- 2 years ago
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This is for all of those who have been fucked over and fucked up by a cheating, bitchy blonde whore whose name starts with J. Of course any names in this story resembling any persons living, dead, buried in my back yard, and/or chained to my bedpost are purely coincidental. You may read what follows only if you are over the age of 18 and extremely unlikely to be influenced to do something bad by reading a work of fiction. Credit must be given to the author Faibhar as a scene in his story ?Arria? and a long forgotten memory induced by sex deprivation were the twin catalysts for the sick perverted shit that follows.
"There she is, men. Your reward?, I said. Jody tensed as she heard my voice. She did not, as yet, recognize me. The naked blonde girl lay on the cement floor, her neck fastened by a long chain to a ring set in the wall. We all noticed how her hair fell almost to her perfectly shaped ass as she struggled to her knees before us. The Six of us surrounded her.
I reached out and fastened a hand on her right boob which was every bit as firm and luscious as I remembered.
You'll all get to sample her, but first, I propose a toast!"
I filled a glass and put it in Jody's hand. She listened as I looked deeply into her eyes, where I saw a slow, growing recognition and realization at her predicament as her eyes clouded over with terror. She of course understood from the second she saw us that she would have to please us, after all she was a woman, but what was more, as I was talking she realized who I was, remembered how we were going to get married, remembered how I caught her in bed, on top of my friend bouncing up and down on him. I smiled when I saw she remembered how she gleefully testified against me at that ?domestic assault? trial. I smiled back grimly, savoring the memory and her growing terror.
But that was back on Earth. Suffice to say that I was brought to Gor several years ago as a fighting slave and quickly won my freedom by freeing the city of Tarnard from a wicked King. When we stormed the castle we did not dream we would find the communications room or the spaceship capsules. The best we could tell was they were powered by some sort of anti-gravity shield because when you turned a certain switch, they shot straight into the air at near terminal velocity without any apparent rocket thrust. Myself and 2 of my men were on the test flight after we wrecked 2 of the capsules indoors. We reached orbit in just a couple of minutes. Jaran was the first to spot the huge alien spacecraft and was pointing it out to us when some type of automated program took over. We actually flew inside the spacecraft and could hear the clanking of bolts and the hissing of air. But perhaps I am getting off track. It is enough to know that alien smugglers have been stealing Earth girls and selling them on the primitive but pristine planet of Gor. There they bring a good price. After we made contact, we figured out the communication equipment enough to actually request an individual girl be brought to us and our benefactors were happy to take payment in gold and Uranium. Gold we found aplenty in the castle but Uranium was a problem. Luckily I was from Earth (none of my men had any idea what the aliens were jabbering about) and was able to deduce that Tarnard’s gold mines sit right next to a huge Uranium deposit. The new shaft had only been operating for a couple of years. I assured him my group would keep supplying the ?dark rocks.? The aliens did not seem to care what faction of humans they were dealing with so long as they got there Gold and Dark Rocks so we just continued the old deal. And that is how, in the second shipment, I included Jody, my bitchy, cheating ex-girlfriend!
As she kneeled in growing terror and confusion, I thought of the many times we had made love. How her full red lips and tongue tasted. I caught her eye and saw the hope and the fear. She recognized me now. I smiled and reached forward, drawing her to her feet. Then I gently took her into my arms. She melted, pressing her body against mine, her liquid lips joining me in a deep passionate kiss. So many times over the last many years I had lay in the dark imagining the taste of that mouth. Imagined feeling her warm tongue slide over mine again. While we kissed I reached down and touched her pussy. Jody pulled back almost as if I had shocked her, and indeed I probably had. Her pussy was wet. She tried to break the kiss, protesting into my mouth as I wrapped her hair tightly in my left hand and held her in place, slobbering into her mouth as she struggled. With my right hand I worked my middle finger into her pussy while she squirmed and screamed into my mouth. Then I pulled back. She looked at me, breathless. Without warning I cuffed her, dropping her to the floor.
Hands grabbed her by the legs while a key appeared from nowhere freeing her neck from the chain. My men dragged her to a mat on the other side of the room.
I went first, humping her on the floor as she wrapped her legs around me tightly and cooperated, grinding her hips into new just like old times. Perhaps she thought I would remember only the good times and forget about my plan for revenge.
I came deep inside her and I think she came too. Filthy slut. I wonder if any of my men would also make her cum. Probably.
As I stood up she reached for me pleadingly but was suddenly surrounded by even more horny men than that slut could handle.
The next man took his place between her legs and put his cock inside her. This time Jody struggled but the man on top of her was not going anywhere until he shot a hot stream of spooj into her fetid little hole.
And so it went until all 6 of us had cum and relieved the intial tension. Now the real fun would begin.
"Let's get her on her hands and knees."
The men laughed. Hands stroked her back and buttocks as fingers penetrated her. They turned her over and suddenly another penis was deep inside her from behind while she kneeled on her knees and elbows.
Another man grabbed her long blonde hair and pulled up her head, forcing her up from her elbows to her hands. The first man continued to pinch, slap, and bruise her butt and hips while he drilled his cock inside her from behind. The second man waited patiently for her to cry out in pain before he shoved himself inside her mouth.
After a couple slaps to the face, she dutifully cooperated, opened her mouth and started to use her lips and tongue on his shaft. She sucked on it until it came deep in her throat. Gobs of slick hot sperm choked her. While she was still choking violently the man in her pussy came and was quickly replaced by another man. Before she could recover, another cock took its place in her mouth. She was soon rocking back and forth in rhythm with thrusts from the front of her and her rear.
After all the men had cum in her mouth and pussy, Jody lay sprawled on the floor on her side, exhausted. My hard on was raging as I told my ex-girlfriend to get back on her knees and put her face to the floor with her hands behind her neck. This was a common position for a punishment rape. She was covered in sweat and looked at me, beaten, tears running down her face. Oh how I relished that moment! My ex-girlfriend saw my smile and took the position I ordered. She must have known what I was going to do because this position spread her butt cheeks yet she did not protest as I approached her from behind so I penetrated her tiny, butthole, lubricated with only dripping cum, with one hard thrust. The girl suddenly reared up and cried out in pain.
?Ahhh, oh please Donald, why are you doing this.?
I thrust particularly hard, burying my cock all the way up my ex-girlfriends butt and slapped her hard on the already reddened cheek.
?My name is MASTER to you now, SLAVE! Filthy fucking plaything. This is what you wanted isn’t it? Isn’t IT!
Before she could answer I grabbed her around the throat with my fingers, choking her, pulling her back onto my cock and forcing it as deep into her bowels as it could go. Her spasms felt incredible and I could not help but cum after just a few seconds.
The next man took his place behind her, my cum serving as an easy lubricant he thrust into Jody and was buried up her butt suddenly without warning. She gasped and cried out.
?Oh no, oww. Please stop. Please no more.?
She was starting to give me a headache.
?Gag the slave.? As her latest rapist continued to pound into her asshole, another one of my men shoved a dirty undergarment into her mouth and taped it in place.
After that, the procession of men continued more or less in silence except for some grunts, moans of pleasure, and muted screams of pain from the kneeling, gagged Fuckhole.
In all Jody was raped orally and anally 6 times each- we made sure to give her a load in her ass and a load in her mouth, while her well used little box was fucked once by me and 9 more times (that I counted) by my horny men.
After 21 rapes, Jody lay on the floor in a fetal position, rocking back and forth. We had been quite rough with her but she was not nearly as exhausted as I had expected. Well this would get interesting.
I looked at the pretty, well-fucked slut crying on the floor and decided it was time for the punishment. The rapes were what the filthy slut wanted. I planned to keep her for my own uses and I needed to break her of this slutting around habit.
I guess I thought of these rapes sort of like when a dad makes his kid smoke a bunch of cigarettes and get sick to teach him a lesson not to smoke. Well my hole got all the cock she could handle for a while I will say!
Now it was time for her punishment for cheating on me and for being a filthy, dirty fuckhole. I picked her up by the hair and slapped her face. I cuffed her three times, front and back then front again with my free hand and let her fall to the floor calling her a cunt, filthy slut and a dirty fuckhole to punctuate each blow. Then I let her drop to the floor.
?Take the whore outside. I don’t want her messing on my floor.?
The men were getting in on the fun. Jody was kicked, slapped, and punched all the way down the hall and out into the courtyard.
In the pale light from the moon, water trickled from an elaborate fountain. The girl lay sprawled on the grass, bleeding from the lip and eye, cowering as the men surrounding her slapped and punched her at will.
"Wait before you strike her face anymore. I have another idea."
Her eyes fixated on the dark coils of the whip held in my hand. I held a common Gorean slave whip. It had a firm polished handle about 1 ? feet long holding 5 smooth blades, rather like heavy leather belts. Each of them was almost ? inch thick, 2-3 inches wide and slightly more than 2 ? feet long. It was an efficient instrument for disciplining women and would cause enormous pain but it would not cut the skin. That would come later, after her skin was properly prepared.
I announced in a loud voice to my drunken men and the slave.
"We are going to play the whipping game. The slave will crawl around that tree over there and then back to this spot.?
I said this while tapping the ground next to Jody and pointing to the large elm tree in the front of my castle about 50 yards away or so.
?Each man gets three swings of this whip. You are then to pass it to the next man. And so forth. If you stop the slave from crawling the whole distance then you men win. If the slave makes it back here then she wins." All the men stepped into the moonlit garden with the others suddenly determined to master the challenge I had given them. Jody looked up at me grunting and screaming through her gag. I just smiled at her and approached her face, stroking it with my hand and looking deep into her eyes.
?And if she gets up off her hands and knees or tries to run, then you men will cut off her nipples.? Jody looked at me with a mixture of horror, shock, and terror.
"Now, let the games begin."
Jody suddenly scampered as fast as she could toward the night shadows of the Tree but before she could reach her destination, a flame burst along half the length of her lower spine. Choking on the gag in her mouth, she kept crawling.
The second bolt shuddered her balance. Pain spread diagonally from just below one hipbone to the opposite upper rear thigh. Her frantic pace slowed as she righted herself and resumed crawling toward the shadows.
The third blaze of fire came cruelly from behind across her butt and across her pussy. She rolled into the dirt howling in pain through the gag.
The merrymakers swilled more wine as the whip was passed to the next man. The fourth blaze struck her low back crossing two other hot, red, sensitized layers of crimson welts.
They cheered as the fifth strike soundly drummed her ribcage and leveled the girl. She lay sprawled across the dark lawn and took the sixth blow on her butt cheeks causing her to grind her hips into the dirt.
The next soldier quickly brought the whip down on her back, leaving more fiery lines of red. The girl was back on her hands and knees and started to crawl again before the 8th blow struck. The soldier was surprised at her sudden movement and actually struck a glancing blow that only left a 6-inch long welt where one of the blades wrapped around her stomach.
The 9th blast more than made up for his miss. Jody could not believe the pain. The man brought the broad whip savagely across her butt- underhanded. Of course this meant the crawling girl took most of the blow across her exposed pussy. The blades wrapped under girl, visibly lifting her up off the grass as the leather bit into her most sensitive parts. She rolled forward and was a mere 10 yards from the tree before the officers drunkenly passed the whip to the next man.
He dropped it. The men screamed at the clumsy soldier, pouring drinks on him which delayed him even more. By the time, laughing, he brought the whip down for the 10th blow, Jody was already to the tree. Halfway there, or so she thought anyway. The soldier quickly struck 2 more times seeming to turn her entire back scarlet as she crawled around the tree to head for where I was standing and what she believed represented safety.
The next soldier struck 2 hard blows on top of the crawling slave and flattened her with the 3rd blow. Jody almost rolled over as the powerful blow blasted into her rib cage and wrapped around her tits.
The soldiers were getting into the rhythm now. The 16th and 17th blasts of fire hit the girl full on the front of her body as she lay on her back cowering. Wisely she rolled over and resumed crawling, the 18th blow falling on her welted, deep red lower back. Three-quarters of the way back as the whip was passed again.
Jody saw the finish line now and crawled faster but the man chasing her with the whip saw it too. He let loose with a blow of bone chilling power onto the most welted and fiery red part of the girls back and followed up quickly with 2 more as the girl continued to crawl, her arms shaking and her whole body shuddering in pain, tears soaking the ground in front of her as she continued, shakily, to crawl.
The final man tried to hit her twice with the pussy shot and missed the first time. Jody was rolling around in agony and managed to avoid it, landing on her red butt instead. He hit her good with the next shot though, rolling her forward to the finish line. As she lay there panting, the man with the whip delivered his 4th shot, illegally, and directly on her exposed boobs.
I reprimanded my man for the illegal blow and pointed out they were all failures. They had only put 25 criss-crossing stripes across the slave before she reached the finish line. I thought it was pretty pathetic and told my men that I thought so. They could not even stop a pathetic crawling slave with a whip. They begged for another chance and I had to do it for their moral. Jody lay in a fetal position crying hysterically. She did not seem to understand what I was saying as I explained that we were going to make it 2 out of 3 so I pulled her up by the hair and slapped her face to full awareness.
?Whore, you only took 24 blows. You think that was a whipping? I saw a girl just like you take 1,000 lashes and the physicians almost saved her.?
Jody looked at me in horror, understanding that her punishment was not over. Suffice to say Jody did not make it even to the tree the second time around. My men had her on the ground cowering, rolling around, trying to fend off the blows for several minutes. She had given up crawling for the tree and after a while she curled into a fetal position, hands desperately covering her breasts and pussy, and just passively took the blows rained upon her. The men lost interest. The whipping game with a fleeing prey was over.
We all poured another drink.
"Now men: I have another idea." All of them looked toward their leader's voice and stood silently for further orders. "Stand up the whore. Here's a rope." I tossed to the nearest a lengthy rope as two others picked up the cowering female.
?Take off the gag.? It was ripped off her face roughly and Jody spat out the dirty rags in her mouth. I gave her a long drink of water which she sucked greedily and then looked at me in gratitude.
I smiled back at her. "Tie each wrist with one end of the rope and toss the rest over the limb of that tree." Jody looked at me in dismay, her eyes started flooding with tears, rolling down her face.
She felt her tied wrists tied separately and spread widely as they were raised high over her head. Limbs stretched. Tips of her big toes scratched for the grass. Her head pounded. She faced the men standing in front of her. They grinned, inches from her tormented face. Above the pine branch creaked. Somewhere called a night owl. Shoulder blades began to burn as she was suspended barely off the ground.
?Now tie her legs apart with these ropes. That’s it, over that branch, spread her wide.?
We were inebriated and filled more glasses of wine as the girl was stretched. Every feature shone in the moonlight. Her breasts jutted out. Pink ovals pointed skyward. Long legs, illuminated by the heavens above and soft light escaping from the interior of my house sufficiently lit up the area. Glasses were raised in a mock salute to the hanging figure, and then quaffed.
I walked around and patted Jody on the face. She was hanging with her face slightly above mine, her ankles were spread wide by ropes that were taking much of the weight of her body while her spread wrists took the rest. Her form was silhouetted in the moonlight, a dark red, white and gold X-Shaped hanging thing of beauty. A fuckmeat. A vessel for my aggression and lust.
I stood on tiptoes and gently kissed my girlfriend on the lips while she trembled, hanging before me. Then, looking into her eyes I said:
"Bring me a long whip."
Her eyes showed her recognition at what I was about to do to her, what I should have done to her many years ago.
We clinked glasses while awaiting the return of the bullwhip. The servant handed it to me coiled and I stood directly in front of Jody as I uncoiled it.
She swallowed hard when the 10-foot long fearsome blade thudded as one end fell to the grass. She closed her eyes and let out an anguished cry.
?Please no. Oh God Donald. How can you do this to me. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I am sorry. I am so sorry. Please.?
The girl continued begging, her pride a thing of the past as my men fell back to give me room.
I stood in front of her and gauged my distance. The first blow shut her up as all of us knew it would. It was a good strike with the hard, braided whip. Such a whip could, if used properly, accelerate the tip to the speed of sound as it laid across the victim. For the first blow I brought the 10 foot whip overhand and snapped it back so that a spot on the leather about 2 feet from the tip struck her full on the left shoulder. Of course the remaining 2 feet of the fearsome instrument then traveled in a hyper-accelerated path across her shoulder and down her back leaving a thick, bright red line beginning at her left collar bone and running halfway down her back. As I pulled the whip away, blood started to seep out of the wound. My girlfriend’s voice, her insistent begging, suddenly stopped as she could not take a breath. The look of total shock on her face and the horror in her eyes was utterly priceless.
I waited for more than a minute, my men cheering the entire time, before delivering the second blow. I waited patiently for her breathing to get back under control and her eyes to focus on mine. Then I stepped to my left so I would have a better shot before snapping the whip in almost the exact same path across her right shoulder.
Again I waited for a long time, I wanted the whore to feel every one of those lashes on her bare skin. When I was ready, I drove a hard shot around her waist, making the whip wrap around her lower back, well below the 2 other bleeding lines.
Probably because I waited just a few seconds too long to deliver the 4th blow, she started struggling against her ropes and screaming ?No! No! Please No!? So I directed it at her right hip at a slightly downward angle, letting a couple feet of whip wrap right around her 2 bouncing butt cheeks and down her right thigh. She jerked and I walked around to her rear to survey the damage, especially to her ass. I was pleased to see that her ass could definitely take quite a few more hits. Her back, as expected was bleeding with every blow but there were no scars, yet. That would come when I started criss-crossing the blows. When one fiery line intersected another there would be a very deep cut that would require several stitches.
Accordingly after walking around the squirming, crying, gasping girl I took up a position slightly behind her, some 10 feet from her left side. After shaking out the whip and gauging my distance, I swung a 5th time, a firm forehanded blow full across her buttocks. The whip hit her left globe and then accelerated into her right hip, laying a blazing line across the very center of her pretty butt cheeks.
My men cheered as I laid 4 more hard ones across my girlfriends bare, bright red ass, whipping her like a disobedient child but with a much larger whip. Six stripes now swelled and burned bright red on her ass and 3 more bleeding stripes were on her back but there was no bleeding from her ass until the 7th blow I struck from that position at her ass- the 10th overall- intersected 2 other red lines and started to drip blood in several places.
I carefully inspected the hanging slave and made my decision. I walked back in front of her and directed a shot to the side of her left leg. I was trying to get the whip to wrap around the front of her spread thigh, travel across her left butt cheek and continue a burning stripe right across her pussy as the whip wrapped around from underneath. I expected the tip to land right in the bushy area of her mound but I missed. The whip left a burning line of fire that completely surrounded her upper leg. Whipping a slave in the thighs is considered particularly severe so I was not too disappointed with her reaction.
It took me 3 more lashes to her lower regions before I hit the difficult shot on the 15th lash but I did leave wonderful weals on her legs, ass and stomach. That lash I am talking about hit the top of her left thigh, and wrapped around her perfectly from underneath. A split second later, the tip crashed into her belly just above the furry protection of her mound, the whip slapping wetly into her box. The force of the collision of leather and pussy was so powerful it actually lifted the poor suspended girl even higher into the air. She let out a wet, gurgling, heart wrenching cry of pain and then fainted away.
Jody woke up slowly. Her eyes fluttered as I rubbed her swollen clit, moist with her seeping blood, and then she seemed to catch her breath before letting it out in an anguished moan. My face was inches from hers. Her eyes focused on me as she started to sob great racking cries.
?Please. Please Donald. Please no more,? she whispered each word punctuated by heaving sobs.
I smiled at her and stepped back, snapping the whip in a loud retort before striking the 16th blow hard at her left hip, rapping it around and leaving a dripping line of fire across her low back.
I struck her 2 more times just like that, covering her low back with long, horizontal lines of seeping blood.
The moon completed its descent leaving only starlight and the glow from lamps lit on the other side of the colonnade. In the available light, my men continued to hoot and jeer as each lash hit the hanging female. The loudest cheers were reserved for those strikes across her flaming tits. The heavier whip was passed among them, and each took turns between more drinking and celebration.
Finally, when her back was laying in shreds and the ground was slick with her blood I called out for my men to cease.
Instantly the whipping stopped as my men hastened to cut her down. Jody fell heavily on the floor in a pool of her own blood, completely unconscious.
I walked around surveying the girl thoughtfully. She was probably going to need over 100 stitches. I would make sure they didn’t do that until she was fully awake to feel each one. The antiseptic they used for slaves would also provide a particularly amusing show tomorrow. Still, even with the best medical care, Jody would have some pretty deep scars to remind her forever what being a cunt can mean. I finished my drink in one swallow, smiling broadly- and felt the slightest twitch. I realized I wanted the scarred little slut sucking on my dick and arching her body to please me just as soon as possible.
?Call for the physician,? I said.
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Introduction:A lonely mom that becomes obsessed with curiosity and her sonThis one’s a little lengthy. A lot of background, lead-up, and “Explaining”, as most of my 1st chapters seem to be. I feel it’s kind of important to know what the characters are thinking, where they're goming from. For those of you that just want to get right to the sex……Sorry. For those of you that, as I do, think it makes for a better story……Here ya go. −Obsession−Chapter one:My name is Cathy. I’m a 43 year old widowed...
Tommy was taken aback. There on his bed was tiny African dressed in a pure white bikini. The white juxtaposed against it's dark skin instantly made Tommy's cock jump in his pants. When it saw him it jumped and ran to the corner of the room. He had never been attracted to children let alone niggers. Not until he had taken that fucking whore as his slave. She had awakened a desire within him that he hated but couldn't resist. He was convinced she was a witch and he was determined to punish...
In the year 2017. The world changed in a significant way. Unfortunately no one noticed. Suddenly a mystical force envelopes the world, a force unseen, and undetectable by any machine. This force can take form, a sinful form, within the human body. It changes that human, transform s him or her into a being of lust. The government has hidden the truth of this from the public, by capturing the only one to be affected, so far. This being is condemned patient zero, or Lilith as she now calls...
BDSMShe knew he was a little grumpy today, but it had been so long since he paid attention to her. Her friends were at summer camp and she was bored and lonely. She came up to the couch and leaned against the back of it, idly scuffing her toes on the carpet. It was cooler in the basement, a welcome relief from the heat of the summer night upstairs, but she still shivered a little in her tank top and shorts. “What?” His eyes didn’t leave the TV and she almost turned around and ran upstairs...
Hi I am Sayan. I’m a regular reader of iss and I’m especially attracted to the incest. So I thought how about sharing my own experience with my dear cousin sister Nina (nickname). This is my first story so pardon any mistakes. My cousin sister Nina is a total hot babe. Her stats are 34-26-36 so called perfect figure. It happened about 2 months ago when she visited my house in Kolkata after her 12 board exams. She is 19 years old and has a fair complexion. I used to dream about her and even...
IncestHi am shashank, main apni mami se bohot lagav rakhta hoo kyonki woh bohot hi sexy hai. Unki age 34 years hai. Ek baar ki baat hai jab main chhuttiyon mein mami ke ghar gaya to mami bohot khush hui, woh mujhe bohot pyaar karti thi. Jab bohot der hui mujhe mami ke alaawa ghar mein koi aata jata dikhai nahi diya to maine puchh hi liya, ” mami ghar mein aur koi bhi nahi hai? To mami ne jawaab diya,”nahi, tere mamaji to 10-15 din ke liye bahargoan gaye hai aur bachhe chhuttiyon mein unke mama ke...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It was summer, school just got out. I was the youngest in the family. I was 18, my sister Monica 20, and then Evelyn 25. Monica and I stayed home with mom, while Evelyn moved away for her career. We were brought up in a strict household. Monica and I had just finished school and had the summer off. We had been planning on going on a little trip with some friends. We had told mom that we were going to visit some campuses for me to decide on where to go...
IncestThis is essentially a true story of a very nice day I had at the men’s bathhouse not so long ago. Now I don’t normally go there because I tend to be a bit shy and don’t go after the guys like I should. Not that I would bother anyone that’s does not want my attention, but if you sit back and only let guys come to you, you can let lot of good opportunities go by.Basically I am a bi-sexual cock sucking cum eating slut!! I cant get enough cock and especially cum. I love cum!! Everything about...
I knew I could not turn back and began to head north at a trot. I used the bushes to hide me from sight and hoped they would not bring any shuttles in. I passed another herd of Simeron eating bushes and kept going. I rounded a bush and froze before backing up. It was a group of four Lenolyn eating beside a wide stream. I looked around and then slowly started heading west. I began a wide circle around the Lenolyn and finally started moving a little faster. The second group of Lenolyn was not...
A couple disclaimers: This story is slow to develop. If you are looking of lots of kinky sex, it isn’t for you. There is sex, but it’s more about the mindset of the submissive than specific acts. I tried to avoid detailed descriptions of the people involved. I think everyone at some point had a crush on an older man/woman. To me it is more fun when you can imagine the person in the story is that person. Obviously I did have to at least give them genders. If they aren’t what you would...
Hello this is Rahul here presenting my true story. This story is about my cousin sister who is 22 years old. Her name is Tanisha. Before this story I wana introduce myself to you. I am Rahul aged 26 doing job in New Delhi. Ye story aaj se 4 saal purani hai. Tanisha mere ghar Delhi ayi thi. Uske saath uske mom dad aur chota bhai bhi tha. Main Delhi mein poori family ke saath rehta hun. Starting mein main Tanisha ke bare mein kucch galat nahi sochta tha par dheere dheere uski kucch...
The view through the keyhole was enough to sicken the most jaded pedophile. Three girls, about 8-10 years old were being dragged down the hall. The girls were crying, naked, and bleeding at the crotch. And they were being dragged toward his door. The Ghost barely had time to escape out the window and move out of sight as he hung on the rope. The door was pushed open and the three girls were pitched unceremoniously into the room. Then the door was closed and locked. The terrified girls were...
462 yes granA week had passed since that fateful night, when his mother Tina had taken his virginity, he had found her body to be much like Beryl, his grans, but with a bigger Clitorise, but basically it was very alike, the sex thing was beyond belief, and he had enjoyed the experience immensely… twice that night and again before that dratted alarm next day. He went off to school tired but happy, and his teacher, the school secretary and Della were all safe once more. Gran being Gran had taken...
Har Li-Quat, recently promoted to the status of Rectifer-First, allowed a pleased smile to surface as he floated at his desk. The changing hues of his cubicle walls reflected his good humor. He was no longer a probationer, but a full-fledged member of Computer Central's Rectification Bureau. Foxy-faced, with red hair and a bristling moustache, he wore his full-organic soma with the ease of long practice. Only a few of his closest confidants knew his secret; that he hadn't been decanted in an...
I love my job! Most days anyway. Today I had to make the rounds with several clients. I work for a large advertising firm that by and large was stuffy and hyper-competitive. It’s such a relief to get out of the office and out with “real” people. I wore khakis and a light blue shirt and I figured I could get away without wearing a tie after the first two calls. It was warming up and I could feel a little trickle of sweat as I drove up to Lafayette . I...
Straight SexI have no idea where the power came from, nor do I have any idea why it came to me. All I know is that when I need it, I get it, and there is no memory in the morning. I had been looking for an apartment. I was tired of living at home. I had been looking at various apartment buildings in the area, and was now at one that was only a few miles from work. I was talking with the woman who owned the complex. This in itself was strange, but it was nothing compared to future events. She told me that...
Mind ControlMy grandfather wasn't an affluent man, not one of those "rich uncles" you might inherit a mansion or a million dollars from. He was a writer. My mother once said he loved books more than people. But when he left me his prized golden quill, I felt a sense of pride. With it came a note--"use it wisely." I inherited something of his love for stories, and I decided that if I was going to start writing in earnest, I would be using his quill pen for my first manuscript. As I worked long into the wee...
FantasyIntroduction: A young girl and boy lose their virginity after watching Basic Instinct First Time Sex Stories #6: Basic Instinct By Missy Younglove Authors Note: This work is based on a true experience that was related to me via email. I grew up in India, the son of two doctors. We were quite wealthy by Indian standards and had a big house with a lot of servants. My aunt and uncle would often come over on weekends and holidays, bringing my cousin with them. Wed known each other since infancy...
As I came out of my trance and started to relax my muscles, Mintu slowly climbed into the bed. He then said, "Tomakyaamee ebarey choodbo." ("I will fuck you now.")I gave him that inviting look that all women who want to be fucked give and said, "Ayshow." ("Come")Mintu slowly sat up and said "Paa dutow phaank korow." ("Spread your legs wide part.")I did. He did not appear terribly happy with the way they were parted. He assisted me by holding my knees and spreading them an inch or two more.He...
When the secretary left, hugging and kissing at the door, my robe and underpants not meant for display, handing me a check discretely and before I could comment said she had no cash and her husband would never know, walking back the short distance to campus, I threw another sandwich together and brought it and what was left of the wine down to the basement. "Who made all the noise?" asked the Amazon, looking dusty from cleaning and measuring. "A new client I think," I said. "Sounded...
After Michael has taunted Sydney all night with a pair of vibrating panties, she returns to his house ready to submit and he’s all too willing to claim her. Michael taunts and teases his blindfolded submissive, giving her some of the most intense foot and pussy play of her life. With every inch of her body worshipped, taunted, and teased, Sydney’s aching wet pussy is ready to be filled by his hot cock. Sydney cannot control her pleasure, begging Michael to let her cum over and over...
xmoviesforyouEpilog ... or perhaps the beginning of another story? "Mrs. Flintkote! No!" said Cassie Hero Caretaker. "You can not go by yourself!" "The Portal let me through ... again," Sultry was beside herself, "And I don't have a Sapphire!" "We're working on that," said Mr. Ceiling. "What have you found so far?" Sultry wanted to know. "Nothing," Ceiling whined, "Not a damn thing. There is no reason, and you've been coming here five years." Cassie said, "And we keep sending you...
Well my name is Cassie and this is about my first time, it’s been a long time since then but I still remember it vividly and quite fondly as well too! My mother and dad had divorced, dad was gone and we lost the house, well apartment really. Mom had moved in with her brother Uncle Mark. I guess now in retrospect I should have seen the things that were wrong back then but at the age that I was and the sheltered upbringing that I had, well I guess I just hadn’t figured things out...
A SHAMELESS COUPLEBy Amanda WrighterKaren Burke’s Apartment10:28 PMDAY ONE Janet had waited till past ten to creep out of bed in the dark and make her way to her closet. Quietly, she pulled the bi-fold doors open and then stepped in and pulled them back together before turning the interior light on. From behind some boxes, she slid her water bottle full of industrial gelatin. Ballistics gelatin, her science teacher had called it. “You can melt it at about 130 degrees and it will liquefy again...
The next morning, a Saturday, Taylor was awoken by a gentle knock on his door. He sat up to see Aunt Agnes waiting by the door. "Is something wrong?" Taylor asked, yawning. "I was about to ask you the same thing, Emily hasn't come by yet and I got worried," Aunt Agnes stepped into the room. "Worried? Why?" Taylor reached for his phone and realized that it was nearly noon. "Wow... She let me sleep in?" "Did you two have a fight?" Aunt Agnes asked. "No," Taylor replied. "I...
I was really small standing hardly at about 5'5" yet I was pretty muscular with abs and all. I had kind of long blond-red hair, blue eyes, and rather pale, but not like a ghost. I used to have freckles on my face but lately they had faded to where they were barely visible, if at all. I know I wasn't the guy that girls would see and go crazy for. A lot of times I was with my friends who were obviously better looking and girls would look at them. However, I have talked to people on the...
Kat turned helplessly towards the man that was bound to her. The fire in her veins told her that once again she was wrapped in the coils of desire. She gazed up into her lover's eyes and realized that he was trapped by his desire also. She could see the desire to claim her in his silver eyes. She vaguely thought about his eyes ... they were normally green, why were they silver? "My power changes their color," Charlie explained as he cupped one of her breasts with the palm of his...
Sheri watched him day after day sitting at the bus stop directly acrossfrom her 2 nd story apartment. He was nerdy, always had his face in hislaptop, but he had a very nice build… workaholic she thought. She beganfantasizing about him touching her, his hands moving over her body. Shewould sit and masturbate watching him sit there at the bus stop. Forreasons she couldn’t explain she wanted him! She began referring to himas her BSB (Bus Stop Boy).It was 5pm and a rainy Saturday in the early fall....
"Is anything wrong Shelby?" Derrick asked after hearing the hesitation in Shelby's voice. "No, it's not so much as anything is wrong though I do have a question." Shelby again hesitantly said. "You know that you can ask me anything Shelby." Derrick informed her. "I was wondering, now that almost all of the boxes we found are regenerated. The time is almost upon us for Lucy's return. Derrick, she risked so much for you, I believe she would do everything she could for you....
Wendy Hot Wife and the Young Stud - At HomeIt’s been tough dealing with the sex. Your husband isn’t enough for you anymore. You still love him and don’t want it to end but you also have needs. Needs that need to be helped. And if he isn’t going to do it, someone else has. You love your toys as well but you urge to feel skin on skin. It hasn’t been easy for you either since you get eye fucked all day long by these young boys. They have all of this hot teen ass they could be going for but they...
Dosto aur sahalio Arshad aik bar phir tumhare jazbat ko bharkane ke leye medan mae aa gea hae zara dil ko sambhal ke rakhna.Mae tuhare zeada time nahi leyta aur kahani ki taraf aata hoon. han tu junab Khala 2 ke bad ab khala 3 suneye. Mae khala ko kis kerne ke sath us ke boobs ko daba raha tha aur us ka hath meri shalwar ke andar tha is ke bad keya hua ke mae nae us ki qameez ke button khole aur us ki bra jis ka rang kala tha aur us per bahut suit ker rahi thee ko thura neeche sirkaya tu ohhhhh...
IncestAllow me to introduce myself, I am Raghav, 37, 5, 5” average built. I have a very flirty nature, where I try to keep everyone light and happy. It’s just my second nature, whereas the intention is to make the ladies feel good for their age and have a nice time myself, my wife who knows about may nature has never stopped me, in-fact at times we join together do a little leg pulling. This happened a few years back, I met my school friend after a gap of about 10 years, now both of us were happily...
George and I knew that Wesley wanted to have sex with me it was somewhat my fault as well as George’s though. I mean I had given George a blow job on the couch while him and Wesley watched the game. Wesley watched more of me giving George a bj than anything though. That and the fact I was nude almost every time Wesley came over. For the most part I put on a gown or lingerie robe. I just remember how wet and twitchy my pussy got just knowing that wesley was watching George’s cock in my mouth and...
The Irish Curse By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part One A half dozen teenage girls were buzzing around the locker room after showering, drying their hair and hurrying to get dressed after track practice. They were stuffing backpacks, jumping into their school uniforms, and collecting everything they needed for the weekend. "Ok, girls," yelled Holly clapping her hands. "Now that everyone's dressed, don't forget anything and we'll see you on the bus at eleven." "OMG, they...
I watched as my daughter took my father's cock into her mouth. She was enjoying herself so much that the entire time she spent getting it down her throat she smiled. My father looked at me as Charlotte took him, he too had a smile on his face. His hand had gone down into her hair, and he gently helped her get his cock down her throat.I sat back and watched, this was the first time Daddy had done anything to Charlotte, though, he had spoken many times about taking her. He talked about waiting...
Main aur meri randiya adhe ghante mein ghar pahunche. Ate ate humne daru ka acha khasa stock le aye the. Ab hum teeno ki aag pure joro par thi. Ghar mein ghuste hi maine dono randiyon ko hall mein bithaya aur main mom ki room mein gaya. Wahase dupatte aur handkerchief le aya. Ab maine unake hath bandh diye aur ankho pe pattiya bandh di. Uske bad mujhe call aya. Maine meri dono randiyon ko bedroom mein chhod diya aur akar gate open kiya. Waha Monika, uska boyfriend aur 5 male friends the. Usne...
Captain Anthrop had me taken to a small cabin which was, compared to my living conditions upon the Alexandria, a very welcome change. A soft, but modest bed with a fine down pillow and a window at the port side of the ship. After a few moments of examining my quarters there came a knock on the door, I answered and two men carried a large wooden trunk, they set it down and after giving me a good stare they left. A man behind them came carrying a basin of water and a bottle of fine perfume, he...
Janice Griffith proves that “New Yorkers like to go big!” in this scene with Dredd. The slender, silky Griffith hits some high notes while learning from Dredd’s massive male matriculator. Miss Griffith is fully educated in the “ways of Dredd”. She’s a quick learner as she commands his bigness to cram all of it into her tiny, young pussy. Dredd delivers and she quickly covers his cock in a pornstar sheen. Janice likes it so much she creates a massive girl...
xmoviesforyouHolli's Not A Whore By SizeQueenSupreme(Fans interested in joining my fan club should feel free to message me on this page) The guy was fucking ripped, no doubt about that. Pecs carved from solid stone, shoulders with definition like a bunch of bananas, biceps like Prize Hams, a veritable 12 pack of abs that were tight enough to show through his shirt, thighs the width of my narrow waist, and strong looking hands that might have even been large enough to palm even one of my HH cups. Now if...
ReluctanceCardonali the magical imp was doing what he always did, he caused trouble to others for his own amusement. Cardonali had the ability to put any thought into a persons mind and manipulate them the way he wanted to. This could cause havok in a persons life and he liked to watch when that happened. It was Cardonali's only real pleasure. Today Cardonali was in one of his favorite hunting grounds the local mall. He loved it because there was lots of different people there and he could do...