Elysium Ch. 03 free porn video

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Many many thanks to everyone who voted and sent feedback for the previous two stories, apologies that this is so late but life has been a kind of rollercoaster! Back on track now. Would appreciate all votes and comments (good or bad). If this is the first time you’re reading this series, it would probably be more enjoyable to read parts 1 & 2 first!. Thank you so much DiDi

The smashing of the dinner plates that Alex could hear from where he was sitting was really beginning to get on his nerves. He winced as he heard the expensive crockery hit the granite floor in the kitchen and wondered at Diane’s sense. She had bought the crockery and had insisted on the granite tiles for the kitchen floor and now she was wasting all of her money in breaking the crockery and cracking the granite in order to spite him. Alex sank down on the sofa and buried his head in his hands groaning at the shitty situation that he now found himself in.

‘Alex,’ Diane’s shrill angry voice called from the kitchen. Alex promised himself that he wouldn’t respond to her demands but was knocked out of his resolution by, ‘If you don’t come here and listen to what I have to say, I’m going to break your mother’s fucking Spode, do you understand me?’

Alex shook his head, certain that not even Diane would go that far, knowing that anything which belonged to his now dead mother meant the world to him, and hoping that she wouldn’t resort to such underhand tactics to win her point. However, he was knocked out of his reverie by a further smash. Incensed, Alex made his way to the kitchen fuelled with such anger that he couldn’t see straight.

Diane, his ex wife, was sitting on the kitchen table with the prized Spode in her hand and a triumphant smile on her face. ‘I always knew how to get you didn’t I?’ Alex shrugged, irritated that he had managed to be hoodwinked by her nonsense yet again, but also a little relieved that she hadn’t destroyed his mother’s prized possession. Alex made his way across to her silently and held his hand out for his mother’s ornament.

Diane held it out of reach and stopped Alex in his tracks by lifting her long toned leg and placing her stiletto clad heel in the centre of his chest, ‘Now that I have your attention, would you care to explain why you have moved your clothes out of the house please and why you are choosing to house yourself in this apartment that I am sure my money has paid for?’

Alex didn’t have the energy to correct her.

She rolled her eyes and sighed heavily, ‘If you are insisting on living on my money, then surely the most polite thing to do would be to live with me no?’ she didn’t wait for a response and continued on blithely, ‘And, if you are going to insist on living away from me, for God’s sake, do it with a little bit of taste. I can’t be seen to have my husband living in this area, in this poky little apartment, it does my credibility no good whatsoever.’

Alex snatched the crockery out of his wife’s hand and stared at her, puzzled as to how he could have been married to her for as long as he had been or even as to how he could have ever been in love with her. He studied her now, taking in the long flaxen hair, the emerald eyes which turned amber in the sun, or when she was planning something devilish, the toned body which found itself in the gym everyday and the surgically augmented breasts that never failed to excite him and which, even now contrary to his dislike of her, were turning him on .

Diane lay back on the table noting Alex’s unconscious interests in her breasts and made to capitalize on this. Arching her back and sighing, she lowered her voice to a husky tone, ‘Why can’t we make this work baby? I love you and I know you love me, we don’t need to go so far as divorce do we?’ Warming to her theme, Diane knelt up and pulled Alex to her by his belt buckle, ‘We’re so good together, I can’t believe that you would even think of finishing this.’

Alex pulled away from her roughly, ‘Funny, I thought we were great together but you seemed to disagree with that sentiment by sleeping with the pool boy, gardener, my best friend and anyone else with a dick that moved.’ Diane shrugged her shoulders insouciantly, Alex continued, ‘You knew how I felt about us, how seriously I took it, how I felt about you and me and us together and yet you still saw nothing wrong in going against everything. What’s the point?’

Diane pulled him to her again, this time gently, ‘The point, darling, is that you can’t keep away from me and I sure as hell can’t keep away from you.’

Feeling Alex’s surrender, Diane licked her lips and drew him to her whispering, ‘You’ll always be mine, I don’t want you to be anyone else’s ever,’ and engaged him in the passionate kiss that always made him lay down arms for her.


It seemed that Diane Gates had been disrupting Alex Walker’s life from the minute she had set foot in the art class that he was teaching four years previously. In order to keep her father sweet and to prevent him from forcing her to work in the family stockbrokers’, she had announced that she was going to become an artist. To show that she was serious about her new found vocation, she had enrolled in the local art class and found herself to be studying under the ‘delectable’ Alexander Walker who was the talk of the female students and the small town in which they lived.

Alex, wasn’t particularly happy to be teaching art to a bunch of bored stuck up rich housewives, but needed to do so to ensure that his landlady didn’t either throw him out or ask for his rent in kind. He was a promising artist with bucketloads of talent and the looks to match but his drawings were somewhat old fashioned and not particularly appealing to the galleries who were only happy at the moment to be displaying diced bovine and used condoms. Alex was having a crisis of confidence.

He had promised himself when he arrived, that he would stay and make sure that someone would see how good his stuff was, but that had been a year ago and now he was living hand to mouth teaching these stupid classes, fending off advances from women old enough to be his mother and watching useless dilettantes like the spoilt albeit very attractive one sitting right at the back of his class talking into her cell phone. Alex cleared his throat politely and was a little stunned to see the said dilettante raise her forefinger and silently ask him to wait until she finished her conversation.

Alex was a little taken aback and frankly irritated and could see that his irritation was reflected in the eyes of the rest of his class. He was a little gratified to hear the loud tuts and sighs, which mirrored the expressions which were resonating in his head and which he wished that he were able to express, being openly expressed by his loyal class.

Once finished, the said dilettante smiled brightly and signaled with her hands that she was finished and she was ready to start if everyone else was. Bemused by her audacity and attracted to the cat like eyes which he was aware were busy appraising him, Alex turned to his class and started speaking,

‘Hello everyone, welcome back. This week, as I mentioned earlier, we will be studying the nude female form so when our model gets here, I will ask her to do four poses, of these, I would ask that you try three pencil sketches, and the one you are most happy with of all three, this one you can base your painting on for your homework. Does this suit?’ Alex’s captivated class nodded rapturously signalling that they understood and couldn’t wait to get going.

Alex nodded back, glad that his class had returned to their well behaved state, irrespective of their disobedient interloper and sat down at his desk to read a further rejection letter that he had received from yet another gallery, what was this one, number thirty? Sinking his head in his hands and ruminating on just how much worse his luck could get, Alex was disturbed
by a constant rhythmic clearing of a throat. He looked up to see Karen Forrester, his favourite student, talented and quiet, and who he knew had a massive crush on him, and who he would have done something about it with, had she not been married to the curator of the local museum, which he owned, looking at him meekly. Alex cleared his face, ‘You ok Karen?’

‘Sure,’ she nodded, ‘it’s just, well, there’s no model is there Alex?’

Alex looked across the classroom to the empty stage which held a chaise longue sans model.

‘Shit!’ Casting wildly in his mind, he tried to think of various women that he could ask who would be happy to strip off for him and a bunch of strangers. Funnily enough or maybe sadly enough, he couldn’t think of anyone. Boy was he glad he had stipulated that the nude form should be female, he could imagine how many of these women would have suggested that he act as a model, the thought made him shudder!

He turned to the class, ‘Ladies, we seem to have a problem,’ Alex scratched the back of his head embarrassedly, he couldn’t remember if he had told the model to come to the class today or if he had said he would get back to her, ‘We don’t seem to have a model for the class so there is no one for you to sketch, I apologize unreservedly for the inconvenience but unless,’ he said with a wink, ‘ any of you would like to pose, then I’m afraid we will have to cancel the class.’ Alex listened to the titters at his bold suggestion and smiled to himself.

He turned back to his desk to start packing up and turned back when he heard the commotion taking place in his classroom. No-one was more surprised than Alex when the owner of the ‘don’t interrupt me’ finger made her way to the front of the class, whipped off her shirt to reveal a firm and stunning pair of C cups and said, ‘Ok Teach, where do you want me?’

Alex watched in amazement as Diane, as she introduced herself, disrobed while explaining that she didn’t think she would be any good at art anyway, and she was so used to sunbathing naked that how different could this be?

Diane ignored the stares of Mrs O’Neill who had disapproved of her ever since she had walked in and caught Diane giving her son his first blow job when they were fifteen, and Julie Anderson who she had competed against and beaten for the treasured role of homecoming queen in high school and who was now a respectable lady married to an up and coming executive at her father’s firm, who loved to squeeze Diane’s arse at company functions, Diane’s focus was solely on Alex and on making him smile, and that she had managed to do by saving his class and revealing her prized possession, her body.

There had begun a beautiful friendship. Alex fell in love with the feisty heiress who had more money than sense, a reckless sense of danger, the sexual appetite of a rabbit and the best sense of humour he had encountered in years.

Diane fell in love with this strapping man, so full of raw talent, with strong hands and a gentle smile, complete with old fashioned values. While they were dating, he had spoken of his desire to get married and have children, how he wanted a large house that was always noisy. This picture that he created was very different to the upbringing that Diane had experienced. She had grown up in a mausoleum of a mansion, with only the maid to talk to, unless she had gotten herself into trouble with the neighbours or the police as she was wont to do. It was only then that Diane had become on intimate terms with her father who had drummed it into her that she was a Gates and Gates’ did not do that kind of thing.

For a while, Diane believed that she could give Alex everything he wanted, and she was so in love with him, that she wanted to make him happy. She rented him space in a studio so he could spend his time painting, she made him, (she could be very persuasive), give up his job at the art school so that he could make it as a fully fledged artist and so grateful for the love and attention that he was receiving from Diane, Alex promptly asked her to marry him and she promptly accepted.

Alex had made only one request of Diane when they were married, that they remain faithful to one another, that they take their vows seriously. She had batted her beautiful emerald eyes up at him and agreed, pledging that she wanted that more than anything in the world and then had gone completely against her word by sleeping with the gardener, pool boy, chauffeur, and finally going the whole hog by being caught at their third anniversary party in a threesome with Alex’s best friend and his wife. In theory, this should have rocked Alex’s world, but he had thrown his rage, anger and his feelings of irrelevance into his painting and was now producing work better than even he could ever have imagined or hoped for.

He was now being courted, by choice, by the gallery owners who were noticing the buzz surrounding the name of Alexander Walker and this time it had nothing to do with Diane whispering in someone’s ears and making promises of large donations from Daddy’s firm. This time, they were there for him, by choice.

Alex’s minor success had been enough that he had left Diane was now able to rent his painting studio in his own name and not have to lay a hand on any of Diane’s money. It was also enough that he was able to buy a small apartment and move out of the mansion where he had dreamily envisioned spending the rest of his life with Diane and their numerous kids before finding out that Diane hated kids with a passion and took her contraceptive pills as though they were the elixir and not the preventor of life.

Alex had thought that he was on a winning streak, given that he had managed to extricate himself from his farce of a marriage with some of his dignity intact, and having made his own money, but standing in his kitchen getting turned on by his ex wife which he knew was just a left over effect from the disappointment he had experienced on learning that Doug and Abi (God, she was beautiful) were a very happy couple together.

Alex now knew that his winning streak, albeit brief, had come to an end.

He realised this as he watched his wife’s hand tug on his very hard dick and watched as she lay back on the kitchen table and spread her legs. It seemed that she was always able to surprise him, and she had done so yet again by revealing her completely shaved pussy, which was glistening with her arousal.

Groaning to himself in shame, he bent closer to her spread legs, inhaling her musky scent, and lifting her legs so they rested on his shoulders, Alex leant forward and licked. Diane’s moan of pleasure pushed him past the edge of reason and he concentrated on pleasing her, just as he had when they were married. He licked the length of her pussy, savouring the taste of her and leaning back just a little to look at it, blew gently, smiling wickedly at her louder wail.

Alex settled himself, and licked her, his tongue making figures of eights over her pussy and then intermittently sucking on her clit making her scream. Diane was grabbing onto his hair, muttering under her breath, ‘Oh yes, that’s so good, you’re so good baby.’ Alex, hearing the increase in pitch in her voice and realising she was going to come fairly soon, concentrated the pressure on her clit, moving his head where she directed him knowing that only she could show him what she truly wanted. He was rewarded for his efforts as he felt her legs tighten around his head, and he helped her by lifting her by the butt cheeks plunging his face deeper, hearing her screams muffled as his ears were covered by her legs but knowing he was doing a good job if the tugging on his head was anything to go by!

Once spent, Diane released Alex’s head and sat up immediately, pulling his face to hers and whispering, ‘You’re so good baby, you always were. Now let me show you why you do not want to leave me.’

The logical side of Alex’s head was screaming, somewhat mutedly, that although going down on Diane was
n’t the best idea in the world, having sex with her truly was the worst. But while his logical side was shouting, his sexually deviant side was sizing up the way she was bent on all fours on his kitchen table, the dew from their previous activities glistening on her pussy and, it seemed, calling to him, begging him to touch it and her.

Diane was looking as sexy as ever, tousled with her eye make up smudged a little and her lipstick rubbed off. She was looking at him over her shoulder and gyrating her arse towards him begging him to take her, and then, as he made his way to her, she turned round, facing him and knelt up, it seemed, making the decision for him. She started to tug on his belt, maintaining eye contact with him the entire time and talking to him, ‘I am so wet for you’ Belt undone, ‘I can’t wait to feel you inside me,’ trousers by the ankles, ‘I know you want me,’ hand down the boxer shorts and stroking his cock which was wet with anticipation. By now, the logical side of his head had given up and he was all deviant.

Returning the favour, Alex grabbed Diane by the hair and pushed her down towards his straining dick. As she took the head in her mouth, she smiled up at him triumphantly, but not wanting to dwell on this, he pushed her head down, hoping she would help him on his way to sexual oblivion.

However, Diane, as ever, had other ideas, and after sucking his dick so it was now harder than he had ever remembered, she turned back on all fours and slid down so her head was resting on her forearms. Understanding immediately what she wanted, Alex reached forward and stroked one glorious round orb and then stroked his dick three times before taking up his position behind her and sliding into the hot centre that was waiting for him.

They moaned together as he bottomed out and he took the time to get used to the feeling of her tight wetness around him. He started to thrust, revelling in the sounds of her moaning and the thrashing of her head. As the feelings began to overwhelm him, he started to thrust harder and faster, wanting her to take all of him, feeling his blood beginning to boil and his balls beginning to tighten. Somewhere in the distance he heard her cursing that she was cumming and suddenly the picture of the beautiful girl in the restaurant popped into his head. He imagined it was her moaning for him like that and Alex found he could take no more.

As he came, he buried his face in Diane’s shoulder kissing and murmuring under his breath words that she didn’t understand. Diane didn’t want to move, enjoying the closeness with her husband that she had missed over the past few months. She was delighted. She had known that it would only take time for Alex to come to his senses and now he had, he could stop all this nonsense about divorcing and such. Feeling Alex return to sanity, Diane wriggled away from him and turned to face him and was surprised by the expression on Alex’s face.

Diane had not expected dismay to be the primary expression on his face. Nor had she expected Alex to be unable to make eye contact with her, nor to be rapidly pulling out of her and putting his trousers back on, nor to be picking up her clothes from where they lay strewn across the granite floor and handing them out to her. She really hadn’t expected him to say, ‘Diane, that was a complete mistake and please accept my sincere apologies. It would probably be for the best if we got the lawyers to sort everything out divorce wise to avoid…’

He stopped speaking, obviously at a loss to himself as to how he could explain what had just happened. This was when Diane saw red, ‘You cheeky motherfucker, you think you can throw me away like some piece of shit? I fucking made you, do you understand? Anything that you have is down to me and if you think I am going to let you leave me over some trivial nonsense…’

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A restrained wake up call

Through the fog of the sleep he heard the irritating noise of the alarm clock, but it was promptly silenced and he turned over in the bed, knowing he had a little more time before he had to get up. He heard the rustling of the bedsheets as she got up but he must've dozed off for a while, because he woke up with a start, hoping that he hadn't overslept. As he cleared the sleep from his eyes he saw that she was already dressed. She was looking in the mirror putting her earrings and make-up on. He...

3 years ago
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Zoe Part Three

Part ThreeZoe lay back exhausted as all the men slowly left the room. Her head was buzzing and her body was still occasionally vibrating in her post orgasmic state. She wasn’t quite sure how long she remained there, legs spread wide, spunk slowly dribbling out of her sore pussy, but suddenly she heard Stacey’s husky voice.“Come on now, let’s get you cleaned up.” She took Zoe’s hand and helped her back to the changing rooms. She led her through a connecting door into a private shower room where...

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My first time true story

My husband and I had been involved in swinging for several years, having tried several things. We had swapped partners and had several threesomes with other guys and came to realize that what we both enjoyed the most was me fucking other guys while hubby watched and took pictures and cleaned me afterwards. After a few years of me cuckolding hubby he brought up the idea of me fucking a blackman. I had heard the stories and admit that I was curious but had never seriously thought about fucking...

1 year ago
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StreetBlowJobs Roxxy Renay Super Head

“It’s my lucky day!” Roxxy says after meeting Bruno, and she doesn’t know how right she is. This fun-loving chick showed up in Miami ready for a good time only to find that her motel lost her reservation, and everywhere else is fully booked. Luckily for her, landlord Bruno has a vacant apartment he’s happy to rent her for the weekend. When he takes the cute blonde to look at the place, he offers to let her stay for free…if she wants to have some fun together....

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Becoming a Cocksucker

Becoming a Cocksucker A JourneyMy sex life had seen diminishing returns ever since she'd said 'I do'... before we were married we were shagging each other like rabbits, but afterwards it seemed like the thrill of the chase was gone, and then once we had k**s her days (and middles of the nights) were focused on their care and her sex drive diminished. Then when she returned to work, she had to concentrate her daily hours of motherly care into what seemed like minutes it diminished more, and when...

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pantyless shopping

early saturday morning, wife got up, showered and returned to the bedroom, i was mostly awake, and was watching her dry off. she grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top, then pulled out my favorite black lace bra, and a zebra stripe thong. she bent over in front of me, teasing me, while she was pulling on her thong, i reached out and cupped her ass cheek, and she pushed back against me, my hand found it's way between her thighs, rubbing her pussy through the thin fabric of the thong. soon she...

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Fairy Rings

The spell is deceptively simple, and surprisingly powerful. His coven teacher warned him not to seek this path but another secretly provided him with the books necessary to ascertain the spell he sought. Though, it is dangerous, he is done with searching the mundane physical world for the perfect spiritual life and love. The Fae by holy design are perfection; this is what he sought. Everyday, about an hour before dawn, he hikes through the woods behind the English countryside castle – turned...

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The Story Of My Lust For My Housemaid

This is my first story in here and it happened to me very recently. Sorry if I made any mistakes. Recently I moved into a flat near my college as I couldn’t study at my house. In the beginning, it was easy to do chores and I used to order food. As time passed I didn’t have time to clean my room and other household chores. So I told my mom that I’ll be keeping a maid. But she suggested me to ask our maid servant to work for me.  Her husband left her and she has to manage the kid’s school fee and...

2 years ago
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My Wet NeighbourChapter 5

By morning the next day, I had not seen my son and thought it best to leave him to himself. We both needed to think about the implications of what had happened the day before. I was going about my usual routine. My husband had left for work some two hours before and I had heard Frank leave quietly at around 09.30 to get to college. I was alone in the house and enjoying the quiet and my own thoughts of the previous few days events when I was shaken out of my daydreams by the ring of the...

2 years ago
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Haunted by the PastChapter 4

Why am I so jumpy... Diana Richards leaned down to pick up another piece of paper that she dropped on the floor. It was Friday, July 13, 1956. She had stayed at her office until seven o'clock to catch up on some work, and was taking some home to look at over the weekend. It was Friday the 13th again and Charles was gone ... maybe that was why she was so nervous. If she could just shake the feeling that someone was watching her again... Her husband Charles was out of town. He'd left that...

2 years ago
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Eden RescueChapter 10

In all of human history there has, however, never been a cause behind which all could unite. Peace, love, mercy, justice, every such ideal has found its detractors at any given time; education, individuality, achievement are all opposed by a tenacious few who have determined them to be somehow evil. Human beings can't even agree on their origins, there are still those who continue to insist that the Earth is flat, and many of most inspirational leaders of the past were in fact murdered by...

2 years ago
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Sophie is dominated and feminised part 1

Sophie is Dominated and Feminised Part 1 by: Miss Sophie Hardy © Part 1 Submissive After several years of marriage I was the boss in our relationship, and I definitely wore the trousers. David would do anything I asked, and I often wondered if I could get him to wear the tights. He sometimes wore the odd item of female clothing if I pestered him to, but I wanted him to wear more than a blouse or panties every other month. I was very close to my Mother, and we told each other...

1 year ago
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Should I Stop

Should I stop? Should I stop wanting You? What do You think Princess? I don't think so, I am constantly imagining what delights Your body can reveal to Me. Why would I want to stop wanting You? Why would I not want to know the sound that You make when I pull Your hair just a little too hard? Or when I thrust a little too deep into Your throat? Or when I strike My palm against the softness of Your ass cheek? Why would I want to stop that? We've only just begun. I know that You want Me to use You...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Pokesmut Pokepeople Edition

This story is sure to contain femdom, specifically tease and denial and non-consent/sexual slavery, so I hope that's to your liking. Waking up in the middle of a summer meadow wasn’t so bad. At least the sun was warm and the ground was dry when I peeled my face up off it. I stood up and had a look around. Surrounding the grassy field were trees, and beyond that more trees. There was a rustling behind me, and I turned to see two beautiful girls in tank tops and jean shorts, as befitting the...

1 year ago
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Working and becoming a lover

Did you ever have a friend who had a wife or girlfriend who you worked with? Well here's a story that covered a period of about a year that I call "The sexist woman I ever met". I worked with a guy who was a good friend. He had a sister that got married and began to work in the same office as I did. The six of us would go out together on the weekends about 3 or 4 times a month, my friend and his wife, me and my wife and the lady and her new husband. I lived fairly close to the lady and during...

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Neighbor Camilla

This is a work of fiction, if you do not like it move to another post.Chapter 1:I sit looking out my window thinking about my life and the past couple of years, living in the city in this nice apartment with wonderful neighbors and now friends. I first moved in and the older man that lives next door, Alex, offered to help. I was glad for the help, and as the day went found myself more and more attracted to him. I knew he was attracted to me, the number of time I caught him looking at me and my...

1 year ago
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Aunty Repeating Adhurs

Aditya in my name. Age 19, the degree reading. I am in Vizag and our Babai’s close. Where our aunt, Madhavi (name change) was very good. Sweet plump heroine is like lightening. I am the first educational vaccevadini in our clan. That is all I have so many istamcala increased garabhanga .. All very close to me as they are. My aunt is also very close to me, would move to. .this Was a son of our aunt 5 years. .this Was our marketing business. Tour of the month with the most days will be busy. I...

3 years ago
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A Son8217s Promise To His Mom

Hi friends this is Rathode and am back with another new mother son story, please do leave comments and your opinions. We are family of five, we had very well reputed name in our surroundings from past 20 years, my dad came from village side along with my mom , me and my two sisters and get settled in this city, we had our own steel lathing and steel sub materials manufacturing factory , this factory is our source of income and it really does good profit , just within 20 years our family became...

1 year ago
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TeenyBlack Daya Knight Bay Area Bae

This sweet and petite of chocolate was just legal enough to be cast in one of our productions. She was born in the bay area and couldnt be more excited for her first ever adult video shoot! With huge tits and a phat ass, we were almost certain she would shine bright. And shine she did, as her ass gleamed in the light after getting oiled up. Watching Dayas eyes pop out of her head as she first got penetrated was a wondrous site, and even more wondrous was the whopping load that covered her cute...

1 year ago
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The Wedding

Uploaded with permission of the author, from Tsa-talk. The Wedding by Dawn Natelle "I can't believe you spent over $1000 on that silly piece of paper," Mike told his friend as he watched him chalking a pentagram onto the garage floor. "Hey, if it doesn't work I'll deduct is as a business expense ... a story that didn't work out," Ken replied as he finished lighting the last candle at the edge of the carefully drawn star. Ken was a freelance magazine reporter in his late 20s....

4 years ago
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Kate Mike and Dave

Hello my name is Mike and with me is my wife Kate. We've been married ten years and together fifteen. Kate and I live in a apartment in Newport News Virginia and we share it with another couple who I will call Dave and Sally. Dave and Sally are not married but are planning on tying the knot by next year. We are all into the party scene as Kate and I go out to a dance bar within walking distance to our apartment. Kate and I are a great couple and are very open to each other sexually and...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Jasmine Jae Best Blowjob

Today we bring you back the stunning UK pornstar Jasmine Jae. You are a huge fan and wanted to have a meeting with Jasmine so when you see that she was in town you book her to come to your house when your wife is away. Jasmine is wearing tight sexy leggin and her perfect ass love to get spanked. After a formal conversation its business time and Jasmine take control of the situation giving you one of the best blowjob POV in the history of Spizoo. Sloppy, dirty, naughty, Jasmine knows how to make...

4 years ago
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243 LIVES AT THE HOMESTEAD {13} We sat in the sitting room, and Babs clearly wanted more information, she asked “what was next?” Could things get better she wanted to know? Well Eve said, “perhaps not better but definitely different!” We all laughed at that, Then Ann quietly explained that tomorrow would be the turn of the other three to be “victim`s”, that as the giver she would find a feeling of power that she probably had not so far had in her life, perhaps it would be her thing perhaps...

3 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 22

I heard the front door close behind them and their limo pull away. I was still sitting there when Janey and Sally came in to say 'Good night.' I sat there all through the night and into the next day. Sally brought me breakfast, set the tray down, and left in silence. She picked it up later, the food untouched. She looked at me strangely, but didn't say a word. Lunch was the same way. Janey brought me dinner. She force-fed me a bite or two, but that was all I could eat. I felt their...

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Dressed and ready for school, fourteen-year-old Jody entered the sunny kitchen one Tuesday morning to find her mother Gail seated at the table, a concerned expression on her face. "Honey ... we need to talk," Gail said softly. Jody froze as she glanced down at the table, confronted by the well-worn erotic piercing magazines she had filched from her mother's adult book and sex toy store, which Gail operated downstairs from their apartment. Jody was frozen to the spot as she felt the blood...

3 years ago
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Stacias Rape

About 10 you decide it is Stacia time. The apartment is clean and you are very tired. You turn on the computer and go to your favorite private time site. It’s bookmarked and easy for you to get to. Today’s top daily category is BDSM not something you’ve been into in the pass, but today you want to look. You click the header “sweet blonde tied up”. The images load and you look at the hottest blonde you’ve seen in forever. She is hog tied lying on her stomach. A man and woman take turns spanking...

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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 3

It had been five years since the great ship had taken Béla and Beth away from her. According to the Praetor, the ship had just left Earth and was finally returning to Deimos for the last time. It would still be almost four more years before it arrived with its load of fresh earth, water, wildlife, grain and the remaining population of Deimos. 'And Father... ' Mikhail, Hank and Melinda's son, was fully-grown now, although he was not quite four years old. He was infatuated with Elaine –...

1 year ago
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Massaging My Daughter

© 2003 Feeling my hands on this sexy young lady made my life. It had been seven long years sense I've had the pleasure of touching her. It all started years ago when, my daughter, Linda, had made the high school swim team. The only draw back was, their coach was an ass hole and a full blown pervert.He made them swim two hundred laps at every practice and all of us parents found out it was nothing for him to sit in the girls locker room while they dressed. One night after about two...

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Taylors College Adventures Freshman Year Part 2

She drove back to dorm where her friend Abby picked her up. Abby was her best friend during elementary school but she was a year older than Taylor. When Abby went to high school they grew apart but had renewed their friendship since Taylor started college. They arrived at the party and Taylor immediately went for the beer. She wasn't big on dressing up but Abby was. Taylor was wearing a thin dress a little tight around the hips and chest. Abby was dressed as a sexy French maid at her...

1 year ago
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The real promise 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! The apart two of my promise story the enjoyable theme’s read and write. It turned out to be a lovely holiday for everyone, and Mark felt very content that all his family were together again - and all got on so well with each other. He was pleased that they were all so close. A few weeks after their motorcade holiday, the family were back into their respective routines. Jovan and Lucy were back at Uni, and so was Jerry, although his course was...

4 years ago
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Two couples first time

Both couples were nervous, but especially the women. Both men had fantasized about this, but never thought it would actually ever happen. Neither one of the men could even pinpoint when the fantasy of sharing their wife with another man first entered their mind, but the time for this fantasy to come true was drawing near.The odds of this occasion even happening was infinitesimally small. Dan and John were the first two to make contact and over the internet of all places. They had both found...

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Marys story

It was Tuesday morning. The taxi arrived to pick up Mary’s husband at nine o’clock to take him to the airport. He was going to Tokyo for three months on business. Mary could not wait for him to go. She kissed him quickly and ran back upstairs to get showered and dressed.Mary looked at the clock again. It was now twenty five past ten, and she was ready to go herself.She took one last check in the mirror, and hardly recognised herself. There was the familiar face, and dark hair and figure, still...

1 year ago
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Hole in FourChapter 9

Our Christmas gifts to each other were alone time. I was with one girl for about three hours on four consecutive days. On Tiffany's day which was the last day, she brought me back to her house and we were together until the evening because her parents were at a mayoral dinner. On any clear winter day, we would hit the driving range for an hour. Erin was awesome! The time she spent on golf with me and with Eric was starting to really pay off. Erin could hit it straight and with authority....

3 years ago
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Mollys Surprise Visitor

This is a love story with a lot of sexual events in it. However, it is also a true story, and the characters are in love. If you want a story about two sex-crazed people on a one-night stand, then youre at the wrong story. Molly just turned 15 last week. The excitement of her birthday had long since worn off. Molly was lying face down on her bed with her head perched on her hand. She was reading a favorite book of hers. But she couldnt think about the book any longer. Instead, she merely...

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