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By my 17th Birthday, I was on the verge of outgrowing my C-cup. When people thought I was out of ear-shot, I heard words like ‘well-endowed,’ ‘nubile’ and ‘voluptuous.’

But appearances, as they say, can be deceiving. Between sports, a part-time job and honors-track classes, I didn’t have time, or energy, or much in the way of sexual experimentation.

For one thing, I was nervous around guys. And guys were pretty much everywhere. Alone I was more relaxed. I enjoyed watching myself undress in a mirror. Sometimes I even took a hand mirror and put it between my legs to study myself ‘down there.’ In bed, I’d caress my nipples and pinch my labia. It was good, very, very good–although I hadn’t quite managed a full-blown orgasm.

All that changed the summer I visited Aunt Wendy’s cattle ranch in eastern Wyoming.

On the drive back from the airport, Aunt Wendy pulled a small silver flask from the glove compartment of her pickup. ‘Darlin’, meet my best friend Johnny Walker,’ she said passing it to me. ‘Have a slug.’

Aunt Wendy was a year older than my Dad. As children, they were Army brats, shuffling between military bases every few years. By High School, however, their personalities were becoming very different. Aunt Wendy was wild and wayward, my Dad was shy and studious. They were living in Wyoming when Aunt Wendy got pregnant and married a rancher’s son.

I knew my parents didn’t entirely approve of Aunt Wendy, which made her all the more alluring. So I tried my best to please her by tossing my head back a taking a long swig from her flask. Of course, as soon as the whiskey hit the back of my throat, I crumbled into a coughing fit.

After Wendy stopped laughing and I’d regained my speech, she pumped me for juicy news about my relatives. She loved family gossip, the more salacious the better.

I filled her in on all the rumors I’d heard, and overheard. And she updated on her side of the family. Cousin Bobby had come out of the closet. Cousin Phil lost his construction job and was living in a trailer park. Aunt Phillis was at a San Diego rehab clinic (no wonder) and while she was away her husband had shacked up with a nymphette hairdresser half his age.

‘What about your love life, Darlin’?’ she asked with a pointed look in my direction.

‘What love life?’ I said, perhaps a little wistfully. ‘I don’t have time for a love life.’

‘Figured as much,’ she said, exhaling a cloud of cigarette smoke. ‘Your Dad was the same when he was your age.’

She spent the next ten minutes pumping me for specifics: Had I ever seen a naked man? Touched one? Been touched? I told Wendy pretty much everything, except the part about touching myself. That was just way too embarrassing.

As her pickup bounced down the dirt driveway to the ranch, Aunt Wendy winked at me and said: ‘Nothing much new around here either, ‘cept, maybe the scenery has improved a mite.’

When we parked, I saw what she meant. Lunging a pony in the coral was the most exquisite man I’d ever seen in the flesh. He looked about 20, was naked to the waist, and his tanned chest glowed like burnished copper in the Wyoming sun. His shoulders and pecs were perfectly defined, almost as if chiseled in stone, and his abs rippled every time he tugged on the lunge line. His tight, faded Levis left little to the imagination.

‘I see what you mean,’ I whispered to Aunt Wendy.

‘That’s Skip,’ she said with a wink. ‘He’s the ag student that’s helping out this summer. Sure is an improvement over the regular bunch.’

That would be the permanent ranch hands, three grizzled old men with weathered faces the texture of lizzard skin and the bad teeth to match. Improvement didn’t begin to describe it.

Aunt Wendy wasted no time introducing Skip. He took my hand and looked me straight into me eye. As our skin touched the blood rushed to my cheeks and I was suddenly terrified he could tell how excited just looking at him was making me feel. We exchanged ‘nice to meet you’s’ while Aunt Wendy beamed like a cat that had just eaten the canary.

‘Does Skip have a girlfriend?’ I asked as soon as we reached the front porch.

‘I have no idea, Darlin’,’ Aunt Wendy said as we walked to the house. ‘But even if he does, it wouldn’t mean a thing. That boy is as randy as a Spring mare.’

Skip joined us in the house for dinner, something the permanent hands almost never did. At the table, he was soft-spoken and almost taciturn, although endearingly passionate when he talked about ranching.

Whenever he looked at me, I felt as if I were being undressed. It wasn’t necessarily unpleasant, but it was flustering. I was blushing and tongue-tied, which was totally unlike me.

In my honor, Aunt Wendy had baked Brown Betty a la mode for desert. I was on my second bite when Skip’s fingers brushed my thigh, sending a cascade of little shivers down my spine.

I told myself it was accidental, but a moment later his fingers were back, this time caressing me in a way that could only be deliberate. I considered pushing his hand away, but Skip’s fingers were evoking sensations I’d never felt before.

He’d begin by touching just above my knee, then slowly tracing a path up the inside of my thigh. Each time he repeated this caress, it ended closer and closer to the gap between my legs, and my entire body pulsed with a sexual energy and anticipation.

A tiny voice commanded me to make Skip stop. But I was powerless against the pent up urges and antificaption that Skip’s magic fingers were releasing. Then, from somewhere far away, I realized another voice was demanding my attention.

‘I see you still love my Brown Betty,’ Aunt Wendy was saying, watching me with a conspiratorial grin.

‘Oh, my Goodness, yes!’ I blurted. ‘It just keeps getting better and better.’ From the corner of my eye, I saw a mischievous sparkle in Skip’s eyes as his fingertips made a final push between my legs.

‘Mmmmmmmm,’ I sighed. ‘You’ve changed the recipe, haven’t you?’

Aunt Wendy’s look darted from me to Skip and back. ‘Sugar and spice,’ she replied in a whisper. ‘Don’t you just love it?’

As soon as the table was cleared, I ran to my room, pleading the incredibly lame excuse of jet-lag.

The guest-room had French doors that opened onto a hedge-enclosed porch. The cottage furniture was pale cream and the bed was made with a hand-stitched country comforter. It crossed my mind that there must be worse places for a girl to lose her virginity.

My pussy was still tingling from Skip’s caresses. I slipped out of my jeans and checked my panties, the front panel was moist and warm. Looking for a distraction, I curled into a recliner, grabbed the TV remote and channel surfed until I found a fluffy teen romance called ‘The Truth about Cats and Dogs.’

The plot was straight from Cyrano de Bergerac, but at least the characters were sympathetic and engaging. However, if the goal had been to take my mind off sex, it wasn’t working. The lead characters had were having marathon candle-lit telephone conversation which turned out to be the prelude to an erotic, but frustrating phone-sex scene.

Frustrating because when Janeane Garofalo asks Ben Chaplin, ‘O., where’s your hand?’ I was wondering the same thing? But in the movie, Janeane and Ben are hidden beneath all kinds of blankets and sheets. Almost without thinking, slipped my own hand down the front of my panties, closed my eyes and let my fingers glide between slippery wet lips.

Maybe it was because the scene on the TV had ended. Or maybe I actually sensed someone watching. But when I opened my eyes and shifted my gaze from the TV screen to the patio, I almost died of humiliation.

A shirtless Skip was standing in the open door, his eyes focused intently on my crotch. My expression must have been priceless, a combination of horror and embarrassment. Instinctively, as the blood rushed to my face, I clamped my legs together in panic.

When Skip saw my legs snap close, his face broke into a smile. I was trying to scream, ‘Go, away. Leave me alone!’ But it wasn’t working. Instead, my eyes were drinking in Skip’s beautiful physique, that chest, those abs, the strong farm boy arms and hands. God, those hands!

If he’d said something, anything at all, I probably would have screamed for real. But he didn’t. He just looked at me with unmistakable desire in his eyes and smiled. His look made me feel sexy and attractive and, even more important, it made me comfortable with the idea of sharing a private sexual conspiracy.

Then he looked down. Not at me, but at the front of this own jeans. He followed his gaze with his fingers. He unbuckled his belt in a single fluid motion, unsnapped the top button, and slowly, almost teasingly, began to lower his zipper, revealing a growing triangle of brilliant white cotton. The adrenaline surge caused by the embarrassment of being caught with my hand in my panties was suddenly being transformed into a massively amped up sexual jolt.

When the zipper was all the way down, he opened the front of his jeans as far as they would go. I could see the outline of his cock pressed against the front of his briefs. Even the little ridge around the head was clearly visible.

Skip smiled again, even more invitingly, but I was still in too much shock to respond. Eventually, he frowned and with a melodramatic flourish he mimicked me by snapping his legs together and pulling the front of his jeans together so that his briefs and his cock were hidden.

I’d never played, ‘I’ll show you mine, if you’ll show me yours.’ But if I ever was going to do it, this was the moment. Slowly, I opened my legs, acutely aware that even in the dim flicker of the TV, Skip could see my fingers were inside my panties, and perhaps even make out the dark, damp spot I imagined was visible on the crotch panel.

He answered by letting the front of his jeans fall open again. Then he motioned to my t-shirt and softly whispered ‘take it off.’

I withdrew my hand from my panties, which somehow boosted my confidence, and lifted the hem of my T-shirt, revealing my tummy and eventually, my sports bra. Growing bolder, I stood up, facing him and lifted it completely over my head.

His widening smile was all the encouragement I needed, in another instant, I stripped off my bra. I stood wearing only my panties. I was amazed at my own brazenness, and at the intense feelings that felt like electric shockwaves surging through my whole body.

Skip responded by sliding his jeans to the floor and stepping out of them.

We stood for a long time, studying each other. His skin glowed with a deep summer tan. Every time he moved, muscles rippled and flowed.

I could see his cock getting harder inside his briefs, as I’m sure he saw the wet spot spreading across the front of my panties. I noticed his rib cage expanding and contracting with excitement and then realized my own breathing was faster and deeper as well.

Finally, Skip slipped his fingers inside his briefs and wrapped them around his cock.

My own fingers were shaking and I felt a cross between intense sexual excitement and a desperate need to pee. With his eyes fixed on my fingers, I slipped my own hand back inside my panties.

I pressed my middle finger between my lips and it slipped inside with almost no resistance. Lost in my own pleasure, I must have let my eyes flutter closed. When I opened them again, his briefs were gone, replaced by a triangle of pale skin with a puff of pubic hair and a beautiful hard cock that glimmered in the dim light.

Again, I felt a twinge of embarrassment when I realized he was waiting for me to pull down my panties. He finally put his hands on his hips, as if to demand I that I fulfill my end of our unspoken bargain. Then he looked into my eyes and whispered, ‘please let me see you…’

That was all it took to overcome my last shred of inhibition. Watching Skip’s twitching cock, I hooked my thumbs in my panties and slowly exposed my own little patch of blonde pubic hair. Then lower, until I could feel the cool air on my wet pussy lips.

In an instant, Skip’s hand was wrapped around his cock and I was fascinated by the speed and vigor of his strokes. His hand was barely visibly except as a pale blur.

After a moment, he paused. I thought he might have cum, but he was just waiting for me to join him.

What followed was an erotic symphony. I would finger myself while he watched intently, then for a few bars he would take over while I looked on. We traded back and forth like this, each time the sexual tension growing more and more intense.

Then came the point where I just could not stop. I felt my orgasm building from deep inside and rather than pause to watch Skip, I just kept speeding up faster and faster, my finger deep inside, my thumb pounding my clit.

Arching his back, Skip grabbed his cock again and began matching my own frantic pace.

I came with my eyes closed and every muscle of my body clenched in beautiful agony. When I finally opened my eyes, Skip was looking at me in amazement. As I lowered my gaze, he gave his cock several violent strokes, took a step closer, pointed the swollen purple head directly at me and orgasmed.

Long cords of white cum pulsed out of his cock tip and splashed across the floor with almost balletic majesty. Something about the utter eroticism of it caught me off-guard and I found myself staggering backward to the recliner as another powerful orgasm ripped through me.

Afterward, I found myself naked in the recliner, my legs spread and the room filled with the tangy aroma of sex. Skip was kneeling on the floor in front of me with his face nuzzled against my inner thigh and his tongue tracing wet circles towards my pussy.

‘I think this is going to be the best summer of my life,’ I whispered to hims as my head fell back into the recliner and felt Skip’s warm tongue slip between my swollen labia.

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Hello everyone my name is raj(name changed) i live in chandigarh so chandigarh ki ladkia mujhe contact kar sakti ha on my email id meri age 20 ha or ma gym karta hun to meri body ki shape bhi achi ha mera lund 7 inch ka ha jo ladkio ko satisfy kar sakta ha. Zada time na waste karte hue ma apni story pe ata hun. Yeh bat 3 month pehle ki ha jab ma coaching ke lia parai kar raha tha tab chandigarh me mere ghar ke samne ek ladki rehti thi voh merese shayad 1 sal hi choti thi but kia ladki thi ma...

3 years ago
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Roger a fifty-four years old widower lives in the southern part of the USA. He stood about five-foot five, has average weight, black hair, brown eyes, and a muscular build. He doesn’t consider himself handsome, or someone women would find attractive. So he doesn’t have an interested in looking for someone, or dating. He spends his week like the average man, working, taking care of his home and son. While shopping at the local market one Friday he met and has become friends with an older woman...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Bikini Beach The Handyman

Bikini Beach: The Handyman Elrod W "Damn!" The old woman cursed again as she slammed the phone down. A shapely young woman looked up sharply at the noise and the curse. "What is it, grandma?" The old woman mouthed an even more profane curse, then sighed. "Those idiots want seven hundred dollars to fix the pump! And they can't do it until next Thursday." She glanced out the one tiny window of her office, gazing for a few moments at the artificial mountain and the water...

1 year ago
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Love With Aarohi In Chandigarh

Hi everyone, I am back with a new story again. Ye meri 2nd story hai – “Love With Arohi”. Last story jisne nhi padhi wo padh le and please share your reviews with me. Main Haryana se hu or current location Chandigarh hai. Koi bhi aunty ya bhabhi, ladki mujhse chudna chahti hai to feel free to contact me at my mailing address Mere lund ka size 7″ hai. Mujhe bade boobs or badi gaand wali girls pasand hai. I am waiting for your replies. Reply me must Now let’s start the story. Last year chal raha...

2 years ago
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Threesome In Chandigarh

Hi friends! Mai Sahil, a bachelor from Chandigarh, age 21. Yes, ab mujhe bhi mere sabse pehle sex mei kaafi maza aaya toh mai aage bhi isey continue krna chahta hu, toh koi bhi girl/bhabhi/aunty within tricity can approach me but mujhe apne liye full secrecy chahiye aur han meri taraf se bhi secrecy ki guarantee, So anyone interested can contact on my email-ID Ye Story ek real life ghatna hai aur maine apni life mei bhi kbhi aisa kuch expect nahi kiya tha. Toh baat kuch aisi hai k kuch mahino...

3 years ago
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Hot Sex With Doctor In A Hotel In Chandigarh

Hello friends how are you? Hope everyone is fine and enjoying sex with their partners, any lady married only looking for partner can mail me. We can meet and enjoy the life. I am Romy dhanoa from mohali working as quant faculty in an reputed institute in Chandigarh. I m 26 years old and I m married. I m very much interested in married ladies because they know how to satisfy men. I have sex with many females till now. This is the story of me having sex with a lady doctor from sec 32 hospital...

3 years ago
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Student In Chandigarh

Hello again… Thanks a ton for appreciations on my last story… Post ur suggestions and comments on This story revolves around a very sweet girl, putting up in a pg, new in Chandigarh from Shimla. I got this call from an anonymous number that morning and a very sexy voice made my sleepy state vanish in seconds. I was asked for another physics tuition class in sector 36 at a girl’s pg and timings had to be before 6 in the evening. I smiled and thought for a while that this time it won’t be a...

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Enjoy My Sweet Married Friend In Chandigarh

Hiiiiiiiii Friends , I m sam Thakur , meri age 30 years hai or main Chandigarh k paas rahta hu.. Frnds main ISS ka bahut fan hu aur maine bahut si stories padi hain , aaj main aapko apni ek story btane ja rha hu jo Feb.13 ki hai , ye meri phli story hai aur agar koi mistake ho jaye to uske liye sorry. About me My age is : 30 yrs, Weight : 60 Kgs , height : 170 cm, colour : Fare. Aagr koi Married, Housewife / girl mere sath enjoy FREE of COST Enjoy krna chahti ho to plzz plzz plzz mughe meri...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER SEVEN: That night with Blackie was followed by another try several days later. Mitch and I never specifically talked about how Blackie might fit into a sexual relationship. He seemed to just be content that it was. That first time with Blackie was nice. Yeah, I know, ‘nice’ doesn’t sound like an overwhelming endorsement for canine sex, but ‘nice’ is a world better than ‘not nice’.We may not have talked specifically about how Blackie would fit in (and suddenly that sounds like a pun),...

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swingers handbook

A Swingers Handbook I couldnt come up with a name to describe these guidelines, based on my experiences, So I thought, A Swingers Handbook might be fitting. Swingers, that might be a new word for wife swappers, and in this day and age, I have no idea what they call it. Usually its people who are married that have sex with multiple partners with the consent of their spouse, most times including their spouses. Now days, all they have to be is a shack-up. Most all of the women in my life were...

1 year ago
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I got a call from a lady I had been recommended to who wanted to replace some lights in her lounge, she asked if I could call round later that day, I took down her address and phone number in case of difficulties.After ringing the doorbell, an attractive brunette opened the door, I estimated that she was about thirty-ish. Mike’s the name Electricity’s the game, the handy electrician, I stated. Come in she beckoned. Where are these lights I asked, they’re in the lounge straight-ahead, follow me...

3 years ago
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Jennie and the Handyman

Her glancing at the paper that early Tuesday, second cup of coffee in hand, was what finally moved Jennie Allen to do something about her ‘old house.’ It wasn’t exactly that she had ‘let it go’, as people tend to say. It’s just that she normally never thought about having things done. Old habits died hard, she was aware of that. The whole realm of dealing with house items, and needs was one of her Andy’s main pleasures. She thought of the many, many times that she would scold him about...

3 years ago
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The Handyman

I was always incredibly shy. At twenty-one, I had missed out on more encounters that I could care to mention. I was sure that if a shrink got hold of me he would find the deep-seated reason for my affliction, but I was simply not willing to venture into the realms of psychological claptrap.Regrettably, however, my introversion was mostly misconstrued as aloofness. Even though I was above average-looking, most guys simply did not have the time or patience to try and break through my reserved...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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The Handyman

This true account of events all started when I went back to school at age25, at night to become a Graphic Designer. After I had been in school fora little over a year, and my beginner classes were behind me, the classesfor this new quarter started getting tougher. I found that crunchingnumbers all day, trying to go to school 4 nights a week, and the evergrowing homework projects, were getting harder to complete on time and toconsistently produce the standard of work I required of myself to...

3 years ago
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Teenage Handyman

My name's Spike. Well, actually my given name is Percy, but no one should call me that to my face unless he wants a fight on his hands. My parents named me that in the hopes of pleasing a rich uncle of the same name who might leave them some money when he died. Well, he died, but he didn't leave any of us a dime. My parents divorced over Dad's drinking and being without work besides. My mom had to apply for welfare and she, my sister and I moved into one of these cheap one-bedroom...

4 years ago
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Sams YearChapter 7 Marree and Kati Thanda

Sam stood in the lobby reading the announcements and business card that had been posted. The one from Wrightsair (“The spirit of the outback”) caught his eye. He walked over to the desk. “Excuse me?” “Yes?” Does Wrightsair ever land here?” “Sure. Atta ‘port. Fifteen minnit walk. Folks get ‘em to do a flyin’ tour o’ the lake. ‘Specially when it’s full or empty.” “Thank you.” He left to meet Tessa. She was waiting for him. “Waiting long?” “Not at all.” “I have an idea.” “That’s good....

2 years ago
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Ranchland Chapter 10

Shelly Taylor struggled to stay awake as she manoeuvered down the rough gravel road. It had been a long drive from her home in Alberta Beach, and travelling at night hadn’t helped any. But she had wanted to reach her destination in the early morning hours, with the hope that she’d be able to see her Dad before he had to go out on the range for another day. With the long hours and lack of sleep though, her chances of driving into a ditch instead had increased substantially. Somewhere on...

3 years ago
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Ranchland Chapter 9

Amy woke to an empty bed, and a hidden fear snaked through her dawning consciousness. She’d gotten used to waking every morning to the warmth of her uncle Ben’s body caressing and pleasuring her, sensuously introducing her to the new day. This morning though, he wasn’t behind her, holding her close to him as he filled her with his massive masculinity, or luxuriously lapping at her own femininity. She felt alone and deserted, and a wave of panic swept over her. “Ben?” she called out. “Where...

1 year ago
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Ranchland Chapter 8

“Ben, what’s the date today?” Amy asked her uncle. She was toiling over the ranch’s accounts, as she did every month. Ben Calhoun shook his head, wondering how his niece could lose track of something like the date. “Umm,” he answered as he looked at the calendar, “September 15th. Why?” “Because there’s all kinds of important dates this month, and I wasn’t sure which one was next. We wouldn’t want to miss Angie’s birthday . . . would you?” she teased him. Their daughter’s birthday was...

2 years ago
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Ranchland Chapter 7

[b]Ranchland - Chapter 7[/b] Ben surveyed the Longhorn herd’s survival after their first Chinook experience. There had been some losses, but nowhere near as bad as he had expected. Out of a herd of two hundred head, they’d lost six. Maybe, he thought, these Longhorns would prove to be more adaptable than most of the local cattlemen believed. If, by spring, they had proven themselves, there’d be a strong market for calves, with a little marketing on his parrt. As Amy had the only sizeable...

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Ranchland Chapter 6

Summer’s are short in western Alberta, and this one had been no exception. By the end of September, the leaves had changed colour, then fallen, and the air had turned nippy and cold. By the end of October, the threat of snow was real and inevitable. The four men, Ben Calhoun, Tim Wainwright, Collin Taylor, and Jim Allison, worked long hours each and every day, mending barbed-wire fences, setting feed bales, preparing fodder sheds and watering shelters, and what felt like a million other...

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Ranchland Chapter 5

It promised to be another warm and sunny day at Ranchland, with a gentle breeze to cool off the worst of the day’s heat. A rainstorm the previous night had washed down some of the dust that always fills the air after a dry, hot spell. But Amy Morrison was completely unaware of all that. In fact, she was only aware of two things. First, she had woken up to the tingling in her pussy as it spread down her silky thighs and beyond, and upwards through her smooth young belly to her breasts, with...

1 year ago
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Ranchland Chapter 4

Over the course of the last two days, Ben had made love to his niece, Amy, as many times as his thirty-year old body would allow. While they were both satiated and satisfied, the continual sex had taken its toll. Ben found himself sleeping more than his schedule would accommodate, and Amy seemed to spend a lot of time sleeping on her uncle’s chest when she wasn’t somehow attached to his body. She had challenged him to “fuck her until the cows came home”. Today was the day they came...

3 years ago
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Ranchland The real Chapter 3

___________________________________________________________________________________ Ranchland - (The real) Chapter 3 It was late in the afternoon when Ben and Amy arrived back at the Ranchland house. Amy had applied more of the anti-itch cream that had given Ben some relief, and combined with many cool baths to reduce the heat in his burned skin, his sunburn turned to become the dry and peeling skin of recovery. Amy chuckled as she watched her uncle scratching at the itchy skin that...

2 years ago
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Ranchland Chapter 1

It was cool outside Ben Calhoun‘s small ranch house, even for June. This had been a wetter than usual spring, and the summer didn’t look like it was going to be any better. Well, he wouldn’t have to be as concerned with forest fires as he had the previous year, when one of the fires had leapt out of control and almost burned down everything in its path, including the birch and aspen trees that were indigenous to the area, and a lot of the range grass as well. Ben depended on that range grass...

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Ranchland Chapter 2

It was early the next morning when Ben woke from a deep sleep. His first thoughts were of his niece Amy, and the beauty she’d found in the lightning storm of the previous night, her second experience of the majestic power that Mother Nature had demonstrated in as many days. Thunder and lightning were a common occurrence along the Rocky Mountains, but for a girl from eastern Montana, the sheer magnitude of it all was a new sensation. As consciousness regained its tentative grip on Ben’s...

3 years ago
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Ranchland Chapter 3

It was early the next morning when Ben woke from a deep sleep. His first thoughts were of his niece Amy, and the beauty she’d found in the lightning storm of the previous night, her second experience of the majestic power that Mother Nature had demonstrated in as many days. Thunder and lightning were a common occurrence along the Rocky Mountains, but for a girl from eastern Montana, the sheer magnitude of it all was a new sensation. As consciousness regained its tentative grip on Ben’s...

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