MaquisChapter 3 free porn video

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Preston. Two weeks later

“There’s been a guy asking questions.”

“Oh?” The response was almost dismissive, the speaker barely acknowledging the person he was talking to as he continued to read the document on his desk, scribbling the occasional note on it.

“Asking about Nik Griffin and the BNP. He was trying to link it to the Truth And Freedom Party.”

The person seated put down his pen and looked up.

“When was this?”

“About two weeks ago?”

“Why are you asking me? Either it was or it wasn’t. So when was it?”

“Um. About two weeks ago. It were a Saturday. I know that ‘cos he caught me coming out of the match.”


“I was coming out of Victory Park. I remember that ‘cos Chorley had just got an unexpected, and frankly quite undeserved draw. The main bar was crowded so I had to take him into the private bar. That was the last weekend in April.”

There was a sigh. “What is your name?”

“Gerald Greengrass. Gerry.”


“Sports writer. Journalist.”

“And why are you telling me this?”

“Well,” Gerry paused. He had gone to see a friend about this, someone high up in the local BNP. That friend had directed him here.

“I was told you should know.”

There was another sigh. “And how old is your informant?”

“Oh, he wasn’t an informant, he was, he was someone I used to know.”

“Friend then.”

“No. Not a friend. Not exactly. More a long time aquaintance.”

“So why did he tell you?”

“He didn’t. He was asking me as a reporter what I knew.”

“And you told him what? Exactly.”

“Nothing.” Gerry was feeling rather uncomfortable now. The smallish man in front of him with his pebble-lense glasses seemed cold and clinical. Devoid of human warmth. Devoid, in fact, of any personality.”

“So what,” began the man, whose name Gerry still hadn’t been able to determine.

“I just said I’d investigate.” Gerry’s hurried interruption didn’t seem to phase his interlocutor.

“And what did you investigate?” The man’s voice seemed to have got icier.

“Well, nothing. I basically already knew.”

“And you say this was two weeks ago?”

“Yeah, the last Saturday in April.”

“And you’ve only just said something now? Why is that?”

“Um. Well, I wasn’t certain who to talk to. I asked someone in the party,” he didn’t need to say which party, both men knew he was referring to the all but defunct British National Party. “They said come here.”

The response was a glare.

“In any case, he’s over seventy and I didn’t think it mattered that much anyway.”

“Over seventy? Oh. So now you’re wasting my time. Go away.”

“He were in the army.”

The cold face came up again fast. “What?”

“He was in the army. Him an’ his mates.”

“Which regiment?”

“Dunno. He doesn’t like to talk about it. Says it’s private.”



“Did he tell you it was a secret?” The question was asked in a slow and deliberate manner, as if to a child. Or a drunkard. And that, Gerald realised to his shame, was what this man was seeing him as.

“No. Just said he didn’t want to remember.”

“Interesting. His name?”

“Ted Eckersall.”

“Edward Eckersall?”

“Uh, yes. And Bill, er, William Sharples. There’s another couple o’ guys as well, but I’m not sure what their names are. One might be called Tommy. Or Jimmy. Not sure.”

“Were they all in the army?”

“I think so, yes. I’m sure they were. I know one of them is married to Ted’s, er, Edward’s sister.”

“Which one?”

“Not sure.”

“And her name?”

“Patty. Patricia I guess, but I’ve never heard her called anything else.”

“And where did you say this happened?”

“Victory Park.”

“And what and where is Victory Park?”

Gerry looked shocked. Well this was Preston, maybe ten miles from Chorley, but surely any local would have heard of Victory park.

“Um. You know. It’s the football ground? In Chorley?”

“Why would I know that?”

“Um. Ah. Oh.”

“Football is a game for morons and the brain-dead. It is the sporting equivalent of lager, soap operas and talent shows for the talentless. It is played by overpaid lawn-fairies who between them don’t have two brain-cells to rub together. So I ask again. What on Earth makes you think I would know what or where Victory Park was?”

“I’m sorry sir.” Where did that ‘Sir’ come from, Gerry wondered in the back of his mind. He was too busy panicking at the cold mien in front of him to think much about it though. “I’m afraid I just assumed that as a local you would at least have heard of it.”


Gerry knew he’d made a bad mistake. He didn’t know quite how bad, just knew it was a mistake. “I’m sorry sir. I just thought you should know of people asking about Truth And Freedom.”

“Very well. If any of them contact you again, ask you about anything, just tell them you can’t find anything out. There doesn’t seem to be any story. Then come back and ask for me. Understand?”

“Uh. Yes. Uh. Sorry, who are you?”

The face seemed to get colder. He reached into a box on the desk and handed over a card. “Go away.”

Gerry didn’t look at the card until he was out of the office. “Andrew Stott. Senior investigator” was all it said, along with a London telephone number. He put the card into his pocket, slightly troubled. Ted was a friend. Ted had helped him, Gerry, many years ago when, as a teenager, he had got into a bit of bother. Ted had helped him out stood up for him when his own father, a real drunkard and alcoholic, wouldn’t. They had been friends ever since. Casual friends, but friends nonetheless.

Even so, Gerry thought, Ted was really asking questions where he shouldn’t. Poking his nose into things that didn’t concern him. He wanted to warn the older man off, but didn’t know how to do it. Fobbing him off was probably safer all round. Yet Gerry was unconvinced even that would be enough.

If he doesn’t say anything, I won’t, Gerry decided. And if he’s only casual about it, maybe I’ll just wave it off as a nothing story. His mind skittered away from what he would do if Ted was more insistent.

He smiled as he remembered back to his youth. Back then he’d had a bit of a crush on Patty, though at twenty-one she was almost eight years older than his fourteen. “Oh yeah,” he muttered aloud. “That was not long before Patty went and joined the army as well.” He thought about turning back to go and tell Stott of this, but his legs just seemed to want to keep walking away from the small, cold man as fast as they could take him. Gerry decided not to fight it and instead went straight to a favoured local pub.

Stott watched Gerry leave the office, a frown on his normally impassive face. Was this what his job was becoming? Watching old friends inform on each other? And a mere clerk noting it down?

On the other hand, Stott mused, old soldiers? Maybe 70’s was a bit too old to worry about. It was the fifty-year-olds that Stott was far more concerned about, maybe the early sixties, old enough to have retired from the military, but young enough to still have energy, the drive and maybe more importantly, the contacts.

No, Stott decided, this wasn’t worth his efforts. He would file it and make sure it wasn’t completely forgotten about, but it wasn’t important enough to follow up.

He looked at his watch. Two hours until he could leave the office and go back to his hotel. He shuddered. It would be at least four or five hours before he left. The hotel was horrible, he hated it, small, cold, dark; more a Bed and Breakfast place with a chatty landlady. The very sort of person he really hated, but was sometimes able to get a lot of information out of. This one however was just frivolous: all she ever seemed to talk about was Emmerdale and Coronation Street. Stott shuddered again in horror. Something would be done about it. He hated Preston. No decent restaurants, too many foreign restaurants. Too many Chinese, Indian, Italian and worst of all to Stott, American burger and pizza bars. Pub food again this evening then, Stott once again shuddered at the thought.

Tomorrow evening he would be going back home though. Stott hated being out of London. These small provincial towns gave him the creeps, but it was part of his new job to go around such places to make sure they were doing their jobs properly.

And he loved his job. He wondered whether his twin brother was having similar problems. Probably, he thought. The two brothers had very similar likes and dislikes.

Gerry was careful to keep well clear of anywhere he thought Ted was likely to be, but Chorley isn’t that big a town. Even so, it was nearly ten weeks before Ted and Gerry bumped into each other again.

“Gerry!” Ted’s hand came down on Gerry’s shoulder, making Gerry almost leap out of his skin with fright. “By ‘eck lad, th’art frightened o’ summat?”

“Sorry Ted. You just startled me.” Gerry glanced around, to Ted looking for all the world like a cornered animal looking for an escape route.

“Sorry lad, just haven’t seen you for a while. You okay?”

Gerry managed to get his heart rate and breathing mostly under control, and looked at his old friend. “Yeah. Look, if you’re after information, I looked into it and couldn’t find anything.”

Ted, who had all but forgotten about his request to Gerry over two months earlier, looked at him blankly for a moment. Then he remembered.

“Oh don’t worry about that lad.”

Gerry’s relief was almost palpable. Ted saw it but ignored it, filing it away for future examination. “Yeah,” gasped Gerry. “There’s nothing to it. Sorry.”

“Okay,” replied Ted lightly, knowing beyond doubt that Gerry was lying. “No worries. I’ll see you around some time.” He turned and walked swiftly away, wanting to get as far from Gerry as possible.

“If he’s gonna be that blatant a liar, and to me, then there’s very definitely something amiss,” Ted told Joe an hour later, having filled Joe in on his relationship with Gerry. Ted had gone almost straight to Joe’s, spending twenty minutes just ensuring he wasn’t being followed. Patty was out shopping, so Joe was on his own.

“Steer clear of him,” Joe said after a few moments thought.

Ted smiled and nodded. “My thought as well. We should let people know that it’s possible he can’t be trusted.” He paused. “I don’t think he’s a nark, an informer,” he added after a few moments thought, “but I don’t think we can rely on that. Not for too long.”

“No. Maybe that’s only you though. You are friends. Maybe you have some protection. But only if you don’t push it.” It was Joe’s turn to pause. “Do you think,” he said slowly, “he could be used, unwittingly, to pass false information?”

Ted squirmed inside. He’d known Gerry for a long time and liked the man. Why he had now turned towards darkness Ted didn’t know, but he was still uncomfortable with the thought of using him. “Maybe. Perhaps,” he said after a while.

Joe nodded. He could see Ted’s discomfort, and understood it. “Okay. Let’s not worry about that now. It’s maybe something for the future. If we need it.”

Ted nodded, not really relieved. He could see the sense of Joe’s proposal, understood it, even agreed with it, but he didn’t truly like it.

Gerry, however, had panicked. He had gone straight to his favourite bar and had thrown back two neat whiskys.

“Mister Greengrass? Please can you accompany us?”

The voice was soft, almost pleasant. But when Gerry looked up, the face that went with the voice was anything other.

“Um. What? Why? Where?”

The face smiled. Maybe to someone else it might have seemed a kind and even pleasant smile, but Gerry was frightened almost out of his wits. To him it looked ferocious, an evil grimace. “Don’t you worry about that sir. Everything will make sense.”

Gerry was too scared to resist, yet knew in a tiny corner of his brain that maybe, if he didn’t resist, there would be consequences that he would definitely not like. But still he was too scared to resist. He rationalised it to himself by telling himself that he was waiting for a better opportunity.

The two men led him out to a car, a nice looking, expensive looking, car, and gestured to him to get in the back seat. He did so, expecting to meet Andrew Stott, or someone worse. Instead there was no-one there. He settled in, uncertainly, while the two men got in the front.

“If you open the seat rest to your left,” said the front seat passenger, “you’ll find a drink.”

Gerry shook his head.

“Seat belt please sir,” the driver, in front of him said.

Gerry did so, and only once a light on the dashboard had gone out, did the driver let out the clutch and pull very smoothly off. Although the drive was smooth, the acceleration was high, and Gerry gripped the door handle very tightly with his right hand.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like a drink sir?”

Gerry nodded, yet at the same time, expecting it to be water or soft drinks, opened the lid of the seat rest to find a complete mini-bar. There was a Glenlivet and a Laphroaig single malt, along with a Chivas Regal and a Famous Grouse, both blended whiskies. Gerry’s eyes lit up. He wasn’t a big one for single malt, finding most of them pretentious, but he did like Laphroaig. The Chivas Regal however was one of his all time favourites.

He twisted the cap off and poured himself a generous slug. Not bothering with the ice or soda water, both of which were also in the bar, he drank down the first shot, then poured himself a second.

From the front of the car, the passenger had been watching him discreetly. Almost as soon as Gerry started to bring the glass to his lips to drink the second drink, the man turned around and almost snatched it from Gerry’s unresisting hand. Gerry was already asleep. “No you don’t” the man muttered softly, more to himself.

“So much easier this way,” murmured the driver pulling the car smoothly into the side of the road. The car paused just long enough for the passenger to open his door and pour the drugged drink away, before pulling smoothly off again.

Gerry awoke in what appeared to be a hotel room. It was not a particularly luxurious room, when he checked what appeared to be a mini-bar, all he found was some small milk sachets. On the top was a mug, some sachets of instant coffee, likewise of sugar, and some tea bags. There was no kettle. He frowned. He hadn’t a clue where he was. When he looked out of the small window, all he could see was what appeared to be an inner courtyard with a delivery van, and beyond that more buildings, obviously part of the same building complex he was in. There was nothing to give him any clue to his location, though he assumed he was still in Preston. Looking at the other windows, he guessed he was on the fourth floor. He pondered for a moment. The ground floor windows actually looked more like office windows, what he could see of them, the three floors between him and the ground floor were all frosted glass and could have been anything, It was only on this floor that the windows were clear again, but they were all darkened, with no signs of life.

Looking up the sky was a dark blue, obviously well into evening.

Below him the van drove off through a small gap to his left. He couldn’t tell where it was going, but it looked like a laundry van. His stomach growled and he realised he was hungry. Checking his watch he discovered it was a little before ten pm. “No wonder I’m bloody hungry,” he muttered. He frowned. It was barely three when he had been picked up by the two men. “Seven fuckin’ hours.” For some reason Gerry felt angry, but it was a false anger to hide his fear, which hadn’t gone away.

He was about to leave when he realised he didn’t have any shoes on. It was when he went to put them on that he realised he couldn’t find them anywhere in the room. He frowned. Where the hell are my shoes? he wondered, somewhat annoyed. He didn’t think it odd that he was more concerned about missing shoes than where exactly he was.

He left the room, or tried to, as the door turned out to be locked and there appeared to be no way of unlocking it. Now his fear from earlier reappeared. He considered banging on the door, but was now far too scared to do much more than contemplate it. He sat on the foot of the bed and just hunched in on himself, shivering despite the heat in the room.

He didn’t have to wait long though, two or three minutes at most, but even in that short time Gerry had sunk in on himself, barely able to function, almost too scared to be scared.

“Follow me please,” the voice penetrated slowly into Gerry’s fog of despair. It didn’t sound particularly harsh, just uncompromising.

“Where’s my shoes?” Gerry asked after a few moments.

A pair of soft slippers were tossed in his direction. “You don’t need them, but here. Put these on.”

Gerry was led down to what turned out to be a conference room. Seven other men were in there, sitting around a U shaped table. There was another, empty, table against the wall, but apart from a pile of chairs, the room was otherwise bare. Most of the current occupants looked up at him as he came in and Gerry could see that none of them knew what they were there for any more than he did.

“Don’t suppose you know what the fuck is goin’ on do you?” asked one of the others.

Gerry shook his head, nervously.

“Nah, didn’t bloody think so. I’m Alec, by the way. Alec Schofield.” His accent was broad Scouse. There could be no doubt in anyone’s mind he was from Liverpool.

Same as Maquis
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When I started college, I thought it was going to be like all the films and TV shows you see. How wrong was I! My freshmen year I was so busy, I don’t think I had a moment to even rest. Between classes and working a part time job, it seemed to be non-stop for me. I didn’t mind though, I do enjoy being busy. This was just a new level of busy. I don’t know how others do it and have a social life. I made a few friends in classes, but never really did much outside of grabbing coffees with them....

College Sex
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Prem Agni

Hello friends! I am Ravi back with my new story. The incident I am going to narrate has occurred recently when I got admitted in an institute to learn a software course. It is really great story about my oral and anal sex with a great mature lady. Our class strength was 10 consisting of 3 guys and 7 ladies. The class was for 2 hours each day for 3 months. Among all of the ladies, there was one lady whose age I figured was 26 years and looked somewhat familiar. I could recall that she was living...

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Angels Journey Chapter 24

She's right.. she trains me for hours. Serving her little delicacies even down to popping them into her mouth, dusting with the fluffy feather duster, always bending over at the hips, even serving her lunch then standing in the corner facing the wall, hands on my head whilst I hear her gobbling messily at the table. And all the time for every mistake, real or imagined there are the spankings. Across her knee, over the table, hands round my ankles, upright facing the wall... soon it...

1 year ago
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The Learning Experience

Part I Hi, my name is Lily Lessenaw, I’m a 19 year old student at U of A- University of Arizona, for those of you who care.   I’m half way through my first year here at school, and I’d like to tell you that I am doing great, but that would be a lie.   I’m not exactly what you would call a model student, I rarely study, I stay out too late, party too hard, and don’t pay enough attention in class. Despite all of that, I am counting on finishing this semester with straight As.   I know that...

4 years ago
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The Honeymoon

You have been dreaming about this day for years. Every woman does from the time they are a little girl. Maybe it’s all the Disney movies or the Barbie and Ken dolls that they play with, but they all have the same dream, the same fantasy. One day their Knight in Shining Armor, their Prince Charming will fall in love with them at first sight, sweeping them off their feet to live happily ever after. You met your white knight at the convention two years ago. After a long day of presentations to...

3 years ago
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DreamWeaverChapter 17

I felt Mel stir and then the two of us needed to go to the bathroom. I followed her in and watched her perch on the toilet cutely, peeing forcefully into the bowl while I waited my turn. She wiped, and then got up, lifting the seat out of courtesy. That impressed me. Most women I’d known wouldn’t have thought of that. She moved to the sink and washed her hands while I pissed. I took a bit of toilet paper and wiped the last drop from the head before I flushed our combined urine and went to...

1 year ago
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Jennys Story

Note : This story is completely fictional! Let me first off say that Jenny is a 20 year old hottie. Skinny, Brunnette, 39C, and hot. There was one problem, she was afraid to have sex. To get hurt she supposed. So her boyfriend and her never had sex, untill one day after work. Sal, Jenny's boyfriend had invited her over after work on one August day. Jenny walked up Sal's front steps and rang the doorbell. Jenny was wearing short shorts, and a tank top. Sal opened the door, he was only wearing...

First Time
2 years ago
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How My Cousin Sister Seduced Me

Hello everyone, this is Sahil Kumar back with another story. I’m 21 years old from Pune. I have a 6 inch dick and every girl/aunty I have fucked is happy and satisfied with it. I’m studying bcom in a reputed college of Pune which comes 3rd in position and I work in a MNC too. Any girl or aunty who want to friendship or have sex with me can mail me: My family consists of 4 members, me, elder brother and parents. Coming back to story, this is about me and my mama’s daughter Shweta. She is 3...

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Silkie Rachel Denis and Julian in Paris8

."Taste that, bitch"....Denis was moaning. tears were running off his face....."Oh please.......................Silke.......................oh...................oh please"If there was ever a tonic of love for her, this was it." Denis, I can reach down and rub my clit when I fuck you with it.....................oh shit..................that makes me so fucking hot....."Silkie had already had a lot of sex this evening, an orgasm that literally knocked her out; she thought about Rachel's tongue...

3 years ago
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Severance Pay Chapters 61 through 66 of 78

CHAPTER SIXTY ONE Hobbes switches me back to Fifty Pink, slowly this time. It's an easier transition but I end up at the same place, trapped in a body I can't control. He unlocks the handcuffs, keeping them in his left hand. "Patricia, follow me." I stand up. "Yes, Mr. Hobbes." He walks out the office door and I follow him, as ordered. I've stopped fighting things for now. It's mentally exhausting and even if I could make my body, and it is now MY body, do what I want, it can't be...

3 years ago
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The story of Dan Jane Ch1

Dan and Jane have been married for 10 years. Dan is 46 and it’s fair to say that he is punching. Jane is 32 and if honest she was attracted to Dan because of his money and the life that he could offer her. She was fit when they met and she’s as fit, sexy and attractive now. Jane has shoulder length blonde bobbed hair, is a size 8 with natural, firm 36dd tits. Dan keeps himself in shape for his age, his wealth enables him to eat well, go to the gym often and have a personal trainer, he’s...

2 years ago
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A Birthday Surprise

I pulled the note out of my pocket and read it again. Kendra, I’m sorry that I’ve hurt you. What we had was great. But, we both know that it’s time to move on. I hope that someday you can look back on this and not hate me. M That was the umpteenth time that I’ve read the note this past month. Each time I read the note, there were less tears and more anger. I worked my ass off at the Sugar Shack for low wages and crappy tips. To make matters worse, I had come home to find Mike fucking...

3 years ago
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Making Mother a SlutChapter 2 Baiting the hook

Janice Monroe was a mess. She hadn't been able to concentrate on her work all day. She felt guilt and embarrassment over the photo she'd sent, to a virtual stranger no less. Yet her mystery man seemed to know so much about her already. He knew how to push her buttons, to convince her of almost anything. This is foolish, she thought, a woman my age acting like a love sick schoolgirl. My God what was I thinking sending him a photo like that. He probably thinks I' m cheap now. Janice shook...

3 years ago
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StrandedChapter 5

Saturday morning arrived to find Michelle lying beside me in my bed, and the bright sun streaming in the windows. It took a few minutes for us to really awaken, but, after a quick blow job (oh, see how casually now I speak about the best oral sex I have ever had); we got up, showered and dressed. Michelle put on one of the new outfits that she had purchased yesterday at the mall, did up her make-up and hair and, once again, qualified as one of the cutest young ladies in the city. As we sat...

3 years ago
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A little bit of fun after gym

It was just like any normal Thursday – gym day. After a rough workout at the gym, my legs and lower body felt weak and I found it hard to support my self. I just about managed to drag my sweaty body in to the changing rooms, and laid myself down on the bench to rest. After listening to a faint sound, I could make out what sounded like two females moaning and groaning in the showers. I couldn’t help but to move my stiff body closer as the sweet innocent groaning made my pussy slightly wet. I...

2 years ago
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An Old Friend Visits

Dave always hated the fact that he had never been my first kiss (even though I’d lost my virginity to him). It had been a particularly sore point when we’d first started dating three years ago, but even though he’d asked me many times, I had never told him for fear of what he would think. Would he stop respecting me if he knew how wanton I had been? Then one day I finally decided to talk to him about it. We’d been making out on the sofa – deep, intense French kissing that made me shake with...

3 years ago
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Situation Woods

Fantasy Situation StatementYou are walking through the woods with your cell phone taking pictures and you come upon a lady walking the other way, you stop and introduce yourself.Hi, my name is Jack and you are, Steph, she replies. How are you doing? Nice day, not too hot, not too cold. Where are you coming from Steph? Oh I was walking from the old farm house back behind the hill here, and you Jack, "I am taking a walk through the woods to clear my head after a long week at work.Jack looks at...

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The Heir

Jenny lay half asleep in her bed. Well, not really her bed, her bed was at home, this was just the one she had been allocated. She was tired, very tired, and she had just been through the most painful experience of her young life. But it was worth it, when they had given her the baby to hold for the first time she knew it had been worthwhile. She was lucky too, she thought, most of the girls here would never see their babies. They never had any visitors either, at least her mother came to see...

3 years ago
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True story

She was no good for him, he used to think. Destroyed his motivation for life, kind of scary, Now none of that seemed to matter any more. She was the only woman he knew who could get into it as much as him. Hey.Hey.I’m coming over. When?Now. I’m in the car. I’ll be there in five.Wait.I’m coming. Be naked, Butt plug in your ass. Clips on your nipples. Tight enough that it hurts a little. Oh. Oh. I was studying. I was…Be on your bed. I want to hear a vibrator on your clit when I walk in the...

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Fucking His Best Friends Mom

Caught Masturbating While Watching A Porn Movie, Brandon Enjoys Hot Sex With His Best Friend's MomBrandon had finished his finals at the local college and decided to see if his buddy Randy was home yet. He arrived at his house, and knocked on the back door hoping he hadn't missed him. The door opened and Randy's Mom Maria answered inviting him in. "Hello Mrs. De Randy here?" "No Brandon, you just missed him. He's gone to take his finals, but he'll be home at around four. Would you...

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Making My First Blue Movie

The landlord rented a big 1880s villa to me on a room by room basis. I advertised in the local rag that I had 3 rooms to let suit students. Being a 24 year old single athletic male I was looking for female flatmates. Two tall curvy biker chicks in denim and leather covered in tattoos and piercings studying Engineering signed up for two rooms and a 35 year old skinny blonde German, English language student was very elegantly dressed wearing spectacles took the large room. I had two rooms one for...

2 years ago
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Piper Pt II Gratification

I pushed Aston, trying to get him off of me. He wouldn't budge, he just fucked me harder. His big black cock sending sensations throughout my body. My legs were tingling, including my overly sensitive pussy. My husband was standing next to the bed watching us fuck. I looked up into his eyes, I didn't really know how he felt. Was it fear, defeat, disgust or was it excitement, whatever I saw brought on another orgasm. My mind abandoned my body as I writhed under Aston. As my orgasm collapsed, I...

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Professor One Night Stand

The musky scent of whiskey and cigars clung to his heavy breath as Jolie encased his tongue in another one of her ravenous kisses. The bar was crowded and people were in their own worlds; minding their own business as this sex deprived couple created their own world too.  The man began to slur in his heavily intoxicated state, “Can we take this somewhere a little more…quite?” Jolie smile mischievously before she replied. “Sure thing, come with me.” Jolie quickly finished her drink and grabbed...

2 years ago
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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 14

"That was a lot of help," I grumbled to Susan after we were back in the car. I'd looked for the shiv in the car door when we'd got to the Federal building, but it hadn't been there any more; probably jarred loose when I'd been clipping out of that parking lot with bullets flying at me, or maybe when I busted through the exit barrier. There was, however, a neatly indented gash in the sheet metal. "I'm sorry, Larry, I really thought they'd come through," she told me. "I mean, if I...

1 year ago
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Best Friends

Every now & then, a girl will say to her best friend, "I wish you were guy." Or she she might say, "Im over men. Maybe we should be lesbiens." Sometimes my best friend Jessica and I look at each other and say, "you'd make the best boyfriend." But in the end, we both love big hung cocks too much to give them up. Which is a shame, because we have the best sex together, just thinkin abou it gets me wild & wet. Like most women, Jessica & I spend alot of time talking about men, what turns us on, who...

4 years ago
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Meri widwa bhabhi ki chudai 2

CONTINUED… Main bathrom mein chala gaya. Fresh hone ke baad main ek dam nanga hi nahane laga. Thodi der baad maine Ritu ko pukara aur kaha, towel de do. Ritu ne Lali se kaha, ja, jiju ko towel de aa. Wo towel le kar aayi to maine bathroom ka darwaza khol diya. Mera lund pahle se khada tha. Lali ki nigah jaise hi mere lund par padi to usne apna sir niche kar liya. Wo mujhe towel dene lagi to maine kaha, thoda ruk jao. Main apne sir ko jara sabun se saaf kar loon. Maine apne sir par sabun lagana...

2 years ago
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Gay fantasy coming truemy third time

Hi guys! Ashu here (yet again!) Hope you liked my previous stories of my gay fantasy coming true, and my gay gangbang.After our gangbang session at Vinny and Abhi's house, I was in a lot of pain. My asshole hurt like hell and my dick ached, not to mention my thighs and arms, from mounting, lifting and thrusting. Raj and Manu also had some pain but they were used to it. I found it extremely difficult to walk back to our room the next morning, and had to take painkillers and put away all thoughts...

4 years ago
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Betrayed Chapter Two

Betrayed Chapter 02 By Cherysse St. Claire © Chapter 2: Shop 'Till You Pop The sex was torrid and went all night. I worshipped every inch of her magnificent body with my lips, tongue, fingertips. She did the same to me. I took her from behind, entered her doggy-style. I fucked her pussy with long, languid strokes even as I was stroking her meaty clitty with one hand. I willed her to cum, dared her not to, challenged her to hold out against the sensual assault that always drove...

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My Favorite FelineChapter 9

Anyone who lives in the Tidewater Section of Virginia (Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Chesapeake, etc) knows that you can't get anywhere without having to drive over a bridge or go through a tunnel. The roads and highways are a crazy mish-mash that has me thinking that the engineers who first laid out the maps had done so by giving a drunken monkey a crayon to scribble with. Where else can you drive on I- 64 WEST into the RISING SUN? Anyway, as I stated earlier, Kitty and I...

1 year ago
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Hes been away too long

You’ve been away for a week and I’ve thought about you every second. The door opens and as you walk through I throw myself into your arms. You look a bit surprised but you catch on quick and you push me against the wall. Your hands are all over me, your lips on mine. Your hot wet tongue invades my mouth and I welcome it in. Your hands start to undo the buttons holding my dress together. First you reveal my bra and undo it from the front exposing my breasts, your fingers pinching my already...

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Two girlfriends stay in for the night

The other day I came home from work and was looking forward to spending the evening with my wife. We had the next day off, and it was going to be great to just get some time with her. After I was home and settled my wife Dawn came and found me and told me she wanted to spend the evening with a girlfriend and have some fun. I was a little disappointed, but a few seconds later, she told me that she had some plans for her and her girlfriend Ashlynn, which is the other name I go by, and suddenly I...

4 years ago
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SparksChapter 2

18:35 Friday, 10 May 1991 Building 102, Ft Huachuca, AZ Sandy spilled out of the door, and fetched up against the car's door handle. She threw a small overnight bag into the back seat. "Drive!" she ordered, as she dove into the passenger seat. Ben grinned, happier than he could remember being since he joined the Army. "Yes, Ma'am!" he said, and eased the ratty Pontiac T-type from the curb. Sandy caught his eye as they left the barracks area, then Sandy, her eyes laughing, scooted over...

2 years ago
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Investigative Journalism

Dawn Garth took a deep breath and pushed open the door. She took the five or six steps down that led through a curtained archway and into the spacious room. Nervously, the blond woman scanned the entire area. Her eyes swept over the bar, where a few stools were occupied, to the couples on the dance floor. She took in the row of tables on the far side as well as the booths scattered against the back wall. In spite of her nervousness, her foot twitched to the music pouring from the bandstand in...

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