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by Minds_Eye©Het was een lang, saaie dag geweest het kantoor. Ik had me de hele dag bezig gehouden met allerlei klusjes die niet echt dringend waren, en waar ik me dus wat halfslachtig vanaf had gemaakt. Een beetje duf daardoor kwam ik thuis, en daar kreeg ik een behoorlijke verassing voor mijn kiezen.De gordijnen waren dicht. Ik stapte binnen en mijn blik viel op de mooi gedekte tafel. Kaarslicht, wijn glazen, tweedelig bestek...Ik kreunde zachtjes in mezelf. Niet van genot, maar meestal als...
Ze liep zonder uit te kijken zo de weg over en voor ze er erg in had lag ze op de grond voor mijn wagen. Ik had haar aangereden, ik sprong uit mijn wagen en vroeg haar of ze wat had en hoe het met haar ging. Ze vertelde dat ze last had vaan pijn in haar been. Daar ik zelf fysio the****ut ben keek ik even naar haar been, omdat ik het niet helemaal vertrouwde stelde ik haar voor om haar mee te nemen in mijn auto naar de huisartsenpraktijk waar ik zelf ook werkzaam ben en een arts naar haar been...
Als gewoonlijk was ik weer als 1 van de eerste op mijn stage bedrijf gearriveerd. Ik ging naar boven om hier aan het werk te gaan. Na een minut of 20 kwam joske aan. Joske is een knappe vrouw van in de 20 met bruin haar en een mooie brede lag op haar gezicht. Ze droeg een lange jas met daar onder naar mijn idee een huidskleurige panty. Nieuwschieris als ik was voligde mijn ogen haar mooi lichaam tot aan haar kantoor. Onder weg moest ze iets uit de printer pakken maar het papier hiervan was op....
Omdat je er nooit meer bent als ik toevallig in de buurt ben en jij er was als ik net weg was schrijf ik je nu maar een avontuurtje die we jammer genoeg niet samen hebben kunnen vieren....... Kusssssssssssssssssssssss Ik mis je enorm grote zus en zeker afgelopen donderdag. De opkomende zon schijnt altijd op mijn slaapkamerraam die ik donker houd met een verduisteringsgordijn en donderdagochtend voelde ik al aan de temperatuur in bed dat het een mooie ochtend was. Nog half slaperig onder mijn...
MatureZoals ik in mijn vorige verhaal al had geschreven gaf mijn meester mij voldoende vrije tijd om ook ergens anders aan de slag te gaan. Naar aanleiding van het vorige verhaal werd ik via Xhamster benadert of ik niet ook 1 avond een butler dienst kon draaien. Nu doe ik dat gratis mits het maar gezellig ;-) wordt. Dus waren het al snel met elkaar eens.Op het afgesproken tijdstip belde ik aan. Een man deed open en nodigde mij uit om binnen te komen. Ik kreeg een plek in de keuken aangewezen en hij...
***Een hels ritje....*** De 18-jarige Tony staat te liften bij de afrit van een truckstop langs een drukke verkeersweg, ergens in Frankrijk. Telkens als een truck de baan weer opgaat steekt hij zijn duim op. Reeds bij de vijfde truck krijgt hij 'n lift naar het zuiden. Tot hier is hij met de trein gereist. Om geld te sparen is hij uitgestapt om de rest van het traject te liften. Hij mag voor de eerste keer alleen op vakantie en zijn ouders stonden er op dat hij op een veilige manier...
We gaan even wandelen in de avond, met de gedachte tussen de buien door maar dat kon toch net niet. Ik had er totaal niet op gerekend, meestal doet mijn vrouw leuke (niet te sexy maar wel easy acces) aan als we erop uitgaan met een mogelijkheid tot wie weet wat.... Gisteren dus niet, joggingbroek, dikke trui je kent het wel, huiselijk. Onderweg op nog geen 10 min van huis kregen we de bui der buien over ons heen. Nog snel poging tot schuilen gedaan onder een kapschuur bij een boer. Half nat van...
Ik ben een leraar op een kleine dames universiteit voor Sport en Beweging. En als ik 1 ding heb geleerd van mijn vak is dat dames tussen de 18 en 22 jaar die het vak Sport en Beweging studeren de meest geile dames zijn op deze aarde. Ik heb 2 klassen op de vrije school en ik mag zelf elk uur kiezen welke klas ik les wil geven ik zal de 2 klassen even voorstellen het zijn kleine klasjes van 4 a 5 leerlingen die ik nu allemaal snel even zal voorstellen. Klas 1:(normale klas geen bijzonderheden,...
Als ik mijn seksleven bekijk, dan wordt ik met regelmaat seksueel bevredigd door mijn seksvriendinnen. Ik ben goed geschapen, de lengte en omvang zijn bij volledige erectie meer dan gemiddeld. Ik hou ervan goede seks aan mijn meisjes te geven. Ik ben na jaren hardcore seks tot de conclusie gekomen dat zelfs de grootste frigide vrouw door een grote stijve pik om te vormen is tot een geile teef. Ik heb inmiddels een roedel teefjes om me heen verzameld en als een echte man pas ik vrij goed op hen....
Josée Moonen studies too hard so I decide it is highest time for a Long Love Lesson for my 'V.V. Virgin'Josée Moonen is my room-mate from the moment she arrives as freshman Anthropology in AmsterdamJosée Moonen is still a 'Verified 'Victorian' Virgin' back then as she is from strict small-town Catholic famJosée Moonen is having a crush on me Six years senior Almost after second B.A. & switch to other M.A.Josée Moonen is holding her breath while her hips heave - Her toes tell me when she...
Wednesday Day and Evening Diana said to me, “They know how I feel about you and they wanted our first time to be great for both of us.” “As I told her, what happens if I have fallen in love with someone other than you?” “Have you?” There was that sad and scared look I had seen over the past few days. “I have very strong feelings for three ladies, and I haven’t spent any time with Sasha yet. I see Tasha as a wonderful woman and a very close friend. I could easily ask her to be my one and...
Wednesday Day and Evening “Seriously? I’ll tell you what. If you can give that kind of orgasm, when we get home, I’ll take you out to dinner at a top-notch restaurant; then I’ll take you home for the night and do anything you want to do.” “Deal!” I quickly answered. “That was fast,” she suddenly seemed to be very leery. “I figure that by the time these two weeks are over I’ll know more, and I’ll be able to take advantage of what you have to offer.” “What if you have someone special in...
Josée M slowly shows us her tasty tight tiny titties & sexily shaven beautiful bald butterfly-belly Josée Moonen is secretly sexually very active Only in the nights when she thinks I'm really deep asleepJosée Moonen is having her right hand busy between her legs laying on her belly - Keeps looking at meJosée Moaning is getting more courageous by the week - So soon she starts to come under the showerJosée Moaning is getting more courageous by the month So in October I overhear her orgasm on...
Josée Moaning is my Fine Freshwoman roommate Sexy Student Sexuology Seems Still SexSshyJosée Moonen is secretly sexually very active Only in the nights when she thinks I'm really deep asleepJosée Moonen is having her right hand busy between her legs laying on her belly - Keeps looking at meJosée Moaning is getting more courageous by the week - So soon she starts to come under the showerJosée Moaning is getting more courageous by the month So in October I overhear her orgasm in toiletsJosée...
Introduction: submissive girl finds out who her true love is Bye Billi Jo lifted herself up, caressing the back of Dereks head, as they made sweet little kisses. Bye&hellip, he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She did not care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her boondocks family. Dont mind her. Billi Jo said as Dereks hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him...
Introduction: girl learns to be submissive to her brother Bye Billi Jo lifted herself up, caressing the back of Dereks head, as they made sweet little kisses. Bye&hellip, he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She didnt care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her boondock family. dont mind her. Billi Jo said as Dereks hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him...
Wednesday Morning and Day “Good morning,” Diana said quietly. “I want to go home,” I said. “OK. Go ahead and pack up your stuff. I’ll go and tell the girls that we’re leaving.” “I was hoping that you would let me borrow your car and that I could get out of everyone’s hair. You ladies can continue your vacation and one of them could drop you off to get your car at my apartment.” “Nonsense! I got you into this mess and I’ll drive you out of it.” “Diana, there is no reason to ruin your...
June 6, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “Jos,” I sighed. “It’s not that simple.” “Isn’t it?” “Come on! You know that would end things between Melody and me!” “I believe Melody has been good for you, but is she THE ONE? Wait! Don’t answer. If she was, you wouldn’t be dating Tasha and Katy, and you wouldn’t still be carrying a torch for Angie.” “Angie is just a friend,” I protested. Jocelyn smiled, “I’ll take that wager anytime you want to make it. You can answer my first question now.” I...
Story: Jan cums home to the deep south. (wifeslut, ped, inter, voy,b**st.Ws) Jan was feeling down. She was leaving the place where she worked forthe weekend. It was so different here in Memphis than in NorthernCalifornia. There she lived and worked across the bay from San Francisco.Here she had another boring weekend commiong up. No she caught herself. What she was doing by spending a year or two with her parents while theywere both ill, was a good thing. She longed to be back in California....
Jan was now retired, she had lived a safe predictable but comfortable life watching her children grow up, marry and make her a grandma. When she had passed sixty-two and became a widow she realised guys didn’t look at her with desire anymore as they did when she was young, she could not recall when it changed?After four decades of marriage her husband Mike passed away, Jan tried another relationship, but it didn’t last long because she realised she did not want to be tied to a man again. Jan...
MatureNeither Jan nor I, my name is John, were in the popular cliques at school but rather a bit outside of the social mix with a few good friends that we associated with. We became friendly during high school and even went to our senior prom together. Probably one of the few plutonic couples attending. We did manage to engage in a rather perfunctory kiss at her door when the evening was over. We were the kids who worked hard, paid attention to our studies and stayed out of trouble. After...
Jan was eighteen years old and laying on her back looking up at the ceiling fan in her apartment thinking back to when she had her first sexual experience. It was a little over two years ago, and it was with a married man. And as far as Jan knew his wife didn't know.When Jan was fifteen years old her parents were both killed in a car accident. Her parents had put in their will that Jan would live with their oldest and most trusted friends until she was at least eighteen years old.Jan didn't...
Straight SexJan was looking forward to tonight. Earlier that morning her husband Rick had given her a key card to a suite at a five star hotel and said he'd meet her there after he got off work. "Wear something sexy," he said. She definitely would. Jan was an obedient wife. Plus, she liked the idea of a spontaneous and naughty adventure. Since Jan was a housewife and well taken care of by Rick, she spent all day getting dolled up. She went to the spa to exfoliate her skin and make it nice and soft. She...
Jan's been married to Bob for 6 years now. It started out good. Doesn’t it always? Unless you’re one of those brides who was sold by her father and then again some of those marriages actually work out. Well Jan’s marriage hasn’t worked out at all. I think she was drunk, really drunk when she met Bob and he pulled the wool firmly over her eyes. Sure the sex was good. He was a great lover. He went down on her right from the start. He was a smooth operator, some would say a con man. She fell for...
Carole was proud of her big tits and ever since they started to develop when she was a teenager at school she was happy to show them off. Now, just over 40 years old and divorced she still took every opportunity to flaunt them. Since her divorce most of her sexual pleasure has come from the frequent use of her rabbit vibrator.She had just had a nice experience with twin brothers who had come to see her car that she had advertised. She reckoned they were slightly younger than her and in her eyes...
Jan's Story Jan's Story I don't ever want to see you again, bitch!? The door slammed behind me and I was out on the street. Three years of living with Jane had just gone up in smoke. Ok, it was my fault. Letting her find me with Cindy's head buried between my thighs had been the last straw. I might even have got away with it if she hadn't found me in much the same position with Mary a few days ago. But now the rows, like the relationship were well and truly over, and I traipsed over to...
We had first met Jon through an agency that owed us some money. According to Jon’s bio he was a part-time model, who models nude for magazines that appeal to both sexes. He insisted on being photographed by females only though, so perhaps that was a clue to his real sexuality. His bio showed some of his naked pics. He was very well hung and the pics showed him having his very erect cock pleasured by both males and females. After we showed Jan these pics she was even more determined to...
We had first met Jon through an agency that owed us some money. According to Jon’s bio he was a part-time model, who models nude for magazines that appeal to both sexes. He insisted on being photographed by females only though, so perhaps that was a clue to his real sexuality. His bio showed some of his naked pics. He was very well hung and the pics showed him having his very erect cock pleasured by both males and females. After we showed Jan these pics she was even more determined to...
Cast: Jan, Paul, Peter, Penny, Mrs Haig. The new teacher arrived in town and her name is Miss Jan Jones. She is a very conservative person, age 28. Usually dresses in white underwear, white blouse, Grey skirt around the knees, and a cardigan for school. She does this to cover her figure of 36dd, 22, 30. Because of old school teasing, she tries to hide her body from others. She had been in the three teacher school for the term and was happy her first term was finalised. Two weeks...
It was completely innocent. Pleasant also, to be sure. I'd get home at a bit before five and head to the pool, and Jan would be there. Occasionally the old couple would be there too, sometimes with their son and his wife and a grandchild, but generally Jan and I had the pool to ourselves. That was fine with me. The daily workout, twenty or thirty minutes in the pool, a good fifteen or twenty minutes of fast laps, that was good for me. After a month I noted that I seldom needed to slow down...
[ An homage to Jan B. and her husband Mike, who over the years produced so many great videos of interracial sex, and who probably helped inspire so many single women, and married couples, to slip into the interracial/cuckolding lifestyle. ]Stephanie and Jimmy had been married for just over two years when she contacted Jan about her curiosity about experiencing sex with a black man---even though she'd married Jimmy, she admitted that she'd always thought it would be exciting to at least fuck a...
As usual Ted rang her on Wednesday, by which time she was feeling more positive, consoled by Mike's words and subsequent passionate love making. Ted sounded hesitant and apologetic, and she smiled as the image of him tied naked to the bed with her panties over his face popped into her head. Eventually he apologetically told her that a friend had invited him to the races on this coming Saturday, so if she could make it any other day to come, that would suit him better. Feeling slightly put out,...
This is a continuation of my story and Jan the older church going friend. Two weeks went by after sending the pictures I had taken of Jan for her to send on to her friends in the chat room.I had looked at the pictures several times and jerked of to them twice.The memory of her body stuck in my mind, and although she was not my type, there was something about her that made me wonder what she would be like to fuck.She was extremely naive and, to me, would not know much at all, and likely be a...
………………………………………………………………………………………….. What am I doing here? Why has everything gone wrong? Remember these words. It all started when Jan, short for Janice, started at our school. She was allocated the desk next to mine in Mrs Briggs’ sixth grade class. I was rapt. My first impression was of a vision, a mass of long blond curls, an angelic face and long legs: I was smitten. I had just turned eleven, discovered girls and was hoping that soon the girls would discover me. What? Girls notice...
Story 1 by JanI have been getting tons of email from you guys asking ME to write a story about one of our, shall we say exposing times together. I have never wrote anything like this before, and Jim has kinda explained what I should write. so here goes, and I hope you guys enjoy this one.Jim and I went to a movie one night, and I wore a miniskirt and a low cut pull over top. Yes I had panties on, but no bra. At the show, Jim had his hand up my skirt, and under my panties for most of the movie....
Introduction: 17 yr old twins Jan and Johnny home from school with sexy Heidi. Switching to third-person Jan Chapter 5 HOME WITH HEIDI Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, grunted 17 year old Johnny, as he drove his big hard prick again and again into the warm, grasping cunt of his sexy mother in law. He was fucking her missionary-style on his bed. He liked being on top, but he also liked every other fuck position they had used. Body positions didnt seem to matter so much, as long as it involved his cock...
Thanks to those who were generous enough to comment on Part 1. ………………………………………………………………………………………. What am I doing here? Why has everything gone wrong? Remember those words. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. The day after being filmed fucking Jan and Sally’s Mum, Anne, I woke early and tore through the chores my Mum wanted me to do. I felt so good when I woke; I couldn’t stop thinking about the things Anne had taught me and the way her body had felt and the way my body had reacted to...
HOME WITH HEIDI “Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh,” grunted 17 year old Johnny, as he drove his big hard prick again and again into the warm, grasping cunt of his sexy mother in law. He was fucking her missionary-style on his bed. He liked being on top, but he also liked every other fuck position they had used. Body positions didn’t seem to matter so much, as long as it involved his cock being positioned inside her tight pussy. He couldn’t believe how good she felt on his the entire length of his...
My wife, Jan, and I had been married for over five years before I got up enough courage to tell her my wildest sexual fantasy. While making love one night, I told her that I wanted to see her having sex with another man. Jan's response was very clear, "No way!" she said. Over the next several months I begged, pleaded and reasoned with her, hoping to change her mind. My wife's argument was that she was virgin when we met and it would be wrong to be intimate with another man, especially...
Story 4 by JimWell, several of you have been asking for us to write about some of the things we have done. I am sure you are looking for all the naughty details, so I decided to give it a try. Oh ya, Jan is trying to put a story together too.Well, this one starts out on a nice sunny weekend. Jan and I went to our local golf course to play some twilight golf. She was wearing a very short skirt. Around the 7th hole, we noticed there was no one behind us, and no one in front of us. The hole was a...
Jan Part 2 continued.It had been a great afternoon. I had finally fucked Jan and discovered that deep down she was a slut.Her explanation of her feelings made sense and we talked again about how all her married life sex was more of a duty.She had enjoyed sex with her husband ,at times, but basically never felt fulfilled and up until a few weeks ago ,when taking the photos, had never considered or thought of herself as sexual, attractive or desirable, finding it surprising I referred to her...
The following Wednesday, Jan had just finished her usual mid week call to Uncle Ted, and Mike had been listening in. “So, he's been shopping, has he? Buying knickers for you?” he asked. “Snooping again, eh? Don't you detectives ever have a day off?” she laughed.“Yes, he has, remember he kept two pairs of mine last weekend....and I wouldn't want them back after he's been using them for you know what!” she replied. “He tried washing and ironing the first pair, and ruined them, so it's new...
“We'd better organise something for Ted's 75th next week, Jan.” said Mike. “After all, he's your last remaining relative, so we should make it a bit special really.”“Well strictly speaking, he's not. He is my step dad's brother.” Jan replied.“Yeah, I know that,but you've called him uncle for the last thirty years, so....”“I know, I know” Jan replied. “We should do something special, I suppose. Don't know what, though.”They both thought for a while, then Jan said “I know what the dirty old...
Introduction: STEVE CALLED HIS WIFE PLEASINGLY PLUMP Jan and Steve had been married for just over 10 years, had 3 young kids, and while they usually had good sex, it was infrequent, and as with most couples, it was at times, boring. Jan was chubby as a teen and still chubby as an adult, the years and childbirth had made her 36d teen breasts in to a luscious pair of 40dds. She had a sexual presence about her and was actually quite attractive to people that liked plus sized women, pleasingly...
Doreen Hannah, the eldest of the two ladies who ran our local village shop where I worked part-time, wasted no time in planning and preparing for my next spanking. She had been unsure about how I would react to her note that she had placed in my trouser pocket after that first spanking from the sisters but had been delighted that next morning when I had told her that I had read her note and agreed to be spanked at least once every month by both Maureen and herself.It was in those years before...
SpankingI still, even to this day, have no idea why I took those two ten-pound notes from the cash drawer in the room above the grocery store at which I worked part-time. I had no need to take them and was not even that way inclined. I was a good boy. Studious, polite, courteous, considerate and helpful and I had worked in Hannah’s convenience store for over three years. I had started out delivering newspapers for Doreen and Maureen Hannah, the two sisters who owned and ran the store in our village. As...
SpankingIt was the day after my eighteenth birthday in late June that year when Doreen Hannah cheerily announced to me that I would be receiving my birthday spanking during the stock take that would take place that Thursday afternoon when the store was closed for its weekly half day. I had smiled at this comment, seen as I had accepted a monthly spanking from the two sisters months back. Although their punishments hurt and left me feeling their efforts for days afterwards, I did enjoy having my bottom...
SpankingTed struggled out of his shirt, and Mike brought them a brandy each. Jan took a big drink, then the opening bars of “Je t'aime” started. She smiled. “Good choice, Mike!” she said. She began a slow, sensual dance, hovering over Ted, rubbing her hands over her naked body, and then turned round and stuck her bum at him. She leaned forward, knowing that he would be able to see her cunt as well. She turned and said quietly, watching his eyes,“Go on, it's your birthday. Go on, you know you want to...
Wow! That has to be the sexiest thing I've ever seen!” Mike exclaimed. “I almost came without even touching it!” Jan looked at his firm hard on and laughed. “I can see that! So, you enjoyed it, did you, watching me acting like a total slut?” she asked. “Enjoyed it?” he replied. It was amazing!” Jan had made a very impatient Mike wait until they'd showered and were in bed, before she gave him her phone to download the video she'd taken, so that they could watch it on the TV screen in bed. As...
I work with quite a few people from around the country. My company currently operates in 10 states across the south and Midwest. Consequently I meet some other employees that lean the same way I do. :) Jan is a petite woman in her late 50's. She is from the southeast. We were having a series of meetings about an upgrade of services. She was on my team. During a team dinner one night we go to talking and as one of the younger women in our group said that her college days were wild and...
“Lovely work, Nicola.” Doreen Hannah smiled before turning her attention to her sister, who was still sitting on the high-backed dining room chair.“Perhaps have him in Nicola’s lap whilst we strap and cane his bottom, Sis?” The older Hannah sister asked, smiling at Nicola, and then at Maureen, who got up from the chair.“Lovely. And maybe Peter can start thinking about what he would like for his birthday “treat” whilst we smack his naughty little botty?” She laughed as she adjusted her blouse...
SpankingCopyright© 1994-2003 "Said a pornographistic young poet 'Although I perhaps do not show it, My interest in sin Is wearing quite thin, And I'll soon tell those fuckers to stow it.'" -author unknown Jan was not overly attractive. Nor was she someone I would have normally taken a passing notice in, except, I had been friends, and partners, with her husband for several years. Every woman I have ever met, I have to consider the pros and cons of a sexual relationship with her....
SCHOOL ##Johnny## At school the next day, I couldn’t get sex out of my head. I kept getting a hard-on that pushed out on my loose boxer shorts and jeans conspicuously. I knew that my cock was uncommonly large. That usually didn’t bother me; most times I was proud of having a big cock, but right now I was damned embarrassed and wished that my stiff boner was smaller. I first tried having it point up, held against my belly at the waist by the elastic waistbands of my boxer shorts and...
HEIDI I rose naked from Mark’s bed and stretched like a big feline, feeling almost content for the moment and almost sleepy enough to call it a night. On the bed my new husband lay on his stomach asleep and also naked. I loved to see him naked, to see the naked butt that only a short time ago had strained mightily to drive his huge, hard cock into my sex hungry pussy until I came again and again. He was one of the best lovers I ever had, which was of course one of the main reasons I...
Their foreplay sessions seemed to lead to one guy a lot, and she had never even slept with him. He was a man named Hanson from her work, he was younger, and had a two year crush on her, and she was more than mildly attracted to him, the only problem was, he had transferred to another store some 50 miles away. He had tried for months to fuck her, and had called her a few times after he relocated, still trying, but the most she ever did was kiss him at a Christmas party, and a steamy kiss...