Awakening to New Pleasures
- 3 years ago
- 43
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A couple disclaimers:
This story is slow to develop. If you are looking of lots of kinky sex, it isn’t for you. There is sex, but it’s more about the mindset of the submissive than specific acts. I tried to avoid detailed descriptions of the people involved. I think everyone at some point had a crush on an older man/woman. To me it is more fun when you can imagine the person in the story is that person. Obviously I did have to at least give them genders. If they aren’t what you would prefer, sorry. You have an imagination, use it.
This is my story. Please don’t post it anywhere without permission. And please remember that life is not like movies and stories. You may like war movies, but odds are you don’t like being shot at. And please note I never claimed to be a writer.
Oh yes, and if you’re under 18, stop reading now. Shame on you!
Awakening to a New Life
I awoke feeling very well rested but anxious for some reason. Do I have to go to work today, I wondered? Am I late? I tried to remember what day it was but I couldn't. As I rolled over I tried to remember if I had anything importing going on at work and suddenly realized that I couldn't remember where I worked or even what I did. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was sleeping in a queen sized bed in a moderate sized bedroom. It was clean and fairly empty. There was a nightstand with a lamp but that was about it. It didn't look familiar. I got up to look around. Apparently I slept nude. I felt a touch of surprise, was that like me? There was a walk in closet that had some hanging cloths and a dresser but nothing else. Am I a neat freak? I couldn't remember. Suddenly realizing I was fully awake and couldn't remember anything I started to get a little nervous. Was I sick? I felt OK. I was cold sitting there without cloths but that was about it. Maybe a hot shower would make me feel better. I certainly wasn't going to make it to work today.
I left the room. There was only one way to go in the hallway. The next door down was the bathroom. It was fair sized but only had a shower. There must be another bathroom somewhere. I thought about exploring the house but decided that could wait. The decoration was once again neat but pretty generic. Glancing in the mirror I noticed something around my neck. It looked like a collar. Was this some sort of jewelry? Touching it, it felt like leather. Thinking it probably shouldn't get wet I removed it and set it on the sink. I then proceeded to take a long, hot shower. The shower felt great. It used a lot of water. It felt like a massage. Finding some soap and shampoo I cleaned myself while trying to figure out what was going on and why I couldn't remember anything. The more I thought about it the more nervous I got. Was I going to have to go find a hospital? After about half an hour I got out of the shower and grabbed one of the towels sitting on the stool just outside the shower and dried off. The neckwear was still sitting there and picked it up. It was the only thing I could associate with myself and I thought about putting it back on. I gently set it around my neck to see once again how it looked on me. Right as I did I heard a noise just outside the door and spun around. Standing there I saw a woman looking back at me. She was standing in her underwear. She appeared to be about 10 years my senior. She had shoulder length straight hair and huge, warm smile. She wasn't overweight. She appeared to be in pretty good shape but was definitely curvy. I had the thought that I generally preferred more athletic girls but realized I had no basis for that theory and quickly dismissed it. She was certainly attractive, but who was she?
"Finally awake I see. I thought you were going to sleep all day. Are you feeling better?", she asked. I hesitated before explaining that I couldn't remember anything. "I was afraid of that. Don't worry, the doctor told us that might happen", she replied. "In a few days you should get your ability to remember back. He said it might take a lot longer for your existing memories to come back though. Months...maybe years." I didn't know what to say. Clearly seeing that I was concerned she continued. "Don't worry, before long you'll stop forgetting and that should make you feel a little better. Don't worry. You'll get through this. I'll take good care of you. I promise. Here, let me help you with this". She proceeded to fasten the leather piece around my neck again.
"Thank you", I responded. "I'm sorry to be rude, but ... who are you? Who am I?..."
"And why were you sleeping naked in the same house with a woman almost 20 years older than you?", she smiled at me.
"Well, yes. I really don't remember anything. I don't even remember how old I am. I'm sorry"
"Don't apologize. I didn't think about that. That must be a strange. Let me give you the short version. Your name is Doug. You're 21. I am Christina. We have...a relationship. It was a little awkward at first, but honestly you are the best thing that has ever happened to me." For the first time since waking up I smiled. At least I wasn't alone. The age difference was a little strange but she did seem very nice. She told me to go put on some cloths and meet her downstairs. When I arrived she was making waffles, bacon, and eggs for me. We talked while she got them ready and while we ate. She told me about who I was and who she was. She explained that I was a programmer but was on medical leave. She was apparently an accountant. We continued talking for a good hour. Some of it was just small talk. I got another of her beautiful smiles when I expressed my surprise at her age. She really did seem like a wonderful woman. She seemed pretty bright and had a great sense of humor. Despite some brief misgivings I quickly found myself thinking I was lucky to have her, especially in my present condition. When we finished breakfast and put the dishes in the dishwasher I asked her what I was going to do the rest of the day. She had explained that she was staying home to take care of me and that I wasn't going to work for at least two weeks. I didn't remember what I enjoyed so I really had no idea how to occupy my time. She told me that our house needed some work. With both of us being off work it was the prefect opportunity to get it done, and as she explained the doctor said that physical activity would be good for me. She told me that there were newspapers downstairs and that I was to put them around the walls in the living room while she showered. When she finished she came down to join me carrying two cans of paint and wearing nothing other than a towel. She opened the cans and gave of brief demonstration of how to paint, just in case I had forgotten. When I went to start myself she started laughing. I just looked at her, not understanding what was so funny. "You aren't going to paint in that are you?:, she asked. "What if you get paint on it? You don't want to ruin it."
"I'm sorry, what should I wear??, I asked.
"Well I was thinking we should paint naked. That way we can just wash off any spills or splatters. I have definitely seen you naked before." she said with a mischievous smile. "We have a playful relationship. We play lots of little games and just enjoy each others company. If you don't want to I understand of course. You don't even know me right now." I didn't know how to respond to that. It did make sense. She had been very nice to me and I wanted to make her happy...and it honestly did kind of sound like fun. I hesitantly agreed. "Fold up your cloths and set them on that chair in the corner" she said. I did as she asked and when I returned she had removed the towel. I was stunned. She was more beautiful than I had imagined. She was in great shape for any age. Gravity had hardly affected her large breasts at all. I was fascinated by her curvy hips. I wondered how I could have ever thought I preferred skinny girls. Before I knew it I had a huge erection. I turned around horribly embarrassed. She came over and put her hand around my shoulder and turned me around. "It's ok silly. Don't be ashamed. I'm flattered. Honestly, I'd be offended if you didn't get excited, especially considering in your mind you have never seen me naked before." She smiled at me again and gave me a hug. I felt shivers run up my spine as my penis bushed against her. I thanked her for understanding. We spent the remainder of the day painting. It took close to an hour for my erection to subside. She teased me about it but it was good natured. I was a little nervous when she opened the windows and patio door to let the fumes out but her yard had a high fence and it didn't take me long to get used to it. All in all I had a great time. Before I knew it, it was 5:00pm. We were both hungry and both had paint spattered all over us. Christina ordered pizza and suggested that I go clean up and get dressed in my bathroom. She did the same. By the time I got back out to the living room the food had arrived. We spent the evening talking and watching TV and DVDs. The furniture was all in the center of the room so we right in front of the TV and very cozy on a little love seat. Part way through the night she took my hand and we cuddled up.
When I returned to my bed that night I realized I had a wonderful day, but I started getting nervous again. Sitting there alone game me time to think. Thank goodness for Christina. It wasn't a typical relationship. The age thing must make people wonder about us. Still, I was immensely thankful for her. I didn't know how I would even survive without her. There was still so much I didn't know. When I woke up tomorrow would I even remember today? I couldn't stop thinking about it. Luckily all the work I had done that day quickly caught up to me and I drifted off to sleep.
I woke up to the next morning confused. Where was I? Had I lost my memory? Yes, I remembered that I had. I remembered being very confused the day before and Christina taking care of me. I was thankful I at least remembered the previous day. I left my room and found her in the kitchen with breakfast waiting for me. I couldn't help but smile as I saw her sitting there. When she asked about it I told her that I was smiling because I remembered who she was. It wasn't much, I explained, but at least I could remember the previous day, and at least I remembered the wonderful and very beautiful woman who took care of me. That comment earned a smile and a hug from her. She told me she was lucky to have me and gave me a long kiss. I returned the kiss and again felt electricity shooting up my spine. "Now I know what I saw in you", I joked. She laughed. When we finished she had me clean up the table while she went to shower. When I finished I went to shower as well. She was waiting for me when I stepped out. She told me to go ahead and get dressed because we had a full day of cleaning and home improvement ahead of us. We spent the morning rearranging and cleaning the living room. During lunch she informed me she had some errands to run. She repeatedly asked if I would be OK by myself. I assured her than I would. She asked me to vacuum the bedrooms and then invited me to relax until her return. During breakfast she had mentioned that she had been doing some of the housework that I normally did. She didn’t seem to be trying to get me to do it. She just mentioned that I was better at it. I took this opportunity to ask her what those things were. She told me I had earned some relaxation but I insisted I didn't want to shirk my work. She told me I usually cleaned the bathrooms, did the laundry, most of the housework by the sounds of it. She told me the bathrooms and sinks could use cleaning so that is what I did when I got done with the vacuuming. I was glad I had asked for more work. With no one to talk to I had more time to think, and the more I thought and tried to remember the more agitated I became. By the time I got done with the first bathroom I was a little bit upset and wishing Christina would hurry up and get back. When I got done with the second bathroom I was starting to get a little depressed at my lack of memory. Luckily Christina returned while I was cleaning the third bathroom. It was about 6:30 and she had brought back McDonalds. After I helped her get her bags from the car and put away the groceries we went to the living room and ate while watching TV. I think she could tell something was bothering me. She kept asking if I was OK. The third or forth time she asked I explained that I had just been stressing myself out in her absence (and that I was glad she was back). She apologized for leaving and told me that from then on she wouldn't leave unless I was going with her. I told her several times that wasn't necessary. She was already doing more for me than I could ever thank her for. That earned me yet another smile and a comment about my thoughtfulness. After a few minutes of talking she apparently had an idea.
"I know what will take your mind off of things", she said with a smile. I asked what she was talking about but she insisted that it was a surprise. She told me to go shower and meet her bedroom without putting any cloths back on. She said accessories were ok, pointing to my neckwear. That made me a little nervous but excited at the same time. I went ahead and showered. While I did I couldn't help but wonder what she had in mind. I certainly had an idea but I wasn’t sure if I was comfortable with it. I mean, did I do that? For some reason I was thinking that I should wait before doing any of the things she had in mind. She told me that we had a relationship though so we must have been together before. In the end I decided I certainly owed her for all she had done for me. It was the least I could do. Plus she had a point. I was sure it would be enjoyable and take my mind off of things. I made up my mind to do whatever she asked. After all, as helpless as I was...I was already pretty much in her hands, and I was thankful that I was. She had taken good care of me for the short part of my life I could remember. It seemed logical to trust her judgment.
Realizing that I had probably been in the shower too long I got out and toweled off and combed my hair. As I walked into her bedroom I was shaking. When I saw her laying on the bed naked I was once again instantly erect. She smiled when she saw that and motioned for me to come over to her. "Are you cold?", she asked. "You're shaking."
"No, I...I think...I'm not nervous...I'm just...I don't know what it is." I answered. She took my hand and guided me to lay atop her and gave me a kiss that seemed to last forever. I had to stop to breathe a couple times but she laid her hand on the back of my head and guided me back. I had never felt anything like this before. I inwardly laughed at that thought. I could only remember as far back as the day before. Still, it was like we were meant to be together. I had never felt so safe or so loved. After a few minutes she stopped to ask how I was feeling. After I told her I was feeling much, much more relaxed she smiled and guided my head down to her right breast. I hesitated. "You don't have to if you don't want to, Doug. I know you don't remember anything. For you it's almost like we just met and don't know each other at all. I don't want to pressure you." She said, stroking my hair.
"No, it's not that", I explained. "It is a little strange and seems new to me. I don't have my memory. Sometimes I don't know how to act. I don't know what our relationship was like before my accident. I don't know what I enjoy. I don't know what I'm good at or even if I'll be able to do my job when I go back. I don't even know what kind of person I am. The only thing I do know is that I am remarkably lucky to have you." An enormous smile appeared on her face and she started running her hands up and down my back. "I feel safe with you. I don't remember when I moved here or even know my way around, but already it feels like home. I don't know...I don't know what kind of relationship we had or if I have ever told you this but...I think I love you. I mean...I know I love you. I think I might be in love with you." Her smile couldn't have gotten any bigger. She just stared into my eyes. It almost looked like she was getting a little bit misty eyed. "I want you to know I appreciate everything you are doing for me. I want to make you happy. I just don't know...I don't know if I can do this. I feel like I've never done it before and I'm afraid..."
There were definitely tears in her eyes as she cut me off. "Doug. Thank you. For the record you are a funny, sweet, wonderful person. I love you too. You have no idea how lucky I am to have you. And please don't worry. I just enjoy being with you. And I'll guide you." With that she put her hands behind my head and lowered me back to her breast. I tentatively kissed around the edges while she patiently ran her hands through my hair and told me that I was doing well. I alternated between that and moving back up to look into her eyes and kiss her as deeply as I could. After a few minutes of this I grew a little bolder and I began running my hands up and down her sides as I kissed around her breasts. She returned the favor, running her hands up and around my sides and back. By this time she had started moaning slightly. Encouraged I ran my fingers around her other breast and between her legs while I kissed. She put her arms around me and squeezed my ass. Her moaning became a little deeper and she began moving - rubbing against me, squeezing her breast against my face. She put her hands behind my head again and guided me to the center of her breast. ?That is wonderful Doug. I love how you are taking your time, but I want you to get to it and take it in your mouth. Kiss it, suck it, lick it. You like my breasts, especially my nipples. You can’t get enough of them. You won’t hurt me, I promise, just enjoy yourself?. By this time her breast had pressed against my mouth. I shyly took her nipple into my mouth and kissed it. That few seconds was about as long as my tentativeness lasted. I took as much of her into my mouth as I could. As she started moaning loudly began sucking and licking with abandon. After what seemed like a very short time she arched her back and made the most wonderful sound I had ever heard as I began feeling wetness against me. She continued writhing for a few moments and her wetness smeared all over my belly. When she calmed down I looked up at her once again, not knowing what to say. She kissed me deeply, wrapping her arms around me. She didn’t let me go for what seemed like forever. When she did she told me that I had been wonderful, and how much she missed being with me, and how much she cared about me. She told me she had a surprise for me and told me to lay back and close my eyes. I complied and a second later I felt her fingers running over my lips. They felt wet. She parted my lips and her finger entered my mouth. I gladly took it and sucked on it. The taste was strange. I had never tasted anything like it and to be honest I wasn’t sure if I liked it. She must have seen it on my face because she asked me what was wrong. ?Don’t you like my taste??, she asked, rubbing my lips with a soaking wet finger. ?I?I just don’t remember ever tasting anything like it.? I replied. ?It’s a very?unique taste, but not bad. I’m just not used to it. I’m sure that I will learn to love it like I’m sure I used to?if for no other reason because it is your taste. I love you and I’m sure in no time I will love it because I associate it with you?. My eyes were still close but I it was almost like I could sense her smile. She told me to keep my eyes closed as she continued to feed me fingers covered in her juices. When she finished she told me to stay put as she had yet another surprise for me. A few minutes later I heard her enter and felt her lie down on the bed. I wondered if I could open my eyes, but kept them shut. A minute or so later I was told to open them. When I did and looked beside me I saw this beautiful woman laying back on the bed, still naked, but covered in chocolate and strawberry syrup, whipped cream, and a flavor or two I didn’t recognize. I had never seen anything so delicious. She smiled at me, ?What are you waiting for? Don’t you want dessert? Get to work?. I didn’t have to be asked twice. I kissed and licked every last inch of her body. Most of the substances just smeared around as I tried to devour her. It took quite a bit of work to get even a little portion of her clean, and in the process everything got smeared all over my body. We talked as I did this. It was mostly silly flirting?how much fun we were both having and how we should do this more often. I would periodically slide up her slick body to kiss her and give her a taste of what I was cleaning at the time. Every time I got a good portion of her clean she would reach over to her nightstand and reapply whatever suited her fancy. After what seemed like a short time I started getting tired, but I didn’t want to stop. I lost track of how many times she reached orgasm but it was at least three more times. Each time she told me to lick her clean. The tastes all blended together and by the time I was done cleaning her the first time I couldn’t wait to taste her again. Eventually after one of her orgasms she just laid there, appearing exhausted herself. She just laid there stroking my hair as I cleaned her once again. When I finished I slipped up her once again and looked into her eyes, expecting her to say something. When she didn’t speak up right away I couldn’t help but look down the length of her body. There wasn’t a clean spot on it, or on mine for that manner. We were both completely covered in delicious condiments. I looked back up at her once again. She must have gotten back some of her energy because she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me down to a laying position atop her and kissed me with the passion of an animal in heat. When she finished she looked into my eyes. ?I love you Doug. You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this. It seemed like forever. It has been lonely the past few weeks with you not knowing who I am.?
I beamed at her. I felt very vulnerable without my memory. It felt wonderful to see how much she really cared about me. She really did seem to love me. I was very lucky to have someone like her when I needed her the way I did right now. ?So I did OK??, I asked.
?You have no idea how unbelievable you were. I’ve never felt that way before?, she replied with a gleam in her eye that made me think she was being sincere. ?I’m glad?, I smiled. ?I?I really enjoyed it too.? Her grin made it clear that much was obvious. ?No, not just that?, I continued. ?I?I enjoy just seeing your smile like that. I don’t know why but you have no idea how happy it makes me. I am really glad I could make you happy and put that smile there.? She smiled at me again. Actually it looked like she might have gotten a little teary. She told me that she loved me once again and told me she wanted to return the favor for what I did for her. She asked if I was ready for that, and if I was ready to get a taste of what our relationship was really like. I of course did and told her as much. All I really wanted to do was get my life back to normal.
?Alright?, she said. ?Do you know what this is??, she asked touching the object around my neck. ?No, Actually I was wondering about that?, I answered. ?Is it some sort of jewelry??
She ran her fingers around it. ?This is a collar. Your collar, Doug.?
?What, like a dog collar??
?Well, sort of. It’s not a dog collar but I guess it serves a similar purpose. It’s really just a token. One that you wear to show that you belong to me.?
I was a little confused. ?So it’s like a ring? Why don’t you have one??
?Not exactly. A ring is just a symbol that people are in committed relationship. This is more than that. Do you remember what you said about wanting to make me happy? The collar is a symbol that you care so much about making me happy that you put yourself completely into my hands... That you make my happiness a priority in your life. You get your happiness by pleasing me?. I must have looked confused, but she continued. ?I know this must be a lot to take in. It probably seems strange to you without your memory. That’s why the collar is unlocked. Even though you’ve told me you want to be with me I just couldn’t bring myself to leave it that way with you in your present condition. You see, when it is locked you are saying that I, in effect, own you. When you let me lock it you truly do put yourself completely into my hands until we the time we agree it will be unlocked. It takes a great deal of trust and respect for each other to have that type of relationship.?
She wasn’t kidding when she said this was a lot to take in. The thought of giving someone that much power over me was terrifying. What had I gotten myself into? At the same time though, she had been very kind to me over the past few days. I didn’t know what I would have done without her. And she did seem to have my best interest at heart. I must have been silent for quite awhile because she continued. ?Don’t worry, Doug. I know it’s a lot to take in. I’m not asking you to make a decision now. I am just happy to be with you. You don’t have to do anything for me. I’ll take care of you no matter what. I’m just telling you how things were.? Thank you was all I could manage to say. ?Here, I still need to thank you for what you did for me. Do you trust me?? I nodded. For some reason I really felt like I could trust her. Besides, living with her with no memory I was already fairly helpless. If she wasn’t trustworthy she could have done whatever she wanted to me already. ?Good, then lay back and I’ll give you a taste of what it was like before you lost your memory. Just try to relax.? She leaned over and grabbed something from a drawer and then crawled over me. She pressed her still messy body against me. She grabbed my arm and guided it up above my head. I felt her fasten something around my wrist and looked up to see her fasten to other end to the bed. I felt a tingle move through my body and felt a brief moment of fear, but somehow I knew that I was safe with Christina. The thought of being restrained in her house began to excite me somewhat. That wasn’t exactly right. It was somewhat exciting but what was more it just felt?right. Somehow I just felt that she cared about me enough to want me to belong to her and only her. Were these feelings from our past relationship somehow coming to the surface? Did I really get them from the events of the past two days? Was I imagining them? I was brought back to reality by a kiss. Both of my arms and legs were now restrained. When the kiss ended I tried to wiggle around but could move very little. She proceeded to kiss down my chest, which was still messy from pressing against her. Every time she kissed or licked me I felt electricity shoot through me. She continued to kiss all over the front of my body. I felt like I was on about 10 pots of coffee. It was almost like feeling hyper but not quite. I was exhausted, but I felt like I would explode if I didn’t move around. I tried but my bonds wouldn’t let me. I could see her smiling when I strained against them. It was the most mischievous smile I could imagine. She looked happy and loving and mischievous all at the same time. I had noticed several times in just the past two days what a wonderful smile she had, but this really was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. When I saw this smile I knew beyond any doubt that I loved her. I wanted to do everything I could to see that smile as often as I could. I was brought back to earth once again when I felt her lips around my erection. The next thing I knew I had exploded into her mouth. I was completely lost in my pleasure so I honestly had no idea if it had taken minutes or seconds. All I knew is that I was truly spent. I felt like I couldn’t move if my life depended on it. I knew I should say something but I felt too tired to even figure out what to say. She saved me the trouble. ?So, did you enjoy that? How do you feel?? She asked.
?I think you know that I enjoyed that,? I replied. ?I feel absolutely exhausted.? I was silent for a second and she moved and ran her hands through my hair. ?Thank you.? I continued. ?I really did relax and forget about all my problems. I?I understand?I mean I can see now what I saw in you.? She chuckled at that. ?No, I don’t mean the sex. It was wonderful but that isn’t it. I really realized how much I care about you. It was your smile that did it. That was the smile I was meant to be with. I could just feel it. It was a very sincere smile. That was the smile of a very special person. I was genuinely happy to know that I helped put it there.? By this point she was smiling down at me once again. It was a very loving, gentle smile.
?Thank you, Doug. I can’t tell you how much that means to me. No one else has ever been near as good at making me smile.? I beamed at her. ?You are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me.? She was silent for a second and then continued. ?You are also a mess. I’d better untie you so we can get cleaned up and go to bed.?
She untied me and I got up. I noticed the clock as I did. It was 4am. It felt like hardly any time had passed. She took my hand and guided me to her bathroom. This one had a full bathtub with the shower. She turned on the water and got in, motioning for me to join her. When I entered I got another of her deep, loving, marathon kisses. She then proceeded to wash my body. I then returned the favor, doing all that I could to keep from paying undue attention to her breasts. Seeing them that close and soaking wet it was all I could do not to start kissing them once again. She must have sensed that because she smiled and told me there would be time for more of that later. When we finished showering I dried myself off and then reached over and finished drying her. She clearly appreciated the gesture. When I finished she declared it was time for bed. I started off down toward my bedroom when I heard her call me. ?No, not that way. You are sleeping with me tonight.? She said. She took my hand and guided me to her room. She laid down on the bed and guided me down atop her. She put her hands around my head and lowered them to her breasts. I laid there on her chest feeling very loved, very safe, and very content, very much like that was where I belonged. Within seconds I was asleep.
I woke up the next morning in an empty bed feeling well rested but exhausted. I couldn’t motivate myself to move and just laid there. A few minutes later Christina entered. ?I was beginning to think you were going to sleep all day.?
?I feel like I could. I don’t think I’ve ever slept better but I am just exhausted.?
?I guess you enjoyed yourself then??, she asked. The look on my face told her all she needed to know. ?Good. I’ve missed that. I can’t get enough of you. It’s been hard to keep my hands off you while you recovered. It was good to have it like we used to for a night. I was really hoping you would enjoy yourself and that it wouldn’t be weird or scare you off. I really don’t want to rush you. If you want to slow down all you have to do is say the word.?
?No?, I answered. ?It was wonderful. You were wonderful. I want to get back to normal as soon as possible. I don’t know what all that entails so you’ll have to guide me, but if I could handle something before then I should be able to now. Some things might take some adjusting to but I’m willing to work at it.? I got a rather mischievous grin to that last statement. ?You have been wonderful. I want to return the favor but there is nothing I can really do to make it up to you. The least I can do is hurry up and take some of that burden off of you.?
?Doug, taking care of you hasn’t been any burden at all. I have enjoyed it. Even before you had your accident I took care of you. That’s what you do for people you care about. I’m glad you are handling all this so well. I can’t wait to get everything back to the way it should be. We will work on that but I do think it’s best not to do it all at once. We’ll just take it day by day and work toward where we want to be, ok??
I nodded, ?Whatever you think is best. Just let me know what I need to do.?
?Alright?, she replied. ?we will start right now. The first think you need to understand is that I love you. I would never do anything to hurt you. I would never let you do anything to hurt youself or let anyone else hurt you either. We need to trust each other. There are two reasons for this. You will need to trust me as we go through this process, and our old relationship was one based on trust.? I explained that despite my memory less I trusted her completely. I had already seen enough to know she cared about me and I really was already vulnerable because of the accident. She had proven trustworthy this far. ?Good,? she continued. ?here is you lesson for today. You need to obey me at all times. I won’t be a bitch and boss you around 24 hours a day. If I tell you to do something it is because I know that it is best for you. You may not always understand my reasons, which is why you will have to trust me. I expect you to obey promptly. If you want to understand my reasoning you can ask, but only after you have obeyed. I may not hold you to that while we’re working to get you back to normal. I know you’ll be confused at times. That is what we are working toward though.? I briefly wondered what I had gotten myself into but the feeling passed quickly. It probably was for the best, especially with me having no memory. I did trust her and want to make her happy. I obviously had done this before. I felt at easy quickly but she must have noticed my hesitation. ?We can go as slow as you want to. If you need more time to recover and don’t want to do this you don’t have to.?
?No, now is as good of time as any to start. I know some things might be hard but most things worth doing are. I don’t think this part will hard though. I’m ready.?
She smiled. ?Good. You always were a hard worker. I think this will be easy for you as well. You’ve already been doing a good job of obeying me without knowing it the past few days. Plus, you really have always been very indecisive and you seem to enjoy having someone else make some of your decisions for you.? For some reason I knew that was true. ?I may not have ? orders for lack of a better term? for you every day. Since we’re working on this today though I’ll try to come up with at least a few for you. To start, go shower, get dressed, and meet me downstairs. I did as she asked. I didn’t even realize that was an order until halfway through my shower. When I met her downstairs she handed me a list. ?There is a grocery store just a couple blocks away. Just go up the street to the intersection and turn left. You can’t miss it. I want you get everything on this list, nothing else. Also, be precise. If it says generic get generic. If it says Kraft don’t get another brand. Don’t bother the staff. If you can’t find something keep looking until you do, and check yourself out at those little stations. Pay with cash. Do you understand?? With that she handed me the list and what had to be my wallet. I nodded and headed out the door.
It was a beautiful summer day. It was probably 80 degrees or so but not humid. The walk to the store took about 20 minutes. I spent the time thinking about my life. I didn’t know what my life had been like before but I longed to get my old life back. I started to wonder what unfortunate event had happened to me, and why. She had only vaguely mentioned an accident and I had just accepted it. I began to wonder what it was. I began to wonder why it had to happen to me. A few minutes into my walk I realized I was feeling sorry for myself. Annoyed, I resolved to stop. I should ask what happened but it really didn’t matter. Whatever happened was in the past. I couldn’t go back in time and change it, so I might as well focus on making the best of it. I really couldn’t complain. At least I wasn’t facing it alone. Living with someone at my age seemed strange but fortunate. Having someone who clearly cared about me, took good care of me, and was so patient with me was all I could really ask for now, and I had it. I promised myself I wouldn’t start whining and feeling sorry for myself again and would focus on getting back to normal. Just as I had that thought I realized the store was in sight. I walked in, got a cart, and begin to look for the items on the list. I immediately found most of them but had some trouble with three others. Remembered my instructions not to bother anyone I went to one end of the store and starting going up and down each isle. It took awhile but eventually I made it down every isle. I had only found two of the items though. I still needed to find Barkeeper's Friend. I was surprised to find I knew what it was. I knew it was a cleaning supply, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. I scoured the cleaning isle, and the one with mainly laundry and bathroom supplies. I took another lap around the store and came back to them once again. I must have stood there staring, hoping it would appear for awhile because two different store employees asked me if I needed help, one of them twice. Remembering my instructions I said I was fine, but they clearly didn’t believe me. After the second time I got the feeling they was watching me. Eventually I realized I had to make a decision. She told me to get everything on the list, but it clearly wasn’t here. I wondered if she knew it wasn’t here and was testing me. I didn’t know what she would want me to do. Should I get a similar product? Should I come back without it? I can’t ask to make sure it isn’t here. Actually, I realized that wasn’t true. She just told me not to bother the employees. I decided to ask a customer. After the forth of fifth one I decided that wasn’t going to get me anywhere, but eventually I found a woman that could tell me that they didn’t carry it, but that there was another store that did. When I asked I found out that it was about a mile away. I got the instructions and then had to decide if I wanted to go ahead and check out and carry all my bags into the other store, or if I should come back. None of my items needed to be refrigerated and most were small so I could probably get away with only two or three bags. I decided to go ahead and do that. If I left my cart here they would probably put the items away. It did take time to find them. I had already been gone quite awhile. A mile walk and then a mile back wouldn’t be quick either. She was probably already wondering where I was. Suddenly I realized I had seen her last name on a piece of mail. I could call her on the pay phone on the way out of the store. I checked myself out and went out to use a pay phone. I found her in the phone book, and after getting a drink to get more change, called her. There was no answer but the machine message confirmed I had the right house. I decided to leave a message telling her that I was OK?just having some trouble finding the things on her list. Then I continued on my way. It was getting warm. I was sweating but about an hour later I was on my way back. When I finally arrived home I found that Christina was home. I found her making herself some dinner. She smiled when she saw me. ?I’m sorry, I was working in the yard when you called. To be honest though I wouldn’t have answered anyway. I knew you wouldn’t find everything at the store. I wanted to see how you reacted.?
?Sorry, I wasted a lot of time looking around. When I couldn’t find it I didn’t know what to do. I did eventually find everything but I had to go to another store. I had to check out with a cashier at the other store. They didn’t have those self scan things. You told me to make sure I got everything so I figured that took precedence. Besides, you made it sound like I shouldn’t bother anyone at the grocery store, and that’s not where I found it. I would have used them had they been there. I just figured it would still be better than coming back without your things.?
?How did you know to find it there??, she asked. Looking rather curious.
?I’m sorry. Eventually I had to ask. I didn’t ask an employee though. I asked another customer. Well?actually several, but eventually someone was able to tell me where to find them. I’m sorry, I tried to avoid that but you didn’t tell me not to talk to anyone?
She smiled. ?No, you did well. Much better than I expected actually. That’s why I like you so much, Doug. You thought on your feet. That was smart. I didn’t consider that. I thought you’d either come home without it or ask an employee and then come back without it. I wouldn’t have been mad or disappointed. I mean, I gave you an impossible task, or so I thought. I just wanted to see what your thought process was. It was quite awhile before you called. You must have been looking quite awhile to find it. When you couldn’t you decided to call and ask me what to do. I like that. You also used your head and went to great lengths to follow my instructions. That’s all I can ask. You kept my wishes first in your mind and did you best to make me happy. I’m very pleased with you. You did very well.? With that she gave me a very enthusiastic kiss. I must have been tired from the walk because I wanted to collapse. When she broke it off she continued, ?Undress please.?.
I looked at her quizzically. I must have stood there a few seconds trying to decide what to ask but then I remembered her instructions to always obey and started to undress. I looked at her when I got down to my boxers. ?Those too?, she said. I folded everything and put it on the floor. Between the kiss and being told to disrobe I was quite erect and once again very embarrassed. She must have known what I was thinking because she smiled at me and told me she was glad I wasn’t bored with her yet. She went on to explain that she was about to eat and wanted me to exercise for her while she did. She explained she was going to design a work out routine to keep me in shape. She went ahead and gave me a print out of some exercises to start on and instructed me to go get some free weights. I did and then proceeded to do them while she ate and watched me. I was rather tired from carrying the bags for so long so it was somewhat painful but I managed to keep them up until she finished, although I had to cycle through and do more than one set of each exercise. By the time I was done I was so hungry my stomach was protesting noticeably. When she got up from eating and allowed me to stop I helped her wash the dishes. I wanted to tell her that I was hungry or ask her if I could eat something but for some reason it didn’t seem right. I had the feeling she knew I was hungry and if she wanted me to eat she would say so. Once the dishes were finished she said she wanted to watch some TV. She instructed me to go shower and then wait for her in her bedroom. I wanted to protest and ask for some food but the look on her face said she knew what I was thinking. Maybe this was part of her lesson for me. Not wanting to disappoint her I went up without protest.
When I got out of the shower and dried off I walked over to her bedroom. I saw a sheet of paper lying on the bed and went over to read it. It said that I was to handcuff both of my feet and one of my hands to the bed. I found the handcuffs where it said they were (the key must have been elsewhere). It took me a minute but I did as she instructed. After that I laid there and waited. I tried to listen to the TV but could barely hear it. After about an hour exhaustion must have caught up to me because I was just barely keeping my eyes open. About twenty minutes after that I heard her coming up the stairs. When she entered she was only wearing her underwear and was carrying a plate of food.
?You didn’t think I’d let you starve did you??, she asked as she set the tray next to my head.
?I didn’t think you forgot I hadn’t eaten. I was beginning to think you didn’t want me to.? I replied.
?No, I just wanted to see if you would trust me when I told you not to. As it was I didn’t even have to tell you. I guess you could tell I wanted you to wait.?
?Well, my stomach was rather noisy and I know you heard it. I figured you wanted me not to for some reason?.
?Yes, I did?, she replied as she laid down on top of me. ?I wanted to see if you trusted me. It’s good to see that you do. I told you before?I will take good care of you. Now just lay there and relax.? With that she handcuffed my other hand and proceeded to feed me various fruits, crackers with meats and cheeses, even some cake. There was even wine to wash it down. That was somewhat more difficult and occasionally spilled. Each time it did she would lick it off before it got onto the sheets. A few times she kissed me just to get a taste of what I was eating at the time. After getting some food in me I got some of my energy back. After she finished she stayed on top of me and we spent about another hour and a half talking. It wasn’t anything particularly deep or meaningful. It was really just silly everyday things but I couldn’t help but enjoy it. It helped me get to know her again. Eventually she released me from my bonds and let me use the restroom while she did the same. When I came back she had me join her in bed. I cuddled up to her and was asleep in seconds.
The next day I awoke to the unmistakable smell of bacon and eggs. I wandered downstairs and into the kitchen to find Christina just finishing up a wonderful breakfast. ?Good morning?, she said with a smile. ?I was starting to think you were going to have to eat it cold.?
?That smells wonderful?, I replied. ?there is no way I could sleep through that?.
?Oh, trust me?I could tire you out enough you would sleep through anything.? She grinned. I couldn’t disagree with that. While we ate she explained that it was time for me to get out of the house. She had some errands to run and I was going to come with her. She planned to make a day of it. When I got out of the shower I found cloths waiting for me and put them on. They were probably what you would call business casual. If it would have been up to me I probably would have stuck with jeans and a T-shirt but these certainly looked better. When I walked out of the bathroom she told me I looked nice. She also handed me my wallet, explaining that I would need it. It felt strange leaving with only a wallet and no keys. I really couldn’t imagine why someone would go anywhere without them. I had her to drive me and let me back into the house when we were done so I didn’t really need them, but it still felt strange. We got into what she explained was her car. It was a nice looking sedan. My car was apparently a small Toyota and was parked next to it. When we pulled out she explained that she needed a new outfit and the store she got all her cloths from was in a town about 45 minutes away. That was a surprise but a road trip sounded fun. As it turned out it was nice to have the extra time in the car with her. We spent the time talking about everything and nothing...everything from serious issues to super heroes and music.
Our first stop was a large mall. We went down to a department store. She informed me that I needed new cloths. She asked if I had any preferences and I honestly didn’t. I had no idea what was fashionable or would look good on me. She gave me on odd grin in response and picked out several pants and shirts for me. She had me go to the changing rooms and try them on. I wasn’t just trying them on for size. After each one she had me come out of the changing room and show her how it looked. I felt like a 7 yr old shopping with his mother. I did get a few looks from other people changing but they didn’t seem overly critical. They probably knew I needed fashion help. Despite it seeming strange I was certainly grateful for it. After my initial show she went and found me more things to try on. She did that two more times until eventually I had four pairs of pants and five shirts. She had me put them on my credit card. We then proceeded to a store where she bought her cloths. I pretty much stood there and waited the 45 minutes it took her to find something she liked. After that it was about time for lunch. We went out to the food court and got something to eat (which was her treat). We took our time eating, enjoying more of each others conversation. After that we went to a movie. It was a romantic comedy, not something I particularly wanted to see, but it made her happy. It turned out not to be all that bad. She leaned over and kissed me on 3 or 4 occasions and held my hand so it did have it’s benefits. During one of those kisses she commented that it was a good thing it was dark. ?You probably wouldn’t want to be seen kissing an old woman like me?, she said. I honestly hadn’t even thought about it and told her as much. She seemed to believe me but for some reason that comment continued to really bother me. Why would I be ashamed to be seen kissing this remarkable woman who was clearly too good for me? She was beautiful, and classy, and really didn’t look a day over 30. She probably could have passed for 27 or 28. It was true I probably looked 16, so people might wonder, but who cares? I was damn lucky and knew it. I told her that as we were leaving. That earned me a big smile. I was tempted to kiss her right there in the busy theater but was too shy. I hesitantly asked her if it would be ok if I did. To answer she leaned over and kissed me gently on the lips. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her as passionately as I could. When I stopped we had probably two dozen people staring at us. She didn’t seem the least bit embarrassed. I was, but not to be seen with her, just to have all those people looking at me. She put her arm in mine and we proceeded to leave, which is just as well because by the look of guy at the counter we about to be asked to. I guess I did go a little overboard. When we got into the car she leaned over and kissed me again. ?Thank you Doug, that really meant a lot to me.? She said. ?I’m glad you aren’t ashamed of me. You are a wonderful guy. I just couldn’t resist you, even though I knew it probably wouldn’t last. Eventually you’ll want someone your own age, but you have been the best relationship I’ve ever had. I’m thankful for whatever time I have with you.?.
I was taken aback by her words. ?How on earth could I be ashamed of you??, I replied. ?You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. You are kind, sweet, funny, and intelligent. I ? I love you Christina. I really do. You’ve been wonderful through all this. I don’t know how I would get through this on my own. I can’t imagine what my life would be life if I hadn’t found you, but I know it wouldn’t be half of what it is now. I adore you. I hope you know that. Being with you just seems?right. I don’t ever want to lose you. I don’t want someone my own age. I want you. I just want to make you happy. I would like to have kids someday. I’d gladly have them with you. I really would. Long term I’m probably not what you’re looking for, and I understand if you don’t want a family.? I had no idea where these words were coming from, but they kept coming. I hoped they weren’t scaring her. I knew they were scaring me, but I couldn’t stop. I wanted her to know how I felt. ?If you didn’t want kids but wanted me I would probably still be happier with you than I could ever be with anyone else. I might do that. I don’t know. All I can say is that I think that I am yours for as long as you’ll have me.? Her smile, which had been growing throughout my little speech about exploded at that point. ?If I end up needed someone my own age then I do, but I’ll always be thankful for all the time I spent with you. Whatever happens you’ll always be important to me. In any case I don’t need to worry about any of that now. I’m young. I can put it off a few years. I don’t see myself getting tired of you. I don’t see myself being able to leave you, so if it’s time for me to move on you let me know. I can’t believe I’m saying this. I feel like I should shut up but can’t. I don’t remember what we were like before. I hope you don’t think I’m crazy. I hope I’m not annoying you or being clingy or anything. I just want you to know that I love you and I don’t care who all knows, that I’d gladly spend the rest of my life with you.?
She reached out and took my hand. ?Doug, I love you too. I’d love nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you. You are what I want. I’m not sure if I want kids at this point in my life but I might at some point. If they’re important to you we can talk about it. I’d just like to enjoy being with you for now though.?
?I would too, I’m just enjoying the moment right now?, I interrupted.
She smiled again and kissed me before continuing. ?I can’t believe you said that either. We always enjoyed being together but you were always afraid of any kind of commitment. You were always free to leave if you didn’t like something. I kept trying to get you to commit to submitting to me for a month or so but you were always to nervous. I didn’t mind, because you have submitted to me for 6 months now so it’s kind of moot, but I always longed for a commitment.?
?I don’t enjoy anything more than making you happy?seeing you smile?, I replied. ?I think I’m ready for that now. I’ll agree right now.?
?I’d love to take you up on that, but I’m still not sure you are ready. I don’t want to take advantage of you. I want you to have at least some idea what you are in for. You’re wonderful so I’m sure it’s a moot point, but if you submit you must obey me. I can punish you if you don’t. You’ve let me a time or two in the past but you didn’t like it. I don’t enjoy it either. You’re the greatest guy I’ve ever known, but I want you to be everything you can be. Sometimes that means I have to correct you so you don’t continue doing things that you shouldn’t. It’s almost like being a parent being responsible for someone like that, having that power over them.?
?I think I understand. I said. ?You are wiser than I am and I know I have bad habits. I want to be everything I can too. I want to be the guy you deserve. I’ll do my best to obey you. I think I can accept correction if I don’t.?
?That is wonderful Doug, but you don’t remember what that’s like. How about this. Tomorrow I’ll show you what it’s like to be punished. You don’t deserve it. You’ve been the most wonderful friend and lover anyone has ever had. I hate to do it, but I want you to know what will happen before you agree to anything and I doubt you’ll give me a reason to punish you any time soon.?
We agreed that is what we would do. On the way home she told me several times that it would be unpleasant. I could tell she was trying to get me ready for whatever was coming and to be honest it made me nervous. I was scared, but I had already told her that I would accept it and I certainly understood the need to know what I was agreeing to before I committed to be hers. We just sat back and relaxed that night. She told me that tomorrow she would act like I really did do something really bad so that I would get the real picture of what correction would be like. I think she could tell I was scared because she kept telling me that no matter what she said the next day she wanted me to know that she loved me. About 11 that night we went to bed, again with me cuddled up to her.
I awoke alone the next morning. After lying in bed for a few minutes I decided to get up. I never wore more than my boxers to bed when sleeping with Christina and it was cold that morning. I needed to put something on and decided to take a hot shower and get dressed. I went down to my bathroom and removed my boxers. I was using the restroom when I heard the door open.
?What do you think you are doing?? I heard Christina ask.
?I was just about to take a shower and needed to pee first?, I replied.
I’d never seen her look angry before, but she did now. ?Let’s get one thing straight. You have displeased me. I am generally very lenient with you. That is the type of relationship I want to have. I would hope that you appreciate that. Since you have apparently forgotten how good you have it and chosen to disobey me I guess you need to be reminded that all of those things you enjoy are privileges and not rights. Until I think you have learned your lesson you will not pee without my permission. You will not eat without my permission. You will not sleep without permission. You will not wear cloths without permission. You will not leave any room while I am in it without my permission. You will always refer to me as Maam or Mistress. If I ask you a question you will answer quickly and completely. You will however not speak unless I am asking you a question or have given you permission. Do you understand?? I was very confused at this point. This isn’t what I pictured when she said I would be punished. I figured it might be a spanking or something else kinky and maybe somewhat painful, but this was certainly a surprise. It is a good thing she warned me about it or I would have freaked out. As it was I was somewhat nervous but determined to make the best of it. All I had to do was get through it. Then hopefully she would know I really cared about her. I may not be able to tell her how I feel but maybe this would show her. After all, would someone put up with this from someone if they didn’t care about them an awful lot? After this I felt like I would know what our relationship really used to be like and could get back to normal. Then I could be with her. I nodded in answer to her question but resolved that when this was over to be sure to ask her what I would have to do to be punished like this. I hadn’t really even started the punishment but I already knew it wasn’t something I wanted to experience again. ?You can speak to answer?, she responded.
The way she was looking at me I couldn’t help but lower my gaze to the floor. ?Yes, I understand.?, I said.
?What did I just say??, she asked me, looking very severe. That I could talk to answer, I thought to myself, but I knew that was the wrong answer. I thought back through everything she said. As surprised as I was it was difficult. After what seemed like forever I remembered. ?I understand, Maam.?
?Good?, she continued. ?Maybe you aren’t hopeless after all.? Calling her maam didn’t bother me. It actually felt natural. I must have been polite and rather old fashioned because I had a feeling I always said sir and maam. Her comment however did hurt me. In a way it made me feel better because apparently I had done the right thing. On the other hand it implied she wasn’t pleased with me. I knew this was just a game, for lack of a better term, but that still bothered me. While I was lost in thought she apparently had pulled a collar out of somewhere, because the next thing I noticed was a steel collar being put around my neck and then locked. She then attached a leash to it and led me downstairs. She had me cook her breakfast. Being completely naked, the hot grease made me a little nervous but I managed not to burn anything vital. When I was done she had me do my exercises once again while she ate. When she was done I did the dishes while she went and showered. Since there was only her breakfast dishes I finished quickly. Not knowing what to do next I went ahead and cleaned the sink while I waited. Just before I finished she came back downstairs. I turned around when I heard her and was stunned. She was dressed in some sort of lingerie that pushed her ample breasts up so that they spilled out over the top of it. It really didn’t remotely cover her ass either. Other than that all she had on were stockings and high heeled shoes. I was so taken aback by this absolute vision of sexuality that I couldn’t even speak, which was just as well since in my stupor I had forgotten I wasn’t allowed to. ?That’s a good boy?, she said. ?I appreciate you taking the initiative and doing that while you waited for me. If you were like that more often maybe you wouldn’t be in this mess. Now, I think it’s time to begin your punishment.? I didn’t understand. I thought we had started it. I thought I was well on my way to being done with it. Suddenly I realized that when she said ‘tomorrow’ she might have meant all of tomorrow. ?This morning you went to the restroom without my permission and failed to address me properly. I think we’ll deal with the first indiscretion first. I want you to go clean all of the bathrooms. Be thorough. When you are finished I will be in my bedroom reading. Let me know as soon as you’re done, ok pet??
?Yes maam?, I replied. I wanted to say more. I just wanted to talk to her. I assumed it was safe to say more as long as it was while I was answering a question. I wanted to at least ask for clarification of what I was supposed to do. I knew what to do however and nothing came to me before she removed the leash and left the room. I did as she asked. She had two full bathrooms and one with a shower. It was kind of gross cleaning the toilets without cloths on but she told me to be thorough so I assumed that meant cleaning everything. I cleaned all the sinks, tubs (and the shower), toilets, and the mirrors. When I was done I found a mop and bucket and cleaned the floors. It must have taken me close to two hours. When I was done I went and informed her. She then reattached my leash and took me with her as she inspected all the bathrooms. She seemed to be happy with my work, which was good since I don’t think I could have done any more. When she was done with the inspection she complimented me. That made me feel wonderful inside once again. That struck me as strange. It wasn’t strange for me to be thankful for her praise. I had been experiencing that for days. It was strange that I could be made to feel so good by this woman who was being less than kind at the moment. I understood why she was but it seemed weird that I couldn’t help but glow at the smallest compliments from her, even while I was being punished. I was on a leash; cleaning bathrooms naked?I shouldn’t be happy should I? All I could think of was that despite getting caught up in the moment the day before I must not have been lying when I said that there was nothing I enjoyed more than making her happy. I must if silly comments like that made me feel so good under my present circumstances. Her voice brought me back to reality. ?I was going to tell you to get cleaned up now but since the floors are wet I guess you will have to wait.?
?I’m sorry maam. You said to be thorough. They seemed to have dust and hair on them so I thought you would want them cleaned to?, I replied.
?I didn’t think of that but you are correct. They did need it. You did well. You’ll just have to wait until they dry to shower is all?, she said. A smile during punishment seemed inappropriate so I settled for a ‘thank you maam’. Inside however I was ecstatic. ?Since you went above and beyond the call of duty I guess you have earned yourself some food.? It was 1 pm by this time and I was starving. I thanked her again. She led me into the kitchen by the leash. When I got there she got out what appeared to be a dog dish, put it on the floor, and poured some cereal in it. She then added milk. ?Stay here pet. Don’t move. I’ll be right back?. I stood there looking at the bowel. This was the second time she called me pet. I wasn’t sure if it bothered me or not. It seemed like it should, but she didn’t say it with malice. It seemed affectionate actually. With a bowl in front of me I wondered if she meant it literally. Perhaps this was a metaphor. Maybe she thought I had acted like one and needed to be treated like one? That I needed trained? Maybe she just thought this would be an interesting punishment. There was no way for me to know. Either way I couldn’t bring myself to dislike the term, or even the punishment for that matter. It was creative; I had to give her that. She returned a minute later with a pair of handcuffs, which she used to cuff my hands behind my back. ?That’s better.?, she said. ?Now, help yourself. This will probably be the only food you get today, so don’t waste it. The floor will probably be dry in half an hour. I don’t want to see any left when you are finished.? She watched me kneel down and start struggling to eat before leaving the room. It was awkward to say the least. At first I tried to skim the top of the bowel but quickly figured out it was getting me nowhere. I really had no choice but to dive right in, almost like bobbing for apples. I stuck my head in and drank some of the milk to make it easier to get at the cereal. I got milk and food all over my face. I felt strange but I couldn’t clean it off. Brushing my head against the side of the bowel was more trouble that it was worth. I was full and a little tired half way through, but remembering her words I continued to eat and drink. When Christina came back after what I have to assume was half an hour I had my head buried in the bowel trying to lick it clean. I looked up just in time to see a Polaroid camera taking my picture. She then looked at the bowel. ?You did better than I thought you would. You certainly showed the effort I expect from you. You may now go use your bathroom.?
?Thank you maam?, I said as I walked off. While I was showering I wondered what the picture was for. What was more I wondered what I had looked like. I must have looked ridiculous. When I was done I used the restroom once again, combed my a hair and put on deodorant. I then went off to find Christina. I found her in her room reading once again. I cleared my throat to get her attention. When she looked up I thought I almost saw a smile. ?You can speak to tell me you are done?, she told me. ?You have done well following my instructions. You can speak for more than just questions now. Just don’t take advantage of it. I still don’t want you speaking freely, but if there is something you feel there is a reason for you to say, you may.?
?Thank you, maam?, I answered as she reattached my leash.
?Now? she continued, ?let’s see about your punishment for not addressing me properly. I know it was a minor offence and that it was unintentional but you didn’t follow my instruction so there has to be some sort of punishment. Come over here?, she said as she tugged gently on the leash. She sat on the bed and let me over to her. She put her arm around me and laid me flat on the bed across her lap. My penis, which had been erect almost nonstop since she put on her outfit, was mostly laying across her thigh. ?Now. I am going to give you a spanking. Sometimes physical punishment is the best way to help someone remember a lesson. I don’t have to do this to you often, but I have before. Since this was a minor offence I’ll only give you fifteen. I want you to count them for me. Do you understand??
?Yes maam. I understand.?, I replied. I had just finished the statement when the first blow hit me. It stung, but it wasn’t too bad. ?One?, I said after a moment delay. The second was slightly harder. ?Two?. They continued to get harder and closer together as they went on. ?Three.? ?Four.? ?Five.? I started to flinch when they came down. ?Six.? ?Seven? ?Eight? ?Nine.? As strange as it sounded I might have almost enjoyed the first few, but I certainly wasn’t enjoying them now. ?Ten.? ?Eleven.? I started to squirm, which had the effect of rubbing my penis against her. I just hoped I didn’t flinch too much and hurt myself. ?Twelve?Thirteen?Fourteen?Fifteen?. Finally I was finished. It still stung. She sat me back up. That didn’t help the stinging.
?That was good, pet.?, she said. I glowed inside. I was starting to really enjoy that term. It was certainly an affectionate one. ?I know you aren’t used to that. Are you OK??
?Yes maam. I am fine. Thank you.?. I spotted another smile that it looked like she couldn’t quite suppress.
?Thank you for asking, or thank you for the spanking?? she asked.
I didn’t know what to say. ?For asking is what I was thinking. I realize you are just trying to make me a better person though so thank you for the spanking too I guess?, I replied. She smiled again. If I didn’t love her for any other reason I would have loved her for that smile.
She gently ran her hands through my hair. ?You are a good pet. Everyone needs correction once in awhile but you are thoughtful. You always try your best. I am lucky to have you. I wish I didn’t have to continue punishing you but we haven’t even gotten to your punishment for the original indiscretion yet. Sometimes we have to correct the ones we love. You don’t correct people you don’t know well or that won’t react well to it. You correct the ones you care about and know want to be a better person?.
I thought I couldn’t be happier when she said that I was a good pet. When she said she was lucky to have me I was sure. I might have been wrong again though. She implied that she cared about me?loved me even, didn’t she? Suddenly everything seemed right with the world. ?Thank you maam. I understand. I do want to be a better person and I am grateful for your correction. I don’t know what I would do without you. I really do love you.?
She smiled and gave me a short kiss. ?Thank you pet, that means a lot. I hope you feel the same way when your punishment is complete. Now, if you don’t mind. I have a movie I want to watch. Obviously you are not allowed to.? She led me by the leash into her walk in closet. When I got there she handcuffed my hands and feet. She told me to stay there and not come out. ?I just want you to take some time and think about what you’ve done?, she said with a wink. Apparently she wasn’t taking this punishment as seriously as she had seemed at first. I was grateful for that. I had almost forgotten that this was just an act so I wouldn’t have known what to think about. Since I had no transgression to think about I thought about how much I cared for her and my desire to please her. I still didn’t pretend to understand it. I knew I had gotten carried away the previous day. I knew I had been with her before my accident but to me I had only known her for a few days. Could I really honestly tell her that I loved her? I thought about that for awhile and decided I could. It wasn’t something I could explain but somehow I knew she was every bit as wonderful as she seemed. If anything she was probably better than she seemed. I mean, so far I had cared for her and adored her more every day. I hadn’t reached the end of it yet. Despite having no memory I felt like I was getting close to back to normal?to what our relationship had been like before. Someone I didn’t think I understood how deep and meaningful our relationship could be though. I felt like there was still more room to grow. I also felt like there was more to know and understand about her, and I couldn’t wait to get to know her better and see where this would go. My thoughts were interrupted at that point. I suddenly realized that I really needed to use the restroom. It must have been all the milk I drank. Oh well, there was nothing I could do about it. She told me not to leave. I drifted back to my thoughts to distract me from my full bladder. I guess if everything I had just been thinking was true then most of what I said had been OK despite my getting a little bit too into the moment. What about the rest of it though? I might be ready to give her the month commitment she wanted. I had been with her longer than that anyway and apparently enjoyed it. Telling her that I would marry her though? What was I thinking? I was lucky I didn’t scare her off. I couldn’t possibly do that could I? I did love her, and wasn’t the least bit ashamed of her, but that would bring up several issues even besides kids. What would my family think? I didn’t remember them but I’m not sure I would have understood if it was someone else in this relationship?if I hadn’t been the one who had realized the perfect woman for them just happened to be from a different generation. I thought about that for a bit, and came to a realization. I wanted Christina. I wanted her like I had never wanted anything in my life. Although I wasn't sure if our relationship could work long-term, I realized I couldn't picture myself with anyone else. And of course every relationship takes work. I knew that. No one gets handed a fairytale. The people who have those worked for them, whether they realized it or not. I’m sure family and friends would learn to deal with my relationship. If they didn’t?well?maybe I needed her more than I needed them.
By this point I felt like I was going to explode. I curled up in a fetal position to take some pressure off my bladder and started thinking once again?hoping her movie was almost over. One of my realizations was that I didn’t need Christina after all. Sure I would miss her, but I could still be content with my life. I would find someone else eventually in any case. Not needing her didn’t make me want her any less though. If anything it made me want her more. It just seemed to make it more meaningful. I knew that I wanted her. I knew that she would have her quirks and annoying habits, but she was a fascinating woman. She was the one I was blessed to meet and get to know. We had been through things together?if nothing else my accident. I wanted to be with her not because I needed her, but because I chose to. I wanted this relationship to work out.
No sooner had I had that though when Christina entered the room. ?Were you sleeping??, she asked.
?No maam. I wasn’t. I’m sorry. I was trying to control my bladder. That was a lot of milk. I desperately need to use the restroom.?
She started to uncuff me. ?Well thank you for not peeing on my carpet. You can go use the restroom right after you tell me what you were thinking about.? I was a bit annoyed by that. I thought I was going to die before I made it to the restroom but it seemed like a somewhat reasonable request. After sitting here for what seemed like forever what was another minute or two. After all, this was a punishment.
?Well?I don’t know if I can say this?I mean I don’t know if I am supposed to be in character but since I don’t know what this made me indiscretion was I thought about how much I cared for you and wanted to make you happy.? She understood my dilemma. She said it was Ok if I was thinking about cars or TV or anything else under the circumstances. Actually she seemed quite pleased by my choice of thoughts. Apparently she just wanted to know what my thoughts were. I gave her the short version. I tried to explain it to her, but I knew my words wouldn’t do justice to my thoughts. I basically told her that I didn’t understand my feelings for her yet, but that I did feel like I loved her. I told her that I felt like our relationship had the potential to continue to grow. That I wanted to see where it would go and was willing to put in the effort to make it work so I could find out.
She couldn’t contain her smile this time. ?You really are a wonderful pet.?, she said while caressing my cheek. ?I am very happy to hear that. I certainly hope our relationship continues to grow. We can talk about that tomorrow though. For now I have to continue showing you what it means to be punished.?
?I understand, Maam. I am ready?. I wasn’t sure if that last part was true but I said it anyway. She took my leash and led me to the basement. When we got there she positioned me below a beam and put me in some sort of wrist restraints that were in turn attached to the beam. My hands were extended as high above me as they could go. There was no way I could sit down. I could only lower myself few inches. When she was satisfied I couldn’t move she started dancing for me. Every so often she would come up and rub herself against me. I had been erect half the day but it still seemed to be going strong. I had a feeling I would be that way for hours after seeing her like this. She eventually started running her hands up and down my body. She touched every part of my body other than my penis, which by this point felt like exploding. She then started rubbing her breasts against me. It was all too much for me. I couldn’t even stand and just hung there by my restraints. She continued teasing me for another twenty minutes. I desperately wanted to touch her, to kiss her. I tried to lean into her but obviously to no avail. Eventually the teasing stopped. I was standing once again but my legs felt shaky. ?Bad boys who can’t behave don’t deserve to touch me. Hopefully that will be enough to encourage you not to disobey me again. If not, then perhaps this will?, she said. She walked across the room and pulled what looked like a somewhat less flexible whip out of somewhere. I wasn’t ready for this. I was terrified. She must have noticed as much. ?You look scared pet.?
?Yes maam, I am. I’m not sure I can handle pain like what I’m guessing that will feel like. How many will I be getting??
?You will receive as many as I want to give you. I will stop when I am content and feel you have been sufficiently punished. If you don’t think you can deal with it you don’t have to be punished. You haven’t agreed to submit to me for any period of time yet. You can leave at any time. We might even be able to remain friends, but our relationship will be over.?
?I?I understand?, I stammered. ?I’m scared but I didn’t say I wouldn’t do it. You know I want to be with you. I hope you know that I want to be the guy you deserve. I am sorry for disappointing you. I know you are only doing this because you care. I guess I really don’t have to do anything. I don’t have to worry about chickening out and running away. I am sure it will be horrible but I will get through it.?
?That’s a good attitude?, she said. ?And no, you can’t run away, but you can move and try to avoid them. I expect you not to however. You will stand there and accept your punishment. Now, it’s time we got started. Ask me to punish you.?
I was rather surprised. She expected me to ask her to whip me? I was rather annoyed but if what I said was true and I did want to please her and did believe that she was only doing this because she cared about me then I guess it shouldn’t have. ?I am ready for my punishment, Maam?, I said.
?No no, you’ll have to do better than that. Tell me you want your punishment.?
?I am sorry I displeased you, Maam. Please punish me so that I won’t do it again.?, I said.
?That’s a good pet., she replied. SMACK. A split second later the first blow hit me. It’s probably good it was so quick so I didn’t have a chance to worry about it. I couldn’t believe how it stung. It was already enough for me. I continued concentrating on the sting for about ten seconds before next swat hit me. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK?five in rapid succession. I couldn’t believe the pain. If they had been spaced out however I knew it would have been worse. ?Making a mistake or being afraid is one thing?, she continued. ?But when you get stubborn and intentionally defy me that is inexcusable.? SMACK SMACK SMACK My eyes were watering from the pain and my legs gave out from under me. She took a second to adjust her aim. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK. I didn’t know if I could take any more. I wanted to beg her to stop. For a second I considered leaving her just to get away from this, but the pain was already there and I had a feeling would be for some time?even if it did stop now. I knew I didn’t want that anyway, but how I wanted to get away. I could see how this would strongly discourage me from doing whatever I had supposedly done. More blows rained down, but this time spaced a second or two apart. SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK. By time time I wasn’t even thinking any more. The pain was intense even when I wasn’t being hit. I stopped worrying about it and just hung there. I didn’t care any more. I closed my eyes, resigned to whatever was coming. Nothing came however. I felt her body brush against mine and then my hands were released. I collapsed onto the floor. Landing on my ass didn’t help matters and I rolled over onto my side. ?Kneel before me?, she said. I did as she asked. My knees on the bare floor was less than pleasant, but I hardly noticed it next to the pain in my bottom. ?I think that will be sufficient. Have you learned your lesson??.
?Oh yes maam.?, I said. Would anyone say no to that? ?I have more than learned my lesson. Thank you for correcting me but I have never felt pain like that before. I hope that I never do again.?
She smiled. I think my comment pleased her. ?I hope you never do either, but rest assured if you displease me again then you will.? I shuddered at the though. ?You have earned a rest. I need to go to the store. You go up to my closet and stay there until I come and get you out.? I did as she asked. I was still naked but not restrained. I laid on my stomach and let myself feel the pain once again. It still stung. I didn’t know I could feel that much pain but at least it was over. I didn’t know how many I had received but I knew it could have been worse. I assumed if they had been evenly spaced 10 seconds apart it would have been much less pleasant. If they had all come at once I might have passed out. I could have been wrong but I assumed that she knew what I could handle and was doing her best to be as merciful as possible. I still had to wonder what type of person could do that to someone. She said she didn’t enjoy it. I guess I believed her. I did recognize the need for correction. I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted to be the guy she deserved. Somehow I got the feeling I was a very shy and probably a nervous person. I thought I might have trouble obeying her out of fear. This should certainly help that. If I was afraid I would probably be more afraid of this. Maybe that was for the best. I did trust her. I knew I would be better off for knowing her. I knew she wanted to make me a better person. Maybe I should think about just resigning myself to obeying her unless I had some huge problem with it. Actually she wouldn’t ask me to do something bad, somehow I knew that. I didn’t want to turn my brain off?if I did obeying wouldn’t mean as much would it? Part of me actually wanted to obey her without question. Another part of me felt it was wrong. Well, it’s impossible to you’re your brain off completely anyway, I thought to myself. If she asked me to do something I had a moral problem with I will know and I would refuse. I know she wouldn’t ask me to do anything like that though. I couldn’t really come to a decision and just decided that if in the future I wasn’t sure about something she asked of me I should think less and obey more. If it was something I just didn’t want to do, then I would give her the benefit of the doubt and try it anyway. Feeling that I had come to as much of a decision as I could on that matter I left my thoughts drift to other things?namely her in that outfit. I wasn’t sure if she was really my type. Actually I was fairly certain she wasn’t. I had been out once since losing my memory and most of the girls that I thought were attractive were quite thin. After seeing her in that outfit however I think my type might have changed. Maybe in general I would still like skinny girls but I was sure that Christina was the most beautiful woman on the planet. I couldn’t even imagine someone more attractive. I loved every inch of her. And it wasn’t necessarily a sexual attraction. Sure, when she was teasing me in that outfit I desperately wanted to devour her?to kiss and lick every inch of her body (some more than others). Most of the time though I just wanted to put my hand in hers or cuddle up to her on the couch or in bed. As much fun as it was to eat all that food off of her I liked holding her, falling asleep with her, and waking up next to her much more. It wasn’t an intense of a feeling as tasting her juices but it was much more meaningful. Then all of a sudden I was glad my ass hurt. I was glad she was punishing me. I wasn’t a masochist by any means. I hated the whipping. I was glad she cared enough to correct me however, to give me a chance to be a better person?the one she deserves. I was glad our relationship was getting back to normal. This had to be the last step didn’t it? I knew now what our relationship was like now. The punishment was a little scary at first but now that the worst of it was over (or at least so I hoped) it didn’t seem so bad. If being with her meant obeying her, submitting to her, letting her change me, trusting her to make me a better be it. I wanted her. I knew that. I wanted to be with her as long as I could. I would be with her forever if she let me. If that meant a punishment once in awhile?awkwardness with family and friends?even if it meant not having children?so what? I knew how lucky I was to have her in my life. I knew how privileged I was to have a relationship with her. All I really wanted was to enjoy the moment with her. I wanted to throw myself 100% into this relationship. Sure she would be 57 when I was 40. Would it still seem like a good idea then? It didn’t matter to me. I would never leave her. I certainly would never trade her in for someone younger. I knew that much. If it didn’t last then fine, but I wanted to enjoy whatever time I had with her.
Christina reentered the closet and reattached my leash. I didn’t know how long it had been but I was suddenly aware I needed to use the restroom again. I told her as much but she insisted that I make her bed before I was allowed to go. When all of that was completed she had me lay down on her bed and restrained me once again. She then got a candle lit it. For the next half hour or so she would periodically let a drop of wax drip down onto my chest. It hurt but next to the spanking it didn’t seem so bad. It was a different kind of pain. After each drop hit me and rolled off she would kiss the spot that got hit, so actually I didn’t mind this all that much. It was just nice to feel her touch again. When she finished and let me up she had me shower and get ready for bed. I had no idea what time it was but looked forward to laying with her once again and showered quickly. When I finished I found her waiting for me just outside the shower. She had me dry and then reattached the leash and led me to her room. I started toward her bed but felt her tugging me back. ?You didn’t think you would get to enjoy my company and warmth during punishment did you??
?I’m sorry maam, I thought maybe the punishment was over.? I answered rather dejectedly.
?You have done well I will not carry your punishment over into tomorrow. For tonight though you are still in the doghouse?or in this case the closet. I think you’ve enjoyed enough of my presence today. Tonight you will sleep naked in my closet and hopefully learn to appreciate sleeping in my bed. I put some blankets in there for you. I’m going to go watch some TV before bed but you go on in and make yourself comfortable. I don’t care if you sleep or not but I don’t want to see you until morning.?
?Of course maam, thank you for the blankets. May I ask one question??, I replied. She nodded. ?What if I need to use the restroom??
?It’s been awhile since you drank so hopefully you can wait until morning. If not you can go in a jar. I’ll bring you one when I go to bed.?
She couldn’t be serious, peeing in a jar? That was just weird, but ?thank you, maam? was all I said. There was no vent in her closet so it was rather stuffy. I put one of the blankets out of the floor and rolled another up for a pillow and then curled up and thought about the events of the day and looked forward to my freedom the next day. I couldn’t wait to being on her good side again. Just being able to talk to her again meant a lot more to me than I knew it could. I certainly hoped to avoid punishments in the future. I tried going to sleep but couldn’t for the life of me. I was exhausted so I didn’t know why. After what I can only guess was few hours she came back with a jar, and a lid which I was thankful for. I hoped to avoid using it but already needed to go. I decided to wait for an hour, or what I thought was an hour so that she would be asleep and wouldn’t have to hear me. Then I moved to the back of the closet and use the jar. I then closed it and set it in the corner. I realized the need to pee or the stuffiness in the closet (it was warm since there was no vent in there) that kept me from sleeping. It was knowing she was downstairs. Now that she was at least near me again I quickly drifted off to sleep.
I awoke early the next morning. I had slept fairly soundly but woke up from time to time when my still naked bottom rubbed the blanket or carpet. I really had no way of knowing what time it was but I assumed it was morning. I needed to use the restroom again but knew that I could wait. I just laid back and thought about the events of the previous day while I waited for the door to open. Some time later, I was guessing about half an hour, I heard her moving around in her bed. My heart almost skipped a beat. I heard her leave her bed almost immediately and the next thing I knew the door opened. She was wearing big baggy pajamas. I’m sure she probably wouldn’t want to be seen in public in them, but I had never seen a more beautiful sight. They did a good job hiding her shapely form (thought it was impossible to hide completely) but they couldn’t hide her ridiculously beautiful face or her hair, which looked adorable disheveled. I was happier to see her than I think I had ever been. There was no erection despite my being awed at her beauty. There was nothing remotely sexual about this feeling actually. So this is what it feels like to truly, deeply love someone I thought to myself. As soon as I saw her I bolted upright to a kneeling position (sitting wasn’t horrible but still wasn’t altogether comfortable). As I did the blanket covering me fell off but by now I was used to being unclothed. It was almost liberating actually. Her facial expression was priceless. It and her eyes told me everything I needed to know. Punishment was over and our relationship was stronger than ever. She didn’t speak as she walked toward me. When she reached me she dropped to her knees as well, wrapped her arms around me and kissed me like she had never kissed me before. This wasn’t erotic to her either. I could tell. The kiss was passionate without being sexual. It was desperate kiss, meaningful, and very loving. We collapsed to the floor and it continued for some time. It was the greatest kiss I had ever had in my life, but I almost longed for it to end. I couldn’t bring myself to stop but I couldn’t wait to tell her how much I loved her. I knew my words would be insufficient and could never fully express how I felt but I just had to say them. After what seemed like forever she abruptly stopped. I was so surprised I was too slow and she beat me to it.
?I love you Doug. You have no idea how much. I can’t believe you went through all that yesterday. I am sorry. I didn’t want to do any of that to you. You are the greatest friend and lover anyone could ask for and you didn’t deserve it. I just wanted our relationship to get to where it needed to be. I didn’t want to let you to get into something without knowing what you were getting into. I know you did say you were ready and ask me to but it still wasn’t easy. I still can’t believe you cared enough about me to make it through that and not leave. I really am lucky to have you. You have no idea how much joy you give me. I can only hope I deserve such a wonderful guy. I promise I will care for you, protect you, guide you, love you the best way I know how. I hope I never let you down.?
Her words touched me. I knew I was a guy and wasn’t supposed to react to things like this but I couldn’t help it. I cannot begin to describe the feeling her words caused. It was intense. My eyes even got a little misty toward the end. She reached up and wiped them for me. My arms were still wrapped around her and I squeezed her for everything I was worth. My legs wrapped up with hers. I wanted as much of me touching as much of her as I could manage. ?I?I love you too.?, I stammered. ?I wish I could tell you or show you how much. You mean the world to me. That punishment was miserable, but it was a small, a very small, price to pay to be with you. I am the lucky one. The punishment only made me appreciate you more. It was more painful than I imagined it could be, but that wasn’t the worst part. What really bothered me was hardly ever being near you, hearing your voice, seeing your smile. I missed those silly conversations we have. I missed cuddling up to you on the couch or in bed. I missed smelling you as I drifted off to sleep and having you be the first thing I see when I woke up. It made me realize how much I could miss you, and how much I don’t want to miss you again and certainly don’t want to lose you. The other day?I know I was kind of out of line. I was caught up in the moment and I didn’t want you thinking I was ashamed of you. I wasn’t wrong though. I do love you. I do want to make you happy. I do want to be the guy you deserve, even if that means being corrected from time to time. I do want to be with you. I honestly don’t think there is any way I could ever leave you. I know what I’m getting into now right? I’m ready to give you that commitment you mentioned. I really am. What did you say, a month? I want to be with you as long as you will have me so it isn’t any sacrifice. I don’t know how I could have hesitated to do that before but I am ready now.?
Now it was her turn to get watery eyes. She was almost crying. I kissed her tears away. ?You are too precious, Doug. You have no idea how much that means to me?how much you mean to me. I’ve loved you since long before we became lovers. I adored you for years. I wanted to tell you. I wanted to take you and guide you and protect you but I afraid to admit it because of your age. I didn’t want to admit it to myself, much less you. I was afraid I’d scare you off. I can’t believe I am really with you. I would have been happy just to be able to tell you how I felt and to be best friends. I would have been happy just to have you for a little awhile. To have you as long as I have already and have you want to continue to be with me?I don’t know what to say. You just make me feel complete. You make my life more wonderful than I never knew it could be. I can’t wait to have that commitment from you, but lets wait.? She must have seen my hurt expression. ?Don’t worry. I want you to be with me. I won’t ever leave you. I can tell you that right now. I can’t wait for that commitment. . I’ll keep you until you ask me to let you go?I promise you that.?. I felt even better than before. ?Let’s just enjoy the next few days together, OK? Once you get back to work and everything is 100% normal I’ll gladly accept that commitment. You’ve proven you were ready but I want everything to be perfect. The way you’ve been acting the last few days I know I don’t need a commitment anyway, so I can wait if you can?.
I didn’t care, so long as we were together. We had both just said we had no intention of leaving and that was more than good enough for me. A few minutes later she let me go dump the jar or urine and use her shower. I was a little confused as to why she suggested I use hers as opposed to mine until she joined me a minute after I stepped in. She insisted on washing me and I readily agreed, anxious to feel her hands on me. For some reason I felt more naked in the shower, and I loved it. I loved feeling completely open to her?nothing hidden. I loved just feeling the sensation of her hands roaming over my body. I couldn’t help but get a little excited when she got below my waist, but again it wasn’t really sexual. When I was sufficiently clean she insisted I didn’t need to return the favor. I explained that I really did enjoy making her happy?not to mention loved running my hands over her perfect body. In the end she agreed and I washed her. After we had finished and dried each other off we proceeded downstairs, both still naked. She made me a wonderful breakfast and ate with me. We must have sat munching and eating for over an hour. Over the course of the conversation we found out neither of us had slept that well the previous night and both were still tired. When we finished we went back to her bed and just laid there in each others arms. We didn’t go back to sleep, just rested and continued our conversation. We laid there until lunch, and then only got up because we wanted to eat. The rest of the day passed the same way. The rest of the week passed the same way actually. For the next week or so we spent our days just enjoying each other's company. We worked together, ate together, played games and watched movies together, talked about everything under the sun together, and when night came and we couldn't stay awake any longer we slept together. Every day I thought I couldn't care for her more, couldn't get more attached. Without fail however the next day I would find I was wrong. I enjoyed every second in her presence. By the time the week ended I felt like we had known each other forever. She had become my lover once again days before, but now she was my best friend as well. I was finally comfortable with my life and my memory. I was just falling back into a routine when everything changed once again. I thought I knew everything there was to know about her, about us...but like I had been so often lately, I was wrong.
I spent several days just enjoying my time with Christina. We didn’t do much. We cleaned up a little, did some housework. We watched some TV and movies. We talked. We went for walks together. She helped me remember how to cook. It wasn’t terribly exciting. It was wonderful however, and just what I needed. I was finally starting to relax. I hadn’t realized how stressed out and anxious I was. Falling back into a routine again felt good. I still couldn’t remember much, but how much did that really matter? I had relearned everything that mattered. I was a bit worried about going back to work, but Christina said I had plenty more time off to recover. She mentioned it with a smile, a smile that made me feel instantly at ease. I had everything I needed. I had a job, time off to recover, a nice home, and most importantly someone who loved me. She really did take excellent care of me. I was just thinking about that on a very rainy Tuesday when the phone rang. Apparently Christina’s boss needed her to go to a conference in Chicago. She was supposed to leave Wednesday (tomorrow) and come back late Friday. It was the first time I had really seen her genuinely irritated. She was upset about the late notice, being asked to change her vacation plans, and leaving me alone. I reassured her as best I could. I told her that I was fine. I was over the worst of it, that I remembered the past week and a half or so. I think she felt a little better, but I could tell she was still upset. I spent that evening cuddled up with her on the couch. About 9:00 she decided to head off to bed so she could make her flight in the morning. She told me to stay up and enjoy my evening. I took a few minutes to get ready for bed, but soon joined her. I could tell she needed some company, and I certainly wouldn’t want to wake her when I came to bed later. The thought of sleeping somewhere else never entered my mind. She was still awake when I entered the room. She asked what I was doing, and my explanation earned me a smile. I joined her in bed and put my arms around her. We talked for awhile as we lay there, but it soon became apparent that she just wasn’t tired. I knew what needed to be done. I told her I’d work on tiring her out and slipped underneath the sheets. I enjoyed her breasts through her nightgown for a few moments, but quickly moved lower. I moved all the way down to her legs to get my head under her nightgown. I kissed up her legs as I moved up. It was a strange sensation being under the covers and under her cloths. It was hot and stuffy in there, and there was cloth all around me. I wondered for a second if there would be enough air in there, but her first moan wiped any thoughts out of my mind. It was kind of awkward when she started arching her back. I had to work to keep from getting too tangled to continue. Every time I moved back to take a breath she would grind her hips up against my face. I had her juices dripping all over my face. Before too long she came. Some of it was in my mouth, some of it was all over my face, some of it ended up on her nightgown and sheets. She lifted the sheets and asked me how I was. ?Wet and sticky mostly?, I answered. She laughed. I must have looked silly looking at her through her almost see-through lingerie and covered in her juices. The cool air from the outside was nice but it didn’t last long. She lowered the sheets and then reached under. She found my head and guided me back to her. I started licking around her crotch, cleaning up the juices I had missed. I really had grown addicted to her taste. It was hard to believe it had bothered me at first. Before long she got impatient and forced me back to where she wanted me. A minute or two later she again put her hands behind my head and forced me up against her as she rolled over. I managed to make it to my back. She repositioned herself. When she felt my tongue enter her she pushed down (a bit forcefully), effectively pinning my head to the bed. It was strange. The sheets were soaked. Now I could feel her wetness on my face and on my neck and the back of my head. It didn’t take her long to come all over me again. She poked under the sheets again. ?Alive in there?,? she asked with a grin. I nodded. ?That was wonderful?, she said as she guided me out from under her. She flopped onto my back and guided my head up to her breasts. She told me how lucky she was to have me. She was saying something else too, but I must have tired myself out more than her. I fell asleep right then and there, resting on her chest, covered in her juices.
Wednesday turned out to be pretty boring. Christina was up, dressed, and eating when I finally woke up. She had made breakfast for me as well. I was starving and eagerly dove into it. I apologized for conking out on her and asked if she had managed to fall asleep. Apparently she fell asleep shortly after I did. I wasn’t sure if I believed her or if she was just being nice, but she did seem awake and alert.
I drove her to the airport and saw her off. The goodbye kiss I gave her drew some stares but neither of us cared a bit. When I got home, the house seemed big and very empty. It was kind of nice having some time to myself but I got bored quickly. I decided to do some cleaning then probably didn’t need doing, but eventually I ran out of work. I felt the need to play video games, but I hadn’t seen any around the house. For some reason that didn’t seem like me. Maybe I’d have to go get one sometime. I thought about doing it then and there, but I didn’t want to go shopping in the rain. I compromised and decided to go run out and rent some movies.
When I got back to the house I popped in a movie and started in on the McDonalds I had picked up on the way back. About halfway through I heard a loud crash in the basement. I went to investigate. As soon as I opened the door the problem was obvious. There was water at the bottom of the stairs. When I got closer it was obvious the entire basement had a good inch of water. The crash had been a stack of boxes collapsing. Not knowing what to do I went back upstairs and checked the yellow pages. Apparently I wasn’t the only one with issues because most of the people who sounded like they might work on sump pumps were busy. Eventually I found a company who worked on water damage and sump pumps and could be over in half an hour. About an hour after their arrival they had sucked out most of the water and installed a new sump pump. I went through my wallet as he was finishing up, suddenly nervous. Fortunately I found a credit card. It was expensive but apparently my card was good and had enough left on it to cover the balance.
Once he left and the immediate problem was taken care of I started to worry about the effects to the house. ?Oh well?, I thought to myself. ?At least I have something to do now?. I took anything that looked damp out to the garage to try to minimize mold in the basement. Then I started taking everything out of the damp boxes, drying them, and dumping the boxes in the outside garbage. Buried in one of them was a VHS tape. By that time I was tired, bored, and ready for a break. Seeing if the tape still worked was all the excuse I needed. I took the tape and a box full of stuff to sort through upstairs. I finished watching the movie I had on when I heard the crash. After getting another box to work on I popped the tape into the VCR. It was strange that it wasn’t labeled. When I put it in I just saw static, but right as I was about to take it out something popped on the screen. It looked like a guy, dripping wet and wearing nothing but a towel. He was sitting in a solid looking chair with his hands apparently somehow restrained behind him. This sure was kinky. I was almost appalled, but we did have a kinky relationship didn’t we? Someone stepped into the picture. Wait, that was Christina. ?Holy shit?, I thought to myself. ?That’s me!!!?. Suddenly I was very interested in the tape, and a little excited. The me on camera looked scared though. Why was that? I trusted Christina more than anyone. The me on tape spoke. ?What are you doing??, I pleaded as I struggled with my bonds. Were we playing some sort of role-playing game? Somehow I didn’t think so. ?Please let me go?, I continued.
?I’d love to Doug, but I’m afraid I can’t do that.? She stroked my face as she said it.
?But why??, I almost whined.
?I’ve always dreamed of having a slave. I wanted someone who would be totally and completely dedicated to me. I wanted someone who was so in love with me they would give themselves to me, mind, body, and spirit. I looked for someone like that for years. I only found one guy who might fit the bill, but I had no interest in him. I gave up and decided to look for a normal relationship. I couldn’t find that either. You probably remember me complaining about that to you while you were in college. Then one day I realized maybe what I was looking for might be right in front of me. We had been spending more and more time together for years. While you were in school we really got to know each other. I have always really cared about you. I have always felt protective of you. I have always wanted to be there for you. I thought of you as a kid, but one day when you were hanging out at my house I suddenly realized you had become a man?. The me on tape had stopped shaking and was just staring at her. ?It was all I could do to keep from leaning over, wrapping my arms around you, and kissing you. I didn’t though. I didn’t want to complicate your life. I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. Most of all I didn’t want to lose you. I hid my feelings for over a year. I didn’t make a move. We would brush against each other sometimes though. We would even lean into each other watching TV sometimes. Several times I caught you looking at me and I was sure you were feeling the same things I was. I knew you though. You wouldn’t do anything about it. You’ve always been so shy. And I knew you probably had the same worries I did.? She paused. ?So I decided to do this?.
?Tie me up after a shower?, I asked incredulously.
?Yes?, she smiled. ?I don’t want you running off?.
?Christina. I do care about you. I always have. I admit it. I’ve had a crush on you since I was little. There were even a few girls that liked me at school, but I preferred coming over here and hanging out with you.?. Her smile showed how relieved she was, relieved and elated. ?I don’t want to be a slave though. Please, just let me go. What do you plan on doing anyway?.
She cupped my cheek with her hand again. ?I plan on making you my slave.? She said nonchalantly. Then she smiled. ?Don’t worry. I’m not going to kidnap you or hurt you or anything else. I love you way too much for that. I’m not going to let you leave until you try it though.?
?Please Christina?, I pleaded.
?No Doug. I know you. If I let you go now you’ll never talk to me again. I can’t let that happen, not after we both just found out how much we mean to each other.?
?So what are you going to do??, I asked. ?You can’t just keep me here. Someone will miss me?.
?No they won’t? she countered. ?I talked to your mom the other day. I know you have a month before you start your job, and I know you plan on going on vacation out west for at least two weeks. You told me that, remember? No one will miss you for awhile. Even if they do miss you I’m not letting you leave. You are going to stay here tired up in my house until you at least try being with me. You said you cared about me didn’t you? That you had a crush on me??
?Yes?, I answered halfheartedly. ?I do. I remember times where I just wanted to take your hand. Where I wanted to lean over and kiss you.?
?Doing more than that I hope?, she said with a grin.
?Well, Ok, maybe once or twice?, I answered guiltily. ?I can’t do this though. I can’t be a slave. I can’t even be with you. It wouldn’t be right.?
?Doug, you want to be with me. You just said so. I know that you’re scared. That’s why I’m doing this. I know you can’t do it on your own, even though you want to. I’m just helping you along. Listen, I am not going to force you to have sex with me. I am not going to force you to be my slave.? I visibly relaxed. ?I don’t even want you to be my slave really. I don’t want to take away your will or any of your beautiful personality. I just want you to submit to me. You’re such a natural born submissive, Doug. You are always thinking about what you can do for me. You are so shy. You are the most indecisive person I’ve met. You can sit there looking at two identical products at the store and not be able to decide which to get. Sometimes I can tell you want someone to take some of those decisions and make them for you though. I want to do that for you. I want to love you, protect you, guide you. You have so much potential. I want to help you become the person I know you can be. I’m not going to force you to let me though. I have a proposal for you?.
?What is it?? the me on tape asked extremely hesitantly.
?Let me hypnotize you.?, she grinned. ?I’ve been taking lessons for awhile now?.
?That stuff doesn’t work.? I said.
?Well here is my offer. I’m going to make you forget everything. I’m going to make you forget all of our history together. What’s more, I’m going to make you lose some of those inhibitions. You’ll still have your morals in tact, I promise. I won’t make you do anything for me, or even bark like a dog?, she grinned. ?I will just make you stop being so shy and afraid. I’m going to tell you to relax. That’s all, Doug. I promise you that. If the hypnotism doesn’t work I’ll let you go. If you still don’t want to be with me when you relax then I won’t make you. That sound fair doesn’t it? Can you do that for me Doug? Do you trust me??
?I don’t see how I have a choice. I’ll do it?, I answered. Christina looked disappointed. ?I do trust you. I don’t know why but I do?, I continued. She smiled. Why had I said that? It seemed like I cared enough about her feelings, even in this situation, to try to make her feel better. She untied me and guided me to the bed. She got out some kind of pendant. She started chanting, telling me to forget how I knew her and relax. She told me to go to sleep. My eyes closed. She told me when I woke up to forget my anxiety and do whatever felt right. ?You won’t remember anything until I say ?peanut brittle and cheese sandwich?.
Suddenly I remembered everything. I had known Christina since I was about eight. She was our next door neighbor. She had even babysat me once or twice. In high school I had helped her with a few things around the house, but not seen her much. In college I had gotten depressed and lonely. She lived close to campus and invited me over to cheer me up. I had a great time and we started hanging out more and more.
I didn’t know how to feel. I felt violated, and a little angry. What’s more I was scared. I didn’t know what to think. I got my keys. Went to my car, and drove to the apartment I suddenly remembered.
When I got there I was shaking. What was she going to do when she got back? Would she come over and try to take me back and keep me tied up in her basement? Well, probably not. We had known each other a very long time. Even as angry as I was I had to admit that she probably didn’t mean any harm. She could easily blackmail me though. Of course she wouldn’t want to talk about what had happened any more than I would. She could get in serious trouble for what she did to me. I wondered if I should tell the police, or someone?but I knew I couldn’t do it. We had known each other forever, and we had been my best friend for well over a year. I didn’t want to hurt her. I just wanted to get myself out of this situation. Giving someone that much control?she could have ruined my life on a whim. If anyone found out I would be publicly humiliated. I didn’t know what to do, so I did a little cleaning around my apartment and paid some bills. It didn’t take my mind off of my problem. I tried playing video games. That helped, but not for long. Eventually the stress of the day started to wear on me and I decided to go to bed. I just sat there, almost hiding in the covers. I couldn’t stop thinking about the tape. What she said about me was true. I was remarkably indecisive. Everyone knew that. I had always cared about her. I was far too shy to ever tell her that. She wasn’t lying, and she didn’t force me at gunpoint or anything, but how could someone do that to someone that they claim to care so much about? As I sat there falling asleep I remember thinking that it was like someone drunk and taking advantage of them. Did I really know this woman at all, or not?
I woke up and stretched out in bed. I was reaching for something, but didn’t find it. I was a little sad for some reason, and decided to get up. I was a bit disoriented for a minute, but quickly remembered where I was and what had happened. Had I really been reaching out for Christina? After remembering what had happened, why was I still feeling disappointed? I couldn’t have grown this addicted to her this fast could I? Was this her hypnotism still affecting me? I was scared of my feelings, and knew I had to do something about them. I thought about it while I showered and ate. I had to act soon. She would be home tomorrow. She had probably tried to call last night and was wondered where I was and why I hadn’t answered or called back. What on earth was I going to do when she found me? It took me most of the day to find an answer, but once I did there was no doubt in my mind what I had to do.
I saw Christina coming out of the gate. It took her a second to spot me. She greeted me with a hug. It felt awkward and a bit strained, but it was still somehow comforting. I could tell she sensed the awkwardness. She kept looking over at me on the way home.
?Is everything alright??, she asked. I couldn’t remember hearing her this worried before. I could tell she didn’t completely buy my story about why I hadn’t answered the other night.
She would see soon enough. I went ahead and broke the news. ?Well, while you were gone the sump pump broke?, I said. ?The basement flooded. I’m sorry. I went out for a few minutes. I didn’t notice it until it was too late. You have a new one now, and I cleaned everything up as best I could.? I honestly wasn’t sure why I was wording things the way I was. It certainly wasn’t my fault.
She smiled at me looking noticeably relieved. ?Shit, I’m sorry that had to happen to you. I knew I shouldn’t have left you alone. Next time I’ll tell them where to stick their trip. I appreciate you taking care of it before it got completely out of hand. How much do I owe you??
I couldn’t help but feel relieved she wasn’t mad. I knew it wasn’t my fault, but it had happened to her house while I was watching it. Anyone would feel bad, wouldn’t they? I told her not to worry about it. She wanted to pay me back, but gave up on the argument. I could tell she planned to take it back up later. With all the emotions I had been through lately I still couldn’t help but shiver and feel elated when she told me how much she had missed me. Before I knew it, we were home.
I froze when I walked inside. She just stared at me for a moment. ?There is one other thing?, I told her. I didn’t know how to say this, so I went with the straightforward approach. ?I found a tape.? The look on her face told me she knew which tape I meant. ?I remember everything?.
She started apologizing profusely. ?I know you probably don’t believe me?, she said with a tremor in her voice. ?But I really did think it was best for you. I still do. I didn’t know what else to do. It was a hard decision. I could go on never knowing what might be, or I could do this. I didn’t want to hurt you. I thought long and hard about what was best for you in the long run. I thought this was it. I was going to tell you soon, to give you your memory back.? I knew she was probably worried about my reaction just like I had been hers a few minutes earlier. She was probably worried about what could happen if I went to the police. I didn’t want to let her worry, but it was hard to get a word in. ?I’m sorry, you can obviously go now. You can do whatever you want. Call the police if you want, but please know I love you.? She was crying.
I reached in and wrapped my arms around her. She folded into me, her head against my shoulder. ?I hope you know I could never do that?, I responded. She lifted her head to look at me. ?I know what I have to do. My mind was made up before you got back.? Her disappointment was obvious. Her eyes went toward the floor. ?I cancelled my lease.? She looked up at me again, hope in her eyes. ?I’m ready to sign that contract.?
She started crying again, but I hoped for a different reason.
?Doug?you?You don’t have to do that. I’m happy with what we have now. I didn’t know how happy I would be just being together.? She was having trouble getting the words out.
?I want to?, I said. ?Everything you said about my shyness and indecisiveness was right. I never would have said anything. You gave me more happiness the past week or two than I’ve ever dreamed of. I’ve never been more relaxed either. You took a huge risk to give that to me. I want you to know I appreciate that and everything you’ve done for me. It’s the least I can do.?
She was crying even more. ?Well?is a month OK?? she said. I shook my head no. She didn’t look disappointed. ?Whatever you want?. I told her I wanted to sign a contract for a year. She looked incredulous. ?You can’t be serious. You don’t have to do this, or anything for me. Do you even know what you’re getting yourself into??
I shook my head again. ?It’s the least I can do for you...A year of my life. And it isn’t just for you. I want to do this. I don’t know if long term this can work out, but I want to be with you. It’s about time I did something I wanted to do without worrying about every possible outcome. And no?I don’t know what I’m getting myself into. I can’t lie. I’m scared. I don’t know what to expect. I do know though that I love you.? Her smile might have been the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. ?I know that I can trust you. I know I’m putting myself in good hands. There will be times we don’t get along. I’m sure I might regret it at times, but I know you’ll do what’s best for me. I know when we fight I’ll know the good times far outweigh the bad ones and I’m still lucky to have you. I know I’ll be a better person for my time with you.?
It was obvious she was touched. After a little more conversation over dinner we went upstairs. I helped her shower. After that it was straight to her bed. She devoured me. She must have kissed every inch of my body. After my pleasure was complete I crawled over her. I was in ecstasy with all she was doing to me, but I couldn’t wait any longer to return the favor. She didn’t make any suggestions. She didn’t guide me. She just let me do anything I wanted with her body. I wasn’t used to the freedom, but she seemed pleased with the results. After she had a pair of orgasms it was obvious I wasn’t done. She teased me about pointing at her. Then she just looked at me and told me to go ahead. For the first time, I entered her. It became obvious I was further along than she was, so I took a short break. She was a bit confused at first, but when I started kissing her breasts and fingering her she relaxed. When she started moaning I got on top of her once again. A few seconds later I felt her juices surrounding me. She bucked her hips as she came, and a second later, I did as well. After that we laid there talking about the future. Eventually we needed to use the restroom. We got some snacks while we were at it and headed straight back to the bedroom. We huddled together, eating and talking until eventually we fell asleep, our bodies tangled together.
My fantasy continued… (If you have not read the first chapter titled "Awakening" ( this may leave you confused)Rachel held me tightly, her arms pulling me close, our lips met as the first spurt of cum left my cock and shot into her pussy. She moaned on my tongue again and I felt her rock her hips, rubbing her swollen clit against my shaft. She broke the kiss, breathing heavily, “Oh yes, fill me up,” she begged as the second spurt filled her and I...
This is the third chapter of Awakening. This is the uncensored version of this story and contains extreme gore and death. If you would prefer a censored version with a minor rewrite to avoid human death, feel free to visit my profile on Literotica or Lush Stories (links to both profiles are available in my DeviantArt bio under the name QuiverWrites), where the censored version will be published. Both versions are also available on my Patreon. As with previous chapters, this story contains...
AWAKENINGS 3 Well, here it is right after the holidays and Im alone again while Stu is enjoying himself in London for three weeks. Like last year, Id have to spend this New Years Eve alone again. I started writing this stuff for therapeutic reasons, a way to blow off steam for a while, but something makes me want to finish it now that Ive gone this far. This may be my last story. I dont know at this point. Cant see any more happening to me that someone would want to read about. Also, cant...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...
Awakening by Quiver Chapter 1: Summoning Rebecca heard the creak of the front door opening as Steven entered the house. "Hey Honey," he chimed from the front hallway. "How was your day?" he asked absently as he hung his jacket on the coat rack. "Fine, what about you?" Rebecca answered from the kitchen. "Yep, same. All good," Rebecca heard him mumble from the other room. Hopefully he'll come in here before he sits down in front of the computer, she thought to herself. She had...
Background: Amelia is the last but highest ranking surviving member of her bloodline. She knows that if she finds her destined mate that she will be able to birth more purebloods and will not have to augment her forces with turned vampires. She loves all of her children but is in need of purebloods to strengthen her forces to combat the humans. She does not want war but will not allow her family to be extinguished by human hatred and fear. Humans know that if Amelia finds a mate Humanity will...
InterracialIt was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...
Introduction: A continuation: Awakenings 5 I didnt think I would be writing about this anymore, but so much has happened to me since the last chapter, and a lot of people have asked whats going on, so here goes nothing. Awakenings 1-4 will tell you how much my once simple life has changed, and how I went from a happily married young wife to someone with an almost unquenchable sex appetite. I could blame Randy, the man who introduced me to that life-style, but I know it was completely my own...
Introduction: Read Awakenings 1-3 before this one. Awakenings 4 I didnt think Id continue with my story, but a few things have happened lately that made me reconsider. One, Cleo (the woman who helps me write this) got so many responses asking what has happened since the first stories, that she persuaded me to continue. Secondly, my extreme behavioral and personality changes are something Im still trying to understand. Ive gone from a meek, nave little creature who thought sex was just...
The Awakening of Alexis - Part 6The videos that we were given at that evening gathering were unbelievable. But I will describe them later, because something else came up that kind of interrupted their enjoyment.My wife Alexis came to me late one evening and said she had to talk something over with me. I knew that she and Jackie - the white prostitute or 'escort' who arranged and organized our various 'extracurricular activities' - had had another telephone conversation that afternoon. The rest...
InterracialAwakening by Quiver Chapter 2: Reckoning Rebecca woke up the next morning feeling strangely confident. Ordinarily, she would never sleep in the nude, but last night she had gone to bed naked without a second thought. And those dreams. Holy shit, that had been so vivid. Steven would never show such passion in real life. It must have been that weird summoning spell she had tried out. It had put some really intense images in her mind. Rebecca opened her eyes to see Steven passed out with...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...
The Awakening of Alexis – Part 1 I can’t say that I really regret anything that’s happened. Step by step it’s been unbelievably exciting. Let me explain what happened. I am in my late forties and Alexis, my wife of some 18 years, is the same age. She is tall, fairly slim, with brown eyes and hair, smallish breasts, and with lots of light brown pubic hair. Our sex life has been drab to say the least and as our sex has dropped off, I’ve tried to find new ways to excite her. I have never been...
Awakening from the Dream The dream. It starts at a work happy hour at a downtown bar. A neighborhood type place, except it is in the middle of a bunch of office buildings. It’s the dive the professionals go to, not the locals. I go with the usual crowd, the usual b.s. around the office, is now just taken “offsite”. I really go because my friend Heather goes. Truth be told, I really couldn’t care about anyone else. Heather is a true friend and just gets me, understands me. We’re both in the...
The Awakening of Alexis – Part 4 Things had definitely changed. Alexis was more ‘alive’ now, more easily sexually aroused, more ‘awakened’ in the sense of a kind of primal lust. This is what I had been wanting to bring to life in her, to really perk up the sexual side of our marriage, to make things more exciting for us. Great things were happening. She would go with me to the adult video store and she would do her own selections. Nearly always she picked black on white action videos, always...
The Awakening of Alexis – Part 6 The videos that we were given at that evening gathering were unbelievable. But I will describe them later, because something else came up that kind of interrupted their enjoyment. My wife Alexis came to me late one evening and said she had to talk something over with me. I knew that she and Jackie – the white prostitute or ‘escort’ who arranged and organized our various ‘extracurricular activities’ – had had another telephone conversation that afternoon. The...
The Awakening of Alexis – Part 2 After a lot of time, thought, encouragment, and some light pressure on my part, Alexis finally agreed to take things to the next level, sexually. I mean she SAID she agreed, but she was also very hesitant. She sometimes seemed almost angry when I brought the subject up and refused to even talk about it, but gradually I got her to talk more about this and we got into some specifics. A lot of the discussion about what we would do, took place while making love....
The Awakening of Alexis – Part 3 For days after that night at the motel, I was in a kind of turmoil. It was such a turn-on to see my wife Alexis pleasured by a woman and also pleasuring herself in front of her. But far more so, were the statements made by Jackie – the prostitute / ‘escort’ – about future encounters – i.e. involving black men. The examples she gave, the scenarios, the options, were breathtaking. Recalling her words just gave me an instant hard-on. Alexis was just as aroused...
The Awakening of Alexis – Part 7 I am Alexis June. My husband suggested that I provide some of my side of our experiences, to give a little different perspective. I am going to be completely honest and candid. Some of what I am going to say has upset my husband when we talked about it at length but he has come around to accepting it all. Firstly, I met Charles in Africa. He’s an American and I came to like him and we got married. I admit that one reason I married him was the opportunity to...
The Awakening of Alexis – Part 5 My wife serviced a few more black men in the next couple of weeks, before Jackie arranged for us to get together again. She wanted us to view some video material, talk to us, and so on, along with some other people present. One of the servicings involved Alexis having to meet a black guy on the other side of town but it was a decent area. As usual, I drove her there and we went up to the house together. The wife opened the door. She was black, tall and very...
I’m awake. It feels good to stretch and roll over. Ahhh… it's Sunday. No need to get up until I feel like it. She’s breathing softly and steadily, still asleep. Snuggle closer; she’s lying on her back. I like cuddling with her, even when she’s asleep. Even after years of marriage, I still find her sexy as hell. Look at her face from inches away. I love those lips; best kisses and best blowjobs of my life. And those eyes; she has eyelashes to die for. My hand is on her thigh. The skin is soft...
Straight SexMy lingerie fetish went full blown when I was 12 but the origins of my perversion were much earlier in my c***dhood.I believe due to the environment I grew up in, I had very little privacy and any time I had alone was a treasure. When I was about 5 to 6 I discovered that squeezing my stuffed toy dog between my legs felt really good and it would reach a point where my mind would go blank. I would spend the entire afternoon at my grandparents place just squeezing my precious dog. Sometimes my...
I climbed into my car and headed for Emma's apartment just after 5:00 P.M. Ten minutes later I parked in a visitor space at the rear of her apartment block. The week just past seemed like the longest week of my life. I locked the car, took the stairs to the first floor and knocked on Emma's door. A few moments later she opened it, inviting me in. Emma was wearing denim shorts and a loose fitting white blouse. She looked sensational. She threw her arms around me and kissed me on the lips,...
NovelsMy fantasy continued…Rachel’s ass filled with my spunk and as I looked down I noticed it leaking out between that tight sphincter that had lost its seal from me fucking her. I shuddered from the reaction to my ejaculation and her anal cavity was so slick from my cum that my cock felt like it was being pushed out from the pressure of my cum filling her.I felt my cock start to shrink and I am sure Rachel felt it as well and she clamped hard with her muscles and held my nearly flaccid cock inside...
I can’t tell you how old I was when I first noticed the difference between the male and female species. Yes there was my mother and I knew her as Mom and I knew Mom dressed differently, but to honestly say I knew there was something different between us other than age really didn’t sink in to my brain until that morning. There was NOTHING sexual about it, no it was an awakening to the realization that there was more than an age difference between me and the females that lived in and around our...
Awakening By April Drifting awake sore and groggy, there's no pain. There should be but there isn't yet. All I feel is time thick as molasses, and squeezing. Weird pneumatic sounds as my legs are squeezed and held. Hugs from a machine. I am nervous. Do I dare? I squeeze. There's a soreness yet something else. A fullness. I can feel the packing, inside. I have an inside. Tubes in my arms pulling as a hug myself. Is this real? I can feel inside me. I'm sore but I can feel, inside. Sleep...
Stumbling into the kitchen to eat still groggy after ten hours of sleep she wiggles up on a stool, the wife looks and asks what she want to consume and she responds she wants scrambled eggs. The wife serves Mitch some eggs and broccoli and a hungry sports babe scoffs it up then relaxes gazing into space, I walk behind her and squeeze her shoulders and she leans her head back concerned why she is so tired. We discover she does not remember the previous night of torment but she is aware her pussy...
Awakening from the Dream The dream. It starts at a work happy hour at a downtown bar. A neighborhood type place, except it is in the middle of a bunch of office buildings. It’s the dive the professionals go to, not the locals. I go with the usual crowd, the usual b.s. around the office, is now just taken “offsite”. I really go because my friend Heather goes. Truth be told, I really couldn’t care about anyone else. Heather is a true friend and just gets me, understands me. We’re both in the...
Straight SexThe Awakening of Alexis - Part 7I am Alexis June. My husband suggested that I provide some of my side of our experiences, to give a little different perspective. I am going to be completely honest and candid. Some of what I am going to say has upset my husband when we talked about it at length but he has come around to accepting it all.Firstly, I met Charles in Africa. He's an American and I came to like him and we got married. I admit that one reason I married him was the opportunity to...
InterracialThe Awakening of Alexis - Part 5My wife serviced a few more black men in the next couple of weeks, before Jackie arranged for us to get together again. She wanted us to view some video material, talk to us, and so on, along with some other people present.One of the servicings involved Alexis having to meet a black guy on the other side of town but it was a decent area. As usual, I drove her there and we went up to the house together. The wife opened the door. She was black, tall and very...
InterracialThe Awakening of Alexis - Part 4Things had definitely changed. Alexis was more 'alive' now, more easily sexually aroused, more 'awakened' in the sense of a kind of primal lust. This is what I had been wanting to bring to life in her, to really perk up the sexual side of our marriage, to make things more exciting for us. Great things were happening. She would go with me to the adult video store and she would do her own selections. Nearly always she picked black on white action videos, always...
InterracialThe Awakening of Alexis - Part 3For days after that night at the motel, I was in a kind of turmoil. It was such a turn-on to see my wife Alexis pleasured by a woman and also pleasuring herself in front of her. But far more so, were the statements made by Jackie - the prostitute / 'escort' - about future encounters - i.e. involving black men. The examples she gave, the scenarios, the options, were breathtaking. Recalling her words just gave me an instant hard-on. Alexis was just as aroused too....
InterracialThe Awakening of Alexis - Part 2After a lot of time, thought, encouragment, and some light pressure on my part, Alexis finally agreed to take things to the next level, sexually. I mean she SAID she agreed, but she was also very hesitant. She sometimes seemed almost angry when I brought the subject up and refused to even talk about it, but gradually I got her to talk more about this and we got into some specifics.A lot of the discussion about what we would do, took place while making love....
InterracialThe Awakening of Alexis - Part 1I can't say that I really regret anything that's happened. Step by step it's been unbelievably exciting. Let me explain what happened.I am in my late forties and Alexis, my wife of some 18 years, is the same age. She is tall, fairly slim, with brown eyes and hair, smallish breasts, and with lots of light brown pubic hair. Our sex life has been drab to say the least and as our sex has dropped off, I've tried to find new ways to excite her. I have never been...
InterracialAwakening by ariel emms (if you enjoy this story, please feel free to let me know or to distribute it to others)...and she collapsed to the floor, nearly unconscious, unable to speak in more than moans and nearly unable to control her limbs - and never to be the same again.________________________?Do we have to go now?? asked Ariel, in a mock-whine. She giggled. ?I only just got my pillow fluffed the way I like!? She was sitting next to Ayla, the taller woman’s arm around her shoulders,...
CHAPTER 5 – Boobs, Bikes & Bees Damian couldn't believe his good fortune. He'd gone his whole life and never had a girl pay him much attention...but those days appeared to be over. Just recently he'd had his cock smothered between a pair of beautiful, black tits, received a handjob from a woman nearly three times his age, shot more cum than he thought possible, and only the gods of boners and boobs knew what would be next. It was like a spell had been cast over Titwhistle Lane and he was...
Awakening By Hidden Friend Ó Josh’s mind was filled with erotic images as he slept, a strange woman knelt naked before him her mouth closed around his cock as her tongue explored the engorged and swollen purple head. He moaned in his dream and stirred in his sleep, it felt so real, he could feel the teeth brushing his cock shaft as the mouth slid up and down it. Mind fuddled with sleep he came awake, the sensations from his dream seeming to follow him. His body was caressed by cool air as he ...
IncestFrom 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...
Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...
Hookup SitesI didn’t think I would be writing about this anymore, but so much has happened to me since the last chapter, and a lot of people have asked what’s going on, so here goes nothing. Awakenings 1-4 will tell you how much my once simple life has changed, and how I went from a happily married young wife to someone with an almost unquenchable sex appetite. I could blame Randy, the man who introduced me to that life-style, but I know it was completely my own fault. After my husband Stu called and...
I suggest you read Jennifer’s World, Awakenings, Ch.1 before reading this, if you have not already done so (for continuity). This chapter, and the next, are simply titled Awakenings for descriptive brevity asked for by Literotica. Other than that, enjoy! *************** Jennifer was beside herself. She just had the most powerful orgasm of her life, she made another woman come, and now she was about to find out what it would be like with a man! Eric closed the door behind him. ‘It’s a good...
Jennifer sat up. The wood of the floor felt good on her bare ass. Her pussy felt raw from being eaten out by Angela and then by Eric. She gingerly touched her clit. She jumped from the electric sensation caused by the contact, and started to rub herself again. She felt horny again, and very sluttish. She knew her life would never be the same. It was hard to believe that she was wondering how sex would feel like earlier this morning. Then she met Eric, then Angela, and now her sexual initiation...
PART 1 Them fuckin’ Armed Services get all the credit, but who gets their asses blown out of the water to get them their crap, for chrissake? Us fuckers in the Merchant Marine, that’s who. Goddamn sub-bait. And then they don’t send nobody to fish us out. Goddamn Krauts. Goddamn war! Cookie bobbed in his lifejacket and watched his ship disappear, a sorry excuse for a vessel, to be sure, but nonetheless, his ship. Sailors deep-six all the time, the risk they signed on for, perhaps. Bad luck,...
Rebecca heard the creak of the front door opening as Steven entered the house. "Hey Honey," he chimed from the front hallway. "How was your day?" he asked absently as he hung his jacket on the coat rack."Fine, what about you?" Rebecca answered from the kitchen."Yep, same. All good," Rebecca heard him mumble from the other room. Hopefully he'll come in here before he sits down in front of the computer, she thought to herself. She had ordered some lingerie a few weeks ago, and she had found the...
Monster SexI didn’t think I’d continue with my story, but a few things have happened lately that made me reconsider. One, Cleo (the woman who helps me write this) got so many responses asking what has happened since the first stories, that she persuaded me to continue. Secondly, my extreme behavioral and personality changes are something I’m still trying to understand. I’ve gone from a meek, naïve little creature who thought sex was just something that made you have to clean-up afterward, to someone...
AWAKENINGS 2 As soon as I walked away, I felt Id made a mistake inviting Randy to come by. Id acted on impulse and now had to somehow deal with it – carefully. After Id jokingly asked if he had any more of that Goulash hed spiked earlier, wed laughed and then hed said, How about just a drink? I had foolishly agreed and now regretted it. In the back of my mind, I did want to find out how much of that raunchy night he remembered. A lot of it had been vague for me, and I hoped it was for him as...
AWAKENINGS I really dont know where to start with this but I have to get it off my chest or the stress will just go on. My husband is a military hardware contractor. Weve been happily married for four years, and trust each other implicitly. His job entails a lot of travel, but that has never been a problem for me until recently. We moved to Washington, D.C. a few months ago, where I dont know a soul, and for some reason, making friends here is difficult. The one exception is Randy, a chef who...
I spent the night in a Motel Six in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Lake Charles was only three hundred miles from San Antonio, but I got a late start, it began raining while I was passing through Houston, and I was eager to talk to Jeanne and Mel and Amy. Three hundred miles was enough for that day. I had dinner at a Chili's, a tossed salad, a small sirloin steak, a baked potato, and a twenty ounce beer. All four of the basic food groups were represented, although Jeanne would argue that red wine...
CuckoldAwakenings By Heather St. Claire Sydney Hughes rolled over in his bed, glanced at the alarm clock, and saw it was well past 2 a.m. He muttered an obscenity, got out of bed, and wandered to the bathroom. Too late to take another sleeping pill? Yes, he decided. He would have to try to get back to sleep on his own. He was having so much trouble resting these past couple of days. These strange, vivid dreams kept filling his head. A few moments later, Syndey's head plopped down on...
My name is Greg and I have been dating my college sweetheart, Shelby, since freshman year of undergrad and now coming up on 25. We recently moved in together in a small but cozy 1 bedroom apartment close to the city. Shelby loved being in the city surrounded by people, while I enjoyed my solitude so we settled on the apartment not too far from the city but close enough to make her happy. I've been at my new job for about 4 months and have dedicated a lot of my time to my work, making our sex...
We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...
This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...
SwingerChapter1: The PlanMy wife and I have been married for 15 years. My wife has kept her 5’6” 120lb body in great shape, especially for a 40-year-old mother of two. Her 34C tits are absolutely exquisite on her small frame. Our sex life has been conservative by Donna’s nature. As a schoolteacher she is very prim and proper and carries that attitude in to the bedroom. Donna does not seem to enjoy oral sex and prefers sex in the conventional manner. Her orgasms are few and far between. As we...
It has been a few years but the constant curiosity of who it was and why they did it remains a mystery. Let me explain....As a young married couple my wife and I moved to a new neighborhood where we could raise our 2 c***dren. Nice location, nice neighbors at the end of a cul-de-sac. Everything a couple could hope for. My schedule was inconsistant at work and occasionaly my wife and I were working different hours and had little time to see each other except weekends. We made the most of them,...
Rebecca woke up the next morning feeling strangely confident. Ordinarily, she would never sleep in the nude, but last night she had gone to bed naked without a second thought. And those dreams. Holy shit, that had been so vivid. Steven would never show such passion in real life. It must have been that weird summoning spell she had tried out. It had put some really intense images in her mind.Rebecca opened her eyes to see Steven passed out with one arm splayed across her chest, his bare ass...
CheatingYou just logged off after spending 2 hours on the computer talking with me, feeling very happy and tired. You walk into the bedroom, changing into what you are wearing to bed, and crawl into the covers. You start to dream of what we talked about... Walking along a nice wooded path, listening to the sounds of nature as we walk. Coming to a pond with a small waterfall we stop and sit. Hold one another close, letting my lips softly touch yours. The kiss going from one of love and compassion to...