Band Geek DiaryChapter 18: January 4 - 6 free porn video

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January 4

I was too wound up about today to sleep well last night, though I felt rested when I woke up a little after seven this morning, not much later than I get up for school. My parents have to be thinking I’m the weirdest kid ever because I just can’t sleep in on Saturday mornings. I can’t help it. Saturdays have been the most exciting day of the week for me since back in November when the sex lessons started. I’m extra wired about today, because this is the big lesson. This is like the dress rehearsal for Katie’s birthday next week. Today’s the day I get to have actual sex for the first time when my girlfriend’s mother and I finally go all the way.

“You’re sure twitchy,” Mom said after watching me pace the floor. “It’s only been a week since you’ve seen Katie and you act like you haven’t seen her in years. It’s like the clock just can’t go fast enough right now.” That was true, of course. It did feel like forever since I’d seen Katie, but that’s not why I was excited about today. Heck, I wouldn’t even see Katie until Sunday when she and her mother come over for our usual Sunday night dinner with them. I didn’t tell my mom any of the actual reason, though.

“I miss her.” I said. It was the truth, after all. “Sorry if I’m making you nervous.”

“I only wish your Dad was this eager to see me after a week away,” Mom laughed. Then she got a funny look in her eye and added, “Though he still seems pretty glad to see me, if you know what I mean.”

I gave her the automatic ‘gag me’ face that teenagers are supposed to give when any notion of their parents having sex is mentioned, then we both laughed. I’m well aware that my parents have sex, you know. Not only frequently, but enthusiastically, and I think they’re both getting a little extra on the side, Mom from Mr. Kowalski and Dad from Mrs. K, though I don’t have any direct proof. The four of them seem to be aware of what’s going on, so I’ve started to relax and not worry about Abby becoming my stepsister. I wonder if Abby knows her parents are swinging with mine. I’m guessing she doesn’t. She’d be an even worse bitch if she did, especially if she thought she’d have to share a bathroom with me after the divorces.

Even though I thought I was too excited to eat, Mom persuaded me to have some cereal. It helped settle my nerves and I was actually starting to relax a little when Becky knocked on the door. She was a little earlier than we had talked about, so I suppose she was eager, too. She talked to Mom for a few minutes while I got my coat on, lying to her that Katie was a sleepyhead again this morning, and then I followed her out the door to her car.

“Are you ready for your big debut?” she teased as she drove. “Ready to finally have sex for the first time?”

“I’m a little nervous, actually,” I admitted. “Sure, I want to have sex, but what if I’m no good?”

“Hardly anyone is all that good their first time,” Becky soothed. “That’s why I’m giving you lessons. Think of the first time you tried to play the French Horn. Could you play Mozart?”

“I could barely play a real note,” I laughed, remembering the honks, squeaks and moose calls I made for the first few months of my musical career.

“You should have heard Katie on that oboe,” Becky giggled. “I used to leave the house when she practiced.”

“So, you’re saying sex takes practice,” I said.

“Just like everything else, John,” my girlfriend’s mother smiled. As she continued to drive me to her house, she took my hand and gave it a squeeze. “You’ll be fine, John. Just relax.”

“If you say so,” I shrugged. I wasn’t so sure I’d be anything less than a disappointment to this experienced woman when we had sex, but her talk about lessons and practice did help ease my mind a little. “What are the rules for today?”

“The five basic rules always apply,” Becky said. “‘No means no,’ ‘be a giving partner,’ ‘pay attention and see what works,’ and ‘keep your mouth shut about the sex you’re having,’ and ‘be aware of pregnancy and disease.’ Other than those, there aren’t a whole lot of limits today. You and I are going to have sex. Your cock will be allowed in my pussy and you’ll be allowed to shoot your cum into me. You can cum in my mouth if I’m sucking on you, or in my pussy if we’re fucking. We’ll use ‘no means no’ if things get weird. Does that sound good?”

“I still can’t believe it, but it sounds wonderful.”

She didn’t answer, because, by then, we were at her house. I got out of the car and followed her as she unlocked the door, pulled me in and used my back to push the door shut as she pressed her full body against mine and kissed me with such passion that it was almost violent.

“I’ve been so horny thinking about this!” she growled. “It’s like the past two months have all been foreplay.” With that, she practically dragged me to her bedroom. Unlike last weekend when Katie and I kissed each other while trying to remove each other’s clothes, Becky and I stood by the bed facing each other and stripped. She was naked before I was, mostly because my shirt and sweater gave me more layers than her, so when I sat down on the bed to take off my socks, she pushed me onto my back and dived down on my erection like a starving woman.

She didn’t do any tricks to make me slow down, though I don’t think she was trying too hard to make me cum any faster, and I was shooting a week’s worth of sperm into her mouth in no time. Becky, who’s told me she doesn’t really like the taste of cum, whimpered in delight as my jets coated her tongue, and continued to suck and purr while she drained the last of it from my balls. I stayed hard, like any over-excited fourteen-year-old boy would when a beautiful woman like her had her mouth around his cock, and Becky gave me a few more, less frantic, swirls of her tongue before she pulled her mouth off me.

She lay down with her head on her pillow and spread her legs wide I could see how wet she was, her clit was so engorged that it stood out from its hood and throbbed like my own erection was doing. “Eat me!” she ordered, and I did just that, stretching out on my stomach with my hands under her ass cheeks and my face right in the middle of her sopping pussy. I was trying to do as she’s taught me and avoid her clit at first, but she wrapped her fingers in my hair and guided my head so that my mouth was right on her clitoris. She would moan whenever I would flick my tongue over it. When I wrapped my lips around it and sucked, she arched off the bed, supported by only her shoulders and her heels, and screamed as her orgasm ripped through her. She was shaking all over as she collapsed back onto the mattress, but immediately began pulling me up her body. I thought, ‘this is it,’ that I’d finally get to have sex for the first time, but Becky had other plans for the immediate moment.

“For Katie’s first time, you’re going to need lube,” she told me as she handed me a tube of K-Y she must have had under the pillow. “Spread this on your cock.” I got up on my knees between Becky’s widely spread thighs and squirted some of the cold gel on my dick and spread it around my shaft. Becky took the tube from me and gave me a towel to wipe off my hand.

“Now come down here and kiss me,” she ordered. While I kissed her, she reached between us and grasped my rod, guiding me to her opening. I started to thrust in, by instinct, but she stopped me for a moment. “You’re going to run into a barrier right about there,” she told me. The head of my cock was barely between the folds of her sex and I could feel her pussy pulsing around it as her orgasmic aftershocks caused her vagina to squeeze. “I don’t know how tough it’s going to be to break through Katie’s hymen. I hope it’s not as tough as mine was. I think if you push in firmly while Katie is still climaxing, you can break her hymen and she might not even say, ‘ouch’ as you slide in.”

“Let’s hope so,” I said. “The thought of hurting her really bothers me.”

“It’s only temporary,” my girlfriend’s mother reassured me. “I think my daughter expects some pain. She might even be disappointed if you don’t hurt her the first time.”


“I think so, too,” Becky said. “Now, push a little. Don’t try to get all the way in all at once.”

I did my best to comply, but between the lube and the natural wetness of Becky’s pussy, there was nothing to slow down my cock as it slid into her. Before I was even aware that I was buried completely in a vagina for the very first time, Becky had me pull out and start over. She did this a couple of times while I learned the gentle way to work my cock into a pussy. The fourth time I tried, I think she was pleased with my efforts and she wrapped her legs around my thighs and her arms around my shoulders to pull me extra close.

“Make love to me, John,” Becky whispered in my ear. “Push into me. Just like that, yes. Now, pull back a little and push in again. Your body knows what to do. Now, kiss me some more while you keep up that motion.”

We kissed deeply and I kept pushing my dick into her. I was experiencing something beyond description. Becky was warm and wet inside, but it was different than being in her mouth. There wasn’t any tongue action or any teeth bumping my shaft like with a blowjob, but her pussy was tight all the way in and squeezed me while I thrust into her. Becky was rolling her hips while we made love, too, which changed the angle of my thrusts enough to change the way her pussy felt.

“Oh, John,” my girlfriend’s mother sighed as I pumped slowly in and out of her. “This is so nice. See? You didn’t have anything to worry about at all.”

I could feel my orgasm starting to build, which made me speed up my thrusting. “Are you getting close, baby?” Becky asked.

“Yeah,” I grunted, thrusting a little harder and faster.

“Don’t hold it back this time. Cum in me.”

Two or three more plunges and I came, driving my cock to its full depth and unloading my sperm in Becky’s pussy. I could feel her walls fluttering around my length as I shot off, I could hear her moans of encouragement as she felt me flood her insides and I heard myself groan loudly as I released. It took a moment for me to relax from my deep final thrust, though I stayed buried completely in her channel.

“That was wonderful, John,” my girlfriend’s mother panted as her legs relaxed their hold on my thighs. “Especially for a first time. You’re going to be an amazing lover.”

“Thank you,” I huffed as I rolled off Becky to lie next to her and my deflating cock slid from her flooded pussy. “That was like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”

“The great thing is you’ll get to feel it again and again from now on,” Becky smiled, “and it can be better and better.”

“Practice, practice, practice,” I laughed.

“Not until we clean up some,” my lover replied, rolling away from me and heading toward her bathroom. I lay there on the bed, momentarily exhausted, and heard the rush of her peeing and then a flush. There were the sounds of running water in the sink, probably she was washing her hands, and then she returned with a warm wet washcloth. She knelt on the bed beside my legs and started to clean up all the sticky places. When she was done, she returned the cloth to the bathroom and returned to the bed, stretching out beside me and propping up on an elbow. Leaning over me, she kissed me and told me again how well I had done for my first time.

Thinking about it, I said, “But you didn’t cum while we were doing it.”

“It’s alright, sweetie,” she answered. “I had a fantastic orgasm from you eating me, and you know I can’t climax again right away once I’ve cum the first time.”

“Yeah,” I shrugged. “Still...”

“I know you’re thinking of that rule about being a giving lover,” she smiled. “You lived up to that one in spades before you even entered me. Stop worrying. You felt lovely inside me and you pumped me so full of your cum, all after giving me a killer climax with your tongue. I really couldn’t ask for more from our first time together.”

“I could’ve lasted longer for you,” I said.

“Maybe,” Becky chuckled, “but for your first time? I’m amazed that you didn’t squirt the second you got the head in. Seriously.”


“John, it’s not good to critique this too closely,” she said, serious now. “In fact, the only reason we’re talking about this at all is because I’m supposed to be teaching you. We made each other feel wonderful, and that’s enough. I know you’d like to last longer, both for me and for yourself. It’s mostly just a matter of practice.”

“Good thing it’s more fun than the French Horn,” I teased.

With my anxieties about my debut performance eased, Becky and I cuddled and kissed, playing until we were both horny enough to start again. Well, until she was horny enough to start again. I was already hard, like any fourteen-year-old boy would be when he’s lying in bed naked with a babe like Becky in his arms.

“I want to teach you some other positions,” she said as she bent to give my erection a quick sucking. “You’ve heard of doggy style?”

“You on your knees and me behind you?” I said as she positioned herself on all fours in the middle of the bed. I knee-walked into position between her feet. I had to angle my cock down to line it up with her pussy before I could start working myself into her. I dipped the head in and pushed inside her a little bit, but my dry shaft combined with her slightly dry pussy lips kept me from going any deeper. I pulled back, pulling some of the wetness from deeper inside, and then gently slid back in. I had to repeat that a couple of times before I was fully seated inside Becky’s pussy. I tried a couple of slow strokes, similar to the motions I had used during our first time.

“Ever watched a porn video, John?” Becky asked. “One where the guy really pounds a woman? Doggy style is great for that kind of fucking. Want to try fucking me hard and fast, lover?”

I didn’t answer with words. I answered by thrusting into Becky’s pussy hard and fast, holding onto her hips so she wouldn’t be knocked away from me. I started pumping, hard, and Becky started pushing back, equally hard.

“That’s it, John,” Becky urged, “fuck me. Fuck me hard!”

I did, for about two minutes. “Becky, I’m gonna cum if I keep going like this...”

“Can’t have that,” she panted as she let herself fall face down on the bed, dislodging me from her pussy. “Not yet, anyway.”

I knelt there on the bed with my cock covered in Becky’s juices. It was hard and throbbing and wouldn’t have needed more than a touch to make me spurt. I didn’t know whether to be happy that she’d kept me from cumming too soon or upset because we had stopped fucking.

“Remember a few weeks back when I said something about getting my clothes ripped off and fucked caveman style?” Becky said as she rolled onto her back. “That was what I was talking about. Grog like fuck?”

That cracked us both up laughing. Becky reached for me, so I lay down beside her and we kissed some more. The kissing was barely arousing enough to keep my hard-on from wilting, so the urgency I had felt building up while we were fucking had gone away. After a while, Becky arranged me on my back and straddled me. She leaned down to kiss me some more, but at the same time was reaching between us to line my dick up with her slit. This time I slid right in as my girlfriend’s mother lowered herself down with a sigh of satisfaction.

“You fill me up just right,” she purred as she leaned down to feed me her left boob. I sucked greedily on her nipple until she pulled away and fed me the other one. I gave it the same kind of attention. She lifted up, and I thought she was going to switch boobs again, but she scooted back slightly onto my dick, which put her face in the right place for us to kiss. She ground our groins together, rolling her hips around as we kissed. I think it was doing good things to her clit, since she was making some happy sounding noises while we kissed. It was certainly doing some good things to my cock.

“I love this position,” Becky said as she sat upright with my cock fully buried inside her. “I’m in control of how deep you go, how fast we go and I can do things like this.” ‘This’ was a circular roll of her hips that swirled my dick around in her depths. It felt amazing.

“And I can play with your boobs and your butt,” I added, “and we can kiss, too”

“Yeah,” she sighed. “This position is good for both fucking and making love. It’s all in how we go about it.”

“Do you do all the work in this position?” I asked. “Or is there something I can do?”

“You can push up into me,” Becky instructed. “Give it a try.”

I gave a couple of experimental thrusts and discovered the need to brace myself for leverage. I brought my knees up a little, planted my feet and tried again. Becky gave a little squeak and her eyes went wide as I went extra deep in her vagina.

“You’re a quick study,” she smiled. “You can see how, if we were both desperately horny, we could do some serious fucking in this position. Want to try?”

She placed her hands on my chest and started bouncing up and down on my rod like she was riding a horse. I started thrusting up from the bed to meet her. Grabbing her hips seemed to help control both our movements and we were soon flailing away at each other like we had been a little earlier when we were doing it doggy style.

A couple of minutes into that hard ride, Becky let herself down, flattening her tits against my chest.

“My legs can only stand that for a few minutes,” she panted, “but you can still fuck me pretty hard while we’re like this.”

I wrapped my arms around her and, bracing my feet, hammered up into Becky’s pussy for a few minutes until my legs and abs were burning too much continue. I stopped thrusting and collapsed back onto the bed.

“Seems like we both need to start working out,” my girlfriend’s mother laughed, which did some really cool things to my cock as her vaginal walls fluttered. “A few more minutes of that and I’d have cum.”

“Sorry,” I panted.

“No problem,” Becky countered. “Plenty of time left in the day for me to get there. How about you?”

“Too breathless to get there,” I said.

“It’s OK,” she smiled. “There’s a lesson in this, anyway. Part of learning to last longer is in changing the pace or taking little breaks like this, backing off a little when you’re getting too close to orgasm. I’m told it makes it even better when you finally do let yourself cum.”

“Roger?” I asked, knowing that her ex-husband had probably learned some of what she was teaching me.

“Yes,” she admitted, “but one of the rules I gave you from the start is not to talk about the sex you’re having. I should amend that to include the sex you’ve had. That includes past partners. Remembering that will prevent a lot of hurt feelings. You especially don’t want to compare your current lover to past ones.”

“I’ll try to remember,” I said.

“Good boy,” she teased. “Now, would you like to fuck some more or would you rather make love?”

“Let’s make love,” I suggested. It must have been her preference, too, because she kissed me deeply like she was rewarding me for giving the right answer.

“Hold on and follow my lead,” she said as she worked her hands under my shoulders. I wrapped my arms around her as she straightened out her legs, lying flat on top of me. The next thing I knew, she had rolled us over so she was on the bottom and I was on top and she had spread her thighs and locked her ankles behind my knees.

“Make love to me, John,” she urged. “Take your time, pace yourself, and see if you can make me cum, either before you or with you. Start with long slow strokes, I love that.”

Since rule number three is to pay attention and learn what your lover likes, I started with slow, full-length strokes into Becky’s pussy. Every time I was fully inside her, she would grind herself against my pubic bone, so I started grinding back a second or so before I pulled almost all the way out of her. I could tell from her breathing that her arousal was building up. She was also starting to moan a little. I just kept on with the long strokes as she kept getting more active with her hips and moaning louder. Little by little I was pushing her toward an orgasm while we were making love! I was a little proud of myself.

My own arousal was there, of course, slowly building as Becky edged toward her climax. I started to hope I could last long enough to get her off. This motion was going to get to me, and I was afraid I might cum too soon and leave Becky hanging. I didn’t want to break the rule about being a giving lover. I varied the motion slightly by not taking such long strokes and concentrating more on the grinding when I was deep inside her. It eased the friction on the head of my cock, which had started to feel way too good when I slid through the length of her vagina, especially when I was near the entrance because Becky’s pussy was starting to flutter with little contractions.

The grinding seemed to be what was doing the most for her, anyway, so I started to concentrate even more on it. Toward the end, I was grinding for what felt like five seconds, then pulling back about an inch before thrusting in again to grind some more. Becky was really heating up and had moved her feet from having her ankles locked behind my knees to using her heels on my butt like she was trying to push me deeper. She was also using her hands on my butt to do the same thing, and her fingernails were digging into my skin something fierce. I wondered if I was going to have scars.

I kept pumping, trying to keep doing the things that seemed to be working for Becky, hoping she would cum soon because my legs and my stomach muscles were starting to burn. I found myself concentrating a little on my uncomfortable muscles to take attention away from my cock, which was starting to ache in a good way. It actually wasn’t long before my efforts paid off.

“Oh, John,” Becky grunted. “Just a little faster. Deeper! Yes!”

I can follow directions. I pushed deeper and ground harder and picked up the pace. Becky was really going nuts now, digging her heels into my ass and clawing at my back. She seemed to be holding her breath for a moment and then she let out a happy squeal announcing her orgasm. I kept up the pace but when you combine it with the insane contractions Becky’s pussy started doing around my cock, it took its toll on me. I could feel my balls drawing up tight against my body and the feeling of my cum pumping up from my balls.

“Oh, God! Becky!” I groaned as I made one final plunge into her and unloaded my cum.

“Yes, you beautiful boy,” Becky groaned as her climax continued, “cum in me. Fill my pussy with your sperm!”

It felt like a lot, despite it being the third orgasm for me already. When I finally finished spurting, Becky relaxed her legs and let her ankles rest on the backs of my knees. She was making happy little groans and kissing my neck in that spot where it meets the shoulder. When I made a move to roll off her, thinking that she might be getting uncomfortable with my lying on her, she tightened her grip.

“Don’t pull out yet,” she pleaded. “Stay where you are and kiss me.”

We kissed, sweetly and passionately for several wonderful minutes, until my overworked penis deflated and slipped from her pussy. Becky giggled and rolled me to the side. “I’m going to make a mess if I don’t go mop up. You’re pouring out of me.”

Becky rolled off the bed with a hand cupped under her crotch to catch the drips as she ran for the bathroom, laughing. “It’s even more than the last load, John. How do you do that?”

I told her that I had no idea. I heard the noise of Becky peeing and then she flushed the toilet. I was lying there, about to fall asleep, when she called out for me to join her in the shower. A shower with Becky is always a good thing, so I found my way to the bathroom and joined her under the warm spray. It was as sensuous as the first time I showered with her almost a month ago, right before our first oral sex lesson together. Back then, it was a totally new experience to be in the shower with a woman and I was hard as a rock. This time, I was spent. As delightful as it was to kiss under the spray and rub our soap-slick bodies together, my cock stayed limp. It barely stirred when Becky used both hands to scrub me clean.

“This feels really good, and I know I should be getting hard,” I said, “but I think you broke it.”

“For the moment, maybe,” Becky grinned. “You’re fourteen, so you’ll be back in action soon enough.”

Becky poured a dollop of body wash into my hand and pulled me by the wrist toward her pussy. I washed her, or more accurately, she used my hand like a washcloth to clean herself. When she felt she was clean enough, she gave me the handheld shower head and had me rinse her crotch.

“I’ve masturbated by spraying my pussy like this,” Becky admitted, “but right now it’s not doing a thing for me. Maybe you broke me, too.”

“I hope not,” I teased. “There might still be things you need to teach me today.”

“Well,” she sighed, “I’m not fourteen, but I bet I can go another round or three.”

The thought of three more rounds like I’d already gone through was scary. Yes, I wanted to make the most of this chance to have sex with Becky since I didn’t know if I would ever have another opportunity, but right now I wasn’t sure I could get it up again before I had to go home. Three more times would probably kill me. Becky must have sensed I was worried about my abilities.

“You’ll do fine, John,” she assured me. “If you didn’t do anything more to me today than what you’ve already done, I’ll count myself satisfied and the lesson complete.”

“Really?” I questioned. “I did OK?”

“Does the phrase ‘fucked out’ mean anything to you?” she giggled.

“I think so,” I said. “It’s about how I feel right now.”

“Let’s finish up our shower, get dried off and see about some lunch, then.” Becky said as she turned off the water. I reached for our towels and handed her one, thinking she’d start to dry herself. Wrong. She started drying my back.

“I’m not going to dry you all over,” she informed me, “but I always loved it when someone can dry my back. I even have Katie do it when we go to the pool together.”

“So, you’re drying mine as an enticement?” I asked as she ran the fluffy towel down my back and onto my butt.

“You don’t have to feel obligated...”

“After the morning I’ve had,” I laughed, “I’m obligated for life.”

Becky turned me around and gave me a sweet kiss for that. “I could say the same, John.”

I dried Becky’s back and butt, after which we finished drying ourselves and returned to the bedroom, where Becky handed me a robe from her closet. “This is yours, John,” she said as she wrapped herself in a similar one. “Consider it a late Christmas present. I got one for Katie, too.”

I thanked her as I wrapped the warm robe around me and tied it. “What next?” I wondered aloud.

“Next is lunch,” Becky said. “We burned a lot of calories, and it’s nearly noon already. After lunch, I’d like to cuddle on the couch for a while, maybe have a little review about the lessons and answer any questions you have about today. I’m sure you have concerns about Katie’s birthday on Friday, too. We’ll talk about those, as well.”

Becky put on some fuzzy slippers, laughing about how sexy she looked and turning like a model. She may not have been fashion magazine sexy, but she was definitely sexy in my eyes and I told her so, earning myself another sweet kiss before she took off for the kitchen.

I didn’t have slippers, so I put my socks on to keep my feet warm. When I came into the kitchen, Becky was pulling out the makings of sandwiches and a container of soup. I tried to help by getting out plates and bowls, but I think I only slowed her down because I kept having to ask where to find things and was in her way when I tried to reach them. Becky was amused by this and took to squeezing my butt every time I got near her. I returned the favor, and soon we were laughing and trying to chase each other around the kitchen while we waited for the soup to warm on the stove.

We settled down when Becky declared the soup was hot enough to serve. We made our sandwiches at the kitchen counter and she spooned us each up a bowl of the homemade soup. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until I sat down with the food in front of me. I think Becky was hungry, too. Neither of us said anything until we were about halfway through with our meals.

“Ready for a little review of the morning?” Becky asked me.

“I hope I did OK,” I replied.

“You did more than just OK,” Becky assured me. “I think the phrase I’d use is, ‘you rocked my world,’ so you did more than OK.”


“Really, John, you are an amazing lover, and for a first time? Wow. Katie is so lucky that you’ll be her first. I’m almost jealous.”

“I’m still worried about hurting her,” I said, trying to deflect the praise. “You said your first time hurt, and Katie’s hymen is still there. It looks pretty solid to me.”

“Mine only hurt right when it broke and it stung for a few minutes. By the time we got to round two, it was OK. I was tender the next day, but I’ve been tender from a good fucking a few times since then, too. Don’t worry about her pain, John. In a strange way, Katie is actually looking forward to it. I’ve tried to talk her out of it. I even bought her a vibrator and suggested she get that flap of skin, and the pain, out of the way, but she’s enthralled with the romantic notion that the first time should be painful and bloody.”

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 29 March 5

[Author’s note: This chapter has its roots in the events of “Abby’s Blackmail Attempt” and its alternate take, “Abby the Flute Girl.” In both stories, Abby was trying to blackmail John’s father, Billy, because she had seen him fucking her mother, Linda. Billy gave her the fucking she’d demanded but turned the tables on her by telling her it was all on video so she couldn’t lie about it. He also lectured her about being such a bitch to people. As you’ll see in this chapter, the message got...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 309 Seducing a Geek and the Gig

So what is the rest of the intel? I asked. Oh you have all the intel you need. We have made it possible for you to run, so do your thing. the voice, that wasn't really a voice said. Bullshit, you are going to get the senator killed, if you don't give me all you have, I said wordlessly. Look you are such a hot shot operative, we are going to give you a shot. Do what you can, with what you have. When it is over, we will all know where we need to go. You might just decide that we do know...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 11 December 78

December 7 The last of the concerts for preschool kids was this morning at ten. Katie and I got changed out of our costumes and kissed goodbye before we left the band room. Her dad was waiting outside the band room to take her to his house for the weekend, so she introduced me as her boyfriend. He just smiled and said he was glad to meet me. Becky had been to the concert, as well, and caught up with me right as I was walking toward my dad outside the auditorium. He was talking to Mrs. K. and...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 4 November 810

November 8 It was our last home game of the year, which is a good thing because the weather is really starting to turn cold. I wore sweats under my uniform tonight and I was still miserable. Katie was squeezed so tightly against me during the first half that I almost couldn’t play my horn for the stand tunes, and holding hands just isn’t the same when you’re both wearing gloves; it’s sweet but skin-to-skin contact is much better. Katie and I carried on our post-halftime tradition of making...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 24 February 10 14

Week of February 10 through 14 Back before I started dating Katie, actually even before I met her, I had asked Mom and Dad for a big present for my fifteenth birthday, which is coming up over the Presidents’ Day weekend. They got me tickets to a gaming convention which will be held on my birthday weekend. Now I’m feeling a little guilty about going because that would be the weekend I’d spend with Katie. It also ruins chances for any kind of birthday celebration with my girlfriend. I don’t...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 35 April 2

It’s the week before the spring band trip and three weeks until prom. There is lots of drama and angst about the prom as the date gets closer. I guess it’s the same every year. Katie and I, being freshmen, couldn’t go to the prom unless we’re invited by a Junior or a Senior, which is an invitation neither of us would accept, so we’re not personally feeling the angst. That doesn’t mean we don’t see the drama going on around us, though. I know it’s not just happening at our school. It has to be...

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Lisa the Geek

At the age of sixteen I was a high school sophomore thirsting for sex.  I was good looking and owned a car.  I dated a lot of girls.  But never had my eager fingers stroked a girl's breast.  Never had my hand been allowed beneath a girl's skirt.  Dates turned out to be make out sessions, after which I would go home and masturbate.It was late in the school year when Lisa Franks transferred to our school from York, Pennsylvania.  She was tall, thin and stoop-shouldered.  She had stringy, unkempt...

2 years ago
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Geek to Geek Chic

"What we need," Mike announced, "is a girl." Jon graced him with a tired look. A glance around the cramped confines of their comic book store and it's pale, male clientele certainly led credence to Mikes statement, but Jon's expression hinted it was a tired refrain. "Last time we put a 'Help Wanted' card in the window, Mike, we got a mile high stack of CVs from every loner, loser and otaku that shop here. And most smelled worse than you." Mike barely shrugged in his defence. Big,...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 10 December 56

December 5 Katie is elated that she’s not pregnant, but the downside is that she is on her period. That means she hasn’t felt like fooling around much after school. Not that we’ve had much time for that, anyway. We had rehearsals for the preschool concerts every afternoon this week, and the concerts are going on today, tomorrow and Saturday mornings, plus an evening performance tonight. That means four rounds of wearing my toy soldier suit, which is OK except for the big circles of red...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 26 Presidentsrsquo Day Weekend

[Author’s note: This chapter coincides with the second chapters of both “Abby’s Blackmail Attempt” and “Abby the Flute Girl,” which are different versions of the encounter Billy had with Abby Kowalski while his wife and son were out of town for Presidents’ Day weekend.] February 22 It’s President’s Day weekend and Mom and I left Saturday afternoon to go out of town to a big gaming convention I wanted to attend. On the drive down there, I asked her what was going on with her and Dad and the...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 34 March 28 30

March 28 This Saturday quickly got even weirder than the last time I was with Becky. We had just started making love when the phone rang. Becky was really pissed when she saw the name on the caller ID. It must have been someone calling about the Garretts to get her so pissed off so quickly. I knew the mood was shot, so I took Becky her robe and got dressed. I figured this might take a while. “Yes, Pastor Wilkins,” Becky snarled when the caller identified himself to her, “I remember you, so...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 40 April 25 26

April 25 Today was supposed to be the perfect date but I was stuck at home without a place to go, since Katie is at her dad’s this weekend. In the past I would have spent the day with Becky, but she’s decided to stop doing things with me and move on. She has started dating a guy she met at work. They had their second date last night. I’m a little jealous, I suppose. Becky and I met every other weekend and fooled around for about four months, after all. She admitted she was falling in love...

1 year ago
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Blown By a Beautiful Blonde Geek

Have you ever been blown by a geek? I have; and it was great! I first met Sarah, my blonde geek goddess, when I was bringing my computer in for repair at the big electronics chain outlet where I bought it. The store is so large it has its very own, on-site computer service department, which is called the ‘Geek Centre’, right in the middle of the store. I walked up to the desk, which was a huge, U-shaped desk behind which there were about 6 young guys and three young girls, all seemingly in...

Group Sex
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The Cheating Geek

The first secret Gina Davis ever kept from her husband Mike was the fact that she was a major geek. This secret was hidden from him the moment they met. He was sitting next to her in a bar late one night and she couldn’t keep her eyes off of him. She thought that he was sexy as fuck. He was tall and had dark hair, piercing hazel eyes and muscles for days. She normally got hit on a lot; she was fairly attractive with bright red hair, curvy hips, small waist and perky but busty tits but that...

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Geek GoddessChapter 9 Kevin

I'm falling in love with my goddess. I think she's falling in love with me also, though I don't understand why a goddess like her would love a geek like me. I had no idea that my goddess was a virgin. I felt honored that she chose me to be her first lover. The most gorgeous girl in the world had to have dozens, if not hundreds of guys chasing after her. Paranoid that Kim might choose someone else, I decided to do everything I could to make sure that she wouldn't. After lunch, Amy...

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Gorgeous and the geek GG Redone

I have spent sometime editing my original version both in format as well as grammar and spelling hope you enjoy it! He awoke with a start to hear the beating of his heart, his hand coming up too his face to find the sweat using the back of his arm to wipe it off. He laid his head back upon the pillow staring at the wall. For a brief moment he thought about what had waken him he could not feel a presence of anyone in his house, then thought maybe it had been a nightmare? If it had been though...

4 years ago
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Gorgeous and the geek GG

This is my 1st story I hope you all like it I am not in a hurry so if you are looking for wasteful trash you might want to go look at some other stories. He awoke with a start to hear the beating of his heart, his hand coming up too his face to find the sweat using the back of his arm to wipe it off. He laid his head back upon the pillow staring at the wall. For a brief moment he thought about what had waken him he could not feel a presence of anyone in his house, then thought maybe it...

3 years ago
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Bad Girl AmberChapter 2 She Humiliates a Geek

As for the other guys at the office, I'm out of their league – and they know it – but I tease and flirt with them all the time. Why? Well it stops me getting bored for one thing. Also I enjoy the adulation. It's a delicious situation for a girl to be surrounded by a bunch of guys knowing full well that every single one of them fancies her rotten. A few of them are quite dishy too – Dean, for example, and Donny – and that makes it all the more fun for me. There's one guy there who I DON'T...

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Geek get what she deserves

This girl was a total geek. Her name was Sandra Messon. She walked around wearing out-of-date long dresses, she wore glasses and she couldn't even form coherant sentences. I decided that she should be punished for being nerdy. I come from a well-off family and we have a huge house. Naturally I get a lot of respect from other gilrs at uni but I only hang around with lesbians. (I'll go into that another time) Any way, I got all my girlfriends together and we organized a party at my house when my...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 14 December 2123

December 21 I know most guys my age would sleep in on Saturday mornings, especially during Christmas break, but I have my reasons for being awake. Saturdays have been sex days since November. That’s when Katie ‘tricked’ me into coming over to her house on a Saturday morning, even though she was spending the weekend with her dad. She tried to explain in a note she left with her mother, and after a phone call to her at her dad’s, she persuaded me to let her mom, Becky, teach me all about...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 39 April 18 19

April 18 Dad has been picking up Katie and me every day after school this week. On the plus side, we got to see each other a lot more. On the minus side, Dad was usually home and working in his office so we couldn’t do much with each other. We had a lot of homework to get through, too. That meant we spent most of our time at the dining room table with our books until we got it all done. After that, we could spend a little time making out on the couch. We had to keep it mild, but we could at...

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Hot for a Computer Geek

I wasn't looking for a fling. I had never even entertained the idea. However, there was something about the young man that came to fix our family's home computer that put naughty ideas in my head.The family computer crashed and I decided to call that popular company that sent a computer geek to your home in a tricked out little car. I had heard that they were good and reasonably priced, allowing the luxury of the customer never having to leave the home.I made the appointment and due to...

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The Geek Slave

Title: The Geek SlaveTitle: The Geek SlaveAuthor: Syren Brandy was one of the most popular girls in school, not least because she was drop dead gorgeous.? She was 5' 10" with flowing long blonde hair that came half way down her back, her slender figure was kept in good shape by the cheerleading team for which she was the perfect candidate with her tight ass and 32C/D mounds, she was as near perfect as any high school jock could hope for, except for one thing. Brandy was no Bimbo, she did well...

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Control GeekChapter 3

Control Geek By Randy MacAnus Copyright 2018 All rights reserved by the author The next morning, Mitch called up a couple of his nerd friends and asked them if they'd like to make use of a submissive hot stud football player. Neither had believed him at first, but he promised them each a blow job if the stud failed to show or didn't deliver. They knew Mitch well enough to know that giving blow jobs had never been on his to-do list. So they figured he really had some stud by the...

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Jessica the bigtitted BBW geek

Jessica had very big tits.Her tits were massive. She was a very chubby girl, with an overall "jiggly" appearance.This was her reality. She was a chubby "geek" girl with her massive, jiggly tits and her large retro video game-themed t-shirts that were always noticeably stretched by her massive breasts.Jessica also had a bit of an attitude. She was that girl in school who walked around with a slight frown on her face as she moved her jiggly self around wearing her worn out sweat pants, her tight...

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Black Geek Meets Blonde Geek

My name is Louis Smithsonian. I’m around five-foot-eight, stocky and dark-skinned. I’m originally from Haiti though I currently live in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. I live in a nice duplex on French Avenue in Brockton’s South Side. Not too far from the fire station. These days, I live with my Mama and my older sisters Judy and Martha. My older brother recently moved out of the house. I attend Brockton Community College and currently major in Psychology. To make a little money, I work as...

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The Geek and the Mature BBW

The Geek and the Mature BBW By The Young Geek A friend of my wife called and asked me to help her with her computer since she knew I was a computer repair tech. She explained that she had recently lost her job and was looking to go into real estate and since my wife had told her I had been an agent a few years earlier she figured I could assist her with what she needed to learn to make money in real estate. I said no problem since I knew what it was like to be laid off and looking to change...

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My Brother The Geek

God, I hated this. I had my first accounting test Monday morning and all this liability and asset crap was driving me crazy. I have the whole weekend to get it, but it was just too hard for me to understand. Here it was, my first year in college and I hated it. I wanted to do well, but I don't want to fail. I could ask my brother, but he was nothing but a damn geek. Yuck. Oh well. If I want to pass this test I guess I will have to ask him. Slowly I walked down the hall to his room. The door was...

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the cute geekish girl and the hot race home

It was a hot summer day. The summer party at the lake started at noon. When I arrived it was already quite crowded at the beach. I got myself a beer and walked around a bit so say hello to old friends and checkout the girls that I knew would be there. To my disappointment, it was the usual crowd and not a lot of new people had shown up to the party. The ladies were either ladies I already had a history with or in a liaison with some of my friends. Strolling around, engaged in small talk, I...

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The Geek

The Geek Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was a geeky, smart, and skinny nerd, a loner by any definition. I didn't fit in with the kids that defined the "in" crowd, and was just smart enough that most of the others left me alone. My one and only outlet for my needs were the few moments that I was able to get all dressed up as a girl. I knew how most people would react if they found out, since I had first hand knowledge. My mom caught me dressed, told my dad, who then...

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Geek8217s Revenge

Rohan was a Geek. He lived and breathed computers. He was also a sexually frustrated Geek. His sister Rena was a bitch to him, she tortured him every day. For as long as he could remember Rena made his life misery. She bullied him, laughed at him, got him in trouble etc. Rohan was 17, Rena 18. What made matters worse was that although Rohan had been gifted with intelligence, he had none of the charm and good looks that nature had granted Rena. Rena was a stunner. Slim, toned, fair skinned, nice...

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The Geek and the Mature BBW

The Geek and the Mature BBWBy The Young GeekA friend of my wife called and asked me to help her with her computer since she knew I was a computer repair tech. She explained that she had recently lost her job and was looking to go into real estate and since my wife had told her I had been an agent a few years earlier she figured I could assist her with what she needed to learn to make money in real estate. I said no problem since I knew what it was like to be laid off and looking to change...

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GeekChapter 3

My complicated sexual relationship with Laura and now Jennifer carried on for a month or so. The differences between the two sisters were profound. Laura was fairly passive in bed, adventurous enough to try anything, but never led the way so to speak. She was and is an intensely private person, though quite open about our friendship, just never about our sex life. Whereas Jennifer was a lady who knew what she wanted and would often suggest some adventure, she also loved to dress up in various...

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GeekChapter 4

I spent the day in the office going over a few programmes I'd designed to infiltrate and datamine a server, mostly trying to tighten up the algorithms and compression ratios, the trick as ever being to make them appear as something they weren't. Bill came wandering in around mid-morning, looking rather grim. "Looks like Travis and Murcheson aren't going to take the hint," he said. "We may have a turf war on our hands." "Crap!" I muttered. The problem with a turf war was that the...

1 year ago
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My Brother The Geek

Note : This story is completely fictional! God, I hated this. I had my first accounting test Monday morning and all this liability and asset crap was driving me college and I hated it. I wanted to do well, but I don’t want to fail. I could ask my brother, but he was nothing but a damn geek. Yuck. Oh well. If I want to pass this test I guess I will have to ask him. Slowly I walked down the hall to his room. The door was open a little bit and I walked in. “Ron I ......” I stopped dead in my...

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Thrasher Girls 3 8211 Geeks

It was a Wednesday afternoon a few weeks ago, and it was fucking cold. I was in my leather with a sweater on and about three tee-shirts underneath, and I was still freezing my tits off. Nikki, tams and I were sitting in Magic Beans at a back table after school. As always, we were discussing what we were going to do that weekend. We knew it would have to involve some serious partying and fucking, but we weren’t quite sure of the details yet. For the last month or so, we’d been...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 9 November 30 December 1

November 30 As usual, I was up early on Saturday morning. Well, 9:30 is pretty early for a 14-year-old on a day off from school. Once I was up, I showered and dressed for the day ahead before coming downstairs. Mom was sitting on a stool in the kitchen nursing a cup of coffee and I could hear Dad stumbling around upstairs, so he would apparently be downstairs soon. “Becky called when you were in the shower, wondering if she could come and pick you up,” Mom said. “It sounds like she has...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 12 December 1415

December 14 Because we were getting closer to Christmas break and the end of the semester, and had so much homework from our classes, Katie and I hadn’t gotten together after school this week. We also had extra rehearsals for the band’s winter concert on the 19th. We had plans to make up for all that on Saturday. Katie and I were both extremely horny as the week progressed but we had promised each other not to masturbate. We planned to have a week’s worth of climaxes in one day. I woke up...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 15 Christmas Day

December 25 (Christmas Day) My parents and I agreed, back when I was nine, to celebrate Christmas in a quieter fashion since I was growing up. I thought they just wanted me to let them sleep in and objected at first but getting to sleep in is a good thing for me now that I’m a teenager. Mom taught me to make pancakes that year, so the tradition has become that I cook breakfast on Christmas morning. Today I started cooking around eight. I was halfway through the batter I’d made and the...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 16 December 2829

December 28 I was up early again today, which has become typical for Saturdays since November, when Becky began giving me sex lessons at her daughter’s request. Both Katie and I have been getting eager for her birthday on January 10 to hurry up and get here. That will be the evening when she gives up her virginity to me. She won’t be my first though, because my own first time will be the weekend before that with Becky. Yes, my girlfriend’s mother is going to take my virginity in order to...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 17 December 31 January 3

December 31 I spent New Year’s Eve at home with Mom and Dad, watching the parties in Times Square and other places. It’s what we do every year. It was boring, really, but there wasn’t much I can do about it at age fourteen. Besides, my girlfriend is at her father’s house and she’s on her period. Plus, I don’t know if Roger Schuman would be as cool about his daughter’s sex life as his ex-wife is. Talk about cool, Becky is even teaching me what to do with hands-on sex lessons. This coming...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 19 January 10 12

January 10 The week really dragged by, but Friday, and Katie’s fifteenth birthday, finally got here. Becky and Katie picked me up and took me to their house for an amazing dinner Becky had cooked. She set us up in the dining room and acted as our waitress. There were only candles for lighting, which made it quite romantic. She joined us for cake and ice cream and then ushered us up to Katie’s room which was also lit by candles. The bed was made with fresh sheets and the covers were pulled...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 20 January 18 20

January 18 Nobody said anything about more lessons from Becky this weekend. I thought the lessons were over, now that Katie and I had made love. I slept in this morning, feeling bummed about not having sex on Saturday like I’d had since early in November when Becky started teaching me, preparing me to make love with Katie for the first time. Mom and Dad asked if I was feeling okay when I finally came out of my room around ten. I just shrugged and said I was tired. Katie called me around...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 21 January 25 26

January 25 Since we had already practiced the G-spot lesson on Monday, Katie and I mostly just played today. After we made out for a while, Katie insisted on sucking me off before I did anything for her. This one was quick, as my girlfriend went straight for the prize. It was barely five minutes after she first took me in her mouth that I was blasting a load across her tongue. As always, Katie made happy noises while she savored the taste of my jizz in her mouth. She loves the taste of my...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 22 February 1

Katie had let me know earlier in the week that Becky still had some lessons for me, so I was up early again today. I had no clue what the lessons would be about, but since I’m still new to being sexually active, I just assumed I didn’t know everything I needed to know yet. Using my fingers in Becky and Katie, and finding their G-spots, had been a revelation. Becky called Mom right before ten and asked if it was okay for me to spend the day there, and Mom had Dad drive me over. Mom’s only...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 23 February 8 9

February 8 The plan was for Katie and me to add some anal play to our repertoire today. Katie had me shower with her, even though I had just had a shower twenty minutes before I went over to her house. Just like when she and I were first going to have oral sex, she was afraid she was going to taste something unpleasant, or I would, which would be mortifying. I just shrugged and went along with it. Showering with a sexy girl is a lot of fun, even if you don’t really need to get clean. Who...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 25 February 15 21

February 15 Yesterday, Becky had promised something extra special to thank me for the Valentine’s card and chocolates I gave her. I didn’t know what she had in mind, but I was hoping it was sexual in nature. I was already dreaming of the possibilities when I went to bed last night and the same dreams woke me early today. I got a shower, got dressed and got myself some cereal to eat before either of my parents started to stir. I was just rinsing my cereal bowl to put it in the dishwasher when...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 27 February 26 27

February 26 Our parents seem to have forgotten they didn’t actually give us permission to hang out at Katie’s house after school this week. Becky has driven me home at dinner time without comment and my parents haven’t said a word. Katie, despite being on her period, seems to be insatiable, so she’s been wanting me to get her off every afternoon after school. In addition to just being horny, she also claims that having a good orgasm helps with her cramps; something she says she learned a...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 28 February 29 March 1

February 29 After my trip with Mom over Presidents’ Day weekend, I thought back to something Becky said a couple of months ago, that if we were lovers who were experienced with each other and had been apart a while it would be quite appropriate to fuck like an animals. That’s how I started today. Instead of starting out by trading oral sex with Becky like we usually do, I treated her to a ‘sweaty caveman fuck’ first thing after arriving. She was primed for it, herself and fucked back at me...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 30 March 7 8

March 7 The plan for this weekend with Katie was to introduce creampies, and maybe snowballs, to my girlfriend. I know Katie enjoys the taste of my cum and doesn’t object to tasting herself when I kiss her after eating her pussy, but I still wasn’t sure whether going down on her after dumping a load in her pussy would freak her out or not. Today we were going to find out. I’d managed to keep what I was going to do a secret from her for a week, which wasn’t easy because she and Becky talk in...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 31 March 14 15

March 14 I kind of slept in today, since I knew Becky wasn’t going to pick me up until ten or so. At nine, I grabbed me a shower and was in the kitchen having a bowl of cereal when Mom came in carrying two coffee mugs. It must have been their second helping. “Looking forward to another day with Katie?” she asked as she came over to where I was sitting and bent down to kiss my cheek. “Yeah,” I nodded, “I hardly get to see her during the week at school since our schedules are so...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 32 March 21 22

March 21 Katie and I were horny for each other this morning, mostly because we had spent every afternoon this week at my house where the most we could do was kiss and cuddle each other a little. We mostly hung out in the living room because Dad was working in his home office which is right next to my room. If we were in the living room, we’d at least hear him coming down the stairs and have time to straighten our clothes out. So, yeah, we were ready for Saturday morning to roll...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 33 March 27

March 27 Katie’s been staying at our house every afternoon after school since last week just in case Mr. and Mrs. Garrett try anything. Dad even rescheduled his client visits so that he’s able to pick us up and be home with us in the afternoons. The downside is that Dad’s presence has kept us from having sex like we could do if we were at Katie’s house, but we’re OK with that. Keeping everyone safe is more important right now. It’s less of a big deal this week anyway, since Katie’s on her...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 38 April 11 12

April 11 Katie woke up before me this morning, as I discovered when I came to and found my morning wood planted deep in my girlfriend’s pussy. She wasn’t moving her hips but her internal muscles were really doing a number at milking my cock. It felt wonderful but, as you know, a guy’s morning wood is at least partly caused by bladder pressure and I was really feeling the need for a different kind of relief than Katie was working on giving me. “Katie, baby,” I groaned, “this feels really...

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