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My mother-in-law is a good person. Good to her two grown children. Good to her grandkids-- I’ve given her two of them. A good mother herself, and a heartbroken one, for the daughter she lost, lost when my husband was ten. She’s good to me: kind, thoughtful; yes, like a second mother. In the eyes of God, probably, better than the one I had. Better than my stepmother, surely.

And a loving and faithful wife, that too she was. Much better than the one I‘ve become.

I don’t know why I think of her, when I’m here, alone. It’s not the first time I’ve thought about her, when I’m waiting. I don’t know much at all anymore.

An hour ago, I was waiting, on my elbows and knees, here on the carpet in this motel room, the door unlocked. I was thinking how, it’s not such a bad motel, really; but then, I left the door unlocked, andstill, it's justa motel. And though I couldn’t smell anything so awful, I started to think how, yes, this carpet’s probably been peed on before. It’s probably soaked up piss sometime.

So yes, it is a bad motel, a bad place, bad things happen here, and here am I, waiting--

An hour ago, the door opened. That was her alright, she comes to get me ready. She closed the door behind her gently. She strode over to me, me on my knees and elbows, between the bed and the windows. She cups her hand against my bald pubes, as she always does. The familiar greeting, it comforts me a little. Softly possessive. Appraising and assuring.

She gets me ready. She opens the blinds. She dresses me in a black thong, white stockings and black garters. She pinches my feet into tottering heels, black and shiny, five inch skyscrapers. My breasts are tackled into a black demibra with white, French maid-like trimming. I am uncomplaining, breathing deeply, compliant, a dumb doll for her.

Obedient because, that’s the way it is now.

She positions me in a chair, spread legged and facing the back, like a surly teenager sits. Like she would sit. I never sat like that when I was a teen. I’m twenty-nine now, and my deportment is good as ever, under normal circumstances. But under her care, I’m seated like a heedless wanton, knees poking awkwardly, my feet too high off the ground, my ass bare against the rough cheap upholstery. I feel too alert, tired and anxious both. Hot hours before I can get home, wash the chlorine from the children’s hair.

She does my makeup, fixing my face to please her fancy of what I should look like, who I should be. My eyebrows are darkened into storm clouds, thick with the smudge of broken promises. My lashes become black and gloopy, heavy to lift beneath a sooty burden of sin. My lips are colored pink and glassy, a vision of delicately debauched innocence; my cheeks are daubed pink too, too bright for smarts. She’s always hated my smarts. Even my proffered breasts get brushed, tinglingly, with a dusting of glittery powder. The embarrassing ring of steel, jewel-capped, glints in my bellybutton tooinvitingly.

That piercing was a painfulhumiliation, one that took some explaining, too. How I could ever manage to explain any more, I don’t know. But I worry--

She left me, almost a half hour ago, my hair fretted into a messy chignon, and now I wait on the bed, the sheets a tangle beneath me. I’ve been tossing, anxious. It doesn’t matter if I make things a mess. No one minds. The blinds are still open, the sun’s heat lighting my skin, easing me into my role. I am indelicately delicate, porcelain broken, chipped, stained, ready for daily use.

I’ve been told to remember, many times now, I’m just a common slut. If I believe it, she says, it’ll come true. If I am that way, then I’ll believe. I don’t understand, but I’m not supposed to, any longer. Things aren’t for me to decide, anymore.

The couple arrive, footsteps clattering outside. The man and the woman, they let themselves in. The woman waits at the door for too many casual seconds, with it open behind her. She wears dark sunglasses and a leather biker jacket. They both are sun kissed. He’s in dark denim, his stubble dark too, like the bruised asphalt of a battered desert highway. Like road movie outlaws, the two of them; fuckable, like models. And just as arrogant and needy.

They speak lightly to each other, little chortles of fun. I make out nothing. Nothing is said to me directly, and of course I have nothing to say. The girl gets out her camera. She turns to the opposite wall and takes a picture, as if she were artfully composing a snap of some sophisticated urban interior. The man just comes over to me. He unzips his jeans and rummages his cock out. It’s beginning to swell, angular and purposive, not fully erect.

“Lick,” he says. I cross over towards it, resting my weight on my elbow, opening my mouth, hovering open around the dome, wetting my bottom lip with my tongue, but it’s almost too dry. I swallow, anxiety like a heave of dusty wind inside me, blowing down from my mouth into the pit of my stomach, a dead well. I swoop my tongue around the head, sweeping the dome. Quickly I swallow again, and everything turns to liquid peace. I open my mouth and accept him, suckling the whole head sweetly.

“Smile,” she says brightly, her chin dark and freckly, her camera at the ready. My eyes twist to hers, behind the shades. I can’t really smile with my lips but I try to with my eyes.

He backs away, his cock smacking sadly from my suckling lips. She gets onto the bottom of the bed. She handles my legs, drawing my knees up, my high heels clicking against each other like matched rapiers, my legs bending open, the gusset of my thong exposed. Her camera clicks. I’m holding my torso half-up, abs crunching, my head to the side as though averting my gaze. I know she likes the coyness of this. Then I rest my back, my chin up, the length of me exposed to her camera’s gaze, my bethonged crotch, my pierced bellybutton, my tits scooped skyward, the thrust of my chin all one mysterious line of desire, promising everything like a glamorous anonymous whore. Click click, click click.

I hear the thud of a belt on the carpet, shoes kicked loose. His jeans hang around his knees, his muscled thighs, dark and wiry, bearing up his proud erection toward my face again. I look at the camera, the girl attentive and inviting, her dark hair, her dark glasses, the whitened glare of her teeth beckoning behind her amused lips. I know what’s expected, but I act befuddled, as though awaiting permission, as I edge myself reluctantly to face his member.

I move my hand to his cock, softly encircling it by the base, its weight solid and strong beneath my curling fingers. Gently I pulse it, soft rhythmic squeezes while my pink harlot’s mouth widens in a mime of incredulity. I nudge the ball sack with my other hand, appraising the dangling fruit of his manhood, then possessively clasp his hip while I open my lips to receive his cock.

This time I only give the purple dome a few introductory suckles before I release him from my hand and take him as deeply as I can, straining his cock at an angle, feeling it nudge the back of my throat. My consciousness soars off into the darkness, into a black velvet bed of stars, constellations viewed from an alien sea bed, while the clothed girl snuggles her way behind my legs, her breath hot against the tops of my thighs.

I arch myself up, knees wobbling on the tired mattress, heels poking out into space, my rear an exposed dock waiting for whatever she decides to rest there. Her fingers dig into my waist, purposive, as if testing for something. Pecks on my neck, cooing. My demibra is unhooked by her soft fingers, and his, hard and calloused, tug at the straps at my shoulders.

Soft little pecks fall on my shoulder blades, turning to a wet rain as she works her way down, down the riverbed of my spine, licking at my tailbone. His hand is at the nape of my neck, keeping me on task, his cock leisurely fucking its way in and out of my mouth.

I hear somewhere her glasses landing on a bedside stand, then her mouth is kissing my bare ass cheeks, her teeth nibbling gently into the flesh. I arch my back, his dick sliding out for a moment against my chin, a tiny tear of precum just kissing my slick lips, and then I plunge my mouth back down upon him as her own hand cups my mons through the thong, as though to renew my faith in what I’m doing. Then she releases me and I hear the camera again, inches from my neck, my wicked head probably filling most of the frame. She moves to my side, my eyeballs rolling in her direction, fervent to show the camera what a good cocksucker I am, how glad I am to be here, to be doing this, to be recorded by the camera.

I feel so wet, so good and wet, and she returns her hand to me, snugging inside against my bare pussy lips, her thumb knowing and nudging, entering me while her firm little hand grinds itself against my button, massaging my bare pubes that used to bear a forest.

Like my pierced navel, a renovation that required some explaining. But I have my orders.

I let her own me like this, down below, my tension building, wet and inexorable, while I clasp his ass in my hands, as if owning the animal in him, conquering it, his pelvis bucking with contained excitement, powerful and tense under my direction. His dick, hot, wet, shiny, thick, disappears and appears, in and out of my mouth. It would make a beautiful picture, but she’s too consumed now too.

My thong still clings to my hips, sticky and messy, when she nudges the floss aside and snakes her knowing little tongue into the crack of my ass. I want to cry out-- in some muffled way, I do, his cock pulsing with excitement inside my warm mouth. Her thumb is a snake inside my pussy, curling itself against my G-spot. I think briefly of my backyard, the pool, the smell of hot dogs on an open grill wafting over a fence or two, and her damn tongue, that’s never had fifty words for me, is lapping at my asshole, wet, electric, the filthiest, friendliest caress I’ve ever felt. Her thumb is pushing, demanding, and my dam breaks free. With tears welling at the sides of my eyes I come, moaning against his dick, my chin against his balls, involuntarily halted, my ears burning, my whole body quaking with grievous release.

He pulls himself out of my mouth and she worms her way around me. She unhooks my garters, careful, taking her time, only her face is tense with excitement and need. Beneath her biker jacket her breasts strain inside a tube top, her nipples peaking with arousal. She hikes my pelvis up and quickly works off my thong, my heels kicking the air like uselessly lethal weapons as she drags my ass toward the edge of the bed. Her eyes, green and beaming, devour me as she pushes my knees apart, making me so wide and open. She kisses my belly, her tongue that’s been on my asshole laving at my skin, working its way up to my breasts, exposed, the demibra now just a scrap of under girding, uncomfortable and foolish on me like the flapping garters dangling against my skin.

She’s removed her skirt in all this excitement, and now she hustles up over my body, her spread knees scooting athwart me, and she hovers her bare pussy above my head. He, meanwhile, now naked, climbs on the bed, his cock, big and needy, honing in on my defenseless cunt. I feel its head make contact with my slick pussy lips and I exhale, a piteous sound like a cry, and at this signal she lowers herself, salty and slick, onto my face.

I part my lips and undulate my tongue against her folds, while his dick enters me with one smooth long thrust. My belly rolls inside as I clasp him with my inner walls, him smoothly angling out and back in again, a reliable rhythm, so I can give as much attention as I can to the task of eating her pert little pussy. It’s like a gentle conversation against the roar of the ocean, her cunt like a seashell discovered, looked into and listened, while his cock moves like a roaring tide, in and out, pulling me down into the darkness. She tastes sweet; yes, sweet. My whole being is almost empty now, just licking and getting fucked. Fucked, fed, owned.

I’m near to a second orgasm when she momentarily lifts herself, freezing me with despair, and then twists herself around so she faces him, burying her cunt back down against my face. Her hands are on my tits now, groping my mounds at first, then becoming more gentle and cruel as she works my taut nipples with her fingers. As my climax closes again in on me I seek out her clit, a pebble bucking in the stream of sex that sweeps me. I reach a hand down against myself, where he plows me, bucking and squelching, and I rub myself against the moisture there, my pussy lips distended around him, his rod pistoning into me, and I lift it back, rubbing the slickness between finger and thumb, and I seek out her rosebud, pressing my lubed thumb against the hole, moistening the channel, and then I tap my finger gently against her asshole, seeking entry. Her rocking pelvis stills itself in readiness, and I slide my finger inside the tight ring, like a desert rose, I think to myself, now receiving my rain. I strum her clit softly with my tongue, my face burning, stinging, knowing now I am taking her, taking her to her rush. Little pealing sighs erupt from her, a star shower of breaths, while he fucks fucks fucks me and, god, he starts to shoot, hollering blasphemies I can’t understand while her pelvis pulses, my finger inside, my tongue spinning circles in the groove against her delicate bead. My mind spins too as, half-smothered in her, my climax thrills through me, my unfaithful cunt full of him, his jetting seed, me servicing her, licking and fingering, dirty, used, adulterous, false, grateful, ecstatic, ruined.

* * *

I turn on the cold water before I sit on the toilet, totally naked now, sniffling, peeing, smelling too many scents on me that don’t belong there, thinking of the road back, the marinara, the garlic, the possible parmesan of the evening meal in the fading fun light of summer; my kids, my husband, my life I chose and swore to, the one I maintain, walled off by strictest secrecy from this, this--

But she lets herself into the bathroom. She’s dressed now; I think I heard him go out before. She has a black leather purse with her,big and rumpled.

“I have something for you, before we go.” She rummages. “Here,” she says, “you’re going to wear this.”

She holds out something balled up. I can’t make it out at first. These people always leave me alone when we’re done. I stand up off the commode, my face burning.

“What, what am I--?”

But as it straightens out in her hand I recognize what it must be. It’s a panty with a dildo fitted inside, a black gleaming thing, maybe four inches long, an inch thick at least.

“I’m putting this in you,” she says. “You’ll wait here a half-hour with it inside. Rest with it on the bed. Leave the blinds open. Then you’ll drive home with it in.” She smiles. “Don’t drive reckless, you’ll be okay. Leave it in till your bedtime. You’re to wear it around the house tonight, while you’re doing whatever you’re supposed to normally do.This isan instruction, you understand?”

I’m aghast, but I know I’m not allowed to question this. My belly thrums with butterflies. I want to cry almost, standing there, barefoot on the dull linoleum of that bathroom, but, head bowed, I let her help me into it, this black stringy panty with its little monster inside, rising up between my legs like a torpedo as I pull it up, while she taps out some Astroglide from a bottle in her purse and, stroking the plastic penis with the glistening stuff, she slowly enters it inside me. I frown, my lips twisting as my sensitive cunt receives this new intrusion, more modest in size but alien to me, a dark secret companion I must now carry inside me back, back into that sweet gentle world that I want to protect from this, this--

And of course, she has to take another picture. This time I sob, openly, turned on, turned out before the camera, the dildo imprisoning me in my secret cell of thrilling shame. She just smiles, puts on her sunglasses, leans into me, and kisses me on the cheek.

“You’ve come so far, Cassandra,” she says sweetly. “Remember, till bedtime.” She smiles, her eyes, I know, glinting at me, my penetrated pussy, my tears, from behindher shades.

She nods her head, amused,not unkindly, butsuperior. “I know, sorry!” She laughs. “But that’s your stepsister’s orders.”

Then she closes the door, and I am alone.

Alone with my world of secret submission.

I pretend it’s because I have no choice; and, strictly speaking, that would be true even if, if-- if I didn’t really want . . . .

But I know it’s too late to pretend. There’ll be a new email before I go to bed, before I can take out this synthetic cock, my demanding secret companion, and try and ease myself back into that innocent life that becomes more and more a dimming, dying dream. I fear the message, but it lures me into the hours ahead, hungry and thrilled, just as my pussy is now with its new intruder.

I could say I don’t choose all this but I know now, I know, it’s not just because of the pictures.

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Hooked on Boipussy

“Stop texting and driving, boy,” scolded Deitrick’s mother.“Yes ma’am,” the twenty year-old light-skinned man relented throwing his phone in the cup holder.“I swear you gon’ worry me to death,” she went on.“Look, ma. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again,” he lied.“Alright,” she replied feeling she’d won this battle.Deitrick turned into the parking lot of the large discount store where his mother worked as an assistant manager. He brought the metallic silver 2007 Ford Five Hundred to a halt in front...

8 months ago
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HussiePass Serena Salgot The 1st Porn She8217s EVER Shot

Brand new newbie Serena Salgot makes her industry debut today here on Hussie????Pass, and we matched her up with our big-dick buddy Tony Rubino for this nifty update. After director Johnny Robins helps us discover a little about the Michigan native, Serena strips naked and uses her fingers to get her juices flowing. In comes Tony with some motion lotion for Serena’s all-natural 34DD breasts and her somewhat lovely turd-cutter, which she then twerks for us while Tony does a quick clit-nibble....

4 years ago
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Daddys Little Cumslut Chapter 2

She crawls out of bed slipping on her fluffy bath robe and pulls her long blonde curls into a ponytail before making her way downstairs to the kitchen. Her daddy is sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading a fishing magazine. The very same table that he had fucked her on last night, she remembers how his cum had leaked out of her pussy to pool on the table underneath her. She feels her face flush and quickly walks over the fridge to pour herself a glass of orange juice. He looks up...

1 year ago
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I saw her as soon as I walked in. She was perfect, a mass of straight, dark hair framing her pretty face, tight-fitting yet business-like black silk shirt, slim waist and softly flared hips, gorgeous tight ass and slim, shapely legs accentuated perfectly by a tight black pencil skirt. She looked like a business woman or an executive assistant. She was standing with her back to the bar with a nearly empty white wine glass in her elegantly manicured fingers, her eyes subtly scanning the room....

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Mylfed Gia Vendetti Tia Cyrus MILF Slumber Party Surprise

Gia Vendetti and Tia Cyrus are best friends, so when Gia is going through tough times with her boyfriend, she knows she can depend on Tia to be a shoulder for her to cry on. What she does not realize is that Tia has been having secret sexual feelings for her for a long time. She suggests that Gia sleeps over while she tries to get over her problems with her asshole boyfriend. As Gia strips down for a bath, Tia gets in her birthday suit to join her. They stand face to face, caressing their...

3 years ago
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Anything For Georgetown Part sixMonica is asked to entertain at a party

Over the Christmas break, Blake Hartley had calledMonica up. He managed to get some guys to pony up for one of Monica’s stripping parties. She hardly talked about them anymore, but part of the attraction was the infrequency of the event. Once every two months. Otherwise, it became routine. But this was a different situation. Monica hadn’t danced in months—well, she hadn’t danced for any of the boys for a while. Once a month, after school, usually on a Friday, Houlihan had her strip for him....

3 years ago
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Morning tickle

It was a warm summers night, a friday during the summer holidays. The time was around 10:00pm and at 13 years old I was doing what most boys were doing and browsing the internet for porn and expanding my sexual horizon. That night my Mum and her new boyfriend had been invited to a neighbours BBQ, and when they returned in a druken state I was glad I was still awake, seeing how the noise they produced probably would of woken me up anyway . "Shhhh" My mum said giggling "We...

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Old friends having fun

I was in one of those moods where nothing is really wrong, but yet nothing is really right either. You know the feeling. I didn’t have any firm plans for the week-end and all the things I should have been doing were most unappealing, like cleaning house, washing the car, writing long overdue letters, and all the other things that I seem to allow to wait forever. Just when I had almost decided that nothing was going to help perk me up I remembered that I had promised to meet...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Megan Hughes Hungry For That Cock

Megan Hughes is excited to return and is really excited to get Nathan Bronson to fuck and suck off LIVE! She loves how you tell her how to ride and suck that cock. She just can not get enough as she spits and slobbers all over that dick so she can see how deep it can get in her throat! Nathan drills that pussy hard and licks up all those juices loving how sweet that pussy is! Megan begs for more and lets Nathan take complete control flipping her around fucking her in all the best ways to hit...

2 years ago
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Meri Pyaasi Bahan Sandhya 8211 Part I

Hi to all friends mera naam Kisshu hai aur mai Ramgarh Cantt, Jharkhand ka rahne wala hu, mai lagbhag 5 month se ISS padh raha hu aur iska bahut bada fain hu ye ek bahut hi khubsurat plateform hai apni real story ko sabke sath share karne ka. Meri umra 26 saal hai aur mai graduate hu, hight 5.7″ aur weight 60 kg hai, body gym vest hai, mai jyada fair nhi hu but nain-naksh kafi achhe hain ab mai apni story pr aata hu ye story meri aur meri buwa ki ladki (sis) Sandhya ki hai, jo ki kaafi...

4 years ago
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mistress saritas slave 9 another slave

it was a picnic at a frnd of mistress saras place it was weekend goddess hesitated to take me while mistress sara told her frnd had a slave too goddess agreed only difference was I had been hold captive and the other slave was being paid to be the slave..early morning I packed goddess luggage all the thing she needed then she made me wear black bra and panties a gutter belt a little girls dress and pantyhose then I was made to wear a baggy pant and loose tshirt so that people at the road...

2 years ago
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Secrets Of A Mom Son 8211 Part II

In my previous story I mentioned how I fantasized my mom and eventually fucked her when I fucked my mom I was barely 19 and mom was 40 but she looked much younger as she maintained her figure (34-30-36) and youth. When she wore jeans and top she would easily pass of as a college girl. That day I remained out most of the time and returned in the evening. She scolded me for being out most of the time knowing that she was alone and also it was cold outside. She said she has made chicken and when I...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 418

Vicky left to go help with the new people who were being processed at the gym. I had a couple more things to do, and then I was going to the office to help as soon as there was a lull in activity. I was waiting on the Sikorsky crew to show up. They were to be here by nine and I had told Johnson Black that I would meet them in the terminal. I was looking out the big window with Lorrie at our two extended C130s preparing to leave on the freight run. They were in the run up area doing engine...

3 years ago
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A Chat With Friend

Hi all, my name is Sagar (Not real). I am a fan of ISS. Whenever I read those experiences, I use to be very sad because I couldn’t have any of those experiences. I am a 27 yr old mallu guy working in Chennai. Till now I didn’t have a chance to have sex. Am 6 ft tall and little bulkier. Whenever I read these stories I used to fantasize about all those situations. But 3 months back everything got changed. I am sharing my very first experience with a girl. Normally I used to chat a lot with my...

2 years ago
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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 24

After Hawk’s agreement to become the ‘renegade leader’ of the Apache Rebellion Jason sighed in relief. “Hawk, I’m delighted you agreed to go along with me on this. I think you can make it work, and it goes hand-in-hand with your need to stay in the shadows.” “I’m glad you’re confident in my abilities Jason, but I’m not a leader. That’s why Dan and I have always worked so well together. I’d come up with an idea, and we’d go back and forth until it became something useful. At that point he...

1 year ago
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True family love

100% fiction! So it happened only a week ago, the day was as usual as ever but what happened I never expected would. I was sitting at home watching tv when my older came home from work. She and my brother were twins, much other than me but I was at uni now. She walked in and dumped her bag on the floor before she flopped down beside me, I could see her DD breasts bounce under her shirt as she sat. I could feel my pussy become slightly wet in the g-string i wore. She glanced at me and flashed me...

1 year ago
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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter6

Spring, 1999 a.d. A Change in the Wind “Daddy! Daddy!” Alicia cried out joyfully, then squealed as she was swept up into the air, swung around and gently deposited back to earth. Tanya called out from the kitchen, “Supper’s almost ready, wash up, both of you!” Frank hugged his two-year-old daughter tightly, then looked at her tiny, delicate, but very dirty little hands. “What have you been doing?” he asked, grinning at Alicia and showing her how dirty her hands were. “I was hunting!”...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Teenage Nympho Ch 06

Chapter 6: Pleasant Surprises My brother avoided me for the rest of the time I was home for the holiday. I tried to talk to him, but he wasn’t ready to discuss what had happened between us. I tried to be understanding, but it hurt that he wouldn’t talk about it. So I gave him his space and just kept making an effort to let him know I wasn’t bothered by it and that I wish he’d talk to me. I decided while I was home, I was going to hang out with my friends and have a good time. I wasn’t going...

4 years ago
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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 26

They sauntered up to the long dimly lit oak bar and climbed onto two stools, looking around all the time while trying to remain sophisticated. The barman glanced at Lauren and took a long look at Emma. "Two cokes, please!" said Lauren. The barman served them within seconds, bringing a little bowl of nuts and crackers with their drinks as he smiled at them both. Lauren asked for the dinner menu and they studied it, trying to determine from the French and Spanish descriptions exactly what...

2 years ago
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Saw Neighbour Girl Fingering Pussy Watching My WorkOut 8211 Part 3

Hello, Horny readers and ISS fans. This is your Arjun back with a story of a great blowjob. Thank you, readers and my dear fans who contacted me and appreciated my story. Special thanks to my female fans. Re-introduction about me. Arjun from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Twenty-five years old, 6 foot tall, fair and regular gym guy with athletic fit body and a 7 inch dick. Megha, my sex partner. Twenty-three years old, 5.6 foot tall and stats of 36-30-36. She looks like Shraddha Kapoor. Read the...

3 years ago
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My Sweet Friend Su

Hi there people. I’m a regular reader of ISS and I think I have become a greatest fan of this site! I am Prakash, writing my first ever true story that happened to me when I was just 19! Let me tell you about myself. I’m 20 now fair complexioned, 5’11 with a very athletic body. I have been kind of an attraction to girls since school days, until now! This story is about how I seduced my friend, Su, whom I know ever since childhood. Su is very beautiful, she has gorgeous eyes and very tempting...

2 years ago
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Diavolo Ch 06

Moving forward-finally. Writing this book is fun in the sense that I actually check the weather in the Laguna, Irvine and Bayside area of California. Trying to keep it as accurate as possible, I also use actual addresses. Can anyone find the houses I’ve mentioned? or the roads, or even where our Gabe had his accident? I also have a playlist I use to get me in the right mind frame for each chapter. A song I used a lot (not allot-lol) during this chapter was Van Halen’s Pound Cake. Because I feel...

1 year ago
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Lavender Ghost StoryChapter 22 Two Against The Tower

The open area at the foot of the Lavender Tower was once again crowded as the sun set over the harbor turning the sky pink and purple as the ocean became almost blood red. All around the perimeter, small concession stands were set up to service the public's hunger for over-priced festival food as upon the small wooden stage a stocky blond woman with too many piercings operated an array of stereo equipment. Supplying the area with a variety music. The large crowd of people whom either stood...

1 year ago
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Love in the Age of Chemicals Ch 03

My stomach hurt. I was lying in bed, eyes closed, sensing it was morning. I felt a heavy pressure on my abdomen and feared the worst. My brain flashed through a list of ailments that might manifest as stomach pain. I blinked my eyes open and reached down to feel the affected area. When I did, my startle reflex forced me back, scrambling towards the headboard as far as I could go. A smooth, fleshy weight that had been sprawled over my midsection now fell into my lap. It moved in time with a...

1 year ago
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My Bhabhi Hot Like Fire

Hi everyone. I am Harry. A true sexual incident that happened to me. Believe me. Ok without wasting your time I jumped to the story One day my parents had to leave Ludhiana to Delhi in connection with the sad demise of a relative. My brother had gone to Mumbai and said he will return within few days. Bhabhi and I were staying in Ludhiana.I was in the college and had to my class everyday in the morning, but was free by evening. I had lot of assignments to do with the help of computers. Since I...

4 years ago
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Annas Magic Ch 11

I took the next few days off work, citing a sick family member as the reason. My real intention though was to read up on my new ‘career’. If I was going to find out anything on Wanda, I had to know where to look and more importantly what I was looking for. My experience at Shane’s proved that while I was good at hiding things, I needed to brush up on my detective skills. After scanning through novel upon novel about the greatest sleuths in history and their MO’s I decided to give it a shot and...

2 years ago
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Sarge revisited

Given recent events (and the fact that it has been frankly a disgraceful length of time since I’ve blogged) I think it would be a good opportunity to update you all. Please do not be mistaken in assuming that because I haven’t blogged, I haven’t been ‘playing’, as that it not the case … at all! Also please don’t think that if you were one of those… erm… ‘players’ that you were in anyway ‘unblog-worthy’ because that may not be the case either (… may not). Unsurprisingly, one of my...

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Tales from the FrogLady Part 1 of 2 Wedding Night

Notes: This is the revised version of my previously published story. Thanks to Mr. Ram for pointing to a mistake, just for you to know my problem, in Portuguese ladder is "escada" and stair is "escada", so you see why I do these silly mistakes once or twice. This is the first part of a two part story, but both can be read as independent stories (of course, they are more fun if read in the right sequence), this is why I marked it "finished" in the form. The second part, called "A night...

2 years ago
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Scratch n Dent Kid

Scratch 'n' Dent Kid By Maggie O'Malley Maggie sat on her bed and stared out the window. She searched for the biggest star she could find because the older girls told her that was the Christmas Star. If there was any chance at all of her Christmas wish coming true, she had to find the Christmas Star on Christmas Eve and then wish with all her heart. Her wish wasn't for a new dolly or a pretty Christmas dress or even a pony. It wasn't for something you'd buy in a store or would...

1 year ago
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This Crazy Little Thing Called SEX part 4

4: Dominus Domina.The half moon sat artfully in the night sky, casting its pale light into my room as I lay on my bed, staring up at the shadows it cast.Both my hands were gently stroking either side of my sex as the events of the day fed my imagination and played out over and over in my head as I closed my eyes, breathing deeply of the sensations flowing through me. A stray finger rubbed my still deliciously sore pussy that I had flushed clean when I got home earlier, and my thoughts turned...

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The Drifter Part 1

 He had lost track of how long he had been riding... it seemed like he had been in that saddle since he was able to sit up straight. One day melted into another and the nights had been cold and lonely for as long as he could remember. But that was the life of a drifter such as he. His world consisted of his horse, his saddle, and the meager supplies he carried with him at the time. His days began at the crack of dawn, making a cold breakfast before he packed up what little he had, and rode in...

3 years ago
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1st Girlfriend by loyalsock

I had a couple of girlfriends before I met the one I lost my virginity with. A few fast and foolish relation-ships that can only be justified in the teenage mentalityof "Live for the moment! You're only young once." I learned how to French kiss, how to feel up a squirming girl for all I could get, I even got a very amateur blow-job a couple of times. But I never got to go all the way with those preg-nancy paranoid teenage girls. I was 14 at the time and pretty amateur myself.When I was 15 I...

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