FidèleChapter 23 free porn video

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Prying his eyes open, suffering the bone-deep fatigue of a night that hadn’t provided sufficient uninterrupted time for a full recovery, he grunted at the sight that greeted his blurred vision. Kathryn was atop Alejandro, and they were making out like young lovers who rarely got the chance. For a change, it didn’t appear that penetration was involved, though it was difficult to know for sure.

“Did you two get any sleep?” he grumbled.

“A question not unlike one I asked several times last night, and again this morning. Unfortunately, the answers provided were rarely satisfactory.”

“Hey,” she retorted, running her tongue along the tendons of his neck, “it wasn’t all my idea.” His extended silence finally guilted her into a retraction. “Okay, I guess maybe it was.”

When the Spaniard finally escaped to the bathroom, Kathryn rolled over and snuggled against Luke. His sleepy attempt at righteous pique endured for almost ten whole seconds before he relented and gathered her into his arms.

“I apologize for failing to provide your usual morning service, but under the circumstances...”

“No, no, it’s fine,” he chuckled. “I think I’m gonna need all the energy I can muster. Speaking of which...”

She tensed. “Luke, before you start, I have to tell you some things. You might not like all of them, but I want you to let me finish before you respond. Last night...”

He kissed the top of her head. “You and Alejandro had hours — quite possibly many hours — of sex, first here on the bed and then all over the bedroom. Maybe in the bathroom as well, though I may have slept through most of that. You said a whole bunch of things, both in and out of the heat of passion, that you think will worry me. You did things you didn’t do while I was awake, like sucking him off after he’d been in your ass, and a prostate massage that, as you correctly observed, I don’t particularly care for. And you even speculated about keeping him in your sexual orbit, which led to a long and difficult conversation about ... well, you remember what it was about. I have no idea how much I missed, but I still saw and heard a lot.”

In a flash, she was on top of him, her breathtaking green eyes searching his, searching for reassurance. “Oh god, really? All of that? You were awake that often? I didn’t realize. I’m so sorry. I was just...”

“ ... about to tell me everything that happened? Kathryn, my love, though there were occasional flashes of doubt and concern, each and every one was pointless. That the very first thing you’re moved to do this morning is confess means more to me than any of the actual words you were about to say. But you don’t need my forgiveness, because you didn’t do anything that requires it. I told you to enjoy yourself without restriction or restraint, and I meant it. Instead, you’ll have to settle for my love. I hope it’s enough.”

“It’s more than I’ll ever deserve,” she sighed, burying her face in his neck. She’s crying. This isn’t exactly how I thought today would start.

“Admittedly, listening to you describe just how much you love me with someone else’s massive schlong sawing in and out of your ass...”

“You doofus,” she laughed though her tears, playfully slapping his chest, “he wasn’t actually inside me while that part of the conversation was happening. I’m not that much of an unrepentant slut.”

“Really? I don’t know. I kinda think you are.” She trembled in his arms, and his organ swelled at the realization that she’d experienced another small climax in response to one particular word. That’s twice now. I really have to explore this with her.

“Okay, maybe you’re right. But no matter how much of a slut I am, it’s all for you, my love. All for you. You free me to be one.” She was reaching between them to introduce his cock into her hungry sex when Alejandro reentered the room.

“If you two are going to continue in this fashion, I suggest efficiency. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes, after which I recommend a shower for everyone.”

“Wait a minute,” Kathryn objected, still holding on to Luke’s shaft and (for the moment) ignoring the photographer. “You’re being so accommodating and forgiving about last night because you’re about to be fucked eighty-five ways from Sunday by a supermodel, aren’t you?”

He grinned. “I admit it does put a rosy and optimistic glow on things. Out of curiosity, could you detail the eighty-five ways? I’d like to be prepared.”

“You didn’t hear that part?”

“Uh, no?”

“Oh, Luke. You have no idea what you’re in for.”

“Should I be afraid?”

“Only of dying from pleasure.” She kissed him and made her own retreat to the bathroom, pausing along the way for a brief whispered conversation with Alejandro. Luke gave him a questioning, curious look.

“She asked after a larger range of preparatory supplies than she employed last night.”

“Ah, right. That makes sense. What time is it, anyway?”

“6:47!” Kathryn called from the bathroom. Luke cackled as Alejandro’s brow furrowed.

“Would one of you please do me the courtesy of... ?”

“She has a frighteningly accurate internal clock. I try not to investigate too closely, because it’s more than a little creepy. For example: last night, when she said you were only in the shower for four and a half minutes or whatever? She not only meant it, I guarantee she was right.”

“It is a most distressing talent, and one she could never display in my industry. Expressing power by being late in a calculated fashion is very nearly the bedrock of our profession. Nonetheless, I understand now. Kathryn also told me that you overheard much of what happened last night.”

“Maybe not much, but at least some, and...”

“We should continue this conversation later, though I do indeed wish to continue it. If there was anything we did or said that you found hurtful, I apologize. However, I also assure you that you have nothing to worry about.”

“I’m not worried about anything I wasn’t worried two days ago. Well, actually I’m worried about one thing: if your guest is arriving as early as you said she would, are you sure we have enough time for three showers and breakfast?”

“Perhaps not, but there is sufficient time for breakfast and one shower. As you may or may not have noticed, it is quite large, includes multiple shower heads, and can easily accommodate far more than three people. You may also not be surprised to learn that it has.”

Luke chuckled. “I’m not sure the three of us in the shower at the same time is more efficient.”

“In this case, we will need to be. But do not be too disappointed. My guest has a great love of showers and their erotic possibilities. I am sure that we will be invited to explore them with her. Now, take this,” he insisted, reaching into a closet and handing Luke a robe, “and I will meet you downstairs. If Kathryn wishes for a robe of her own, tell her she can find one in the closet on the opposite side of the room. Unfortunately — or not, depending on your perspective — it will be sized for fashion models, which means that she will have difficulty concealing her vastly more generous curves. Not that I think any of us will mind very much if she cannot.”

By the time Luke descended the stairs, the room was filled with the enticing aroma of bacon. Eggs sizzled in a well-buttered pan, and the counter was covered with a formidable assortment of fruit, bread, even more butter, honey, and assorted fruit-based spreads.

“You are good at breakfast. How did you assemble all this so quickly?”

“As previously noted, it is my sole culinary skill. I have not made coffee. While the caffeine would be welcome, it...”

“Yeah, I know about the aftereffects. No worries. I’m a little tired, but given what’s coming I don’t think I’ll be falling asleep anytime soon.” Alejandro was already nibbling on the first batch of cooked bacon with a look of rapture on his face. He’d finished a slice, and was halfway through his second when he noticed Luke smirking at him as he reached for his own. “The Spanish love for all things porcine?”

“Indeed, but there is more to it. Like many models, my guest is a vegetarian. Well, strictly speaking she is a vegan, but I promised her that, while I could occasionally give up meat and fish for the pleasure of her company, I could not simultaneously abandon eggs and dairy. Long pursuit of her diet means she cannot digest most dairy products aside from well-aged cheeses, but she has learned to endure eggs on occasion, as long as I promise not to tell anyone. On the other hand, if you open the freezer you will encounter a truly depressing supply of tofu sausages, lentil burgers, and other atrocities I cannot bring myself to describe.”

Luke gave him a sympathetic pat on the arm. “I’m sorry, man.”

“I appreciate your sympathy, though as you will soon learn for yourself there are compensations. While we have a few minutes to ourselves, however, I would like to continue the conversation we began upstairs. Are you still okay with everything that happened, both yesterday and this morning?”

“At certain moments I was a little bit worried by what she was saying to you. But with more time to think about it, I’m fine. It’s just ... I’ve watched her have sex with someone else, but there’s an intimacy between the two of you that’s unsettling to witness. I suppose she might’ve gone through something similar last week while I was with my friend Wendy, but that’s ... well, it’s a long story, but it’s different. Thank you for what you said to her, by the way.”

“I was not surprised by her offer, for I have heard it at similar moments many times before. I know better than to agree, but it was hard-won knowledge. The first time I was invited to continue sharing a woman with or without her primary partner, I made the mistake of saying yes to a notion born in passion without understanding what I was putting at risk. It ended badly for all of us. I am making an exception to my usual restraint because I judge the situation to be manageable and her feelings for you resolute, but to attempt to extend it further under her current circumstances would be a mistake. It is true that I would relish the opportunity to be with her again, but she either needs to be completely unattached, or in a secure non-monogamous relationship. There is too much uncertainty otherwise, and uncertainty leads to entanglements that cannot be undone.”

“Well, if you change your mind, just know that I’d be okay with it.”

“While I thank you for your trust, you cannot necessarily keep speaking for her in this regard, and in any case the validity of the warning against it remains.”

“You’re right, and I know. I suppose we’re both using sex to run and hide, in a way.”

“So you heard that conversation as well? It was considerably more intense and revelatory than I expected, but it must have been much more so for you.” Alejandro was staring intently at Luke, attempting to assess the wisdom of probing more deeply. “It is probably not my place to say this, but given that my relationship with Kathryn precedes yours and the openness the three of us have shared, I am going to take the risk. You hold in your hands a very powerful but fragile situation; one that grows more fragile by the day, even as the strength of your feelings may seem to belie that characterization. She loves you, and you love her, but after her confession last night I am not sure either of you fully comprehend the stakes inherent in pursuing or abandoning that love. The road to togetherness will be difficult, as I think you would acknowledge. But even if you choose to part, this does not end with you returning to your life and her settling back into her marriage as if it has all been no more than a beautiful dream. Though it may appear otherwise, that is no longer one of the options before you. If you would heed my advice, be very, very careful, but do not be neglectful. Do not act in haste, but you must act.”

Luke really didn’t want to be having this conversation, especially when there was a day of exotic sex with a mysterious supermodel in front of him. And also, because I’m still in denial. Still running away. Still trying to evade responsibility for doing the right thing, whatever that is. “The only thing I’m sure of is that I don’t want to hurt her.”

“That may no longer be avoidable.”

“So everyone’s lining up to tell me.”

“There is often wisdom in crowds.”

“Plotting my sexual demise, gentlemen? Or commiserating over your own inevitable decline in performance?” Kathryn was sauntering down the stairs in a white silk robe that, as threatened, managed to conceal almost nothing. The bottom ended about an inch below the lower curve of her buttocks, the front was so loosely tied that both her sex and a fair portion of the inner swells of her breasts were exposed, and the material was so transparently thin that her erect nipples were fully on display.

“Well, we know which nympho-insomniac to thank for that, don’t we?”

She laughed. “I am a little sleepy, and I’ll probably pay the price for all this excess tomorrow, but I’m still far more horny than I am tired. Sex is always better than sleep, anyway. Especially with you two studs.” Walking straight to Luke, she wrapped her hands around his head and planted a heart-stopping kiss on his lips, turned and offered the same to Alejandro, and then ... with a salacious glint in her eye ... dropped to her knees, fished out his shriveled (but still massive) cock, and gave him a lusty slurp. Luke’s turn came next, after which she stood with her back against his chest, idly caressing his shaft with one hand and popping orange slices into her mouth with the other.

“Just how horny are you?”

“Think about the most worked up you’ve ever seen me.”

“There are so many options to choose from.”

“Think of all of them put together, then. And multiply that by ten. That’s how horny I am.”

“Alejandro, we’re going to die.”

“I fear you are correct. Thankfully, formidable reinforcements are on their way.”

“You told me all sorts of enticing things about her last night, but are you ever going to tell me who she is?”

Luke was about to offer up a guess, but Alejandro shushed him with a gesture. “I am quite sure she will prefer to craft her own introduction. I will not rob her of that pleasure.”

“But you told Luke?” she pouted.

“I did not, but I should be more specific: while she will most certainly enjoy introducing herself to Luke, it is you upon whom she will wish to make the greatest impression.”

“Me? But why?”

“You will learn soon enough. Now, let us enjoy breakfast and finish making ourselves ready. She will be here within the hour, and it would be better were there no visible reminders of bacon.”

“I don’t think that’s going to be a problem,” Luke mumbled through a mouthful of half-crisped pork fat.

They wolfed down their repast, chatting animatedly about everything but sex, then efficiently tidied the kitchen and raced upstairs. While their joint shower wasn’t exactly free of fondling or groping — mostly of Kathryn, who was delighted and aroused by the attention — nothing got too far out of hand, and they were soon toweling themselves off and reaching for their robes. Kathryn wrapped and tied hers as tightly as possible around her succulent curves, though it still didn’t hide much.

“It’s already seven ... uh, it’s about quarter to eight.”

“What time is it really, dear?” Luke’s voice dripped with affectionate sarcasm.

Blushing a bit, she murmured, “7:43. Anyway, I was afraid that we missed her arrival because we were messing around in the shower. I wouldn’t want to keep her waiting.”

“She has the codes for both the main door and the elevator. If she is here, I suspect she has already let herself in and will be waiting for us downstairs with great impatience.”

Kathryn looked anxious, but Luke was curious. “Based on what you’ve told us about her, I’m surprised she didn’t come up and join us in the shower.”

“I assure you that, while she has considered and reconsidered that option several times since her arrival, she deemed the opportunity to feel put out and ignored more satisfying.”

“That doesn’t make any sense.”

“And now, Luke, you begin to understand what it is really like dealing with models.”

An extremely slender woman with medium-length black hair paced back and forth in front of the windows, her clunky platform heels beating a rigid tattoo on the wooden floor. She was dressed simply and casually, yet it was clear that a fair bit of thought had gone into her attire, as it was clothing designed to deflect notice and allow her to blend into an anonymous crowd. As a disguise — for that’s what it was — the entire ensemble was extremely effective; one would have to stare at her for a long while to realize that her studied anonymity couldn’t permanently obscure her stunning beauty.

Her smoky brown eyes were wide-set, the whites surrounding her irises so pure and vivid that they were almost luminescent. Her nose, forehead, and cheekbones were patrician and unmistakably Nordic, but her lips (even devoid of makeup) were considerably more generous, suggesting a decidedly more southerly origin. At the moment, those supremely inviting lips were curled into a disapproving frown. Her complexion offered the uninitiated no obvious clues to her ethnicity; too light to be olive or brown, too dark to be pinkish and pale, yet utterly without blemish or flaw.

My god. It’s her. It’s actually her! I can’t believe it.

Faith Anderssen was a supermodel. Of that there was no doubt. She could have rocketed to stardom on the strength of her unique and manifestly appealing looks alone; half-Norwegian and half-Persian, she existed in a visual universe all her own, and year after year she was universally acknowledged as one of the most beautiful people on the planet. But she was so much more than that; an up-and-coming actress of surprising talent, an inventive clothing designer, a nascent entrepreneur, and an international icon whose given name was almost never accompanied by her family name. There was no need. Everyone knew Faith.

But there was something else unusual about her, especially given her profession. She’d achieved her iconic status and worldwide fame without ever once appearing fully nude, nor even completely topless. Not even the most ambitious paparazzo had managed to catch her relaxing sans suit on some remote beach, and they’d certainly tried. To be sure, there were enough essentially transparent meshes, dangerously parted shirts, and other see-through clothing — whether on runways or in the pages of fashion magazines — for any dedicated admirer to have a very clear idea of what she was hiding, at least above the waist. But for a model of her immense stature, her career had been remarkably demure. And though she’d been photographed on the arms of countless actors, fellow models, and titans of industry, whether or not she was actually dating any of them was a subject of endless but frustrating speculation, for another thing that had never been captured was her offering even the slightest sign of physical or romantic affection to anyone, aside from her family. The whispered, never authoritatively confirmed or disputed, belief was that she was manifestly beautiful but asexual. Nor did she do or say anything to contradict such rumors.

During his restaurant career, Luke had served a fair number of models and actors, and while many tended to be fairly down-to-earth people ... and often extremely generous tippers ... they were rarely as attractive in real life as they were in print or on the screen. Such was most decidedly not the case with Faith, who was even more radiant in person than she was in her work, even while deliberately downplaying her beauty. It was impossible to avoid staring at her, and so Luke didn’t even try. He did force himself to close his mouth, surreptitiously stroking a finger across his chin to ensure he hadn’t actually drooled on himself.

“It smells like a slaughterhouse in here.”

Her accent was as mysterious as her visage; deep, sultry, and vaguely exotic, but with every syllable forged from hidden reserves of razor-sharp ice. That she was whip-smart, and legendarily impatient with anyone who assumed that someone in her field couldn’t be, was also well-known.

Alejandro just laughed, crossing the room and taking her into his arms, waiting out her annoyance until she relaxed enough for a kiss; one she returned with obvious affection, weaving her fingers through his unbound hair. Finally, she laughed and shoved him away.

“You made me wait.”

“You know you enjoyed it.”

“I did. I love everything you make me do. Since you’re all lounging about in your robes and it’s pretty clear none of you are wearing anything underneath them, these must be the friends about which I have heard so many scintillating things.”

“They are. Luke Bronson, Kathryn Lloyd Maddox, I would like you to meet...”

“Faith. Faith Anderssen,” she unnecessarily clarified. “Though I suspect, by his obvious signs of discomfort, that this deliciously handsome man has already figured that out. Both of you, please come nearer the window and into the natural light so I can see you more clearly. A lifetime of trying not to unattractively squint into photographers’ horrible lamps has rendered me a little bit blind.”

Luke staggered forward, still trying to wrap his head around the fact that a woman who’d featured in more than a few of his most unlikely fantasies was not only standing right in front of him, but was here — at least in theory — to join their orgiastic festivities. Faith looked him up and down, appraising him like a freshly slaughtered side of beef hanging from a meathook. And then she grabbed his head and captured his lips with hers in a fiery, carnivorous kiss. At first he was too shocked to move, much less respond, but eventually his instincts took over and his tongue emerged to duel with hers. To his surprise, he was even bold enough to run a hand down her back until it rested atop the taut, athletic upper curve of her buttocks.

“Mmmm, that’s much better,” she purred as she pulled away, swiping a stray drop of saliva from the corner of his mouth and feeding it into hers. “Luke, darling, please relax. I eat, drink, sleep, and most importantly fuck just like any other woman. All my holes are in the same place as everyone else’s, they’re not made of hand-blown crystal or virgin unicorn skin, and you’re going to be inside each and every one of them today, as often as you can manage. There’s absolutely no reason for hesitation, and certainly not awe. Do you know why? Because you can do absolutely anything to me. Anything you want. No restrictions. Does that sound like something you’d be interested in?” Numbness extended from the top of his scalp to the ends of his toenails, yet he somehow managed a nod. “Excellent. I can’t wait.” Offering him another kiss, this one only slightly less heated than the first, she finally turned her attention to Kathryn.

I’ve never seen her look shy before. Indeed, for the first time in his experience, Kathryn appeared tentative and uncertain, all her usual swaggering sexual confidence drawn inward like a protective shell. Faith was staring at her like a predator visually dissecting a tasty insect, lips pursed and arms akimbo. Luke noted that her fingers were twitching as if she was agitated. He glanced at Alejandro, surprised to see the photographer wearing a broad smile and radiating something between glee and amusement.

“And you’re Kathryn.” Her tone was so outrageously neutral that Luke couldn’t even begin to interpret it.

“Faith, it’s very nice to meet you. I apologize if I’m a bit speechless. I can’t believe how beautiful you are.”

The model twisted her head around to look at Alejandro, incredulity written all over her face. “Is she serious?”

With a puzzled frown, Kathryn protested, “Of course I am.”

Faith was still looking at the Spaniard. “You told me she was remarkable, and that I’d be jealous. I didn’t believe you, of course, because I maintain a thick armor of self-regard to help mask my raging insecurities. But now...” She turned back to look at Kathryn, but kept talking to Alejandro. “The next time you tell me I’m incomparably beautiful, I’m going to remind you what a fucking liar you are.”

“I have never once failed to mean it, Faith.”

“Oh, shut it. Look at her. Look at her! My god, she’s ... by the way, you also forgot to warn me that I’m an emaciated stick figure compared to her.”

“I assure you that...”

“Shut up. How the hell did you manage to let her slip through your fingers?”

“Faith, I...”

“Romantically, sexually, professionally, I don’t care. She’s ... sorry, Luke. But seriously: how?”

“Our romantic and sexual destinies were fated to be forever sundered, and after yesterday I am even more assured that it was for the best. As for her profession, I cannot exactly blame her for choosing law over modeling.”

“A lawyer. So she’s brilliant, too. Great. Thanks for making me feel stupid and decorative.”

Luke was looking back and forth between the model and the photographer, trying but failing to understand the drama playing out before him. To his surprise, the latter just winked as if this was a script he’d already written and that was playing out exactly as predicted. “You are very, very far from stupid, though I will admit that you are a most enticing decoration. If you would like to dangle prettily for a while, I believe we can arrange that later tonight.”

For a moment, Faith closed her eyes and shuddered. It was nearly identical to the reaction Kathryn experienced when he called her a slut. Was that ... did she just... ?

“Oh, you silver-tongued photographers always know the right thing to say. Happily, your tongues can be put to even better uses. Now, my darling Kathryn, I’m so terribly sorry for being rude to you. I’m a bitchy, selfish dilettante who can’t deal with people unless they’re constantly kissing my delectable ass, and I can only ask you to forgive what will be many hours of petulance, mood swings, and childish competitiveness. Let me make this very clear, however: loverboy over there warned me that I might be envious of or intimidated by you, and he was not wrong. I have no doubt you’ve been told how beautiful you are on more occasions than you can count, because men somehow think that the absolute least meaningful thing they could possibly say to us is some sort of key to unlocking our vaginas, but I’m going to beg you to take it from an expert: you are a goddess incarnate. And you ... wait a minute.” Turning back to Alejandro, she demanded, “It’s her. She’s the one.”

Kathryn, despite being more than a bit stunned at Faith’s barrage of praise, managed to ask, “The one what?”

“There was a photoshoot fairly early in my career. I don’t remember who it was for, but I wasn’t wearing very much, and the client wanted me to wear even less. If Alejandro hadn’t been there to defend me — he even threatened to walk off the set if they didn’t stop pushing — I probably would’ve had a very different career, because I was on the verge of capitulating. But he did, for which I’ve been forever grateful. This was before he and I became lovers, but we’d already worked together often enough that I was trying to figure out how to get him inside me. Though I’ll admit it was also before I fully understood just how big he was, which was probably for the best; if I’d known, I might’ve fled in the opposite direction, and that would’ve meant the terrible loss of many years of really fantastic sex. Well, I was young, foolish, and a lot tighter back then.”

“Anyway, I left the shoot feeling bloated and ugly and used ... all the typical model bullshit, especially when it’s not true ... and I made him take me out to get absolutely shitfaced drunk, which — ulterior motive — I kinda hoped would end with him taking advantage of me. We went back to his apartment and he spent about an hour rejecting my rather determined advances, which was the noble decision even though I loudly and drunkenly resented him for it at the time. The next morning, after coffee and a whole hell of a lot of Advil, he stripped me naked and held me under the shower for a while. That seemed promising, despite my raging hangover, except that he still wouldn’t have sex with me. I was feeling sorry for myself — I couldn’t even get laid, for god’s sake — and I asked him if I was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Yes, it was as pathetic and needy as it sounds. I really, really wanted him to say yes. But he said no, and I lost it. Crying on the shower floor, breaking shit, smashing his mirror, all of it pure cinematic overkill. I’m still sorry about that, by the way.”

“As I have told you over and over again, you have more than made up for it.”

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I probably should tell him the rest, but that wild boar looks like dinner to me. Leigh and Kirsten’s father, Irving, may have taught his girls and Ellen’s dad survival skills that kept Ellen alive after her father died, but he didn’t have my reflexes. Before he could get his shotgun off his shoulder and put a shell in the chamber, I had side-stepped the boar’s charge and kicked it hard between his head and shoulders. That broke his neck, and he skidded to a stop at Irving’s feet. Irving...

4 years ago
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Sex With A New Married Lady

Hi friends this is my real story… jo aj se lagbhag 1 saal pehle hui thi. Sabse pehle ap logon ko apna intro de dun. I am Mayank (real name). I am 5 8′ and have athletic build. I am fair and mera loda approximately 7 inch ka hai and thickness lagbhag 3 inch. My email id is gupta.mayank.iitd at Ye baat us time ke hai jab main college se passout hoke Noida main job join ki thi. College ke time main mere jo gf thi uske saath main oral sex to kiya tha but kabhi sex ka mauka nahi mila. Main...

3 years ago
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An Unplanned Overnight Stay

Chapter 2An hour later we were ready, not a sign of the horny games we’d been playing in evidence.Lorraine was wearing a gorgeous short grey dress in a stretchy, partly see through material, it had only one shoulder strap, she was wearing it over her tiny black lace thong and strapless lace push-up bra, the flesh coloured stockings complimented the colour of the dress perfectly. She’d slipped on a pair of black patent Christian Le Boutin shoes with daffodil heels. She looked amazingly...

1 year ago
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Brianna and Jayden Episode 2 a TG Dress Shop Story

Brianna and Jayden, Episode 2 a TG Dress Shop Story Read my previous short solo "Brianna and Jayden - A TG Dress Shop Story" from 2015 for the back story. Reviewers asked for a continuation, but my mind has been away from fiction writing. In the last two years society has changed and Jayden has learned a great deal about herself. She is excited to talk again with Brianna. Let's listen in as they come to closure. ___________ "Hi, Brianna, recognize me?" A short, slender, smooth...

3 years ago
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Vivid Speculation

The moonlight outlined the gossamer silhouette, which cast a sensual shadow against the window pane, as she crossed the room. I watched on screen, through hidden security cameras which captured every movement below. Could she be as real as she looked? One could tell, that she was exquisite and beautiful. Unmistakably so. It was there, in the way she walked, the way she moved and the way she breathed. It was there even in the way she swept across the room, never glancing towards the sound of...

3 years ago
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Vae Damnati

Prologue - Domina Prologue - Domina I have no notion of how long I have remained there.? The time was immeasurable.? I have no way of keeping track of the hours or minutes.? I doubt that there was any window to the outside world where I am, but even if there were, it would do me no good as my eye sight is completely kept from me.? Perhaps instead of what I do not, I should begin with what I do know.I know the state that I am currently being kept in, and it is an unpleasant one at best.?...

2 years ago
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Drunk Sex With My Maid

Hi everyone, this is Vimal with my second story. About me I am 23 my I am living in a small town in Tamil Nadu, working at Chennai, I am not mentioning the place for privacy purpose now I stay at Chennai due to work. This incident happened at my home town with my maid when I was there for New Year holidays. To the incident, Its new year’s eve and I am alone in my home, my parents has gone for a marriage in kottyam, Kerala and my friends are also not in home town, literally I am feeling bored...

2 years ago
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A Homecoming Chapter 2

Erika came to his room as she had promised. She made it easy for Ben. Smiling, she took his hands. Ignoring the chairs opposite each other across a coffee table, Erika pulled him to the bed to sit down.She was determined to be close to Ben, brought his hands to her lips, kissed both of them, and said, “Ben, you have no idea how happy I am that we meet again after all these years. I’ve never forgotten you. I always hoped we’d meet again.”Ben looked down at Erika’s hands holding his and quietly...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend Ko Pata Ke Choda

Hello friends I’m Sunny from Pune aapne meri pahali story chachi meri wife padhi aur aap logo ko wo bahot pasand bhi aayi us liye thanks and mai aaj aapko mere aur meri gf ke bich hue sex ke baare me aapko batane ja raha hu. I hope tumhe ye pasand aayega aur tum log enjoy karoge agar aapko story pasand aaye to aap mujhe mail kar sakte hai my mail id is Aur koi bhi ladki ya aunty mujhse friendship karna chahati ho to most welcome ab mai story start karta hu aap sab log mere baare me to jante hi...

1 year ago
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Sex with my boss8217s wife

I took my first job as a trainee under the md after completing my moa. He was in nearing 60’s and there was a rumor in the office that he had a very sexy young wife. Coming from a conservative family I never listened to office gossip. I was just wanting to prove myself. My boss goes abroad often on business leaving me to handle his work. This time he was going to London and his driver was absent for workhorse was in a lousy mood when I offered to drop him at the airport. He asked me to come to...

3 years ago
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A Journey of PassionChapter 3 The Daughters

He lay tattered and torn, the life gone from his once vibrant body. Shelby screamed and pounded her fists into her father's chest. Seth felt numb to the pain she inflicted on him as he tried to make this nightmare go away. His son-in-law was dead. Another man was as well. The elderly man ran a red light and plowed into Rex's car just hours ago. Both men died on impact according to the police. Rex was just twenty-five. Seth struggled with the senselessness of it all. He knew his daughter...

4 years ago
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Me My Mom and My aunt Part II

Me, my mom and my aunt Is a true story between me , my mom , and my aunt.I was laying on my bed with a rock hard cock. That's when my aunt D walked in she was in the sexest bra and panties. They were pink. She must have been horny as hell because there was a dark wet spot on her panties. She said that she needed me down stairs. Thats when i seen my two cousents down there. Allasay who is a mouth older then me, then there was cherly who is 16. My aunt said they were spending the night and they...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Khloe Kapri Virtual Reality Versus My Tiny Step Sister

Little Khloe has been dying to get her hands on her brothers VR headset. Good thing shes small and sneaky. One day when he was passed out on the couch, she tiptoed and crawled her tiny booty over towards him and swiped it! She brought it back to her room so she could jerk off her tight pussy to some virtual porn. As she got lost in her orgasm and VR world, her brother woke up noticing his headset was missing. He hears moans from Khloe‘s room. He is shocked at what he sees, but might be able to...

4 years ago
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The Chinaman

The Chinaman by Callie Messenger "What is it?" "It's what you wanted. The recipient will become addicted to sperm. Perfect for you to get your blow jobs, no?" The old chinaman had a grin on his face. "It's what I wanted. What's it made of?" "Oh, ginseng, ginger root, eye of newt, androstenone, the usual." He shrugged his shoulders. "How long do the effects last?" "Ah, it's very strong. Depends on the recipients willpower, you know, to break the...

1 year ago
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The BetChapter 3

We bet big. To the winner, anything goes for the weekend and the loser must comply. I thought I had it in the bag, but she won. And now I had no hair, the hard way. Except for my head, she waxed me stem to stern Friday night. This morning, she dressed me in sexy lingerie and gave me a world class handjob. Lilla had plans. After an early dinner Lilla called me upstairs. A pretty woman briefly caught my eye as I passed the foyer mirror and strutted up the stairs in my 3 inch pumps, sexy green...

3 years ago
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Mika Goes Public

MIKA GOES PUBLIC - PART 2 CHAPTER 5 Tuesday morning a few days later First person narrative - Mika It was 8.15am and I was standing in front of a very luxurious looking block of flats, situated at a very posh part of town. I looked at the names by the entrance and found the name of my new employer, 'F5-7, Jennifer Blackman'. Then I looked around and saw another less impressive entrance a few meters away where a notice in bold letters was announcing, 'TRADERS AND DOMESTIC STAFF...

4 years ago
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EdenChapter 45

It was long past the final vestiges of sunset that she lay quietly with her head on his shoulder, their lovemaking at last spent. Her voice was soft. "Darling, may I ask you something?" He started abruptly. She giggled. "Don't worry, I'm not going to start calling you darling and ookey-pookey and all that in front of people, but we're all alone—boy are we alone!—so allow me an endearment or two." "'Ookey-pookey?'" he muttered in amazement. "Or sweetums!" she said gleefully....

1 year ago
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Zombie Leza4 Joining the Dead

Lisa awoke with a start. The early morning sun streamed in the broken windows and door, as two zombies shuffled out the door. Glancing around, she realized she was the only one left—the zombies had already moved on—without her. Panicking, she checked her supplies before considering whether this was wise. Trailing a group of zombies seeking succor—and not just any undead, but the ones who’d murdered her parents. She glanced around the empty house and came to a sudden realization. Without...

2 years ago
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MrHottie And The Wedding

The sound of my phone is going off, it feels like its right in my ear. ‘Who the hell is calling me so damn early?!’ I growl to myself, as I roll over, not even looking at the screen and answer. “Who’s dead, or dying? This best be important.” “Good morning to you to, Sunshine.” I hear him chuckle, I can almost see his smile. I bolt right up and look at the time. Its 8:30 in the morning and Mr. Hottie is giving me a wake-up call. I can’t help but smile. “Well, good morning to you, Harris.”

3 years ago
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Summer Lesbian Lovin

Elizabeth Suson walked along the golden white sandy beach of North Spain barefooted feeling the slight breeze through her long black hair. She worked in a dead end job in North London in a office and was glad to get away to paradise. She had to get away from all the grief work had given her when everyone found out she was a lesbian.Elizabeth walked to the end of the beach as the sun was beginning to go down. She saw a black bag on one of the rocks and sat down on the sand and looked out to sea...

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New Older Neighbours part 1

It was around 1998, I had been in my new house for about 6 months now. The gardens were all very private with large bushes defining the boundaries. I lived alone, was 27 and was always horny....just like most guys.The house next door had sold 3 months earlier and I enjoyed the fact that there wasn't any noise coming from there. I was just driving up the road when I saw a removal van parked next door to mine, I was intrigued. I parked the car and saw a couple of about 70 directing the removal...

2 years ago
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Ambition By Julie O Editing and Menus By Amelia R. Chapter 1 Harry Thorn ran across campus from his loft to the anthropology department. He was a first-year grad student and was late for an interview with Dr. Alexander Pappadimos, or Dr. P, the head of the ancient Greece section of the Anthropology department. Harry was a bit confused as to why Dr. P wanted to see him in the first place. Ancient Greece was not Harry's area of study. He had been focusing mainly on the...

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We decided to go for a ride on your motorcycle one afternoon. I put on a very short skirt and tank top with no bra and no panties underneath. I grabbed a cover shirt just in case. We finished getting ready and took off. We hadn't been on the road too long before , I had to repositioned myself and sliding up closer to you with my titties pressed into your back and bouncing around with my hard erect long nipples pushing against you hard. I slid my hands up and around you and wrapped myself...

2 years ago
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Carol Brady decides whether or not to have sex with her daughter Marcia

Carol Brady had a dilemma. While she was in college, she had had a two-year affair with her college roommate. Sandy had taught her the joy of girl-girl love plus the added pleasure of sex with another woman wearing pantyhose. Since then, Carol had had the urge, from time to time, to sleep with another woman. During her first marriage she and her next-door neighbor made love with each other on an on again off again basis. Tracy had also shared Carol’s love of pantyhose. Since marrying Mike...

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An encounter with some surprises

As some of you may have noticed I have an entry on the Adultwork site and last week I was contacted by a man who asked me if I might be available to visit and be photographed in action with his g/f. I am very turned on by having pics and vids made, so I agreed and visited them in London on Sunday. The first suprise was that the the man who greeted me at the door was much younger than I had expected. His voice on the phone had sounded mature, but he was late twenties, I guess. as was his...

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Six Times A DayPart 37 Soak Up the Sun

Alan napped again after lunch. When he woke up around two o'clock, he wanted to do some swimming. Although it was November, it was still a hot, sunny day in Southern California. He went to find Suzanne so he could take her up on her idea of a beach trip, but when he came downstairs, he found Katherine, Susan, and Suzanne all out back by the pool where they were sitting in lounge chairs. He was already wearing his bathing suit in hopes of going on the beach trip, so he went out back to join...

4 years ago
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A First Time For Everything

Millie has been working on me for months with the idea that I should let her go down on me to “see what it’s like to be with a girl”. I think she's actually into boys and so am I. So, I keep saying no. But, slowly, the thought has started working it’s way into my fantasies when I played with myself, which I do every night and some mornings. I haven’t had sex in almost a year and it seemed like maybe a girl would be really good at it. So, last night we were up late just talking in my basement TV...

2 years ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 44

"Hello, Aggy" greeted Sir Henry as McCock entered "Vector's" CIC, "to what do I owe this pleasure?" "Your report this morning made the point "Dowager Lady" is expected. Why should we be interested in a small freighter tramping about local space? Apart from the fact they are connected with an attack upon my ladies." "After "Widow Lady" departed, I had a good look at the vids from Fergusons and went over Lloyds register; ran some figures through the 'puter and made a couple of...

4 years ago
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Tied and Helpless Pt 03

I don’t know how long I stared at that note. My brain just could not process what was happening. That bastard came in my home and took advantage. Then he has the gall to leave a note! Like I would want more! As if!! Arrogant prick! So promptly tore the note in half and stuffed it in my night stand. I NEVER want to see that man again. After that I went on with my day. It was a Saturday morning so I had errands to run. I went and paid some bills to companies that apparently never heard of the...

4 years ago
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The CircleChapter 2 First Date With the Ice Princesses

A week after the evening with Alice, Matt, Bob, and Jim congregated at the town commons in the evening, commandeering their favorite picnic table. It was again Friday night after a busy workweek. Bob started off their evening discussion, "I have three more 'secrets' to happiness, success, and life, in case anyone is interested. I've been doing a lot of reading." Matt and Jim encouraged him. Matt said, "Lay some philosophy on me." Bob said, "I boiled a lot of stuff down into this...

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Mass Effect

During the Lazarus Project, a Cerberus scientist secretly installed a chip which causes uncontrolable sexual urges. It was never activated beause that scientist went into hiding after the attack on the Lazarus Research Station. However, that scientist has now tapped into the Normandy's bugs and camera's, and has activated it to see it's effectives.

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A Birthday Lesson

Hello, my name is Clara, and I am going to tell you about the time I learned what it really was to be fucked. I was adopted at age 7, by my mother Nina, and now I am eighteen... On the say of my 18th birthday, my mother threw me a huge bash, invited all the family and my friends, and let me tell you, it was something I will never forget.On the day of my 18th birthday, it was hot and humid, the kind of humid that makes your clothes stick to your skin. I came out of my room dressed in a white...

2 years ago
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Introduced To World Of Sex By Friend8217s Sister

Hello everyone.. This is Tarun Goel from Delhi. It’s my first story so forgive me if i commit any mistakes… Let me introduce myself.. I am 20 yrs old boy with average body fair complexion and a charming face… My dick is around 6.5″ long and 2″ thick… And the girl described in this story is Pia (name changed for privacy issues). She is of bit dark complexion but is a damn hot chick of 20 yrs of age at that time with measurements of 34-30-32 i guess i don’t know exactly and i don’t wanna know...

1 year ago
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Big Little Sister

“How’s Violet getting by?” his mother asked, inquiring about his younger sister. Josh looked at his eighteen year old sister. Except for the two bedrooms, the apartment was all one open space, so he could see her in the kitchen from where he was sitting in the living room. She was cleaning everything again, mostly out of a combination of boredom and anxiety, the way a lot of people were getting during the lockdown. The petite yet thick-curved teen had only brought enough clothes for a few...

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Sensuous Stations of the Mind P

He was an old man, frail and unsteady. The few other passengers on the local train, watching as he tottered to a seat, may have felt some concern for him. Sallow faced and feeble he was truly a candidate for public sympathy.Sitting back in his seat, as the carriage doors closed, and the train jerked into motion on its circuitous route, old Harry Dayton, felt a spark of weird excitement. This would be his first journey on this line for many, many years. Once it had been his, daily, mode of...

Straight Sex
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First Love

Hi guys. I am Ronny from Jodhpur rajasthan .I started reading iss 2 years ago. I liked this site very much & now I am a regular visitor of this site. I am a 5’6 average build 20 years old guy & my tool size is 6 inch. Here I am going to tell you the real incident of my life that happened last year. Guys this is my first story on iss .pls forgive me for the mistakes made by me while writing this story as you all know beginner make mistakes & learn from them .So feedbacks are welcomed. .this...

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The Utterly Exhausting Beguiling CassieChapter 5 Saturday

MARY HEARD CASSANDRA ENTER the kitchen and turned from making dinner at the hot stove. She studied her daughter and saw the sparkle in her bright blue eyes and the smile that lit up a room. "You're looking happy," she said, offering her cheek for a kiss. "I am. Do you know when Finn's getting back?" Cassandra asked, giving Mom a kiss. "No. He didn't tell you?" "Nope. Just that he'd be a few days. What's for dinner," she asked, beginning to set the table. "Pork chops." Mary...

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The escort 3 A surprise assignment

A few days had passed since my first assignment for Marchmont Ladies, the elite e(s)cort agency run by Rosie out of her tenement flat. It had been exciting for me to act out a role for the client, Ian, so that we could make his business contact, Geoff Granger, mellow enough to sign the contract which would send a lot of work Ian's way. And all I'd had to do was flirt a bit and give the old man a blow-job; what could have been easier?You may wonder what it's like to suck off an old man for...

4 years ago
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What Are Drabbles or Doves Desire

What Are Drabbles or Dove's Desire By Anne-Mal Dove, mistress that all could see, Did one day decree: TG stories are far too long Something always seems to go wrong. Make them short as you can write 100 words or less, would be a delight. Drabbles they are called, she said. Something you make up in your head. Altered Fates or SRU. Make sure they all read true. For this is a writing exercise, Which while not giving a prize. Can bring great joy to one and all! All you...

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Bangalore gay sex in park

Hello. This is rajesh from Bangalore. I have recently come across Indian Sex Stories and am amazed to read all the stories. I feel few are friction and few are real but in any case they give lot of pleasure. So here iam to share my story and give you pleasure. I will introduce my appearance to you. Iam 5feet 10inched tall, asian complexion, little extra fats here and there. Average looking and 6 inches dick. Iam a 29 year old and am bisexual who like to have relation with both males and females...

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Used and Abused

My first experience of being shared was my last for over twenty years. I had been married to my first husband for over fifteen years and we had three kids and to be perfectly honest the only time we had sex was when he wanted it. This was back in the seventies and women didn't have much say in such things then and I just lay back and thought of England as he fucked me till he came. There was no thought for my feelings, I was just a receptacle for his cum. It seemed like every time I came I got...

2 years ago
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Black Friday Sale

The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...

1 year ago
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Pehli Chudai Girlfriend Ke Sath

Hi friends mera naam Mustafa h mai 26 years old hu ye kahani aaj se 3 mahine pehle ki h jo kahani likhne jaa raha hu ye mujko hi pata nahi tha ye baat itni badh jayegi ki hamare bich jo nahi hona tha wo ho jayega kahani Shuru hoti h ab mai cg ek chote se gaon se hu meri mobile shop h usi ke bagal me ek chudi wale ki shop mai hindu hu lekin chudi wale musalman h unki dukan bahut din se band rehti thi lekin ek din unki ladki shop ko kholne Ayee phir wo roj shop ko kholne lagi 10-15 din me humari...

3 years ago
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Will and CarrieChapter 6

"Speaking of starting something," Will said to Carrie, "we should probably check the penicillin project. It probably won't be ready, but I want to see how it's comin' along." When they got to the barn, they found both good, and bad results. "It's a damn good thing you kept these separated," Becky observed. "Some of 'em flat-out stink!" "I kinda figured they might," Will said, tossing several pieces of fruit into a garbage barrel. "Lactose might be a good idea, but I guess...

2 years ago
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My Stepsister Was A Shemale

My Stepsister Was A ShemaleI won't bore you with all the crap so Ill make try and get you up to speed quick. My parents divorced when I was a k** and I lived with my mom most of the time (I was an only c***d). I moved away when I went to college. By the time I started grad school I had my own place and things were going fairly good. About that time my dad married this lady who had a daughter that wasabout my age. I met her at the wedding and I thought she was a realdish. Her name was Sheila,...

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Laylas Judge Jury and Crucifixion

The following fantasy fiction is intended solely for ADULT ONLY personalenjoyment and only where local standards permit such content. Should you bein any way troubled by themes dealing with extreme torture and abuse pleasedo not read any further. Use of the "Faibhar" name any or all posted works for uses other than personalwithout the author's expressed permission is strongly discouraged. Thank you. Faibhar Layla's Judge Jury And Crucifixion The one good eye Brocchus had left glinted with...

1 year ago
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FapHouse Parody

When is the last time you visited the Fap House now that you have been wandering on the internet to look for the best stuff to float your sunk boat? Back up, dumbass! I am not referring to your auntie's place, where you are not allowed to fuck your teen cousin, leading you to the bathroom to rub out load after load. (Chill, son, I just know how painful it is to not fuck a hot cousin. Fap House is a premium site that has ridiculously made a grand entrance in the porn industry, getting up to over...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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Bens Instruction

“Summer vacation…great,” I sighed. My girls would be going to summer camp in a couple of days, and the husband will be going out of town for business. Who was I kidding? He was going to see his mistress. Not that I minded. Our marriage was basically just paper at this moment. I would have the house to myself for 2 weeks. What to do? What to do? I made my list of projects to get done, thinking that it would last me more than a couple of days. I needed to spring clean the house, as well as get...

2 years ago
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Tesla Coils

The day started out normally.I woke up, prepared breakfast for Nana and myself -- two slices of toast for me, and a couple of eggs for her. Nothing special. If I knew how to make anything fancy, I'd probably have a job in a restaurant and make much less money than I do presently.I provided my grandmother with her pills, one for cholesterol, one for blood pressure, and one for memory loss, and I also took my own, one for depression, and one for anxiety.Then, I received a phonecall from my...

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