The Devil's Dew free porn video

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The Devil's Dew By Persephone Joe was about average in the male equipment department but like most men wouldn't have minded being a little more than just average. Actually, he would have preferred to be a lot more than just average. Nothing huge mind you. Just better than average. He would also have been happier if he were a lot more appealing to the female half of the population. He had seriously considered plastic surgery to improve his appearance and make him more attractive but what he wanted not even the best plastic surgeon could give him. Even if he did have the money. Which he didn't. Joe just wasn't real happy with anything that Mother Nature had given him. He stood there naked looking in the full-length bathroom mirror thinking to himself that it was hopeless now. He would never look like the man he saw himself as in his fantasies. Hell, he wouldn't even get close. No, that just wasn't possible, not anymore. Maybe if he'd had the money earlier in life something could have been done. But now, looking at his reflection all he saw was a short forty-five year old man with a balding head, a considerable pot belly, love handles, large nose, close set eyes, a horrible complexion and the list went on, and on, and on. No, it was just too late. At forty-five and still single, with a body that made every woman he'd ever made a pass at laugh herself silly, Joe was going to have to accept that he would go to his grave single. Until that day he would never be able to score with the gorgeous women he'd dreamed about. It made Joe want to get rid of every mirror in the house but he knew that wouldn't improve his looks any. He decided he might as well just get dressed and go to work like he did every day, five days of the week. Joe delivered office supplies for a major office supply warehouse store to businesses in town. He had been a delivery driver for most of his working career. He'd delivered bread, newspapers and magazines, car parts and so on. You name it; he'd delivered it at sometime or another. So it was that Joe was working his deliveries that fateful Friday when he delivered some copy paper to a new business in town. It was a used bookstore "Reincarnated Readings." Joe went up to the girl at the counter and told her that he had the paper that was ordered. The girl told him that she would have to get the owner and to please wait. While Joe was waiting, he decided to look around the shop. He didn't go out much so he did a lot of reading in the evenings. The shop looked pretty common. Lots of well-read paperback books covered the shelves at the front of the store but Joe saw what looked like hardback books on the shelves further back. He wandered towards the rear of the store past reference, romance, philosophy, history, science, etc. He was going down the "Occult and Magic" isle when a book just dropped off the shelf and fell to the floor at his feet. He picked it up and was about to return it to the shelf when he hesitated. It was an old book. A very old book. It was bound in black leather and had hand stitched bindings. The cover was ornately hand embossed with gold filigree. The title was in gold Old English lettering and read "The Wish Book" and right below the title was "or How to Make All of Your Wishes Come True Through the Proper Application of the Correct Spell or Incantation." Joe still had the book in his hand when the owner came up and handed him the signed off copy of the delivery receipt. She looked at the book in Joe's hand and asked if he wanted to buy it. Joe thought for a moment and then said impulsively, "Yes. I think I will. How much is it?" She told him she would have to look it up but that she would give him an employee's discount because he delivered the paper. He thanked her and paid for the book. 'Fifteen dollars with the discount!' He wondered just what kind of fool he was. 'A wish book. How stupid! If wishes really worked I would be young, tall and handsome with women falling at my feet by now what with all the wishes I've wished over the years.' When he finally made it home from work that night Joe changed clothes and made dinner, as usual. After he had eaten he was about to watch some TV, again, as usual. He was on his way to the living room when he saw the book lying on the table and picked it up. He figured, 'What the heck, I paid fifteen bucks for it I might as well take a look at it.' He opened to the "Contents" section and scanned down the page. There were the usual wishes for fame, for wealth, for possessions, for love and for revenge. Then he saw it. "Wishes for sexual prowess." He looked it up in Chapter 6 on page 66. There it was, a list of instructions on exactly what to do and how to call your wish into being. 'Humm, not that complicated.' He thought. 'I could do that tonight. I know its stupid but I think it's the only thing I haven't tried yet.' He gathered up the requisite materials from around the house. Nothing exotic, just common household items. He mixed some of them in a stainless steel bowl and set the others aside for later use. Then he pulled back the rug and drew chalk diagrams on the living room floor carefully following the diagram in the book. He poured lighter fluid in the bowl, set it in the centre of the diagram and lit it on fire while reciting his wish and sprinkling the remainder of the ingredients into the magic diagram at the specified places. He repeated his wish three times and then stood there and waited. Black smoke started to billow from the bowl on the floor in the middle of the chalk diagrams and he worried about the smoke detectors going off, but they didn't. The smoke started to dissipate and he could see something in the bowl. It was a very small man. Then the man started to grow larger and he stepped out of the bowl. Joe could see exactly what he looked like now. He was dressed all in black. The small man continued to grow larger until he was about six-foot tall. He had a small moustache and a goatee. His eyes were a yellow colour and he had small horns protruding from his forehead. Joe just stood there with his mouth hanging open for a bit and then said, "You look like the Devil." The Man in black smiled and said, 'And you don't look so hot yourself, Joe." "I mean, are you the Devil?" Joe returned. "No man, I'm just a minor office lackey on Hell's manning chart. I handle sex related wishes, which is, I believe, why I am here. So Joe, just what is it you want for your wish?" Joe looked at him for a bit and then spoke, "I wish to be extremely attractive and well endowed sexually. I wasn't given much at birth and as you can see it hasn't improve since. I want to have a cock that would please any woman and I want to look like I've always wanted to. And I want any woman I want to want me. I want all women to think I'm extremely attractive and desirable. I want them to follow my every whim and to get wet with desire at just the thought of me." "Yeah, don't we all. Okay. That can be done. Is there anything else in the sex department?" Joe thought for a bit. "No. That about covers it. But I don't have to sell my soul to get this wish do I?" "No. We don't do souls. That's in books and the movies. The boss figures he already has most of the souls anyway so why not bargain for something he can use. Your wish will cost you one year of your dreams. The boss can't dream so he barters for the dreams of others. It's a good arrangement and I get to do all of the previews for him." Joe wasn't sure what to make of this. "So you just take my dreams for the next year is all?" "Yep. After the trial period that is. If you're not happy after thirty days you can keep any one feature of the wish and return the rest at no cost to you. We find that we have to be competitive in today's marketing arena." "You mean if I don't like it within thirty days I get to keep one part of it and return the rest no cost?" Joe said. "Duh! What did I just say? Yeah, that's right. But according to the fair marketing laws that were just passed by the whiney assed liberals in this state I have to inform you that if you really do like what we provide to you, and then you lie just so you can keep part of it and return the remainder you will be required to assume the position and give the Devil his dew." "Oh. If I lie and get caught, I have to pay. Right?" "You have a knack for getting right to the point. Yes, that's right so now, do we have an agreement?" "Yeah, sure. What happens now?" Joe asked. "Just sign this agreement, which says in legalese what I have already told you in plain language. However, that same law obligates me, again, to tell you that you have the right to take the time to read the contract. You have the right to ask any questions before you sign. You have the right to have an attorney present before you sign anything. If you want an attorney and cannot afford one I will engage one for you and add the fee to your contract at no extra charge. Do you want an attorney present?" "No. I don't. Give me your pen and I'll sign." Joe took the pen and signed the contract. "So. When does this start?" "It started when you finished signing the contract. See you in thirty days, Joe." The Man in black said just before he left in another puff of that damn black smoke. Suddenly a blue cloud started to swirl around Joe's feet. The cloud continued to grow and move up until Joe was completely enveloped in its confines. Small white sparks leapt from the cloud to Joe's skin like mini bolts of lightening hitting him and making his skin feel like it was crawling, growing and shifting and then all feelings were gone, he was completely numb. Joe couldn't move a muscle. He was frozen in place, standing there staring across the room through the blue cloud thunderstorm. When the mini thunderstorm cloud dissipated and his feelings returned Joe went to his bathroom, stripped and gazed awe struck into the mirror. He couldn't believe what he saw reflected there. He was well over six-foot tall with the well-defined muscles of a bodybuilder. He had dark wavy hair, brown eyes, strong jaw, and a broad smile with straight white teeth. Then there was his cock. It was just what he had always wished for. He guessed it would be about eight or nine inches when erect. He had to use it and as soon as possible. The next thirty days were going to be one long orgy for Joe. He dressed in a pair of sweats that had always been too big for him and headed out to the nearest mall for some clothes. He asked a saleslady for some help because he had no idea what his sizes were. She couldn't do enough for him. She stayed with him every minute and helped pick his clothes from his underwear to his slacks and shirts. When he went into the men's changing rooms, he merely smiled at her and she followed. She went down on her knees and pulled down his sweat pants and took his member into her mouth sucking it until it was rigid and then taking the full length of his new and improved manhood into her mouth and down her throat. She worked him up through level after level of ecstasy until he couldn't hold it any longer. Just as he was about to come he took her head in his hands and pulled her up to him. She removed her panties as she rose and he lifted her off the floor to his waist level. She was wet and ready. She made small quiet whimpering sounds as he rubbed his throbbing cock against her. She wrapped her legs around him and he grabbed the cheeks of her ass in his hands and pulled her up a little higher. Joe slipped his member into her hot, wet pussy as he leaned her back against the wall of the changing room. Her whimpers became louder and more frequent the closer she got to orgasm. He felt his juices begin to move and race towards their escape. As his male fluids burst from him and shot in spasms deep inside of her vagina she burst into a writhing orgasm and her pleasure was released in a scream of sexual ecstasy that was heard throughout the store. Joe knew it would get crowded in there real soon so he lifted her off and set her on the bench to dwell in the afterglow of his ministrations. He quickly pulled up his sweatpants, grabbed the clothes, and departed the booth post haste. As he tried hard to casually walk out of the men's changing room area there was a group of store employees entering. Joe smiled, shrugged his shoulders and continued on. He smiled because he knew they would find her still wrapped in the after effects of her orgasm. That should make for an interesting story he thought. He went to the nearest cash register and paid for his purchases and moved on. Joe moved from store to store in the mall that night and repeated the same scenario wherever and whenever possible until even his fantastic new body was sapped of its strength. He needed to head for home. His car was full of clothes when he reached the house. He unloaded the car and put them away in his closets and dresser. His old clothes he threw into bags for Goodwill. When he had finished, he admired himself one more time in the mirror that was now his friend before showering and retiring for the night to regain his strength for the weekend. Joe's days were spent finding one woman after another and his nights he spent in one nightclub after another picking up as many women as he could. He picked up the pretty cashier where he had his tires rotated and the good-looking checker at the grocery store. He had the young lady that read his electric meter between houses, the waitress in the pizza parlour out behind the shop while he waited for his pizza. He even called the Avon lady and made it with her. Joe left no piece of ass unturned in his quest. Time was his only constraint. His body would respond to any demand placed on it but he found that the weekend was gone and before he knew it he needed to report to work again. He called in and asked if he could take his vacation. His boss, a very nice lady, was more than happy to grant his request and even asked if she could drop by and see him sometime during his thirty day vacation leave. He was amazed; it even worked over the phone. And so went the thirty-day trial period. One single conquest after another. One orgy after another. He was making up for all the lost opportunities of his adult life and had made more than significant progress towards that end when the Man in black returned in the usual puff of black smoke. Joe had just returned home after a late night of debauchery and gone to his bedroom to shower and catch some rest before heading out again. Just after Joe entered the room he appeared. The minor lackey looked at Joe and smiled. "Well Joe, did everything meet or exceed your expectations?" Joe realized it was time to pay the piper or the Devil in this case. He didn't really want to loose his dreams for a year. Not even for a day. Since the change a month ago his dreams had become a continuation of his activities during the day. He woke up every morning with a smile on his face and a hard-on. No. There had to be a way out of this deal. What were his choices again? Oh yeah, keep one of the features and give the rest back and that was the end of the deal. Which should he keep? He decided on keeping the body. So what if his dick was back to normal. Normal wasn't all that bad but no matter the size of his cock it didn't do any good if women wouldn't even look at him. As far as being irresistible to women went... well, with a good body he felt he could still snare his fair share and maybe a little more. Joe told the Man in black that it wasn't as good as he had been led to believe and if it couldn't be improved upon he would just as soon keep the body and give back the rest. The Man in black looked surprised. "Are you serious? You're not happy with the deal? I find that really hard to believe. I considered you as one of my best grantees yet. Well, a deal is a deal but first we will have to review the memory files of the last thirty days as provided for in the contract to be sure you are truly dissatisfied. It will only take a couple minutes." Joe got a little worried and thought, 'Review the memory files? How can he do that? I don't remember that part of the contract. Shit! I should have read the damn thing! Well, what the hell can he do to me? What was it he said, "give the Devil his due?" Okay, so worst case scenario I pay him what I owe him and loose my dreams for a year. It's not as if it was forever. I guess I can live with that. Okay, fine, let him review!' The man smiled at Joe and waved his hand. Joe saw every conquest of the past month projected on the wall starting with the saleslady in the changing booth. There was a satisfaction meter in the lower right-hand corner of the projection and it registered in the high nineties constantly throughout the review and sometimes pegged at 100%. Joe thought to himself, 'I'm screwed, oh well. What the hell, I guess I lose my dreams for a year.' The Man in black heard Joe's thoughts. "No Joe. You will not lose your dreams for a year. You get to keep your dreams. That option disappeared the instant you lied. You are, however, correct in your belief that you will be screwed. Please observe the wall again. Here you see the contract you signed. In accordance with Section 28, paragraph 63, sub 13, part A, B, and D where, the party of the second part, you, having been found guilty of attempted contract fraud against the party of the first part, to wit the Devil, you will immediately pay the Devil, or his duly appointed representative, his dew. "Ha!" Joe exclaimed. "You have an error in your contract. You misspelled the word 'due.' You spelled it D-E-W instead of D-U-E. You can't hold me to an erroneous contract." "Oh yes I can, Joe. The spelling is quite correct. We don't make errors like that. The dew referred to is 'The Devil's Dew' that dripping wetness which is left on the Devil's cock and pubic hair after a satisfying round of sexual activity with a very fine representative of the female gender. It is that "dew" that the Devil desires to have from you and it is that "dew" that you shall pay to him. And I, being his duly appointed representative, am ready to collect 'The Devil's Dew.'" The man's smile sent a cold chill down Joe's back. "But... But, you can't collect that from me?" Joe said. "I want a lawyer! I want to exercise my right to have a lawyer present to represent me." But as he spoke he saw his clothes dematerialise from his body and he found himself standing stark naked in front of the man in black. Then Joe felt a chill spread over his entire body. He could see goose bumps raising the hairs on his arms like static electricity. Then slowly his entire body was enveloped in a swirling pink cloud. The pink cloud shot out tiny crackling bolts of lavender lightening arcing and hitting Joe and making his skin feel like it was crawling, contracting and shifting and then all feelings were gone, he was completely numb. Joe couldn't move a muscle. He was frozen in place, standing there staring at the man through the pink cloud thunderstorm very similar to the blue cloud that had granted him his wish. "This isn't like the 'Miranda Rights', Joe. Here you get one chance and one chance only. If you give up your rights to have a lawyer present then that's all she wrote Dude. You can't make a later request and stop the wheels of justice like you can in a police interrogation. I refer you to Section 69, paragraph 333 sub 26, part A, sub-part 4, 6 and 9 of the contract for definition and explanation of your rights to representation." After a short while the storm subsided, slowly, just as it had come on and Joe stood there. He found the ability to feel was returning to his body and he felt very strange. A sort of prickling sensation all over and an 'out of sorts' feeling like the first time he had a change of body. The realization that something was different but not what was different. 'What had just happened?' Joe wondered. He was afraid to look because on some level Joe had an idea exactly what had just happened and he didn't want to see it. The man smiled what could only be described as a lecherous crooked smile and his eyes took on a lust filled look as he scanned up and down Joe's body. Joe knew the look. He had used it himself many times but he had never had it directed at himself. Then Joe felt some unseen force pushing him backwards. Slowly he stepped back towards his bed. Fear gripped his stomach and chilled his skin. He knew where he was going. As he was slowly and unwillingly backed towards his certain fate Joe wished his feelings were still numb so that he couldn't feel the weight pulling at his shoulder muscles. Wouldn't feel what he now knew was coming. He also wished that he hadn't bought that book and that he had read the contract and he most fervently wished he hadn't tried to cheat the Devil. He felt the bed against the back of his legs and the cool smoothness of the satin sheets against his skin as he first sat and then reclined on the bed. The same bed and the same satin sheets where he had enjoyed so many wonderful conquests during the last thirty days. The same bed and satin sheets where he somehow knew he was now the one that was going to be conquered. The minor lackey moved closer to the bed and his black clothing also dematerialised just as Joe's clothing had only moments before. He sat beside Joe on the bed and his hands reached out and caressed Joe's chest. Joe could feel the hands massaging what could only be breasts, and fair sized breasts at that! Then Joe felt his nipples being rolled and pinched between the man's fingers and thumbs and he also felt the warm glow spread over his body and flow to his groin. The man lowered his head and gently caressed Joe's lips with his own. Joe felt the man's hot tongue push between his lips and into his mouth. He felt it probing inside his mouth and there was a strange sense of pleasure generated throughout his body by the probing. Then the tongue withdrew and kisses were gently placed in a path across his cheek to his ear where the man stopped to nibble on his ear lobe for a moment. Joe could hear the man's heavy breathing and felt the warm breath in his ear and on his neck. He heard a whispered voice speak into his ear, "'Joe' just doesn't suit you anymore. I think 'Joy' sounds better and is far more fitting to the moment. If you just relax Joy you'll get almost as much out of this as I will." With that said, the man's lips and tongue traced another gentle and sensuous path down his neck and across Joe's shoulder to the now aroused breasts and hardened nipples where he stopped and slowly and gently began to lick and suckle the nipples. As he moved from one breast to the other his hand massaged the recently vacated breast and his finger and thumb rolled the erect nipple between them. His other hand slowly caressed Joe's abdomen as it moved ever so slowly and tenderly down, down to the soft curly patch of hair between Joe's legs. The hand moved between Joe's legs and he felt his legs move apart of their own volition to welcome the intruder. He felt the fingers caress his pubic area that was so recently vacated by the male genitalia he had grown up with. He felt familiar but at the same time strange new feelings radiate throughout his body from the slow but deliberate touch and probing of the man's fingers. Joe felt the man's mouth depart from his breast and heard him say, "You truly are a joy. I am going to remember this collection for a long time. You'll see how much better it is if you just go with it, Joy?" Joe didn't want to 'go with it' but his body was betraying him. It was reacting to the man's touching and caressing without regard to the disgust, fear and repulsion that was in Joe's mind. There was an uncontrollable feeling of internal excitement growing and building, moving up through his body like the anticipation and fear in the slow ride up the tracks at the beginning of a roller coaster ride. Up to the peak of the first hill. Where was this ride taking him? What would he find at the end? He was afraid to think about it but couldn't think of much else. Now it felt like a finger was beginning to penetrate his body. He moved his mouth and formed words but the voice he heard wasn't his. The soft, pleading feminine voice that said, "Please, please don't do this to me." did not ring true in his ears and only served to further confirm his fears. And the finger continued its probing entry into what Joe now knew was his newly acquired female organ and it was soon joined by other fingers. He felt the pleasure and sensual excitement between his legs continue to grow and knew the wetness he now began to feel was providing the lubrication that enabled the entry of the fingers. It provided the lubrication for the thumb to massage the area just above the fingers entry point. It was the area that Joe knew was the clitoris. His clitoris. And Joe felt the ride up the tracks suddenly increase in intensity with no hope now of stopping it. He cringed as he noticed that the desire to stop was waning. How long before he did 'go with it?' The peak had to be close now. Joe knew he couldn't take much more of this. The pressure was building and it had to blow up soon. The probing slowed and then stopped as the fingers were removed and joined the thumb in the massage. Faster now. Higher up. The pressure. The pleasure. The man began to move his body closer alongside Joe's. Joe knew he was almost at the peak now. And the man moved on top of Joe and Joe felt the weight on his chest and then the massage started again. Rubbing Joe's clit as their two pelvises met and moved against each other. Stroking between his legs along what had to be the lips of his vaginal opening. Joe's hips rose and fell as they moved with it. The intensity was almost too much. How much more could this body stand? How much more could his mind take? The man's hips moved higher and Joe's tried to follow but couldn't. Then he felt the probing again and then the entry along the well-lubricated path that the fingers had so recently travelled. There was movement into his body and it went further and deeper than the fingers had. It continued to slowly move further up inside Joe until he felt his pelvis again meet that of the man and the massage of Joe's clitoris began again as they moved, pelvis against pelvis. Then the stroking of the man's member in and out. Slowly at first and then building in intensity and speed. Joe's hips began to match and counter the movement as they bucked faster and faster. Joe knew nothing now but the pleasure he felt and the need to reach the peak that was so close. Faster now. Their bucking was grinding rather than massaging. And it came. There was the peak and the release. The flashing points of light that Joe saw burst from the darkness behind his closed eyelids. The explosion that sent waves of pleasure rippling though his body like the waves of an earthquake across the surface of the earth. Never! Never before had Joe felt or experienced a so all- encompassing sensation. No part of his body was left unaffected. The warmth and the glow continued as he rode the roller coaster of female orgasms up and down the ever-decreasing hills. A peak and then a valley followed by another peak and valley. The twisting and the turning beneath the man's hot body as their perspiration flowed on to the satin sheets. And then it was over for the man and he removed himself from Joe and the bed. Joe lay on the bed luxuriating in the afterglow and watched as the man stroked his member and scraped the drops of moisture into a small, ornate bottle. He smiled down at Joe as he inserted the stopper in the bottle and said, "I rarely thank those that try to defraud the Boss but, Joy, in your case I'll make the exception. Thank you. You were the best I have had in more than five centuries and you have the distinct honour of being the first of the twenty-first century. Because of these firsts I have decided to leave you just as you are. I usually turn cheats and frauds into ugly skags and skanks and leave them to walk the streets for the rest of their miserable existence on this planet but you are most certainly an exception. Well, You have paid the 'Devil's Dew' and now I must regrettably take my leave." As the ride came to an end and Joe felt the coldness of reality descend upon him again, along with the ability to move on his own. He shifted his legs over the edge of the bed and sat up. He felt the weight move on his chest and looked down to appraise his condition for the first time. What he saw would have given him a hard-on had he still retained the necessary equipment for such an action but what he saw only served to set fear running rampant throughout this body again. He stood up and looked down at what a short time ago had been the perfect male body. There on his chest protruded a fine set of mammary with wisps of golden highlighted chestnut brown hair cascading in gentle waves over them. The slender arms dropping from softly rounded shoulders and tapering to delicate hands with beautifully manicured long rose coloured nails. The flat hard abdomen, the slender waist, and the luscious curves of his hips and thighs as they made their way down two long and shapely legs to his small feet with their toenails that matched the colour of his fingernails. "You...You're not going to leave me like this are you?" Joe stammered and whined. "Aren't you going to change me back to the way I was originally? I mean, you've collected the 'Devil's Dew'." He said as tears welled up in his now pale blue eyes. "Like what?" The man said as his clothes rematerialized. "Like you are now? Of course I am. You are some of my best work. A small perk for me I admit, but I figure that if I have to collect the 'Devil's Dew' I might as well enjoy the collection process to the utmost, and believe me Joy, you were definitely enjoyable to the utmost." "But my friends. What do I say? What do I do?" "Joy has no friends in this city or anywhere else for that matter." "But my family then. My mother. My father. My brother and. Sisters." "Joy is the only child of deceased parents." "But my things and my clothes. All of my stuff." "It all belongs to Joy now and is as if it always has." The man said as his black clothing finished their rematerialization. "But enough of the 'buts.' You are Joy now. Joe never existed other than in your memories." Joe felt a cold chill cover his body as he turned and caught his reflection in the glass of the bedroom mirror. "Ooooooh Noooooooo!" Joe screamed, "Please, no! Don't do this to me. Please change me back. I'll do anything. Anything you ask." "Be careful what you say Joy. 'Anything' covers a wide territory. Its impulsiveness like that which put you where you are now. Besides I have to go now. I have places to see and people to do. Enjoy your new life, Joy" The man said as he waved his hand and there was a slight waviness effect like ripples of water in the air as the minor lackey faded from view, sans black smoke, and left Joy to her new life. She stood in front of the mirror and a small twitch of a smile could be seen on her beautiful lips as they were reflected back at her in the mirror. Her eyes moved up and down the reflection of a very well proportioned young twenty some year old brunette and she thought to herself, 'Well, if this is how it has to be. It could be a lot worse. I could be back to what I was originally. I think I need a shower. No, I think I need a nice bath and time to relax and do a lot of thinking and planning. I wonder if this body is irresistible like the male one was? This just might be fun. It's just the other side of the same coin.' Epilogue: As Joy headed for the bathroom a very old book faded from the shelf in her living room. At a bookstore in town a book was returned to the shelf and the proprietor of "Reincarnated Books" smiled. "There are many more wishes left in that old book." She thought The Devil's Dew (c) 1/26/2001, Persephone

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Introduction: Chase plans the downfall of her parents and their Theocracy. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Fifty-Three: The Fall of Rome Visit my blog at My name is Chasity Alberta Glassner, the Tyrants daughter. I write these words down so my motivations will not be lost to time, and so there will be no confusion, speculation, or misunderstanding about my actions. Excerpt from The Tyrants Daughter: An Autobiography by...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 3 Customer Service

The Devils Pact Chapter Three: Customer Service Regretfully, I walked out of the Heavenly Creatures Salon. I really wanted to stay and watch Mary get her cunt eaten out by that Joy, the fine-ass Asian stylist, but the place reeked of so much nail polish remover it was making me sick to my stomach. Oh well, Mary was going to have a good time and I couldnt wait to see her freshly waxed pussy. I smirked, wondering if she would remove all the hair. Or maybe she would just leave a landing strip of...

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The Devils Pact SideStory The Naked Jogging Club

Introduction: Mark founds the Naked Jogging Club to make jogging fun. And he has a lot of fun. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact Side Story: Jogging Club Day One, Monday, June 10, 2013: Anastasia Notes: Takes place during Chapter 10. It was six AM when I slipped out of the house for my morning jog, alone. My husband was still asleep, snoring like a lumberjack sawing wood. I wish Stan would join me, I would bug him to go jogging, to stay in shape, and he would,...

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The Devils Pact Tales from the Best Buy Incident Obsession

Introduction: Ever since the Best Buy Orgy, all Veronica can think about is the strangers cock that gloriously fucked her. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 The Devils Pact, Tales from the Best Buy Incident: Obsession Note: This takes place three weeks after the Best Buy Incident, following Veronica Beckam and her obsession. Wednesday, June 19th, 2013 Oh, Veronica! Marshal, my husband, gasped as he pumped away at my pussy. Im gonna cum! Yes, yes, Im...

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The Devils Pact Tales from the Best Buy Incident The Lesbian Cuckold

Introduction: Kristi is shocked by her lesbian wifes strange behavior after the Best Buy Incident. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 The Devils Pact, Tales from the Best Buy Incident: The Lesbian Cuckold Note: This takes place in the week that followed the Best Buy Incident, following Kristi, whose wife, Ashley, was one of the victims of the Incident. Thursday, June 6th, 2013 Kristi Shelley Tacoma, WA Hey, Kristi, Adam said, peering over the top of his...

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The Devils Pact Tales from the Best Buy Incident Playing at Cuckoldry

Introduction: Bill cant stop thinking about his wife Erin fucking other guys while they were under Marks control. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact, Tales from the Best Buy Incident: Playing at Cuckoldry Note: This takes place a week after Chapter 3 involving Bill and Erin Connar and how their lives were changed after the Best Buy Incident. The car pulled into the my driveway. It was Saturday night, and I was hiding in my bedroom closet, naked, waiting for my...

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The Devils Pact SideStory Jonathons New Wife

Introduction: Jonathons wife ran afoul of Mark Glassner, and hes about to find out just how shes changed. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 The Devils Pact Side Story: Jonathons New Wife Note: This takes place during Chapter 10 and Chapter 11. While robbing his first bank, Mark fucked a bank teller named Monica, ordering her to be a good wife, and do whatever nasty, whorish things her husband wants her to. Monday, June 10th, 2013 Jonathon Jephson I hate...

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The Devils Pact SideStory Rachels Honeymoon Part 1Friday Night

Introduction: Rachel is on her honeymoon with Jacob when she runs into Mark and Mary who have other ideas on how the new bride should spend her honeymoon. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact Side Story: Rachels Honeymoon Part 1-Friday Night Note: This takes place in Chapter 27 while Mark and Mary are in New York City. Mrs. Jacob Goldstein-Blum. I am Mrs. Jacob Goldstein-Blum, now. That happy thought filled my mind as Jacob pulled our Chevy...

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The Devils Pact Side Story Rachels Honeymoon Part 3Saturday Evening

Introduction: Rachels dreams of being a wild, uninhibited slut are realized as Leah takes her to a hot night club. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact Side Story: Rachels Honeymoon Part 2-Saturday Evening Note: This takes place in Chapter 27 while Mark and Mary are in New York City. You and Leah sure seem close, Mary told me after a delicious dinner at Keens Steakhouse Saturday evening. Mark and Leah had slipped off to fuck in the bathroom and...

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The Devils Pact Side Story Rachels Honeymoon Part 4Sunday

Introduction: Rachel is torn between returning to her husband, Jacob, and running off with Leah, the vivacious blonde Rachel has fallen in love with. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 The Devils Pact Side Story: Rachels Honeymoon Part 4-Sunday Note: This takes place in Chapter 27 while Mark and Mary are in New York City. I was kissing Leah as a group of men cheered us on. We were in some loft with some of the guys from the club. We had partied with...

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The Devils Pact SideStory Tiffany Wants a Nooner

Introduction: Tiffany is alone at home and horny, so she decides to visit her husband at his work for a little afternoon delight. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 The Devils Pact Side Story: Tiffany Wants a Nooner Note: This takes place during Chapter 34, following Tiffany Sullivan. Tuesday, September 24th, 2013 I was bored. Ever since I gave my son-in-law my Gift, my life had been so busy, so full. After so many years I was happily reunited with my...

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The Devils Pact Side Story Rachels Honeymoon Part 2Saturday Morning

Introduction: Rachels finds herself in the company of the vivacious Leah who is everything Rachel always fantasized being. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact Side Story: Rachels Honeymoon Part 2-Saturday Morning Note: This takes place in Chapter 27 while Mark and Mary are in New York City. I woke up, confused. Where was I and who was I with? Not my husband, thats for sure. Unless he transformed into this beautiful, blonde woman sleeping next...

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The Devils Pact SideStory Mark and Mary Eat at Subway

Introduction: Mark humilates a Subway Worker. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact Side Story: Mark and Mary Eat at Subway Note: This takes place in Chapter 17 while Mark and Mary have lunch after recruiting Willow. After Marys OB/GYN appointment with Dr. Willow WolfTail, and our subsequent fucking of said doctor, we were both hungry. I had parked on Division around the corner from the clinic and started driving down the hill when we saw a Subway restaurant on the...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 39 Reunions

Introduction: Mark and Mary are reunited with their loved ones after their ordeal. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Thirty-Nine: Reunions Visit my blog at On September 30th, 2013, amidst blood and fire, the Tyrants reign began. In the name of Peace and Security, they put mankind beneath their Oppression. To fight the Darkness, the False Gods, Mark and Mary Glassner, shrouded the World in Night. excerpt from The History...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 25 EightandaHalf Weeks

Introduction: Mark and Mary deal with the fallout of the news report. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-five: Eight-and-a-Half Weeks Visit my blog at I stood with Mary on the private balcony of our bedroom. Surveillance photos and videos of our house had just appeared on the eleven oclock news on channel 5. Our law enforcement sluts, Chasity and Noel, figured the photos must have been shot from a house on Shaw Road across the empty lot....

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The Devils Pact Chapter 42 Dreams

Introduction: Mark and Mary have cemented their control over America, and Sam is hard at work constructing the Matmown. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Forty-Two: Dreams Visit my blog at General Olmoss assassination of Governor Holt, and the subsequent massacre of the Governors supporters, was the first of many atrocities committed by the Tyrants. The fact that they had General Olmos hung does not exculpate the Tyrants...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 5 The Talk

The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Five: The Talk Mary and I exited Victorias Secret. We just had the most pleasurable time inside, when Mary had arranged for the beautiful salesgirls, Aurora and Heather, to pleasure me while Mary and our sex-slave, Allison, modeled lingerie. Mary was wearing the red-and-white striped pencil skirt and a loose fitting, white blouse. Her auburn ponytail contrasted nicely against the white of her blouse as it fell down her back. Behind us,...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 22 The Bond of Avvah

Introduction: Mark is under Sister Theodoras spell as Mary struggles to understand whats happened to her fiancee. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-two: The Bond of Avvah Visit my blog at I was sunning myself on the beach, catching the last rays of the Miami sun. I was wearing a skimpy bikini, white with pink flowers decorating it. The sun felt great on my skin. Antsy plane should have landed in Seattle by now. It was only a matter of time...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 48 The Patriots Blood

Introduction: Alison and Desiree have found the Patriots headquarters as the terrorist are about to unleash a devastating attack on Mark and Mary. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Forty-Eight: The Patriots Blood Visit my blog at For those of us that remained free of the Tyrants control, one of the great mysteries of their rule was the Patriots. They had appeared almost immediately to challenge Mark and Mary. From their...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 47 Deadstick

Introduction: The Patriots grow more desperate in their attacks. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Forty-Seven: Deadstick Visit my blog at As Wormwood raged across the world, the chaos served the Tyrants interests. By January, Canada and Mexico had fallen under their control. As governments struggled to maintain control of their populations in the devastating wake of the plague, Warlocks arose. Men and Women who swore...

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The Devils Pact Chatper 50 The Bloody Knife

Introduction: Mark and Mary meet with Lilith on the one year anniversary of the Fall of Seattle, unaware of Liliths plan. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Fifty: The Bloody Knife Visit my blog at On November 17th, 2014, the world seemed to belong to the Tyrants. Almost every country had capitulated to their rule, and the majority of mankind was enthralled by their words. On November 18th, Darkness and Fire fell across...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 40 The Patriots

Introduction: As Mark and Mary struggle to get the Country and the World under their control, the Patriots plot in the shadows. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Forty: The Patriots Visit my blog at The Tyrants, Mark and Mary Glassner, represent the greatest threat to Liberty in human history. As the great Statesmen Thomas Jefferson wrote in The Declaration of Independence, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that...

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The Devils Pact Ghost of Paris Chapter 9 The Marital Bed

Introduction: The Ghost violates the marriage bed and fucks a wife next to her passed out husband. The Devils Pact, The Ghost of Paris by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter Nine: The Marital Bed Tuesday, September 17th, 2013 Paris, Texas It was nearing midnight and Heather Pritchard lay on her side, snoring softly, which was strange to hear coming from such a beautiful, young woman. She was my favorite bedmatea redheaded vixen that loved my cock. Tonight I had made a...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 33 The Calm Before the Storm

Introduction: The day of Mark and Marys wedding has arrived. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Thirty-Three: The Calm Before the Storm Visit my blog at The Wedding, July 20th, 2013 The last three weeks since the SWAT attacked us and I nearly died seemed to fly by. And before I knew it, July 20th has finally arrived. The setting sun was warm and the breeze was cool. The air was filled with the sweet scent of the...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 27 The Book

Introduction: Mark and Mary are off to New York to get their hands on the Magicks of the Witch of Endor while Brandon is in France to get his hands on another copy. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-seven: The Book Visit my blog at The fire crackled in the clearing, fiery sparks rising up into the air like tiny souls. Tonight was Thursday, the Twentieth of June. The Summer Solstice. The coven assembled around the bonfire, all ten women...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 49 The Victors Reward

Introduction: Alison and Desiree are rewarded for destroying the Patriots, Sam has found the key to capturing Lucifier, and Lilith has found a weapon to destroy Mark. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Forty-Nine: The Victors Reward Visit my blog at Who were the Patriots? Who wrote their Manifesto? After the ravages of the Demon Wars, only speculation was left behind. The only clue that had survived was a paper that had...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 30 Tiffanys Tale

Introduction: Mary and her mother are reunited and Mary learns what really happened to her mother thirteen years ago. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013 Chapter Thirty: Tiffanys Tale Visit my blog at My hands were shaking as the adrenaline bled off. But the images of the dead and dying would not leave my mind. Oh, God, so many dead, I prayed. Forgive me, Lord. Why are you crying, Mother! my daughter spat at me with such venom in her...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 35 The Storm

Introduction: Mark heads to Tacoma for a political rally, not knowing the danger that awaits him. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Thirty-Five: The Storm Visit my blog at Friday, September 27th, 2013 Mark Glassner Sir, I think Ive finally figured out how this communication spell works, Sam reported, her round, olive face filled with triumph. Sam is our Vizier, and had been making amazing progress with the Magicks of...

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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 14 Highway US12

Introduction: Chase and her family have entered Washington State, drawing ever closer to Mount Rainer and the confrontation with Mark and Mary. The Devils Pact, The Tyrants Daughter by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Fourteen: Highway US-12 Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Saturday, July 9th, 2072 Rex Glassner Longview, WA I liked Longview, Washington. The city was built along the Columbia River right where it turned back west for the Pacific, leaving the ruins of I-5...

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The Devils Pact Servants Chronicles Chapter 2 The Naughty Stewardesses

Introduction: Monique and Lize, Mark and Marys stewardesses, find a naughty way to pass the time with a married, Muslim woman. The Devils Pact Servants Chronicles by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter Two: The Naughty Stewardesses Note: Takes place between Chapters 41 and Chapter 42 Thursday, October 31st, 2013 Monique Lavoie Lansing, MI Everyone take your seats, Joslyn announced over Air Force Ones loudspeakers. Pity, I sighed, breaking my kiss with 53, one of Marks...

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The Devils Pact Slave Chronicles 10 Monica My Husbands Slave

Introduction: Monica loves submiting to her husband and enjoys being his sex slave! The Devils Pact Slave Chronicles by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Monica: My Husbands Slave Note: Over a year ago, Mark gave Monica the command to do whatever filthy things her husband wants. Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Saturday, June 7th, 2014 Monica Jephson Tacoma, WA I woke up bound, the sunlight streaming through the window. My bladder was full, urgent. My husband, and master, snored next to me....

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The Devils Pact Ghost of Paris Chapter 10 The Bride

Introduction: The ghost takes a bride and her sister on her wedding day! The Devils Pact, The Ghost of Paris by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter Ten: The Bride Thursday, September 19th, 2013 Paris, Texas You dirty slut, Happy giggled. The reverends adulterous wife was sprawled on Franny Reynolds bed, her best friend and one of her many lovers. I used to think Happy was a shrewish prude, but after I molested her in the middle of her husbands church service, I...

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The Devils Pact Ghost of Paris Chapter 11 Lazy Saturday Morning

Introduction: The ghost takes a wife in the kitchen beneath her unsuspecting husbands nose. The Devils Pact, The Ghost of Paris by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter Eleven: Lazy Saturday Saturday, September 28th, 2013 Paris, Texas My pecker was like a slab of cement, poking into the soft ass of my bedmate, when I was wakened by the rising sun. It was Saturday, and I was feeling lazy. But the sun was too damned bright and my pecker was too damned insistent. And the girls...

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The Devils Pact Servants Chronicles Chapter 1 Cindys Interview

Introduction: Cindy and her mom are offered the chance to serve Mark and Mary, they just have to pass their interview. The Devils Pact Servants Chronicles by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter One: Cindys Interview Visit my blog at Notes: This takes place during Chapters 34 and 40. Monday, September 2nd, 2013 Cindy Mayflower South Hill, WA I lounged naked in Doctor Willows exam room, enjoying the afterglow of my orgasm. My mother moaned and gasped...

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Private Heroes The Devils Breath Part 12

I'm standing in Rick's office, having just got my ID as a Private Hero. And now Rick's placed what looks like my Crossblade uniform on the table but there's something different about it. I take it and examine in. It's the same black skin tight suit. But instead of a crossblade symbol, it's a bright silver x that goes across the chest from my shoulders across to my hips. Rick also places a belt on the table and what looks like a set of goggles. "Go ahead try them on." I excuse myself...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 7

Introduction: A beautiful 24-year-old Asian girl goes on vacation but gets lost in a small town and quickly kidnapped by a ruthless and violent biker gang. She struggles to survive as they turn her into their personal fuck-toy, beating and raping her constantly. Chapter 8: Day 2 with Big Joe Hannah wasnt sure what time she fell asleep, but she knew it took at least several hours. Shed never been in so much pain before. The skin on her breasts, ass, and vagina all felt like it had been sanded...

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Gods and Devils The Unicorn Part II

I. Introduction I stood in the kitchen watching the water slowly drip from the faucet. The girls were in the living room, cuddled on the couch, whispering, waiting. Pet was doing what she could to soothe Kasey. Pet knew what was coming; Kasey on the other hand, did not have the slightest idea. On top of the dresser in my room I kept a wooden box about 10 inches wide by 12 inches long; it was a simple box with a simple hasp. No locks, no complicated mechanism to open it and free it of its...

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A Devils Tale Jacquelines descent

A Devils Tale: Jacqueline's descent Part OneJacqueline stared at the bruiser of a man sitting across from her at the table. He appeared to be in perfect shape and a man who took care of himself. Probably in his mid-30s but could've been much older for he had an aura of real self-confidence not the false bravado of the young. She wondered if he was some sort of professional athlete but if so she did not know him. He was the only one still in the game and she had just raised him everything she...

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Riding the Devils Horse

Riding the Devil’s Horse by Ashley B. D. Zacharias Cindy’s eyes narrowed when she saw Trevor looking at the sign over the dark doorway. ?You don’t want to go in there,? she said flatly. ?It might be interesting, don’t you think?? He sounded hopeful. ?I think it might be disgusting. That’s what I think,? she replied. ?Oh, come on. How often do we come to Amsterdam, anyway? I bet you’re curious. You’re curious about everything. You don’t want to miss this opportunity.? He grinned at her. ?Come...

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Devils Eve

Lucy knelt on the ground in the corner of her small room lit only by two large white candles on either side of an antique wooden Christ. She made the sign of the cross, clasped her hands together in front of her chest and lowered her head. She prayed for the wellness of her family and success in her career but most importantly she prayed that all went well the next day, the night of her wedding. She had been planning her wedding, along with her mother and sisters, for six months and all she...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

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What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

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The Devils Pact Chapter 43 The Hidden Place

Introduction: The Matmown is completed, and Mark and Mary make their plans to deal with Lilith and Lucifer. Xiu and I were lying in Their rumpled bed, Divine Marks passion cooling inside me and Divine Marys passion covering Xius face, when He proclaimed the First Commandment of the Theocracy: You shall not make Pacts with Demons. I wrote furiously on a notepad, then She gave the Second Commandment: You shall place no Gods before us, for they are false. The Gospel of April 41:51-52 Friday,...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 6 Love on the Ranch as Devils Ride to Town

I drove home leaving Jack’s thinking about him. The man had confessed what he had done to me some 4 years ago when Janet and I attended an end of school year party. I had found myself becoming more fascinated with him as he told me his side of the story of that night. I will admit I was attracted to Jack the first time I ever saw him with grandma while at the store that day. I think it was the uniform that he wore that day and the fact that Michelle seemed to like him as well. However,...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

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