had mentioned. Humans couldn’t resist a dragon.

Darryl squared his shoulders. He had to ... yes. He knew what he had to do. He had to apologize. He had to make this right. He lifted his head.


Sasha slapped him across the face.

“Ow?” Darryl asked. Asked, because he wasn’t entirely sure it actually had hurt. He was a dragon.

“You dick!” Sasha hissed.

“What?” Darryl asked.

Sasha slapped him again.

“You fucking dick!”

“What did I do!?” Darryl asked, without thinking about it. Sasha’s face turned beat red and she slapped his cheek again, then punched his chest - the blow literally less than a gnat’s wingbeat to him.

“You!” Punch. “Cheated!” Punch. “On!” Punch. “Me!” Punch. “You!” Punch. “Dick!”

Darryl lifted his arms to ward off the light smacks, his wings spreading. Once the last swing had been swung, he blinked and peeked over his hands. “So, uh, I deserved that-”

“Ya think!?” Sasha asked, panting, spreading her arms wide.

“I thought that humans lose all inhibitions and become mad dragon cockslaves just being in our presence!” Darryl exclaimed. He had been all ready to be a good boyfriend and not take advantage of his semi-mind controlled girlfriend and also confess about cheating on her and be a good person and not do it again. Now, though, he found his entire noble aim entirely wrong footed by this complete reversal of what he had heard from his professors and from Sasha’s eager, moaning voice over the phone.

Same as Prismatic High
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Jason was lying in his praying mantis form, with his head on his forelegs. He was on a modified bed that had him partially restrained. He had regained consciousness about an hour previously, and had drifted back into a light sleep state. Now he was slowly coming around, but looked as though he was struggling a little. Only Philippa, Linda and Andrea were in the room with him from his group, but there were excited bustling nurses and an infrequent doctor who looked in on him briefly. A brash...

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Life Changes Through HypnosisChapter 8

As Jackie walked into Kevin’s office, she was shocked to see Dr. Packard standing there. “Hello Dr. Packard, what are you doing here?” “I own the place Jackie and now just sit down and relax and listen to my voice. She sat in a chair and a glassy look took over her face and Packard began to induce her into a deep hypnotic trance. “Jackie, how do you feel?” “I feel wonderful, Dr. Packard. Do you want me to strip and suck your cock?” “Yes, Jackie. You are always to be nude when you are with...

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Bad Teacher Ch 03

Disclaimer: All characters in this story are of legal age. Chapter 3: Ryan talks Carmen into continuing their affairThe next morning I waited in my room and when I heard some noise from the kitchen I promptly walked into the kitchen. Here I found Carmen with a cup of coffee and a really hangdog look on her face. She was wearing a sleeveless white and black mosaic print dress covering her up from just above her knees too just under her throat. But while it look sophisticated on her, it couldn't...

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Curse of the Sorcerer

You lay prone in a field of wet green grass, the sprouts tickling your chiseled arms. Your short red hair, slick with rain, leaks cold water on to your large frame. Before you, just about 100 meters away, sits a small cottage. The walls seem to be crumbling, the brickwork yielding to the elements. This was where the woman in the tavern had told you to go. Supposedly, this was the location of a small force of a sorcerer and his minions, but you had been scouting the building for hours and had...

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Sessions With My ShrinkChapter 3

I woke up in bed early on that fateful Sunday morning with the realization that I had fallen totally in love with my Jekyll and Hyde mind doctor and the submissive side of my personality had taken full charge commanding me to follow his every order without question. It seemed to me to be particularly weak of my part after my unsuccessfully pathetic attempts at marriage and my somewhat slutty attitude when it came to all things sexual. Still, nobody can pass judgement on matters of the heart...

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Locker room blackmail

It was a warm spring Wednesday afternoon and I had been playing footballbut needed to leave early for a music lesson. I started making my way backto the locker room looking over the fields at everyone playing theirdifferent sports.I pushed the door to the locker room open taking in the stale smell ofmale teenage bodies while looking around to see if anyone else was in theroom. There were a few locker rooms to choose from but I had chosen thefurthest away so I would be alone. Today it looked...

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My StepMother

How did I get in this mess? Standing in a corner, with my dress, slip and petticoat pulled up and my panties pulled down to show off what I assumed was a very red bottom after being spanked and paddled by a women who was very angry with me for TPing her home. To top it all off, my step-mom was on her way to pick me up, who was about to see first hand that I'm a cross-dresser. Wow, what a mess. The night started out with so much promise. I had just moved into my own apartment, far away...

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Sweet Sixteen

1. Being Is Becoming People Are not cans Or bottles, The contents of their souls Known and labeled Like the ingredients Of fruits and vegetables. We do not grow On trees or vines; We were not born In a cabbage patch To be transported Home By storks. Sex and gender Are messy-- Mistakes are made: Chromosomes And identities Sometimes Only mix Instead of merge, And we are born Chameleons, Men disguised as women Or women camouflaged as men. We are Who We are; We...

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Aimee 2

Introduction: Wife seduces the pizza guy This is my second story about Aimee. Our fantasy life progressed from being watched, to thinking up scenarios where we invited other people into the bedroom with us. This is the true story of the first time my wife and I involved someone else physically. It was around 7pm on a Friday night, and we had planned to go out to a bar and see if Aimee could seduce some guy and get him to come back to our apartment with us. However, we decided it would be...

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Discipline Centre 2040 Marthas Penalty

Martha could not believe how lucky she was. It was now three months since she had attended the discipline centre and been punished for being caught smoking twice in public. She remembered so vividly how painful the punishment was, but also how much respect she suddenly had for the teenage policewomen who worked at the centre and disciplined the offenders.It was when she attended one week later to give her feedback, and to agree her behaviour going forward, that she was dealt with by Officer...

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Was really annoyed back when I was working security in central London in the 1980s! I told you as a reward my colleague Jack and I were allowed to use the Office Managers vcr. A month after Jack left the company my Operations Manager Mick asked me to report to his office at the company main offices at 3pm. “Don,t worry about getting to work on time as that,s what we need to,talk about!” His final comment before he hung up. With all sorts of things running through my head I reported a bit early...

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Chachari Bua Ko Choda

Hi mera nam pankaj hai mari age 21 sal hai. Meri height 5foot 8inch hai. Mera lund ka aakar 7inch lamba or 3inch mota hai. Main ab apko or bor nahi karonga. Yeh kahani aaj se 4mahine pahle ki hai. Meri ristedari main kisi ki death ho gai thi mere mummy papa bahi ja rahe the. Sorry main batana bhool gaya ki mere ghar mai teen log rahte hai main, mummy or papa. Us din mare mummy or papa unhi ke ghar jane ke liye subha se tayar ho gaye the. Main baha nahi ja raha tha kyu ki mujhe dukan per...

1 year ago
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The Corruption of Cindy

The Corruption of Cindy By Geena Cumsalot Chapter One: Beginnings I had been living as a woman full-time for almost two years when I met Cindy. We were both working for a major insurance company. She had been a secretary there ever since graduating high school and I was an IT support person. Our friendship began when I rescued her PC from a particularly nasty virus. She hadn't backed up in a while and a lot of documents were at risk if I couldn't affect a cure. After...

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Six Times A DayPart 101 Long Train Runnin

Susan was folding laundry when the telephone rang. She was wearing nothing but a sexy apron in anticipation of Alan arriving home. She rushed to the living room, where the nearest receiver was, holding her barely supported breasts to keep them from bouncing all over. She stopped and picked up the phone, but left an arm underneath her hefty rack. "Plummer residence." "Susan! My mistress Susan! Thank God!" It was Brenda. Her voice sounded panicky. "Hi Brenda. Is there something...

2 years ago
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Its More Than Puppy Love

David had to be in Boston Monday morning for a series of conferences, which were scheduled to take at least a week, but somehow his secretary had failed to make his reservations in a timely manner causing some hysteria on his part. Being the good wife that I am I worked feverishly all day Thursday trying to make arrangement for him. After countless phone calls, I had two solutions. One, leave at 2:30 A.M. on Monday, or a 9:00 A.M. flight on Sunday. Well even though David had refused to fly on...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 699

This One Is Compliments Of Nizzgrrl Religious Squirrels: There were four churches and a synagogue in a small town: a Presbyterian church, a Baptist church, a Methodist church, a Catholic church and a synagogue. Each church and the synagogue had a problem with squirrels. The Presbyterian church called a meeting to decide what to do about their squirrels. After much prayer and consideration they concluded the squirrels were predestined to be there and they shouldn’t interfere with God’s...

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Babs Bouffant

Babs Bouffant by TOXIS I God, do I ever pass! I'm gorgeous. I bet every cock on the street is hard just from looking at me and every woman on the street hates me. The tall. elegant blonde checked out her appearance in the plate glass of a store window. Bobbie was svelte, leggy, glamorous and he knew it. Heads turned when he passed and as many women stared as men. His clothes were expensive, only the best designers. Eat your hearts out, you losers, he thought. You all wish that...

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Msboy8s Guide to a Happy Marriage

This is a work of fiction, and friction. Any resemblance to living, dead, or undead people is merely a coincidence. Also the places featured in this story have no relationship to former, present or future places. (My lawyers suggested that) This story may not be used for wrapping fish or any other commercial endeavor without the author's express permission. Thanks to redlegtiger for all his editing assistance. All mistakes are mine and not his. NOTE: Just because this article is labeled as...

3 years ago
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My son had borrowed my cordless drill on Friday and promised to return it the same day. Well here it was Monday and I needed my drill and it was not in my shop. My son has a way of forgetting things so I walked across the alley and came in the back door. I called out to his wife Sara but got no answer. I went down to the basement and into his work shop. There my drill was right on his work bench. I grabbed it and started up stairs. The kitchen phone is right behind the basement door I was near...

2 years ago
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Smelling Panties and Pussy My confession

xhamster user PantieLoverCotton asked members to share their panty confession's with him so I did and this is my storyMy journey with panties began with my twin sisters 11 months younger than me so we grew up close together out of 6 total siblings. I won’t mention the age when it started but it was way before my teens.The three of us were wrestling one day and my face ended up in one of the twin’s crotch and that was the day I became a panty loving pussy smelling freak! She asked me what I was...

1 year ago
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PervMom Alana Cruise Bicycle MILF Banging Blues

When horny MILF Alana Cruises stepson gets into a biking accident, she wants to be there to support him while he heals. She helps him get cleaned up after he gets home from the hospital, but he has a stiff boner, and it is not going to get rid of itself. She wraps her fingers around his thick shaft and jerks him to a sticky climax. A couple days later, Alana helps her stepson with his laundry, and he convinces her to get down and dirty with him. This time, she uses her mouth to pleasure his...

3 years ago
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Got Success To Fuck My Real Elder Sister

Hi ISS Readers, I am regular reader of this site and like to read incest session mostly. After reading stories in Indian sex stories thought to share my personal experience with you. Please leave your comments @ Any Ladies, Aunty, Mature women if want to have some fun then please contact me. I ensure you for full privacy with best services as I also give massage at Indore and anywhere in India. So I introduce myself first. I am Ravi Sharma, 27 year old from Indore. I am working in a private...

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man and man

Hi, this is RAJA from mumbai suburbs.i’ll like to narate my story in which my gay cousin raped me just as someone rapes a woman . I am 21 and my cousin rohit is 25.he is better known by the pet name ‘BABU’. Right from childhood BABU was gifted by a well-built masculine body. he was 6″ ft tall,healthy, about 72kgs, with a muscular body , and above all a 9″ inch long ,thick, steel hard cock. he is wheatish.i am slim ,and since i have never participated in any outdoor games or activities i have a...

4 years ago
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The Slap Chapter 2

The Slap Ch 2 By Paula Dillion We finished up our meal and talking at the food court at the Mall. First stop, Mom informed us, is the ladies room. We took care of our business and repaired our makeup. Mom and Sis still couldn't get over how quickly I adapted to this role. Mom checked to see that we were currently alone and asked, "Paula you have never done this before have you dear?" "No Mom this is the first time, I have never messed with yours or Rebecca's clothes. It just...

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Parul ki chudai

I’m always the girl freeky in nature from my school days , during 1st yer it was very difficult to make girlfriend because of seniors and raging , but when i was in 2nd year i m the class reprentator (cr) of my class , and now this is the time when i m free to do any thing because i m senior , during my routine life one day i was in my canteen i saw one beautiful and sexy girl who is in 1st year as i know by her dress code , she was fair , with big boobies , bas fir kya us din ke baad se maine...

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Pirates Heart Ch 05

Thank you to all of you that have left such wonderful comments on this story. I’m so glad that you’re enjoying it! Catherine’s hand stretched across the sheets, searching for him. She opened her eyes and saw that he wasn’t there. She sat up in the bed and looked about. The light was dim as the sun was low in the sky and she heard the front door close. She tensed wondering what was happening when he approached the room carrying a large tray with a bottle of wine tucked under his arm. He smiled...

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Sheen Bhabhi Ki Garam Chut Ko Shant Kiya

Dosto aaj mai aapke liye ek garma garma story lekar aaya hu. Agar aapko story ke baad maaza aaye toh mujhe feedback zarur de. Iss story ke main kirdar hai Sheena Bhabhi. Unki umar hai 26 saal aur unki abhi abhi shaadi hue thi. Woh deep cut blouse aur sexy saree pehn ke apne 32 size ki chuchia flaunt karti thi. Uski kamar ekdum patli aur normal gol gaand jo 30-32 inch ke hogi kaafi attractive hai. Unke husband US mein job karte hai aur kuch Visa problem ke chakkar mein bhabhi unke saath US nahi...

4 years ago
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Eskort Spezial

Kaitlyn hatte fast alles was Sie sich wünschen konnte. Mit ihren 25 Lenzen hatte sie es geschafft. Sie hatte einen gutverdienenden vermögenden Mann geheiratet der Ihr alle Wünsche erfüllte. Ein großes Haus mit Garten, Pool, Sauna und allem anderen Schikanen. Kleider, einen Sportwagen und und und... Und dennoch fühlt sich Kaitlyn unzufrieden. Vielleicht lag es daran das ihr Mann zu wenig Zeit für sie hatte, vielleicht das Kaitlyn keine Lust mehr auf Tennis, Golf etc hatte... Gelangweilt...

3 years ago
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Swiss Girls School

He is used as practice in a sex-ed lesson for rich girlsJohn had been in Switzerland for six months, after his dad had got him a job with his company, but now the project was coming to an end. He had a week left on his flat, and decided to use the time to relax before heading home to London.He was having breakfast in his favourite little cafe, reading the paper, when he came across a small advert in the classifieds."Male life model required for health class." It gave the name and number of a...

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MomsTight Spencer Scott Moms Personal Trainer

Apollo Banks has just gotten his personal trainer license and he’s so excited. His stepmom, Spencer Scott, asks if he knows how to deal with clients. She’s not talking about younger women, but older ones of the cougar variety. Spencer suggests that she can train him and he can train her at the same time. Spencer agrees and says she’s going to go get changed. Returning to the kitchen in a tight white sports bra and shorts, she tells Apollo to forget she’s his stepmom. Her...

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The new situation with a dominant roommate

So if you read my last story then you know the situation...if not a quick summary would be that I have a female roommate who turned out to be very dominant and has joined me and my girlfriend in our sex life.Ok now the new dynamic of the relationship is that me and my girlfriend are still together and everything is normal, except that sometimes my roommate would join us in bed or act in a dominant way with me every now and then, overall its a really good situation although I'm sure it's going...

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Educating the girls Part 10

Introduction: Jerry was awake making himself a coffee and making sure the video was safely stored Chapter 10: Truth or Dare Jerry was awake making himself a coffee and making sure the video was safely stored, he could not remember putting it away. He still had to make a copy for the Jacksons, seeing as he was the only one up it would pass the time, and be easier without the girls interfering. He had just completed the copy when the door opened Morning Uncle Jerry Morning angel did you sleep...

2 years ago
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Karen Sister

I thought I was along at the vacation rental house. I only had my boxers and a robe on and was standing facing the kitchen counter fixing myself a cold drink. She caught me off-guard as she reaches around me and softly spoke good morning causing me to spill the soda I just poured. As I clean the spilled soda, she takes advantage of the situation lowering her clasp on me and started fondling my cock.Vicky, my now ex wife sister, has always tease and tried to seduce me. It didn’t matter if Karen...

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The Cheating Student

His name is John Preston and he happens to be a professor at at top of the line school where the students practically teach themselves. Professor Preston prides himself on having some of the best students on any campus. On a warm and sunny spring day there appeared to be no clouds on John Preston's horizon until he was approaced by a test proctor. "Excuse me Professor Preston," the proctor said with a gim faced look. "I am sorry to say that I caught one of your students cheating on a...

1 year ago
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Enough Chapter 25

The closer it got to Christmas the more unsure I became. Here I was an MMA Champion and a business owner tied up in knots over a woman. I had promised myself not to do this again but here I was contemplating it. Then again, perhaps I was overreacting. Lexie never said anything other than they hoped I would come. Never a signal from her that she had any inclination of starting over with me. At the last minute, I gave in and decided to attend. Since the gym was closed, I really had no viable...

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Portuguese Summer part3

After that night with Alan and the girl back at the villa i was very nervous about going back into work the next night , i was just not sure how much he had felt while he was fucking the girl with me under her or even if he was aware of what happened. When he turned up for work at the bar about 20mins after me he pulled me to one side and just grinned at me and asked if i had enjoyed itI sighed with relief and said "yeah it was great fun,he just grinned again and said ok ...well if we ever get...

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The Burning Boat Ch 01

The following story contains adult material. If you are offended or are less than 18 please read something else. If you are entertained by this story please vote and send me some feedback. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. John puttered around the house, slowly without any real direction. The house sat on a hill over looking the Pacific Ocean, a wide expanse of lush green irrigated grass, surrounded by the brown of the sage brush and tumble weed that...

4 years ago
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Gil Returns For Seconds 3

Gil Returns For Seconds. #3 I have to tell the most exciting story, that Judy and I ever did. To this day, every time I think about it, I still get a hard on. It was the first time I got to see Judy with someone else. Gil kept calling Judy at work, wanting to get back with her. He had no idea that I knew anything about their first Trist. Judy called me from her work, to tell me that Gil had been calling her. She wanted to know what I wanted her to do. Of course I wanted her to do something...

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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 16

We formed up the unit on the company street at 0900 hrs, and marched off in a column of platoon shortly following that. The march to the exercise area required more than an hour before we reached the location where we dropped off the First Platoon to begin their portion of the exercise. The other platoons followed in order. Captain Prawit and his assistants would be grading the First and Second Platoons initially, while Sergeant Chung and I would have the Third and Fourth Platoons. We would...

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Beti Chali Baap Ki Yaar Ban Ne

Mera naam shahina hai aur mie 18 saal ki hun mere baap ka naam santosh hai unki age 40 hai aur personal gym ka business karte hai. Dekhne mei mie kashmiri lagti hoon and body moti and toned hai with figures 38-34-39 hai rang gora aur muje fitted clothes pehn ne ka bht shouq hai meri height 5’6 and 68 kgs weight hai aur muje dekhte he murda ka lund bhe khara hojaye. Mere baap ki height 5’10 hai and wo 80 kgs ke hai. Ami ki 6 saal death hone ki wajah se bht lonely the aur sex ki bhook ne unko...


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