Sexual Frustration Makes Me Into A Slutty Little Cock Teasing Flasher - Part 3 free porn video

My night was very restless. I was going on two weeks without a hard cock to enjoy. I had gone from wanting sex to needing sex and, after Steven’s disappointment and the events of the past days, I was ready to explode. My toys and fingers just couldn’t satisfy me and my level of arousal had my body tingling all over. I masturbated so much that my arms grew weak and tired. I went through three or four sets of batteries with my toys, vowing to buy rechargeable batteries or electric toys. At the very least I should pick up Duracell stock!
I pondered driving to the city to find somebody to satisfy my cravings but found that I was just too tired to drive almost an hour to get there. Instead, I continued to play with myself and I read erotica and answered some emails. I even went so far as to sign on to an adult cam-chat site. It did little to decrease my arousal and even had the opposite effect. Logging off quickly, I reminded myself that if I ever needed sobering up, there would be no better place than a cam site populated with grotesque obnoxious people.
I decided that the best thing for me to do was to be as non-sexual as possible. I put on a pair of regular everyday panties, a bra, and then donned a simple cotton long nightgown. I rarely wear panties and only confine my breasts when I feel like I need to. I find them restrictive and uncomfortable. I pulled my hair into a ponytail, thinking that it would make me feel less sensual than the long and flowing look I usually wear. I laughed at myself in the mirror. My pale green eyes still sparkled and pulling my hair back merely accentuated my high, pronounced cheekbones. I cavorted in front of the mirror for a few seconds, laughing at how silly I had made myself look. I even thought about going to my library to put on my reading glasses.
It did not have the effect I had hoped for. I still felt sexy. The panties lasted for maybe ten minutes before it felt like they were cutting off my circulation. My pussy hadn’t stopped dripping since earlier that morning and they were soon soaked through. That wetness felt hot and sticky against my crotch and, although I know my senses were over exaggerating the sensation, it seemed that every step it took was met with the elastic of the leg holes cutting into my flesh, as if they were made of barbed wire. I reached down and peeled the wet sticky mess off my body and immediately felt better.
My bra followed shortly thereafter. I don’t know exactly who invented the brassiere, but they obviously enjoyed torturing women. The back straps seemed to restrict my breathing and my breasts felt mashed beneath the material of the cups. I pulled the cotton nightie off of me, shrugging out of the bra. Standing nude again, I caressed my breasts in an attempt to bring the circulation back. That felt heavenly! I spent much longer caressing myself than I should have. I lifted and stroked my breasts and pinched my nipples gently, sending shivers down my spine.
Noting that I had sabotaged my own efforts at feeling non-sexual, I decided to go for a quick drive and enjoy the night air. I had grown tired of constantly changing clothes, although I usually take great joy in such a mundane activity. Giving in to both my inner devil and my inner succubus, I grabbed my keys and wallet from my purse. I paused only long enough to slip on some shoes and headed out to my car for a moonlit nude drive.
I live in a population void. I am close enough to the city that I can get there in a relatively short time, but far enough away that my home is located out in the boonies. My closest neighbor is about one-tenth of a mile away and our street hardly ever sees any traffic. Most cities have such a zone that surrounds them. Once you leave the city, proper you come to suburbia. If you head out a bit further, you’ll come across a few small towns on the outskirts. Some few miles later you’ll come to an area that has rolling hills, or woods that is speckled here and there with large farmland. That is the area I live in and I heartily enjoy the privacy.
For my entire drive I wove through country roads, some paved many not. I must have driven for twenty or more minutes with the windows down. I enjoyed the cool night air on my body and soon had my free hand between my legs again. I edged myself closer and closer to orgasm. Although not a conscious thought in my mind, I waited until there were oncoming headlights before I allowed myself to orgasm.
My entire body shuddered as I came, forcing me to slow down as the waves of pleasure racked my body. The driver either didn’t see me driving nude in mid-orgasm as our cars passed each other, or he didn’t notice; his loss. After another intense orgasm, I started to feel a bit chilly so I rolled up my windows and blasted the heat as I made my way home. As I drove the deserted roads I began to plan for tomorrow. I still hadn’t decided if I was actually going to seduce them. I knew that I wanted them, especially Matt. By the time I returned home the heat had relaxed me enough that I felt like I could sleep. I paused to set out my makeup for the day and kick off my shoes. I then made my way to my bedroom. Sleep denied me for a long while as I fantasized about three cocks to please me and three sets of lips and hands devouring me. By the time I had exhausted myself enough to actually close my eyes my sheets thoroughly soaked.
Despite not being able to get to sleep the previous evening I awoke in a great mood and felt totally refreshed. I had planned to sleep in until at least eight AM but the pulsing and throbbing of my pussy had me up well in advance. I immediately pulled the still-soaked bedclothes off my bed and kicked them into the hallway. The coolness of the night before had given way to a hot and extremely humid morning. Looking out the window, I saw that it had rained sometime during the night. The sky was alight with a brilliant blue that morning, so it didn’t look like rain today.
I then showered to wash off the evidence of my auto stimulation and made sure that my legs, arm pits, and pussy were fully shaved and silky smooth. I was still so fucking horny that the vibrations from my cordless shaver nearly brought me to orgasm. I’ve had some female friends that have confessed to me that they hardly, if ever, reach orgasm. I feel so lucky. Not only can I easily reach orgasm but I can reach multiple orgasms, one after another. If I get really turned on every little bit of physical contact shoots rays of pleasure directly to my clit. I’ve even had a few lovers that could get me to cum without even touching my pussy! I allowed the sensations of the shaver to wash all over me and brought myself right up to the very brink of orgasm. I made myself stop just before the waves convulsed over me.
Catching my breath, I dried myself off with an extra soft towel and moisturized my skin before I got to work on my makeup. I did my eyes a little more slutty than usual, using a darker color of shadow. I rouged my high cheekbones a bit to add contrast and, chose a darker red shade of lipstick that I typically reserve for evenings where I know it will be a bit darker. I slid into the shorts I had laid out. They were definitely short shorts. Tight all over my body, they hugged my hips low enough that the very tops of my hip bones could be seen. The crotch was cut tight and, with just a little bit of maneuvering the outlines of my lips could be barely made out. The legs of these shorts are so short that when I’m standing the barest bits of the bottoms of my ass cheeks can be seen. If I walk in them or bend over they easily ride up and expose a good bit of my behind. As uninhibited as I am, I rarely wear these except around the house. The few times I did wear them in public I caused quite a stir. While I loved the small harem of men that followed me around, I have long since moved to mainly skirts for my showing off and public adventures. As planned, I wrapped the thin white bikini top around my breasts enjoying the way the fabric slid across my nipples. A simple pair of canvas sneakers completed my look. Looking at myself in the mirror, I looked like quite a little slut. I was very pleased. I toyed with the thought of another top and dismissed the notion after trying on maybe only a dozen or so. I decided that I looked too slutty. There are some fine lines between sexy, to slutty, to slut-wear. I had definitely gone too far with this.
I needed to find something else to wear and quickly. They were due at any time. Immediately I rubbed off most of the brilliant red lipstick. I toned down the shade a few notable notches and it took my makeup from a brazen fuck me look, to sultry with just a hint of slutty. I tried some pigtails with my hair to see if that innocent look would help. With my hair like that, I looked like I was in a starring role as the slutty farmer’s daughter in a porn movie. As much as I liked that look I abandoned it.
I was wondering what to do when the doorbell rang. “Fuck me! Damn!” I exclaimed as I jumped out of my chair. I stopped quickly and grabbed a bottle of perfume and spritzed myself with just a couple quick pumps. Rubbing the scent into my skin, I started for my bedroom door when I spied a simple light green T-shirt hanging in the closet. “That will have to do,” I said to myself as I grabbed it in my rush to get downstairs.
I jogged down the stairs with the shirt in my hand. I could see the outline of a man through the frosted glass of the door. It looked like Matt’s profile. I hoped it was him. I shouted that I was coming as I reached the door. I had left it unlocked in the hopes that he’d just stroll in and take me. I flung open the door so hard that it nearly slammed open. There stood Matt shirtless in a pair of cutoffs and sandals. His chest and abs were quite toned.
“We’re all read…” he began. His voice trailed off as he caught sight of me. Matt had tried to be professional yesterday. I had even heard him admonishing the others for some of the things they had said. If he was trying to be professional this time he failed miserably. His jaw dropped and his eyes ran up and down my body. I could almost feel the heat of his stare as his eyes traveled from my face to my tits, down to my shorts, lingering at the very spot I wanted his cock, and then traveling down my legs and back up again. He finally gathered his senses and looked me in the eye.
“Umm, we’re ready to start,” he said. Since he was bashfully checking me out I did the same to him. I, however, made no attempt of hiding my lusty appraisal of his torso.
“Very nice,” I said smiling. “You go get started and I’ll be out there shortly.”
I stood in the doorway after he nodded and turned. I recalled his nude ass from before as he hosed himself down. I admired his thigh muscles as they rippled in the rhythm of his gait. He turned to look back at me and I could see his back muscles tightening as his head turned. I smiled at him and slowly closed the door.
As soon as the door latched I threw my back against it and plunged my hand down the front of my shorts. My more cautious and conservative inner self might have been uncertain as to what I was planning to do, but right in that moment I needed a cock inside me. I imagined his muscles clenching as he thrust into me. I wanted them to take me and take me hard. Forget finishing the gazebo! I wanted them right there in my garden with my naked back being hammered into the soil. I wanted to feel them ravage me. I wanted to see Matt’s face as he came all over me. My fingers were buried inside my shorts and my hips were bucking. I glanced down and saw my nipples poking out of the bikini top. As my legs started to shake I struggled not to orgasm yet. With clenched teeth, I managed to slow my pace and let myself down before I erupted in screams of passion. I picked up the shirt where I had dropped it on the floor and shimmied into it as I walked back to the garden area. The sun felt hot and intense on my already sweaty skin. All three of them were getting the gazebo tops ready for the roof as I sauntered back. All eyes fell on me and all conversation stopped.
Very aware of the bouncing of my breasts, I asked them where they wanted me. I was informed that they have it handled but I could start smoothing out the gravel inside the gazebo if I wanted so they could lay the floor pieces. I grabbed a loose board and a rake and got to work on that. When I got close to the edges I’d kneel on the board and fill in the low spots by hand. Whenever I did so I could feel the air on the lower portions of my buttocks. I could also hear their conversation become hushed and secretive.
Again, I was rewarded by seeing three turgid erections. As the day grew warmer and more humid, I became more and more overheated. After two or three trips to the hose to cool off I stripped off the T-shirt, leaving just the bikini top. It was already saturated and I knew the outlines of my nipples would be seen faintly.
I heard Thomas whisper “Wow” and giggled to myself.
Eventually, the mood got to be more relaxed. I didn’t bring up them catching me naked, but they did attempt to apologize for the intrusion. I again waved off any apologies and merely told them that I’m used to going nude a lot around my own home and if they didn’t like it they could cover their eyes.
“Cover our eyes?” Jerry said. “That was pretty much the entire topic of conversation all night!” His confession was answered by Matt punching him in the arm.
“Don’t embarrass her,” he said.
“Embarrassed? No, not at all,” I answered. “In all truth I’m flattered. You young men are so handsome I imagine that you’d have your pick of any woman. The thought that I caused such a stir is a huge boost to my ego.”
Eventually, they were done with the roof. Sheets of rough hewn wood were cut to shape and put on. The center portion had an opening for smoke and heat to escape with a raised covering. All four of us started laying out the precast flagstone. A few bags of cement mix as the base and they started placing them in. I was amazed at how fast they worked. We chatted about lots of different things and I made extra certain to tease them mercilessly.
At one point they were discussing how they were working on a new song for their band and couldn’t get it right. Matt asked me what I did last night after they left.
I confessed. “Well, after you guys left the first time I was obviously washing the mud and dirt off myself. You saw that. After you left, I sat on the bench right beside you in the gazebo and broke it in by playing with myself until my legs were weak.” All three of them stopped and just stared at me. I felt so naughty and wicked.
Eventually, Thomas broke the silence. “I jerked off last night too.” He was immediately razzed by the others and everyone got a good laugh out of it. While everyone was laughing I caught his eye.”
“Over me?” I asked in a very quiet voice. He only nodded quickly and turned his face away embarrassed. There’s nothing more thrilling than knowing that some young, hot, college stud was playing with himself thinking about me. I was very tempted to ask him to let me watch the next time.
“You admit that you masturbate,” Jerry asked me as the laughter died down. Matt shot him an evil look but everyone, including myself, ignored him.
“Definitely! At least once or twice a day. Any woman that says she doesn’t either has severe sexual problems or is lying.”
“That’s so hot.”
“It’s perfectly natural. How often do you masturbate? Think about it. Pretty much everyone does.”
Their erections told me everything I needed to know. I continued as they remained silent and enthralled. “To deny oneself their urges does not lend itself to a happy and healthy lifestyle.”
The conversation drifted a bit after that and they began talking about their show coming up. After inquiring, I was told that the band is called “Cat and Mouse” and is based off the fact that two of the members are named Tom and Jerry. They all decided, more or less in unison, that I should come to their next show.
“Sure,” I laughed. “You all would really want to see a client of yours, ten years your senior, hovering over your show like I’m your mom or something.” They all practically fell over themselves telling me how much they’d like to see me there.
Eventually, the gazebo was finished and it looked better than I had hoped. I shook their hands, making sure my breasts jiggled for them. They spent about half an hour cleaning up, loaded up the trailer and truck and left. Matt assured me that he’d be back later that evening to collect the rest of the bill. I told him that I could write him a check right then and there but he stuttered out that he needed to check some totals for materials and that he’d swing by later.
As I waved goodbye to them as they drove off. I found myself secretly hoping that Matt’s reason for coming back later was a ploy to get me alone. As soon as they were gone, I stripped down and hosed myself off again. I couldn’t step foot on the gazebo until the concrete had set up, so instead, I lay myself down on the stone path and fingered myself to three or four orgasms while the sun dried my body. I thought about their countless stares. I thought about Thomas stroking himself thinking about me. I thought about Matt’s glistening chest all covered with dirt and sweat. Practically screaming “fuck me”, I brought myself off hard and fast. Before the afterglow of my orgasms had subsided I gathered up my clothes and skipped into my house. I was very pleased with myself for being such a naughty slutty tease.
I waited impatiently throughout the rest of the day, occupying myself with household chores. I was counting the minutes since they left and eagerly awaiting Matt’s return. The evening came and I had meanwhile finished everything that I could and even finished cleaning up the work area around the newly constructed gazebo. Just prior to the time I figured Matt would come by I took a long hot shower. I redid my makeup, going a few shades bolder with the lipstick this time, and donned only my robe. I went out to the back patio with a sketch book and began planning the accenting plants and paths to accommodate the new gazebo. Although I had several orgasms already, the heat and wetness between my legs was incredible. I was about one-third of the way through a bottle of very nice Pinot Noir when I saw Matt’s truck pulling up. He was alone and I was in desperate need.
I caught a glimpse of the truck as it pulled around the bend in my driveway. I heard the door open and close. Matt knocked on the front door.
“I’m around back,” I shouted. I called out that I was on the back patio. I had my legs propped up on the patio table with the sketch book in my lap. I had no intention of moving to a more modest pose as he came round from the front.
“Have a seat,” I smiled. He looked too nervous as he approached with some papers in his hands. He clutched at them like a lifeline. He sat in the chair I had strategically placed across from me. His eyes roamed over my body hidden only by the thin robe. My legs were still propped on the table and I knew that he could easily see my wet pussy from that angle.
Matt had showered and cleaned himself up. I got a whiff of his herbal soap. He scooted his chair up closer to the table and I politely drug my feet off of it making sure to spread my knees as I did so. I saw his eyes dart to my crotch as he pretended to look at the papers he had brought. He explained to me that much of the wood he used was reclaimed and that most of the gravel and concrete was left over from other jobs. After all was said and done, accounting for me ‘helping’ over the past two days, that my bill was actually considerably less than he had originally quoted.
That was an incredibly pleasant surprise. Not only did the entire cost run me just a little over what a higher end prefabricated one would have, but now I had just enough money left over to buy the plants and foliage I wanted to finish up the project. I was delighted.
I got up from my chair slowly, noting how Matt’s eyes devoured me. Telling him that I’d be right back I went into the house and dug out my checkbook. I purposely left the door open knowing that he’d have an unobstructed view of me. I grabbed a pen and leaned onto the kitchen counter with my back to him. I knew that from where he was that he could clearly see almost half of my nude behind and the mound of my pussy from the rear. The thought of it sent burning pins of delightful fire up and down my entire body. I took my time writing the check and then slowly straightened and turned towards him. I walked over to where he was sitting making sure that my breasts bounced and that my hips swayed invitingly.
I sat down in the chair and faced him, relishing the stunned look on his face. He knew that I caught him leering at my body. I leaned forward and slid the check over to him, noting that my robe opened as I did so. About half of my breasts were exposed. I made no move to cover up and looked him the eye instead. Matt’s eyes darted from my slightly open legs to my cleavage, and then he finally managed to tear his gaze from my body and he looked me in the face. He glanced down at the check and thanked me.
Matt said that he’d be leaving now and that he’ll deposit the check first thing Monday morning. He said that he’d see me later unless there was more work I wanted him to do. I thought it over for less than a second as he turned to go.
“Yes, one thing I need done, if you can,” I mentioned. He stopped and turned towards me, his back partially turned.
“Sure, if I can. We can do general construction, lawn maintenance which you already have covered, landscaping and…”
I cut him off mid-sentence. I’m usually quite aggressive and bold when I want something, but I somehow felt more nervous this time and I wanted to say it before I lost my nerve. “I want you to lick my pussy.”
He was still trying to get his sentence out. “…and concrete work. We can set up your paths in the garden….what did you say?”
I smiled at him and spread my legs as I turned. At this point, I was done with teasing and I made sure he knew I was intentionally showing him. I pointed down to my open pussy and ran my index finger up the slit and quickly circled my clit.
“Lick...My... Pussy,” I said again slowly. With each word I ran my finger over my slit, coating my finger with my own juices. I brought my finger up to my lips and licked my own nectar off. “Unless, of course, you don’t want to make me cum all over your face.”
His look went from shock to disbelief and, then finally his face lit up with a huge smile. He walked over as I opened my robe all the way. As if he were in a trance, he approached me slowly. I drank him in. He gingerly put a hand behind my head at the nape of my neck and bent down to kiss me. Our lips met and devoured each other hungrily.
He was a great kisser. At first, he was passionate but yet gentle. As I devoured the taste of him his pace quickened, and the pressure increased, and soon I was panting into his open mouth. During the past week, I had been as aroused as I could ever recall being. This sent me over the top. Each time his lips pressed into me it felt like a mini orgasm. As the kiss broke off I was left panting. He eyed me hungrily and I reached out, without a word, and grabbed a handful of his hair with either hand. I firmly but gently moved his head down my body. He paused at my breasts for a moment, defying my direction.
His lips ensnared my nipples and his tongue danced lightly around my areolas. “Harder, please harder” I begged, as I pushed his mouth onto my tits. I could feel the juices flowing freely and my entire body was on fire with lust. His hands roamed up and down my entire body. Gently at first, then building to a crescendo of pressure and movement, his rough hands roamed over every inch of my skin. He glanced up and down my thighs and would then lightly brush his fingers across my throbbing pussy. As soon as I’d thrust my hips to meet his touch, his hands would dance away to roam elsewhere.
I was soon panting and moaning uncontrollably. Just when I couldn’t take any more of his teasing he stopped altogether. My eyes opened, and I saw him staring down at my convulsing body. I then forcefully pushed his head in between my thighs and pulled his lips into my wetness.
His tongue ran up and down my slit with agonizing slowness. “Fuck yes” I cried. “Lick me, please lick me! Make me come.” I pulled him tighter and wrapped my thighs around his head as his tongue began to swirl around my swollen clit. “Yes, fuck yes, right there!”
I was vaguely aware of the back of the chair cutting into my back as I slid down to give him better access. I didn’t care. The chair could have been made of needles and I wouldn’t have cared at that point. I felt my juices start to gush as my body began to gyrate in bliss. The build didn’t last very long in my animalistic state and I came so hard that the throes of orgasm nearly toppled me out of the chair.
Matt paused as I came. While my hips were pumping, out my physical control, he pried his head out from my thighs. I wondered if I had suffocated him as hard as my thighs had clamped down on him. His face was coated from his cheeks to his chin with my wetness. He was smiling. The aftershocks sent tremors of pleasure through my entire body. “Pull your cock out,” I demanded.
He stood up and pulled down his shorts. His cock was nice. It was a little on the longer side but not huge. I noted that he kept his man-hair trimmed nicely. It was thick and circumcised, and he was so hard that I could see it bobbing up and down as he looked at me. Without thinking my hand flew to clit and I rubbed myself as I looked at him standing naked in front of me. “Very nice,” I said. I stood up, my knees not wanting to support my weight. I gently pushed him back to the table and bade him to lay down on it. With his back on the table and his knees bent so his feet touched the patio floor, I spread his legs apart and began biting and licking my way up to his gorgeous cock.
As my head moved forward I bent at the waist and took a couple tiny steps further into the envelope of this body. As I reached his hard cock, my hands sought his magnificent package. I stroked it slowly at first and then added more pressure and speed. I cradled his jewels in my other hand and caressed them lightly. Stopping for a moment, I reached back between my legs and lubricated my palm and fingers with my juices. He made to sit up and I pushed him back to his prone position.
“You stay there until I’m done playing.”
My hand returned to his cock. The wetness of my orgasm coated it nicely and it glistened in the glow of the sunset. As I stroked him, I could hear the sloshing of my hand on his member intermingled with his moans. My hand abandoned his sack and I plunged my fingers inside of my still aching and dripping pussy. As he let out a long moan of pleasure I bent forward the final few inches and took the head into my mouth.
I ran my tongue over the tip of his cock while continuing go to stroke it faster and faster. As the pace of his breathing quickened I began to plunge my mouth down his member to match the rhythm of my strokes. I forced my mouth over his thick cock deeper and deeper. Soon I had forced a little more than half of it past my lips. Having one hand free I started running my nails up his thighs, and then squeezing his manhood. My hand was abusing my clit at a break-neck pace. He moaned out that he was close to cumming and I could feel another strong orgasm begin to well up inside of me.
My hand was moving so hard and fast over my pussy that I could hear the sounds of the wetness over his moans. Matt’s hips were humping upwards with my down strokes and his chest and arm muscles were clenching gloriously. He screamed “Oh fuck,” as I felt his hard cock pulsate in my mouth. As his orgasm began, his hips bucked up and down as he gasped and moaned. It popped out of my mouth right when the first spurts fired. I had wanted to take it all in my mouth but instead the first spurt hit me on the cheek. I reached out to grab his member as the waves of orgasm shot through me.
My legs gave out and I collapsed onto his crotch. His ejaculate covered my face, my hair, and my breasts. My hand was soaked from my own orgasm. As the waves subsided, I rubbed his love juices onto my breasts as he lay there panting.
A few seconds later I was helping him to his feet. He thanked me and told that it was the best he’s ever had. I replied that he was pretty good himself.
“Can I see you again?” He asked.
“See me again? Oh, my dear Matt. We are far from finished. Come inside with me right now! You are my captive until I’m, covered in your cum and I’ve had that nice thick cock of yours inside me…and stop calling me Ms. Greene!”
The end

- 01.05.2021
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- Exhibitionism