My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 38
- 3 years ago
- 26
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When we moved out of the old shop, we removed the entire security system. Whoever is bankrolling these assholes had it re-installed. Staking the place out, we discover a flaw and decide our plan to abduct another boy isn’t needed. The thing is the people who re-installed the alarm system didn’t think about where they put the keypad to enter the alarm code. If the main door is open, you can see the keypad. It is a rarity that the boys show enough intelligence to close the door before they enter the code. Unfortunately, we haven’t had a good shot of anybody entering the code because they have been too tall, and they typically block our camera’s view with their shoulders.
Thursday, our school’s basketball team wins a preseason game. Jasmine, the girl who started the blackmailing of her fellow cheerleaders, is the first through the door. They sent her ahead to open the shop for the girls to arrive and get ready for the post-game party.
Jasmine is only 4’ 7”. Our camera across the street has a clear view of the code she enters in the keypad.
Shortly after she arrives, the other girls start showing up. The shocking thing is that the boys’ coaches drive the girls from the game, and the coaches join the party. Even if the girls were all willing, the coaches are all guilty of statutory rape just by being there.
Shortly after the basketball team arrives, other cars show up, some of which have more girls, others have prominent members of the community. I recognize two cops. One is an RCMP and the other Vic PD. The Vic PD officer makes me wonder if this is bigger than just the western communities, which only has RCMP.
I am horrified when I see the video of the last four arrivals. Since it is a basketball party, it is a surprise that Allan and Zed, two members of the lacrosse team, are escorting two new girls into the party. The horrifying thing is the new girls are my employees. Beth, I know well. She is one of our Jr. office secretaries. She is a good looking brunette, but not as attractive as any of my girlfriends. Xena, I don’t know as well. She sews the skin on the kayaks for us. She is short and stocky, with quite a bit of strength, which gives her an advantage in stitching it on smooth. She isn’t an ugly girl, so if you are into the muscular type, I’m sure she is attractive.
Both girls are bawling their eyes out as they are escorted into the shop.
It is Friday lunch when I am told about it by my security staff. I don’t get to see the video until I can get to the office Friday afternoon when I get back from UVic. Beth and Xena don’t show up to work, and we can’t get a hold of them.
I let Paul know that he should start thinking up a plan to duplicate whatever blackmail materials they have in their hideout, without anybody knowing we did it. In any event, we can’t gain access until at least 1 am Tuesday morning. We have no clue what time they will vacate Sunday night, but it isn’t likely they will stay that late on a Monday. There is nothing we can do until then, so I immerse myself in my work while watching movies to occupy both sides of my brain.
Unfortunately, when I get emotional, I sometimes overreact. I’m sick of the slow progression of things and want to cut the tether of caution. The first thing I do is put the wheels in motion to start a project I was going to save for twenty or thirty years. I call Steve Jobs.
“What’s new and exciting?”
“More than you think, Steve.”
“Oh, I hope it isn’t too much. Between the internet, our new server and the game system, we are getting a little swamped.”
“I kind of figured that NeXT would be saturated with projects.”
“It is a good problem to have. Before we hooked up, NeXT was going under.”
“I’m glad you feel that way because I have a proposition for you.”
“I would love to, but as I said, we can’t do much more than we already are.”
“That’s good because I wasn’t offering to work with NeXT on this. I need a business partner that has contacts that can quickly get a business established.”
“What are you working on?”
“I have seen most of SunDisk’s patents and know I can improve them, using different materials. I just need somebody to help me finish the design and take it over. I have too many other projects on the go to coddle this. I also need somebody that can manage the business once we are ready for production.”
SunDisk leads the world in memory chip technologies. Unfortunately, Sun Computers goes after them for copyright infringement. Instead of paying out to Sun Computers, some time in the early to mid 90s, SunDisk changes it’s name to SanDisk.
“Aside from just giving you some contacts, which I could give you for free, what do you want from me?”
“I figured if you had a vested interest in it, you would look over their shoulders and keep things running smoothly. You know a lot more about the computer industry than I do, and you have a working knowledge of the tech.”
“What do you need for somebody to finish the development?”
“Anybody working on solid-state drives, particularly ferroelectrics.”
“I’ll ask around. I already have somebody in mind who can run the company, but she will likely want a piece of the action and not just a salary.”
“Not a problem. You realize, if we are quick about it, we can beat SunDisk to the punch and release our solid-state drives before they do? We could turn things like media players and cameras digital. The ferroelectrics will make us billions in the long run. You could pull a hostile takeover and get Apple back from the assholes that stole it from you.”
“It takes more than money to pull a hostile takeover. They used politics to claim I was destroying the company’s profitability.”
“And look what they have done since you left. It is worse now than ever.”
“I suppose it is getting ripe for another takeover. We can buy shares and convince enough of the other shareholders to back me, but then, what about NeXT?”
“Once you are in control again, sell NeXT to Apple. Making it a division of your old company will cause Apple’s logistics to pick up the slack, freeing up a lot of money you currently spend on infrastructure. Both companies are working on similar operating systems. Combine the projects and free up more people we could use on other projects.”
“I honestly think their operating system is going to fail. Most of the people I free up doing that are programmers. They know little about hardware. I have a few people in mind to create our new computers. With everything we are doing together, I am running out of people, and finding new people is becoming difficult.”
“I like hiring inexperienced people who don’t have a preconditioned way of doing things and training them to be the way I want them. I also partner with the local university and have some of the engineering professors give assignments that can be used in my projects. If I use a student’s work, I award him. Any students participating have to sign NDAs. I am hiring a few students based on the work they have already done for me.”
“I’m not sure I like that. It’s difficult enough to keep things out of the competition’s hands without making things vulnerable to corporate espionage.”
“I only give them portions of bigger projects that can’t be exploited.”
In truth, there are some things Finco could capitalize on since the ships we are putting forth for the government contract are similar. Our V hull gives us a bit more displacement, but our internal design is almost identical. As it stands now, they are ahead of us in the bidding war, but the military isn’t finished with changing their requirements, and in the end, our ship will be a better fit. The only question is, will they give the contract to Finco simply because of their Quebec roots?”
We talk specifics about the creation of the new company and agree to call it Solid State. When things start to wind down, I ask, “I need one more favour.”
“What more can there be? You’re overtaxing us, and we are starting Solid State.”
“I need an introduction to Ken Olson. If I could even find his phone number, he likely wouldn’t take my call. I have a project for him that has nothing to do with any of our joint projects.”
“Can you tell me what it is?”
“I’m afraid not. It has military applications, so I am hesitant to talk to anybody I don’t have to about it.”
“I will give him your number and tell him to call.”
That pretty well ends our conversation. I honestly think that Steve would drop what he is doing to help with the project I am about to give Ken. Steve would be a much better choice, given his contacts and experience. My problem is, I don’t want to provide Steve with that kind of power. He isn’t a bad guy or anything, but in the future, there are a few times that he states that humanity isn’t worth saving. Even if Steve is a good guy, a mindset like that could cause him to make choices that I would rather he not. I need Steve and his team together with Apple so I can later commission them to build an operating system for the project I am about to entice Ken into.
I’m not worried about Ken. He is known for his charity and restraint.
I had four years to memorize all the scientific and engineering magazines and journals I brought with me in my space ship. Let me tell you, in four years, reading the same things over and over again; you memorize a lot.
In the same magazine where I got the idea to turn the lacrosse players gay, there was an article examining a fetuses DNA using the mother’s blood. I don’t understand half of the material. DNA is not my thing. The part I was able to understand was talking about a simple procedure that was developed in 2013. It reads the DNA and RNA of the baby to see if it is developing correctly. This simple procedure virtually eliminates stillbirths as the doctor is given enough warning to prevent it. Unlike other medical procedures that examine a fetus, this is an entirely non-evasive procedure.
I am almost excited when I make my first phone call on Saturday. Since I am such an important part of UVic and rarely work banker’s hours, I have the dean’s home phone number. That is the number I call.
“Hello,” answers an older woman.
“Hi, Karin. It’s Trent. I was wondering if your husband is home. He is going to want to hear about this.”
“Trent, a boy your age should slow down and enjoy life. I’m glad to see you are doing so well in university, but you really should slow down, at least until you graduate from high school.”
Am I supposed to tell her that I already had a childhood that didn’t turn out so well and that I am on the clock trying to stop the destruction of the earth and extinction of humanity?
I anticipate that at least the next month will be hectic. We have already done everything we could to streamline the process of handing over control of the new companies to our CEOs, but there is still a lot to do. Friday, January 19th, Marc, Jean-Paul and François-Henri are all due to arrive for the weekend. It means that I will miss the opening night for Tremors. Marc is the first to arrive. At 8:30 pm I am at the airport with Paul and four bodyguards. We watch Marc’s plane land. Since he...
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When my girlfriends arrive at work, I call them all into a meeting with Paul, in the conference room. Paul sits beside me as the girls sit across from us. Carol is the last one to enter the room. As she does, she says, “This looks dreary. Are we in trouble?” I reply, “No, I am. Close the door, please. This is a bit secretive.” Carol closes the door and joins her sisters across from me. “I know I said I wouldn’t put any of you at risk when dealing with the rapists, but I need your help. I...
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Thursday, March 1, The US Secret Service plays into our hands for the PR campaign. They raid Steve Jackson Games, a company that produces role-playing, card and board games. The Secret Service claims that one person involved in the company is engaged in hacking and that one of the games, GURPS Cyberpunk, teaches people how to hack computers. To start with, teaching people how to hack isn’t illegal. Even if it were, Cyberpunk is a complete work of fiction and has no basis in reality. In the...
The next morning, I get Jane to take me to Radio Shack to get a few supplies, then I am back in my hotel room putting the equipment together. For lunch, we have room service. As we are finishing up our meal, the phone rings. I answer it, “Hello?” “Trent, It’s Jason.” “What’s your answer?” “We’re in. So, what is the plan for the guns?” “Not over the phone.” Meet me at Humpty’s for supper.” “6” “Works for me.” “See you then.” “Bye.” I hang up and tell Gun, “It looks like we have our...
Going to bed at night, I am excited. It is the first time I remember being excited about my birthday in 64 years. My mother used to force me to invite the kids that used to gang beat me to my birthday every year. In Canada, your most important birthdays, depending on where you are, tend to be 16, 18 and 19. My family forgot all of those. For my 18th my sister held a birthday party for me and never invited me. My parents were out of town and didn’t phone. A few days after they got home I had...
Monday is supposed to be a half-day of school, but it doesn’t last that long. We go in for our report cards, finished cleaning out our lockers and sign yearbooks. I am surprised by how many people ask me to sign their books. I don’t know half of them. Since it is the last day of school we, close the shop down for two days. Everybody deserves a break, and we have a lot of new people starting, so I figure having everybody begin on Wednesday, after my staff has had a break, will be best. Dick,...
Once we are in the garage, Paul picks up the boy and carries him into the house. Kurt takes command of the rest of the team, and they spread out to provide security and ensure we aren’t disturbed. Trying to secure the boy to the chair is a bit more complicated than anticipated. He is not cooperating at all and is squirming about, trying to get free. I punch him hard in the solar plexus. As he struggles to breathe, we tie his legs and arms to the chair. He isn’t able to move. The chair is...
The following Monday, after I have my morning shower at school, I head to the office. As soon as I step through the door, Ms. Smith, the same secretary that screwed the Principal the day of our first meeting, asks, “What can we do for you, Mr. Brown.” “I’m just here to inform you that I will be missing school tomorrow morning. I have meetings with Kawasaki and NeXT.” That is a lie, but I am not about to tell her that I plan on staying up all night breaking into the Jock’s hideout. “Please...
When the meal ends, the club members leave, except for Neil and Dwain. As the staff clears off the table, Neil explains, “It is my job to oversee the tests. Trent, since you decided not to share the official results from when family services tested you, we will have to ask you to take the test too. It is only a formality.” “I wasn’t planning on taking the test, but there is no harm in it.” “Have any of you, besides Trent, ever taken an IQ test before?” The girls all state they haven’t,...
I am a bit anxious for lunch to start, so I am not as attentive in class as I should be. Lunch will be my first chance to confront the cheerleaders and find out why they have been skipping out on the modelling work I offered them. The lunch bell rings. Kim, Moira and I walk each other to our lockers and then to the cafeteria. I don’t want a confrontation. I want a conversation, so I take Moira and Kim to the table where Carol and Dahlia sit with some of our other friends/employees. At most...
Things calm down and return to normal for the next few weeks. Before I realize it, Christmas break is upon us. That Saturday, I am spending a rare day relaxing at home when there is a knock at the door. Zlata and Dahlia are gone Christmas shopping, and Sam is up the hill, working on restoring his car with Gramps. I answer the door. To my surprise, it is Paul. “May I come in?” “Yes, of course.” “I told you that my guy would come through. He found Grace, but he can’t get her out.” “Why not?...
Exiting the conference room, I notice that my staff is arriving back from lunch. Thankfully, Dahlia is here. I walk up to her and say, “I need to get out of here, and I didn’t get anything to eat. How about some A&W onion rings?” Her smile brightens, and she gives a little squeak, followed by an, “Always.” I doubt that A&W onion rings will ever fail to put a smile on her face. She places the stack of papers she has in hand back on her desk, then arm in arm we head for the SUV. We...
It was already dusk when I got into my car. The radio was still on. Chumbawamba's "Tubthumping" was playing. "How appropriate" I thought to myself. The Radio gods must be telling me something. I pulled out of the driving singing, "I get knocked down, but I get up again. You are never gonna keep me down..." As I drove, I rehearsed what I'm going to say to Chase. I'm going to tell him the truth. Well - a variation of the truth. I won't mention time travel or future events. I certainly...
It’s less than an hour before all my girlfriends show up, each carrying an armload of supplies to keep me entertained. The girls barely get their greetings over with, and Moira is almost in tears, asking, “How is your leg? I screwed up. I’m sorry. I don’t know where I went wrong. Please forgive me.” “Come here. You did nothing wrong. We got everything we needed. I have had many wounds worse than this. In a few weeks, I will be as good as new.” As I am talking, Moira comes in for a hug, and...
The next day, My girlfriends let me sleep in, but I don’t get any extra sleep anyway. At 6 in the morning, Paul knocks on my door. I sit up and look at the time before asking, “What is it?” Paul pushes the door open and says, “You are the one that wanted to meet my contact. It is either now or never. he isn’t in town for long and will not reschedule.” “Give me a minute. I’ll meet you in the car.” As soon as he leaves, I open my bedroom safe and pull out some cash, then I get dressed and...
I leave before anybody gets up in the morning. Paul has assigned Gun to be my escort again. To my surprise, Paul talked Gramps into signing over my guardianship to Gun for the trip. We get to the airport, and for the first time in both lifetimes, I see somebody use the captain’s box for what it is supposed to be there for. The captain’s box is a lockbox brought on board the aircraft, which contains things that are not allowed in the passenger cabin, such as firearms. My father used it to...
As we are packing our stuff up and sticking it into backpacks, I am reminded of a rig I built back when I was in my 40s. I got this idea in my head that I wanted to be the oldest person and the first disabled person to circumnavigate the world under his own power. I built a proof of concept rig to see if I had the know-how and capability to cycle/kayak around the world. The rig was a recumbent trike, trailer and kayak combination where the trailer had a large hopper on the back that carried...
Thursday morning, it is supposed to be Dahlia’s tern to wake me up, but she is under punishment. Instead it is Carol’s mouth I find wrapped around my cock when I wake up. Carol was my reluctant girl. I had to be careful not to push her too far. That isn’t the case anymore. Ever since the jocks tried to kill me and I fought my injuries to stay conscious and make sure she was taken care of, she has become a new woman and gave herself to me mind, body and soul. As soon as she sees my eyes open,...
Friday, before my CEOs arrive for their second weekend of meetings, my girlfriends and I are on a group date. Lately, I have been cancelling most of our dates so I can get our companies in the hands of those that can take care of them for us. Carol likes a more physical date where we go and do something like kayaking and hiking. Dahlia and Moira like more of the princess fantasy type date, so I combine them. We head for the Japanese garden at Royal Roads Military College, our military’s only...
On the way, I am sitting in the back with Deb, and the two remaining guards are up front. I pull a small bag from behind the seat and tell Deb, “Why don’t you take a little drink. You look like you could use some liquid courage.” I don’t tell her that the beer is spiked with a drug cocktail that will make her more compr has the side effect of making your memories pliable. Before we drop her off, we will convince her that she talked Moira into drinking with her, and she will not remember our...
Later that evening, Karen was sitting in her home feeling better than she had in a long time. She would never have believed when she moved to this small town that she would ever be as sexually satisfied as she was right now. She smiled to herself as she thought of the men in the town. For the most part, they had little or nothing to do with her. She assumed that it was because she was still an outsider... something she would probable always be. She knew that most of the people in Lincoln had...
I would like to say that life gets easier, and I get to spend a lot more time with my girlfriends. The truth is something entirely different. After I restructure my companies, I release my girls from most of their responsibilities. Having less help, and nobody hired to run my three consolidated companies, the lion’s share of the work falls on me. It is now Tuesday, Jan. 9th, after school. I’m in my office, and I have one phone call to make before conducting my first job interview for one of...
During my eleventh grade year I worked my butt off to get good grades. This was the year that colleges would be looking at when considering my application and I wanted to do as good as possible. I left nothing to chance, and made sure every assignment I did was an A. And for the most part everything went well, I would work hard and receive the grades I wanted. And it wasn't easy. Ms McKlain, my teacher for English class, was a very strict, no-nonsense woman who made sure you worked hard for...
Sunday is the day most of our employees take the day off, myself included. Moira and Dahlia are at church while Kim and Carol are hanging out with me, relaxing in our living room. In many ways, I am proud of my girlfriends. I thought that dating one girl this young would be a nightmare, with the immaturity and catfighting. I learnt in my first life that kids want to be treated as adults, and when you do so, they act a lot more mature than they would otherwise. They don’t want to lose the...
The next day at work, I call Paul into my office. “It seems as though you have unofficially taken command of our special ops team.” “I’m not so sure I would call it a special ops team, but yes, I think the others have treated me as such. The rest of the guys have experience, but I am the only one to have lead a spec ops team. I have a bit more experience in planning a mission and have a few more contacts.” “I hate to poach, and I don’t want to piss off Allied Security, but I would like to...
Wednesday and Thursday, I continue to let my girlfriends wake me up then I go back to bed as they go to school. When I get up, I go to work, and at night I accompany our spec ops team to recover the blackmail materials. Wednesday night/Thursday morning, at the Jock’s clubhouse, we decide to focus on the blackmailers and forget the girls. We want to spend as little time as possible in their hideout. The victims have done nothing wrong, and there is no need to collect evidence against...
I skipped the weekly training session with my cycle team. Instead, Paul and I head to our makeshift lab. We would have done it sooner, but we wanted to make sure my leg was fully healed. On the way over, Paul comments, “You look a little worried. Are you? Is this something we should be doing?” “Anxious, not worried. I want to see what I can do. I am a growing boy. My body is changing. Truth be told, with all the fighting I have been doing, I should have slipped up before now. Even my leg...
Typically, Sunday morning is the one day I get to sleep in as there is no ride with the cycling team. I anticipate not being able to sleep in since I promised to spend the entire day with Carol. You would think, if a girl is going to wake you up with sex, she would do it slow and sensual, not Carol. I wake up, and she is bouncing on me like there is no tomorrow. I expect half the house is awake with the screams of passion. At least she has learnt that when she is finished and collapses on...
The next day at lunch, all anybody can talk about is the upcoming Halloween dance and the gathering we had last night. I am ribbed a few times for not wearing the costume Moira bought me. It is good to see the school back to its old self, with people happily eating their lunch and few people moping about. After school, Gun informs me that Jen is out of the hospital but will not be returning to school for a while. I am saddened to hear that she will not be back with us but am happy that she...
We get to the Royal BC Museum, and I am surprised at how inexpensive it is. I remember my mother always saying how she always came here as a child, and it was free. It is a shame that the government gives it less and less support as time goes on. It is one of the biggest and best museums I have ever seen and has a little bit of everything. The really sad thing is it isn’t big enough. The majority of the artifacts are stored in a vault, under the museum, because there is no place to display...
Once the festivities have ended, I crawl into one of our SUVs with my girlfriends. Their parents have all agreed to let them spend the night as long as they sleep in the living room, and I sleep in my bedroom. We get home, and I am too beat to do anything, so I kiss each of my girlfriends goodnight and head to my room. I go to close my door only to discover Moira has followed me. She may be tired, but she is wearing a flirtatious grin. “You know I promised all the parents that there would...
When we stop, I tell him, “You might as well come in for breakfast. I have a surprise for everybody, and you might as well join in. I’m sure you will want to have a say in part of it.” “What is it this time?” “I’m trying to have fun with a business venture. It is time I stopped being all work and no play. This will let me play and work at the same time.” “I got to see this.” He follows me in. It is still early. Sam and Gramps are having breakfast, but Zlata and all my girlfriends are at...
The day after I get my driver’s licence, when I get back from cycling, Paul is waiting for me. I tell the girls to head into the house because the look on his face tells me that he wants to have a private conversation. I put my bike into the garage, and as soon as I step out, Paul grabs my arm and drags me behind the garage. He looks a bit angry, but I can’t think of what it might be unless he has discovered what the anti-US smear campaign is about. He waits until we hear the door shut from...
On the way back to the SUV, I tell Gun, “The back roads are filled with Mennonites. Head straight for the highway. Drive as fast as you can until you see the first sign for highway 29. Then, slow to the speed limit. We will need to turn left off the highway in Charlie Lake.” We get to the vehicle, and I jump in the back. Jane and Grace are in the middle seat, so I hop to the back seat. I don’t bother to hide my rifle, throwing it into the trunk area. Turning to face the front, I see Grace...
The next thing I know, I’m being woken by a knock on the bedroom door. Carol tries to crawl out of bed to answer it, and I pull her back to me and say, “Come in.” Gun opens the door and steps in. He cuts to the chase, “She is no worse than we anticipated. Dr. Willson refuses to estimate how long it will take before she is back to normal until after tomorrow’s tests.” “At least there is some good news.” “If you want to see her, I would suggest the girls stay in the living room. I think she...
I wish I could say that the drama for Spring break is over, but it isn’t. The following morning, after we complete our cycle training. Paul is waiting for me in the parking lot. I stop to talk with him as the rest of the team passes us, heading to the showers. I ask, “Do I have time for a shower first or is this that important.” “Shower up. There is no need to stink up the vehicle.” We still drive around in a vehicle when it is something of extreme secrecy. The building containing the...
I get home to find my girlfriends, including Jen, already there. They must have come directly from school. When Sam and Zlata aren’t around, we have started using the love seat they normally occupy. I typically sit on the couch with a girl on either side and the two girls that are left out cuddle on the love seat. It is a lot more comfortable than having them sit on the floor between our legs. Today I share the couch with Jen and Moira. For some reason, we are watching The Flintstones. When...
The driver and one bodyguard jump into the SUV while we leave the bikes and two guards behind. Jason is wearing an earbud, so Sato doesn’t hear when Jason is told to delay Him. Two blocks south, we stop at a gas station. There is little traffic outside where the phone is so it isn’t difficult to hear. I give the operator my credit card number and phone Kawasaki’s head office in Tokyo, Japan. The problem is Kawasaki has dual headquarters, and I don’t know it Sato is from Kobe or Tokyo. I...
I know I am stressed because, in the morning, Moira puts her hand on my door, and I wake up, ready to fight. Before I am awake, I am standing beside my bed at the ready. That hasn’t happened since before the girls started waking me. She opens the door and screams, startled by me being up and ready for a fight. As soon as I see her, I relax, and she puts her hand over her mouth, looking sheepish. “I hope I didn’t wake anybody.” “You might not have. We didn’t get in until after 4 this...
My body has gotten used to waking up an hour before my alarm while receiving some kind of sexual pleasure. I wake 50 minutes before my alarm with a painful erection. I ignore it and watch Dahlia sleep. I don’t hear Kim, but when the next person arrives, I can hear Kim profusely complaining about Dahlia taking her morning to wake me up. I want to be here for Dahlia when she wakes up, but I have to defuse the situation. I’m careful not to wake her as I slip out of bed and put on some pants. I...
The day of the Tour de Victoria arrives. I have an agreement that the cheerleaders would attend wearing our jersey, but two or three girls are missing from every team. Carol is fully healed from her injuries, and I still have some bruised ribs but decide to do the 140k distance anyway. Sam and Grandpa rented trailers to bring all the bikes to the race. Almost every event has the maximum amount of athletes. Some cyclists are turned away. I’m not surprised to say, it almost feels like a...
Just before I pack it in for supper, Dr. Willson phones. “Hi Trent, Nancy said you called.” “There is something I’m working on, but I need to ask you some personal questions before I get into it.” “OK, well, ask away.” “The picture on your desk, Is that your daughter?” “Yes, it is, why?” “How old is she?” “13, What’s this got to do with?” “Where does she go to school?” “Edward Milne” “Where is that?” “Sooke” “So, she will be going to Belmont next year.” “That is right. What is...
Here is the first part of a story for your enjoyment. The story may continue, or it may not. In any case, it contains material situations, and descriptions of an adult nature and those under 18 should not read it. In addition, some adults may be offended by scenes involving forced cross-dressing and abuse of authority and power by parents, educators, and siblings. Those potentially offended are invited to move on to a different story. They are not the intended...
Misty Andersen and Tamara Brewer had shared homeroom together every semester since they had arrived at Monroe Middle School as sixth graders, two-and-a-half years past. Despite this fact, they barely knew each other, and throughout their tenure together, they had had little in common beyond the fact that both of their last names started with letters at the beginning of the alphabet - the sole basis of their common homeroom assignment. Through all of sixth, all of seventh, and now most of eighth...
I’ve put together web-links for The Aoeline Hall concert, and all the chapter title songs that I’ve included in this 4th Book of The Energists series. I am not including a web-links for the chapter songs that I have already included in the ‘concert playlist’ for The Aoeline Hall concert. If I used some special videos of a song to help with writing this story, I will include them. I’ve also included any ‘extra songs’ in this book, such as: Running with the Devil, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap,...
It all started when I got this report from that fancy school Julia sends my kid Rico to, like he suddenly gets a B for English of all things, and there's some dumb comment that if he did his homework then he might get an A. Now, I don't pay some dumb ass teacher for crap like that, do I? Its disrespectful and for a legit businessman like myself with entirely legit enterprises in the entertainment and security businesses on the East Coast and in Sicily, it causes embarrassment and a...
A number of years ago I used to teach a few evening classes at a local community college. Now everyone has heard of the co-ed who got a passing grade by screwing her professor or instructor. Any professor or instructor you have ever talked to about it always claimed that when they had been approached with such a proposal always turned it down. First of all, I had to wonder how many were bull-shitting to start with, and if there was any truth to it, how butt-ugly was the girl making the...
‘My arithmetic still needs improvement,’ I said, sliding my report card across the table to her, ‘but I’d like to think my printing is still worthy of your ‘Excellent.’ ‘ Julia picked up the card, and as I studied her smile in the candlelight, it occurred to me that I was still her student even 25 years later, still eager to please. And that she was still absolutely beautiful. ‘My goodness… you kept this?’ she said. ‘After all these years?’ ‘It was my last good report card, Julia,’ I joked....
Twins Part 1 - Seventh Grade (Alex makes friends with Allison, notices that his nipples are a little swollen, begins masturbating in the shower and gets a haircut that does not turn out as expected.) "It was a dark and stormy night .........." Well, actually, that had nothing to do with my homework assignment. My seventh grade teacher had given us an assignment to write a two page story about the most exciting thing that happened to each of us during the summer between our sixth...
"No! no! no... I will not cut up any old poor little frog! It doesn't mater what you say Dora Lee. I just won't!" I don't usually talk back to my step mother, but I was mad that day. I get real tired of all her shit. For the most part, she let's me do what I want. But, then when it comes to school, she gets on me like white on rice. It's my father's fault really. He told Dora Lee that he wanted me to go to the University of Texas, Austin. But... He also said he wasn't planning on...
"Come in," his voice answered the knock. She walked into the classroom, closing the door behind her. "Veronica! You just caught me. I was about to leave for the day. How can I help you?" Veronica is momentarily mute thanks to her crush on Mr. J. His blonde hair and blue eyes had many of his students drooling; some even openly joked about meeting up with him after graduation. Snapping back to reality, she began to speak: "I need to speak to you about my grade, Mr. J. It's...
My Mom is an actor by profession. She’s been part of plays and has done many theater works. Mom despite all these years of hard work in the industry never got to work on any film project. It was always her dream to have starred in a movie but it never really happened. Maybe part of the reason was because she had me at such a young age that she could never fully pursue her dream. She got pregnant with me when she was 19 with some big name Producer who told Mom at that time to sleep with him in...
IncestJames sat upright on his bed, with his legs crossed and hishands holding his head up. He just stared at the small, red notebook that lay in front of him, this mysterious gift that was granted to him. His own name was engraved on the front. It was almost like it was glowing, beckoning him to open it, to control reality even more. His mind was racing, full of thoughts of Amy, Kirsty and the words written inside the book: ‘Kirsty is going to change her mind and ask me to come over to work on the...
Supernatural"Mr. Roberts?" I didn't even have to look up from my paperwork. I knew that voice all too well. Good thing she couldn’t see my pants. "Ms. Robinson," he said in an only-slightly annoyed tone -- not even bothering to lift my eyes from my work. "To what do I owe the honor?" "I came by to check my grade, but they weren't posted." Although I certainly was in no mood for delays, I knew he had to look up. In my office was Stephanie Robinson. In my 17 years of teaching, she was, hands...
The school was empty as 18-year-old Sharon sat alone in her English Lit class, awaiting the return of her teacher, Mr. Smyth. It being a Friday, the school emptied even quicker than usual, and Sharon,herself! pretty 5 foot 7 blonde senior, doubted anyone, from students to faculty, were still around.Perhaps some administrators in the main office downstairs, but here on the third floor it was as empty and quiet as a tomb. She was also in danger of not graduating, since she was holding a solid F...