ComrieChapter 12 free porn video

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2000 Day 639 Afghanistan – 1230 Day 639 Comrie

In Afghanistan it was approaching dusk when Adam's Platoon reached an abandon building that sat slightly higher than the immediate surrounding area. The building's walls were thick and made from stacked rocks filled in with packed mud. The windows were small. It had a sloping roof with a packed dirt floor. From all appearances, it appeared to have been abandoned for some time.

They had only been there a few minutes when Theo said, "It looks like there has been a team here recently."

"When? What makes you think that?" asked the Captain.

"I would need to take a torch and check to try to answer 'when'. Actually, at the moment I can't definitely say a team has been here. What I can say is that there are two broken chains in the dirt. They look like the chains we use for our dog tags."

"What's that?" said Bev pointing toward something lying in the loose dirt along the wall.

Gus moved closer then carefully looked at it using a small flash light. "Give me a zip lock bag." Someone held the bag open for him as he picked it up with two small sticks. When it dropped in the bag he said, "My guess is that that is someone's little finger."

Natalia, Squad B's medic, took the bag and then after a few moments said, "It is, and it appears to have been severed at the joint. It wasn't very long ago and it doesn't appear to be injured. Judging by the finger nail, it is probably from a female with a light skin."

"How could that happen?" asked May as she moved over to look closer.

"Why would anyone cut the little finger off?" asked Bev.

"It some cultures it is used to mark people as a slave," said Captain O'Brien as he joined the group. "Your hands cannot be hidden all the time, so a missing finger becomes a badge of who you are. It marks the person as being someone's property. Loss of the little finger is less of a hindrance than losing any of the others."


"Yes. There have been a few reports of people who were missing both little fingers. However, we don't know why this one is here, who did it, or whose finger it was."

"True," replied Adam. "But based on our discussions last night, we could make a guess."

"I agree that the circumstantial evidence is getting stronger."

"I think we should setup outside rather than in here."

"Good point," replied the Captain. "Everyone should be extra vigilant tonight. Adam, I'll give you my report to send in a few minutes. Let's rotate eating."

While they were waiting Leo went to check on his squad, who were manning their security screen. Todd and Kurt told their squads to eat then set up for the night. Sal went to check on his squad. While Adam waited for the Captain to prepare the report, he found a partially concealed high spot and leaned back. When Todd and Kurt saw what he was doing, they monitored him so he wasn't disturbed.

Adam was startled as he had hardly begun to relax when Briana said, "Good evening, love."

"God, you feel so close. It is just as though you are right here with me."

"Well we are pretty close now."

"You're at Comrie?"

"Not quite," they responded together adding a smile to their thought.

"Okay, what's going on?"

"Nothing yet. We are watching a group of idiots who are trying to sneak up on your position."

Their comment caused an immediate reaction, but before he could move Rusty said, "Adam, relax. We have two cloaked shuttles close to you. It seems your friends felt your anxiety so they came to talk to me. Your position is secure. A shield is in place just beyond the Squad B sentries."

"Who's approaching?"

"By their actions, we are reasonably sure that they are bandits. If so, their intent is likely to capture all of you. From what we've heard, they weren't prepared for your arrival this evening. They weren't expecting you until tomorrow."

"That is probably because we made an effort to move faster than the schedule. We are slated to join up with a team ahead of us. Due to some cascading oddities, last night we decided to try for a day earlier than scheduled."

"They were captured at this location last night." Adam tensed. "Relax. They were rescued earlier today, actually it was around noon. They are at Comrie resting. The medical staff saw them when they arrived. When we found them, the bandits had already sent all their equipment somewhere."

"So based on our conversations here, it looks more and more like someone is setting up TTC units."

"Our Intelligence Department thinks that probability is quite high. We need more information to be certain."

"I almost made a comment earlier that I wished my friends were here to assist as they have some really neat tools."

"You could do that. It has some consequences that would need to be dealt with. We already have that problem with the other unit and some others we picked up at another location. Think the Captain would bite."

"Yea. We are pretty certain we've been setup to vanish like we think several others have. Theo found broken dog tag chains in one building. A severed little finger was found nearby."

"That fits with what those rescued told us. From their description of events, we believe they were put down with a sleeping gas. The bandits gained control of them without firing a shot. We suspected, and medical evaluation confirms, that they were given a drug that causes submission and blocks a person's will."

"If that is what they intended for us then the Captain's hole card wouldn't matter. What about the approaching bandits?"

"Hole card?"

"Yes. He brought 3 emergency air crew beacons..."

Rusty interrupted, "Later, the Captain is looking for you."

Adam began to get up as he heard Captain O'Brien call. He noticed Todd and Kurt smiling at him when he stood up and just nodded.

"Oh there you are. Here is the report to send. Try the radio again just in case."

"Yes, Sir."

Seeing Adam setting up the transmitter and its dish antenna, Sal, Kurt and Todd walked over to join them. Captain watched as the report was entered then sent. They waited several minutes for an acknowledgment.

When it didn't come Captain said, "Try it again. It seems the circumstantial evidence just gets stronger."

Adam initiated the sequence to send the report again. After a several minutes, the acknowledgment routine again timed out. He checked the radio again. Only this time he could hear some sounds but it wasn't clear enough to understand or say for certain it was voices. He said, "The radio is about the same as last night," as he offered the headset to him.

After listening a few minutes, he looked at the five of them and frowned as he said grimly, "Evidence gets stronger."

Adam said, "Sir, it would be real nice if we could ask our friends to assist us."

"At the moment, any assistance would be good as we are in a deep hole, but there is still hope." He paused then added, "Sorry, I should be more positive."

"Sir, I appreciate honesty rather than BS," responded Todd. "It is one of the reasons this team functions as well as it does."

"I presume, Adam's friends are known to all of you," commented the Captain with a smile.

"Yes, Sir. We met them when we were on leave. They are good people."

"While I would accept almost anyone's assistance at the moment, why do you think they can bail us out?"

Kurt said, "While we were visiting them, we saw them in action. It was an enforcement action that involved searches of three separate secure sites. The raids were significant enough that the DA asked a local National Guard MP unit to assist them. Our friends assistance was done so well neither realized they had assistance, or even thought to question why they gained entry so easily."

"This is a bit different. I see our position as tenuous, not hopeless."

"We agree."

Adam added, "Their help would shift the odds greatly in our favor."

The Captain chuckled then said, "Alright if you are so confident of this then I agree we could use their assistance."

"Are you certain it would be okay?"

"Yea, sure. Why not?" Captain O'Brien's expression clearly indicated he didn't expect anything and this was their way to relieve today's tension.

"Well it could create some complications, but we would definitely survive."

"I think we all like that option."

It was moments later when those standing by the Captain sensed their presence. As they turned toward them, Captain O'Brien automatically reached for his weapon. He gasped when he saw five people step out of the shadows. Moments later he noticed the smiles on Adam, Todd, Kurt, Leo and Sal and relaxed his grip.

"Good evening, Captain O'Brien," said Briana drawing his attention back to them. "Thanks for the invitation."

He glanced at Adam then said, "Good evening. Who are you?"

"Adam's friends. You said we could help."


"You thought he was joking," added Ciar. "I am a very close friend of Todd's. I hope it's alright if I came as well."

"Hi Briana," said Adam as he stepped over and gave her a quick intense kiss. "Who all is here?"

"Well besides us, there is Zoe's group, Cathan's group and ours. Edana's, Darcy's and Caoilinn's groups are taking care of some issues further North. Oh, Aine and Creidne came with us as well along with a few others."

"Where did you come from?" asked Captain with a perplexed expression as more people appeared.

"Our transports are just around the curve of the trail a little further on," said Rusty partially answering his question. "We thought we heard you tell Adam that you were willing to let us help, so here we are." As he glanced around, "You have a lot of questions. I think before we address those we need to know how you want to deal with the approaching bandits. Based on their actions, we believe they intend to capture you by putting you to sleep. We can capture them; scare them off or do both. If it was me I would capture the leaders and scare off the others."

"Okay I'll bite. Why the difference?"

"So others will know what happened here. It may be enough to cause them to consider a different occupation."

Captain laughed, "Scaring the shit out of them probably makes more sense than taking them to Kabul. There they would likely be released after a few days in custody, if not sooner."

"To start off, let's have a little more light." With that the immediate area was enveloped in a red glow causing several to gasp. "We'll change the color later but this is better for night vision. Now we would like for you to pull your sentries in so we can fill their role."

Captain O'Brien started to speak but Sarah said, "With everyone here, it will be easier to answer your questions. It will also make it easier for us, as your sentries don't know of our presence."

"Good point. Leo, have Squad B pull back."

"They are, Sir."

When the Platoon was all together, Rusty said, "Okay Zoe, Creidne, we are all here."

Rusty had hardly spoken when they heard a roar a short distance away. It was followed by several more around them. The sounds caused several to reach for their weapons. The Squad leaders quickly gave hand signs stopping their movement. Over the next several minutes, the group heard numerous roars. These were interspersed with screams which occasionally happened right after a flash of light. Then the sounds became less frequent.

At a quiet moment, Captain O'Brien said, "I don't remember anything in our briefings about lions in this area."

"The area has a few large felines," replied Briana. "The ones you heard, we brought with us. They look very much like the lions you are familiar with, so if you see one don't be alarmed." Then with a grin she added, "They do like their ears scratched."

Even though Adam and his friends nodded in agreement the expression on the faces of the others was one of disbelief.

"Coming in," said Zoe. A few moments later two naked men stumbled into the clearing. They wore a collar with a chain hanging from it. The chain connected to their wrist and ankle cuffs in such a way that it would be difficult for them to run. They were followed by six women wearing what looked like coveralls with a clear helmet. With them was Creidne wearing just a vest and short skirt, with several obvious weapons hanging from her vest and waist belt. Her appearance drew everyone's attention as she was clearly a lovely woman. It was equally clear that she was not someone to be trifled with.

Creidne said, "We thought it was appropriate for them to dress in the way they intended for you to after they captured you." The men's expressions were clearly of fear and arrogance.

"They what?" exclaimed the Captain.

"That is not quite true," responded Zoe. "We stripped them because we wanted to make sure they were men, because they fight like street whores."

One prisoner said, "You are the whore. Soon you will be at my mercy you infidel whore then you will suffer for this insult. Your torment will be long and painful."

Zoe grabbed his hair and pulled his head back as she kicked the back of his knees. He dropped to his knees and screamed when they hit the rocky ground. The man's eyes bulged out when he saw Belinda step in front of him with a knife. With two quick swipes, she removed most of his beard. When the knife flashed past him, he pissed himself.

Creidne turned to the other and said, "Now answer the questions or we will stake you out to feed the lions."

The man was quiet as he was certain they would be rescued from these infidels. This was their land to do as they had done for centuries. It was right for families to obey the eldest male as they followed the word of the village cleric. His attention was drawn back to the present when he was also forced to kneel. He grimaced as his knees hit the rocky ground.

Creidne said in English, "Watch their expressions as I remind them of some of their past deeds in their own language." As she spoke, both men smirked knowing that was impossible. "One of you can translate it for the others." She then began reciting from their memories. They told of groups they had captured and how they had treated them. As she spoke the change in their expressions clearly confirmed the accuracy of what she was saying.

"What happened to the team in front of us?" asked Captain O'Brien sharply.

Sarah said, "They were captured here last night and were rescued about noon today. They have received medical care and are all in good health, considering. We found more people being held at their collection point, which is about a four day walk from here. The team in front of you was about to be picked up by a truck when we found them. The truck provided the lead to the collection point. On our own initiative, all of those we've rescued have been taken to a safe location where they are receiving medical care. Everyone rescued was under the influence of drugs. It is a drug cocktail that makes them unable to resist commands, but doesn't affect their perceptions or observations. The first dose of that cocktail was in the packs these two men were carrying."

Creidne looked around at the group then said, "I can feel your anger. You need to let it cool. Captain, you've done a great job leading this group. The setup to ensure your team vanished was done by experts. Now, you asked a question earlier that my friends need to answer before you decide on a path forward. These two don't need to hear that." With that she pointed at the two men and snapped her fingers. Immediately both fell over to lie quite still.

Zoe, Belinda, Melody and June sat them up so Briana and Cass could slide a bag over their heads and upper body. Once in place, it was cinched around their waists. While everyone was focused on the activity, Creidne stepped back out of sight.

"Are they dead?" asked May as she watched the two slump back down after being released.

"Nope," responded Zoe. "Creidne just put them to sleep. They will sleep until one of us wakes them."

Sarah said, "Now let's walk a short distance this way, as we have a small camp set up a little further on. Bring your equipment with you."

After glancing at O'Brien, each of the Squad Leaders nodded to their groups. They began gathering their gear to move. Everyone had a puzzled expression. Once they started down the path Joyce and Briana moved up beside Adam as Captain O'Brien and he led off. They both gave Adam a hug, while their eyes scanned the surroundings. Cathan moved up beside Todd. Tara, Sarah and Rusty followed them toward the shuttles. Zoe's group followed along behind. When the soldiers stepped around a shallow bend in the road, they were surprised to see faint images of two strange ships hovering. Between them was a well-lit area.

Several hesitated at entering the area, or even looking at it. Seeing their reaction Rusty said, "We are the only ones who can see what is here. Anyone who passes by will only see a haze. It is the kind you would seek to avoid. Besides, there are sensors monitoring the surrounding area and the lions are also watching."

Joyce, Briana and Cathan walked on into the lit area with the others following them. The ladies slipped off their tac suits and turned to their guys. They pulled them into a hug and gave them a passionate kiss. The other members of their clans gathered around them and showered them with hugs and kisses as well.

Sarah, Joyce, Rusty and Tara watched and smiled as the women greet their friends. Cass then gave Kurt, Leo and Sal a hug and a kiss after telling them it was from their ladies. Joyce and Briana followed Cass's lead.

The rest of the Platoon watched their Squad leaders being greeted with a bit of envy. All were wondering who these people were and where they came from. Everyone was glad they had arrived when they did, especially after hearing what the bandits had intended to do.

Briana said, "Adam, you ought to introduce us."

Looking at her, he said, "Yes, thank you, that is a good idea," before he realized how she had told him and he blushed. "Okay. I've been reminded that I should introduce my friends. As you've probably guessed Todd, Sal, Kurt, and Leo already know them." He then introduced each of them. "Some of you may have heard us talking with Captain O'Brien when I asked if it was okay if my friends came to assist us. I believe he thought I was kidding."

"I was, and I still don't believe what I am seeing."

"Now, I believe Sarah and several others would like to answer the questions you've been wanting to ask."

"Not yet," said Éva the EMT, "we need to do a quick physical on all of you first. It will only take a few moments for each person. We have a set-up here, and one by the other bird. Adam, why don't you start off?" Several gasped, as when she finished speaking Adam immediately started peeling off his clothes. He stepped onto the platform she indicated and stood still. When it chimed he stepped away. Todd quickly moved to take his position.

Then realizing the cultural gap Éva added, "The reason we want you naked for the physical is accuracy. You could leave your underwear on. It is your choice."

"Hell, with what we have been through," said Natalia as she began to slip off her uniform, "nudity is a minor thing."

While the four squads were going through the medical exams, Adam looked at his friends, and they nodded. "Briana, did you bring our tactical suits?" asked Adam.

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Chain Gang WomenChapter 2 Marina Learns Angelinas Fate

If Marina had gone straight back to her hotel, then that would have been the end of this story. But Marina did not go back to her hotel. Instead she decided to visit Mr Marcelinus, whose invitation to the pair three years ago had been the start of the nightmare of Angelina's disappearance. She had the address and had little difficulty finding the house, which was a villa in its own grounds and very grand if dilapidated. She rang the bell and a maid let her in. Mr Marcelinus came out of a...

1 year ago
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My missing thongs

My name is Sheryl and I have two great kids, that aren't kids anymore. They are 21 and 24, a boy and a girl. Unfortunately their father died when they were young and they've been with me the whole time since then. Their names are David and Tonya, unfortunately the job market sucks and they can't get good jobs to be able to get an apartment, but I don't want them to leave just yet anyway. I'm 49, but even at 49 I still like to wear thongs. A few weeks ago I noticed that a considerably large...

4 years ago
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After the WarChapter 25 Lunch The Next Day

Jane looked round the dining room at lunch with the Colonel the next day and saw that a large proportion of those eating were men. 'I suppose that never changes, ' she thought, 'Business being discussed over good food and wine, with the women left at home to look after the children. I expect most of the women here are, like me, mistresses being put on display.' As a small group of men came into the dining room, Jane was thinking how fond of wearing uniforms the Germans were when suddenly...

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The Babysitter

The Babysitter by Richard-to-Rachel Sometimes I guess it's hard to find ways to make a bit of extra money when you're home from college for the summer. It certainly wasn't easy for me looking for work. That's why I found myself doing a bit of babysitting in my spare evenings. I know, it's the kind of work that you'd expect from a teenage girl, not a nineteen-year-old guy who should be out living it up at nights. But, it was easy work and it was money. My parents were very young for...

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Wifes friend get more then lawn mowed

Please tell me what you think:Joe is of average height about 6”, and average looks. You could just call him average at about 190 lbs with a 7 inch dick. He came home from work early that afternoon. He worked at a local military base and lived closed by. As the late June sun beat down on his shoulders, he looked mournfully at the street side trash bins that had to be pick-up and taken out to the curb for tomorrow morning. He meanders his way into the kitchen. Unfortunately, it just looked like...

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The Unsatisfied And Desperate Shubha

Hello, fellow ISS readers this is vike back with my latest experience. I hope u enjoy the story and like always keep writing your queries or text me on hangouts at This is one of the really unexpected experience I recently had. Just a quick description of mine for new readers I am 6 feet tall, well built, wheatish skin tone and a 6 inch long, 2.5-inch thick dick. One day I received a hangout text of a girl named Shobha. It didn’t have any do as girls usually wanna keep their identity secret....

1 year ago
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Stolen Moments

She rocked back and forth, awash in the inexorable pleasure of the moment, impaled on his thick cock, running her slender hands over his impressive torso. His chest hair tickled her fingers, a stark contract to the muscles of his chest and stomach, like down-covered steel. Touching him pleased her, it added sensations to her fingertips that drove her further towards orgasm. The journey her fingers took only intensified the way her sex felt, wrapped around him, stretching her as she rode him. He...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 342

They arrived together at 3PM. In the old days there would have been files and drawings to spread on my dining room table. Since it wasn't the old days, we sat at the table with laptops. I stared at the screen of my laptop at the images provided by their flash drive. "So what am I looking at?" I asked. I knew exactly what I was looking at. There were three house models in the village at Hart's Mill. The image on my screen which was labeled Bluebird was one of the house plans. "It's one...

3 years ago
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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 2 The Subjugation Of Father Francis

She had desperately wanted to wear her “bathing habit” for this excursion. It was the only convent sanctioned outfit that allowed a nun to show some skin. Typically it was worn when doing “dirty work” outside or on the rare occasion when the nuns went on a field trip to the beach. But for now, the bathing habit wasn't an option. Lilith's gift would have displayed much too prominently in that garment, so Jessica had to suffer and sweat in a full habit for a little while longer. As she did,...

2 years ago
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The Ticket Chapter One

The day it all started everything seemed normal to the point of mundanity. As he entered he noted the familiar smell of pot-pourri that seems to cling to all charity shops. He looked around the rails of secondhand clothing dominated as usual by female garments. His eyes searched swiftly and he saw the shelves of books at the back beside CDs and video tapes of discarded movies. Amongst the crop of Catherine Cooksons and Danielle Steels he noticed a real gem: The First Circle by Solzhenitsyn....

Love Stories
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Die Geschftsreise

Am Abend sitze ich alleine an der Hotelbar und kippe bereits meinen zweiten Drink herunter, um meine immer wieder aufkeimende Nervosität zu unterdrücken. „Ganz alleine, Fremder?“ höre ich da eine altbekannte Stimme hinter mir. Obwohl ich nur darauf gewartet habe, zucke ich dennoch erschrocken zusammen und fahre herum. Direkt hinter mir steht meine hübsche, erst süße zweiundzwanzig Jahre junge Ehefrau Manuela. Mit ihrem rückenlangen blonden Haar (das sie zu Hause immer zu einem jugendlichen...

3 years ago
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I Was a Modern CavemanChapter 15

(May Of Year Four to August of Year Four) I got together a group of seven scouts and myself and set off immediately. I had with me QuietlySneaky from the old cave as my right hand hominid. It took us two days of full-out hiking to make it to the outpost. We'd left in the early morning of the first day, and we arrived just after dusk on the second day. We approached the outpost very quietly, but all that caution was unnecessary. When we got there, what we found that had so disturbed the men...

2 years ago
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NIECE'S NOOKIES (mf, ff, inc) by Studs Manley After my third, and messiest, divorce, I had no place to live, no car to drive and few clothes, even. Fortunately, I did have my older sister, Linda. She and her husband had a house with a basement that had a room with a foldaway bed. They said I could stay with them till I got on my feet. Thing is, my nieces lived at home. Oh, they were out of school and working, but they figured they might as well pay rent to their mom and dad as to some other...

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With Ruchika Bhabhi

There are few relationships in life that are most sacred. Having a relationship with a family member is seen not just as a taboo but as a shameful act. Hi,mail me at after you’re done reading if you have no such beliefs,just like me. I was torn between my opinion of myself and my desires the moment I laid my eyes on Ruchika. My parents had met her’s and she was to marry my brother. I couldn’t be more stupefied. Compared to my pot bellied although successful brother, Ruchika was a Goddess....

1 year ago
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First time watched Mum changing her tights

When I was in my late teens and Mum was nearly fifty, Mum and I went to stay with an elderly relative. As they only had a two bedroom house, Mum and I had to share a bedroom with two single beds.One morning I woke up to find Mum sitting on the edge of her bed at the bottom, dressed but bending over towards the floor. I though she was putting on her shoes. 'Morning Mum' I said 'what are you doing?' She turned around and said 'Oh morning son, I thought you were fast asleep. I'm just getting ready...

2 years ago
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Abby Daddy Came Back

The Chronicles of Abby: Daddy Came Back(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This is the continuation of Part 3 of The Chronicles of Abby: He’s So Heavy. What is He Doing to Me? ‘Jeff, wake up! Hurry! Wake up now!’ urged his dad, Jim while making sure not to wake little Abby while she was still asleep beside Jeff. ‘What’s wrong, Dad?’ asked Jeff who had just awoken and feeling slightly dizzy and exhausted. ‘Quickly, wake Abby. Get her cleaned. Her dad will be arriving in about 10 minutes’ time or less....

1 year ago
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Caitlyns Treatment Ch 07

Janice and I didn’t leave John’s office that night until about 6 P.M. He had left about 45 minutes before us for some dinner date. Made me wonder if he had some ‘significant other’ in his life cause girls are naturally nosey about these things. But there was no way I could think of to ask either he or Janice about that. Course I wondered about her too, but probably not as much. Maybe I could wheedle it out of Kim one of these days – she must know. Anyhow in the parking lot Janice handed me my...

4 years ago
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The Chameleon 5

CHAPTER 5 Ivy watched Lyla/Max shoot the ad. Today they were shooting a shampoo ad for Pantene. Every time she saw her act, she was stunned. She still couldn't believe Max had perfected the Lyla's persona. It's like he was her. She beneath all that latex skin suit it was a guy. Max really was talented. Now that she had admitted to herself she had feelings for him, she felt thrilled and excited again. She had been in relationships before but this was entirely...

2 years ago
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Married Chinese Lawyer First Encounter Story

So like I explained in my post about the Married Chinese Lawyer introduction, I met her when an ex-gf of mine introduced me to her as a fuck buddy. My ex was a cuckqueen, she enjoyed watching me fuck the lawyer who was a good friend of hers. It was just purely a fuck buddy entertainment relationship for my ex. I had only met her a few times and only knew her first name. Had no idea what she did, how old she was or any other information. It was just to fuck her so my ex could watch and enjoy and...

3 years ago
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A Monday massage with 2 happy endings

Story Hi, I’m sammi. I’m Mistress Gina’s submissive husband and this will be a little story about what happened yesterday. My wife made a new friend a couple months ago, and they have been chatting on and off since. Mrs Petra is dominatrix living in Europe and they get along so well she’s letting her play with me online, I’ve been directed to obey her requests as if they came from my Mistress, and she has set up a gallery to put any pictures taken of our play. “Get you’re ass in here...

2 years ago
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The morning after

You awake feeling excellent: last night's nausea seemed to melt away in your sleep. You sit up and adjust to your surroundings. They're not familiar. This is not your room. You're not sure how you got here. You slowly look down: you have breasts. Your hand skirts down to your groin. You're a woman.

4 years ago
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My Wife8217s Niece Seduced And Had High Voltage Sex With Me

I am Zurab a young person about 40 Years of age and have family. Initially, it called it mistake, but later enjoyed having Sex with my Wife’s Brother’s daughter, Hena who has about 5 Feet 4 Inch Height, 34-28-36 figure. This started in early 2012, when Hena {My Wife’s Niece} started chatting with me on gtalk. Her age was 22 in 2012. She had another friend of similar name {Zubair} as mine on gtalk. And mistakenly, she started chatting with me about her affair with her friend. She often talked...

3 years ago
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My sexual reawaking

My name Tina 56 been married for a long time and since i was about my arly 40's have gone off sex reasons why dont know.My husband tried lots of things to get me interested even suggesting me meeting and fucking another guy and telling him when I got home ,but was always a big NO.Last year we went to Crete for 2week holiday nice hotel etc beach sun but sadly for my hub no sex .I saw him look at the girls women round pool,beach and out and often see his cock get hard my poor hub.One...

1 year ago
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CattailChapter 13

"Ralph was right on one thing," Bonnie said as the attorney headed for his sport-ute. "It's colder than the north end of a southbound husky out here." "Michigan in winter, what do you expect?" Catalina snorted. "Hell, it wasn't this bad in Korea. Let's at least get in Roger's car and get out of the wind." It was warmer in the Taurus, and the car hadn't been sitting long enough to thoroughly cool off; Roger got the engine running and the heater going, and that helped a little,...

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The Way to Paradise

It is 1809 and Napoleon is soon to marry Marie-Louise of Austria. The French are at war with Britain and Portugal. In a sleepy outpost in the Indian Ocean 2,000 kilometers off the south east coast of Africa the French-Creole inhabitants of what the Arab sailors called “Dina Arobi”, the Portugese called “Cirne” and the French now called “Ile de France” had established their own version of paradise. Turbulent times were ahead and a name change of the island to “Mauritius” was coming soon. In the...

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Alexia en mission

Alexia en missionChapitre 1 : recrutementBim Bang Bam Boum Bim Bang Bam Boum !Une jolie petite main fine se tend vers le t?l?phone pour arr?ter la sonnerie de cloche ?manant du t?l?phone pos? sur le chevetd'une chambre de la r?sidence universitaire de l'universit? de lettre de M. .- Ho la la ! Il est d?j? l'heure de se lever ! Vivement les vacances !Un second bras surgit de sous la couette pour proc?der ? un long ?tirement, pr?c?dent une la belle frimousse d'Alexia.La petite brune, 1m57 pour 42 kg, majeure depuis peu, ...

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IHaveAWife Zoey Monroe 23723

You guys want some cookies?! Zoey Monroe’s making a baker’s dozen for her cheerleading fundraiser, but she’s locked out of her house, so she goes to the neighbor she babysits for and asks if she can use his. He agrees, as long as she keeps it down because his wife and young son are asleep upstairs. So what does a horny, cock-thirsty cheerleader do? She starts bangin’ away in the kitchen like it’s Grand Central Station. Her neighbor darts into the kitchen wondering what the fuck is going on,...

2 years ago
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I admit it: I’m guilty of taking my wife for granted. I’m not exactly sure when I began neglecting Lily. Perhaps it was when I accepted the promotion to district manager from account manager. Long hours came with the responsibility of moving up and the challenge of doing something different. Those hours and the money accompanying them sustained the lifestyle Lily and I wanted: the house in Sunset Hills, the cars, her SUV and my Beemer, the electronics, the clothes, everything else that we had...

4 years ago
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Whatevers Clever

“What’s up, Shanna,” the building inspector perked up.“Not much. I was just checking to see if you can still come to my presentation tomorrow night.”“Yep! I already baby momma and she’s cool.”“Great,” delighted the sandy-haired grad student with deep, yellowish-brown skin. “I really appreciate the support. I’m sorta nervous.”“Don’t be. You’re gonna rock it!”“Thanks, Zavier. I’ll text you the address later. How’s Braxton.”“Li’l man is good,” he referred to his son. “Real good.”“Glad to...

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A couple like to play rough

She was tough, alright, just as advertised. Tall, blonde, blue-eyed and fiery, and loved her bondage sessions. She had a very high tolerance for pain too, maybe that was what I really admired about her; that she could take anything I could dish out, and then some, and that she truly loved every minute of it! I think the best time we had was when she came to me begging, pleading for me to really torture her breasts, now, how could I possibly refuse a request like that? Well, I couldn’t,...

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Educating Danielle Part 14

Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Fourteen Authors note: I commenced writing this story in 2002, so any time line reference or dates in the story are based on 2002. Karen. Chapter Fifty Nine We arrived at Kim's place at two. The butler took our bags from the car and showed us to our room. We freshened up and went downstairs to the party. We scanned the guests for Danielle. Laura had a death grip on my arm, "Don't you dare leave me by...

4 years ago
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My moms interracial encounter

This is a TRUE story of my mom when I was in high school in the late 80's.I was 18 a senior.She was 40 years old, a widow.We had lost my father a year earlier to a heart attack.She had just begun to go out with friends to night clubs and little dates with men,nothing serious.One evening she and a female friend had gotten herself ready to go out.They came and told me goodbye while I was watching tv.My mom she stood about 5 ft 4in tall,natural long curly blonde hair with a thick body(not fat)...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend 10 Sneaking Over Conclusion

I quickly jump off Amanda and start looking around to find a place to hide. I watch as Amanda fumbles and tries to get the sheets around her. I watch shadows form under the door frame. Crap. I was still standing nearly in the middle of the room while Amanda was already under her covers in her bed. I looked around deciding my options. I could hide in Amanda’s closest but I decided against it. I could try to hide in Amanda’s huge pile of stuffed animals that she still had…that could work. I...

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