Trying Out My New Digital Camera. free porn video

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It was a normal birthday for me. The weather was wet and horrible, and I came home to an empty house. It was Friday, 5pm, and I knew my Mother would be home in a few minutes. Hopefully with the present I had asked for. A new digital camera. I had gotten interested in photography and cinematography a few months earlier, fascinated with capturing images of beauty in anything and everything.

Unfortunately, my Father was away on business for the whole week, so was going to miss my birthday. So, just me and my Mom alone for the evening. Not that I minded, it meant I could spend time with my new camera.

I was sitting on the couch for about five minutes when I heard the front door open, and my Mother's voice.

'Eeewwwwww, it's horrible out' she said as I heard the door swing shut behind her. 'Dan, are you home?'

'Yeah Mom, I'm in here' I answered.

She strode into the room, wearing her black skirt suit and white blouse, her heels knocking loudly on the wooden floors. She was holding something behind her back, and had a playful look on her face. She leaned over, kissed my cheek and said 'Happy birthday honey' and made a big show of pulling the camera box from behind her back. 'Tah-Dah'.

'Thanks Mom' I said 'It's just what I wanted'. I opened the box quickly and pulled it out. A top of the line digital camera, capable of recording video also.

'So you like it?' She asked.

'It's perfect' I responded as I pulled it out and began to set it up to charge the battery. 'I can't wait to start playing with it. So, what's for dinner?'

We ordered pizza and had a nice chat while eating and unwinding. All the while my Mom was drinking her customary Friday night wine. When we were finished we returned to the living room, and I excitedly turned on the camera.

'This is so cool Mom' I said. 'Now all I need is some practice. Hey, you wanna be my first model?' I asked with a laugh as I clicked a pic of her sitting on the couch.

Now let me describe my Mother. She is a normal Mom, with a very good job in the financial sector. Hence the business suits. She stands about 5'5 and has what would be called a nice figure, especially for a lady in her 40's. She has straight dark brown hair, cut to her shoulders, and also has deep brown eyes, in a pretty face with very full lips. She has a nice chest, with what I guess are D cups and her legs are slim and athletic from all the walking she does. She also wears nice black framed classes to finish her professional look. The picture I had just taken was of her right hand side as the sat, legs crossed, on the couch. The skirt just above her knees. When I saw the pic, I was amazed that she looked so hot. I had never considered her sexy.

'Wow Mom, this picture is nice' I said as I showed it to her.

She smiled and then giggled. 'You think so?'

'Hell yes' I answered. 'Hey, since we are bored and alone, let's get a few more pictures of you'

'Pictures of me?' She asked.

'Yeah, why not Mom. Stand up there and face the camera for a picture... please?'

'OH OK' she said, as she put her wine down and stood to face me. 'Now what?' She asked, with a little smile.

'Well, can you put your hands on your hips and smile for the camera?' I watched her through the camera as she smiled at first and the giggled a bit. I joined her in the giggles, but snapped a few pics too. 'That is nice Mom... can you slowly turn around now, keeping your hands on your hips and look back over your shoulder at the camera... keeping the pretty smile?'

My Mother did as I asked, slowly turning as I took pictures. When her back was to me, I was treated to a view of her very shapely arse in her black skirt and I could make out the straps of her white bra through her blouse. I distinctly remember this moment because, this is when I decided that I wanted to see her pose sexy for me. I wanted to see her sexy mature body, and to see how far I could persuade her to go.

'How's that?' She asked while looking back at me.

'Perfect Mom. You look amazing there. Seriously, I think I could get some really great pictures of you now with this new camera.'

'Really??... Like what?'

'Well.. ehhhh, can you put your hands on the couch, bending at the waist and look back at the camera again??' I asked 'That would look awesome Mom....please?'

'Bent over??' She replied, slightly surprised.

'Yeah, it will look great Mom... come on, try it... it might be fun'

'OK, I guess it will be harmless.' She said as she began to bend over, the skirt tightening over her nice arse.

I felt my breath quicken as I watched her, snapping pics from a few angles. 'WOW Mom, you look gorgeous, your legs are incredible in those heels as you bend over', I knelt down behind her, 'Can you put one hand on your.. ehhhh... on your bum Mom while you look back.. like a real model??'

Slowly, looking unsure, she did as I asked. I snapped pics furiously as the level of unstated sexual energy began to grow in the room. 'That looks great Mom... amazing. Can you sit down now on the couch with your legs crossed???'

'OK, That sounds fine' she replied, as she sat and took a few sips of her wine.

I took pictures all the time, the flash filling the room every few seconds. 'Can you lift the skirt Mom to show more of your lovely legs??'

'I'm not sure Dan, I am wearing stockings and lifting the skirt will show them' She said, her face showing a slight blush.

'Stockings??!! Really?? OH Mom, come on, now you have to show them to the camera... please... it's only stockings and your legs.. I have seen your legs loads of times'

'I'm not sure Dan, who will see these pictures?'

'Just us Mom, this is only for me to practice, and to try out the camera... it is our secret, I will give the pictures to you when we are finished... I promise'

Slowly she put the glass of wine down, and said with a little smile, 'OK... here goes, but we are being naughty'. Slowly she lifted the skirt, up over her tan stockings.. I kept clicking pictures.. the flash breaking the silence in the mood. Then, as I glimpsed her stocking tops, my heart sped up. She extended her top leg and held the pose for me.. showing a little sliver of flesh above the stocking top.

'God that looks so great Mom. Very professional looking. I bet I'm gonna be good at this photography stuff Mom. Can I get you to maybe do some more similar poses Mom??.. Like since we said this is our secret, and to help me practice... can you open a few buttons on your blouse to give the camera a glimpse of your bra... like a real magazine model.. teasing the camera??'

'What??.. No, I can't do that Dan' She said with a slightly nervous giggle.

'Come on Mom.. please, it's only for the pictures, and it's our secret... and it will be fun to see how sexy we can make the pics look... '

'Ohhhhh' she sighed and then exhaled loudly. 'You are a terrible young man Dan. OK, just a few pics' She said as she opened the top three buttons and I glimpsed her cleavage and the lace of her white bra.

'Mmmm, that is nice Mom. Very nice.. that bra looks gorgeous, very sexy' I snapped pics as I spoke, catching as much as I could on the camera. 'God, I bet a picture of you without the blouse would be amazing.. just in the bra.. like a lingerie model, only older, smarter and sexier. What do you think??.. can I get you to slip the blouse off for a quick picture or two.. please??'

Cutting me off she answered 'No way Dan, you can't see your Mother in just her bra'

'Why not Mom, I have seen you in a bikini plenty of times.. this is just the same. And right now you are my model to practice with, not my Mom... come on, aren't you curious to see how good you look in lingerie pictures??'

She took a large sip of wine, and then, looking me in the eyes, said 'I can't believe I'm doing this' as she opened her blouse and untucked it from her skirt. 'You make sure NOBODY sees these photos Dan.. OK??'

'I... I promise Mom' I replied as I watched, my heart racing, and my mouth going dry with excitement. 'Can you.. ehhh.. can you stand up Mom'

Standing she slowly removed the blouse.. a slight grin on her blushing face. Exposing the white lace bra to the camera, her large tits framed perfectly in the lace cups, still holding a firm shape, but the real surprise was that the lace was partially see-through.. and her dark nipples were clearly visible as she posed. 'Well, how does your Mother look?' she asked, her voice a bit shaky. She was obviously nervous, but the atmosphere in the room was electric, the sexual energy building quickly.

My voice breaking a bit 'You.. You look incredible Mom... and that bra is sooo sexy.. can you.. ehhh, can you put your hands on your breasts, and push them together for a picture, making a sexy pout for the camera?'

'OH OK, I guess I could do that' She answered, her hands moving to her tits. She was awkward and unsure, but the pictures were good, her large tits pressed together, looking sexy and inviting.

'Amazing Mom.. you look like a real sexy model, and that lace bra... so hot. Out of curiosity, are you wearing panties that match that bra?'

'DAN!.. where did all this come from??' she asked, half incredulous and half amused. 'Well, if you must know, yes, I am wearing matching ... panties... or a thong to be precise' she added with what was a cheeky smile and a laugh.

I laughed too. 'A thong Mom??.. seriously?.. that is very hot. You know I want to photograph you in the bra and thong now, don't you??... please, the pictures would be very nice. and I bet it would be fun to see how sexy we can make you look...'

Draining her wine glass, 'Ohhh... OK, but this is as far as it goes mister', a half stern, half playful look on her face as she moved to unzip the back of the skirt.

'Can you turn around and do that Mom' I asked as I knelt down and watched through the camera.

'Alright, I guess so' she said, sighing in resignation as she turned her arse to face the camera. Pulling the skirt down. I know she did it slowly for me, and I got several pictures, but that moment when she exposed her arse in that thong is a blur in my memory. It fell to the ground and she stepped out of it. I was speechless, but was still taking pictures.. the flash covering her body with every one. She slowly turned to face me.. showing the front of her lace thong, and as with the bra, it was partially transparent. I could make out a tidy, small patch of brown hair.

She eyed curiously and then followed my gaze to her panties and then realised what I was photographing. 'OH God.. No, Dan... I... I didn't know they were see-through' She covered her crotch with her hands.

'It's OK Mom, I don't mind' I said with a grin as I snapped her again. 'Besides, this is our secret, remember??... come on move your hands... please.. I already have a few pics of it anyway, and the bra is see through too.'

Her blush was deep, but I also felt the heat of the room rise. I could read barely contained sexual energy in her eyes. Was she beginning to enjoy this little posing session with her son. I know I was.

'OK, I guess you can take the pictures if you have them already' she replied, but I could sense her inner confliction and excitement in her voice as she placed her hands on her hips.

'Ehhh, great... eehhh, OK, can you stand with your hands behind your head.. holding your hair up??' She complied and I snapped a few pics. I decided to up the ante. Can I get you to do the bent over pose again on the couch Mom??... that would look so sexy...!'

'hmmmmmmmm' she groaned and rolled her eyes. 'You are being VERY naught son' she said. And when she used the word 'son' we both glanced at each other, and I felt an unspoken surge of erotic tension. However, she did assume the bent over pose... showing the camera her gorgeous ass.

'Can you spread your feet a bit Mom??' Without speaking she opened her feet wider, God she looked sexy in those heels, stockings, thong and bra. 'My God that is hot Mom. Can you put a hand on your arse again, like you did before??' Again, without looking at me, she complied, slowly sliding her right hand onto her right arse-cheek. The flash filled the room several times, the click loudly breaking the silence. Jesus, she look sexy, my own Mother, who would have guessed it?.

Feeling braver, and hoping the erotic charge in the air was affecting her too, I asked, 'Mom, can you ehhhh... can you slip a finger back between your arse cheeks??..please.. like a sexy model.. teasing the camera?'

Sharply she looked back at me, with a stern look, but at the same time her right hand moved over her arse... slipping down between the cheeks, her middle finger lodging over what I expected was her pussy hole or just above it. My cock jumped in my jeans. I knelt down, close and took a few close ups... and noticed a slight dark spot on the thong, where her pussy was. Was she getting wet??.

I got braver still. 'You know Mom... since the bra is so transparent, you could just take it off for a few topless pictures... I bet you would make an amazing topless model...'

She stood up straight quickly, removing her hand from her ass, and looked over her shoulder at me. She was thinking, contemplating. 'OK, but after we look at these pictures, we delete them... OK??.. and this is our secret. No one can know.'

'Of course Mom, I wouldn't tell a soul, I promise' My stomach was giving me that falling feeling, my cock rock hard. She reached back and opened the bra, and let it fall off her perfect tits, her hands covering the nipples.

'The things I do for you on your birthday' she said with a nervous smile as she turned to face me and moved her hands to expose the gorgeous tits. Her nipples were dark red, not too big, but more importantly, they were hard. She was getting hot. Could I press her to the next level.

'You know Mom, these pictures are going to look great, you are a very sexy model, but I bet we could make an amazing set of pics here, if we took it further.' I swallowed hard, preparing myself for the next suggestion. 'I could get into the pics too, we could put the camera on automatic, and we could pretend to be doing stuff, for the camera. Just pretend. Like a sexy older lady and a very lucky youngster. Nothing real just acting, and it might be fun to try and make it look as real as possible too.. what do you think, wanna try a few pics like that??' I held my breath.

'I don't know... what do you mean pretend to do stuff, like what kind of stuff.' she asked.

'OK, let me set up and we can try a few and see what happens.' I put the camera on the TV stand and quickly stripped to my underwear. Let me tell you, stripping while your topless Mother is watching you speechlessly is a strange experience.

'I'm not sure about this Dan'

'It will be fun, just relax, and let's try to make it all look as good as possible. Now, I'm setting the camera to automatically snap a pic every ten seconds, so we need to be in the pose every ten seconds, OK? Now let's do the standard... ehhhh... you know... blowjob pic.. but it's just pretend, can you kneel down on the rug Mom'.

Slowly she knelt down, with a quizzical look on her face 'How do we 'pretend' this?' she asked, with a little bit of nervous amusement in her voice.

'Well, I stand in front of you, and I hold my... ehhh... you know.. towards your face, not touching, and you hold your mouth open, looking, you know ... sexy... like it is about to go into your mouth, see, just pretend.' I pulled m y boxer shorts off and for the first time exposed my thick eight inch hard on. I glanced at my Mother, she was staring at it, with a blush on her face. I turned on the automatic camera, and walked to where she knelt. 'OK Mom, open your mouth maybe with your tongue out too and look at the camera. We have about five seconds left'. I pointed my fat cockhead at her mouth, my heart pounding in my chest, she looked at the camera and opened her mouth, tongue out..


'That was great Mom' I said, 'OK, let's try again, can you hold your ..ehhhh... tits this time... same pose???'.

Looking me in the eyes, she held her tits and said, 'OK'. Her eyes held some lust, and I felt my cock jump.


'Jesus, that looked good, OK, do you think we can get one quick one where you are holding my... ehhh... my,.. cock?? near your mouth??.. just to make it look real??'

'Dan, I'm not sure, that is touching' she said, her eyes on my cock inches from her face.

'It's just pretend for the camera Mom, acting, please.... quick it's about to take the pic'

She quickly grabbed my hard on and held it near her mouth. The sudden feeling of her hand sent a shock through my whole body, and the heat of her breath on my cock was amazing.


'Perfect Mom' I gasped ' can you, eh... maybe touch the tip of it with your tongue for a second... just a quick lick for the camera???..' I asked looking down at her, and the large pearl of pre-cum on my cock head.

Frowning she looked me in the eye, but then, without saying anything, pushed her tongue out and let it touch my cock head, the pre-cum spilling and spreading on her tongue. My legs felt weak.


Quickly she pulled her tongue away, but the pre-cum trail followed, Finally breaking and landing on her chin and one drop on her right tit. It took all my strength not to moan in pleasure.

'You are by far the sexiest lady or model I have ever seen Mom' I said, looking down at her. Her hand still holding my cock.


'Damn, we missed that one' she said, 'are we finished?'

'Well, do you think we could get a very quick one of you ... ehhh... with it... ehhh.. with the tip, the head, in your mouth?? That would make it look more realistic, like a proper action shot!'

'You want your Mother to put your.... cock, in her mouth??' She asked looking at me, still holding my hard on. Hearing her say 'cock' made my head spin, I loved it. And I felt that her saying such a nasty thing out loud excited her also.

'It's just for the pictures Mom'


'What do you say Mom??... on the next one??'

'Well, I guess we have come this far' she replied, and looking me deep in the eyes, she took my fat cock head into her warm wet mouth. I had never had a blowjob before, and the feeling was mind-blowing. She held her head steady, not sucking or licking, and it took all my strength to not grab her head and face fuck her. Five beautiful seconds passed, then...


She pulled me from her mouth, but did it slowly. 'There, was that OK mister photographer?' she asked with a grin as she removed her grip on my rock hard cock.

I was breathing hard. 'That was the sexiest looking picture I have ever seen Mom' I said. 'Can you stand up now, I would like to get some different ones??'. Slowly she stood, her firm tits level with my chest..'Can you assume the bent over pose again Mom?? I would like to slowly remove your panties from behind for the camera??.. and since I am totally naked, it would only be fair.'

Looking me in the eyes, lust burning, but neither of us wanting to destroy the charade of this only being about the pictures, she said, 'OK, I guess it is only fair' and she quickly assumed the position with her hands on the couch, her feet in the heels spread apart and bent over her arse sticking out. She was looking back at me.


'O...OK Mom... I'm gonna kneel behind you now and slowly peel the thong off'. Kneeling as I said it. I rubbed a hand up over each cheek, slowly as I reached for the waistband of the thong. Slipping a finger under each side...


I started to pull the thong down over her sexy arse. Her head was looking down. 'Look at the camera Mom, try to look slutty'. The thong slipped from her arse-crack, exposing first her little arsehole, then the pink glory of her pussy, with it's light covering of sexy brown hair.


I pulled the thong down to her knees, where it was stretched between them, and left it there. Looking right at her pussy, I could see it was wet, very wet, with her lips standing out. God it looked gorgeous. 'That is so sexy Mom, sooooo sexy, can I get the camera and get a few close ups of ..ehhh... it...??'

'Well, I guess that is OK' She said a little breathlessly.

I grabbed the camera and pointed it at her pussy, close up. 'Mom, can you ehhhh... can you spread your arse open for the pic please??'. Quietly, she obliged, spreading it wide, opening up the view of her gorgeous cunt and tight arsehole. I snapped a load of pics, then I asked, 'Can I hold my finger against your... ehhhh... your pussy Mom for a picture??'

'Pussy??.. ' she said in shock at the vulgar term, but regaining her composure, 'OK, but just one or two'.

I watched through the camera as I reached for her clit, I deliberately pressed it and gave it a small circular rub. My Mother arched her back at this, but remained silent. I snapped the pic. Then without asking, I slipped two fingers into her wet pussy and held the there..

'DAN!!' she shouted, 'That isn't what we said we would take a picture of.' but she made no effort to move and she kept her arse cheeks spread for me.

'Sorry Mom, I was just taking pics of what I thought would look good' as I spoke I was very slightly pressing her g-spot and fucking my fingers in and out slowly. I snapped a few shaky pics. Pulling my fingers out of the soaking hole, I heard her moan a little. 'Do you think we could do something like the blowjob pics again, but this time I'm going down on you??... Just pretend, not for real.

I was already putting the camera in a good vantage point for see it, and putting it on automatic when she said 'OK... it is just pretend for the pictures I guess.'

I knelt down behind her and moved my face very close to her holes. The smell of sex filled my nose. God I was horny now. She still had her arse spread for me, bent right over, her face on the couch, looking back at me. 'I'm gonna tip you with my tongue Mom... OK, and hold it for the camera'. I pressed my tongue out and pushed her clit lightly and held the pose, but slowly pulsed my tongue on her clit as I held it there...


I kept my tongue where it was. I could feel her breathing quicken. I slid my tongue upwards to her pussy hole and dipped it in slightly. Simultaneously, I started to touch her clit with my thumb, and began to rub it. I pressed my tongue into her cunt, and started to tongue fuck her as I rubbed her clit.

'Ohhhh... DAN!!' She gasped, 'will the camera catch all this??'

'MMM-HMM' I groaned with my tongue up her, the vibrations of the groan making her clit tremble...


I pulled my tongue from her pussy and while still rubbing her clit with my thumb, I slipped two fingers into her cunt, up to the second knuckle. 'Mom, does this feel OK' I asked, knowing she was enjoying it.

'O...OOH.. yes, it's fine' she said, trying to compose herself, 'I just hope the pictures turn out well'

'Oh they will, I guarantee it.' I said as I began to slowly finger fuck her hole as I rubbed her clit.


'Mom, I want to try something that I gave seen in other sexy pictures. Remember it's just pretend for the pictures.. OK'

'OK Dan, if you say so. What is it you want to try?'

Before she had finished the question, I had started it. I was lightly licking her arsehole as I fingered her pussy and rubbed her clit.

'OH... DAN, NO... don't lick me there' She said, but I responded by pressing harder on her clit with my thumb and harder on her rosebud with my tongue. 'Ohhhh... Ohhhhh... DAN, this is so dirty... I have never done this.'


I press hard into her arse with my tongue... she is squeezing it shut.. but slowly it loosens, and she relaxes as I an fingering her cunt and rubbing her clit. It slips into her tight hole.. and I start to tongue-fuck her forbidden place.

Still holding her arse cheeks open, she is slightly rocking against me. Riding my fingers and tongue.


'OH.. OK DAN... we.. we have to stop this now.. '

I pull my mouth away, and say 'I just need one or two more in this pose Mom'. As I say it, I start to rub a finger on her tight hole, she tenses up, but says nothing. I press it into her asshole, up to the first knuckle.

'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' she groans, 'OHHHH, DAN, No... no, no, no, You shouldn't have your finger in my arse.' As she speaks I press in further, to the second knuckle. 'OOOOOOOOOOO.. OUCH... OH God DAN No,'


I pull my fingers from her arse and pussy and stand up. 'Sorry Mom, I just knew that would make for seriously hot pictures...are you OK??'

Still bent over her arse spread, she says, 'I suppose I am, but you shouldn't have been touching my arse... even if it is just pretend for the pictures'. Slowly she stands. I was expecting her to ask if we were finished, but she didn't.

I decided to press further. 'I have a cool idea Mom, can you kneel on the rug in all fours facing the camera. and I will kneel behind you, and put my... ehhhh... cock under you, but the camera will think it is in you, and we can both make sexy faces like we are doing it... it would be funny'.

'I guess that is OK. It is just pretend I guess.'

The camera flashed as she was getting on the rug. I knelt behind her and holding my cock moved closely. She was looking at me over her shoulder as my cock neared her soaking pussy and finger fucked arse. 'You be careful mister' she said looking me in the eye. I pushed my cock down, and under her. It was rubbing in her pussy hair and I let my hands fall on her hips.

'OK, look at the camera Mom.. and make a face like you are really slutty... like you are loving getting this young cock up your cunt'.

'Ohhhh, that's quiet a mouth you have on you young man' she said, but I could tell she was liking this charade.


We continued like this for a short while.. both of us slowly mock-fucking for the camera. I decided to try my luck. 'Mom, can I get a close up of you in this pose from behind, with my cock in shot.. like it is close to going in??'

'I don't know Dan.. well, OK, but be careful... this isn't like my mouth... OK!!!'

'OK' I say as we both giggle a bit. I get in position, holding my rock hard cock, a mere inch from her pussy. I snapped a few pictures. I moved a bit closer, my cockhead lightly touched her clit...

'DAN, be careful' she said, looking back at me, her hair flicking, making her look sexy, but as she did it, she pressed back and my cockhead popped into her cunt. God it felt incredible.

'OHHHH Shit!! DAN, NO!!!' she shouted looking back at me, but not moving off my cock. I played along.

'Damn, sorry Mom, I got too close... but since it is already in you, can we get a few pics of it??' I suggested breathlessly.

Looking back at me, 'annoyed'.. 'OH, if you must' she said.

I snapped pics, summoning all of my strength not to fuck her but hold still. The flash showing my cock up her cunt in all it's glory. But something was happening, she was moving slowly.. back and forward on my cock... slightly, but definitely fucking me. We worked into a silent rhythm, until my cock was very slowly sliding in and out totally... all eight fat inches. I composed myself enough to take pictures. I didn't want to miss a thing. But I wasn't nearly finished, I wanted to get her to do the sluttiest nastiest poses possible. I pulled my cock out reluctantly. She gasped when I did. Neither of us said anything about the few minutes of fucking we just did.

'OK Mom, I have another sexy idea, can you hold the same pose, but this time make faces like you are ... ehhhh... taking my cock.. ehhhh...up your arse.... that would be soooo sexy. Like a proper sexy photo set.'

'OH God, I'm not sure... I have never done that before' she said, looking back at me, 'I don't know what kind of faces I would make.'

I was already setting up the camera, and her eyes followed me as she spoke. 'Well, If it would help, I could rub it on your arsehole, and see what facial reactions you get, and the camera can catch them. Kinda for real, but still just for the pictures.. like a method actor' I added with a laugh.

'If you think so, but be very careful... I have never... ehhh... done anal before... I don't want you to hurt me. So make sure you don't stick it in.'

I was already kneeling behind her, holding my cock. Her entire pussy arse-crack and arsehole were covered in pussy juice from her excitement, so lube was no issue. Both of us were breathing heavy, as I touched my fat cockhead against her asshole. She moaned and faced the camera.


'We need some more realistic faces Mom, so I'm gonna press a little harder OK??'

'OH.. OH..OK..' she gasped. I pressed forward... first feeling her arsehole open slightly to my cock... 'aaannnnnnnnnnnnnnggggghhhhh' she groaned and tightened her hole pushing my cock back.


'I... I think that will look great Mom...let's get another one..' I pressed again, this time she started breathing heavier, and her hole opened a bit more to my cock.

'OOOHHHHHHHHH GOOODDDD!!!' she screamed, and tightened her hole again pushing my cock back. God this was hot!!!


'OK Mom... let's go again..' this time she looked back at me, watching me. Our eyes held as I pressed into her. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as her arsehole opened even more, then her face turned to the camera, and through gritted teeth the moaned/screamed, keeping her arsehole as relaxed as she could. Then it happened. My fat young cockhead 'popped' into my mother's tiny tight back hole.

'AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' She screamed, and looked back at me, her eyes half full of pleading for me to stop, and half full of pleading for me to continue. I held my cock steady, just the tip in, letting her get used to it for a few seconds. She was breathing heavy..' UUHHH, UHHHH, UHHHH'.

'OH Jesus Christ Mommy' I shouted, 'My cock is in your arse. Do you like it??.. Do you like your son's cock in your arse???' I started to press my cock in all the way slowly, all the time she was moaning in that mixture of pleasure and pain that makes ass-fucking so hot.

Then she spoke... and they were the sexiest words I ever heard..'OH fuck Dan... fuck me.. FUCK me up the arse... arse-fuck your slut mother... I love it... I love having my son's cock in my arse... OH fuck it hurts.' This just made me fuck her harder, as I held her tits...all the time the camera flashing... taking pictures of me fucking my Mother in the arse like a whore. I pulled my cock from her tight hole and lifted her up. I sat on the couch.

'Suck my cock Mommy...go ass to mouth you nasty whore'

She knelt down between my legs and slurped the whole cock into her open sexy mouth. The camera catching both her newly fucked arsehole and her son's cock in her mouth. Her head bobbed up and down on my cock, sucking as hard as she could while I held her hair.

'Sit on my lap Mommy... legs open and your sexy heels on the couch... I want my cock up your arse again... with your legs open for the camera to see it all.

She pulled my cock from her mouth and while wanking it looked me in the eye and said. 'It hurt so much. It's such a thick cock, do I really have to??'

'No you don't have to, but do you not want your young son's hard cock up your forbidden tight hole again like a nasty slut???'

Her eyes wide open, and full of wanton lust, she put my cock in her mouth for one last quick suck, and then turned around, feet on the couch, in her heels and stockings, and grabbed my cock, holding it at her arse.


She started to sit, I was holding her tits. My cock started to sink into her tiny hole. Fuck it was tight. I reached down and started to finger fuck her cunt as my cock head popped into her arse for the second time. 'Oh My God Dan... OH God... Of fuck it's sooo big... OOOOOWWWWWW... OHHHH.. My arse... Oh fuck me... fuck me, FUCK ME!!! FUCK ME UP MY SLUT ASSHOLE DAN... ohhhhhhh fuck Mommy's arse...... ' She had started to ride me now...


'God I hope the camera sees it all' I said between grunts.. she now had half my cock in her asshole, and I started to fuck up into her until the whole thing was up her arse and was sliding in and out the whole length with every one of her bounces..

Her mouth was full of nasty obscenities as we fucked. 'Ohhhh, I have my son's cock in my virgin arse.. OH My God... ass-fuck me.. ass-fuck me... I'm a dirty, nasty slut... a son fucking whore... I want it up my tight arse... ass-fuck me...'

It was then I felt it start to build in my balls... the largest load of cum I have ever had. I managed to say. 'I'm gonna cum Mommy... have you ever had cum shot on your face and tits???'

'No... No.. never.. that's so slutty... OH God... cum on my face Dan... cum on my face son..' she said as she jumped off me and knelt on the rug.

I stood quickly, and pointed my young cock at my Mother's now slutty face. She was holding her tits for me to cum on. 'Open that whore mouth Mommy... let me shoot some in there' I grunted. She dutifully obliged, sticking her wanton tongue out too.


I wanked my cock hard. The first long rope hit her face, on her left eye, into her hair and down beside her mouth, some also landed on her left tit. The second rope was just as long, and my aim was better, most shot into her mouth and some on her nose and down to her chin, and a large amount between her tits. The third was a bit smaller but it got her face again, and her hair. After the third shot, I plunged my cock into her mouth and face fucked her a bit... then pulled out and shot three more ropes of cum on her tits. Collecting the cum on her face and licking if off her fingers. She then raised herself up and put her son's young fat cock between her gorgeous tits and gave me a tit-fuck until my cock was hard again, But then the camera flashed waking her from her sex-daze, and she quickly stood gathered her clothes and left the room.

On her way out she said, 'let's take a look at the pictures when you're ready, and remember, this is our secret'.

Same as Trying out my new digital camera. Videos

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Digital Desire

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Trying out my new digital camera part 3

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 2

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Trying out my new digital camera part 4

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My first digital camers and the man who gave it

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Digital PlayGround Parodies

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 1

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 16

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 6

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 6

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 5

Rebecca was at a loss for words when she walked into the last tent in the line and found young Raymond James face down in his bunk sobbing like he had just lost both his parent in an airplane crash. She knew that wasn’t even a remote possibility because the James family was one of those “never go out” families and were the only family in the neighborhood to never light up their porch for Halloween. Of course, that wasn’t a reason to take a dim view of their social skills, it was just...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 5

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...

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The Digital Disrobing

A very special thing is happening, dear reader. A very special thing. All throughout the digital multiverse, beautiful women are finding themselves totally bare, without the comfort of clothing or privacy. And lucky you! Because you can be here to see it all! That's right, women from any video game you've ever played could be finding themselves stripped right here! From head to (bare) toe, they're all yours to experience! So let's kick back and read about some very special girls getting into...

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Digital Prostate Exam ndash Really ndash Followup Visit

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Digital Prostate Exam ndash Really

This story is a work of fiction, it NEVER happened. I read a story here on XH about a woman going to her gynecologist and ending up in a sexual event (read the story here: . Many men, me included, have no clue what goes on in a woman’s exam but many of us wonder if the doctor may get a bit “handsy”. So I got to thinking what would it be like if the roles were reversed. So I am writing this little tale about a woman doctor examining a...

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Digital World Ch 03

Jenny cursed under her breath."Who the heck is that at this time in the morning?" she muttered, wrapping her towelling dressing gown around her slender body, her blond hair all over the place. It was Saturday morning and she was having a lie in. Is nothing sacred anymore?Jenny opened the door, ensuring the security chain was still on, peering through the gap."Oh, hello Jenny. I wondered if I might come in for a minute if that's OK?" a voice said. Jenny groaned inside, it was Charlie, the old...

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Digital World Ch 01

Jenny had been flattered to have been invited to a photo shoot by a top photographer but was a little wary to begin with. She'd seen an advert on the notice board at Uni which was advertising for potential models but she had ignored the ad.Her boyfriend Mark, however, had sent a couple of pictures of Jenny to the guy who had called Mark on his mobile a week later inviting Jenny to a free, no obligation photo shoot nearby.The studio was a local warehouse in the middle of an industrial park out...

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A digital camera gets her in trouble and he loves it

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New Camera

"Show me dad," his daughter asked. Carefully he unpacked his new purchase and handed it to his only daughter. "Oh it's quite heavy," she gasped as she held it in her hands. "Yeah, it's four million pixels wherever that means," he laughed. "It means there are four million tiny specs of colour making up the picture," she said. "Yeah, what ever," he said, "all I know it's expensive and takes good pictures. "Are you going to take any of me," she asked. "Yes I expect so...

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Smile For The Camera

Sitting at his desk and reading what must have been his 500th email of the day, Spencer heard a light knock at his office door. Looking up he was greeted by a lovely, smiling face attached to much better than average body on a woman he didn’t think he knew. More than happy for the interruption and pleased that it came from a female he said, “Hi. Come in, please.” She stepped inside and appeared to be a little embarrassed, but said, “Hi. I’m Kate.” She paused a few seconds before adding, “I...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 7

Introduction: A beautiful 24-year-old Asian girl goes on vacation but gets lost in a small town and quickly kidnapped by a ruthless and violent biker gang. She struggles to survive as they turn her into their personal fuck-toy, beating and raping her constantly. Chapter 8: Day 2 with Big Joe Hannah wasnt sure what time she fell asleep, but she knew it took at least several hours. Shed never been in so much pain before. The skin on her breasts, ass, and vagina all felt like it had been sanded...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 4 Summer Camp Initiation

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 9

The beautiful Boy Scout Scoutmaster Rebecca sat daydreaming in the snake cabin right in the middle of mostly non-poisonous reptiles slithering passively in their glass cages that separated them from the always curious and often reckless young boys and even some of the more adventurous girls more for their own safety than the rambunctious youngsters. She was not one of those persons that felt comfortable in close proximity to snakes. It was probably some ancient genetic trait that kept her...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 12

Right at the beginning of the final two week session of the summer camp, Rebecca was tasked with leading the Eagle Scout prospects out on a long two night hike that would take them completely around the long narrow lake that was far better to canoe or rowboat rather than hike in the dense underbrush surrounding the lush shorelines. She found that there were four male Boy Scouts and three female Boy Scouts in the pool of applicants and it worked out just fine for four two person tents to...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 7

Hannah wasn’t sure what time she fell asleep, but she knew it took at least several hours. She’d never been in so much pain before. The skin on her breasts, ass, and vagina all felt like it had been sanded off, and her raw asshole was so excruciatingly torn and stretched. Perhaps worst of all, however, was having Big Joe’s rancid, sweat-soaked socks in her mouth all night long. The sour taste of them was so awful and each time she had to swallow Hannah almost puked in her mouth. ...

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George raised the XMAH camera to the window. He nestled back against the crook of the window with the light brown curtains at his back. There was a streetlight just outside the window but it didn't bother George. It was just off to the side of where he was half sitting on the inside window frame, but the brilliance of the bulb gave him complete obscurity from the street and the passing punters as they came down the hill towards the town. He could see a girl approaching now, on the...

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The Camera

In the mid-nineties, on a foggy winter morning I along with my wife arrived at Amritsar. We wanted to visit the Golden Temple and Wagah border gate closing ceremony. I was working in Indian Air Force and was moving on transfer from my place of posting at Srinagar. Before joining in my next place of posting at Air Force station, Bagdogra, we had decided to visit the Golden Temple. Upon reaching Amritsar, we directly went to the Golden Temple. There were free lodge and board facilities. The...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 3 Adventures in Summer Camp

Rebecca’s sixteen year old daughter Edwina was really looking forward to the new experimental Boy Scout/Girl Scout coed camp because she would have an opportunity to offer her oral services to any number of new teenaged boys without much interruption. The fact that they would be on their own out in the woods and learning all kinds of new things was excuse enough for some playful interaction between the teenaged boys and girls with all kinds of energy and blossoming desires emerging at every...

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The Camera

The Camera When I saw the sun glint off a bright shinny object I bent down and picked it up. It was a camera and a pretty good one too at fourteen mega-pixels. I slipped it in my pocket and kept walking home from school. I forgot about the camera until two days later on a Friday. Mom and Dad went out to the movies for their date night and I was looking for something to do. That was when I remembered the camera. I popped the SD disc into my computer and accessed it. There were...

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My camera

Note : This story is totally fictional! Michael could not believe his luck, a beautiful spring day like this and he got out of school early because the air conditioning system broke. On the other side of the coin, his closest friends were on the ball team so the coach held them at school for extra practice. He realized that the championships were getting close but that sure messed up the day. He was thinking about his new car while driving home. His dad had gotten it for him a few weeks ago for...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 12

“Wake the fuck up slut!” Tank shouted, slapping the unconscious Asian hard across her cheek. “No!!! Please, please, please,” Hannah shrieked, as she was jolted awake and instantly began pleading in terror. “We marked you up pretty good last night,” Tank remarked, as he stared at the Asian’s battered and bloodstained tits. “But not as much as you deserved slut. You’re lucky we didn’t fucking kill your ass for that little bullshit stunt you tried to pull.” “Please don’t—don’t hurt me, please...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 4

Hannah did not know what time she fell asleep, but she did know that despite her fatigue it took her at least a few hours. She cried the entire time too. She kept waiting for Tank or one of the other bikers to come in and rape her some more, but it never happened. Eventually she somehow was able to fall asleep, and she dreamed of simple pleasures like being back at home with friends and family throughout the night. “Wakey wakey slut!” Tank exclaimed, slapping Hannah in the face hard and...

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Mavis And The Camera

MAVIS AND THE CAMERAIn the hands of some people a camera can be just as dangerous as a gun. Case in point:My wife Mavis took our new digital camera to a bridal shower last week to record the festivities for a photo album that she intended to give the new bride. It must have been one hell of a good party because Mavis got so wasted that she had to come home in a taxi. They woke me up at three o'clock in the morning to pay the cabby and as I carried Mavis into the house I noticed that she did not...

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Bangalore Girlfriend Bathing And Recorded In Hidden Camera

Hi Guys, This story is about a girl who was from CG; she studied in Bangalore MBA college. Can’t tell you the name and college, she was Sindhi and was a fucking hot chick of college with damn good attitude. She was very proud about herself. Every boy of the college wanted to touch her once or see her assets. We met in CG and she became my gf, I just kissed her and touched boobs for 1-2 years. Then she moved to Bangalore and I moved to some other city, I went to Bangalore to meet her couple of...

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Mavis and the Camera

In the hands of some people a camera can be just as dangerous as a gun. Case in point: My wife Mavis took our new digital camera to a bridal shower last week to record the festivities for a photo album that she intended to give the new bride. It must have been one hell of a good party because Mavis got so wasted that she had to come home in a taxi. They woke me up at three o'clock in the morning to pay the cabby and as I carried Mavis into the house I noticed that she did not have the new...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 9

Hannah was on her knees underneath a large desk and sucking an Outlaw’s large, smelly penis. Her hands were still tied behind her back and she was completely naked except for the black stripper heels on her feet. The Asian was crying softly as she serviced the biker’s disgusting cock while he did some sort of work on a computer. She’d been blowing the hairy man for more than ten minutes and he still did not appear close to cumming. Hannah was just grateful to be back in the lounge and...

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Digital Chains Chapter 1 My New LongDistance Master

-You have received a friend request from MercilessHound666- MercilessHound666: Your name and age? Me: stacie. im 16 MercilessHound666: And what's my name? Me: mercilesshound666? MercilessHound666: Stacie, I would like for you to understand something. If you want to be my pet, then you will have to think while speaking with me. I will not accept an idiot. Try again. Me: master? MercilessHound666: That's a good girl. Are you naked right now? Me: mmhmm

2 years ago
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Nudie Camera

Nudie Camera Dad had bought me a very expensive camera for my sixteenth birthday. He knew how much I liked photography and that I was in the photo club at school. I was even on the Yearbook Staff. It was one of the latest digital cameras on the market and used multi-millions of pixels. It even used real interchangeable lenses and he got a couple of them to start me out with. I took pictures of my beautiful mother and of my even more beautiful sister Genevieve. At seventeen years...

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The Lost Camera

Philip Johnson Chapter One Her phone rang and when it’s picked up I say, ‘Hi Jennie, it’s Alex. ‘Alex, how are you?’ ‘Almost as good as I’m likely to get. I called to see if you would like to spend the afternoon with me and since its July and hotter than hell, I thought we could rent a pontoon boat, have a picnic and maybe take a swim in the lake?’ ‘Do you mean today?’ ‘Yeah, sorry it’s so last minute but I was supposed to work overtime and they cancelled it.’ ‘I probably can but...

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Dominated by the Camera

Kara bit her bottom lip nervously as she approached Amy's house. It was late Friday evening and the sound of her feet striding along the sidewalk seemed to be the only sound in the usually busy town. Even the black sky above seemed to be casting an ominous tone on the events ahead. Kara was a stunning twenty three year old with straight raven hair that cascaded down each side of her face and rested gently on her shoulders. Her emerald colored eyes were offset by a pair of luscious ruby lips...

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The Camera

The CameraIt?s a lazy Saturday afternoon.  I?m just watching TV and thinking about mowing the lawn.  Out of the corner of my eye I catch a view of Sarah, the beautiful 18 year old girl that lives across the street.  She?s just coming out the front door with a bunch of stuff.  Oops, she dropped something small, like her phone or camera.  I can?t help but watch her bend over to pick it up.  Such a nice sight!  What I?d give for a strong gust of wind to blow that short skirt up right now.The...

2 years ago
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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 11

Hannah did not come close to making her $3000 quota. By the time she got back out to the bar, it was past midnight and more than half of the patrons she’d seen when Wayne and Carl had bought her were long gone. Moreover, after the horrendous nightmare the two men had put her through, she had little strength or willpower to continue her duties as a whore. The Asian was almost like a zombie as she transported various johns back and forth from her room. The only times she showed any kind...

3 years ago
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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 3

Just as Hannah thought, the bikers headed straight back to the bar. They’d been gone for only about an hour, but when they entered the parking lot Hannah noticed that there were at least 10 more motorcycles sitting there. Her heart was pounding in terror as she was hauled back into the large tavern, with the other Outlaws right behind her. There were several bikers hanging out in the lounge and drinking beers, but as soon as they saw Hannah they got up and followed her into the...

3 years ago
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Playing To The Camera

It was only our third time together and already I liked giving this man blow jobs. At least those were the thoughts I was having as we cuddled on the couch with my head lying on his chest. His strong heartbeat was almost back to normal. Hearing it was keeping my own heart fluttering rapidly.Just a few minutes earlier he was fucking me like he was some sort of savage king. He made me feel like his harlot as I lay on my back with my legs spread wide for him. I had never been fucked so hard yet my...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 8

Rebecca was in an outdoor meeting near the Forestry and Conservation merit badge area with about two dozen of the special workers hired from the oldest crop of both Boy and Girl Scouts that couldn’t afford the fees of summer camp. They had exchanged their manual labor for the opportunity to live at the camp and get their meals there. Part of the deal was the chance to use all the facilities including the lake and the pools and places like the archery range and the rifle range as well as...

1 year ago
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Caught on Camera

Tracy forced on a wide, gleaming smile.  ?I'm here for the eleven o'clock appointment?  Tracy??The receptionist gave her a doubtful look, then began to leaf through a grimy stack of papers, his eyes occasionally darting back at her.  Tracy felt her smile begin to waver; she knew she should've worn something else.She'd spent all morning going through her closet, trying on several completely different outfits before ending up with this one.  She had no idea what would be considered appropriate,...

2 years ago
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My grandmother was always around when I was little. She always would pick me up from the bus stop, always buy me stuff, etc. Ever since I was 12, I noticed her differently. I saw how large her boobs and ass were and often fantasized about her naked and me sucking on her nipples and fucking her pussy. She was about 5'6, 300 pounds, 34d breasts, and long hair. By the time I turned 13, I would watch her undress through the keyhole, but she was always in a bra and panties. I had never seen her...

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