Prismatic HighChapter 4 free porn video

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Sasha turned off the satellite uplink she had been using to both track and communicate with Darryl, then slowly laid her head down on the desk in his room and started to scream into a pillow. What kind of total fucking moron was she, exactly? Here she was, sitting on a hair trigger pussy that needed a big, fat dragon dick, with her boyfriend about to fly back home from a successful, if dangerous mission, and what had she done? Had she said: Sure, come right back home and fuck my fucking brains out? No! She had told him to bring back a fucking princess.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!” Sasha snarled, slamming her head into the desk. The pain did help her think slightly straighter. A part of her remembered that she was still kind of ticked off at Darryl for fucking around on her. Another part of her was trying to figure out how to get this op under something close to control, now that Xia was in the know, so to speak. And a third part of her was kind of happy that Darryl could help the princess. What had her name been? Aliya?

The fourth part of her was wondering how the hell her life had gotten to this point anyway. She hadn’t even been supposed to talk to Darryl when she had been assigned to keep tabs on him at their old high school. But ... he had been so dreamy. She sighed, quietly, leaning on her knuckles, kicking her old self for an idiot. Oh, it’s fine to date him, he’s just a dragon hunter. We’re just trying to figure out what exactly the old dragon hunter organizations know about dragons, it’s not like this could go wrong. Oh, and it’s the best way to get a tracking implant into him.


The door to the room rattled. Thumped. And then a bluff, cheery voice came through it: “Oi! Darryl! I’m here to pick your brain!”

“And now Geotaxis has showed up,” Sasha muttered, throwing her hands up. She sighed and then stood. She closed her eyes, centered herself, then walked over to the door. Opening it, she saw that Geo was still in his draconic form – which wasn’t a huge shock. What was a huge shock was the look on his face as he saw her. He was wearing the tiny backpack that dragons used in lieu of pants and pockets to carry their odds and ends, and nothing else. That meant Sasha got to put her NSA training through another rigorous test ... and...


Geo was big. Black. Exuded a kind of masculine strength, mixed with a delicious if infuriating kind of ‘asshole charisma.’ Like a jock douchebag. Or a biker. Or the man a girl’d fuck behind her sweet boyfriend’s back. He was the star of a thousand and one cuckolding stories without even trying. But as Sasha jerked her eyes from his thick, dark red cock to his eyes, she saw a look of concern on his face.

“You okay?” he asked.

“What? Yeah,” she said, shocked beyond belief.

“Well, I mean, you’re acting all normal,” he said, nodding. “Darryl told me before he went off to PE that you were doing a roleplay where you’re acting like a regular human girlfriend. But you look like you’re five seconds away from getting cockhungry for little-Gee down here.”

‘Little?” Sasha asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Ayyyy,” Geotaxis laughed, lifting up his hand for a fist bump. Sasha bumped back, then shook her hand slightly while drawing it backwards. “Okay, that’s more like it! You’re good at roleplaying like we’re both humans!”

“Thanks,” Sasha said, though she actually found it harder to not bend over the bed and beg for Geo to fuck her brains out now that he wasn’t acting like quite a jock docuhebag. She shook her head, walking over and flinging herself onto the pile of gold that served as a bed. The coins clinked and rattled as she settled herself into place. “So, what brings you here, G-Dawg?”

“Well, S-man,” he said, leaning on the door. “I heard that Darryl was having a hard time with mathimagical stuff, and I figured we could have a hard time together. But ... I mean, I figured he’d be back now. PE is easy as pie.” He nodded.

“Who was yours?” Sasha asked. Intelligence gathering and small talk had a weird amount of overlap.

Geo grinned, then reached into his backpack. He tugged out a manila folder and tossed it at Sasha. She took it and flipped it open, her eyes widening. “Butbutbubut she’s not a princess!” she squeaked, sounding shocked.

“First families count,” Geo said.

“Her dad hasn’t been President for a year!”

Geo made a loud pffftthbhbbth sound with his tongue. “She was fun. I always think college aged princesses are the best – riiight when they get feisty!”

“I...” Sasha shook her head. “I’d hate to be in the secret service that morning. Uh. Wow. Uh...” She blinked, her brow furrowing as she looked at the papers. “Wait a fucking second...” She started to thumb through the papers. There were a lot of details that she had never wanted to know about this particular, ah, subject. But there were also a lot of details she recognized. It looked like the kind of standard security stuff that any kind of intelligence operation would gather. Security, human resources, kit, natural surroundings. There was even an entire dossier on possible firearms kept in the house. She compared that, mentally, with the dossier that Darryl had been given before heading into Tjuristan.

“And yes,” Geo said, cheerily. “She was tight as a vice.”

“Dude!” Sasha squealed. “Tee em fucking eye!”

“Sorry, sorry,” Geo said, lifting his hands. “Dang, though, you’re amazing at roleplaying.”

“Thanks,” Sasha said, biting her lip. “Geo, you were sent to a place in the United States. Uh, did you know where other people were sent?”

“Well, I mean, we’re all first years, so the PE can’t be further than Britain,” Geo said, nodding. “Why?”

“Darryl was sent to the middle east. To Tjuristan.” Sasha frowned deeply as she saw Geo’s eyes bug out of his head.

“Whaaaaaaat?” He asked, his tail slapping the wall hard enough to leave cracks. “Dude! Tjuristan has been off the lists even for seniors! A white dragon who was sent there on his senior year almost died. It took him three years to regrow his wings. I mean, he was just a white, but still, the Dragon Council put the kibosh on anyone going there, like, immediately.”

Sasha frowned. “Geo...” She said, her voice soft. “How do you feel about spying on your PE teacher?”

Geo rubbed his chin. He considered. “Do we get to make him look bad?” he asked, grinning.

“Oh, we’re going to do way more than make him look bad if my hunch is right,” Sasha said, standing up. Geo’s grin was fierce. He lifted up his arm and, as if they were old buddies, Sasha reached forward and slapped her hand into his hand.

They both flexed.

“Predator was such a rad movie, wasn’t it?” Geo whispered.

“Totally,” Sasha said, nodding.

The broad sweep of the mountains – Darryl wasn’t sure if he was in the Alps or in some different mountain range that was near to but not actually the Alps – provided a breathtaking view. Literally, in that he had to sit there, gasping for a few moments while, behind him and about twenty feet to the left, Aliya was splashing water in her face. He could see the distant glimmer of a city nestled in the valley, the glow visible in the fading purple and blacks of pre-dawn light. He had completely lost track of where he was. He just knew that he had to keep going west, taking a break before and after the big old ocean, and then he’d be in North America. From there, he could navigate to Prismatic High.

Flying to Aliya’s shitty home town had been a bit of a trip, but who knew flying back could feel so much more difficult?

The faint crunch of shoes and a swish of cloth made Darryl look back. He saw Aliya, her beautiful, dusky brown face glinting slightly with moisture. She had thrown on whatever clothes she could find before the two of them had taken flight, and so looked a bit like a hodgepodge. She had a headscarf that he would have said was like the hijab that Muslim women wore, save that she was Christian and he was actually pretty sure that hijabs were actually kinda different. She also had a dress and a thick jacket and boots and what appeared to be jeans on underneath the dress. Literally, everything she could wear to keep herself warm. It had worked, she didn’t look nearly as cold as she could have, considering how far and how fast they had flown.

“You okay, Darryl?” she asked.

“Just kinda tired...” He said, turning and standing – then freezing. Due to the mechanics of flight, the shrouding blanket that he had worn around his hips was long gone. That meant that Aliya once more got a full view of the amazing length and girth of a dragon’s cock. Even soft, it was enough to make her eyes widen and her mouth open in a quiet O of shock. She shook her head, jerking her eyes up to his eyes and Darryl moved his tail around, covering himself. “S-Sorry.”

“It’s fine,” Aliya said, her cheeks bright. She looked to the side. “I’ve never seen a view like this before without a bunch of bulletproof glass in the way.”

Darryl, glad for the change of topic, turned around and looked out at the city. He sighed quietly. “Part of me wishes I could just go there ... and...” He wasn’t sure where the and was going. But he wanted to shuck off the scales and the wings and the tail and the secrets and the lies and just be a normal kid. Except he had never been normal, had he? He had spent his youth training to fight dragons and keeping secrets and being beaten by his abusive asshole of a human father. He sighed quietly.

“Just be normal?” Aliya asked.

“Yeah...” Darryl snorted. “Kinda dumb, huh? I’m a dragon. I mean, I’m going to live forever. I have a secret agent for a girlfriend and I can fly and I can breathe lightning and-”

“You can breathe lightning?” Aliya asked, her eyes wide. “I thought dragons breathed fire.”

“Oh, no, no, I got taught this first day of school,” Darryl said, kneeling down. He scraped out a series of letters on the ground. “There’s two kinds of European dragons. Then there’s Aztec and Chinese – well, Asian, really, since some Chinese dragons also went to Japan, and the Japanese dragons claim they came first, and the Chinese dragons say they’re all lying, so ... you know ... fun history there.” He sighed. “But European dragons are split into metallic and chromatic. Metallic is gold, bronze, brass, copper and silver. Chromatic is black, red, blue, white, and green. Red and gold breathe fire, brass and black breathe acid, uh, silver and blue breathe lightning, I think...” He rubbed his muzzle. “Shit, I think I got some of them mixed up.”

“Also, isn’t bronze just an alloy of copper and tin?” Aliya asked. “Why are there no tin dragons?”

“Don’t ask me!” Darryl laughed. “I know that asking that in class when your teacher is a bronze dragon is a bit of a faux pass.”

Aliya chuckled.

Darryl paused. “Something’s wrong, though...”

“Well, you are missing a few colors,” Aliya said, quietly, pursing her lips. “And you didn’t write them out in the right order, from red to blue...”

“Not that!” Darryl grinned, looking at her. He wanted to lay her. But that was pretty normal for ... well ... he was going to say dragon, but he was starting to think that ‘eighteen year old boy’ also counted. But that wasn’t what was bugging him. He looked into her eyes and she looked back, then looked aside. Then it hit Darryl as if he had been clouted in the back of the head by a firepoker. Which, ironically, was how he and Aliya had met.

Then it hit him.

“Why do you not want to be my sex slave?” he asked.

“I- what!?” Aliya squeaked, springing up from the crouch she had been in, her eyes wide. “I do not! I mean, you may have a six pack I could eat breakfast off of and a cock the size of my forearm a-and the most amazing eyes and I think your wings are just marvelous and you could hug me with your tail and your arms and your wings all at once a-and I’ve never met someone I wanted to have be my first quite so badly a-and ... and ... I ... said all that out loud...” She blushed, furiously. “No! I don’t want to be your sex s-slave!”

Darryl flushed, lifting up his hands. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa.” He coughed, and managed to not ask her what else she had been about to say. Instead, he stammered. “L-Listen, when a normal human is exposed to a dragon when they’re not trying to hold their presence back, they go kinda ... cock happy!”

“Cock happy!?” Aliya looked offended.

“Not my phrase!” Darryl said, quickly, holding up his hands. “But, yeah, I’m just trying to figure out why not.”

Aliya shrugged. “M-Maybe I’m exceptionally strong willed?” she asked, but even she sounded doubtful about that.

“Well, uh, I’m sure you are,” Darryl said, trying for diplomacy. “Buuut my girlfriend is an NSA agent who got trained specially to resist this stuff. And you’re a Princess who didn’t know dragons existed until I crashed into your window.”

They both thought about it. Aliya rubbed her chin.

“Well...” she said, slowly. “My father hired that awful General, Bill Sharpe, after some kind of terror attack a few years ago. I don’t remember much about it – just that someone was apparently trying to plant a bomb near my window, and the palace guards had to subdue them. I hid under the bathtub the whole time.”

“I ... didn’t get a great look at the castle due to all the freaking missiles and explosions...” Darryl said, slowly. “But I don’t think that the average human being could climb that tower, right?”

“Are you thinking...” Aliya looked at him.

“PE is a pretty regular class. So, that means a dragon had to have been the one coming after you ... so ... Sharpe was hired to stop dragons. And he’s ex-SAS, which means he’s gotta be pretty high up there in Britain’s secret service. And if the NSA knows, why wouldn’t MI6 know too?” Darryl frowned. “Did Sharpe give you anything over the past few years?”

“Nothing!” Aliya said. “I detest that man, I wouldn’t have accepted a thing from him.”

The two of them continued thinking. Darryl blinked. “Well, it’d have to have been something you carry with you. Something that they’d know you’d ... wear...” His eyes fell on the crucifix around her neck. He slowly pointed at it. As his finger drew close, he felt his fingertip becoming numb and tingly. He jerked his hand back. “Ah!”

“My serving girl gave this to me,” Aliya said. “On the birthday after Sharpe arrived...” She grabbed it, her face twisting with disgust. Before she threw it off her shoulders, Darryl lifted his hands.

‘No, don’t!” he cried out.

Aliya looked at him. Then her eyes dipped to his crotch. Then she let go of the crucifix, blushing. “R-Right.” She laughed. “T-That would, um, be kind of silly of me, wouldn’t it?” She shook her head, sighing and rubbing her hands together.

Darryl smiled. “Thanks. I ... I cheated on my girlfriend once. I don’t want to do it again.”

Aliya beamed, then held out her hand. “That, I can definitely assure you, I am more than willing to assist you ... on ... that ... sentence got away from me a little.” She blushed as Darryl clasped his hand to hers and they shook.

And, in the backs of both of their minds, they thought almost exactly the same thing.

God I want his dick, Aliya thought.

God I want to dick her, Darryl thought.

And both felt thoroughly guilty.

Sasha leaned around the corner. Geo leaned around the corner as well, his head almost resting its chintip on her hair. Then the both of them ducked back before Tazo, the PE teacher, noticed them looking.

“So, uh, remember the plan?” Sasha whispered.

“Ayyye,” Geo said, casually, giving her a pair of thumbs up.

Sasha frowned, prodding his chest. “Remember. No penetration.”

Geo scowled. “You do know, you can break character for just a bit and we could not tell Darryl.” He winked at her. Sasha rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath.

“Fucking dragons.”

Geo whistled softly. “You’re so good at fucking roleplaying...” he paused. “I kinda love it.”

Sasha rolled her eyes. Then, seeing Tazo starting to lock up his office and walk away, she hurried around the corner. She was dressed in Geo’s finest slave girl outfit. It had been pretty difficult to squish her breasts into the golden bikini (complete with gold bangles, gold collar and golden thong), but once she had fastened the clasps and tied it on right, she found it was shockingly comfortable. She wondered, just for a moment, if it had been enchanted to be supernaturally comfortable. If so, she had to figure out how so they could slip the technique to the tech boys at Division 13. Then she only had time to focus on Geo sliding up behind her and cupping her breasts. “Hey baby, I hear that Darryl’s late coming home. Maybe I could make sure you cum a little early...”

Sasha’s body responded to the touch, the fingers sliding along her belly, her breasts, cupping her through the golden bikini, all of it setting a fire under her skin. Her lips opened and her brain hazed slightly as she almost forgot the second step of her plan. She moaned as Geo cupped and squeezed her, her back arching of its own accord.

Tazo watched with a slight smirk on his muzzle, his tail lashing from side to side. “Getting your hands on the blue’s bitch, huh?”

“Oh, hey proffesor, didn’t see you there.” Geo said, grinning. “Say, mind if we borrow your office, I gotta fuck this bitch hard, and I’d love doing her over a desk.” He nodded.

Tazo arched an eyebrow ridge. “I’ll be watching...” He said, grinning.

“Sure, I don’t care. Fuck, you can even take a second shot at her puss,” Geo said, slapping Sasha’s rump. Sasha forced back a glare – that was not part of the fucking plan. Then she found herself pushed into the PE teacher’s office. It was as neat and tidy as any she had ever seen, with a computer and a keyboard. Her heart sang – and then sank as Geo pushed her over the desk. Her palms slapped down near the keyboard as Tazo stepped over and leaned against the wall. His own light pink dick started to harden as he grinned and watched Geo slap his dick down on the cleft of Sasha’s asscheeks. Her eyes softened and she opened her mouth in a soft moan. Geo ground against her, purring.

“Yeah, bet that’s better than blue boy, huh?” he asked.

“God yes...” Sasha whispered. Tazo threw his head back and laughed as Sasha flicked her wrist. The keylogger bug she had hidden under her right collar slipped into her fingers. She leaned forward and let her hair spill around her hands to hide them as Geo ground up and down, teasing her, driving her wild. Her fingers shook...

But she got the keylogger home. This little baby would transmit every keystroke on the keyboard right to her laptop. Then Geo’s cock slipped from her ass to her thong. The triangular tipped cock head slid up and down her smoldering sex, her cunt aching, demanding to be filled. The thong squished faintly as he bumped his cock against her.

“Reach down ... I want you to slide that thong off, bitch...” Geo purred.

Sasha quivered. Her hand moved down as she rolled to rest her body weight on her left arm, her hair pooling around the keyboard. Her hand dipped into her bangle, retrieving the other bug, and as she moved it past her belly and the edge of the desk, she slipped it under the lip and tucked it neatly into a recess that wouldn’t be noticed for ages. Then her hand was on her thong, pushing it down, tangling around her ankles. With the mission technically complete, her eyes half closed and she crooned, ready for Geo to slam into her.

His cock spread her cuntlips.

S-Sorry, Darryl, she thought, knowing she should say no, resist. No. No. Then Tazo would know something was wrong.

Then Geo slammed his hips forward.

And Sasha let out a gasp of utter shock, her head jerking up, her eyes wide. It turned out this was exactly what Tazo had expected, as the older dragon laughed as his hand stroked his cock lazily. He grinned wickedly as Sasha moaned loudly and Geo slid back, his glistening cock coming into view. Then he slammed forward again ... and did not enter her an inch. Instead, with every thrust, he shrank his cock back into his own body, taking advantage of his shapeshifting to pull a trick as old as Shakespeare.

Same as Prismatic High
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Copyright © 1997 and 2002, Phil Phantom My adorable wife of fifteen years has the cutest way of telling me that she cheated. She waits until we're fucking, then tells me she has been bad - again. She knows very well that I want a wife who is a slut in the bedroom, but a lady and faithful wife everyplace else. The bedroom, while fucking, is the one place and time she can confess to an act of marital infidelity, have that accepted and receive forgiveness. From day one in our marriage, once...

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FilthyPOV Scarlett Fall Fuck Me I8217ll Do What You Tell Me

My stepsister Scarlett Fall is such a trouble-maker, she’s supposed to be quarantined at home with the rest of us but can’t follow any basic rules. I find her at her boyfriend’s of course, and she begs me not to drag her back home. She gets on her knees and literally begs me. I try to be fair and compromise with my teen stepsister, so I put my big cock in her mouth for her to suck. Her boyfriend must not have a big dick ’cause she seemed overwhelmed with mine when I...

4 years ago
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Xmas Presents

Jen is 42 married and has two girls both away at school. Her marriage is a little one sided but she is still in love with him. They live in a part of town not rich but not middle class either. He is gone most of the time even when home he is planning his next meeting so as she puts it she has a roommate that pays all the bills. Getting bored at home alone she went to work as Christmas help at a department store near her home. Three days till Christmas this happens. It's Monday morning...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 24 Thanksgiving Break Part I

November, 1981, Milford, Ohio We made good time, arriving at Kathy’s house about 2:00pm. She and Kurt thanked me for the ride and we agreed that I’d pick them up at noon on Sunday so we could be back in Hyde Park by 5:00pm Chicago time and they could be back at Northwestern by 6:00pm. We agreed to have lunch on Wednesday, then I said goodbye, got back in the car, and pulled out of Kathy’s driveway to head to the Spencers’ house. Melanie and Pete were there waiting for me, and I got one of...

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My Girlfriend and Her Daughters p1

After years of sexual fantasies, his wishes finally cum true. I’ve been dating a gorgeous brunette for about six years now. Her name is Robin and she is very sexy, has a great figure and a super personality. We get along great and we really accent each others personalities. I am deeply in love with this woman as we both near the age of forty. Robin is about five feet six inches tall, long jet black hair wavy hair down to the middle of her back, gorgeous steel blue eyes and she has a body to...

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Brooke Anne Jacksons Story

In her email, she told me her name was Brooke Anne Jackson. She came right out and asked, I want you to write a story about me. I'm a 19 year old college student. I'm bi, I turned 2 of my high school friends into pussy loving lesbians. I even seduced one of their mothers. I have pierced nipples and I'm thinking about getting a ring on my clit. I love to tease, it makes the fuck so much hotter. I like swimming naked in my pool and walking around sweaty in my Sunday dress with nothing...

3 years ago
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What Appened Was

I still don't know what went wrong between my wife Kathleen (Kathy) and I. Christ, I can't say what went right either, really. When we meet in college I don't think either of us realised that we would one-day fall in love with each other and get married. Kathy was one fine looking girl; maybe a little on the stuck up side for my liking and a bit too choosy about which guys she dated. Okay, I was a randy little bugger back then who only had one thought on his mind. Did I chase after...

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Fantasy The Broken Toy

Fantasy: The Broken ToyJulie is a good friend of my wife. She is fairly smart and very pretty. About 5'8", dark short hair, pale skin, a little chunky. She had nice round breasts, about a C cup. I, myself was about 6' tall, pale skin, unfortunately a bit chunky too, and and average size dick. I was well known for helping people fix their electronics. I did it as kind of a side job. Couple bucks here and I'll fix a laptop or tablet or whatever. One day, I got a call from my wife at work. She...

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ManuelFerrara Emma Hix Drops To Her Knees For Manuel

Emma Hix brings her sleek and sexy “gazelle gal” frame to Manuel in this scene from “Pretty Little Sluts #3”. Scrumptious Hix begins with a sultry tease behind some smoked glass. She slithers outdoors, showcasing a stellar derriere that has some nice curve to it. Once indoors our fuck machine Frenchman is there waiting to ravish Hix. He dives down to her shaved nether regions and produces a moan and many approvals. Emma returns the favor and does some impressive cock...

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Gym Class

A few years back in high school, there was this girl. Her name was Megan Retner, and–to be blunt–she was the polar opposite of me. I don’t mean to float my own boat, but I did my best to be respectful, determined, and educated throughout my High School career. Megan, on the other hand, did not. She was a rebel, she was ignorant, disrespectful, and didn’t give a shit about school. At the same time, however, I was incredibly attracted to her. To be honest, I don’t know what about her I found...

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The Good Neighbour Part Three

Jimmy looked down at Tobin, sprawled on his king-size bed, and growled in desire. The boy had become a man, but was still in many ways a boy—slim, pale, more or less hairless, lacking the heft and scars of age. But he was also a man: he had muscular shoulders and thighs, to say nothing of his cock, which was still hard and lolled against Tobin’s belly, leaking milky liquid that Jimmy wanted to lap up. He was still halfway delirious, and lay on Jimmy’s bed as if it was a faerie bower: with eyes...

Gay Male
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The Alien Within or Holy Crap Theres An Alien In My Bed

The Alien Within or Holy Crap, There's An Alien In My Bed! (c) 2002 By Lorraine B. All Rights Reserved Chapter One I moved in my semi-sleep state, I thought I had heard a baby cry. Perhaps what I heard was a dream. Wait a moment I never had children, if I had they would be adults now, gone from the safety and security of the nest. I was alone in this immense house having had no wife in many years. I couldn't remember if I had brought anyone home from that bar I went to last...

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Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day by roccodadom44 [email protected] Warning This story contains underaged sex, gay, violence, scat, piss, torture, if this offends you, please go elsewhere, roccoThis story will detail a routine day in the life of my boy slave, always best if boy pussies have structure, routine, as they are easily distracted,have every moment planned for him, no time for him to feel sorry, a busy boy cunt is a happy boy cunt. My slave is fourteen, I have owned him since he was eleven, three...

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The Controller

Your name is Dave Brown, you're 20 years old, and a pretty average guy. You are 5 foot 9, with short brown hair and blue eyes. It started like any other day, you woke up, got dressed, and prepared your morning cup of coffee. It was at this moment that you felt a terrible headache that soon tentacled to all of your body, and you collapsed. When you wake up, you feel disoriented. You try to get up, but the pain you feel is so massive that you immediatly fall on the floor. You try to look around,...

Mind Control
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My Wife and the Black Cabby

I used to work as a night security guard in a factory on the edge of town. The factory was on a quiet country lane which was did not have any public lighting, and was in complete darkness at night. Because of this, the lane was a favourite amongst couples who wanted discrete sex in cars. Although the lane appeared to be pitch black, we could see things as clear as day through the infrared lighting of our security cameras. We frequently used the camera's zoom lens to put us almost inside the car...

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Tammys parents the swingers oh the 70

One night I was home alone with my wife's mother Regina. She had flown out to visit us from back east for a few weeks. On this perticular night Tammy was at a Bikram Yoga class and her mother was alone at our house. I was supposed to be working late at the office preparing for a merger our company was soon to undergo but some complications came to light and things were going to be delayed so I was able to leave early.Regina thought she was going to have the place to herself, was in our living...

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Last Weekend

The BodySale webpage estimates your hypothetical purchase value based on race and gender and the answers to questions such as: “How tall are you?” “What’s your IQ?” “Are you attractive?” “How much money do you make?” “Would you rather have sex with men or women or both?” The most expensive woman listed goes for a whopping 7.2 million dollars with the average cost of a female coming in at just over 5.8 mil. It turns out the price to buy me is under seven figures, but that’s no surprise. I’m...

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Valkryr The battle went well. Olaf swung his weapon slaying another of his adversaries and readied himself too meet another. He felt the surge of excitement flow through his blood. He was meant for war, it was his life and he knew it would also be his death. He looked too his sides seeing his kinsmen in the thick of battle and he knew that victory was near. Suddenly the sound of battle cries brought his attention too a nearby hill. Running down its side, axes and swords held...

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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Two

Chapter Two I woke up the next morning after finally getting some sleep. Looking over it was gone nine am. I laid there, too frightened to even get up and go down and look at her. Time flowed by, as I kept checking the clock. 9.15… 9.30… 9.45 am. I heard movement outside, and downstairs. I knew she was up, and she probably had a faint idea I was awake. It was just gone ten am when a slight knock came at my bedroom door. My head snapped around. I looked as she spoke through the door. “Steve, I’m...

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CommunityChapter 19

Nikki's week: I thought he was messing with me. I got dropped off at the engineering building along with Cindy on Monday morning. We're working with a couple of junior professors, guys hoping for tenure. We're novelties, mascots, pets, curiosities. At least we started that way in the middle of June. I'm not saying that at this stage they're exactly ducking and running, but Cindy and I have waded through about two years of engineering courses. So when I walked into Jeffrey's office...

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Mountain Lake AcademyChapter 10

It was a week after the semester ended. I sat nervously in Principal Brecker's office across from her desk. Cat sat with me. While Skylar, Meaghan, and Aimee would give me fantastic reviews, I had no idea what the other freshmen girls would say or what the girls from any of my other classes would write. They seemed to like my teaching style and I thought they had fun but when it came right down to it, there was no way to predict. Brecker began, "Catherine talked to me a couple of weeks...

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Carly My ExGirlfriends Mom

Please comment on this story. I like a little feedback.This started back when I was in my early 20s. I was living with my girlfriend Michelle, who was 19. Her mom, Carly was 38. Carly was tall, about 5'9", and kind of big, about 200 lbs. She had longish, light brown hair,with light streaks that might have been the beginnings of gray, and an average face for her age. But she had nice, big, D-cup boobs and a really big and very round ass. Her ass cheeks looked like 2 basketballs side by side...

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Teachers PastChapter 3B Punishment Can Be Severe

Cory and Gary bided their time waiting for the bodies to quiet, as they knew it would soon be their turn. Things had preceded much differently than the plan outlined by Sally but the boys were easily able to adapt. It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what to do when sex was the lone subject. Their one-tracked minds were focused on self-gratification and Kerri would be the means to that end. With Kerri continuing to rob Sally of every bit of decency she had left, Cory moved in...

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I was a pornstar

I was 18 when i came to LOS ANGELES full of dreams of a better and glamorous life.In my hometown i was considered a beautyqueen ,guys were all over me,flattering and telling me that hollywood would fall to my feet the minute i would get there,little did i know .....Let me tell you a little about my background ,my family.My parents weren't rich ,mind you not poor either ,they were average.I think they loved eachother but sex was not something they kept inside the marriage,in fact they were...

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The Class Reunion Part Two

I recommend reading Class Reunion Part One first. “A penny for your thoughts, or maybe a dollar, if this is what they caused,” she said, as she fondled my newly resurrected erection. “I was just thinking about our last ‘wet humping’ before you left town and I never heard from you again.” “I am so sorry about that, but it really wasn’t my fault. My Mom figured out pretty quick what we had been up to when I got upstairs. She saw shiny stuff dribbling down my leg while she was standing behind...

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Cheryl was withdrawn the following morning at brunch in the dining room. She’d barely spoken to Drew as they had showered, dressed, and prepared for the day. “What’s on today’s agenda?” Drew asked, trying to lighten the mood. Cheryl glared at him across the table. “You want to just tour around the island?” he suggested. “Or, maybe you’d prefer to spend it by the pool? This is our last day, you know.” Either she hadn’t made up her mind or was merely intent on making him feel uncomfortable....

Group Sex
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Shadow and LightChapter 8

Same Place, Immediately Following As the light surrounded Philip and the visitor, he remained looking down on one knee. An aura of brilliant yellow light radiated from him. The godlike being moved closer, he stood before Philip before placing his hand on his shoulder and Philip looked up. “Arise, child,” the entity said. Philip stood up, but his head remained looking down. “Father, I am honoured by your visit.” “You do know, your family are the only ones who refer to me or the others as...

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In the pool 2 girl fixed and fucking a men

In the pool, fixed and fucked.I was with friends at the pool, and looked at where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown into another pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again abe to get out of the pool, r that did not work. Finally, 2 lifeguard came, jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive.The lifeguards took me out of the water, laid me on the stretcher and took me into a locked room. They are civil servants me until I was again accessible. They fixed me...

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Bending the RulesChapter 6

When we woke up the next morning, nothing at all was mentioned about the little sexual interlude I'd awakened to at three that morning. We quickly finished our morning ablutions, dressed, and headed off to the storage locker to begin our separate workday. I felt really good all day, working on opening up new outlets starting from just before nine that morning, and not quitting work until a little past seven that evening. I'd made two trips back to the storage place to get new product...

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Sissy out of control in the toilet

I'd describe as a fit rough looking submissive guy. Recently love to dress in panties and stockings and get interfered with....One of the first and hottest experiences was in a quiet public toilet. It was about 3.30 on a summer afternoon and I'd had no luck down a nearby cruising area - which was unusual as it was normally reliable. The lack of action was most probably down to feeling slightly inhibited by what I was wearing under my shorts.As I entered the cottage (as we call public toilets...

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Miss Cassandra camp p2

It has been a week and i know now this place is curse , every night i get nightmares and takes randoms big black cock in me in my dreams not able to do anything else it seems, waking up trembling in my bed ass up , cum dripping in my boxer , feeling shamefull i had cum from the dreamashame i spent my day, reliving the last dream over and over in my head wondering about all other boys at the camp , do they too?Cassandra keeping us doing chores and getting shit done around her campits true none...

1 year ago
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Longest Date

There I sat, on top of the worktop of his kitchen island waiting in anticipation and wondering how I ended up in there. When I first saw him I never thought I would end up here. Bra-less in the kitchen of a man I barely know.Two days before we had our first date due to my friend. It seemed that she had made it her mission to bring us together and like two teenagers we fell in her trap. For weeks he passed my desk at work, we nodded, greeted one another and I wore the friendly smile you wear...

Straight Sex
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Innocence Lost 8211 Part 5 Discovering Pleasures Of Breasts

He kept thinking about Sneha’s breasts and all that happened. Before he knew he was asleep, only to be woken up 2 hours later by a knock on the door Mom: Sweety, get up, have dinner. Ajay: Oh, hey, mom, how long have I been asleep? Mom: Well, you’ve been asleep since your friend went home. Now come one, have dinner. You are the only one left without eating anything. Ajay’s mom notices the boner in his pants. Mom: Your peepee is hard, beta. Should I leave you for some alone time to rub...

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MilfBody Veronica Avluv Cytherea Drink Pussy Juice Perv

There is always that one guy at the gym. The pervy dude that stares at all the women while they are just trying to get fit. But this time, he is the trainer in charge of the yoga class, and he is on a pervtastic prowl. This guy watches as Veronica Avluv and Cytheria stretch out and cannot resist. He has them do some squats and then moves in to grab their asses, but they are not having it. These girls are MILFs after all, and they do not put up with any shit. Our stud is forced to eat ass by...

2 years ago
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FlintkoteChapter 70

Grace took Jenny off to the corner, “Why?” “Did I marry him? Have you looked at the unmarried men in Pentwater?” “Yes ... I see.” “No chance is better than that. Well ... he’s your brother ... and I know what I think of my brothers. Toads all. Six ... all older. Mom finally got it right ... I’m the last.” “Six?” “Yes.” “Out of seven? “I thought I had it bad. Two older brothers and a younger sister. Six? Are they all still living?” “Not for lack of trying.” That drew a chuckle. They...

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Marks adventures

"Hey Mark, get in the goddamn car already." "Patience dammit, i have to close the store." "Hurry the hell up, I’m tired and horny." "You’re always horny." "Not while tired. Well not always." "Whatever." I close the shutter gates and lock them good. Then i walk down the big stairs trying not to slip on the wet concrete. When i get down i walk past Emily’s car, going for the underground parking space to get my own. But I’m soon halted by Emily`s angry voice. "Where the fuck do you think you’re...

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ReadyOrNotHereICum Lucia Fernandez HypnoTits

‘You don’t see that every day”. That’s Lucia Fernandez whispers to Nacho Vidal when she sees herself defenseless before his impressive manhood. Nacho’s cock is the biggest she’s ever confronted to date. She’s a little nervous but she won’t get intimidated. She displays all her charms to make up for her lack of experience: her striking gaze, her promising dirty talk, and her huge natural jugs. That’s what she’s gonna use to mesmerize...


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