- 4 years ago
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Doszar was almost exactly halfway between Port Meikari and the capital. As they stopped on their first night out from the dilapidated village, they realized it was going to take them a bit more time to get from Doszar to Hynost-Qaanzyr than it took to get to the tiny village. A warm front was moving in from the south, causing the snow-clogged roads to turn into a river of oozing mud. Gnaths are huge animals with wide, gripping feet that can travel at a shocking rate on almost any terrain. The same could not be said for Princess Alyssa's horse when she was on the animal. The poor beast was covered to the rump in mud and slush and its rider was looking none too pleased as she dismounted. She had been splattered up to her neck, spots of mud dotting her fine leather riding clothes.
"Might I suggest, yer Highness, that ye take Dourden up on his offer ta let Zyrron carry ye 'til we hit tha paved roads closer to tha capital?" Brandar asked sweetly, splashing down from the back of Zarlyth. The beast led his friend through the thick underbrush at the side of the road to a small stream about a hundred yards back from the road. "At least when ye're ridin six feet off tha ground ye aren't likely ta be muddy when ye get ready for bed."
Myka tried hard not to let the princess see her amusement, but she couldn't help it. "Are we going to sleep on the wet ground tonight?" she asked as Jonar and she followed the gnath lords away from the road.
"No," Jonar replied. "Lailar and I picked up some tents from the tailor. They should keep the weather off of us and give us a dry place to sleep ... or change clothes." The princess scowled at him, stomping on to the head of their group just as they came to the small clearing around the stream.
The warm spell, and that term should be used lightly as it still got very cold at night, lasted nearly a week. Princess Alyssa's pride broke and she tied her horse, on a very long lead line, to Dourden's amiable Gnath to ride on Zyrron's back behind the young loremaster. With worries over the princess being able to keep up gone, they made excellent time despite the conditions of the road. They stayed in well-run inns in minor mercantile villages on the fourth and sixth days out from Doszar, much to the delight of the two young women.
The second of the two villages was a fairly sprawling place where they restocked their supplies at fairly steep rates for the rest of their journey. When they stopped the next night, Myka saw an intense look on all of the gnath lords' faces as they went about making camp in a little valley about a mile from the road. Lord Lailar had muttered something about not wanting visitors tonight when he had led them off the paved surface and over several hills shortly before the sun was to set. He immediately sent Jonar to find some firewood, a task which took a long while since that part of Meikar was well settled and trees somewhat scarce.
Jonar immediately felt something was going on when he returned from gathering a few scanty bundles of small bushes and one very young sapling he had found. He started a fire with his usual ease, with Princess Alyssa watching his every move, trying to figure out how he did it. Then they ate toasted bread with slices of a well-cooked ham and a sharp yellow cheese.
When they were all finished, one of the gnath lords who had not spoken more than ten words to Jonar the entire trip rose to go sit in front of the young man. He held out his hands and requested to examine his weapons. The man was immensely built and had hands as big as Jonar's but with more meat on their bones. He had several burn scars on his hands and forearms and a long, painful-looking scar on his neck just below his well-cropped blue-black beard. As Jonar carefully handed him the sword and throwing axe, his moustached mouth turned down in a frown. He shook his head while turning the immense weapon over in his hands, inspecting the blade and hilt closely in the firelight.
"What is it, Caoldir?" Lailar asked.
Caoldir Qolvgjarsson frowned and looked at the commander over his shoulder. "This blade is a piece of trash. I doubt his father used it. It's pretty and it's big and the lad keeps a good edge on it, but I doubt anyone of a normal size could have kept himself alive for four years using this thing. I could shatter it in about five minutes of fighting," the weaponsmaster of Port Meikari replied in a quiet bass, his words flowing out of his mouth smoothly, softly. He put the sword back in its scabbard. He then picked up Jonar's axe. It looked big until either Jonar or the weaponsmith held it, and then it took on proportions suitable for a throwing axe. The old warrior hefted the thing a few times, made a few throwing motions and smiled. "This is a very well-made weapon, but it's not a throwing axe, son."
Jonar looked confused as Lailar came to squat next to the two. "May I?" he asked Jonar. The gnath lord began chuckling the second it was put into his hand. "No, of course it isn't."
"Then what is it?" Jonar asked, frowning.
"You got it off of a Dei-Xhan riding an elph-tor, didn't you? Well, this is a Dei-Xhan sorcerer's blooding weapon. They use it to kill those with divine gifts so that they may absorb the gift for themselves. This thing is probably more valuable than everything you and your family have owned since the Crossing. A Dei-Xhan sorcerer spends his first ten years creating one of these things and the next five enchanting it. Illuminants pay for their weight in ice diamonds. My friend, you have just become extremely wealthy," Lailar said, chuckling. Then his expression turned serious. "Did you kill everyone in the party of the man who wielded this?"
Jonar shrugged, his wide with fright at the thought of a sorcerer. "I think so. I stumbled into them in the Domain of the Pagans. The sorcerer and its beast were the first to go down. Gnusyl slashed the face off the elph-tor and I slit the throat of the man who held that. His men were all on foot and Gnusyl made quick work of them. I looked around after that for anything useful and saw that. It was my first year away from Telanaria and I was hoping to find some food or money or something," he mumbled. "That and a pouch of gold were the only things worth keeping."
"They didn't have any armor or descent clothing or anything?" Caoldir asked.
Jonar shrugged, again. "It was my first year. I didn't know to take everything."
"He was thirteen, Caoldir," Dourden reminded the weaponsmaster. "Would you have known to take everything left after a battle at thirteen?"
A sick look came over Jonar. "Besides, Gnusyl had been going hungry for a while and decided Dei-Xhan would be good eating. He had never come across an elph-tor and wasn't sure it would be good to eat," he added in a revolted tone. Then he laughed a great booming laugh. "He wound up with indigestion. We had made camp not far away from where the elph-tor was left so after he threw up the Dei-Xhan he went and ate the elph-tor."
Myka rose and ran away from the fire looking even greener than is normal for a Ce'al. Alyssa laughed her silvery laugh before picking up her bow and quiver and following the young matriarch. "I forgot she was there. I suppose she would not like hearing stuff like that," Jonar guessed, red-faced.
"Well, when we get to Hynost-Qaanzyr, I will take you to the Clerics of Light headquarters in Meikar. They will pay you enough for that axe to replace it, buy yourself a better sword, and get you some decent armor," Lailar offered, handing the axe back to the boy.
Jonar took the axe and then hesitated in putting it away. "Could I keep my sword, just for... ?"
Caoldir looked at the boy as if he were crazy. "Why would you want to? It is not a good weapon. I am surprised it hasn't broken on you yet."
"It was my father's. I mean he made it himself when he was very young. It was the only thing left of his after the raiders retreated," the boy replied, his eye watering. "The chief gave me the sword as my inheritance right before they drove me out of Telanaria. They couldn't find my father's real sword."
A very dark look came over Lailar's and Caoldir's faces. "Your father was the weaponsmith of the village?" Caoldir demanded angrily.
"No, he was the smith of everything. He made plows and kettles as much as swords and axes."
"Then he probably had at least three weapons and was a wealthy man," Lailar replied darkly. "When we are done in the capital, I am going to ask for leave. There is a matter I wish to take up with the elders of Telanaria."
Hynost-Qaanzyr. It was not the first city to be built by the citizens of the Kingdom of Meikar. That was the fortress of Port Meikari and it was built under the supervision of the settlers' Gnathar protectors. The capital of Meikar and its second biggest city of Port Meikari accounted for more than two-fifths of the entire population of the kingdom. While the Port city is a giant fortress ready to stand against the incursions of the Zondrons who live across the Dorkan Bay, Hynost-Qaanzyr is very different. The artistry and imagination of the Ce'al settlers came into full play when it came time to build the city.
Hynost-Qaanzyr had two walls, neither of which would keep out an army of cats, never mind ravening hordes of Dei-Xhan or Gnathar pagans. But there had never been an attack on the city in its millennium of existence. The outermost wall was a shimmering curtain of rose quartz and topped by mithral, a metallic substance which glows in the light of the moon or stars. It was only fifteen feel tall and a few feet thick, more for show than anything else. Within that wall was a city unlike most any other city. There were wide, open streets fronted by shimmering marble buildings accented here and there by mithral and other spectacular minerals. This is where the commoner and Gnathar sections were located as well as the common markets and several royal army and city guard barracks.
Halfway to the center of the city was another wall, this one only ten feet tall with an ornate mithral fence atop it. Within that wall were located the public buildings, noble and academic quarters of the city, the headquarters of the truthseekers and various other prestigious groups, and, of course, the royal palace. The royal palace compound was fenced off by a thick, breath-taking marble wall topped by a mithral and steel fence into which were crafted scenes from Meikari history and mythology by the Gnome clerics who aided the Meikari in the building of the entire city. Hynost-Qaanzyr was the pride of all Meikari citizens.
Jonar and his traveling companions sat atop a small hill which overlooked the capital from the northeastern side in awe near noon of the fortieth day from Port Meikari. Even those who had been here before were struck by the sight. All of them except Princess Alyssa, now seated irritably on her horse dressed in a finely made silk blouse of light blue and a pair of royal blue velvet pants tucked into a pair of half-boots of the finest blue leather. On her head was a diamond and sapphire tiara and an emerald and diamond necklace hung at her throat. Emeralds also hung from her ears and clasped the fur cloak she wore against the returned chill of winter.
"Can we please get on with our grand entrance into the city," the beautiful young woman griped, her face dark.
Lailar bowed floridly from atop Fharthyl and nodded towards the city. The big Gnath lumbered into motion. They were stopped only briefly at the gorgeous bronze and mithral gates by fancily dressed Gnathar pikemen wearing the insignia of Meikar on their sleeves. They immediately passed them on into the city when they saw Princess Alyssa. As Jonar, bringing up the rear with Myka, passed them, he thought he saw the guard captain rolled his eyes and smile at his men. A smile the other guards did not share as he distinctly heard one of them groan.
"She seems to have something of a reputation here," he whispered to Myka. His mistress had also dressed in her best clothing that morning, a long flowing gown of grass green silk that quite took his breath away with emerald green slippers. She sat behind him sidesaddle, looking very imperious. She also wore a few jewels here and there that she had requisitioned from her cousin before leaving.
"Speak when you are spoken to," Lady Myka retorted with a sniff. "Remember your place here. I do not want to be embarrassed in front of the Queen."
More than a little hurt, Jonar turned his attention to the amazing sights around him, ignoring the prodding in the ribs he was getting from Myka as he gazed about like a yokel. He thought the city of Port Meikari was big and the most marvelous thing he had ever seen, but the capital was even more spectacular and he did not get to see nearly as much of it as he would have liked. Lord Lailar kept them on an arrow straight course right to the palace. Jonar gawked while he had the opportunity and he was seeing things he never saw before hawked by merchants of every race, including ones he did not even know existed. There were fine cloths and sparkling jewels being sold next to simple pots of copper and casks of sour wine. And everywhere he looked he saw scores of Gnathar smaller than he had ever seen them with ears longer and thinner than the stubby, pointed affairs regular Gnathar have.
And as much as he was staring at the wondrous sights of Hynost-Qaanzyr, the inhabitants of the magical capital were gaping at him as he went by. He was far and away the largest Gnathar they had ever seen. Even full-blooded Gnathar stared at the young cordach. But it wasn't just his sized or the fine blue and green clothing or the clearly massive size of his Gnath. As he rode and gaped about him, the young Gnathar could hear the occasional hissing whisper of "Ce'al matriarch," clearly referring to Myka. The tone of those mutterings was not kindly nor were the looks he was getting from the Ce'al and Meikari he passed.
Nevertheless, he continued to enjoy the ride through the city. What amazed him more than the sights was the constant strain of music wafting on the air. Though they never passed more than the occasional street piper or begging lutist, complex and heartbreakingly beautiful harmonies came to his sharp ears. Some of the pieces he heard reminded him of his childhood. A sad smile tugged at his lips and his eyes grew misty, especially when one of the ballads of the Gnathar was loud enough for him to hum along with.
Myka heard him and a surprised look crossed her face before she corrected herself. "I forget that your people are so musical, Jonar," she whispered softly, her arm squeezing his waist where she held on for balance. "That is probably the Conservatory. A surprising number of Gnathar earn places there."
"Not surprising," Dourden Mafealsson said over his shoulder from his place a few yards in front of them. "The Gnathar who helped the Ce'al settle Meikar were all troubadour warriors. They were teaching the Ce'al they lived with the arts when the wars came to the eastern parts of Titia-Lohr. The troubadour talent runs true with the Gnathar bloodlines. That is why all Meikari usually have at least some musical skills. Her Highness there is a most skilled player of the balalaika, though she does not play much publicly anymore."
Myka stared at Princess Alyssa's back doubtfully for the rest of the trip to the gate of the inner city. There were three score of armored Gnathar waiting for them when they got to the low wall topped by its fanciful mithral fence. They all carried the gruesome mace-axe as well as enameled shields bearing the crests of the most prominent Lords of Meikar. Surprisingly, Xavear slid off of Loshnovy's broad back and embraced one of the members of this force while their commander spoke with the princess and Lord Lailar.
Myka watched this with shock. "He must be a Lord of Meikar!"
"The twenty-ninth. Xavear is Lord of the House Losh'Varri, my Lady," Dourden replied in a hushed tone. "That is his son."
"What is a Lord doing in the Royal Army?"
"He isn't. He came as a favor to Lord Lailar," the loremaster replied, a smile lighting his face. "Lord Xavear is a priest of Sol and Lailar wished for him to be along to evaluate the misdeed done to Jonar by the elders of Telanaria. Lord Lailar has taken your young bodyguard's expatriation as a personal dishonor done by all Gnathar. He truly means to rectify the situation in person when we are finished here in Hynost-Qaanzyr. It should be very interesting to see both his meeting with the Queen and his confrontation with the elders. Queen Leina greatly respects Sol and she dislikes miscarriages of justice."
"What about the King?" Jonar asked, irked for some reason.
The young gnath lord looked at Jonar strangely before grinning. "I keep forgetting you grew up in the Empire," Dourden said, rubbing his chin and grimacing. "In Meikar, as with all Ce'al-based societies, the females are more important and usually control things. Males are seen as almost useless unless they possess some stellar quality their House can use. The Queen has total power here in Meikar because the King is ... well, let's just say his only real concerns lie in the field of epic sagas. Queen Leina Waiya is a master player of the Game and her favorite hobby is outmaneuvering other sovereigns. You will see, shortly." Just then, Princess Alyssa nudged her horse and the armored men formed up around them.
John woke up from a very strange dream. He had been dreaming about some sort of being, who was about to grant him a wish. He didn't even really remember what he (or she?) looked like. In any case, he distinctly remembered his wish: He wanted to live in a Free Use world. John has dreamed about this kind of thing for years. Being able to just live out all of his naughyt fantasies, all day all night... In real life he barely ever got the chance to do even a tiny bit of what he had in mind. He has...
Fetish- - A warning to readers. - - This story features the themes of sexual slavery, bestiality, among with others that are not always liked by many individuals. If these are not things you wish to read about leave now so your not offended by the above mentioned contents of this story do not continue reading. Farther more don't fill up the comments section with ones like *bestiality sucks" or " your sick" and so on. _ _ Also absolutely no character engaging in any sexual act is to be...
- - A warning to readers. - - This story features the themes of sexual slavery, bestiality, among with others that are not always liked by many individuals. If these are not things you wish to read about leave now so your not offended by the above mentioned contents of this story do not continue reading. Farther more don't fill up the comments section with ones like *bestiality sucks" or " your sick" and so on. _ _ Also absolutely no character engaging in any sexual act is to be...
- - A warning to readers. - - This story features the themes of sexual slavery, bestiality, among with others that are not always liked by many individuals. If these are not things you wish to read about leave now so your not offended by the above mentioned contents of this story do not continue reading. Farther more don't fill up the comments section with ones like *bestiality sucks" or " your sick" and so on. _ _ Also absolutely no character engaging in any sexual act is to be...
A warning to readers. - - This story features the themes of sexual slavery, bestiality, among with others that are not always liked by many individuals. If these are not things you wish to read about leave now so your not offended by the above mentioned contents of this story do not continue reading. Farther more don't fill up the comments section with ones like *bestiality sucks" or " your sick" and so on. _ _ Also absolutely no character engaging in any sexual act is to be...
A warning to readers. - - This story features the themes of sexual slavery, bestiality, among with others that are not always liked by many individuals. If these are not things you wish to read about leave now so your not offended by the above mentioned contents of this story do not continue reading. Farther more don't fill up the comments section with ones like *bestiality sucks" or " your sick" and so on. _ _ Also absolutely no character engaging in any sexual act is to be...
- - This story features the themes of rape, sexual slavery, bestiality, and incest among with others that are not always liked by many individuals. If these are not things you wish to read about leave now so your not offended by the contents of this story do not continue reading. Farther more don't fill up the comments section with ones like *bestiality sucks" or " your sick" and so on. _ _ Also absolutely no character engaging in any sexual act is to be considered under eighteen...
Many many thanks to everyone who voted and sent feedback for the previous two stories, apologies that this is so late but life has been a kind of rollercoaster! Back on track now. Would appreciate all votes and comments (good or bad). If this is the first time you’re reading this series, it would probably be more enjoyable to read parts 1 & 2 first!. Thank you so much DiDi The smashing of the dinner plates that Alex could hear from where he was sitting was really beginning to get on his...
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Hi friends, en peyar Meenachi, vayathu 35 aagugirathu. Enaku iru pasangal irukiraargal, avargal schoolku sendru kondu irukiraargal. En kanavanuku 45 vayathu aagugirathu. Ippozhuthu ellam en kanavan ennai sex seivathe ilai naan eppozhuthum iravil en kanavna udan sex seiyalam endru ninaikum pozhuthu avar asanthu poi thungi vidugiraar. Intha vayathil thaan enaku athigamaaga moodu erugirathu, pengal 35 vayathil irunthu 40 vayathu varai thanga mudiyaatha kuthi aripu ear padum. Avargal athai...
Hi friends, en peyar Meenachi, vayathu 35 aagugirathu. Enaku iru pasangal irukiraargal, avargal schoolku sendru kondu irukiraargal. En kanavanuku 45 vayathu aagugirathu. Ippozhuthu ellam en kanavan ennai sex seivathe ilai naan eppozhuthum iravil en kanavna udan sex seiyalam endru ninaikum pozhuthu avar asanthu poi thungi vidugiraar. Intha vayathil thaan enaku athigamaaga moodu erugirathu, pengal 35 vayathil irunthu 40 vayathu varai thanga mudiyaatha kuthi aripu ear padum. Avargal athai...
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Justice For My Brother By Princess Chapter 1 She has little or no memory of her childhood. She knew she had a twin. Most official records said that she was the only child to her single mother Melissa Wisecarver. But she had a few memories of living with a brother when she was very young. Christine Wisecarver thought she was happy. She had lived a good life until around a year ago. She began having vicious nightmares of a little boy. IN her dreams the boy was very sad and...
Chapter I The Scarlet Witch received the message from Charles Xavier at Avengers Mansion. She carefully listened to what the leader of the X-Men had to say and then agreed to assist him. It seemed that several young mutants belonging to Generation X, including Jubilation Lee, had gone missing. Jubilee's guardians had expected a visit from her for her birthday, and became concerned when she didn't show up. Professor Xavier had used his powerful telepathic powers to trace Generation X mentor...
Emma Frost was approaching the striptease club known as The Justice Club. The White Queen was in her old uniform consisting of a white corset and white fur cape. To those who saw her, she appeared as a generic man who was rather large and no one would trouble the big man. Ever since she had taken over the school for Xaiver and started teaching the Generation X kids. She had slowly been losing money. Emma needed some place to invest money, and she heard that this place was starting to be a...
“This can’t be justice” he said pitifully. 4 months ago John was out late in the evening jogging and was hit by a car, he suffered a spinal injury and lost the use of his body from the waist down including the use of his penis, The car was full of young black males who were out celebrating their last high school football game, the driver was drunk like his passengers and he had not seen John jogging across the street. The court case was farcical due to the judge presiding it. Judge...
I know not how long it was that I was aware of something. It came as a great shock to me when I realized it had penetrated the thick fog of my coma-like existence. Many beings had I dreamed of during my slumber, but none had so bright a soul nor so resolute a personality as to make my soul sing with the need to be nearer to it. I was surprised at how far away this person was, once my newly awakened senses began functioning. There were many leagues between my new master and me, for I was sure...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestMother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
Naan oru niruvanathi velai paarthu varugiren, en peyar vignesh vayathu 26, ippozhuthu kumbakonathil vasithu velai paarthu varugiren. En udan neraiya pengal velai paarthu varuvargal, aanal athil oru pen matum sexyaaga irupaal aval peyar meena vayathu 36 irukum. Ival oru kaama very pen eppozhuthum mulaiyai perthaaga kanbithu kondu irupaal. Ivalin mulaiyai paarthu mayangaatha aangale illai, avalavu sexyaaga irukum ivalin idupu sirithaaga irupathaal suuthu mulai sexyaga irukum. Ivalin udal vadivam...
Vanakam. Enathu peyar Kathir vayathu 25 naan pudhukottaiyil vasithu varugiren enaku velinaatil 3 maathangaluku vellai paarthu vittu ippozhuthu sontha uuril irukiren enathu gramathil niraiya thopugal irukum angu niraiya thena marangalum irukum. Enathu gramathil azhagana ilam pengal niraiya irupaargal veedugal ondraaga irukum thopugal uurai thali irukum aanal anaivaru ingu vanthu kaathu vaanga aasai paduvar. Enathu veetil naan oruvarn mattum thaan ithuvarai naan 7 pengalai currect seithu oothu...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
JUSTICE: THE TALE OF PANDORA TRASK (C) 2020, 2021 by Anthony Durrant "Dorrie! Dorrie! Can you hear me, Dorrie?" a man's voice whispered in Pandora Trask's ear. "Yuh...youh...yeas!" she cried, and the voice whispered again into her ear, "The surgery's pover and your brain is now in the skull of the frozen body we found in the wilds of Northern Europe. You're now in a private room, and will ramain hre for some time while your body and brain knit together." "But what about...
(Watchtower) To Think, That Five Short Years Ago, He Was An Ordinary College Student, and Now He Was Standing In The Justice Leagues Watchtower, a Recent Addition. John Had To Keep himself from Wetting himself in Excitement. He Had Previously been the Protege of Guy Gardner, and Was One of the Few Non-Green Lantern Lanterns in the League. His Ring was Born from the Power Of Hope Itself. But Even Without The Ring, He Was Powered. Super Strength, Super Endurance, Skimming, Heat Vision, X-Ray...
Justice in 2026 by Jenile Efhratum The Frame, Conviction & Sentence Year 2026 I was just a normal young man trying to get his bearings on life after a messy divorce. I had been married to a lovely girl, Carolyn, but three years into our marriage, she said she wanted out and also wanted alimony, most of my property, and I really think the blood from my veins. It was just three days after we had returned from Aspen after a wonderful two weeks of skiing. At least they...
JUSTICE FOR ROBIN by Susan Fantasy CHAPTER ONE: TROUBLE IN THE BUSBIE CLAN 1. Tennis pro turned math teacher Dr. Busbie's forty-one year old Lesbianite sister, Helen, was a very attractive woman. The slight Mongol element she had that came from a Russian ancestor was hardly noticeable; it was not nearly as evident as it was in the case of her brother. Not that this would necessarily spoil her looks if it showed, for Eurasian people can be good looking - and her...
Justice ****** John sighed with relief as he saw the hands of the clock edging to 5. Nowadays he always felt that the workday would just never come to an end, and yet he also dreaded coming home to Sandy. It was not always like that for him. why, only six months ago he was a rising young executive, whose future with Consoladated seemed assured. Assured that is, till his atavistic male chauvinistic attitudes got him into deep trouble.He looked down at the keyboard...funny how fast he...
When I look back at my life and the events that have led me to this place in time and a decision I now have to make you'd think I'd feel more ... well anger, hate, bitterness to name but a few, instead all I feel is numb. A numbness that currently clouds my judgement, affects my thinking and makes me mourn the loss of any feelings or emotions, or would no doubt if I could mourn. My name doesn't matter, not really, though you can call me Peter and my tale such as it is goes back over twenty...
The digital readout of the alarm clock showed 2:38 AM on a Friday morning as I groggily reached for the phone. "Please help me, Jimmy," the soft voice sobbed. "They hurt me. They hurt me real bad." A cold fist clinched over my heart as I recognized the voice of my baby sister. "Where are you, Angie," I asked as I instantly became fully awake. "I don't know," she wept. "I think there are still two of them here. They're going to rape me some more." "Leave your phone on but...
THE WATCHTOWER The Watchtower, headquarters of the JLA (Justice League of America). It was a large space station that was parked on the moon. The station was made of promethium and its technology based on a mixture of Martian, Kryptonian, Thanagarian, Earth as well as New Genesis and Apokolips. Inside the Watchtower was the Monitor Womb, the heart of the Watchtower. This was where the JLA monitored everything that happened on Earth, with its vast computer/communications/sensors network. As...
Out of darkness we were brought forth into the Light of the Divine, forged by the hands of the fifteen Lords and Ladies of Heaven to bring wisdom and justice to those who came before us. For we were the Second Divine Miracle, the second time those who watch over creation came together to combine their might. My consciousness awoke to the feel of Sol, Dispenser of Justice, raising me in front of him with a slight smile of pride and satisfaction. As were they, we numbered fifteen, each to go to...
The justice league are the defenders of Earth, the greatest heroes humanity has to offer. But even they are not infallible. Even the mightiest of superheroes can be taken down a peg with just one lucky blow, one unfortunate circumstance, one unlucky matchup... or just the right amount of pressure to the right areas. And from there, anything can happen. Luckily the sort of people who would knock out a Justice Leaguer is never the sort who would abuse such a position of power after the fact......
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Therapist's Incestuous Treatment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Session 12 with Mercedes Daniels I kissed my patient, Mercedes Daniels, with hunger, my body burning from telling her about my earlier romp with my husband. My brother. Clint had come in here and fucked me and my previous patient, a naughty mother I was guiding into seducing her son. Mercedes Daniels shuddered as I pressed atop her...
Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...
edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...
PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...
Do you know of the porn site Motherless.com? You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn Sites