The Life of RyanChapter 23 Troublesome Twins
- 3 years ago
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Prying his eyes open, suffering the bone-deep fatigue of a night that hadn’t provided sufficient uninterrupted time for a full recovery, he grunted at the sight that greeted his blurred vision. Kathryn was atop Alejandro, and they were making out like young lovers who rarely got the chance. For a change, it didn’t appear that penetration was involved, though it was difficult to know for sure.
“Did you two get any sleep?” he grumbled.
“A question not unlike one I asked several times last night, and again this morning. Unfortunately, the answers provided were rarely satisfactory.”
“Hey,” she retorted, running her tongue along the tendons of his neck, “it wasn’t all my idea.” His extended silence finally guilted her into a retraction. “Okay, I guess maybe it was.”
When the Spaniard finally escaped to the bathroom, Kathryn rolled over and snuggled against Luke. His sleepy attempt at righteous pique endured for almost ten whole seconds before he relented and gathered her into his arms.
“I apologize for failing to provide your usual morning service, but under the circumstances...”
“No, no, it’s fine,” he chuckled. “I think I’m gonna need all the energy I can muster. Speaking of which...”
She tensed. “Luke, before you start, I have to tell you some things. You might not like all of them, but I want you to let me finish before you respond. Last night...”
He kissed the top of her head. “You and Alejandro had hours — quite possibly many hours — of sex, first here on the bed and then all over the bedroom. Maybe in the bathroom as well, though I may have slept through most of that. You said a whole bunch of things, both in and out of the heat of passion, that you think will worry me. You did things you didn’t do while I was awake, like sucking him off after he’d been in your ass, and a prostate massage that, as you correctly observed, I don’t particularly care for. And you even speculated about keeping him in your sexual orbit, which led to a long and difficult conversation about ... well, you remember what it was about. I have no idea how much I missed, but I still saw and heard a lot.”
In a flash, she was on top of him, her breathtaking green eyes searching his, searching for reassurance. “Oh god, really? All of that? You were awake that often? I didn’t realize. I’m so sorry. I was just...”
“ ... about to tell me everything that happened? Kathryn, my love, though there were occasional flashes of doubt and concern, each and every one was pointless. That the very first thing you’re moved to do this morning is confess means more to me than any of the actual words you were about to say. But you don’t need my forgiveness, because you didn’t do anything that requires it. I told you to enjoy yourself without restriction or restraint, and I meant it. Instead, you’ll have to settle for my love. I hope it’s enough.”
“It’s more than I’ll ever deserve,” she sighed, burying her face in his neck. She’s crying. This isn’t exactly how I thought today would start.
“Admittedly, listening to you describe just how much you love me with someone else’s massive schlong sawing in and out of your ass...”
“You doofus,” she laughed though her tears, playfully slapping his chest, “he wasn’t actually inside me while that part of the conversation was happening. I’m not that much of an unrepentant slut.”
“Really? I don’t know. I kinda think you are.” She trembled in his arms, and his organ swelled at the realization that she’d experienced another small climax in response to one particular word. That’s twice now. I really have to explore this with her.
“Okay, maybe you’re right. But no matter how much of a slut I am, it’s all for you, my love. All for you. You free me to be one.” She was reaching between them to introduce his cock into her hungry sex when Alejandro reentered the room.
“If you two are going to continue in this fashion, I suggest efficiency. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes, after which I recommend a shower for everyone.”
“Wait a minute,” Kathryn objected, still holding on to Luke’s shaft and (for the moment) ignoring the photographer. “You’re being so accommodating and forgiving about last night because you’re about to be fucked eighty-five ways from Sunday by a supermodel, aren’t you?”
He grinned. “I admit it does put a rosy and optimistic glow on things. Out of curiosity, could you detail the eighty-five ways? I’d like to be prepared.”
“You didn’t hear that part?”
“Uh, no?”
“Oh, Luke. You have no idea what you’re in for.”
“Should I be afraid?”
“Only of dying from pleasure.” She kissed him and made her own retreat to the bathroom, pausing along the way for a brief whispered conversation with Alejandro. Luke gave him a questioning, curious look.
“She asked after a larger range of preparatory supplies than she employed last night.”
“Ah, right. That makes sense. What time is it, anyway?”
“6:47!” Kathryn called from the bathroom. Luke cackled as Alejandro’s brow furrowed.
“Would one of you please do me the courtesy of... ?”
“She has a frighteningly accurate internal clock. I try not to investigate too closely, because it’s more than a little creepy. For example: last night, when she said you were only in the shower for four and a half minutes or whatever? She not only meant it, I guarantee she was right.”
“It is a most distressing talent, and one she could never display in my industry. Expressing power by being late in a calculated fashion is very nearly the bedrock of our profession. Nonetheless, I understand now. Kathryn also told me that you overheard much of what happened last night.”
“Maybe not much, but at least some, and...”
“We should continue this conversation later, though I do indeed wish to continue it. If there was anything we did or said that you found hurtful, I apologize. However, I also assure you that you have nothing to worry about.”
“I’m not worried about anything I wasn’t worried two days ago. Well, actually I’m worried about one thing: if your guest is arriving as early as you said she would, are you sure we have enough time for three showers and breakfast?”
“Perhaps not, but there is sufficient time for breakfast and one shower. As you may or may not have noticed, it is quite large, includes multiple shower heads, and can easily accommodate far more than three people. You may also not be surprised to learn that it has.”
Luke chuckled. “I’m not sure the three of us in the shower at the same time is more efficient.”
“In this case, we will need to be. But do not be too disappointed. My guest has a great love of showers and their erotic possibilities. I am sure that we will be invited to explore them with her. Now, take this,” he insisted, reaching into a closet and handing Luke a robe, “and I will meet you downstairs. If Kathryn wishes for a robe of her own, tell her she can find one in the closet on the opposite side of the room. Unfortunately — or not, depending on your perspective — it will be sized for fashion models, which means that she will have difficulty concealing her vastly more generous curves. Not that I think any of us will mind very much if she cannot.”
By the time Luke descended the stairs, the room was filled with the enticing aroma of bacon. Eggs sizzled in a well-buttered pan, and the counter was covered with a formidable assortment of fruit, bread, even more butter, honey, and assorted fruit-based spreads.
“You are good at breakfast. How did you assemble all this so quickly?”
“As previously noted, it is my sole culinary skill. I have not made coffee. While the caffeine would be welcome, it...”
“Yeah, I know about the aftereffects. No worries. I’m a little tired, but given what’s coming I don’t think I’ll be falling asleep anytime soon.” Alejandro was already nibbling on the first batch of cooked bacon with a look of rapture on his face. He’d finished a slice, and was halfway through his second when he noticed Luke smirking at him as he reached for his own. “The Spanish love for all things porcine?”
“Indeed, but there is more to it. Like many models, my guest is a vegetarian. Well, strictly speaking she is a vegan, but I promised her that, while I could occasionally give up meat and fish for the pleasure of her company, I could not simultaneously abandon eggs and dairy. Long pursuit of her diet means she cannot digest most dairy products aside from well-aged cheeses, but she has learned to endure eggs on occasion, as long as I promise not to tell anyone. On the other hand, if you open the freezer you will encounter a truly depressing supply of tofu sausages, lentil burgers, and other atrocities I cannot bring myself to describe.”
Luke gave him a sympathetic pat on the arm. “I’m sorry, man.”
“I appreciate your sympathy, though as you will soon learn for yourself there are compensations. While we have a few minutes to ourselves, however, I would like to continue the conversation we began upstairs. Are you still okay with everything that happened, both yesterday and this morning?”
“At certain moments I was a little bit worried by what she was saying to you. But with more time to think about it, I’m fine. It’s just ... I’ve watched her have sex with someone else, but there’s an intimacy between the two of you that’s unsettling to witness. I suppose she might’ve gone through something similar last week while I was with my friend Wendy, but that’s ... well, it’s a long story, but it’s different. Thank you for what you said to her, by the way.”
“I was not surprised by her offer, for I have heard it at similar moments many times before. I know better than to agree, but it was hard-won knowledge. The first time I was invited to continue sharing a woman with or without her primary partner, I made the mistake of saying yes to a notion born in passion without understanding what I was putting at risk. It ended badly for all of us. I am making an exception to my usual restraint because I judge the situation to be manageable and her feelings for you resolute, but to attempt to extend it further under her current circumstances would be a mistake. It is true that I would relish the opportunity to be with her again, but she either needs to be completely unattached, or in a secure non-monogamous relationship. There is too much uncertainty otherwise, and uncertainty leads to entanglements that cannot be undone.”
“Well, if you change your mind, just know that I’d be okay with it.”
“While I thank you for your trust, you cannot necessarily keep speaking for her in this regard, and in any case the validity of the warning against it remains.”
“You’re right, and I know. I suppose we’re both using sex to run and hide, in a way.”
“So you heard that conversation as well? It was considerably more intense and revelatory than I expected, but it must have been much more so for you.” Alejandro was staring intently at Luke, attempting to assess the wisdom of probing more deeply. “It is probably not my place to say this, but given that my relationship with Kathryn precedes yours and the openness the three of us have shared, I am going to take the risk. You hold in your hands a very powerful but fragile situation; one that grows more fragile by the day, even as the strength of your feelings may seem to belie that characterization. She loves you, and you love her, but after her confession last night I am not sure either of you fully comprehend the stakes inherent in pursuing or abandoning that love. The road to togetherness will be difficult, as I think you would acknowledge. But even if you choose to part, this does not end with you returning to your life and her settling back into her marriage as if it has all been no more than a beautiful dream. Though it may appear otherwise, that is no longer one of the options before you. If you would heed my advice, be very, very careful, but do not be neglectful. Do not act in haste, but you must act.”
Luke really didn’t want to be having this conversation, especially when there was a day of exotic sex with a mysterious supermodel in front of him. And also, because I’m still in denial. Still running away. Still trying to evade responsibility for doing the right thing, whatever that is. “The only thing I’m sure of is that I don’t want to hurt her.”
“That may no longer be avoidable.”
“So everyone’s lining up to tell me.”
“There is often wisdom in crowds.”
“Plotting my sexual demise, gentlemen? Or commiserating over your own inevitable decline in performance?” Kathryn was sauntering down the stairs in a white silk robe that, as threatened, managed to conceal almost nothing. The bottom ended about an inch below the lower curve of her buttocks, the front was so loosely tied that both her sex and a fair portion of the inner swells of her breasts were exposed, and the material was so transparently thin that her erect nipples were fully on display.
“Well, we know which nympho-insomniac to thank for that, don’t we?”
She laughed. “I am a little sleepy, and I’ll probably pay the price for all this excess tomorrow, but I’m still far more horny than I am tired. Sex is always better than sleep, anyway. Especially with you two studs.” Walking straight to Luke, she wrapped her hands around his head and planted a heart-stopping kiss on his lips, turned and offered the same to Alejandro, and then ... with a salacious glint in her eye ... dropped to her knees, fished out his shriveled (but still massive) cock, and gave him a lusty slurp. Luke’s turn came next, after which she stood with her back against his chest, idly caressing his shaft with one hand and popping orange slices into her mouth with the other.
“Just how horny are you?”
“Think about the most worked up you’ve ever seen me.”
“There are so many options to choose from.”
“Think of all of them put together, then. And multiply that by ten. That’s how horny I am.”
“Alejandro, we’re going to die.”
“I fear you are correct. Thankfully, formidable reinforcements are on their way.”
“You told me all sorts of enticing things about her last night, but are you ever going to tell me who she is?”
Luke was about to offer up a guess, but Alejandro shushed him with a gesture. “I am quite sure she will prefer to craft her own introduction. I will not rob her of that pleasure.”
“But you told Luke?” she pouted.
“I did not, but I should be more specific: while she will most certainly enjoy introducing herself to Luke, it is you upon whom she will wish to make the greatest impression.”
“Me? But why?”
“You will learn soon enough. Now, let us enjoy breakfast and finish making ourselves ready. She will be here within the hour, and it would be better were there no visible reminders of bacon.”
“I don’t think that’s going to be a problem,” Luke mumbled through a mouthful of half-crisped pork fat.
They wolfed down their repast, chatting animatedly about everything but sex, then efficiently tidied the kitchen and raced upstairs. While their joint shower wasn’t exactly free of fondling or groping — mostly of Kathryn, who was delighted and aroused by the attention — nothing got too far out of hand, and they were soon toweling themselves off and reaching for their robes. Kathryn wrapped and tied hers as tightly as possible around her succulent curves, though it still didn’t hide much.
“It’s already seven ... uh, it’s about quarter to eight.”
“What time is it really, dear?” Luke’s voice dripped with affectionate sarcasm.
Blushing a bit, she murmured, “7:43. Anyway, I was afraid that we missed her arrival because we were messing around in the shower. I wouldn’t want to keep her waiting.”
“She has the codes for both the main door and the elevator. If she is here, I suspect she has already let herself in and will be waiting for us downstairs with great impatience.”
Kathryn looked anxious, but Luke was curious. “Based on what you’ve told us about her, I’m surprised she didn’t come up and join us in the shower.”
“I assure you that, while she has considered and reconsidered that option several times since her arrival, she deemed the opportunity to feel put out and ignored more satisfying.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“And now, Luke, you begin to understand what it is really like dealing with models.”
An extremely slender woman with medium-length black hair paced back and forth in front of the windows, her clunky platform heels beating a rigid tattoo on the wooden floor. She was dressed simply and casually, yet it was clear that a fair bit of thought had gone into her attire, as it was clothing designed to deflect notice and allow her to blend into an anonymous crowd. As a disguise — for that’s what it was — the entire ensemble was extremely effective; one would have to stare at her for a long while to realize that her studied anonymity couldn’t permanently obscure her stunning beauty.
Her smoky brown eyes were wide-set, the whites surrounding her irises so pure and vivid that they were almost luminescent. Her nose, forehead, and cheekbones were patrician and unmistakably Nordic, but her lips (even devoid of makeup) were considerably more generous, suggesting a decidedly more southerly origin. At the moment, those supremely inviting lips were curled into a disapproving frown. Her complexion offered the uninitiated no obvious clues to her ethnicity; too light to be olive or brown, too dark to be pinkish and pale, yet utterly without blemish or flaw.
My god. It’s her. It’s actually her! I can’t believe it.
Faith Anderssen was a supermodel. Of that there was no doubt. She could have rocketed to stardom on the strength of her unique and manifestly appealing looks alone; half-Norwegian and half-Persian, she existed in a visual universe all her own, and year after year she was universally acknowledged as one of the most beautiful people on the planet. But she was so much more than that; an up-and-coming actress of surprising talent, an inventive clothing designer, a nascent entrepreneur, and an international icon whose given name was almost never accompanied by her family name. There was no need. Everyone knew Faith.
But there was something else unusual about her, especially given her profession. She’d achieved her iconic status and worldwide fame without ever once appearing fully nude, nor even completely topless. Not even the most ambitious paparazzo had managed to catch her relaxing sans suit on some remote beach, and they’d certainly tried. To be sure, there were enough essentially transparent meshes, dangerously parted shirts, and other see-through clothing — whether on runways or in the pages of fashion magazines — for any dedicated admirer to have a very clear idea of what she was hiding, at least above the waist. But for a model of her immense stature, her career had been remarkably demure. And though she’d been photographed on the arms of countless actors, fellow models, and titans of industry, whether or not she was actually dating any of them was a subject of endless but frustrating speculation, for another thing that had never been captured was her offering even the slightest sign of physical or romantic affection to anyone, aside from her family. The whispered, never authoritatively confirmed or disputed, belief was that she was manifestly beautiful but asexual. Nor did she do or say anything to contradict such rumors.
During his restaurant career, Luke had served a fair number of models and actors, and while many tended to be fairly down-to-earth people ... and often extremely generous tippers ... they were rarely as attractive in real life as they were in print or on the screen. Such was most decidedly not the case with Faith, who was even more radiant in person than she was in her work, even while deliberately downplaying her beauty. It was impossible to avoid staring at her, and so Luke didn’t even try. He did force himself to close his mouth, surreptitiously stroking a finger across his chin to ensure he hadn’t actually drooled on himself.
“It smells like a slaughterhouse in here.”
Her accent was as mysterious as her visage; deep, sultry, and vaguely exotic, but with every syllable forged from hidden reserves of razor-sharp ice. That she was whip-smart, and legendarily impatient with anyone who assumed that someone in her field couldn’t be, was also well-known.
Alejandro just laughed, crossing the room and taking her into his arms, waiting out her annoyance until she relaxed enough for a kiss; one she returned with obvious affection, weaving her fingers through his unbound hair. Finally, she laughed and shoved him away.
“You made me wait.”
“You know you enjoyed it.”
“I did. I love everything you make me do. Since you’re all lounging about in your robes and it’s pretty clear none of you are wearing anything underneath them, these must be the friends about which I have heard so many scintillating things.”
“They are. Luke Bronson, Kathryn Lloyd Maddox, I would like you to meet...”
“Faith. Faith Anderssen,” she unnecessarily clarified. “Though I suspect, by his obvious signs of discomfort, that this deliciously handsome man has already figured that out. Both of you, please come nearer the window and into the natural light so I can see you more clearly. A lifetime of trying not to unattractively squint into photographers’ horrible lamps has rendered me a little bit blind.”
Luke staggered forward, still trying to wrap his head around the fact that a woman who’d featured in more than a few of his most unlikely fantasies was not only standing right in front of him, but was here — at least in theory — to join their orgiastic festivities. Faith looked him up and down, appraising him like a freshly slaughtered side of beef hanging from a meathook. And then she grabbed his head and captured his lips with hers in a fiery, carnivorous kiss. At first he was too shocked to move, much less respond, but eventually his instincts took over and his tongue emerged to duel with hers. To his surprise, he was even bold enough to run a hand down her back until it rested atop the taut, athletic upper curve of her buttocks.
“Mmmm, that’s much better,” she purred as she pulled away, swiping a stray drop of saliva from the corner of his mouth and feeding it into hers. “Luke, darling, please relax. I eat, drink, sleep, and most importantly fuck just like any other woman. All my holes are in the same place as everyone else’s, they’re not made of hand-blown crystal or virgin unicorn skin, and you’re going to be inside each and every one of them today, as often as you can manage. There’s absolutely no reason for hesitation, and certainly not awe. Do you know why? Because you can do absolutely anything to me. Anything you want. No restrictions. Does that sound like something you’d be interested in?” Numbness extended from the top of his scalp to the ends of his toenails, yet he somehow managed a nod. “Excellent. I can’t wait.” Offering him another kiss, this one only slightly less heated than the first, she finally turned her attention to Kathryn.
I’ve never seen her look shy before. Indeed, for the first time in his experience, Kathryn appeared tentative and uncertain, all her usual swaggering sexual confidence drawn inward like a protective shell. Faith was staring at her like a predator visually dissecting a tasty insect, lips pursed and arms akimbo. Luke noted that her fingers were twitching as if she was agitated. He glanced at Alejandro, surprised to see the photographer wearing a broad smile and radiating something between glee and amusement.
“And you’re Kathryn.” Her tone was so outrageously neutral that Luke couldn’t even begin to interpret it.
“Faith, it’s very nice to meet you. I apologize if I’m a bit speechless. I can’t believe how beautiful you are.”
The model twisted her head around to look at Alejandro, incredulity written all over her face. “Is she serious?”
With a puzzled frown, Kathryn protested, “Of course I am.”
Faith was still looking at the Spaniard. “You told me she was remarkable, and that I’d be jealous. I didn’t believe you, of course, because I maintain a thick armor of self-regard to help mask my raging insecurities. But now...” She turned back to look at Kathryn, but kept talking to Alejandro. “The next time you tell me I’m incomparably beautiful, I’m going to remind you what a fucking liar you are.”
“I have never once failed to mean it, Faith.”
“Oh, shut it. Look at her. Look at her! My god, she’s ... by the way, you also forgot to warn me that I’m an emaciated stick figure compared to her.”
“I assure you that...”
“Shut up. How the hell did you manage to let her slip through your fingers?”
“Faith, I...”
“Romantically, sexually, professionally, I don’t care. She’s ... sorry, Luke. But seriously: how?”
“Our romantic and sexual destinies were fated to be forever sundered, and after yesterday I am even more assured that it was for the best. As for her profession, I cannot exactly blame her for choosing law over modeling.”
“A lawyer. So she’s brilliant, too. Great. Thanks for making me feel stupid and decorative.”
Luke was looking back and forth between the model and the photographer, trying but failing to understand the drama playing out before him. To his surprise, the latter just winked as if this was a script he’d already written and that was playing out exactly as predicted. “You are very, very far from stupid, though I will admit that you are a most enticing decoration. If you would like to dangle prettily for a while, I believe we can arrange that later tonight.”
For a moment, Faith closed her eyes and shuddered. It was nearly identical to the reaction Kathryn experienced when he called her a slut. Was that ... did she just... ?
“Oh, you silver-tongued photographers always know the right thing to say. Happily, your tongues can be put to even better uses. Now, my darling Kathryn, I’m so terribly sorry for being rude to you. I’m a bitchy, selfish dilettante who can’t deal with people unless they’re constantly kissing my delectable ass, and I can only ask you to forgive what will be many hours of petulance, mood swings, and childish competitiveness. Let me make this very clear, however: loverboy over there warned me that I might be envious of or intimidated by you, and he was not wrong. I have no doubt you’ve been told how beautiful you are on more occasions than you can count, because men somehow think that the absolute least meaningful thing they could possibly say to us is some sort of key to unlocking our vaginas, but I’m going to beg you to take it from an expert: you are a goddess incarnate. And you ... wait a minute.” Turning back to Alejandro, she demanded, “It’s her. She’s the one.”
Kathryn, despite being more than a bit stunned at Faith’s barrage of praise, managed to ask, “The one what?”
“There was a photoshoot fairly early in my career. I don’t remember who it was for, but I wasn’t wearing very much, and the client wanted me to wear even less. If Alejandro hadn’t been there to defend me — he even threatened to walk off the set if they didn’t stop pushing — I probably would’ve had a very different career, because I was on the verge of capitulating. But he did, for which I’ve been forever grateful. This was before he and I became lovers, but we’d already worked together often enough that I was trying to figure out how to get him inside me. Though I’ll admit it was also before I fully understood just how big he was, which was probably for the best; if I’d known, I might’ve fled in the opposite direction, and that would’ve meant the terrible loss of many years of really fantastic sex. Well, I was young, foolish, and a lot tighter back then.”
“Anyway, I left the shoot feeling bloated and ugly and used ... all the typical model bullshit, especially when it’s not true ... and I made him take me out to get absolutely shitfaced drunk, which — ulterior motive — I kinda hoped would end with him taking advantage of me. We went back to his apartment and he spent about an hour rejecting my rather determined advances, which was the noble decision even though I loudly and drunkenly resented him for it at the time. The next morning, after coffee and a whole hell of a lot of Advil, he stripped me naked and held me under the shower for a while. That seemed promising, despite my raging hangover, except that he still wouldn’t have sex with me. I was feeling sorry for myself — I couldn’t even get laid, for god’s sake — and I asked him if I was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Yes, it was as pathetic and needy as it sounds. I really, really wanted him to say yes. But he said no, and I lost it. Crying on the shower floor, breaking shit, smashing his mirror, all of it pure cinematic overkill. I’m still sorry about that, by the way.”
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My name is Will, and I'm twenty-two. I have brown hair, and I'm six foot. My girlfriend, Sharon, and I are students in college. She is twenty-two as well. We both agree that college totally sucks. We both study every single day and feel like we have absolutely no social life, none whatsoever. We often studied in the library, for research papers, and various other things. Anyway, there was almost never more than twenty people in there at a time. We guessed it was because of absolute silence...
College SexHis thick cock was pounding into me in time with the beat of the club song. I don’t think that he realized or planned it, but it was causing me to cum wildly, creaming his cock. “Oh fuck you dirty whore, I’m cumming now!” Rob screamed in my ear. I could barely hear him over the music even with him that close, but I could feel him explode inside my wet cunt. His cum was hot and there was a lot of it. He kept shooting and shooting, filling me up. “Fuck Becky, I love you. What a sluty whore you...
Amish No MoreBy Beagle9690March 2008I have been watching her for the past year, planning; learning her habits and schedule: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, her brother drove her into town to sell their baked goods. Everything she sold was homemade and delicious. During the week, he worked at Shultz's Saw Mill. Sarah rented a small booth in a co-op located in a run down strip mall. I had plans for that little cunt; all women are cunts to varying degrees. I should know, I was married to the...
Hi myself Aditya .. I am a medical student(mbbs 1st year) studying in delhi and I am good in nature and of course with well buld body with hieght 6 ft. The incident took place jab main apne college se ghar jaa raha tha .. Let me start my story Main apne college se ghar jaa raha tha metro se.. To 2-3 station baad ek ladki chadhi boht faad thi jaise sabko chudai ke liye chahiye hoti hain . Sab metro mein usi ko dekhne lage . Usne red colour ka kuch pehn rakha tha jisme se uski clevage jyada hi...
Sara took my coat at the door. Wearing the sweet little silk and lace teddy I bought her, as I ‘requested’, she was the most innocent thing I had ever seen. She kept her eyes lowered demurely, a tiny smile bowing her lovely lips. Her long blonde hair was pulled into a sweet, single braid over her shoulder, the very end tickling her left nipple, which I could clearly see outlined against the thin teddy. “Everything looks lovely.” The candles were all lit, and the wine was set in an ice bucket...
LesbianCourse description (NOT TO BE SHOWN TO ANY CONTESTANT BEFORE THE CONTEST. ANY CONTESTANT WHO SEES THIS IS IMMEDIATELY DISQUALIFIED, LOSING HER ENTRY FEE.) We expect the course to take about four hours to complete, averaging 10-15 minutes per stage. Some stages will take longer and some will be much quicker. However, some contestants will be slower than others and there may be some delays. What’s worse, any contestant who is slow on any particular course delays everyone behind her as no one...
Stranger: hi You: hey you Stranger: 23 m Stranger: here You: when is the last time you had sex? Stranger: never Stranger: just cuddling You: good..At least something is better than nothing You: when is the last time you masturbated? Stranger: day before yesterday You: how many girls till now you have imagined wile masturbating? Stranger: infinite lol You: infinite lol You: how many tonnes of sperms you r releasing daily? Stranger: 2-3 spoons Stranger: how old are you You: 27 Stranger:...
If someone had told me six months ago this was how my short existence would end, I'd have said they were crazy. Yet here I am, hot, sitting alone in my underpants in a nondescript hotel room, half a bottle of my dad's bourbon drained on the bedside table and a full bottle of pills resting in my left hand, its label swimming in and out of focus.It works on TV, but partway through the drink I realised they never show the details. I probably should have researched the correct way to do it. Pills...
MasturbationHi mera naam nisha {badla hua naam}hain.main mumbai me rehane wali hu.kuch dini se maine ISS ki storie padane lagi, muje bhi aise lagane laga ki kyu na main bhi apana expirieance aap logo ke sath share karu. isliye himmat jutake main ye kahani batane ja rahi hu aap ko. aapko pasand aati hain ye kahani to pls mere is id pe muje email kariye mere age 25 hain. 2saal pehale mere shadi hue. shadi se pehale mera koi b/f nahin tha na maine kabhi kisi se sex kiya tha.shadi ke baad maine pehali baar...
Introduction: Running from a naked homless man Cassie interupts a kids birthday part and must deal with the angry mothers Cassie Far From Home Chapter 2 Crashing Bobbys Birthday Party Written By: Mr. Mongo Cassie left the homeless man in her dust as he still held onto his pecker. She laughed to herself at the thought of that. Now is the time to try to figure out where she is. Cassie knows the mall is at least ten miles from her house, she had run that distance before, but that was with...
Hi. This is Aditya again, back from Delhi. I am submitting a story almost five years after my previous submission. Hope you will enjoy it. This real-life incident is from April 2018. I was hanging around and chilling with some friends at Khan Market and having delicious pizza at the Big Chill café. Being Saturday, the group population started dwindling until just me and a friend of mine Sneha were left. We were talking about crushes and best sexual encounters and were completely unaware of the...
(Disclaimer: The stories here are ment for people to enjoy, not to offend or gross out anyone who reads it. If you don't enjoy the kinda things that involve excessive amounts of bodily fluids, transformations, gender altering, furries, mutations, biomass, tentacles, non-con, degrading, or anything else that can be sensitive to certain people, you probably won't like this. If you do, than take a peek at a chapter or two. Happy reading!) Diseases, viruses, and parasites are a very common problem...
En Vacances 3: Grant “I want a drink.” My words sound petulant in my ears like a small child demanding a treat; and my tongue, unused to forming words, feels thick in my mouth. It had seemed like a good idea holidaying alone, ten days in the sun, an opportunity to relax and recharge my personal batteries away from the daily grind, but a holiday can be a lonely place and I’ve spent three days lying alone, eating alone, drinking alone and sleeping alone. I find myself trying to remember the...
Masturbation(This is, for now, the last of a 4 part series ... I've left the door open for more, but don't know when I will be able to write it). By the time Mary came to visit us, 6 weeks after I moved to California, I had become well established as a pimp … I mean manager for Marsha and Amanda. In spite of my reservations about my new “job” I was attacking it with enthusiasm. My doubts about what I was doing were outweighed by my love for Marsha and fast growing affection for Amanda for I felt...
IncestChapter 1I've been reading erotica for a long time now. It never ceases to amaze me what people write about. I can understand fiction, sci-fi and humor, they're interesting reading. When writing takes the traits of real life it makes me wonder.For most marriages sex is probably mundane, so we try and find ways to spice it up. I doubt most married couples try out half the stuff we read in erotica. If they did, we'd see many more marriages coming to an end.I want to use some of the different...
A recently qualified teacher, today is your first day at Tower sixth form college. You stand at 6' 2" and keep your self in good shape. On your way in this morning you saw a group of girls giggling and looking at you. Obviously talking about the new teacher. The bell rings and a little nervous you welcome in your 18 and 19 year old students. Note to reader This is my first story, so your comments and 'likes' are very much appreciated.
TranssexualIt is about 10:30 on a summer Saturday night. Earlier in the evening you had said you wanted to hang out with your friends and you will be back. I kissed you good bye and took a hot bubble bath. I decided to pamper myself a bit and dressed in a sexy black lace lingerie with open crotch and put on black stockings to match. I settled in on the sofa with a good book. I must have fallen asleep, it felt like I was dreaming but I could feel you beard tickle my face and lips kissing me beckoning me to...
When Warren drove out of his drive he was livid, a rage was boiling up inside him that made him pause before changing into a forward gear to continue to the community office. Every Wednesday he spend a number of hours at one of the council offices for volunteers, these volunteers were for an array of activities, his was in general maintenance for elderly individuals who could not do that sort of activity. However, this morning he had finally flipped with his wife in one major row. For ages he...
Because of the congested traffic, Warren left the cab in the middle of the street a half-block from his apartment and jogged through the heavy rain to the dryness of his apartment's lobby. Once inside, he ran his hands through his hair and wiped them on his raincoat before removing it and shaking it over the marble floor forming a small pool. Draping the raincoat over his shoulder, he sauntered over to the mailbox and retrieved his mail and perused it, noting with some chagrin they were...
“No!” Cal wailed, a long drawn out cry of anguish,” No, don’t, you mustn’t, I can’t.” “Cal,” I said softly, “what’s wrong? What is it?” “No, you mustn’t,” she repeated, “my boyfriend wouldn’t like it. I don’t want to. David, David, why aren’t you here.” “Cal,” I said gently, “Cal, what is it, It’s me David I’m here.” I sat up on the bed and gathered her into my arms, rocking, trying to soothe her. “Cal, it’s all right,” I said, soothingly, “it’s me, David, tell me what’s upset you,...
Emma sat in the quiet reception area and fidgeted nervously. She hated job interviews. She was next in line and knew she didn’t have a hope because the candidate before her had been in there for ages. That was always a good sign, wasn’t it? Just as she was thinking about walking out and going home, the door opened and the smiling girl left looking at her smugly as she passed. A voice called her and said, ‘Miss Williams, if you would like to go in now they are waiting for you.’ Emma stood up,...
It is amazing how much power a church can accumulate over the centuries. I waited 'till the early afternoon on the second day of my trip into Rothenburg, before trying to do my time dive. I wanted to see the differences in architecture, and how the streets and buildings had changed over the years. I was finally ready. I changed into my period clothing, and walked to the church. People smiled at me, and I smiled back and waved. I had no problems with them seeing me in my old time clothing. I...
Vacation in France By Belle Gordon The afternoon temperature in Provence stood at 34 degrees as Sir Sydney Blessington parked his hire car in the shade at the rear of the chateau. The air was still, without a breath of wind to bring any relief, and upon alighting from the cars air-conditioned interior his sweat glands were forced into overdrive. He couldn't wait to plunge into the cool waters of the swimming pool. It...
My last account was an introduction to me, Tom, my girlfriend Mary, her roomie, Karen, and Karen's boyfriend, John. I had switched universities my senior year (from the BigTen to the MVC), and ran into Mary, a girl I had gone to prep-school with 3 years before. She was very athletic, tall, very trim, short dark red hair, porcelain skin, small-tited, acrobatic in bed, and an incredible lover. She loved everything about sex (like me), the smells, tastes, and textures. She truly got off on my very...
BisexualPenis Types1. Expensive Penis:Not many penis fall into this definition. Expensive penis can be recognized by the following - suit and tie, nice vehicle, expensive watches, and well groomed.Advantages: when you close your purse and make him pay for your dates he’ll disappear.Disadvantages: his mother will fall to her knees and beg you to take him away.2.Cheap Penis: Is not rare at all, they live with their parents and take the bus. Because they don’t have a job to buy a car.Advantage: once his...
Read Malathi’s Autobiography part I and II first: Next day morning as soon as I woke up Sheela was looking in to my eyes and wrinkled what have you decided baby? I was silent for a minute and hanging me head down on shy I said yes I want to come with you and I can’t stay here lonely. Sheela was very happy, came to me and hugged me tightly that’s my bitch! lets rock Mumbai and she came close to ears and said do you really want to be virgin till you get married? You want to wait for another 5 to...
What’s up, my fellow freaks? I think it’s time we had a serious and honest talk. And like I always say, I’m not one to judge; I just show the best places on the internet to access the content that sates your fetishes. Well, today, I just want to admit one thing: that you aren’t 100% straight. Now don’t go looking at me like that! I’m not the one that’s about stick a bucket load of dicks in my face!Fuck it! Who am I kidding? Are any of us perfectly straight? Really? Isn’t it some kind of...
Live Trans Sex CamsWARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. <,.em>, Chapter 2: Alfresco with Sharon Whatever had happened that night between me and Alice had a profound and lasting effect on my life from that day onwards. For the next few weeks I became mentally and bodily obsessed with sex. Getting laid dominated my thoughts night and day. It became a real struggle at first to concentrate on my work...
Je m’appelle isabelle, 40ans, parisienne, et j’adore porter des petites culottes tendances, strings, bas, collants, chaussettes en pensant que je vais pouvoir les envoyer à des hommes. Rien que d’y penser, et hop, cela inonde ma culotte d’un délicieux nectar … C’est un moyen pour moi d’avoir un rapport aux hommes basé sur le fantasme, l’érotisme : de votre côté je vous imagine déjà en train d’ouvrir l’enveloppe avec ma petite culotte, de la regarder, de la toucher, de la renifler, de la...
The Devil's Dew By Persephone Joe was about average in the male equipment department but like most men wouldn't have minded being a little more than just average. Actually, he would have preferred to be a lot more than just average. Nothing huge mind you. Just better than average. He would also have been happier if he were a lot more appealing to the female half of the population. He had seriously considered plastic surgery to improve his appearance and make him more...
Written for are at work and I come in to VISIT and close the door behind me.I walk over to your desk and sit on edge bending down I reach out taking hold of the back of your head and pull you to me, kissing you hard and forcing my tongue deep into your mouth. I can feel your tongue as is rubs against mine and your hands as they reach out and grab my head.It has been awhile since we last fucked in the office and we both are horny. Your phone rings...
Hugh was a smart fellow, for the dearth of formal education he'd received. Within minutes, his brain began to work again, and some instinct told him what was going on in this room was not normal behavior. His conundrum was that he liked what was going on very much, and didn't want it to end. Trying to decide what to do was difficult, by virtue of the fact that the naked girl in his arms was almost entirely distracting. His penis had stiffened again, rising to lodge between her legs. He was...
Hi friends me Ajay shah me ahmedabad se hu aap ke liye ek new story leke fir hajir hu, ye stroy rahul ki he hi mera naam rahul he me Ahmedabad se hu, me Ek ladki se pyar ho gaya jiska naam simran he. Who mere sath meri office me nokari karti he uski age 20 year he. Simran dikhne me samrt aur sexy lagati he. Uska figar 28 32 26 he uske boobs kya gajab ke he dil karta he ki iske boobs ko apne hotho se chum lu par esa nahi kar saka ek din mene use apne pyar ka ijhar kar diya usne bhi mujse paya...
After a moment, mom seemed to regain her composure, as she let go of hugging me, and without looking at me directly said, "Rinse yourself off and get dressed."I did as instructed, grabbing the showerhead and spraying myself over with water, and rinsing around my cock and balls to get the remnants of semen from my last cum load off.Then I stepped out of the bath, grabbed a towel from the rail and dried myself off for a moment with my back to mom. I turned around to say I was off to get dressed...
Yvette couldn't believe what her body was doing to her. She knew she had always had quite a high sex drive, it had been that, and her husband's lack of action recently, that had found her fucking her brother-in-law Will. But now, after accidentally exposing one of her heavy D-cup breasts to her son, Robert, she couldn't get his image out of her mind either.The look in his eyes as he unashamedly stared at her body, her towel barely covering much at all and the sheen of sweat that had come from...
Everytime he licked my little pussy it would be in the privacy of my bedroom, morning, lunch break, when I was home alone and especially when my parents were fucking. That was my favourite! My bedtime attire would consist of panties and an oversized t-shirt, lately I had been wearing my step dad's as I like the feel of it and I could smell his aftershave on it. It was an early night for everyone as it was the summer so we were going on holiday the next day. My parents had agreed to let me...
‘Fancy a drink at lunch time?’ Max asked, as she flopped into her chair. ‘I can’t, I’ve got a lunch meeting with a client.’ I answered. ‘After work then?’ Max suggested, ‘I need to moan at someone and you’re a good listener.’ ‘You’re buying then!’ I smiled packing my laptop and heading for the door, ‘Back at three.’ The meeting went on a little longer than I thought and I didn’t get back to the office until 5pm. I expected Max to have left as her working day ended at 4:30pm but she was sitting...
The meal Jess served up was - edible. That was the best I could come up with, it was also bland, cold and greasy. Mike and I tried to get a conversation going, our hosts were clearly incapable of it but we just kept hitting a wall of monosyllabic replies. Jess hardly spoke a word, just kept staring down at her plate, her curly hair hiding her face, I wondered if she was crying. John seemed to be struggling to contain a simmering anger, I very much got the impression they had had a huge row...
I would like to thank my friend Kiki for her editing efforts. All other mistakes are mine. I have tried to be as accurate as possible but remember this is fictions. Mental abuse, especially from parents can be as bad as physical abuse. There are a lot of things happening in this story, but it is above all a romance. I hope you enjoy. JJ John Martin was walking to his truck in the Brookshire’s parking lot when he heard a scream. He looked to his right where he witnessed a young woman being...
Now it was my turn. I sounded bolder than I felt. “The girls and I were talking about the way you spank us and touch us and…”“Be quiet girl. I’ll tell you when you can talk.”“No sir, I won’t be quiet. We have decided to tell the owner, Mrs. Evans, what you’ve been doing. If it was just one of us she might not believe us but when we all tell her about the spanking and the groping.” I left the threat dangling.He went white and said, “You can’t do that. I’ve only punished you girls when you needed...
SpankingMagic stood in the darkness of his room. His mind was obsessed with a stranger he met through his email. Her name is Kandie; she seemed to walk out of his dream into his life. Oh god, he just had to have her! First, he wanted to drive her desires higher than they had ever been, then when they meet…..the magic would turn into pure ecstasy! He sat down and began writing her another enticing email.“My sweet Kandie, I found myself so wanting, last night, that I discovered myself standing there in...
First TimeA Change ? by: Kathi B. Johnson Roy was sitting at his office desk, casually typing away on his computer. He was executive vice-president of a huge marketing firm. He made some excellent money and liked to show off. He was famous around the office as having a big ego. He was 32 years old, a rising star in the marketing game and highly successful. What he wanted more than anything was to have a beautiful wife to come home to every day. He had a gorgeous blonde hair, blue-eyed...
It sure startled us when Mama bustled into the room, a pigtailed Mira in her arms. ‘What are the two of you tarrying about?’ she frowned, a frown which only deepened when she noticed that the back of my dress was unbuttoned. ‘Sally Jane, don’t you like your dress? Daniel, why don’t you help her with it?’ He looked at me helplessly. ‘I was trying to,’ my brother insisted, his voice cracking. ‘But the thing is, Ma, is doesn’t fit her any more!’ ‘What?’ Skeptical, our mother set Mira down and...
For me, it was her. For me, it had always been her. We met young, very young, and had a turbulent start, but we’d been going strong ever since. Ours isn’t the sort of love that is subtle and hid under the radar, it’s raw, the personification of passion. There she is, Sophie, standing at 5’8” with long chestnut hair and the deepest blue eyes. Eyes like oceans, which I have found myself lost in many a time. I stand and stare, I just can’t believe she is mine, all mine, how could I have found a...
Straight SexShe never felt like this for somebody. She needed his touch, like a druggie needed one last fix. She needed to feel his touch in all her most intimate places. His strong hands caressing her curves, his lips kissing trails down her naked body. It was a primal urge to be used by him like no human should be used. As she looked up his eyes met hers for the first time. In that instant she knew he needed her with a need that matched hers. She stood up from the chair she was in and walked...
My first had died suddenly early in our marriage. Lucky for me I married another woman and get along really well even though she is fifteen years younger than I. This has always bothered me some but even more now that we are both getting older, I am now sixty five and she just turned fifty. My wife, Susan, keeps her looks up by working out and eating healthy. Whenever we go out and I leave her alone for any mount of time there is always an attractive stranger close to her age that come up to...
The club was being raided, as the police stormed through grabbing the patrons, as many tried to escape the club. Michelle, a young woman with long dark and sexy, fiery, pale features; with blue eyes that sparkled in the light, and sexy, fiery features dropped her jaw when she saw the police storm in. She was confused, but she knew if she stood there and waited they were going to grab her and slap the cuffs on her. It was an i*****l gambling club, and she needed to get out of there fast, but...
Introduction: I am not great at writing stories, but I hope you enjoy mine. I was 12 when this all began, unlike most girls who were staring sixth grade, I was different, in many ways. I had been home schooled most of my life, my mother and father were over-protective of me. For obvious reasons, but I convinced them to let me start the sixth grade. Now, unlike most 12 year old girls, I wasnt worried about puberty, it came at me like a nuclear bomb. My chest size was 36E, I had to wear a...
I was in a program for the summer and during that time I had to share a dorm room with another person. With my luck I ended up getting stuck with a very annoying guy who caused me a bit of trouble. I found him to be on his phone late even though we had a cellphone curfew. He would also wake up late, even though we had to get up early as we'd get in trouble for missing breakfast. I wasn't going to say anything, it was his choice, not mine. I was fine with him doing all he did until he accused me...