Dead Light Camera free porn video

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Author’s Note: This is not an erotic story, but there is some sex here. Again, this was built around the germ of an idea that took on a life of its own. In that regard, it’s not a stroke story. It’s an homage to music and the connection with the spirit world. Long before Robert Johnson, many artists were rumored to have sold their souls for the chance to perform at the peak of their artistry. From that, I tried my own spin on the myth. I try to put a lot of different ideas in my stories, so I hope I succeed in making you think a little. I hope you have fun reading this, because I enjoyed writing it. Happy Halloween!

Growing up, a lot of kids have a dream playing in a rock band. Life on the road and all that comes with it is part of the thrill. Reality is always different than the dreams. But when reality goes off the rails, just staying alive may be impossible.

We had booked our tour for the fall, when the local universities were in session, and the clubs where we played were in full swing. Our target audience was the college kids. We, ourselves, Band Hammer, were a few years out of school, so we knew the drill. Don’t tour in the summer, when all the students are home. Don’t tour in winter, since the holiday breaks and exams reduce the crowds. Don’t tour in spring time, since you’re competing against spring break.

That left autumn, and so we hit the road.

We started out from our base in the mid-Atlantic area and headed west in small steps. By the time of that tour, we had a good-sized following. We could expect up to a thousand or so paying heads at the gate in Chicago, Knoxville or Austin, and at least several hundred in smaller venues. Our Bandcamp and Soundcloud followings had put some money in our pockets from downloads, but touring was what paid the bills. T-shirts, merch and even CD sales at the shows made it worth the effort and allowed us to continue the illusion being ‘touring musicians’. Well, we were ‘touring’. And we were ‘musicians’. But we were never going to make a career of this. We were really just extending our adolescent fantasies of sex, drug and rock’n’roll and to that point we hadn’t fully exhausted our options yet. But we were close, despite some real potential.

The tour was planned for thirty-five dates, and we averaged four to five shows per week, which meant a lot of driving. With that kind of itinerary, the sex and drugs took a distant back seat to the rock’n’roll. After a show, we’d break down our own gear. Roadies? Ha!

We’d hopefully be on the road by about midnight. With some luck, we could get a few hours on the road towards the next destination before crashing at a motel somewhere. If we didn’t get out of the show by 2 a.m., we’d stay in town that night and try to make an early start in the morning to the next site, check into the next motel, crash for a few hours and then go for set up and sound check by about 4 p.m. Fighting a hangover means taking away time from something else, and that just wasn’t feasible for more than a show or two.

Travel was on our own dime. We had enough gear that we took three vehicles; Kevin and Ronnie drove their cars and I piloted my van. I had the guitars and bases, some of the small amps and Danny’s keyboards. We mostly played through house PA systems, but we did need to mic up smaller amps. It was enough gear, and with our suitcases, that it pretty much filled the van. Normally, Dan and Tyler rode in the cars as well with the other two, but occasionally, one of them would ride with me to break up the monotony.

Girls were just as tough at the drugs. Groupies? I can’t say we didn’t have access, but there just wasn’t time. By the time we had a few moments, we were sleeping, eating, setting up, breaking down or otherwise prepping for the next show. It was like being in the Army. Besides, most of us had girls at home.

Which was why we were so looking forward to Chicago.

It was five weeks and twenty-three shows into the tour, late-October by the calendar, when we reached Chicago, and we were a quintet awash in testosterone. Jerking off in motel showers only does so much to take an edge off and we were two-thirds of the way into the tour. We were in need of a break, or recharge or whatever word would be appropriate.

My girl, Anna arranged for all the band significant others to join us to meet in Chicago, where we planned two shows over four days (including a weekend) in order to give us some R&R. Anna was joined by Melanie, Ronnie’s girl and Liv, Kevin’s long-time girlfriend. Tyler was gay and out, dating Jake, an architect, who also made the trip. Danny was single, making him the odd man out.

The band’s caravan pulled into the cheap motel outside the Loop a little before 3 p.m. on Friday, and to our relief, our welcoming party was ready and waiting for us, already checked in. Hugs and handshakes were given all around, and each pair retired to their own room for a more personal reunion.

Anna welcomed me with a deep kiss and grabbed my crotch. “Howdy sailor,” she breathed into my mouth with a grin.

“Permission to come aboard, sir,” I laughed.

“Sir?” she whispered, her hands went to my belt and began undoing the buckle.

“Ma’am!” I answered. The time away, her familiar smell and warmth of her breath on my face had my dick harder than calculus. I leaned in for a kiss when she freed me from my pants.

We swapped spit for a few seconds, and she pulled away. “Have you been a good boy while you’ve been away?” She was teasing. She and I both knew I’d never find better than her; at least in the crowds that came to our shows. Her hand wrapped around me, iron in a velvet glove. I sighed softly before answering her.

“The best.”

“Still not good enough.” Using her grip on my little tiller, she steered me to the lumpy bed, where we took out our weeks of pent up frustrations on each other, atop over-starched, too-thin motel sheets. But to us, it was a bed of roses. At least until we finished, when we counted the friction burns on our knees and elbows.

By the time we all reconvened at the club, everyone except Danny looked exhausted but happy. Danny just looked happy. “I was the only smart one,” he said. “I caught up on some sleep.”

That night’s show was hot. By that point in the tour, we were dialed in with the set list, and we could predict each other’s riffs, weaving in and out of each other’s lines. Add to that, all of us were motivated by our reunions, and we were firing on all cylinders. There’re some nights on stage when you can just feel the energy, the connection with the crowd. That night we were plugged in to 10,0000 volts. Harmonies were sweeter. Solos seemed to pop. We sounded huge. We came off stage for our last encore, we were exhausted but there was that wired optimism that a few more shows like that one and we could just be one of those bands that actually makes it. Even the girls and Jake agreed.

It turned out; we weren’t the only ones who thought so. Some critics from the local papers were at the show and wrote rave reviews of our show in the next morning’s editions. When we showed up for Saturday’s sound check, the club manager met us and told us that night’s show was completely sold out. He knew we were booked for the rest of the tour, but asked specially about making a return after the tour’s last dates. He offered us a sweeter deal, and while we tried to play it cool saying ‘we’d think about it’, I saw the looks in the other guys eyes. There was real excitement.

Needless to say, we just about blew the doors off the joint that night as well. By the time we said our final good night, we had over a thousand new best friends and a more than a few dollars in our pockets from selling out all of our merchandise. The fans couldn’t get enough of us. Anna nearly screwed me to death back in our room.

We slept in Sunday. Well, we said we were going to. I was still feeling the buzz from the night before, I mostly just tossed and turned after a few hours of sleep. I could still hear the fans screaming for more.

We all met for breakfast at a small diner halfway between the club and our motel, which started out quiet, but I knew then that nervous energy that I felt was reflected in all of our eyes. Finally, Jake broke the ice.

“Are any of you fucking idiots going to say anything? That was amazing!”

You couldn’t shut us up after that. We first agreed to add more Chicago dates after the planned tour ended. And we needed to order more merch to arrive ahead of our shows so it would be there when we got there and we wouldn’t have to carry it ourselves.

We had the day off but then had to drive down to St. Louis by the next day. Danny and Tyler left the table to call ahead to the local college radio stations to hype the Chicago shows and try to build up more buzz. Tyler came back with a huge grin, saying that we were already one of the top requests on Washington University’s underground station, and that tickets to Monday’s show were almost sold out. The table hummed with good vibes and energy.

Anna and Jake had real jobs and would be flying back out later, but when Liv and Melanie decided to stick around for the next few cities and see how things went, much to the delight of Ronnie and Kevin, Jake called the office to take some extra leave.

Anna took me aside and asked if I was OK with her leaving.

“It’s OK, love,” I told her. “Who knows where this is gonna go. You keep the home fires going, and I’ll be calling you every night.”

She looked at me, with that long-time ease of comfortable lovers, her arms lightly around my shoulders, hands loosely clasped. “I’m really proud of you. I don’t say that often enough. You’re really on the edge of something. I can feel it.”

I grinned. I felt something too.

“Besides, I think you need to keep everyone grounded,” she nodded towards the table, where a small-scale food fight was breaking out, with laughter and joking spreading to the rest of the diner.

“You mean I’m the only sane one?”

“Relatively,” she leaned her head against my chest. “Please come home to me in one piece. I need you.”

I held her close, enjoying the warmth. “I promise.”

We finished the meal, tipping well for our damage caused, but even the crusty manager had the fever of Band Hammer, smiling as we promised to visit again in a few weeks.

Back at the motel, Anna and I dirtied the sheets one more time, a slow languorous fuck, before I saw her off in a taxi to O’Hare and her return flight.

The next time I saw her, Band Hammer was no more, and I was only barely able to keep my promise to return home in one piece.

We rolled on and kept the momentum going. St. Louis was not as great as Chicago, but for a Monday show, we had filled the place with young, money-spending fans. We changed up the set list a little, but no matter what we did, it just came together in a tight groove. When we left the stage to our last song “Hello, Cleveland!”, more than a fair number of the crowd were singing along with us. The confidence boost of that kind of crowd response and engagement made the drive to Columbia after the show seem like a drive to the corner.

The next night was a great set in a smaller club in Columbia. It had a real intimate feel, like when we were playing frats in college. But here we were in front of several hundred people there to see “the next big thing before they broke it big”. What a label to have! That kind of potential ... It was addictive. At the same time, it was new enough that it hadn’t gone to our heads. Well, maybe Kevin’s. He was the most boastful of us, but within the scope of things, Liv kept him pretty grounded.

We got into Kansas City for the first of two nights and I got the panicked call from home that started everything.

“Tim, please you’ve got to come home!” The words just spilled out of her, sounding thick and slurred.

“Baby, what’s the matter? What happened? Are you OK?”

“Nothing! I just, I just had the worst dream that you were gone! It was – It was so real! You were swallowed up – the whole band was gone it was like everything was - please!”

I couldn’t, for the life of me, understand what she was talking about or what had gotten into her.

“Honey, did you take something?” Anna was one of the most sober people I knew, but I was at a loss to explain why she was acting that way

“No!” she practically shrieked. “Tim, I’m fine! I’d never try to pull this, you know me! But, you’ve gotta stop before this gets you! You’ve got to come home. Please! Something really bad is going to happen and I need you! I can’t lose you!”

“Anna, nothing is gonna happen. You’re not going to lose me. We’ve come too far. Look, we’ve got head in for sound check in a couple hours and I’m about to get something to eat. Can you try to rest a little bit and maybe talk to your Mom? See if you can get a feel for where your head’s at?”

It took another ten minutes of her pleading and my gentle push to get her to calm down before I was sure she was gonna be OK. But for a while, I thought I may actually need to get a flight to head back home. Needless to say, the call and her genuine fear had put a damper on my good mood.

Regardless, we hosted two label A&R people before the show. We looked at among ourselves like “No pressure!” and while there were preliminary approaches made, we made no commitments. Still, it was pretty motivating to know that our destiny was in our control.

The show was solid. I tried to put Anna’s call behind me, but the combination of that and a bit of road weariness did get to me. The rest of the guys were fine and made up for me, but the connection with the crowd was just off. Still, backstage afterwards, the reps were excited and insisted they would check us out in Austin and a few other cities. Things were really positive.

With that kind of momentum, we had built and a series of good-to-great shows under our belts, there was some strutting going on. Who wouldn’t? A bunch of twenty-something guys close to reaching their schoolboy dreams? That was amazing! Kevin wore it a little more prominently; he sang more of the leads than the rest of the guys, and was a bit of a showman. Well, backstage after a few drinks he was showing more than his moves, running around with his johnson hanging out and waving it around to us, the girls and Jake and the backstage crew. He cornered a giggling Liv before moving her towards a small closet where they disappeared for a few minutes, with Liv’s giggling soon being replaced by soft moans.

That fuckin’ guy. If he was serious about acting like that, he’d be a walking sexual harassment lawsuit. He could preen a bit, but we loved him and knew he’d be back to normal soon enough. It was a form of blowing off some stress for him. To each his own.

I called to Anna after the show but she was already asleep. I left a message that I loved her and she was on my mind. I also let her know we were fine and that the labels had sent scouts for a few shows. She’d appreciate that.

The next night was back to normal and we were on fire again. The show was packed, we were grooving and left everything on the stage and still the audience wanted more. The manager of the club let us know we were welcome back any time.

Scheduling quirks put us in Albuquerque after, which was a good day’s drive. Not impossible but it would eat up most of our off day. We made an early start and after breakfast, made our way across Kansas before the trip would take us through the Oklahoma and Texas panhandles. We had to make a pitstop outside some farmtown which was more cornfields than town.

We got out of the car to gas up. This place was so old-school, they actually had a guy to pump the gas for us. We stretched legs and got some snacks in the shop while the old man tended the pumps for all three vehicles.

I stood outside and the old man made some conversation.

“We don’t see many of you long hair types here.”

I was tempted to check the calendar, and let him know we were fifty years past the hippies and free love era, but thought better of it and just nodded.

“Well, we’re just passing through. We won’t be troubling you.”

“Watch your speed. There are some traps in the fields. Maybe worse. They’re not forgiving of outsiders here.” It was tough to tell if he was judgmental or just offering some honest advice. I’d heard stories of these towns that used aggressive speed traps to fund all sorts of town budget issues. This may be his way of sharing a little kindness, even to us long hairs.

Kevin jumped into the lead car with Liv riding shotgun. He was still acting like a showman, here in the middle of nowhere but, again, he didn’t mean anything by it. Liv giggled, embarrassed by him

Everyone loved Liv. She was beautiful inside and out. I can only speak for myself, that although I loved Anna and she was my only one, I did have a bit of a crush on Liv. A few years back, and before Anna, it might have even been more than that. But Kevin was my friend and I’d never try anything to ruin that.

She had long straight blonde hair, a fresh natural look that had minimal make up and a long slim body. She was just the sweet and innocent half to Kevin’s occasional cock-of-the-walk boasting.

We pulled out of the gas station and drove through the byroads that were still packed with what I though was corn, although I knew nothing about farming. That shit was planted right up to the side of the road. It just had the effect of driving through a maze, where you could see nothing around you except the road in front of you and the overcast autumn sky overhead. It was a bit creepy.

Finally, we had made our way to a slightly bigger road that had some state highway number on it but was still two lanes. At least it had a shoulder. Kind of.

Kevin was in the lead and Tyler was driving the second car and I brought up the rear in the van. My cell phone rang, and it was a video call on the group line. I answered.

“Hey, what’s going on Road Ranger,” I grinned at Kevin.

“Yo, check this out,” and he turned the camera. It took a minute for the autofocus to work, but there was a steering wheel and blonde hair in a pony tail moving up and down in what looked like Kevin’s lap. Yup, he was getting some road head. The camera was bouncing as he drove, and also cycling from his grinning face to Liv’s head, and to Danny, asleep in the back seat so there wasn’t gonna be any cinematography awards, but it was pretty slick.

I giggled and got a bit of a thrill until I flicked my eyes up to the road. Oh shit.

We were on a straight road with no visible side streets, but there was a traffic signal with a big red light that Kevin was about to blow through. I could tell that he was too preoccupied to see it. I heard Tyler shout out in surprise

“Yo, what the fuck!”

“Holy shit!” I dropped the phone and slammed on my brakes as Kevin and then Tyler sailed through the signal as well. My tires locked up and I squealed to a stop about fifteen feet from the light. Most of the gear in the back was locked down but something heavy sailed into the back of my seat and gave me a good thump as I smashed forwards. The horn beeped from me hitting it. I groaned.

This road was straight as an arrow and just as flat. You can see for miles down it. I’d have sworn there was no traffic signal here a few seconds before, when I had looked up from Kevin’s video. There wasn’t a crossing road or even a path T-ing into this. It was just a light sitting in the middle of nowhere. A red eye looking down at us as we drove past.

I sat there idling, with that instant adrenaline rush from the shock, my heart thumping. For some reason I thought of Anna, and got my own little ominous vibe of something bad. The pain from my back, nothing major just a bump, brought me back. For a second, I thought the air around here smelled funny.

My phone was chirping from the floor. Tyler and Kevin were pulled over by the side of the road about a hundred yards down. I could see the cherried tail lights in the distance. I leaned over and picked up the phone.

The connection had never broken; we were still on group chat.

“... -mmit she almost bit my cock off!” Kevin was yelling.

“Holy – you guys OK?” Tyler asked.

I took a quick mental inventory and then piped up “Yeah I think I’m OK. Gear slid a little but I think everything is OK. Got whacked in the back.”

“You OK?” Kevin.

“Yeah I think so.”

“Well, come on then.” Tyler.

“Light’s red.”

“Man, fuck that light. Who the fuck puts a shit fuckin’ light in the middle of goddamned nowhere? Fucking hayseeds.”

Who said ‘hayseed’ anymore? Kevin seemed pissed. Maybe almost losing your dick does that to a guy. Probably he was pissed about getting his hummer interrupted?

“I dunno, man” I said. “This was weird.”

“Yeah, it’s weird, but we gotta get moving. And besides, how long is that thing gonna stay red for?”

Tyler was right. It was still red. And we were the only traffic on the road. We were the only living things around, other than the whatever it was that grew in these fields around us.

I peered up at the red light from below. It taunted me, daring me to cross the invisible line. Something wasn’t right. That gut feel; that sensation that someone was watching you. That ominous feeling that came from evolution to keep you from doing something stupid, something that could get you eaten. Or worse.

Something like exactly what I was about to do.

I gently goosed the gas and crawled through the red light and made my way to the guys parked down the road.

I pulled in front of Kevin’s car and got out to talk with them. My back complained a little from the gear sliding into me, but I thought I was just being a bit soft.

“Let’s check real quick to see if the gear is OK,” I said, swinging open the rear doors.

We didn’t have time to unpack, and there wasn’t much we could do in the middle of a damned Kansas field if something needed fixing. But a quick visual showed that everything looked OK and that we were in good shape.

Both the guys and girls had gotten out of the cars and stood by the roadside chatting about the surreal scene and Ronnie got a punch on the shoulder when he offered to drive, provided Mel gave him what Kevin got. I looked back at the red light staring at me.

“Yo, fuck this place,” Kevin said. I turned to see him taking a piss on the side of the shoulder onto the crops growing.

“Why didn’t you piss back in town?” Jake asked. “You had to piss after ten minutes?”

“I didn’t hafta go then. And I wanna leave a mark on this place. You try nearly getting your dick bit cuz of some boonie cops running a traffic scam.”

“I said I’m sorry!” Liv groaned.

I got back into the van and started it up. I paused for a few seconds while Danny and Ronnie pulled the cars around me and got back moving. I couldn’t wait to put this place behind me.

As I got up to speed, the itch in my brain started. A compulsion. I knew I shouldn’t have done it. I knew what I was going to see. Just the thought sent shivers down my spine. I tried my best to resist but in the end I was weak. I looked in the rear-view mirror to get one last look at the blooded eye I had crossed under along that straight, flat no-man’s land, but there was no sign that any traffic signal was ever there.

Albuquerque. We made it without any further issues or videos from Kevin. I think Liv may have threatened to actually bite his dick off if he ever broadcast her again.

Our little roadside adventures and the long drive meant we didn’t get to check into the motel ahead of time, so we went right the club and unpacked. Not that the rest of the drive went smoothly. After that little pitstop, every stop light, every brake light in front of me, even the setting sun were flame red eyes looking at me. It was a constant reminder of the dread I felt inside.

The show itself was good. The crowd was rowdy and ready for us, but we were ... so-so. We did fine. I doubt that anyone went home feeling they didn’t get their money’s worth. But for us, there wasn’t that voltage, that oomph that had made the last week’s shows so off-the-charts great. Well, it had to happen so we would just have to make it up on the next one. But throughout the show, every camera flash, every stage light transition, every door opening into a lit room seemed to leave a red afterimage in my peripheral vision, just out of focus. All of them were looking at me, and all knew my sins.

We were staying in a motel just a few blocks from the club; we had to make another big drive the next day as we doubled back towards Austin, but we had a break the day after.

Anna had messaged me that I would be single if I didn’t call her after the show, so as I walked to my room, I was happy to hear her sleepy voice.

“Hey babe.”

“Ohhhh, hey. How’s ... Albuquerque?”

“Yeah, we’re here. It’s ... OK. Altitude makes me feel a bit funny when I’m trying to sing for a while, but it’s not bad” I let myself into the room, set my duffle bag down and put the keycard into the power outlet to turn the lights on. I walked into the small room and looked around. A yellow envelope was on the bed. I made my way over to lay down.

“How was the show?” I looked down. My blood froze.

Sitting on my bed was a traffic ticket. I was suddenly very dizzy. “Ummm, not that great.” Anna was a million miles away. I stood there looking down at the yellow envelope like it was the first alien contact. I felt that unsettled.

“Oh?” she seemed sleepy still. “What happened?” I bent over, moving to touch the envelope. There was that itching in my brain again, telling me not to do what I was about to do.

“Hey, love? I just got in my room. Can I call you back in five?”

“Um, yeah. Sure. Is everything OK?”

“No.” It was wrong to say it, but I couldn’t lie at the moment. I didn’t give her time to get worked up, and I hung up on her. It itching got stronger.

I picked up the ticket. I was an ordinary traffic citation, with my van plate number and description and a $100 fine for running a red light. The penmanship was immaculate. The return address was some P.O. box in Kansas. There was a description of penalties for not complying including loss of license but I didn’t read the rest because the room was tilting. Or maybe it was me.

I grabbed my key and went to Kevin’s room next door.

He opened the door. I walked in past him. “Wanna beer?”

“Hey Liv.” She sat in the bed, texting.

“Hey Tim.”

I turned to Kev. “Did you get a –”

There were two yellow envelopes next to the crappy TV that was playing some reality family show. I went over and picked it up with two fingers like it was on fire. It was filled in with all of Kevin’s vehicle information. $350. His was an extra $250 for public indecency. Hope that piss was worth it. I picked up the other. Liv’s. $250 for lewd and lascivious behavior, both in that flowing handwriting. But instead of a vehicle, the information was her home address.

I held them up to him.

“Dude,” he said “What the fuck is with that nonsense?”

I held up mine.

“Ha! You got one too!”

This was all wrong. This was really bad. He snatched my ticket from my hand. “Hey, what the fuck? Why’s yours only a hundred?”

Did he not see what was wrong?

I took mine back from him and walked past Danny’s room to Tyler’s. Jake answered but I repeated the same scene, walking past him. I surveyed the room looking for...

Oh fuck. I found the tickets still sitting on his bed. Or what were the tickets. There were four pieces on the bed. I picked them up, but I already knew what it said.

“What’s that?” Tyler came out from the bathroom to find me holding up the pieces of their tickets. I pieced them together, and it was just like I thought.

“A traffic ticket.”

“What did you do?”

I looked at him. Was I surrounded by idiots? “It’s yours. It was on your bed. You each got one.” I handed the pieces over to him. And Jake’s. I looked at it as I handed it to him. $100 for aiding in the commission of a crime. Jake’s address was on the ticket.

“Oh, is that what that was?” Jake seemed uninterested. “I thought it was some gag novelty menu from a local restaurant.” He looked at it. “I just tore them up. Why? Should I not have done that?”

It took a second but Tyler got it. At least I think he did.

“What the fuck is this? Are you pulling some kind of joke?”

I frowned. “Where would I get a stack of State of Kansas Moving Violation tickets? And why would I give myself one?” I held mine up.

He examined it again. Eyes wide. He was getting it.

“Come on.” I walked out the door with Tyler, and Jake following as we headed for Kevin’s room. Liv let us in, as Danny was standing talking to Kevin. Both of them were holding tickets.

“- ain’t no way I’m going back there anyways,” Danny was saying. I drew in my breath in a sharp hiss. Fuck. Danny was holding pieces of a ticket.

“Hey, cool, we all got them,” Kevin said. “Awesome.”

I wasn’t feeling awesome, unless today was the day where awesome had become a synonym for ‘terrified’.

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SRU The Nightlight

Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...

3 years ago
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Mavis and the Camera

In the hands of some people a camera can be just as dangerous as a gun. Case in point: My wife Mavis took our new digital camera to a bridal shower last week to record the festivities for a photo album that she intended to give the new bride. It must have been one hell of a good party because Mavis got so wasted that she had to come home in a taxi. They woke me up at three o'clock in the morning to pay the cabby and as I carried Mavis into the house I noticed that she did not have the new...

2 years ago
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Nudie Camera

Nudie Camera Dad had bought me a very expensive camera for my sixteenth birthday. He knew how much I liked photography and that I was in the photo club at school. I was even on the Yearbook Staff. It was one of the latest digital cameras on the market and used multi-millions of pixels. It even used real interchangeable lenses and he got a couple of them to start me out with. I took pictures of my beautiful mother and of my even more beautiful sister Genevieve. At seventeen years...

3 years ago
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The Lost Camera

Philip Johnson Chapter One Her phone rang and when it’s picked up I say, ‘Hi Jennie, it’s Alex. ‘Alex, how are you?’ ‘Almost as good as I’m likely to get. I called to see if you would like to spend the afternoon with me and since its July and hotter than hell, I thought we could rent a pontoon boat, have a picnic and maybe take a swim in the lake?’ ‘Do you mean today?’ ‘Yeah, sorry it’s so last minute but I was supposed to work overtime and they cancelled it.’ ‘I probably can but...

4 years ago
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Dominated by the Camera

Kara bit her bottom lip nervously as she approached Amy's house. It was late Friday evening and the sound of her feet striding along the sidewalk seemed to be the only sound in the usually busy town. Even the black sky above seemed to be casting an ominous tone on the events ahead. Kara was a stunning twenty three year old with straight raven hair that cascaded down each side of her face and rested gently on her shoulders. Her emerald colored eyes were offset by a pair of luscious ruby lips...

3 years ago
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The Camera

The CameraIt?s a lazy Saturday afternoon.  I?m just watching TV and thinking about mowing the lawn.  Out of the corner of my eye I catch a view of Sarah, the beautiful 18 year old girl that lives across the street.  She?s just coming out the front door with a bunch of stuff.  Oops, she dropped something small, like her phone or camera.  I can?t help but watch her bend over to pick it up.  Such a nice sight!  What I?d give for a strong gust of wind to blow that short skirt up right now.The...

2 years ago
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The business trip 2 guys 1 fleshlight

It started on one of my business trips. My colleague, Dave and I had to attend a conference in Geneva. We are both straight, in our early thirties, and still in the phase of being horny almost all the time. We’ve travelled together a few times before, and we always end up talking a lot about hot chicks and stuff. He is happily married though. On my longer trips I usually bring my fleshlight. When I get back to my hotel room I take a quick shower, and have a good bate session using the...

4 years ago
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Playing To The Camera

It was only our third time together and already I liked giving this man blow jobs. At least those were the thoughts I was having as we cuddled on the couch with my head lying on his chest. His strong heartbeat was almost back to normal. Hearing it was keeping my own heart fluttering rapidly.Just a few minutes earlier he was fucking me like he was some sort of savage king. He made me feel like his harlot as I lay on my back with my legs spread wide for him. I had never been fucked so hard yet my...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Looking for male sex toys? Do you own a Flesh Light aka the best male masturbator yet? For many years now Fleshlights have been the most popular masturbation sex toy for men in the market. The ridiculously shaped Fleshlight is basically a flashlight with a fake pussy aka artificial vagina attached to the end, making it easy to hold as you fuck the shit out of it.While the original model consisted of a pussy-flashlight toy, Flesh light has since expanded to many other products such as blowjob...

Online Sex Toys Shops
2 years ago
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Caught on Camera

Tracy forced on a wide, gleaming smile.  ?I'm here for the eleven o'clock appointment?  Tracy??The receptionist gave her a doubtful look, then began to leaf through a grimy stack of papers, his eyes occasionally darting back at her.  Tracy felt her smile begin to waver; she knew she should've worn something else.She'd spent all morning going through her closet, trying on several completely different outfits before ending up with this one.  She had no idea what would be considered appropriate,...

2 years ago
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My grandmother was always around when I was little. She always would pick me up from the bus stop, always buy me stuff, etc. Ever since I was 12, I noticed her differently. I saw how large her boobs and ass were and often fantasized about her naked and me sucking on her nipples and fucking her pussy. She was about 5'6, 300 pounds, 34d breasts, and long hair. By the time I turned 13, I would watch her undress through the keyhole, but she was always in a bra and panties. I had never seen her...

4 years ago
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Caught by the Camera

Caught on Camera Dick Forest stepped outside his colonial home in Virginia and breathed in the fresh spring morning air. He picked up the Sunday news paper and went back inside to read the paper while his wife Amy fixed breakfast. He read every article about spring baseball. Even though he had lived in Virginia for more than a dozen years he still followed the Cincinnati Reds. "Here's your breakfast," Amy announced as she held a plate of scrambled eggs, sausage, and toast in front...

2 years ago
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One woman8217s beast erotic fantasy enacted on camera

My dotage was not so far advanced that I couldn’t get the old boy to polish up quite nicely into some semblance of erectile muscle and throbbing gristle. Occasionally, he would even put out for me and eject a thin stream of jizz, but it needed the stimulant of my past life to get him going these days. As had become a habit of mine, I had been reviewing some of the old footage of films we had made. Robbie was long gone now; the abuse of narcotics and booze had caught up with him. But, we...

1 year ago
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Cheryls New Video Camera

I know that Cheryl is and always will be the woman for me. My wife is a petite redhead with a firm ass, pert tits and a sexy, adventurous personality that never fails to arouse my desires. From the start Cheryl was always the more dominant of the two of us but only recently has she given full rein to her domineering nature. I guess I've always been rather submissive and I truly believe that my obedience to my wife's commands was one of the things that initially attracted her to me. At my recent...

3 years ago
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Practice with a Camera

This story is real only the peoples names have been changed for privacy. Also if you have not read the first two installments of this series please do otherwise it will not make much sense. Several weeks after being at Ashley's vacation house and filming our sexual expedition her mom was planning on going back for another three day weekend she had off of work. Her husband David was going to be out of town for work and their son was spending that weekend at his friend's house so they could do...

4 years ago
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Sharing my Fleshlight

Last year, I visited a friends house, we usually communicate via social media, whilst gaming or on the phone but once in a while we meet up to hang out in person. He offered to let me sleep over one weekend and told me I could use the guest bedroom as I see fit (I.e. if I need to nut I could when I wanted - which I did). That weekend I happened to have taken my Fleshlight with me as I was single, just bought it and masturbation wasn't working for me at time. The morning of the 2nd day at his...

3 years ago
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Candid Camera

Denise rode the elevator up to the ninth floor. Getting off and walking up the corridor to the security office, she swiped her card through the door-side reader. “Quit feeling sorry for yourself,” she muttered, as the door opened. “You knew the deal.” Which wasn’t much help, when everyone else in the LaSalle building was up in the Starlight Lounge. This year, held on the sixty-ninth floor, the Christmas party was “the” event of the year. Or at least...

1 year ago
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my first time on camera

This is a mostly true story. Only a little bit has been exaggerated for artistic fun :). My name is Jana. I'm 34 and been married for almost 13 years now. I have a great husband who is good to me, most of the time. I love him to death but he is handicapped. He wasn't when we got married it happened in his late 20s (he's only a year older than me). We were already into swinging before he became handicapped. He doesn't really care for sex much anymore. He has a neurological disease and...

3 years ago
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The Fleshlight Trip

Fleshlight. Fleshjack. Pocket pussy. It has many names, and to fleshlight lovers I'm known as a "frequent flyer." That is, I use it regularly. And often. I discovered the fleshlight several years ago and was immediately drawn to it. A tight hole is something I've never been able to resist, and when that hole is also always ready and always willing, I'm helpless. I love fucking the fleshlight because I can make it just about me and my needs. With the fleshlight my pleasure and my fantasies...

2 years ago
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Lighthouse Road

Karen and I bought a light keeper's house, which was on a two-mile road. Our house was about one-third of a mile from the lighthouse. The lighthouse has been nonoperational for five years and sits at the water's edge at the road's end. The local college students use it as a lovers' lane, parking by the lighthouse to accomplish their goals. The locals call the road 'Make Out Lane' instead of the original, 'Lighthouse Lane.' We enjoy the house with all its old fashion things, plus a mystery a day...

2 years ago
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My wife on camera

My wife is 18 years younger than I am. I’m 42, she’s 24. We got married when she was 19 and I was 37. It’s been a good marriage so far. The only problem I have is with our sex life – it’s a little boring! In the past, I’ve had a lot of great experiences – threesomes, dirty talking, phone sex, outdoor sex, sex with strangers, etc., - but with my wife things are just routine. She’s not into anything adventurous, and the things that really turn me on just seem to be a no-go area for her. For...

1 year ago
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Digital Camera

Please feel free to send me a comment on the story. For those of you who have emailed me thanks for sharing your kind words. I have enjoyed reading the emails about the stories and ideas on what should happen with some of the characters. Thanks for the kind emails. It's nice to know that people enjoy reading them. Since they take a long time to write. If you find an error, I highly encourage telling me (as I have few mistakes!). I am trying to fix my grammar and tense mistakes. Enjoy, and let...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Candid Camera

Roxanne Ward stepped off the elevator on the ninth floor of the McKenna building, promising herself that she would stop feeling sorry for herself that she had to work tonight. Because she did, she was going to miss the company's legendary Christmas party, held this year at the skylight lounge up on the twenty-ninth floor. It was an event that people waited for all year, and she was going to miss it. "Well you knew the drawbacks when you took this job," the blond-haired twenty-one-year-old...

3 years ago
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The Hidden Camera

We had a few cars being broken into around our neighbourhood and a few ofmy neighbours had house alarms fitted but the trouble I found with themis that they go off for all sorts of reasons and no-one takes any notice.I decided to buy a wireless video camera. I bought it on ebay verycheaply and when it arrived through the post the next day I quickly setit up.My neighbour Frank called round and asked me what I was doing and I gavehim a demo. He said he would like one but was useless at doing...

3 years ago
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The Lighthouse Keeper

George awoke coughing, the taste of salt water in his mouth. As soon as the convulsions stopped, and he opened his eyes, the drowning dream quickly receded and vanished along with the salty taste on his tongue. Drowning was George’s worst nightmare. Despite being surrounded by water he could not swim. He believed that his hatred of water actually kept him alive. Keep out of the stuff, as well as away from it, and you will be OK, that was his motto. Yet here he was, surrounded by the sea, and...

2 years ago
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The Boss and Her Camera

The first job I had after graduate school was with a graphic design company. By small, I mean there were about twenty people employed and, while it was considered up and coming, the company that hadn't yet solidified its reputation.Anyways, my decision to work there - as opposed to another more established company that had offered me a better pay/benefits package - was made after meeting the woman who ran the company.After being interviewed by the personnel director and a project manager I was...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Me and My Camera

This may sound a bit warped to the male readers (and maybe some female as well), but lately I’ve discovered a new way of getting myself off. It all started by buying an inexpensive video camera and one day, while in a particularly horny mood, I decided to videotape myself. It took very little planning. I basically perused through a folder filled with naked girls, which obviously got my six-inch cock up and running. That took all of ten minutes before I decided on which one would be the lucky...

2 years ago
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Dirty Girls and a Camera

This story takes place about a year after me, my little cousin Stephanie, and my girlfriend Johanna’s first sex romp together. I wouldn’t say the three of us got together frequently over that following year, but we had our share of liaisons. The girls liked to dress up and show off their bodies. I certainly didn’t mind. Johanna and I were living together by this time, and we invited Stephanie over to our place on a Friday night for a night of drinks and fun. Johanna had cut her brown hair...

1 year ago
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First time on camera

“I am going to fuck your ass now babe. I want you back on your knees.” He moved and I fell off him as he had commanded and crawled to the side of the bed my ass open and twitching knowing what was coming. Jason tossed the camera on video record on the bed, focusing it directly on my face. He wanted to capture every moment. I grimaced as I feel his hard rod enter me. Although I was ready, open and totally willing, the start is always a task for me, but as usual once he was in oh I felt so good....

First Time
2 years ago
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Gloryhole Fleshlight Fun

I'm a 25yo guy and CONSTANTLY horny so I do go to an Adult store sometimes that's got gloryholes in the back. I'm straight so most of the time I end up just jerking myself off but quite a few times there has been a women on the other side of the wall, either alone or with her husband.This time when I went, was 2 days ago I got lucky again, a woman went into the other booth a couple minutes after I did. I had the movie playing, my cock nice and hard with my hand wrapped round it and a bead of...

3 years ago
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The Hippy Girl In The Lighthouse

He became tempted by an old Light house on the south west coast of England which was going up for sale by auction. Being the only person at the auction who was willing to commit to the responsibility of renovating and maintaining the historic structure meant that he won the bidding straight away without competition. Using money borrowed from his parents and the bank, it was to be his heart filled project converting it into a home for him to live, whilst abiding by the rules of keeping the...

2 years ago
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Top of the Lighthouse

THE LIGHTHOUSE   TOP OF THE LIGHTHOUSE By Wolff ?2006 Wolfwerks   She was obsessed with the old lighthouse. She did not know if it was its blatant phallic form or the white light on the top ? now extinguished ? or something else, but it held a siren call for her. When she mentioned it would be nice to watch fireworks from it, he said with exasperation, ?You want a lighthouse? I?ll GIVE you a lighthouse AND fireworks. Oh yes!? Oh the Fourth of July, at dusk, he made her drive them to the...

4 years ago
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My New Lover A Camera

"Bollocks," I heard myself saying, as the A4 sized folder slipped from my under my arm hand and fell to the floor in the middle of the Starbucks in Greenwich. As I bent down, I quickly looked around, hoping no one had heard me, maybe I had said it under my breath, I rather ambitiously thought.I heard a nice, male voice say."Hey, let me help."I didn't look at the owner of the voice. "No, no it's ok," I said panicking a bit as I knelt down and tried picking everything up as quickly as I...

1 year ago
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Caught on camera

TJ carefully adjusted the video camera so as it would not be seen by anyone using the storage room. By placing it inside of an old envelope carton and piling several other boxes on top of it, it would be unlikely that it would be discovered. A small hole in the end of the box was all that was needed to have the hidden lens to cover about 80% of the area in the whole room. Why all this deception? Last Thursday evening TJ had been working late trying to get some quarterly reports done for...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Saving the Starlight Ch 04

At the law firm of Stanley, Sharpe and Weymouth, property developer Fenton Murdoch was introduced to Steve and wife Sharon Walker, owners of New Age Cinemas and brothers Terry and Owen King, owners of Wainui Multiplex Theatres Ltd. Together they operated eleven screens. Fenton shook hands with lawyer Ann Sharpe representing her parents the Walkers and Terry Kingston who was qualified in law represented his brother and himself. Terry said, ‘We sought this little chat and request absolute...

4 years ago
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colette and grainne and the fleshlight room

the three of us were very close friends we travelled abroad together but no more than that no sex or anything like that.this trip to the balkans was something we were looking forward to for some time.all was going well until we went to a remote area in the mountains and got held captive by some criminals.they robbed us and took all our clothes off and locked us in this room and told us that we could free our self's if we figured out how to get past the machine in the room.they told by the time...

2 years ago
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Dead Girls Dont Cry

Dead Girls Don't Cry All Souls Day 2008 Story Contest By Maggie Finson All Souls Day kind of sneaked up on Walt Hynes. With a soft, but insistent knocking at his front door at three AM. Turning over in his bed, unhappily without a partner, Walt groaned, stared at the bedside alarm clock and winced as the knocking at the front door got not only louder, but even more demanding. "All...

2 years ago
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The Camera

"John!"your busty MILF of a stepmom Meredith calls from downstairs. "You little pervert! Did you take my bra again?!" "No, Meredith!"you call back. Ugh. She was so annoying! It was bad enough having to put up with her and your bratty twin stepsisters Riley and Miley when your dad was alive, but now that he was dead, they made sure to make your life a living hell. Although you did take Meredith's bra a couple times... But even so! The only reason Meredith ever married your old man was because of...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 24 Smile for the Camera

With our trip through the cave behind us things calmed down around Camelot. With no unusual surprises or disasters in the making, I found I had some spare time to pursue my hobby: photography. Kim and Cathy's photography teacher expressing her appreciation for the albums the girls had brought to Show and Tell, got my interest re-invigorated so I got busy in my studio setting up for some special pictures I wanted to shoot. With the cooler weather of fall upon us I decided to do most of my...

4 years ago
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The Fleshlight Session

The day was hot and humid. My eyes opened up as some sweat ran down my temple. I brushed my hand through my hair pulling it back from my face. I sat up in my bed and peeled off the light cotton blanket that was on me. I looked down at my trimmed pubic region and gazed at my medium length veiny cock. I reached down and gave it a firm squeeze and could feel it firming up. I let go and sat on the edge of my bed. As I moved, I could feel my balls drag on the cotton sheet. I stood up and looked...

3 years ago
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Fleshlight Fun at the Gloryhole

I'm a young 23 year old and as you can imagine I do tend to get excruciatingly horny pretty much on a daily basis. I'm currently single to so it drives me insane, having to sneak off for a secret wank while in work, while watching TV, riding on the the bus. Well not really on the bus, it's not that bad yet. OK, OK I did do it on a bus once when I was younger and still in school and that was through my sweatpants but anyway I digress. Due to being so unbelievably horny all the time there is an...

4 years ago
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I found my Nephews Fleshlight and used it on him

I went around to visit my sister, who was recently divorced, as we planned to go out for a night on town, supposedly to celebrate her freedom, guess what, she picked a guy up and disappeared, leaving me with some creep, who I eventually dumped, and went back to her house, to spend the night.I got back late, in fact it was early morning, so I sat down on the settee and turned-on the TV, and with a large glass of wine I was confronted by a full blown Porn movie, I guessed my nephew was watching...

4 years ago
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Lights Camera

Andrea made her way down the stairs juggling the full laundry basket. Even though she was rewarded an unexpected day off work with pay, the real work of household, husband and two sons never seemed to end. She pushed by the weed-whacker and managed a good hip-check on the street hockey net stored outside the laundry room.She sorted through the laundry, separating the whites from the coloured. She shook her head at the quantity of sport socks and underwear her boys went through on a bi-weekly...

3 years ago
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C is for Camerawoman

"I didn't watch that particular video. I am pretty sure it was yours, though.""There are many available on the internet, Honey. Different days, different camera angles."As the tintinnabulation of coin jingles and slot machine jangles harmonized around us, I observed the woman eating lunch with me at our table in the sandwich market. She was clearly abashed about her online activities."Barb, I think it's cool."She blinked at me, her wavy, red tresses framing her beige cheeks. "You...

1 year ago
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TJ carefully adjusted the video camera so as it would not be seen by anyone using the storageroom. By placing it inside of an old envelope carton and piling several other boxes on top of it, itwould be unlikely that it would be discovered. A small hole in the end of the box was all that wasneeded to have the hidden lens to cover about 80% of the area in the whole room. Why all thisdeception? Last Thursday evening TJ had been working late trying to get some quarterly reportsdone for Friday's...

2 years ago
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Hot Indian Couple Has Sweaty Sex On Camera

Last week, my friend invited me over to his house. He had also invited a girl over. The girl was gorgeous, and as I stared at the sexy pics in his phone, he told me he had invited her over, and that she was a super freak. When she finally came over, they started making out on the couch. After a while, I felt a tap on my arm. I looked over and her hand was touching me as she stopped kissing my friend. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. She then got off my friend’s lap and sat in mine,...

2 years ago
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Playing with the ParkersChapter 8 Getting it On On Camera

When we resumed the picture taking, I noticed that Don's erection had subsided. I had an evil thought that I was going to try to bring it back again. I supposed that Tad had gotten a boner, too, although fully dressed, his was quite a bit easier to hide from public view. Again Louise, still nude herself, was fully engaged, helping to pose me on their big bed. "I'm wet," I told her. "I'm going to get your bedspread all gooey with my lubrication!" Louise laughed. "It'll all come out...

2 years ago
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Starlight Shimmer

Year 2023 Stood, bent over and slightly rattled, Abigale painfully held onto her breast as spittle dripped from her mouth, she tiredly looked up through the mess of her blonde hair towards the ravishing beast known as Solstice. Her silver and white skin tight costume ripped and battered around her body as a bead of sweat slowly dripped down around her jaw. Straightening up with a wince and deep breath, the heroine Starlight Shimmer; Abigale Greendale, focused her eyes solely on the...

2 years ago
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Candid Camera

Lindsay fastened the new lacy polka-dot bra at her back, straightened her stockings and observed herself in the three way mirror. “Very nice,” she said to herself and left her dressing room. Cade would be home any minute and she wanted to make sure all her preparations were in place. She walked down the long hall to the study, glancing at herself in the mirrors that hung along the walls. She smiled to herself, imagining the surprise and pleasure she would she on Cade’s face. She opened the...

2 years ago
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The Fleshlight Trip

Fleshlight. Fleshjack. Pocket pussy. It has many names, and to fleshlight lovers I’m known as a ‘frequent flyer.’ That is, I use it regularly. And often. I discovered the fleshlight several years ago and was immediately drawn to it. A tight hole is something I’ve never been able to resist, and when that hole is also always ready and always willing, I’m helpless. I love fucking the fleshlight because I can make it just about me and my needs. With the fleshlight my pleasure and my fantasies...

3 years ago
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The Magic Fleshlight

You walk into the new sex toy shop, thinking of purchasing a new toy since your sex life with your wife has hit a bit of a dry spell. Behind the counter is a beautiful older woman standing at about 5 foot 7 inches, perky C cup breasts, an unforgettable ass and wearing skintight dark clothing with a pentagram choker on. "Hello, you say. I am looking for a reallistic Fleshlight, something that looks and feels exactly like a vagina and price is no object" The beautiful woman behind the counter...

3 years ago
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FleshLight for Him But I use it too

I wondered what to buy my husband for a birthday gift. After much thought I decided to buy him a Fleshlight. After all we both travel a lot and I want him to be satisfied and not looking around. He laughed and was grateful when he received it, but I wasn't convinced he would use it. For the first couple months it gathered dust. Then when I came home from my business trip I noticed it was laying out to dry.It turned me on so much to know he was using it. I felt the soft skin and it strangely...

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