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After a short distance Tyra staggered and fell to her knees. She knelt here momentarily trying to balance the heavy burden across her shoulders, but couldn't. She fell forward onto her face. Two soldiers had to put her back on her feet and the on-lookers laughed. The procession moved on. When she fell a second time, the centurion became worried that she was so weakened by the severe flogging that she could not carry the patibulum from the Praetorium to the site of the crucifixion and still have enough life left her for a good show on the cross. So one of the on-lookers was summoned to carry her cross for her, and the processional then made its way to the execution ground. The crowd swelled as the procession wound its way through the streets and more and more people realized that the Romans were going to crucify a woman.

The upright portion of the cross, the stipes, was left in the ground at Golgotha, the site of all the city's crucifixions. Near its base Tyra's clothes were roughly pulled from her body, once again opening the scourge wounds. This big-chested brunette would be crucified nude.

She was offered a drink of wine mixed with myrrh but, unlike the men, not allowed to drink. The centurion wanted her to experience the full agony of the cross.

The two thieves were crucified first. Tyra watched in terror as each one was tied to the patibulum and hoisted into the air. Once raised up, the soldiers tied their feet to the sides of the stipes. Even though they were muscular and tough looking, she could see how they acted and she dreaded her turn.

The centurion grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her to the ground. Two of the soldiers took her arms and positioned her wrists over the patibulum. Tyra's crime was sedition and for that she would be nailed to the cross. Tyra resisted wildly when she realized she would be hung on the cross with nails. She had seen prisoners die both ways and she knew the nails multiplied the agony many times over. The crowd pushed closer for a better view. Everyone wanted to see her reaction as the first nail was driven into place. Tyra was laying on the ground with her head about a foot below the center of the patibulum. One soldier pinned her feet to the ground while two others each placed a knee in the crook of her elbow and pulled her fingers back over the top of the crossbeam. Her huge breasts sagged toward the sides of her chest and wobbled as she struggled with the soldiers. Each breast overhung her ribs by five or six inches. The crowd was close and Tyra looked up into the excited leers on the men's faces as they waited for the real torture to begin.

With arms outstretched but not taut, the wrists were nailed to the patibulum. The centurion placed the nail, swung the hammer and drove it through her right wrist and into the wood. Tyra's mouth opened and her eyes bulged. She screamed and babbled incoherently. She arched her back and rose up onto the top of her head. The centurion quickly finished with her right wrist and moved over to the left to repeat the process. She writhed in agony as the soldiers held her down and the centurion crucified her. The iron spikes were driven between the radius and the carpels and although a nail could pass between the bony elements and produce no fractures, Tyra was not so lucky. Furthermore, the nails crushed the median nerves and produced excruciating bolts of fiery pain in both arms. Ischemic contractures and impalement of various ligaments by the iron spikes produced claw-like grasps. After both wrists were securely fastened, the soldiers lifted the patibulum and dragged Tyra over to her stipes. Once this sweat-trenched, panting woman was on her feet and leaning against the stipes with two soldiers supporting the weight of the patibulum, the centurion turned and addressed the crowd.

"All hail Tyra, your queen!" he shouted. "She is guilty of fanning the flames of rebellion and now she will be punished for her seditious behavior! Let her suffering be a warning to all that Rome will not tolerate rebels!"

He turned back around and gave the signal. Tyra was jerked up off the ground. As they raised her up the high stipes and her feet left the ground, her full 107 pounds pulled at the wounds in her broken wrists and Tyra twisted from side to side in an erotic dance of agony; the jerky movements causing her huge bare breasts to sway seductively. As she was dragged up the rough wood, the whip marks on her back snagged and ripped open further. This forced her to arch her back and to push with her feet and head in the vain attempt to keep her back from the wood.

Once she reached the full height of the cross, Tyra's lean, 5'-4" frame dangled from the nails in her wrists as the patibulum was slipped onto the stipes and the two pieces secured with rope. Only then were her feet nailed to the stipes by means of an iron spike driven through the top of each foot. Every hammer blow caused Tyra's whole body to shudder and her head to jerk up and down. The bloodthirsty crowd watched excitedly as this brunette with big melons was nailed to the cross. The nails in her feet severed the plantar arteries and pressed against the plantar nerves. This caused horrific pain to shoot up both legs and into her belly. The expression on Tyra's face told everyone that she was fully conscious and felt everything. The sweat poured out of her like rain. Every time she tried to straighten her legs, the nails caused her feet to arch and her toes to pull back. The centurion had expertly driven the nails in just far enough to keep her from straightening her legs all the way so that she couldn't support her weight on her leg bones. Instead, she was forced to use muscle strength to hold herself up. With Tyra and the two thieves fully crucified, the tituli were nailed to the crosses above their heads.

Tyra panicked at the thought of actually being crucified. This was more than she had bargained for. She wanted the Romans out but she never thought she'd end up on the cross! The pain was unbelievable; worse than anything she could have imagined. In her eighteen years she had watched many others die this way and had even helped to torment some of them as they suffered. Now she knew what a horrible death it was. Tyra struggled wildly in the foolish hope that she could somehow find a position that would ease the pain, but there was none. The agony seemed to build with every second and she wondered how she would ever be able to endure the hours of suffering before she finally died. Tyra's struggle only served to excite the crowd. The more she moved, the more she moaned, the more her tits jiggled, the wilder the crowd became. They came to watch a heavy-chested woman suffer and they were not disappointed.

Tyra soon learned that the major effect of crucifixion, beyond the excruciating pain, was a marked interference with normal respiration, particularly exhalation. The weight of her voluptuous body, pulling down on the outstretched arms and shoulders, fixed the intercostal muscles in an inhalation state and thereby hindered exhalation. Accordingly, exhalation was primarily diaphragmatic, and breathing was shallow. The onset of muscle cramps, due to fatigue and hypercarbia, hindered respiration even further. She suffered excruciating pain from the muscle cramps and the terror of near suffocation every time she stayed in the hanging position too long.

But every breath was a dilemma. Adequate exhalation required Tyra to lift her body by pushing down on the feet and flexing her outstretched and uplifted arms. This caused almost unbearable pain in her feet, legs and belly as the nails ground against the plantar nerves. As a result, each breath was agonizing and tiring and would lead eventually to asphyxia.

As she slid up and down against the rough wood, the lacerations on her back snagged and ripped open again and again. In addition, her squirming on the cross caused copious amounts of blood to pump from her foot wounds as the holes in the bottoms of her dirty bare feet stretched and changed shape whenever she pushed and pulled against the nails.

This cycle was repeated thousands of times during the day.

The crowd taunted Tyra mercilessly. Even though three were crucified, most of the taunting was directed at Tyra on the center cross. Her firm 38D breasts topped by large, hard, oval nipples being the obvious object of their torment. Even the two men hanging on either side of her couldn't resist the urge to join in. The thief on the left cross was especially persistent in describing what he would like to do to her.

She listened to the ugly shouts and lies that the mob threw at her. Some of the comments were so infuriating that Tyra shouted back at them. But since speech occurs during exhalation, these short, terse utterances were particularly difficult and painful. Mostly she just moaned. The taunting and mockery was so frustrating that she couldn't contain herself. She shook her head violently and cursed her tormentors the best she could but this only encouraged them more. The stream of insults from the people was non-stop. Several times she even forgot herself and banged her head back against the stipes, driving the thorns of her crown deep into her scalp.

The soldiers knelt at the base of her cross and rolled dice for each piece of her clothing. As they divided up her clothes, one or the other of the soldiers would periodically call out to her. When she'd look down at them, he'd hold up this or that piece of clothing and tell the nude bitch nailed to the cross above his head what a good gift it would make to one of the other local whores.

Tyra needed water. She hadn't had a drink since she was arrested and the hot sun and long hours of brutal torture had dehydrated her to the point that her lips were dry and cracked, her tongue swollen and her throat felt as though it had been packed with sand. The soldiers ignored her at first, but she was persistent. Eventually, the centurion, not wanting the prisoners to die too fast, ordered one of the soldiers to give them all water. Tyra watched as he soaked a sponge and stuck it onto the end of his spear. He went to the thief on the right cross first and held the sopping sponge up to his face. The man sucked the water from the sponge greedily. Tyra watched as some of the water dribbled down his chin and dripped onto his chest. Then the soldier stepped back and re-soaked the sponge. Tyra groaned in frustration as he walked past her to the criminal on the left cross and let him drink. When it was dry he lowered it again and stepped in front of Tyra. She squirmed in anticipation as he stood there looking up at her.

"Water!" she panted, "Need water!"

He said, "If I do, what will you do for me?"

He let his eyes slide down to her chest and said, "You've got great tits, Tyra, and I love those big nipples. Maybe you'll let me play with your jugs for awhile."

He stepped closer and prodded her breasts with the sponge-capped spear. He used it to swing them back and forth. Tyra gritted her teeth and turned her head to the side as the soldier prodded and lifted first one breast and then the other. The sponge had come off by this time and the point of the spear dug into her heavy, firm tits as he lifted them up and away from her ribs. The shouts and whistles from the crowd showed their approval as the soldier m*****ed her. Eventually, he tired of his game and put the sponge back on the spear, soaked it and rubbed it into her face saying, "Here's your water, bitch, you earned it."

Tyra realized that her tormentor on the left cross hadn't taunted her for awhile and she looked over at him. He was hanging by his arms and struggling for breath. His arms had been d****d back over the patibulum and tied in an awkward angle at the elbows. The way his feet were tied to either side of the stipes made it difficult for him to use them to push up and ease the strain in the arms. Even so, he was moving rhythmically by arching his back and pushing the best he could with his legs. After a few moments in the raised position, he'd drop back to the hanging position and then repeat the process. Tyra watched his strong-looking chest heave whenever he reached the raised position. When she dropped her eyes she saw the biggest, fattest erection of her life. She had seen other men get involuntary erections while crucified and some had even ejaculated. This one looked like he was about to do the same. He looked over at her as his body went rigid. Then his eyes squeezed shut and he moaned several times until a long, thick stream of white semen squirted out of his engorged penis. The crowd roared as his hips bucked wildly and he sprayed three lesser streams onto the ground.

Tyra's shoulders ached more than she had ever known. She felt as though she were being slowly pulled apart. In fact, that was exactly what was happening to her. The hours of her weight pulling at the muscles and ligaments holding the shoulder joints together taxed them to their limits. Shortly after she had lowered herself into the hanging position for what seemed to her like the millionth time, she felt the joint give way and the right arm pop out of its socket. Tyra screamed at the horrible pain as her body tilted and her shoulder assumed an odd angle. She thrashed wildly as she tried to raise herself back up onto her feet. She groaned and cried out the whole time she struggled and her breasts swung from side to side to the delight of the crowd. She pushed with her feet and pulled with her left arm in an effort to take the strain off the dislocated right shoulder. Once she regained her footing, her body shook from the effort of holding herself up. The nails still caused excruciating pain, but for the moment it was over-shadowed by the blinding fire burning in her shoulder. As she stood there, she felt the left arm pull away and she fell back into the hanging position. The force of the drop stretched her jugs when her body abruptly stopped at the bottom of its fall but her big fat breasts continued on for another half second or so. When they had stretched as far as they could, they bumped together, bounced back up and wobbled back and forth.

Tyra fainted as the pain exploded in her head. When she awoke, she marshaled all her will- power and pushed against the nails in her feet. The nerves screamed their message up her legs as the full weight of her body pressed against the shafts of the two nails. She leaned forward from the waist drunkenly as her legs straightened, twisting her shoulders and putting new pressure on them. Even so, she was unable to straighten herself any further. She lifted her head and looked at the crowd. She begged for someone to kill her, but her pleas were only met with curses. The excitement coursing through the mob built to its highest level yet. Everyone knew this tortured cunt couldn't hold out much longer.

The best parts of a crucifixion are at the beginning and the end. In the beginning the prisoner thrashes frantically from the pain and the realization that he or she has been put on a cross to die. Tyra was more fun than most to watch during the initial stages of her execution. She was beautiful and strong and had obviously been terrified and in agony. At the end it was good because the instinct to live is strong and forces the prisoner to fight the inevitable, even though the suffering is unbearable. The mob hoped that Tyra's death on the cross would be as erotic as the beginning.

Her back twisted and arched constantly as she tried to find a position that would make the pain bearable. There was none. Tyra moaned non- stop at the top of her lungs and her breasts swung around in a circular motion as she squirmed. She lowered herself into the hanging position, rotated her hips forward and spread her knees as she hung by the nails in her wrists; fully exposing herself to all. The mob eyed the snatch sitting at the apex of two shapely legs and surrounded by a thick crop of curly black hair. They watched the two huge breasts wobble as she gasped for breath. They watched her hips pump in a frenzy of ineffective activity as she tried to resist the inevitable.

Shortly after four in the afternoon, after six agonizing hours on the cross, Tyra cried out in a loud voice. Her head lolled from side to side and then fell against her chest. Suddenly, her head jerked up, her chest heaved and she shook violently. Then her head fell back against her chest and she began to quiver. The onlookers recognized her moment of death and watched spell-bound as she quivered in her death throes. Soon she stopped moving and just hung there, her eyes and mouth open.

Since the local religious leaders did not want the bodies to remain on the crosses after sunset, the beginning of the Sabbath, they asked the governor to order crucifracture to hasten the deaths of the three crucified criminals. The soldiers broke the legs of the two thieves, but when they got to Tyra, she looked dead already. Just to make sure, though, one of them rammed his spear up through Tyra's left breast and buried it in her chest.

Once the two thieves were dead, all three bodies were taken down from the crosses. The men were easy to remove. First the ropes holding their feet were cut; then the ones holding their arms to the patibuli. The bodies fell to the ground and were thrown into a cart. Because Tyra had been nailed to the cross, it was harder to get her down. The soldiers used a special tool to pry the nails from her feet. After freeing the feet, one of the soldiers examined the holes left by the nails. He was always amazed at how big the holes got as the crucifixion wore on. He held a foot up and could look through the hole and could almost get two fingers into it. Once the feet were free, another soldier propped a ladder against the back of the cross and climbed up to free the arms. He used the tool to pull the nail from the left wrist. Tyra's body had not yet begun to stiffen and it flopped down and hung by the remaining nail. When that one was pulled, the body crumpled to the ground in a heap and was thrown into the cart with the two men. The bodies were taken to a lime pit and thrown in.

The public had witnessed Tyra, the eighteen year old queen of the Jews, tortured to death on the cross.

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It is Thursday and I have been busy working outside sweating profusely. My phone was ringing and I ran to answer it. It was from a number I did not recognize. I picked up the handset. “Hello,” I said hesitantly. “Cal? This is Karen. How are you doing? I am nearby and would like to stop by. Is that all right?” she asked. “I was just coming in to take a shower. Come on by. That would be nice,” I said softly. “Good, I will be there in 5 minutes. We can shower together,” Karen said seductively....

Oral Sex
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Separating the TwinsChapter 8

The party was going to be at Mom and Dad's. I fell into the preparations for it with quite a degree of comfort, and anticipation. You can't help but think about it. I was going to get laid. Just thinking about that made me wet. I've asked guys what they think about during the day of a party, and the answers don't make sense. Some guys actually get hard, others have told me they picture a room full of naked women, and others sort of relive, in anticipation, the joy of coming. Three...

1 year ago
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If He Will No Bow Let Him Curtsy

If He Will Not Bow, Let Him Curtsy by Susan Fantasy No one in North America Central (the World Region that formerly had been the continental United States) knew exactly when, as the whole matter had an A-Neutronic classification (the same as nuclear secrets), but a cure for homosexuality had been found. It was named Rubin Imprint Technology (RIT). It was not a perfect cure. Certain categories of homosexuals such as children younger than twelve and adults...

1 year ago
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An Attachment Is Made Ch 03

Part 3 — Please Sally walked down the road to the station in the morning. She sighed. It hadn’t been that bad. She could cope, it was only for a month after all, or so the guard had said, but how was she going to juggle this — this what? How should she de­scribe it — juggle this new obligation with being with Jerry? Jerry would sus­pect she was seeing someone else… and she was—actually. Well that was one way to dump him, if she did want to, especially now. She thought about the guard and his...

3 years ago
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Auntie Sarah Spanks Part One

I knocked on the door. I was so looking forward to the next six weeks. I was staying with my Aunt and my cousins over the summer break from University. My cousin Holly opened the door, smiled, and held her finger to her lips. I said nothing.   “Hi Emma” she said loudly.   She looked gorgeous. Her black hair flowing down her shoulders, her black sleeveless t-shirt showing her bare midriff, black bra straps showing, and her red mini skirt. It took my breath away. We were both...

4 years ago
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Bse Geschichte

Die Überschrift "Staatsanwalt von Mob ermordet", erregt Kevins Interesse und er klickt den Beitrag auf. Der Text ist schnell gelesen. Staatsanwalt McMurphy, der McMurphy, der versprochen hatte, mit dem Einfluss der Mafia aufzuräumen, war gestern am späten Abend mit zwei Schüssen in der Tiefgarage des Gerichtsgebäudes regelrecht hingerichtet worden. Mit McMurphy wurde eine junge Angestellte eines privaten Sicherheitsunternehmens, die zu seinem Schutz engagiert worden war, ebenfalls...

2 years ago
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I first met Janet when we were both in college. She's actually four years or so younger than me, but I took a couple years off after high school, to make some money, and then went to the junior college on the part-time plan, before heading off to the big university. So by the time we met, I was a senior, and she was a junior.We met in a class we had together, and pretty quickly, we ended up studying together fairly regularly. Frankly, I had never met anyone like her -- our personalities seemed...

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BusherChapter 2 Dave

Alex Harrell is our first baseman. The guys call him Moneybags, because he was a second-round draft choice last year -- the same draft in which I was drafted in the fifth round. When you're a second-round pick by a club that finished as low in the standings as the Orioles did that year, it means you were picked pretty high, because the low-finishers get to pick earliest. So Alex had gotten drafted somewhere in the range of 30th to 40th overall. That is pretty high, and it means if you've...

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Evening Light Ch 06

This is the conclusion to Grace and Lucas’ story. I hope you like it. As always, your comments are always valuable. Enjoy * Lucas again avoided Grace as much as he could. He could tell she was mad at him for walking out but he needed to sort out his feelings. He owed her that much. His sister had called telling him that she was coming for a visit. He was thrilled, he missed her since she and her husband moved. They weren’t that far but work and other commitments meant they didn’t see each...

1 year ago
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The GiftChapter 5

I was jogging on the track. Boring, but something I did to create stamina. I had little weights on my ankles, and on my wrists. It is amazing how just a few ounces of weight can cause your muscles to ache faster, and your body to work harder! The track was a quarter mile oval. Four times around was a mile, and I was on the third circuit of my second mile. Just one more mile to go, thank god! Five more trips around the oval and I could hit the showers. That's when I noticed the older man on...

3 years ago
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The PE teacher had buzzed ahead telling me to expect you. She had not however, prepared me for exactly what I was to be punishing you. I could easily have lost my job for the punishment I chose for you. Christ, I really should lose my job for the punishment I chose for you.There was a knock at the door…“Come!” I shouted.You stepped inside. You were still wearing your gym clothes…a tight, powder blue top, showing-off those incredible, juicy tits to perfection. Below…you were wearing a tiny gym...

Straight Sex
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Madame Cerise Part II

Madame Cerise, Part II By Melissa Anne Curling Author's note: It has been quite a while since the first part of this story. The following contains more regarding Colette and his Mistress, Madame Cerise. The end of this segment contains a VERY strong sexual scene involving Madame Cerise, Julie, and Colette. It is mildly incestuous so this story has a XXX rating. If you don't want to go there, when you reach the part in the story line where everyone involved in the evening at Madame...

2 years ago
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Sharing Jacks Bed Part 4

He took me upstairs and to the bathroom to look at my elbow, which I had landed on harder than I thought. Jack set me up on the sink before starting to clean out the cut I had managed. Just as he finished up I looked him square in the eye. “What's the prognosis, doctor? Will I live?” Setting his hands on my hips, he stepped so that his body was in between my legs. “I don't know what I'd do with myself if you didn't.” His eyes were purely sincere “I'm here as long as you want...

1 year ago
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Teacher Training

Teacher Training [email protected] Jane's life had come full circle. She was now a fully fledged teacher at her old school. At the comparatively young age of 23 she was one of few female teachers in the school and by over a decade the youngest. So few things had changed that it felt quite strange to be back, not least because her schooldays here had been something of an ordeal. Indeed as she walked down the corridor to meet with the Headmaster she was feeling the same stomach churning...

3 years ago
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Aunt Became Close To Me

Hi all, Bullet Raja is back. Thanks to all the readers who gave their feed backs for my early story. So here is the continuing part of “Aunt became close to Uncle’s Friend”. As usual, any matured aunties, young girls (virgin or non-virgin) who are in Karnataka and are looking for great pleasure feel free to email me or ping me on hangouts You can share your stories too, I’ll write it for you in this forum. Please send your feedback also. After seeing her hot sex video with Praveen, I jerked...

4 years ago
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Starbucks Encounter with a STRANGER Video in my P

So this is a real encounter that happen to me last Monday March 28, 2015. I had a meeting with a client downtown. Anticipating traffic, I left a little early and to my surprised arrived about 30 mins early. I got myself americano and took a seat. Interesting when you don't have nothing to do you start scanning the room seeing what others are doing. In the table in front of me I noticed this gorgeous, curvy young woman. She got lots of hair. Her back is to me at first so I can only see that she...

3 years ago
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Cruising and Swinging 1

Sex in the SaunaMy wife and I hadn’t had a decent holiday in a few years due to poor hotels and rotten weather. We’d splashed out on a two week Mediterranean cruise and the forecast was great weather, good food and plenty of rest.We were able to board the ship at 11:30 and didn’t waste any more time on shore than was necessary. We spent two hours acquainting ourselves with the layout of the ship and having coffee in many of the ship’s bars.Feeling like a swim, we headed back to our cabin to get...

2 years ago
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night in the park

Probably shouldn't share this but somehow I can't keep it in. It was about a year ago, very late one warm early autumn night, coming home from work. I got off the subway and was starting through the little park that was there when you came down from the station, when I saw on a bench away from the lights a woman, her legs spread wide and her loose dress pulled all the way up so her thighs were bare. It seemed like she didn't notice me until I got right in front of her, and then she laughed a...

1 year ago
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An Unexpected Visitor2

Gary was lost in the moment of passion as he rapidly sexed my unprotected bung hole. Whimpering quickly like a wild a****l, I held tightly to my toes as Gary worked up to his finally. Like a luv struck teenager, I laid beneath Gary spread open allowing him to have his way with me till he gave out a low growl and rapidly slammed back and forth till he lodged all his man meat deep in my bowels and his mighty penis exploded like Krakatoa flooding my anal chute with his thick, white, baby batter....

4 years ago
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The Creature chapter eleven

CHAPTER ELEVEN I was alone in the house when I woke up the next morning. She'd closed my blinds, so that I wouldn't be woken up by the sunrise. Thankfully, she put my bedside lamp on a timer so that it came on and woke me up. But that was at 11AM. And by then, she was at work and both my brothers were at school. Seeing that I was home alone, and would be that way for a few hours, I decided to take advantage of my freedom. I put on an outfit that I'd never worn before - a shiny, black and pink...

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The chimerical falsehoods of Lady Justice

Iustitia was walking the streets of tokyo late at night with Kyle, Known deviant and distributor of lewdity of the aforementioned super heroine. Despite this he hadn't technically broken any law and this Iustitia had no means of subduing him for this behavior. So her efforts were acutely diverting his attentions away from such wrong doings. At this time the pair were strolling down the street till they passed a vending machine "Yo it's a sparkling water machine. I hear this stuff's supposed to...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Maddy Maguire 8220The Baddie8221 Teacher

21 year old “The Baddie” Teacher (I just made that up) is here today. She used to be a teacher or teacher’s aid or something, but that’s probably not going to be the case after this video hits the streets. Beneath that shy personality is an absolute super freak just waiting to come out. It’s girls like this that make life worth living, she’s a true embodiment of a slut who just wants to be used. I think, and this is just my opinion, the shock of “lights, camera, action” when she walked in...

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bos Will Be bos

‘Jon, are you done already?’ Darryl, my b*****r, called as he knocked on my door. I opened the door slightly inviting him in as I pulled on my shirt. ‘Yea, I’m almost done. Why? Are we going to be late?’ Darryl laughed curtly, and said, ‘Nah! I was just thinking what took you so long’, as he flopped onto my bed. I smiled as I looked at him, adjusting the collars on my shirt. Darryl was 18, two years younger than me, but we had roughly the same build and height. Sometimes, I think we look...

4 years ago
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Taming the Tease Ch 7

Introduction: Ch 1-6 available! Chapter 7 Dave had a tough life. He was in his sixties and still slaving away at his plumming job so that he could have enough money for retirement. All of this hard work had taken a toll on him physically. He was a big fellow with a muscular frame, standing in at 62. He had really packed on some fat. He now weighed over 300 lbs, and had a very big gut to show for it. He had no hair except for the sides of his head, but he kept his head hidden under a greasy...

3 years ago
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Dont You Dare Come

“Doctor Jacobson. Doctor Jacobson. Charlotte!”The voice cut through the haze in Charlotte’s mind. Though she snapped back into reality, it didn’t prevent the reflexive and quite embarrassing, “Huh, what?” from slipping past her lips. She clutched the clipboard tighter to her chest as she managed to tear her gaze away from the patient lying on the hospital bed.The attending look annoyed, “Please provide a summary of the patient’s symptoms and what you believe should be our prescribed course of...

Straight Sex
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Take a Walk on the Wild Side Pt 1

I'd been married to Connie for nearly 10 years when this story began. I was 44 and she was 32. We had a beautiful daughter who was 4 year old. Connie's as gorgeous and sexy today as the first time I saw her in the perfume department of a large chemist in the City Centre 12 years ago. She has fantastic thick shoulder length strawberry blonde hair and looks a bit like the actress Nicola Stephenson; especially her cheeky smile and freckles. If we won the lottery she'd like bigger boobs but...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Evelin Stone It8217s Okay She8217s My StepSister

When Rion King is solicited by his stepmother to watch him masturbate, he has no one else to turn to but his stepsister for guidance. He is quite upset. Especially cause she is so much older than him. Wanting desperately to see how big her stepbrother’s cock gets when hard, Evelin Stone shows off her tight twat and Rion is instantly sporting wood. It doesn’t take long for Evelin to have that shaft down her through and soon enough in her sweet little winking pink pleasure sprocket....

4 years ago
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Monika and Gina read CHYOA

“Hey Gina.” “What, Marcie?” “I recently stumbled upon this website called CHYOA...” “Uhu...is that something you can eat?” “From a certain point of view. Its a site where authors share stories with each other. There is also a focus on choosing your own path. Basically it's like one of these Choose your own adventure books all of us read as a child.” “Do I look like a nerd to you? So it's a place for loser nerds to connect with other loser nerds, sounds perfect for you.” “Actually, there is...

3 years ago
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My Wife Likes Spike

Like a fool I told my wife Rachel I had ordered a chastity device on the internet. Even though we are separated we still talk to each other, maybe too much.It started when I told her when I went to pay for an item I bought on the internet which required Paypal, and that I had to resurrect my old Paypal account. I told her I was surprised my old account was still active. She was surprised too. It had been at least 6 years since I used it last.She was curious about what I had bought and she was...

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My First Facial Experience

I liked to think of myself as the perfect girlfriend, the girl who would do anything to make her man happy. I knew what boys wanted. They wanted me in a tight top that showed off my tits, tonight I was wearing my favorite tank top, one that showed off my above average figure and gave more than a peek at my cleavage. They wanted me in short shorts. These ones barely covered my ass. They wanted my lips wrapped around their cock. The red lipstick that coated my lips that night was just a bonus. I...

Oral Sex
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My New Neighbours Part 5

It was Saturday morning and I was sure routines would change so I was under no illusions that I would see Shaz or Lucy over the weekend. I pulled back the curtains and as expected Lucy’s curtains were tightly closed even though it was after 9.I slipped on my robe and headed for the kitchen to make some coffee, I pulled the blind up allowing the morning sun to filter through, another nice weekend in store.I glanced up as I poured the coffee and saw Shaz putting a couple of things into the...

1 year ago
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Do Chut Ek Lund 8211 Part 1

Ye kahani teen doston ki hai, jo ki friends with benefits the. Is kahani ka har part alag hoga, aur apne aap mein poora hoga. Ek kahani padhne ke liye doosri kahani padhne ki zaroorat nahi padegi. Har kahani mein khoob chut lund ka khel hoga, aur jam kar chudai hogi. Prerna, Sana aur Ankit(main) ab pakke dost the. Hum sab kuch share karte the, aur hamari sari fantasies bhi, aur unko poori karne ki koshish karte the. Ye kahani wahi ek fantasy ko poora karne ke baare mein hai. Prerna aur Sana ne...

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