- 4 years ago
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I am a fixer. That’s what I do. I am a middle man that arranges things for my clients.
Over the years I have fixed it for many girls to simply disappear. The youngest was a newborn. The oldest, so far, has been nineteen.
Sometimes I get specifics, sometimes a photograph, but most of the time, I am given just general descriptions. The ones I get photographs of are harder, but I have not yet failed. The last one was a sixteen year old, who I kidnapped on her way home from school. The chloroform on the rag made short work of getting her, having met her at the corner of an alley. I don’t think she realised what had hit her until it was too late.
What she was doing now, I didn’t know, and I didn’t care. All I did was capture them, and get them to the quayside for transportation. Where they were shipped to was of no concern to me. Nor was what happened to them when they got to where they were going.
Sometimes I was given the instruction that they should not arrive at their destination still virginal. This had always been the hard part for me. It wasn’t so bad with the over sixteens, but the younger ones were different. But I was being well paid to do what I did, and if a thirteen year old was not to be a virgin, she wasn’t.
It wasn’t as if I got any personal satisfaction from fucking young girls, I didn’t , but it was a part of my job, and I always took it seriously.
But now, it was different. This one was not only specific, the photograph was clear and could not be mistaken. They wanted Jodi.
Jodi was my own daughter. Okay. I wasn’t really a family man. The marriage and the family were really a cover for what I really did. But this time, they wanted Jodi. And I didn’t know what to do.
I read the instructions carefully.
?We want this specific girl. She is to be used before she arrives with us. She will be trained as a slave. You will do this and get her ready to be transported?
That was it. Not only had I to find a way to kidnap my own daughter, I was also being told to fuck her.
I knew that if I refused, they would have a secondary team ready to do the job. Once a target was issued, there was no escape. If I didn’t arrange this myself, someone else would. Either way, Jodi was going to disappear within five days. She was due to be shipped out on the Saturday.
My problem was getting Jodi alone long enough to actually make her disappear. I couldn’t to it in the home, unless my wife was out, and that rarely happened. She didn’t work, and spent most of the time in front of the television watching the soaps and daytime shows.
So it would have to be somewhere away from the house, and that left only two places. On her way home from school, or the library, where Jodi seemed to spend a lot of time.
In the end, I chose to take her on her way home from school. As she walked home, there was a piece of ground she would have to walk through, shielded by trees on both sides. It had to be there. And it would have to be fast, before anyone else came along and saw me picking her up- and carrying her off.
Actually getting her was going to be the easy part. The tranquilliser dart would knock her pout in seconds. It was getting her away without being seen that would be the hard part.
I had just three days, then two to get her ready to transport. In itself, that was not a problem. But the mission statement had said she was to be abused before transportation. This meant that she would, perhaps, end up in a brothel somewhere, and they didn’t want a virgin on their hands. This would mean fucking my own daughter, something I was seriously not looking forward to. Even though she would have no-one to complain to, I still didn’t really want to do it.
Fucking young girls was not normally a problem. I had taken the virginity of a good many because the orders requested it. Not had I ever pulled out when I came. But Jodi was different. She was my own kid.
But I also knew I had no choice in the matter. Either I completed the job, or my reputation could be ruined in a heartbeat, and I had spent too many years building it up to lose it over a fourteen year old girl, even if she was my own flesh and blood. I could always play the angry father, complaining to the police who were failing in their duty when they didn’t find her.
Knowing I had no choice, I readied the holding room, in the basement of an old abandoned factory some miles from home. This had served me well over the years. It was out of town by some distance, and screams would not be heard. And some girls did scream, especially when I fucked them for the first time.
I had no doubt Jodi would scream. Not only because she was being fucked, against her wishes, but because her own father was doing it. But resistance would be futile. I always made sure they were secure before I fucked them, and afterwards, I knocked them out again, and kept them that way until they were shipped out.
I guess I could have kept them unconscious even as I fucked them, but, if I was honest with myself, I actually liked hearing them scream. The youngest had been eleven, the oldest had been seventeen. Though I think the older one had been fucked before, as she didn’t scream the same as the others did. It wasn’t pain, it was more anger at being used.
I eventually chose Thursday to kidnap Jodi. I had told my wife I had an out of town meeting, and had given her the hotel name where I would be staying. The first two night she had rang me, and the hotel operator had put her through to my room, so she would obviously believe I was at the hotel.
Using a clever piece of equipment I had acquired from one of my clients, I fixed it to my hotel room phone. When the operator now rang my room, the call would be redirected to my own mobile telephone, and no-one would be any the wiser. When my wife rang the hotel, and asked them to put her through, I would still be able to answer her, so she would still be convinced I was at the hotel.
The light was already fading as I lay on wait for Jodi. She was a fearless girl, and even though it would be dark by the time she got to the target area, she would not be fazed by it. I saw her through the night site connected to my air rifle. She was walking across the dark area without a care in the world.
Dressed all in black, and hidden in the trees, she could not see me, as I took careful aim with the rifle. I judged the distance, and pulled the trigger. Less than a second later, her hand flew to her neck. I had hit her perfectly. Even before she could feel the dart in her neck, I could see her knees bending, as she slowly sank to the grass. The fast acting tranquilliser had done it’s trick beautifully.
As it was dark, and there was no-one else around, I could quickly sprint over to where she lay, and pick her up. She only weighed nine stone, and was quite easy to carry. The car was also hidden in darkness, and I had her in the boot unseen.
The hardest part was done. Now she could say goodbye to her life as she knew it, to her mother, and to me. Though she and I would get a lot more intimate before she finally did say goodbye to me as well.
Avoiding getting a ticket, I drove to the factory, and carried the still unconscious girl down to the basement. It would be at least another hour before she awoke, and by then, she would be helpless, and vulnerable.
At the factory I carried her down to the basement. It wasn’t until I lay her on the floor that I realised that this would be the first time I would be seeing my own daughter naked. I had seen her running from bathroom to bedroom several times, with a large towel wrapped around her, but not naked since she was about two years old. But now she was a developing young woman. Her mother had already being buying bras for her for two years, even though I didn’t know what size they were. I also knew her mother had been buying tampons for about the same amount of time, so our little daughter had reached puberty.
I lay her on the floor and began to undress her. First the shoes, the trainers that had cost me so much a few weeks ago for her birthday. I didn’t know whether I was surprised or not to see she wore no socks. I thought all kids wore socks, but apparently, not.
It was then a choice. Her top, or her jeans. Either would reveal a part of her underwear. I knew it was only because it was Jodi that I was acting this way. Had it been anyone else, I would have stripped them without giving a thought to it. But I was still having problems getting past the fact that she was my own daughter. I also knew, that I could not go back on what I was doing, now. The drug would wear off in less than half an hour, and I had to get her secured by then, even if I didn’t fuck her that night.
I had to stop looking at her as my daughter, and start looking at her as just another victim, and there had been many of them in the past, and Jodi would not be the last.
Bending down I unfastened her belt buckle and the top button of her jeans, moments later, they were unzipped, and I had started pulling them down her legs. Her shoes came off at the same time as her jeans, leaving her lying wearing only a pair of flimsy pants. What girls chose to wear was beyond me. They actually hid very little, the dark hair of her pubes clearly visible through the thin material.
Moving up her body I soon had her tope off, and rolling her over, I unfastened the bra. At the same time I pulled the knife from my pocket, and slit the waistband to her knickers. When I rolled her over onto her back again, the bra stayed on the floor where she had lain, and her knickers came away in my hand.
I had to admit, for a fourteen year old, she was quite well built. Her tits were still developing, but were still quite large, the dark area around her nipple not yet as dark as it would eventually get.
She had a slim waist, rounded hips and thighs that would always invite someone to the promised land between her legs. It would be inviting me soon enough, but first I had to secure her to the cross.
The cross itself was a large X, tightly screwed onto the table. Once secured on this, they could not get free. I lifted Jodi from the floor and lay her on the table. Opening her arms and legs to match the shape of the cross.
I started at her wrists, then her elbows and finally her upper arms. Using cable ties to hold her arms in place. Though they would not cut off her circulation, they were certainly too tight for her to get herself free. Moving to her legs, I cable tied her ankles, her knees and her upper thighs the same way. Now, spread eagle, and held securely, I could see her more clearly.
Her open legs showed the youth of her pussy lips, still very pink, and, I guessed, as yet unused. That would change soon. But not right at that moment. The last thing I added was the gag. It wouldn’t fill her mouth totally, but it would sure impede any screams she tried. In truth, it was an invitation to scream, as I always loved to hear it when I fucked them. Especially if they were virgins.
Checking the cable ties one last time, I left Jodi alone, and walked back to the car. With any luck I would be back in my hotel before my wife rang to tell me Jodi had not come home from school.
I made it with less than ten minutes to spare. I made sure the receptionist saw me entering the bar for a drink. She would not put the call through to the room, she would send a porter to get me from the bar, adding authenticity to the alibi of having been at the hotel all day.
My wife was frantic, reminding me that Jodi had never stayed out after school without telling either one of us. I told her to stop worrying. Maybe she got sidetracked by a friend or something, and she would be home later.
In the end, I managed to pacify her, but I knew it would only be temporary. When Jodi still didn’t make it home, my wife would insist on calling the police, and dragging me back home. This was the reason I had not stayed and fucked Jodi already. I needed to be at the hotel when she rang later in the evening.
The call came around ten that night. I listened to her screaming down the phone, saying she was going to call the police, and yelling at me to get home. I made sure someone in the hotel heard me saying I would be home soon, I would book out as soon as she hung up.
I left the cart at the hotel and caught a taxi, for several reasons. First was to give me an excuse to get out of the house the following day, secondly because I had been drinking and didn’t want to be stopped on the way home, and thirdly so that my car would be nowhere near home in case the police decided to be nosey.
I got home just before midnight, and there were two police cars parked outside. My wife was in hysterics, and I could hear w woman police officer trying to calm her down.
A police sergeant asked who I was as I entered, and nodded when he realised I was the girl’s father.
As I had known, there was nothing the police could really do, other than check with her friends to see if anyone had seen her. Obviously, there would be patrols looking for her, but they were relentless in their idea that she had stayed with a friend, and would be back the next day.
My wife didn’t believe them, and I already knew they were wrong, but I nodded my head and agreed with them.
A doctor appeared from somewhere and gave my wife a sleeping pill, and by around one in the morning, they had all gone.
I poured myself a drink, and sat down looking over at my wife. I could see her eyes were already getting heavy, so I promised her I would go out early morning, and see if I could find Jodi. There was nothing I could have done at that time of the day, but I would get up early and go out.
She eventually fell asleep on the sofa, so I grabbed a cover from the bedroom and placed it over her.
I would definitely go out early morning, though looking for Jodi was not my intention. I knew she would already be awake by now. I had watched many girls waken up on the cross. It was a joy to behold as they slowly realised what had happened to them, and then tried hard to free themselves. Invariably, they didn’t start screaming until they saw me, and I usually sat in the shadows watching the spectacle.
Jodi would be on her own, though, and even more confused than the other girls had ever been. At least they had known pretty soon who had kidnapped them, and what was going to happen. Most of the time, by the time they were awake enough to know what was happening, I was between their legs and ready to fuck them. But not so with Jodi. She would have been alone all night.
I took a taxi back to the hotel, paid my bill, and drove to where Jodi was waiting for me.
She was awake when I arrived. Even as I entered the cellar I knew she was awake. I hadn’t heard anything from up the stairs, but as I entered I could hear her groaning through the gag. I looked at the cable ties, and I could see on her arms and legs that she had been pulling at them, the marks hadn’t broken flesh, but she would have a few bruises. The cable ties themselves had held wonderfully.
As she heard me enter the cellar she looked over at me, and I could see the pleasure in her eyes. She obviously thought I had been looking for her, and was about to rescue her.
Instead, I stood to one side and let her watch me as I undressed. I could see the confusion in her eyes, and hear the moans from behind the gag. Even then I wasn’t sure she knew what was coming, until I moved and stood, naked, between her legs.
Herr head shook from side to side when she realised what was about to happen, and the groans from behind the gag seemed to get louder, and more aggressive.
I felt my cock get hard as I stroked it. The girl on the cross was no longer my daughter, she was simply one more victim I was being well paid to provide. I stepped closer so she could feel the heat of my body on hers, as I saw her pulling hard at her arms and legs, in vain. The cable ties would not release her.
This is when I discovered that our innocent daughter was not actually a virgin. I pressed the head of my cock towards her pussy, and felt the head slide in. I moved slowly at first, expecting to feel the hymen trying to stop me. But it wasn’t there. I pressed deeper, and eventually my whole cock was inside her, and still no obstruction.
I don’t know why this angered me, but it did. How could our daughter have done this to us, we didn’t even know she had a boyfriend.
Driven by anger I pulled my cock almost out, and then rammed it hard and fast back into her. Now, she really was just another victim. I fucked her as hard as I could, felling her struggle to get free, and away from me. The groans were replaced by heavy sobbing, as I drove my cock hard and fast at her. Any thoughts that I would pull out before it was too late, had gone from my head, and I knew she would get it deep inside her pussy.
I could feel my heart beating faster as I came closer to the end. My hands were gripping her hips, as I rammed as hard as I could into her.
With a groan, I drove as deep as IU could, feeling my cock pulsate, as my juices flooded into Jodi, filling her pussy with them. Her whole body was wracked with sobbing, as she realised I had just cum inside her. I didn’t care what she was thinking. In a short time she would be out of my hands. I had planned on waiting until the Saturday to deliver her, but she could go that day instead.
Even as I pulled out from her I was still angry that Jodi had not been a virgin. Not so much that I wanted her virginity, but that she had gone with a boy behind our backs.
I wiped my cock clean on the inside of her thigh, as if to show her the distain I felt for her. Had she not been gagged, I would have forced her to clean it with her mouth.
I picked up my clothes and dressed, taking the phone from my pocket and calling my client.
?Hi.. The package is ready, and used. Any instructions??
As usual. I was told someone would be over to pick her up later in the day. Even though it as a day early, once I told them she was ready, they came and picked them up. Once the girl was in their hands, she would simply disappear. I never asked where. What I didn’t know didn’t hurt me.
I left her secured to the cross. My client’s men would release her when they arrived. My own part in this deal was now done, and I could go home and act like the worried parent who’s young, innocent, daughter had gone missing.
I smiled as I left the cellar. Actually, Jodi had been a good fuck.
And soon, maybe even the next week, there would be another girl, another set of worried parents, another police hunt that would never produce results.
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14 year old Mark was in the shopping centre looking for new trainers when he saw some of the local thugs, Mark knew they would give him aggro so he hid on the emergency stairs. Mark was hated because he was a flasher. Mark went up the stairs he could hear nobody following and felt safe he went to the roof café which was always quiet, on the roof Mark saw 16 year old Mandy was working in the café on her own she was wearing her normal body hugging skirt and baggy top. Mark got a coke and sat...
At the start of my shift, it's Friday 12midnight or better known as 0 hours in other words graveyard shift. I am the supervisor of the Hotel Security. A 5 stars all resort exclusively hotel. I have been here for at least 3 years and I have worked my way up. I have been supervisor now for about roughly 2 years and I have a very good team of officers assigned to me. Which overall makes the job very easy and laid back. I'm only needed for in case of an emergency, rarely do we ever have an...
Dr Bradley was examining Wes before Mom and I made it into the room. "He's still in a deep coma. It's not unusual for a patient in a coma to make involuntary noises. I'm glad you called me when you heard it. It could have been something else." Poor Wes. He looked like someone was playing a sick joke on him. A guy who thought nothing of running 10 or 12 miles in a track meet or jumping on a bike, riding 25 miles to the beach, swimming all day then riding back. Laying on his stomach,...
Hi guys this is hard-dick this is my first story so if there any mistake please forgive me . So let come to the story . Meri wife ka naam mahi hai delhi ki khule vicharo ki ladki height 5’6″ dikhne me pyari . Ek din mein aur mahi drink kar rahe the .Waise wo sirf mere saath hi drink karti hai .Ab tak to usne aisa hi bta rakha hai .Mene isi dauran mahi se kaha apni sexual fantasy btao to wo thoda jhijki fir mene kaha chalo me apni fantasy btata hu to mahi kehti hai haan haan btao ji mene kaha...
He stood there with a drink in his hand, scoping out the place. He didn’t wanna come to this party. His friend dragged him there. It was their office party. The room was filled with pretentious laughter and chit-chat. He was bored. Then he saw her. She was about 35 years old. She wasn’t hot like a model but was thick and curvy. Her bosoms bulged out as if her red top couldn’t hold it in. Her ass was swinging as she moved. She was showing off. She noticed his stares and gave him a flirty smile...
Closing her eyes she could feel his mouth go down on her nipple so gently and start to suck. She moved her hand down to her bare pussy and stroked it so lightly. She leaned her breast in further so his mouth surrounded all her areola and caught her breath when he sucked her in. Her thoughts were of his touches, his tongue moving so gently yet firmly across her nipples. Her pussy was getting so wet, she started to finger herself but felt his hand push hers away as he slowly finger fucked her. ...
I was just picking up clothes to wash in his room, when I saw these pictures that were sticking out from underneath some papers. I wasn't looking or snooping really, but when I saw them I thought I'd take a look. I stood there in the quiet of the house and slowly looked at them. The first couple were clearly of my son. Bobby was smiling and looking casual. I couldn't quite make out where they would have been taken. The third picture was of Bobby again, but this time he was grinning a...
IncestDISCLAIMER:- The following text is sexually explicit and contains depictions of sexual acts that have been classified by the surgeon general as potentially dangerous and unhealthy. You must be a broad minded adult to read the text, and you must not make this text available to minors or to any person who does not wish to view it. Unprotected sexual relations with unknown partners is hazardous and we urge the use of condoms and safe sex at all times. Broken Fantasy (M/F, Intr, Cuck, Voyeur, Anal,...
InterracialErin and I have been together since we were in pre-school. First starting out as friends, then in high school, we began to experiment sexually with each other. This lead to us moving in together when we started college. At a party during the university days, there were a couple of cute guys, who kept hitting on us. We have always considered ourselves true lesbians, but we had been drinking along with some light d**g use, besides they were so cute - one thing led to another, before we knew what...
My folks both had to go out of town on respective business conferences, and rather than leave me in the house by myself (even though I'm really old enough to manage) they asked me to find someone to stay with. I thought of Jeb; while he and I aren't exactly best friends, we've kind of knocked around together since getting into high school. We're both bookish types, and we both like science fiction, so he seemed like a reasonable guy to ask to bunk with for a week. I talked with him at...
It was another boring night in my dorm room. My roommate was out with her boyfriend and I was all alone. I had a major test the next day, but I didn't feel like studying. As i sat in front of the TV, I wondered how my dorky roommate had a man but I didn't. She was a total geek with her shoulder-length mousy brown hair and her thick glasses. And Lord knows, the girl couldn't dress. But, of course, her boyfriend, Josh, was sort of a geek too. But, in a way. He was tall and lean with dirty blonde...
EroticIntroduction: This is the fourth chapter of the series. I admit this one got a little too long, but I didnt find a good breaking point, so it is what it is. For those waiting for steamier sex scenes, this chapter finally delivers it. Again, please feel free to leave comments and suggestions, many of them have been very helpful and were added. My eyes awoke to the piercing rays of the sun, fighting its way through the blinds. I quickly glanced at the clock and was relieved to see it was only...
By my 17th Birthday, I was on the verge of outgrowing my C-cup. When people thought I was out of ear-shot, I heard words like ‘well-endowed,’ ‘nubile’ and ‘voluptuous.’ But appearances, as they say, can be deceiving. Between sports, a part-time job and honors-track classes, I didn’t have time, or energy, or much in the way of sexual experimentation. For one thing, I was nervous around guys. And guys were pretty much everywhere. Alone I was more relaxed. I enjoyed watching myself undress in a...
Die jungfräuliche Elizabeth oder Lizzie, wie ihre Freunde sie riefen, war perfekt. Sie war 5 ' 5 ", 118 Pfd, blaue Augen, feste runde Brüste, ein üppiger süßer Hintern, mit ihrem fließenden blonden Haar, um ihre Weiblichkeit zu vollenden, zogen die Männer wie ein Magnet an. Aber Lizzie besaß kein Selbstvertrauen, das zu ihrem Anblick passte, sie schien häufig männliche Aufmerksamkeit zu suchen, um ihre Attraktivität zu überprüfen. Sie brauchte einen Freund und suchte immer nach dem...
"Will I finally get the job? Will all my hard work finally pay off?" You look at your watch as the butterflies get worse. Your boss has been very hard on you and you wonder if you have stood out from the other interns. After all, college is almost over and this is your chance to make it. You adjust your skirt as you put your hands back on your lap. "Mr. Richards will see you now." the cute secretary says. You nod as you head towards the door. You know you wont be a secretary. You are going...
BDSMShe had reached womanhood without so much as a passing glance at the fine males around her. Evareia the Pure they called her, and she wore that title like a badge of honor. What she lacked in sexual experience she made up for with speed, stealth, and grace. Her life was soon to change. A message found her one day, summons to the war front against the cursed Horde. And so Evareia traveled with her brothers and sisters. For the Alliance, for her people, she would do anything. And with that in...
Fantasy"Say again?" His voice was soft and teasing. She was clearly embarrassed. She looked down at her dessert plate and said, almost in a whisper, "Please." "Say it again." His voice a bit more commanding. The small noises of the restaurant had faded completely behind the rushing sound in her ears. She stared at her half empty plate and mumbled an unconvincing, "No." "No?" he asked in a playful tone, knowing he'd tapped into a most secret place. "Not really," she said with a...
Hello friends, mera naam Priti hai. Main aap sabko apni sex kahani batane ja rahi hu jo mere boyfriend ke sath ki hai. Kaise maine apne boyfriend ke sath sex ka maza li aur hum dono kaise ek dusre se mile aur sex kiye. Main aur mera boyfriend gym mein mile the. Mere pados mein ek gym hai. Aur main waha hamesha apni saheliyo ke sath gym karne ke liye jaati hu. Mujhe wahin par mera boyfriend mila. Aur woh bhi roj gym aata tha. Uski body bhi acchi thi aur main usko like karti thi. Ek din usne hi...
Ben, stunned by Emily’s words ‘I’ll do it.” Sits frozen. Emily repeats, “Dad, I’ll do it.” She then adds, “It sounds exciting.” Ben leans back, his mind and body feels like they are trapped in quicksand. “Emily.” Ben mutters finally. “Dad, It’s ok.” Emily, Ben’s teenage daughter, says in hope of breaking her father’s trance. “It’s not like I haven’t thought about sex, boys, and dirty things.” Emily looks for a reaction from her dad. Ben slouched back in the sofa looks at Emily. His...
This is still for you……. Please read, Having Nicole Pt 1 so will be able to follow this story! After eating my best friends pussy, I stood up off the floor and decided that I’d had enough fun for one night. I already felt bad, like I had taken advantage of her in some way. I told her that we would have a lot more fun this weekend, we always shared a bottle of wine on Friday nights and knew we would both be more relaxed. Nicole protested slightly but agreed, she knew we both needed to get up...
"I got to know most of them when Neil and I started to come out. Once I got really into it, you know. Stephen, he'll be here. You'll like Stephen. He's the one married man whose wife really doesn't understand him. Lovely guy. A lot older than us, but, well, we'll see, I think you'll like him. You could meet as many as three Sarahs tonight, if they're all out, and of course they will be. You can make your own mind up, but there's one of them that you have to watch out for. I'll explain...
That warm Saturday I was home alone, since my sweet wife had gone to take care of her girlfriend Sarah, who was feeling in a very depressive mood since her divorce.I was sitting out by the pool, working with my laptop, when suddenly Ana’s good friend Ursula appeared coming from the garage door.I was surprised to see her at my house, since I thought that she would know Ana would be visiting Sarah for a couple days…Ursula sat down close to me and I offered her a drink. She said she was also home...
"What are you playing at?" "Excuse me," I said, looking up at Robbie. I'd been sitting in the library reading about Custer's early career. I couldn't decide if the man was a genius who got unlucky at Little Big Horn, or an idiot who got lucky in the Civil War. "What's with you and the Bronx princess?" "Manhattan. She's from Manhattan." "Quiet!" Mrs. Conners snapped from the circulation desk. I nodded, and Robbie slipped into the chair opposite me. "What about you and...
When Nick recommenced the Tales the next evening, my fellow writers/editors of an earlier Tale sat with me, including Tash, Helena, Lindy, and, unusually, Betty. We had been so caught up with our discussions that we remained together when we arrived at the theater, and decided, with shrugs, to continue being together. I think Lindy looked happiest about this, and made sure she sat beside her first female lover. And Betty sat beside me, winking. “The morning following the successful...
For the first time in almost a year you go home It’s the day before your birthday and your mom told you she was planning a special party for you. You got so excited when you heard that. College sucked there was no hiding that and home would be great to see. You hoped that your sister would be home too. You hadn’t seen her much less talked to her since last Christmas after she missed the next due to a storm. Your Mom didn’t say who she invited but you expected more than just her. You arrived at...
IncestIt is the early hours of Sunday morning, midsummer. A crack of sunlight pours through the window and there is a freshly cut grass smell in the air. It's that blissful split-second when you wake up and nothing matters. I lie next to my lover. My favourite place. There is nothing I like better the lying on his chest, the smell of a man, the little bit of hair, the mix of bed sweat and pure manliness. I snuggle in to his chest, wanting, yearning for his cock. I kiss his cheek, he doesn't react. I...
Straight SexWayne peered at the clock, confused. It was a cuckoo clock, kitschy but otherwise unremarkable by the looks of it, way back in a corner of the store and high up by the ceiling. The little bird was popping out of the doors and making its noise as it had been for the past five minutes. It didn’t even make sense that it would chime now, it wasn’t even the top of the hour. When it first started going off it was just one little “cuckoo!” and Wayne barely heard it. But then it went off again a...
Me and my fella went to a couples club one night. We rented a room in a hotel so we wouldn't have to drive after we got drunk, as we knew we would. We have never been to these clubs before and were nervous We aren't swingers but have often fantasized about being watched flashing and my guy wanted to see other guys fondle me from time to time I dressed in a very short, black dress. It was a halter style dress that tied behind my neck and was very low cut, showing off my lovely new 34D tits....
"I'll be ready in a minute!" Paul replied, and turned back to the mirror. The girl that stared back at him no longer startled him as much as she used to, but he was still far from comfortable with his new form. He was wearing a flowing long skirt which covered his legs. He would have preferred to have worn jeans, but they just made his masculine lower half too obvious for his liking. Paul fiddled with the buttons on his white blouse. He had never really noticed that woman's blouses had...
My sister and I were at our mom’s house. It’s was early afternoon and the rest of the family were home. They all packed up for a Sunday outing. My sister Pam and I didn’t go because I had to go home and study, and she was working later that evening. I am 23 and she is 33. She’s a model and very sexy looking. She is around 5.9, 125 pounds, skinny figure with c36 breasts and a really great ass. Brown eyes, black hair and long legs complete her resume. I am not too bad myself. 5.10, muscular...